Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No odvortlscmonto wilt bo token for
thoeo columns oitor I2:3O p. m.
Terms-Cosh In advance.
Advertisements tinder thin hosd 10 cents pnr
line for the nrst Insertion , 7 cents for each aub-
noqumit insertion , nn < l f 1/0 per line per month.
No advertisements taken fo- less than 2.1 tcnti
for firstinsertion. Seven vords will be counted
to the line ; they muat mn rongecnllvcly nnd
inII t lie pnlcl In ADVANCE. All ndvertlso-
mentstmistbclinncled Inbtforo 12:30 : o'clock ft.
ninna under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Partlos advertising In t ho vi colnmnsand hav-
Ine tlielr ntjuwenr nddreswl in cnro ot THE IIKE
will plnnse ask fora check toennlilo thnin to get
their IcttoiR. as none will l > o delivered cxrept
on presentation of check All answers to nd-
TermctnonlH shuild he rnclosfd In envelopes.
All ndvcrtlBcmcnta In these columns nro pub
lished In both morning anil evening editions of
Tut : HKK. the circulation of which aggregates
more than lPWOpi pcr u1nliy , nddnlvps thorn-
vrrtl r tlia benefit , not oniy ot thor.Ity rlrcu-
intlonof TIIKHEB , but nlto of Council Illiiiri.
Lincoln Mid otlirr cities nnd towns throughout
this section ot the country.
Advertising forthmfl columns will be taken
on the above conditions , nt the following busi
ness houxoii , who nro authorized ngonts for TIIK
HKK special notlros , nnd will quote the same
rates B can bo hnd at the inalnHjUco.
OH N wrnULLTl'liannaclfl't , 820 South Tenth
0 IIAPE&I'DDT. Stationers nnd Pilnters , 113
South ICth Street.
H. 1'AllNBWOKTn , Pharmacist , 2116 Cum-
mlng Etreet. ,
.1. IUTlIir.9 ( , Pharmacist , O North 16th
EO , W. FARll , Pharmacist. 1800 St. Mary's
TTUGHE8'PHARMACY , 2203 Farnam Street ,
American woman wants a situation ns
working housekeeper in a small family In
Council Illuffs. Address Mrs. B. , 170D Daven
port at. , Omaha. mn 4 ?
Situation by experienced prac-
tlrnl bookkeeper ; references. Address E
72 , He . | D43 !
_ _
A N experienced nnslness man desires position
JX in ouico of Jobber or manufacturer. Is now
employed. Will bo ready to accept Dlnce about
Aug. 15. Hot er to Ilee Publishing Co. Address
E BO lice ofllco. 803 im
I - _ "tA7'rtNTBI ) Yt""iK man , ago 18. to Invest 85
f TT in good paying t-usluoss. at once ; SIS N
[ SJrd at . gouta Omaha. _ 3QC-2 ;
WANTED Mnn nnd wife lor private family ;
wlto mtiHt bn n first-class cook , $40. Mrs.
Uregn , 314j S Itth. U09-2t
WAN TED A 'llvo , oncrgotlo man to act as
ncm-rnl ng nt in Omaha for the Eltto M f 'a
Co. of Chicago. Call on or address W. H. l.lnd-
ay , Arcade hotel. .1.7 ? 3t
WANTED Six good men to put up wire
feuce. ptr day. bouid $1.oO per week ;
faro free ; ilmtmtliB' work. Mrs. llrcea. 111444 B
lUh. 845 1 *
TV/fEN / t" travel for thr 1'onthlll Mursorlcs of
JJlCanada. Wo pny $ M to $100 a month and
expensed to ngonta to soil our Canadian grown
stock. Ad. Stone & Wellington , Madison , Wis.
220 28
" \A7"AN'rEn ' llnllroad laborers , rockmen nnd
TT track-layers for Washington Territory :
good wages and steady work ; nt Albright's
Labor Agency , 11.3) Farnnm st. 221
" \T7"ANTKD Acoodollico man to no east ;
T T must Invest. J2.500 ; must bo a good business
man. Address the (3oo. S. Cllno Publishing
House , : itO to 321 Wabash ave. , Chicago. 111.
" \S7ANTED-sa5 weekly reiro | ertatlvo , mule
Ti or femnle , In every community. OoodH
staple : household necessity ; sell nt Right ; no
peddling ; salary paid promptly , nnd expenses
advanced. Full particulars and valuable sample
cnso Freo. Wo mean Just what wo nay : address
at once , Standard Silverware Co. , llostou. Muss.
| 223
_ _ _ _
T\rANTED Immediately , a good barber. A
T young married mun can have a good job.
-Smith. . Wlsner , Neb. 883 IT
WANTED Competent Qermnn drug clerk
rail sccuio position by addressing P. O.
box 23. 2J31
_ _ _
"IXTANTED Experienced cappers. Address
TT Canning Co. . drawer P. Ulatr. Nob. 3J2-1 *
WANTED A salesman for a retail clonk de
partment. Applicant must give full jmr-
tlcnlurw us to experience , amount of salary
wonted , and unexceptional references. Ad.
dress P. 0. llox G08 , Lincoln , Neb. 2. > 2-l j
W'ANTED-Two yonngmen for light work ;
SIS weekly. Room 17 , 220 N Iflth st.
_ _ 183-2J
GOOD -Mon nre making $150 per month hand-
ling our goods ; address Sherman , Tangen-
berg it Co. , 100 W. Lake t , Chicago. 138 2
WANTED At once , nn energetic salesman
In every town to sell teas , coffees , spices ,
extracts , baiting powder , groceries , etc. , to ho
tels , restaurants , fanners , and other lareo con-
Burners at wholesale prices ; exclusive territory
given. Address the Edgeworth Mercantile Co. ,
1447 State at. . Chicago , 111- llii 5 $
SALESMEN We wish a f o\v men to sell our
- goods by sample to the wholesale and retail
trade. Largest manufacturers in our lino.
Enclose 2-ceut stamp. Wages J3 per day. Poi-
niaueut position. No postals answered. Money
advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centon-
nlal Manufacturing Company , Cincinnati , Ohio.
Hll-aSl *
itXTANTftll For general house work , plrl or
TT middle-aged woman , latter preferred. 1UW
B. tlth Bt. 8' 1 It
raTANTED-B cooks for flrst-clnss private f am.
TT lllea , t5 week : and secoud girl , U.50 week ,
home keeper , 84 ; dres maker , cutter nnd Otter ,
to go to Texas , 815 week , fare paid : waitresses ,
II ; cook for Iowa , (35 month , White's Emp ,
olllce. 110 N ICth. 370-lT
WANTED Nurse girl ; call at once ; good
wages ; reference required " 112 Douglas at.
3o 1
WANTED A crew of 8 dining room girls In
a llratclagshotel ; 8 Cornell cooks , I'ttl ; 1
for restaurant. f ; housekeeper for n Indy r
miles ho has atom In city ; cook and second
girl for olllcer'fi family ; 2 for country placi-s l
miles out. Lot ot ulco places in city. Mrs ,
Hcrga. 014H B. 15. ant It
WANTED An intelligent yontig lady , mu t
bo good saleslady , at217 North street.
311 1 *
WANTED Competent girl for genernl
house work and girl for becoud worn , atHK
B. EQtli. 3U I
\\7ANTBD-ttlrl for general housework ,
T' small fnimly ; good wages. Apply betweei ;
8 and 6 p. ni. 210 a. smb. 317-1J
WANTED At Dr. Collmnn's residence , a gh
who will cook and do laundry work ; good
wages , paid weekly. 24'J ' Xt
-Lady caahUr. References re
quired. 217 So. 15th at. JI47-1
W IANTED-A nurae Rlrl. Apply at No.
N. Ibth at , aw 1 *
"TT7 ANTED Girl for cenernl housework. W
T T M. Vates , w cor 32rt and California Hta.
WTANTKD-Qerraan drl to tlo coofclnir and
TT wuihlng , beat of wages paid. Inquire J ,
I , , llraudela. 724 8 lath at. Kt ]
* | XTANTED Girl to no second work nnd tnki
T care of child three yrs oln ; none but competent
potent need apply ; German preferred. ; ' < ( W at ,
Mary's ave , y ;
WANTED Afl unfurnished room dowr
town , will furnish and occupy ; permanen' '
It united. Addrc aK28. Ilee. 3141 *
.limit room wants a roohi-mnta ; inference ;
exchanged. Address K32 , lice , S50 at
WANTED Two gentlemen boarders at2C2
Charlesrt. 355 a *
W ANTED 60 ten ma for railroad graaine. a
Albright's Labor agency , 1120 Tarnaia st
TTV ltKtfSMAKWG to do In ( atnlliea , 035 S. 17th
ULB board at 1414 Chicago.
table board at ItflS Capitol ave
ELEGANT furnished rooma. 11B t
TGTlUHT-clM U y oourd. Inquire 1CU9 Dougln
* | 7IOR KENT B-rooin , 2-atoir corner Hut. En
JJ quire Kia Pacltio stwot. * "
ClOtl llKST-To umall rumily ; referencero-
V quired ; new house , li rooms , hall , S closets ,
pantry : all large : hnrd , oft and city water ;
HO. Cor. 16th and P cllie , H. K. ' P50" „ .
TTiail UENT-TIie tt-robm flat occupied by Dr.
JL1 ( jilmcre , 2d lloor , No. 1813 Howard st. In-
qu I root Ueo. lIlgRln.s , loll Howardst. US
Tt R iilN"T-tW. 7-room house , gw nnd
X1 water. SID California ntroet. _ ,
Tor rent , Wroom house , 6 3 So. zwn
street ; modern conveniences.
For rent , din-o-room house , Bouth SOtn , near
ueavcnworth : nil moaorn conv nlencos
For rrnt. t40-lO-room brltk hous * . 1S North
ICth ; now modern honso. _ .
1'or rent , U-o-room cottsgo , Davenport , near
Fo'rront. J.T Deslrabt * 7-room modern Hnt ,
Fnrnam street , nonr 21th. f , .
Inqniro Ncthorton Hallroora 423latN'li ; ' > k1.
TTOR RENT-New hottsn.n rooms , hard and
JL' soft water , olosat * . brisk basement , n. e.
: or. Mill and Webster. iQ7-3t !
G'rootn cottage otircavTTnc , pnvement.clty and
( Istorn water , large yarn , tin per month : nlso
3-room cottage , with anme conveniences , H ;
southeast corner ot 13th nnd Arbor. II. H ,
McMahon. at plnco. 241-1
"IOli RENT-Troom Hat l.ango block 013 B
JJ 13tn st , aoo
"J71OR HUNT 5-room cv > ttio. . 103 Bo. 28th Bt. , '
JJU lUnswalt lltos. , RooinaT , llarkor block.
llENT-frroom cottane. well nnd clMern.
TTOll RENT s-room house , all mortorn 1m-
J. provemunta. 410 N. 2-kl at , Rent ronsonnblo.
4'J 3
TlOR HUNT -room house. KS 8. 21st.
J 121 y
FOR KRNT-A detached P-room house , all
modern contonttmccs. Unq. 2. > 20 Capitol nvo.
FOR K15NT--10-room brick house on 20th st.
nearLuiivemvorth. Apply nt No KJ"S.2Utn
FOR ItENT Fine largo rusldcnco. hard wood
finish , nil conveniences , low rent to private
family ; an ; N. inth st. U84
T7 OR11BNT Neat cottngo. Sj per month ,
- - ' F. Harrison , Moichauts National Hank.
TLJ OUSB for rent , 10.3 Dodge.
T7 OR RENT Fine In room brick house , all
J- modern conveniences , ou cable nnd motor
lines. Call on 2UU1 Hurt Bt. wa
FOlTltENT SmaTl brick house. B rooms , for
small family. Inquire , 1317 Cnsa st.
827 St
HOUSE , 318 K. 15th st. . for rent. II , W.
Cremor , E09 N. i h G03S
F"oR nENT12.00 per month , n six-room
building , N. E. cor. ot 19th nna Mason.
4/V / alO
TpOR RENT Two nine room brick houses on
J. Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frame house on same street , with all
conveniences ; price J.Vi to 145 per month. I > . V
Sholes. 210 First National linnk. 811
TTIOR HKNT-a first-class dwelling with nil
JL ; modern conveniences. Including stable. 2'i08
Capitol ave. Inquire of D. J. O' Donation. 1001
Farnnm st. 345
TJ1OR ItENT 7-room'flat , tt't per mo. above
JL ? The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire ThoFalr.
2:0 :
FOR KENT Nicely furnished rooms with
board ; references ; 2 07 Fnrnam. 354 7 *
TJIOR HENT-Front parlor furnished * I2. and
JD other rooms. CO ) N most. 3144 *
G OOD room with bath. BID S. 28th st.
F IOR RENT-Room. 1021 Howard.
TTURNISHEDor unfurnished house torrent
X1 In Pnrk Terrace , oppostto Hnnscom park ;
all modern conveniences. Inquire , Lee &Nichol ,
25th nnd Leavenwortb , 223
TTIUHNISIIED front room In private family
-L.1 to a gentleman of good habits ; convenient
location. bl88. 2Uth. cor. Bt. Marya ave.
F OR RENT A Biilte furnished or unfurnish
ed. 1810 Chicago st. lioard In the
QUITE furnished rooms , complete for house.
Okeeptng ; nlso nice slaoplng room ; all con <
vrnlences. C03 8.18th St.- 315 U
F IOR RENT Nli-oly furnished room with
board. Inquire 1G15 Chicago st , 319 4
/CHOICE rooms , with or without ooard , in pri-
v vnte family : doslrnbly situated in modern
residence ; pleasant homo : terma reasonable ;
2130 H&ruey street. S29 yj
F IOR RENT Rooms , furnished or unfur
nished" ; cheap. 1414 Chicago. 822 2
SOUTH front room , meals In the house , 1000
Capitol avenue. 320
TjlURNJSIIED rooms with all modern con-
JL ? venlencesfor gentlemen only , 1703 Dodge at.
F IOR HUNT Uooms with board ; 1723 Dodge.
LARGE front room for rent , furnished or
unfurnished , 111 So 14. 218 It
LARGE south front room , furnished or un
furnished , gas. bath , cool , pleasant location ,
large yard , private lamlly , 2012 Chicago at.
20th ,
fjlOK RENT [ I'urnlahed aleeplns room , 420 S ,
JJinthat. Hat 7. StS 1J
TTIURNISHED rooms with bonrd for3
J. men In private faintly , no other boarders , a
Ocatrublo location for parties who wish to bo
pleasantly situated. t23 S. 2oth avo. S. D ,
Pratt. OD2 2J
Tmoil HKNT-Furntshod rooms. 2203 Dodgo.
TTILiEQANTLY furniKhod front parlor , sult-
JUable for 2 or S gontloracn. with or without
board ; also small room for reut.1721 Davenport ,
744 4t
IpOR 11KNT ElDgant furnished room for
X' single gontlemnn only. 724 B. 19th St. . cor.
Leavomvorth. wx )
fTIOR ItENT Large furnished south front
J ? room on socoud lloor , with board , all con
veniences. 11)10 ) Capitol ave. trj4
11/1 OR RENT Two funilshpd rooma , on St ,
J ? Mnry'a nvenuo. To gentlemen only. Sis
minutes walk ot business center. Reference
required. Inquire at store , 210 and 212 S. Hth at.
PUIlNISHKD-Front room , 1013 Farnam.
145 a 27 *
rpWO rooms ulth or without board forgen <
JL tlumoa.prlvnto fainlly.roforaucoa. 1S12 Dodge
EORHENT Two parlors front and on llrsl
lloor. All modern coventuncea. 160C
Doitglua. 6i
rpHRKE lurge , doslrabln unfurnished roonia.
JL Light housokeoplngibath. Address F3J.IIeo ,
FOR KKNT-OviT stove store , a f"0 suite foi
ni , 1021 Howard at. Inqulra nt atore. 231
2 ROOMS , modern conveniences. 1105 N. 18tb
tl. 1'latO. cua
TjlOR RENT untundnhed rooms auttable
JJ for hnuso Keeping , modern Improvement
to family without children. 1704 Webster at !
I'rlcu tlf. 037
TTHtl HENT-Storo room No. 1913 Ouralng St. ,
JU ra per uio.
Store room No , 1915 Curalng fit. , (25 per mo.
Five room fottngi' , with city water. No. UK
N.aith st , , ts per mo.
New nix room hotue , with city water In house ,
good cistern , eto , U7th and Dodge ats , , f 19 pai
liio.Four room rottugo. 1511 N. ? ld et. , 113 per mo ,
Tottxr Cobb , liiul Farnam at , U41-lu
rnoit RENT The 4-Btory brick building wltli
JL ? or without power , formerly occupied ny Tin
lieu I'ulillthlng Co. . 914 Farnura t. The build
in rhaii a Ore-proof cemented basement , com
lileleateara heating fixtures , watur ou all the
iloors , gaa , etc. Apply at the oDlco ot The Uee
Tmoit RENT 8torc8 ml living rooma on Cum
X'lngBt , AlsohouseonCaastt. llurrlu , rooii
411. lot Nat. Hank. ai
TIIOR HBNT-For a year or term of years li
JL ? ( irand Inland , N n. , l\\o tlrat-cluaa brlot
etorea , situated on Front street , one bloc.l
south ot U , P. tracks | thenabulldlnya are oul ;
two jeaw oli' , plate glass fronts nnd atom
walka , fine reliant , and nrst-class In von
respect ; rents r aaonnbl , Apply to W. A
Whltnoy. 834 13
KFIOE-To rent. FnrnUhed elegantly 01
uuturulshed. liuihman block , N , & Cor
ICth and Douglat. 133
rpo HUNT Desirable warehouse room j > \
JL track. Apply to C. W , Keith , 714 PaclOo t
argo basemrut 1511
DoucUa sL
I7IOR RENT-1 window and DO to 4A foot of
-L' shclt and counter : room In Rood location for
retail trade ; especially imltml for ladles' fine
furnishings. Apply 1518 DouglM it , II. V. Mo-
Cnrtney. 833-1
FOIl business purposes 2d floor , 0x133 , In
Piutton building , lUth nnd Farnam , entrance
on XnrnMn , passenger nnd freight elevator ,
north nnd south Unlit , will divide Intotwo ltdo >
sired , ileyman &Delches , 1813 Fnrnam Bt.
TOln 25
JTORE for ront. southeast cor 12th nnd Doug-
Jlan st. 8 , Lehman. Wl
_ _ . ItHNT Tno corner room under the No-
brnska Nntlonnl bank will soon bo for rent ,
the Equitable Trust Co. removing to larger
The space Is nlxiut double that occupied by
the C , II. * Q. tlrxet onico. The lloor Is tiled
and the room cnn bn mndo desirable tor n 11.1L
ticket or broker's olllce ,
1'or pat Honiara apply nt bank. Ct2
. , AltcntlonI Madam Quorotto's
Qolden Sp eel lie. for Ml female weakness ,
olllce hours 3 to ion. in. , and 3 to 5 p. m. , con
sultation free. 1COT Douglas. 4l2aW
TIIK banjo tmiRht as nn art by Goo. 1' . Oelloti
beck. Apply ut llco olHco. P"0
reliable llentnl neoncy Is still
JL running , supplying nil that corao with
house * , flats and Htores. J. II. 1'arrotle , Itooin
21. Douglas block. 54Pnl3.
- lady's pongee silk blouao walse.
LOST-A please rotuni to tlila ofllce. 251 1
TRAYEI > - Hnv ponv mnro. blackmnno nnd
toll : stripe in face : return sumo to SfiOl Chi-
cngo st. and receive reward. 8031)
iFoST-EngHBb MnMiff. Kcturn to 400Pnxton
JLJ block and pet rownrd. 241-
. Kcclcs , the famous fortune tellgr and
clairvoyant , business , love , marriage nud
changes. GUT S 13th stnext door to liar Icon hotel.
r\U. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. mdl-
JLJcal aud business medium. Female diseases
a specialty. 119 N ICth st. rooms 2 and 3. ITO
. Perceval of California , 16W Douglas St. ,
MH8. the future. Ladles nnd gentlemen. .
nt low rates Bt 1121 Farnnm St. ,
STORAGE ana Storage Co. ysi
storage nt lowest rates. W. M.
TitACKAGE , 1311 Lonvcnworth. S3S
TORAGE nnd forwarding. "We collect nnd
s 'deliver ' ; goods of all descriptions , merchan
dise , furniture nnd baggage at cheapest rates
for storage for any length ot tlmo. vans and
wagons to bo had nt shortest notice , \\ltn care
ful men for moving. Packing nnd shipping
from- our own warehouse done on moderate
charge , Merchandise loaded nnd unloaded.
\\nrohonse on our own tracks. Ofllco 217S 14tU
St. ; telephone 114. Howell & Co. 240
\ ; ANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves nnd
V * household goods of nil Kinds. Omaha
Auctiou & Btorrge Co. , 1121 Farnam , SI7
& - and forwarding ;
special arrangements for commission mer
chants , 1213 Lcavenworth ; tcl. 419. , Omaha.
STANDARD Shorthand school , Paxton blk. ,
OSticcesor to Valentino's ) the largust exclu
sive shorthand school In the west. Teachers
are verbatim reporters. Particular atteutlon
paid to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory expert. Circulars.
Business College , cor ICth nnd Capitol
OMAHA Shorthand The largest nud most
successful .shorthand department in the state.
Standard methods taught. Munson's revised
of ' 89 a specialty. Call or write for terms.
\\r ANTED To buy second-hand boiler , 20 to
TT 40 horse power. German Yeast Co. , 1414
Harney st. 352 3
To buy confectlonory. Address
WANTED Main St. , Council UlulTs , Iowa.
SUS2 *
TTlIHST-class notes of $1,000 to 83,000 each , run-
JC tang ouo or two years. C. A. Starr , 12oo Far
nam st. 82. 4
WANTED to buy on montnly payments a
neat residence property within three miles
of the pobtofllco ; would like several lots house
of not less than eight rooms with barn , must
have shade trees. Address with description ,
C. K. Mayne Heal Estate A ; Trust Co. Ueo build
ing. S633J
/"i OOD horse , new phaeton and harness for
VT(175 , tr ; > cash , balance 810 per month. Ad
dressFSLBeoofflco. 1B3 4 *
Fi | 5ll SALE A carriage , or exchange for
bugey 1 or norse. 2Ul ) Curningst. 3i 2t
FOR BALE Or exchange , a good 3 ( { year
horse. Apply at 141,1 310
SALE Handsome Sample Uprluht
0abler piano ; very superior tone ; a bargain.
Inquire Merrill's Pharmacy , Chicago nnd ikth.
IOU BALE Complete household of 7-room
cottage. ; 2310 Chicago at. 120 Hi
T71OU SALE Law library. 1610 Douglas.
TJ IVE hundred shares of $10 per share North
JU Western Standard Oil stock. Tola stock is
non-assessable an ! land ia * being developed
now and Is sure to bring good returns in near
future. Will sell for cash very cheap. Address
C 02 , llco office. CO
TTIOR BALK 3 thoroughbred r d Irish setter
JL ? pups. Apply Cnnlleld houae.Vth and Farnaiu
IpOR SALE Handsome yonngpony. perfectly
JL , sound and gentle , suitable for either saddle
or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha.
TT10R SALE-LOGO tons of 15-Inch ice , housed
JL ? on track. Council Illuffs , la. Gilbert Bros.
17IOR SALE Fine HallVsafe , as good ns new ;
JL ? cheap. R. M. Genius & Dro. . 1408Douglas , j
FOR SALE Turnlture of large house , every
room rented. First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bargain. AddressES , lieoolllco.
"fUlE Can Held MTg Co. being about to move
.L will sell 1 first-class 4-horse-power engine
and boiler at & actual value. 1208 Douglas st.
TI/flOkAND / Guarantee & Trust Co. . N. y. Life
J.TJLbldg , Complete abstracts furnished and titles
to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed.
d other real "citato loan.s W.Ml
llarrls , room2t > , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
O.FHARRIbON loans money , lowest rates ) .
. 275
TXT"ANTED First class inside loans. Lowest
TT rated. Call and see us. Mutual Invest-
mentCo. . Rl. Darker blk. . 15tn and. Karnam. 278
M ONEY to loan. Harris R. B. ( c Loun Co. ,
room 411 , First National bank. 2711
* 1t/irONEY / to loan ; cosh on hand : no delay. J.
J.U.W. Smitro. 121U Farnam at. , llrat National
bank building. 280
FIRST mortgage loans at low ratci and no
delay. D. V. Sholas , 21U Flrat National
bank. 2jl
MONEV to loan on real estate security , at
lowest rates. Iletoru negotiating loans see
Wallace , It.illl ) . llrown bldg. lUth & Douglaa. 2Ki
T OANS made on real estate and inert pages
JL > bouehtLewla B , HeediCo.U 13Itoara 'lYudo
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage 4 Trust Co. fur-
uUh cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
ut their western nlllca. Ueorgo w. P. Coates ,
room 7 , Uourd ot Trade. Ml
MO'NEY loaned on furniture , horses and
wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
lie B. tith Bt. , oppoilte Mlllard hotei. 270
IVfONEV to loan. O. P. Davis Co. , real eatate
J-Ua d loan agents , 1505 Fnrnam at , 277
1 OANS on household furniture or any good , Large and small auma. Low r
interval than h& been offered. Elkhorn Loan
Co , ov r Commercial National bank , 13th and
DouglM st , ICO A. 27
T1UNQER & Penny , roomao Douglaa block
money to loanonrtal eitato t luvreat mot
ON'T borrow money on furniture , horsei.
waeons , etc. . or collaterals until you aee
C. O. Jacobs , ill First NatlouJ bank butldluir.
UILDING loans. D. V. Bholtu , 10
National bank.
6rerContrnoney-lC303N , T. Life Ins , bldg.
J W6SJ3 *
TVTONKV to loan on anyaircnrUr
1 JL for abort tlnyuAt low
rates. Lowest , rates
on personal
proper j5 n.
The npnderson MortKitgoJnrMlmentCompany ,
room 400,1'oxton blocko in 2fU
noo.OOO to lonn nt A pee cent Linahnn & Mahoney -
$ honey , room coo Poxtan block. s 7
MONEY to loan on Worses , wagon1" , mules ,
household goods , pfanos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. 'Iho llrstiRrganlzcd loan olllce In
the city. Mnko loans for thirty to throe hun
dred mid alxty-Ave day * , which ran bn paid lu
part or whole , nt any .time , thus lowering the
principal and IntcrestieiUnll nnd see us when
yon want money. Wo can assist you promptlr
and to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity'-JMonoy always on hand.
No delay In inaklnn ioana. 0. F. Reed & Co. ,
310 8.18th at. over Ulnghnm & Ront. 2K3
EE Sholos. room 310 , First Nat'l bank , before
making your loans. 281
$10.000 to WO.OO ! ) Parties mnnlntr loans of
such amounts on choice Improved property
ran got lower rates of us than of any onu else
In the city. Wo wnnt such loans right now.
Central Loan A Trnst Co. , 1205 Farnam st.
S' iTUINOKIl ' & PENNY , room 89 , Douglas
'block.liavo inonoy to Und on chattel security.
402 A10
MONnV to loan on furniture , horses , wagons
or Becurltles of nny kind ; commerclrl and
mortRnge notes bought nt fnlr rates ; nil busi
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co. , room . ' 1 , Hamgo building. 713
YOU wnnt inonoy ? If so don't borrow
before getting my rates , which nro the low
est on nny sum Irom $1 up to 310.UOO.
1 make loam on household goods , pianos , or
gans , -horses , mules , watotisM'archousc receipts ,
houses , leases , etc. , In any amount at the lowest
possible rates , \vHhout publicity or removal of
Loans can be made for one to six months nnd
ymtranpnyii part nt anytime , reducing hoth
principal mid Interest. It you owe it balance
on your furniture or horses , or nave a loon ou
them. 1 will take It up and carry It for you as
long as yon desire.
If you need money you will flnd It to your
advantage to see me before borrowing ,
B. K. Masters , room 4 , WHImeU building. 16th
nml Itarncy. iU
I CAN make A few loans on first-class chattel
securities nt reasonable rates , W. K. Potter ,
room 10 , llarkor bile. 05
T OANS on Improved nnd unimproved prop-
Uerty at low rates Odell Bros. & Co.,312810tn.
MONEY loaned for 30 , (10 ( or 00 dnys on uny
Und of chattel securltv ; reasonable Inter
est ; conlldenllal. J. J , Wilkinson , 1417 Fnrnam.
T > KSIIENCK loans flVi to 7 per cent no nd
JLXdiUonnl charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W , li , Melkle , First N at bank bldg.
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or ou any approved security. J. W.
Itobblns , 1(11 > { Farnnm street , Pnxton hotel.
TTKYBTONK Mortgage Co. Loans of $10 to
JLVj 1,000 ; gat our rates before borrowing nnd
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or nny
approved beourlty , without publicity : notes
bought ; for now loan , renewal of old and low
est U.W.SheeIey ! blkUtli & Howard st.
MONEY Loans negotiated ntlow rates lth
ou tdolny , nud purchase goods , commercial
paper nnd mortgage notes. 8. A. Sloman. cor ,
13th and Karman. 272
M orr. Lcmu Co will mnko you a
loan ou household goods ,
horses/wagons ,
land contr.nct8 ,
fine Jewelry , or scfcchtlei of any kind.
without publicity , ! at reasonable rates.
itoom 7 , Itowlov blocHiBonth Omaha.
Kooms & 1B-10 , Paxtoqblock , Omaha , Nob.
l > i , 273
T710K SALE A llargnjn A complete news-
Jt ? paper and Job olllce la a good five town of
I.2U ) to l.HOO people : the liost settled part of Ne
braska ; pnylng 11.810 tb J3.0X ) per year ; steam
presses ; good outfit Throughout ; cost $ .1,500 ;
will sell nt great sacrifice , as owner Is leaving
town ; might trade , or will sell on easy terms.
Call on or address Curtjjvfc Sackctt , SOS . 15th st.
_ rv5 _
K8T cash grocery , lin'd an Interest In one of
best established rf.urnlture business in
Omaha ; good reason glv'en for selling. HutchInson -
Inson & Wend , 1524 DouglftS St. 337-3
TJlOll SALE or TradoVfor Omaha property an
JJ oUabhshed buslnoss' Ilor SlB Omalm ,
i , 340
TJlOIl BALE Splondla millinery business , atC
-C half value. Address A. M. Ileswlck. Fairfield -
field , Neb. 3316J
SALOON and fixtures for sale doing good
business , on N street. South Omaha. In
quire at Phenlx saloon. South Omaha. 212 It
TTIOK 8ALE-A well established , good paying
J ? business ; price ( tt.OUO. Will sell the whole era
a controllng interest andtransfermauagement ,
which. It conducted with ordinary business
ability , will Insure an annnal not profit of
$3,000 to $4,000. and the opportunity for extend
ing and Increasing the business Is unrestricted.
My reason for Helling la having other Important
business interests requiring my undivided at
tention. QTie practical knowledge necessary to
oarry on the above business successfully is
simple and easily acquired. It will pay any
one having the capital and time required to In
vestigate , Address F 27 , Ilee. 247
POU SALE A good saloon , excellently lo
cated in central part of the city ; will sell
fixtures and stock separately if party purchas
ing so desires. Address V U Itee office. 193 It
T710K SALE First-class bafcory.confcctlonory
J- and restaurant , A 1 location and doing a
goad business ; restaurant ha.s a good patron
age from adjoining hotel , good reasons for
selling. Inquire 818 N. IGth st. 208-W
FOR SALE A very deslrnble centrally lo
cated restaurant , doing a good business ,
full of boarders , must have money. J. II ,
Parrotto , Itental Agency , 10th aud Dodge.
118 9
TTlOlt SALE Qood restaurant , good location.
43 10good beds ; will sell cheap for cash. 108
S 10th st
FOR BALE Saloon fixtures and business in
Crawford , Neb. ; the beat saloon town in the
state : place now clearing * iiOO per month , with
a cnrtalnty of better business. Gooa reasons
for selling. Price $3.500 , pare cash. W.
Btransky. cluidron , Nob. IIT.MJ
AUHEA'JP bargain In Gordon , Neb. , a new-
roller mill for snlo , 35 carrel capacity and
rigged to umke buckwheat and rye Hour , meal
and chop feed ; lu a godd whont uonutry and
good market for Hour : " dwelling ) ) and barn
with it ; price & , OOU. Parties having prop
erty to trade need not apply ; mill nos first-
class reputation. K. J. Andreas. 0(2 alOt
Partner in restaurant in connection
tion with hotel of 40 rooms. Ad. E 21 , Hoe.
WANTEU-Land to exchange for 2 brick
houses ot 0 rooms each , in St , Louis. Mo. ,
located lu the best part of the city : lly Ex.
l.ariaCo. , 3ln South 15th Bt. Alio a hotel to
buy in a good , growing town outalde of a largo
city , from J.1.01XI to 110,00J ; must bo a good pay-
lh'Institution or there will not be any atten
tion paid to It. Hy Ex. Land Co. , 310 South IGtti
st. , Omaha , U65
WHAT have you got-to trade for a good
clean mock of groceries and llxturogdolng
ascot cash business of&iLj > cr day at Florence ,
Nob. ? Kd. N. Hrown. iSSf , O. D. , 710 and 712 li
16th. Omaha. 3 ' ' ir > 3 4t
mWENTY-TIIIHD St. .corner fronting 3
JL streets ; line residence ; Inc. (3,603 ; price
J15CU ) ; for merchandise , J-
Full lot , -Uli near Tbppleton , with small
house , for clear vacant lot.
Clear Council lllulls Wfor equity in good
Omaha lot ,\Vead ; , 1521 Douglas.
3s , - *
FOR EXCIIANOE-An elegant tract of land
containing 120 acreni-tn Antelope county ,
Nob. , with ordinary Imurmementa.
A quarter-section iu .U&nd couuty , Dakota ,
partly Improved. .i
Eighty acres near Coiuuul IlltilTs , To.
House and lot ou HoutlMOtH st.
Largo amount ot OH Mountain and Petroleum
company oil stock.VJLUexclmnco for good
Sroperty orthe erection oT"somo houses , ueo.
, Sternsdorir , lit Natlvmfcbiink building. U7i )
. , . J l&tJucslrablo residence
JL property in Omaha , any or all of follonlng :
40 choice inside residence lota In Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln.
640 acres line farming land , Lancaster county.
Fine residence property , Lincoln ,
t ( lood rental property , Lincoln , *
Choice family residence corner , Los Angeles ,
A nent residence property In 11 am com place.
Also some good mortcngo notes ,
Address , giving location and price of prop
erty , J , B , B. , care llaum Iron Co. . 1"1T Leaven-
worth. 291
OABII and clear lota or land to trade f or m er
chandlae. Address , V14 , Ilee. 109 3
mo EXCHANGE-Almoat new sidebar
JL buggy to exchange for a double seated
buggy. Apply t No. 1209 Pacitlo street.
0 KXCJIANOE-We have a good residence
property full and unlncumbored. nlc ly
located in a good business town in eastern Kan
sas of 8.0UO thous nd Inhabitants , coal in abun
dance and a nice country cround. We want in
exchange a nice clean millinery stock or goodn
located In some good business to mi , or wu will
exchange good property hero fur tun same. Call
on or address W , a Gordon * Co. , BUeie City ,
rpo nXClt ANQK for Ornixha property , one of
JLtha best improved farms in IOWA , only one
Tnllef rom town of nonu inhabitants. W. IU K.
ft M. K. . room 14 , Chamber ot Commerc * . 893j
TJIOIt BXCIIANOK-Aflne f arm of 200 acres In
JJ Volk county. Neb. , four tnlles from Clarks ,
Neb. , to exchange lor cattle ; 80 acres under
cultivation , house. Tarn , wagon scales and
good feed lot. Address U. Uskamp , 2215 Web
ster nt. , Omaha , Neb. SO
KUAL blanks. Chase is Kddy. l
270 af >
WANTED A parlor billiard table nna n
piano In exchange for clcnr lob ! in one ot
the best towns In the state , or n good farm ,
lightly encumbered. W. It. K. &M. B. , room
14 , Chamber ot Commerce. _ 080
HA VK you any good Inside property to ox-
chnS a for clear farm lands. Will assume
some incumbranco , String er & Penny , Douglas -
las block. 073-8
T7IOK BALK $ lone lit taKcn at once ) will buy a
JJ lOO-ncre farm ( welt worth rJ,50i > . beautifully
situated H mile south ot Pleasanton. Uecntur
Co.t Iowa , nil under fence , well set with clover
nud timothy , house orchard and wells on the
place , M casn , balance time to suit purchaser ,
6 per cent Interest. Title perfect ; a great bnr-
faln. Address the Owner , John K. Kirk ,
'eo.ln , ill. a39 It
HL'HK we are again , l > ok out for bargains.
Wo are offering 3 line dwellings on Cal
ifornia street , near Lowe avenue. At Lowe
avenue nnd California a corner Ot A lots , nicest
vlAW In Omaha , on grade , in front of car Hue.
noth nnd JncRson st. , nu story brick Hats aud 4
n-story frame llats , all nearly new , 6 tine resi
dence : ) lu Kountzo Place , 2 lots on 20th st , ,
nenr Collsaoum , and tiUxllO foot on 1'Jth st.n ar
Cnnrlps St. , for > loss Its actual value. All
these proportlos , together with three tine
houses and lots on loth st , , near llurdotte st , ,
wo olfer to sell for very low figures that you
cau not bent , We wish you to investigate nnd
sen that we moan business. Wo have several
other pieces of property what wo offer to sell
and tiado very low. Wo have lands and farms
to sell nnd trade in almost every part ot the
country , west nud south of Ohlctqo. Wo oner
ns a spcclnI Inducement nnd bast Investment
for nil the Maxwell Intm grant in southern Col-
orndoiind northern New Mexico , Irrigated land
with full water right , whore wo guarantee your
lands will sell for J10J nor acre after you have
It o\vn to alfalfa , and we will soil it to you
now , the best land , for $16 per aaro ; terms 10
years. Ex. Land Co. , 310 South 15th st. 301
fTWO bnraalns Either lot 21 or 25 Stevens
JUplo'-e , csonth front , on motor Hue. close to
North Omaha factories ; $800 , IWO cosh , MOOIn
Oct. IHhl ) , ( .WO in three years from last April.
Only one lot will be sold , II. A , Upton Com
pany. 343 4
fjiULL lot in nlock 2 Orchard Hill , 5-room
JL1 hnuso. barn , well , cistern.shade trees. (2.400 ,
$1.000 cash , balance 4 years. M. A. Upton Com
pany , 10th and Knrnnm. 3434
/ " \NE ot the two house and lot bargains 1
V/havo been offering on Georgia nvo..north of now sold and occupiedbo cause
of my very low price. The south house ot the
two still remains a bargain open to somebody.
First comes , first served. To bo appreciated It
needs to be examined Internally. I positively
will not rent it , though several times oirered
ffiOpor month. Price , on very easy terms , W.OiiO.
W. T. Seaman , east stdo lijth at..north of Nich
olas st.,0maba's largest variety of wagonr nd
carriages. 203
Ouinhal South Omaha I All one
SOUTH lu the next r > years. Get some of
those coxisu lots around Summit Park. They
aio only " 15 miles from the Omaha poytullico ,
Wo have the largest list nnd b st bargains. M .
A. Uptou Company , 10th nnd Farnam. 313 4
AlN Part of the Dick Klmball estate
BAHG ) on lM.h street running through to
17th are. One 13 room house , nil modern con
veniences , nnd two six room houses. Totnl
rental $ IB 0 per year ; price 813,000. M. A. tip-
ton Company , Ifith nnd t'nruam. 29"
THOIl SALE Lot , 60x00 foot , 2 blocks from
-L1 court house. Inquire 1X.1) Farnam street.
313 2t
SOUTH OMAHA property is lootlngup ; big
sales there this fall. We have the largest
list nnd best bargains. M. A. Upton Company ,
loth und Farnam. 343 i
SALE Lots in Stewart Place on Lowe
FOR . ; Metropolitan cable passes property.
Oroom house and barn , Hnnscom Place. 2
houses and lota on Cuss St. , on easy terms.
Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. bank. 2W
SOUTH Omaha property from Q street to A ,
and between 21th nnd the railroad tracks Is
double gilt edg * . Every lot Is flOxHO. with 80
feet streets and 2Meat alloys. Wo have the
largest list and best bargains. M. A. Upton
Company , inth and Farnam r 313 1
TTlOIl SALE On longtime nnd easy payments.
J } handsome , new. well built houses of 8 , Sand
10 roomH. All conveniences , good neighborhood ;
paved streets , street cars nnd within walking
distance of P. O. Nathan Shelton , 1014 Farnam.
SOUTH OMAHA motor lines are "getting
there. " Real estate will ba lively In the
nextiM ) days. Wo have the largest list and best
bargains. M. A. Upton Company , 10th and
Farnam. - 343 4
TJ1OR BALE 543.73 acres , floe. 5. tp. li. r. Ow
X ? Hamilton county. Neb. House , stable , (130 (
acres tonced. living water. Price. $0.000. F. K
Atkins , ownwr , railroad bldg. , Denver , Col.
rriHE best money's norm of house and lot now
JL for sale lu Omaha is that which I am now
completing near 24th U. , ou paved Wlrt st. . in
Kountze place , h bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , 3 water closets ,
largo laundry , stationery wash tubs , furnace
nml coal room aud cellar , electric bells nnd
speaking tube , 12 cloiots. Price only 87,000 on
terms to suit. Likewise n duplicate adjoining
nt same price. W. T. Teaman , cast side ] 6th Bt.
north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and carriages. 230
E HAVE nearly all the best Bouth Omaha
property on our list. A few lots have es
caped us. Send us your prices and terms. We
are getting ready for the fall boom. M. A.
Upton Company , 16th and Farnam. 813 4
WILL take 81.100 for email house and full lot
COxlfU in Walnut Hill. Close to motor.
2400 cash and balance $10 month. Stringer It
Penny , Douglas blocg. 21B1
LIST your Bouth Omaha property with us If
you want it bold. We are going to have a
boom In the "original plat" within the next 00
days. U. A. Upton Company , 10thand Farnam.
343 4
FOR 8ALE-A 4-story brick block with high
basement , desirable for wholesale business ,
on cor. lot. Reasonable price. Particulars at
Paulson & Co. , 1511 1-arnam at. , Room B. 117 3
$48,500 Actual value Inside business and resi
dence ; the seventeen lots at hulf price to first
party comes. Why ? For mason am in need of
113,000 cash. Great chance. Address E 34. nee.
TT10B 8ALE-22,44 or CO feet of lot 8 block 7 < 1 ,
JJ at $050 per foot. ThU is within a quarterof
a block of the now P. O. Bite , and will be worth
11.000 insldoof a year.
The oM lot & block 101 , cor Douglas aud 10th
stH. , 41 'cot on DouglaH and 01 on lUth , price
% ,000 , ilO.OOO cash , , balance in five equal annual
The seli nwi sec 0 , 114 , r 13 e , Douglas Co , ,
price $12,0.10 , in.OOO cash , balance easy.
Lot 7 block ilV ) , South Omaha , price 11,200 ,
terms easy. W. R. K. & M. E. . room 14 , Cham
ber of Commerce , telephone 1440. 037
WE can offer for sale for the next few days
the following fine properties ; A 3-room
house In Improvement Association add. , with
barn and other out door Improvements. A lot
lu Oklahoma add. ; 1 In flowers' add. : 1 In
Cleveland Place ; 4 lots In Itosallnd Place. W. It.
E. & M. Ex. , Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce ;
telephone 1440 MI.
* ) acres near Bouth Omaha , would make a line
addition of 10 lots , price at bod-rock J.'l.OX ) .
B acres near Monmouth Park addition to Oma
ha , llrst class property for platting , price S7.UW.
Co-operative Laud and Lot Co. 205 N. Itfth nt.
100 U
S HOLES to the front again. Lust list all
sold out.
ravouo , 110,000 , IH.OJ ) , 113.000 , $ nroo.
aud from this down to a Hmail house for a
cent , buys residences In the city for bankers
down to the man who cleans the sewer.
JH.OOO or 7.000 buys either 12 or 0 room haute ,
barn , lota 78 and G0xl2l feet ground each , on
24th Bt. , Kountzo place , vtith furnace , gas and
fixtures , hot and cold water , bath , three ulegaut
mantels each , nil papered , ologaut lawns , on
grade , street paved , motor by October I. If
not cheap , come iu and I'll give them both to
you free ,
14.600 buys 8-room house , furnace , and every
thing even to electric wires for lighting gas ;
lot ( < 0xl50 , ncroBS street west of Dr. Mercer's
und 1 block from motor , K > U ) cash , foul. 0 per
10,000 buys full lot in Hnnscom place , Kd and
Pcpploton avenue , with 8-room house , furuuce
and everything else.
IJ.UM btiyg a Joe Dandy east front lot on UM
anil Paclllo street , Hanscom place ,
t.M and (7,000 residences in Kountze place
to trade for smaller houses and lot near tncre.
14.000. full lot and good house In Illllnlde add ,
opn , Webster street wheel to trade for vacant
lot. 81.200 buys either 4-room house , full lot. in
Central park or Hitchcock's add. , and tl.ouo
Himo in Urelghton heights add. t-.W buys line
lot on Farnam and 42d Bin. I9.7&0 buys 08x132
ft. on Casa at. opp. Cans school. C.MJU buyu
either ot two 6-rootn housea In Keddlck pure.
tl.OUO buys a fine 7-room cottage ou Itth and
Paul uta. . with bath , hot and cold water , slag
walk , and a corker for the inonoy ,
3 choice lota ualue in rash C-V-OO. in Lincoln.
Neb. , for good house and lot and pay balance
In CUKU. Submit offers. Also ICO acres choice
Und in NuckolU co , Neb , , and good bard cash
for CD olco city lot * . Submit.
If yon don't want to buy tend list of what
you nave to sell.
Wo are here for that purpose and there are
lots of them that will buy. There U Just an
( rood bargains to-day M one wants. Drop your
"crunry" Ideas and t to buslneaa.
ifor polnUre , see Buole * . 210 FlMt Nat'l bank
FOIl SALE neaittlful 8-room hous , all mod
ern Improvements. Including splendid fur-
SALE Easy terms , Kountre place.
JU Two homes , each 8 rooms , e ch M.OOO
Two homes , each n rooms , * aoh IT > . (0 J.
Two homes , each 15 rooms , each $7,000 ,
All with msdorn convenience.
All larce value nttho price.
All within n square of the motor lino.
Don't lose these opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W. T. Seaman ,
East side 10th ft , north of Nicholas st , .
Omaha's largest vnrlcty ot wngnns and car-
riagcs. _ ao
"nUU9ALK lluslnrss corner , tinixx > . u. * ' .
JL' Harrison , Merchants National bank , 293
G. WALI.ACK Hooms 310,111 , J. J. Iirown
building. ICth and. Douglas ,
South front lot on Farnam , worth $2,000 ,
Lot'lB , block It. llrlggs Place , corner , J2.000.
Lot 2J. block V , Orchard Mill , corner Lowe
nvcntip. very cheap , easy terms. J-'OJ.
Lot 21. block 8 , Orchard Hill , fSOO.
Lot 2 , block 1 , Orchard Hill , one ot the best
lots for business on Hamilton street. ? I,7AO.
Lot 11 , block "L , " Jx > wes' add. , 00 feet front ,
woith more , 81,300 ,
Lots. blooK 2 , Uollono's add. 0x1.13. on State
stroat. very good and easy terms , 11,000.
120 feat front corner on Ames ave and 28th ,
bargain for business , easy payments. twMU.
Fine east front In Plaluvlew. SI.WW.
Lot Si. block 4 , Monmouth Pare , fine lot , 0-
room cottage , > 0 cntn , 411 per month , tl.OV ) .
Largo 8-room house and two lots , Monmouth
Pnrk , your own terms. 9 1.WJ.
Monmouth Park tithe best addition for the
money , case of access , line vlow , beauty of lo
cation , and other advantages considered. Terms
casr. Parties wishing homos on easy payments
given special Inducements In Monmoutii Pnrk ,
What have you to trade for lot a , block V ,
Shlnn's addition , no , ft front on Soward.
with good cottage nnd room forauothcr.BUbJect
to { 2,000. long time ? Homo one wanting a homo
can got a bnrguln hero. Clear lot on Amos nvo-
nuo In Dciiman 1'laco to exchange for cottage
In west pnit of the city. To persons wishing
homes on easy payments I can offer special In
ducements in Carthiigo. West Cumtiig. Lincoln
Place. Orchard Hill. Cltrton Hill , Monmouth
Pnrk , Hawthorne , nnd Unites plnco. Money to
lonn on ronl estate security. O. Q. Wnllaco ,
llrown building , lUth aud Douglas. 1)42 ) ,1
E Parties wishing to build homes
JL1 in u first class residence portion of the city ,
within ono mile ot the postofllce. within a tow
blocksot the cable line with all the advantages
of gas , city water , sewerage and continuous
pavement from center of city , will flnd It to
tliolr advantage to got price nnd terms from us
before purchasing elsewhere.
A number of line lots In Hertford place from
MOO to $800. These lots ore within ft few blocks
of the now furniture factory now being built.
and will soon have the advantages ot paved
street and street railway. Do not miss an op
portunity of securing a lot for a borne betore
prices ndvanre In this locality. Lots. In Isaac
& Seldeu'a addition from tl..OO to M.OOO. These
lots are each TCxtZ4 foot large enough tor three
good sized cottngcs. , , . . . ,
A few enst front lots In blocks 1 and 2. Pot-
tor's addition , ranging In price from $1,350 to
Wo'havo some property within six miles of
Omaha , with fine stream of water , furnished
by large springs. > ? hlch is suitable for dairy
purposes , nude c.inscll from C to 100 acres
together , on very ens/ terms , or some ot It cnn
be exchanged for other good property.
South front lot on Hamilton st , near 80th st. ,
price ? lr,0.
East front lot on Georgia nvonno.ln llnrr Oak
addition , price $ 'JV ! > .
East front lot on Georgia avenue , between
Foppleton nnd Woolworth avenues , prlceW.r-00.
tine of the best lota In Patrick's addition ,
within 1 block of Samplers St. , price S2M ) .
Ono of the finest corner lots on Hroadwny , In
Council Hlulls , opposite the carriage factory
und power house , with 5il feet frontage on
Hroadwny by 178 on 28th st , , only Sl.ouu.
Lots lu Potter & Cobbs' addition. Council
Bluffs , from $20J to J.SOO. Terms very eivsy.
JSJ 0 Potter & Cobb. 1C01 1'aniam st.
TT10R SAIjR 9 room new house , full lot , nil
-I ? conveniences. Kountzo Place , M.BOO. Easy
terms. A bargain F. 1C. Darling , llarKor bl'k.
, B03-4
H UW long are you going to let that south
.front on Cass street in Hillslbo No. 1. go
bogging at 82,100. 8:1.000 : is price of adjoining
lots. II. A. Uptou Company , 10th & Farnnm.
sco us nnd nvostlgaco someof the
W bargains we have to oiror. Wo nre contluu-
oily listing now properties , nnd "If you don't
HBO what you want , ask for It. "
For sale lot 12 , Mock 14 Btull's second addi
tion at a bargain.
An olovntor property with loigo duelling
house , nta bargain. Elevator complete , ultn
boreo-power , scales , ofllco furnished , etc. A
line opening for a practical grain dealer.
Houses and lots In all parts of Omaha tor
sate and exchange.
. For exchange , for Omaha propnrty.1,000 acres
of school land lease , in one of the boat counties
In the state.
A lln residence property in Omaha View for
sale nta bargain.
From S7.1oOi ) to 8100.000 worth of llrst-c last
notes to exchange for Omaha property.
For aale , ntn bargain , hotel and livery barn.
In a coed Neoraska town. This is a line open
ing for a practical hotel man.
For exchange- Omaha property one of the
best farms In Rock county , Nebraska , together
with stock and machinery necessary to carry
on the pluco. Old agn nnd failing health of the
owner is reason tor selling-
A fine Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
coed soil , for exchange for Omaha property.
260 acres of Quo land in northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omaha property.
We hnve unsurpassed facilities for disposing
ot property , having some COO agents scattered
over four or five states. List your property
with us It you wlah a quick turn. w. It. E. &
M. E , , room 14 , Chamber of Commerce , telephone -
phone 1440. _ - 104
POR SALE Do you want n choice fnrm 10
miles northwest of Omaha ? If so , 1 have
just what will suit you , and can be bought at
KO per acre below its actual value. The nbo\
named farm contains " 75 acres of the 11 neat land
in the state , all enclosea with good barb wire
fence ; the buildings and orchard thereon nrn
In flrat-cluss condition. Two good wells furnish
abundant water. The very low prica of $10.00
per acre should command a ready purchaser.
Let me drive you out and show you this farm.
O. J. faternsdorlf. Heal Estate , Loan and Ex
change R raker. Rooms 1117 nndaifl. First Nat'l
IJank llulldlng. Telephone 401. 313 aO
WE liavo a choice lot for sale toparyt who
will build ; wo will give timejn the whole
of purchase money , Btilngor& Penny , DOUK-
laa block. 07J-8
" 171011 SALE Or exchange , for atock of mar-
JL1 chandlse , real estate in a thriving western
town , paying 25 par cent on the Investment , Ad
dress , Box 7 , Crawford , Neb , 110 3 +
"PARTIES having equity in Omaha real estate
JL with pressing incuiiibrimco uhould call on
Stringer & Penny , Douglas block. 07J-8
WO lota In Walnut Hill , close to the motor
and Holt Line depot , JjOO buys the two lots ,
Stringer lie Penny. Douglaa block. Wi g
HERE wo come with the very finest real-
dence properUe * In Omaha to sell 01 ox *
change for lots or land. We Bald the
llnebt. Do you doubt it ? Then come and let us
ahow them to you. If you wish to buy you can
ao so on your own terms. Do not neglect this
opportunity for never Jn the annuls of real es
tate transactions in Omaha lias a like opportu
nity been offered. W. U. K. 4 M E. . room 14 ,
Chamber of Commerce , Tel,1410. "KK
$20.000-44 feet front in heart of Omaha. ICth
Ht , , modern 3-story building , brings 10 p r
cent now , at low reuw ; must have $17.000 cntili ,
balance a per cent ; great oiler ; address EU'J.iloe. '
BUY a home In the center of the city , on
monthly payments. 1 will sell you a lot in
Aldluu square , nullda home of any kind , worth
from tl&.HJ upwards , und you can pay for it
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlne square
la on ( Jrace .street , between 23d and -Id streets ;
it baa all the advantages such as paved afreets ,
Bowersge , water , gas , and is n tlrHt-class local-
ity. Call at 1001 Furiiniu street and HOO plans
of buildin and got llgures. D , J. O'Donahoe.
KOUNTZE PLACK-0-roora house. Darn and
every convenience , for $7,000 , easy tonuH ,
Address for particulars , li 0.1. Hoe. CflU
mo MANUFACTURERS : 1 will give iiinplo
JL ground , with splendid trackage furlllrlc.s
on the Fremont , lilkhorn Ic Missouri Vnlloy
railroad or on the Missouri Patltlo ( Holt Line )
railway in Wostlawn , just outride the nlty
limits lu Wrat Omaha , conveniently situated as
regards necuicj to the uuslueas center ot Unmh.-i
and South Omulia. to parties for the location of
any of the following Industries i
Purnlluru 1'actory , llutton Factory ,
Bhoe Factory , Lara Rollnery ,
Starch & ( llutose W'ks. Hoan Works.
Paper Mill , Purlller Manufactory ,
Plow Works , llroom 1'actory ,
Harvester Works , Woolen Mill.
Nail Worka. Oatmeil Mill.
Knitting Mills , llox Manufactory ,
Bash. Door and Illlnd Wire \Vorks ,
nMf&SwiitIM' ° >
Or any good manufacturing plant , Westlawn
la Juat outside the city limits and Industries
planted there will escape heavy city taxes.
If you are thinking of locating In Omaha It
will pay you to Investigate this.
Geo. N , Hicks , Now Vorx Life building ,
Omaha. 7U8
FOK BALE. ) feel , east front near paved
utreetwith nowu-rooin modern hoiue.lJ.OUO.
C. V. Harrison. Merchants Nut'l bank , baa
TfOR BALE Two of the oeit located trackage
- * - lota , on the northwest corner of 2lat and
Izard atreeta , alze lAlxLTJ feet. For price aud
torma inquire of the owner , Edward Speller-
berg. 1018 North 21atatree ; 6'JT-aHt
T. OLAlil KiTropean tfotel , cor. 13tU and
Dodge ; apecUl ruto by week or month.
UltltAV HOTKIr-Newost , latest and only
firat-claaa hotel In Omaha ; tJ to 14 per day ,
I U. falllovr y , proprietor. 179
WINDSOR IlOTRti-Cornor ot 10th anfi
Jackson Mreots. fl blocks from Unto *
dopot. Hen M a nay honno in the city. IN )
raLORE MOTEL Nmvly furnished and nttel
! i > " t-n' Zl ! ! ! ! ! L > liIl
HOTEL rooms , elegantly tttrt
ntshcd. tl nnd t ,60 per day. 13th nu4
Jones at , , Omaha , p. A. Jtlalch , proprietor.
Notloojo Urndorn.
SRAI.r.1) Proposal will bo received at th
olllce of county dork , Douslns county ,
until Saturday , Aueuat 10th , at S p. m. , for the
following WOTS :
One and one-half ( l ) { ) miles ot litrnplklng nnd
ten thousand yards of hill worn on th rend
ninnlng ca t and weal between South Omnha
and Mlllnrd , known as a continuation ot Q
All bids to bo accompanied by certified check
for &i0.uu. The county reserves the right to re
ject nny nnd all bids. Specifications to ba
found In tin county clerk's olllce.
lu. D. HOCIIK. County Clerk.
T N3TRUMBNT3 placed on record during
JL yesterday.
Win Van Uur n to R O Wodell , lot 6 , blk
2. Lincoln Place , w d. . . . . ( C.OOO
J T Dillon ot nl to 8 8 Judy , lot 2 , tAk 17 ,
lledford Place , wd , . . . . . . . . . . 1,003
0 W l.ooml.1 and wtfo to Joseph Od-
nrka , lots. Oak Illll , wd. . . . . . . . . 40J
0 W Morton et ul to LP Slnkey. lot "H"
and n i it lot " 1. " Morton's suu , w d. . . . . . 075
.Vaul oison nnd wlfo to 1 U Arnold , u W
feet W i ( Iot27 , Redlck's2d mltl , w d , , . , 1,000
D L Thomns nnd wife to U J Hunt , lot 8 ,
blk m > . Flotcncc , w d 200
Druid Illll llutldlng asHOclntlon to At U
Hunt , lof-'O.hlk li , Unild Illll , wd . 1,849
Milton HemUIcks nud wlfo to H M Hunt ,
lotfi , blk KU , Florence , w d C&O
LWHllltoL O Dorsoy , lot 15 , bile S3 ,
Omaha Vlow oxt. , w d 1,018
VO Lixntrynnd wlfo to A ailchrUt , 14
lots in Horonco , q o d , 1
V O Lnhtry and wlfo to A atlchrlxt. 20
lots In Florence , pt lot 'M , part lota 0
find I , blk 14 , lu I'loruuco , tied. . 1
E A ilcnson and wife to It L Oarltoks lota
1 and 2 , blk 0. lots IB to 2. % blk 11 , ioU UJ
tor H.blk 12. llrlRRs Plnco. w d lO.Hl
H C Patterson nnd wife to A H hitch , lots
Ito4. nod 21 to 21 , blk 11 , ltdgwocd .
paik.wd , 8,000
RLdarllckstoR Uondrlcknon , lots 37
nnd ! ! . DlkW , Itrlgcs Place , wd 3,000
RLOnrllrkstoJEMcCuslCjlots 18 and '
II ) , blk 11. Ililggs Place , wd. . . . 3.C09
R L Gnrllcks to W W Doten , lots 1 and 2 ,
blicO , llrlggs Place , wd : . , ,3,000
It L QnrllckB to J W Martin , lota 32 and
23 , blk 11. llnggs Plnco. wd 3,6X1
llLUnrllckstoJ K Orchard , lots M nud
2Lhlk 11 , Urlggh Place , wd 8,000
U L OarllcKsto H V Pnttorson , lots 24 and ,
St , blk 11. Ilrlges Plnce.w d. . . , . 51,600
R L Garlicks too I > Sherwood , lots US nnd
30blkl2 , Hrlggs Pluco , wd 8noo
Twenty transfers , aggregating Jf3.0(5
Westward ,
Running between Council niiilT * and Afc
brleht. In addition to the s tit loin mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth and Tweuty-fourtH
rtreets. nnd at th Hummlt in Omaha.
Omaha Souih At-
way. for. depot , Shooly. Omaha bright.
A.M. "A.M. A. M. A.M. A.M. A. M.
6:61 : 0:00 : IOI ;
0:10 : 0:80 8:17 0:50 6:61 :
0:40 : 4147 7:20 7:2S :
' 7:3 ! 7:55 :
7:45 : 7:6i : 8:05 iao
8:33 8:43 : sW ; (
8:4.5 : 8:53 : 0:01 : UU
U35 ; out 9:55 : loioci
0:4I : > 0:52 : 10:05 10:26 103U ;
104b ; 10 : 11:05 11:12 11:26 11:30 :
11:45 I'.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
P M P.M. 12:06 12:12 I2a5 :
12:45 : l':52 : 1:06 nw
1:45 1:52 : 2:0) S:80 :
2S5 : 2:42 : 3:08 :
3:45 2:52 : 3:01 ! ll : 8:30 :
SM 4:10 4:1S
' ' ' 3:57 : :
'a':45 : 'BJK 4OA ; 4:12 4W 4iUO
4:50 : 4:67 : 6:10
4:46 6:05
t > :45 : 8:05 0:2.1 :
0:45 : 7:05 : 7:80 :
7:45 : tM 8:05 8I2 8:23 : 8)30 )
8:45 : 8M : 9Cfi 0:13 : 0:2 :
U:45 : B:52 : lujai 102 : ! 10:26 : loiso
11:00 11:07 : lv.r ar 11:20i 11:51 12:01 : 11)109 )
< ll : iUlll
f rsn tvf nra.
South Biies- Omaha Tran - ftroad"
bright. Omaha ley. Depot , far. way.
A. M. A.M. A. M. . M. A. M.
. 6:41 : C6T |
6i55 BiOU 8:10 0:16 0iS6
7:00 : 7:03 : 7:15 : 7:20 7:46
7:50 : 7:55 8:07 : 8:15 8Z7 8:83 :
8:05 : 8:10 : 8:22 8:30
8:50 8:54 : 0:07 0:16 : SllfJ
U23 " ' '
0:50 : 10:07 : 10:16 'i6'S7 : 10:35 :
10:05 : 10:1C : 10:22 1U'JO ;
10:50 : 10:55 : 11:07 11:16
11:60 : , M. . M. P. M. P. M
P.M. P. M. 12:07 : U:16 : U:2 : 12:26 :
P.M.W.V. 1:16 1:37 1:35 :
2:05 : 3:16 : 2:77 8:3 : }
3:5C : 3U : U:07 : 8:16 : 3:27 I
Ullt 8:21 0:31 :
8M 8:51 : 4:07 4:161 : 4:87 4181
4-M 4:21 : 4:3 : ] 4:46 : "
4:60 : 4 ! tl ' 6Jfi
6:20 : t':3\ : \ C:46 : "
6:56 : e:07 : 1:16 : "T.27 .
0:66 : 7:01 : 7US 7:21
7:50 : 7:65 : B:0 : ; a :
8:50 : 8:65 : 9:07 : 0:15 Bi
9U : ) 8:65 : 10:07 : 10:11 10:11 :
10:50 : 10.14 11:07 : ar. 11:30 : UiU
12) ) H li'.MI 12:24 : ft ) T.
100 BOOK
BALABMc'jlOOJi ! ?
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