Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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_ _
Tlloro will bo a juvonllo gnmo ol
nt L'ort Omaha on Snlurdny.
Four cases of linen goods were ro-
colvod nt tlio custom house from Scot
land for tlio KIlputrlclC'Koch Company.
The Omaha Guards' nine will piny n ,
Cnmo of ball on Saturday next with the
ofllcors at Fort Omaha on the fort
A team of horses foil Into ono of the
big reservoirs nt Florence nnd were
drowned. Their driver saved himself
by jumping.
Sealed depositions were received by
the county clerk in the case of the Fre
mont Butter and Hgg company vs.
Gcorgo Schroeder ft Co.
TJio funeral of Maria Agnes Wills
look place yesterday at 11 o'clock from
Inmlly residence. Twenty-sixth and
Sownrd. Interment at Jacksonville ,
The people at Florence nro lookln g
forward for a great tlmo on Thursday ,
August 1 , as the Omaha waterworks
will have their formal opening on that
Garbage Insnoctor Goldsmith killed
twenty-one tnglesa curs yesterday. The
last animal attacked and bit Goldsmith
through his right wrist , Indicting an
ugly wound.
A feature of the Sunday outing of the
Newman M. E. church ntllanscoin park
was u ball game , won by u team coin-
posed of seven girls , one colored gen
tleman and Pastor Ensigu flora nine
boys by a score of 13 to 2.
Mr. George Li. Unrnoy has gone to Cairo ,
111. , on business.
\V. E. Smytho , of the Kearney Enterprise ,
is visiting in Otnulin.
D. "W. Haynes , of Boyd's opera house , loft
for Chicago last evening.
Mr. Stewart Hayden and wife have ROHO
cast nnd before returning Mrs. II , will visit
In Kentucky.
C. Ai Gurloy , representing John V. Far-
well & Co. , is In tlio city nnd will remain tor
Boverul days.
Captain W. F. Tibblts , travellncpassenpcr
npcnt of the Denver & Hlo Grundo railroad ,
is at the I'axton.
Mr , N. Merrlum , nt this city , hns returned
from California. Ho left Mr. P. C. Himo-
bauch la California , not muuh Improved in
Ira P. Hlpby , clerk of the Murray , and
Bccchcr HlK y , United States ganger , liuvo
pone to Bcutrica to visit their parents for a
few days.
At the Millurd : Fred Orthmnn , Grand
Inland ; Otto IJuumnn , West Point ; D. 1C.
Miller. Tublo Hock ; John W. Fisher , AtchIson -
Ison , Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wostran have gene
east , Mrs. Wcstrcn to visit friends in Chi *
cage end Now York city , and Mr. Westrcn
on business.
At the Murray : F. G. Simmons , Sow
nrd ; Andy Kerr , Beatrice ; J. H. II , Haw
kins , D. C. Mosher , Lincoln ; P. F. Birch-
r ard , Norfolk.
Mr. J. H. Durston. of Anaconda , Mont. , Is
In. the city. Ho will shorly commence the
publication of the Anaconda Dally Standard ,
and has imported eastern brains as a means
of making the' enterprise n democratic suc
At the Paxton : Frederick Stearns. Do-
trolt ; J. W. Stratton , Wnuoo ; J. S. Davlson ,
Long Pine ; J. Henderson , wife and child ,
Beatrice ; A. W. Bonn , Nebraska City ; J. D.
Brewers , D. J. Gates , Albion ; John Bel
lows , Weeping Water.
At the Arcade : C. A. Wilson. Fremont ;
. Gcorgo F. Mllbourn and son , Mlndun ; W.
B. Wurrincton and daughter. Ponder ; J. J.
Truraap , Genoa : M. F. Harrington and M.
M. Sullivan , O'Noill' , W. C. Pomfret , Lin
coln ; John CarJlcld. Tccumsoh ; A. 1C.
Smith , Bramnrd ; Miss Flo Millard , Brain-
nrd ; B. J. Fulton and William Willman ,
Phillips. _
] > lndi- nil Assignment.
Jacob Rolnkcns , a saloon kcopor at 2,057
Cuiuing street , made an assignment ycstor-
dnv afternoon to Frederick Krug , the cou-
sidciation being $ 637.
Will Remain In Oninlin.
Gcorgo C. II agon , who figured so promi
nently in the police court records of last
i week , charged with deserting his wife and
, eloping with Uiichol Vaughn , his typewriter ,
will remain In Omaha and embark in busi
ness. Mrs. Hagen has returned homo. The
typewriter , the causa of all the trouble , is
still in Omaha. _
Must Ilnvo Jtcun Insane.
Last winter Edward Ostrikor donated to
the city two lots owned by him in North
Omaha , stating us a reason for his generos
ity that ho had more property than ho know
what to do with. It now appears that
Ostrilccr is Insuno. Ho was arrested Tues
day and will bo examined by the couimls.
slonors of insanity. _
Filicil $100.
William Van Ormau plead guilty In Judge
Berlin's court to the churgo of selling liquor
on Sunday in liia saloon on Cut Oft Island.
Judge Berka assessed a fine of t 100 and al
lowed the fine to stand until Mayor Broatch's
return , when- some policy will bo decided
uuon for dealing with the saloonkeepers on
the disputed territory- the Island.
Cozzena House Sold.
The Cozzcns hotel was purchased yesterday
by Dr. J. W. McMcnamy , of the Oinnlm Med-
'Ical college , for 533.000. la 1881 Joseph D.
- Her nnd James D. Chapman came into pos
session of the property nn d it cost thorn
5,000. MoMonumy buys from Her and
Chapman's heirs. Ho proposes to remodel
tbo building and move nis medical institute
into It
I'lutnljorH Out of Work.
It Is said that only a smalt number ot the
striking plumbers have boeu able to obtain
work alnco the strike was declared off , as at
present the non-union plumbers can taUo
i care of most of the work contracted for.
Some of the workmen have boon promised
* worlcsoon , but unless tliero soon shall beau
extraordinary demand for plumbing u num
ber of Urn striUcis will huvo to leave tlio
city to find worV.
Motor Notes.
i Four inoro cars wcro added to the electric
motor systcmyottoiday morning , nnd twenty
more are expected to arrive Inside of two or
tin co weeks. When the system Is In pcrfeoi
working order cars will roach Walnut Hll
ana Druid Hill every ton minutes. At the
( Oop. around Howard street the cars wll
pass every two mlnuios.
Tlio second large engine at the motor
power house was bturted ycstoi day , and ran
very satisfactorily. _
Mortuary Not OB.
The remains of Charles L , Falxllo were
taken yesterday morning to Council Bluffs for
burial. Funeral services were hold at the
residence , Ktt South Twenty-sixth street.
Tbo body of John King was buried yesterday
day morning In Laurel Hill cemetery , near
Albright. King U the ntououuttor fount1
dead in Catllu'a now building on Howard
street Sunday morning.
The Sacred Heart academy , for day
pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue
and Twonty-Bovonth streets , IB nn instl
tution devoted to the moral and intel
Icotual Qd.ucn.Mon of young girls. The
course iiicludes everything from a pro-
pimitory department to a finished
clu6u\cul \ education. Besides the ordi
miry academical course , music , paint
Ing , drawing and the languages nro
taught. French is included in the or
dlnarr courso.
Difference of religion is no obstacle
to the receiving of pupils , provided
they conform to the general regulatloi
of tlio school. The scholastic term be
gins the ilrst Tuesday of Suptombor
Classes commence nt 0 a. in. , nnd nro
dismissed nt U.'BO n. in. , an hour for
, recreation being allowed ut nooo.
Mossrp. Kittrodgo & Bralnard Assume -
sumo Control This Mornlngr.
The Old Favorite Will Do Mnilo Ono
of ilio landing Houses of the
Country A. Homo For
tlio Drummers.
The Now Pnxlon.
This morning Messrs. Klttrodgo &
Jrainard assume control of the Paxton
lotol , and the day consequently marks
an epoch In the hotel alTairs of Omalia.
There is no doubt about the success
thcso raon will nchtovo nor of the kind
of n house they will give the city.
They realize perfectly that they
nro entering a profitable field
'or ' n hotel which will
rank with any of the great houses of
entertainment in any of the great cities
ot tlio continent , and those who are ac
quainted with the now linn arc confl
uent that that Is the sort of house they
will make of the Paxton. Omaha and
its visitors have always had an airoctlon
for the Paxtou. When it was built Its
rmgnificont rotunda , and graceful corri
dors were the prldoof the city , and with
imbitlouH rivals growing upon all sides ,
it still holds its place as the leader
architecturally and in Us entertain
A Chicago traveler said yesterday tea
a reporter : "You people ought to give
Messrs. Kittredpo and Bralnard a cor
dial welcometo the business circles of
your city. You will find that the city
will stop up several degrees in the
estimation of the traveling public from
this time forth , and the citizens should
be accordingly appreciative. I have
boon pcreoually acquainted with both
those gentlemen for a long tiuio in the
capacity of hotel men and have found
thorn always attentive , courteous and
alert. You have no idea of how n place
rises in the estimation ot n traveler
when he can go into a well ordered ho
tel whcro ho fools that his comfort
and enjoyment are being con
tinually looked after. That is
how I have always felt when I
have gene into n houho kept by either
of thcso gontlomun. There are thou
sands of people who have had the same
experience and you will see that they
will go out of their way to litid a repeti
tion of their reception. "
Mr. Kittredgo was for flvo years at
the Antlers hotel , Colorado Springs ,
and before that at the Dunlap , Jackson
ville , 111. Ho , in fact , has boon
in the business for the most
of his life , nnd his previous
exceptional successes argue well for the
future of the Paxton. Mr. Bralnard
comes to Omaha from the Midway , nt
Kearney , Nob. , and consequently needs
no introduction to the public of Omaha.
Ho has boon twenty-two years in the
business , nnd , as may bo imagined , has
very little to learn.
Mr. Kittredgo says his first care will
bo the kitchen. None of the old em
ployes will bo discharged till they have
demonstrated their in competency , but
when thut does occur ho will ran
sack the country till ho gets
tulent , culinary and otherwise ,
which will make the house renowned
for its good cheer. The cafe some
thing that Omaha and its visitors have
boon clamoring for for n long time
will bo opened in the building adjoin
ing in about n month , and will bo run
on the European plan. The renovating
process carpeting , pnintingand gener
ally beautifying will go steadily
on till every portion of the
house shines like a silver dollar.
With their long oxportonco in differ
ent parts of the country , they ot course
have recruited to their circle of friends
an army of commercial travelers , and it
is safe to say that for seine time to come
they will bo kept busy shaking hands
with their old-time friends among tlio
knights of the grip. Both have a , great
regard for these traveling story tellers ,
and have no hesitation in announcing
that the "drummer"
can always count
on n hearty \7olcomo and the best there
is in the houso.
Taking pverything into consideration ,
Omaha evidently is in a fair way to
having in the very near future her'long
talked of , long wished for "first-class"
_ _ _ _
Dick Hornbooltcr Is a respected and well
to-do colored citizen of Springfield , Mo. He
says that ono bottle of Swift's Specific cured
both himself and wife of a troublesome
eruption of the shin ,
Extensive Cnclnncrlnc Project * .
City Engineer Hosewntcr has Just returned
from Lawrence , Kan. , and Brookfteld , Mo. ,
where ho had been called as consulting on *
trincer upon public works , and more partluu-
larly the sewage systems of those cities
Upon his return ho received ofliclal notice
from the authorities at Duluth to the effect
that ho hud been appointed to act Jointly
with Kudolph Hcrlng , consulting sewerage
ongincor of New York city , to examine and
report upon the sounpo plans of that city.
Mr. Ilosewntcr is also engaged as supervls
ing engineer of tlio sewerage work now beIng -
Ing constructed at Grand Island , where ho
has a corps of engineers under the direction
of Thomas Shaw , formerly otllolal computant
of the city engineer's olllco in Omaha. Quito
recently ho mailo preliminary plans for the
soworapo system at Hastings , [ n fact ho
has made the sewcraga plans for tbo leading
cities of Kansas and Nebraska , and has boon
called into consultation uulto frequently in a
largo number of western states and territo
ries. About two i cars neo ho prepared plans
for tlio sewerage of Wichita , Kan.which were
subsequently submitted to lludolph Horlng ,
of Now York , and approved.
In his call to Duluth Mr. Herlng has de
signed the lines of sewer constructed up to
this ditto , and Jointly with Mr , llonownter
will ndviso as to the extension of iuturo
work , tliero being a number of very uiftlcull
problems to solve in that connection.
Dnluth , Mr , Ilosuwator says , has jiuidn rc-
markablE ) progicis in the past two years ,
having expended $2,000,000 In public works
iu that time.
Iiclnml Hotel , Gliloniro.
Overlooking the lake , Boulevard and
park. Pure water , pure ventilation
unsurpassed. Musio during dinner.
WAUJIUK P. LICLANJJ , 1'ropriator.
Emancipation Celclirntlon.
A Joint celebration of the emancipation
proclamatlon'wiU be hold ut Weeping Water
to-day under the auspices of the African
Methodist Episcopal church and the Grand
Order of Odd Fellows. Delegations will bo
present from Omaha , Council Bluffs , Ne
braska City , Auburn , Hiawatha , Kan , , Falls
City , Hastings , lilalr , Lincoln and other No
brasku points. The mayor of Weeping Wa
ter will deliver an address of welcome , and
the response will be made by Ilov. P. A.
Hubburd , of this city. Hove. John Young ,
of Nebraska City , and James W. Baxter , ol
Lincoln , wll | also address the assemblage
The Missouri I'ucillo will run a train ,
leaving bore ut b30 ; fn thomorlnt' , to accom-
modulo tbo Omaha excursionists. The train
and party will bo m charge of George Uar-
riugtua , traveling passenger agent of that
road , A grand tlmo i > expected.
AUvioo to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should nlvrnys bo used for children
teething. It soothes the child , softens
the gums , allays nil pains , cure * wind
colic , und is the boat remedy for dlur-
rha'a. 23c a bottlo.
Condition of Affairs Sliowtt In the
Annual Hcport ,
Tbo twelfth annual report of the board of
directors of the Omaha public library for the
year ending May 31,18S9 , hns Just been Is
The burden of the report , like that of pre
vious years , whllo expressing satisfaction
vtth tbo present quarters for present needs ,
calls attention to the apparent fact that the
ncrcaso In the number both of books and
readers will soon render additional accom
modations absolutely essential.
The library has heretofore boon carried on
under the net ot 1SS7 , authorizing towns nnd
; ltlcs to maintain libraries , and President
Jnvafjo calls attention in his report to the
fuct that , section CO of the city charter makes
a similar provision. Ho urges that
steps should bo taken to ascertain
whether the two laws conflict in any
way , nnd If so , to what extent and
to determine what further legislation by the
state or city government tn.iybo necessary
A define the exact position of the library and
ts directors. "
A gift from Byron Heed of over
.wo hundred volumes of the "Monthly
lloviow. " an unbroken series from
1740 to IStl , Is acknowledged.
Secretary Lewis S. Heed's report shows a
total expenditure for the year of $12,510.88 ,
against $1 ,0'45.03 last year. Of this total ,
$5,503.23 wont for new books , $3,053,07 for
rent , gas , etc. , $3,153.119 for salaries , and
5352.01 for supplies.
The report of the librarian , Miss Jcsslo
Allen , as usual , furnishes most Interesting
reading. The number of boons In the
Ibrary Is 10,177 , n gain of 3,805 since
nst report. Of these 1.1CO wcro ordered
from lists prepared by the librarian. There
are 7,721 curds In circulation , 3,803 of which
wcro registered this year. The library hns
boon open 304 days , has Issued nn avorngo of
409 books daily or n total of lM,50l ! a year ,
the largest number in otio day being 1,185.
Of the class of books issued 70.3 per cent
wore of the 'M'roso Fiction and 3uvenilo"
class , which the librarian savs Is a percepti
ble decrease in the use of llctlon , the gain
Solng in the departments of art , science , history -
tory nnd travels. The reading room has 15
dallies. 50 weeklies , 2 fortnlghtllos , 3-1 month
lies , 1 bl-inouthly and 0 quarterlies.
To keep your family in good health
during the hot weather use Mihnlo-
vitch'a Hungarian blackberry juice in
all cold drinks.
A $50OOOO Tannery to'bo Built nnd
Operated Here.
The establishment of a tannery and insti
tution for the manfactura of leather at
South Omaha is at last assured.
Mr. J. W. Hlggmbottom , who has been
working for such an entoi prise with bis
friends in England a long tlmo suld yesterday
that certain pr. liminarios had finally bean
arranged , and ho can now proceed to busi
ness in earnest.
Letters were received yesterday morning
from London statinc that the parties
there who are intorostoJ have pur
chased the exclusive usa for the
United States of Solminlmc's process
for tanning hides , and ask Mr. Hlcginbottoin
to secure the names of two local gontlomoa
to become directors in tlio company. Ho al
ready has tlio promise of General W. W.
Lowe's name , and is waiting for the return
from Now YorKof two other prominent bus
iness men.
In the meantime Mr. Hlgijinbottom will
conduct nceotlatlons with George N. HICKS
for the purchase of a ton-ncro site near
Ruser's park , located on the Fremont , Elk-
liorn & Missouri Valley road. It Is also ac
cessible to Bolt line , and bus good water
The company will bo capitalized for $500-
000. thus insuring abundant funds with
which to carry on the concern. Tbo capac
ity as now contemplated for this establish
ment when ready to run will bo not lois than
l.OOJ hides u day and this number is assured
by the packers of South Omaha.
Cushrann's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , bay Fcvor.
Trial free'at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
A Councilman Explains the Nature ot
tlio Amendment.
"Somo of those fresh councilman who
voted against the amendment to the meat-in
spector's ordinance at the meeting Tuesday
night don't know what they are doing , " said
a councilman yesterday.
"Tho fact is that the ordinance as it now
exists only empowers the moat Inspectors to
examine and condemn tainted moat and Im
pure milk. The inspectors , however , do not
confine their attentions to these two articles
of food , but report every month that
they have condemned largo quanti
ties of vegetables , fruits , and other
food stuffs. Now if some of
thcso dealers were to bring an action against
the meat inspectors for the vuluo of goods so
condemned , as they nave a perfect right to
do under the present ordinance , these coun-
cllmen would perhaps discover their mistake.
The amended ordinance provided for the in
spection of all kinds of food stuff offered for
sale. It also provided that the inspectors
should make a monthly report of their work
to the council , and thus do away with the
present farcical condition of affairs in having
ono Inspector report to the council and tbo
other > to the board of health. I am not
after Hlclcsteln's scalp or anybody else's ,
but simply wanted to HCO tbo ordinance
amended so as to properly define the duties
of the Inspectors.11
An Absolutu Curo.
Is only put up in largo two-ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin orup.
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
25 cents per box by mail HO cents.
Not His Duty.
There seems to bo some doubt as to
whether Sheriff Coburn can interfere with
saloons In the two mile atrip keeping open
on Sunday. The sheriff says ho is an execu
tive and not a prosecuting ofllcor. If iho
county attorney makes complaint , or some
else authorized to do so issues a proclama
tion or order , lie will sco that it Is cnforcod.
Ho considers , therefore , thut It is not , his
duty to proceed against the saloons inde
Absolutely Pure0
This powder never varlen. A inarv * ! of pur * '
ly , Btreuctb \vholeaotneue a. Jloru eco.
noiulcul tuan tlio ordluurr kinds , and cannot
be Bold In competition with the multitudes of
lor or finortweight alum orvhosphatu tiowdero ,
Bold only In can * . Jloyal ITalclni ; I'Ottilor Com.
pany , U6 Wall Street. New York.
Dealrlnic to ex.
. . lines of Hoots
and Shoos manufactured l > y 0. M. JIKNDKIISON
Si.Co. . pir CIIIOAIIO J-'actorlea at Chicago ;
Dlxou. III. , and Fen Dit Lac. Wls. should write
Itftvellut'Agtut. IJMdquartcrafor Huliberi.
Rheumatism ,
BEING duo W the presence 6f urlo
acid In the blood , Is most effectually
cured by the of '
two Ayor'a Snrsnpn-
rlllft. Bo fuiro'you got Ayor's and no
other , and take > it till the poisonous
acid Is thoroughly expelled from the
Bjstoin. Wo challenge attention to this
testimony :
"About two ycnrs ago , after suffering
for nearly two/.ycars from rhouinatio
gout , being nblnno walk only with great
discomfort , and iliavlng tried various
remedies , including mineral -waters ,
without relief , I saw by nn advertise
ment in n Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this dlsticsslng com
plaint , after lone Buffering , by taking
Ayor's Sarsnparllla. I then decided to
make a trial of this medicine , and took
it regularly for eight months , nnd nm
pi cased to state that it has effected a
complete euro. I have since had no re
turn of the disease. " Mrs , U. Irving
Dodge , 110 West 125th St. , Now York.
" Ono year nqo I was tnkon 111 with
Inflammatory rheumatism , being con
fined to ray homo six months. I came
out of the sickness very much debili
tated , with no nppellto , and mysjstom
disordered In every way. I commenced
using Ajcr's Sarsnpnillla nnd began to
Improve at once , gaining in strength
and soon recovering my usual health ,
I cannot s y ton much In pinlsoof this
well-known medicine. " Mrs. L. A.
Btark , Nashua , N. H.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
1'ilco $1 ; six bottles , $5. Worth * J ft bottle.
( Opposite Paxton Uotcl. )
Ofllco hours , 0 ft. m , to 3 p. m. SnndRy * , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. m.
Specialists in Chronic , Nervous Slcln and
Dlood Diseases. . .
CSy Consuttnllon at ofllco or by mail fret.
Mrdlclnes sent byimiU or express securely
packed , frco from otibcrvntion. Guarantees to
euro nulrlcly , safely unrt permanently.
lions. I'liyslcal Kecay. arising from Iiullscio
tlon. Excess or Indulgence. producliiKSIcsple'is
ness , Despondency , ininp'es ' on the fuce. aver
sion to society , cntlly ulscouriHtetl , lacK of conll
dence , dull , nullt fur Btudy or business , audllmla
llfo a burden. Snfcly , permanently anil pri
vately cured. Consult lira , llctta Sc Itctts , 11(33 (
Farnam bt. , OmaliaiNeb.
Blood and Skin Diseases
results , completelyermUcated without the ntd
of Mercury. Scrofula , .Fryslpelns , 1'ever Sores ,
Blotches , Ulcers ; 1'nms In the Head nnd Bonus ,
Byphliltlc Eoroajinmt. Mouth nnd Tongue. C -
tarrl ) , etc. . permanently cured where other *
hnve failed.
Viflnmj TfnillQrir and Hlmlder Complaints ,
JUuIluY" Unildiy 1'nlnful Dllllcult
, , too fre-
quant miming or Hloody Urine , Urlno hlsli col
ored or with milky sediment on standing , Weak
Back , UonorrlHini , Gleet , CjKtltls. etc. ,
Promptly and Lately Cuied , Charges Itoabona-
moral complete , without cutting , caustic or
dilution , dues olTicted at home by patient
without a moments pulnc * annoyance.
To Yonnff Men ana" Miflflto-Aseil Men ,
AO PIIDP The awrul eirecfj ol early
O UUllt Vice , whlcn bnn s organic
weakness , both mind and body , with
all Its dreaded ills. iieriuanentlvuueU ,
riDO T3PIj"M Adrosithoienho have impaired
UnOi DullU themselves by Improper imlul-
pencos mid solitary habits , which rnln both
body and mind , unfitting them ror business ,
Ituuy or marriage.
MAUIIIEU MEN. or thosa entering on that hap
py life , n\aro of physical debility , quickly aa
Is based upon facts. First Practical Expe
rlonce. Second Kvorycaso Is especially studied-
thus starting avlRht. 'J lilrd Medicines are pre ,
pared In our labatory exactly to suit each case ,
thus alfectlnK euros % \ Hliout Injury
SSBeud a cents postcue for celebrated works
on Chronic , Nervous nnd .Delicate Diseases.
Tliousandu euro 1. fcC" A frloadly letter or cull
may fcaveyou future suffoilaif und slmme. nnd
add goldun years to life. tfTKo letters an-
awercd unless accompanied by 4 cen'.s In Btainos.
A dUress or call on
li08Fnnmm Street Omaha. Nth.
IL g
- -
( URCE size !
end.receive t , '
Northwestern : Military Academy ,
Ttvontythreo mllet iiorlli of Cnlcucni lm > a lull
rorpi of ericrUitced.ln triictor ; ll o course ! ol
ftniijr. and unmirpiiwftd fHrllltlen for Instruction ,
health , lionio comforts und Clirlitlun lulluciicc.
Uind for catalogue lu Highland 1'urk , HI.
All dtpaitnu-nU or Mnilral Inttruttlon , Modirn Ijin >
ruuru.tluo Aru et& > Ji f. llrLuiw , JacUoavine. Ill
IUuriruul'arklncarriilcaira ) . lloantlnc
' " "
- - -
IforOlrliond Voun
. CBU10BUBpillrcMO.TIIAYKIl.LTj. ( l ) . . *
MorguQ 1'urk , 111. , or ? ; Madtiun btrcct , Chicago , 111.
Conservatory of Music
Mlnnoapolls , Minn.
_ JIANn Host ttachers only In every depart *
Difiit. Unemialivd opjiortunl'y for study.
011(1 ( AN A ) le oiia for tlu. 1'reo uilvuntaKCS
vortli price of tuition. All Instruments. iuu-
BUUKe > . History. Literature.
VOlCU-Send for calendar.
CHAHI.IB : ii.MOiiBn. nirector.
wull-ou-lliulsoii. Col. 0. J. Wrluht. 11. 8. ,
A. M. . tiupt. ; II. 1' . Hyatt , Comdtof Cadets ,
UR _ . f F and iu"11 * I * MtiU
I IMi * eatlrdererc ui tr
tttVirn.lm-t TOIU1AII [ ARCUSHION tril
Wt liDtri , CooierutUo 4 It into ktard. I on
l other rtuitditt r fioii o tr *
" " - " . . . . .I-.I. . '
Clothing House
We call attention to some special bargains in our Men's Suit Department , in medium col
ored sack and frock suits. Our price for a first class business suit , thoroughly reliable in
every . $ i5. At this price we arc showing several lines of popular mixtures which
we know will give perfect satisfaction. We guarantee every garment.
This will be the closing week on our $10 Suit Sale , but we have quite a variety of choice
styles yet in stock. Our effort will be to close up this entire line this week. Price $10 for a
suit guaranteed to be strictly all wool and perfectly made. We have samples of some of the
fabrics which we will send to any address.
Price 7 5 Cents.
We will offer this week about 100 pairs of Men's pure linen Pants at the ridiculous price
of 75 cents , Goods which have always sold for § 1.50 and $1.75 per pair , but we are over
stocked with them and have made the price so low that it will take only a few days to
close the entire lot.
Send Postal Note and 15 cents for postage and we will send a pair to any address.
Send waist measure and length in inside leg seam.
OMAHA Free-land Loomis Co
DES MOINC3 Proprietor
Cor. Douglas and 15th Sts. , Omalia.
Some good bargains may yet bo found
amoiiR our odd sizes of men's suits. Hear
In mind these tire not inferior goods which
wo olttr , but Urstclass m every particular.
A Perfect Face Powder ;
rAGE POWDER , ii' iruleili Iliw.
nli.lo. ! ! IJu't rulietf. Bold tf
Ht.i On luniiimM i Onnoliiitu DruffCo ,1,110
Bcliroti-r' , l17 iTurblll' , 1,119. OnN.IMlit
band.loll M aOuen jtaCo , f 00 , 1 lltliouie'i ,
cor , W l nli r , Homll'ijCor . > tollcr nrlc i. _
r r MllUnii ( JnH. ucliilluffik ) , l,3in , nii4.o. , ffj ; c.n-
ll , cur. liuler : Me llml In.lllule llnJithlore.ior IMtn.Tuili.
ek' , cor. Tui-inri Oil H. 10th ! IMI i , t:0 | Hmllli IJri > . c. r I'.cll-
Ave. > n 1 Coi bjrf'Uik > , m'.i n1 Wnol worlli Av > nlr , Ucnlicli i ,
1.C01 Itow.rJ , C.oil'c..r. . Clhnul ri rr.l Do ) 1 , L' . | Itnl Ave.
mil Hill Ut , W J. rclir ! l.ri | He > fcur < It Co , H. Ou li > .
WholfiMl , If lelurriiirm Drue Cu , PUke llruce JU to.
How to il COLD EN BLONDE Hair
ForClillilron or Aiulm.
oiit Injury prenervt-f lltonj * Ilitlr IU
lurtlcilor. Hcndcri 11. Irolcii ) color
Uiollful , n > lur l Hlui.Jo. Ucl H.o
) jrcrulne la Be lel toltui from fcur
DruicliU til llnltull 1/rUio
_ _ o , ccu.rAllr cl l , fjMtlltnc IUi l' tr ,
il CO rf r iKittle or 8 furls. Ifinur liroml.l Im.n I II II will bo
. -i M I , . LklMrtlcrlu
til L.IUJ el. . Vtii Vurk , l/riiudi Uu
( Successors to John U. Jacob * )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At tlio old stand , U07 I'amam St. Orders by
telegraph solicited nnd rromptly utienued.
o. r. .
ttr " UKHUDHOHT. UttttQI
ihli ittillt rorpoie ruKX or
"OlhEUillVE WKAKNtSX.ilrlu
r ll > < turrlill !
. , , i JI vttk | ftl , rtiUr *
Tlr..lllr. . li. klillrU
to . .f if H < 5CUlu. .k.
ft. W tilc4 > e > t
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
_ uropoan Deportment receives nuu
forwards nil clusnen n ( bualncss by o.icli JlullHlcnraer
urrh ILU at or departing Irom NOVT York.
Shipments from Kuropec-m uo made direct hy thin
Company tonlllnlund I'orls of Knlry In tlio United
M.itc.9 , ulso to Cunndii Mini Mexico , with or without
payment of duties at New York.
Ilnles nslow ns thoioof anr ro ponslbtoiomimnjr.
NouiiAiiuKAUDI : rouCUSTOM UOUSK uuoit-
Mono ? Orilurs Imiod p.irablu ut 11,000 places In
United ? Utc > , Cmmda und Kurope.
.Apcnclealn Kurope to whom shipments for United
Suites cuu be delivered , or If from Interior points
should bo lOiHUnoit. accompanied br Mill of LudliiB
and Invoice cortltlt'd before American Consult
TIIO-J. MBADOWS JeCO. 15 Milk Street , Chciijuldo ,
London , 12. C , : SiWali'rfclriet.MVElll'oui , , l l riceii-
dlllr.MANCllusrcit IU Hanover Street , ( H.AHOOW J ,
Hue bcrlbc. 1'AIUS. K. UICHAKD. 1 Kun Cullou ,
11A11VB. N. l.U'lCirilNlKI-CO , 117 Ijuiu n tn ir ,
Ititr.MKv : A , Dorcnllautti. HAUIIUKU , and Hi Atn-
UatCIl , '
. . . . .
312 1st Nat1 1 Bank Building : ,
Omaha , - Nebraska
Low rotes for Cliolca LOJ.III. Titles nnd rallies
palled upon promptly untl loans closed without
Delay. Local coirenuoudeuts wanted in Me
niska and Ion n.
§ flundr //AouMndjtrm ( LfflB _ TrirWH t
, wingln
. . - .h.
en ftno unortan a the welsht put on them.
Adapted equell' well to roURli country or fine )
1U drive * WUl lr 7ou best atlafaotlon.
Tli IIOD Btaiulird Homo
Itonudlm for the euro of
WEAK ITlvnlo nllincnU are un.
( uriuinkfd for iiurliy , etc.
Ratufuotlon uuar nUcd.
MEN ( Tder Itfincdy ho , 1 for
tttnlbftl Wf k cM or vital
to , t lor Lou UmhuiKl or ( if ynluil'rttUIUy III married
men.ortlio.criit. llnit"M tu l lMi > | iy life. I'lke , II doNe
No Ifol Utuorrliotxir Klnt In tltlur > . A combined
trcalnivnt for lutornal mid IOTA ! uno. Cum In I to 6
dari. Nu rilniiuurlnc ] tlc/n. WlllnotcuuioitrUlurv ,
iialnoriinartliiK IU ruit-itliuinlrixllof ro fi.rrl ( ll 00
No I. IU ith bitlfli | fur mm or Hoinen. ] 'rttenti
. eto. fto nibbcr nor lnl llun. I' ckatfo
Ronorrhofa. . r.arlly und 1'rlco II M. 111 . < nd a w lid
trUI inple of itmvdy No.l or t on receipt ol 4cti In
tamp * f or i MitiiKO. Any ono of iliekortmidltft prompt
Ir > tnt ( walrdj by mall on ruilpt of the | irli . II u > .
8TAHDlAllRDt0REMIEDVlCOf "ohlooBo"l'lV.
DIVOHCBS-.A. aOODIUCIl , Attornpy.nt-I.nw
lit lcarboru Ht. , ( Jlilcngo ; udvlvu freiij 2 {
Teur * ' experience ; Uutlticta ( juloi'y r.uil Hinlly ;
N. W. CCR. 13 FH & DODOE STS . O M AH A , N E B.
Beitracllltl iApp r tunnaR medltiforBucce fal
Tre tm nt of every form of Dinuo icquitlnir
Board & AttemUnca , Beit AooomwodjiUoni in Wett.
CTWRITE TOR CIROOLARBon Deforroltiei an !
Bracei.TruiKi , Club Feet , CurT turcioISpin .Pilei ,
Tumori. Oancir , Oatarrh , Uronchllli , inbalation.
Xltetrleity. Parilyili , Epllepiy , Kidney. HUddtr.
Bye , Ear , Skin and Itlood and all Surgical Operation' ,
WK IUTK r.iTti.r iniin ) i Liuta
Only Reliable Medical Inntltuta making a Bpcelal ty o (
JllllJIoodI > l i < ncefufcllj- tfd. firpbllllla ration
reraoredrroutlieiritemvltliniitutrcurjr. Kin llnlor.lln
TrMtutit fur IXIM of YITAL 1 01H.IU 1'irtlll UD.l > ! lo vlill
vimilitrrkt 'lathoniabr corrtiftoiidciiee. JHIcounnuntea.
UouicoaQtlfutltl. Utdlcliieiorlti.lrntaraliirntljrii < llorei *
rreiiieeurthriifterdiotnKrk | loludleBUeoctentlorpcoder *
lD ) rtrioairiclenUw ftiltrrtt , C ll ud eociull ui r Mil
tutor/ your cue , * nl w will itul in cl.ln wr p | cr , our
Rnnlf Tfl UfU FREE : Uixa I'rlulr , Mpccltl cr
DUUfV I U mtN | N.ofiDliVliei.l.i1K.lfncrHjl.k. .
llli ; Ultettnd > rleoc < le , tlh ncullonllit. AUrrn
13th and Dodje SUccU , OMA1IA , HEO.
Dr. J. E , McGREW
In the Treatment of All Chronic , Hci'voua
and I'rlvuto Diseases.
flpurmntorrhouii , linpotencr and Kulllnr Munhodd.
nh nlnlil > curod. A cureKimrmiued ( null foriuiol
rrlvnlu Itlnuttif , Htrlcturm. ( , leot , etc. Oilarrh ,
'llirool , l.uriKi und Henri l > liua ci , IlliouinallnD.
Hplnul nnd KuinHla Dlioaiuii , 11 loud BndBklu WieaicJ
1 jullca'land gcntlooien' * waltlnif roami ieporalo
nd tntlroly prlvuio ,
Contultutloiilreo. Bubdfor bonki.Tba Secret and
1'rlviitii Illifiimtof Man.jnlno Wonmn nndJUrlili-
lOcciich l litiii | | , Tfn tnmt [ it convtpoud *
iilituinp for reply.
O.llco IWIi nml Doub'Iug Sts , , Omaha *