Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No oUvertlBomonta will bo token for
UIOBO columns of lor I2:3O p. m.
Tormo Cnoh In advance.
Advertisements under UI'B hesd 10 crnts per
line for the Jim Insertion , 7 cents for cnch mib-
poqucut Insertion , nnd tt.lV ) per line per month.
No advertisements tnkcn fo- less than 2B cents
for lUHt Insertion. Seven word * will bo counted
totha4tno | they must run consecullvely and
tnust Wo paid In ADVANCE. All advertise
ment * must ba handed In before 12:30 : o'clock p.
n. , nnd under no circumstances will they be
tnk'por discontinued by telephone.
, JL'arUos advertising In three columns nnd hav
ing Iholr ctis.we.r8 addressed in cnre of Tun line
sv4HpiCi\8fl auk fornchocic to enable them to get
tlif It letters , M none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check , All answers to nil-
vurttfcuiontfl should In ) enclosed In envelopes.
, All udvortlnemontB Intheso columns nro pub
lished 1rt both looming and evening editions ot
TilK'HfcH the circulation ot wnleh aggregates
n { > rotlmnlx.000pnpcradaily , nddntvos thend-
ve.rUf.Qrnlhobeiunt,1'not only of the city rircu-
iMJdnotTifr HEBbUfnl o"ot Council IllutT.i.
J.lucoln-ixrid other cities nnd towns throughout
tliM sect Inn , oCtho country.
BRAiNjcFTom c Es7
Advertising forthrsu columns will be tnkcn
T the above conditions , t the following bnsi-
" , who are authorized agents for TUB
. . , „ . notices , and will qtiotothe same
'ratesnrifcnnbo'rmd ' nt the main olllcc ,
' Street.
y 1HA8E fc rniY. Rtntloncrsnnn Printers , 113
Ifith Street.
H.FAIINBWOIITH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
J.mlng Street.
W.l. HUGHESPhnrmncdat , C24 North 16th
. Ftrett. "
GEO. W.PARll , Pharmacist. IBM Bt. Mary's
UaUK8'I1IlAItMAOY,2203 ratnnin Street ,
WANTED Situation In private boarding
ihotuso to cook or do other work , whore
there IB no washing. Address F 3D , Ilee.
* 84n ; nt
WANTED Position by second hand bread
nnd cnko baker. Aduross Olllce City Hotel ,
cor. lUth nnd Harnoy. iUQ 311
WANTED Situation by experienced prac
tical bookkeeper ; reteronces. Address K
72. Ilee. IHBl * t
AN experienced nuBlncssrnandeslrespositlon
in oillco of Jobber or manufacturer , la now.
omploved. Will be ready to accept place about
Aim. Ifi. Refer to Heo Publishing Co. Address
K f.O . llco onico. 882 31t
WANTED Six good men to put up wire
fence , ILK ) per ilny , board $1,50 per week ;
faro free ; 3 mouths' ' notk. Mrs. llreua , 314H 8
Itth. 345 1
'IVTEN to travel for thr Fonthlll Nurseries of
J.U Canada. Wo pay $ iO to $ HX ) n month and
expcnacH to agents to soil our Canadian grown
btock. Ad , Stone & Wellington , Madison. Wla.
220 28
W ANTED Hnllroad laborers , rocktnon and
tracklayer.for Washington Territory ;
coodwagos and steady wor ; at Albright's
Labor Agency. 1120 Farnam st. 221
WANTED A godd oillco man to go east ;
must invest KJf > 00 ; must bo a good business
man. Address the ( too. B. Cllnu Publishing
House. illG to 321 Wabash ave. , Chicago. 111.
" \Jr ANTED J25 weekly repreneritatlve , male
'or female , lu every community. Goods
Htaplo ; household necessity ; sell at sight : no
peddling ; salary paid promptly , and expenses
Advanced. FullpartlcularH and valuable sample
cage Froo. We mean just what we toy : nddros-s
at once , t-tandard Silvern are Co. , lloston. Mass ,
W 'ANTED Experlcncod man to mnko and
hnng Hhndes. Chas , Bhlverlck,120S Farnam.
W ANTED-Drug clerk , Addioss , F 29 , Doe
otllce. -
WANTED-Immedlntciy , n good barber. A
young married man can have a good Job.
II , Smith , .Winner , Neb. ; B3 It
" \f A NTED Compntcnt German drug clerk
cunliccure position by nddrcsxlug P. O.
> A. 2131
"ITT AKXED Experlrnccd cappers Address
VT Canning Co. . dromr H. lllalr , Neb. &i2-l
WANTED A salesman fora retail cloak do.
partment. Applicant must give full par-
tlcularn au to experience , amount of salary
wanted , and unexceptional references. Aa.
dreaa P. O. llox Etiy , Lincoln , Ntb. gjg-lj
YAIIMANin reutaurant ; second cook , 318 ;
boarding house , $ .10 ; farm hands and
Mrs. Jlerga , 814 S. 15.
WANTED-TwoyounKmon for ilgut work ;
815 weekly. liooui 17 , 220 N ICtli at ,
_ 183-2J
WANTED At once , an enorgotio salesman
In every town to soil teas. colTeo ? , tipices ,
extracts , baking powder , groceries , etc. . to ho
tels. rcRtaurants , farmers , aud ether larcn con-
Mimora at wholesale prices : exclusive territory
given. Address the Kdgoworth Mercantile Co. ,
14478tate St. . Chicago , 111- 115 M
CJATiKBMEN Wo wish at ew men to sell our
C1 sample to the wholesale and retail
trnan , Largest mnnufactureni m our line.
Enclose 2-cont stamp. Wages * 3 per day. Per
manent position. N o postals answered. Money
advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centen
nial Manufacturing Company. Cincinnati. Ohio.
Ifll-a21 *
"VSJANTED An Intelligent young lady , must
T bo good saleslady , nt217 Mortli street.
311 !
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework nd girl for second woric. atSW
B.sotji. aia i
WANTED Girl for general housoworc.
inn all family : good wages. Apply between
S and 0 p. m. 210 8. ootlu 317-lj
WANTr , > A crow of B dining room girls In
a llrst class hotel ; n women cooks. * Wj 1
for restaurant , - CO ; housekeeper for a lady 3
miles out , who has store In city ; cook aud second
girl for olllcor'n family ; 2 for country places 4
miles out. I < ot of ulco places In city. Mrs.
Ucrga.ai4iB. ! 15. ' - -
TANTED-Glrl for general housework ,
must no good plain cook and laundress.
1918 Capitol ave. 305 ill
ANTED At Dr. Cell mail's residence , n girl
who will cook and do laundry work ; good
wnges. paid weekly. 2'j | s
'ANTKp Lady cashier. References re
quired. 317 Bo. 15th at , 317.1
i A nime girl. Apply at No. 101
250 1 *
_ _ _ _
AJiTEO-Competent girl for general house
vork , 1K3 Farnam. HB
'ANTED tlirTfor general housework.v"
M. Yates , a w corU2d and California BIS.
: 7u.
\\7'ANTEL > Herman girl to do cooklut ; and
TT washing , best of wages puia. luaulrej.
Ji. llr-iulott. 724 810th at. SSI
! D Girl to no second work nnd take
T1 care or child tnreo yrs old ; noun but com
petent need apply ; German prxfcrrod. 2403 St.
Mary's ave 7U7
< V\7 ANTED An unfurnlHhed room down
? town , will turniHh and occupy ; pormanoiit
Ifaullttd. AtldroaaFn Hce. illll *
\\r ANVBD to teams for railroad grading , at
V > Albright's Labor agency , 112U Tariiain bt.
TTOUNI--Tho only perfect ystem of dress.
J : putting. Drf&smakers , call nud inspect this
great Fpu tt bystein , without which you are not
' . Over OU7 H. Mthbt. Agenta wanted.
r\"UBtJSM A KINO to do In f amlllcH , 035 B. "l7tu
JLJ ' * ! h2 ttl
" '
* . * ? . DOARPINO.
- LK board at 1414 Chicago.
& 232I
TflLKdANT table board at 1 15 Capitol ave.
4.ihto tilciily furuUhod rooms. * ill ) 2t
* jgUUBT-cla nay boiird. Inquire ItiUtf Dougloa
_ _ _
imoit UENT To email family ; reference ra-
X ? quired ; new hou , 11 rooniB , hall , t closow ,
pantry I all large : hard , soft and city water ;
113. Cor. ICtii and IVcltlc , IL . : opion.UJ6
TT'Oi tKNT 8- room , S tory coru r Hut. Eu-
J-1 qulro im Pacltlo ktrtut , 1W-3 ;
- _ _ _ . _
- - - ' -
1 m-mri - j -
T7U1H KENT The 6-rootu flat occupied by Dr.
13 Uilmcro. .d lloor. No. 1MU Howard st , In-
QUlro ol Uco. Hlugtos 1011 Hou-rd bU 1S3
C\ room cottage on car line , onvemont.elty and
vlclatern xrater , largo yaro.818 ner month ; also
8-roora cottnga , with name COTivcnlences , 111 ;
nouth Mt cornsr of 13th and Arbor , a. U.
McMnhon. at plncn. " 4M
'li-KJlt UKNTr-7 room Hat lange block 612 8
JL1 iota .
HENTrooni houae. 82 > J 8.
T7IOR HKNT A detached n-room houso. nil
JU modern conveniences. Enq.2.'i2 ! ? Capitol ave. i
cottnso. l < Uh and Leaven-
wotth. Inquire room 8 , N.W. cor. 13th nnd
Hnrncy. - 219 Pit
* | 7lOinriiNT 2-room house KB S. V2d st. to
JL1 family without children. 214 3U
roiTHENT--io-rooirrbTlck hontioon 20th st ,
ncarLeavcnworth. Apply at No ( fi7S.2utn
Ti\01l \ HKNT Flno largo residence , hard wood
X1 nnlsh. nil conveniences , low rent to private
family ; alfl N. liith at. _ rei
TjTO lTnKNT Npatcoltage. 15) ) per month. 0.
JL' F. Harrison , Merchant * National Hank
LYoUSlTfor rent , 10J1 Dodgo.
TjlOK UINT : I'lno lo-room brlcte home , all
JLA modern conveniences , on cable and motor
lines. Call on snoi llnrt at. ten
ItKNT Small brick housp , G rooms , for
small family. Inquire. 1317 COSY st.
H OtlSH. 1118 ; > . ] ! tth sU for rent. 11 , W.
crcmor. a N. iBth KOt
OK lU'.NT ? 1200 per"month. a six-roora
building , Ni L' . cor. ot 18th and Mason.
4S * alO
FOU HUNT T > vo nine room brick houses on
Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frame liousnon snrno street , with all
conveniences ; price 133 to rin per month. D. V
Hliolcs. 210 Kim National Hank. ail
THOU HENT-a first-class dwelling" with nil
JC modern conveniences , including stable. 2r,08
f'npltol ave. Inquire of U. JiO' Donnhon. 1001
1 nrnniii su 345
FOH KENT 7-roora flat , tZ't per mo. above
The Fair , 13th nnd Howard. Inquire trboFalr.
TTIOU KBNT Pront parlor furnlshcd H2 , nnd
JP other rooms. dBNinnst. 314 4
G ODD room with bath. 619 S. 20th st.
rrtOli UENT-Room. 1021 Howard.
JU 230
FURNISHED or imturnl.shed house torrent
in Pnrk Torrnco , opposite Hanscom park ;
all modern conveniences , Inqulre.Leo&Nlchol ,
83th and Lenvemvorth , 22fl ist
T7HTUNISI1KD front room in private family
JLJ to n gentleman of good habits ; convenient
location. 6183.20th. cor. Bt. Maryanve. . ' 110-OJ
_ R HENT A suite furnished or unfurnish
ed. 1810 Chicago st. Hoard in the houso.
- illB 5J
SUITE furnished rooms , complete for house
keeping ; also nice nlooplng room ; all con
veniences. 502 S. 18th at. 315 U
T710R RENT Nlioly furnished room with
JU Hoard. Inqulra 1U15 Chicago at. 3191
CHOICE rooms , with orwitliont uonrd. In pri
vate family ; deslrnbly situated in modem
residence ; pleasant home ; terms reasonable ;
2130 Harney street. 32J 31
FOII H11NT RoomM , furnlshod or unfur
nished ; cheap. 1414 Chicago. 323 2"
SOUTH front room , meals in the house , 100(1 (
Capitol avouuo. 320
FURNISHED rooms with all modern con
veniences , for gentlemen only , 1703 Dodge st ,
TJHMl RENT A pleasant room , suitable for
Jt ? two gentlemen , with board. Mrs. Haynes ,
(124 ( N. 3)th ) at , - 215 f"
TpOK KENT llooms with board ; I722"lfodgo ;
LA lift E front room for rent , furnished or
unfinished , 111 So 14. 21S It
T .AHOE south front room , furnished or tin-
-LJfurnlshei ) , gas. bath , cool , pleusnut location ,
largo-yard , private family , 2012 Chicago at.
2111 +
TjlOHKKNT-Kitrnisbea sleeping room. 420 a
J ICtlist. llttt-T. CD302 1J
TTWIINISHED rooms with board for3 centle-
-L1 men In private family , no other boarders , a
desirable location for partlea who wish to bo
pleasantly situated. G23 B. 2uth ave. S. B ,
Pratt. 9U32J
F ! OH UENT Furnished rooms. 8200 Dodge.
081 &
ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor , suit
able for 2 or 3 gentlemen , with or without
board ; also small room forrent,172t Davenport.
744 4t
[ TUMI RUNT Elegant furnlsnod room for
-i- single gentleman only.724 S. 13th St. . cor.
Lcavcnworth. reo
TfOlt RENT Elegant newly furnished rooms
JL In modurn brick residence , bath , etc. . wither
or without board 1K1 Cats st. lOMlt
F I Gil HENT Furnished rooms nnd board at
8200 Farnam st. 173-31t
C1O11 RENT Largo furnished south front
JL' room on second floor , with board , all con-
venlences. 11)10 ) Capital .
Jj OIl HENT Two furnished rooms , on St.
. ' Mary's avenuo. To gentlemen only. Six
minutes walk ot business center. Reference
required. Inquire at store , 210 and 212 S. 15th Bt.
URNISIIED-Front room , 1913 Farnam.
115 a 27 *
rpWO rooms with or without board for gen-
JL tlemen.prlvato faniily.rcferoncc * . 1812 Dodge
C 2
FOR RENT Two parlors front and on flrst
lloor. All modern covenlunce * . IfWJ
Douglas. CJ2
FOR RENT Over stove store , n $30 suite for
$2i ) , 1G21 Howard st. Inquire at store. 2.11
FOR ! RENT-4 rooms , down atulrs , 37th ana
Cass , 0 KHt
2HOOM3 , inodurn conveniences. 1105 N. 18th
st. natt ) . C03
THOlt KENT I unfurnished rooms suitable
X' f or house xooplng. modern Improvements
to family without children. 1704 Webster st.
1'rlca Ilii C37
Tmo H UBNT-S.toro room No. 1913 Cumlng st , ,
Store room No. in 15 Cumlngst. , 125 per mo.
Five room cottage , with city water , No. 803
N. 2oth st. S per mo.
Nvw six room house ; with city water In house ,
good clhtern , etc. , 37th aud "Dodge ats. , $10 per
uio.Four room cottage , 1514 N. ? id at. , (13 per ma ,
Potter A Cobb , taul Farnam st. 34 MO
niOl | UENT 1 window anil : to to feet of
JRhelt aud counter : loonilugooa location for
retail trade ; especially suited for Indies' line
furnishings. Apply 1510 Douglas it. , U. V , Mc
Cartney , , UHM
OFFICE To rent. Furnished elegantly or
unfurnished , llushuiuu block , N , li. Cor. and Douglas. S3S
EOll UENT-Storo and 4 living rooms In
rear , all newly pnporod ; good location for
grocery or feed storu ; Bi per month. Apply
ntoncu. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank.
I71O11 ItENT-Tho 4-dtory brick building with
JU or without power , formerly occupied by The
lloe Publishing Co. . Ulfl Farnuni bt. The build-
ins has a tiro-proof cemented basement , com-
pletoHteam boating HxtureH , watur on all the
Hoors-ga8 , eta. Apply ut the oillco ot The Hue ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THOU U ENT Btor8 nd living rooms on Cum-
JL' liinM. AUnhouseouCtuMfci , Harris , room
411 , 1st Nat. Hank. 231
"IjiOll HENT 1'or n year or wrm of years In
J-1 ( Hand Island , Net ) . , t\vo llrst-class brick
atorttn , situated on Front "strout , ono block
south of U. P , tiuck ; thcuB buildings are only
t o years olrt , plnta glass fronts and atoini
walks , nuocellara. and nrat-clasa In every
rosuect ; reuta reasonable. Apply to W. A.
Whitney. ai 13
FOU business purposes 2d tloor. 60x132. in
Paxton building , 16tb aud Famam. entrance
on Farnaui. paMengcr and freight elevator ,
north ami south light , will divide Intotwo Ifdo-
aired. Heyman A ; Dulclios , 1518 Furuuni at.
S TO HE for rant , southeast cor t2th and Doug-
la < at. H. Lehman. Ui
rpo HUNT Deilrablo warehouse room on
JL track. Apply to 0. W. Keith , 714 pacific St.
I7IOU HENT Elegant Urea baaement 1515
JL1 Douglas bt. _ m-4
T71QU IlENT-3 Uoors front half fiemts bulia-
-L' Ing , power , heat , electric light , inquire oBco
of U inl Om Ua H K Co , IK J/J1
TTIOH RENT Tno corner room under the N -
JL1 brnskn National bank will soon be tor rent ,
the Equitable Trust Co. removing to larger
quarter * .
The apace Is about double that occupied by
the a. H. ft Q. tlricet olllce. The floor In tiled
ana the room can bo made desirable for a 11 , il.
ticket or broker's oillco ,
Tor particulars apply at bank. CSS
IADIES , Attention I Madam Ouorotto'g
'Golden Specific , tor all fomala weakness ,
oincobourRHto wnin. . , and nto5 p. tn. , con-
Bullatlon free. IcO ? Douglas. 412aO *
THE banjo taught as an nrt by deo. F. Gcllcn
beck. Apply ntlleooinco. W
TTMIIRELLA8 ntfft parasols covered an re-
U paired , 317 8 15th , lloyd's opera house block ,
Inahoo storo. It. Ualor. ? 81
\fE8-Tno old reliable llontal agency 13 still
X running , supplying nil thnt como with
lioiipen , lints and ntoros. J. U. Parrotte. Iloom
31. Douglas block. M0l > 13. _
I.OST-A lady's pongee llk blouse walso.
'Finder please return to this olllce. 2Til 1
STItAYED-lJnv ponv mnro. black mane and
tall ; iitrlpo In face : returnaamo to2501 Chicago
cage st. and receive reward. an 1J
T OST lletwoen ! Kth and Sewara streets and
JlJMth nnn Cumlng , old black leather pocketbook -
book containing 5uc and aorae receipts to Ethel
Logan and scarf pin. Tinder wlll"bo rewarded
by returning to tills otllce. 307-31
OST English Mastiff. Kcturn to 400 Paxton
block and pet reward. _ 241-
, _ _ formtlio acquaintance of gon-
tlcman employed in the packing house ;
object fun. Address Etta , South Omaha.
TXIRS. Eccles , the famous fortune teller and
JJ-lclairvoyant , business , love , mnrrlago nud
changes , 607 S 13th door to Ilorkoa hotel.
BH4 0
Pill. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , nwu >
u-/cnl and business mc.llum. Female dltenses
ispecialty. . 11U N.16th at. rooms 2 and 3. l > 05
me nt the Erie Clothing Ca'j. 020 N.
MEET Bt. Men's $20 suits $10 , nnd $10 suits $5 ,
Mail orders O. K. 858 ill
YEs ! Charley , the Erlo Clothing Co. , 820 N.
18th St. , are Rolling all $3) suits at $10. and
CIO sulta $3. Mall orders 11 Hod. 85831
MRS. Porcovnl of California , 1600 Douglas at. ,
fortells the future. Ladles and gentlemen.
204 a4t
STORAGE nt low rates nt 1121 Farnam st. ,
Omaha Auction ana Storage Co. 237
rpUACKAGE storage at lowest rates. W. M.
JL Bushman , 1311 Loavcnworth. 238
BRANCH & CO. , storage , 12H Howard.
239 *
and forwarding. Wo collect and
STORAGE of all descriptions , .merchan
dise , furniture nnd baggage at cheapest rates
for storage for nny length of time. Vans and
wagons to bo had nt shortest notice , wltB care
ful men for moving. Packing and shipping
from our own wnruhotiso done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own trucks. Office 217 S 14th
st. ; telephone 114. Howell & Co. 240
\\7 ANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
household goods of all kinds. Omaha
Auction & Btorrgo Co. , 1121 Farnam , 237
ORRISON .V ELY-Storage und forwnrdlng ;
srjecial arrangements for commission mer
chants , 1213 Lenvcnworth ; tol. 419. , Omaha.
QTANDAHD Shorthand scbiol , Paxton blk. ,
{ jsuccessor ( to Valentine' * ) the largest exclu
sive shorthand school In the west. Teachers
nro verbatim reporters. Particular attention
nald to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory expert , Circulars.
Huslnoss College , cor ICth and Capitol
OMAHA Bhortnnnd The largest nnd most
successful xhortlmnd department in the state.
Standard methods taught. Munson's rovlbed
ot ' 89 n specialty. Call or write for terms n
ANTED To buy' confectionery. Address
w C. W. , 217 Main at. . Council Uluus , Ion a ,
TTlIltRT-class notes of $1,000 to Ji.OOO each , ntn-
J ? mug one or two years. 0 , A. Starr , 12u5 Far
nam st. 32.1 4
of not Icsii than eight rooms with burn , must
nave shade trees. Address with description ,
C. K. Muyue Heal Estate it Trust Co. Iteo build
ing. 268 J
ANTED An Ice box , must be large , good
and cheap. Inquire English IJros,314 0.12th.
-At auction to-morrow at 10 a. m ,
JU 25 cook stoves. 40 heaters and a lot of house
hold fnrnlture , at 1710 St. Marys avo. . to close
out business. :135-31 :
T7IOR SALE A carriage , or oxcnnngo for
JD buggy or norse. 2001 Cutning st. 3UU2t
'IJIOE SALE Or exchange , a good 3'/J ' year
J ? hort > o. Apply at 1414 Dodco Bt. 310 4 *
OR SALE Handsome Sample Upright
G abler piano ; very superior tone ; a bargain.
Inquire Merrill's Pharmacy , Chicago and lUih.
I71OR SALE J3W Excellent opportunity to
JL1 obtain entire outllt with quantity ot ma
terial for doing line of public work ; exporiense
unnecessary ; part time if required. Address
F24 , Ilee. 800-311
OU SALE Complete household of 7-room
cottage. 2310 Chicago st 1302 ?
OR SALE Law library. 1516 Douglas.
VI78 *
FIVE hundred shares of $10 per snare North
Western Standard-Oil stock. Tola stock is
non-assessable and land is being developed
now and is sure to bring good returns in near
future. Will sell for cash very cheap. Address
K C2. Ilee olllce. MO
TfTIOK BALE 3 thoroughbred red Irish setter'
JL ? pups. Apply Caulleld house.Uth and Farnaui
FOR SALE Handsome youngpony , perfectly
Bound and gentle , suitable for either saddle
or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha.
_ j t44
I7IOR BALE 1,000 tons ot 15-Inch ice , housed
JU .on track , Council Hluiru , la. Gilbert lli'os.
OCR BALE Fine H all's safe , as good as new ;
JJ cheup. R. M. Gonlus ic lira. . 14US Douglas , o
FOU SALE turnlture of large house , every
room rented. Flrat-class location. Parties
leaving city , A bargain. Address E B , Ilee olllce.
& .VI-
TM1B Caulleld MTp Co. being about to move
JL will sell I lint-class 4-horao-power engine
and boiler at U actual value. izod Douglas st.
TVf 1DLAND Guarnnteo & Trust Co. . N. Y. Llfo
J-TLbldg , Complete abstracts furnished and titles
to real rotate examined , perfected & guaranteed.
BUILDING and other roal'estato loan.s WTM
HarrK room a ) . I'renzor block , opp. P. O.
OF. HAHRIbON loans money , lowest rates.
. B75
MONEY loaned on furnituio. horses and
wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
1183. Kith t. , opposite Millard hotel. 276
ONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. . real estate
and loan agents , 1505 Farnam Ht. 877
T\7"ANTED-Flrst class Inside loans. Lowest
> T rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , Hi. Darker blk. . 15th and Farnam. 218
M ONEVtoloau. Harris R. E. Ac Loan Co. ,
MT room 411 , First National bank. 271) )
' \T ONEY to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J.
0-ll.W.Smilre. 1219 Farnaui bt. . Flrbt National
bankjjulldlng. 280
FIHST mortgage loans at low rates and no
delay. 1) . V. Bholos , 210 Flr.t National
bank. 2U
MONEY to loan on real estate security , at
lowest rates , lletore negotiating loan * goo
Wallace. U. 310. llrown bldg. 10th & Douglus. 282
T OANSmndonn real otate and mortgages
Jjbought.LewlaB. lleed&.Co.U 13lloard Trade
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage 4 Trust Co. tur-
nlnh cheap oaatorn money to borrow em ,
purchase securities , porfuut titles , accept loans
ut their western oillca. Qsorgo W. P. Coates ,
room 7. Hoard of Trade. 84
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horse * ,
wagons , etc. , or collaterals until you aeo
U II. Jacob * , 411 First National bank building.
: > WILDING loam. D. V. Bholea , 10 Fir t
J National Imiik. si
f * Per Cent money H , JIG , N , r. Llfo Inn. bldg.
XjNEY to loan on any security
for abort time , at low
rates , Ixjwcstirates
on personali
property , /
The Henderson Mortgage investment Company ,
room 400. Pnxton block.a gt < l
vo.ww to lonn nt n per cent. Ltnahnn & Ma-
honcy. room 606 Paxtp ) } block. 237
M ON 15V to lonn on horses. wagons , mules ,
household good * , plonos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The tlrst organized lonn oinco in
tno city. Mnko loans tof , .thirty to three hun
dred nnd alxty-flvo daja , , which cnn bo paid In
part or whole , M any tllnt ? . tints lowering the
principal nnd Interest. CUll nnd sea u when
youvtanr. moneyi We < J4h nB lst you promptly
nnd to your advantage Without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hnnd.
No delay In making lonns , C. F. Heed ! c Co. ,
319 8.13th at. over lllnghnm A Sons. 8H3
QBE Bholos , room 310 , Flrat Nnt'l bank , before
Oninklug your loans. 231
$10,000 to ( AO.OOO Pnrtlcs "mnslnp lonns of
such nmounts on choice Improved property
can Ret lower rntcs of us tlmii of any one clso
In the city. Wo want such lonns right now ,
Central Lonn & Trust Co. , 1203 st.
324 4
( JTRIN ER & PENNY. room 20 , Douglas
VJblockhnvo money to lend on chattel security.
_ _ 4C2 A10
ONEY to loan on turnlturc. horses , wagons
or securities of any kind ; commercial nnd
mortgage note * bought at fnlr rales ; nil busi
ness transacted conndontlnl , Collntornl Loan
Co. , room 321. Rnmge building. _ 713
QTIUNG Kit & Penny , room 20 Douglas block
KJuionoy to loan on real estate at lowest ratal
_ _ iroai
1 OAN8 on household furniture or nny good
Insecurity , I.nrgo and mnnll mim.s. I/iwur
interest than has tioen offered. Klkhorn Lonn
Co. , over Commercial National bank , 13th and
Douglas at , _ IK ) A.7
YOU want money ? If so don t borrow
uoforo getting my rates , which are the low
est on uny sum from (1 up to $ 10.000.
1 mnko lonus on household goods , plnnos. or-
gnns , hor8esmuleswngons , warehouse rocclpti ,
110U801 , leatics , etc. . In nnyninonntnt tliolouost
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can be made for ono to six months nnd
ymi can pay a part at anv time , red ucttig both
principal and interest. If you ewe a balance
on your furniture or horses , or have a loon on
thnm. I will take It up and carry It for you a *
long ns yon dt slro.
If you need money you will find It to your
advantage to see me before borrowing ,
II. V. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building. 16th
and Harney.t. 289
T DAN make A few loans on llrat-class chattel
J-securltles at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
room IP. Marker blk. _ SC5
LOANS on Improved and unimproved prop
erty at low rates ( Moll liros. &Co.,312SlGtn.
MONRY loaned for 80 , BO or 00 days on nny
kind of chattel security ; reasonable intnr-
est ; conlldontlal. J.J , Wilkinson , 3417 1'nrnam.
KSIDENCE loans 6H to 7 per cent no ail
dltlonal charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W , 11. Molkle , First Mat bank bldg.
ONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on nny approved necuilty. J. W ,
llobblus , 1411K Farnnui street , Paxton hotel.
KYBTONE Mortgage Co.-Loans of $10 to
81,000 ; get our rates before borrowing nnd
save money ; loan on horaos , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity : notes
boiiKht ; for new lonn. renewal of old and lo\v-
ostratoscalll(203,3heoloy blk , I5th& Howard st.
MONEY Loans negotiated nt low rates with
on tdelay , and purchase goods , commercial
paper nnd mortgage notes. B. A. Bloman. cor.
13th and Farman. , , , . S72
\TEBUASKA More. LJnn Co.will moke you a
JL > loan on household goods ,
liorsos , 'wftgons ' ,
land contracts ,
fine Jewelry , or securities of any kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Jtoom 7 , Itowlev block. South Omaha.
Itooms G18-D19 , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb.
, * 273
_ _
BKST cash grocery. nndTnn Interest In one of
best established ffi'rnlturo biisinesi in
Oninha ; gooil roinon pt/Jn for Boiling. HutchInson -
Inson & Wend , 1 21 Douglas St. 337-2
TTIOlt SAX K or Trade "for" Omaha property an
X ! established buslness-.liXiax.518 Omaha ,
_ [ \ } _ _ 840
"IjlOR 8A1B Splendla millinery business , at
-12 half value. Address A. M. Ileswlck. Fatr-
lleld. Kob. 331 Ej
SALOON and llxtures for sale doing good
business , on N street. South Omaha. In
quire at Phenlx ealoon. South Omaha. 212 1 ?
TjlOU SALE -A well established , good paying
JO business ; price fii.OCO. Will sell the whole era
a controllng interest andtransfermanngument ,
which , If conducted with ordinary business
ability , will Insure an annual not profit of
83.000 to $4,000. and the opportunity for extend
ing nnd increasing the business is unrestricted.
My reason for selling In having other Important
business Interests requiring my undlvfded at
tention. The practical knowledge necessary to
carry on the above buttlnsss successfully 11
simple and easily acquired. It will pay anyone
ono having the capital and time required to In
vestigate , Address F 27 , Bee. 247
FOU BALK Ono of the best paying two-chair
barber shops in the city. A. L. Undeland &
Co. . 108 S Kthst. 1S5-31J
OK SALK A good poloon. excellently located -
cated In central part of the city1 ; will sell
llxtures and stock separately if party purchasIng -
Ing so desires. Address F-2-Mleo olBce. 193 U
TjlOIl BALE First-class bakery.conf cctlonery
J- ' and restaurant. A 1 location and doing a
good business ; roitaurant has a good patron
age from adjoining hotel , good reasons for
selling. Inquire 018 N. Iflth st. _ ! M8-U
I71OH SALE A very desirable centrally lo-
J. ' cated restaurant , doing a good business.
full of boarders , mutt have money. J. II ,
Parrotte , Kental Agency , 10th and Dodge.
TT10U BALE Good restaurant , good location.
JU 10 good beds ; will sell cneap for cash. 408
B 10th at. _ U8J-2J
TJWK BALE Saloon fixtures and business In
-L1 Crawford , Neb. ; the best saloon town in the
state : place now clearing 1500 per month , with
a cortalnty of better business. Good reasons
for selling. Price . ' .600 , part cash. W.
Btransky. Chadron. Nob. _ UT2-11
A GUI ! AT bargain In. Gordon , Neb. , a new
roller mill for sale , X > barrel capacity nnd
rigged to make buckwheat and rye Hour , meal
ami chop food ; in a good wheat country and
good market for Hour ; 3 dwellings and barn
with it ; price $8,000. Paitlfa having prop
erty to trade need not apply ; militias llrst-
class reputation. F. J. Andreas. C13 alGt
Partner in restaurant in connection
tion with hotel of iO rooms. Ad. U 21 , Hoe.
t. . corner fronting i
. streets ; line residence ; Inc. $3,60U ; price
S1B.WJ ) ; for merchandise.
Full lot , 2Uh near Popploton , with small
house , for clear vacant lot.
Clear Council muffs lot for eriutty in good
Omaha lot. Jlutculnsou &Woad , 1021 Douglas.
T7IOU EXCHANOB-Au'elogant tract of land
JC containing 120 acres , -In Antelope county ,
Nob. , with ordinary improvements.
A quarter section in Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved. Qr-s
Klghty acres near Ooitnoll lilulfs , la.
House and lot on SoiifliHStn st.
Jjirge amount ot Oil MdStitnln and Petroleum
company oil stock. wm-ioxcliaziKo for good
property or the erecUotfto some houses , tieo.
J. Kternsdorlf , 1st Natl p bank building. 3T1
Tmoit KXCIIANnE-Afl'n fnrm of aw acres In
X1 Polk county. Neb. , fqur miles from Clnrks.
Neb. , to exchange ior'catle ; Hi ) acres under
cultivation , house. Tarn , wagon scales nnd
peed feed lot. Address C. Oikump , 2216 Wob-
Bter St. , Omaha. Neb. 2JU
ICXOHANGB-For desirable residence
X1 property In Omaha.iwJy or all of following :
40 choice msido residence lots in Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln. -
010 acres line farmlne land.Lancaster county.
Flno rrzideiice property , Lincoln ,
( Good rental property ! Lincoln ,
CIiplco family residbijca corner , Los Angeles.
A neat residence property in Ilimacom place.
Also some good mortuagu notes ,
Androxs , giving location nnd price of prop-
erty. J , E , H. , care Haum Jrou Co. , 1217 Leaven-
\sorth. | an
riiq EXCHANGE for Qniaha property , one of
JU the best Improved farms In Iowa , only ona
inllo from town of O.uuu Inhabitants , W. R. E.
& M. E. , room 14 , Chamber of Commerce. yj3
HAVE inbido property to exchange for clear
land. O. M. Cooper , 8W N. Y. Lite bide.
) l-3lj
F 0 U EXCHANGE 40 acre * clear land for
luara ; , aarneas and carriage , 411 Paxton blk.
_ _
O EXCHANQE-Almost new uldebar
buggy to exchange for a double aeatod
buggy. Apply at No , law I'acillc tr et.
CU ) 4
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
rno KXCHANOE-Wehavea good residence
X property full and unlncumbered , nicely
located fu a good business town iu eastern Kan
sas of a.U.'O thousand inhabitant * , coal lu abun
dance. and a nice country around. We want la
exchange a nice clean millinery stock or goods
located in aomo good buulnosi town , or wo will
exchange good property here fur luoKamo. Call nordon&Ca , St elo City ,
lifiu. -
.KQALblaniu. Chaso&Edrty. 113 818th at
J 270 o5 ;
parlor billiard tabla and a
piano in exchange for clear low In one of
the best towns In the atate > , or n good fnrm ,
lightly encumbered. W , H , K. A M , It. , room
14. Chamber ot Commerce. _ 080
and clear lota or laud to trade for m er
GAtMl . Address , F 14 , Ilee. 109 a
you any good Inside property to exchange -
change for clear farm lands. Will nastimo
nemo Incumbranco. Btrlngor & Penny. Doug-
Ins block. 1173-8
mWOTiarniSfiTsTilher lonror 2r iovena
-L Plaeo , south front , ou motor line , close to
North Omaha factories ; fSOO , fcSM cash , foOOIn
Oct. lhH > , Moo in throe years from last Ajirll.
Only ono lot wilt bo sold. M. A. Upton Com
pany. 343 4
" 171ULL lot In block 2 Orchard Hill , 5-rooni
JL1 house , barn , well , clslorn , shndo trees. (2,400.
81,000 cash , balance 4 years. M. A. Upton Com
pany , 10th and Parnntn. 0134
ONE of the two house nnd lot bargains 1
have been ottering on Georgia nve.nurth of
l now sold and < > ccupodbocuuso !
of my very low price , The south house of the
two still romnlns a bargain open to somebody.
First comes , tlrst served. To bo appreciated It
needs to be examined Internally. 1 positively
will not rent it , though several times offered
tfiOpnr month. Prlc * . on voryonsyteriin.W.000.
W. T. Seaman , east side loth st.north ot Nich
olas t.Omaha's largest variety of waconr aud
carriages. 2"3 "
TT1O11 BALE lloautlful 8-rootn housoall mml-
V ornlmprovomunts. including splendid fur-
.nace , near Hanscom park , best location In the
city forschool.churchandstreotcsr privileges :
prlco } 6UJO. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Natloual
bank. ] SU4
I/IOH SALE Easy tenns , Kountzoplnco.
JL' TAVO homos , each 8 rooms , each (4,000 ,
Two homo ? , each t ) rooms , each I3.00J.
Two homos , each 15 rooms , each (7,000.
All with modern convenience.
All large value at the price.
All within n square of the motor lino.
Don't lese tueso opportunities.
For sale by the owner. w. T. Seaman ,
East side 10th at. , north ot Nicholas st. ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car
riages. 293
VJUUIII Omaha I South Omaha I All ono
Oaoltd city In the next A years. Clot some of
those 0 < ) xl50 lots around Summit Park. They
nro only 2W miles from the Omaha postolUco ,
Wo havotho largest list and best bargains. M.
A. Upton Company , 10th and Farnam. 343 4
Part of the Dick Kimball estate
GO foot on 1Mb. Btreot running through to
17th ave. Ono 13 room homo , all modern con
veniences , and two alx room houses. Total
rental $1.500 per year ; prlca S13.0JO. U. A. Up
ton Company , 10th and Farnam. SDj
T710K SALE-Lot 60x00 feet , 2 blocks from
-L1 court houso. Inquire 11UO Farnani street.
313 St
SOUTH OMAHA property is' 7ooicl g'up'Tig
sales there this fall. We have the largest
list and best bargains. M. A. Upton Company ,
llilh and Farnam. 343 4
BAUUAINd for sale Nine lots including two
lntln > park In Orchard hill at your own price :
these lots must bo sold ntonco ; small amount
ofcash necessary , C. E. Mayna Heal Kstate
& Trust Co. Heo building. gjQ31t
Jj > OH SALE Lots in Stewnrt Place on Lowe
X ? ave , ; Metropolitan cable passes property.
Oroom house and barn , Hanscom Placo. 2
houses and lots ou Cass st , on easy terms ,
Harris , room 411,1st Nnt. bank. are
OOUTH Omaha property from Q street to A ,
Oand between 21th and the railroad tracks in
double gilt edgo. Kvery lot Is 00x150 , with 80
feet streets and JJJ-feet alleys. Wo have the
largest list and boat bargains. M. A. Upton
Company , Itth and Farnam. 313 i
FOK SALE On longtime nnd easy payments ,
handsome , now , well built houses of S , 9 and
10 rooms. All conveniences , good neighborhood ;
paved streets , street cars and within walking ,
distance of P. O. Nathan Shclton , 1014 Farnam.
SOUTH OMAHA motor lines are "getting
there. " Real estate will bo lively in the
next 00 days. We have the largest list and host
bnrgalns. M. A. Upton Company , Kith and
1'arnam. 343 4
TT10U SALE-543.73 acres , sec. 5 , tp. 13 , r. flw
-U Hamilton county. Neb. Houso. stable , 330
acres fenced , living water. Price , W.OOO. V. K
Attctns , owner , railroad blilg. , Denver. Col.
rpHEbest monoy's worm of house and lot now
JL for sale iu Omaha Is that which I am now
completing near 24th tt , on paved Wirt st , , in
Kountzo place. H bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , 3 water closets ,
largo laundry , stationery wnsh tubs , furnace
aud coal room.and cellar , electric bulls and
speaking tube , 12 closets. Price only 87.UOO on
terms to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining
at same prico. W. T. Teaman , east aide 10th Ht.
north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and carriages. p30
SALE The flnnst residence in Orchard
Hill can be bought at actual cost ; owner
leaving town ; house has 10 rooms with bath
room and every modern convenience , lot G0xl30
all sodded ; largo barn and nice shade trees ; in
fact a perfect home , call and let us show you
this. Arnold Si Co. , room 527 Paxton block.
I AST CRANCte Bargain. Fine lot on Hroad-
JLJ way and 2 on motor line. Council llluira ,
1,400 cash. Huhn , lt&2 St. Mary's avenue ,
Omaha. 24531
E IIAYB nearly all the best South Omnlm
property on our list. A tow lots have es
caped us. Bond us your prices and terms. We
are getting ready for the fall boom. M. A.
Upton Company. ICth end Farnam 341 4
ILL take 81,100 for small house aud full lot
COxlCS In Walnut Hill , Close to motor.
S400 cash and balance 510 month. Stringer &
Penny , Douglas bloce. 21Tl (
E 1ST your South Omaha property with us If
you want It sold. We are going to have a
boom In the "original plat" within the next BO
days , M. A. Upton Company , 10th and Farnam.
343 4
171011 SALE A 4-story brick block with high
JL' basement , desirable for wholesale business ,
on cor. lot. Reasonable price. Particulars at
Fculsen & Co. , 1511 Farnam St. , Room 8. 117 2
WO lots in Walnut Hill , close to tbo motor
and Uelt Line dooot , & 00 buys the two lota.
Stringer & Penny , Douglas block. DS9 2
1710It BALE South Omaha bargain 4 lots at
JL'west end of viaduct , rapidly increasing in
value , must be sold. Numbers 12,13 , iu ami 17 ,
block 888 , for 8SOO each ; this is less than they
were sold for originally by the South Omaha
Land Co , , are worth twice thnt now. C. H.
May no Real Estate & Trust Co. , Ilee building , a
201 31t
OR BALE 22 , 41 or GO foot of lot 8 block 7rt.
at tCjO per foot. This is within aquarterof
a block'of the now P. O. site , and will bo worth
fl.KK ( ) inside of a year.
The oH lot 8 block 101 , cor Douglas and lOtU
sts. . 44 feet on Douglas and 03 on 10th , price
J 'jotX > , ilo.OUO cash , balance in five equal annual
The BOK nw'i see 0 , 114 , r 13 e , Douglas Oo , ,
price II2.UJO , j.lXX ) cash , balance easy.
Lot 7 block UIO , South Omaha , price $1,200 ,
terms easy. w. H. E. & M. E. , room 14. Cham
ber of Commerce , telephone 1410. 097
WE can olTer for sale for the next few days
the following line properties ; A 3-roont
house In Improvement Association add. , with
barn and other out door improvements. A lot
in Oklahoma add. ; 1 In Rogers' add. ; 1 In
Cleveland Place ; 4 lots In Rosalind Place. W , R ,
K.Se M , Ex. , Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce ;
telephone 141U Mi.
S HOLES to the front again , Last list nil
Bold out ,
J3-.000. (30,000 , I10OCO , J14.0W , I13.000. $11,500.
and from this down to a small house for H
cent , buys resiliences In the city for bankers
down to the man who cleans the newer.
J8)00 ( ) or $7OUO buvs either 12 or fl-room houee ,
barn. lotH 7rt and C0xl2l feet crrcund each , on
24th st. , Kountza place , with furnace , gas nnd
llxtures , hot and ( old water , bath , three elegant
mantels cnch , all papered , elegant lawns , on
urndi- , street paved , motor by October 1. If
not cheap , come In and I'll give thorn both to
you free.
II.W ) buys B-roorn liouse , furnace , and every
thing oven to electric wires for lighting gas ;
lot Mx ) 150. across Htreet west of Dr. Mercer's
und i block from motor. (500 cash , bal. G per
JO.OOO buya full lot In Ilanscom plnco , 32d and
Pcppleton nvenue , with 8-room house , furnace
und o\crythlng else.
fl.200 buys a Joe Dandy cast front lot on 32d
and Pacltlc atroor , Hauscom place ,
JV.Oi ) and S'.OOO residences In Kountze place
to trade for smaller honses and lot near tnere.
? I.OW. ( full lot and good house In Hillside add.
opp. Webster Htront xcbool to trade for vacant
lot. tl.'JUObnys either4-rooni house , full lot. In
Central park or Hitchcock's add. , and
Btttno in Crolghton heights add. f-,7W buys line
lot on Farnam and 42d sts. 80.750 buys UBxlS2
ft. on rass at. opp. Cuss school. l-M buys
either of two 5-room houses In Roddick pure.
JI.OOCJ buys a line 7-rooui cottage on ICtti and
Paul ats. , with bath , hot and cold water , slug
walk , aud a corker for the money ,
3 choice lots ualue in cash (2,500 , In Lincoln ,
Neb. , for good house and lot und pay balance
IncuKh , buhmltolTora. Also ] ( acres choice
land In Nnckollsco , Nub , , und good hard cash
for choice city lot * . Submit.
If you don't want to buy send list of what
you have to sell.
Wo are hero for that purpose and there ure
lota of them that will buy. There IB Just as
peed bargalua to-day as ono wants. Drop your
"cranky'1 ideas and got to business.
For polntora , aoetinolea. 210 First Nat' ! tank.
ELEGANT 60x125 lots With H ) foot alleya. 4
blocks from Mercer's motor for $ VX ) ; 140
caali , balance 110 month. Now is the time to
Invest "liny in dull market. Bell in active
market. " Will take pleasure in ahowlng these
loti any time , George M. Uoopor , P1U Nuw
York Life Uulldlns. * K-aq
P0118AI.15 lluslncs * comer , l < \000. C. F ,
Harris on , Mcrchanls National bank. 293
GO. WALLACE , Rooms 810-311 , J.J. llrown
building. ICth and Douglan.
South front lot on Farnam , worth 12,000 ,
lx > t 10 , Mock n. Ilrlggs Place , corner. 13,000.
Lot 22 , block B , Orchard Hill , corner Lowe
avenue , very cheap , easy torms. * < 60.
Lot 21. block t > . Orchard Hill , ? UO.
Lots , block 1 , Orchnrd Hill , one of the best
lots for business on Hamilton street. U.760.
Lot II , biook "L , " Lowes' ndcu , 00 feet front ,
worth moro , $1.300.
Lots , block 2 , Hellene's ndd , Fi < txl32 , on State
atreat , very good and easy terms , $1,01X1 ,
120 f ot trout coruor on Amos nvo and 23th ,
bargain for business , ansy payments. fit > 0) .
Fine east front In Plnltivlew , U.i.110.
l.ot.2,1 , block 4 , Monmouth Park , fine lot , ft-
room cottage. $ cash , tlfl per month , H.flW.
Lnrgo 8-room house nnd two lots , Monmouth
Park , your own terms , tl,00.i.
Monmouth Park Isthobost addition for the
money , ease ot access , flne view , beauty ot lo
cation. and cither advantages considered. Terms
easy. Parties wishing homos on easy payments
given special Imluromcnts In Monmouth Park.
What have you to tradn for lot 3 , block Y ,
Shlnn'R addition. 60 ft front on Sownrd ,
with good cottngo and room for nnothor.subjcct
to &JOOJ.onit ! tlmo ? Some ono wanting n homo
can get n bargain bore. Clear lot on Amos nvo-
nun In Ucnman Plnco to oxchnnge for cottage
In west part of the city. To persons wishing
homos on onsy piymonts I .can ctTer special In
ducements in Cnrthugo. West Cnmlnir. Lincoln
Place , Orchard Hill. Cllttbn Hill , Monmouth
Pnrk , Hnwthorne. ami llngrfs plnco. Money to
loan on real estnto oocurlty. U. 0. Wnllacu ,
llrowu building , llith and Douglas. 313 3
Tj OHSALE Pnrtles wishing to build homos
JJ In a llrst class residence portion ot the city.
within onotuilti of the postuflloc. within n few
blocksot the cable line with nil the advantages
of gas. city water , sewerngo and continuous
pavement from center ot city , will nnd It to
their ndvnntnge to got price nnd terms from us
bof oroTmrcnnstng olsow hero.
A number of fine lots In Hertford plnco from
$ < VX ) to $800. Those lots are within n tow blocks
of the now furniture factory now bolng built ,
nnd will soon have the ndvnntngcs ot paved
street and street railway. Do not miss an op
portunity of securing a lot fur n homo botoro
prices an vance In thU locnlltv. Lota In Isaac
A Sclden's addition from ? I,00 to ) , OUQ. Tncso
lots are each ( ttxl24 fcot largo enough for throe
peed slr.fd cottages.
A few east front lots in blocks 1 and 2 , Pot-
tor'H addition , ranging iu prlcu from $ l,3oO to
Wo have some property within alx miles of
Omaha , with line stream of water , furnished
by largo springs , which Is suitable for dairy
purposes , nnd "wo can sell from 5 to 100 acres
togather , on very ei"1 ? terms. 'or seine of It can
be oxchaugod for othergood property.
South front lot on Hamilton Bt , , near SGth at. ,
price f 1-V > .
East front loton Georgia avouuo.ln Uurr Oak
addition , price Z35 > ) .
East front lot on Georgia avenue , between
Poppleton and Woolworth avenues , pric , 4.500.
une of the best lots in Patrick's addition ,
within 1 block of Snundero at. , price $3,509.
One of the finest corner lots on Ilrondwny , in
Council HliitTs , opposite the carriage factory
and pow r liouso. with 50 feet frontage on
Uroad way by 178 on 28th at. , only $ l,00u.
Lots In Potter * Cobbs' addition. Council
Bluffs , from $200 to J300. Terms very oasy.
123 C Potter & Cobb. 1G01 Faruain st.
H OW long nro YOU going to let thet south
front on Cass street in Hlllslbe No. 1. go
begging at f 7.1 00. $3.OM la price of adjoining
lots. M. A. Upton ' Company , Iflth & Farnam.
/10ME and see us and nvostlpato some of the
VVbargnlns wo have to otrer. Wo nro continu
ally listing uow properties , and "If you don't
see what you want , ask for U. "
For sale lot 12. nlock 111 , Btulrs second addi
tion ut n bargain.
An elevator properly with largo dwelling
house , nt a bargain. Elevator complete , wltn
horse-power , scales , ofllco furnlstiou. etc. A
line opening for a practical grain dealer ,
Houses and lots In nil parta of Omalm for
sale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha property.1.000 acres
of school laud lease , in ono of the best counties
in the state ,
A linn residence property in Omaha View for
Bale at a bargalu.
From $7oMJ to $100.000 worth of first-class
notes to exchange for Oninhn property.
For sale , at n bargain , hotel und livery barn ,
in acood Neoraskntown. Tills la line onan-
ing for a practical hotel man.
For exchange for Omnha property ono of the
best farms In Rock county , Nebraska , together
with stock nud machinery necessary to carry
on the place. Old agn and failing health of tUo
owner is reason tor selling.
A flno Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , forexchange for Omaha property.
2SO acres of flno land in northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omaha property.
Wo hove unsurpassed facilities for disposing
rff property , having some DUO agents scattered
over four or nvo states. List your property
with us if you wish a quick turn. W. R. E. Jc
M. E. , room 14 , Chamber of Commerce , telephone -
phone 1440. _ 104
SALTZ Do you want a choice farm 10
Foil northwest of Omaha ? If so , I have
just what will suit you , and can 'be bought at
(30 per acre below Its actual value. The above
named farm contains 275 acres ot the 11 nest land
in the state , all enclosed with good barb wire
fence ; the buildings and orchard thereon are
in first-class condition. Twofiood wells furnish
abundant water. The very low price of $10.00
per acre should command a raady purcliasur.
Let me drive you out and show you this farm.
Q. J. bternsdorn . Real Estate. Lonn and Ex
change Ilroker , llooms 317 nndlllH. First .Nat'l
Bank Hulldlng. Telephona 404. _ 3Ulnil
SPLENDID corner on Farnam ; come and get
price. Another lot for SI.OOJ : or
and 2 lotn for $12OUO ; another house and lot for
0,000 : nil on Farnam at. Come and aea mo. G.
M. Cooper. 819 N. Y. Llfo bldg. _ 205-3IJ
TjlOIl SALE Greatest bargain in Omaha , lot
J ? JO Yates & Reed's add. for $1,000. " This lot Is
woith over two thousand dollars. C. E. May no
Real Estate & Trust Co , , Dee building. 200 UU
WE have n choice lot for f-als toparyt who
will build ; we will give time u the whole
of purchase money. StttugerAc Penny , Douglas -
las block. U73-8
rruvo nlco homes on Charles st.-3l.250 each.
JLeasy terms : H-room houses , George M.
Cooper. 819 N. Y. Life bldg.
EOR SALE Or oxchnngr , for stock of mer
chandise , mat estate In n thriving western i
town , paying 2. ' > par cent on the Investment. Ad
dress , Box 7 , Crawford. Neb. 110 3 +
"PARTIES having equity in Omaha real estate
JL with pressing Incumbr.mco should call on
Stringer & Penny , Douglas blojk. 07J-8
4) acres near South Omaha , would make a line
'addition ' of 10 lots , price at bod-rock i-t.QlO.
5 acres near Monmouth Pnrk addition to Oma
ha , llrst class property for platting , price $7,000 ,
Co-operative Land aud Lot Co. 'Mj N. lilthat.
100 3
HERE wo como with the very flnost resi
dence properties in Omaha to boll 01 ex
change for lots or land , Wp said the
flnost. Do you doubt it ? Then como and let us
show them to you. If you wish to buy you can
uo so on your own torms. Do not neglect this
opportunity for never In the annals of real es
tate transactions in Omaha has a like opportu
nity been oircrod. W. R. K. & M 13. . room 14 ,
Chamber of Commerce , Tel , 1410. 73.2
$29,000 44 feet front in heart of Omaha , 10th
Bt , , modern 3-stoVy building , brink1 * 10 per
cent now , at low rents ; must have 817.IKX ) cash ,
balance6percent ; great offerndclrobs ; K11.Ilee.
fl > 18WO Actual value Jnsldo business and rosl-
Pdunco ; the uovonteon lots ut half price to tlrut
party comes. Why ? For reason am In need of
113,500 cash. Great chaaco. Address E3I. Heo.
BUY a homo in the center .of . the city , on
monthly payments. I will sail you a lotm
Aldtno Biiuare , uulldu home of nny kind , worth
from $ ! 2uO upwards , and you can pay for It
monthly , quarterly or yearly. AliUue square
is on Grace street , between 11M aud M streets ;
it hns all the advantages such as paved atreuts ,
Bowcrngo , water , gns. and is a llnt-clais local
ity. Call at 1001 Farnam street nnd BOU plans
of buildings and get figures , D. J , O'Doniiioe.
KOUNTX.E PLACE-U-room house , hnrn und
every convenience , for JT.ODO , easy terms.
Address for particular * , E 0,1 , Uue. 804
rpo MANUFACTURERS : 1 " 111 give ample
JL ground , with splundld traokngo far.llliios
on the Fremont. Klkhorn & issoqrl | | Valley
railroad or on the Missouri 1'a.clllc ( Halt Line )
railway In Westlawu , Just outside the city
limits in W rut Omaha , conveniently situated as
regards across to the business cunter of Omaha
and South Omaha , to partle * for the locution of
any of the follow ing ludustrle.ii
Furnlturo Factory , Hutton Factory ,
Hhoo Factory. Lara ItHlinory ,
Starch As ( Hucoso W'ks. Soap Works.
Paper Mill. Purifier Manufactory ,
Plow Works. Hniom Factory ,
Harvester Works , Woolou Mill.
Nail Woi k , Oatmeal Mill.
Knitting Mills , Hot Manufactory ,
Bash , Door and llllnd Wire Works.
Manufactory , Marhlne Shops ,
Flour and Feed Mill.
Or any good manufacturing plant , Wnstlawn
la just ouUlde the city limits and industries
planted theru will escape heavy city taxes.
If you are thinking of locating In Omaha it
will pay vou to investigate this ,
Oeo. ft. Illcks , Now York Llfo building ,
Omaha. TUO
FORBALB--80 feet , east front near paved
Btrentwlth new 0-room modem
0. F , HurrlBon. Merchants Nat'l bank , feav
"T7 > ( ) H SALE Two of tno Dost located trackage
-L1 loin , on the northwest corner of 21st and
Izard Btroots. size I'Alxl'U tout. For price and
terma Inqutro o ! the owner , Edwuril Speller-
berg. 1013 North 21st Htreet _ 6/T-a\4t \
1/10R HALEliy the owner and at a bargain
J- Corner 200x128 ft. , near Holt line station-
Splendid tt for rcsldenro or tenement houses ,
\YI1I be Kind to show tola property. J. A. 1UI *
cell , 116N. IDltl it. 7bJ
QT. CLAlll RnropoMi notel , cor. IRth and
O Dodge ; special rate by nook or month.
imitAY HOTRIN \vcst , Utoat and only
tlrst-cln.1.1 hotel In Omaha ; t3 to H per day.
11. Blllowayjjiroprlotor. , 1TO
ot 10th unit
JacknoQ streets , 3 blocks from Union
tlopot. llot t3 n nny houst in the city. IPO
7 1 I Jinn RTTii li Sowly fnrhlshiMl nnii'ntteil
\Jup throughout : centrally located ) H per
lny. liua-13l21)ougla : < Bt. _ 181 ,
HO'riii1lAlifi'H-14il : ( "rooms , elegantly fur-
nlMiod. fJ and KM per any. 13th ana
Jouos Bt , , Omaha. V. A , ilalch , proprlator.
. placed on reaorJ during
JLyestordav ,
E A neuron , trustee , to John Dovorngo ,
lotd , blk 54 , llensoii. w(1. . . . , . . . , , . . . . . . . . BOO
Mary Harris to K Rain , lot 4 , blk 6,1'Ct-
tcr .VCobb'Badd , qed , 1
It H Chandler to 0 8 Fletcher , lot * .4 anil.
li.blk7MelrosoHlll , wd , . , „ . - TOOT
T 0 and T Jorrrles to A Olson. lot 12 , D1K
3. JoiTrlos' roplat. w d . . . . , . , . . . , . t\ , , , % 600
H KounUo nnd wifn to A M Collett , loui 8
nuali. blk4 , Kountzo place , wd. . , . , . , . 2 020
ICulin N A , trustee , to John llovcrago. tot
4blto.Crolghton Holghts.vd
State ot Notimskn to J nnd H N Wlthnoll ,
nw BWIIO 3MO-13 , deed i . . . CM
JolmMcltormlckto V II Cottmau ,
to 10. blk I , lota , blk 3. and lots 11 and
12 , blk n , McCormlck's 2d ndd , i | od. , . . ,
C K Mnyno R E A T Co to P A McKounn ,
lots M nnd 4 , blk 20. Walnut Hill , o. o d. . .
C E Mnyno R E * .T Co to G E Uarkor , blk
13. Iloyd'sadd , n oil 500
W Preston and wire to .1 K Vnudorcook ,
fract lot 2. see ( Mfl-in. w il SX )
Alficd Olson to W T S Nollgh , lot 12 , blk
U , Joltrles'ronlat , wd 000
7. l\ \ Hood nnd husband to A N llcun. lots
16 and in , Albright & Aylosworth's x'd
add , wd 700
Bo Omaha Land Co tolonn lloverahe. lot
0 , blc 40 , Bo Omaha , w a 075
So Oninha Lnud Co to F T Ynux , lot 4 , blk
10 , SoOmnliH , wd 103
So oniahn LandCotoJ Mulvlhlllctal.lots
3 nnd 4 , blk 12. Bo Omaha , w d 1,720
So Omalm Land Co to 0 M Hunt , lots 0
and 10 , blk Tl > , So Omaha , vr d 450
I W Hall and wlfo to A N McCaguo. lots
16 , HI to 21 , blk 1. Mnyno place , wd 5
G N Hicks and wife to J N Solmo. lots 1 -
to 111. blk 4 , ami loin 1 to 0. b'.k b , Vogl-
lawn.park.wil 7,000
Th o Williamson nnrt wife to AY 11 Prugh ,
lota 15 and in , blk 2. Btoveus place , w d. 8,000
EH'Allen and wlfo to F U Hookwalter.
Iotl4 , blk2 , Mtllouglas , w d 609
L U Footo and luiHliund to J Q Megoath ,
lot JB. Windsor place , qcd ' , 1,609
3 N Solino nnd wife to G N Hicks , e H lot
0 , blk 12 , Kcod's 1st tidd , W d 4.600
Twonty-thrco transfers , nggrogatlnR.t27.U93
Bnlltfing l * rnilts.
The following psrnlu ware lsiU3l by
Bulldlnglnspoctor Whitloo'c yojtorilav :
John McAvln , two brick basements to
cottages , corner Eighteenth nnd Center
streets 00
F. A. Hnltmnn , ono and A halt story
frame cottage , corner St. Lawrence and
jturt streets 1,000
C. M. E. Adams , thrno ono and a half
story frame cottages , Twenty-third nnrt
Land street" , * 1WM each 3.COO
Albert Lawrence , one-story frame cot
tage. Davenport nnd Clintonbtroots. . , . 1,000
L. K Kurtz , onn and & half story frame
cottago.Manduisouand Twenty-seventh
streets r : . . l.COO
Flvo permits , aggregating t 0.000
Westward. <
nunnlng between Council RltifTs and AJ.
brlcht. In addition to the taulons mentioned ,
trams stop at Twentieth -Twenty-fouttH
Btreota , and at the Uumuilt lit Omaha.
( Jin aha South Al
way. fer. duput. Sheely. Omaha bright.
A.M. A.M. A. M. A.M. A.M.
6-.41 6:51 : too ) :
6:10 : QIO : : 0'I7 6:00
6:10 : JiCO 720
Vai Till T:6fi
7:45 7:62 bna : 8:12 :
8:31 8:42 :
8:45 0:01 : 0:12
0:3.1 : 04'i ; 05 :
U:45 : I0ai : 10:12 : 10:25 :
10:15 10r : < 2 HX1 : 11:12 11:25
11:45 11W P.M. P.M. I'.M.
1' M 1' . M. 12:05 : 12:12 12:21 :
12:45 : 12:52 ! . llt ! 1:25 :
1:45 : 1:53 2:01 : 2:12 2:2.1
2 : : & 2:41 : 2:55
3:45 : 2:52 3:01 : U:12 : 3'i.
a-.ra a:57 4io ;
4:01 : 4:12 : 4.-A1
4:60 : 4&J : nio :
4v BU1 : f2 ! n:25
5:45 : fi:52 U:25 :
ti:4' : > 7
7:41 : 8OA ; 8:2
841 ; 8:52 vie 0r. :
9:45 : 10:1 10:25 :
11:00 ar 11:201 , 11:51 13:01 uoi
. UK ; _ JS : , „ . . ,
I xsa twara.
-All" South "Siioe. lOmaha ITrans-
bright. Omaha loy. Depot. f r ,
A. M. A.M. A. M ,
t.v , fllifl
7:0i ) 7:05 : 7:15
7:60 : 7:65 : B:07 :
8:0i : 8:10 :22 :
8:60 : 8:55 : Ul07
Brtll 0:11) : 11:23
8:69 : U5J 10:07 :
10:05 10io ; 10:22
10:60 : 10:55 : 11:07
11:60 11:55 P. M.
V. M. P. M. 12:07
12 : 12:55 : ion
1:60 : 1:65 : 2 ; 7
> :60 : 8:65 : an (
OilO 8:16 8:27
V.-60 8:65 : 4:07
4:3) 4:28 4-.U7
4:50 B07
8:20 fi:87 :
f.ra C55 ; 0:07 :
clw : M 7:07
1:10 7:66 : 8 7
KM 8:65 : :07
0:50 BM : 1007 ;
10:60 : 10:61 : 11:07
U.I 4 Ul