Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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July Wheat Donl Formally
Gives Tip the Ghost.
Some Improvement. In Provisions ,
Sut No Pcorcnso in General Trail *
. * ! { Very Ilcot Native Cnttlo
A i\li Scarce.
CHICAGO , .luly 01. [ Special Telegram to
Tnis Hr.n.J The "July wbcnt deal" form
ally Rave up the ghost to-day. The hopeless-
iicss C' the case win advertised In Daily
Business c arly a week ago , but the ncttml
dissolution did not occur until to-day. The
natural tendency of futures Inclined up , but
the pressure of sciuWnt ; lotu of July
bought by "tailors" In anticipation of what
" otno other fellow was Kolng to do , " In the
running of n corner , not only prevented Im
provement , but kept the whole market weak ,
depressed and hoary alt day. Early In the
day bidding by a few nervous little shorts
put the price of July up to Tfljfo , but anxiety
nAurnod the other way noon , and thereafter
pLlnn and other ' 'stayers" had only to stand
ground and talco the offerings to nil mit-
itatidlog contracts. Judging from the act
ivity and extent of trade the open Interest In
July must have been quite largo this morning.
Linn was the principal buyer. Hutchlnion
did considerable "heavy standing around , "
but announced about 11 a. m. that ho wan
oven on July , having as much coming as
going , and that he would not make another
trado. That was the last straw that nrolto
J.ho back of the July bugaboo , and convinced
"tho longs that they might as well abandon
hope of artificial assistance. The prlco
worked clown to 77J c about noon , rallied
ntiirhlly , wont to 77fo and closed at 77ic ( ,
with August quoted at 77 ? ® 77J c. August
ruled quite firm and higher. It opened at
77J c , worked up to 7S/i'o / und back to 7 !
77c , closing there. Trading In December
was within limits of % o. The extremes weru
touched early in the day , and during the
greater part of the day operations were within
tbo limits of 78 ° < ( < ? 70e , with the inside Jlg-
urcs only touched occasionally. The opening
isolation was TS c , and within half an hour
an advance to 79jf c hud been scored. The
murkot did not stay above 79o long , how
ever , und It did not get iibovo there again
during the session. Attention was directed
to July trading , but interest in that feature
languished later. The closing quotation of
December wheat was 73JjC. ( July closed lo
lower than yesterday , August a shade bettor ,
September unchanged , and December
off. Early cables were steady , and some
were described as strong , but thosu that
came later took on a tone of weakness.
Continental cables were , if anything , rather
firmer than English cables. Liverpool cor *
respondents advised that the weather in
England was hot and particularly favorable
for harvesting , which will soon bo general.
Ucports from the northwest are again bull
ish. In respect to the Jim Ktvcr valley the
prospects are less rosy , taking the whole
northwest country into considcrntivo. Ship
tnents nro also , liberal , Indicating the exist
ence of an immense general consumption de
mand. Tills Is the natural consequence of
the run-down condition of stocks of old
wheat. From many points In the northern
belt of the Ohio valley district reports are
coming in of injury to wheat in shock by
reason of long continued rains , but these
complaints are not yet sufllclontly common
to create alarm. New York reports fifteen
boat loads taken for export and 'clearances
from the Atlantic wore on n good scale. The
local movement Is satisfactory , and now that
the nervousness with regard to a posssiblo
July deal is no longer felt , a healthier feel-
mir should prevail in the wheat trado.
July delivery of corn was n feature of to
day's ' trading in that article , and , this being
the ln t day of the month , revealed the fact
of some unsettled contracts being still un
provided for. it The n crvousncss of thoshorts
Is seen in more than the usual range in fluc
tuations for expiring delivery , the firmness
of which also mildly affected the later
months , although trading wits not , active in
any of them , except for n few moments at a
time. The demand for shipment on homo
and forcitrn account continued on the same
liberal scale as has been recently noted , with
clearances from tha seaboard and with
drawal from Btoro hero still In sufllclcnt
quantity to keep down the visible supply
After the shorts had bought enough to make
their July contracts good prices settled to a
shade under the ruling value at the close of
the dnv before , July resting atSGJfc , August
at 30) @ 30c and September at 80tf@3U3 c.
In oats the month closed quietly , with the
market barely steady. So far as the cash
movement was concerned , it favored
strength , as the posted receipts were less
than expected by 34 cars , while the with
drawals from store were libeial , with July
shorts generally satlstlcd. Investors wanted
only moderate lines. This mouth sold % c
lowcrto 22c , while August was In fair to
good demand , and deferred deliveries nearly
Btoady. Car lots of No. 3 to go to store sold
nt aijfo with 25c paid for No. 2 August
mid 20J o for September.
In provisions there was some Improve
ment. No increase in general trading was
observable , but there was evidently less de
sire to follow the boar Hide and n better feelIng -
Ing was manifested. Armour's ' free buying of
short ribs and other lines of property
lately has made operators of all
classes look upon trade with more confi
dence. Stocks in the hands of distributors
and consumers are said to bo in a reduced
condition , and the Impression Is doubtless
gaming ground that a reaction would bo no
more than natural after the severe- break
suffered. Hog receipt * at pactclng points ,
however , continue to show n largo increase
over this tluio In ISsS , the difference In favor
of thli year to-day being 8,000 head. The
product opened this morning a trifle higher
than the level ot yesterday's closings along
tha list. Subsequently it ruled moro or less
unsettled , but as the session advanced the
movement assumed an upward direction.
During the last hour a good deal of strength
wan displayed , and nt adjournment pork
rested with a net appreciation of
lard 5c and abort ribs 7XQl-Xc.
CHICAGO , July 81. [ Special Telegram to
TUB UKB. | CATTLE. * Very best native steers
were again ncarco , with another slight up
turn ou prime corn-fed export stocks , male-
leg an advance of 10 | 5o over the close of
luil week. Medium and common stock , al
though not quotuhly higher , Is moro easily
old tlmn last week. Texans wore quoted
lOcbUihur , making a substantial advance for
the week so far. Low grade and common
native butchers' stuck did not share in the
general upturn , soiling about the same as
heretofore. The slacker und feeder trade IH
In better almpo than for months past , yet
prices urn low. but the demand has improved
considerably the past week ur so. Choice to
extra beeves , f-'e@4.D5 ) ; medium to good
toer * . 1850 to 1500 Ibs , a.60Q4.25 : 1200 to
I860 lb , fJ.6Cd)4.TO'X-0 ) ; ' toVJCO Ibs , $ J.)5.tfa.80 : ) ( ;
atockois nd feeders , $2.40@U.15 ; COWB ,
bulls ami mixed , fl.OOQJ.l.OO ; bulk ,
$3.10@2.40 ; slop-fed steers , $4.W4.15Toxa8 ) ;
steers , $3.2C@a.CO ; cows , $1.75 < < | 2.10 : west
ern natives and half-breeds , fa.VStga.SO ;
cows , $3.lSi32.40. !
lloofl Business wan in about the same
tthapo as for the past three days. The lend
ing buyers in the curly part of the day were
the shippers and speculators , packers hold-
lug off until they wcru well out of tuo way.
Prices underwent llttlo or no change ,
although some salesmen were sending out
messages quoting an ndvuncu of fie , but the
bulk of sales of packing sorts were at $ l..H ) ( < 3
4.25 and of best heavy nt $4.80. a few nt $1.35.
Light sorts wore steady at $4.COiJ4.fcO. (
NEW VOIIK , July 31 , [ Special Telegram to
Tim UEK.J STOCKS The llttlo animation in
tha stock market yesterday did not give rlsu
to much interest In stock circles after the
close. Interviews of u bullish nature arc
numerous. Wormscr is out flat-Hooted with
the statement that ho has not been dropping
Heading and expruului ; his faith In its fu
turc. On the general situation many expres
sions nro heard referring to the immonsa
tonnage to bo handled for the balance of the
year nnd the net earnings which nro sure to
result. The opening of the market this
morning was tamo. London had buying or
ders In Union Pacific nnd a few others.
Cuejapoako < k Ohio nnd flig Four wcro again
features of the early mnrkot , both being
weak , A few of the leading stocks , such as
St , Paul , Union Pacific , Hoadinir , Now Ene-
land , Atchison , Lead Trnt and the Chcsa-
peaVo & Ohio * , furnished at least BO per
cnnt of the wl.olo business dono. First
price * were , In most cases , slightly lilphor
than lirtt night's flgurci , but with the anima
tion the strength also disappeared. There
were fractional reactions Irom the opening
pi ices In all r.ctlvo shares. Chcsapeako &
Ohio first preferred opened up % pet cent at
GO'4 ' , lost 1 per cent , and second preferred ,
Which opened upi \ per cent at 33Jf , declined
% per cont. Load opened uncounted at
23 } and dropped I per cent. Now England
was a marked cxccntlon to the general rule
nnd displayed considerable strength , rising
M to 40) ) . , ' , against 4SY lait evening. There
was a alight Improvement from the bottom
figures before the end of the hour , but tbo
dullness continued , The very favorable
showing made by the Burlington & Qulney
In not earning wassuOlmont to rovtvo the
entire granger list , before the close to-day.
In the facoof the dullness nnd summer In *
difference Chlcapo , BuilliiRton & Qulney
was the lender up to 101K , with predictions of
-1C4 nt no distant day , Atclilson was weak nnd
heavy and closed } f per cent lower. St. Paul
touched 71 , cloning at 71 J o. Other western
stocks wcro helped up slight fractions.
Trusts were dull and Choaapoako it Ohio
weak nnd lower. If the Uurllngton's busi
ness for Juno Is an Index of what is to fol
low , with a great volume of carrying in view ,
It will prove a great favorite In Block circles.
The total sales to-day were 133,870 shares.
The following wera the closing quotations :
U. 8. 4s regular. 12S } < Northern Vnciao. . 24 .
U. S. 4s coupons . . .I''S' ; ( loprcforrod 04 > i
U. 8.4'isroBular..lon5j ' a & N. w loj
U. 8. 4'4.i coupons..10(1 ( % do protntreil Id I
PaclflciUaof 'U5. . . .118 K.Y.Central 15J <
Central I'aclflo
' ' ' '
Chicago & Alton. . . . 123 Hocli'ls I and. ! . . ! ! ! ! K51J
Cblcai > ollurllngtou C. . M. & St.P 7Uj
AOulncv 101 do preferred iro'/i
D..L.&W nii' : Bt-PauliOmnhn. . .13U
Illinois Contra ! 1US ! ! _ doproforred IMS ?
I..U.ASv. . . Union 1'aolllo
Kansns&Texas. . . . W..SI. L. SsV UH
I.nko Shore I doprotorred 23 jj
Michigan Central. . Western Union. . . . 84ft
Missouri 1'nclllc. . . . G7i
MOXIJT Easy nt 2 > 3.ty per cont.
PitIMB MCltOAXTlI.E PA.PBtl--l > tf ( $1)V per
STISRMNO ExcuxNOE Qulet but steady ;
sixty-day bills , $4.85 ; demand ,
CHICAGO , July 31. 1:15 : p. in. close Wheat
Irregular ; cash , 77'c , ; September , 77j c ;
December , 8o.
Corn Easier ; cash , 30K" ! August , 305-10
September , 80 8-lCo.
Oats Easy ; cash , 22c ; Augubt , 21J c ; Sep
tember , 21 c.
Kyo Cash , 43c.
Barley No. 2 , September , < 54 } c.
Prime Timothy1.13. .
Flax Seed-No. 1 , $1.33)f.
Whisky $ l.0i. !
Pork Strong , higher ; cash , Aucust ,
$10.02 : Seuteinber , $10.70.
Lard Steady ; cash , August , $0.07 > f , Sep
tember. t0.17K.
Flour Unchanged.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , U2J < f@5.25 ;
short clear , 55.62U@3.75 ; short" ribs ,
Butter Easier ; creamery , ll@15 > c > ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars ,
flats arid Yountr Americas , 71j@7i < fc.
Eggs Dull ; fresh , 10lie.
Tallow Steady ; No. 1 solid packed ,
4@4) ) c ; coke , 4 > 4'c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour 17.0JO 5.000
Wheat 211,000 14,000
Corn 35-J.OOO 345.00C
Oats 135,000 203.000
Now Yorlc. July 31. Wheat Receipts ,
03,000 ; exports , 03,000 ; spot fair , active ,
unsettled and lower ; No. 2 red , & "ife ,
in store and elevator , 8SH@8S > ' 8'c afloat , 8TJ
S o f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , 81 }
2c , ungraded , 71.fc. Options fairly
active ; July ; < c lower at SG@S7c.
Corn Receipts , 203,000 bushels ; experts ,
20,000 bushels ; spot loss active and
lower ; No. 2,43J4/14o in elevator , 4445 c ; ungraded mixed , 4445c ; options ,
moro active , steady.
Outs Receipts , 18,000 ; exports , 50 ; spot
more active , firm ; options moro active ,
lower ; August , 'J7c ; September , 27Kc ;
spot No. 2 white , 34 > io ; mixed western , 20 ®
20c ,
Corteo Options closed weak , irregular ;
sales , 00,000 bags ; August , $14.75(3114.80 ( ;
September , fU.bO@15.05 ; spot no , quiet ; fair
cargoes , S17.50.
Petroleum Steady , but quiet ; United
closed at OSc. .
Eggs Firm ; western , 13 > i@14.
Lard Stumgor. quiet ; western steam ,
10.45 ; August , fO.40.
Butter Easy ; western dairy , 10@17o.
Choose Quiet ; western , G < 8 c.
Alinnonpolls , July 31. Sample wheat-
Dull , easy ; receipts , 74 cars ; ship
ments , M cars. Closing : No. 1 hard ,
July , 98K i on track , $1.01 ; No. 1 north
ern , July , 03c ; September , 7S fc ; on truck ,
02@03c ; No. 2 northern , July , S3e ; on
track , 84@80c.
Milwaukee. July 81. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 77 c ; September , 70J c.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 37c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 xvhlte , 23@23tfc. }
Kyo-Qulot ; $1.45-
Barley Easy ; No. 3 , September , OOc.
Provisions-Firm ; pork , $10.02K.
lilvci'imol , July 31. Wheat Weak , de
mand poor ; holders otter sparingly ; red
western , spring , 7s 3d@7s 4d.
Corn Firm und demand poor.
St. LioiiiN , Julv SI. Wheat Higher ;
cash , 73X ° i September , 74c.
Corn Higher ; cish und July , 40c ; August
and September , 33Va ,
Oats Lower ; cash , 2ljfo ; August , 20c.
PurJc Firmer at S1I.25.
Lard Better , $5.75(3:5.80. ( :
Whisky Steady at l.W. (
Butter Unchanged j creamery , 14@l5e ;
dairy , lldJlSc.
( Jlnclnnntl , July 31. Wheat Scarce and
firm ; No. 2 mixed , 7'Jc. '
fern ! Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 3Sc.
Oats Quiet ; No. 3 mixed , 20Wc ,
Whlsky-Activo at ll.OT.
Jliuians City. July 31 , Wheat Stronger ;
No. 2 red , cash , 05o ; August , Ole ; No. S red ,
cath , 0o bid ; Aucrust f > OKc ; No. 2 soft , July ,
C5Xc ; August , 04Jfo.
Corn Steady ; cash , 20c ; May , 2flc ; No. 8 ,
casn , 23So bid ; No. 4 , cash , 20o ; No. 2 ,
white , cash , SOJfc bid.
Oats No. 3 , cash , lOu ; August , 18o.
Liivts sruoit.
Ohlouiio. July 31. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 13,000 ; market steady
and good grades stronger ; beeves , $4.20@
4 55 ; steers , $3.00@4.25 ; stockurs and feed
ers , f-X10@ur : ; ro\v3. bulls nnd mixed , $1.00
© 3.00 ; Texas cattle , $1.753.00 ; calves and
half breeds , $2.25j'J.50.
Hob's Hccolpls , 13,000 ; market steady :
mixed , $4.0@4.15j heavy , ? 1.001.35 ; light ,
$4.30@4.05 ; skips , ? 3,80S4.50.
Sheep Receipts , 5,000 ; market steady ;
natives , $3.WH80 ) ( ; western , t-3.50Q4.00 ;
TexaiiB. | 3.4004.25 ; lambs , * 4.'JO@5.60.
ItniiHUB Oily , July 31. Cattle Receipts.
HSOQ ; shipments , none ; -market active and
stronger ; common to choica corn-fed steers ,
$3.00@4.15 ; stackers und feeders , $1.GO@3 00 ;
cows , 1.50@2.05.
Hogs Receipts , 3,700 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
market about , steady with yesterday ; light ,
$1.15@4.22 > < ; heary and mixed , $3.0524.10 ,
Slouv OUy , July 31 Cattle Receipts ,
1)5 ; shipments , 85 ; market steady ; fat
steers , f3.00 ( < f3.5l ; feeders , $3.30@3.70 ;
Btockers , t3.15@3.40 ; canners and bulls ,
76co1.25 ( ; veal calvus , $ i.00 ( 3.50 ,
Hogs Receipts , 540 ; market steady ; light
and mixed , | 3,90@4.03 ; heavy , 4.UOOJ1.07 # .
Nntlon.-il Stook V ril4 , ICau Ht ,
LiuiilD , July 31 Cattle Receipts , 5,100 , ;
shipments , 1)00 ) ; shipping cattle active and
steady at $3.05@4.05 ; good fat range oattlo
a shade lower ; common to fair Texas cattle
10V$15o ( lower.
Hogs Receipts , 3,400 ; shluments , 800 ;
market Io\yor ; pacuers. t4.4ft34.45 ; mixed ,
tl.UOQI.10 ; heavy packing , $ UO@i.25.
Cat tic.
Wednesday , July 31.
In the presence of light receipts nnd a good
demand the cattle market looked up nnd
prices on desirable beeves advanced 010c ,
The beef and shipping Btuorn sold nt a range
of $ .1.40(34. ( 10 , but largely nt $ fl.CO@3.K ! ) . The
maJkct was quite nctlvo and an curly clear
ance was cITectcd. Tbo buyers claimed that
the butchers' stock averaged n llttlo better to
day in quality , although there was nothing
quite BO toppy as yesterday. The market on
that class of stuff was about steady. Cows
sold nt fi.00$3.75 ( with can tiers nt $ l.70B (
1.75. There was only ubout one fresh load
of feeders and four stale loads on the mar
ket and they were mostly light. There were
sovcrM bu.Cers In the yards , but the inquiry
was more especially for pooo , heavy feeders.
A few head changed hands nt $ 'i.67 > @ 'J.S5.
Under the Influence- light receipts nnd
liberal shipping orders the market regained
what. It lost yesterday. Light hogs sold nt
steady prices but Boston had llooral orders
for heavy and mixed hogs , nnd the market
on such opened 5@10a higher , $4.05 being A
popular price. The most desirable of the
offerings were Boon cleaned up , but where n
salesman happened to have u load that did
not strike the shipper's fancy It was Just
itbout Impossible for him to obtain the ad
lattlo 000
Hogs 3,500
Prevailing Prices.
The tilbwlirU ; atibb of prlosi p.iUl in
this .n-iriwt for tha gnloa of stook men
tioned :
Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 Ibs. . $180 @ 4.15
Good steers , 1250 to UW Ibs. . . 3.75 fi 3.90
Good stuers , 1050 to 130J Ibi. . . 3.4 ! ) ® .J.8)
Common canners . 1.2 > ( ( { 2.00
Ordinary to fair cows . 1.73 ( * 2.2. )
Fair to good cows . U.30 ( < W.40
Good to qholco cows . 3.40 @ 2.75
Choice to fancy cows , heifers. . 2.70 MM.OO
Falrto coed bulls . 1.75 (0)2.2 ( )
G oed to choice bulls . 3.25 © 2.50
Light stockers nnd focilors. . . , 2.53
Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 3.73
Fair to choice light hoes . 4.05
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 4.00 @ 4.05
Fair to choice mixed heirs . 3.03 @ 4.05
Koprcsutimiivo Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 . 1120 S3 00 5 1210 W 80
50 . 11C2 340 13 1223 3 bO
. .1000 340 10 1151 3 80
. .1013 3 40 45 1102 380
20. 24 1150 3 87 >
17. .1121 3 GO 70 l'73 ! 3 00
13. .IWO 3 05 34 1832 3 00
18. .1348 8 05 21 1320 4 00
17. .1113 3 75 04 1400 4 10
20. .128'J 3 75
. 049 3 00 33.a. . .1001 3 80
.1011 3-00 a. .1050 3 40
. 832 3 C5 33. . 030 3 40
.12-10 2 10 10 ! . 875 3 40
. 0.19 3 10 31. . 830 3 45
. 070 3 15 0. .1093 2 55
. 784 3 30 4. .1130 2 55
.1100 3 25 3. . ! )57 ) 2 00
S53 3 35 1. .1550 2 75
2 . 1030 325
27. 803 1 70 1 . 1230 1 75
5. 718 1 75 1 . 1070 1 75
5 . 72 $ 300 17 991 385
15 . 803 2 57
700 300 17 700 300
.1400 3 00 1. .1520 3 00
, .1000 3 no
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
C feedcM 1008 $2 40
1 steer 1300 2 00
Icanner 900 1 00
Standard Cattle Co
50 bulls , range 1109 1 35
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sb. Pr.
12..3S9 340 S3 75 04. . . .297 80 4 05
10..801 100 385 03..227 40 4 05
0..323 bO 383 73..209 80 4 05
8..310 40 3 85 53.,250 80 4 05
69..250 389 3 95 03..277 40 4 05
03..239 100 3 07K CO..202 340 4 05
03..240 100 400 59..3S9 40 4 05
04..359 40 4 00 70..243 120 4 05
03..203 120 400 59..204 . . 4 05
40. . . 203 80 400 01..277 200 4 05
77 .339 120 4 03K 09..214 80 4 05
55 . .233 120 4 OJK 03..313 4
CS. . .310 . 405 71..221) 89 4
73. . .250 120 4 03 03..213 80 4
5 ! ) . . .103 200 403 51..284 80 4
GO. . .233 40 4 05 73..318 . . 4
01. . .303 120 405 09..221 40 4.
03. . .340 100 405 71..199 100 4 10
104. .284 480 403 50..199 40 410
01. . .230 100 4 05 02 . .200 120 4 10
03. . .230 80 405 80. . . . 197 bO 4 12
05. . .343 3-10 4 03
Ijlvc Stock Notes. .
Light hogs steady.
Butchors' stock steady.
Good feeders ID demand.
Shippers buy bulk of the hogs.
Heavy and mixed hogs 5@10o higher.
Four dollars nnd 10 cents top ou cattle.
F. Stught , Bancroft , brought lu a car of
Titus & Terhuno , Fitzgerald were on the
C. B. Ryan , Neola , la. , Is hero with a car
of hogs.
J. F , Berryman , of Halo and Borryman ,
Cordova , was hero with hogs.
R. J. Morrison , Fullerton , was umong
these who came in with a car of cattlo.
\V. W. Baker , Loretto , put In an appear
ance with tlirco cara of cattle and ono car of
Omaha is the only largo cattle maricot of
the country where u buyer can got atockers
ana feeders and bo absolutely sura that they
have not boon exposed to Texas fever.
William Parsons , Siulres ) & Co.'s buyer ,
who has boon absent from the yards lor a
few days on account ot sickness , was out
again ta-duy and partly mudo up for lost
tltno by buying over one-half of all the hogs
hero. _
Traduce , Fruits , Eto.
BUTTISU Table dairy , 12@14o ; packers'
stock , 7@8c. Creamery Prints , fancy , 10(3 (
lOo ; choice , 14@lo ( ! ; solid packed , 12@18o.
Eoos Strictly fresh , 10@llc.
CHEESE Young Americas , full cr arn , llo ;
factory twins , OJ cj otl grades , 0@7c ; Van
Hossom Eclnm , f 11.50 per duz ; sap sago , 19o ;
brick , ll@r'c ; lunburgor , 8@Kc ) ; domestic
Swiss , Ho , cheese safes , bronze inodul , fto.
8 , W.65.
1'oULTiiv Llvo hens , per dozen , $ J.25@
4.00 ; raixcil. ? 3.25a3.50 ; spring , SJ.OOr < ? 2.75 ;
turkeys. 7Sc per Ibj ducks. f2.00Q2.50i
gcesu , 3.00@4 00 ; live pigeons , $1.50.
OKANOES Los Augeloa , $4.50 ; Uoill , $0.00.
LEMONS Fancy , $5.00 ; choice , M.5'J. '
SouTiiKiiN PKACHES % bu , 75c@fl for
choice , and 85@40o for poor and common.
AWLE8 Per bbl , 50c@3.00 ,
CAUFOUNIA PEACHBS 20-lb boxes , $1,00
CALiroiiNU GnAi-EB-$1.50@1.75.
PEAKS 40 lb boxes , $1.75.
WATEIIMUI.OSS $10.00@20.00 per 100.
CANTELOUW Per doz , $1.5003.00.
PjNEAi-i'i.ts Per doz , $3.UO3.50.
BANANAS According to size , per bunch ,
Coco 4 NUTS Per ICO , $3.
Fitcsu FISH White lish per lb ,
trout pur lb , Oo ; white perch per lb , 7o : buf
falo par lb , 7a ; pickerel per lb , Oo ; black
bass per lb , lie.
BEtNs-Cliolco hand picked navy , $1.75 ;
choice hiind pinked medium , $1.05 ; choice
hand picked country , $1.00 ; clean country ,
$1.20(31.25. (
EAIILV VEOETAIILES Potatoes , 80@10o per
bu ; onions , California , per lb , l o ; southern ,
per bbl , $1,00 ; cabbage , per crate , $1.25 ; tur
nips , per bu box , 50o ; beets , per box , BOo ;
wax beaus , per bu box , $1.00 ; string bouiis ,
per bu box , 75o ; procu peas , per bu box ,
$1,00 ; tomuloas , per bu box,40SOOo ; cauli
flower , $1.50 ; egg plant , 75o ; garnish , 25o per
doz ; cucumbers. IDc ; lettuce , lee ; radishes ,
15o ; soup bunches , 15o ; green onions , 15W
20o ; now carrots , 20o ; plo plant , per lb. Ic.
Al'l'I.B BUTTEU 5(5. (
CinEit-Ubls , $5 00 ; hf bbU , $3.00.
MAi'LE SUOAH 12 > f@15o per lb.
POTATOES Old , cuolco , Hacked , per bu , 15
VBAI < Choice , medium ilil 5@0c ; choice
heavy , 4@5c ; spring lambs , $30.00(330.00 ( per
dozen. 3 i
HOSEV 14@16 t > cr lb foijChoice ,
JntUES 3K@4o per l. ,
Br.Bs\VAX No. 1 , 1CQ196 10
HAT $3.60 B.60.
HIUN $9.00@tl.S5.
TAM.OW No , 1. 4c ; No 3 , 8@3 c.
GIIEASE A , 4CJ4)fc ) ; ybllow , 805 dark ,
'I *
WOOL Fine , average , lG ( > (10c ; choice , 18
( gll'c. ' / i
Mr.tuUM Average , 21@3lo1cholco333to ; ;
course , 15@ISc. . . .
Groceries. '
PnovisioHS Hams , NoV 1j 10-lb average ,
ll c ; 20 to 33 Ibs , llo ; 13 to 14 Ibs 12 ? No.
S , UKo : succlals , KlJ c ; shoulders. 7c ; break
fast bacon , No 1 , 10Vo ; specials , l2Xc ; pic
nic , 7JjC ; ham sausage , lO c ; dried beef
hams , Uu ; beef tonguci , $0 per dozen ; dry
salt meats , O' @ 7c per lb.
SAUSVOE Itologno , 4@4) ) < c ; Frankfurt , 7c :
tongue , 9c : summer , 24c ; hood chccso , 5Wc.
I'oitK Family , backs , per bbl , $13.00 ; K-
bbls , $0.75 ; mess , bbls , $11.83bbls ; , $0.35 ;
pigp3ikbbls , $17.00 ; V-bbls , $3.00.
Pies FEET Pickled , kits , 75c ; pickled plgo1
tongues. Kits , $3.33 ; pickled trlpo , kits , 03o ;
pickled II. C. tripe , kits , 85o ; spiced pigs'
hocks , kits , $1.15 ; boneless ham , Do.
UEDP TONOUES Salt , bbls , $20.00 ,
OiLs-ircrosono-P. W. , OKo ? W. W. ,
12 0 ; headlight , 13a ; salad oil , $3.15@9.00
per dozen.
PICKLES Medium , per bbl , . $1.50 ; small ,
$3.50 ; gherkins , $0.50 ; C. & B. chow-chow ,
qts , $5.90 ; pts , $3.40.
PAPER Straw , per lb.
2) ) < o ; raff , 2 } < o ; manllln , B , Oo ; No. 1 , Sc.
tiALT-D.ilr.v , 1403-lb pltRS , $3.00 ; do , 100
S-lbpkijs , $2.00 ; do , CO 5-1 1 pltgs , $2.40 ; do
33 10-lb pkRs , $2.80 : Ashton , bu bags , 50-lb ,
85c ; do , 4 bu bags , 221-lb. $3.40 ; M S A , 50-lb
bags , 55o ; No. 1 line , per bbl , $1.25.
CANDV 9X@12Xc per lb.
Cnocoi.ATi : AND COCOA 21@39o per lb ;
German chlckory , red , 8c ,
GI.VOEK Jamaica , # pints , $3.0 ! ) per doz.
FAUINACSOUS GOODS Barley. 3X@3 > fc ;
fnrlna , i o ; paas , 8c ; oatmeal , 2Jf@5o ; mac
aroni , llo ; vonnlcclll. lie ; rice , 4Jf ( < § 7c ;
sapo and tapioca , GigO o.
FISH Salt Dried codfish , OK@9o ; scaled
heriing1 , 2Sc nor box ; hoi. herring , doui , 50o
Hamburg spiced herring. ? l.OO ; hoi. herring ,
70c@$1.10 ; mackerel , half bbs. No. 1 , S25.50 ;
largo family , $13.50 per 100 Ibs ; whitoUsh ,
No. 1 , $0.50 ; family , $3.00 ; trout , $5.00 ; sal
mon , $3.50 ; anchovies , SOo.
LTE1.75Q4.50. .
NUTS Almonds , 1517o ; Brazils , Oo ; fil
berts , 12c ; pecans , 12c ; walnuts , 13c ; pea
nut cocks , Sc ; roasted , lOc.
BAQS American A. soamlcss , 17o ; Union
Square paper , discount 85 per cont.
CoprcES Green Fancy old golden Rio ,
22c ; fancy old peuberry , C3c ; Rio , choice to
fancy , 31o ; Rio , prime , 20u ; Rio , good , lOo ;
Mocha , 29c : Java , fancy Mandohling , 29c ;
Java , good interior , 24 c.
COFFEES Roasted Arbucklo's ' Arlosa ,
McLaughlin'a XXXX , 23) c ; German ,
Dilworth , 22J < c ; Alaroam , 22Xc.
ALSODA lK@2) ) o i > er lb.
STAKCII 5@7c per lb.
STOVI : POLISH S.OO' ' S.S ? per gross.
SIMCZS Whole , per lb Allspice , 12c ; Cas
sia China , 10c ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20c ; nut-
inegs , No. 1 , 75c ; pepper , lOc.
SUOAUS Granulated , Oc ; confectioners' A ,
8c ; atandard extra C , 8 'C < ? 3Xo : yellow C ,
7 o ; powdered , lOc ; cut loaf , 10. ) , c ; cubes ,
lOc ; cream extra C , 8.Jd. <
TEAS Gunpowder , 3C@OOc ) ; Japan , 20@
40o ; Y. Hysou , 2S ( < $50c ; Oolong , 22@50.
VINEOAH Per gal , 13@30c.
CANNED FISH Brook trout , 3 lb , 53.40 ;
salmon trout , 3 lb , $2.35 * , clunis , 1 lb , 51.25 ;
clams , 2 lb , Sli.OO ; clam chowder , 8 lb , $3.25 ;
devilled crabs , lib , $3.35 ; devilled crabs , 2
lb , 5353 ; codfish bills , 21b' , ' $1.75 ; caviar , X
lb , $2.23 ; eels , I lb. $3.40 ; lab'sters. 1 lb , $3.00 ;
lobsters , t lb , $1.90 : lobsters , devilled , } f lb ,
$2.25 ; mackerel , 1 lb , $1.00 ; mackerel , mus
tard s.xuco , S lb , $3.10 ; mackerel , tomato
sauce , 8 lb , $3.10 ; oysters , 1 lb , UOc ; oysters ,
2 lb , $1.50 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 lb. $2.10 ; salmon ,
C. R. , 3 lb , J3.10 ; salmon. ' Alaska , 1 lb , $1.85 ;
salmon , Alaska , 3 lb , $3.DO ; shrimps , 1 lb ,
83.05. | ,
DKIED Fnuiw Currants,45c , ; prunes ,
casks , 1300 Ibs , 44Xc ; prunes , bbls or
bugs. 4 @ 4Jfc ; citron peels , drums , 20 Ibs ,
34c ; lemon pool , dmmsf 20 Ibs , IGc ; hard
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs ; IOC ; apricots , choice
evaporated , 25-lb boxes , 13c ; apricots jelly ,
cured , 25-lb boxes , 15o ; auricots , fancy , Alt ,
Hamilton , 20-lb boxes , lee ; auricots , choice ,
bags , 80 Ibs , 14c ; apples , evaporated , Alden ,
50-1 o boxes , 0@OXc ; apples , Star , Co ; apples ,
fancy Alden. 5-lU , Sj c ; upples , fancy Alden ,
-lb , 8 ? c ; bluckborries , evaporated , 50-lb
boxes , 5 > @ 5c ; cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
ISc ; pears , California fancy , J s boxes , 25
Ibs , 20c ; poaches , Cat fancy , Xs iui > , boxes ,
25 Ibs , 13o ; peaches , CalNo. 1 fancy , ' sunp ,
bugs , 0 Ibs , V2Xc ; iieaches , Cul No. 3 fancy ,
} B unp , bags , bU Ibs : peaches , Cal sundricd ,
J s unp bags , 80 Ibs ; peaches , Inncy , ovap ,
unp , 50-lb boxes , 12@18c ; peaches , Salt Luke ,
now. OX@7c ; nectarines , red , 13c ; nectarines ,
silver , bags , 14o ; pitted plums , Cal , 25-lb
boxes , 12c ; raspberries , evup , N. Y. , new ,
25c ; prunes. Cal , K C , 00-100 , boxes , 35 Ibs ,
8c ; prunes , Cal. RC , 00-70. O c ; orange peel ,
15c ; raisins , California Londons , crop 1883 ,
$2.40@2.00 ; raisins , California loose , musca
tels , crop 1833 , $2.002.00.
Dry Gooile.
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lOo ; Beauty ,
12Ke ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased. $0.50.
BLANKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored ,
CAMIIUICS Slater , 5o ; Woods , 5o ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c. .
CAIIPET WAUIBibb white , ISJ c ; colored ,
CO.MFOUTEllS $ O.CO@35.00.
CoitSET JEANS Boston , 7 | o : Adroscoggln ,
c ; Kcarsago , 7c ; Rockport , 0 | o ; Conestoga -
toga , OJ c.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis. ;
LL , unbleached , 6 0 : CO , 0c ; SS.
EE , Sjtfo ; GG , 9c ; XX , lO' cOO. ; . U o ;
NN , 12 o ; AA , 14c ; DD , 15Kc ; TT , lO Jc ;
YY , ISo ; BB. 19c ; 20 bleached , 8 0 ; 00 ,
12Uo ; 80 , 18Uc ; 50 brown and slate , Uo ; 70 ,
12Ko ; 00 , lOo.
Ciusii Stevens' B , 5 > o ; Stevens' A , 7o ;
bleached , 80 ; Stevens' P , 7J c ; bleached ,
8 o ; Stevens' N , 8Ko ; bleached , 0 > < c ; Stov-
cns' Sill1 , HJia
DENIMS Anioakeap , 0 oz , 10 > c ; Everett ,
7 oz , 13c ; York , 7 oz , 18o ; Haymaker , 8 0 ;
Jaffroy XX , ll o ; Jaffroy XXX. 12Uo ;
Beaver Creole AA , 12o : Beaver Creek BB ,
llo ; Beaver Creek CO , lOc.
DUCK West Point , 29 in , 8 oz , 9V c ; West
Point , 39 in , 10 oz , J2Ko ? West Point , 29 In ,
12 oz , 15Ko ; West Point , 40 in. 11 oz , lOo.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsmen 20c ; Clear
Lake , liOVrfu ; Iron Mountain , 20 > c.
FLANNBi.s-Whito-G. H. No. 2 , Jf. 23o ;
G H No. 1 , % 27Ko ; G H No. 3 , Jf. SM > fo ;
G H Mo. 1 , % , ! )0o ) : Quecheo , No. 3 , 80c ;
FLANNELS White Quecheo No. 3 , %
87 } < fo ; Quechoo No. U , J , 33 > o : Anawan ,
12Uo : Somerset , 15c.
FLANNELS Red O , 24 inch , 15tfc ; E , 21
inch , 21Ko ; G G , 34 Inch , 20u ; H A F , J ,
25c ; J U F. % . 27o ; G , # , 20o.
GISOIIAM IMunkctf clicclis , OJ/c ; SVhit-
teuton. OJ c ; York , 7 > o | Nonnandi dress ,
7 } c ; Calcutta Ureas. 7 u ; Whittenton dress ,
7Ho ; Renfrew dress , % © 12 > c.
KENTUCKY JBANS ircfculos , ISo ; Loam-
ington , 2'iXo ; Glonwood/'SOo / ; Melville , 25o ;
Bans-up , 27 > < fc. i ci
MISCELLANEOUS Tabld * oil cloth , $2.50 ;
table oil cloth , marble ; $3.60 ; plain Holland ,
UKc ; dado Holland , 12J o.
PjiiNTs _ Dress Charter Oak , 5i/o ; IJam-
Richmond , 0 > $ oJPacitie ; , .
PKINTS Indigo blilo , " St. Ledear.
Washington , OKo ; American , 0 > { o ; Arnold ,
OKo ; Arnold Century , Oo ; Windsor Gold
Tk't ' , 10 > $ c ; Arnold B , WKo ; Arnold A , 12o ;
Arnold Gold Seal , lOUfcj Yellow Seal ,
Amanaa , 12o. PrintsjSolId colors Atlantic ,
Oo ; Slater , Oo ; BorlliJToll , 0 > < Jo ; Garucr oil ,
C@7c ,
bmivmo. CHECKS Caledonia X. O o ;
Caledonia XX , 10 > o ; Economy. 9o ; Otis , Uo ;
Granite , 0 > jc ; Crawford checks , 8c ; Haw
River plaids ,
SIIEETINO , BHOWN Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , 0o ; At-
luntio P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4&c : Crown XXX , 4-4 , G fc ; Hooslor
LL , 4-4 , 5Jfo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7o ; Law-
renee LL , 4-4 , 5J/o ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 6X0 ;
Pepperoll R , 4-4 , ofe ; Pepporolt E , 40-lncb ,
7U ; Pepporoll 8-4 , 17K ! Pcpperoll , U-4 ,
SOo ; Pepporell , 10-4 , 22o ; Utloa C. 4 4 , 45 o ;
Wachusetts , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora R , 4-1 , 7c ; Au
rora B , 4-4 , O c.
Housekeeper , 8X0 : Now Candidate , 8Ko ;
Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , Oo ; You Bet , 4-4 ,
OJ o ; butter cloth , OO. 4c : Cabot , 7 0 ;
Farwell , half bleached , 8lc ; Fruit of Loom ,
tAfo ; Greene G , Oo ; Hope. 7 } < o ; King Phillip -
lip cambric , 10 : Lonsdalo cambric , lOo ;
Lousdale , 6) 0 ; Now York mills , lOc ; Pep-
pcroll , 42-ln. lOo ; Popporoll , Id-in , llo } Pen-
pcrell , ( W. 14 > < o ! Popporoll , 8-4 , COc ; Pcp
peroll , IN , 22e ; Pcppcrcll , 104 , S4o5 Canton ,
4-4 , 8c ; Canton. 4-4 , O'-jfoj ' Triumph , Oc ;
\Vntn8Uttn. \ llo ; Valley , 5 > io.
TICKS Onldnntl , A , 7' < o ; International Y
Y , 80 ! ShOtuckct , S , 8 > < o ; Warren. No. 870 ,
lOo ; Uorwlck , 11 A , 180 : Acme , IMot Yorlc ,
80 In. 12 > o ; York , 83 In. IBJ oj Swift Hlver.
80 ; Tliorndlko OO. 8kc ; Thorndlko E F
8Ko ; Thorndlko 120 , tij < o ; Thornaiko XX ,
loc ; CordU No. C. } < o ; Cordls No. 4 ,
St'MATiu ' Medium to daric , per lb , $1.05 ©
1.80 ; light , per lb , tl.7r.-J.00.
HXVAXX Hcmodloi , J1OJ@1.15 ; Vuolto
abiijo * ,
SEED Witvrrr.RS Wisconsin , 20@30o ;
Ponnvlvanln. 80@50o ; Hou ntonlc , SS fiSa
UINDKIIS Wisconsin , ISQIOo ; Connecticut ,
10 ( 200.
FiLiiii3 Ildvnno seed , SftJISo ; " 5tara , 14 ®
ICc ; Pennsylvania , ! G < ? $ lSc ; LIUla Dutch ,
15Q20C ; Key West , 20 ® c.
Drugs rind Clioinlcnls.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , 2 > o ; citric ,
per lb. , Gj c ; oxalic , per lb. , 15o ; tartitrlc ,
powdered. i er lb. , 45 ; carbolic , 38@15c.
Aunt Per lb. , 2Xc.
AMMoxit Carb , pcrlb. , 12c.
AiiHowitooT Per lb. , Ucrmudn , 31o.
UALSAM Copnlbn , per lb. , OSo ; tolu , 52 ®
Uonxx Hcfliicd , per lb. , lOc.
CISF.AM TAKTAU Pure , per lb. , 32o.
KXTUACT Lee wool ) -Uulk , pcrlb. , ISc.
Enoor 4Gc.
GUM Aiuiiic .VJigOSo.
Qr.vcRiiiNn Bulk , per lb ,
GUM Assafcutida , per lb , IDo ; camphor ,
per lb , HSc ; opium , per lb , ? 3.35.
IODINE Kcsubllmatcd , per o3.65. .
LBVVESHuelm , short , per lb , ISc ; senna ,
Alex , per lb , 2r33c.
Monriiix Suliih , per oz , $2.80 ,
POTASH LJrotnldo , per lb , 40o ; Iodine , per
lb$2.85 ,
QuiNH Sulph , per lb , 3s@40o.
SHEDS Canary , per lb , 4J c.
SOAPS Castile , mottled , per lb , 8@10o ;
castllo , white , per ID , 13@15c.
SPIIUTS NiTnn Swoet. | ior lb , 30c.
STHYCIINIA Crystals , $1.00@1.15.
SULPII. CixciioNK Per oz. { i lUc.
TAPIOCA Per lb. ( ! c.
OILS Uorgamont , $2 < 5 ; WliiterKreen ,
$3.15 ; MalnRa , 05u ; linseed , raw , 02c ; boiled ,
64c ,
CALOMEL Am , per ! b , 05c.
CASTOH OH$1.2 1.
CUIIEII Bnimius SI. 50.
CANTirAIlAniKS 75C@I.C5.
CASSIA Burs Per lb , I7c.
CiiLouoroiiM Per lb , 37c.
Couuoaivi : SUUMMATE Per lb , 75c.
I.timber nnd DuUdiiiR Material ,
f. o. b. Omaha.
STOCK BoAitns A 13 Inch , s 1 s 14 and 10
fcot , $40.00 ; U 13 Inch , s 1 s 13 , 14 and 10
feet , $41.00 ; C 13 inch , s 1 s 13 , 14 and 10
feet , $30.00 : D 13 inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10
feet , $2300 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in s Is 13 feet ,
$18.00 ; No. 1 Com. 13 in. sis 14 and 10 feet ,
$17.50@1S.50 ; No. 1 Com. 13 in. s I s 10 , 18
and 30 feat , $19.50 ; No. 3 Com. 13 In. s 1 s 14
and 10 feet , $10.50.
whlto plnu partltiun$33.00 : 3d Com. J In.
white plno partition , $27.00 ; clear % In. yel
low ptno colling , $30.00 ; clear % in. Norway ,
$14.50 ; 3d Com. % in. Norway , $13.00.
BOARDS No. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$19.00 ; No. 3 com. a. 1 s. 13 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$10.50 ; No. 3 com. s. 1 s. 13 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$14.50 : No. 4 com. B. 1 s. 12 , 14 aud 10 ft ,
( ship'g cull ) , $11.00. Add 50 cents per M. ft ,
for rough.
Batts , 3J inch , OOc ; O. G. Baits , } < Jx3 , SIS ,
35c ; 3 In well tubing , D. & M. and bov. ,
$22.00 : pickets , D. & H. , flat , $20.00 ; pickets ,
D. & II. square , $19.00.
12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 23 ft. 24 ft
2x4..15 00 15.00 1500 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
3x0..15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
3x8. . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.09 19.00
3x10..15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x13..15,00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
4x4-8x810.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 19.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 12&14 ft , rough , 10.00@10.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " 17.00@17.50
No. 3 , " " 13&10 " 18.50(314.00 (
No. 3 , " " TO " 15.00@10.00
FINISHING 1st and 3d clear , IJ- inch , s 3 s ,
$49.00051.00 : 1st and 3d clear , 1 } and 3 inch ,
s 3 s. 547.00@50.00 ; 3d clear , IX inch , s 3 s ,
$43.09ffl > 40.00 ; 3d clear , 1J and 3 inch , s 3 s ,
$43.00V ( 40.00 : B select , ! > / , IK and 3 Inch , s
3 s , Rt7.00@38.00 ; 1st nnd 3d clear , 1 inch , s 3
s , $45.00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , s 3 s , $30.00 ; A se
lect , 1 inch , B 3 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 2
s , $30.00.
FLOORING 1st com 0 Inch white plno ,
$34.00 ; 3d com 0 Ineh white pine , $31.00 ; 3d
com 0 inch white pine , $20.00 ; D com G inch
white pine , $30.00 ; coin 4 and 0 inch yellow
plno , $15.00 : Star 4 inch yellow pine , 817.00 ;
1st und 3d clear yellow pine , 4 and 0 inch ,
Poi'LAii LuMnEii Clear poplar box bds , %
in s 2 s , $35.00 ; clear poplar. 5J ( in panel ,
$30.00 ; clear poplar % in panel , $25.00 ; clear
poplar \f in panel stock wide , s 2s , $28.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated ceiling , Jtf , $30.00.
POSTS White cedar , 0 inch halves , 12c ;
white cedar , 5 } inch halves and 8 inch q'rs ,
lie ; white ccdur , 4 inch round , lOc ; Tennes
see red cedar , split , lOc ; split oak ( white ) ,
80 ; sawed oak , ISc.
SniNOLES , LATH , per M. XX 'clear , $3.20 ;
extra : < A , ? 3.SO ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5 inch ,
li.ear , $ l.00@l.70 ; 0 inch , clear , $ I.75@1.80 :
No. 1 , ?'1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from \Vushlncton territory , $3.40 ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $1.50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.35 ;
lath , $2.40.
SHIP LAP No. 1 plain , 8 and 18 Inch ,
$17.50 ; No. 2 , plain , 6 und 10Inch , $15.50 ; No.
1 , O. G. , $18.01) ) .
Simsa 1st Com 13 nnd 10 feet , $33.00 ; 3d
com. 12 and 10 feet , $10.00 ; 3d com , 13 and
10 feet , $15.00 ; fence , com , 12 and 10 feet ,
LIME , ETC. Quincy whlto lime ( best ) , SOc ;
English and German Portland cement , $3.45 ;
Milwaukee-and Louisville , $1.30 ; Michigan
plaster , $2.25 ; Fort Dodco plaster , $2.10 ;
Blue liapid plaster , $1.90 ; hair , 30c ; fash ,
00 per cent dis ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50
tier cent dis ; tarred felt , per cwt , $1.90 ;
straw board , $1.50.
BLOCK TIN Enp. ref'g , small pig , 28o :
bar , 29c.
COPPER Planished boiler sizes , SOo : cold
rolled , 30c ; sheathing , 25c ; pitta , SOo ; flats ,
count , GO per cent.
quality per lb , lOJtfo ; No , 34 to 37 , B quality ,
9 , ' c. For less than bundle add Vto per lb.
SHEET IHON No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 37 , $3.50 ,
SOLDEU Hoyt Motul Co.'a ' half and half ,
In 1 lb cases , nor lb , lOc ; commercial half
and half , I5c ; No. 1 , m bars , 14c.
TIN PLATE-Best ( Clmrcoal-IC , 10x14 ,
325 sheets , $0.50 ; IX , IDxll , 235 sheets , $8.25 :
1C , 12x12 , 225 sheets. $0.f.O ; IX , 12x12 , 225
sheets , $8.33 ; 1C , 14x'iO , 112 sheets , $0.50 ; IX ,
14x20 , 113 sheets. $5.25 ; JXX , 14x30 , 113
sheets , $10.00 : IXXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets.
$11.75 ; 1C. 2x28 , 113 sheets , $13.50 ; 2x28 , 113
sheets , $17.00 ; JXX , 3x38 , 113 sheets , $20.60.
CoKis 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $0.00 ; 1C ,
14x20 , 113 sheets , $0.00:10 , 10x30 , 325 sbcotb ,
Uoo iNa-Best ( Charcoal ) 20x28. $9.75 ®
STEEL NAILS Base , $3.15 ; steel wire nails ,
base , $2.00.
How Two CowbnyH Had u Lively Tltno
With Two Grizzlies.
AB Hank Cusker , the famous bronco
breaker , and James McNunoy , cowboys
in the employ of the N-N outllt , we're
driving a bunch of horses from the head
of Big Dry to the roundup they encoun
tered four grizzly bears , eays the Glon-
vvny ( Mont. ) Independent. They deter
mined to make it us interesting for the
quartette as possible , and instantly gave
ohaso , armed with their lariats only.
Alter chasing them a couple of miles
and getting them separated they closed
in on two of the ferocious boasts and
proceeded to use their skill as rope
throwers in a novel manner. They did
their respective acts simultaneously and
with precision , one catching his boar
around the neck and the ether surpris
ing his by roping a hind leer , Then the
fun commenced , one going in ono direc
tion nnd the ether in the opposite , with
the horses plunging and snorting and
trying to got' nway , but they were
hitched to too honvy loads nnd soon l > o-
cnmo tractable again. Cuskor , having
caught his bonr by the neck , soon had
hlsbonrship in n strangling condition ,
nnd with his usual courngo proceeded
to tlo him as ho would have don on steer
or bronco , and ho evidently succeeded
in his intended purpose. In the mean
time McNanoy was uoinp his best to in-
lorost his charge , and no doubt did so.
After making sure of his victim ,
Cuskor had a great curiosity to know
how M Nunoy was getting along with
his protege , and Immediately started to
hunt him up. llo succeeded In finding
him shortly , nnd saw that his services
were welcome , ns the boar , belngcnught
by the hind log , had full control of his
lung power and was making the day
hideous by his enraged cries. Cuskor
then undertook to do the tying act with
thin ono , and , becoming bold nftor the
experience with the ether ono , ho pro-
needed at his victim without fear ami
got a couple of good rounders from the
boar to pay for" his impatience. How
ever , they wore not severe strokes , and
after dodging around awhile they suc
ceeded in getting a rope around his
neck mid then made short work of him ,
The only knife they had was a small
penknife , but they were bound to have
the pelts , nnd after workigg hard for n
couple of hours succeeded in securing
their skins. When they had dispatched
the two boosts they became quilo blood
thirsty and wanted to do more killing ,
but the other two bears had mndo a
hasty retreat into the Had Lands and
could not bu found , so they proceeded
on to the ranch.
Amputated Ills Own
Jordan Blair , of Montrose , Pa. , is a
colored man possessed of remarkable
courage. He was nflHctcd with pnn-
grcno in his leg and foot , and the doc
tors said ho would die if they performed
amputation. Blulr thereupon cut his
log oil with n jack-knife and is now
limning along the road to recovery on
n crutch.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
5O5 Soullilttlli Street , Omultii
London , , Knxlaiul.
Amsterdam , filolluiul.
Tnuitnct n Ktmorol banking business Secnritloi
bought anil cold on commission , l-'urulgn exchanges.
Commcrclnl nnd trnvclor's Icltt'M of croJIt.
Orders for bond unit stocks execute 1 uu com ml )
flon In London null on ull Continental Bourses o
NcKOtltUtoru of Itallnriky , State , Cltr nnJ Corpora
tion Loans u sppclaltr
Boots and Shoos.
, JOA'ES & CO. ,
Successors to Ilccil , JODCI & Co.
fliolesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
Agenti for lloston Knbbcr Shoo Co. , 11C2.1101 and 1100
llaraor Street , ouialin , Nebraska.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1(31 North Eighteenth btraat.Omnhn , Neb.
Manufsctnrers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
. Jolm Ucnct ,
\Vluaow-cspsnuJmctttlloVTllfflus. | r
proprietor. 118 and llJ bouth lUu fctreut.
Paper Boxoa.
Pronrielor Oraalia Paper Box Factory ,
Noi.1117 nilJ 131Q Douglas itrcet , Omann , Nob.
21. A. D1SB11OW & CO. ,
Wbolcinlo manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch office , 13th and ImrJ slrcoln , Omaha , Ncti.
Mannfacturers of Sash , Dsors , Blinds ,
Mouldlnas , Blnlr-woik nn 1 Interior Iinnl wood ! lnl u.
ISii-'J North Ibth street , OnmUn , Nob.
Stoom Flttlngg PumpB , Eto.
PnniDs , Pices and Engines ,
Btiam. water , rullitny and mlnlnit luppllts , etc.
030 , Wi and 1C4 ! t'nrnam ttroct , Oinuha.
Steam and Water Sullies ,
Uallld T nln4 mills , 913 and VXI Janet it. , Omaha.
U. 1' . Host , Acting Jlaimyor.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BheeMron wori , , team pump , , taw mill , . 12IS-121J
LcaTcnnerth ttrcct , Omaha.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cart Iron Building WorK ,
Eniiloe- t , work , neneral foundry , macblnoaad
blacksailth work. Olllceand worn , U. 1 * . Kr.
and 17th itroet , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railing
Manf 'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Froof Safes ,
Vtuilti , lull work , Iron ihuttrr * and fire tirapti ,
U. Auflrcou. prop'r. Ccruvr HtU aud Jackiou in ,
Of South Omaha , Limited ,
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Vest Route from Omaha aud Council
Bluffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
SU I'mil , Minneapolis , Cedar Kaplds ,
Rock Island } Fi-ecporl , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
El'Iu ( , Jlmllson , Janesrllle ,
ittloit , AVIiiono , La Crosse ,
Ana all other Importtnt point * Katt , Nortbeait And
For tlirouuh ttckot , call on tb tliket aucnt at 1(01
Karnam , trectlu Darker llloeK , or ttt Uiilo I'aclflo
1'ulluian Sleeper , and tug flnoit Dining Car , In tbt
world ara runun tbo main line ol tbo Chicago , Mil
naukeo tHt. 1'aul llallituy , and erorj atuntlon
paid lu iiaueogen by courtsou , cmplojvi ot tba
Jt. Itll'r.Kll. Ooneral Manaccr.
t , K.TUCKKH. Aitlitintdeneral Uanagor.
A. V , it. CAlU'UN'mt , Uoueral I'm longer and
GKO. KIHAKKOUI ) , Atilitait General I'aueoger
ftndllckct A ( font.
V. ) . CUiUK , UlftCral tD ) rlot uaent.
- tss : , j ataa MaasBg-
AgrloulUiriJ Implomonta.
Dcalerin Agricultural Implements , Wagons
Carriages rind Imislo. Jnnfo ttroct.hoiweon Vthaua
10th , omnha-
& M13'WALF CO. ,
Asricnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriage ?
nug l , etc.Vhole ttlo. Onutia. Noliraita.
\Vliolc ( ilolrdct ! , In
Aojicnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons & Bnirto
ail.rai. PO&nmlPOTJonn ttrcct , Oni h .
Xtnnarncturcr And job' or In
Wasrons , Buggies Rakoj , Plows , Etc ,
Cor.Pth and J'aciao utrceU , Onialia.
Artlata' fjlntorinla.
A. noi > i'it Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs- ,
151J DouRlm alrcet , Omaha , Kebraska.
Doota nnd Shoos.
Jobbers of Boots and Slices ,
1101,110.1 , llOoDoiiRlm itrrct , Omnbn. MnnufnctOrT *
tliuunicrttroot , lioston.
Con IJCoUoorul
Jotters of IM sni Stft Coal ,
WO Bon til 13th Ktr.'at , Untaba , Nobnula.
Shippers of Coal and CoRe ,
SU fouth loth , t , , Omnlm , Nub.
Wholesale Lninter , Etc ,
Imported nnd American rotllnn.l ccuictit. Btat *
ngout ( or Milwaukee hjilrnu Icco.uoit : and
( juln j wlutu lituo.
GllAS R. LEE ,
D3aleriiiHaidwccflLiiintcr ,
Wood carpets n d iinrqurttloiirlnf. Otb and Dougla *
ttioult , Uuinhn , Nib.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
IS Hi ttrcct and Union 1'nglllc track , Oiunlm.
Dialer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Uoora , Kto. Yanl * Corner ? th nnd llouijlas.
Corner lOtli and Donula ) .
Lnnitc1 Lime Cement EtcEtc
, , , , , ,
Comer Dtb aid Doiulm 13 , Omnlia.
Dealer in All Kinduf Lumber ,
13th and California , trcct.Oniobn , K bra kA.
Mllllnory and Notions.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Noiiini
103. 210 nnil IK Sou 111 lltli atrcct.
WholesaMotions and Fiiwislitng Goods ,
112 lluniur Street , Oiimh.t.
Commission and Storage *
Stcr ge and Commission MGrcian'.s ! ,
Specialties Unttrr , re s , cliccso. puultrr , Bam * .
1118 HouiirJ atrcct. Omiilio. Neb.
_ p ry Coodsjonid _
"M. E. SMITH ACO. . ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1103 nnd 1101 Douclas , cor. llth atrcct , OmttmNob ! ,
Imcorters & Jo'iburs nDiy Goods , Mm
Gcit'g furulsblriK K od . Corner lltU and Unrnoy
truvta.Umntin , .Vc
IrJl'orlcra nnd job1 cm of
Wcolenniid Tailors' ' T1 minings ,
317Soutb Ullitticit.
Wholesale Dialers in Furniture ,
Kurnr.m itioct , Oumlni , Nobroika.
OUARLUS smvmucK ,
Fnrnitiirs ,
Omahn , Naliruikn.
Crooorloa. _
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705,707 , Ttt ) nnd 711 Sou til IQtti e't. , Onmlitt. Nob.
Wholesale Grocers-
13tli and LonvoairurtU trect , Omiilia , NebrMka.
w. j. A ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
EprlnKi , irAKon itack , bardiraro , lumber , oto. 1209
_ and 1211 llarner street , Omaba.
Hesyy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
lDEi , WARnn itnok , linrJiroro , lumber , etc. UOt
. _ _ ana nil Um-oejritruet , Omaha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metal , . heel Iron , etc. Af.vinU for Hone § cole ; ,
lllaral powderitml I.rro n tiarlied Tflru ,
mMffllAUCHl it TAYLOR ,
Bnllders' ' Harilware ana Scale Repair Shop1
Mechnnlc * ' tool and IlufTnln fcnlc , . 1409 Douglal
itrsct , omuUa , Neb ,
Jolitior , of
Toys , Dolls , Alto , Fancy Goods ,
Ilou 9 furolihlnit goodi , olillilron'n carrUKC , , 1301
l-iironm itrcet , Umabn , Neb ,
Wliolesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Azlt greae , to. , OioRha. A. II , Blitiop. Managij
Wholesale Paper Deilcrs ,
C nj nlc * itook of prlntlnif , wrapping &nJ (
paper , tipeilal attention Ktvcu tu curd i > apur.
NOB. 303-404-170-604.
Itoil CKIM * Dlumuiiil Jlrunil. /
Tt.golj I.ll bl Mil fur ull. r n X
> , it. l.txlln , k l > rUEKlt f rliI ) | '
tuuua IlrMiid.lD red iu tuitiwui.y
IlliUuutltiUio. Tukouuullirr. H
Utauipi ) for i > &rUoultr , auil * * ICp >
" * * " ( l. dlf , < > l.ll.r , lj mull. A
UUeliMtcr Vlitultai Co. , Al aticu daI1'