Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : % $ bNESDAYs JULY 31 , 1889.
"Wboat Trndlugr Only Amounts to an
Average Volume.
Very Ijlttlo Uhfinca Exlnbltod tit Oat
Transactions No Improvement
In Provisions Cnltlo UiiBlncsn
Fair Oonornl ( Quotations.
CIIIOAQO , July 8D. fSpoclal Telegram to
THE UKB. ] The wheat market was narrow
to-day and trade on'y ' an average n volumo.
The tendency of values was In the direction
of Improvement. This was not to the liking
of the local crowd , which has been getting
very bearish lately. It sold yesterday and
sold ngaln this morning. This sort of trade
being small , however , It did not taKe great
concerted buying to start the market up and
glvo the scnlpors a llttlo scare. Logan ti
Co. , Dunham ft Co. , George Smith , Ham
merer & Co. , nearly all of the firms with
Now York connections , were nctlvo buyers
early , and outside business enough on the
buying sldo came In afterwards to sustain
the market at the advunca and Induce free
covering on behalf of the llttlo fol
lows. It wns sold that foreigners
wcro good buyers of futures In Now York ,
and this Is probably true. In the shipping
branch of the trade a fair degree of activity
for foreign account was also reported. Now
Yotlc advices are that about a dozen boat
loads had boon taken. Clearances do not
show that the real anxiety on the question of
supplies has extended beyond the speculative
class. Commercial cables are conflicting ,
not to say flatly contradictory. The London
Times had another article this morning
going to provo that there would bo a start
ling deficiency'In the world's crops. This
Is the third or fourth article of the
tame kind that has been published
In the same paper lately and cabled to ttio
press on this sldo , nud .judging from the
orders sent In from abroad to accumulate
contracts for future delivery , these publica
tions have not been without effect or senti
ment on the other sldo. But , as before
itatod , shipping statistics fall to provo that
alarm has communicated to the merchant
class. This may como later. Michigan par
lies wire Hutohlnson that the wheat crop of
that state will bo a disappointment , both as
to quantity and quality , and II. W. Pratt , of
Minneapolis , wires the Bakers that the
Jim River crop will bo 50 per cent
below Ills preconceived expectations. The
generality of the reports from all quarters ,
however , continue favorable , and the
weather throughout the Ohio valley and
louthwcst Is clearing up. Locally , receipts
are good , the arrivals for to-dnv being 577
cars , ana to-morrow's estimate is for 200
cars. In the cash market there was an nctwo
Inquiry for car lots. There are some July
con'.ractR yet to fill , which may account for
the demand to some extent , but No. 3 brought
within about So of No. 2. Dickinson , Irvin ,
Green & Co. nnd others bought moder
ately for export. The opening trades In
December were on "a basis of 78 0. The
price wont to 78 c , whore there was good
buyers for New York nud forolisn account.
The market advanced to TSJi'c , reacted to
76M@ 8c , rallied ngain to 78 c , worked
back to 78&o , nnd advanced to 78Xc. around
,1 which point it hung a long time , nnd then ad
I , , vanced to 79 c , closing steady nt 79c , or ?
higher than yesterday , September opened at
1)5 ) 7C e , rauired at ( % @ c , closing at the
IM top. In July thcro was quite a flurry. A
1,1,1 tno start the market was 70c. It sold off , l {
and later iu the day advanced .to
80) (3. The little bidding by Me
Henry Rave the few remaining shorts
n nervous tremor and filled them with fear
1,1- that Hutchinson might contemplate a twelfth
hour bulge. Later the fear Subsided and
the price dropped back to 79WcJ closing at
79J o , or 9/o bolter than yosterday. To- mor
row will bo the last day of July and trade
will breathe a sigh of relief. Very few people -
plo over seriously believed that there was
ever any danger of a "July deal , " but , all
the same , the markets will bo healthier and
the air purer whoa the calendar turns into
The corn market was strong nnd more ac-
tlvo. 1 no main element of firmness shown
wus again the active demand for
cosh offerings. The stocks hero
are low and the receipts are quite moderate
while the outgoings continue to diminish the
stock In sight. The small quantity of con
tract corn and sotno unsettled short sales for
July has some influence on the cash marke
at present. In addition to the active ship
ping Inquiry later futures wore strong , IP
sympathy with the seller the month. Sep
tember Improved > c , closing at 3QK ° > and
May gained Me , closing nt 87J c.
Oats exhibited llttlo change in value , with
July relatively strong. There was a fair
demand for account of shorts and the month
went chiefly at 22Jtfc , with two "long1
houses doing moit of the selling ,
Now crop deliveries were quiet ,
with September around 21 o and
May /iZi5pB' ( Receipts and estlmntei 8
vvoro both fair and withdrawals exhibited i
food increuso. No. 2 oats In store were sulo-
ublo nt 22XU , but car lots to go there aboul
} { o discount , or on'a parity with Augustdollv
try.In provisions there was no improve'
ment in tone or condition. Tho'free buying
by Armour , especially of short ribs , had tin
effect of stopping iho downward stampede
but It failed to wonc any change for the bet
lor. The feeling was heavy , and with hog
rccolpti at western packing points sorno
10,000 , head larger than they were on the
corresponding day last year , the boar sldo
had the call. Armour's attltudu in the mar
ket made operators , of course , act conserva
tively , though general surprise was mani
fested over the llttlo Influence exerted by
the great packer. The shorts covered with
soroo freedom , particularly in short ribs and
pork , and In a speculative way considerable
life and Interest was shown. Fluctuations
kll around were also confined to a small
range. Compared with yesterday's prices ,
lard closed quotubly unchanged , pork B@7c
lower and abort ribs a shade easier for Sep
tember and subsequent delivery and about
2 > o higher for August.
CHICAGO , July 80. [ Special Telegram to
TDB BBC.I CATTLK. Business was fair
and prices steady'all along the line , with
nearly everything sold. The receipts were
divided between 0,000 natives and 8,000 Tex-
ans. Native butchers' stock was steady and
In fuir demand. Texaus sold about the same
a heretofore. There were a few grass
rangoiK and a fo'w corn-fed rangers among '
the arrivals. Gross rangers sold yesterday
at $3.303:1.35 : und they are not wanted oven
at these low prices. There is more of a mar
ket in stackers and feeders this week than ,
for many months post. Prices are very low
and the stock strong and healthy. Cbolco IVa
extra DCQVCB. $4.30 < < $4.45 ; medium to good
steers , 1050 to 1500 Ibs. . $3.00@UO ; 1200 to
1850 Ibs. , $3.0504.10 ; U50 to 1200 Ibi. . $3.80 ®
8.00 ; stackers and feeders firmer at $3.20u ( )
0.25t cows , bullsund mixed , $ l.GO@U.OO ; bulk ,
| 2.10@3.40 ; slop-fed steers , $3.6004.25Texas ;
steers , $2.20 ; cows , $1.003.10 : western na
tives and half-breeds , $3,15(23.60. ( ftry
Hoes Business was again 'slow in heavy
sorts , with a downturn of 6@10c , soiling
early at $ i.20 ( < 4.80 for packing and heavy ,
with a few lots of fancy heavy at $1.85.
Light sorts wore slow at $1.00 ® 1.60.
NEW YOKK , July 30. [ Special Telegram ton
U'lia BF.B.J STOCKS The market this morning
ing did llttlo toward recovering from the intense
tense dullness of Monday. Tboro was much
discussion in stock circles regarding the tech
action in Reading , Tno absence of such
leaders as Cammack , White and others
caused a feeling of indifference , Chicago
orders were not of a decisive character. Lon
don prices this morning were higher. Among
the few stocks traded in first prices showed
Italns over last evening's prices of from % to
% per cent generally , while rn
was exceptional with an advance of %
There was some animation In Reading > ,
Northern Pucitlo preferred , Atchison , St.
Paul nnd Che nponkc & Ohio , nnd of thcso
Roadmij nnd Atchison were Inclined to drop ,
while the others ndvnncod slight fractions.
In none of them , however , dul the range of
prices exceed M per cent , and Into m the
hour the dropplnR tendency reached the
stronger stocks. The dip took Now Enftland
off J < f'U ) 4 , Atchloon to X > X , Missouri
Pncinc K to COX , Chicago Bw * X to
Trusts wcro weak ; sugar lost > J to
lead 1 per cent to 22 % . During the hour to
12 o'clock the list was stagnant , with much
pressure la Hcadlnu and lend trusts. Later
In the day there WAS n return of strength and
good advances all through the list. This was
duo to London orders , the buying by shorts
and Investment , buying In a few slocks. At
the close the gains for the day extended
from Jf to \ % per coat. Jersey Central
gained Jf to 110 f , Lake Shore J < to 103 ,
Chesapeake & Ohio J { to 23jtf , Northern Pa
cific preferred and Burlington H ch ,
Northwestern 1 % to 103 , St. Paul } to TO tf ,
Rook Island X to 05 } , and Missouri Pacific
IV per cent to 07 / . Lackawanna closed J
per cent higher. Reading after soiling off to
42 > l rebounded n point nnd closed l ( batter
at 43 } ( . Chlcaeo gas regained from 54 > { to
50 at the closo. The total sales for the day
were 153,000 shares.
The following were the closing quotations :
U. B. 4s regular. 123U Northern 1'nciao. . 23 'i '
0. 8. 4s couponi . . .128 ( do preferred . nt
U.8.'msroKUi ] r..iOflU 0. is N. W ,
U. H.4Ms coupons. .lCflJxl ilo preferred . l.K )
PaclD&Gsof 'Hi . 118 iN.V.Central . I0r > ? <
Central 1'aclflo . 3I I' . O.iR , . . . . SU
ChlcAcoJcAlton..lZ5 i Hock [ aland . 0.1
Chlcto ( , nrllngton C..M.&St.l > '
iyulncv . lOOVi" " doproforred
SU'aul&Omahn. .
Illinois Control 11354 dopraforrod. . . . . to
I..I1..V W. , 0 Ualon Pacific. .
Kansas ct xajLivn. . . . ju.ow L. k V. . . w
InkoBtior JOIft cloproforred.
Mlchltcan Central. , en Western Union
Mlesoui-ll'ftcltlo. . . . C7J {
Mo.vnr Easy at 2@24 } V ° r cent.
Pnistn MsitOANTiLn PAPBII lJi3tt } per
RTiiRLtNa EXCIIANOR Hull , and weak ;
sixty-day bills , $4.S5 ; demand ,
CHICAGO , July 80. 1:16 : p. m. close Wheat
Cash , TO&oj September , 77 c ; December ,
Corn Cash , SGJjJo ; August , 80 @ 3C o ;
September , 30ci < .
Oats Cash , ffijga' August , 22o ; Septem
ber , 2
Pork Cash , $10.47M , nominal ; Aucust ,
10.47 ; September. $10.52 .
Lard Cash $0.02 > , nominal ; August ,
tAO ! % ; Scptombor. $0.12 } .
Rye Cash , 43) ) c ,
Barley No. 2 , September. 64) ) 0 bid.
Flax Seed No. 1 , tl.35) { .
Prluio Timothy $1.45 ; nominal.
Whisky $1.02.
Flour Unchanged.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $5.12X@5.25 ;
short clear , $ i.G2 > @ 5.75 ; short ribs ,
Butler Quiet ; creamery , ll@10o ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars ,
flats and Young Americas ,
Es s-Dull ; fresh , 10@lO > ie.
Hides Stead v.
Tallow Steady ; No , 1 solid packed ,
; cake , 4 > fa
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour . 15.000 12,000
Wheat . 120,000 22,000
Corn . . 434,000 203.000
Oata . 123,000 143.000
Now York. Julv 80. Wheat Receipts ,
W.SUO : exports , 17,800 ; spot moderately ac
tive. U ° low ° r nnl | steady ; No. 2 red , b7 } < @
87 % m store and elevator , b'J c alloat , t > 'J@
OO f f. o. b. ; No. 1 white , 09o ; ungraded red ,
72 ( < sS9o ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 8Sc delivered ; op
tions moderately active ; July > o lower ,
other months steady to , e advance ; No. 2
red July , closing 87 > .
Corn Receipts , 140,400 bushels : exports ,
132,100 , bushels ; spot fairly uctivo and
firmer ; No. 2 , 44 } c in elevator , 4ltf@44c
alloat ; No. 2 white , 52c ; No. 8 , nominal ;
ungraded mixed , 42 > i@l Kc ; steamer
mixed , nominal ; options , lus * active and
stronger ; August , closing 44c.
Oats Spot quiet and steady ; options flrin-
or and 'fairly active ; September , closing
27o ; No. 2 white , 34c ; mixed western , 2C@
2Uc ; whlto mixed western , 84 < < i40Xc ; No. 2
Chicago , 28J/C.
Conee Options opened steady nt 10@25
points advance ; closed baccly steady and
25@40 points up ; sales. 59,750 bags ; July ,
$14.05 ; August , $14.50(314.75 ( ; September ,
$14.70@14.90 ; spot rlo , stronger and fair ;
cargoes , $17.50.
Potroldum Quiet ; United closed at
99 0.
Eggs Firm ; western ,
Pork Lower and dull ; mess , $11.75@12.50.
Lard More active and easy ; western
steam , $0.3S@3.42J ; closing , $3.40.
Butter Easy and in fair demand ; west
ern dairy , lC@.l2Mc ; creamery , 10@17c.
Cheese Colored , firm ; whlto , weak ; western - '
orn , C@7c.
Ljivcrpool , July 30. Wheat Weak , de
mand poor ; holders offer freely ; No.
1 California , 7s ld@7s 2d ; rod western ,
sprinir , 7s 21tfd@7s3 > d ; rod western , win
ter , 09.11Xd@7s KJ.
Corn Steady and demand poor ; now
mixed , 4s
St. boms , July 80. Wheat Higher ;
cash , 73J o ; August , 73X@73c ; Septem
ber , 748 ° -
Corn Higher ; c.isli and July , 3 c ; August ,
aao ' ; September , 33 @ 33 > e.
Oats Lower ; cash , 2Jc ; August , 2QX ; Sep
tember , 21a
.Lard Nominal , $5.55K.
Whisky $1.03.
Butter Dull and nominal ; creamery , 14@
15o ; dulry , Il@l3c.
Cincinnati , July SO. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red. 78c.
Corn Quiet ; No. 3 mixed , 39o.
Data Steady ; No. 3 mixed , 25i. . _ ,
Ityo Quloi. ; No. 2 , new , 40o ; old , 47c.
Whisky Quiet at 81.03.
Kausns City , July 3d. Wheat Lower ;
No. 2 red , cash , & 4K ° i July C4 | c ; August ,
04J/o ; No. 8 rod , cash , B7 > o bid ; July , 67 0
bid ; August 67o bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , GOo ;
August , 05)/c.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 20 0 asked ;
July , 24 o bid ; August 30o asked ; No. 8 ,
casn , 34o asked ; No. 2 , cash , 20) ) o bid.
Oats No. 3 , August , 18u ; September , 18o.
July SO. Sample wheat
Lower with light demand ; receipts , 07 cars ;
shipments , 72 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard ,
July , $1.01X ; on track , $1.00 ; No. 1 north
ern , July , 'Mo ; on track , 95@90c ; No. 3
northern , July , 84o ; on track ,
Milwaukee , July 30. Wheat Firm
cash , 78c ; September , 709 c.
Corn Firm ; No. 8 , 87 0.
Oats Dull ; No. 3 whlto , 28o.
Provisions-Pork , | 10.47 > i.
Ohloueo. July SO. The Drovers' Journal
re ports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 9,000 ; market rathe
slow ; bcovos , $3.30@4 45 ; stackers and feeders
ers , $3.20@3.25 ; cows , bulls and mixed , ll.OC
@ : i.oo ; Texas cattle , $1.GU@3.50.
Hogs Receipts , 13,000 ; market slow
and 6 ( < $10o lower ; mixed , $4.20@4.45 ; heavy.
$ > .00@4.35 ; light , $4.30 4.80 ; skips , $3.600
Sheep Receipts 7,000 ; market a shade
easier ; natives , $3.75(44.80 ; western , $3.55
@a.80 ; Toxuus , KJ.GO@4,3o ; lambs , $4.UO@
Knnsaa Oily , July BO. Cattle Receipts ,
O.WX ) ; shipments. 3,400 ; market for common
steady to weak , best a shade stronger ; com
mon to choice corn-fed steers , i.00@4.15 ;
stackers and feeders , $1.00@300 : cows , $1.50
( 2.00.
Hogs Receipts , 8,400 ; shipments , 830 ;
market about steady ; light , t.20@4.80 ;
heavy and mixed , $3.9034.1 %
National Htnok Vardt. Eait St.
tioula , July 80. Cattle Recolpts , 3,3X ) ;
shipments. 200 ; market strong ; choice
heavy native stein. , $1.9031.20 ; fair to goad
$3.1033.00 ; stackers and feeders , $3.10 ®
8.00 ; rangers , corn-fwd , $2.00@3.50 ; grass-
fed , $3.00@3.90.
Hogs Receipts , 8,000 ; shipments , 200 ;
market steady : ctioico heavy , ! ;
packing , $4.20(34.40 ( ; light grades , fair to
best , $4.35 ® J60.
Sioux City , Julv 30. Cattle Receipts.
105 ; shipments , 25 : market steady ; fat
steers , $3.00@150 ; feeders , $3.40@3.70 ;
stackers , $3.35@J.OO ; cauuers ana bulls ,
75oS ( l.i ; veal calves , IAOOC&1.50.
Hogs Receipts , UOO ; market a shade low-
or ; light and uilxed , $3.90(24,05 ( ; heavy ,
1 I3.00XU4.07X.
Tuesday , July SO.
Tncro were about fifteen cars of ran go
cattle among the receipts , which consisted
largely ot natives. Among the offerings
were some vor.v cholco corn-fed natives , and
as high ns $4.15 was offered for ono bunch.
Cholco and desirable beeves which happened
to suit the buyer's fancy brought strong
prices , but the general run of fair to ( rood
cattle sold at no more than steady prices.
Salesmen who happened to hnvo lightish
cattle , weighing l.OuO to 1,100 Ibs , nnd on the
grassy order , complained of the light de
mand for such , no ono scorning to want
thorn. The corn-fed cattle which changed
bunds brought mostly $ : i.00@3.85 , There was
considerable trading In butchers' stock , and
cows sold nt.00 ( < J2.90 , but largely nt $3.00 ®
2.40. As compared with other markets , cows
nro selling high here , as a glance at the sales
In the Chicago papers will provo. The trade
In feeders was very limited , owing to the
light receipts. There wcro several buyers
hero , and considerable Inquiry for good
feeders. A few westerns brought $3.03 , and
\ a piece of n load of natives the satno prico.
Host 9.
To-day's hog market was "off , " although
the rocolps were not heavy. The host light
nnd light sorts sold at steady prices , that Is
largely nt $1.10. The trade In heavy nnd
mixed hogs wns extremely slow ull the
morning , but in the und a clearance wns of-
fcctrd at a decline of 5 ( ClOc. The bulk of
the hogs changed hands at $3.U5@4.00.
Thrco loads of western sheep wcro re
ceived , out the murkot was slow.
Cattle 3,200
Hogs 4,000
Sheep 073
Horses 34
The folio win ? H a tibia ot prioai piU In
this market for tha graioj of BID sic men
tioned :
Prime steers , 1800 to 1000 Ibs. . $3.80
Good steers , 1350 to 1450 Ibs. . . 8.75 f < $3.00
Good steors. 1050 to 1303 Ibs. . . 8.40 © 3.85
Common dinners . 1.25 dt'2.00
Ordinary to fair cows . 1.75 (32.25
Fair to good cows . 2.80 ( < 2.40
Good to cholco cows . 2.40 @ 2.75
Choicotofancvcowsholfor3. . 2.70 W3.00
Fulrto coed bulls . 1.75 ( S2.25
Good to cholco bulls . 3.35 ( $3.50
Light stackers and feeders. . . . 2.50 ( < $3.75
Good feeders. 950 to 1100 Ibs. . 2.75 C < * 3.00
Fair to choice light hops . 4.03
Fair to cholco heavy hogs . 8.95 @ 4.00
Fair to choice mixed hos . 3.05 ( 4.00
Representative Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
1. . . . . . 050 $3 00 83. . . .1298 $3 75
83. . . . . .1151 8 SO. . . .1215 3 75
20. . , . . .1051 3 40 . .1204 3 75
9. . . . . . 703 3 40 40. . .1243 3 75
8. . . . . . 750 3 40 40. . .1259 3 75
43. . . . . .1037 3 50 It. . .1333
3. . , . . .1070 3 50 70. . .1223 380
01. . , . . .1208 355 33. . .1104 8 " 80
40. . , . . .1114 13. . .1491 3 80
10. . , . . .lisa 3 GO 10. . .1153 3 80
20. . , . . .1224 3 05 17. , . .1403 3 80
20. . , . . .1083 3 05 39. . .1173 8 85
40. . . . . .1231 8 C5 43. . .1:129 : 3 85
39. . , . . .1134 8 70 23. , . .1293 8 85
28. . , . . . OS8 8 70 00. . .1315 387K
28. . , . . . 930 8 70 85. . .12S7 3 90
32. . . . . .1124 3 75 41. . .1441 3 90
15 797 200 4 1035 240
81. : 957 205 82 930 340
1. .1150 3 10 0. 753 3 50
1. 3 10 8. . 9)3 ) 2 50
31. . 925 3 15 1. .1190 2 50
33. . 923 3 15 34. .1147 2 70
1. . 700 2 23 3. .1350 290
1. .1180 2 30
1. .1110 2 25 2 010 2 60
9. . 829 300
.1400 200 1 14oO 325
. 930 1 50 1 1020 175
. 620 350 23. . . 200 3 00
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
21 . . .220 80 $3 70 80. . . .244 80 $
23. . . .200 8 85 03. . . 250 80 397
67..350 80 397K
15 1329 80 8 00 58..227 80
25..291 40 3 90 03..255 80 897K
12..293 40 3 90 50..SJ4 SO 400
9..315 8 90 63..259 120 4 00
11..809 80 8 90 03..331 120 4 00
28..829 40 8 90 79..234 SO 4 00
20..806 40 8 90 03..278 800 400
21..828 392 } 47..297 4 00
62..297 100 3 02)4 63..227 80 4 00
60..271 200 3 92K 69..243 40 4 00
55..279 200 895 09..347 160 4 00
70..255 80 3 93 53..263 120 400
51..824 80 S'05 61..204 80 400
58..267 240 805 04..276 40 4 00
r > 0..271 80 8 95 83..23 80 4 00
50..805 80 805 70. . . .251 130 4 00
65..257 80 895 04. . . .244 120 00
30..292 160 3 95 57. . . .292 120 00
59..2S8 120 895 02. . . . 249 80 00
07..255 100 395 82. . . .210 160 00
94..294 80 895 72. . . .235 00
72..348 40 895 64. . . .303 80 07K
53..337 805 40. . . .210 10
63..340 100 395 33. . . . 229 10
62..259 40 8 05 55. . . .203 40 10
61..270 ICO 895 49. . . .200 10
52..803 120 805 71. . . .190 80 10
01..207 80 8 05 60. . . .237 10
71..233 40 395 90. . . .217 40 10
07..255 200 3 95 40. . . .209 40 10
69..270 160 3 05 45. . . . 203 10
68..250 100 395 20 , . . .217 10
68..301 120 805 89. . . .205 40 10
73..273 80 8 95 73. . . .217 40 10
64..280 100 895 69. . . .195 40 10
72. . . 801 80 3 95 43. . . .221 10
63..285 3 95 15. . . .221 10
72..243 8 95 40. . . .213 10
73..351 100 395 77. . . .187 40 4 12
No. Av. Pr.
49 steers corn-fed 1.6CO 8 90
81 cows 4,097 250
Standard Cnttlo Co. 74 calves. . 244 290
Cleveland Cattle Co. 93 steers ,
corn-fed 1,410 3 70
Bay State Cattle Co. 15 stags ,
corn-fed 1,431 350
ay State Cattle Co. 1 cow ,
corn-fed 94U 2 10
Thrco Months' Ititnge.
Showing the highest and lowest 'prices '
paid for loads of hogs on this market on the
days indicated during the pant throe months ;
Stock Notes.
D , Hall , Persia , brought in hogs.
J. Lemke , Millard , brought In hogs.
C. W. Sheldon , Porclval , la , , came in with
G. D. Carnaban , Hastings , la. , was a vis
itor at the yards.
O. W. Limim was in from Henderson , la. ,
with two cars of cattle.
A. H. Gould , Republican City , was at the
yards with a car of cattle.
G. J. Campbell came in with two cars of
the Day state cattle , from North Uend.
A. J. Snowden , a Kearney feeder and
shipper , brought in seven cars of cattlo.
Fuller , Smith & Fuller , dally shippers ,
had hogs hero from Newman's Grove and
Scribnor ,
Ezra Witter , and L. L. Martin , well-
known Fairmont dealers , had two cars of
cattle each hero.
D. O. Ball , of Aurora , was on the market
with three cars of cattle. B. 13 , llartoa , of
the same place , brought la two cars.
I'r oil uce , Fruits , Etc.
BUTKB Table dairy , 12QHo ; packort *
stock , 7@Sc. Creamery Hlfs. fancy ,
lOo ; choice , 14@10ci oIldrSqtod , I'@l3o.
Eons Strictly fresh , ICOTlrc.
CiiBBsn Young Amcricnk.fhll cream , lie ;
factory twin1 * , OJ c ; off VrUpos , 07o ; Van
Rossom Kdnm , (11.50 per dii > ; snp sago , lOc ;
brick , HQlUo ; limburtcer.jSiiliOc ; ; domostio
Swiss , 14e , cheese safes/IMnzo * ' medal , Ho.
I'oownT Llvo hens , per dozen ,
4.00 ; mixed , * 3.33 < VJ3.50 ; , sprlng , $2.00 2.76 ;
turkoi'd , 7Z8o ( ! per Ib ; duck % yJ.OOM2.50 ;
gccso , ? 3.00@4 00 ; live pljftoH'i , tl.5'J. '
OUANOBS Los Anircles'HSO ; Rodl , $0.00.
Lcxioss Fancy , J5.00 ; ohblco , W.C3.
SouTiinitx PKACHRS JlrVu , 75c < 3l for
choice , and OjC lOo for poornud common.
Per bbl , 50c@ ,
CALIFOIINIA PBAOUM 20lb boxes , $1.00
PKAUS 40 Ib boxes , $1.75.
WATEHMELONS $10.00@.20.00 per 100.
s Per doz , $ t.53@2.00.
VINKAITJ.ES Per doz , $3.003.50.
BANANAS According to size , per bunch ,
Fncsn FISH Wlilto llsh per Ib , 7ts3 > io ;
trout per" Ib , 9c ; whlto porch per Ib , 7u ; buf
falo per Ib , , o ; pickerel per Ib , Oo ; black
bass per Ib , lie.
BBANS-CboIco hand picked navy , $1.75 ;
cholco hand picked medium , SI.C5 ; cliolco
hand nicked country , $1.60 ; clean country ,
EAULY VnonTAniBa Potatoes. 80@40o per
bu ; onions , California , per Ib , U c ; southern ,
per bbl , $1.00 ; cabbage , for crate , $1.25 : tur
nips , per bu box. 50c ; beets , per box , 50o ;
wax beans , per bu box , $1,00 ; string beans ,
per bu box , 75c ; green peas , per bu box ,
Sl.OO ; tomatoes , per bu box , 40@00c : cnull-
llowor , $1.50 ; egg plant , 75c ; squash , 25o per
doz ; cucumbers. IDc ; lettuce , 15o ; radishes ,
15c ; soup bunches , 15c ; green onions , 10(3 (
20c ; now carrots , 20o ; plo plant , per Ib , Ic.
Cninii-Bbls , $5 03 ; hf bbls , $3.00.
POTATOES Old , cbolco , sacked , per bu , 15
( foiWc.
VEAL Cholco , medium Biro , G@0c ; cholco
heavy , 4@3o ; spring lambs , $ aO.OU@30.dO per
dozen ,
HONHY 14@1B per Ib for cholco.
PjiEsnitVES 9 > i < ( $10o per Ib.
JELLIES 3) < @ 4o per Ib.
BEESWAX No. 1 , 10@19o.
HAY $2.50@b.60.
Fnisii-'J,00@10.00. '
TALLOW No. 1. 4c : No. 2,8@3t o.
GUEASE A , 4@l/'ic ; yellow , So ; dork ,
WOOL Fine , averaco lsi&lGo ; cholco , 18
@ 19c ,
MEDIUM Average , 21$22o ( ; cholco23@34c ;
coarse , lC@18o.
Groceries. ,
PROVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb average ,
llWc ; 20 to 23 Ibs , lie : 12 to 14 Ibs , 12 ; No.
2 , OKc : specials , 13Xc ; shoulders. 7c ; break
fast , bacon , No 1 , 10V o ; specials , IBXo ; pic
nic , 7Jc ! ; ham sausage , lOJ e ; dried beef
hams , 9o ; beef tongues , $0 per dozen ; dry
salt meats , O'f @ 7o per Ib.
SAUBIOE Bologna , 4@4J o ; Frankfurt , 7c :
tongue , Oo : summer , 2lo ; head cheese , f > Kc.
A'oitK Family , baclts , per bbl , f 13.00 ; J -
bbls , tO.75 ; mess , bbls , $11.83 ; Jtf-bbls , $0.25 ;
piRpoik.bbls , $17.00 ; Jbbls , $3.00.
PJGS FEET Pickled. Uta , 75c ; pickled plgn1
tongues , kits , $2.85 : piolcled tripe , kits , 65c ;
pickled H. C. tripe , lcl& , , S5o ; spiced pigs'
hocks , kits , $1.15 ; bonele'S3 > 'ham , 9c.
BEEF TOXOUES Salt , 5 bls" $20.00 ,
OILS Korbsono P. . - WXo ; W. W. ,
12 > c ! headlight , 18c ; salad oil , $2.15(89.00 (
per dozen. -1"- ' '
PCKLHS Medium , porvt > bl , $4.50 ; small ,
$5.50 ; gherkins , $0.50 ; C.-&B. chow-chow ,
nts , , $5.90 ; pts , $3.40. . t-
VVitApi'iso PAI-BII Straw. per Ib. 1J @
2 > c ; rag , 2Kc ; manllla.'Bj'Oo ' ; No. 1 , 8c.
SALT-Dalry , 140 2-lb "nlcgs. " $2.00 ; do , 100
S-lbpkijs , $2.00 ; do , 60'5-1) pkgs , $2.40 ; do
23 10-lb pkgs , $2.80 ; Ashton. bu bags , 50-lb ,
85c ; do , 4 bu bags , 224-lb ; , W.40 ; M S A , 50-lb
bags , 55c ; No. 1 line , per bbl , 81.25.
CAM > Y 9K@12 > c per Ib.
CIIOCOLATB AND CoobA 21@39c per Ib ;
German chickory , red , So : M
GiNOEit Jamaica , } { pints , $3.00 per doz.
FAIIINACSOUS GOODS Barley , 2 } < j@3K ° i
farina , 4Kci peas , So ; oatmeal , - © oc ; mac
aroni , lie ; vermicelli,11 lie ; rico , ' "
aago and tapioca , 6@ < S cv
FISH Salt Dried codfish , 0 ! @ 9o ; scaled
hen Ing , SSc per box ; hoi. herring1 , dom , 50c ;
Hamburg spiced herring. $1.150 ; hoi. herring ,
70c@fl.10 ; mackerel , half bbs. No. 1 , $ .25.50 ;
largo family , $13.50 par 100 Ibs ; whitcllsh ,
No. 1 , $3.50 ; family , $3.00 ; trout , $5.00 ; sal
mon , $3.50 ; anchovies , SUc.
LYE Sl.75Q4.50.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; Brazils , 9c ; fil
berts , 12c ; pecans , 12c ; walnuts , 12c ; pea
nut cocks , 8c : roasted , lOc.
BAGS American A. seamless , 17c ; Union
Square paper , discount 35 per cent.
COFFIIBS Green Fancy old golden Rio ,
22o ; fancy old peabcrry , 22e ; Rio , cholco to
fancy. 21o ; Rio , prime , 20o ; Ro ! , good , lOc ;
Mocha , 29o : Java , fancy Mandohllng , 29c ;
Java , good interior , 34c.
COFFEES Roasted Arbucklo's Arlosa ,
32c ; McLaughlln's XXXX , 23J c ; German ,
22 > $ c ; Dllworth , 22Ko ; Alaromu , 22 } c.
faALSOUA % @ , ' per Ib.
STAHCII 5@7o per Ib.
STOVD POLISH $2.00(35.87 ( per gross.
SPICBS Whole , per Ib Allspice , 12c ; Cas
sia China , lOc ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20c ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75c ; pepper , 19c.
SOQAKS Granulated , 9c ; confectioners' A ,
SJim .standard extra C , 8 ? ( $ $ Kc ; yellow C ,
7Ko ; powdered , lOo ; cut loaf , 10)tfc ; cubes ,
lOe ; cream extra C , " ' "
TEAS Gunpowder , 20HGOc ( ; Japan , 20@
40is ; Y. Hyson , 2S@50c ; Oolong , 22@50.
VINEOAU Per gal , 18@20o.
CANXUU FISH Brool ; , trout , 8 Ib , $2.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib , $2.85 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ;
clams , 3 Ib , $2.00 ; clutn chowder , 3 Ib , $2.25 ;
devilled crabs , 1 Ib , $2.25 ; devilled crabs , 2
Ib , $350 ; codfish balls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , 14
Ib. $3.25eels ; , 1 Ib. $3.40 ; lobsters. 1 Ib , $2.00 ;
lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.90 ; lobsters , devilled , % Ib ,
$225 ; mackerel , lib , $1.00 ; mackerel , mus
tard sauce , 3 Ib , $3.10 ; mackerel , tomato
sauce. 8 Ib , $3.10 ; oysters , 1 Ib , OOa' oysters ,
2 Ib , $1.50 ; salmon , C. H. , 1 Ib. $2.10 ; salmon ,
C. It , 2 Ib , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $ l.b5 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; shrimps , 1 Ib.
$ iC5.
DUICD FHUITS Currants , 4J @ 5c ; prunes ,
caska , 1800 Ibs , 4H'4Kc ; prunes , bbls or
bags. 4K@/tJ ° ; citron peels , drums , 20 Ibs ,
34o ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ibs , lOc ; bard
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , lOc ; apricots , choice
evaporated , 25-1 b boxes , KIo ; apricots jelly ,
cured. 25-lb boxes , lOo ; apricots , ' fancy , Mt ,
Hamilton , 20-1 b boxes , 15a ; auricots , clioico ,
bags , 80 Ibs , 14o ; apples , evaporated , Alden ,
50-10 boxes , 0@0 > fc ; apples , Star , Oo ; apples ,
fancy Alden , 6-lb , B.tfc ; apples , fancy Alden ,
2-1 b , 8c ; blackberries , evaporated , 50-lb
boxes , 6j @ 5o ; cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
18c ; pears , California fancy , } { B boxes , 25
Ibs , 20o ; peaches , Cal fancy , Ks unp. boxes ,
25 Ibs , 13o ; peaches , Cal No. 1 fancy , j 8unp ,
bags , 80 Ibs , 12 | < c : peaches. Cal No. 2 fancy ,
Jtfs unp , bags , bO Ibs : peaches , Cal sundrlcd ,
% s unp bags , 80 Ibs ppaohcs , Jnncy , evap ,
unp , 50-lb boxes , I2@l3opoachos ; , Salt Lake ,
now , OM@7onecturlno9lrQd ; , 13c ; nectarines ,
silver , bags , 14o ; plltbfl- plums , Cal , 25-lb
boxes , 12c ; raspberries ; ttvap , N. Y , , now ,
2oo ; prunes , Cal , R O , 90-100 , boxes , 35 Ibs.
80 ; prunes , Cal , RC,00-70,9) c ; orange pool ,
15o ; raisins , California Condons , crop 1838 ,
$2.40@2.00 ; ralslus , California ' loose , musca
tels , crop 18S3 , $2.W@J.O > Oj'j
' . at
Dry CooU .
BATH Standard , 8cji ( ? om , lOo ; Beauty ,
12J o ; Boone , 14o ; B , papcd. $0.50.
BLANKBT8 White , , $ l,00@7,50j COlOFCd ,
1.10@8.00. " l
CAMIIHICS Slater , Sdj'Woods ' , 5o ; Stand
ard , 60 ; Peacock , 6c. 10 nl
CAIIPBT WAW Blbtowhite , 18 > o ; colored ,
COHSET JBANS BostonJG ; Adroscoggln ,
7Jfc ; Kcarsago , 7J o ; Kodlrport , Go\ \ Conestoga -
toga , O o.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls , ;
LL , unbleached , Gltfo ; CO , OJf/j { SS , 7J c ;
BE " , 8JfoGG,905 ; XX , ll > XcOO \ , " ' '
i Ai. j ; iu HA. 4o ; DD , 15XoaT. ; iuju ,
YY , ISo ; BB , lOo : 20 bleached , 8kc ; 09 ,
i , IS o ; 50 brown and slate , Oo ; 70 ,
- . , ,90 , lOo.
CIIASII Stevens' B , filfoj Stevens' A. 7c ;
bleached , 80 ; Stevens' P , 1obleached \ ,
6/o ; Stevens'N,8Kc ; bleached , OKo ; Stov-
DENIMS Amoskeag1 , 0 or , IfiKo ; Everett ,
7 oz , 18o : Yorif , 7 oz , ISo ; Haymaker , HKo ,
Juffroy XX , UWo ; Jaffroy XXX. 12kc ;
Beaver Creek AA , 12o ; lieavor Creek BB ,
llo ; Heaver Crook CO , lOo.
DUCK West Point , 29 In , 8 oz , 9 } < o ; West
Point , 29 in , 10 oz , 12 > < o ; West Point. 29 In ,
12 oz , l.o ; West Point , 40 in. 11 oz , lOc.
FLANNELS Piald Uafuincn 80o ; Clear
Lake , 80 } < o ; Iron Mountain , 20 } c.
FLANNELS White G. II. No. 2 , J . 23o ;
G II No. 1 , Jf , 27Xo ; G II No. 3. Jfi 22tf > 5
Q II Mo. 1 , } i\ WeQuecbco \ , No , o.-UOc ; 1 ,
FLANNELS Whlto Quecheo No. 3 , * f ,
Quechco No. 0 , } ( , 82)tfo { Anawan ,
Somerset , 15o.
JuNNKLS-Rcd C , 24 Inch , 16 < oj E , 34
Inch , 21 Vo ! G G , 31 Inch , 20o ; 11 A F , J/ ,
25o ; J R F , / , 270 ! G , f. SOo.
GINOIIAM Plunkott checks , OJ/c ; Whit-
tonton , 0)c ; York , 7Ko ; Norraondl dress ,
7Kot Calcutta dress , TJfo ; Whlttonton dress ,
7 > tfo ; Rohfrow dross , 8 > $ @ 12fo ,
KKNTUOKT JKANS Hercules , ISo : Leam
ington , 22 > fo ; Glonwood , 20o ; Molvlllo , 3io ;
Bang-up , SJ7LJO.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.50 ;
tnblo oil clotu , inarblo , $3.50 ; plulu Holland ,
" 'c ; dude Hollnnd , 12lfc.
'HINTS Drcsn Charter Oak. 5tfo ; Rnm-
i > o , 4o ; Lodl , 6t/o : Allen , Oo : Richmond , Oe ;
Vlndsor , OJfc ; liddystone , OXo ; I'aclflo iVo.
PniNTS Pink and Robes Richmond , 0 > 4o {
Allen. Oo ; Rlvcrpolnt BKo ! Steel River ,
Lja ; Richmond , 0c ; Pacltic , 0) c.
PniNTa Indigo uluo , St. Lotiijar. 7 } o ;
Vasblngton , OJfo ; American , OWe ; Arnold ,
J c ; Arnold Century , Oo ; Windsor Gold
TK't , lOUo ; Arnold B. lOVe ; Arnold A , 12o ;
Arnold Gold Son ) , lO c ; Yellow Seal , 10 > o ;
\manna , 12a PrintsJjlld , ( colors Atlantic ,
c ; Slntor , Oo ; Berlin on , CXo ; Garner oil ,
SiiliiTiN'o , CIIKCKS Caledonia X. OKc ;
Jalcdonla XX , 10 > fc ; Economy , Oo ; Otis. Uo ;
Jranito. OJ o ; Crawford chocks , 80 ; Ilaw
liver plaids , 5 } o.
SIIEETINO , BIIOWM Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7J/o ;
Atlnntio'H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , OtfcsjU-
antic P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LI * , 4-4 , Co ; Aui a
C , 4-4 , 4J/c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 0o ; HoosWr
LL , 4-4 , fi'fo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7o ; Lnw-
ronco LD , 4-4 , RJfo ; Old Dominion. 4-4,5 } o ;
Pcpporoll R , 4-t , l ! fc ; Pupporoll E , 40-lneh ,
"Jfo ; Popporoll 8-4. 17 fo ; Pemioroll , 9-4 ,
! 0o ; Pcpporoll , 10-4 , 22o ; Utloa C , 4 4 , 45fo ;
Wat'hUBOtts , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora R , W , 7c ; Au
rora B , 4-4 , 0 > fc.
SunLTixo , BLRACIIED Ellorton ,
Housekeeper , 6Ko ; Now Candidate ,
Uorkoloy cnmbriu , No. ( X ) , 9c ; You Bet , 4-4 ,
05fo ; butter cloth , OO. 4 { c ; Cabot , 7J o ;
Fnrwcll , half blenched , 8) ) c ; Fruit of Loom ,
5fc ; Grcono G , Co ; Ilopo , 7 > < oj King Phil
p cambric , 10 ; Lonsduto cambric , lOo ;
Lonadalo , 8 > ifc : Now Yorlc mills , lOo ; Pop-
pcroll , 42-ln , lOo ; Popporoll , 4l-in ( , llo ; Pc -
pcrcll. 0-4 , 14J o : Pcpimrcll , 8-i , 20o ; Pep-
pcroll , 0-4 , Z2cPcpporell \ , 10-1. a4c ; Canton ,
4-4 , 8tfc ; Canton , 4-4 , OJ c ; Triumph , Oc ;
Wamsutta , lie ; Valley , fi > ic.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7J < o ; Intcrnntloual Y
Y , 8c ; Shetuckut. S , 8o ; Warren , No. 870 ,
lOc ; Berwick , B A , 18c ; Acme , l.'lo ; York ,
80 In , 12JSc ; York. 82 in. 18 > o ; Swift River ,
80 ; Thonidiko OO. 8Ko ; Thonidllto EF
8Kc ; Thorndiko 120 , O c : Thorndlko XX ,
15c ; Cordls No. 5 , OJ c ; Cordls No. 4 , 10 > < c.
ticaf Tohavoo.
SUMATHX Medium to dark , per Ib , $1.G5@
1,80 ; light , per Ib , $1.75@2.00.
HAVANA Rcmcdlos , * 1.0J@1.15 ; Vuolto
abajos , $1.15@1.25.
SKCI > WnuTBits Wisconsin. 20@30o ;
Pennsylvania , 80@50cj Housatonic , 8r > @ 55c.
BINDBIIS Wisconsin , 12@10c ; Connecticut ,
FI1.I.KH8 Havana scod , 8@12c ; Ttara , li@
lOo 1 ; Pennsylvania , 1018o ; Llttlo Dutch ,
15@20c ] ; Key West , 20@25c.
Drues nnU Otininlcnls.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , 2 > fc ; citric ,
per Ib. , 6 ! < c ; oxalic , per Ib. , 15c ; tarturlc ,
powdered , per Ib. , 45 ; carbolic , U3@l5c.
AI.UM I'er Ib. , SK" .
AMMONIA Carb. pcrlb. , 12c.
AiiuownooT Per Ib. , Bermuda , Sic.
BAUSAM Copaiba , per Ib. , GSo ; tolu , 52@
BOHAX Reflncd , per Ib. , lOc.
CHEVM TAKTAII Pure , per Ib. , 82a
EXTIIACT LOOWOOD Bulk , per Ib. , 12c.
EHOOT 45c.
GUM Aitinio S'J 95c.
GiiYcuiiiNn Bulk , per Ib , 21 } c.
GUM Assafajtldn , per Ib , 15o ; camphor ,
per Ib , 8So ; opium , per Ib. ? 3.a3.
IODINK Reaubllmatcd , per oz , $3.05.
LBAVKS Buchu , short , per Ib , 18u ; senna ,
Alex , per Ib , 25@3Sc.
MouriiiA Sulph , per oz , $2.80 ,
POTASH Bromide , per Ib , 40o ; Iodine , per
lb$2.85 ,
QUJNM Sulph , per Ib , 23@40a
SEEDS Canary , per Ib , 4Kc.
SOAPS Cistllo , mottled , per Ib , 8@10c ;
castilc , white , oor ID , 1315c.
SriuiTS WITHE Swoct , per Ib , 80o.
STHYCHNI A Crystals , 81.00@1.15.
Suii'ii. CINCHONA Per oz. 5jjl3o. (
OILS Borsamont , $345 ; Wintergreen ,
$2.15 ; Malaga , 95o ; Unseed , raw , G2c ; boiled ,
CAIXJMEL Am , per Ib , 05o.
CuliEU BEUUIUS $1.59. '
CIILOIIOFOKM Per Ib , 87o. „
CojiitosivE SuniiiMATU Per Ib , 75o.
Lumber and Building Material ,
f. o. b. Omaha.
STOCK BOAIIDS A 12 inch , s 1 H 14 and 10
foot , $40.00 ; B13 inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10
feet , $41.00 ; C 12 Inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10
feet , $30.00 ; D 12 inch , sis 12 , 14 and 10
feet , $2300 ; No. 1 Com. 12 iu s Is 12 feet ,
$18.00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in. s 1 s 14 and 10 foot ,
$17.50@18.50 ; No. 1 Com. 12 In. s 1 s 10 , 18
and 20 feet , S10.50 ; No. 2 Com. 12 in. sis 14
and 10 feet , 510.50.
whlto pinu partition , $32.00 : 2d Com. in ,
whlto plno partition , $27.00 ; clear % in. yel
low pine ceiling , 20.00 : clear % in. Norway ,
$14.50 ; 2d Com. % in. Norway , ? 13.CO.
BOAIIUS No. 1 coin. s. 1 s. 1'J , 14 and 10 ft ,
819.00 ; No. 2 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$10.50 ; No. 3 com. B. 1 B. 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$14.50 ; No. 4 com. s. 1 B. 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
( blilp'g cull ) , $11.00. Add 50 cents per M. ft ,
lor rough.
Batts , 2J4inch , 00 ° ; O , G. Baits , x3 , SIS ,
85c ; 3 In well tublnc , D. & M. and bev. .
$2.2.00 ; pickets , D. & H. , flat , $20.00 ; pickets ,
D. & H. square , $10.00.
13 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 23 ft. 24 ft
2x4. . . . 15 00 15.00 1500 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x0. . . . 15.00 15.00 15,00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x8..15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 1000 18.00 19.00
2x10..15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00-18.00 19.00
2x12..15,00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
4x4-8x810.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 19.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 12&14 ft , rough , 10.00@10.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " 17.00@17.50
No. 3 , " " 12&10 " 18.5o5eU.00
No. 3 " " 10 "
, 15.00@10.00
FINISHING 1st und 2d clear , U.f inch , s 2 s ,
J49.00.r.1.00 : 1st and 2d clear , iknnd 2 Inch ,
s2s. f47.00@10.00 ; 8J clear , l , > { Inch , s 2 s ,
t4.00@40.00 : ; Sd clear , \\i and 2 inch. B 2 s ,
W3.00 ® 10.00 ; B select , 1JY , V/t and 2 Inch , s
2 B , $37.00(333.00 ( ; 1st nnd 3d clear , 1 Inch , s
s , $45.00 ; 8d clear , I inch , s 2 s , $30.00 ; A so
Icct , 1 Inch , s 2 8 , (33.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 2
8 , $ W.OO.
FLOOIIINO 1st com 0 inch whlto plno.
$34.00 ; 2d com 0 inch Whlto pine , S31.00 ; 8 < !
com 0 inch white plno , $20.00 ; D com 0 mcl
wlilto plno , $20.00 ; com i and 0 Inch yellow
pine , $15.00 ; Star 4 Inch yellow plno , $17,00
1st nnd 2d clear yellow plno , 4 and 0 inch
Poi'LAK LUMiiBK Clear poplar box bda ,
In B 2 s , $35.00 ; clear poplar , % In panel
$30,00 ; clear poplar % in punol , $35.00 ; clear
poplar yt m panel stock wldo. s 2s , $28,00
clear poplar corrugated celling , j , $30.00.
POSTS . -Whlto cedar , 0 inch halves , 12o ;
white cedar , 5 > tf inch halves and 8 Inch q'rs '
lie ; whlto cedar , 4 Inch round , lOo ; Tonnes
socrcOcodar , split , lOo ; spill oak ( whlto )
80 ; sawed oak , ISc.
SIIINOLHB. LATH , per M. XX ( clear , $3.20
extra * A" , $2.80 ; standard A , 2.CO , S Inch
clear , 1,00@1.70 ; 0 inch , clear , $1.75@1.80
No. 1 , $1.1U@1.15 ; clear rod cedar , inlxci
widths , from Washington territory , $3.40
California red wood , dunonslon widths , $4.50
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25
lath , $3.40.
SHIP LAI * No. 1 plain , 8 and 18 Inch
$17.50 ; No. 3 , plain , 8 and ItInch ) , $15.50 ; No
i , o. a. , $18.00.
SIBINO 1st Com 13 and 10 feet , $23.00 ; 3d
com. 13 and 10 feet , $19.00 ; Sd com , 12 and
10 feet , $15.00 ; , 13 and 10 feet
LIME , ETC. Quiuoy whlto lime ( best ) , 80o
English and German Portland cement. $3.45
Milwaukee and Louisville , $1.80 ; Michigan
plaster , $ J.25 ; Fort Dodco plaster , $3,10
llluo RuiUd plaster , $1.90 : hair , 30o ; sash
00 per cent dls ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 5C
per cent dls ; tarred felt , per cwt , $1.90
straw board , $1.50.
BLOCK TIN Enp. ref'g , small pig , 28o
bar , 39c. '
Coi'i'Bit Planished boiler sires , SOo : cold
rolled , SOc ; sheathing , 25c ; pltts , 20o ; Hats
count , 00 per cent.
PATENT PLANISHED Inox No. 3-1 to 27 , A
lunllty per Ib , lOKc ; No , 31 to 27 , B quality ,
io. For less than bundle add ! < opcr Ib.
SHEET IHON No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.CO.
Boi.nnn Hoyt Motnl Co.'s half , nnd hnlf ,
n 1 Ib cases , per Ib , lOc ; comuiorclal half
nnd half , 15c : No. 1 , in bars , 14o.
TIN PiATn-Bcst ( Chnrcoal-IC ) , 10x14 ,
05 shoots , $0.50 ; IX , 10x14. SM shoots , $3.25 :
C , 12x12 , 825 Bhoots , WMIX \ , 12x13 , 223
hoots , $3.3,1 ; 1C , 14x20 , 113 shoots , $ OM > ; IX.
4x20 , 112 sheets , f.3.25 ; 1XX , 14x20. 113
hcets , $10.00 : IXXX , Hx20 , 113 heots ,
11.75 ; 1C. 2x23 , 113 sheets. $13.50 ; 3xJ5 , 113
, $17.00 ; IXX , 3x23 , 113 shoots , W0.60.
COKI : 1C , 10x14 , 233 sheets , $3.00 ; 1C ,
4x20,113 shoots , $0.00:10,10x20 : , 2-tf shoots
RooviNO-Bcst ( Clrni * oal ) 20x23 , $3.75(3 (
NAILS Base , $3.15 ; steel wlro nails ,
jaso , $3.00.
Kuroprnu Motnl StnrUct.
The American Metal Murlsot prints the
'ollowlng cable , dated London , July20 :
No improvement can bo aeon ( n activity ,
> ut prices have boon generally llrmcr In to no.
Tin In especial , ruled hl.qhor early In
ho wccK , thougli on light snlcs , but toward
ho end has fulled to maintain its position.
A gain of 15e@l7sOd on Monday's ' curly
oh tin 50 and about half n * much later In the
day , brought the cash nnd forward prices up
o 89 12sOd and 00 rMpecllvoly , from
vhtch there was u 7sOd lulvanco the
next forenoon , followed by n slight re
action. Cash tin was llrm ut JC90 5s
hrough all of , Wednesday's dealings , but
hrco month's ' prompts , after opening
ilghcr , wijro sold down to a backward
ation of 2sOd ; nud ycstordny the pros-
lure tor boar account madoiiuotalloiia us lewis
is S9 15s , oven while cash wus comparative-
y steady nt 90. The snmo Iniluonco was
parnmount to-tiny , prlcos dropping 5s@7sOd at
each 'change , to closing figures of S9.7sOd
cash , S9 forward.
Cori'Eii Although dull , and ndvnncod but
n incro fraction , shows a decidedly firmer
onu than last week , when the market closed
at 40 15s cash and lOs.lcss forthroo months'
> roinpts. The hxttor Improved 5s early on
slondny , nnd were followed by cash bars on
ho late 'clmngo ; thuso reacting 41 Tuesday
'orcnoon and holding steady all day and on.
iVedncsnuy. Forward remained nt 40 6s
oven after cash had got up to 11 5s , as It did
yesterday , but improved 5s this morning ,
simultaneously with n cash advance of 10 ,
nnd on lute 'change got up to 40 5s , cash
closing Arm at 4115s.
ANTIMONY Tliousjh no higher , is firm and
n good request nt 05 for Hullott's ,
Si'tLTBU Duplicated last week's advance
of 5s , and Sllcslan Is now up to 19 15s.
LEAD Seems to have got permanently
Ixcd at thn quotation of 12 7s Od which has
jccn currout for ull this month.
ENOI.ISH Pie IHON Stood nt 40s where It
closed lust week , on Monday nnd Tuesday ;
ruling sixpence higncr on the next two days ,
and advancing as much moro to-duy , the
closing quotutlon being 41s.
Hr.ssn.MEit Pie Though advancing less
than the foundry grades , It is still lagaln slx-
pence higher at 51s OJ ,
STEEL RAILS Remain firm and are quite
eagerly sought for at 4 15s , f. o. b. for
icavy sections.
OLD RAILS Are less active , but last week's
quotations are unchnngcdL07sOd@70sforT'8 ,
72s Od@75s D. H. c. I , f. , N. Y.
SCICAIIKON Quiet nnd perhaps a shade
ewer at 42s Odi$47s ( Cd , f. o. b.
Gusnow. Friday , July 20 , 18S9.
SCOTCH WAWUNTS A further improve
ment in demand and price has to bo noted ;
joglnnlng on Monday with u penny advance
at each meeting to 45s , the quotation bolng ID
like munnor raised to 45s 2d the next day.
Relapsing slowly on Wednesday to 44s 10d ,
it again rose to 45s yesterday and to 45s 3d
this morning , from which a further slight
improvement was made this afternoon ; the
dual quotations bolng 45s 4d.
Makers' quotations arc for
Coltness , alongside , Glasgow 53s Od
Gartshorrio , .54s 3d
Sutnmcrlco , " 55s Od
Langloan , " 50s Od
Curnbroo , " 48s Od
Glonearnock , Ardrossan. . ' 53s 9d
Eglinton , .45s 3d
Dalmelllngton , " . . . . . . . .47s 3d
Lighterage , Ardrossan to Liverpool , Is
RixoAronK , Thursday , July 25,18S9.
TIN Market firm nt 91 out and freight
to New York. " "
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
005 boulhliUIi Street , - Oinulin
Boots and Shoos.
Successors to Reed , Jonei & Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Bets : & Shoes
Agent ! for lloslon Ilubbor Ehoo Cn. , 1102. HOI and 11M
linnioy Struct , Omaha. Nebraska.
S2'OKZ & 1LER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
15J1 Norlh Eighteenth alreet , Omaha. Neb.
Manufectnrers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Wludon-cnpinnd mcUlloBkjMghU. John Epenettr ,
proprietor. 106 aud 111) South IGtti ttrooU
Paper Boxoa.
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
Not. 1117 and 1319 Uouglna ( treat , Omaha , Kvti.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
3f. A. DlBItO\V \ < t CO. ,
Wholciala manufacturer ! of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch offlce , 12th aad Itard treeuOmtba , Net ; .
Mannfactnrers of Sasn , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding ? * , itnlr-irork anil Interior hard wood flnlib.
North ICth ureut , Oraaba , Neb.
Sto gm FUtlngjBijPiirnpa , Eto.
Pumps , Pines and Engines ,
Bttam , water , railway and mining luppllts , etc.
V31Vfi and VU ntrnam ilroct , Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
UalllJay * lnd rail ! * , VIS and ( CO Jones it. , Oman * .
U. V , Kan , Acting Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BheiMroa work , ( team pumpi , > air lullli , HI.M7U .
LuaTcnntrth at teet , Omaha.
Iron Works.
Wrongnt and Cart Iron Bnilding fork
Englnei. bran work , general foundry , machine aad
Uaciirnltn work. OlHceand work ! , U. I'.liy.
and 17tb itreet , Omaba.
Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railings
lcik ralli , window guardi. flower itaud , wire ilgn ,
etc. W North luh trool , Omaha.
Manf'rs ' of Pire and Burglar Froof Safes ,
V ulti , Jail wprk , Iron ibpttera aad flra eic Pti.
U. Audi-ten , frop'r. Corner UtU and Jackioa ita ,
Of South Omaha , Limited.
.AsrloultiiNkl ImjJIompntB.
Dealerin Agricultural Implements , agonf
C rrUce > and bunnloii. Jonf itrrct , betweenHh ( n
lutb , Otnnhn , NtbintkK.
A icnlt'l ' Innilaonls , Vagons , Carriages
i , ctekVlioc ] ( ilc. UmnhnNobr it . ,
\Miolf lo Pfuleii In
AEjicnll'l ' Implements , f agons & En e !
ttl.KU , WSnnil P07 Jonci itrcot , Ora h .
ilnnur clur r nnd job ! era In
Rakw , Plows , Etc ,
ror.Oth and Pucino streets , Ore li .
Artists' Materials *
A. UObPE , Jr. ,
Artists1 Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1(13 Uougliu ilroct , Omulm , Nebr * > k > .
Boots and Shoos.
Jooliers of Boots and Slices ,
101,11M , IHO Douclns street , Omnrm. MnnuUctorr ,
Summer trcet , loiton. :
Coal , Coke and Lima.
Jotters of Hard [ nl Soft Coal ,
ZOJBoutli IStli Mr.ot , Omaha , I > cbr jVi .
Snippers of Coal aid Cok
111 Houtll 13th it. , Omatin , Nob.
JOHtf .ft. WAKEMELt ) ,
Wholesale Lnmhor , Etc ,
Imported nnd American I'otllan I cement. Btat *
agent tor illiwnutro hrdrnu In tiaiout and
( juliujr wlillu luiio.
Dealer in Haidwccd Lnnte
Wood cnrpetB nnd parquet cth anil DODRla *
f.octs , Omuua , fsi'b. ,
All Kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale
ISth struct and Union raclflc track , Oraaba.
Dealer in Lninher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doon , Etc. Vnrils Corner 7th and Douglm. Offlc *
Corner loth and Douelai.
Lnmbe1 Lime Cement EtcEtc
, , , , , ,
Comer Utli and Douslai its , Oiusua.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmte
ith and California ttrccti , Omaha. Nebraska.
Mllllnory and Notions.
Importers & JoMers in Millinery & No'.ions ' .
20) , 210 and 21 ! Sou Hi lltli street.
Wholesale Notions and Fnriiishing Goods *
1124 Uurnor Street , Omaha.
Commission and Storage.
Stone and Commission Merclianls ,
Specialties nutter , eggs , cheese , poultry , garni
1112 llo\rorJ meetOmalifl. Ntb.
Pry Cooda ond.Notions. . .
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods aad Notions
1102 and 1101 Douglas , cor. lltli itreet , Oraaba , Neb.
Importers &JotenDry ! ; GoodsNotions ,
Ucat'i furnishing eoods. Corner llth and Unrney
tlrecta , Omnha , Nebraska.
Importers and Job ! ors ot
Wcolenund Tailors' ' T/mmings ,
317 South lUlnlicit.
Wholesale Dialers in Fnrnitnre ,
Farnum slioot , Omalia , Nebraska.
Furnitnrs ,
Omnbn , Nobrnska.
Wholesale Groceries and Fusions ,
706 , TOT , 7 < U and 711 South 10th St. , Ouial.a , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers , , '
18th and Loavenwurtli strei ti. OmabB , Nebraiko.
Heavy Eirdware , Iron and Steel ,
EprlDKi , wagon stock , hardware , lumber , eta. ISO *
and ml llarnor street , Omaha.
17. J. BROATOH ,
Hesyy Hirflware , Iroa and Steel ,
Wholesa'c Harftware , Catlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , sheet Iron , utc. AKenU for UOHO gcal/ ,
Miami powder and Lyniau barbed wire.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Uechunlci' tool and IlufTnln scales. KM Douglas
street , Omaha , Neb ,
Jobber * of
Toys , Dolls , Altos , Fancy Gootoj
Hou furnlihlnK uoodi. olilldren' ctrrlOKOi , IM *
Kntoum itruut , Unmlia , Nob. i
Wholesale Reined and Lnorlcating Oils ,
Axle grease , etc. . Omaha. A. U. Bishop. Manage
Pa por.
Wholesale Paper Dsilers ,
Otrrr a nlc * itook of prlntloi , wrJpplnir nd wrtl4 )
purer. Special nttcntlon gircn to cird U p6 > .
MM ft II 10 VlfiflR Ion Ihroutli crron M
II II W V UUn , U tl | .i.cli . roijb *
Mil All f r ' ( < ciirn.iL.d i > r tli
lllHllL.1 pe lpn-Dupro , , flernfcfll .
1 n I II BIB B EvuiJ lor iiur iiftw liruitnttiriiift *
Cote cured without p ln or cpmilon.
Deslon-Oupre Ollnlaue. IM Turnout It , lUtow
Steck Piano
Romarlcablo for powerfulBympatliotlo
lone , pilublo action and absolute dura"
blllty ; 80 years' record the best guaran
tee of the excellence of these iustru
. . . .
' ' 'tin-aj" ' ' 4.aKi.u.-w.aa > i"