THE OMAHA DAILY JULY 31 , 1889. COLONEL FLETCHER'S ' TRIAL. Yesterday's Proooodlnsrs at the Fort Omaha Court-Martial. MISTAKES IN THE TESTIMONY , iflvoVltnos cs Bo Far I2xamlnca by the 1'roscoutlon Iho DofotMl- ant Takes n Hopeful View of tlio Situation. TJio Court-niartlnl. The mills ot the gods grind slowly , and so docs the mill of. military Justice now grind ing nt fort Omaha upon the case of Lieu tenant Colonel Joshua Fletcher. Nearly two weeks htvro boon consumed and only flvo witnesses have so far been examined by the prosecution and unless , some unforsccn ovonl occurs to cither oxocdmto or delay ( .inattcrb , two days more will bo consumed boforc the case will bo turned ever to the defense. Tlicro was a dual court-martial at Fort Omaha yesterday morning1. Down In the embowered school house and Boiuctlmo theater , In the upnor story , a for lorn private , attended only by an armed guard , sat at Judgment , charged with some minor offense against the regulations of the government whoso uniform ho woro. He was foreottcn oven by his comrades of the rank , who , as they stood at place rest , pre liminary to guara mount , ignored hit worri- tnont nnd devoted tholr tlmo to discussing the trial of tholr temporary commandant , Lieutenant-Colonel Fletcher. Assistant Surgeon Henderson Is n popular oftlccr among the enlisted men of the fort , And tholr sympathies are rather against Colonel onol Fletcher. They noizo greedily uuon every atom of news , aiid In retreat In the canteen , safe away from the hearing of their Buticrlor * , they discuss the merits of ttio case freely. As the bugles called the regiment to morn ing drill at 10 o'clock , the brass-bedecked members of the court of Undo Sam's stand ing array appointed to sit upon the case of Colonel Fletcher , assembled In the present court room , ordinarily the school room and thoatro. Above stairs Private Williams was being tried for desertion , but that cut no figure , Tor bora was an ofllcer , high in rank , sitting nt judgment , charged with such conduct , that , should it bo proved against him , would banish nltn forever from the arms and malco him an object of contempt among the men bo now commands. As tbo dignified court assembled Captain Klopp , the appointed counsel of the accused , nppo.trcd. The inevitable Hewer docked his expansive chest , nnd ho greeted the oftlcors of tho.court with that courtliness of grace that distinguishes an officer of the army. Ho was followed by the accused and his private counso.l. Judge Advocate Porter called the roll and then summoned Mrs. McFarlnnd , the lady Whoso testimony , given Monday , is ex pected to go far towards convicting Colonel Fletcher. Mrs. McFarland , who can sit in calmest solf-posscssion and entertain her friends wnonp ; the ofllcors of the post , a half-dozen at a time , is unable to face the stern dignity of the men who are trying Colonel Fletcher without some exhibition of norvousncss. Yesterday morning nsRho sat listening to t'uo testimony she gava Monday , her petite foot shook nervously from beneath the folds of the gown of some softbrown material which she woro. \ The Judge advocate road the testimony of- 'foiod by Mrs , McFarland Monday in order to give witness an opportunity to make such corrections in the written report as she do sired. Thorc were many changes mndo , but as fur as the general tendency of the evidence was concerned they were entirely imma terial. Mrs. McFarland was dismissed and Miss Miskoy , who olio testified Monday , wai called In. Sbo was losn disturbed than her aunt , nnd listened calmly to her evidence as read. There were several mistakes found , ono of Which may provo important. In her cross- examination the young lady testified that she was a member of Col. Fletcher's family con tinually smco the marriage of her mother to htm up to the present time , whereas , as a fact , she has not been a member of Col. Fletcher's household since- last Juno. The young lady was excused and the court adjourned for lunch. Colonel Fletcher was seen at his quarters and uslsed what ho thought of the testimony of ths two first witnesses for the prosecu tion. tion.'Well , " said he , "there is only ono thing to think , and that is that the evidence of fered by thorn fell for short of whatVhe prosccutlon.oxpccted. So far I am vary welt atlsiicd. " tBoth Captain Klopp and Colonel Webster , counsel for the accused , seemed excellently well pleased with the condition of affairs daring the noon recess. After lunch they Rat upon the piazza In front of Colonel Fletcher's quarters nnd chatted pleasantly on subjects foreign to the trial. It was generally known about the cost dur ing the noon , hour that the next witnesses to bo called would bo the officers who claim to have been present nt the time when Colonel Flotcnor Is charged with having acknowl edged malting charges of infidelity against his wife wnon ho know thorn to bo untrue , nnd consequently thcso gentlemen busied thoumUvca as they snt at luncheon , recalling to memory the scenes nnd Incidents that oc curred at the post in connection with this affair , on or about Juno 23. , Mrs. MaFarland and .Miss Miskoy lunched with Mrs. Captain Willis , and soon after I o'clock were taken from the post by Mrs , Willis in a private conveyance to ttio Union Paolflo depot , where they took the train foi Philadelphia ; bidding adieu , for the present nt least , to Fort Omaha , probably glad that an onk'ul , which any woman would dread , was ovor. During ho visit to the post tnc two ladies were visited by nearly all of the ofllcors and hullo * of the fort , who wished in this way to show tbolr disbelief of tbo ovl ' Btorioa circulated regarding ihoso ladles' ' characters. Lieutenant Klnzle , post adjutant , was the first witness called after recess. Ho wa nskod the usual preliminary qucs tlons us to his muno , rank and residence , unt then Ills attention was directed to the 22d of Junc.Jtho day upon which Colonel Flotchoi called the mooting of the ofUcers of the post "Do you recall , " asked the Judge advocate , "any mooting of officer * hold at the post on or about the 133d of Juneof the present yoarl' "Ycc , air. It was hold at Colonel Flotoh- er's quarters. I Issued u call to the oftlcon of the post to moot him , at his request. Tin object of the meeting was to give occasloi for Colonel Fletcher -explain to C.itlilr | Pompsoy the allegations the accused wai chargnd with having made against Cuptuii Dempfiey , Captain MillsCaptain MoCloliand Captain Egbert , Captain Dempsey , Cap tain Kollar , Captnlu Catley , Lieuteuun Coylo , Lieutenant Surson , Lieutenant Wai ting , Lieutenant Wright , Lieutenant Tows ley and myself were present. Colonel Fletcher said ho wished to explain to thi ofilcors present his conduct in the mattei that then wai ot chief Internal , and durltr ttio explanation he admitted that ho had ac oused his wlfo of infidelity , but did not moui It , Ho said that ho made the enurges In tin sboat of passion and really never doubted bli wife's purity , 1 was adjutant ot th post at the tlmo of the difficulty between Dt Henderson ana Colonel Fletcher , and 01 that day , whllo the accused was command ing officer of the post bo was absent fror the garrison from until 7 D. in , with out giving ino notlco that he would be. Th papers in tbo case passed through my hand u adjutant. These were reports of bis con duct and a request that his contract be an nulled , Cross Examination Ho had no persona knowledge of Colonel Fie tenor having mad ' accusations against his wife , but iu tb course of his explanation ho bad acltnowl deed that ho had accused his wiio of ire proper conduct with Captain Dompsoy. Th witness a * unwilling to swear that Colont Fletcher bed used tbo word "infidelity" o that occasion , but thought ho had used th words "improper Intercourse. " ' "Isn't ' it a fact , " asked the counsul for th aoouted , * 'th t Colouol Fletcher sold that h had , boon occusod of making these state menUt" 'Yes , slr.'l "And wasn't that nil that ha aoknow ! edged ! " "No , sir. Ho admitted saying what bo boon nttrtuutod to him. " "Aro you sure ot this , lieutenant ! " "Welt , sir. that Is what I understood him. to Imply. " "Didn't Mrs. MoFarlnnd's conversation call for this explanation ! " "Yes , Mr , 1 think so. " ' ! Isn't It true that the colonel said that ouch charges ns ho made at that tlmo wora made In the heat of passion , and were not In tended to bo accepted as true ! " "Yes , " "Wore not thcso charges made In the pri vacy of Colonel Fletcher's quarters ! " ' 'I understood so. " 'Do ' you not regard it us your duty to giro a morning report of tbo affairs of the post at guard mount ! " "Yos , sir. If ho comes to the office or directs a report to bo sent to his quarters. " "Then you had occasion to meet him on that day ! " "Ho failed to como to the office , nnd con sequently I did not sco him. " Iho witness \Viw excused and Captain Mills was called. The captain , however , was tem porarily absent from the post , having gene to the city with his wlfo to escort Mrs. Me- Fnrland and Miss Miskcy to the depot. A short recess was consequently takou until Ills return. When finally put upon the stand the cap tain testified practically to the samn facts in regard to the mooting at Colonel Flotchcr'-a quarters. Ho said that the accused first de nied having made thcso charges , but after n rambling and a lame explanation ho said that " 10 had made the charges , but that ho did so n the heat of passion , "Did you , ns ofllcer of the day , report to ; ho commanding ofllcor of the post on Juno 101" ho was asked. "N'o , sir ; I couldn't find him. " "Who was the ofllcor next In rank to Colonel onol Fletcher ! " "I was. " "Wero you notified by him that ho con templated being absent ! " "No , sir. " No now facts were developed upon the cross-examination. Lieutenant Wright was the next witness called. Ho also had been present at the mooting of officers nt Colonel Fletcher's ' quarters. The colonel , he said , had mot them at the door nnd Invited them n. "Ho said , " continued the witness , 'that inasmuch as certain actions upon his part hud given rtso to scandal in the post , ho thought and explanation was duo. Ho then started on an explanation , address- ' .ng his remarks principally to Captain Denip- soy , and ho stated that these scandalous matters ng.ilnst him were not true. Ho went on to state that his little sick boy hod boon nursed by these other ofllcors , nnd ho had not been asked to nurse him , and his feelings were hurt and that was the reason ho baa trouble with hth wlfo. Then ho went on to state that bis reasons for leaving the post were so as not to glvo rlsa to public Scandal , and in the course of his explanation ho said : 'I may have said these thin ITS , but I ncvor doubled my wife's purity.1 As I remember , these were his words , but his remarks were very hard to follow , us they were given In a rambling and incoherent way. "Captain Mills , " continued the witness , 'asked ' Colonel Fletcher If ho wished to hoar what others had to say m this matter , nnd ho replied , 'Yes , I would like to hoar from everybody. ' Captain Mills then told him that Mrs. MoFnrlnnd and Miss Mishoy had said thcso things and ho believed them , and that ho bad further understood that bo ( Colonel Fletcher ) had said that ho didn't want any lewd women around him. Cross-examination "Lieutenant did - , you understand that the colonel over rnudc any of thcso accusations outside of his quarters ! " asked Webster , "Possibly not , sir. " "During his explanation , you did not hear the colonel directly charge his wife with in fidelity "Well , ho said that ho must have said these things , and any ono about the post would have known to what bo referred. " 'But would a stranger in the post have Known ! " "No , sir. I think not. " "Then , so far ns the conversation Was cnn- corned , your inferences could only bo drawn when coupled with something you had hoard before ? " 'Yes , and in connection with the note sent by the colonel to the post adjutant. " "Havo you that note ! " "No , but I have seen it. " "Did it contain any charges against Mrs. Fletcher ! " "No , " "So that as to thcso things unexplained , Colonel Fletcher said , didn't , ho , that he either did not say thorn , or wbat ho bad said he did so in the heat of passion ! " "I understand so. " "That is all. " no-direct "What are the exact words used by Colonel Fletcher regarding his wife's infidelity with Captain'Domnsovl" ' -The oftlcor said that ho had como back ono night when his boy was sick from a nicotine of the Loyal Let-ion and saw Captain Dempsey - sey sitting by the side of his SICK child. The next morning at reveille ho saw Cnntnin Dempsey leave his house , nnd it naturally angered him to sco ono outside his family called In to sit up with his siok boy. when ha would gladly have done so himself. " It being 3 o'clock , the court-martial ad journed until this morning. DON'T MISS THRjOPPOItTCNlTV To Visit O don and Salt Lake City , Utah , or Hnlloy , Idaho. A grand excursion to the above named points will lenvc August 20th , via. the Union Pacific , "The Overland Route , " tuid for this occasion the exceedingly low rate of $30 to Ogden and Suit Lake City nnd return , and $35 to Hailcy , Idaho , and return has bcon mndo from Mis souri rivoc terminals. Tills excursion , affords our patrons n nwjrnificont opportunity to visit Gar- liold Bcauh on Grnat Salt Lake , the finest bathing resort in the world , and also visit Hailoy Hot Surinpjs , famous for their medicinal properties. Tickets good thirty days. For further particulars address E. L. LoMAX , G. P. A. , Omaha , Nob. IRA JONES IB A UJBUO. Ho Rescues a Child , Who Had Fallen in the lllver. Ira Jones It a hero. Ho isn't ' a story booli hero with a sheet Iron vest and brass ieggms , but a common deck hand on a sand boat , Bare logged to the knees , bare armed to the shoulders and a brawny chest half hidden bj a cheap cotton shirt thrown open at the neck , he is a lamilltir figure down on th < dump. Good natured , quiet , hard wonting , and one of the very best swimmers in the city. city.Mouday afternoon he saved a human hfo nt the imminent risk of his own. A wee bit of a girl strayed out of ono oi the little shanties along the bank and , play ing along Iho high bank , fell into the deep , swift river. 1'ho water at this point boils and eddies , ana is full of treacherous uudci currents , Au old man saw the child fall , and yelled for assistance. Jones heard him and came. Twice the child baa sank be ncath the muddy flood , and It seemed thai only by n mlraclo could shs escape being drawn into ono of the whirlpools and sucked down out of sight , perhaps pot to roappoai on the surface for hours. A few seconds passed and a little white face ro o to the surface for a second , whirlec slowly round and round than sank out o sight for the third time. Hut only for a moment. Almost before two could realize wbat had occurred , Jonei had leaped far out Into tbo water forced him self by n couple ot tremendous stroKes to th < spot where the child last wont down , unO brought her to the surface by her hair. Holding bar aloft with ono hand ha tried to reach the bank with tbo other , but the current nulled him away. Down the rivoi for ono hundccd yards ho drifted , weaken iug in the unequal contest. "For God's sake help me or we'll boU drown 1" bo shouted apneahogly to tbo stupU crowd on the bank. Even as ho spoke t young fellow burst through the line o watchers and throw himself Into the river Three strokes and he was by Jones' aide ant supporting the child. Ha was her father. The crowd awoke. A skiff was loworci and the swimmers were within two mlnutei pulled over Its aide. Antisolutn Cnrfl. ThoOPaaiNALABIETINIi ! OINTMENT Is only put up in large tvro-ounoa tin boxes and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin orup , tlons. Will positively euro all kinds of piles Ask for the OUIOINAL ABIETINE OINT WENT , Sold toy Coadmau Drug cemoany at 25 cents p r box by uall ! W cents. SHOT HIM THIRTY TIMES The Achievement of an Omaha Sol- dler at Bellevue Yostordny. A DAY'S SKIRMISH FIRING. A Most Beautiful Day and Uow It Was 1'nssod by llcnrt Search * era nt the Depart ment linage. The Sklrmlnh. Yesterday was n , moat Inspiring day nt the rlflo range otBollevuo. . The grass seemed as green and fresh ni If It had Just recov ered from the bath of the morning. The sun was bright , If warm , nnd the Imposing plrdlo of leafy woods , which encircles the range , inoro than ever invite ; ! to tholr grate ful shade. It would have boon n magnificent day for shooting nt known distances. Scarcely a oloud ilcckcd the Buy. fksarcoly n zephyr stirred the graceful and beautiful ori ilammcs , which Indicated the windage on either side of the range. Hut sknniisli firing was the order of the day. It WAS the crucial teat in which the markomen were to bo tried , the first day having been devoted to shooting nt known distances. Although there was little loft to bo desired In all that ccuid contribute to to succois of tbo competitors , some ot the young ( { cntlcmcn unfortunately failed to make the scores they had centered their hearts upon. Thov will muko amends for the shortcoming , however , to-day nnd to morrow , If for no other reason than by way of requital for the smiles of fair ladleswhich like that of heaven beamed on thorn through out the day. How many hnvo road , almost from infancy , of the skirmish line , but how few. save these who have braved Its danger , understand Its Import ! The skirmish of the competition Is not the skirmish in the face of the enemy. It is , however , n great picture of the reality. It lacks the clement of danger , but it never theless roqiilres calmness , accuracy , Judg ment nnd steadiness of norvo. As a cpcctn- clu it is worthy of a travel of many miles , more especially In this instance bccnuno there will be but ono more exhibition of it and that will bo to-morrow. Eight men uio stationed at intervals across the range , COO yards from the butts. Each faces a series of figures llxca upon the para pet. Ono figure represents a man urono upon the ground. Another represents n soldier erect , in the attitude of firing at the skirmisher. The third is the stlhouett of a noluior firing in n kneeling position. The skirmishers have forty rounds of cartridcos in their belts. Each bears a Springfield rifle. Behind thorn , mounted riaos Colonel G. V , Henry , ofllcor in charge. On his right nnd loft , respectively , ride Lieutenant McFarland and Lieutenant Leay , of the Twenty-first infantry , as range officers. Near by is a bugler. "Forward , " is given. The eight men advance at a quick stop. "Double tlmo , march , " is ordered. The squad breaks Into u run. "Skirmishers' , Halt , " fulls from the colonel's lips. The rank drops upon the sword. In an instant the rifle strap is drawn over the loft limb , the left arm entwines the head and grasps the stock of each , piece , and the right thumb is placed upon tbo trigger. There is a sharp crack. Light wreathes of smoke issue from the barrels of the wea pons. The marksmen have sighted the target , considered the windage and fired their first shot. Simultaneously , clouds of dust rise from the parapet near every target. The bullets have penetrated the silhouettes and burled themselves near the crest nf the butts. There are a succession of stranca sounds as shot after shot speeds toward the targets , and the shots fly with tbo ramdlty of hall. Thirty seconds elapse from the moment the men halt until the bugle sounds the call to cease firing , and in that time somq of the men have speeded eight deadly mis- ails in the direction of their Imagnary foe. The commands before given are repeated , and the men move 100 yards nearer the targets , when the firing is repeated. Bach man is followed by a scorer to note that' ho does not fiio before nor after the commands affecting it. In this manner the men stop five times ou their way up and five times on their return to the starting point. So rapidly have some of them fired that all their cartridges hnvo been disposed of before their return. "Go up to tbo pits , " shouts Colonel Henry to TUB BRK representative. The firing ceases while the scribe covers the distance. Once behind the parapet , already described in thcso columns , tbo red flag is' taken down and the bullets burrow into -the earthen breastwork. The attendants stand close to the timber wall. Some bullets flyover ever their heads , some strike the target frames and send spllntera flying in every direction , while others tear up the earth like a spoon and droo it In clods and showers upon the men behind. Ono may as well be composed behind this wall , but If ho is not , there is little use , as Lieutenant Mclvcr said , to dodge the bullets. Indeed , as ho spoke. Lieutenant Bufllngton remarked : "Looit atthls. " as no handed Tnn BEE man a spent and flattened bullet , which had ended its journey by striking .him on the ankle. The firing ceases. Lieutenant Tyler , of the Sixteenth infantry , and his assistants , Lieutenants Colvillo of the Eighth ; Melver , of the Seventh , and Pottit of the Eighth , with Tun BEC man , got out on the parapet to mark the targets. Nearly everybody fires nt the kneeling tar get. Some of the targets look lilto sieves. Each oullot hole is marked with blue chalk. In the smallest target it counts 5 , In the standing 3 , and in the kneeling 4. Tbo aggregate is recorded and telephoned to Sergeant Hutohinson , the statistical ofllccr at the other end of the range , by whom it is announced to the com petitors. The targets are again exposed to view and the firing is renewed. The bullets sing nil kinds of songs , and make nil k nds of noises as they cut through the grass , pierce the air , or bury themselves in the wood beyond , There is else a variety ot other noises , the crack of the musket , the snap el the canvas as the bullet pierces it , and the bourse roar which cornea from the chorus of rllles , and which swells as It advances toward the wood. Tlicro it la broken and makes its exit on the opooslte side of the enclosure with the sound of the surf upon the shore. The best shooting of the daj In one run itos that of Private Ohrcnborg , of the 2d infantry at this place. Ho perforated ono of his men thirty times. Charles Elwell , also of Fort Omaha , A com pany , Second Infantry , shot his victim twen ty-six times. Lieutenant Oooiiin has climbed to fifth place in tbo list , though yesterday he was compelled to extract his shells with lib fingers. Ho has already bcon on two teams and iu each has hold second place. The ques tion of first place on the team has narrowed down to three men , Lieutenant Goodln , Ser geant Saludln and Lieutenant Buck , 'Iho scores made In the morning and after noon wore added and averaged us follows : Albert Saladln , 1st sorgt , 1,8th infantry . S ( O. H. Muir.Sdlt. 17th Infantry : . . 7C Gustavo Ooronberg , private , A , 2d Inftry. U Jas. W. Davis , corporal , B , 10th Inftry , . . 7 ( John Corrlo , private , baud , 17thtnftry. . . . 8 ( Charles Elwell , sorgt. , C , 21 inftry IM Leonard Dletz , scrgt. , F. 17th inftry Of J. A , Gooilin.'Jd It. , 7th inftry 10 ( Richard N. Davidson , private. F , 8th infy 8 ( B. Buck , Sd It. , 10th inftry 0 ( James Biennan , Istsergt. , I , Sd Inftry. . . . 0 ! F. L. Palmer. 2d It. , 'JUt inftry 8 ! Tbo men who have boon among the load' Ing twelve yesterday and Monday are Scr coant Saladln with a total of 203 ; Lieutenant Mulr , 'J34 ; Private Ohrenborg. 255 ; Corporal James Davis , 235 ; Private John Corrie , 2JO , and Sergeant Elwell. 254. General Brooke , department commander , and Major Vroom , inspector general of thi department ! visited the camp yesterday. The award of medals will be made Frldaj afternoon at 3 ; 80 p. in. by General Brooke The occasion will bo made a social event. Dr. H. S. Hosklns , of Fort Omaha , is oi duty at the range during Dr. Hondorson'i attendance at the Fletcher court-martial. Lieutenant Mernatn. the once creates ehot in the army. Is retired , broken down bj nervousness. His name wua recalled yes terday with much sympathy by Lieutenant Goodln , who shot with him BIX years ago , Mrs. Captain Coolidjze , Miss Henry ani Miss Chase witnessed the skirmish firing. LieuVmant Tyler U auxloua to rejoin bli babies in Kentucky , whom lie huu't sect smco November. HOMU Articles of Incorporation riled Yes- lord ny Afternoon. The Nebraska Ma oii ) | Homo association filed articles of Incorporation .Tcstonlay afternoon. At the h < Jad of the list of Ma sons who nro Its Incoryorators Is the name ot George W. Ltnlngor. Then follows thcso names : C. Hart man,1 Omaha ; G cor go B. France , York1 F. El White , Plottsinonth ; Gcorgu H. Post , YoHqi Charles Coutant , John N. Wcstberg , H. PiDovalon , John W. Uodlfor , Gustavo An orson , Gustavo An- drccn , Omaha ) Franjc rH. , Young , Cutter ; George L. Smith , Hictmrd Smith , Omaha ; Bradncr D. Slaughter , ' Tullorton ; W. It. Boxvcn , Omaha. The business ofllca of the association will bo In Omaha. Thirty yours is tholongth of tlmo the corporation will exist under tbo present articles. The object Is stated to bo the erec tion nnd maintenance of a homo for poor nnd distressed Free Masons and their fam ilies , or tholr widows and orphans. A board of twelve trustees will bavo Im mediate control of the affairs of the homo. They will bo elected in a manner and nt a lime to no specified hereafter. Tholr term of oRlco will bo ono year , None but Master Masons In good standing will bo eligible to offices In the association. Trustees to bo elected by the Incorporaiors will bold oflloa until theflrst regular annual mooting of the stockholders. The ofllccrs ot the board of trustees will bo a president , two vice presi dents , a secretary and n treasurer. Thcso officers will also bo cx-ofllcio president , vice president , secretary and treasurer of the association. The capital stock must not exceed n half million dollarsto be divided Into f > , ( K)0 ) shares of $100 each. Annual meetings of the asso ciation will bo held on the anniversary of St. John , the Almoner , January 23. Following are the officers : President , George W. LInlngor , of Omaha ; vice presi dents , Qcorgo B. Franco , of York , nnd Brad- nor D. Slaughter , of Fullerton ; secretary , W. II. Bowen ; treasurer , C.hris tlartman. Mr. Hnrtmnn Informs Tim BBIJ that a mooting of the hoard will shortly bo , held nnd the question of n location for the homo brought up again to bo decided. THIS IOWA MASONS. The Grand Lodge nnd CLTMCUU Branch hnciisro In n Hitter I lKlit- ! UAI-IDS , la. , July 30. fSpicial Tele gram to TUB Br.ii. ] The temporary injunc tion order yesterday by JudtfO J. H. Preston , ofthe Eighteenth Judicial district , promises to make the most bitter Masonic war over known in this state or perhaps In the union. It Is a case that will nt once attract the attention of every Mason all ever the United Statcsund it will settle in a definite measure the authority of thu grand lodge of any state. The petition on which the temporary Injunc tion was ordered Is brought'by the grand consistory of Iowa ot the supreme council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Kite for the United States of America , the territories and donendcncioB.C. E. Barnes , J. C. Graves and Henry Bennett , nnd the defendants are the grand lodge of lowu , A. F. & A. M. , James D. Gamble and , T , S. Pnrvin. That the plaintiffs mean business and that they propose to fight with all the legal ability the question may dcumnd'is readily seen , for they have secured Colqnel Charles A. Clarke , Wilson , of Crcston , and other prominent attorneys associated in tbo case. The cause of the action' is the recent legis lation of the fraud lodgtuxf Iowa in which it commanded that all Master Masons now in the so-called "Cernoau" branch of Scot tish Rite that organization represented by the plaintiff to forthwith sever their con nection with that body or suffer expulsion after a certain length of time. The petition is writtenVby Colonel Clarke , and is considered a vsry > Mrong document. It states that the defendant , the grand ledge of Iowa , is a fraternal , representative body , composed of Us grurtd ofllcors , with ihq membership of past grand officers , and rep resentatives from each..of.the lodges A. F. and A. M. , within the state of Iowa , of which lodges there nre'iu existence four hun dred and ninety-five in the state , with a total membership ot over twenty thousand mem bers. The defendant is not a corporation , but the governing body of the above lodges , and its principal place of business is at Cedar Rapids. Ancient Free and" Accepted Masonry , as existing and practiced by the lodges in Iowa , consists of three decrees , called entered apprentices , fellow cr.Ut and master mason , which degrees are conferred on all members by tbo subordinate lodges A. F. & A. M. , with an appropriate ritual and ceremonies. No other degree iu Masonry than these throe are conferred in Masonic lodges under the Jurisdiction of the grand ledge , nnd neither the grand ledge nor the Masonic lodges of Iowa bavo Jurisdiction or control over any other Masonic degrees. These degrees are known as ' 'Symbolic Ma sonry" or "Blue Ledge degrees , " nnd under the rules of the said' Masonic lodges under the jurisdiction of the grand lodge from time immemorial no test or qualification to membership pertaining to any other degree has over bcon require/A / or demanded , until an attempted action of the grand lodzo as Herein stated. The defendant. James D. Gamble , is the regularly elected grand master , and the de fendant , T. S. Parvin , is ths retcularly elected grand secretary. The plaintiff , the grand consistory of Iowa of the supreme council of Ancient and Ac cepted Scottish Kite for the United States , their territories and dependencies , Is a rep resentative fraternal organization , with sub ordinate Lodges of Perfection , Council of Princes ot Jerusalem , Chapters of Hose Croix , and Councils of Kadosh. This body and the subordinate lodges confer twenty- nine degrees of Masonry outslda and addi tional to the Bluolodgadogrceaand which are no part whatever of symbolic or Blue Icidgo Masonry. Moreover neither the grand con sistory nor- any of its subordinate bodies confer or attempt to confer either of the three degrees of the Blue lodge , nnd ono of the requisites to membership in the Consis tory is that applicants shall bo members of some Blue lodco of Masonry in good btimd- iug. The Consistory is entirely independent from the grand ledge and neither supervises nor In any manner controls or directs the affairs of the other. The Grand Consistory has a membership of about six hundred , among whom nro Hon. J. F. Duncombo efFort Fort Dodge , Hon. Joseph P. Heed of Council Bluffs , Hon. George F. Wilson of Crcston , F. C. Wells of Sioux City , W. B. Everts of Webster City , F. L. Sherwood nnd Henry Bennett of Cedar Rapms , Georco Fullerton of Marion , A. A. Clark of DCS Molnos , J. J. Stcdman of Council Bluffs , and many other equally prominent citizens of the stato. The plaintiff , C. E. Barnes , is illustrious commandcr-in-chief ot " "the consistory .of Iowa , the plaintiff , J. Q.nQravcs , is illustri ous grand secretary , nnd 41io plaintiff , Henry Bennett , is illustrlous.grund marshal. The petition ulso glvca , the history of the case. It suys that In UiotVear 1852 the grand ledge of Iowa , at Its roxUlar session , adopted the following : t "TliQcurand lodge of Iowa recognizes the superior bodies in tbo United States and foreign , / untrios having In charge Masonic degrees , as the supreme council of the Ancient .und Accepted Scot tish Rite and their consistories. * * * But she claims solo JuriVdlution In this state ever the three degrees' iri'Hho ' York rite and objects to the practice of any other rite in those degrees within thd same Jurisdiction 1J it should bo attempted , and admits no righte or claims of any otheqdftuthority to do so. She holds fraternal .juHrreapondenco with tbeso bodies , but admits no authority in them to Interfere with VQo craft degrees. " In 1883 the grand ledge declared anew that this was its unwritten law. Prior to 1880 a conflict having arisen between the plaintiff , the grand consistory of Iowa , and another organization known as the "Grand Consistory of Iowa of the Supreme Council of tlln Ancient and Accepted Scot tish Rite Southern Jurisdiction , " as to whioli body was legitimately and regularly entitled to uct within the state of Iowa and coufci degrees of higher masonry , and such a con flict having been brought to the attention ol the grand lodge of Iowathe grand lodge by t unanimous vote adopted the report of its com' mttteoon Jurisprudence claiming that : "Wo distinctly dl&avow tno right of any prune ledge Jurisdiction to pass upon the legiti macy of any bodies other thin tboso of sym bollc masonry , " Nevertheless at its regular annual session in 1839 the said conflict between the plaintiff , tbo grand consistory of Iowa , and tbo othei pretended grand consistory of Iowa of the southern Jurisdiction , having bcon brought to the attention of tbo said grand lodge ol Iowa , a committee was appointed by tbo § alc grand ledge to Inaulro Into the conflict and reported M follows , the report bolne adopted by n vote of 6S7 for nnd SI3 against ! 1. Wo are not called upon , neither do wo nwumo to determine the legitimacy of either the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Hltos bodies now occupying the territorial Jurisdic tion of the atato of Iowa. 9. That the grand ledge of Jown hereby de clares that the body recognized for this Juris diction Is the supreme council ot the Anctont nnd Accepted Scottish Rlto southern Jurisdiction - diction nnd its consistories , nnd hereby de clares that It Isontltlod to the exclusive Juris diction In the state. 3. That said grand ledge ot Iowa refuses to recognize the supreme council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Kite of the United States /mcrlca , their territories ami de pendencies nnd consistories , und subordinate bodies , nnd they are hereby prohibited from conferring , communicating or receiving any of the said degrees of said bodies of the An cient und Accepted Scottish Rlto ; and that nil Master Masons In this Jurisdiction of the grand ledge of Iowa nro required to with draw from and sever tholr connection with said consistory and subordinate bodies prior to the next annual communication of this grand ledge ; that the grand master Issue this edict to the members of the craft to en force this regulation , AU this action the petitioners dcolarq arbi trary , unauthorized , illegal nna wholly void , without the rightful Jurisdiction of the grand ledge of Iowa under its existing laws , and that the action Is an oppressive attempt on the part of the grand lodge to control tlio individual rights , liberties nnd consciences of members of masonic lodges in lown under Its jurisdiction. The grand ledge has no more right to oxorclso control and Jurisdlo tlon In this matter than It has to exercise control or jurisdiction touching the churches nnd civic societies or sooinl rotations of its members. The plaintiffs therefore demand Judgment that n wrltol temporary Injunction do issue against the said defendants restrain ing them from in any manner exercising Jurisdiction in the matter or from issuing nny fillet to enforce the resolution of the grand ledge at Its last annual convocation , Licensed toVod. . Mnrrmgo licenses were Issued by Judgo1 Shields yesterday to the following parties : Name and residence. Age. I James F. LIndsoy , Omaha 03 ( Mary F. Lynch , Omaha 19 I John A. Mngce , Omaha 30 ( Carrie ICinucy , Omaha 20 Koicnco Applied to Art. Terre Haute Express : "Laura , " said the young lady's mother , not unkindly , "it scorns to mo that you had the { jas turned rather low last ovoning. " "It was solely for economy , mamma , " answered the maidon. "There is no use. trying to boat the gas company , my dtiughtor. I have no ticed that tno shutting off of the gas is already followed by a corresponding in crease of pressure. " "Well , that lessons the waist doesn't it , mamma , dear ? " replied the artless girl. And her loud parent could find no inoro to say. " BEING duo to the presence of urlo acid in the blood , Is most effectually cured by the uao of Ayor's Sursupa- rlllii. Bo sure you get Aycr's and no other , nnd take it till the poisonous acid is thoroughly expelled from the system. Wo challenge attention to this testimony : "About two years ago , after suffering for nearly two years fioin rheumatic gout , being nblo to wnlk only with great discomfort , and having tried various remedies , including mineral waters , without relief , I saw by an advertise ment in a Chicago paper that a man had boon relieved of this distressing com plaint , after long suffering , by taking Aver's Bnrsapiirllln. I then decided to irake a trial of this * medicine , and took it regularly for eight months , and am pleased to state that it has effected a complete cure. I have since had no 10- turn of the disease. " Mrs. U. Irving Dodge , 110 West 125th St. , Now York. I' Ono year ago I was taken ill with Inflammatory rheumatism , being con fined to my house six months. I cnmo out of the sickness very much debili tated , with no appetite , nnd my system disordered In every wav. I commenced using Aycr's Sarsaparilla and began to improve nt once , gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual health , I cannot a y too much in praise ot this well-known medicine. " Mrs. L. A. Staik , Nashua , N. H. Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla , Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Price $1 ; its bottle * , $5. Worlh 45 a bottle. TOE BErWHlIE iOAPMWt IN AMBlOc iML dAS-S-KlRK HITE _ O-OUDg f total Mb 5 OXP \WRAPPERS ( URGE JIZE ) g Bnd. v JaJHARDSOME TEE WCEL3 OVOB1 TO : Tlio world ought to I know what S. S. B. lisa done for inoln tlie care I ofa uiallRnant Cancer , n hlcli v , na BO bad as t o I bo considered Incur * bis by the iihjplcktnat fn CliIctiKO. where I vtenttobotruUcd.Onol of my nclghbora sent mo a copy of an aihcr-1 tlscmcnt In regard to Bwlrt'abpcclficand l [ began taUlnjj IU I got relief from Illo first few dcn-ii ; the pulsonvas gradually forced out of my cyetoia. and I waa Boon cured Bound and well. It U now ten months since I . tal " . I. I. .M..MH..V * * * quit tMfc * un ° - " * "i. and I have had no el n ot return of the dreadful disease. Mr.s. AiN DOTUWELL. Au faalilu , Jllcli , Dec. SO , ' & . Bend for bookfl on Blood Dltcasos and Cnnccrs. ranllcd free. TUB Swirr fin.cipiu Co. * * * Drnwcr 3. Atlanta. Ga. NO.O. b.A.No.a)3. ) I'HOI'OHAr.,8 IfOHAHMy Supplies OHIco of Purchasing nnd Depot Commissary of Hubslstunco , u. S. Army , Omaha , Neb. , July 'M , IStfJ. Sealed pro posals in triplicate , Mibjuct to the usual condi tions , will be roielroa nt this olllca at 12 o'clock in . central Btnndard time , on Thuraday. the fith day of August , ! * > , at which t line ami place they will be opened in the presence of bidders for the tarnishing and dolUery at Omaha , Nob. , the follow lug army supplies , v > z : Huron. I'refHri-'nce will be Riven to articles of douitwtla production or inanufncturo. condi- tlotiH of quality and price ( Including In the price of foreign productions or manufactured the duty thereon ) belni ; equal. The rl ht is resorred to reject any or all bids , iilanlc propoaaU and Hpecillcattons showing tu detail the articles and quantities required , and ttlvina full information na to conditions of contract , will bn furnlRhod on application to this oIUco. J. W. llAHItlOlilt , MuJ.andC. B U.H. A. JyUOdlt Notice in Ornrtora. . Proposal' will be received at the SKAI.KD of county clerk , nouclafi county , until Saturday , AUUUKI lutu , at ' p. in , for thu following road work : One and one-halt ( Mil miles of tnrnplklug nnd ten thousand yards of hill work on the road running eiut and wtut between Bouth Omaha mid Mlllurtl. known as a continuation of Q Btreet. All bids to be accompanied by ourtlDecl for 1)0.00. The county reserves the vlijlit to reject - ject any and ull bldu. Specifications to be found In the county clerk's olhco. U. D , UOCHE. County Clerk. fjPRlCEs CREAMDELICIOUS DELICIOUS FUVDRIN6 EXTRACTS TJ e < l by the United States Government. IJndorsect by the heads of the Ortot nnd Public food Analysts , ns the StrotiRest , Purest nml most Healthful. Dr. Price's linking Powder ilotn not contain Ammouln , I.lme or Alum , Dr. Price's Dcllclom Flavorlun fix- tract * , Vnnllla , I.cmon , Ornnge , Almond , Rose , etc. , Jo notcontalu Poisonous Oils or Clicmieiils PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . Now York. Chloaco. St. Uaulc Instantly Btoiia the most excruciating pains ; ncvor falli t ) ulo ease to the sufToror For VAINS , IlllUlSia. HACICACIli : , CONGESTIONS , INFLAMMATIONS , HIIKUM VMSM NKUUALQIA , BUIATICA , HKADACHK , TOOfHACllK , or any other 1'AIN , a tow appUqat Ion act like magic , causing tlio pain to Instantly atop. A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS pains uiIahiR Iroin clmngo ot Ulot or water or other causes. DO Cents a Bottle. Sold by UrueclBts. STRANG & CLARK STEAM HEATING CO , Steam and. Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Boilers Steam Etc. Engines , , Pumps , . * " ' " ' " ' ' ' - " ' " " + iCH W * * - * XJAt"l 'Tp"T'"i r TTBB'll IM i For sale by M. H. Bliss , Omaha , Nabrnslcn. O THINGS , [ EMERSON , NOBA.VI NQS , HALLE ! & ; DAVI3 , HOSPE ARTIST SUPPLIES , KIMBALL , MOULDINQS , PIANOS AND OR3 AN3 FRAMES , SHEET MUSIO. 1513 Dumbs St , Omaha , Nebraska , PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 PARNAM STREET. DRUNKENNESS C.- ' the Llauor Habit. PnillJTclr Cared r AdmlninterlnB Or. Ilalnea' Golden Bpeelflo. It can bo Klvun In a cup of codec or tea without be knowledge ot tlio PCrsou takliiKU ; U absolutely liurm lo , and will offou a speedy and permanent euro whether the patient u a moderate drinker or an Icoliol wrotk. Thnusnno of ilruiikanU bare been uado temperate men wbi > Uuvo tnken Uotdon Hpoollo n tliuircotrno without tholr knowlcd onnd to-dujr Uo IOTO they quit drlnklnK ot Ibulr own tree will. I'l NlV15K FAILS. The tjriteia once Iraprojnatud wnb tbe Bpoctllo. It boeoraes an utter Impossibility for the Iquor nppotlto to oxlat. for nulo bf Kuliu It ( Jo. : clsti , loth nndUouzlaii ntH.nnd mn nnd rum at- Gmaha. A.U. Voator & llro. . Council Uluff * . State Line. To Glasgow , Ilolfust , Dublin nml Liverpool From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin i > i uge f& to fcfl , according to location ofeta room. Excursion foj to Ktt. Btceraf e to nnd from Kuropo ot Lowest Kates. AUSTIN IMUJWIN & Co. , Oen'l Aitents , U U roadway. Now York. JOILN UI.KQKN , Ueu'lVeatcrn Aiiimt. 1CI Uiwdolpu St , Chicago. UAUllY K. MOIIES , Agent , Owuba. Reduced Cablnratos to Glasgow KxlUbltlaa. C.E.&C. M , ANTHONY. 3121st Natl Bank Building , Omaha , - Nebraska FARMLOANS Low-rates for Cliolca Loans Titles and values passed upon promptly und loans closed without dslay. Local corresuouduiiw wanted Iu Me runka and Iowa. JOSEPH GIULOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITIONS * Nos. 303-404-I7O-CO4. THE HOSO ? PERFECT OP PENS NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , U. S. LEPOSITOSY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital $400,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 52,000 OFFlCBllS AND DIHKCTOU3. HKNHV W. VATES , President. IBWIH R. KEKD , Vlca Prosldont. A. R. TOUZAI.IN W. V. MOUSE. JOHN B. COLLINS. It. 0. CirsiiiNa , J. N. II. PATRICK. w. II. 8. HuaiiBS , Cashier. THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th and Farnaia 8ta. A General Dunking Jlusiuesa Transacted. OMAHA JTO ran onf i.iro . nnParktnearChtcaRp ) . Donnllnit I UMo iQ.ol for Qlrli and.Vounu . tadl4 . lorB catalogue addms O. T1IAYKH. J.U I ) . , llor n 1'atk. 111. , or 77 Mudlioii btraot , Chicago , UL ST. JOHN'S MILITARY SCHOOL , JIANLIU8. N. Y. Civil Englneoilnu. Classics. Ilualnoss. Hr. Hnv. F. D. IIUNTINOTON , President LT. COL. W. VEllllKCK. Superintendent. NO11TJ1VKSTKUN Conservatory of Music Minneapolis , Minn. PIANO Host teucliors only in every depart ment. Unequalled opportunity ( or study. OI10AN .0 lessons for $15. Free advautagcs worth price ot tuition. Alt Instruments , "Lan guages , lilHtorr. Literature. VO10E Bend for calendar. CI1AIH.K3 U. MOUSE. Director. JACKSONVILLEn . , tauUc. art. K. F , UUUOBD. lrUclp l. Juolaonrllle. ll" NEW VOUK MILTTAUY AOADUHY COIW- wall-on-IIuaaon. CorC. . J. WKHIIIT. n. B. , A. F.HYAIT. Comd't ot CadeU. finperlor location ! excellent t illltls § . inth prcpnrutloii for cullrve. tclenliuo nolioo or builnes * . Knl I l rm beirlni Haiit IHlli. IIENIIV.I. S. A. II. , I'rln. , Aloriiau 1'ark , Cook Co , 111. hiGE WATER LEMONADCS , SHERBETS , AND ALL COLD DRINKS. Jltwl/t correct Ihettamaglny In * lutnceofIC9 on tlio btomath , Tor Men B Uh Pr ier ln , f f ' > lldr4 * In l or tl i , 8d tf ihlu for All. Ban. M.rB r r i.lnEilit nc W r r nt a gtrlctlr ttrt > 4 U f r- uintid. AB EBclinl Bimld/ lor UUrrba * . Cbolira Hartal. Dri.nUr4 Ml Eilor t r tl tilt BowtU , tttsuviU.KTKlf N.Jun f , ' 87 , MUMIM. LOVEMTUAL JlllO * . nrar Bin i-I have trltd tti Hungarian niackberry Juice you 10 kindly sent me. It I * llio ne plu ultra ot summer drink ) . II U trio from ulco- hoi , nllnys tulut , tones tlio vo organn , has a fin * arowmlu flavor , nd li joit tuotliln furdlarrliuial troub les I term. OUTNEOTAIW NEUTA11. IliMiiectfally. T. A. ATCUIBuN , M. D. ForaMlbyDruKcli - . ! aud Uroccn. PETINYHOTASTVAI'tfKR ftra ocoufully uwxj monthly by orer 10.000 Ladies. AroSaKJtctualai * ! Pktiiant tl per box by rnnil.or At ilruKRU-g. Bealtd I'nrticulan 3 pottagn etatnpi. Adrircs * TUB Keasxi CIIKUICAI. Co. , DBTUOR , Hicn. For sale and by tnstll by Goodman Drug Company , Omaha.