Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Cellvered by cnrrlcr In Any I'art of hoCltyn
Twenty Cent * I'erWeek.
DrflNRFfl OlTlCE NO. 43.
h'lOUT KDlTOlt , NO.-J.
N. Y. P. Co.
Qlcason coal.
C. U. MuMo Co. , 633 U'way.
Roller , tailor , 310 Uroadway.
Evans' laundry , 724 Uroadway.
D.Vt Otis , city find form loans.
Oscar Jones was removed from the public
gnzo yesterday for disturbing the peoco.
Judga Carson has granted nn Injunction
rodtrnlnlns ono Gibson from soiling liquor
on Mnnhnilnn beach nt Lake Manawa.
Tlio city marshal Is dally serving notices
to abate nuisance * . The alloys In the busi
ness portion of the city nro rcccivmR special
Mr. Albert Marshall nnd Miss Mnr.v Gull-
ford , both of Glcnwoo'd , wore married yester
day at the M. B. parsonage , by Uov. U. C.
The Strcotsvlllo and Ovcrton mission Sun-
dny BChooln will picnic together next Satur
day on Avenue L , In the northwestern part
of 'tlio city.
William Lewis has removed his hack ofllcc
nnd cab stand from the Occlcn house. Tern'
porary quarters have boon secured nt the
There are several coses of diphtheria In
the city , nnd It U reported that the disease
Is on the Increase. Strict attention to the
foul alloys and back yards Is demanded.
T. F. Dcrmolstor and J. U Hltohlo are in
the soup for running a pawn ah op without t
license. Tlio.v have boon grunted a contmu
unco , and the cato conies up to-day for trial ,
The number of dog licenses issued now
amounts to J10 , and the canine executions gc
on dally. About n score of unlicensed ani
inals are gathered In uvory day by the doj
catcher , and less than 40 per cent of then
nro over rcdnomed. Tbo barking populalior
of the city Is bolng slowly but steadily ro
The case of Charles Burdett nnd Louli
Burdlck , the two young men arrested foi
fighting : on the motor Sunday evening , was
tried yesterday before Justice Hondricks ,
and the defendants were lined $14.00 nn <
I2U.SO respectively. The fines were paid am :
the parties wont on their way figuring ou
the profit and loss of their evening's enter
Dexter , employment.
Go to M. Keating for drugs , COS Broadway
Wanted , ono or two good teams as flrsl
payment on house and lot. Sufllclcut tiim
given on deferred payments. A. A. Clark &
Kollcy & Younkormau sell groceries
Chase and Snnborn coffees a spccialy.
E. H. Shcafo & Co. give special attcntloi
to the collection of rents nnd care ot prop
crty in the city nnd vicinity. Charges mod
orate. Olllco Uroadway and jMain streets
tip stairs.
NoMco the beautiful finish given col
lars , culTa nnd shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Fine Jewelry , watches and diamonds :
cleaning and repairing at E. Burhorn.
* ,
I'crsonul I'araurnptif ) .
Walter Graham is homo from California.
Mrs. E. W. Hart is reported as boltiR qulti
S. C. Osborno , of Glcnwood , was in thi
city yesterday.
Mrs. W. F. Indon has returned from a visi
to Yankton , 13ak.
Marshal William Sells and A. C. Sullivan ,
of Ncola , were In the Bluffs yesterday.
Mrs. J. J. Bower , of Yankton , Dak. , is tin
guest of Mrs. John Uootli on Harrison street
Mrs. B. F. Uufllngtou nnd daughter , o :
Glcuwood , are the guests of friends In thli
Mr , L. D. Brackott loft yesterday morn
ing for Corning , la. , to attend the funeral o :
a relative.
Miss Eva Clark has returned to her horn
in Ottawa , Kas. , after n visit with tbo fain
ily of Hev. D. D. Franklin.
M M. Marshall , general ngant of the Bur
lington , returned yesterday morning from ;
short trip to Chicago. Ho was accompanied
by his daughter , Miss Eva.
J. J.Maloncy and d ughterjhuvo returned t
tholr homo in Hebron , Nob. They wil
spend about a weolc there when they will bi
back to Manawa for tha remainder of thi
Conductor Harry Jack , of the olcctrl
motor line , returned homo yesterday morn
lug. after a two weeks' vacation visltlui
friends in the Now England states.
Mrs. J. H. Ewlng , Mrs. C. H. Towslec
Mrs. J. Whlto , Mrs. O H. Uecord , Mlsi
Mabel McMullon and Mr. James Record , ul
of Glonwood , were In the Bluffs yesterday
They canio in on the Mauawa excursion.
s .
Have our wagon call for your soilei
clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co.
City steam laundry , 34 Main , tol. 141
Morioy loaned at L. b. Craft's & Co. ' ;
loan ofllco on furniture , pianos , horses
wagons , personal property of all kinds
ana all other articles of value , withoul
removal. All business strictly confl
Sco us for loans on city property , Mono 3
on hand. A. A. Clark & Co.
Steam and hot water heating , first-clas :
plumbing. Work done in both cities. Johi
Gilbert , CIS Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
For solo Ono Gur-Scott ton -horse portnbl
engine ; In good repair. Apoly to Weir-ShU'
Kurt Co.
Excursion to Mnitnwn.
A fair slzod delegation catno in over tin
Burlington yesterday morning from Villlsci
and Intermediate points , to spend the day a
Maauwa , Tjicra were not as many of 'th
excursionists as there would have been
bad the affair been better advertised , and ;
moro favorable railroad rate been secured
The visitors were surprised to find such i
fine resort so short a distance from thcl
homes. The day was passed in rou
ing , yachting , bathing and llshlng
and all of the imallcr attrac
tons ! near the hotel wcro well patronized
Tbo hotel was well patronized and presents
n lively appearance during the day. All o
the visitors reported ft very pleasant time
Many of thorn tnudo a tour of tlio city , visit
log Pairmount park and other points of In
tcrest. Nearly every town between Vllllsc
and the Bluffs was represented. The ox
cursloulsts returned homo ou the ovenlu ,
8. B. Wadswortb & Co. loan money
Deslrublo dwellings for rent at moucrat
prices. E. H. Shoafe & Co. . rental agents
Uroadway ana Main streets , up stairs.
Finest bathing in the world at Manhattar
beach , Lake Manawa. Motor runs over ;
half hour until midnight every evening.
Have your old furniture upholstered , gooi
as now. U. Morgan , TiU Broadway ,
Scldenbore's 60 Figaro at the Fouctaln.
Flvo Hnrvcit Excursions.
The Burlington Ilouto , O. . B. & .Q. R. H
Will sell from principal stations on Its lines
on Tuesdays , August U and 0 , September 1
and 21 and October 8 , harvest excursio
tickets at half rates to points in the farinin
regions of the west , southwest and north
west. For tickets and further tuformatio
concerning these excursions call on you
nearest O. , B. & Q. ticket agent , or addrcs
I * . S. Eustls , gonorul passenger and tlclte
gent , Chicago , 111.
. .
Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Alt
building lot * at lowest market prices. Ca
ud examine our list. E. II. Sueafo & Co.
A Move to Out Up Union Drlvlnff
Fork Into Hooldonco Lots.
Crcilllom Claim n Mnnnwn Stcninor
An ohlcnrM Tussle HnlsltiR
tlio Clintitauqun Debt
1'crsnnals ,
. .Union I'nrlc to Ho Divided.
It Is understood Hint n meeting of the
stockholders of the Union Driving Purl )
association will bo called very shortly , ot
which tlmo the mutter of making n final dis
position of the grounds will bo the principal
matter that will eomo up for consideration. .
As Is well known , thcfpark has never paid t
cent and has boon a constant drain upon the
pockets of the stockholders. A suit asking
for the partition of the grounds Is now pond-
in p In the district coutt , having been allowed
to go over for the past two terms.
It Is estimated that the suit will bo brought
to trial during ilia coming term nnd the meet
Ing to bu held Is for tlio purpose of arriving
nt some ninlcnblo agreement among the
stockholders before the cusa comes up. One
chnngo has already been made In the com
puny slnco its organization. The original
stock company borrowed several thousand
dollars nnd gave n mortgage on the property ,
The mortgagees.were principally composed o :
members of the stock company , nnd thoj
finally foreclosed the mortgage , freezing
out a few of the original stockholders
Slnco that tlmo the demand on their pursci
has bcon con stunt , until now the majority ol
the stockholders uro thoroughly dissatisfied
and disgusted , and urge a division of the
ground , and dissolution of the company. It
Is stated that the uroporty will just nbout re
imburse , the owners for what they hovi
already expended. The tract comprise !
seventy-two acres , nnd a division will glvo i
llttlo over throe acres to each stockholder
It has been demonstrated to their ent.lro sat
isfaction that the grounds can not bo made tx
pay , nnd they have experimented as long ai
they care to.
The plan advised by President Porcgoy
nnd several other members of the association
is to dlspoqo of the grounds ns nbovo stated
then organize a new company nnd put In i
half nillo track at Mnnnwu. "That. " sayi
Mr. Perogoy , "Is the only place where wi
can draw a crowd. A track down then
would pay well. Abput forty acres of grouni
would bo Bufllclcnt , .and n half mile tracl
would bo Just the tiling. No more inili
tracks for mo to maka money from.Vi
already have ono of the ilncst fnlr groundi
and best mile tracks that could be founc
anywhere , but it don't amount to a hill o
bcuns. The members uro nil pretty well dls
courngcd with it , and there Is no doubt bu
that it will bo cut up and placed on the mar
ket. The location is well adapted to n rest
donoo suburb , and would multo ono of tin
prettiest additions to bo found in the city
Union park has scon some lively races , bu
it will soon bn a thing ot the past. "
Wanted to buy or trad o , for good bugg ;
horoo. A. A. Clark & Co.
A , Council Dlufltt Fox Chase.
There will bo an unusual attraction at tin
driving park next Saturday afternoon , i
will bo nothing less thaa u genuine fo :
chase , in which the members of the Omnh :
and Council Bluffs Field club will tmrtici
pate. Monday afternoon Mr. Tobo Brodet
Ick , of Omaha , received word from Mi
Tliomus McDcrmott , of Ottwu , ill. , that hi
was coming with a lot of hounds and foxes
and would bo hero .yesterday. Sure onougl
ho arrived last evening with forty hound
and six foxes , which are to bo jised in th
The first thing on the programme will b
to trail an anUo-sccd bag over the ground fo
a distance of twelve miles. This is to tcs
the noses of the dogs , and the ono whicl
holds the sccnttho longest' will bo awardci
a prize cup. After this comes the genuitu
chase. A fox will be turned loosa and tin
dog which catches it will bo awarded a cup
A silver-mounted hunting horn Is offered t <
the man who wins the brush , and a ridin/ /
whip , with n diamond inlaid handle , goes ti
the ono who is second at the death.
An admission foe of 25 cents will bi
charged , and all spectators will have an op
portunlty to sea tbo chase. It Is cxpectci
there will bo at least seventy-five dogs litho
the chase. Besides the forty above men
tioned there will bo several from this city
ten from Blair , a half dozen from Oinahc
and a number from other points in Nebraska
.Tobo Brodoriclc will huvo . chariro of th
affair. All parties who desire to cuter fo
tbo chase can do so by making application a
the Manhattan.
Several carriages loaded with curious one ;
drove to the Hock Island depot about 1
o'elocic last evening to witness the unloadinj
of the hounds and foxes , which came in 01
the evening freight. Tboso who expected ti
find the dogs of a kind .built solely fo
sprcd , similar to the groy bound
were disappointed , ns the prim
requisite of the fox hound is a kcei
nose , nnd speed is n secondary consideration
There wuro forty of the animals , and nmoni
them all the sharp , pointed nose of the groy
hound was wanting. The foxes were al
wild enough to suit the most exacting sport
all having boon captured since lastThura
day. The entire outfit will bo quartered a
the park.
Another feature which has been added ti
the programme Is a watermelon catlni
contest between a number of darkeys
Each one will bo given flvo watermelons
and the ono who disposes of his melons ii
the shortest tlmo , and eats them up th
cleanest , and altogether docs tbo smoothes
work will be given a $10 bill. The contes
will take place on the platform , erected ii
front of the grand stand. Taken righi
through , it will bo n novel us well as ono o
the most Interesting programmes ever glvei
In the city , and will undoubtedly be wit
nessed by thousands.
Baths at Manuwa Uoauh , near hotel. Prl
Tuto bathing rooms for ladies ana children
Attached I tin Steamer.
Monday evening City Clerk Huntlngtoi
Issued an attachment against the steamer M
F. Kohrer ami the vessel was seized by Mar
shal Guanella. The claim is presented b ,
Brownoll & Co. , and is for tbo machlnor ;
used In the boat. Tbo owner of the steamoi
Captain D. Chapman , claims that the firn
did not fulfill Its contract , by reason o
which the boat was compelled to Ho idle al
through the oarlicr part of the season. Oi
this ground ho will Illo u counter claim fo
damages. Ho will glvo a release bond o
(2,000 and regain possession of the stcaine
in oruor to make trips as usual.
For rent , good house. A. A. Clark & Co.
J. II. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oil :
glass. < XW Main , near John Mermen's.
A Sliookliiji Accident.
A most distressing accident occurred 1
the eastern part of thy county Monday aftoi
noon. Peter Johnson , a farmer living abou
four miles from Weston , and about flftoe
miles from this city , was engaged in cuttin
hay near tbo house with a mowing machine
and did not notice that his llttlo threc-ycai
ola son was playing near. In some way tb
httla fellow got ( n front of the cutter bai
and In an instant the rapidly flying kntve
cut off both legs of the child before tba eye
of the agonized father.
1'ho horses were stopped at quickly as pos
Bible , but tbo keen and cruel blades baa don
their work , and the amputated member
were lying besldo the quivering body of tb
unfortunate ' llttlo one. They were completely
plotoly severed lust abova too ankles , no
oven a ploco of skin belog left to hold then
together. The father picked up the boy an <
carried him to the house , then returned am
got tbo feet , and took them to the house , am
placed them agulust the extremities of th
mutilated limbs , hoping that tljey inlgn
again bo fastened In place.
Dr. Jennings , of VTeston , was summonoi
nnd d telephone message sent for Dr.Cloavor
of this city , Doth physicians hastened t
the spot a > qulukly as possible , when it wa
found necessary to perform an operation am
about two inches rooro wore taken off caul
leg to glvo a flat surface. The boy was Bill
alive yesterday , and it was utatcd that ther
wui a poMlbillty of recovery. This la one o
those eaics where It almost Rooms as It n
fatal termination would ho a blessing nnd
relief. The afflicted family have the sympa
thy of all In tholr troublo.
ItcnlfttGd nn Officer.
Constable Wesley had n lively tlmo Mon
day evening. Ho visited the vicinity of
Tenth avenue nnd Main street to collect
some money from xomo Danes who are em
ployed in the Milwaukee construction gang.
He found his men , but they refused to set
tle , and ono of them struck him n heavy
blow. Ho placed the follow under arrest
and started for the station. On the wrfy
several of the friends of the prisoner gath
ered and attcmntcd a rescue. They were
successful , and the prisoner escaped. Wesley -
loy caught ono ot the rescuing parti' , named
A. Swanson , and manaecd to land him In the
cooler , with the assistance of several citi
zens. Swanson , who Is a powerful young
Dane , knocked Wesley down , nnd In falling
ttio ofllcor sprained His right wrist. The
prisoner will have a hearing to-day before
Justice Hendrlcks. Ho can not understand
a word of English , nnd when arrested fought
like a wild man.
To Bt-ickmakers : Wo would like to show
you n choice brickyard slto near Broadway
In Council Bluffs. Prlco and terms reasona
ble. Swan & Walker , N.O. 4 Pearl St.
New Quarters l < 'or tlio V. M. O. A.
The trustees of the Y. M. C. A. have do-
culod to remove to the Morrlam block. The
now location will bo a decided Improvement
over the present quarters , and ns the ex
penses will bo heavy tbo trustees wilt solicit
subscriptions. They will occupy six rooms
on the third floor , at the south end of the
building , similar to these occupied by the
library in the north end. The rooms will beset
sot apart ns an auditorium , reading room ,
game room , bath room , gymnasium and of
fice. Mr. Mngco , the state secretary , has
been hero and examined the rooms , and ap
proves the chnngo. Tljo move was talked of
when the Mcrrinm block was In course of
erection , but at that tlmo the trustees wcro
in favor of awaiting until the association
could erect n building of its own. Ttrnt time
now seems so far distant that the change has
been deemed advisable. The now rooms will
bo crcntly appreciated by every member ot
the association , as well as by all visitors ,
and these who patronize the bath rooms and
J. G. Tlpton , real estoto , 627 B'dwuy.
Tlio Chautniiqun Indebtedness.
A mooting of the stockholders of the was held Monday evening , at
which n report was submitted to cancel the
Indebtedness. It was quite lengthy , nnd was
taken under consideration. The plan is to
Issue bonds on a first mortgage , which mort
gage shall bo hold by a board of trustees.
The bonds will bo payable at the option ol
the stockholders in from five to fifteen years.
An elaborate system of committees is to be
inaugurated to dispose of the bonds , and o
sinking fi.iid established Into which the
assembly shall pay $3,000 or more each year
for the first five years and $5,000 or moro the
last live years , which fund Is to bo used tc
liquidate the outstanding indebtedness.
No Explosions
"When persons Iceop'cool and use our
"Sun Dial" giia stoves. Four holes ,
roaster and bakcovon. Costs 7 cents
per hour when running full blast. Now
York Plumbing Co.
The Coming Loaders of Wall Street's
Although most of the present loaders
in Wall street are but men of middle
age , it cannot ho expected that they
will ho the leaders for many years tc
come , as the 'rapidity of the business
life ot tbo street does not make cen
That their places will bo well. filled
when they concludes to retire on for
tunes , cannot ho doubted when a glance
is taken at the many young men who
are oven now prominent in financial af
fairs. and who will some day bo the
Vanderhilts , the "Woerishoffors and the
Jay Goulds of the speculative arena.
The host known of these George J.
Gould , a calm , unexcltable young man ,
who is not a , speculator , and whoso
plan is to hold on to what ho now pos
George Gould does not buy nor sell a
share of stock unless it is going in his
direction , says the New York Morning
Journal. Then ho deals in small lots
and takes a quick profit.
Eddie Gould is a fur different sort of
n youth , and when ho is allowed to
handle bis own wealth it is expected
that he will become a leading figure in
the street. Ho is a daring , reckless
young man , and even now , while handi
capped by his father's wishes , ho swings
a line of stocks largo enough to make
his brother George tremhlo with appre
Eddie Gould is keen and bright , with
all his recklessness. As 'a rule ho pre
fers to deal upon the boar side of the
market and he is likened to the late
Charles F. Woorishotlor in the rapidity
and magnitude of his operations.
Eddie Gould does not conceal his lik
ing for wall street , and tolls his friends
that ho will ono day rattle things up
there in a way to bo remembered.
William K. Vanderbilt must bo called
a Wall street young man , because the
operations in Lake Shore uro always
credited to him. Ho is a conservative
trader , but at times he displays a qual
ity for leadership that surprises his
Most of Mr. Vandorbllt's operations
are made through the house- H. B.
Rollins & Co. , Mr. Hollins being a
brother-in-law of young Croesus.
. Cyrus W. Field , jr. , is one of the
brightest youths of the Street. He has
the cloarly-cut features of the family ,
and ho also bus the brains for which the
Fields are famous.
When his father lost a grant portion
of his fortune by the colapso of Man
hattan stock several years ago Cyrusjr. ,
took the helm , and quickly rc'scucd tlio
estate from _ what appeared to bo ruin.
Young Field has an aptitude for carry
ing out largo plans , in which ho has
been very successful. Largaly by his
financial ability the fortunes of the
family have been retrieved.
That Cyrus , jr. , will some day bo an
oven moro important figure in bpocula-
tion than his father over was is believed
by brokers who have watched his ca
reer.Mr. . Field is married and has a couple
of beautiful children.
Mr. Jumos Blanahard Clews , who is
the general manager of ono of the
largest commission houses in the Street ,
has made a reputation as ono of the
shrewdest , brightest and most active
young men within the shadow ol
Mr. Clews is thirty-two years of age" ,
and as handsome us ho is smart. Ho
wus born tit Dunkirk , N. Y. , and grad
uated from Chamberlain college.
Mr. Clews was for several years en
gaged in steamboat and railroad work ,
whore ho got ideas of the gigantic re
sources of this country , which have
proved useful to him. II entered Wall
street us a third bookkeeper , and rose
through the successive grades. Mr.
Clews probably handles moro stock and
grain trades daily than any man in this
country. Ho is a fashionable dresser ,
and popular with everybody.
Charles I. Hunson , of the firm of 0. 1.
Hudson & Co. , Is often spoken of us a
young loader. Mr. Hudson was a brok <
er's clerk when ho heard of a big deal
that was to sand Union Pucillo kiting.
Ho took his nowstoaJargooporalor.whrj
agreed to divide the profits with him.
Mr. Hudson's share was $20,005 , with
which ho bought a seat in the stock exchange -
change and became known na a dashing
trader. Mr. $ ! afterward bccntna
a partner of Henry C. Smlththc famous
boar operator , .vfto .makes a specialty
o ( the trust , stocks.nt present , and will
hocoino much -more prominent before
. " | 1" '
many years.
A young man- who has como to the
front in WalFj'Jftroot ' with marvelous
rapidity is La\fe G. Towksbury. who
came to the metropolis from Now Hnmp-
shlro only n few. voiu-s ago. Ho is n
largo trader and ! his olllcos are the
headquarters of.n(1povrorful following.
Mr. Towksbiny' ; < } 8 an energetic , wldo-
awnka Now Englmidpr , nnd his success
has astonished same of the older houses.
Ho was formorl.v'nt ' 44 and 40 Broadway ,
but the growth of his business drove
him to now and gorgeous ofllccs in the
Tower building at GO Broadway.
Mr. Towksbury has a very largo fol
lowing throughout Now England , par
ticularly among the banks of that sec
tion. Ho is genial and popular and ono
of the host dressed of the Wall street
Frank Rcnnoll , who can bo soon In
Dolmonico's every afternoon nt the
close of the martlet , is a well-known
financier of youthful ago.
Albert Goodhart is a rising young
millionaire , whoso operation on the
stock oxchnngo hnvo attracted atten
tion , nnd Ilawllns Underbill has nmdo
u niinio us n shrewd nnd successful
Richard W. Corwlno , Maurice Worm-
ear , Henry Hatch and Frunlc W. Hop
kins are shining lights of soeculalion.
Mr. Hopkins is a partner of S. V.
White , and married the daughter of
that astute financier. Ho Is said to bo
a coming man in the affair of the street.
Tlio Shah's Treasures.
The shah of Persia has a museum in
his palace that is described as a curious
place. ' "Tt contains jewelry and treas
ures of different kinds worth a fabulous
amount. The so-called pea-cock throne ,
carried off from Delhi 160 years ago , is
alone valued at many millions. In this
museum you may also see vusos tif agate
in gold tuul lupsis lazuli , said also to bo
worth millions ; nnd alongside of them
empty perfume bottles of European
make , with gaudy lubolSj that can bo
had for four cents apiece. You will see
priceless mosaics nnd exquisitely
painted cups and cans and vases which
were presented by some European po
tentate ; and side by side with them you
will notice horrible daubs , veritable 10-
cunt chromes , picked up no one knows
how or where. You will perceive glass
cases filled with huge heaps of rubies ,
diamonds , emeralds , sapphires , tur
quoises , garnets , topazes , beryls of all
sizes aad kinds , cut and uncut ; and
cheek by jowl with these your eyes will
see cheap music boxes , jowsharps ,
squeaky hand organs. The shnh must
also be in u condition to "bull" the mar
ket on pearls , for " hero is , for instance ,
a bigrghiss caso"twenty-four inches long
by eighteen infchos wide and high ,
which is more1 ! than half filled with
pearl ( mostly 'from the Persian gulf
fisheries ) of ull' sHzcs and degrees ol
loveliness. " w
Not So Many. Are Coining Now.
The falling o/M'p. / immigration during
the first six months of this year is a re
sult which -American people will
not be inclined 'to deplore. From Jan
uary 1 to July lithe total arrivals were
173,078 against 280,825 arrivals for the
same timo'last ypflr , says the Philadel
phia Press. This shows a falling off ol
05,017 for the It'rit hulf of 1880 , and if
the same rate ofvtlecreuso is maintained
for the second rhnlf of the year the
total immigration will bo smaller
than for any year for ton years
past. If the immigrants arriving
are bettor in quality ns well as smaller ,
in quantity , as is highly probablo.thoro
will be still less reason to regret the
decrease. Indeed , the country could
well stand a still further diminution in
the nuiribor of immigrants. The rapid
absorption of the public lands and the
increase in the native population make
the influx of a foreign element less and
less desirnblo. Until congress acts in
the mutter , as it must soon do , it is en
couraging to sec that natural causes
are in part correcting the evil.
T71OII EXCFIAJ/GE Some valuables property.
-t in Council lIHnla for a well improved farm
in eastern Nebraska , Farm must'be clear , or
nearly so. Johnson & Van Patten , Kveietc
YOUNG gentleman , graduate ot Eastman
A business college. PouchKeepsle , N. V. , de
sires a position as boot-keeper or salesman in
some reliable house. Host of references. Had
experience m store. Address O 'M , iiee odice ,
Council liluirs.
imou EXCHANOK An equity in a farm near
X' thn city for city lots. Johnston & Van Pat
ten , Everett block.
rpAlUjK boarders wanted at 123 IJunton street.
JL Good board at reasonable rates. Mrs. I. W.
PAS'iUHAGE First-class upland paitu rage
for about ino head more ot stock ; 5 miles
nortu ol'city , ou lime kiln road ; oicnty pure
water , s'.iado and salt ; good man in charge of
stock. L. P. Judson. tea Sixth avo. . Council
lllufTs , telephone 190 ; or W. W. JSlcMahon , at
family team for sale , or trade for
FINE Inquire ia West Broadway.
KSTATE Nought and Bold and ex
changed. Special attention Klvun to exam
ination of titles. W. C. James , No. 10 1'earl St. .
Council Bluffs.
J. D. KuMtiunsoN. E.L.8nuoArtT
1'res. Vice Pres.
Cius. It. HANNON , Cashier.
Paid Up Capital llfiO.OOO.OO.
Liability to Depositors. . . .125,000,00.
DifiKCTone I. A. Miller , F. O. Gloason. R. L.
Shutjart , K. E , Hart , J. I ) , Edmuudson. thus. It.
Ilanuun. Transact general bankini ; business.
Larirefit capital ana surplus of any bunk in
boutlnvcsteru lowtwl Intercut on time deposits.
Sporting ? Ijeadquarters.
MAL01U & O'BRIEN ' ,
f J'
tf L . I
.till (
In the city. Ollt dged opportunities to Imuiu
( Jlule InveistoM and hoineuceicer 8.
The Great Removal Sale ! The Reliable Removal Sale ! The only
genuine .clearance sale is now going on in full force. No abate
ment of interest , no lessening in the quality and quantity of bargains
offered.We have the goods and are bound to sell them before we
move into our new store.
On all purchases before we move. Come and dp like everybody
else does , get your share of the bargains in every line , at the great
removal sale of
Nos. 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway.
Council Bluifs , la.
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity.
An excellent educational Institution , fur-
ulanod with nil modern Improvements fur
hoarding ixnil day school. The acedemlo year
consuls of two sessions , beginning on tlio first
Monday In September nd February , respect
TKIIMS llemrtl and tuition , pur session. S7S.
For further particulars address
Sister Superior , Hr. KrnnelH Acmlcmy ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Corner MMn and Hroadvrar.
Dealers in foreign end domestic exchange.
Collections mad * aad interest paid on tlmo de
Aont American Iliilldlnp and Loan Assocla-
on. No. 'J ' Pearl St. . UP-STAIU3.
Money loaned on furniture , plan os.
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value nt low raos of interest. No.
publicity : fair and honorable dealing
A. A. Clurk & Co. , office cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Adapted to the public schools. Tht > only
complete thine "f its kind in exlsteacu and In-
dinpenslble in the school room. School boards
desiring the most perfect help for the teachers
are invited to examine tlila. Address
II. A. BALOilNGKft ,
General Agent ,
Kl Willow Ave. . Council muffs , Iowa ,
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wan tea.
C. B. .IUDD ,
No. 1O Pearl St.
Centrally loccted. ' First-class turnouts ,
fresh horses and now carriage * . Not an old
rig in the stable. Special attention given to
funerals , and reduced rates for carriages for
this purpose.
purpose.W. A. HAYES , Proprietor.
Telephone 77. SW Broadway ,
Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates
H Spcoillcatlona. Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
MI ID " 7 Justice of the Peace. Olllco over American Express , No. 41
Nop n U l f- _ Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Attornoys-at-Law. Practice in the Stata and Federal
eral Court ? , Rooms 7 and 8 Sbugart-Beno Block ,
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
HFn U QT | | I MAW Attomoy-at-Law. Room 4 , Second Floor , Brown
ULU , n. O I ILLIYIMn Block , 116 Pearl St. , Council Blurts , la. Will
practice in State nnd Federal Courts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
" s" ' ! ' * " "
- " - " " OHloo Wo. JO Ponrl
Especially Adapted for
R !
ORSE POWER Mills and Elevators
Specifications nnd estimate * furnished for complete steam plants , llogulatlon , durability
guarantuod. Can show letters from users . wticro fuel economy . in equal
nlth Corliss Non-CciiulonsliiK. Bend for catalogue.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent.
No. O1O Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.