THE CITY. Ernest Meyer lias boon nrrestcd cliurged with nn assault , on John Sch 1II- man. August Kirsloll has boon arrested charged with Insulting Carrie Tum- morscholdt. The work of grading Thlrtoonth street , from Vinton street south to the city limits , wns begun yesterday. Only one building permit wns issued by Superintendent Whitloclt yesterday. It waa to A. O. Peterson for n one-story frnmo barn on South Twenty-seventh nnd Popplolon , to cost 8100. Four now police bfllcors , O'Connoll , W. Ellis , Cox nnd Wilbur , wont on duty nt noon. Count Puluskl also re sumed duty as a patrolman and was suc ceeded as court olllcor by OHlccr Koy- eor. eor.A A chattel mortgage for 81,1)00 ) was put on record yostoruay afternoon against the property of Frederick A. Moroll , n druggist at Sixteenth and Chicago streets , in fuvor of the Douglas County bank. A delegation of Beatrice citizens ar rived in Omaha about noon to attend the waterworks opening. It consisted of 12. D , Kroltsingor , G. L. Cole , J. S. Grable , L. E. Wnlkor , John Shaw , William ISbnight and U. A. Wagner. In the statement in the Council Bluffs news that Louis Burdick was arrested for lighting in tt Lake Manawa car , the nnmo of Burdick wns mentioned by mistake. The principals wore FrnnU Burdott and AI BUrgess , while Louis Burdick was involved only as bonds man. County Superintendent Brunor has finally completed his annual report and will soon have it printed. In addition to facts already published in those col umns , It will bo interesting to know that in Douglas county there are 12,228 male and 12,418 female school children. Ed. B. Dutton wns arraigned before Judge BorUa yesterday on the charge of grand larceny. Ho waived examin ation and was bound over to the oir- cuit.court in the sum of $800. Prose cuting Attorney Shea intended to in troduce testimony showing that a con spiracy existed among the clerks in the Union Pacillo ofllco to got possession of all letters containg money , drafts , etc. Charles Knomoror was brought up be fore Judge Borka on the charge of soil ing liquor without a license. The tes timony developed that the license had been taken out in the nnmo of 0110 Wnl- lance , who owned the building in which the saloon was situated. Ktioinoror waste to repay Wallanco for the linconso , but fulled to do so. Ho was then prose cuted for Bcllintr without liuonsu. The defendant was bound ever to the dis trict court. ForKonnl Pnrnuruphs. Mrs. J , C. "Vunilustor and daughter have gone cast. A. Mcrriam has returned from Pacific const points. Hov. P. Rogers , of Ipswich , England , is at the Mlllard. Mr. C. Arnold , "of Minncapoli2was in the city .vcstorday. Mr. Gcorgo L. liarnoy has gone to Cairo , 111. , on business. C. E. Dewey , the great American traveler , bos returned from the Pacific coast. Mr. H. M. Bushncll , one of the proprietors of the Lincoln Dully Call , Is in the city. Fred Davis , cashier of the First National bank , has returned from the Pacific coast. Mr. Stewart Hiiyden ami wife have gone east and before returning Mrs , H. will visit in Kentucky. Captain W. P. U'lbbits , traveling passenger agent of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad , is nt the 1'axton. ( Mr. E. L. Morritt , at ono tlmo general manager of the Herald , is paying n brioi visit to friends in this city. Henry nnd John Cotter loft last evening for Uuttc , Mont. , where they will enjoy a month's vacation in hunting and Hailing. J. W. Stratlon , of Wahoo , Nob. , is in town representing eastern capitalists und u real cstato firm with which ho is connected. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Westron have gene cast , Mrs. Wcatron to visit friends in Chicago cage nnd New York city , aud Mr. Wcstrou E. O. Krotsingcr , T. L. Cole , J. S. Grable , L. E. Walker. John ahaw , William , Elriglit nnd H. A. Wagner , of Beatrice , are regis tered at the Pnxton. At the Millardi F. L. Knapp , wife and sonof Bertrand ; J. B. Ledillo , Lincoln ; U , McLeod , Children ; F. O. Foss and wife , Crete ; ( j. H. Tonoray , Fremont. J. M. Hill , stiito agent for the Massachus etts Mutual Lifo Insurance comuany , will move his oDlcc from Lincoln to Omaha Sep tember t. Ho is in the city now securing suitable quarters. At the Murray : C. A. Charlston , Hol- drogo ; J. W. Donald , W. U. Wstson and Miss Delia Peabody , Fremont ; J. G. Tate and wifo. Grand Island ; A. L. Badger , Lin coln ; Lobe Hort , Beatrice. M. B. Davenport , of THE BUR , and sister , Miss Esther Davenport , have returned from 'B three weeks' tour of tuooast , during which Now York , Albany , Pittsburg and other prominent points xvoro visited. IT At the Paxton : F. C. Shickloy , Geneva ; Ed. Swanson and wife , Ashland ; Mrs. C. L. Eaton and Mrs. L. Boynton , Lincoln : E. S. Hood nnd Miss Nellie Gray , Hollyrood ; John H , Roe , Kearney ; H. M , Bushnoll. At the Arcade : J. W. Maher , Venango ; N. A , Miller , Fatrbury ; Joseph Martin , Madison ; T. J. Loohill.O'NcUl ; J. S. Inman , Osccola ; E. N. Bradley , Blair ; R. J. Coles , York ; H. J. Duuldn , Gibbon , G. G. Pump- elly , Lincoln. \i It Wns. The work of paving Clark street has been resumed on the condition that none but Bound , winter-cut cedar blocks shall bo used in the pavement and that the rotten aud worm-oaten blocks shall bo removed Imme diately , Pnul anil tlm Cnr-Drlvnr. The case against Constable Paul Stein , ac cused of having asaultcd a Thirteenth itrcot car-driver wns dismissed in police court for want of prosecution. The driver claims that ho did not know that the case I was sot for hearing und will have the con- table re-arrcstcil on the charge. A Hot-Bu Killed. While at work grading down a lot on Boventnonth and Harnoy streets .vcstorday n horse brolco through the boards which furnlnlieil a covering for a well , and was precipitated to the bottom , a distance of forty feet. The animal , which was the oropcrty of Tom Murray , died from its in- juries. Wants Ills Hjiarlc. * Fremont West , loft a diamond valued at MM with Eilholm & Alken to bo sot. The jewelers lost the stone , but gave West mother which they guaranteed equal to the ) no lost. West is not satisfied with the now orllliant and 1ms brought suit against them Ji Justice Krocgor's court for the value of Iho original spark. The Sacred Heart academy , for day pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue and Twonty-sovonth streets , is nn insti tution devoted to the , moral und intel lectual education of young girls. The sourso includes everything from a pre paratory department to a finished classical education. Besides the ordi nary academical course , music , paint ing , drawing and the languages are taught. French is included m the or dinary course. Difference of religion is no obstacle to the receiving of pupils , provided they conform to the general regulation of the school. The echolasUo term be gins the first Tuesday of September. Classes commence at C a. m. , and are dismissed at 8:80 : p. m. , an hour ( or recreation being allowed at noon , IT WlLIj II13 d HE AT. The MorclinntB' nnd Mnutit'actiirors' Imposition PlnluititR. There Is every possible assurance now that the merchants' and manufacturers' ' exposi tion to bo hold at the Coliseum during fair week la going to bo a colossal success. The entire suporlntondcncy of the affair lins been put In the hands of Captain Bon * ticll , who managed the great Now Orleans centennial exposition , also the corn palace at Sioux City. Bonnoll has had unlimited experience In catering to tlio public's enter tainment en n largo scale. At the Coliseum this fall ho has arranged for an Immense ntatuo , n counterpart of "Liberty Enlightening tlm World , " In Now York bay , to bo built entirely of the ncvoral varieties of corn Indigenous - nous to this state , as well na n corn palace on a small scale. Ho Is also preparing for a number of Innovations In the curio line of corn fabrications , and , alto gether , promises much that Is now , novel nnd beautiful. The directors of the Coliseum have decided to remodel the diagram drawn for the In terior arrangement of the building In order that It may can form with the more approved Ideas advanced by Captain Bonnoll. Tills will give them much additional space , und givotlio mammoth structure an aspect of greater attractiveness. AH the spacu in the building , uiuler the old plan , had boon ap plied for , but by thlsvnow arrangement , pro vision can be effected by which many more can be accommodated. Manager Prince is still energetically nt work , and ore the lapse of another week will secure the representation of every business IIOURO or factory of any consequence In the city. Another F.Ur Attraction. The managers of the coming fair hope to secure a flue exhibit from the Black IIilU In addition to other features of unusual In terest. It Is said that the Hills wore never In bettor condition to make a splendid ex hibit than they are this year. Corn , wheat , and other ccraala In that region promise un usually largo crops , and an effort , will be made to got the people of that region to prepare - pare samples of the yield. The most prom inent fcaturo of the proposed exhibit , how ever , will bo the display of minerals in which that region Is so rich. Among those will bo samples of gold , silver anil iron ores , pctrillcatians , agates , nmrblcn und granites , and particularly tin ore , which Is found in such largo quantities in that region that it is . expected on further development , to oftci'.t a revolution in tne price of tin throughout tuu world , Vitality nntl Vlcor Are quickly given to every part of the body Hood's ' Sarsaparillu. That tired feeling in entirely overcome. The blood is purillcd , enriched and vitalized , and carries health instead of disease to every organ. The stomach Is toned and strencthoncd , the appetite I'Cbtorod. The kidneys and llvor are roused and Invigorated. The bruin is refreshed , the mind made clear and ready for work. Try it. _ A FAITHLESS WIFE Kesponslblo For tlio Wreck orOpstov- rnlchcr's .Hind. Mr. Henry Hahn , an old acquaintance and friend of Edward Oestcrroicher , now cou- ttned in the county jajl us nn Insane patient , in interesting himself In behalf of his friend and will have Justice Audorsou appointed his guardian. According to Mr. Halm's statements , there is quite an interesting story connected with Oestorrcichcr's life. He was born at Uolan , Kluttan county , Bohemia , received a peed Gorman education and arrived at Now York in 1800. There ho learned the wire-worker's trade , accumulated considerable money nnd In ' 73. emigrated to St. Louis , where ho subsequently married and prospered. In due time , a child was born to him. Later , his wife took sick , lingered n long tlmo , und tiled. Ou her death bed she confessed to him that tlio cause of her illness was the ro- s'ultr'of nn abortion. This revelation , coupled with the loss of much sleep in attending hur , so affected his mind that a brother-in-law had Mm rushed into nn insane asylum , where ho remained seven years. After being discharged , ho came to Omaha. Through iiBsistancu from Mr. Huhn , ho purchased a lot In South Omaha for § 150 , which is now worth $0,000. From the sales of bedbug powder , ho mannecd also to , possess himself of two lots In Barker's addition. In the meantime , ho leased his South Omaha lot to Patterson brothers at S10 a month. When their contract expired , last January , ho refused - fused to renew it. Having erected a build ing on the promises , the Jinn sued for dam ages , was defeated in the justice court und then appealed to the district court whoru the case ra now pending. This litigation drove Oesterreicher wild again , and conceiving the idea that thc&o people were trying to rob him , ho deo'ded his lots in Barker place to the county. In ] nil ho Imagines himself nn army officer under court martial for some offense , and says the prisoners there are his soldiers , When ho gets out it Is his intention , bo suys , to take a cannon and blow the Pattersons to kingdom como. His propurty will bo placed , la the care aud keeping of Judge Anderson. MR. W. C. WHITE is engineer on a boat on the Arkansas river , and his address is Little Rock. He sayn that S. S. S. has relieved him of blood poison , which'was the result of malaria , and that it prevents chills and fever by toning up the system. Ho takes it in the spring and summer months to prevent sick ness from the malaria from the swamps on tlio nvor. _ * GRAIN FIRMS "CONSOLIDATE. The Oinahn and HimobniiKli & Mor- riiiin Unite mill Elect Otllcors. The Omaha Grain and Elevator company and the mercantile firm of Hlmobaugh & Morrlam have at last been consolidated , an exclusive account of which was published in TUB Bcu about four weeks ago. The new concern will be known as the Omaha Gram company , and the hcadtmartcrs will be in Omaha. The Incorporutors nro II. W , Rogers , D. S. Barriger , N. Morrmm , P. C. Himebaugh , F. H. Davis and E. P. Peck. ' A meeting to perfect the organization was hold in the ofllco of Hlniobaugh & Merriam yesterday und tlio following officers were elected : President , H. W. Rogers ; vlco president , P , C. Htmobaugh ; general manager - gor , N. Merriam ; assistant general mana ger , D. B. Barriger ; secretary , E. P. Peck ; treasurer , S. B. Cochran. The paid in capital stock of the company Is $2 0,000. Ono of the incorporates stated that the now company would not only main tain the present extensive business , but would build up in keeping with the develop ment of the west. Pimples , bolls and other humors nro llablo to appear when the blood gets heated. To euro them , take Hood's Sarsaparllla. The Hallway PoHtal Service. Rudolph H. Miller , of Wood River , has been appointed postal clerk on the Omaha and Ogden run. E , B. Holt , of Omaha , has reached a per manent appointment In the postal service , His run is from Pacific Junction , la. , to Me- Cook , Neb , Chief Clerk J. E. Cramer , returned yester day. Ho reports having been to 'Chicago to confer with the suporlntou'doiit of this di vision. CuEhman's Menthol Inhaler , euros catarrh , headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fnvor , Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents , Will Pay nil June Ol n I ma. Mr , Calhoun , tr. , of NebrasKa City , was In Omaha Wednesday. Ho was looking up BOKO of the claims against the revenue ofllce by parties who a.v that they sent money to his sou while he was douuty collector and re ceived no license for the tatne , "I will pay every lu t bill , said Mr. Gal- noun , where it can bo shown by checks or drafts that my 4on actually received the amount claimed and did not make the proper return of a license. But it docs not neces sarily follow that because thesn pottles claim that they sent money for which they received no license , that this is the fact in the cue , nod that luy ion got the money , It 1s a very easy thine to manufacture a claim to almost anything , nnd I am trying to ascer tain It tticso claims Umt nro not yet Bottled nro genuine or spurious. There are only n few of thorn , anyway , but I want the money I pay out to go to pcoplo who have n right to It. My son will remain right m Nebraska City to meet nnd answer those charges , and what ever mistakes ho nmv have made 1 bcltovo ho will remedy nnd make straight by as correct and straightforward a life In the future as any young mnu In the country. " will freely take Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wlno Lung Balm ; unlike couch syrups , it contains no opium , will soothe and heal any disease of the throat or lungs quicker than any other remedy. A QUESTION OF LAW. Must Brim oil Hanks Bo Gnti- ' Itallzoil , The Bnnlc of Commerce people say that they have not been notified to tnko nny ac tion towards reorganizing or capitalizing their branch institution on North Sixteenth street. It Is learned from outside sources , however , that the state inspector informed thorn several days ngo they must cither comply with the now law or close up. His report was to the effect that aside from the absence of capital stock , no by-laws , execu tive committee or anything else could bo found. Subsequently the directors hold a mooting nnd seriously considered the feasibility of shutting down , but they finally nprned that the batik should bo maintained. Mr. Barker said ycstcrdny that some tnlk had been Indulged in about having a supreme court decision on the law before anything U uono. Ho thinks their branch , which belongs to and Is n part of tlio muln concern , capitalized for 500,000 , cannot bo considered as u separata bank , requiring a capital stock and organiza tion of its own. Ingorsoll Is credited with saying that "Love is the only bow on life's dark cloud. " If the colonel was troubled with cramp , colic , or cholera morbus. ho would , wo'boliovo , admit that there were twonnd Mat the other ono was Chatnberlnin'g Colic , Cnolora and Diur- rha'.a Remedy. Those who try this ' remedy under such distressing ci'rcum- 'stanccrf become its most enthusiastic advocates. TO YliliLOWSTONE PARK. The Tally-Ho nnd Piilltntui Outing In the AVBt. . On Thursday next the Union Pacific ex cursion to * Yellowstone park will leave the city and a great many prominent pcoplo from Omaha and vicinity will nccommtny it. The road will convey on the train with the excur sionists Jim ' coaches Stephenson's Tally-ho , with the horses , which will bo used in the outing in the park. The party will visit Shoshone Palls , ono of the grandest spots in the country , which are 210 feet high , with canyon walls 1,200 feet above the water 'level ; the geysers and the gratul canyon of the Yellowstone. Many will also visit Suit Lalto City and Garlleld Bench , returning over the Denver & Rio Grande around the great loop at Georgetown to Denver , thcnco homo. The furo includes everything , hotel bills and all extras , and is fixed at S1T5. The excursion will last twenty-one days , nnd bids fair to eclipse anything of the kind ever attempted in the west. Jim Stcphenson has had his coaches painted and varnished for the trip , and they look brighter nnd prettier than they did When they loft the shops for the first time. Among others , fifteen well-known gentlemen with their wives , have already scoured places , nntl as only fifty passengers will betaken taken , but few seats remain. $5OOO Reward $5OOO. For u bolter or more pleasant remedy for the euro of consumption , bronchia ! troubles , cough , croup nnd whooping cough than SANTA ALJIE , the California * king of con sumption. Every bottle warranted. If you woultl be cured of that dlgustlug disease , catarrh , use CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURE , $1 a jar ; by mail 1.10. Satita Abie and Cat- R-Curo are sold and warranted by Goodman Drug Co. _ . In tlio Courts. A transcript of the proceedings In the casa of W. T. Johnson vs. Mahar & Pickering , tried about Juno 34 before Justice Road , was filed with the district court clnrit. This case xvas made as a test of the constitution ality of tlio state garnishco law , and Is to bo fought in the higher courts. A replevin suit brought by A. M. Kitchen ugainst John Hokauson , constable , A. C. Schnltz. D. J. Donaho , nnd Tirapleton & Marrow , was brought into the district court yesterdny. The amount involved is the value of four horses. John Gallagher begun suit ngalnni Robert H. Yeoman nnd C. D. Hutchinson yesterday afternoon to foreclose a mortgatro on real estate , given to secure a loan of § 217. Judge Dund.v yesterday rendered judgment In the case of Henry S. Lucas vs the city of Lincoln , awarding plaintiff $14,485.31 nnd costs of suit. The case of George S. Miller vs the same was settled by awarding the plaintiff (21,033 and costs. Both these suits were brought on warrants received on ac count of paving and sewer contracts. The warrants were presented and payment re fused on account of lucic of funds. Beccham's Pills act like mnglc on a weak stomach. _ Summer Camp Freighting. Jim Stephenson has secured the contract from the department for the transportation of the luggage of the garrisons of Fort Douglas , Utah ; Camn Pilot Butte nnd Fort Laramlo to the summer camp for field In struction at Fort Robinson , There were several bidders on the ground , one of whom bid (17.20 and another $13.50 for each fouf-hortto team per day. Stephen son , bowover , knocked out with a bid of $11 per team. Eighteen four-horao outfits will bo required. They will DO transported to Fort Robinson by rail , whence they will go to Bordeaux to meet the troops above men tioned. Pears' is the purest and best soap ever made. Flninbuau Club. A flambeau club , to taka part In the exer cises of Merchants' week , was organized yes terday. Hurry Weber was chosen business manager and treasurer ; Frank N. Tobln , president : H. J , Jcwutt , vice president ; C. VCuthcart , secretary. COBU1UK.AND BBAVUY. Ono Han ne Mmnh HlRtit ns tlio Other tolKAfhrco Lmr. 'I eco , " salt ! Ktmmnbcr of the flro and police - lice commission , lallat Sheriff. Coburn Intends to mnko no movotta suppress the saloons In the two mlle llmitiwlnch are run on Sunday. Ho goes on the theory that ho Is prr iutncd to know nothing -nbout crime unless ho Is told about it. Hfehns every reason to know that dally thcrorjnro saloons m the county which nro violating the law. Ho knows Just as well as bo .could know of n murder having been committed after ho had been Informed of the commission of the crime. In the latter case,1 ho would send out a posse to apprehend tlio murder. In the former cttio , ho does nothing to arrest the violators nnd punish them. Coburn has ns much right to clnso these saloon In the country as Senvoy has In the city on Sunday , "Thcro Is no question about that. Prohi bition Is actually contemplated by the law in the two ] mlle limit out side the city. That wns done to protect the saloon men Instdo the city , by saving them from the competition which they would suffer from outsulo dealers , whoso county license would bo much loss than that of those In the city. ' 'There nro. saloons In this county ontsldo the two-mile limit which nro run without license. Two of them nro In Valley and ono of them on the McArdlo rend , is run by a man who last winter acted ns deputy sheriff In that section. " County Attorney' * * Opinion. County Attorney Mnhonoy says that It Is clearly Judge Burka's duty to deal with satoon-kccpors In the two-mile strip. The charter provldos that all cases of misdemeanor meaner , pot , only in the city , but within three miles of the city limits , como under police jurisdiction , The action , therefore , to betaken taken , is plain. Tlio city attorney or his as sistant should proceed , If It is dcsirod , against the offenders , nnd prosecute them before the police judce. Mr. Mahoney flees not pretend , however , that if complaints nro made , it is not also his duty to file informa tions and bring the accused into a higher court. Saloonists In the strip have no other than u government liccnseyct they arc under both the city and county con trol. Ho states further that suits we re com menced by him last fall against a number of them In n justice court , on complaint of G. M. Hitchcock , but because of the fact that It was necessary for Hitchcock to give u bond as security for the payments of costs , the cases never went to trial. DON'T MISS TUB OPPORTUNITY To Visit Option nnd Salt Imkc City , Unit ) , or Ilniley , Idaho. A grand excursion to the ubovo named points will leave August 20th , via the Union Pacific , "Tho Overland Route , " nnd for this occasion the exceedingly low rate of $30 to Ogden and Salt Lake City nnd return , and $35 to Hiilloy , Idaho , nnd return has been made from Mis souri river terminals. This excursion affords our patrons a magnificent opportunity to visit Garfield - field Beach om Great Salt Lake , the finest bath Hip. resort in the world , and also visit Hailoyi Hot SwinKS , famous for their medicinal properties. Tickets good thirty days.1 For further particulars address E. L. Lo3iAX , G. P. A. , Omaha , Nob. Dnunhty Bound Ovor. Maggie Doughty had a hearing before Judge Berka yesterday afternoon on the charge of adultery/ preferred by her hus band , William Doughty. The defendant is u passably good-looking white woman and the man with whom she is charged as living in adultery is a full-blooded negro , named Wil liam Davis. At the time she was arrested the woman udmittcd'to the officer that she had lived witht Davis as his wife for three months. On tho\ witness stand she denied making any such statement. She said her husband had endeavored to compel her to ac cept the attention of other men , which she refused to do. The testimony of the officer who arrested her she wed that the man Davis was found in bed with her. She was bound over in $300 and committed to jail m default of bail. A complaint was at once filed against Davis on the same charge and thn hearing sot for to-day. Aniline Errors Kutiious to Health. Ono of the most misuhiovoua and most com mon Is the indiscriminate and too frequent use of purgatives. Such medicines , if well chosen and seasonably resorted to , are cer tainly useful , but tnativ persons select the worst , fly from one to the othe'r. and employ them when there is no occasion , or their utility has ceased. To establish on a perma nent basis a regular condition of the bowels , the finest alterative is Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters. It Is botanic in origin , and a safe sueceaaneum for these objectionable drugs , calomel and blue pill ; It does not gripe or drench the bowels like the ordinary cvacu- onts , and it not only reforms Irregularity of the habit of body , but remedies the disorder and Inactivity of the liver and stomach , which usually accompany that condition. Rheumatism , kidney trouble , malarial com plaint and nervousness are removed by the Bitters. _ An Iitcnl Publication. These who appreciate the art'of printing find delight in examining the Inland Printer , a monthly magazine published at Chicago in the interests of the craft from which it de rives its name. In * its mechanical makeup the Inland Printer is an ideal publication , masterly skill being shown in every branch of tbo work. Especially Is it of interest to nr In tors , as It treats extensively of all sub jects connected with the art preservative , and in acknowledgment of the ability with which it is conducted , the International Typographical union , nt its last meeting , designated It as ttio technical trade journal of the craft. Outside of the printing world , the great beauty of the magazine is the wood cut nnd engraving work displayed in every issue. The July number contains some notable works of art in this line , a number of which are worthy of framing. Catarrh cured , health and sweet breath secured hy Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Prlco 60 cents. Nasal injector frco. For sale by Goodman Drug Co . Effected a Settlement. H. C , Hagan and his wife succeeded yes terday in making o settlement of their do mestic difficulties.1 She accepted 51,070 and loft for her liomoJn Chicago. Ho took what remained ot the $4,000 involved after paying an attorney. * V.U WE 10/17 = CREAMDELICIOUS DELICIOUS EXTRACTS HAMALFWITrUYOflS TJ d by the United States Government. Rndoned by the heads of the Great Unlvereltlf s nd Public 1'ooJ Anjlyiti , ai tl < e StrocRcit , Purest end most Healthful. Dr , Price's Cream llaklup Powder does not contain Amuiouli , Mine or Alum. Dr. Price' ' * Delicious flavoring E - Uactt , VauUU , tcmou , Oriuge , Almond , Kote , etc. , do not contain I'olsouou * Oils or Chemicals , PRICE DA KIN a POWDER CO , . New York. Chlcouo. 8t. Loult. This powder never vnrlos. A marvel of pure ly , strength nntl wholesimcticss. Jloro eco nomical thnn the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot bo sold In competition with the innltltndpa oC lor or Kliortwefcht alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In man. Moral llatlui ; l'odor Com- pixuy , lit ) Wall Btieet. New York. to ex- SHOE DEALERS ainlnot no Just lines of Iloot.i aud Shoos manufactured by C. M. & Co. . OK C'liiiunn rnrtorles nt ChlcnRo ; Ulxon. 111. , and 1'on In La . Wis. should wita SAM.N. WATSON. KcsldencC'.KUKMONT.NHll. Traveling Agent. Hoailiiu.irturs for llubbcra. MffiTTS"BEITS 1403 FAIIXAM STIIEET , OMAHA , N a. ( Opposite 1'uitou Hotel. ) OQlco hours , 9 a. m , to 8 p. m. Sundayi , 10 a. m. to 1 p. ni. Bpetltllsts In Chronic , Nervous Skin and Blood Diseases. tSfConsultatlon at ofllce or by mail free. Medicines' sent by mall or oxprcsi , securely packed , frco from observation. Guarantees to euro oulckly. safely and permanently. NERVOUS DEBILITY f'i Ions. 1'hyslcal lltcay. arising from Int'lsore tlon. Excess or Indulgence. prodnclnp Sleepless ness , Despondency. Pimples on the face , aver- Blon to aoclety. easily discouraged. lacK of conn dance , dull , unlit lor study or business , and finds life n burden. Safely , permanently and pri vately cured. Consult lira. lietta & lietts , UOS Farnam St. , Omnha , Neb. Blood and Skin Diseases results , completely eradicated without the aid of Mercury. Scrofula , Fryslpelas. I'evcr Sores , Blotches , Ulcers , Pninslu the Mead and Bones , Syphilitic Sere Throat. Houtn and Tongue , Ca tarrh , etc. . purmanantly cured where others have failed. , ITirtnorr TMllartf nn(1 Bladder Complaint : , ftlQflBY > Ulllldiy PalnMl. Dllllrnlt. too fre quent Burning or Bloody Urine. Urlno high col ored or with milky cedlmont on htandlng , Weak Back. Oonorrliojn. Gleet , Cystitis. etc. , Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges Itcasona- ble. STRICTURE ! moval complct * , wlth-mt cutting , caustic or dilution. Cures otlccted at homo by patient without a moments pain or annoyance. To Yonnir Men and MWffle-Affcil Men , ACUtpf ? nflDP The nwtnl oirocts of early UUItJj Ulillt Vice , which bnnei organic weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all Its dreaded Ills , permanently rurcd , Adross those who have impaired MDOTIpJ themiolvos by Improper ludul- and holltary habits , which ruin both gences and mind , unfitting them lor business , Btudy or marriage. M AHitiEU JlE.v , or those entering on thit hap py life , aware of physical debility , quietly ai f.lsted. OUR SUCCESS. Is based upon facts. First Practical Bxpe rlenco. Second Kvory case Is especially studied- thus starting aright. OTitrd Modlclncs are pre , pared In our lalmtory exactly to suit each case. thus afTectlng cures without Injury pyEendG cents postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. Thousands cured. VS A. friendly letter or call may save you future EiilTerlni ; und shame , nnd add golden years to life. { ayNo letters an- wered unless accompanied by 4 cents In stamDf. Address or call on _ . BETTS & BUTTS , 1403 Furnam Street Omaha. Ntb. JOSEPH G1LLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1878. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. THE MOST PEEFECT OF PEN& OMAHA BUS HO wen o < NORTH WKSTI5UN Conservatory of Music Minneapolis , Minn. PIANO llest teachers only In every depart ment. Unequalled opportunity for study. OHGAN M lessoiiH for $15. l-'rce advantages worth price oC tuition. All Instruments , guiiBes. HlBtory. Literature. VOICK Bend for calendar. CIlAltLKS II. MOUSE. Director. ' ) . Boarding P School for Girls and Tounir Ijirtlos , KorHajj caWIOKUO address O. U'HAYKK. Wj. I ) . , " llorgau Park , Jll.or77Uadlso fitreelCQlcago < 111. ILLlHUI ILITARYAUAUEMy Superior location i excellent raillltUa. Thor ough iircpurutliui fur ciilltip , sclcntlUo schnol or tiiiilnerii. l-'nll tnrm beplcu Sept. I8lh. IIKNIIV.I * " . I'rln , , Morgan I'srk i'.i , III. ' MIUTARV . ' ST.'JOJIN'fl MANI.1UB.N. V. Civil Engineering. Classics. Tluilnesx. HT , JIKV. I'n. . HUNT1NOTON. Prehident. I.T. Coil. W.VKUIir.OK. Superintendent. JACKSONVILLE J'rfpnratoryund collegiate eminc * , llttr turel ngu > coi ) tniulc , art. K. V , ULLIUUD. 1'rlnciwl , Jacktaarlllu. lit BVVYOHK MIWTAItV ACABMV. COKN wnll-on-HudHon. Col. C , J. Wt\sM. \ II. H. . A. M. . Hupt. ! II. t\ Hyatt , Coiml.tof CaOetg. Many Imitate , None Equal. KinilCVand 11 unnnry tronuies eaMly. nujclc- nlUIICI ly and safely cure'l by UOUTult A cap sules , several cases cured in sav n days. Bold at 11.50 per box , all drucBUw , or by mall from UoctiuuU't'gCo. 11" WWW a N. i. ulldhoj- loua , mrfectlr ftrntama Dr in besLON - oupne Mpi K"/or our t r illu tt ua ' 0 Health. " Ab olut KOrcr. Vuilco- curt l lchout l > m or p i ; ' eslon-Dupre Cl'nlque ' , , . , i _ i j/ kairt aacrrvuiOr3OUnKnco ! ) n.u , , CANCER w W.U Y , STILL A CHANCE AT $16. Borne peed Imrpalns .inny yet bo found among our odd sizes of men a milts. Hour lu tnlnil these nro not inferior good * which wo oitur , but llrslclass > u every particular. WO. FOR MEATS , FISH , SOUPS , GRAVIES , MAX MKYEH. ADOLF ! ! MBYKU ESTABLISHED 1WW , Oroat redn-tlon of prlco on second hand Piano ? and Organs. A jtooil chance to got a aood I'luuo for a small amount of inouor. Tim above prices are 10 per cent less thnn over olTured befcuo nnd us we must have room for our largo pluck of New Pianos wo will give an extra 10 per cent disc junt from above prices to any one that buys an instrument before August 1st. Kvery Instrument guaranteed to bo just as re presented , Plunos for vent for $2.50 ami upwards per month. Organs for rent for $1.50 mid upwards per inontli. If yon bur any of the above Instumonts and yon aTe not Sntmllcd , wo will allow you naino us you paid for it toward any new Piano you muy bcloct. Cull early and get a bargain. Cor. 16tli aud Farnam Sts. for powerful sympathetic tone , pliable action und absolute dura bility ; 30 years' record the best puaran- tee of the excellence of these.instru ments. CH'.CHESTER'S ENGLISH , PENNYROYAL PSLLS. , - . tivj iutl Cross IMiimmul ISrnml. The only rcllal. ! vlll for aiilp. HaCe an4 * urc. I.adlo , uak llrugitlat fur fliu Din- montl Kruiid , In red mttallla buiea , ealc4 nltti tluuril > bui ] . 1'ukciioutlipr. Stnd4c. ( .tamp. ) for particular ! ant "Heller rbr I.iulleft. " in Itttcrtj \ innll. Jifamt J'tipef , iblcliciter Clioutlvul Cu. , 3iudlauu HQ > , 1'ljlluda , ! ' . 20to60 DAYS. This is u dispnso which has horotofora BaQled all Medical Science. Tfban Mercury. Iodide o { Potauslum , Bar sap a rllla or Hot Siirlngs ( all , wo guarantee o. euro. Wo have a Remedy , unknown to anyone Intne World outside of our Company , andono tnathai NEVEiK FAILED to cura tbe most obstlnata cases. Ten days In recent caso. does the work. It Is the old cbronlo deep seated cases that we solicit. Wa have cured hundreds who liar * boon abandoned by Physicians , and pronounced Incurable , and w challenge the world to bring us a case that vra will not cure In less than elxty d yn. Since the Ulutory of meaiclno o true speclQc for avptillla has bean sought for but uuver found until our ItlAGIC I6EMCDY wan discovered , and we are Justlllod In saying It la tue only itemeay m the World tnat ivlll pot- Itlvely euro , bncauaa tlm latest Medical Works , published by the bast Known authorities , say there was novora true speclllo before. Our rem edy will euro wncn ovorytlilUK elao has failed. Why waste you tlmo and money with patent tnertlclnes tnat never had virtue , or doctor wits physicians that , cannot euro you , you that har tried everything olie should come to us now und crt permanent relief , you never can Rot It else where. Murk what we soy. In the eud you must take our remedy or NKVKIl recover and you that hare been nfHIctttd but a short tlmt should by all moans como to us now , not one In tenof nnw caaos ever cct permanently cured. Many tcetholii and think they are free from.tu dlsenxe , but in one , two or three yours after It appears again lu n more horrlbla form. Thie is a blood Purifier and will Cure any Skin or Blood Dlsoaso whoa EvorythliiK KUo Faila. NOTICE We desire to caution patients In re gard to parties claiming to use the Coot Itsra- edy. Our formula is not , and CANNOT b known to anyone but our ol us. THE COOK REMEDY GO , Rooms 418 anU19 , Paxlou Block , is Weali ! ; . . WMT'S MKHTI AMD IlnxiM TUEAT- Dii.E.O. * M * 1 Ml * I * * ! * * * * HENT. Bcuaruntood euealtlo for Hysteria. Dlzzl. ue.s. Canvublons , flU. Nurvoui uut i i , UeadaoUe. Nervous Prostration caused by the UIB of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulnew , Mental IJBprasialoa , BoftontDR nt the Drain , resulting n Inaunlty and leadlnnto misery , decay end death. Piemature Old AK' > . Jlarrennuss , toss of J'ower In either no * . Involuntary I.osge-n and Hpermtt- orhcea caused by over-exertion of the braln.solf- abuse or overindulgence. Bach box contains one month's treatment. ll.W ft boi.qr aU boxes for5.0..sent . by mall prepaid on receipt ot price. WB QUABANTBH SIX BOXES To cur * any case. With each onlor received bt M for six boxes , accomimnled with ti.UO , vt mil send tb purchaser our written gutrantea to re fund ttie money If tile treatment does not effect koure. Ouaramt e Issued only by Ooodmaa UllUOatluk Jitk ESTABLISHED 18GM 180 So. Chicago , Ills. ( ClarkQt * The Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON .It ttlil Trotting with tha Groslett SfflLanjjDCCEB Chronic , Neryoiis and Mate Diseases , ' O3' NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood , FeAHng Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Buck Aehe nd all the elTccts leadlna to early decuy undpethapi Consumption 01 Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods wllb ncrer-Nflinri Miccrt& . ITJ SYPHILIS nnd all bad Blood aod Skin Di . saseapertnar.rntly cured. JE5-KIDNEY and URINARYcompl l UQleet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele ami all dlieutt of the Uenlto.Urlnftiy Organi cured promptly without Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organi , 4irMo experiments. Age nr\experienceImt portant. Consultation free mil aacred , aiT-Seml 4c nt postage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Uiieaies. O-Thoie contemplating MaiTltRe icml for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each IS ccnU , both at ccntt ( ilampi ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter orenlfmty aavefutureiuffer * Incand > ri me , nil add golden ) e r to life. flS'Ilook "Lite'sSecret ( ) Errors , " socent > ( ( tamp > ) . MtiliclnJ and writings sent everywherejcone from cxpocurt , Houri , a to 8. Sundayt g la it , AiMreti F. D. CLARKE , WI. IQOSO. < PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH j A/I' 1302 FAUNAM STREET. N.V/.COB , I3TH&DQGOE Sis. OMAHA. NEfl. fOII TUB TREATJIKNT OF ALL I APPLIANCES FOR DEFOHMITIES AND TRUSSES.1 Best Facilities , Apparatus andllfrnedlcoforBucceitful Treatment of every form of Diteo requiring MEDICAL or SUROIOALTHEATMENT. MIHETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS.1 Boud : Attendance. Best Accomacditions in West CO-WRITE FOR OIItOUtJVRaonllpformltles ani Braces , Trustes.OlubFeet , OurvaturesofSrlne.Pllsi , Tumore , Cancer , Catarrh , Eronchitii , Inhal tl a , Electricity , Tnralvsli , EpUejiay , Kidney , Bladder , Zye , ar , GUnand Blood and all Surgical Operations , DISEASES OF WOfiflEH t S-Wi Ja WK Him I.tTKLY Anilhll A MLVIMN DErAUTlIIIKTrol noiKN iimiiMicoMriM.iiKM' . cSTRICTU PRIVATE , ) Only Koiiable Medical Initituto making a Specialty ol Alt lllood Dliciiei mcetnrullr troted. Btplillllle 1'olna tuoTe J frou the ijr.tcm wltliout mercury. n ttfilonllrs Trtiturnt fir I.JM or 1 ITAL I'OMHIU PirtUl unibln to Tl.ll vi majr to treated ftthom bjr corrripoiideuee. Alleonmunlck. tlottf coallJcDtUl. UedUlociorln tranitlitiicntljj ntillorei. lacked , no tnarhi .olDdlcnloeobtrntiorttDdtr , oe ferioaal lateriiew preferred. Call and connult ui or lead blttorr of vnur eaae , aad no will tend In p1la wrapt cr. oaf il HTU FREE : Upon I'rhatc. Bpcelil 01 Dr l NerTouUIr.-t .Iuiotfucr.B III. ; Uleet mail V.rltocele , with queitlon lt t. JdJticii QM-AIfA MEDICAL Si SUKQIOAI. INBTITT/Ta 13th and Dodge Streets , OKAHA , NEB , ALWAYS I ftp IMflTrn DRINKwIthiGtWAlEEl LEMONADES , SHERBETS , AND ALL COLD DRINKS. Ittvlll correct tlicilaiiiiiutiiy In * fliionceoflca oittlia fttotnitcli , For Mm It alth Prdiervlng. for Ir.n Invi or tlD , and R - 'nurBivernEJlnlilitence. ' War- r nt a Btrlctl/ Fart t&4 Unftr * m ntil. An EQclint Rtoidy for Ularrhaa. Choltra Mortal. DyienHrr. and all Ciiorden of tbt Bowali , NA8iVii.r.L'TKXN.June 9 , ' 27. Mussnii. I.uvENTitAilliio . Dpar Blr : I IIHVA tiled tha IIiiiiKarlan Illnckberry Julca you BO kliully sent uio. Ills HIM no plus ultra of cummer tlrlnUii. Ills frco from ulco. hoi. ullaya thlrsti toiicn the dlKcntlvo orK iia , hoa n line aronmtlo lluvor , and Is Just thntliliiK'oi 'llurrliual trout ) . IPS In tlio honlcil term. A. TAllLKSI-OONKUfii IN A. ( II.AHH OF IOK WATKU OUTNUCl'AIW I fcCiAll. T. A ? AfcilIHoS } , M.D. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , T7. S. DEPOSITORY , OilAUA , MflB. Capital 8400,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 1839 612,000 , OFK10EU3 AND IJIKHCTOUB , llEMtv W , VATKS , I'roaldsiit. , Jjnvis H. JIEI ( : > , Vlcu I'rusldout. A. K. TOUKAI.IN W V. MoilfjK , JOHN H. COI.I.INH. It. 0. CitHiiiNn , J , N. II. I'AXIUOK , W. U. 8. H win KB , Caililer. THE IRON BANK , Cor. mil and Kariiam Hts. A Ckuuru ! IlanUny Uunlutjus Transacted. A PfKITIUP rorLOSTorFAILINO MANHOOD ) n rUdl I IBK aenernlaml WKttVOUB UJJUILIT'/l ' W.aknu. of Doily nd Kind ! KMeeU of Errors or Eictiioiln Older Yrvnf. lUKIIIMIUrullr lloforrd. llo la Knl rcr 4 mitniieiniiii.iaii ! trLul'Eiiiuiiii < iriUT8i > fii < iur. lU lultl > .i.r.lll.i IIIIHIC TIllUTtllM'-lliiirlUi la 017. VCB IrtllrrreM 47 HUI , Ttrrltorll' , a 4 lbrltfn I'oQklrl * * . Yen ra wrllt tU M. Hook , full f vlceatloa , and irffi nilli4 CMil > 4) ) fr t. iddmi IKK UttlWI. CO. . . fl. . State Line. To Glasgow , Ilolfast. Dublin nnd Liverpool From Now York Every Tuesday , Cabin psiiUKe HI to KO , arcorill'iii lolocatloq ofitA room , llxoimlon 5ii toJJJ. Glecrrigo to nd from Kuropa nt lxjwoitllr.te . AUSTIN IUl.liIN & Co. , lion'l Clients , U llruudrrar. Now York. JOHN UI.XOEX , Uen'l SVcitcru AKCIH. 1C4 Uuuilolpl ) St. , Chlcafo. lUllltr K. Mourn , Agent. Omaha , Ilciluccil Cublnrata * to masgovr r