Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Court Ofllcor Pulaslcl IB to bo rollovod
on tno llrst of the month by Patrolman
Albert Kaiser. Pulaslci will ffo on
itl The county treasurer turned ever to
l South Omuha for
I * the city treasurer of
I f city and school purposes 911,012.10.
The funeral of Maria Agnes Wills
\vlll take plrtco to-day at 11 o'clock from
family residence , Twenty-sixth nnd
Sowivrd. Interment nt Jacksonville ,
111.John Lindorholm , residing in the
Boutho'rn part of , the city , states that it
wnsnothis wlfo who "mashed"Lowry
of police court fame ; also that ho was
not in the city nt the tuno. Ho Uoslroa
the correction tnailo , in order that his
name mny not bo confounded with that
of seine other Lindorholm ,
A slx-yottr-old daughter of Charles
Knowlcs of MoArdlo precinct , whllo
plnylnp on the banks of n small lake
near her homo was bitten by a rattle
snake. Copious draughts ol whisky
were forced down the child's throat nnd
her life was thereby saved. At present
she is under the care of two physicians
at Walnut Hill.
Dr. C. W. Hnyos returned Monday evening.
O. P. Goodman Is out ngntn after a vvcolt's
Dr. E. W. ice , after pn nbsonco of thrco
weclcs In Now York , has returned to the city.
Frank Murphy , of the Mcrcluinta' National
bank , ,1ms gone to Now York.
Mrs. Hnrry Wuro , of. Wymoro , Nob. , "Is
vlsitlntf the family ol O. M. Carter at Druid
Mr. W. A. Underwood , of Boston , presl-
dcntof the American Water Worka company ,
arrived In the city ycstcrdnv and was at
Florence all day looking ever yio works.
Curtis 13. Hume , of Richmond , Ky. , who
has been visiting C. H. 13 reck and Silas
Cable , hns returned homo. Mr. Hume Is In
terested In ono of the largest distilleries In
Kentucky and Is thinking ol invastuu ; In
Omaha. _
Old Enough to Know Hotter.
Lco'IIiirt , a man past flftv years of ago ,
has boon arrested for assaulting his wlfo.
Did You JJOSD It.
A pockctbook-nnd n small sum of money
found In a street car on Thirteenth street
await an owner nt the police station.
The Kin n I Siiinnionq.
Bridget Collins , aged thirty-two years , died
yesterday at St. Joseph hospital of con
sumption. The deceased Is a sister of Chief
Engineer Collins o f the O in aim & Council
Bluffs liriJRo motor railway , and also a sis
ter of Engineer Collins who is m the employ
of the New York Life Insurance company at
this pluco. Thy remains were removed to
Hcufy & Hcafy's undertaking establishment ,
from which plnco they worn shipped last
cvcninp to New Hampton , In. , the former
homo of the deceased , for interment.
Nonr Tholr Discharge.
Tbo Crolqhton Guards , some time ago , for
warded to Governor Tnayor n request to bo
dlsfhargcd from the service of the Nebraska
National Guards. The request , it scorns ,
was forwarded to Adjutant General Cole ,
who returned It to tlio company with In
structions to obtain to it the signatures of
the meniuqrs of the company. The Instruc
tions have been complied with , the names of
all tbo members of the company In good
standing having been secured.
It Is expected that , In a few days , the com
pany will ho discharged.
Ten oh era of Gorman.
Mrs. Woinhngon , the teacher ot German in
the public schools , hns loft for Oregon ,
where she is to rejoin her husband who is
encaged In Ufa insnra'nco business.
Miss Walker , who , Instead ot Miss Luckc ,
AS has erroneously been mentioned , has
been Mrs. Wclnhngcn's assistant , Is , it Is
thought , likely to bo promoted to the vacant
Miss Dora Luckc , who has taught in the
Germ an-American school has made applica
tion for the place of osslstant and has been
endorsed by the directors of tbo Germun-
Aincriuan school association.
Tlio Ea ; r. Sirl Kin-Rap.
Tl ere were twenty-seven bids received for
the furnishing of stone for the now luvco tote
to bo built on the cast siilo of the Missouri
river nt this point. The lowest bidder was
the firm of yan Court & Lomist ,
which offers to furnish the stone
for $1.09 per cublo yard. The
stone Is to bo delivered on barges at any
available point between California and
Jones streets.
There were but eight bida for willows , the
lowest bidder being W. H. B. Stout , of Lin
coln , who offers to furnish the desired
amount for $1.18 per cord.
Tlio brush Is to bo delivered on barges at
any available place on the river thrco 01110.1
south or twelve miles north of the plnco
whoru the icvoo Is to bo built. The proposed
work is to bo completed as soon as possible.
liocchuui's Pills euro bilious and nervous ills
Fined For Using Kcfuio Oriole.
- A. J. Stanley was arraigned before Juclgo
Borkn yesterday on complaint of Superin-
mtondetit Whltlock for using refuse brick in
kbuiidlng , The brick had been hauled to
the house and carried to the brick masons ,
who refused them. The brick were placed
In a pall of water and at once became slacked
"ami crumbled to pieces. The building or-
dlnaiico snys ; "It shall bo unlawful for any
person , persons , firm or corporation to do
* 1 ll vor at any place , within the city of Omaha ,
to , bo used In any building , any soft , shelly
m or imperfectly burned or refuse brick , or
any other unsuitable material. "
Stanley was fined 3 ana costs , Inspector
Whltlook says Stanley is a contractor and
builder and the owner of n brickyard. Ho
has been warned several times about refuse
brick ho was hauling and using , but paid no
'attention to the warning.
Pollco Court
A warrant was issued yesterday for G , J.
Ou\lard \ and HI chard Ilognn oa complaint ol
Albert Mostcrinan , on a charge of stealing
even bottles of liquor , two bottles of chnm-
'pagno and u lot of cigars from Mastorman's
itorc , at Thirteenth and Williams stroo ts.
The case against Constable Paul Stoln for
assault was dismissed ,
Ban Cayloy was arraigned on complaint o :
bis wlfo for assault. 'I'ho woman testified
that they had boon married slxteoa years
nd they had been sixteen years of misery.
They have been divorced about a year and
bo had harrassod her continually. Cayley
WM bound ever to the district court in tha
uinof * 0.
Anthony Agoatln paid $5 nnd costs for
I lolling bananas without u license. Ho has
two wagons and only ono license , The It
cense Inspector Jutnpad on him when his
other wagon had the card.
In the Courts.
William S. Askwlth , plaintiff la the casq
of Askwltli vs Patrick H. Sullivan , has filed
an aflldavlt and asked that a writ of man
damus bo issued to Sullivan upon the last
rotated in his aflldavlt. As a result of a lega
baltlo with Allen Bros. , Askwlth's household
goods and ether personal property were at
tachcd , the papers being served by Su lllvau
noting as constable. Ask with uots fort'
that , whereas , under the law , bo Is outitlei
to claim certain ejKjclllo articles oxomp
under the law , and also to personal propcrtj
of tbo value of (500 , Bt'lllvan has refused to
nllow the Roods to bo appraised , so that Aslt
with might clahn his share.
Judge Shield * rendered A verdict lor th
defendant yesterday afturaoon In the ease o
Joseph Pi Gardner va Caroline. Kaufman
Mr , Gardner , a builder , sued Mr * . Kaufman
to recover $1,000 damages , ho claiming tha
eho made , and later forfeited , a contrac
With him to urcot a 11,200 , house.
Rinse the wusto pipes and difiinfoc
with 1'lutt'
every suspicious pmoo
Chlorides ,
AVIint ix Thriving RtinlnoBB It 14 Al
iened to Hnvo Trnn nolod.
"Tlio county drug store Is a rat hole for
wallowing up tnSney , " said n well-Informed
nim yesterday. "And yet Commissioner
vlount and 1'rnnk Zlmmor , the pharmacist
n charge of It , hare boon trying to inako it
appear tlmtslnco the canccrn was started
ess than ono year ago , not moro than $1,500
ias boon expended for drugs.
"An examination of tlio bills , books nnd
ouchorB , however , shows that olthor they
don't know xvliat is gbing on or are trying to
oppress fadts which might require oxplana-
ion. "
A Bun reporter niado note of the bills nl-
owed and paid to city druggists slnco
August 11 of last year , which is about
ho tlmo the schema seems to
mvo been inaugurated. The total reaches
xt.GOl.BO. On the ( Into mentioned nbovo , the
3oodman Drug company- received a warrant
for S7GO.GC , whllo Hughes ft Schmidt woto
mid $320.25. Again , in December , Goodmnn
ccolvcd ? , )59.81. Up to the first of July , of
.his year , the snmo firm has pulled out a
Ittlo ever $1,500. Otlior dealers , suuh as J.
W. Hughes , f233.70 ; James A. Forsythe , $90 ;
John Dwyer , $3.85 ; Max Bocht , M.85 , and
A. ( J. Boll , $5 , are also In the list.
These sums do not Include prescriptions
which have boon sent by the county physi
cian for special medicines , to , probably ,
iCuhn , Fuller , Saxo , and Leslie.
This matter Is attracting n good deal of at
tention now , because of the fact that bids
mvo boon advertised for and n now contract
will bo let. Those who claim sulllclont fainll-
nrlty with the matter , openly cluiVRO that
.lie business la bulug managed very loosely.
Not ono of the agreements originally entered
nto , It Is said , hnvo been lived up to. For
nstanco , un understanding wan arrived at
irst , between the county and city that It the
Former would supply the drutrs , the latter
would employ , nt $25 per uiontli , a man
whoso duty It should bo to attend nnd deal
them out. The scheme was started m this
way with Frank Zlmtncr , a young man who
Failed In business at Grand Island , as super
intendent. In a very short time , Mount nnd
Anderson , apparently through some potent
Inllnunco brought to bear upon them , had his
name placed on the county pay roll for $33 a
month salary in addition to the $ -5 ! ho ro-
cclved from the city. An explanation In jus
tification of this action tended to show that
Zimmor was to give all his
tlmo except two hours each
ilay , to assist Mr. Evans , the county auditor.
Hut the discovery was soon made that noth
ing lilto decent service could bo given in
either department under such an arrange
ment , consequently Mr. Zimmcr has slnco
devoted his entire attention to the drug
As an evidence that this was needed the
young man stated that ho had , up
to the present time , compounded nearly 8,000
To professional druggists , | n Omaha , that
assertion seems.most ridiculous unless the
number of people supplied from thij source
lias increased wonderfully within the past
two years. Ono compounder of medicines
and pills says that , when ho lllicd all the or
ders , his bills to the county averaged about
$10 a month.
Anotbordeclares that the heaviest business
of any drug store in this city will not exceed
40 pcrscripilons a day , or 14,000 per year.
Nlne-tcntns of them fall below 8,000. There
fore , if Mr. Zimmcr's statement is correct ,
the county concern must be having un 1m-
monso business.
The amount of whisky Is another matter
for considerable speculation. Hints to the
effect that certain members of the board nnd
jther court house attaches have been hitting
the jug right along uro not lacking.
Prepared by a combination , proportion
tion and process peculiar to itself ,
TIood'8 Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures
heretofore unknown.
Why Ono Should bo Selected on the
Iowa Bottoms.
OMAHA , July 80. To the Editor of THE
BBE : Many .of the wholesale merchants of-
this city.whoso trade extends Into Iowa are
carting their goods over the new wagon
bridge to the up town depots at Council
ufffl. This is done to insure speedy deliv
ery. Why not urge the building of a freight
depot at the end of the wagon bridge on the
Iowa sldo by the roads whoso freight trains
do not enter this city ? The much talked of
passenger depot would not help Omaha com
mercially , freight facilities are what wo
want. There Is practically no ground
for a union freight depot this side
of Cut-off island , at which point there is no
bridge. The Iowa roads all bavo the right-
of-way to the river opposite Omaha. A
small depot could bo built which would at
least give temporary relief to Omaha's
wholesale tratio. In fnct , all mercantile
pursuits would ba bencflttcd. It is a well-
known fact that at St. Louis many of the
merchants are hauling their freight from
the east across the combined railroad and
wagon bridge at that city in preference to
paying car toll over the bridge and then re-
hanllnir. The erection of such a bridge was
seriously contemplated last fall by so mo of
the lowa roads. Why was the project aban
doned ! Tno east side of the river within a
radius of a mile is practically a part of
Omaha since the construction of the wagon
bridge. Let us have a freight depot at the
end of the bridge. A. S ,
G. A. 1C.
Grand Reunion of the soldiers and
sailors of Nebraska at Kearney , August
12 to 17 , 1889. The committee have secured -
cured for location , the spacious grounds
overlooking1 Lake Kearney , and tho'
programme , consisting of sham battles ,
, urcss parades , artillery drills and duels ,
nnd muKiiilicqnt display of fireworks ,
will bo tlio most attractive ever ottered.
For this occasion the Union Pacific ,
"Tho Overland Route , " will soil tickets
from all points ou its lines in Nebraska
at a rate of ono .fare for the round trip.
Don't fail to attend. For other information
mation apply to your nearest ticket
agent , or 13. L. LOMAX ,
Gon'l Pass. Agt. , Omaha , Nob.
Confidence Men Hob n Hostler to the
Tune of $1OO.
Victims of the old thread-bare , time-worn
confldenco'gnmo In which the sucker pays u
freight bill for a total stranger nro numer
ous , but Charles Ilultz. of Murysvllle , Mo. ,
has a record of being the only man alive who
has been taken In twice ou the same game in
ono day ,
Ilultz has been working as hostler in the
fairgrounds barns in Council lilulTs ant
came to Omaha with $100 , and a man who
met him in Council lilulTs. The pair mot
tha usual freight agent on the Eleventh
street viaduct with a bill for $ CO for freight.
Charles' friend didn't huvo the cash , but
Charles did , and advanced the $ GO and the
ftharpara left him , ,
They evidently considered him a specially
good murk , and finding that ho had moro
money , returned a half hour later and
touched him up for another $40 for a bill that
had boon overlooked Hultz toolc a box car
berth for Missouri ,
Among Krrors Riitnoun to Ilenltli.
Ono of the most mischievous and most com
mon is the indiscriminate and too frequent
use of purgatives. Such medicines , if well
chosen and seasonably reported to , are cer
tainly useful , but many parsons select the
'worst , fly from ono to the other , and employ
them when there Is no occasion , or thoii
utility has ccaecd. To establish on a perma
nent basis a regular condition of the bowels ,
the tincxt alterative is Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters. It is botanlo iu origin , nnd a safe
euccoaanouin for those objectionable drugs ,
calomel and blue pill ; it does not gripe or
drench the bowels Ijltoa \ \ ordinary evacu-
enU , and it riot only reforms irregularity oi
the habit of body , but remedies the disorder
and inactivity of the liver and stomach ,
which usually accompany that condition ,
liheumatiatn , kidney trouble , malarial com
plaint and nervousness are removed by the
Bittern. _
The Federal Courr ,
Judge Dandy yesterday appointed Elmer
D , Frank as rjcelvqr in the case of the
Anglo-American Land Mortgage and Agency
company vs. Puulltu'Dod e et aL The prop
erty involved U lot' 0 , Clock 2 , KounUc'i
bird addition , the receiver to trvlro charge of
.ho name and ollcct rents to bo paid into
The cases of William Food against John
3. Nollgh , and James Loftel ft Co. vs. John
D. NoliRh , were closed up yesterday. These
cases have been pending la the court for
several years. The property Involved is a
iloco of land near West Point , which was
lold about 1837. A judgment had been ob
tained against the land , whlcn was hold'tis a
lien on the property , The judgment had been
paid but bad never been recorded as paid
until the order was made yesterday.
An order was Issued by Judge Dundy In
the case of the Commonwealth Title Insur
ance nnd Trust company vs.yilllam L.
Dzman ct nl , elvlng the defendants leave to
lllo a cross bill in ton days and answer in
twenty days. E. M. 13nrclctt wns appointed
guardian ad lltem for the minor defendant ,
M _ _ > VWM *
Will you suffer with dyspepsia and
liver complaint ? Shiloh'a VHalizor is
juarnntcod to cure you.
AN IRATE Sllo'ui-iOIiUl-STllAP.
L/loiitcnniit Tounlcy's Snub by ixn At
torney In Court.
Lieutenant Tousloy was badly worsted In
his attempted prosecution of Mary Rasmus-
son , n former servant in his employ , on the
charge of stealing n diamond ring from him
valued at 75.
Wlion the case was called before Judgo.
Uerkn , Lieutenant Tousloy wanted a contin
uances , claiming that his wife was not nbio
to attend the trial. Ed Crowoll , attorney
for Miss Kasmusscn , Insisted upon n trial ,
and Lieutenant Tousloy offered to proceed If
lie should bo allowed to give the testimony
that his wife would offer.
To this Crowcll objected , anil added the
remark that he would not believe Tousloy
under oath ,
"It's a good thing , sir , that you're nn at
torney and under the protection of the
court , " retorted the lieutenant , with a flno
assumption of military dignity.
"That fact don't cut any figure nt all , " re
sponded Crowoll In a provoking manner.
"There's plenty of room outxido and I'll bo
pleased to accommodate you. "
The lieutenant was fairly enraged at this ,
and gave promise of seeing that fearful retri
bution would bo exacted from the attorney
for his impudence.
Then Assistant County Attorney Shea
took a hand in the mutter. He found that
the lieutenant's ring had never been stolen
at all , ' but was In the possession of Its owner
when the charge was made against
Miss Hasmusscn. He found also that
the ofllccrs at the fort who were
Lieutenant Tousley's superiors In rank
wcro esnousing the cause of the girl and that
General Whcaton , post commander , had
taken her into hisctnpl'y nnd was interested
In her trial. On this showing Mr. Shea
moved that the case bo dismissed and the
judge acted accordingly.
Lieutenant Tousloy was not satisfied with
Mr. Shea's action and endeavored , without
success , to have County Attorney Mahoney
renew the prosecution.
Miss Rasmusson now proposes to proceed
against her accuser for damages for malicious
prosecution. _
Swift's Specific has a brisk and constant
sale with us , and the universal verdict is
that us u blood medicine it has no >
LANKI'OUU & TOYMAN , Druggists ,
Sherman , Texas.
The Nebraska Fish Commission to Se
cure Uotli.
The Nebraska fish commission held a reg
ular meeting yesterday at the oflico of B.
E. 13. Kennedy , the local member. The full
board , comprising Messrs. May , of Fremont ,
McBride , of Lincoln , and Kennedy , was
Superintendent O'Brien , of the hatchery
at South Bond , was alsa'In attendance.
Mondclsshonr , Fisher &Lawrlo presented
plans nnd speeificntlons"fo"r tbo proposed
now hatchery/ which wcro adopted. For
the erection of this building an appropria
tion was made at the last legislature. The
cost will 'bo $1,500. 'Tho structure will re
place the present hutching house , which
has outlived its usefulness. ' It will
bo two stories high , of frame , 32x48 feet ,
and have a capacity of 2,000,000 trout par
season. .
The president was directed to advertlso
for bids for the erection of the building until
the 17th of August.
The plans and specifications may bo seen
at the oflico of Mendelssohn , Fisher & Lnw-
rlo until the 8th of next , month , when they
will bo removed to Lincoln.
The proposition of the Litchflcld Car &
Manufacturing company to build a fish car
for the commission was accented. The car
will contain all the tanks usually required in
the business , together with the other com
partments found on such conveyances. Ono
berth will bo constructed with room in which
to erect another If it should bo required.
The car will bo forty-live feet long , cost
$3,000 , and bo llnished in sixty days.
The board meets at South Bend on the
17th instant , when the bids for the hatchery
will bo opened.
Ingorsoll is credited with saying that
"Lovo is the only bow on life's dark
, cloud. " If the colonel was troubled
with cramp , colic , or cholera morbus ,
ho would , wo believe , admit that'there
were two and that the other ono was
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. These who try this
remedy under such distressing circum
stances become its most enthusiastic
Tlio Felicitous Union of Kov. Mr.
Sclinur ami Nina Charles.
Amid tears and smiles and a profusion of
floral decorations Rev. George -H. Schnur ,
jr. , pastor of St. Mark's church , was at high
noon wedded to Miss Nina Charles.
The marriage occurred in the church presided -
sided over by the reverend gentleman for
three years and the pastorate of which ho
sacrifices for the lady whom he bos chosen
to become bis bride.
The pretty little church was converted
into a perfect harbor of posies , and was red
olent of their sweet odors. In front of the
pulpit was a large floral arch , constructed of
bright colored Hewers , and from the center
of it was suspended a large boll of white
floweri , under which stood the much talked
of couple , whoso only acknowledged fault
was that they loved each other.
The church was filled to suffocation with
friends of the couple , but the woman with
the marriageable daughter , who had brought
the pair into such prominence was conspic
uous by her absence. She had re
ceived an invitation to attend the
nuptials , but had returned It. The ceremony
was conducted m an unusually impressive
manner by Rev. J. S. Detwellor , D.D. , who
was assisted by the bridegroom's .father ,
Rev. George II. Schnur , Sr. , of Yutan. Rev.
Luther M. Kuhns acted as best man and
Miss Jennie Smith as bridesmaid. Kov.
Schnur lias not yet decided to what field ho
will betake himself and bride.
Cushman'B Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , bay Fever.
Trial free at your druggist. Price CO cents.
BhoVan Remly TJion nnd There.
Maggie Doughty , a good-looking young
white woman , walked into Judiro Berka's
presence and greeted Assistant County
Attorney Shea with a contemptuous stare
While ho read a complaint charging her with
having boon living In open adultery with
'William Davis , a dusky nero , since the first
of May , leaving her husband , William
Doughty , ulono in the world.
"Tho charge Is true in some respects and
iu some it alnt , " Mary responded , "and I'm
ready for a trial right now. "
The prosecution was not so well prepared
and Mary and her dusky lover were re
manded for a hearing to-day.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children
teething. It soothes the child , softens
the gums , allays all pains , cures wind
colic , and is the bast remedy for diar
rhoea. 25o a , bo'tllo.
O. F1. BriRgB , , f the Omahn , Will
Soon Go tn rortlnml.
O. F. Qrlirgs , ironoral agent of the Chicago ,
SU Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha nt this
ilnco , has tondonxl his resignation , to take
) fleet to-morrow ; .iForsomo time Mr. UrlpRS
las been desirou i of making a change , but
not until rocontly.lhnd ho any assurance of
obtaining the position which ho thought
would warrant ifcfan In vacating his present
situation. Arrangements In the latter ro-
Bpcct have bceni completed , nnd about August
15 Mr. Brlgps wlUlgo to the Union Paddo In
the capacity of general western freight
necnt , with headquarters nt Portland. Ore.
lie will bo succeeded hero by VV. D. Sliolos ,
iolnt freight agent ot the Northwest
ern s.ystom , who in turn will bo sud-
cccdod by John II. Flannlgan , at present
local cashier nt the freight depot of the same
HelllRorcnt Squatters.
The squatters are moving from the rail
road land next to the river. The territory
: o bo cleared first ties next to the river , bo-
twcou Jones nnd Fnrnain streets. Between
twcen Farnam nnd Harnoy the land is
claimed by the Union Pacific , south of that
by the B. & M. The whole strip Is occu
pied by fourteen famlllos. The latter road
lias Induced five families to leave by pay
ments of $20 ouch , but those who remain do-
clnro that the B. & M. has no shadow of n
right upon the land , which is the city's
dumping proutid , made during the past two
years. The squatters say that the land belongs -
longs to the government nnd that they can
not bo compelled to leave except by order of
government ofllclais. If the courts say they
must go , then they will obey , but If force Is
resorted to by the railroad company , It will
t > o met by force.
Youthful Clroiiiiiunvlentlon.
Guy and Efllo Lloyd arrived from the
west yesterday ever the Burlington on
route to Cedar Rapids , la. , whore their rela
tives reside. The twain , ngcd nine and
cloven years respectively , unaccompanied ,
left Hong Kong , China , on the steamer
Arabic , for San Francisco , where they were
directed to the charge of W. D. Snnborn ,
general agent of the Burlington nt San
Francisco. The latter provided the little
ones with transportation and forwarded
them in turn to Omaha in care of Ticket
Agent Fonda. They arrived all safe
nnd were la no wnyfatlgued from tholr long
lournny. Mr. Fonda dispatched them to
Cedar Hapids on tbo cast bound train.
Tnrlft" Increasing.
The tariff representatives of the various
Omaha roads state that east and west bound
business is picking up , and that n material
Increase Is noticeable daily. Superintendent
Ressoguio of the Union Pacific stated that in
about ten days live stock would begin lo
move to the mnrkots. The range fed catllo ,
ho said , would then be in good condition nnd
the outlook foreshadowed a heavy trafllc
from this source. U Is thought that Ne
braska alone will contribute about 150,003
head of ranch fed cattle to the market dur
ing the next two months.
Will OlOsn on Sunday.
All city tickobofllccs in Omaha will here
after bo closed om Sunday. The matter of
closing these offices on the Sabbath has long *
been under discussion among the agents , and
nn agreement hns'.finally been reached. The
depot oQlces , ati which tickets to any point
can bo procured- remain open on Sunday as
t Kenigns.
Andrew B. Liggett , chief train dispatcher
on the W.yomlngdJvision ; of the Union Pn-
cliic , has rcsigucti his position , to take effect
to-morrow. Mr-Llggett is well known in
Omaha , having formerly been connected
with the operating ; department of the road at
this place.
Kallrond N'otc-i.
Gendral'Mnnagcr.Burt of the Elkhorn has
gone to Chicago. > '
Two additional cars for the Mercer street
railway arrived yesterday.
K H. Madegau , excursion agent of the
Foropaugh circus , is in Omaha.
General Freight Apont Miller , of the
Burlington , has gone to Chicago.
Superintendent Resscguie , of the Union
Pacillc , will leave for Cheyenne to-day
on a trip of inspection.
Chief Clerk Brock , of the general freight
department of the Burlington , is confined to
his residence with illness.
. L. Lomax , general passenger agent of
the Union Pacillc , is in Chicago attending a
meeting of the trans-continental association.
The passenger department of the Union
Pacific has issued a valuable book of refer
ences entitled "Outdoor Sports. and Pas
times. "
E. Dickinson , assistant general manager ,
and E. Buckingham , accountant , of the
Union Pacific , have returned from an extend
ed tour ofits system.
J. K. Chambers , ticket ncent of the Union
Pacific has returned from a thirty-days
pleasure trip but xvill leave for the cast in a
few days to repair his health.
Patrick Touhy , assistant superintendent
of the Nebraskp division of the Union Pacillc
at North Pintle , is afflicted with the asthma
to such un extent that ho has been compelled
to procure an extended leave of absence.
Upon request of the llvo stock shippers at
South Omaha , the Burlington has revived
its former system of nhipnlng caltle- mar
keted at South Omaha for Chlcuiro. Instead
of through billing the proportion of the
through rate is used ,
The Sacred Heart academy , for day
pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue
and Twenty-seventh streets , is nn insti
tution devoted to the moral and intel
lectual education of young girls. The
course includes everything from u pre
paratory department to a finished
classical education. Besides the ordi
nary academical course , music , paint
ing , drawing and the languages are
taught. French is Included in the or
dinary course.
Difference of religion is no obstacle
to the receiving of pupils , provided
they conform to the gcnoral regulation
of the school. The scholastic term begins -
gins the first Tuesday of Soptomber.
Classes commence at 9 a. m. , and are
dismissed at 3:80 : p. m. , un hour for
recreation being allowed at noon.
Rates and Oilier Facts Rotating
to Ir.
Through the efforts of Mr. Glbbs , assist
ant secretary ofituo Omaha Fair association ,
a reduction of fare has been secured on the
various roads loading into Omaha from all
points outside of Uiti state which are within
a radius of 200 miles.
Last year a'-ToductIon was secured for
only 200 miles , The rates will bo ono and
a-thlrd faros fort the round trip , adding 25
cents each way > for the bridge. This rate is
good on tbo following roads , from the follow.
ing stations as thtvlltnlt :
O. , M. & St. P.Tama , Iowa ;
Wabash , Fountain Grove , Mo. ;
O. , St.1J , , M. & O. . Slbloy , lowaj
O. & . W. , Mnttshalltown , Iowa ;
O. , R. I. & P.i > rlnnell , Iowa ;
O. , B. & Q. , Mdxon , Iowa.
From all stations in Nebraska the excur
sion rate is ono faro for tlio round trip , ad
ding COo for admission to the fair. The
freights in Nebraska will bo practically frco
on everything except racing stock , and only
ono-half rates will bo charged In other states
and territories.
Four men are now out on the road in the
Interests of the Omaha fair , and two moro
will bo sent out this week- .
Exposure to damp weather , getting
wet , living In damp localities , uro favor
able to the contraction of diseases of
the kidneys and bladder. As a pre
ventive , and for the cure of all kidney
and liver trouble , use that valuable
remedy , Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and
Kidney Bulm. 81 per bottlo.
Dutton Volunla lly Returns.
Surprise was depicted upon the faces of
the court and officers in the police chamber
ycslorduy morning whoa O. 13. Dut
ton , the young man charged with larceny
from the Union Pacific railway company ,
who skipped out on Saturday , walked Into
court with his mother and his attorney , nnd
announced himself ready for trial.
Dutton explained that ho understood on
Saturday that ho was wanted Tuesday morn I
ing and did not know that ho was required to
give bonds for his npponrnnco for trial.
The gentleman from Hays City , Knnsnn ,
Whoso draft for $203 , payable to tbo U , P. ,
Dutton Is alleged to have appropriated has
not yOt reached the city and pending his ar
rival the hearing of the caco was adjourned
until Thursday nt 3 o'clock. Dutton gave
bonds for1 his appearance for trial.
Thousands of Dollars
iiro spent every year by the people of this
state for worthless medicines for the euro ot
throat nnd lung diseases , when wo know
that If they would only Invest $1 In SANTA
ABIE , the now California discovery for con
sumption nnd klndrod complaints , they
\Vould In this Pleasant remedy find relief.
It Is recommended by ministers , physicians
nnd public speakers of the Golden Stnto.
Sold and Guaranteed by Goodman Drug Co.
nt $1 n bottle. Three for $3.50.
Tlio most stubborn cases of catarrh will
speedily succum to CALIFORNIA UAT-R-
CURE. Six months treatment for $1 , By
mall $140.
Death of John W. Gannett.
John \V. Gannett , a well known citizen
and capitalist died athla residence , 2110 Cass
street , Monday night , of paralysis , at the
ago of Hfty-fivo years.
Mr. Gannett came to Omaha from the cast
in 1SG9 , nnd soon after his arrival was ap
pointed auditor ot the Union Pacillc , a posi
tion which ho resigned about four years ago
on account ot declining health.
The deceased was born In Sharon , Norfolk
county , Mass. , Juno G , 1831. Ho was for
many years connected with the mercantile
house of James M , Bcobo &Co. In the city of
Boston , nnd a member of the succeeding lirm ,
J. G. Burrago & Co. , until July 1,1STO , when
ho uanio west to take charge of the accounts
and financial affairs of the operating de
partment of the Union Pnellio railway.
During the tlmo of his connection with the
Union Pacific ho was secretary of the Omaha
and Republican valley railroad company ;
Omaha , Nebraska and Black Hills railroad
company ; Hastings and Grand Island rail
road company ; Utah and Northern railroad
company ; Echo and Park City railroad com
pany ; Salt Luke and Western railroad com
pany ; Greeley , Salt Lake ana Paclllo rail
road company , the PacIUo express company ,
nnd treasurer of the St. Joseph Bridge com
Ho was elected regent of the Nebraska
state university in 187f nnd roclccted in 1670.
Ho married Miss Frances R. of
Boston , nnd leaves one son , Earl W , , born in
August , 1S07.
The deceased accumulated considerable
capital nnd at the time of his dtfath was one
of the directors of the Omaha Savings
The funeral services will take place at the
Cass street residence nt 8 o'clock this
afternoon and the remains will bo interred
in Forest Lawn cemetery.
Absolutely Purer. .
This powder never varies. A marvel of pure
ly , strength nnd wholesomeness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot
bo sold in competition 1th the multitudes of
lor or snortwelKht alum or phosphate powders.
Sold only Iu cans. Hoyul Uakinc 1'ow der Com-
panjr.'U'O Wall Stieet. New York.
Desiring to ex-
SHOE DEALERS- ! the Just-
'r celebrated
llni of Hoots
and Shoes manufactured by C. M. HENIIEIIBON
* Co. op CincAno Knctorles nt Clilciigo ;
Dlxon. 111. , and Fen Dtl Iac , Wls. should write
Traveling Agent. Headquarters for Itubbcrs.
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated by the Icglnlnturo ID 18 < i8 , for educa
tional and charitable purposes , nun its franchise
irmilo u part of the present State Constitution , In
187.1 , br nn orcrwuclmlnK liouulur vote.
Its MAMMOTH IWAW1NOS lake | ilaca serol-an-
innnlly ( luno nnil December ) nnd Us UllAND Sin-
OM2 NUMIIKK DIIAW1MG8 take place In each of Ilia
other ten months of the jrenr , and nro nil drawn In
public , nt the Academy or Muilc , Now Orleans , La
For InteRrity ofits Drawings , and prompt
Payment of Prizes.
Attested as follows :
"We do hereby certify that we gunerrlsq the ar-
mimumcnts lor nil tuu Monthly nnu Boml-Annual
Dniwlngn of the Ijoulslnim btuto Lottery Comiiauy ,
and In person niannitu and control tliedrawliius thorn-
selves , and that tbu nnrnu nru touduttoJ with lionoity ,
fairness , and In irood faltU to nil parties , and wo
authorize tlio conijmny to use this certificate , with
facsimiles ot our signatures attached , la Us adver
tisements. "
We , the undersigned banks and bankern will pay
all prlics drawn Tn the Ixiulslnna Htato Lotteries
wlilch mar 1 > presented at otirrountnrs :
H. M. WAJ.MHI.KV , I'rvs. IxlulsUna Nnt. liauk.
1'lKltltK I.ANAUX , 1'rus. Mnto NHI. Hank.
A.1IAU > WIN , 1'res. NowOrlrans Nnt. ll.inlc.
CAltr < KOIlN , I'rcs. Union tMUlorml llnnk.
At the Acnilcrny of Music. Now Orleans
loans , Tuesday. Atinimt 1JJ , 1MHD.
100.000 Tickets at IM : Halves 110 : Quarter * , 5i
Tenths , tli Twentieths , IL
i.tsv ov
i rumi OKpoouui . ruo.noo
1 I'HIXK OK 1UIJIII Is . lUini )
1 IMII/.I : OK ftj.iiiois . uiun
1 riti/.i : OK 2.siimis . i'
2 I'lll/KS OK 10OH are . , , , , , 2M I
6 riti/KS OK 6,1111 nro . , . 25,110
M I'Hl'/.KA OV JJUJnro. . . . . . . . Z'
1UI I'ltl/.RS OK fill nro . , . UJ.UU )
All I'lll/.KS OP , . 0 are . mi l
KJUritlZKSOK SI ) are . 1UUM )
ion Trues of MI ) are .
1UI Prices of ail are . , . . . ! ui )
WO Prizes of allure . 20.UUO
Two NUMUKIt T ll > llNAl.8. ,
RO prim of fldl are . , . msm
t'.U i'rlies of lOUare . . WfM
3,1114 Prizes , amounting to . 81.O5-i.HOO
NoTK-Tlckets drawing capital Prltes are not entit
led to Terminal Prltes. _ _
rirronCi.uu lUTCS , or any further Information
desired , write leitltilr lo the un derslined , clearly stat-
Ink your residence , wltn Btate.County.Htroel and Num
ber. Moro rapid return mall delivery rill uo assured
br your enclosing an envelops bearing your full ad-
Issued br all Ki press Compani York
change , Oratt or Postal note.
frOUll NATIONAL JIANKH Orleans and tbe
J403 FAHNAM STIIEKT , Oiuiu , N m.
( Oppoilto 1'Aiton Hotel. )
omco hours , 9 B. m , to 8 p. tn. Bundaff , 10 * .
m. to 1 p. in.
Specialist * In Chronic , Ncrvom Skin anil
Blood Diseases.
tSVConMiltntlon at olllca or by mull trtt.
Mr > rtlclnps gpnt liy innll or express , securely
Docked , free from observation. Guarantees to
euro oulrkly. unfoly nnd permnnentljr.
TlDDn TIPV S permntorrlHBa , sml >
UhDlLllI nl i.ossiM.NIght Kmts
lions. Physical Uvcny. nrlMiip from indlscre
tlon , Kxccss or Indulgence. producing Sleepless
ness , ncipondoncy. I'lnipo3 : on the fuco. nver-
elon to society , cnslly rtlscourncd. ( lacic ot cnntl
donee dull , nnllt for study or buslnns , nmlllmla
llo n burden. Bnfoly , pormnuently Mid pri
vately cured. * Consult lira. Iletts & Ilotts , H03
Fnrnum 8t. , Omnhn , Neb.
Blood and Skin Diseases r n W
results , completely erndlcntcd without tin ultl
of Mercury. Scrofula , Rryslpolns , rover Pores ,
lllotchcs. Ulcers , PrunMn the Head nnd Uonns ,
Byphllttlc Sere Throat , Mouth nnd 'tongue. Ca
tarrh , etc. , permanently cured ulioro othun
hnvo failed.
ITiiliirnr Tfrin'jnr n1" ' madder Comptamti ,
JUullUY" Ullfldiy 1'iilnfiil , Ullllcttlt. too fro-
orient Hurtling i > r Dloody Urmo , Urine high col
ored or with milky Eodlment on standlnc , Wcatc
Back. Gonorrlm-a , Gleet , CjHtltH. etc. ,
Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges Reasona
ble.5l .L 1T.Tf1rPTnj,1iFI . ! ! manent Guaranteed Cure , per- re-
moral complct * . without cutting , caustic or
dlllatlnu. Cures directed at homu by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To Yoniiff Ion and MlMte-Aaeil Men ,
PIIDP I"10 ' awful effects of early
UUillJ Ulmu Vice , which btmes organta
wenkncss , destroy .ng both mind and body , with
nil Its di ended Ills , permanently cured ,
riflO TtpnunO Adi ess those who have impaired
JJilUi DEI 1C thomsolru4 by Improper indul-
ences andjholltnry linblts.which rnln both
§ oily and rmnd , unfitting them tor business ,
tudy or marriage.
M AUUIKII MEN. or those entering on that Imp
py life , aware of physical debility , quickly as
dstcd ,
Is based upon facts , First Practical Kxpe
rlence. Pocond Every case Is especially studied-
thus starting aright. Third Medicines are pre ,
pniod in our labntory exactly to suit each case.
thus niroctlng cures without Injury
P/ Send B cents rjostr.po for celebrate I works
on Chronic , Nervous and Dellcnto Ulseasci.
TliousnntlH cured. fST A filendly letter or cull
may sa-ro you future suITorlng and Rhamo , nnd
add golden years to life. GfiTNo letters an
swered unless accompanied by 4 cent * in stamps.
Address or call on
1108 J'nrnam Struct. Omaha. N b.
Some good bargain's may yet bo found
among our odd sizes of mon's suits. Dear
in mind these are not inferior goods which
wo utter , but Uistclass iu ovary particular.
Health is Weal !
iMT , ttguaranteed specific for Hysteria. Dlzzl-
nos . Convulsions , fits , Nervou * Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by the
use ot alcohol or tobacco , Wakotuineai , Mental
Depression , Softenlngnf the Drain , resulting In
Insanity and loadltmto misery , decay and death.
Piemature Old Ago , Uarronnsis. Ioss of Power
In either sex. Involuntary Losses and Bpormat-
orhrea caused by over-exertion of the brain.self-
abusii or overindulgence. Each box contains
ene month's treatment. 11.00 a box , oi six boxes
forS5.00.sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any caso. With each order received br
U for six boxes , accompanied with MM. wo will
fend the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money If too treatment does not effect
cure. Guarantees Issued only by Goodman
Drug Co. . DruggUt * . Sol * AsoaU , UU > Farnam
treat. Omab * mb ,
Is now open. Parties dcslrlnc coed nccommo lutlo
on the new largo express summer * of the lumous
Which are noted for tliolr roirnlarltr. equal to rail
road trains , In making tlio trip to Huvro-Purls in ouu
week , nro ndvlieJ W
Make Early Application fur Ucrllis.
This is also necessary on account of the heavy
trat el durlni ; the spring and summer months.
MoCAGUE BROS. , 105 South 15th St. ,
HARRY. B. MOORES , 1602 Farnam St. ,
H. L. HALL , 1223 Furimm St. ,
J. H. GREEN , J601 Farnam St. ,
Aconttf , Oiuulia , Neb.
Marjy Imitate , None Equal.
A rUll IIIC osnirsl and HXKTOUB DEBILITY )
1 Wsikniu ef Body nd MlndiKKstU
I of Errors or Itxtiiti la Old or Vou r ,
IUV > ll. XlfeU Bit HOOD fullr U l ° r.4. 1U 14 ll rtt
" ln > | tSU > rmKII > DiriU > PIUIIKUlll8rsBT8orp .
&IUIuUlltv MU K TllltiTI T7IKMlU Is dsr.
M iMtlhrrM tl SUtM , TtrriUrlM , * * r ( eo.lrl.i.
* . P B , r lllt > l BtUM , ftBd br ofiHillt4
&liUtlUtCO..IUirAl9.N T.
Max Meyer & Bro ,
( Ircnt reduction ot prlco on second hunil
Pianos and Organs. A KOoA cnanco to g t rt
good 1'lnuo tor a small amount ot inouor.
Thn nbovo prlcos are 10 per cent less thnn ever
offered before n nd as wo must have room tor our
largo stock qt NowI'lnnos \\lllKlvoaiioxtm
10 per cent discount from almvo prices to any
ono Hint buys nn Instrument botoro AURiut 1st ,
Kvery Instrument guaranteed to bo Just as ro-
I'liiiios Tor rout for if2.50 nnd upwards
per month. ,
Orpins for rent for sfl.fiO nntl uimnnla
per month.
If you buv nny of the above Initumonts nnd
you are not satisfied , wo will allow you same as
you paid for it toward nny now IMano you limy
Bcloct. Call early muj get n bargain.
Cor. 1 Gth and Farnam Sis.
Chicago , Ilia , ( Clnrkat.
, TIio Regular Old-Estaillsud
U still Treating with the Greatest
L.M Tfiauf. * . . .
Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
Pr-lllng Memory , Exhausting Drains , Tcrrlbla
Dreamt , Head and Dack Ache and all the effect !
kadina to curly decuy andr > eihapi Consumption at
Inonr.lty , treated scicntthcally Ly new methods with
liever-falUni * success.
AV SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Ola-
saasa permoc-utly cured.
9-KlDNKYand UKINARYcompl.lnUt.Qleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele and all dUeaiM
of the Ccnlto-Urinary OfRans cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or oUicr Orcens.
OV-No experiments. Ate and experience lra
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
49 * Send 4 cents potto je for Celebrated World on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diteates.
flB-Thoie contempUUng Mairlsge send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Femnle , each
i ; cents , both as cents ( slamm ) . Consult the old
Doctor , A friendly letter orcallmay savefuturesuuer *
Inz nnd shame , and add golden ) cars to life. 43 look )
"Lite's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50cents ( stamps ) . Medicln *
nnd writings sent everywhrre , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays y tn u. Address
P. D. CLARKE , M. D. , -
180 80. Warts SU C iOAJVS. ti. *
- . ,
Best Facilities , Apparatus and HemeJIciforSuccetifn !
Treatment of evcrr farm of Disiase reouinnr
Board & Attendaneo. Best Accommodations Iu West
Oj- WHITE FOR CIF.CUIA1L3 on Deformities and
Bracej , Trusses , Club Fee tCuivatures of Spine. Pllei ,
Tumori. Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation.
Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , KHney , Bladder ,
Eye , bar , Skin and Blood and all Surgical Operations !
WOMEN in umucoKHSKamT. ( makRICTtr miVATF. )
Only Reliable Medical Institute king a Gceelalty o (
All lllood Dliruei .ucertirullr treated. Blpbllltle Tolioo
rtmovei rromtU .jittm MDiout mercnrr. h < r ttrilorstlr *
Trtilmtat forLoiiof T11ML I'UHKII. 1'irllM liniblelotlill
DimijbatreatttlAt houiebj eorreorocileDre. All community.
ttonicooadeDtli ! . UcdUlneiorlnilruinciiUiriittijniallorcx. .
rrru ncurelji tkf J , noio.rki ; olD < ! lr te eoatrpli or icndtr.
Ono pcrionil Inlenlew prererrc4. Cull ind eoniult ui or iea4
13th and Dodga Streets , OISAIIA , NED.
20to60 DAYS.
This is u dlsanso which ban heretofore
Bridled all Medical Soienco ,
When Mercury , lodlrte ot Potassium , Barsnp *
rtlla or Hot BprltiKS fall , we BUuracteoa euro.
Vfa have a Ilom rtjr , unknown to anyone In th
World outaideof onrConiimuy , andoiiu Uiathai
to cur ? the moat obstinate cases. Ten days la
recent cases does tlievrorlc. It lithe oldclironta
fit-op BefttaU ciiacn that we solicit. Wo liiT
cured hundreds who have boeii abandoned at
I'hynlclans , nnd pronounced Incurable , nnd wsi
chnllengp the world to Urliit ( us u case that w *
will not cure In loss t linn sixty dayx.
fllnco tlio history ot raealclno a , true rpectao
for Byphtlls lias beuu sought for but neve *
found until our
wm dlicovero J , nnd wo uro Justified In saying
K IB the only Ilameay in the World toot will pps
Itlvcly euro , bocuuse the latest Medic * ! Worlcf ,
published by the bant known atithorltle * . * y
there waanereratruespecldcbefore. Our rem
edy will euro wlieu oyerytliln clso baa failed.
Why waste you tlma and money with patent
medicines that never had virtue , or factor wltn
physicians that cannot cure you , you liars
tried everything ul e should come to us no wand
grt permanent relief , you never can get It Ue-
where. Mark what wo say. In the end you
must take our remedy or NKV15U recover and
you that have been mulcted but n iihort tlma
should by all moaua como to us now , not one In
tenet now cases ever iret permanently cured.
Many icethelp and think they are free frou thi
disease , but In one , two or three yearn after 11
appears again In a more horrible form.
This IB n blood Purlllor and will Curt
any Skin or Blood Dlsoaao when
Blao Falls.
NOTICE We desire to caution patient * In ra-
gard to parties claiming to use the Cook Hem *
edy. Our formula IB not and OANNOT bt
known to anyone but oniaolvus.
looms 418 attHlOMton Blocfc
With HuocMsful ri4rUiir wrn"
AT OHO ! ! , kUitluK L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
stantoti < 7 [ rlencUNIumi succen < , 'j ' ,
H.B.THOUPtDllPllB.tO.,1110J > ln Bt. . IUlllS1HB-
VIIIU C Van l nil urinary trou blcs easily , qulclo
M U N UI ly ana safely cured by DOGTIJUA C p-
Hovoral cuees cured in seven days. Sold
utd.W per box. all drugglttta , or by mall from
Doctiua M't'u OQ. UWlilt N. V , 1 1 11 dlrw