Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Hard Hlttlngr Wins the Game For
tbo Apoatlco.
A. Meeting of tlin Western Associa
tion to Io Hold Next Week The
Grnnd Circuit Jlncos
nt , Cleveland.
flffimlliig oT the
Following Is the standing of the Western
association clubs , up to and Including yes
terday's garaest
Played. Won. .Lost. Per Ct.
Omaha. . . . . . . . 74 62 2-3 .703
SUPntil 75 49 20
Minneapolis. . . 70 41 85 .G.TU
Sioux City 73 33 40 .4.12
St. Joseph 70 31 89 .443
Denver. * . , . . < , . .73 32 41 .433
DCS Motncs..71 20 43 .403
Mllwaukco 72 20 45 .875
St. Pniil 10 , Omaha 11.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , August 3 [ Special Telegram -
egram to TUB Bur. ] The game between fat.
Paul and Omaha this afternoon was In some
respects the most remarkable played hero
this season. Omaha led In the fourth nnd
fifth mnlugs , St. Paul In the sixth , Omaha
in the seventh nnd eighth , and St. Paul in
the ninth. For four Innings neither team
made a hit , but In the last 11 vo the hitting
was terrific nnd the errors very numerous
'and costly. With two men on base1 * in the
seventh inning Cleveland pasted the ball
outside the lot , nnd in the nlntu Worrick tied
the score with a similar hit ; before any
body wns out Broughton knocked a grounder
to Walsh , who throw wild to flrst. Miller
pounded the sphere to Cleveland , and ho ,
Walsh and Andrews executed a pretty double
play. The game , however , was not over.
Daly got a base for waiting and Nichols hit
Tuckormnn. Hawcs and Murphy each made
Blnplcsftbrco men scoring , Hawcs being re
tired at third. Canavun made a hit for
Omaha in the last half , but was not ad
vanced. Score :
OMAHA.r. h. . .
* ' * r. o. B. e U I'll 0 OWIIII o 3 A I o o a 2800" . anii.-3b..3 2124
HelllT. . ) ! ) 2 2 I 2 I Strnuss. oArf..l 1420
. Worrlck,2b..2 256 I Crook * . : b 1 0342
CpuTQll.rr ( TO I 0 01'ooner.c.rf. . .U 2 4 0 ( I
IlroiiKlitonr..O 0 1 U 0 WnlMi. H 0 0 I 3 1
Miller. 1 1 U a 1 Amlrows.Ib.,1 111 o 0
Pair. If. . : 2 I a 0 2 U 1 3
rnrmpr.c..S 1221 Mclmls , p 2 1141
Tuckertnan , p..l S D 3 1
" Totals .U 13 2Tll
ToUla. . . . .10 12 Jl 15 1
Bl.l'ful . U 0 0 0 2 4 1 S 6-111
Omaha . U U U 1 3 0 6 2 0-11
iT run * St. I'nnl 3 , Omnlin 5. Homo runs
Wcrrlck And Clovolnml. Stolen bases \Uirphjr .1 ,
Heillr' ' , Duly 2 , 1'nnner .t , Tiickeriniin iimlllllv
Double | il yB Tuckcnnim , Wcrrlrk anil HIUTIM :
Cleveland.Vnl h ami Andrcwn. Ila > VH on bull Oil
Tuckprmnn. I ; oir.McImln , . ! . lilt by pitcher Curroll ,
Muriilir nnd Inrmer. Struck out fly Tuckormmi. 4 ;
bjr NUuola , ( J. Klrat b i > o on errors St. lmil b , Oinuhn
X Left nit bniun-St. I'uull. , OmulinT. Wlki jiltchcs-
Tnckcrmnn I , Nichols I. 1'nisod Imlls Cooncr 1 ,
Strausn 1. Tlme-2 05. Uniplro-Urloily.
Minneapolis 3 , Denver 1 ,
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , August 3. Minneap
olis and Denver clayed ono of the prettiest
games soon hero for some time to-day , and
Minneapolis won by superior batting. Trcd-
way was hit by a pitched ball In the flrst
Inning nnd had his Jawbone broken. Score :
_ . . _ _ _ , . . . . . _ _ _ . . „ „ _ . . _ _ _ . . . Struck ou lly
Alltclicl 6 , by rlhorcs 4. fussed hulls 'Inlnchain.
Wild pitches Bhnrcs. Loft on bases Minneapolis
U.UenrerR. Hr-ttmsuoii error * IHinirer 1 , JUlune-
npolli 4. Time 2 liours. Umpire Qandscom.
St. Joseph 4 , Dos MoliiOH 3.
DBS MOINBS , August 3. Umpire Dooschor
ROTO St. Joseph the best of It to-day. Score :
UES 1IO1NES. ST. JOSEPH. o. r. h.o. a. o
ration , rf o o 1 0 U.Mrtinrr.31) u U a 6 U
Uaskroy , lf..l 3 1 U UCurlla.rf . . .0 0 0 0 0
Connell. Jb. . . .1 1 2 1 2Krli-K , If 1 0000
Hmlth.biiiu , Ib. U 0 10 U llAnlnur,2b | 11420
Cody , c U 3 2 2,1 2 7 U 1
Trftltlcy , ss 0 0 0 6 OllotnUnR. cf..O 0 2 U U
Hmlth , cf 0 0 2 U -'Murk. . . as I 1 u 2 2
Klu man,2h..l 1 4 4 UScliolliin880o..O 1 11 4 0
Kenuctlxu 0 'i 1 2 0 Knoll , p 0 d U 1 2
Totals. , ,3 02tli & Totals. . . . . . . 4 8 27 It 5
Bes Molncs. , , .000000210-3
Ht , Joieph . . ,02200000 4
Itunn cnrnoil PCB Molncs 1 , St. Joe 2. Tvro-bnao
blts-Kenneily , Arilncr.Cnrtwrlght. Three-base lilts
Slntkrevf CartwriRht. llnsea fltolcn-l'ntton 2 ,
WcGurr. llase * on bulls llr Kcnncdr 4 , by Knoll n.
Htruck out llyJCcnneily 2 , br Ktiolh n. I'ajucil bulls
Codr 1. BdielllimseJ. lime 1 hour and 60 minutes.
UuijileUoutcher. .
Milwatikoo O , Hloux City 4.
MILI\AUKEE , WIs. , August S. Milwaukee
took the second game from Sioux City by
border hitting. Score :
r. h. o. a. o r. li. o. n. a
roormnn.rf..3 2101 nine , > s 1 1 2 J 0 0 1 U Otilonn.U 1 1 1 U U
Huttmi.ab. . . , . _ ! 1 1 U ll' I I U 1 1
Hclioch. 1 143 6 Hru naii,2b..U I ) 1 2 1
l we , triili..U 2 8 I Ullcnlnijct U 1 1 0 0
Morntioy , lb..U U 6 1 1 llriulloj-.JD..O u 1 3 0
biicb. cr , . . . . . . . . o o a u u.frotty.a i i 6 t o
Alberts , ib U 0 2 U I Crowell , f U I ) 1 1 1
" t7 , U 0 1 U 0
Totnli fl 7ZT 8 6 Totals 4 S 27 14 3
" , iiv i.vsiNua.
Mllwaukco , . . 1 00001020-0
BloinCllr --3 UOUUOOU 1 4
Ettmi'd ruin illlwnukcud , sloujt City 3 , Tno base
Wt I'oonuniiXKtitton , bthuck , Ij4 > wo , Three-bane
titti-Kimnir. llasi'i Muldii-I'oorniun. Cllnu , 1'owull ,
DrMsnan , Double plnr Schork to Morrlstcr. llaoca
on balls l'uorinan. Albvrts , 1'oncll , ( rowell , JOTIIO.
lilt bjr ( iltrhur Crovrull. Struck out lly KnuutIC ,
Cromilll. 'llmuot Kamo lta : Uiuplru Ilurat.
or the XVt'Htorji Assooliitlon.
is , Minn. , August 2. ( Special
to THIS UEB , ] Secretary Morton ,
of the \Vo3torn base ball association , till a
morning telegraphed President McCoruiiolc ,
requesting him to call a meeting of the
"Western association as soon as possible to
take notion on his resignation as secretary ,
which bus boon in the hands of the president
for the past six Weeks. The meeting will beheld
held In Minneapolis or Omuna early next
vroek. There uro several interesting topics
for discussion at the meeting. Dos Moines
has a grievance , tit. Paul wants Minneapolis
to niako It n present of flUO , and Sioux City
claims that Uurncs , aided by Umpire Mo-
Uoruiott , robbed It of a ( 'unio. Then tbo um-
plro are all to get an overhauling ,
Glmrllo Lord Wnuta JU Balnry.
BT. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 2. [ Special
TolOKram to TUB UEB. " ) Charles Lord , lute
malinger of the St. Joseph base ball club , Is
preparing to cominenco suit aculnst the
president of the company , A. H , Truckon-
inller | , for salary duo. When the club was
making an extremely poor record for itself nt
the commencement of the season by winning
very fo\v Kumusi the president concluded
that It was the fault of the manager , and ao <
cordmgly dlschargod him , tubing the management -
agemont himself. Later , Lord , by virtue ol
his contract with tha company , applied foi
hU salary , but was told that as ho , was out ol
Its employ no salary could bo paid
htm ; hcuoo the suit. Wheu the clul
was purchased by Watkln , of Kansas City ,
the company entered into a written contract
with Lord to manage the club for the BOUSOT
t a salary of tliii par month , the contract
limiting him to pay nohlgher salary than flSX
per mouth for players. When the kicking
coiumeccod ubout the olub'n uoor
Lord guvo ns n reason thnt ho oonlil not go-
euro good players nt thnt price , and uskod to
bo allowed to ray moro , but this request was
refused , and was closely followed by his dis
charge. *
On Truckcnmlllcr's taking the manage
ment ho at onca released n number ol the
poor plnyors and hired others at a higher sal
ary , and It Is on this action Lord banes his
claim for salary duo. Mr. Lord claims
that ho filled his position as
well Ad It could bo filled
by the reotrlctlon placed on him , nnd that
hail ho been allo\vcd to take the same action
taken by the president ho could have had
lust as good a club , and thnt as the president
has scon fit to bronk the contract , his salary
Is duo him for tno balance of the season.
Notlco of suit was served on Truckenmlller's
attorneys to-day , but by agreement tha filing
ofUho suit was deferred until Truckenmil-
lers return to the city. Slnco Lord's dis
charge as manager ho has been taking tickets
in the grand stand while the team played nt
home. _
ToAIorrow'a ' ) tuima.
Following nro the positions for the report
ers nnd advertising men , to-morrow after
noon1" ! , , *
Heportors. Position. Advertisers.
Tanner. * . . .pitch.- . . . .v . Hunter
Putnam. . , . llrsl . V13othogo
Clark . , . . . middle . Hosier
Smith . catch . Kcllay
Hunter . right . Thompso n
Gr Is weld .1 . .left . Uhl
Jackson. . . . . . . . .socund. , . Hv'nn
Ilolsoy , , . third . l''ryo '
Eaton . short . McGrow
Ii'lnnlicn IVoni tlio llniiiniut ,
Thatwasn't such good now.i that came
doxvn from St. 1'nul lait night. The Apostles
tles boat tis by knocking out six runs In the
last Inning.
Kid Nichols lost his fifth game of the sea
son yesterday.
If wo can but tukb to-day's game that will
bo glory enough ,
That was a very hard game to IOBO yostor-
day. Up to the ninth Inning Omaha had the
game by a score of 11 to 8.
Nnglo's eye Is about wall again , and ho
will leave for Milwaukee to-ulgut and catch
tbero to-morrow.
The Kid was hit unusually hard yesterday.
Clarke will try it again this aftornoon.
Tlio National
CniOAad , August 3. Uosult of to-day's
game :
Chicago . . . .010000080000801 8
Cleveland. .000301000000300 7
Base hits Chicago 10 , Cleveland 11.
Errors Chicago 'J , Cleveland B. Batteries-
Chicago , Dwyer and Parrell ; Cleveland ,
Uukeley and Zimmer. Umpire Curry.
HuwYoiiK , Augusts. Uosult of to-day's
game :
Now York . 1 13800000-7
Philadelphia. . . . . 0 00000000 0
llaso hits Now York 13 , Philadelphia 7.
Errors Now York 1 , Philadelphia 3. IJat-
tcrius Now York , Welch aud Urown ; Phil
adelphia , UulUnton and Schrlver. Umpire-
Lynch. _
PiTTsnimo , August 2. Result of flrst
game :
Pittsbunr . 0 00210011 5
Indianapolis. . . . 0 0001341 * 9
Uaso hits Plttsburg 11 , Indlanuuoli * 14.
Errors Pittsburg 2 , Indianapolis 5. Bat
teries Pittsburg , Gal via and Fields ; In
dianapolis , Boyle and Uucuiey. Uuiuiro
Result of second game :
Pittsburg . 1 00310000 5
Indianapolis . . . 0 0023300 10
Base hits Pittsburg 8 , Indianapolis 11.
Errors Pittsburg 6. Indianapolis 2. Bat
teries Pittsburg , Garfield nnd Miller ; In
dianapolis , Krock aud Daily. Umpire
-IcQuaid. . _
WASHINOTOX , August 2. Result of to
day's came :
Washington . 0 01030002 0
Boston . 30003140 10
Base hits Washington n , Boston 13. Er-
ors Washington 6 , Boston 9. Batteries
Washington , Ferson , Sullivan and Daly ; Bos
ton , Madden and Bennett.t Umpire Pow ,
Tlio American Association.
COMJMUUS , August 2 Result of to-day's
jamo :
Columbus 0 0010 100 0 3
Kansas City. . . 3 * 11
BKOOKLYH , August 2. Result of to-day's
game :
St. Louis 4 00010001 0
Brooklyn 0 00200000 2
BALTIMORE , August 2. Result of to-day's
came :
Baltimore 4 0000000 1 5
Jincinnati 0 20100000 3
PHILADELPHIA , August 2. Result of to
day's game :
Athletics 4 20200000 8
lOUisville 0 00001000 1
Atiintctir Onmcs.
, Nob. , August 2. [ Special
Telegram to THIS BEE. I The Sidney and
Nebraska City bail clubs played hero this
afternoon. The score was 15 to 22 In favor
of Nobrasita City.
AiurAiioc , Nob. , Augusts. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BISK. ] Arupnhoo defeated
McCook to-day by a score of 9 to 3.
Tlio Fox Chase.
The edict of Mayor Rohror's won't prevent
the fox chase. "If It can't bo hold Sunday , "
say the boys , "wo'll have it Saturday , for
we're bound to have It anyway. "
So at 8 o'clock this morning tbo
Council Bluffs contingent , numbering
about forty , will make a short parade
of their city , then will coma over to Omaha
and join their brethren here , who will prob
ably be out to the number or thirty-live or
forty. The procession will bo headed by
a band of music , and llfto'en or twenty dogs
and a fox will bo shown. At 12:80 : the whole
party will leave forlho JJlufTs. The unlmnls ,
four foxes , four wolves , and three coyotes ,
will bo lot go ono , at u time until ono is oat
that 'will give the sportsman u good
chase for their monoy. All the dogs will no
lot go at onco. The place chosen for the be
ginning of the hunt is the driving park , but
with a lively fox ahead the run isn't likely to
bo confined to the park any great length of
tlmo , and then uwny across country until the
prey is bagged or the hunters IOBO him. "A
fair day , a fair field and no favors , " snvs
Manager To bo Brodorick , "Is all wo want to
insure a grand day's sport. "
The IMImictonkii
MINNKTONKA , Minn. , August 2. To-day
was the first ot the Winnipeg and North
western Amateur rowing regatta at Lake
First event , junior four-aired , ono nnd a
half miles , with turn There three con-
tostunU In this event and It was won by
Minnesota In 11:41 : , Winnipeg second in 9:51 : ,
and Duluth third m 9:58. :
Second event , senior single , ono and u hall
miles , with turn There were three contest
ants Muchmoro of the Curlincs , ofj Min
neapolis , and Turnbull and Fox ,
both of Winnipeg. The event resulted
In somewhat of a surprise as Much
moro. oft Minneapolis , had boon a hot
favorite aud was supposed to huvo n walk
over. Aftera'vory exciting struggle Fox
won In 1:03 : , Muchmoro second In lOJ : > tf ,
Turnbull third In 1U3. ;
Third event , Junior double , ono and n half
miles , with turn Three contestants , St
Paul , Minnesota and Unltith , When nboul
forty lengths from the finish the St. Paul
and Minnesota beaU ran together. Theraco
will bo rowed off to-morrow.
Clevelnml IlAoei ,
CLEVELAND , O. , August'J. ( Special Tola-
gram to TUB BEE. ] This was tbo last day
of tbo grand circuit meeting , The attendance
anco , though not as largo as It was ycstor
day , was still very good * , but the sport was
much tamer , The only sensation was the
performance of the iiacer , Johnston , whoso
effort to beat tha best record on this tracl
was successful , the great eldo-whoelor mak
Ing the luilolu 3:00) : { , or within a quarter o
a second of bis own record rnado at Chicane
several j oarsTigo. A runner accompanies
Johnston and be wont to the quarter la Ui !
seconds , hMf mlla 1:03J : { . throo-quartors
1:35 : nnd the mile In 2OOK. :
Of the regular classes the 2:33 : class came
first. In this the boy goldlnir , Vcrltas , was
n 5 to r favorlto , nnd after closing n bltr crap
nnd finishing ahead in the first , heat there
was no bolting against him. Ho did not
have to reduce his record in this easy vic
tory. Poem finished second In the third
heat , but was sot back to last place for ro-
pontcd breaks.
freo-for-nll trot tnmo though
The - - was very ,
several crocks wcro entered. Most of them
were scratched nnd it now seems that
It was never Intended to start
Clingstone , the entry being a blind ono to
draw n crowd. This loft Qoan Smith and
White Stockings , nnd the former had no
trouble in beating the Kansas City flyer. In
the third heat Goan Smith trotted In 2ilG > { ,
reducing hie record three-quarters of a
Eleven pacer * wore In the last event , the
field selling nt odds against such choices ni
Doctor M , Elmcnnrch , and Ed Annin. Billy
Steward sot n fast clip In the flrst heat ,
going to the quarter In 82 seconds
nnd the half In 1:07. : Hero Lillian
and Flora Tempt attempted to paw him. nnd
Lillian was flrst by a trlilo In 2:14 : } { . After'
an exciting finish Lillian won the second
heat In 2:14X : nnd was a 2 to 1 favorite. A
smart shower fell before the next heat , but
Lillian wont off nt n morty clip jvnd looked
like a winner till the distance , whan Wilcox
and Doctor West passed her , the former
winning the heat by a nose In 2:1(5. : ( Lillian
continued the favorite , but the next boat was
captured" by Ed Annln after a tussle with
Wilcox. Then it was too late for further
racing , and this event will bo finished to
morrow morning.
A match rnco between two local trotters
WM won by Hoodwink , both getting In the
fast list. Summary :
rouse (2,000 , 2:33 : CLASS.
Voritns ( Doblo ) 1 1 1
Ketch ( Wlllots ) 2 2 0
Keokco ( Webber ) 0 C 2
Poem ( Wolkor ) B 3 7
SaliloB ( Traynor ) 4 0 11
Shell Bark ( Bachelor ) 5 4 4
Five Points ( Stewart ) 7 7 5
Time 2.23X , 2:22Jf , 2:23 : > ji' .
PUItSE $2,000 , PREC-FOR-AL. & .
Qean Smith ( Goldsmith ) 1 1 1
White StocidngB ( Stewart ) 2 2 2
Tlmo-2aijf , 2:19. 2:15 : .
rtmsE $1,000 , 2:17 : PACE.
Lillian ( Nlles ) 1 1 8 10
Wilcox ( Oorso ) 7 10 1 2
Ed Annln ( Doblo ) 10
Dr Woat ( Dickorson ) 0 8 a 3
Flora Tempt ( Davis ) 2 5 11 0
Chimes E ( Johnston ) 11 288
Emma ( Wilson )
Doctor M ( Stuart ) 5 441) )
BillvStowart ( Goldsmith ) . . . 4 11 9 S
Willnrd M ( Walker ) 9 7 10 4
Elinonarch ( Splan ) 5 0 7 dr
Johnson ( Doblo ) 1
Time 3 : OS , second tIme2OBJ : .
Allorton ( Williams )
First time , 2:23 ; second time. 2:20 > f.
Hoodwink ( Fuller ) 2 1 1
Mclroso by Monaco ( Splan ) 1 2 2
Time 2:2 : % 2:25 : , 2:20 : .
Chlcaico RnocB.
CmoAoo , August 2. [ Special Telegram tc
THE BEE. ] There was a largo crowd at the
West Side again to-day. The weather was
beautiful and the track fair. A row was
raised when , in the last race , the judges
changed Jockeys on Tudor. The bookmakers
had Tudor posted four to ono , and Colonel
Woodruff , becoming suspicious , changed
Jockeys. Almost immediately all the book-
malyirs rubbed the odds off their slates.
Thcro were crave suspicions but nothing
tangible developed. Summary :
Soiling , ono and one-sixteenth miles
Carus won , Eva Wise second , Glrondos
third , a imo 1 : CO .
Three-fourths of a mile Robin won , Kate
Bensberg second , Waterbury third. Time
Selling , sweepstakes , for-threo-years olds ,
$800 added , ana mile Monlta Hardy won ,
Madolin second , T. J. Ruck third. Time
Three-fourths of a mile-Pearl Jennings
won , Chorrie Blossom second , BUly Pinkerton -
ton third. ( No time given. )
Selling- , seven and a half furlongs Pat
Shoedy won , Solid Silver second , Pritchott
third. Tlme-l:30& :
Selling , seven and a half furlongs Tudor
won , Hopedale second , Tom Stevens third.
SAUATOQA , Auguat 2. The weather was
sultry nnd the track vsry heavy. Summary :
Ono mile Besslo Juno won In 1:51 : , Kitty
P. second. Flitter third.
Five eighths of a mile Little Bill won in
1 :07 : , Bally Hoe second , Watch Mo third.
Three- fourths of a mile Boccaccio won In
1:22 , Glocknor second , Carnet third.
Three-fourths of a mile Fordham won In
31J , Mny Laps second , Dilemma third.
Ono mile Sallie O. won in 1:51 : , Boccaccio
second , John Jay third.
Briirliton Hiiiioli
IluiauTON BEACIT , August 2. Summary of
to-day's races :
Three-fourths of a mile King William
won in 1:21 : } , Lemou Blossom second , Ernest
Six and a half furlongs Falcon won In
1:28 } , Saluda second , Young Duke third.
Seven-eighths of a mile Enduror won In
1:34K > Ovid second , Tuoora third.
Mile and one-sixteenth George Oyster
won in 1:53 : % . The Bourbon second , Panama
Milo and ono-sixtoonth Raymond U. won
in 1 : & 5V , My Own second , King Idle third.
Jny-Eyc-Soo Gone Lame.
MILWAUKIU : , August 2. A special from Ra
cine , Wis. , says Jay-Eyo-See , the phenomenal
llttlo gelding owned by J. I. Case , of Ra
cine , has gene lame nnd will not bo trotted
this season. It is feared ho will never again
appear on a rnco track. The lameness Is the
result of an accident at Lexington , Ky. , five
years ago.
Tlio Idaho Forest ti'lrea.
WASHINGTON , August 3 , The land com
missioner received a telegram to-day from
the governor of Idaho territory , dated Bolso
City , asking for additional money to sup
press the forest fires which are raging In
several counties. Millions of feet of timber
and a largo amount of private property have
boon destroyed. A telegram from Kctclium ,
Idaho , says that they nro surrounded by lire
and fifty men have been fighting It for the
last forty-eight hours. In response to the
appeal the secretary has authorized the ex
penditure of an additional $500.
Murnt HulHieiul nt Homo.
CINCINNATI , August 2. At 7:10 : to-night
Murat Halstcad , of the Commercial Gazette ,
arrived In this city and was escorted to his
homo by a loca I committee , where ho will re
ceive but few callers. Mr. Halstcad looks
to bo In exco llent health and says bo feels
well. _ _ , .
A Lincoln Muoiolun Hoiored ,
NEW YOIIK , August 2. Diplomas have
been granted by the American Collcco of
Musicians among others as follows : For the
association degree , Richard Weltou , Spring
field , 111. , and J. C. Miller , of Lincoln , Nub.
The lloynl OrantN nil ) .
LONDON. August 2. The royal grants bll
passed the committee stage In the house o :
commons this ovonlng All amendments.
were rejected by largo majorities. The bil
will coma up for a third reading Monday ,
Kllloil a Itcvernntl Stiytitcr.
LOUISVILLE , August 3. George Silor killed
Rev. Sam Sharp at Lebanon , Ky. , this morn
Ing. Doth were colored. Sharp was living
with Silor's sister , assorting sbo was hit
Rinall Pox llattlni ; In Kfjypt.
WASHINGTON , August 3. Small pox Is of
ficially stated to bo ruglug In lower Egypt.
Rugs will bo kept out of this country unless
JOHNSTOWN , August 2. Two moro bodies
were taken from thn debris this forenoon
They wcro unrecognizable.
Ladies' russet bhoea ut cost. Phili |
Lung 13120 Fanimn.
19 lOt
JOXf _
A Sootlon Efyiqd inabnntly Kllloil in
the Pfatemouth Yards.
; nil
,0' t
Over Fifty'Witnesses Examined \Vltli
No Atmt&'mont of Interest
Guard I run Stone llctttrns to
NoWriisIca City.
'o 101
A Section Hnnd Killed.
PIATTSMOUTIT , Nob. , August 2. [ Special
to THE Bnn. | Thomas Skoda , n B. & M.
section hand , was instantly kilted to-day
about noon near the west end of the Plaits-
mouth yards. Skoda , with savcrnl others ,
was working on the north traok nnd was sig
nalled by an oast-bound freight to got out of
the way. All the men stepped from the
track except Skoda , > His comrades called to
him , but ho paid no attention. When the
engine was within sixty yards of him the en
gineer whistled the danger signal and ho
stopped partly off the track , hesitated for a
moment , and bolero ho could get off the en
gine hit him , breaking four ribs and fractur
ing his skull. The coroner's Jury returned a
verdict thnt the deceased came to his death
by his own neglect and carelessness.
Continuation of tlio I'ondcr Trinl.
PENDEn , Nob. , August 2. [ Special Telo-
grntn toTiiBBnE. | The Indian trial still
continues. There Is no perceptible abate
ment In Interest. The court house Is crowded
day and night. Over fifty witnesses have
already testified for the defense , but the
character of the majority of thorn renders
the evidence of but llttlo weight. A squab-
bio this nftornoon between Ruborson for the
state and Abbott for the defense necessi
tated the interference of the court. It is
without doubt ono ot the most hotly con
tested cases over witnessed In this section.
It Is believed the ovldonce will all bo In to
night. The Indians will doubtless bo hold.
Gnardlnn Rtono Hoturns.
NEBRASKA CITT , Nob. , August 0. [ Special
to TUB BKK.I B , > F. Stone , the former
guardian of Jcrotno Richardson , an irre
sponsible man , and who deserted his charge
after disposing of the uufortunato man's
farm , valued at $3,000 , has returned to the
city to help fight the case brought in court
against his bondsmen. Stone says ho kept
his charge as long as tbo money lasted and
spent about J300 moro on him out of his own
pocket , which ho wants the county to rotund.
The bond , however , which ho gave was to
the effect that ho should provide for Richard
son through lifo. The latter was well-to-do
when Stone became his guardian , but ho Is
now a county char en. Tbo case against
Stone's bondsmen for $5,000 will come up at
the September term of court.
Oklahoma , lluined Him.
NEBRASKA Crrr , August 2. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] Henry W. Cornell , ono of the
most unfortunate of the Oklahoma boom
victims , was in 'thq city last night on his
way back to his Old homo near Cherokee , la.
Ha mot an old acquaintance hero in a news
paper man , and to 'him related his sad story
of misfortune. /
At tbo time tbo" Oklahoma lands wcro
thrown open to 'tottleniont , young Cornell
was living on a rented farm near Cherokee
with his wife and child. Like many others ,
no was taken with tjho craze , and loaded his
wife and effectsinto ! a wagon and started
for the promised'land. They had gene about
half the distance when they wore overtaken
with their flrst misfortune the loss of ono
of their horseaii The Journey was
continued until , the Clinarron river
was reached , i ) j.'Avith its swollen
stream. Cornell was ono of a number that
attempted to ford'the river , but left his wife
and child temporarily with campers on this
side , us it was not considered sufu to
the wagon. The young man , however , at
tempted it and when ho reached the current
was compelled to cut ttye horses loose from
tbo wagon to save them ard himself , whllo
the wagon nnd its load went down the river.
Having some money Cornell returned to a
point in Kansas and purchased a noxv outfit ,
and some time later arrlvod with his family
ut Oklahoma. A claim was staked out and
work at Improvement was begun , and every
thing went on smoothly for about a montn ,
whi > n the little child sickened and died.
Through grief and worry Mrs. Cornell's
health begun to fall , and on top of this
their title to tbo claim was dis
puted and untold trouble was threatened
from this source. Discomoded and disgusted
they sold their claim to the land , and paculng
up started to Gage- county , Nebraska , where
Mrs. Cornell had relatives. They had not
been on the road moro than a few days when
ono of their horses stumbled into a wolf hole
on the prairie and broke a leg maklnc it nec
essary to kill the animal. Tbo rest of the
outfit was then sold and on foot and part way
by rail they finally reached their friends at
Blue Springs , Neb. After a few weeks
there the wife died , and after laying her to
rest Jvlr. Cornell made his way to some ac
quaintances near Peru , in Nemaha county ,
where ho has boon working on u farm until
yesterday. Ho left this morning for h'.s
homo In Iowa , to start lifo over again , Ho
looks twenty years older than ho did a for/
months ago , and his hair has turned qulto
gray from the effects of his troubles.
Close of the Wyrnoro Reunion.
WTMOIIE , Neb , , August 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THK BEE. ] Tha reunion which has
just ended at this place was pronounced by
all a decided success , The principal attrac
tion to-day was the speech ol Governor John
M. Thayer. Ho delivered a line and appro
priate address , which was received with
hearty cheers on all aides. A sham battle
was fought on the hill south of the city , the
lady battery and battery A. N. N. G. , taklncr
an active part. Besides , two mortars on
u gunooat on Indian creek wcro
shelling the camp. Some 400 shots
wcro ilrcd. Company G , Kansas National
guard , gave a line exhibition drill on the
streets of the city to-day , after which they
were roviotved by Governor Thayer. Battery -
tory B , of Firth , has been a loading feature
during the reunion. The organization in ,
with the exception of the commander , G. O ,
Adams , and ono nostllllon , composed of In
dies , and they are well drilled and make a
Una display. The military ball last night
was a success and was the loading social
event of thn season.
Tito Itoatrlon Waiter Works Matter.
BEATIUCE , Nob.r'AJi ust2.Special ( Tele
gram to Tiic Ui'.n-TTTuo ] ; mayor and city
council returned fcpmjDmaha this morning.
While admiring lip ; Omaha water works ,
they ere of the opinion that the settling
basin plan can not'bo made to work hero.
A representative Jirf'the Jewell Filter com
pany , of Chicago'is ' jn the olty , and asks to
bo permitted to canry-out tha conditions of
tlio contract uiadoiwith the city , even to the
extent of pulling , | p ) a BUfllclent , number of
filters to thoroughly ploatiHo the Blue river
water , which U the source of supply for the
lloatrleo water works. , The mayor declares
the Jewell filter UMpn' jiluro. The council
Is disposed to give flip'aivall another trial.
The next council ibteutlng will dccido the
matter. ;
Antelope 'Oiijinty Mprnml.
NBUUII. Neb , Aii&UBl 2. [ Special to TUB
BEU. ] The Antelope- County Teachers' Nor
mal Institute closed H four weeks' session to
day at noon , Thu enrollment reached 133
nnd included a number of teachers from
adjoining counties. The institute is looked
upon by the teachers as ono of the most
pleasant and profitable ever hold In tlio
county. Conductor , .Superintendent S. A.
Boyd ; Instructors , II. C. Ostun , Nellgh , and
L. A. Ostun , Kentucky normal vchool. Lec
tures were given by the Instructors and Roy.
S. I. Hanford , A. M. , of Long Pine , Neb.
Tlio New lloiitrioo Oluu.
BEATUIOE , Nob. , August 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] The Beatrice club
house subscribers mot last evening and
elected R. J. Kilpatrlck , John Ellis , Emll
Lang , D. A. Walden and J. L. Tail directors.
O filters : Wuldeu , president ; Kllputrlck , vlco
president ; Ellin , treasurer ; Alf MoMahon ,
secretary. The association willutouco bugln
building a four-story pressed brick i front on
Ella street , to cost * > ,000 , to bo erected for
the newly organized Beatrice club. The
social organization's establishment will bo
furntohcd elegantly.
A Konruoy Ilcnl Kstnto Donl.
KKAIINRV , Nob. , Augusta. [ Special Tclo-
gram to TUB Br.E.J A syndlcatoof eastern
capitalists , represented by Richmond W ,
Armstrong , of Now Haven , Conn. , closed a
contract to-dnv for 1,200 lots In West ICcar-
noy. The prlco was In the neighborhood of
$250,000 , and ? TO,000 was paid spot cash. Im
provements on n largo scale will bo Immedi
ately begun. This big deal Is n direct result
of securing the cotton mill and electric rail
road , nnd is regarded hero as another Konr-
noy victory.
Nlobrnrn'rf Nan * Iliilllliit ; < i.
NiomunA , Neb , , Auaust 2. | Special to
Tun Bun. ] The encouraging outlook for the
opening of the Sioux reservation and the ex
cellent growing crop has stirred up the busi
ness men hero and Nlobrara wMl bo heard
from. .Already n threo-story brick is being
talked about by Illlnolscanltnllsts , who have
Invested largely hero , while n largo hall is
now under construction , the property of the
G , A. It. post , at ft cost of & ) ,000. Several
residences are also talked ofand will doubt
less matoriallro later in the season.
Sold to the Next lllitlir-Bt Ulditor.
NEMKASKA Crrr , Neb , , August 3. [ Special
to Tun BEE. ] The county clerk received n
telegram last night from Kountzo Bros. ,
bankers at Now York , that Koan & Co. had
disowned the act of their Omaha represen
tative in buylr.e $73,000 of Otoo county refunding
funding bonds at n premium of $ S05. The
bonds consequently were to-day sold toCofllu
< fc Starrton , of Boston , the next highest bid
ders , for n premium of $780. The course of
Kcan & Co. has not been explained.
IlMd OIJlco Three Weeks.
NsnnASKA CITT , Nob. , August 2. [ Special
to THE BEE. ] Mr. F. E. McMillan , the
newly appointed deputy revenue collector
for this city , hold office Just three weeks , and
now comes the information that this ofllco
boa been abolished. When McMillan's op
oolntmcnt first became known , the political
Influence which had boon exerted in behalf
of other candidates predicted that the ofllco
would bo abolished , and they are now ac
cused of bringing it about.
Fremont Odd Fellows Plonlo.
FnEMOHto Nob. , August 2. [ Special to
Tun BKE. ] The biggest plcnlo of the season
was given to-day under the auspices of Cen
tennial lodge , I. O. O. F. Over two hundred -
drod people took the morning Elkhorn train
for Omaha , where they spent the day in a
delightful manner , the weather botng all
that could linva been asked for such an
event. The crowd returned homo this even
ing on the 0:30 : train from Omaha.
Veterans Muk n Fraternal VMt ,
BUATHICE , Nob. , August 2. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] Department Commander
Henry Booth , with Ira F. Collins , J. F.
Thompson , Dr. Horace P. Porter nnd O. H.
Coulter , of the Kansas Department ,
Grand Army of the Republic , made a frater
nal visit to Rawlins' post of this city this
evening. A pleasant reception was given in
their honor by the post to-night.
Bonds Sold.
FIIBMONT. Neb. , August 2. ( Special to
THE BBK. ] Dodge county's $50,000 court
house bonds wcro sold yesterday to the Cen
tral Trust company , of Kansas City , for n
premium of $250. The bonds uro 5 per cents ,
running thirty years , with optional payment
after ton years.
rjttslnrss Property Changes Hands.
BEATRICE , Nob. , August 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE.J D. G. iisko sold his
Court street property to-day to W. A. Wolfe ,
twenty-five foot front , for ? 3 , ( > 00. Wolfe
will put up a largo business block on the lot
this season.
Struck' Uy n Falling Scaffold.
BEATJUCI : , Nob. , August 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKE.J Horace P. Groan , whllo
superintending the erection of his fine busi
ness block on Court street , was strucic by a
falling scaffold this afternoon and severely
A Hand Iladly Mnshed.
BEATRICE , Neb. , August 3. [ Special Tolo-
Sram to Tun BEE. ] Foreman Yates , em
ployed at tbo now Episcopal church building ,
had his hand badly mangled in a hoisting
pulley this morning.
A. Chicago 1'njier Scores the .Eight
Department ComnmmlerH.
CHICAGO , August 3. [ Special Telegram
to Tnn BBE. ] The Inter Ocean in Us
veterans' column to-morrow will say , re
garding the action of certain department
commanders in discouraging the attendance
at the Milwaukee encampment , that it Is
plain that they exceed their authority.
"Twenty odd years ago , " the article says ,
"tho Grand Army was battling for national
supremacy as against states rights. Now
these commanders , apparently forgetful
are once moro endeavoring to assort states
rights , and , in a manner contrary to the rules
and regulations , sot themselves up in au
thority against the national commander. The
attempt of these co.nmanders , says the Inter
Ocean , to use the Grand Army as a boycot
ting machine is to bo deplored. That the
morabers of the organization have equal
rights with regard to railroad fares as
other associations , no ono will deny. The
ways and means taken to secure these rights
wore hasty , ill-timed and uncalled for , The
national encampment accepted the Invitation
of the comrades and citizens of Milwau
kee , and until that invitation is annulled by
the commandcr-in-chief wo believe it to bo
the duty of every comrade , without regard or
reference to the eight department command
ers , to aid in every way possible in making
the coming encampment tlio grandest ever
The Nebraska G. A. ft.
CHICAGO , August 3. Assistant Adjutant
General Gatcholl and Colonel Cool : , chief of
staff , have been in consultation for the past
two days in Chicago with General J. B.
Davis , commander of the Department of Ne
braska , G. A. R. , and on their return to .Ne
braska they will issue general order No. 7 ,
designating the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul and Union Pacitlo railways as the se
lection of the commander for the headquar
ters tralu of his department to the national
encampment at Milwaukee. Senior Vice De
partment Commander S. H , Morrison is also
in the city , and will leave for Milwaukee
this evening , accompanied by General Gatch
ell and Colonel Crook , to complete arrange
ments for tha care and accommodation oftho
Nebraska veterans.
For Inl'rlniilnfj a 1'ntont.
MEMrina , August2. A bill was filed in
tbo United Status court to-day by the Na
tional Gas Light and Fuel company , of Illi
nois , against the Memphis Gas Light com
pany for usurping the complainants' patents
on the process of manufacturing illuminat-
lug water gas , The complainants assess
their damage at $125,000 and aak for an In
junction to restrain the defendant company
from continuing the manufacture of gas
under Its present system.
Wants to Kxtradlto fioulnncor.
PAIIIB , August 2. La Liborto says thnt
Waddlngton , the French ambassador at
London , has been directed to ascertain what
chances tha English law affords for the
extradition ot Boulatigor us guilty of crlmo
under common law.
A Dlnnstrou * Fire.
WAVEIILY , 111. , August 2. A disastrous
lira visited this vlll&go last night , destroying
the majority of tha business houses and soy-
oral residences ; insurance very light.
An AUsolnttt Cnrn.
is only put up In largo two-ounca tin boxes ,
and Is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped bands , and nil skin erup.
tlons. Will positively euro all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
25 cents per box by mail 30 cents.
Hotry Soybold Could Stanl , B\it
Ocmlcln't 1C op it Soorot.
Ills Property AVIII Moro Than Cover
All | tasso < * to i ho Bank Ho
WnB Very Popular lit
Wheeling Hooloty
Stolen Mnnoj-ltcoororoil.
W. Vn. August -Harry
Soybold , teller of the Bankof Whaollngwho
with Gcorgo Honnlg , another employe , was
nrrostcd last night charged with utoallng
funds of the bank , made a full confession this
morning. Ho exonerated Hcnnlg from all
blame nnd said ho took the money on tha
10th day of last April. The package con
tained $37,000 In cash and was removed from
the vault to Scybold's houso. There ho kept
t until JUno 0 , when ho deposited $12,000 In
various banks to the Jdlnt credit of himself
and Hoiinlg , telling all who asked about
it that they Ind won the money
In the Louisiana lottery. To Honing ho said
ho had borrowed the money nnd Intended to
buy a gold mine with It. About $14,000 of
the money bos boon recovered nnd property
to n Ilka amount has been attached , so the
bank will bo amply protected.
There was a big sensation in the city this
morning when It became known that Soy-
bold , who is n very popular young man , bud
been arrested. On the 10th of April n pack
age containing $37,000 was deposited in the
bank by a prominent business man and was
placed in the vault to bo counted after busi
ness. After the bank had closed , the cashier
went to got the package and found It miss-
Ing. The absence ot the package was kept
quiet for the time being , as it appeared qulto
evident that some of thu employes had taken
it. Soybold was found to be spending money
qulto freely , nnd as his account at the bank
was not touched and his salary had not boon
drawn for mouths , suspicion at once rested
on him. The lottery story was found to bo
untrue , and It was determined to arrest
Soybold on suspicion. Ho was taken before
a Justice and charged with the theft. At
flrst Seybold denied the charge , but after
close examination finally confessed to having
taken the money. Seybold turned over cer
tificates of deposit and real estate and por-
nonal property to the amount of $ .12,000 ,
which will entirely cover the loss. Ho was
committed to Jail without ball , and will beheld
held for trial to-morrow morning.
Soybold's father , a prominent citizen of
many .years standing , is cuslilor of the bank
and only learned of his son's guilt this
morning , and then from bis sou's wife , who ,
crazed with grief , went to her father-in-
law's homo about 5 o'clock and told him of
the nrrust and confession. Harry Soybold
has been in tha employ of tha bank for tbo
past seven years , and his bouks huvo always
been found correct at each examination. Ho
gave as a reason for taklim the package that
the temptation was too strong.
Harry Sei bold was released on bail this
afternoon. It Is certain that Hcnnig Is en
tirely innocent of nny criminal connection
with the theft , he having been persuaded by
Soybold to believe the money had been drawn
from the Louslana lottery.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should nlwnys bo used for children
toothing. It soothes the child , softens
the punis , allays all puins , cures wind
colic , nnd is the boat remedy for diar
rhoea. 5c a bottle.
Worklnsi for the World's Fair.
CHICAGO , August 2. At a meeting of tbo
executive committee- the World's Fair as
sociation this afternoon , James W. Snott
proposed that the commit tea organize imme
diately with u capital stock sufficiently lureo
to meet all necessary expenses. This could
bo increased if it was found necessary. Gen
eral Manager Jeffrey , of the Illinois Central
railroad , made a motion that such a company
bo organized nnd Its name b6 "Tho World's
.Exposition of 1S' > 3 " Alter this motion pre
vailed the committee discussed the amount
of capital Block. It was finally agreed that
5,000,000 would be sufficient to begin with ,
and a finance committee to incorporate the
company with such capital stock was ap
pointed. Lvman J. Gage was elected chair
man of the finance committee.
Plunged Down an ISmbniikmont.
LEAnviLLC , Col. , August 2. Meagre In
formation was received to-night from Swan-
ders , on the line of the Gunulsou & South
Park railroad , that a passenger train fell
down an embankment this afternoon , killing
William Hlanchard , engineer , and seriously
Injuring Charles Stove , fireman. Some
passengers were also hurt , but none seri
ously. Spreading rails nru assigned as the
AVarllko Preparations In Turkey.
CONSTvNiiNori.n , August 2. Eighty thou
sand Turkish reserves have been called out.
The port Is buying uniforms and stores and
work is proceeding at the dockyards with
feverish activity.
The sultan is displeased at the attitude of
the insurgents in Crete and has decided to
suppress the insurrection oven if it has to be
done by force.
The Creek Investigation.
LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , August 3. A Muslto-
gee , I. T. , special says : Evidence taken in
the investigation of the misappropriation of
money by Creole delegates was filed to dov.
Agent Gardner expresses the opinion that
ex-Governor Crawford will bo indicted for
iccelving money belonging to the Creeks
without having the approval of tbo interior
Samliol Burns is just in receipt of
another lot of these Doullon toilet sots
at $7.50 ; formerly $15. !
Will Klitlu , to the tiast.
CAIHO , August 2. A dispatch from Toski
says : General Greufoil to-day rcconnoitorud
the dervish camp. The dorvlshors charged
tbo Egyptian cavalry and klllod twenty-
seven men. Lieutenant Dagulla dislodged
the dervlshcrs at Maslms village and killed
fifteen of them. Deserters raport that Wad
El Jumi inunida to fight to thu last ,
A KnnKUlnary lint tie ,
BisriiMiHKM , Pa. , August 2. Near Kutelln
a sanruinnry fight has occurred among Hun
garians crazed by drink. The Hunb used
pistols , clubs and axes in thu battlu. Two ,
named HalamlU and Bolatidoc , were shot
and clubbed. Another named Grcsh nu > ]
his right arm out off with an axe. Tlioro
were no arrests.
Several ItoiilnnulHts Arrested.
PAJIIH , August 3. Lo Ilcrrlsso , a Hou-
langlst lender , and several adherents of
General Boulangor , have bean summoned to
appear In court In connection with tha steal
ing of the evidence given before the high
court of the senate.
"Tho AiiKolim" Paid For.
PAUIS , August 2. Sutton , on behalf of ttio
American Art association , has paid Proust
580,050 francs for Millet's picture , "Tho
Angelus , " which was bought ut thu Socrctau
sale ,
Foiltlroly Cured by
theio Little rilla.
They also rel IOTO DIs
tress from Dyspepsia
Indigestion mid Too
Hearty Eating. 4 nci
feet remedy for JIzzI
neu , Nausea , Drowsl
neii , Bid Tute In the
Uoutb.Co&tedTougue ,
Fain Jn the Bide , TOR.
FID LIVER , &o. They reguhvto tha Doweli ,
nd prersnt Constipation and File * . The
mallcit and eaelest to take. Only one pill
doe. 40lnftYM. Furely Vegetable. Price
The Governor Oonornl Aslcml to Ols-
nllo\v the .TcsiiltV Kfltnto Aot.
QUKIIBO , August 3 , The deputation ap
pointed by the Equal Rights association to
day presented petitions to tlio governor gen
eral nskltrg him to disallow tlio.results'c Ute
aot recently paisod by the Quebec legisla
ture , granting $100,000 to the Jesuits , or to
dissolve parliament In order to give the con-
Htttuonclcs an opportunity to express tholr
opinion , The governor general stated In his
opinion thnt there were no grounds cither for
the disallowance or the dissolution ol par
A Pronuituro Dlnnt ,
CIIAIII.KSTOX , W. Va. , August 2. At the
Fiirlnnd coal works , nenrCn\k ! burg , to-day ,
a premature blast Itlllod Edgar Muthony aud
8. N. Mathncy nnd seriously tiijur. d Thomni
Dodd and William .Mathnoy. Several other
miners were slightly hurt ,
A Younir linily Dro'Mio I.
MILWAUKEE , August 2. Miss Lotitao A.
Andrews , an estimable young lady of thli
city , was drowned whllo bathing In Dovll'a
lake yesterday aftornoon.
Hood's Sarsnpnrllla is sold by alldrua-
gluts. 51 ; six forM. 1'roparod by 0. T. Hood
Co. , Iiowull Mnns. llomiro to Ret Hood- ) . ,
Vitality and Vigor nro quickly iciven to
every part ot the body by Hood's Bnrsmwrllln
That tired feeling Is ontlroly overcome , thov
blood in purilloi ) , onrlcliod nnil vitnllrud , tlin
stomach N toned andstrongthonoil , Uionppotlto
restored Ihokldnuys and mor Invlgoratod , tl > o
bruin refreshed , the uliolosystmnbnllt nr > . Try
Homl'B Hnrtmparllla now.
Hood's Sarsnonrllln issoldby1 rtnigglata
.Prepared byO. I. Hood & Co , ro\Vell. Jfnss.
( Opposite I'uxton lloteU
Ofllco hours , 9 n. m , to 8 p. m. ' Sundays , 10 .
m. to 1 p. ni.
Spocl-UUts In Chronic , Nervoui Skin and
Blond Diseases. .
P # Consulttttlon at offlce or by mail fre .
Mndlclncs sent by mull or express , securely
packed , ( roe from observation. Guarantees to
euro quickly , snfely and permanently. i
UTJDTrnnc ! ninni ITV oi eiraii'orrii < o * s m-
rtijiUUUu UtlDlLlil nal LosHHu.Nlsht Kml
( Ions. 1'hyslcfcl Uccay. nrUliifr fiom Indlscro
tlon , Kxcessor Jndulcenre. producing Sleepless
nebs. Despondency. I'lniples on the face , aver
sion to society , easily discouraged. lacK of conn
dence dull , nntlt ror study or business , nnd finds
Hfo n burden Barely , permanently find pri
vately cured. Consult lira. Ltotts & Dotts , ltU3
Farnnm St , Otnnha , Neb.
Blood aM Skin Diseases
results , completely eradicated without the aid
of Mercury. Scrofula , Kryslpelas. Terer Fores ,
Blotches , UlceiH , 1'ftinsln thn lleaa and Hone a ,
Syphilitic bore Throat. Mouth and 'JOIIKU > . Ca-
tarib , etc. . permanently cured uhere other *
have failed. 4
ITi/liintr Ifrmionr ' and Itl&dder Complaint * ,
KHlllCy' Urilld'y Painful , nimcult. toofr
quont Hurnincor Illoody Urine , Urine high col-
nred or with milky xedlment on standing , Weak
Back , Oonorrhiua , Gleet , Cyntitls. etc ,
Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges KoiiBona-
1)10. _
naval compleU , without cutting , caustic or
dill ft tlon. Cures elU'Cled at homo by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To YOIM Men and MifliUe-Aeil Men ,
nntt' ) ' The awful eltects of early
A Ullltfr View , which
weakness , destroy. ng both mind nnd body , with
nil Its ill ended 1118. iicrninnentlycured ,
Adressthoanwholinvfl impalrtt !
MTJUTTtJ thoinsoltei by Improper Ind nt-
KencoH nnd Military haulta.hlch ruin both
body nnd mind , unfitting thorn ior Imslntes ,
tudy or marriage.
MAIIUIKII MKN. or those entering on that hap
py life , aware ot physical debility , quickly a *
t * based upon facts , First Practical Hxpe
rlence. Second KorycAsulH especially studied *
thus starting aright. Third Modlclnos aio pro ,
pared In our labntory exactly to suit each case.
thus alloctlns cures without Injury
{ SfSentl 0 cents nost&jrn for celebrated works
on Chronic , Nervous and Delluite DlHeases.
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"llr a thorough kmwlului } i f Hie nntnrnl l wi .
YTliluijiOTorii I'KHiiiitii'llO'i ' * 'f ilUHillim nil nutrl.
tluti , ninl byu ciiretul upiillriilloii of tlio line pnipcr-
tic * ol wll-iiuluctuilOotim.Mr Knp lint prorlileU our
On-nkliist lalile wltlin ilulltatcly ilnroroil Ijon-ra/u
wliltli mil/Have in iimiiy ho ivy itottorn' Mils It n
hy tlnijuilkliiu iiau ot mu-li itit'elei at illut Hint a
lot.nlllullim nnibj KniUunlly built ni ) unlll Blnjrm
riKiuiili to reitnt uvitry tiMiilumr to da u Hun-
< lrucla ( ilHiLilo nialiiillut nrci llontliiK nronului rannf
tonliuck nlicruver lliiuoH u weitk pnliit.eiuiir
me. i po nmny n fatnl nlmrihjr kerplni * oiiKulrni null
fortlile I wltli I'uro Mood nnd n | iropnrlx nourlilioil
frnniu " ( 'If II HirvlojOnxclle.
MiiUc tlmtily witli liulllin : uutei or milk. Hulil unlr
In liulf | Miir\i \ | tlni l > y liruciir.i lubuloil linis :
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IDDJ 9 , fin
Cnpltal . WOO.OOO
Surplus .Tun. 1st , 18M ) . 62,000
VATKS , I'rosiili-nt.
H. KKKII , Vlco j'ruildeut.
U. C . CfHIII.NO ,
\V II , B. lluniiKS , Oanhler.
Cor. l.'th and I'nrnniil Hts.
A Denerul llankluB
oo fn .
" " " IU i Hindu working for UK ,
Bontuprofeireil who can fiitnUh u lior u unit
Blvo their wliolu Ilino to thu biutlne * * . Hi > ar
iiiomentH mny lie jirolllnbh inploLil uUo. A
ftiu viuanileHln lownn mid rllle * . ll.P. JOHN-
HON id ) . llnrJMiUnBt , Kklimond. Vu ,
A' , 11-l'lctrf tMc < iK ( iin < l cricncnu , fi'cucr