Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No nrivortlsomonts will bo takonfor
these columns after I213O p. m.
TormB-Cnsh In advance.
Advertisements under thin heart 10 cents per
line for tlin nrnt Insertion. 7 centfl for each sub-
pociUrnt Insertion , ami H.AOpcr linn per month.
No ndnrtlsoments taken fo- less tlian 2T > ci ntn
for Mrst msortloru Seven words will bo counted
to tlio line : they must nin consecutively nnil
nti t to paid In ADVANCE. AH advertlso-
jnrmts maul bo handrd In before 12-lPn o'clock p.
jn. , nnd nnder no circumstances trill they be
taken or discontinued by telephrmo.
I Parties advertising in these columns and liar-
Inn their answers ndrtrciwod In care orTnr. HUB
Svlll ploasA ask fern chef K to enable them to get
their letters , ns none will be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad-
Tcrttf onmiitfl filicnld b enclosed in envelopes.
All advertlsenicntii In these columns nro pnb-
llfthcd In both inornlnp nnil evening editions of
Tltn HKr. the circulation ofwhich nRgrogatos
TOorotlmn 18,000 papers dnliy , addirlvos the ad
vertiser * the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation otTi KllEK , but nl o of Council Illairn.
Lincoln aiu other cities and towns throughout
tliIn pccllnn of the country.
Advertising forthcac columns will bo taken
fin thonbovo conditions , at the following busl-
ness houfe * . who are aul horlzod aRonts for TIIK
BKis pclnl notices , mid will quototho naino
rates OB can be bad nt tha main olllco.
" "olTJrwrilElLiL jWiur
/"I HASP. & BODY. Stationers and Printers. 113
VJBouth Kth Street.
s.H. . . rARNBWOhTII , 1'lmrmaclst. 2116 Cum-
TXT" J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 034 North 10th
QUO. W. PARR , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary'8
H UGHUS'PHARMACY. B 8 Farnam Street ,
WANTED A situation by a first-class bread
and cnkn batter. Ooou references. Ad-
flrers rst , Bee onice. im-MJ
"tTTT ANTED Situation by experienced prao-
iTt tlcal bookkeeper ; references. Address K
7S. Pee. 048 !
lD Position by young man toao
TV shorthund and typewriting work. Best ot
tafci rnces given. Address Vll , Bee. 17tKJO *
AN experienced nnslnessinan desires position
In olllco of jobber or manufacturer. Is now
employed. Will bo ready to accept place about
AIIK. 15. 'Rofer tollto Publishing Co. Address
E 60 Hco olllco. 883 31T
W ANTED Competent' German drug clerk
can. secure position by addressing P. O.
, 2131
"tytTANTED Wxperlcnced cappers. Address
T T Canning Co. . drawer P. Blair , Neb. 8i2-l *
VY" ANTED-Good cook. Apply 1CS ) Douglas.
WANTI1D A salesman for a retail cloak do-
ptxrunent. Applicant must glvo full par
ticulars as to experience , amount of salary
wanted , and unexceptional references. Address -
dress P. O. Box 55 ? , Lincoln , Neb.
WANTED la a railroad general oflice. a
bright boy about 10 years of age , must bo
( airly educated and a legible penman. Address
tor tv > o day a , F 20. Omaha Hcu. 2&0-3QJ
\7"A IIMAN in restaurant ; second cook , 918 :
JL boarding house , & > ; farm hands nnd
tnilkers ij. Mrs , llerga. 814t } B. 15. KI 31t
WANTED in a railroad general olllco. a
junior clerk ; must bo well educated and 11
Coed penman : salary at the start 850 per
mouth. Address F25 Omaha Dee. 257 3uJ
"WANTED Two young men for tight work ;
> 815 weekly. Room 17 , S3) ) N 10th st.
W ANTED Two salesmen nt 1323 Capitol av
enue. P. F. Collier. .ilO-aOt
"O7ANTEO An experienced clothing salns-
T > man. Goodrefeiencesroq.iilre.1. Must bo
A good man. Darnon Bros , Hastings. Neb.
_ in sot
f \ OOD Men are making $150 per month hand-
-Vllmtr our goods. ; addrt'ss Sherman , Tangen-
\MTg ft Co , 160 W. Lake Bt. Chicago. 188 3
filTANT. JiD At.oncaVan energetic salesman
T In to soil teas , coffees , spices ,
extracts."baking powder , groceries , etc. . to ho
tels , restaurants , farmers , and other farce con-
Eumera at wholesale prices : oxcluslve territory
given. Address the Edcoworth Mercantile Co. ,
1417 State at. . Chicago , 111- 115 55
" /nn5N'l.'S"wantcd for bottled electricity ; eu-
JA. ttroly now ; pays 8W a ilay. Address U. 8.
Ilome MtK. Oor-llottle dept. . Chicago. 111.
1)11 ) 2 ! > r
ALE8MEN We wfth a tow montoaelloiir
goods by sample to the wholesale and retail
trade. Largest manufacturers in our line.
Enclose S-cent stamp. Wages W per day. Per
manent posit Ion. No postals answered. Money
advanced forwatres , advertising , etc. Centen
nial Manufacturing Company. Cincinnati. Ohio.
? 01-ngl *
UN lo travel for the Tonthlll Nursenes of
Canada. Wo pay 850 to 8100 a mouth nnd
expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown
Block. Ad , Btono & Wellington , Madison , Wls ,
TCTTANTED Railroad laborers , rockmen and
Tt trad ; layers for Washington Territory ;
good wages and steadv work , at Albright's
tabor Agency , lli.0 Farpom Bt. b 3
V\'ANTED A good olllco man toco cost ;
/iV must invest S.&ou ; must bo a good uusiness
linn. Address the Oeo. B. Cllne Publishing
llouao. ; il.j to ttil Wnbanh ave. . Chicago. 111. W
S\7ANira > Railroad laborers for new WOMC
v in Wyoming. Teamsters , whcelor holders ,
ilrk and shovel men , and rock and tunnel men.
Heady work and good job. For transportation
apply at Albright's labor agency , 1130 Farnam
Bt. Omaha. 7 3
7 ! " ' ! ' . D RSI weekly representative , male
or female , in every community. Goods
Btanlo ; household necessity ; sell at sight ; no
peddling : salary paid promptly , ana expense !
advancer . , Full particulars and Taluablefjarople
cotfi KiU'ii. kWo mean just what we say ; address
t once- , ' Standard Silver v > ore Co. , Boston M afs
"V\rANTKD An experienced saleslady at
\ \ tonehtll's. . 235-.JO
WANTJSO-Acrowof H dining room girls in
u llrstclasK hotel ; \\omou cooks , 810 ; 1
tor restaurant. W ; housekeeper for a lady 11
ynllvs out.who has stern In city ; cook and second
Klrl for olllcor's family ; 3 for country places 4
miles out. Lot ot nlco places in city. Mrs.
llcrgn , 314)4 ) 8. 15. _ fl 3lt
WANTED Qlrl for general housework ,
mtf < t no good plain cook and laundroas.
305 JI
\\XAN'f ED-At Dr. Collman's residenco. a gii l
T T who will cook and do laundry work ; itood
. paid yveekly. 241) ) 2 ;
. lady's pongee silk blouse walse.
nmler please return to thUonice. 251 1
UUMO girl. Apply at No. 101
ANTED A nurse girl to tale charge of
ono child. 308. atth. Iffl
" \J(7ANTKD ( Young lady for Illusions. Ap-
TT plv nt managers olllce 10 a , m. Eden
WutooCo ,
_ _
* 1T A N riiD Competent cirl for general house
T \\orlc. l S nirnum. _ no
\VANTI5D-Oirl for conerat houseworlc. W.
T T M. Yutca , a w cor U-i und California w.
- _ 715
\\rANTEU ( lermanittrl to do cooslnu and
. , . . , wlv.lll.ur ( He5t , "f w ases paid. Inquire J.
J llrandaisjaiSluthst. _ an
1\vANTI5U-airl to QO second worle and take
Tl care of child three yrs ola : none but com-
Tmt ntnoeil apply ; Gorman preferred. t'lOb 8t ,
books to keep venms :
Addro-ss E SS Dee ollice. UAOUOJ
ANTEn-H ) teams for railroad gradlntr. at
Albrisht'a Labor agency , llfl ) Tarnam 6t ,
.REBSM AKINO to do in families , KB 8.17th ,
table board at IttlS Capitol ave ,
AIimnloely furuUbod rooms. 119 : *
board , Inquire 1GU DougUa
/J rooiucott ioon cir lur"pAvement7elty"dnl !
VrUtern water , lariio yuru.llScer month ; alac
8-room cotUKO , wltii eauio convenience , | 1J |
outiieaat corner of Uth and Arbor. U. H ,
IcManon. at plac . SU-1
"CR : ) UHKNT-7room flat Ijimr * block an 8.
Jh at. KM
T71C1R HSNT The 0-room tint occupied by tr )
JL1 Otlrncro.Sd floor. No. IBM Howard at. In
quire ot Uoo. lllnslns , 1U11 llouurq t IKi
"T7V5K 0-room brick house , all moderr
JC conveniences , N. loth street. Rent low II
taken at once. Inq. Netborton Hull , 11.1CS First
K . bauk.
TiKDR nHNT-B or Broom lions * 8116. BUh , 4
JU room house BID W Qllams a % WO WT
tjloil RCNT-0-room home. 8 ) } J a
T710R flat. En-
RENT-8-room. 2-Mory comer
JU quire 1218 Pacific street. 1C9OT
JTFfATBroom cottaRC. IDth and Leaven-
worth. Inquire rooms , N.W. cor. nth and
llArnoy. 810 3U
'iron R NT-2-room house 85J 8 , 230 nt.'to
JL' family without children. 814 3
TnOR brick housnon 20th st.
JU near Leavenworth. Apply at No. 827 B. Join
TT10R RENT Fine largo residence , hard wood
C nnlshall conveniences , low rent to prlyato
amlly ; 10 N. Kth st. P84
O OUBE for rent , 183 Dodge.
fium RKNT line In room brlrk homo , all
lJ modern conveniences , on cable and motor
Incs. CallonSooninrtnt. Wi
RKNT 7-rocmed house , city water and
FOR . SC9 Franklin stor room OW Merchants
National bant. Bin BO *
niOIl RENT-J-A B-room cottage , .T3 N. STtlt nvo.
RENT New cottage on Sherman ovo. ,
FOR modern Improvements , bathroom ; for
'urthcr ' particulars call at 2310 Capitol nvo ;
efcrcuco required , , 650
; 81B r > . ir,1h , sti , for rent. il. W.
Cremor , ZOl N. lEtli O ?
RKNT 312,00 per month , n nix-room
building , N. E. cor. of mil ana Mason. 4f > 3
[ 7HR RENT Tno nine room brick houses on
13 Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frame honfeo on sumo street , with all
conveniences ; prtco fW to W5 pormonth. D. V
Ilioles. Sin First Nntlonal Hank. 811
moil RENT-n first-class dwelling with all
U modern conveniences , including stable , avis
Capitol avo. Inquire of D.J.O'Ponaho * . 1COI
"arnam st. 8w
riOll itBNT 7-room Hat. ti-i porlno. nbov °
1 The Fair , 13th nnd Howard. Intjutro TheFalr-
FOlt RENT-Ncat cottage. J20 per month. C.
F. Harrison , Merchants National Bank.
1/HJRNI8HED or unfurnished honso for rent
JL1 In Park Terraca. opposite Ilanscom park ;
all modern conveniences. Inquire Lee Ac
Nlchol , 23th and Leavenworth , 80S
TT10H RENT A detached D-room lionso. all
JC modern conveniences. Enq.L' & 9 Capitol ave'
lOIl RENT A pleasant room , suitable for
X ? two gentlemen , wltn board , Mrs. Haynes ,
Ci4N.aithgt. SIS 31 *
imOU RENT Rooms with board ; 1723 Dodgo.
Ju * 48
JARGK front room for rant , furnished or
unfurnished , 111 So 14. 21H It
LARGE south front room , furnished or un
furnished , gag. bath , cool , pleasant location ,
"argo yard , private family , iill- Chicago st.
T71OR RENT A pleasant room for gentleman :
-I ? modern conveniences. Cor. St. ilary and
SOth , or ( BO S. snih , brick resulonco. SSJ-l
TjlOR RENT furnished sleeplug room. 420 S.
Jlf.thst.at7. | ] C33telJ
TTIURNISHF.Drooms board for 3 centlo-
JC men In private other boarders , a
desirable location for parties who wish to bo
pleasantly situated. 623 & SCth avo. S. B ,
Pratt. 8KBSJ
TG10R RENT- Furnished rooms , 2209 Dodfjo.
ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor , suit
able for 3 or 3 gentlemen , with or without
board ; also small room for ront.1721 Davenport ,
NEWLY Furnished rooms , with board , at
No. 1812 Chicago st. 176 8Ut
FOR RENT Elegant furnlsnod room for
slnglo gentleman only. 721 S. 19th St. , cor.
Leaveiiworth. ' DtO
FOR RENOVTwo nlco furnished rooms , suit
able for 2 , very cheap , 10 and t5 ! , board if
desired. 1011 Douglas , 041) ) JO *
TJIOR RENT Klognnt newly fnrulshxd rooms
Jin modern brick residence , bath , etc. , wither
or without board 18J1 Cass st. IG'J-Tlr
F > GR RENT Furnished rooms and board at
2209 Farnam at. . , < < 173-31t
( jlOIl ItENT Earg'o furnished south front
-I- room on second lloor. with board , all con
veniences 1010 Capitol ave. 031
"I/tOR RENT Two furnished rooms , on St.
J. Mary's avenue. To gentlemen only. Six
minutes walk of business center. Reference
required. Inquire at store , 2U\ and 212 S. 15th st.
F 1URN1SHED Front room , 1913 Farnam.
rpWO rooms with or without board for gen-
JL tlomen.prlvure family .references. 1812 Dodge
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished ; a
nice 0-room cottage , city water , etc. , etc. ,
located near Kountre add. ; possession imme
diately. J , Banner , 1315 Douglas st. 14S-30
S1GLAIR European hotel , cor. 13tn and
Dodge ; special rates by week or month.
"I71UUNI8HED rooms with all modern con-
J-1 vanlcncesfor gentlemen only1700 Dodge st.
FURNISHED room for rent after June23.
2024 Hurt st. 158
10DD room with bath. 519 8. S3th st.
r 158
pOR REST-Room. 1K1 Howard.
FOR RENT Two patlois front and on first
floor. All .modern covenlunces. 1G09
TplOR RENT-Nlco suit of throe rooms for light
JC housekeeping located over 213 N 10th. Apply
to Qlay , photo , , at same number. 183 UO
F I OR ; RENT 1 rooms , aown stairs , 37th and
Cass. 033-311
O ROOMS , modern conveniences. 1103 N. 18th
-st. Flat i ) . CGS
T710H RENT I unfurnished rooms suitable
J ? forhousoKeoplmr.iinodorn Improvements ,
to family without children , 1704 Webster st.
Price Sl . 037
fflOR RENT Over stove store , a & )0 ) suit for
JC $20.1021 Howard st. Inquu-o at store 603
FOR business purposes 2 < 1 floor , 50x132 , in
Paxtun building , 16th nnd Farnam. entrance
on Furuum. pabuunger and freight elevator ,
north ami south llffht. will divide Into two it de
sired. Heyiuan iDulclios , 1518 Foruain st.
OFFICE To rent. Furnished elegantly or
unfurnished , Bushman block. N. B. Cor.
IB and Douglas.
T71OU RENT more and 4 living rooms In
JU rear , oil newly papered ; good location for
grocery or feed store : 15 per month. Apply
t once. C. i1' . Harrison , Merchants Nat , bank.
TJ1OR KENT The 4 story brier building with
JU or without power , formerly occupied by Tbo
Jleo Publishing Co * ill ! > Kurnam st. The build
ing 'jas u ilro proof cumentod basement , com
plete steam heating fixtures , water on all the
iloore , gas. etc. Apply at the olUoo of The Bee.
. 815
QTOEE tor rent , southeast cor 12th and Doug.
Olaa t. B. Lehman. 624
THOR RENT Stores and living rooms on Cum-
JL ? ing M. Also house on Ciss si Harris , room
411. l t Nat. Bauc. aoo
TO RENT Desirable warehouse room on
tract Apply to U W. Keith , 714 P clno St.
T71OR RENT Tne corner room under the Ne-
JU braska National bank will soon ba lor rent.
the Equitable Trust Co. removing to larger
The * pace Is about double that occupied by
theC. , B.KQ. ticket ofllco. The lloor is tiled
ana the room can be made desirable for u R. R.
ticket or broker's olllce , *
Tor particulars apply at bank. _ 833
* nTOlV nfES'I i2eBanT"larBe basement 1518
-13 Douglas itt. Ml-i
_ _ _
TflOR RENT-Storerobm at 15 N Ifltb St. , wel
-1-tultinl for ciKur manufacturtne and retal
buslnos ? , millinery and ilrn&s maklna , or any
kind of buslnoMt where a well llghteu room in
roar In wanted , Enquire of Grny , photo. , next
doornoutn. liO ilU
17AOU RUt T SUoon trout half Bemts build-
JL1 lug , power , beat , electric light. Inquire offlce
of Bemls Omaha Bv Co. 137 Jyiil
LADIES. Attention I Madam Querette'i
Oolden Bpecitlc. tor all ( emala weakness ,
oll.cohouraH to lla. ) ra , . audatoi p. m. , con
cultaUoa free. 10TW Doualat.
> T HEb&ujotaugAt as an tt by CIoo. F. Qei
JL lenbeck. Apply at Bee oince. _ 860
TTMBRBLLAS and parasols covered andro-
M paired , 217 B 15th , liojrd'a opera Qouae block ,
in woe ( tore. U. B&lor , MO
YES Tno old reliable Rental agency U still
running , nipnlrine all tbnt com * with
10U8M , n ls and stores. J. IL Parrotte. Room
11. DougUs block. 84i > nl3 , _
BTRAYRD--Baj ponr narn , black mane and
OtAll : stripe in face ; return same to 2M4 Chicago
cage st. and receive reward. 3031J
P OST Between & 1th and Boward utreets nnd
JU th and Cumlng , old black leather pocket >
* > ok contalnlng6tic and soran receipts to Etbtl
x > gan and dcnrf.ptn. Finder will be rewarded
by returning to inisonico. 0)7-01 )
LOST Either on Tenth or Wllllamii between
Ninth nnd Tenth , band satchel with small
Bum of money in. Return to Bee office and get
reward. , JOT OTJ
J08T English Mastiff. Return to 400 Parton
block and ret reward. * BU
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. mdl.
cal and business medium. Female diseases
n specialty , 119 NlCtttBt. rooms 2 anil : i. TOV.
MRS , Ecclrs the famous fortune teller and
clairvoyant , business , love , mni-riago and
changes. 60. S 13th rt.uext ; door to llarkea hotel.
MEET meat the Tirlonotlilng Ca's SM N ,
loth st. Men's { 20 suits fin , and flO suits K.
Hall orders O. K. 858 ill
ES. Charley , the Erie Clothtnn CO. 320 N.
Idth et _ are Rolling all f-Xl aults at tlo. and
eiO suits K. Mall orders filled. 853 31
M IIS. Perceval ot California. 1WJ Douglas St. ,
fortolli.tlio future. Ladles and gentlemen.
51XnAGK at low rates at 1K1 Farnam U
Omaha Auction and Storage Oo. V01
M OHR1SON&ELY-Btorage and forwarding ;
special arrangements for commission mer
chants , 1213 taavcnworth ; tol. 419. , Omaha.
TUIACKAUK storage at lowest rates. wT
. * - llushmin. 1311 Leavonworth. 903
BRANCH 4 Co. , storage , 1211 Howard.
and forwarding. Wo collect and
dellvcrgoodiot all descrlptions.merchandlso ,
furniture and baggage at cheapest rotes for
Btorsgo for any length ot time. Vans and
wagono to be had at shortest notice , with care
ful men for moving. Packing anil shipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charuo. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. OIHce 17S. 14U1
at : telephone 114 Unwell & Co. 004 . '
QTANDARD Shorthand School , Paxton Blk ,
Osuccessor ( to Valentino's ) the largest exclu
sive shorthand school In the west. Teachers
are verbatim reporters. Particular attention
paia to typewriting. Mechanical construction
ot machine taughtby facrtoy expert. Circulars.
Business College , cor. 18th and Capl-
OMAHA Shorthand The largest and most
successful shorthand department In the state.
Standard methods taught , Munsoti's revised
of ' 81) ) a specialty. Call or write for terms.TJ7
of not less than eight rooms with barn , must
nave shade trees. Address with description ,
C. E. Mayne Real Estate & Trust Co. Bee build
ing. 353 3J
ANTED An ice box , must be largo , good
W and cheap. Inquire English Bros.314U. Uth.
201 31T
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
household goods ot all kinds. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. . 1121 Farnam. U03
FOR HALE Handsome Sample Upright
Gablor piano ; very superior tone ; a bargain , ,
Inquire Merrill's Pharmacy , Chicago nndlbth.
OKDAU block kindling cheaper than coal.
Better than gasoline because no odor nor
danger of explosion. Delivered free. Try it.
J. A. Nauglu & . Co. Telephone fG9. 870 37 ;
HAL1J J3UO Excellent opportunity to
obtain entire outfit with quantity- ma
terial for doing line of public work ; oxpcrlonso
unnecessary ; part time if required. Address
F 34. Bee. 8SM-3U '
OK SALE Complete household Of T-room
cottage. 2310 Chicago st. ' . 130 2t f t
F I OR SALE-Law library. " 1618" Douglas.
- . 817 8 *
FIVE hundred shares of $10 per share North
Western Standard Oil stock. Tills stock is
non-assessable and land is being developed
now and is sure to bring good returns in near
future. Will soil for cash voiy cheap. Address
fiCA Bee office. 8CO '
neil SALE 8 thoroughbred red Irish setter
pups. Apply.Canfleld house.Uth and Farnam
. 085 3
E71OR SALE Handsome youngpony , perfectly
sound and gentle , suitable for either saddle' '
or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha.
fJ\OR \ 8ALE 1,000tons of 15-Inch .ice.'housed
JC on track , Council Bluffs , la. Gilbert Bros. .
1710R SALE Fine Hall's safe , as good as now ;
-I ? cheap. R.M. Genius AcBro llOb Douglas , o
TTIOIt SALE lurnituro of largo house , every
X1 room rented. First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bargain. Address E 8 , Bee office.
TIHKCantleld M'f'g Co. being about to move
.L will sell I first-class 4-horse-power engine
and boiler at U actual value. IttH Douglas st.
\i lDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. . 1014 Far-
J-T-l uam.Complete abstracts furnished and titles
to real estate examiuedperf cted & guaranteed.
I CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel
soourities at reasonable rales. W. K. Potter ,
room ll . Barker blk. 023
LOANS on Improved and umlmproved prop
erty at low rates. Odell Bros. & Co.,3125 lOtli
loaned for 30 , 00 or GO days on any
kind ot chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; confidential. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
. Sll
KESIDENCE LOAN3-6M to 7 per cent , no ad
ditional charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. It. Melkle , First Nat Dank bld'g.
TVTON1U' to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
-111. etc. , or on any appiod cecurity. J. W ,
Bobbins , 141Ui Farnam street Paxton hotel.
STRINGER & PENNY , room 20 , Douglas
blockhave money to lend on chattel security ,
402 A10
KEVbTONE Mortgage Co.-Loans of 10 to
tl.OOOj get our ratus before borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , renewal of old and low
est rates.calllUOS , Bhoeley bile , 15th&IIowurd st.
MONEV to 'can on furniture , horses , wagons
or securities of any kind ; commercial and
mortgage notes bought at fair rates ; all busi
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co , , room 321 , Ramga building. * 71J
STRINGER & Penny , room20 Douglas block
money to loan on real estate at low est ratot
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The fairest ,
quietest and mot > t liberal money exchange in
the city : money loaned without delay or pub
licity. In any amount , large or small , nt the
lowest rates of Interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may bepaid at any time or re
newed at original rates. O. Ilotmcoren. MRT. ,
room 67. Barker block , 16th unq Famam. 015
MONEV Loans negotiated at lovt rates tilth
out df lay , and purchase goods , commercial
patfor nnd mortgage notes. B , A. Slonuui , cor
13th and Farnam. 917
XTBURAbHA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a
J-N . loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons , <
laudcontiucU , ; "
flno Jewelry , or securities of any kind -
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Room 7 , Rowley block. South Omaha.
Rooms 618-519 , Paxton bioce , Omaha , Neb ,
UILDING and other real estate loans. W. M.
Harris , room S ) . Freuzer Block , opp. P. O.
O ? . HARRISON loans money , lowest rate * .
MONEY" loaned on furniture , nones and
wagons : r te4 reasonable. City Loon Co. ,
118 H. l5th at. , opposite Mtllard hotel 4-M.
MONEV to loan. O. V. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan ngenta , U16 Karnam Bt. 839
WANTED-Flrit-clais Inside loans. Lowest
ratM. Call and lee us. Mutual Investment
Co , It. 1 Marker blk. . 15th and yarnam. its
MONEY to loan. H.rrU H. B. * Lo u Co
loom 411. flrtt National bank. a
MONKY to loan ) csh on liaad : nodeUy , J.
W.Bqulre , Ul F nuua t. , First National
baas buUding. ei
' | U ONKV to loan on real esUto security , at
JJalowe t rates. Before negotUtlnjloan * Ma
W U M.luaiOUi ) rBbld , UUaJDouglM. Mi
T OANB made on real ettata and mortgaRoi
JUboucbt. Lewis B. Heeff * Oo. , It 13. Board o t
Trade. ito 9 1
; PER Cent money-K , ttitt.Y.Lifelns. B'ldg.
TjlIIlST mongago loans fitlaw r toi and no de-
U lay. D , V. Bholos , 210 First National bank ,
Mortga&e- * Trust Co. fur-
it moilfciy to borrower8p
feet tltWft. accept loans
QeoraoMr. P. Coates , ro
7 , DoM-d ot Trade. M , H33
MONRY to loan on goodJflrat mortgages , im
proved or nnlmprovfld ( property. Mort
gages bought and ( old. .TV'nllaoe. room 310
Brown building. 10th and tMilglas. 023
DONT borrow moner otuTiirnltnn\ horses ,
wagons , etc. , or colUtVrVls until you set a
It. Jacobs , 411 First National bank bulldlne.
* | OANS on household turnlturo or any good
J-Jsocurlty. Largo and small sums. Lower
nterest than has been offered. Rlkhorn Ixian
Co . over Commercial National bank , ISth and
tJouglaast. IM A. 87
( UlLDINO loans. D. V. Sholes. 210 First Na-
> tlonal bank. KM
ON1EY to loan on any security
lor short time , at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com
pany , room 400. Paxton block. COO
1500,000 to loan at A per cent. Ltnaban & MaP
P honey , room OCJa Paxton block. Oil
MONKY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , planosorganis diamonds ,
lowest rates. IhoOrst organized loan olllco In
the city. Make loans for thirty to three hun
dred and slxty-nvo days , which can bo paid in
part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the
principal nnd Interest. C.ul nnd SPO us when
you want money. Wo can assist you promptly
and to your advantage without removal or
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
Ffo delay in making loans. C. F. lloed & Co ,
310 S. 13th st. , over Blnghara & Sons. Did
SEE Sholes , room 810 , First Natl bank , before
making your loans. fJO
PEOPLK'8 Fiuancla Exchange Largo nnd
small loans for long nnd short time , at low
est rntos.of interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels ot all kinds , diamonds , watches
and Jew elry. Don't fail to call If you want fair
and cueap accommodations. O. Bouscaron
Mgr. , room 67 , Barker blk , 15th and Farnam.Dili
DO YOU want money ? If so. don't borrow
before getting my ratca.whtch uro the low
est on any sum from 31 up to $10,003.
I make loans on household goods , nlanos , or-
pans , horsesmules , wiigonswarcnouse receipts ,
houses , leases , etc. , lu any amount , at the low
est possible rates , without publicity or removal
of property.
Loans can bo made for ono to elx months and
you can pay a part at any time , reducing both
principal and Interest. If you owe a balance
on your furniture or horses , , or have a loan on
tb m , I will taeoltup and carry it for you aa
long as you desire.
It you need money you will find it to your ad
vantage to see me beioro borrowing. ,
JI. I. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell bull ding 15th
and Harney. Ka
and fixtures for ante doing good
SALOON , on N street. South Omaha. In-
qulro at I'lienix saloon. South Omaha. 212 U
POH BALK-A well established , good paying
business ; price Jfl.OCO. Will soil the whole era
a controliug interest and transferinanagomcnt ,
which , if conducted with ordinary business
ability , will insure an annual net profit of
$3.000 to $4,000. and the opportunity for extend
ing and Increasing the business Is unrestricted.
My reason for selling Is having other Important
business Interests requtfinft my undivided at
tention. The practical knowledge necessary to
carry on the above business successfully is
simple and easily acquired. ' It will pay any
one navlng the capital nndotbne required to in
vestigate. Address F 27. Ueq- 847
TJIOK BALB One of the best paying two-chair
J ? barber shops in the clty .A. L. Undeland It
Co , , 108 8 14th St. , 1S6-31J
FOR BALE A good Baloon. excellently lo
cated in central partTrt "the city ; will sell
fixtures nnd stock sopurate'iyut party purchas
ing bo desires. Address Fy lies office. 193 K
"CWII SALE First-class Wakory.confectlonerv
-L ? and restaurant , A 1 location and doing a
Good business ; rostaurantUuis n good patron
age from adjoining hoteCgood reasons for
selling. Inquire 018 N. letHsti 208-tt
FOR SALE Avery des&juilo centrally lo
cated restaurant , dolnffi good business ,
full of boarders , mUBt bavet money. < J. U ,
Pnrrotte , Ilental Ageucyjpthgnd Dodga. i
, , , , , , . . . . , IW 0 , . .
"IJIOU 3ALTC or rent , on. .tlUamlr-forms. OIIQ ot-
JL ? the best hotels in thff city 61 Omaha , c-pn-
talnlng over ouo hundred- well furnished bed
rooms ; with umplo parlors on. each lloor. sup
plied with all modern Improvements , The of-
llce , reading rooms , saloon and billiard ! rooms
are the finest in the city. Apply to John LI.
Neagle. ! iOt Sneely block , Omaha. NeO. 151-20
"CIOIt SALE Good restaurant , good location.
JD 10good beds ; will sell cheap for cash. 408' '
B 10th st. 083-aj
FOR SALE Saloon fixtures and business In
Crawford. Neb. ; the best saloon town lathe
state : place now clearing $500 per month , with
a certainty of better business. Good reasons
for selling. Price 3.500. part cash. W.
Stransky. Clmdron. Nob. ' D73-U
FOR BALK ( not trade ) A stock of general
mdse. In SowardCo. , Neb. ; have a good
trade established ; good reasons for selling.
Address F 1 , Bee. * 074iOt !
AGKEAT bargain in Gordon , Nob. , anew
roller mill for sale , 35 oarroi capacity and
rigged to make buckwheat and rye Hour , meal
and chop feed ; in a good w heat country and
good market for Hour : S dw elllngs and barn
with it ; price ? soqo. Parties having prop
erty to trade need not apply ; mill has nrst-
closs reputation. F. J. Andreas. 043 alOt
Partner in restaurant in connection
tion with hotel of 40 rooms. Ad. E 21 , Boo.
HAVE Inside property to exchange for clear
land. G. M. Cooper , 8 N. Y. Lite bide.
F I OR EXCHANGE 40 acres clear land for
team , harness and carriage. 411 Paxton blk.
198 30t
TO EXCHANGE Almost new sidebar
buggy to exchange for a double seated
buggy. Apply at No. 1209 Pacltlc street.
TO EXCHANGE Wo have a good residence
property full and umncumbcrod , nicely
located in a good business town ineastern Kan
sas of B.OtK ) thousand inhabitants , coal in abun
dance and a nlco country around. We want in
exchange a ntco clean millinery stock or goodx
located In some good business town , or wo will
exchange good property hero for the same. Call
on or address W. B. Gordon & Co , Steele City ,
Neb. 147-.I
ANTED-A parlor billiard table and a
W piano in oxcliango for clear lota in one ot
the best to us in the state ; or a good farm ,
lightly encumbered. W. R. E. & M. E. . room
14 , Chamber of Commerce. _ 030
pioTFEXOIIANUK An elegant tract of land
JD containing 1JO acres , in Antelope county.
Neb. , with ordinary improvements.
A quarter-section In Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved.
Eighty acres near Council Tlluffs , la.
House and lot on South 16th t.
Large amount of Oil Mountain anil Petrollum
T7UH EXCHANGE-Allno form of 300 acres in
X1 Polk county , NeD. , i miles from Claris.
Neb. , to exchange for cattto ; HO acres under
cultivation , house , barn. nw&gon scales and
good feed lot. Address d/Hkarop / , 3316 We b-
ster St. , Omaha , Neb.14B \ i i
TJ10R SALE Do you want I ft choice farm 10
JO miles northwest of Oihaia ? If o , I have
just what will suit you , until c n be bought at
{ 20 per acre below us actuufvuluu. The above
named farm contains 275 aoreajof the fl nest land
in the state , all enclosed with good barb wire
fence ; the buildings and oVc-flard thereon are
in first-class condition , Twokjjod wells furnish
abundant water. The very low price of IIU.OO
per aero should commund-A jri ? auy purchaser.
Let me drive you out and show you this farm.
G. J. bternsdorlT. Real ECXte. Loan and Ex
change Broker , Rooms aif ndaiH , First Nat'l
Bank Building. Telephone 401. _ UU a8
L EGAL blanics. Chose Aojly , 113 8 18th st.
870 aM
Irabla residence
. . . all of following ;
ilonco4iHt in H&stlnga.
1UU lota In Lincoln.
MO acres line farming land.-Lancaster county.
Fine residence property. Unoola.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence cortier. Los Angeles.
A neat residence property in Ilar.scom Place.
Also some good mortgage notes.
Addreu , giving location and price ot prop
erty , J. E. tt , care B um Iron Co. , HIT Leayeu-
worth , U3
/1A8H amfcieorloU or land'to trade for mTer"
Vclmudlae. . Addroas. F 14. Heo. 1M a
rpo EXCHANOR for Omaha property , one ot
JL the foul Improved tarma lu Iowa , only one
mile front town ot 8.0UO inhabitants. W. U. K.
A M. K. room H. Chamber pt Commerce. 11)1 )
TTJAVKyou any good Inside property to ex
JdcUango for clear farm Undi. Will Muiuuc
Berne Incumbranco. Htringer * Fenny. Doug-
IJL block. 87J-H
ARQAJNS tor tale Nine lots including two
in tlu > park In Orvhard hill at your own price ;
theie lota iiuut be cold at onoe ; email amount
ofc h necessary , ( L B. M JU * l'eul '
ATrustCo. B
I ASTCflANCfc HarRaln. Fine lot on HroaiV
JLJ way and ton motor line , Council UlufT * ,
12,40) ) cash. Hahn , 1824 St. Mary'a avenue ,
W 1EL take 11.100 for small house and full lot
m Walnut Hill. Clone to motor ,
cas nnil balance $10 month. Stringe
Penny , Pouglaa bloc * . 21u 1
Aruliloton8e\rard street In Prt p ct I'lace
forWuo. Thin Is not In a mud hole either ,
F. K. Darling , 43 tlarker block. 301 IB
SPLENPIl ) corner on Farnam : come and get
price. Another lot for M.oooi or house
and S lots for 812,000 ] another house and lot tor
(0,01x11 all on Varnam at. Come and see mo. O.
M. Cooper , 81 N. Y. Lit * bldg. a31j
"fil5n SAI'ife ( Ireatest bargalhln Omah 7 lot
JU jo Vatoa * Heed's add. for ei.OUO. This lot Is
worth over two thousand dollars. 0 , K. Mayno
Heal Bstato & Trust Co , , Bee building. 00 81 J
171011 BALW-i-A 4-story brick bloc * with high
A1 basement ; , desirable for wholesale business ,
on cor. lot , Reasonable price. Particulars nt
Paulson A Co. , 1511 ifernara at. , lloom 8. 117 S
rpwo lots In Wnlnut Hill , close to the motor
J- and Holt Line depot. $ XK ) buya the two lots.
Stringer A Penny , Douplas block. Ptfaa
1710 It S IiIS South Omaha bargain 4 lota at
JL' west end of viaduct , rapidly increasing in
jvalun , must bo sold. Numbers 12 , J3,10 ami 17 ,
.block 888 , for $300 each 5 thlilsless than , they
'were sold for orlglnallv by the South Omaha
I-nnd Co. , nro worth tnlco that now. O , K.
Mayne Rtal KsUtu iTrust Co , , Uoo building. CJ
TpOR 8ALL'-23.14 orM foot of lotO block 70.
JL1 nt M50 per foot. This Is within n quarter of
a block of the new P. o. Blto , and will bo worth
tl.uoutnstdabf a year ,
The oH lot 8 block 101 , cor Douglas and 10th
sts. , 44 feet on Douglas and 01 on 10th , price
JwG,000 , tlO.003cr.Bh , 1mUnco In Ore equal annual
poj inontg.
The oKnwW soon , til , r3e ! , Douglas Co. ,
prlco 413.IIJU , J.lX ( J cash , balance oa y.
lot 7 block J 0. South utnahn , prlco SI,3)0 ,
term * easy. w. n. 15. & M. R , room 14 , Cli am
ber of Commerce , telephone 1440. 837
WKcanoltor for sale for the next few days
tno following flno properties : A B-room
houseIhImprovement Association add. , with
barn and other out door Improvements. A lot
In Oklahoma add. : 1 In Honors' add , : 1 In
Cleveland Plaroj 4 lots In Rosalind Place. W. It.
B. St lEx , lloom 14 , Chamber of Commerce !
telephone 14tU 3UI.
UOLKa to the front again. .Last list all
sold out.
$3'.000 , 130,000. J10.000. II4.03J. (13,000.111.600 ,
and from this down to a small house for a
cent , buys residences In the city for bankers
down to the man who cleans the sewer.
(8,000 or t7UOO buys either 12 or 0 room house ,
barn , lots "ft and 00x124 feet ground each , on
21th st , Kountze place , with furnace , gas and
fixtures , hot and cold > \ater , bath , three elegant
mantels each , nil papered. elegant lawns , 01
grade , street paved , motor by October 1. If
not cheap , como hi and I'll glvo them both to
you free.
14,600 bny 8 room house , furnace , and e\ery-
thlni ; eveii to electric wires for lightingKOS ;
lot fjOxlCO , across street west of Dr. Mercer's
und 1 block from motor , tolio cash , hamper
(0,000 buys full lot in Hanncom place , KM and
Poppleton avenue , 1th 8-room house , furnace
and everything else.
13)0 ) buys a Joe Dandy east front lot on UM
and 1'aclUc street , llunscom place. '
WOO and 37.000 residences in Kountzo place
to trade for smaller houses nnd lot near tnero.
84,000. full lot and good house in Hillside ndil.
opp. Webster strent school to trndo for vacant
lot. SI,200 buys either 4-roam house , full lot , in
Centralpnrk or Hitchcock's add , and 81.000
same In Orelghton heights add. K"M buys line
lot on Farnam and 42d ste. $9,730 buys 08x133
ft. on Cass Bt. opp. Cess school. Sif > 00 buys
cither of two 5-room houses In lloddlck pa.rK.
S4.000 buys a ( Ino 7-room cottage on IBtli anil
Paul sts , with bath , hot and cold water , sing
walk , and n corker for the money.
3 choice lots ualuo in cash $2,500 , in Lincoln ,
Nob. , for good honso and lot und pay balance
in curb. Submit oilers. Also ICO acres cholco
land in Nuckolls co. Neb. , and good hard cash
for cnolcu city lots. Submit.
Ifrouaon't uaut to buy sand list of wlmt
yon nave to sell.
We are hero for that purpose and tbero are
lots of thorn that will buy. There Is just ax
eood barpnlus to-day as one wants. Drop your
"crunKy'1 Ideas and get to business.
For pointers , see Snoles , S10 First Nat'l bank.
ParliesIshln ? to build homos
In a first class residence portion of the city ,
within one inllo of the postolllco , within a few
blocks ot the cable line uith all the advantages
of gas , city water , sewerage and continuous
pavement Iroin ceutor of city , will find it to
their advantage to get price and tqrms from xis
before purchasing clsonliere.
A number1 of line lots in Bedford place from
$ * X ) to & $0. .Those lots are M Ithln a few blocks
of the new furniture factory now being built. :
and will soon have the advantages ot pared
street and street railway. Do not miss an op-
portunlty ote urlna a lot for .n home before
prices adronco in this locality. , Lota in Isaac
& Seldeu's addition from gl.lOO to 1,01)0. ) These
lots are each roxlSi feet largo enough lor three
good sized cottages.
A few east front lots in blocks land.3 , Pot
ter's addition , ranging lu prtco from Sl,3uO to
We'hare some property within six miles of
Omaha.with line struam of water , furnished
by largo springs , which is suitable for dairy
purposes , and wo can sell from r > to 100 acres
together , onery easy turms , or some of it can
be oxchnncoil for other good property.
South front lot on Hamilton St. , near 36th st , ,
price fl.'ijO.
rinst front lot on Georgia avonue.ln Burr 0r
addition , price $ J50.
East front lot on Georgia avenue , between
Popploton and Woolworth avenuas , price , 4.r)00. )
One of tha best lots in Patrick's addition ,
within 1 block of baundors st. , prlco f .WT ) .
One of the finest corner lots on liroadwny , in
Council liUiirs , opposite the carriage factory
and power house , with 5U feet frontage on
Broadway by 178 on 28th st , , only $ l,00u.
Lots In 1'ottor & Cobbs1 audition. Council
Bluffs , from M)3 ) to 8300. Terms \ ery easy.
I2 { 6 ; Potter & Cobb. IbOl I'arnam at.
/10MB and see us and nvestlgato someof the
vVbargains we have to oiror.Vo are continu
ally listing new properties , and "If you don't
see whatyouant , ask for it , "
Tor sale lot 12. niock 10 , Btuirs second addi
tion at a bargain.
An elevator property with laigo dnoiling
house , ata bargain. Klevator complete , wltn
horse-power , scales , oflice furnlsnod , etc. A
tine opening for a piactical grain dealer.
Houses and lots In all party of Omaha for
sale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha property.1.000 acres
ot school laud lease , In ona of. tha bust counties
in the state.
A nn residence property in Omaha View for
SSFroma7.Vxi * to"MOO.OOO worth of nrat-class
notes to exchange for Omaha property.
For sale , at n bargain , hotel anil llvary barn ,
in a peed Nebraska town. Tula la a flno opening -
ing for a practical hotel man.
For exchange for Omaha property ono ot tha
bnst farms in HOCK county , Nebraska , together
with stock nnd machinery necessary to carry
on the place. Old ag and failing health of the
owner is reason tor selling.
A line Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , { oroxchange for Otuahn property.
2Macn-3 ) of line land in norths estoru Iowa
to oxebango for Omaha property.
We have unaurpassod facilities for disposing
of property , having some MO agents scattered
over four or UTO states. List ynurprpoerry
with qs if you wish a quick turn. w. 11. K. 4
M. B. , room 14 , Cnambor of Commerce , tele
phone 1410. 104
WE have a cholco lot for sale toparj t who
will build ; wo will give .timejii the whole
of purchiise money. Btiingerte Penny , Doug
las block. VTJ-S
/-\NLir $ , ' .MIO for 1100-foot lot fronting on Pop-
v/pleton avenue near corner of " 3th St. , with
in the mile limit ; offered at this price but n few
days ; if you prefer to go out -'A ' miles nnd pay
more money for n lot In Kountzo Place you are
at liberty to do so. Apply to C. A. btarr. 1203
Farnam sf , B4i 03
TJ1OK 8ALHJly the owner and at a bargain.
JD corner200x1.28 ft.near Belt lln station.
Splendid si to for residence or tenement houses ,
will be glad to show this property. J.A.Dal ,
zell , 116N. Itfth St. 7IU
ONK ot tha two house and lot bargains 1
have been ottering on Georgia avo. north of
Leavenworth , is now sold ana occupied , because -
cause ot my very low price. The south house
of the two still remains a bargain open to
sombody. First comec , first eervod. To ba ap
preciated It nerds to be examined Internally. .1
positively Hill not rent It , though several tunes
odored W par month. Price , on Tory easy
terms , 10,000. W. T. Buaraan , east side 10th Bt. .
north of Nicholas st , Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and carriages. ( U8
"CTIOlt HAIiH lloautlful B room housa , all mol-
erulmproVBiuunW , Including sploiullcl fur-
nace. neurllunscoiu part , best location la the
city fcrschool.rburch and street car privileges ;
price 13,00(1. ( O. V. Harrison , Merchants National
bank. ffH
I7UWBAI.K Oil longtime tnd aiy piymenta.
J. handsome/ , well built homed of H , U and
10 rooms , All conveniences , good nelKhborbood :
paved streets ; strent ca and within walking
distance of P. O. Nathan Bnelton. IDlt Farnam
ELEGANT Wxl25 lots with M foot alleys. 4
blocks from Mercer's motor lor &JOO ; IV )
cash , balance 1 10 month. Now is the time to
invest , "lluy lu dull market , sell in active
market. " Will tak pleasure In shon lug these
lot * any time. Ooorge M , Cooper , lv New
York Life Building. _ _ SOM1J
T710H SALE Kasr terras , Kountze place.
-U Two liumeit , rach K-rooras , each I4.DJ3.
Two home * , wicb V-rooina. eacli * iKX ( ) .
Twohomoa , each li-ioouis , e&vli I7.0W. .
All with modern conroulence.
All largo t alue at the price.
All within a square ot the motor lino.
Don't losa thess oppoi tunltlM.
For sale by the owner. W. T. Seamni.
East side 18th at , north of Nicholas st ,
Omaha's largest rarlety qt w on and car-
rlagea. 611 ,
AilOAIN-Partot the Dl-Jt Klmball etitat * .
W feet on 18th street running through tontlt
are. One li-rooia bouae. all modern conron-
lon n , and two 0-room iiouaea. Total reuul
ll.WJJ per > 'u rj prlca IUOU. U , AITptou
Company , Uth and t'sraam. VtJ '
TWO nlco homes on Charles st. r , ISO each ,
easy torras : 9-room bous s > Qoorpe M ,
Cooper , 819 N. Y. Lit * bid * .
TilOHSALn Orexchanpf , for utock of mer-
J-1 chandlso , real estate In ft thriving western
town , paying 23 per cent on thn Investment. Ad *
dress , Box 7 , Crawford. Neb , 110 8 * .
Foil BALK Lots in Stownrc Plac on Lowe
are. ; Metropolitan Cabin pas ea property.
0-room hoitso nnd barn , Hanscora Plac . S
houses and lots on on easy terms.
Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. Bnnk. SOI
TMIIT1F.S having equity In Omaha real estate
J- with pressing Incumoriinco should call on
Stringer X Penny , IMnplM blook , 9T.W
71O11 BALR Beautiful now cottage , flno loco.-
- tlon , very easy terms ; a bargain. J , B ,
Kvans , lloom 303 , N. Y. LUo bldg. 00700
t ) acres near South Omnho , would make a line
addition of JO lots , nrlco at bod-rock ea.OJO.
8 acres near Jtonmonth Park addition toOma <
ho , tlrst class property for platting , price 17,000.
Co-operative Ijiud and Lot Co. 'M > N. Ifith st.
HKUKweoomo with thn very llnust resi
dence proportlei In Omaha to noli ot ex
change for lots or land. Wo said the
finest. Do you doubt It ? Tlion como and let us
how them to you. If you wish to buy yon can
no so on your own torms. Da not neglect this
opportunity for never in. the annals of .real ns-
tnto transactions In Omaha has a like opportu
nity boon olferod.Y , K. K. .V HI I { * room 14.
Chamber of Commerce , TcL 14W. 732
$ SO , 000-41 feet front in heart of Omaha , l th
st , , modern 3-story building , brings 10 per
cent now , nl low rents ; muat bare 817.IKM cash ,
balance 0 per cent ; great oiler ; address KSD.IIee.
Wl-alO *
i Actual value tnstdo business and rcsl-
. dcnco : the seventeen lota at hnltprlcoto first
party comes. Why ? 1'or ruason am In need of
813.GOO cash , arcat chance. Address U3I , lloo.
710-al l
FOH 8ALW Duslncss corner. 110.000. C. K.
Harrison , Merchants National Hank. 155
BDVn homo In the center of the city , on
monthly payments. I will sell you ix lot tn
Aldlnu square , oullau homo of any kind , worth
from $ 1AM upwards , nnd you can pay for it
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldltio square
is on draco street , between 23d and -Id streets ;
it has all thoad\untages such ah paved streets ,
sowcrago , water , gas , and is n Ural-class local
ity. Cell at 1001 Farnam street and see plans
of buildings and get figures. D. J. O'Donanoe.
PLAOK-9-room house. Darn nnd
every couvonlenc * . for (7,000 easy terms ,
Address for particulars , li 6,1 , Boo. SOU
mOMANOFACTtlHKUa : 1 will glvs ample
X ground , i1th splendid trackage farllltlcs
on the .Fremont. ] : lkhorn Jc Missouri Vnlloy
railroad or on the Missouri Pacltlc ( U lt Line )
railway In Westlavtn , just outside the city
limits In West Omaha , convonloutly situated as
regards access to the business center ot Omaha
and South Omaha , to parties for the location of
any of the following industries :
Furniture Factory , Button Factory ,
Shoe Factory , Lard Kollnory ,
Starch & : ( llucoso W'ks. Soap Works.
Paper Mill , Purifier Manufactory ,
Plow Works , Broom Factory ,
Harvester Works , Woolen Mill.
Nell Works. Oatmeal Mill.
Knitting Mills , Box ; Manufactory.
Sash , Door and Blind Wire Works ,
Manufactory. Machine Shops ,
Flour and Feed Mill ,
Or any good manufacturtne plant. Wcstlawn
is just outside the city limits and Industries
planted there will escape heavy city taxos.
If you nro thinking of locating in Omaha It
will nay vou to investigate this.
Ooo. N. Hicks , New YorK Lite bull'llng ;
Omaha. * 7WJ
T71OII BALE 543.73 aero. sec. D , tp. 12 , r. Ow. ,
JL1 Hamilton county , Nob. Mouse , stable. SOU
acroa fenced , living Mater. Prlco , 83,000 F. K.
Atkins , owner , railroad nldg. Denver , Col. 8W
FOll BALK 80 feet , east front near paved
street with nowe-rooni modern house.JT.OOO.
C. K. Harrison , Merchants Nat'l bank. * 839
T71OU SALE Two of the Dest located t roc K ago
-L lots , on the northwest corner of 21st and
Izaid streets , slzo IMxl'ti foot. For prlco and
terms Inquire ot the owner , Edward Siiellor-
borg , 1012 North 21st street ; 617-aHt
fTlHE best money 8 worth of house ana lot now
JL for sale lu Omaha is that wnlch I am now
completing near - < tn st. on paved Wlrt st. in
Kountzo Place. 8 bedrooms , parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 3 bath rooms , 3 water closets ,
larce laundry , stationary wash tuln. furnaca
and coal room and cellar , electric balls and
speaking tube. U closets , Prleo only 87.0IW on
terms to suit. Likewise n dupllcatn adjoining
atsame prlco. W. T. Seaman , cast , sldn 10th st.
north of Nicholas st. Omaha s largest variety
of wag no and carriages. S31
TTIOlt 8ALU The finest residence. In Orchard
J- Hill can bo bought at actual con ; owner
leaving town : honso has 10 rooms with - bathroom -
room and every modern convenience , lot 1)0x133
all sodded : large earn and nlco shada trues ; in
fact n perfect homo ; call and let us show you
this. Arnold k Co. , lloom .r > 27 Paxton block.
MUIUIAY HOTEL Newest , latest ana only
flrst-cluss hotel In Omaha ; S3 to tl per day.
B. Slllow ay. proprietor. 170
WINDSOB HOTKL Corner ot 10th and
Jackson htreeta , 3 blocks from Union
depot. Best & a oay house in the city. 180
GLOBE HOTEL Newly furnished and fitted
up throughout ; centrally located ; $ - ! per
day. im-m Douglas nt. 181
HOTKL UAUIUill 141 rooms , elegantly fur
nished. f and & .50 per day. 13th and
Jonas si , , Omaha. F. A. lialcb , proprietor.
plaoad on rosord during
S Foicmau and husband to I A Uradriuh ,
lots 5 , 0 , 7 and 10. Graves park , w d . . . . $ 2,000
Ellen Fleming and busoanci to J G Corto-
lyon , nMoTi blk J5 , 8 U Itogere' add ,
wd . . * . . 0,600
! W Hill to J W Lilly , lot 2 , blk 8. Park
Forest.wd . 200
O N Hicks and wife to J J McOivorn. lots
1. 2 and 4 to 111 , blk 3. Cottage place , w a. .1,000
J nines Krlz and wife to It Satranck , lots
Band ? , blk 4 , Brown paric , wd . 1,000
M M Marshall and wife to W II Austin ,
lots 7 and tf , blk . Hitchcock's 1st add ,
w < l . 2.00D
MM Marshall and wtfo to O W Joy , lot
n. mk 2 , Hitchcock's 1st add. wd . 1,000
J Q Megeath to John McQot ern , part lot
6 , Windsor place , w d . 4,000
Ann Menaugh and husband to J J McG Iv-
ern , lots 7 and 8 , blk 55 , 1st add to Fowler
ler place , wd . 1,000
John NolHon to Augusta Nelson , s } $ lot
M , Hoed'sUd add , w d . CM
C B Uaymoiid ct al to 0 D Miller , lot S ! > ,
blk 1 , lllmobaugb & Pattotson'u nub ,
wd . 400
Louln Echroader. trnstoo , to Otis Paul ,
lots 0 and 10 , blk 1.1 , Brown nark , w d. , . : IOO
O W ShloUH and wlfo to a W Baker , lot
22 , blk 1. Hlchuionil add , w d . S50
E Tobm to O W OarmonT. n H lot 11 , blk
13. 15 V Smith's add , w d . 4,200
H Van Glescn and wifu to 11 P Boswortb ,
part lotJJ , oil : 75 , So. Omaha , w d . 1
Ira A' an Camp et nl to M B Drown , lot C ,
blk " . Bu.irlso add , wd.i . SSh
Iru Van Camp et al to JI K Van Gloson ,
lot 4 , blk S. Sunrise udd , wd . 325
L F Weeks and wife to K D * Ttoup , lots 8
to 11 , blk 10 , Orchard Hill , q a d..f . , . . 1
Eighteen transfers , aggregating . I Bf.fWJ
The following par jilts 'vjra Isiu l by
Buildinglnspootor Wlutloak voiterdavi
I'lill Btimmol , two-story fmme residence ,
coiii rSi > rliiKnnd Cassstrbots , . . , . 8 3,500
Adolph Sloycr. two ana u half story
frumo residence , Wlrt and Mnotoonth
streets . , . H.OM
Adolph Moyer. one und a half story
frame burn , Wlrt and Nlnut * ) ntii
streets . 1,000
Two minor permits. . U70
Five permits , aggregating . . . . . . , , 1 15,870
Proposal * .
Boalod proposal * will bo received by the board
of director * of the ilroXen How \Vutar \ Works
Company , of Iliolccn How , Nebraska , up to
noon of August5lh , IW.i , for Lultdlng a leuor-
volr , to hold one million nnd n quarter gallons
of water , all In accordance with the plan * mid
speculations , which may be seen at tlui olllce
of James Holland , In Broken Bow , Neb.
lllds will bu received for doing any portion or
the whole of thu work , suid work not to coin-
memo later than Augiut 1-tu , 139 , to be com
pleted not later than November 1st , ItW.
1 he company resei von the rlgtit to reject any
and all bids , UIIOKKN Bit w WATISII WOHKH Co.
JOII.N JIKKSC , President.
JAM us HOMAKO , Secretary. J'Jfld.t
Oinaha. Neb. July 29 , imi.-Heukxlpropo
sals'n triplicate , will bo rccelvuj at thl * olllce
until two o'clock p. m , Aimust SU , 1F8I , at
whlth time and Qloco they will bo opened for
furnish lug ana d ll\erugto ) the Quarttrraas-
ter B Uvpnrtmcnt in tlili city , or at other points
Bpucitleu b > - the bidder , thlrty-ilvn CM cavalry
horses U. B. renervea right to reject the whole
or any part of any bid , und to consider bids for
a loss number of horses than the number ad
vertised lor. Preferpncu elven to articles of
domestic production , conditions ot price ana
quality being equal , and no , tomract will be
awarded for fnrnUhlng artlclw ot foreign pro
duction when the artlue of suitable nualtty of
domestlo production can bo obtained. Blank
forms for bidding and circular giving full In
formation and requirements fumuiheu cm ap
plication to thii o.'Uce. Lnvelopes containing
propobuls should tie marked 'fl'roi > osal < ( for
cavalry boraea , " and addressed to the under-
algned. WM. U. HUOHBB , Deputy Quurter-
luaiter QtaeraU U. B. A..UMut ( juartcruiasUir.
Running between Council Bluff * and AV
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trams stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
streets , and at the Summit in Omaha.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
TUo Hest Route from Omabii and Council
mum to _
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. 1'aul , Minneapolis , Cedar Ilaplds ,
Itock Islant ] , Freeport , Kockford ,
Clinton , Dulmquo , Davcuport ,
KI'Iu ( , Jladlson , Jnnesfllle ,
Holclt , Wuonn , La Crosse ,
And all otber Important point * E > tKortUe t Dd
ForthrouEh tickets call on the llokot acat nt IMI llarkur Ulook , or at UuloB 1'ocifla
t'ulluian nieepon anil the flnoit Ulnlnff Car < In Ibi
world aru run on the main Una ot tlio IblcnKtr , Mll <
w ukcn * . 8U 1'ttul HHIwur. and urerr intention U
paid to puiiover * l > T courtvoui uonilo/ei of tl > e
oomnany. ! Oc-ioral Vnntuer.
3. K.TIIUKUII. Hiilittnt ( ienerd M n B r.
A. V. It. CAlil'KNl UU , Ueuerol I'miongn and
O ICO. H"if K AFTOBD. A Utit General l'a icng r
Hid 11ck t /
MAXurAmDiiJ-u " *
lowelt prlceJ. ttoo i forfitrertmtn ,
AatlMsri a d A tiiU. CwuBMlU
uiaK > tlf 8und > a&P el > llr.
. '
iLi.LsnuTnu imuitiLnrntK.
715 WMHINCIOM Avt. ST. Louis. Mo.
CANCER buokfreo. U li. HiHUIUKL. . . ,
cuioiuu , lu.