THE OMAHA ! DAILY NINETEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , THURSDAY MOVING , AUGUST 1 , 1889. NUMBER 43. CANADIANS CALL IT PIRACY , Angry Over the Bolzuro of the Black Diamond. NOTHING KNOWN IN WASHINGTON Absolutely No Ofllolnl Information nt the Department of State Uc- spooling the Seizure of the British Mhlp. \VnltltiR For Infornintlon. OTTAWA , Ont. , July 31. The report thut the cabinet { Is considering the Bohrlng Bcaumttor Is untrue , Tlio minister of cus toms has telegraphed to Victoria , 13. C. , for a report of the affair. As soon as It comes to hand n strong remonstrance will ho sub mitted to the Imperial government The Toronto Empire prints a special dis patch from hero which snya : "Tho latest ac count of piracy hy the United States In Bea ring sen continues to bo much discussed In official circles. A dispatch has been received ntthoflshorka department from Baker , M. P. , giving additional particulars of the seiz ure of the Black Diamond. It appears that the vessel was seized when suvonty miles from shoro. Uulior says that n Blrong feeling of rcsontmcnt and indignation has been engendered among the Inhabitants of British Columbia by this wanton outrage and thut n meeting of the citizens of Victoria is to bo hold to express thulr Indignation. This dispatch wus under consideration by the council yes terday. Until an ofllclal report Is bo fora the government no action can bo taken , and the minister of customs accordingly telegraphed to the collector at Victoria to forward full particulars without loss of tlmo. The col lector's reply was received last evening , but it appears that the Information which ho has to jrlvo Is no fuller than that already published. " ut Victoria. VICTOIIIA , B , C. , July 31. Great Indigna tion Is felt here over the seizure of the schooner Ulaclc Diamond In Hchring sea by the United States rcvonuo cutter. A public meeting will probably bo held and resolu tions passed for transmission to tl.o Impe rial parliament , asking that the Imperial government interfere In behalf of British vessels engaged in the sealing trade , it is believed here that if but ono man has bcon placed aboard the Lilnck Diamond hnr can- tain will not obey orders aud will sail for Victoria Instead of Sitka. at WASHINGTON , July 31. Inquiry at the de partment of state this morning was met by the statement that there was absolutely no information here respecting the seizure of the Triumph and Black Diamond by the rovontoo duller Rush for scaling in Beliring sea , except that contained In tlio Associated press dispatches on the subject. In conversation with a prominent oDluial , ho said that whutovor might liuvo boon the policy of the last administration , it was evident tnut the present adtninistiutlon did not look with disfavor upon the scizuro of British or other vessels suspected of poaching on United Stales soul fishing grounds. As lo tno re port that an understanding existed , by which the British government was not to taltc notice of such seiz ures , ho Unow nothing. If any such understanding existed , ho was not nwaro of It. The case of the seizure and bearch of the Triumph , which .was after wards released because no sealskins were found on board , this ofllclal intimated , mlpht bo a moro serious matter than the seizure and detention of the Black Diamond , for it involved the right of the United States to seize and search suspected vessels out side of wliut It conceded to bo the limits of Jurisdiction of the United States. This gov ernment , ho said , claims that right within a limit not yet acknowledged by England , ana the settlement of the question , alter all , Is to be 0110 of Jurisdiction. An Interview With Blnlne. BANOOK , Mo. , July ai. A reporter called Secretary Blalno's attention to the declara tion of a Boston papar of to-day to the effect that it would bo Impossible for the national government to sustain the protenaions of Secretary Blalno that Bohrlng sea , is dis tinctly American water. Tno sot-rotary simply remarked that it might ho well for the paper In question to indicate the occa sion , olllclal or unofllela ) , whuro ho had said anything at all on that point. Blalno made the further statement that everything done on the fur seal question since the 4th of hist March was in literal compliance with the dirocttons contained In the act of corgrcss , which was approved by President Cleve land on tlio last aayof his term. No Chll l'n Piny. WASHINGTON , July ni. Assistant Secre tary of the Treasury Tichonor , in a talk wltli a Post reporter to-night , about the Bohrlng sea sohuro , said : "Thoro will bo no child' * play about this administration. Tlio oftlccrs ol the revenue cutter in Bohring sea have plum and unequivocal orders. They will seize every vessel , American or British , found violating the law. Great Britain claims the rights to the fisheries , it is true , but Great Britain Is In the habit of claiming everything. All idea of redress or indem nity under the circumstances is absurd. The matter will bo treated us a trespass. " At Moor Park. DEKU PAIIK , Md. , July 31. No ofllclal In formation has boon received hero regarding the seizure of iho sailing vessels , but ndvicee nro supposed to bo waiting the return of the president and secretary of the treasury tc Washington. Mrs. Harrison hold n public reception ut the white house cottugo this afternoon. Mrs. Harrison u 111 not nccom- pany the president to Bar Harbor. SAIjtSlIUHY'B SPEECH. Tlio Premier Tabes n Vary Placid View of All ThlnuH EnuHbli. LONDON- , July 91. Lord Salisbury , speak ing of the annual ministerial banquet at the Mansion house this evening , said England' : aim In foreign affairs wii always "peace with honor. " The thunder clouds of wai till overcast Europe. Concerning the Im mediate danger of u conflict ho repudod tlu vast preparations that have been inado UE great security for peace. The issues involved In u War would bo so frightful that the na tions shrank from challenging ono an other. Events In Egypt did noi menace the permanent prosperity of Ihul country. DUubler on the frontier would b < suppressed. England had entered Into en pngcments not to abandon Egypt until HID { alter * , vaa able to maintain her own government mentin the face of foes , und those engage ments England would assuredly fulfil. Re ferring to the Crete troubles , ho dlt not consider there wus any need U fear the prfsunt movement then would load to European disturbance Ho repudiated tbo remotest desire of seeing England In possession of Crcto. The ropnrti current lo that nffcct throughout tin continent wore without foundation. Ho forrliitf to Ireland , no bold that the result ol tlio government's action wus bringing orUei And prosperity throughout the country , ant whoicver any section of ttio peusunlo believed their interests lay rather in defyhif than in obeying the law , that Illusion wai rapidly disappearing. Knrthauaka in Knit S. FIUNCIBCP , July St. Ono of tin liouvlcnt shocks of earthquake frit In thli City for years occurred hero about 4:45 : thli morning. People wore awakened by tin rattling of window * und nlmttlnu of build Ings. No damage l reported. GtlltiS OF ONK MINI ) . Princess Ijonlso'H Sisters Pleased With Her Matrimonial Policy. tCopi/rlflhl tssa lii ] Jnina Oonlw Itennttii ] LONDON , July 81. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun BBE.J Apropos ol the royal marriage , it may bo added thut the two younger princesses of Wales Torla and Harry , as they nro affectionately called In family circles are much of the same mind an their married sister , and that they greatly prefer Englishmen to the representatives of any other nation. Now , therefore , that the standard of revolt against n perpetual policy of German unions has bcon roused , it Is not Improbable the ox- nmplo of the Duchess of Fifo will bo followed by Princesses Victoria nnd Maud. It is in contemplation to call Prince Albert Victor to the liouso of lords before the next session. There Is r llttlo difficulty In the selection 01 a tltlo. To ask him to sit in the house oi lords as the Earl of Chester Is out of the question , since ho has a brother-in-law r duke , and there seems nothing for It but lh < creation of a now tltlo or the prince's as sumption ot the dukedom of Lancaster. I' ' Is probable that tlie latter course will hi pursued. It is not anticipated that Prince Gcorgo will bo called to the house of peon during the present reign. Jlrowerv Shares FOP Snip. [ Copt/rfy/it / ISSUJni 'am's Gtniloii Usmitr. ] LONDON , July ill. [ New York Herald Cnblo Special to THE Bci.l : Shares of UK Peter Scihocnnohoffon brewing company wcro placed on the market to-day. Tin capital of the company consists of 7 per con cumulative preference shares amounting t < 200,000 , ordinary shares amounting t ( 200,000 and 217,000 5 per cent first mortgiiirc debentures. The brewery is sllualci in Chicago. The prospectus state : that the capacity of the brewery n 200,000 barrels , and the output can hi increased to 400,000 barrels per year by the purchase of an additional ice machine. The prospectus stales that the beer Is celebrated from tno Mississippi to the Atlantic und that its special brow Edelweiss commands $1 1 barrel moro than any other bear In the mar- net. In the prospectus the population ol Chicago in 1883 Is givca as 1,031,000. Sub scrlptions are lo close on Saturday. Studnbnkcr Gives a Banquet. \Cn\i\iriuU \ \ 1SS3 liu James OorJai llsiinM. } PAIIIS. July 31. [ New York Hcralc Cable Special to THE BEE. ] E. P. Studebaker - baker , the carriage manufacturer of In diana. cave n dinner last evening to a brill iant company at the Hotel Maurice. Among these present were Whitolnw Hold , Hussol Harrison , Consul General Ilathbonc , Consu D. C. Halsoy , John S. Cunningham , of the United States navy ; Mr. W. B. Franklin , commissioner general nt the Paris ex hlbitlon ; Cyius H. McCormick , D. A Lylc , of the Unllcd Slnles navy , H. P. Mncfurlund , Clarence R. Edwards , Gilbert McClurg , H. S. Spauldlng , James It Goodman , F. H. Hubbard , Captain Cleaver , John J. Hubbell , A. Q. Ulshoy , Dr , Sherwood , Judge Johnson , Alexander II.iui- son und Theodore E. Beck. Mr. He-id de scribed the sensations of finding himself it : evening dress in bioad daylight. Kussell Harrison told of his arduous labors in find' ing period rest in Paris. Biro. Muybrick nn Trial. [ Ofwi/rfo/it / ISSObu Jatnes < JnrHon JJemieM.J LoxDONJuly3l. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEE. ] The trial of Mrs , Florence Muybrick began at Liverpool to day. The case ntlrucls considerable alien- lion hero. The llrst wiln ess wns Ilichael Baybriclc , brother of the deceased , and hi ; testimony wus of lltlio account ngulnst the pr.soner. Edwin Mnybrick , another brolher , said his brolhor had never taken arsenk ; as s medicine. Mrs. Brigga , a friend of Iho May- brick family , testified to finding several hot ties in Muybrick's room. These she gave tc the police. Two chemists said they soli arsenic fly papers to Mrs. JMaybrick. The general impression U that Mrs. Maybricl has an even chance of acauittul. Her lawyoi is Sir Charles Russell. A British Admirnl Dead. ( Coii/i tuM IStO li\i \ JainM Go j don Bennett 1 LONDON , July 81. [ Now York Herald Ca bio Special lo TUB BEE. ] Admirnl Thomas Builllo , of Wyburgh , died ibis morning ni Kelso. The admiral Joined Iho naval service shortly Deforo the battle of Navarino , ir which ho teen part , being then a lad of six teen years , and for which ho received the Navarino mcdul. During the Crimean wat the admiral commanded the British fleet it the Whllo Sea and successfully blockaded iho Husslan fleet. Ho was an undo of tin present earl of Haddingtou and of lord Pol wurth. Arrested for Forgery. iropj/rftfM tSSO l i ; James Gordon Ifcnnrtt.1 LONDON , July 81. [ Now York Hcrnle Cable Special to THE BEE. ! On the arri val in Lough Foylo yesterday from Nov York of Iho Anchor line steamer Clrcassla detectives arrested a passenger named Joht B. Morris , of Now York , described as i steamship aercnt formerly employed by tin Travelers' exchange , at No. 30 , Unlot Square. The arrest was effected in uccord- anco with a cablegram from Inspcclo : Byrnes , slating that Morris was wanled fo : forgery. Ho was remanded for n wool pending uu application for his extradition. The Grouse Hhootinii Outloole. l'oi > uHu/it / J8S.9 in Jamrt Gonlcn llenndt. LONDON , July 81. fNow York Herald Cable Special lo Tim BRK , ! There wll bo either plenty of grouse shooting or nom at nil this season. Reports from Scotlam describe Iho grouse us plentiful und stroni there , while disease has decimated Engllsl grouso. Reports from the north of J nglnm describe the condition of grouse in Scotlam ns pitiable , whllo Knglish grouse weio neve moro plentiful or quite to healthy. HonorH to Our Klllo Team. [ ( 'opirttfhlB89 / li'jJainet ( lurdou l1cnncU.\ \ LONUON , July 81. [ Now York Herah Cable Spcclul to Titis BLTho | Mas sachuBbtls rifle team left London last nigh for Liverpool , and sailed to-day for Nov York in the City of Chicago. The member : called on Minister Lincoln yesterday , Hi presented each member ot the team with i beautiful badge. The duaign is Qxrccdtnglj arlUtlc. 'Iho Knglish und American color : sland sldo by side , und below is a shield bear ing the of ilia English teams when tha Americans have met In competition , am under this u scroll with the legend , "England 1SSQ. " Lincoln also gave- each man a sloovi badgn bearing the words , "Wimbledon 1&M.I. " Last night the team was given i farewell dinner at the Ilolburn restaurant b ; Major Woolmer Williams. Besides the leun und tbo host there wcro proncnt several ineui bcrs of the London Artillery conipuuy , Bl John Puleston , M. P. , Consul Gcneiul New Assistant Connul General Moffait , Genera Woodwnrd , und Captain Urntwicko. Tin dinner wns pronouncud Ike epicurean's ' own Tlio upcakers were Malar Williams , Coloue New , Major Frosl , Sir John Puleatou , am Captain ( Jrutuloke. She 1'lendn .Not Gniliy. LnKUinxju , July 31-Mrs. Maybrlck , th Aicorican , when arrjipneil for the inurdoro her busbaua to-Juy , pleaded not guilty. WAIT TILL BURKE GETS BACK that Is What Everybody in Ohl- oago Is Saying- , GREAT REVELATIONS EXPECTED. States Attorney Iionjjcncclcor Prom- IHCS Bomn Nn\vs After tlio AVInnl- IICK SHSpoot Arrives BCRKS Goes Ijlbcrty Dawning. Tlio Itny to tlio Cronln aiystory. CHICAGO , July 31. [ Special Telegram to TUB BED. ] Martin Burke , of Chicago , tem porarily detained In Winnipeg , must bo the key to the problem of the Cronln tnurdor. "Walt till Burke gels back , " that's what everybody says. "Wait till Burke gets back and I'lltollyou some news , ' ' says States Attorney Longo- necker. "Wait till Burke comes back and hoMl toll you some facls that will gctmo out of here , " says John F. Bcggs. In either view of the matter Burke must know a great deal about the secret history iho real facts of the conspiracy. It is moro than probable that the , officers hayo good reasons for believing that Burke has n story to toll , and that he will toll It. Burke un doubtedly talked ubout the murder before ho went away , and in a voln which gavp people who Clari-r.n-Gaol wore conversant with - - matters an insight Into the truth. Ofllcor Collins was a friend , n sort of chum of Burko's. Burke talked to him and told him certain things which at the tinio they were revealed wcro not significant. After Cronln's body was found nnd the facts concerning the inner circle of Camp SO began lo bo exposed , Burko's remarks to Collins acquired n now Interest nnd showed to Collins as ho recalled them Ihat Burke must have known the nctupl facts with regard to the murder of Dr. Cronin. Collins sought Burke and demanded further details. Burke became suddenly re ticent. Then Collins told his mispicious to Captain Schuclller , and ofllcors were sent to arrest Burke , but ho wns gone. Ofllcer Collins went to Winnipeg as much for the purpose of having a lalk with his quandom friend as of Identifying him. But tlio Can adian authoriiics would not permit this. Now that Burlto must return to Chicago Collins will bo his companion and all his persuasive powers will bo broueht to bear on Burke 10 Induce him to confess. The authorities hero think the effort will bo successful. Mean while litllo or nothing is being done hero. Everybody is waiting for Burke. Burke can toll , It he will , who "J. B. Siuionds" Is. Ho was Burko's companion nt the Clark street flat. Ho can tell who told him to hire the Cailson rottago , nnd who was deputed to call for Dr. Cronin. Ho can glvo all the details of the murder , Iho disposition of tin body , what was done with the clothes and the doctor's instrument ' case , nnd where the fatal weapons were hidden ; in fuel , it is known that Burke can tell overylhln ? about the conspiracy except Iho ringleaders of it , nnd ho may bo able to loll about them. The warrant was sent to Winnipeg to night. Chief of Police Hubbard and Lieutenant Ross arrived in the city to-day for the pur pose of conducting Martin Burke back lo Chicago. Hubbard says lie will lake all nec essary prccauilons lo prevent any attempt al Ihu rescue of Burko. The Bxtrnditlon Warrant Slenod. OTTAWA , Ont. , July 31. Sir John Thomp son , minister ot Justice , this afternoon signed a warrant for Itio extradition of Burko. INCREASED AVHEAT HATES. The President of tlio Baltimore Corn Exclmntrc Protests. BAI/TIMOIIE , July 31. Louis Miller , presi dent of tno corn and flour exchange , has sent a llnal appeal to First Vice President Smith , of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad , urging that the wheat rate bo-allowed to remain nt 20 cents n hundred pounds. Muller stated that the wheat trade of Baltimore is idle and no deliveries can bo contracled for beyond July. General Smilh has announced that the increase will go into effect promptly ns agreed upon by the joint committee of the Central Trnfllc nnd Trunk Line associations. Ho will observe the effect upon tra'Jo nnd If the result calls for a return to the basis of 20 ccnls , some aclion may bo taken by the Bat- tlmoro & Ohio and the Pennsylvania. The Transcontinental Association. CHICAGO , July 31. The Transcontinental association finally succeeded to-day In stav ing off the storm that has threatened it , and secured an extension of existence for throe months. The dispute between the Southern Pacific and Canadian Pacific wus settled by a corn prom iso. The latter , though still re fusing 'to abrogate Ills differentials onliroly , agreed to reduce them to the extent of from 3 to 80 per cent , which is a greater conces sion than offered last week. The Southern Pacific accepted the proposition on trial for ninety days , agreeing to suspend action on its notice of withdrawal during that tlmo. The Northern Pacilio will hold its wiln- drawal notice In abeyance , pending negotia tions now in progress with the Union Pa cific. IIAHKISON'S IiETl'EU TO SEXTON. Tlio Postmaster Wants to Examine tlio Envelope. LONDON. July 31. The postmaslcr-gonornl has requesled Sexton , lord mayor of Dublin , to forward to him Iho envelope which con tained Iho letter of President Harrison to Sexton thanking him for the generous con tributions made by the citizens of Dublin for the relief of the Johnstown sufferers , and which Sexton declares wus tampered with by Iho postoftlco authorities. Sexton , In re ply to the postmaster-general's ' request , stated ho would show the letter to the post- mnstcr-goncrul , but that ho would bo de ceived if ho should give It to the poslofllco department , us It had already proved itself unworthy of trust. Tlio Went lieuIndications. . For Omaha and vicinity Light showers. Nebraska and Dakota Threatening weather and light local showers , preceded by fair in Nebraska ; cooler , followed by rising temperature in northwesiern Dakota , northwesterly winds. Iowa Light local showers , cooler , brisk to high southeasterly winds , becoming var iable , C'oloiifl Ariel us Improving. DBNVEK , July 31. John Arkins , who was brutally assaulted Saturday night by "Soapy" Smith , has greally improved. To night ho was resting quietly , although bin condition was such that bis physician deemed it inadvisable for him to see callers. A StiiKO Co.tcli Hold Up. SAX ANI > KK\\S , Cul. , July SI. The Sflnora and Milton stngo was stopped by Iwo high- wuymon near Cooperopoiiso. Wells , Farga & CO.'B sufo was blown open but found lo contain nothing. Fifty-seven dollars from ii was all Iho robbers got. Tlio Valkyrie Wins Ennlly. LONJION , July Bl. The London yacht club hold Us annual regalia to-day , The Valkyrie won easily , with the Trex third. Ofllclal time : Valkyrie , n hours , 41 minutes and 11 seconds ; Iraua , 3 hours and 53 minutes ; Irex , 3 hours , M minutes 40 seconds. Cretan Insnrgenta Appeal so Greece. Afiir.N'B July 81. The Cretan Mussulmen huvo burned over one hundred houses In a vllljgo near Cancuu , The Insurgent bodice bavu appealed to Greece for asshuuaco. STIL The Now Jersey StnrnH Continues Mlllmrn Approli'rrtslvo. NnwAiiit , N , J. , July 01Reports from all over Essex county ludlcnVp that the storm Is still raging , nnd that the damage will bo mucb greater than \va.4 thought last night. Bloomflold suffered moei severely by the breaking of the dam. Iflfty families were driven from their houses , but no lives wcro lost. The water is subsiding this morning and the pcoplo are rcturnllig to their homos , The dam across the river at Zollovlllo broke last night and flooded Mills street , doing considerable damngo to ttio low section of tlio town. The greatest apprehension Is felt at Mllburn. A watch has boon placed on the dam of the Orange reservoir , two nnd a half miles from town und 230 fcot nbavo it. The people are prepared to mbvo ut a moment's notlco. ' Eight Dams AVnshod Awny. PiAiNnr.tT > , N. J. , July 31. The damage by the flood is greater than nt first supposed. Eight dams In all wcro washed away near hero. Scotch Plains is entirely cubmorgcd , but Iho loss Is small ) ( The damngo lo the business portion of Plainflold , caused by the breaking of the not less than $30,000. Fifteen largo brick buildings are under mined nnd in n danicrous condition. All the bridges in Plalnflold. Fanwood and War ren townships nro washed a\vt\y. The loss lo Iho counties will reach $40,000 for bridges. It is believed iho loss in and near Plalnflcld by the storm will reach 3150,000. The water has subsided aud repairs are rapidly being made. Patterson Parlinllr Submerged. PATTBII ov. N , J. , July 01. The lower part of 'his city Is partially submerged. Hugo boulders hnvo bcon washed down into the lower streets nnd front1 yards. Blocks of street curbing have booh washed out and sidewalks undermined. The culverts near the county bridge havcubcon washed away. The Pussnlo river is rising. The dam nt Haleton Is liable to burst at any moment. Navigation Suspended. EASTOX , July 01. The Lchigh nnd Delaware - ware rivers here are rapidly rising. Navi gation Is suspended. Tbo mills are closed nnd trams on the Lehigh and Jersey Control roads nro delayed , owma to the tracks in many places being covered with water. XI1E JOHNSTOWN FUNDS. Over a Million and n Half in Cnsli Yet Available. JOHNSTOWN , Pu. , July 31. At a mooting of the relief committee to-day a statement of the moneys in hands of Governor Beaver was rendered , showing that povornor Beaver had received a total of $3,239,414.40 , and that of that $ SUO,3l > 0.00 had boon paid out , leaving in his hands to-day $1,554,017.80. Of this $211,210,01 had beoa appropriated or would bo used in the paying of contracts or bills al ready incurred , leaving a hist balance in the hands of the governor to-day in cash of 31.S543.801.83. To this fund , there will bo added the funds now in the hands of the Pittsburg committees , making $1,003,801.83 available now. There is ; also suid to bo $150,000 in the hands of iho Boston commit tee , as Governor Beaver" said ho had never received anything fjrom. thero. WESTEUN PACKING INTERESTS. i The Western Hoc Movement Contin ues Modcratq1 fn .Volume. CINCINNATI , July 31. fj&peclal Telegram to THEBBE. ] To-morrowsi Pricij.Current will soy : The western moVomentbf hogs continues of moderate volume , packing returns for the week showing a total of 18r > ,000 , , against 145.000 for the precedingwooic and 03 000 for the corresponding tlmo last year. For the season from March 1 the total pacicing is 4,525,000 against 8,404t)00 ) it year ago. Place. , | 1831) ) . LOUD miASSKY'S AT HOME. The Kljihty Club Enter tain eel Mrs. Gladstone Proncnt. LONDON , July 31. Lord Brassoy gave an % 1nt homo" to the EigVity fclub this evening in order to meet Mr. and Mr ; . Gladstone. Glad stone was unablelo bo prcscnl , and Mrs. Gladslono in responding to congratulations on her golden wedding said her husband was fatigued on account of overwork and was obliged to rest. Sir William Vernon Hart- court in a speech denied that differences among the liberals over the royal era n Is meant want of fidelity W the great leader. Every member of the party from the highest to lowest was never , more dcvolod to the chief than now. * - Chamborlnin Attack * the Radicals. LONDON , July 31. [ Special Cablegram to THE BEC. ] Mr. Chamberlain , in a speech at Greenwich to-night , said that the now radi cal party bad become the loading section of the homo rulers. They were bent upon making important constitutional changes. Mr. Gladstone did not effectively resist them , whllo Sir William iVornon Harcourt'ti ' sword was at the service of the strongest faction , Tbo close of the fourth session of parliament saw tbo homo rulers disunited and beyond the control of their loaders , whllo the government party \vas stronger than over within and without parliament. Ho attacked Iho now radicals as destruc tive , not constructive politicians. Ho said they had not proposed u'smglo measure that was calculated to add tq the happiness of the pcoplo. nnd if the whole of their pro gramme were carriediout to-morrow no ono would bo the bettor fotrit. A Hank Tcljcfr Arrested. SAN FHAKCISCO , Julyjb William L. Ross , a note teller iu the Nevada bank , has been arrested in Victoria , Blp. , at the request of the San Francisco authorities. HOBS ob tained leave of absence'o'few duya ago and a sbortago of $1,500 was Yound In his accounts and promissory noics'for over (05,000 were also missing. The money and notes were found in Ins possession'whon arrested. Ho has been prosecuted in Victoria for bringing stolen property into thcudoinlulou. Charlnmagnn Towor'n Will. PHILADELPHIA , July 81. Tno will of the late Charlemagne Towe'rT who died Wednes day ut Walorvillo , N. V. , was admitted to probate to-day. The * will is n voluminous document , but contain * no public bonuest. To his wife , Amelia Malvinla Tower , ho gives his house nnd household appurtenances in this city. Ho nlsp nmao a provision that his wife should bo paid 91.000 a month semiannually - annually , und Ills'IIvo children (500 each per month. Four-tenths of hU residuary estate , the deceased leaves to his wife and the re maining six-tenths to bis five children In equal portions. After the dealh of his wife her four-tenths is to bo divided equally among tbo children , The .will ulso stales that all rents and royalties derived from any coal lands or olher mineral ; lands in which the deceased may bo 'interested ' at the time of his death shall be invested-by his execut ors as part of tha estate. Tha Papa's AdvJt rs. MADWD , July 8).r-Tho ) Spanish goycrn- rnent supports Austrju In advising the pope to take up his residence in Portugal if he 1 * obliged to leave Home. ti Win DECAPITATED BY A MOWER , A Boy'a Hand Completely Sovorocl From His Body. THE CAPTURED WHISKY STILL. Ordf-r of the Adjutant General on the Dates and Places for Hold ing the Kcglmontnl Kncnmpinonts. Cut Off Ills Head. Dns MOINES , la. , July 31. [ Special Tele gram to THE BED. ] A twelve-year-old son of Captain Bass , n farmer living a few miles from Wnvorly , was driving a team attached to n mowing machine when the machine ttruolc im obstruction , throwing the boy off his sent. Ho fell In front of the machine , nnd before ho could ninko the slightest ef fort to save himself the sharp tooth of the slcklo had severed his head from his body. Tlio Itculmcntnl Kiionmpmeiits. Dns Moixn s , la. , July 01. [ Special Tele gram to Tin ; BICE.J The adjutant general has sent out a final order on the dates and places of regimental encampments of the Iowa National Guards , as follows : The First ? regiment , at Vlnton. commencing August 20 ; Second regiment , at Fort Madi son , August 5 ; Third regiment , at Newton , August 20 ; Fourth regiment , nt West Union , August 9 : Fifth regiment , at Hcd Oak , Au gust 113 ; Sixth regiment , at Iowa Falls , An * gust 12. Governor Larrabco , with members of his staffand the brigade commander , will review each regiment on the lollowlng days during tholr respective weeks ; Firsl regi ment , Friday nflornoon ; Second regiment , Wednesday aflernoou ; Third rcclincnt , Wednesday ; Fourth regiment , Friday morn- lug ; Fifth regiment , Thursday morning ; Sixth regiment , Friday morning. Cantaln J. T. Davidson has been detailed ns inspector of the First brigade. Surrenders Himself. WATEIILOO , In. , July 81. [ Special Tele- cram lo THU Br.n. | M. E. Billings , who was reported to hnvo escaped from Iho sher iff nt Gary , Dak , , last Wednesday , irrlvod here to-day. Ho at once secured a copy of his ball bond , saying that ho wanted it in case it bccnmo necessary to surrender him self to the sheriff. To-night an order came from the olllccrs at Gary for his arrest , but when the sheriff wont after him Billings forestalled the Dakota business by surren dering himself on his bond for murder. Ho says thai there is nothing the mailer in Da- kola except a row between himself and nn attorney , and the matter was stirred UD lo prevent his comini : to Waterloo for trial on the charge of murdering Khigsioy. Visual Sioux Crrr , la. , July 81. | Special to Tun BIE. | J. D. Whitney , who is in charge of the government weather station here , last night began a course of instruction for Com pany H , Iowa National Guards , In "Visual Signalling. " Two rovlcws per week will bo hold. It is a feature of military tacMcs in the regular army. The Morsa telegraph alphabet is used , the dashes aud spaces being represented by motions with flags. When details from the company nro proficient with the fiags they will bo drilled in the use of the heliograph. _ The Stilt Wns an O'I One. TE9 ) Mo INKS , Iu.July HI. ( Special Tolot gram lo Tin : BEE. | It appears' now that the still seized by a revenue agent on the furm of John Dolan last Saturday was an unused still. It had been registered and last used , so it , is claimed , In 1SGO. The fact that it Was covered up in the gran cry and had verdigris over It indicated that it was out of use. It is reported that a relative had tried to buy the still , nnd , being refused , had told the officers of it for rovengo. A. Correction. TABOII , la. , July 31. [ Special to TUB BEG. ] The statement that Canflold , Flem ing & Co. had bean given the Job of con structing n railroad grada from Tabor to Malvern for the Chicago , Burlington & ยง ulney railroad is incorrect. It wns tbo abor& Northern road that awarded the contract. IjoMars a Distributing Point. LcMxiis , la. , July 31. [ Special Telegram to Tnu BEB. ] The Consolidated Tank Line company has decided to make this city a dis tributing point for northwestern Iowa. The large tanks were received to-day , and exten sive bulldlugs will bo put up at once. Tbo station was formerly at Sioux City. AVooclhury County's Assessment. Sioux Crrr , la. , July 81. [ Special to THE BISE. ] The assessors In this county bavo practically completed the biennial assess ment. The tax valuation will bo between $20,000,000 nnd $21,000.000. The valuation In 1887 was $12,544,200. PISTOLS AT A PRIZE TIGHT. A New York Touch Knocks Ont the Sport. NEW YOBK , July 31 , [ Special Telegram to Tun 13F.B.I Ono of the most disgraceful sights ever witnessed at a prize fight oc curred in the battle between Jack Qulnn , the Scotch light weight , nnd nupposcd "Jack Kelly" of Trenton. Tuo rin ? was pitched in a llttlo pavillion attached to a hotel near Laurnl Hill. The posts tvero drawn and qulto a lively sccno followed the referee's decision , which was givei at the end of four minutes of severe b tiling. There were mo broken heads aud probably ono or two were badly injured. In the second round Kelly wns knocked out and a well known "bookie , " Ilod McMubon , stopped for ward to the ring to ask if Kelly was all right , when suddenly ho received a blow on the head from a "billy" In the hands of some unitnown person , Ilight hero came u sccno which is seldom witnessed at a fight. A tough named Henry Flaherty Jumped into the ring , discharged u revolver , and called upon Iho spectators to halt and throw up their hands , as ho would shoot the llrst person who tried to louvo tbo room. Ho hud every ono at his mercy and no ono at tempted to stir. But ho kept on blazing away , for what , no ono could find out. Then there wus a mud scramble and sports and re porters inado a dash for places of safety. They wasted no time und no ono wns anxious to go to go back to where Flaherty and his gang were holding forth. A Congress of Uathollo Imymen. CHICAGO , July 31. The com to to-day issued calls for a general congress of the Catholic laity of Iho Uniled Stales lo be hold ut Baltimore on November 11 and 13 , to cole- brute tlio centennial anniveisary of the es tablishment of the Catholic hierarchy. A general discussion of inaUorH of Interest will bo invited. Concurrentlv nth this cole- brat ion will occur the formal opening of the Catholic University of America ut Wash ington. Dnulnngcr Didn't Suicide , PAIIIB , July 81. Hcports were in circula tion hero to-day that General Boulanger hud committed suicide in London. Dis patches from that city In response to In quiries pronounced the reports untrue. In on Interview to-day Houlanger expressed much amusement at tha reports circulated In Paris that ho had committed suicido. Ho de clared ho had no intention of killing himself at present. _ - Cardinal Imvlgurlo Uncovering. LUCBUXB , July 81. Cardinal Lavigcrio , who was reported critically 111 yesterday , U now recovering , i . 'il i.rr.7i Jin.i.ili . I" , ff.'Miii' , t. T TUB BTAHV1NO M1NUUS. A Tcrrlhlo Scene of MNory nnd Want nt Kit-en tor , III. CiilCACio , July 81. Congressman Lawlor and other members of the business men's re lief commlttoo loft this morning with addi tional supplies for the half-starved , looked- out coal miners nt Stroator , 111. A reporter talked with Mr. Gerathy , whoso business in Stroator has bcon well nigh ruined by Iho minors' troubles. Gurathy has bcon In Mil waukee for sumo tlmo soliciting relief. Ho said : "Wo have two carloads of provisions to distribute lo-day. But what Will that amount to when divided among 0,000 starv ing miners , the mnjorlly of whom nro mar ried men with families ! It will scarcely last two days. The condition of the men Is almost indlscrlbablc. I can truthfully Bay that mnny people are slat ving. Bnblci nnd child ren cry for bread nnd wallow in Iho muddy streets , but their mothers hnvo become cal lous to their cries and do not seam to mind , They uny but llttlo nnd complaints are in frequent. They Just keep silent in tholr misery. A few nro very pround. and affect to bo light hearted when they liavon't got a thing to oat In Iho houso. I loll you , it 11 horrible , and no ono ronllzo the awful sufferings until no gets right In the midst of the misery. Bushiest has gene to smash , nnd stagnation rules everywhere. Unless they nro given work teen , or further relief comes , you will soon hoar of some deaths from actual starvation. " The Cnnncllsvilln Men Will Go Out. P mantiim , July 81. A special from Scottsdulc , says : This afternoon , l'i all probability , will bo the Inso day's work for Iho miners und colters of iho Connellsvllle region for somn tlmo to como. To-morrow between 12,000 nnd IH.OOO will lay down their , tools nnd unite In a demand for heller wages. Reports from all over the region Indicate thut this Is Iho most general sirlko that has over occurred hero. Some of the operators are having their ovens charged as usual to day under the belief that there will bo no strike , or that ttio men will remain ut work long enough to draw their coke. This the men say they will not do , as nil the operators huvo had sunlclcnl nolicc , and if tholr coke is destroyed It will bo tholr own fault. Miners Dccldo to Strike. PiTTsnuno , July 31. The Monongahola river minors dbctdcd to strike against a re duction in the rate of mining in Iho llrst Ihreo pools from 3 ccnls lo 2-tf } ccnls per bushel. This action was lakon to equalize the ralo In Iho fourth pool. The men em ployed by Walton & Co. Htruci : to-d.iy and n general suspension of work in tbo river mines is anticipated. The strike will affect 5,000 miners. CHICAGO TIMES AFFAIRS. D un I op Tnkcs Chnrco of the News nnd Editorial Dopnrtmont. CHICAGO , July 31. The Dally News says : The affairs of Iho Chicago Tunes , which have recently been Iho subject of a great deal of newspaper comment , underwent an other change at 4 this afternoon. Mr. Joseph Dunlop took entire charge of the editorial und news departments of the paper , his occupancy of that position signalizing a complete lout of the J. J. West interest. Dunlop has for the lust two years repre sented the interest of Mrs. EurelcaC , Stoioy , widow of Iho lalo cdllor of Iho Times , and when the West management became such that ho no longer cared to bo associated with it , ho resigned froiji the paporv The Messrs. Huiskamp und others who uro largely in terested in the paper tendered Mr. Dunlop iho editorial dircclion of the Times , nnd ho assumed tbo duties of the place to-day. Ha is a newspaper innn ot wide experience. Mr. John C. Eckel , formerly of the Asso ciated press , has been appointed city editor. DOUBLE KENTUCKY HANGING. Ono of the Victims Had to Be Strung Up Twice. LOUISVILLE , July 81. Charles Dilger , who murdered two policemen last August , and Harry Smart , murderer of Mctsucr Green and wife , were hanged early this morning. When Dllgor's body diopped , Ihe end of the rope which formed tbo knot was seen to unravel , and the noose refused to tighten. The knot so far untied as to bo only hold in place by ono coil and the rope was caught directly under the point of the chin. The scene was sicken ing , the strained breathing of iho unfor tunate man being heard ull over Ibo yard. Two of the ofllcors reached through the Irnp , and catching hold ot the noose near thn nock , drew Dilger's body through the opening on tbo platform. Another rope was adjusted and the drop fell a second time. Dilger was pronounced dead in twenty-four minutes. The Klsh CoininiflHion's Work. WASHINGTON , July 81. The United States fish commission distributed during the past fiscal year 100,000 yearling fish ot ttio in digenous species of the Mississippi valley , consisting of catfish , buffalo , croppie , white and black bass , sunfish , pickerel , white perch , wall-eyed pike , and native carp. Of these , 40,000 were planted in Illinois rivers , 10,000 in Missouri waters , 10,000 in Geneva lake , Wisconsin , and 0,000 in the waters of Nebraska. Of brook trout eggs there were 207,000 sent to different stale fish commis sioners. During Iho season 63,000 rain bow Irout eggs wcro shipped from the Northvillo. Mich. , station of the com mission , und 110,000 , from the Wythoville , Yu. , station lo various state commissions for planting In suitable waters. One-year fish to the number of 00,000 were distrib uted. Among Ibo allotments are those : To Indiana , 0,000 ; Iowa , 15,000 , ; Nebraska , o,400. Lake trout to the number of 8,000,000 were distributed during Iho season , 2,000,000 going lo state commissions und 1,000,000 of fry lo Lake Superior , near Duluih. The dis tribution of Loch Levcn trout eggs were an follows : Nebraska , 30,000 ; AVisoouMn , 30,000 ; PeniiRylvunln , 60,000. There were also deposited In the public waters of Iho country 30,000 Gorman carp , of which Dakota received 8,000. Sandu&ky. O. , a station of Iho commission , collected this year 150,000,000 , , whllo fish eggs , und Alpona , Mich. , 45,000,000. Of Iheso 80,000,000 were distributed to tlio northwestern states bordering on tbo lakes. The distribution of fry produced ut Sandusky , Alpcna and Duluth stations Is as folioWH : Lake Superior , 10,000,000 ; Lake Erie , 45,000.000 ; Lake Huron , 83,000,000 , and 5,000,000 were de posited in the public waters of Idaho , Wash ington territory and Oregon. Wall eyed pike to the number of 50,000,000 wcro deposited principally In the public waters of Minnesota seta , Illinois , Ohio , New York and Pennsyl vania. DuriiiR the season 101,7ftS,000 shad fry wcro deposited on the Atlantio coast , The Swift City of Paris NEW Youic , July 31. The City of Paris arrived ut Sandy Hook light ship tit8:14 : this morning , having completed the Journey In five days , 23 hours und Iff minutes , which la within three mlnutus of her former record and boats the record of all other ohi ps from Quccnslown. In her former record-beating vovugo iho actual miles run by chart were 2W , whereas In her present voyage thu actual distance was 2,707 miles , so thut she was behind her former record three minutes and ninety-eight miles. Pnsspd the Hooond Heading. LONDON , July 31 , The debate In the com mons on the royal grants bill collapsed to day. After a speech had been made by Wallace , liberal , the speaker put the ques tion on the second reading of the measure. There being po call for udlvlslon the speaker declared the uecoud reading carried. Masunohnuotts Kopuhlloans , BosrnN , July 81 , At a mooting of the republican stuto committee to-day , Septem ber 25 wat fixed as iho tlmo aud Boston an the , pluco for holding tuo state convcntiuu. TO TRANSPLANT A NATION , A Sohomo to Move the loolnuclora Into Alaska. THE PENSION INVESTIGATION. Nothing oT n Sensational Natttra Turned Up Yet The Payment of Government Telegraph Suspended. WASHINGTON Dunnur , THE OMAHA Bun , \ 5ia FouiiTonSTit STIIKDT. V WASIIINOTON , 1) . C. , July 31. ) Among persons of n scientific turn of mind n certain project of International Im portance has been quietly discussed , nnd It only needs publicity to place the subject In the fore front of n class of topics always of Interest to the pcoplo of thU country. It Is nothing moro nor less than the transplant ing of the entire population of Iceland , 75,000 , to Iho most habitable part of Alaska. The historic Island of Iceland U uplacoof Inter est on account of the culture , honesty nnel high mlndedncss of its people , who tire the embodiment , perhaps moro near than mother Norway herself , of the old Norse spirit. Cutoff for a larger portion of the year from nil the world , living on u slcrllo ' soil , constantly becoming mnro so on account of the Increase of the lava from the volcanoes nnel of the sediment of the goyoors , living in nu atmosphere of ex treme cold , with summers too short lo pro duce sufficient crops of grain , thesa bravo and cheery pcoplo have barely sustained themselves. Many ot them , it Is said , nrd willing to move away to n more genial cli mate , or at least to a moro fruitful territory. Their idea Is not to go to a country wholly different , whoio all Iho conditions of lifo will bo reversed , but to a land in the latitude or nearly In the latitude of Iceland. They would not bo easily uccltined in a country with a high temperature. The movement looking lo their settlement in the Unllcd States is ono of prime interest not only to Iho Scandinavian citizens of Iho noilhwcst , but also to the largo number of citizens else where In the union who have In their veins tbo blood of some of Iho conquerors of Britain in the fifth and ninth and tenth. centuries. The proposition is ono of vast impoi lance In a commercial sense , ns it in volves the removal of an entire pcoplo , nnd that an old , renowned nnd cultivated pcoplo. It has behind it strong liAVjonco in high quurlers. Sonutor Platt , of vronnectlnut. It is stated to-day , has agreed lo defray tlio oxpcuso of un Icelandic minister in making the urrriigoni'onts. The valuable wooded and feiillo region on Iho great Yukon rlvoc is suggeslud ns Iho new habitat of the Ice landers , if the consent of the parliament of Iceland nnd of the Danish government can bo obtained. IOWA I'OSTMASTIiltB U'POlNTliD. Edgeiwood.Clayton county. S. F. Richards ; Strawberry Poiul , Clayton couuly , W. II. Sexileld. MISCEl.LANIIOUS. ' W. H , McCague , a member of ihe firm of McCnguo Bros. , of Omaha , arrived In ll.o city to-day to confer with the comptroller ol the currency in relation to securing n na tional bank charter for Ins banking houso. Ho will probably arrange the details to-mor row. The Pension Investigation. " WAsniNOTNifi Jnly 31. The commlttoo- rocenily appointed by Secretory Nohlo to Investigate the alleged illegal rulings of pen ; slons by the pension bureau hits completed the first week of its labors. The original order of Secretary Noble directed that the Investigations should cover all the opcrai- tlonsofiho bureau during the last twelve months , but a superficial examination cenT vinced the committee that a searching exam ination of all the cases adjudicated in thut tmio would occupy them at least six months , so upon tacit understanding , ! ! not the express direction of the secretary , the committee bus thus far confined their work to the months of December in last ycnr and May in the present year. An examination cover ing six months will probably bo completed by next Saturday or early iu the coming week , when a report will bo made to Secre tary Noblo. It Is learned from parties bo- llovcd to have knowledge of the work of the committee that during iho month of Decem ber last , under Commissioner Black's ud- mlnistrution , there were found to huvo boon made about fifteen hundred reissues of pen sions , and during the month of May , under Commissioner Tanner's administration , eighteen hundred rolssues. Those reissues cover all classes known to the pension laws , and include all the cases of rorullug , which , it is said , average from u to 6 per cent of the whole number of reissues. Therefore Iho rcmtiiigs found in these two months will probably uggrcgato less than 200. . It Is stated further that the reratinga probably do not average moro than $3 to M per month , but the arrears In many onsen are carried back to the date of the original application , some of them as far as 1SU5. The investigation , so far us it has gone , is believed to hnvo convinced the committee that llicro has been u gradual increase in tbo number of pensions rcrutcd since late in the summer or in the early full of last year. It is confidently asserted that the committee has discovered nothing whutovor of u sensa tional character , either In the number of ro- ratings or the amount of money involved. Dirty Amoy Oolnni ; . WAsniNeiTON , July 81. The secretary of the treasury has received a letter from the secretary of state enclosing n copy ot the dispatch received from the United States consul at Amo.v , calling atlentlon to the In ferior quality of much of the Amoy Oolong tea oxporled lo the Unilcd States. Assistant Secretary Tichonor has issued u circular letter lo the customs oftlceis on the subject in winch ho says : "Tho stateiiioiiis of the consul und the documents tmcloHcd in his communication indicate that It is a well roc- ognl/ed fact among sellers in China tliut Amoy Oolongs uro irenorully dirty , adullor- alod , carelessly packed or poorly cured , and tbat their reputation is so Vila that all mar kets save that of the United Statex are now closed to them , The circular letter issued by Hussoll & Co. , of Amoy , speaks of these Urns as the decayed vegetable ) mutter of China nnd stales it is difficult to see how under existing Inspection regulations they can bo dealt in. The consul strongly recommends that no invoices , of Amoy Oolongs should bo admitted to entry In the United Stales without Unit being rigidly in spected , stating that it is only by tmcli In spection that the American public- can bo protected. Ho further states that tha strictures of his letter do not apply toTansul or Formosa Oolong teas grown on tlie adJoining - Joining island'of Formosa and mostly shipped via Amoy , for the mason that Formosa tea Justly enjoys an excellent reputation , though frauds uru not an unheard of occurrence oycn In Formosa Your attention is called to this matter in order that strict scrutiny may bo made at your port of all Importations of this grade of tea , with the view to prevent the entrance of any which may ho found to be in violation of the act to prevent the Im portation of adulterated aud spurious tea * . Hmnll Piihllo Debt Decrease. WASHINGTON , July 81. It is cttlumtod at the treasury department that tlio decrease In the public debt for tha month of July is lost than tl.OOO.WO. This Is suld to bo due to the unusually heavy disbursements during the month , Bggrogallng $33,000,000 , the payinenta on account of pension * alone amounting to over (10,250,000. , Killed hy nil Earthquake. YOKOHAMA , July 81. Thirty ponW killed and eighty injured by the ref the Ulan d of Kloa Blov / '