Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1889, Image 1

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An American Rovouuo Outtor Takes
the Black Diamond.
Iho Captain's Refusal to Give Up the
Blilp'n Papers Results In Their
Forcible Taking He n ring
( sea Complications.
Forced to Surrender.
SAX FIIANOISCO , July 80. The steamer
Dora arrived last night and brings the flrst
detailed account of the capture of the
British sealer Black Diamond by the United
States revenue cutter Richard Rush. July
11 the Rush overtook tbo Black Diamond
and ordered her to heave to. The captain
of the Black Diamond refused to do this.
Thereupon the commander of the Rush
ordered the lowering of ports and the run
ning out of guns , which caused the schooner
to hcavo to. Captain bhoppnrd und Lieuten
ant Tuttle boarded the English craft nnd
asked , for her papers. The officers of the
IMack.Diatnoml . offered no armed resistance ,
but refused to deliver the ship's papers.
Captain Shcppnrd at once broke open the
cabin and pried the hinges off the strong box
and captain's chest , thereby securing the
papers. A search of the vessel disclosed 103
seal skins , which had been taken In Bohrlng
sea. Captain Snnppard placed a non-com-
miesloncd officer from the Rush in charge of
the Black Diamond' and ordered the vessel
taken to SHJta to n\\nit further Instructions ,
Tbo captain of the Black Diamond made a
statement that when in Victoria ho bad been
ordered lo pay no attention in case ho was
overtaken * by the Rush und requested to
hcavo to. Uo said ho would not have sur
rendered If , the Rush had had an Inferior
force totha't of his own.
July 13 tho-schooner Triumph wns also
bpardcd by Ci > ptuln Sheppard , but no arrest
was made , the skins on board the vessel
having bcon captured in the Pacific , and not
In Bohrinrr sea.
A passenger who arrived nero last
night on tbo steamer Dora said : "On
our way down from St. Paul's Island wo
saw six soalcrs and the Rush was closely in
pursuit of them.Vo left St. Paul's ' Island
on July 14 , nnd on the following day saw the
Rush in pursuit of her prey. Undoubtedly
by this time the Rush has made additional
Imperial Protection Demanded.
VICTOHIA , B. C. , July 80. Captaln Mc
Lean , of the British sealer Triumph , which
has arrived hero from Bchrlng sea , is reti
cent about affairs In the north. It Is as
serted by otners on the vessel , however ,
that when the Triumph was sighted by the
Rush there were thirty seals doud , lying on
the Triumph's ' deck. These were hurriedly
skinned and the pelts hidden among a largo
quantity of salt. This salt also formed n
heavy coating to above eight hundred seal
skins , which lay at the bottom of the
schooner. Lieutenant Tuttle made
on examination , but seeing nothing but
ealt departed. The men on the Triumph
say that Captain JJodil , of tbo Maggie Mac ,
said be would fire on any American officers
attempting to board his vessel. Lieutenant
Tuttle told Captain McLean ho had scon
live schooners enter Behrmg Sea on the
4th of July , viz : The Maggie Mac , Triumph ,
Mury Ellen , Lllllo L and the Black Dia
mond. The latter was captured , but the fate
of tbo others Is unknown.
The Corona arrived to-day. Captain Car
roll says when ho loft Juneau , Wednesday ,
the British men of war Swlftsure. Icarlus
and Ampbion wora there. They left , for
PortSymphon on the following day.
A number of prominent scaling men waited
on the captain of the British man-of-war
Champion , which sailed to-day for the north
to Join the fleoVnnd gave him full particu
lars In writing. Ho will convey them per
sonally to Admiral Hcnago. A deputation
also waited cm Hon. John Roberson , pro
vincial secretary. Ho bus telegraphed to Ot
tawa demanding thcr protection of the Im
perial government. Telegrams also have
ll been sent by the most prominent public men
of the province. The action of the imperial
govern meat is anxiously awaited.
Iho Denver Editor Knocked Down Ry
Soapy Smith , the Tough.
DENVKU , July CO. Colonel John Arklns ,
editor of tbo News , who has boon waging
war upon tha crooks of this city for some
tlmo past , wus assaulted lust night just as ha
was leaving his office for homo , by tbo loader
ot tbo gang , known as "Soapy" Smith.
Smith knocked him down with a loaded cano
and otherwise severely injured him before
assistance came. Smith has bcon arrested.
The brutal assault on Colonel Aridns had
Itn original cause in the warfare the News
bat bocta making on the dives and criminal
classes and the corrupt political machine
Which has so long dominated Denver politics
* Its vigorous and successful demands /or the
enforcement of the law bad considerable ef
fect In tno legislature , which passed certain
much needed restrictions on tbe saloon am !
other elements. Following up this policy ,
thu paper has been opposing the manner in
which confidence- men bavo boob allowed to
ply their vocation in and about the city , ani
Monday morning it showed up "Soapy1
Smith m an especially graphic man
ner. Last nluht Smith nnd u con
federate named Parker waited at
thu entrance to the News building until Ar
kins uamo down. As bo stepped out of the
door Smith spoke to him , and asArkins
turned to see who it was. Smith struck him
ever the loft temple with a loaded cano
knocking him to the pavement senseless. Hi
then belabored him ever the head and klckec
him several times , Parker meanwhile stand
ing by to quard against interference. The
brutal wonc consumed but a minute or two ,
\vh < l tlio miscreants Uud.
Colonel Arklus was carried to a drug store
near by and an examination showed hh skul
tn t-a fractured. Ho was removed to his
homo as soon us possible. Physicians to-nlgh
report him doing well und with prospects for
Smith was arrested and bound ever In
13,500. ,
Hio Chicago FloiMl Ijlknly to Cuuso
Mtioli Hlcknevs.
CHICAGO , July 39. Grave fears are enter
tained that the excessive flood of Saturday
night may result in sickness throughout the
city. Tbo sewage of Chlc.igo ordinarily
Hews down Uio Chicago river Into the IJos-
plaines river nnd thence to the Illinois river ,
but HO gradual is thn fall of these rivers
southward to the dividn that tha enormous
ruin fall r > C Saturday night started the flow
upward and into tlieluko. The filthy water
from thn Chicago river is uoxv within a vor
abort distance of tbo crib whore- all Chi
cngo's wutor supply is taken into the tunnel
whence U Is pumped throughout the city.
A Warning to Collector * .
HOLTOKB , Colo. , July 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Bex. ] A Mr. Bruin struck Attorney
tornoy Kolay about the bead , Inflicting seri
ous but net fatal Injuries. Bruin is undo
arrest. Thn assault arose lu the collection
of mi account u&uliist Hruta.
Nine Person n Poisoned.
MiMYAVKBit , July 80. A special from Bur-
Ungtou , Wls. , Bays that nine persons were
poUoncd In that city last ntht by c.ulng
dried bcot shipped to local dealers by a Chicago
cage firm. Four of the victims are sorlouily
ill , while the others are on the road to ro
covory. Cats and dog * who were given tl :
iceut would not &t it.
Tlio George Doctrine Popular With
Manr Bismarck Delegate * .
BISMARCK , N.D.July CO. In the convention
o-day there Wns once more a full attendance.
A memorial to congress pray Ing that the gen
eral government take steps toward establish-
ng n system of Irrigation , through artesian
wells , bas excited much comment nnd facts
nro being brought forth to prove the scheme
feasible. General Rugor , of the department
ot Dakota , has , In accordance with instruc
tions from the war department , requested
the consideration of a proposition that a
clause bo Inserted In the constitution by
which jurisdiction shall bo reserved
to tbo United States over military reserva
tions. The question of selling school lands
was settled by providing that they shall not
bo sold In loss than tracts of ICO acres. An
amendment by Rolfu providing that after
Ivo years no man not n full citizen of the
United States shall have the right to vote ,
created much discussion and many opposed
the amendment.
A smglo tax advocate from Minneapolis
addressed the convention to-day , advocating
.hat the constitution provide for that sj stem.
The theory that all taxes should bo collected
'rom land values Is popular with many dolo-
; atos who are desirous of adopting some plan
.o roach the speculators who hold unlm-
irovcd land and cbcck the development of
.no . country.
The joint committee Is at work planning
&n agreement between North and South Da-
kota.for n division of the territorial property
md an adjustment of tbo debt In legal form.
Tn-day the territorial record1) were disposed
of by dividing them into two groups , ono
containing the records of the governor nnd
secretary and the other containing the rec
ords of the treasurer , auditor and other ter
ritorial officers. North Dakota won the toss
and took the records of tha offices of gover
nor and secretary.
Woman SnfTra o Defeated.
HELENA , Mont. , July 80. In the/conven
tion this morning the suffrage bill with
amendments by the committee of the " '
s next taken up. More desperate ti\ \ . . .d
were made on behalf of woman suffrage.
After a heated debate n vote was taken , It
proved n tie C3 to 33. This relegates worn-
in's suffrage to oblivion * for the present.
Ilia suffrage bill was then submitted as
amended and adopted by 01 to 0.
Nothlnir Done at Sioux Falls.
Stoix FALLS , Dak. , July CO. Half A
dozen delegates mot and adjourned to-day.
A telegram has been sent to each delegate
absent from tbo city to return la tlmo for the
session Thursday evening , as tno commis
sion will have returned from Bismarck by
that tlmo.
Nearly Through.
Boise CtTr , Idaho , July 30. The conven
tion is fast approaching the end of its labors ,
having passed on most of the articles re
ported by the committee. The Mormons uro
not relieved from military duty. Armed
forces of detectives aio not permitted to en
ter the stale to suppress violence without
the consent of the state. The bible Is for
bidden in the public' schools , and boards of
arbitration are piovlded for between labor
and capital.
Friendlier to Corporations.
' OI.TMWA , July 30. The convention spent
all day on the military bill , adopting all of
It except the section providing bow the mili
tia shall bo organized and officered. This
matter was loft for the legislature. The
section establishing the soldiers' ' homo was
passed. The temper ot the delegations to
ward corporations each day is becoming
more mild.
floury Cramp Not After the Vancou
ver .Ship Yard.
PuiLUiELrniA , July 83. Theodore Cramp ,
a brother of Henry Cramp , of the great ship
building firm , says his brother has not aono
to the Pacific coast for the purpose of pur
chasing the British ship yard at Vancouver ,
ns reported from San Francisco ; that his
trip is purely for pleasure and has no busi
ness significance He knows of no such plan
as mentioned , and , while admitting the pos
sibility , declares it highly Improbable. The
representative of Ncaflo & Levy , men
tioned as connected with tbe alleged syndi
cate , says his ill in Is not connected with It.
Didn't Know Anything AJjout It.
WILMINGTOK , Del. , July CO. Inquiry at
tbo Harlan & Hollmgivvorth and the Pusoy
& Jones company's offices in roeard to the
reported ship builders' syndicate for tbo
purchase of the British navy yard on Van
couver island , elicits the information that
the Wilmington ship builders named bavo
no connection and no knowledge of any suuh
A Bin Boston Itoot and Shoo House
BOSTOK , July 80. E. and A. H. Batchellor
& Co. , among the largest boot and shoo
houses In Boston , have assigned. Batchellor
states that the liabilities , as near as can now
bo ascertained , will reach 91,350,000 , with
nominal assets about the same. Four-fifths
of the Indebtedness Is to banks and individ
uals. Thu leather trade will not suffer , as
the firm paid cash for most of Its leather.
The firm is ono of long standing. The failure
creates great surprise.
MoKcan & Applcton Assiirn.
BOSTUK , July 80. AlcKoan & Appleton ,
shoo manufacturers at Salem , have assigned
to J. Becbe , of Boston. Estimated liabilities
from (05,000 , to CT5.00U.
The Governor and Staff and the Mil
itary Present.
CINCINNATI , July CO. it has been a long
whllo since a funeral In Cincinnati bas gath
ered so many mourners as that of tha mur
dered Colonel A. E , Jones this afternoon.
No man in the city was more widely known.
Crowds gathered about the IIOUMJ this after
noon before the tlmo appointed. The mili
tary escort consisted of the First regiment ,
Ohio national guard , nnd a battery of artil
lery. Besides this there was a large attend
ance of the various Grand Army posts of the
city. Governor Forakor ana stuff were
Afrnlcl of T xa Kevor.
TOPUKA , Kan. , July SO. [ Special Telo-
grain to TUB BBB. | Tuore Is great appre
hension throughout the southern part of the
state ot n Tcxa * fever epidemic. A largo
number of cattle have died from this disease
In the Indian Territory , The dread disease
having made its appearance in Sumner and
Montgomery counties , a mooting of the live
stock sanitary board lias bcon called to moot
hero to-morrow to take some action. It Is
probable that the board will quarantine
against Texas and the Indian Territory. This
action will bo strongly resisted by cattle
men who have herds grazing In the territory
that are free from fever.
Burled In a Pauper's Grnvn.
Kan. , July 80. [ Special to TUB
BEE. } A telegram was received to-day
from San Francisco announcing the death of
John Leo , a young Englishman who for
merly resided in this city. He was the son ol
a wealthy English brewer , who bequeathed
bim { 93,000 about four years ago. Tbo en
tire amount was qiiioklv squandered , and
Leo died in a hospital and was burled in a
pauper's grave.
ReaUtt a nn State Senator ,
HUDSON , Win. , July 80. Horace A. Tay
lor , United States railroad commissioner
has forwurJ d hi * resignation at state sena
tor to Uovcrnvr Hoard ,
Tbo Three Canadian Judges Unlto
In Dismissing His Appeal.
The Flvo Chicago Suspects Again
Brought Before Jitdeo Horton -
ton Kunzo Will Conduct
ills Own Caso.
Iturlcn Mnqt Itctiirn.
WINNIPEG , Manitoba , July 530. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEC.J The courtroom was
crowded this worming when the three judges
entered to give a decision upon the appeal In
the case of Martin Burlto , the Cronin BUS-
po.t. Thi ) chief justice was the flrstlo ren
der Judgment. Ho wont over the facts of
the proceedings very hurriedly and then pro
ceeded to sweep away one by one the objec
tions raised by Burko'a lawyers when the
application for a writ of habeas corpus was
mado. Constable McKinnon's ovldenco was
not objectionable , as the questions asked
were only such as were uccersary to secure
information.for the police office register.
The chief Justice had examined the cases
ouotcd by Baker and had found that they
fully sustained his oainloti that a man who
is an accessory to a crime may bo Indicted aa
a principal. As to thu agreement that the
court should bo governed only by the
provisions ol the treaty , the chief justice
hold that the court could only bo guided by
theorlmfnot by the definition of the
o".0 ' treaty. Ho did not consider it
f , jiy to weigh the ovldenco. All that
. . as necessary was to sea that there was
sufficient ovldenco , according to the Domin
ion statute , to commit for trial. As the de
fense had set up that there was no ovldenco
to convict , ho had boon obliged to review It ,
Ho bad done so and he could not help arriv
ing at the conclusion that , taken as a whole ,
the evidence was sufllcont to cxclto strong
suspicion against the prisoner. The chief
Justice then reviewed the evidence at consid
erable length. In his opinion the appeal
should be dismissed and the judgment of
Justice "Bain , extraditing Burke , sustained.
Judge Dubino delivered a short judgment ,
concurring in the principal points and con
cluding that the appeal should be dismissed.
Judge KUIam , In a judgment of considera
ble length , agreed with his brother judges in
dismissing the appeal and holding Burke for
extradition. The three judges spoke of the
desirability of cultivating a policy of the
freest exchange of criminals between the
two countries , but pointed out that It was a
matter for the executive departments to deal
The Chicago Suspects.
CniOAOo , July 80. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BKB. ] The five men In jail indicted for
the murder of Dr. Cronm were brought before
fore Judge Horton agala this morning , but
no progress was made toward deciding when
they will bo tried. States Attorney
Longenockcr opposed O'Sulllvan's ' applica
tion for a change of venue , holding
that It was not made in statutory form , and
the motions to quash tbo indictment , made
by the other defendants , were submltcod by
their attorneys without argument. Judge
Horton then took the whole matter under
advisement indefinitely , but will probably
decide all five motions this week before the
close of the July term.
After the prisoners had boon brought over
from the jail and arraigned In the jury seats ,
sandwiched in between bailiffs , Longeneckor
began his argument. Mr. Browne , Woodruff's
attorney , informed the court that though
perfectly ready to argue any motion before
him ho thought it only fair to Messrs. For
rest and Coughlln not to press the motion to
quash , as they were equally Interested.
"So you want to postpone argument , " said
Judge Longenccker. "How is It with you ,
Kunzol" turning to the young German , "do
you want your motion to quash heard to
day J"
"Yea , sir , I do. "
"But I don't care to bavo him , " said Judge
Horton , "unless ho is represented by coun
cil. Kunzo , if you haven't engaged an aU.
tornoy I shall appoint ono for you unless you
object in open court. "
"No , sir ; I don't want ono , it wouldn't ' dome
mo any good. When the time comes I can
talk. "
Judge Horton gave up , and ordered that It
appear on record that the defendant , Kunzo ,
having no attorney , declined to have ono ap
pointed by the court.
Mr. Donation then whispered some sugges
tion to Mr. Carter , and the latter withdrew
nls request for time to prepare an argument
on the motion to quash. Mr. Ames , on
Bcggs1 behalf , said that ho would submit the
motion to quash without any argument
whatever. Mr. Carter and Mr , Browne
did likewise for Coughlln and Woodruff.
"Let the record show then , " said tbo
court , "that all the parties entering a mo
tion to quash appeared In court and waived
any argument. " The court took the matter
under advisement. ' ! want time to road
the indictment , " ho explained , "and on the
question of a chance of venue , let that go
over , for disposition at the same time. "
Judge Horton had , in the course of the
discussion O'Sullivan's for
on application a
change of venue , said that if bo granted it
there would bo nothing to prevent tht , other
defendants from asking for a change from
tbo judge to whom bo might usslen the case.
Mr. Browne gave color to this suspicion by
saying :
"Your honor , I have no desire to ask u
change of venue trom your court for Wood
ruff. I wish that to apptar as otherwise.
Wo would be prevented from asking a change
in the future. "
"Ah , " said Judge Horton , "that shows I
was about right In my suggestion. "
Mr. Donahoo was anxious to know when
the court would decide his motion , and ex
pressed great anxiety to have it decided this
term. Asked if ho knew any reason why it
would prejudice his case If the matter went
over , ho said ho did not care to give them.
"I expect to dispose of It this week. " said
Judge Hnrton. "I want to dispose of every
case on the calendar , but 1 will make no
promises. I want to road tbo calendar , but I
will inako no promises. I want to roai the
indictment and If I find a hole in it 1 will
quash it. I will decide your application at
the Biiuio time. " Mr. Donohoo bad to bo sat
isfied with this , and the prisoners were taken
back to jail.
Magnificent Sight na Forests Are
Swept. Away My Flamca.
GLENWOOU SPIIINQS , Colo. , July 80. The
forest fires which have boon raging In this
vicinity for several days were started over
a week ago by sportsmen In No Name canon ,
where J , Brown , his family and a party of
ladies narrowly escaped death , only saving
their lives by wading through a crook for
nearly two miles on their hands und knees.
Brown ulbo lost two valuable horses , The
flro has now spread and covers an area over
ton miles square. Advices from Rod Cliff ,
Leadvlllo. Aspen and Newcastle report the
sun completely obscured by tbo smokn. The
sight from Glenwood in the evening Is mag
nificent , as the entire face of No , Name und
Grizzly mountains are a mass of flro.
To Settle the Crete Difficulty.
CONSIAJITINOPI.B , July 80. The ministe
rial council has resolved to send a now commission -
mission to Crete , to endeavor to settle the
difllculty there ; also to dispatch eight bat
talions to too Island. Italy has advised
Turkey to attempt to conciliate the Cretans ,
and. If necessary , to resort to the mediation
of tbo Euroiwon powers. Italy will not as
sent to tbo annexation of the island by
Washed AMraftftfama Go Out
nnd General Dtafttater.
NBVTAUK , N. J. , July 80.1-Tho most dis
astrous storm that has ovAry vIsltod this vi
cinity occurred this nftonioin and evening.
Collars were flooded and ' .sowers burstod.
Work had to bo suspended In the factories In
the lower sections. A washout ocourrod at
South Orange , nnd trains were delayed ana
sovnral buildings , including the postoflloo ,
were carried away. In Orange valley the
water Is up to the second story windows and
great damage has been done to stocks
In the numerous hat factories tbcro. The
people were compelled to paddle around on
planks und to swim in order to got to places
of safety. Bloomllold and Montclair also re
port great damage to propofty. No lives aio
unown to havabcon lost. Tlio greatest alarm
prevails around Mllburn. Above It Is tin
Orange water icsurvoir dam , which is not
regarded as safe. Should It burst It would
overflow Mllburn and , ether small towns
along the Hallway river , and the damage
would reach as far ar.Uaway. At 10 o'clock
to-night the dam Is reported all right , but
tbo inhabitants of .tho town are preparing
to move to high ground. Nearly every road
In t' < o coun'.ry 's Impassable , as all the
bridges have boon washed away.
A Blit Dnin Collapses.
PLAINFIBJ.D , July 80. The greoteot flood
over knovtu visited this section this after
noon nt 4 p. tn. The dam at Strongbrook
gave way , carrying with It Coddington's Ice
houses and many bar us'and seriously under
mined the mills. At5i4otho dam on Green
Brook , in the heart of the town , also gave
way and caused raubli damago. Many
wooden buildings were carried away.
Shortly after 0 o'clock tbo Immense dam at
West field , back of Scotch Plains , collapsed
and an nddititional body of water was
thrown Into tbo valley DQlow. Green Brook
could not contain it I..1 and the water rushed
across to Cedar Brook anil thence through
the finest residence portion of Plalullcld.
Tbo damage hero Is vary great , two or throe
squire miles of thickly Rattled territory being
subnvargud. Tbcro wore many gallant res
cues of Ufa.
Sovcro Storm'ln Arknnani.
FATETTEVILI.E , Ark' , Julv CO. This sec
tion was visited Sunday night by a violent
electric nnd rain storm. For thrca hours
the rain fell in torrents. A number of
houses were destroyed , others damaged and
great Injury was done to railroads and
bridges in the vicinity , The crops along the
river are generally destroyed.
Struck by h. jCyoloni * .
PonaiiKEErsiP , N. 'IS , July CO. This
morning a cyolono struck Ellis Corners ,
Ulster county , destroying1 jit largo amount of
property and injuring a number of persons.
The cyclone , which was1 accompanied by a
roaring sound whlcn terhfiod the people ,
seemed to como from a funnel-shaped cloud.
The Worst III Years.
DOCK HILI , , Miss. , July' UO. The rainfall
last night and to-day was 'tho hardest for
years in this section. All the largo streams
overflowed their banks. ' Thousands of acres
of cotton and corn wera'submorgod and fer
ries and bridges washed away. The weather
indicates more rain.
Tlio Cotton Crop1 Ruined.
NEW MADIU-D , Mo. , JTuTy 80. A violent
storm passed v and vicinity lust
night , doing great dnmdsa'jtp-cotton and.corn
crops. Two stoamboa&atue ArKansus City
and Carl Schurzy woVe'totally destroyed.
Warehouses at Tip onvlllo and Luzellco
landing were blo > vn <
An Ancient Elm Unrooted.
CONCOIID , N. H. . July -During the rain
storm and high wind this afternoon the
arsenal and five house was unroofed and
several were destroyed. An elm troa l5 !
years old was torn upby the roots and blown
across the street.
A Tremendous Rain.
Miss. , July CO. There was a
tremendous rain fall last night and this
morning cast of hero for seventeen miles.
The crops , fences , etc.'aro a perfect wreck.
Lund is overflown thut novcr was known to
ho overflown boforo.
They Employ Attorneys' ' to Set Aside
nn AsRignmsnt.
CIIE'YENNE , Wyo. , July 30. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEC.J The banking house of
Morton E. Post & Co. failed hero in Novem
ber. 1S87. Post was twlca a delegate to
congress , and was supposed to bo immensely
wealthy. Having be'en ono of the old-time
residents of this territory ho had the com
plete confidence of many people , and
the poorer class was badly
pinobed. Several indignation meetings
have been bold by the creditors
and finally attorneys were employed. These
lawyers entered suit to-day to set aside the
assignment. Amongtha grounds alleged
for asking that the assignment bo set aside
are that Post waa not nit-insolvent debtor at
tbo time of the assignment ; that ho assigned
more property than was necessary to pay his
debts ; that the property assigned by
him amounted to $753,000 , while his
total liabilities were but $511,000 ;
that the said assignment was
not accompanied by an immediate and con
tinuous change of possession of the property
assigned ; that some of tbo property is still In
the possession of Post under the falsa repre
sentation that ho is acting as agent of tto
assignees and that there were preferred
creditors. The matter will como up for con
sideration at the November term of court
and threatens to onon up a very Interesting
Iioutfllnnn Regulators Arms tod.
NEW OIILEANS. La.j July 30. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BBK. | Sheriff Broussard , as
sisted by three full companies of state mlll-
tla , lauded eighteen of wliut are known as
the Lafayette Regulators in tbo parish
prison la this city to-night. Tbo cbargo Is
lynching a negro named Key on July 11.
Key murdered his wife aiid a mob broke into
the jail and lynched hmj { * Tbo affair created
a great sensatisn , andGovernor , Nichols was
compelled to act. It is contrary to the ethics
of the administration/of / Jaw In Louisiana to
hang a whlta man for themurdor of a negro.
"Niggers don't countand the accused are
sburo to escape with a Itsrlit sentence , If any
at all Is inflicted.
An Old Woman round Dond.
MIMVAUKKB , July 'CQ.i-A special from
Edperton , Wls. , says : J Irs. Isabella Evor-
son , an old Norwegian "jrotnan living alone ,
was found dead in lior.bpdthls morning with
her nock broken , There * wore other evi
dences of foul play. A tjjcat containing her
money was found nrioa'opun , and the con
tents scattered. An inquest is being hold.
Alter St. Louis Elevators.
ST. Louis , July 39. It Is given out hero
that a syndicate of outside capitalists , oitnor
English or eastern" , have a lont'lng eye on
the grain elevator properties of this city and
East St. L/ouis , recently consolidated , The
property Involved comprises a dozen eleva
tors capitalized at 2,000,000.
Dcrylshnti still Advancing.
OAIKO , July 80. Advlcei from Assouan
say the advunco of the Darvlshos Is contin
uous though slow ; A skirmUb occurred yes
terday between tbo Egyptian patrols and the
Dervish outpo ta. Sixty dervishes were
killed. _
He Took the noodle With Him.
KANSAS CITT , July 80. Andrew C.
Drumtn , who ha full charge of the , cattle
commission business of Drum in & Co. , has
disappeared , and $10,000 with him.
The Ouo Mill Toll Was Merely
When tlio Kxixot Cost of Government
Xclosrnpti Service Is Deter
mined Ho Will Establish
a Rate.
518 FotWTEnNTit STHBBT. >
WASHINGTON. D. C. , July BO. )
Postmaster General Wnnamakor wns
asked to-day wbothcr or not ho proposes to
reply to the letter of Dr. Norvln Groou In
relation to the proposed 1-mill rnto 6n
government telegrams. Ho replied that the
subject should receive careful attention from
bim at onco. Asked further whether his
announced rate was not final , ho said :
"By no moans ; it was merely suggestive.
I am at present In expectation of receiving
some evidence- within a few days as to the
exact cost of the governmental sorvlco to the
telegraph companies. Upon the receipt of
this data final action will bo based , but thcro
is nothing doilnlto yet determined upon ,
At the interior department it was said
to-day that every indication points to a suc
cessful outcome of the labors of the Sioux
commission. The difficulties which were en
countered flrst and the expectations of
failure whloh followed as a natural sequence
have boon sot asldo by the la'tor reports nnd
the department Is convinced that General
Crook nnd his associates will now bo able to
present to the secretary nn agreement by n
sufficient number of Indians to warrant the
opening of the great Sioux reservation at an
early day. The Cherokee commission will ,
It is thought , have some difllculty , aad it maybe
bo necessary for congress to act again
before the lands In the Indian ter
ritory can be opened to settlement.
Tbo action of the cattle syndicate
in making a bluff offer to the Indians for a
long lease of their lands will doubtless em-
burrnss the commission , and may , unless the
Indians can bo convmcoJ of the exact situa
tion of things , prevent the commissioners
and Indians from getting together. The de
partment is not sanguine us to tlio result of
the meeting between the commissioners nnd
the Chorokocs , nnd it Is hardly thought that
a satisfactory outcome can bo secured during
tbo present summer. The news from the
Devil La Ice Indians In Dakota to-day to the
effect that the commission to allot theirlands
in severally has repotted the utter failure of
their work , was not unexpected. This is a
small affair , considered with the other two.
Representative McKinley , who is In the
city1 , Is the only ono of the spoakershlp can
didates now hero. Ho has not been taking
a very active part in tbo canvas for this
honor up to tlio present time , but will prob
ably start in at once and look after bis inter
ests more closely. Major McKinley is very
confident of his own success and doe ? not
take any stock in the reported bolt of the
southern republican mcmbors.froin the cau
cus. Ho will take an active part In the Ohio
campaign this fall , and 1 rodlcts the success
of the republican tickets , both state- and
legislative. "
Tnn BBB Alaska story , which nppcar.ed In
the dispatches in the-eastern papers"to-day
created some little talk among the few per
sons hero who have any Knowledge of
Alaska affairs * The conaral supposition is
that the outcome of the report will bo that
congress will take some action looking to the
extension of the land laws over the territory
of Alaska at least. Several attempts have
been made to accomplish this in the past ,
without success , owing to the other meas
ures relating to tbo territories , which con
stantly crowded thu dockets of tbo com
Strong , Fillmore ccunty , N. G. Taylor ;
West Lincoln , Lancaster county , W. C.
Contain Brechlmon , assistant surgeon ,
who has been in attendance at tbo encamp
ment of the Illinois militia , has been ordered
to proceed to Fait Roblnsoa for duty at the
close ol the encampment.
Wyoming Scttlcrx Appeal for Govern
ment Protection.
WASHINGTON , July CO. A dispatch was re
ceived nt the war department to-day fronr-
Calispoll , vV. T. , saying that Indiand'nave
burnea eight square miles ofittf \ land * and
threaten tno lives of settlers and asking for
troops. General Scholleld has directed tbo
commanding oUlcor of the division of the
Pacific to take prompt action.
Oliiof Jlussoy'e Caso.
WASHINGTON , July 30. The case of John
B. Hussoy , chief of the pension division In
the tnl'rd auditor's office , who Is charged
with having made fraudulent use of the files
of that office , has been referred to the so
licitor of tha treasury for such action as is
doomed necessary. It is impossible to learn
the precise character of the evidence against
Hussov , but it is understood that tbo recent
investigation of his office disclosed the fact
that official information concerning pension
cases pending hod been Improperly furnished
outsldo parties. Solicitor Hepburn refuses
point blank to discuss the matter and will
not oven admit that ho knows anything
whatever of the caso. Hussey still retains
his officein the department. Ho has been In
very bad health for many weeks and is still
confined to his bod.
Nohrnnka nnd Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , July SO. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. ] Nebraska : Original invalids
Andrew J. Italnoy , John P. ArcndtCharlcs
B. Wolfonbargor. Increase William Ed-
corton , William S. Mott , William T. B. Law-
eon , John Summer , Harvey Palmer.
lowans s Original invalids Robert M. Tll-
lotson , John Abraham , Joseph W.Vllmotta ,
Gideon Jacoby , Christ Torkolson , AndrewJ.
Donaldson , Addlson R. ByorsWilliam H. H.
Swunk , Artcmus Smith , Samuel NoelAdam
Roblson , James A. Bacbor , Edward G.
Tracker , Christopher Tucker. Sylvester H.
Wllloy , Increase Edward MondockThomas
Fuller , William II. Conrad , John N. Patter
son , Hollls E. Ruttor , Moses McCleary ,
Elijah C. Smith. Lester Potter. Thomas E.
McDonald , Frederick I. Stevens , Daniel W.
Pettogrow , James Smith , Henry Scott ,
George E. Sharp , John Stioderass , Calvin A.
Smith. Reissue Joseph C. Prioo. Original
widows , etc. Ann E. , mother of Hans Shu-
born ; Pbilllpiue , widow of Louis Baltzor.
Nebraska unit Inwu Patents.
WASHINGTON , July CO. [ Special Telegram
to THE BBS. ] Patents issued to Nobrtis-
kans : Minor W. Bruce , Knox Center , hose
supporter ; Miner W. Bruce , ICnox Center ,
necktie ; Peter Penny , McCook , nameclip. .
lowans : James Ay res , Kookuk. bridge
guard ; William L. Haas , Charles City , gate ;
Allen Johnston , Ottuuiwa , marking cutlery
handles ; William Kohin , Mason City , grain
Htenmshlp Arrivals.
At London Sighted , the Alaska , from
Now York } the Switzerland , from New York ,
for Antwerp ; the Rboln , from Baltimore , for
At Philadelphia The Uritlib Prince , from
At Uremorhaven Tha AVcrra , from Now
At Rotterdam The Rotterdam , from New
The Resolve oT the CoimnniKloro of
the O. A. R. In Elgin BtntcH.
CIIIKAGO , July CO. The department com
manders of the Grand Army of the Republic
from Illinois , Iowa , Minnesota , Missouri ,
Indiana , Michigan , Kansas nnd Nebraska
bold a long session hero to-day , debating tbo
stand they should take In reference to the
annual encampment. A trlplo decision was
reached :
First , Tlmt the posts represented Indorse
and accept the manifesto Issued In this city
July 2 , in which general attendance nt the
encampment was discouraged If the railways
did not recede from tliolr position.
Second , That tlio manifesto of July 2 was
in accord with the last national encampment
at Columbiii ni Indorsed by u resolution on
pai'os 210 and 220 of the Journal.
Third , That some tlmo In the future the
representatives present will ISMIO n circular
that will bo signed by eight department
commanders , and possibly' more , withdraw
ing the departments represented from the
parade advertised to tnko place.
The department commandorof Illinois says
It looks very much ns though to-day's action
destroys any chances of a big meeting nt
Milwaukee. The commanders present rep
resent the states that would have furnished
the big crowds. If only the delegates go
from these states It virtually kills the en
campment , The other commanders prac
tically indorse Martin's sentiments.
The department commander of Arizona
has Issued a circular reviewing the situation
and concurring In the action of the depart
ment commanders taken hero to-day.
Tlio Consolidation of the WnbnNli
Ijlnon Approved.
DETIIOIT , Ouly CO. The stockholders of
the Michigan branch of the Wabash rail
road , or the Detroit ft State Line Wnbash
railway company , mot this morning and rati
fied the terms of consolidation between the
various railioad companies that compose the
Wnb.ish system east of the Mississippi river.
These are the Toledo & Western , the De
troit und State Line , Wabash , Wabash East
ern , of Indiana. Wabash Eastern , of Illinois ,
and Wabash Western railroad companies.
The representatives of the .various railroads
will orgnnbo the new Wabash railroad com
pany in Toledo August 1.
The Transcontinental Mcotlitfr.
CHICAGO , July CO. Tuo controversy be
tween the Southern und Canadian Pacific
roads did not como up for discussion nt the
meeting of the executive committee- the
Transcontinental association to-day. A
meeting of the entire association is called
for to-morrow , at which time the committee
will submit its report.
Affecting the Yarding of Texas Cat
tle at Chicago.
CHICAGO , Julv 30. The Illinoit state live
stock commission has mada a new ruling
with regard to Iho yarding of Texas cattle
at the stock yards. Hitherto the law has
been construed to require that all To as cattle
tlo arriving in Chicago shall bo yarded to
gether and separated from other cattle , and
great complaints were made. No dlstlnctloi
was made between the cattle that had Texas
fever and cattle which Were sound and
hearty. Now , however , the commission has
construed the statelaws to refer
only to cutt(6 ( from the "infected
district" of. tUosouthwest. . Accordingly
it lias stationed inspectors at a number of
points in the southwest , end-umonij-them at
East St. Louis and Kansas City , whoso duty
it shall bo to certify to tbo authorities hero
concerning ull cattle that pass through tlioso
places , whether or not they are from the in
fected district , and they are then to be
treated hero accordingly. Hereafter tbo
stock yards will have no jurisdiction over
these cattle , und If they are not certified by
these inspoctois'to bo loaded outsldo the In
fected district they will still bo yarded with
cattle from that district.
General Crook Makes a Pointed
Speech tn the Indian * .
ST. PAUL , July 80. A special from StandIng -
Ing Rock Agency says : John Grass was the
principal speaker to-day. He opposed the bill.
The main point ot objection among the In
dians is the prlco of thr' and , General
Crook replied to Grass in u abarply pointed
speccb , concluding by tolling them that one
tblng was certain , that congress will not
give any bettor terms. If as good. He re
ferred pointedly to the Oklahoma case. The
entire le.idurshiu of thu Indians seemed to
rest with Grass , Gaul , Mad Boar and Auto-
xiopo , Silting Hull being only a listener.
HullivatiltoH In Distress.
BOSTON , Mass. , July 80. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] The Sulllvanitos in
i-Boston are In deep distress. They had ar
ranged for n most elaborate reception for the
"big follow , " as he Is always-affectionately
called in Boston. Ills mother received a
letter saying ho would bo homo Thursday.
The programme included a grand procession
and a big benefit at Music-hall. Muldoon
made n tlyitie visit to Boston Saturday to see
what was to bo tlouo , and leardud what hud
just become public , that tbo board of alder
men refused a permit for such an exhibition.
The board is republican , and is consequently
denounced by the Irish as partisan. Half
the hurrah Is knocked on the bead If the
benefit is off.
Hunting For Outlaw Rurrows.
BIRMINGHAM , Ala. , July i0. ! A large num
ber of officers with a company of militia arc
scouring Lumar county after Rube Burrows ,
the noted desperado and murderer , who has
sworn ho never will bo captured alive.
The rewards offered aggregate tO.OOO
and desperate efforts will be made
to take bim. Ho is known to bo
heavily armed and it is thought ho has a
gang with him. His father , brother and
brother-in-law are under arrest as accessories
series to his latest crime , the murder of
Postmaster Graves at Jewel.
Tried to Cheat the Gullow- ) .
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , July CO , Charles Dll-
ger , to DO hung to-morrow for killing two
policemen , attempted to commit suicide till *
morning. He tied a wet handkerchief over
bis mouth nnd wrapped his head In tbo bed
clothes. When found ho was unconscious ,
but was teen revived ,
President nnd Cardinal.
DEEH PAKK , Md. , July CO. President Harrison
risen was given an informal dinner to night
by ex-Senator Davis. Among the guests
were Cardinal Gibbons , Secretary Windora
and S B. Elkins. It wns the first tlmo the
president and the cardinal have met.
Tlio Missouri River Jnbucr-i.
ATOHibON , Kan. , July SO. The Commercial
Exchange of this city has Issued a call for a
meeting of jobbers on the Missouri river , to
bo hold at AtchUon August 14 , to consider
railroad discrimination against Missouri
polntd in favor of Mississippi river points ,
For Omatia and vicinity Fair weather.
Nebraska and Dakota Fair , warmer ,
southerly winds.
Iowa Fair , warmer , southerly winds.
A Dmunrroi8 Klrc.
HAVANA , July 00 , The San Louis village ,
near Santiago do Cuba , haa been visited by a
disastrous flro. Sixty houses wore destroyed
and two children burned to death.
Cardinal fciivlgorlo Very Iiow.
LVOBUNE , July 80. Cardinal Lavlgorio Is
lying at the point of death lu tUli city.
Two Survivors Toll n Story of Suf >
forlnn and Death.
The Olilllod Hallow Unable to llulil
On With Their llcnmnbcd
Fingers Drop OtTInto
the Son.
Only a Pew Saved.
SAN FHAXCISCO , July 80. Tlio steamer
Dora from Scnl Islands , Alaska , bring stwo
survlvora of llio whaling bark , LIUlo Ohio ,
from Now Hertford , whloh was wrecked oft
Point Hope , Alaska , October 0 , 1&S8. From
thorn the dcalls of the wreck nro IcarncJ for
the flrst tlnio. Capo Llsburnovns sighted
on the niornlnp of October tl. Tlio quay was
windy and towards evening ouo of the worst
storms ever experienced in that region cnmo
up. About 0 o'clock the bnrk struck near
Point Hope , and as the air wns dense with
line snow It wat at first thought an Icaborg
tiad bcon struck , The vessel seemed going
to pieces and Captain Allen ordered
the llrst mute to cut away the masts. Thin
was the last order given by the captain , as
hoviifl novcr seen again , a heavy sea carry
ing htm overboard. The Ohio broke up
rapidly , but the seas were so strong It was
Impossible for the men , who were nearly
fiozcn to death , to keep tliolr hold to the
masts and rlgclng , and they were thrown to
the morcv of the roaring waters. All told
Lhcru were thtrty-throo men on board , and
but eight now survive. Most of
.lit ) men were frozen so stiff
that they could not keep themselves
above water and perished before the vessel
went to pieces.
Aloxniuter Omov gave up hope whllo on the
vessel uud killed himself with n pistol. First
Mate Pease and Second Mate Miles were so
bndly trozcn that they died on the beach.
Several men were killed by the debris of iho
wrcclc whllo attempting to crawl up on the
On October 10 Third Mate Manual Lopez
and Fourth Mtito Joseph Enos , with their
sailors , put off to Intercept n passing whaling
baik and the natives say they saw the boat
capsize , and all were drowned.
WrocKcd on n Itcof.
July 80. The British bark
MalfSKOte , Captain Spratt , from Newcastle ,
N. S. WM for San Francisco , has boon
wrecked on the Mlddlotou reof. A part of
her crow is missing.
Tax Men Give Him a Rousing-
Reception niul Ranqnot.
NEW YOUK , July 30. [ Special Telegram
to Tun 13KK.1 The admirers of Henry
Gcorgo enrolled in the slnglo tax clubs at
Now York and vicinity gave him n reception ,
and dinner In the Brighton Beach hotnl last.
night. There was u largo and enthusiastic
attendance. Mr. Louis Post , with the
Shakespearian motto , "Ellsworth Is warrant
for his welcome , " delivered an aHdrcss of
welcome to Mr. Gcorgo. His opening words
were : "Ourpuipose here to-night is to wel
come noire a prophet who is not withopt
honor , either , in his own country or abroad.
[ Cheors.l How heartythat welcome IsxjJily
they can fully feel who BOO the scope and
grandeur of our cause. " f ChcorB. ]
Mr. George , in his reply , expressed his
ratification with the progress of the move
ment which ho heads here and abroad. Ho
said : "I feel that I am morn than an Ameri
can citizen : that I um higher yet , a citizen
of the world , ana that around iiin have gath
ered and are yet to gather mbn who hope for
and strive for that great republic yet to bo
founded ; that republic that some day will
unite in harmonious league the people of the
earth. [ Cheers. I I como buck from Great
Britain and Ireland this time with the firm
assurance that the land question is already
the burning question ; that steady and irre
sistible effort Is concentrating on the line of
taxation ; that already the question is enter
ing Into practical politics , and that the day of
triumph of our cause , while its distance can
not get bo measured , is as certain to como.
and to como quickly , as the sun is to rise out
of the ocean to-morrow morning. " I Cheers. ]
A Whole 'lowii Destroyed and Alany
People Perish.
YOKOHAMA , July CO. A dispatch received
to-day from Nngazukl states a dreadful
earthquake occurred in the western portlom
of the Island of Ktousiou. The town of
Kumamota was destroyed and a great num
ber of people perished. A vast amount of
property was also destroyed.
Chaplain McOiibc's Jjscturf.
MASON CITV , la. , July 80. | Special Tele
gram to TUB BKB.I Chaplain McCabe , the
great missionary , delivered his lecture ,
"Tho Bright Side of Llbby Prison , " to aa
immense audience at Clour Lake to-ulght.
Mr. Mcfabo was at bis best , and bold his
audience enraptured to the lust. To your
correspondent ho said ho had made $10,000
out of tlio lecture , and ho thought that it was
good for 20,000 more. All of It has been ,
und will be , given to missionary work.
Tlio ProfcHHlonnf
HOLYOKI : , Colo. , July 30. [ Special Tele
gram to Tiiu BEE. ] Robert Iluciconbcjrry ,
of this place , and Robert Gunnel ) , a profes
sional foot racer from the cast , ran a match-
race hero this evening of 100 yards. Gunnoll
gave Hucltonbarry ton feet the advantage ,
but the latter won by one foot on an oven
race. Time , \\yt seconds. The race waa
made for a purse of $75.
A Uls'J In llrlclr.
CHICAGO , July 30. One of the after effect *
of the great storm of Saturday night has
been to send up the price of brlok about 11
per 1,000. A vast number of fresh molded
and unburnt brick were molted diwnlnto
heaps of mud by the flood , and the damage.
it Is said , will run up into the hundreds of
thousands. ,
French Election Returns Doctored.
PAIUB , July 80. La Press , the Bou-
langist organ , accuses the government of
falsifying 9,000,000 , voting papers at the
elections for council general on Sunday. The
corrected returns snow Boulangor was elect
ed in twenty-three cantons.
Gobbled All ilio Lend Work * .
NEW VOHK , July CO. The World thU
morning says the Standard Oll _ company bos
brought up all the whlto load companies la
the United State * , the estimated cost being
The Hliuli In Paris.
PAWS , July 80. The shah of Persia ar
rived from England to-dav. Ho was re
ceived by President Carnet and welcomed
heartily by the crowds which guthorod.
The Zanzibar liiHiirircnte ,
, ZANZIIIAK , July ao. Tlio Insurgents hav
blocked the road to Mpwapwa. Thre *
French mission runners were Killed while
trying to get through the rebel lines ,
Francis Di'nlt'H Ilia Humor.
Be , Lot'is , July HO , Governor Franoli has
relumed from N-w York , and vigorously
< l < n | t > 8 the report t rat ho was there to toU
tl inercuuiitA' biiiluc to Jay Gould.