Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1889, Image 1

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A Letter From The Boo'a Intrepid
Alaska Oorroapoudont
A Graphic Rcoltal of Ills Wander-
After Separating From 1II
CompanlonR A Future Mccon
For Sclontlsts.
A Tale of Alnnkn.
JDNEAU , Alaska , July 22. To the Editor of
TUB Bun : My reported loss by having fallen
into n crevasse In ono of the glaciers while
Investigating the alleged appearance of u
city In a mirage in thut vicinity during the
longest days In the ycur , was the result of
fears on the part of my companions In my
not returning to our canoe for about two
Whllo crossing a glacier about 5 o'clock on
the afternoon of July 0 , my companion and
myself wore surprised by the apnoaranco of
what looked like four or flvo window frames ,
with the sash distinctly outlined , and for a
considerable space above , below and on the
tides , dim shadows of blocks and columns
shifting nnd apparently trying to settle into
position. For the first tlmo in ubout ten
days of our watch for the "Silent City" wo
were con fronted by what wo both thought
might bo It. In our c.igornoss to catch it wo
became excited , and I suggested that ho go
across the glacier to the right and
I to the loft , nnd wo separated.
I crossed the glacier and attempted to got
upon the barren side of n mountain , but
found It difficult , nnd when I reached about
the point for which 1 started the mlrago hud
disappeared , nnd I soon started on my re
turn. 1 suddenly came to yawning chasms
and crovusscs impossible to cross , nnd I could
not rcCognl/o my surroundings. In looking
In the opposite direction I saw another gla
cier apparently about n tnllo off , and as its
turfaco looked free from crevasses concluded
lhat was the ono over which I crossed , and
Immediately started that xvay. I crossed it
lately , and when I thought I had gene far
tnough , could see. nothing of my canoe , the
Indians or my companion. It suddenly
Bawnod upon tno that 1 was lost , and realiz
ing that I was in a country entirely destitute
Df wood as largo as pipe atoms , on the shore
of an endless extent of lea nnd snow , among
mountains as barren of vegetation as the
glaciers themselves , on ouo side of mo a
itrotch of water eight or ton miles across to
Iho opposite batik , and with food hardly
enough to answer for u lunch , I thought there
mis but ono tiling for mo to do , namely ,
keep on traveling until I could find my party.
I paid little attention to the time of day ,
but exercised wise discretion in eating spar
ingly of my food. I must have traveled eight
or ten hours before changing ray courso. I
ilcpt only when the sun was high in the
heavens , and rested only upon the mountain
tides. The continual breaking-oft of the im
mcnso blocks of ice , and the thundo'-lng of
reports as they fell Into the bay , kept my
ears ringing constantly , and I was in n fever
ish state of fear , loaclincss and despera
tion , as I looked upon what I felt was cer
tain starvation in n country whore I could
never bo found.
I had not encountered but one white man
In nearly two weeks of my travels , aud bad
not soon twenty Indians ull told. Contrary
tomy Judgment , I finally reversed my
course , nnd traveled in the direction I had
coino from , hardly realizing whcro I wus go
Ing. To add to my misery , my eyes were in a
bad state , nnd at times I could scarcely sco
twenty foot ahead of mo. The weather was
bright and clear , and during the whole tlmo
I was out , if there was an hour , day or
night , when the moon did not shiua in ra
diant clearness I did not know it. If the
dark and gloomy weather had prevailed then
as I have scon It in other portions of Alaska ,
I could never have survived.
About 0 o'clock on the afternoon of the
third duy , I thought ( hoard voices , a
looking out into the bay suw a canoe just on
the opposite side of the line of Icebergs that
hug the shore , containing two canoes , and
they appeared to notice mo about the sarno
instant. For the first time In over llfty
hours , aud like a flash , I was not right in my
position , and I recognized the fuct that my
mistake occurred when coming to thd ere
vu&scs in the glacier , when if I had rene up
nnd headed them , would have come out all
I have this to say In reference to my visit
to Glacier Bay : Thora is enough among the
mighty seas of Ice that empty its fragments
into this bottomless stretch of water , its
enow-clad beaks and the barren and desolate
mountains at their feet , the peculiar condi
tion of the atmosphere that prevails on every
clear day , together with the startling mirage
effects tha' , I witnessed time and tlmo again ,
to servo as a study thut months of continual
Investigation would not satisfy.
I shall leave for that field again within a
few days to continue my investigations , with
Professor WilloiiKhby us guide , and a suffi
cient party to assist mo in the prosecution of
my work , and I hope to bo able before long
to glvo you more thui ono intorcstlng chap
ter on what will soon provo to bo the niocca
for scientists , nnd these in search of pleasure ,
nnd observation , MINKU W. BKUCE.
Plymouth's Bonn and
Gather Co the Dncllontlnn.
PI.TWOOTH , Mass. , August 1. The grand
national"monumen'1. . in honor of the pilgrims
wan dedicated to-day. The sons "ana daugh
ters of Plymouth were hero in great num
bers. The weather of the early morning was
unpropitlous. It was necessary to view the
purudo from beneath umbrella * . The cele
bration bettan at sunrise with a salute by the
battory. The morning trains brought vast
numbers of strangers und a great throng
surrounded the monument at 9 : , ' 10 , when the
dedicatory .cxoielsea were carried out bv the
Masbnlo grand lodge according to the rituul
of their order.
At the completion of the parndo , the ofll
cer s and members of tbo Pilgrim society ,
with the orator , poet uud invited guests ,
took their places Iu the grand dining tent
and the feast provided for tbo occasion wus
discussed for an hour.
Governor Long , chairman. In an appro
priate speech , Introduced the orator of the
day , Congressman Brccklurldgo. Brcckin-
rldco was received with applause as ho began
his oration. At its conclusion John lioylo
O'Reilly , the poet of the occasion , was in
troduced , und road his poem , "Tho Pilgrim
Fathers. " After the reading of the poem
addresses were made by Lieutenant Gov
ernor Hr.ickott , on behalf of the state ;
George F , Hoar. Henry Cabot Lodge ,
Wlllmm Cogswell , E. A. Morse , James G ,
Ululuo and others.
I'Voudo U Not a liomc-Huler.
LONI > ON , August l. Froudo , tbo historian ,
lias written & letter denying the truth of the
reports that ho had become a home-ruler. Ho
aadsi "Gladstone's policy is only a spas
tuodio Rush of tuntluient suggested by some
condition of English party politics. It Is
the worst aud uioit caudaloui affair Iu Kng-
llib history ,
Great DAmngo Done and Ono Life
Io t at Philadelphia.
PIIILADELPHIA , August 1. The waters of
the Schuylktll rlvor yesterday attained the
highest point In this city for twenty years ,
Involving destruction of property estimated
nt from $10,000 to $20,000. But ono fatal ac
cident Is reported the drowning of Samuel
Dallas , aged fourteen. Throughout the
eastern section of the state
the rainfall was very heavy.
Many houses and mills along
Hramlywino creolt In the vicinity of Wcst-
chustcr and Downlngton were flooded nnd
business seriously Interrupted. At Wllllams-
port the brldgo over the Susquchaiina had to
bo ballasted with heavily loaded coal cars.
A large portion of the Schuylklll valley , in
thu vicinity of Norrlstown and Conshock , Is
Almost entirely under water. Considerable
dtimngo wus done but no lives nro reported
lost. The water in nearly nil the larger
streams Is subsiding.
A Dan-serous Dam.
PLAINFIKLII , N. J. , August 1 , The present
estimate of the damage done by the flood
from the broken dnm at Fultvlllo to the Cad
mus dam , a distance of flvo miles , is (250,000.
The streets in Phiinfleld are damaged to the
extent of $20,000. The large upper daui at
Foltvillo Is reported leaking badly nnd It
may break nt any tune. Mora rain will
prove disastrous. Thu dam is twenty feet
nigh nnd it holds back a lake n milo and a
quarter long , from three hundred to flvo
hundred feet wide und thirty foot deep In
some places. If it gives way Scotch Plains
and Fanwood will probably bo swept out of
existcnco and Pluinfleld will bo inundated.
A Seventeen l < ooi Rise.
RICHMOND , Va. , August 1. The James
river is seventeen feet nbovo ordinary low
water mark and Is rising four Inches an
hour. The wharves at Rocicets are all under
water nnd the adjacent streets , houses and
cellars nnd the gus works are inundated. A
nnmbor of business houses had to suspend
Irado nnd move their effects , in consequence
01 the Stock creek backing up water from the
rivur and overflowing their premises. It Is
still raining. The indications point to a
f reshot equal to the greatest of years ,
Bismarck Pours Cold Water On
Woman Suffrage.
BISMARCK , N. D. , August 1. At lost
evening's session tbo convention , through
the efforts of Williams , adopted the amended
report of the Judiciary committee by pro
viding that the supreme court shall give its
opinion on any bill or question pending before
fore the legislature when requested by the
legislature or the governor. This created a
lively tilt to day and the matter was recon
sidered and defeated. It was decided to-day
to hold three terms of the supreme court
yearly , ono ut the capital , one nt Fargo und
and ono nt Grand Forks. On the proposed
adoption of the report of tbo committee of
the whole giving the legislature power to ex
tend the right of suffrage to women , an
amendment was adopted that such action ol
the legislature must bo ratified by a vote ol
the people. The-suffragists are despondent
A Short SrnMon.
Sioux FALLS , S. D. , August 1. A short
session of the convention was hold to-day ,
but no business of importance was dono.
Tbo South Dakota members of the Joint
commission returned from Bismarck to-day ,
nnd the consideration of their report will be
begun to-morrow. Tno arrangement
reached by the commission meets with
hcurty approval.
The Day at Olympin.
OLYMI-IA , W. T. , August 1. Two important
committee reports were handed in to-day.
Ono provides that the water of every nat
ural stream is for the use of the people ,
When the supply Is not sufficient for all pur
poses it shall bo first used for domestic pur
poses , then for agricultural , and lastly for
manufacturing purposes. The right
to run ditches , flumes and sluice
ways for agricultural or mining pur
poses is guaranteed on payment
for the private property taken. The other
report was from the laud committee , and de
clures that ull public lauds are held by the
state for the people and shall never bo dis
posed of except for value paid. The right o :
navigation over tide lands Is guaranteed
The public lands uro to be sold only at auc
tlon. and to the highest bidder , at .not less
than the appraised value. No more than
one-third shall bo sold before 1895
and no more than two-thirds before
fore 1000. Lands within the corporate
limits of a city or town or within a mile o
their limits , worth not less than (200 per
aero , shall bo divided into blocks of lots no
more than flvo acres each , only ono block beiui
sold at ono time. Timber on land must b (
cold at the full appraised value. The minor
ity report recommends thut persons occupy
ing school lauds shall have prior right o'
The clause of the report of the commltte
on corporation forbidding counties to gran
subsidies was adopted to-day utter a vigor
ons debate.
A Wrangling Tlmo.
HELENA , Mont. , August 1. Tne time o
the convention to-day was occupied ii
wrangling over the various sections of tb
report of the committee on miacollancoui
subjects. A proposition to tax the irrigating
canals and ditches of companies or ind
vlduals , and mining and farming interest
caused a long debate. Burlelgh wanted t
exempt Irrigating property , but to oinpowc
the legltluturo to fix the water rates. Th
section was finally defeated , The legislature
wus authorized by u two-thirds vote to
alter or amend the constitution , subject to u
vote of tbo people.
Ncarlnit the End.
BOISB Crrr , August 1. The work of the
convcntiou is rapidly Hearing the end. The
bill of rights was subjected to general dis
cussion to-day and finally passed.
Heavy Tlmliur Mrua In Idaho.
BOISE CITY , Idaho , August I , Governor
Shoup bus information thut there are heavy
timber lires in Wood Rlvor county. The cit
izens have been fighting the flro there for
two days and now ask for assistance. The
country here is almost obscured by the dense
Sully Hollloqulzos In a Truly Fhllo-
Huphlcal Manner.
NEW Youic , August 1. John L. Sullivan
was taken before the supreme court to-day.
He said ho was willing to go south , and
Judge O'Brien ordered that ho be turned
over ut once to Deputy Sheriff Chllds , of
Jackson , Miss.
Counsel Nlcoll informed the Judge that before
fore the arrest was mauo Sullivan made up
his mind to go back voluntarily and surren
der himself to the authorities of Mississippi ,
fcolmir confident ho would be Justly and
fairly dealt with , Ho further said that when
Sullivan eqtered Into the compact to fight
Juke Kilrain ho understood the battle crouud
would bo in Louisiana nnd it was not until
the night before iho light that the place was
changed to Mississippi , and Sullivan did not
know until thu ring was reached that ho was
in Mississippi , Ho did not choose tbo ground
and ho had no Intention of breaking the law ,
but ho had no alternative but to fight or become -
come a poltroon. Sullivan will leave for
Mississippi tn-nlght.
When Sullivau reached headquarters again
after surrender In court , be said i "If I had
known there was a law against tlchtlng in
Mississippi I would not have fought there.
I would not hnvo made myoolf liable to ar-
rcsU Well , I will go back nudtnkomy med
icine. ' * Ho chowcd the end of his cigar n
Whllo nnd continued , "Anyhow I would hnvo
to have fought that fellow Kilrain ; I was
goaded to It. Tha whole gang would have
walked nil over tno it I find not licked him ,
I suppose I'm a scapegoat now for doing it
nnd Kilrnln will go free. Poor follow , they
don't ' want him , no's licked. "
Three-quarters of an hour after Sullivan's
arrival at headquarters ho was ready for his
trip. After shaking hands with Inspector
Byrnes ho was transferred to the keeping of
Agent Chllds , of Mississippi , who made out
a receipt for the llvo stock as follows !
"Received from Inspector Thomas Byrnes
the body of John L. Sullivan , surrendered
under order of the supreme court.
L. T. CIIILDS , Agent. "
Now that Sullivan is sure to go to Missis-
slppi quite a number of his friends and back
ers in this city nro worried over the sltun-
Ion. The fate of "Sull.v" may bo their futo
joforo long and they are wondering what
.lie next move of Governor Lowry will bo.
Now If according to tills law it is possible to
xtradito Sullivan it is equally easy to so-
nre possession of William Muldoon , Clmrlio
ohnston , .Tunics Wakoloy and some of the
lackers of Sullivan.
Sullivan loft at 7:35 : on his southern jour-
icy in company with Muldoon ; Pat Martin ,
jls brother MiKe and a man who calls him
self P. S. Trent. State Agent Childs and
Detective Sergeant Adams.
The Chlcnjjo Oonrnat Denonno-s the
11 cent G. A. R. Meeting Thnrc.
CIIICAOO. August 1. The Chicago Evening
ournol tins afternoon criticises severely the
report furnished to the Chicago papers by
.ho . City press association of the recent G.
fR. . meeting in this city. It also denounces
ho G. A. R representatives themselves for
alleged attempts to unduly Influence- the
press In the Interest of their boycott of the
offending railroads. Regarding the meeting
of the department commanders Wednesday ,
which was held for the purpose of considor-
ng the advisability of adhering to their
former recommendations of uon-uttcndanco ,
the Journal says editorially :
Ono of thu most 'mischievous parts of the
conspiracy to the boycott in which n few
misguided Grand Army leaders have en
gaged , is the dissemination of false intelli
gence through the press. They have appar
ently obtaiucd control of some special re
porter and loud the telegraph wires with flc-
tions in regard to their doings. For Instance ,
on Wednesday dispatches were sent'to the
Milwaukee press , if not elsewhere , abso
lutely stating that eight states were repre
sented in Chicago at the secret meeting of
kickers held that duy and a list of the de
partment commanders is given as If they
actually were present. The story is abso
lutely false ; but two department command-
eis were in Chicnco on thnt day , Martin , of
Illinois , nnd Brown , of Michigan. All rest
is fustian. "
The Encampment Doome'l.
MILWAUKEE , August 1. The encampment
situation is rapidly growing worse. It Is ap
parent that nothing can prevent the encamp
ment , as an oncamument , from being a fail
ure. The last hope of getting the cont-a-milo
rate to bring largo crowds to Milwaukee Is
gone. Twenty business men of Milwaukee
held a conference this forenoon with Presl
dent. . Miller , of tbo Chicago , Milwaukee &
SUPaul road , and John S. Georgcof the Chicago
cage & Northwestern , and mapo a strenuous
attempt to induce them to favor the 1-cent
rate. President Miller stated ho could do
nothing toward securing It.
Milwaukee Mpn Determined.
MILWAUKEE , August 1. The boycotting
circular of the state department command
ers was discussed at a meeting of the local
Grand Army encampment council to-night.
After a stormy session a resolution was
adopted to go ahead with the preparations
for the encampment and that tno usual
parade bo hold despite the refusal of these
commanders to take part in it.
Dcvlslnj ; Ways and Means to Get the
CHICAGO , August 1. The Chicago world's
fair committee held a meeting this afternoon
to devise ways and means of securing the
coveted location for the world's fair ut Chicago
cage , Over two hundred of the most prom-
incut citizens were present and the meeting
was most enthusiastic. Among the resolu
tions adopted was the following :
Resolved. That whereas the recent cel
ebration in Now York received ( very
properly nnd with Chicago's hearty
concurrence ) the distinct recognition of
congress , nnd of the chief officers of the
government , imparting to it n national char
ter , and like recognition and substantial aid
having boon extended to the World's Fair in
Philadelphia , also with Chicago's , cordial
co-operation .in and out of congress , there
fore the west feels justified in insisting upon
Its turn now , and the location of the next
great fair In its commercial metropolis.
An executive committee consisting of
thirty-flvo of the leading citizens was ap
pointed. Governor Fifer nnd Senator Cul-
loin wore added to the general committee ,
and the mayor was also authorized to add to
the general committee the representatives of
cities of western and northwestern states.
The Chicago Rlvor Polluting the
City's AVutcr Supply.
CHICAGO , August 1. [ Special Telegram tc
THE HER. ] The condition of the river aad
lake at the present time Is attracting univor
oul attention. A distinguished engineer who
has watched tbo situation closely ever since
the storm , from the top of the water tower
and from the top of the Pullman building ,
furnishes some interesting facts as to the
effect of the wind on the spread of the pol
luted water in the lake. "Tbo constant ef
fect since Saturday , " ho says , "has been the
precipitation of the city so werago on about ono
hundred square miles of the lake bottom In
front of the city , where it will be liable to
aintutlon by storms , and to mixing witli the
drinking waters for years to como , The
water is now certainly polluted. Chemist
Long has examined the water , and I believe
what ho says In thin respect that the water
is impure. All lake water should bo balled
bcforo using , as It is liable to make people
ill , although there Is no alarming danger , as
the impurities do not exist in sufficient quan
tities to bo harmful to any great extent when
the river does not contaminate the lako. I
believe wo huvo the purest water in tbo
world. "
Canadians Wagglm : Thnlr Heads
Over tha Itlack Diamond Helznre.
OTTAWA , August 1. The excitement over
the seizure of the sealer Blank Diamond In
Bohring sea still continues. The govern
ment Is In communication with the officials
at Victoria. The report that Canada has ad
vised a policy of reprisal is unfounded. The
government is not disposed to recognize
American pretensions in Behrlntr sea , but
after ull will have to acquiesce In the course
of the imperial authorities. No word has
been received from England on the subject ,
but it Is believed Lord Stanley is In constant
communication with Lord Salisbury.
Chemical Works liurnlntf.
LONDON , August 1 , A dispatch received
from Glasgow at noon states that the Cross
extensive chemical works were burning , and
that McFarlano's distillery was threatened.
The damage has already amounted to 20,000 ,
Ivea and Stay nor Returned to Jail ,
NEW VOKK , August 1. The writs of habeas
corpus and certlornrl In tbe Ives und Stayuer
case were dismissed in the supreme court
chambers to-day without argument and the
prisoners were returned to jail.
Ho Delivers an Address Before
Grand Army Votorans.
The Reunion Proving n Orcnt Suc
cess Kxninliintlon of the Indian
Mimlerers at Ponder
Stnto News.
VTymnrn'B Successful Reunion.
WTMOIIU , Nob. , August 1. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKB. ] The reunion at this
ilaco thus far has beep a brilliant success ,
although the ussombly Is not as largo ns was
ooltcd tor , yet It hua been larco enough.
Hon. C. H. Van Wyck arrived direct from
Washington to-day and mudo a very cnthus-
nstlo speech , lasting about two hours. Post
Commander Henry , Adjutant General A. V.
3olo , Prof. Mornvn , Colonel Hotchklss , anil
ithcrs , ontcrtnlncd tho. assembly with
pooches and songs. A naval battle was
ought last night on Indian creek , battery A ,
N. G. , and battery 13 participating. Com
pany G , Kansas National guards , arrived
yesterday evening and is now in camp.
A military ball is in progress at the
opera house , given under the auspices of
Bnttory A , in honor of Governor Thayer and
itaff. Another sham battle will be fought
.o-morrow afternoon , The visitors are all
unanimous In the opinion that Camp Hnrri-
lon is as line if not the finest park in the
itato. The full staff of the officers of the
Stuto Department , G. A. R , of Kansas ,
arrived at 5 iiO ! this evening , The following
s the staff : Henry Booth , Lamed ; Ira F.
lling , Sabotha ; J. F. Thompson , Sabotha ;
Dr. Horace P. Porter and O. H. Coulter , of
To-morrow will bo the greatest day In the
history of Wyinoro. A band contest for
hi'CO prizes of f00 , $30 and $10 takes place at
1:30. :
Following is the speech of Hon. C. II. Van
iVyck :
The years glide swiftly by. One after an
other of our comrades fall by the way. Dis
ease and disability are paralyzing the oner-
pics of many. But few of the grand army
of the union , which accomplished greater re
sults and achieved uioro of glory than the
history of the world records , nro to-day In
the vigor of manhood and able to struggle in
iho race of life for its enjoyments , scaicely
for its bread. It. all ages , past and present
Christian , Infidel or barbarian the men
who willingly sacrificed > lifo are looked upon
as uioro than human , as worthy of respect
ana worship. Unfortunately in most UKOS
this great veneration is principally a souti-
mont , much HUe that of same saints , whom
Christ pictured as soluble in.prayer , "Bo yo
fed and cloLhed. " This sort of reward comes
too late , and the dead soldier must bo satis
fied with full rations Of solemn anthems uud
olqucnt requiems.
Nearly thirty years ago , when gnm-visaged
war was ushered in by flip scream of rebel
guns around Fort Sumptcr , you worn young
men those locks not whitened , those limbs
not shackled with rheumatic pains. In its
first note of defiance , and later in Its be
seeching entreatiesv the republic urged
you to siivo the lifo and honor of
the ration , and , if you fell , dependent
parents , wives and children should bo amply
provided for and want sttotdd jievcr come to
their hearthstones , and If you survived the
perils of battle and disease. o'verything
should bb yours , the treasury Jhould open at
your coming , and places of honor and trust
should bo at your service. These promises
were brought on a silver platter , but the
fruits came not so cheerfully. Even pensions
ci > mo grudgingly , and generally after clays and
months uud yours of struggle , unless it were
to certain officers and those in position , when
fractions of dollars are unt measured and
disabilities and painful want are not neces
sary for liberal allowance or roratmg.
With the incoming ; of Comrade Tanner
there were great expectations. Ho began to
infuse some of bis own sympathy and enthu
siasm" for the noldier into tbo pension de
partment , and insisted that the promises of
the nation should bn redeemed and made ns
sacred us the promises to the bondholders.
Knowing this employosiin that department ,
general officers , members of congress and
senators made hasta to secure the benefits of
the first change of the tUu , knowing full well
that as soon us the money centers and the
conservative clement , iis'lt is proud to bo
called , ascertained that the surplus
was being reduced by payinc hon
est debts to soldiers instead of
unearned premiums to bondholders , a howl
would go up , danger would bo threatened ,
and the clamps would bo placed on Tanner ,
a halt ordered and bright hopes again , Ilk o
dead sen fruits , would turn to ashes on the
lips. They know no * administration could
withstand the attack of the money power. It
was well that reratinga giving thousands
back pay to these in position and statesmen
in congress required not more than five days ,
for soon , much sooner , than was expected ,
came the summons to halt and retrace steps
bcforo the rank and file could have an op
portunity or oven knowledge that the good
time coming was here , and. now and alas had
gone. ,
While Comrade Tanner was addressing
the thousands in Nebraska his work was
impeded and himself rebuked by striking
down his acting medical referee , Dr. Car-
enter , himself o soldier , who was appointed
C y Grant and had been in the department
eighteen years , because ho was too liberal in
rorating. Tanner vvas allowed to remain ,
but the employes are notified that if any
complaint of too much liberality is made ,
removal from ofllco will bo the penalty.
And thus the struggle for right ,
for Justice , for common honesty , ( still
goes on under every administration.
Until tbo American people elect a congress
bravo and generous enough to put every sol
dier on the pension Hat this struggle will go
on and many union soldiers will bo wearing
out enfeebled lives in grinding hand organs
at the street corners and enjoying the hospi
tality of alms houses.
True , some relief Is' Afforded by soldiers' '
homes , yet some ef Uieicf under federal con
trol are but little removed from soldier pris
ons , with not as many privileges as the In
dian on the reservation.
A few days ago I passed through the
ground * of the homo at' Washington , bun
a reds of acres beautiful , In parks and car
Hugo ways , forest trees and fountains , wi'.h
costly buildings adorned in the highest art.
You would say this was nil thut could bo desired
sired an elegant retreat , solace , rest , sub
sistence yet munv are there , not for its
splendid surrounding * , but for bread , and yet
fool deprived of everything that makes Ufa a
Joy and benodictjon. Mo family ties there
no home Influences , none of the sacred asso
ciations that sweeten * tbo crust and makes
poverty endurable.
fs It not heartless for a great gov
eminent , iu payment * of its honest
debts , to say you can not have
this pittance unless you surrender up ul
the other enjoyments aud privileges of life ,
pass the remnant of your days under guard
and not dnro wundor beyond the lines except
by permission of ait ofllcer.
Even in this state , as economically man
aged as is our institution , us much good an r
may do , I venture to say the Inmates of tbo
homo und yourselves would concur that the
expense of that Institution , if divided among
the Inmates , would afford to them more sub
stautial enjoyment at their old homes , amom
wives and children or old associates ant
friends. The soldier needs assistance , yet
ho Is doaled the privilege of roaring his
family and seeing them grow up iu honorable
though laborious pursuits.
It has boon said that republics are not un
grateful. That may do for poetry , not stern
pro&e. You are not asking gratitude from
the republic , only that it preserve its honor
by keeping honestly IU contract. The revo
lutionary patriots , the soldiers of 1812 , am
the Mexican war , suffered , labored , bo
Bcoched , when at last long deferred , grudg
ingly , a service pension was frauled
Call you that gratitude ) It is the
same to-day. You have suffered ,
labored , bcscochcd , not that the repub
lic should bo cratcful only honest ,
The Mexican bill give * n pension to every
soldier who is sixty-two years of ngo , or de
pendent , or disabled , no matter the cause of
disability. Why should not this bo done to
the soldiers of the army of the union. The
only reason given is that there nro too many
soldiers still llvlnir nnd It will cost too much.
Wo must wait until the most of you have
gene to the tomb nnd the few surviving will
not have many years on earth. Thou a serv
ice pension will bo allowed. Is it not mock
ery to call this gratitude ! Throe-fourths of
the nation would rojolco to sco every soldier
on the pension roll , but majorities do not
control legislation. Wall street , the money
center of combined capital , not only controls
business , commerce and transportation , but
the price to bo paid for your corn nnd benf ,
compels the payment of a premium of 25
cents on the $1 to the bondholder nud do-
immds that pensions bo resisted , reduced to
the lowest rate , nnd then grudgingly paid.
These uro your masters. They dictate and
overcome your legislatures , congress and
the national administration. The question
arises : D.tro you oppose them , nt
cast in the matter of pensions I
In other mutters , nnd even this , the
musses are as powerless as were the slaves
airuinst their musters. Courts now nnd then
decide against syndicates and trusts , but
ihoy glvo no hood , not oven respectful atten
tion , ta its decrees.
King George imposed a tax of a penny n
> ound on ten. and the revolutionary war was
iho result. In this great republic the' sugar
syndicate , greater than King George , within
six months , imposed n tax ns arbitrary , of
) fonts per pound , thereby forcing from tbe
consumers fi)0,000,000 ) annually , nnd you
don't do ns your fathers did. Oh , no.
Scarcely a gentle protest. Some really waltz
irouud cheerfully to the crack of the party
lash and obey the behests of leaders con
trolled If not owned by such masters , trusts
and combinations.
This should never bo tolerated in n repub
lic worthy the namo. No man must open
his mouth in condemnation , while the money
stolen from the people is used lo purchase
leaders andaubsldi/e a portion of the press.
But when this monster devil flsh solves with
Its hundred tentacles the administration nnd
the treasury , and bids back the honest
demands of the soldier , then the people
should arise as ono man nnd compel the
withdrawal of Its mailed nnd corrupting
hand from these things th& great heart of
the American people hold sacred.
Yet with nil the hardships of the struggle ,
and tbe sense of injustice , you would not
cart with your shnro of the inheritance of
glory. You have something you prize above
gold to devise to your children. It will DO
their pride that a father wus ono of the
grand army that saved the republic , the
homo of liberty. A grander army than even
Napoleon marshalled , they had the sacred
fervor < ind enthusiasm of the Crusaders , the
bravery of Roman legions , the Intelligent de
votion ot the Grecian phalanx. Never did
soldiers strive for u prize so valuable and
costly the gem ot universal liberty.
The sympathy of the teller , the heart
panting for lioorty on the plains of Italy ,
the peaks of Swltcrluml , Iho snows of Rus-
siu , Iho plains of Germany and the Emerald
Isle , surrounded you us a halo in camp and
in the field.
General Van Wyck concluded with an cx-
tiortation that th'ey discharge their duty at
the ballot box as bravely us they did in the
Hold with tbe cartridge box.
Examination nt Ponilor.
PuNncn , Nob. , August 1. [ Special Tele
gram to THC BEI ; . ! Men and women
crowded the court house to-dny to listen to
the examination of the Indians in the Benja
min murder case , not half the people being
able to get inside. Eighty witnesses wore
summoned and very damaging cvidcnco was
Introduced against the prisoners. At G o'clock
to-night the case was adjourned till 7:30 , and
will probably bo finished by 13.
Still Sonrchliii * lor Agent Kitchcy.
NioniuitA , Neb. , August 1. [ Special to
THE BRE.J Search was again made yester
day for J. E. Ritcbey.tho Chicago , Mil-
wankeo and St. Paul railroad company's
missing agent , at Running Water. It was
reported early yesterday morning that ho
had boon seen in the neighborhood the prev
ious night and that a favorite dog had gene
with him , but it is not credited. The aud
itor of the road Is on hand , but the accounts
seem to bo all right. It is said that bo Is sub
ject to flights of temporary insanity and
ubout four years ago ho was missing , but
search being made ho was found in n trco
close bvj The night before ho disappeared
bo went from the station to his house , called
for his insuronco policy , and upon finishing
reading its conditions turned it over to his
wife with the remark that "it was all right. "
Then ho went to the station aud worked un
til 4 o'clock in tbo morning , going to the
house and lying down on the floor until train
time. No ono seemed to notice anything
peculiar about bis demeanor. Ho also the
evening previous attempted to drown him
self , but upon Jumping into the Missouri
called for help and was rescued , and lie
turned the matter off by saying that ho had
fallen in. His strange fronk can not bo ex
plained except that he Is deranged , and it is
supposed that ho shot himself , as his revolver
ver is missing.
LATEK. Hltchoy's tracks were soon In n
pasture about two miles from the station in
u different ? direction from which ho had
started. All points have been cautioned to
bo on the lookout for him. Ho left the safe
nnd coupon ticket case locked , and they have
not yet been opened to ascertain as to his ac
counts , but it Is not believed by the auditor
that ho can bo much short if any.
' Competitive Cadet Examination.
FiiuMONT , Neb , , August 1. [ Special to
THC BEE. | The competitive examination of
applicants for appointment as cadet to tbo
military academy at West Point from this
congressional district , ended last evening
after a two day's session. Ton young men
presented themselves as applicants. Ono of
these was ruled out on account of falling in
the physical examination , two on account of
residence and ono on account of ngo. T. T.
Patterson , of North Plattu , received the
highest markings , getting 010 out of a possi
ble 700. Alien P. Brown came next with
654J < . The congressman will glvo Mr. Pat
terson the appointment , with. Mr. Brown as
his alternate.
An Adjourned Term.
CENTRAL Cm" , Nob. , August -fSpecIa' '
to T-HE BEE. ] An adjourned term of district
court has been in session hero throe days
this week. Judge Tiffany , of the Ninth dis
trict , presided , Charles Easterly was con
victed of selling liquor without a license anil
wus given thirty days in Jail. George Bur
nett was given thirty days for petit lurceny.
J , L. Tripp , wbo was convicted of obtaining
money under false pretenses nt the Juno
term , was discharged , the prosecution enter
ing u nolle. Otto Foster's bail was reducei
to $2,500 , which ho may bo able to secure
No civil cases of particular Interest were
tried ,
Lively Times Expected.
FOIIT ROIIINSON , Neb. , August 1. fSpccla
to THE BEE. ] The summer encampment o :
troops In August and September is creating
great excitement among the farmers who
have produce to sell , The town of Craw
ford expects great things also , and many sn
loon and dance-hall men are purchasing
sites on tbo cdgo of the reservation which is
nearest the ' camp. Some lively times nro ox
pectcd. 'Elegant rains and fine crops make
overyonn feel jubilant , and tha town o"
Crawford is booming under the Influence o :
the influx of speculators and railroads.
A \Vlilsky CrunuUo at Aurora ,
Aunoiu , Nob. , August 1. | Special Telegram
gram to THE BEE. ] The officers hero are
rushing the now liquor law with a vigor that
would make the Pinkerton detective force
blush with envy , the drug stores receiving
the most attention. To day Justice Scorllle
on complaint of Marshal Uncschllr. made out
n enrch warrant for Dr. Balhwick's drug
store. Komo fifty or sixty gallons of whisky
vcro found nnd confiscated by the author- !
IPS. Dr. HatlnvlcU and Clerk Powell wore
ilneed under bonus ,
A StrailRO Dontli nt Onlh rlnon.
Cui.ur.uTSON , Nob. , Yugust 1. [ Special
Telegram to Tiys BEE.- ] young man
named Nathan .lonos , whoso parents live In
Jnton county , Iowa , got oft the passenger
rain from Denver , apparently demented.
lo was discovered next day < tnd tnkon Iu
charge. Ho was delirious nnd could glvo ilo
account of himself. The physicians hero
gave him propar treatment , but ho died at 10
> 'c1ock last night. His death Is enshrouded
n a great deal of mystery.
The Hawk Got Awav.
HAYES CiiN-rnit , Neb. , August l. [ Special
to Tun HEE.I Clarence Guthrlc , nged four-
ecu years , residing witli his parents flvo miles
west of this plucc , attempted to fire n gun at a
liD\\1c. The gun missed fire mid the boy nt-
tomptcd to blow In the gun , when it wont
off , the charge passing under Ills chin and
> art of it through his chin. The latest report
s that the boy will recover.
Hov. Waldcnxtro'ii nt Stromslntrs.
STIIOMSIIUIKI , Nob. , August 1. | Special
Telegram lo Tin : UEE 1 The largest crowd
of Swedish people that ever came together
n this part of the state to-day listened to
Kov. Woldoiistrom , the noted Evangelical
minister of Sweden. Many of the people
icro traveled overland a distance of 100
A Foinnlo GInaKon Thi"f.
NnimvsK < .CiTV , Nob. , August 1. [ Special
.oTiiE Hun. ] A fenialo thief was discovered
ast nlghtrobblng n hen house mGreggsport ,
but escaped by threatening to kill the owner
of the chickens if ho raised an uturm. The
thief took a fowl advantage of the chicken
iroprletor und carried off the entire lot.
A Kpnriiry SuvliiK1 * Bimlc.
KnAUNKV , Neb. , August 1. [ Special Tele-
giam to THE BEE.J Messrs. John Burnd
and S. St. John hnvo bought the Commercial
and Savings bank in this city and took chnrgo
of the business to-day. They will Increase
the capital to $100,000 and run the Institution
as a savings bank.
Sunday Hello 1 Ilankct Picnic.
BLAH : , Neb. , August 1. [ Special to Tun
13m : . 1 An excursion from Blair to Arling
ton started this morning , whore they have a
Dnsket picnic. It was gotten up under the
auspices of the Blair Sunday schools , nearly
all the schools In town uniting.
NiobiMrn CitizenJubllnnt. .
NloniiAlU , Neb. , August 1. [ Special to
THE BUE. ] ThD citizens of Nidbraru feel
very jubilant over the prospect of the open-
iig of the Sioux reservation.
The Bonnto Committee Expected in
Alilrs City Next Tuosdny.
MILES CmMqat. . , August 1. [ spe
cial Telegram to Tun Bun.J The ssn-
ute committee ou irrigation are expected to
roach Miles City Tuesday next by special
train. A meeting was held .to determine ns
to the manner In which they are to bo enter
tained. A co in mitt co consisting of J. R.
Scott and Colonel George Schultz will go to
Glendl o to meet the party nnd accompany
them hero. Aftbr they 'arrive they
will bo conducted. , incarriages , to '
points of Ir.tcrost near the city ,
whcro can bo seen tha effects of irrigation
on the soil hero. The rivers , watercourses ,
land possible of irrigation nnd till matters
pertaining- thereto will be presented bv a
speaker and explained by maps. After this
is completed a dinner will bo given at the
club rooms nnd a public reception hold. Two
hundred and llfty dollars have been raised
for the entcBtaining committee. Travel
through the valley will bo made by day only.
It Is not expected that the stop In Miles City
will lust over six hours.
A Wealthy Colorado Farmer's Desper
ate Attempt at SuicHlo.
HOI.YOKI : . Colo. , August 1. ( Special Tolo-
trram to THE BEB. | Nicholas Nigh , u
wealthy farmer living eighteen miles west of
this plucc , attempted suicide to-day , taking
the good , old-fashioned razor joule. Ho
made eight attempts to reach the golden
stairs , when his nerve fulled him. The first
gush was seven inches In length , cutting the
juglar vein almost in twain. Then followed
seven other trashes until his neck had the ap
pearance of raw beefsteak. It took thirty-
Jlvo stitches to close up tbo wounds. His re
covery is doubtful. Hois seventy-six years
old and in good financial circumstances. Ho
claims his collections were slow and ho was
afnild ho would not bo able to get his prop
erty into cash to leave to his hoirs.
A Southern Mob VonttMta ltn o on
Holpload Victims.
NEW MAntiNsviM.E , W. Va. , August 1.
Tuesday night a mob of disguised men , num
bering about fifteen or eighteen , wont to iho
house of G.V. . Brown , a former on Fishing
Creek , battered in his door with a
stick of cordwood , and after tying
Mrs. Brown , her husband and children ,
proceeded to subject the house to u thorough
search , presumably for stolen goods ,
Nothing of the sort wan sound , and in their
rage the mob heated a lot of tar in a dinner
pot and literally smeared the heads of Brown
and his wife. Mrs. Brown was compelled
to have her .head shaven before tbo tur
could bo tulton off. Five warrants have bcou
Issued , nnd some very prominent people are
said to bo implicated.
The \Voatlior Indication * .
For Omaha nnd Vicinity Fair weather.
For Nebraska Fair and warmer weather ,
except in extreme- portions , stationary tem
perature , northerly winds , becoming vuri
For Dakota Fair and warmer weather ,
variable winds.
For Iowa Fair and warmer weather in
eastern portions , stationary temperature iu
western portions , variable winds.
Ilorsos anil Mulow Cremated.
RICHMONDVa. , August ] . During a storm
which broke out shortly after twelve lusl
night , the city railway stables wore struck
by lightning and hurried. Sixty mules and
horses were cremated and several cars
burned. The Ions can not bo estimated yet.
The disaster will interfere Horinilslv with
travel for Homo time. Loss about | C,000
fully Insured.
A HnitK Iilttlo Bum ,
NEW YOIIK , August 1 , President George
Gould , of the Puclllc Mail Stoamnhlp com
pany , has received a cablegram from the
company's agent at Manzan illa elating that
the treasure , amounting to (200,000 , on heart
the steamer Granada when shu was lost , has
been recovered. The vessel , valued at { SOU , .
000 , is a total loss.
The hotter That Wan Opnnod ,
LONDON , August 1 , Lord Mayor Sexton ,
of Dublin , has written to the United Stolen
legation reasserting thut the letter rocolvoc
by him from President Hurrison was wit
fully opened and defaced before it reached
his hands.
Ttrlokmakora Koturn to Work.
CHICAGO , August 1 , The bookmakers who
have been on a strike la the yard * at Dillon
returned to work this morning. They have
been out for two montbt , demanding olgli
hour * work per day without a luduullon t <
Brlgncltor General MoFooloy Acting
na Secretary of Wnr.
Tlioy Are Mnklnc flrcmt Vrcprxrntlons
l''or the Coming Triennial Con *
clavo Thirty Government
No Unfavorable Comment.
WASHINGTON , August 1. On the order of
'resident Harrison , Brigadier General Mo-
pooloy , chief of the bureau of subsistence ,
o-dny occupied the desk of Scojretary Proo-
or , as noting uccrotnry of war. With regard
o the published reports of dissatisfaction In
ho department , especially among the army
5 nicer 9 who nro heads of bureaus , over the
uppolntmont of Chief Clerk Tvvoodalo by
Secretary Proctor to act In his absence ,
General MoFooloy suld : "There Is not the
lightest foundation for such reports. I have
tot hoard a sintrlo word of comment , crltl-
ism or objection to Twccdnlo'R actions by
ho hsad of any bureau or by any army
nicer. Twccdulc has not boon acting secro-
nry of war , but was designated under the
irovlslonn of the act of lb"4 to sign certain
moors , including requisitions upon the trous-
iry , In order thut the routine ) btiHiness of the
lepartnieiit might go on in the temporary
.xbsonco of the secretary.1
WASIIINOTON , August 1. [ Special Tola-
; ram to Tun Bun. | The Washington Knights
Teniplar nro making great picuaratlons for
heir forthcoming triounul conclave , und an *
nuuncoments were made to-day of the posi *
tions to be occupied In the line of parade by
the visiting commuuderloa. The grand
commandory of Nebraska and the Mount
Calvary No. 1 , of Oinalui , which commMid-
erics will represent the stuto of Ncbruku ,
arc consigned to the eleventh division , which
s composed of northwestern Knights. The
twelfth divls'on ' will consist of the grand
commnndery of Dnltotii : , Fargo ;
Grand Forks. No. 8 , Grand Forks ; Damas
cus , No. 10 ; Abardeon ; Jamestown , No. 13 ,
lumestown ; Albert Edward porcoptory ,
Winnipeg , Montana ; the grand command-
cry of Montana , Helena No. 1 , Helena ; Mon
tana , No. a , Butte City ; the crand comman-
ler.vof Wyoming. The grand commandorlos
of Oregon nnd Washington , Territory huvo
not reported. _
Fidelity Harper's C.'ti ? .
WASHINGTON , Annual 1. The attorney
general has sent a report to the president la
cgard to the case of E. L. Harper , of the
Fidelity bank , of Cincinnati , and the boliu2
is general that the report is ad verso to his
[ urdon. .
_ _
Colonel Canaday III.
WASIIIXOTON , August 1. A tulcgram wan
received at the 'capital this morning from
the Alaskan scnutovial committed at Mis-
soula. Mont , saying Colonel Canadity had
taken ill and wus obliged to stop over at
Areo , Mont. _
There's MillionIn It.
WAsnisaTONAucust I. Treasurer Huston
to-day gave n receipt to ex-Treasurer Hyatt
for § 771,500,000. representing tha amountof
.money and securities In the United State *
treasury turned over by the latter to tha
former. _ .
The 'Ax Wleldcf's Work.
WASHINGTON , August 1. About thlrty.pra >
ployos , of whom a largo number came from.
Maryland , were discharged yesterday from
the government printing ofllco.
Th < ; I'nullo Debt statement.
WASHINGTON , August 1. The following is
the debt statement Issued to-day :
Interest bearing debt Principal. $ SS9-
868,302 ; interest , f.,53t,5S.r ; total , $ S05'i01.-
8S7. Debt on which interest has ceased since
maturity Principal nnd interest , S2,057,740 :
debt bearing interest , S740 , 37(5Sa. ( Totul
debt Principal , $1,041,100,340 ; interest. $5-
077,070 ; totul , tljOIO.777.SilO. Loss cash.
items available for reduction of debt. $403-
! io7,2S7 ; less reserve hold for redemption of
United States notes. § 100,000,000 ; total , $503-
Ur > G,2S7. Total debt less available c.ish Items ,
$1,143,531,023 , ; net cash In treasury , $05 , 607 ,
000 ; debt less cash in treasury August 1 ,
1839 , $1,077,003,033 , ; debt less cash iu treasury
July 1 , 1880 , $1,070,040,021 ; iucreiiRe of debt
during month , $1,01T.H'J ! ; increase of debt
since Juno SO , ISS'J , $1,017,312 ; total cash in
treasury as shown by the treasurer's gen
eral account , $ Oy4,72,0'J3. , !
Nchranka and loxva I'oiiHlona.
WASHINGTON , August t. [ Soecial Tola-
gram to Tin : HEB.J Pensions allowed No- ,
braskuns : Original invalid Robert Gardi
ner , Willard Tonoyck. Increase Samuel
McConnell , John Alto.
lowu : Original invalid Jackson.1C. . .
Brody , Thomas T , S trad ley , Joseph Shafcr ,
Henry Escherich , Robert A. Miller , Daniel
V. Russell , John II , Yatnhort. Restoration
Joseph L. Crostiroy. Restoration and in
crease Amos H. Holmes. IncrcaHO Georero
Hoffman , Joseph Cole. Gerrit Vandokamp ,
Charles Sweet , Jacob Colclnuso. Ambrose
E , Moni-e , Charles H. Crawford , Joyiah Mil-
bourn , James Paruor. Henry Stewart. Orig
inal widows , etc. Minor of Edward Long.
Washington News.
WASHING roN , August 1. Mr , A. B. Ball ,
of Tecumseh , recently appointed general
special agent for the laud oQlcc , has decided
to take the position , with headquarters at
Seattle , W. T. Mr. Bull will roinuin' herd
until Saturday morning to receive final in
structions , nnd will then proceed to Ne
braska to close up his business affairs pre
paratory to starting for Washington terri
Mrs. G , Cutler wan to-day appointed pos -
niistress ut Greenwood , Cuss county , Nob.
Secrotnry Pioctor telegraphed to-day
that ho expects to bo in Washington
Friday or Saturday. His son Fletcher has
boon in a very critical condition , but is now
After August 13 the star mail service- from
Paddock to O'Neill , Nob. , will bo increased
six additional innils each week.
W. J. Pondloton , of Jefferson county , U
registered at the hotel Johnson.
F. Clark , of Omaha , Is ut the Arlington.
Paul O. Rodawlg and wlfo and Mil *
Berta Schlldt , of Davenport , la. , are at Wil-
The president arrived In Washington thii
Hni-rUon and the Vc.tarnni.
Dunn PAHK , Md. , August 1. The presi
dent did not disappoint the veterans at
Mountain Lake pane. Ho drove over this
morning at 8 o'clock with Secretary Win-
doia and Mr , Hal for a and took the train
thorn for Washington. Ho.wus given qulto
an ovation by tbo Grand Army men , who
represented ull the posta from Martlnnburg
to Wheeling. At D.eor Park the president
stopped off tno train a moment and budo
Mrs. Harrison and the rent of the party
( rood-byn. As the train moved awuv ho stood
on the rear platform bowing acknowledg
ments to the chccrinir crowd ,
Killed lilH AVI Co and Snlcldftd.
UTICA , N. Y , , August 1. In Carthage Iota
last nib'ht Frnd Farr , a railroad engineer ,
shot and killed hla wife and then committed '
uulcldo by shooting himself In the forehead. Of' 'I
Family troubles are Jbought to have been
the caiiHu of the deed , as the couple had not
been living tot'othcr for some time ,
AlVldiin Kxploror Dend.
Unu.iX. AiiLMist 1 , Lieutenant Tappan-
1 < ' : t li African explorer , hui died of