Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1889, Page 9, Image 9
THE LOCAL SPORTING WORLD A Proposed Benefit for Frank Soloo , Omaha's Baaaball Manager. AMATEUR WHEELMEN'S ACTIVITY J. J.I A Cntctino - CatchCan WrcHtllng I , Mntoil Aficr the Mlildlc-WfjIalit Champion The Bniebnll Rc- vlow Miscellaneous. A Hnnnflt for Retro , ( A m'pvcftoDt Is on foot to giro Frank Kcloor thc.olovcr nnd ofilclont mnnnpor of the Omntmbaxo ball tcrvtn , a prand bonotlt at the local pfftk ThursJay , AuRiist 15. That the Bcntiotftnn Is deserving of thii extra recog nition lit the hands of Omrvtm'n base ball patrons no ono will doubt. lie lias worked faithfully and Industriously from the open ing of the neason to brinetlio team no to n Btnmlanl of | > 1ay that would permit of no kickfyp even from the most exacting crank , nml well tins ho nuccccdod. Ho has the pen nant winners , It nnw Scorns n foregone conclu sion , yet In llilu them may yet bo disappoint- mcAt , lHnt Irrespective of thin dcsirnblo end. the OtmUms are playing tlio best ball to-day of nny minor association tenm In 'Iho ' country are batting harden , fielding cleaner , ninnlnc hasps better and wlnnhiR- more ( fames. The credit for all this ninsc bn awarded Manager Soleo. He Is careful nml painstaking with his men , vet rlpldlv severe when It rotnns to discipline , nnd they own their splendid condition and flue wprk to his , unremitting watchfulness tnpro than nnythjiic else. Tlio main attrac tion at the proposed bonolit IB to ho an exhi bition game of bnll between the homo team nnd the Minneapolis agercpntlnn , and a spir ited battle will bo the result. Manager fioleo will orcunv the box for the locals for the first five Innlnes , and Man- uccr Morton ofllclato nimllarlv for Ills team fn addition to this there will bo long distance throwing contests , match base running , sev eral pprnlt racOs. a wrestling bout , hlcli jumping , etc ) , making up a , most Interesting nnd varied programme. APOMjOS ON Til 13 ROAD. Tlic Kan to Irvlnvton nt MU : : > . The run to Hollevuo brought out thrirtecn of the boys , and they all had a datidv timo. Tlmo down , one hour and forty.flvo minutes ; back , one hour and twenty minutes. Dolndorf was the only man to climb every hill , and the only ono who didn't ' take at least'ono'heador. ' The sjuiit of Deb Calkins on the last run wni 'good' for sere oics so the boys nil said. ' ' Hut three of the thirteen came hack per the steam crir The sultry sun was too much for "Shorfc'Crnnk" Fred , nnd ho was com pelled to drop out at South Omaha. There is an anxlotv to PCO the president turn out on snino of the runs. An unusual number of hogs were en countered on route tt ) Ucllovuo. For the run to-duy , moot at 2,1-in Capitol avcnuo. Antnnii the AVIiclmf ( > n. Joseph Joseph ! started on his tour Thurs- tlnv morning , leaving Des Momes , to which point ho took the train from hero. Watermelon and "purcu" Is not exactly the proper combination to cat , but It has been eaten , and can be done again. Francisco's bairn Is Just about getting well. Ho alrtiuly hints about taking a ride. Who says ho had ctiouch ridinel When is tlio Coombo-Klorenro medal to bo run for ? It has been nicely engraved , set ting forth the data nnd the name of the giver. There will bo a run to Irvinpton nt 8:30 : a m. to-dnv find Uollavuo at S.T : ) p. m. The club mileage Is away behind this month be cause of the rainy weather. At Missouri Valley they had fully pre- purcd for the hoys , to all appearances , an extra coif having been put on the rack , vrhieh WHS easily disposed of , although snmo the boys , it Is thought , would have caton anything , from nails upward , upon their arrival. J. H. Lothrop has resigned his oftico of first nontenant. This will be read with re- grot bv a great many of the riders of the club , for all Had n great feeling for "Lothv. " Hut then , lawn tennis takes his attention now. Ho 1ms oven sold his machine , so as to ho ahlo to devote all his time to this pretty snort. It's dollars to doughnuts , though , that ho kicks pedals again next season. The run to Missouri Valley last week was attended by eight members who ran through. two pnly , gttlhg us fur as Crescent. The roads beyond Crescent were only in faircon- ditlon. Onii now rider attending , this ride exhibited great ncrvo In sticking to his machine ns lie did. After having his hand blistered so badly that ho could 1m dly hold the nnndle , ho continued on his way , though ho could have caught n tram which would liavo hrQUght him through. This was the first long ride on a safety out of Omaha , ono being ridden Just as an experiment , and ho thinks It IR the road machine of the future. Hulificr It back with creator case than going , the return trpu being watched by most of the boyn , thinking the captain would surely give np ; Tlio captain's ordinary is now for sale. SnortH. Harry MrCormlck is pulling out the crop pies by the cord at Spirit Lake. The Spbrts'Atiold , published at Denver , Is one of the neatest , newsiest and best cdltc < : nporting _ sheets in the country. Frank I'nrnioleo. of this city , and Charlie Uucld , of Des Molncs , go to Lcadvlllo next week to participate In a big trap shoot to bo given there. The finest broken Gordon setter in the city of Omaha Is the property of Jack Penning- ton. Hilly Townsond's Irish bitch , /MO , is another macnllloent dog. Dr. H. A. Worloy , with a coterie of con genial spirits , will spend several weeks next month oik and door hunting In thu famous valley of the Sweetwater. Ejmer Frank , clerk of the United States court , and a party , will leave about the IfiUi ot August for their annual doer and bear limit oft among the Colorado mountains. . .W. C. Uohmvs hnlf-mllo in 1m. 651/s , has been duly vorllloil by thu proper olllcmla and will became thu best American amateur record , supplanting L. . R. Myers' 1m. 0525s Cards ara out announcing the marriage a Ituiny F. Lindsay tn Miss Mary F. Lynch one of Omaha's fair-daughters , at the homo of the brlduj3oventcenth aim Mundcrson streets , on the evening of July ' ! ! . Cable mlvic-M are that Jem Smith , the English pugilist , Is willing to tulto $1,000 ex jit-rises and light John L. Sullivan in this country for the chaniplunship of the world if Kiilllvan Is not willing to tro abroad. 1 D. vo Ucmtett mid ICd Kendall are doln the Iowa and Illinois towns on a professlona sprinting tour. They beat the local crack at DivvoniKirt lust Thursday , and nro said to have got away with nearly a thousand del ars of prohibition suukcirotta. A tCklcugu , Thursday night , Frank Ives niailq n total of 315. while Jacob Schuefer scored K5 , In a game of balk line billiards JvcV average uas 18 tKSU and Schuefcr IS 91-03. Tills Is the first tlmo that Schucfer wns juvcr beaten m n gfimo as long as UOO ixilntv by any man save Clrorgo Klosson am Maurice yigiiaux that Is in fourteen Inul balk lino. Ivca did the remarkable perform ante bfOS in ninu innings. 'EV h'ttA > wls' ; the strangler , and Mc.Mlllen tb v nfrong tnuti , arc matched for a inlxoi 8tyle\vroalhni \ ; contest to take place at the Cul fjum 'August 7 , The contwst will bo fern n | > ui 6of fSOOoflorod by the management nnd will , in air likelihood , bo a struggle well worth witnessing. Lewis has the ropu tatlon of of the best buing ono iMtrh-as-catcti can wifltUloi-8 In the world , and in fact fo eoveral ionncholtl the championship , but lu is way up lu all styles , and fully able to lion his own with the bent of them , McMlllcn the strong man , while not so cll known o the strungler , is uUa u good man ut thin styl of wicfttlliig nnd fully expects to down the \ \ Ucoiiftln terror. A tight , or moro properly speaking , a glov < contest , U being urrangcd for bctweei Jimmy Llndsuy , the midillo-wolghtchamploi of Ni bra Ua. and Dan Daly , of St. Louis , tc i-omooir within the next fortnight witnm ono hundred mile * of this city. Lindsay' record U too well known for rehearsal bero bg ( in iijv , who U comparatively a novice bo will llnd u warrior worthy ull liii muscle nerve ami ( clenco. Ho has muda but out tight of uny noio ra draw with no less u ixirBonuge , that UlUy Meyer , tbu Streato Jftd , wlio fought Uruw with Juck est winter. Daly and Lindsay will tlaht for nurno of $500 given by a number of snori ng men of this city , Council Blurts and St. xmls. The time and place has not as yet been decided upon. The following Is a list of the entries for ho great professional championship meeting , o bo held at Denver August 18 to 25 ; Dave Icnnott and Ed Kendall , of this cltyt J. P. Ittnghn , Casey , 111. } W. Samuels , Hotany , f. S. U. ; Jesse Cross ( colored ) , Cairo , 111 , ; It M. Johnson. St. Louis ; Sid 1'cet , liuffalo , ? , Y. ; James Quirk , llrantfordOnU ; James Collins , Milwaukee , Wls. ; E. S. Skinner , Denver : C. F. Gibson , Kansas City O. D. Clack , Kansas City ; C. O. Leo , Fort Scott , Can. ; W. H. Hough. Qlrard , Kan. ; W.MIlls , Watertown , Mass. ; Fred Hoger , Trenton , N. J. ; Dave Shopnrd , Pittsburg , Pa. : E. U. Matblas , New Philadelphia , O. ; Frank Only , Dodge City , Neb. ; T.V. . Dobbins , St. Paul , Mnn. ; O. D. Start , Iowa ; F. W. Stone , New York ; Frank Lewis , Oakland , Cal.M , J. Slattcry , Boston ; "ruckle" Murphy , Provi dence , It 1. ; W. Brown ( colored ) , Natick , vUss. ; Thomas Fitzgerald , Toronto , Ont. ; limmy Ryan , Los Angeles , Cal. ; \ \ , Donovan van , Lynn , Mass. ; J , W.Flynn , Lynn , Mass. ; W. C. Uryan , Hutchinson , Kan. Thn entry 1st up to data comprises thirty namesamong , .hem being the most prominent runners in the country. Kxtprnilniulnc tlio Dlrdn. The secretary of the Omaha gun club is la receipt of the following letters , which speak 'or themselves : LINSCOTT , Nob. , July 25. Dear Sir : If you have any mou out looking up violators of .ho game laws , send ono to this place. They ire slaughtering young uhlokcns and grouse n this vicinity by thousands and shipping : hem to the eastern markets , . ANSKLMO , Nob. , July 23. Dear Sin I write you In the Interests of the game law. and with the hopa of stopping * ho killing of young prairie chickonsb.eforo the law is up. If your club desires to prosecute offenders , I advise you to send un oflluor or ofllcors up into Custcr county. The birds are being killed off by the wholcxalo there. Dunning is the station the birds are being largely shipped from. Plenty of evidence is obtain able that will convict several of the con- SL'ionceless scamps. - . U\XCUOIT , Neb. , July 19 Dear Sir : There are one or two r gula'rly orgunl/ed li.irttcs in this vicinity who do nothing but shoot ; prairie chickens for the eastern market , ajid they are nt it now. Up on the Omaha reservation , the birds are being literally exterminated before they are half grown. Cnnlitit your society take some steps wlihMi will put u stop to this unlawiul practice. If you want any shoot ing this fall , you will surely have to do something to protect the ypungbirds. < . NoiiTir Pr.vTTEucNalx o July 18. To the Sporting Editor of Tun UKR : If uny move is made by the Owujja , gut ) , clubs to put a quietus to the wuntqn.vlqlitfon { of the prolrio ' chicken luw , \iavif'ffom \ , , ? , ) , , to $100 to con tribute to help the cduse ittm'ig. It Is an out rage to have chickens and quails , not yet half-grown , destroyed , ( n .the way that mar ket hunters nro now destroying them. From Tlio season is moro than half ovor. Brooklyn is still after Tom Naele. Kmtnerko is with the Milwaukecs. Shock loads tn battlnc for Milwaukee. Dos Monies Is in a bud way for pitchers. Jovne is putting up a good game for Sioux City. Minneapolis la yet a factor In the pennant chase. Cincinnati would give a big round sum for Nichols. Alvonl Is putting up a good game for the Cowboys. Tuckerman is doing the best pitching for the Apostles. Burns , the Poet , of Kansas City , 1ms made 10J base hits. Milwaukee has got a got a good man In Pitcher Davles. Joe Quinn , Boston's short-stop , is off with malarial fovcr. Elmer Poster Is the champion sprinter of the western association. Minneapolis han u strong pitching trio in Duke. Devlin and Mitchell. Sioux City has patched up bcr difllcultlei and will play the season out. St. Paul has released Wogonhurst , who has signed with the Cape May team. Canavan is , without n doubt , the best out fielder in the Western association. It is hinted that Kansas City parties con trol the bulls of St. Joe's base ball stocK. Willie Mains , St. Paul's long drawn-out twiner , is getting It in the neck hard and often. often.W. W. L. Van Horn , ono of the Denver direc tors , was in thu city u couple of days this week. Crooks is the only player in the country who has inude four home runs In one game this year. Captain Shoch Is getting -much better work out of the Milwr.ukees than Undo Ezra did. What's the matter with Omaha's securing Krock nnd Seniors , the battery recently re leased by Chicago ? Burks , Sioux City's ' short stop , went back on Denver anil signed with | St. Joe. Howe says ho'll ' have the young niix'ii black listed. Jack Messitt has been loaned to Denver and is playing third. The Omaha management - , mont can recall him whenever they feel so disposed. "Peekaboo"'cucty , of. tbo Sacramontos , has boon laid off for boozing. Ho Is an irre deemable lusher and should bo "fired" In continently. * tlt Nnglo has caught fourjfiiths of all Omaha's games this season. apdtlmjt.v ) < it his first poor game to catch , | worth his weight in scrap Iron. JiKi : j , ; Milwaukee Has ncr'pause for regret in los ing Pitcher McNubb. Oinulia found htm a regular pud. Ho claims to have been siclc while here , however. Crooks bus made 10 homo runs , Cleveland 9. Andrews 8 , Strauss aud Canavnn T each , Messitt 5 , Walsh. Nagla nnd Coouey 4 each , Clarke 'J and Nichols 1. Dalrymple and McClellan nro the ball players of the Denver team. Grandpapa Uolan , however , continues to hold up his end , both ut and behind i\\o \ \ bat. The St. Joe papers olaltn that Omalin has a wholesale dread ns well as disgust for Chlppuy McGurr. But that is untrue. The gay little bird has always boon a favorite hero. hero.Kid Nichols Is ono of tfta coining pitchers , that is , if lie hasn't already arrived. Hols certainly ono of the niast effective men In thu box to-day , and the National lenguo and the American association are both clamoring for him. Homotnber there is a. game at the ball park to-morrow , as well ns Tuesday und Wednes day , too. Those games were transferred from Des Moines mutual consent , and will bo the last played hero until Au gust 8 , The battling averages of the Omaha team up to nnd Including1 the womoyesterday , are us follows : Crooks , .1)55 ) ; Cleveland , , ! 15 ; Canavan , .3'i ! ; Nutfle , .321 : Coonev , .SOS ; Waltb , . ! W5 ; Willis. .300 ; Strauss , . 'JIM ; An drews , ,2tW ) ; Mcssitt , .355 : Clarke , .220 ; Nichols , . " 00. , . Under the now rules of four balls , three strikes , the Improvements tn Vmttlnc la scarcely noticeable. Taking the ofilclul av erages of last year In comparison with those of to date , we IIml that the batting is In creased about 10 pur cent. On this basis the lending batsmen this vcar would not have more than .377 to his credit. In fact , It will bo surprising if these figures are reached. The Spirit of the South nays Tito Hurst , the now Western association umpire , the following compliment : "Tho late Southern league season Is notable In one respect. It in troduced to the huso ball world down In this direction the best umpire wo have ever seen , In Tim Hurst. Ho Is intelligent , honest , firm , quick und correct in his decieloug , and has the respect of ull players. " In a gaino In New York last week Patsy Oliver Tcbeau , Omaha's old third baseman , drove the ball over the fence and won f 100 for so doing * Tfio New York Sun spoke as follows of the hit : "In this game TobodU was the hero of the day , and when ho left ttie fluid ho was f HKJ richer than when the game b ; un. When Connor made lili hit over the fence a few days ago , James J , Coo- gun inu'o an offer of (100 to the next player who would put the ball over the fence , and Mickey Welch made u bet of $10 that the ball would not ire over again. Mickey is out his (10 , for lu thn fourth innlnir , when Welch KUVe Tebciiu u ooaxer , the bitter did not ( rein to lilt the ball hard , but it wont up In the air with n graceful curve und dUuppoarod eve > tbo fence. An It curved through toe air u white strip of paper seemed to trull out boblno It , upon which was stamped , 'Pay the bearer (100. " It did not take Mr. ooganlong to brlngtho check to the players' > ench , nnd notwithstanding that Captain Swing objected on the ground that the re ward was for the Now York plnyors alone , Lho money wont to the batter , and Mr. Coo- jan renewed the offer to the Now York Mayor who should duplicate the hit. To- joau'a hit was not so long n ono ns Connor's ' , Tor It wont ever tbo fence as near center field at possible. " nntl Answers , Beatrice sport , A win * , , Will you please Inform mo In Sunday's issue where Wlllmtn Hickok , ( Wild BUI. ) was killed and who killed him and whore ho was burled ? An Old Subscriber , Eleventh and Plcrco streets. Ans. At Dcadwood , by Jack McCall in " 79. Ho was buried there. McCall was hung at Yankton , Dak. Plcaso answer the following questions In Sunday's snorting columns. Did Drury Vnndcrwoou , of Kansas City , brcoKotho rec ord at the spring shooting In that city , and what Is his record I Whore docs J. H. Sticotho noted live-bird shot reside , and has ho nny occupation. What U Hudd's ' best record on 100 live birds , nnd has ho over been beaten ! L. McK. Omaha. Ans. Know nothing of Vnndorwood or his record. Slice resides In thi" city and Is connected with the Collln's Gun company. Budd's ' record is ninety-nine birds. Ho has been beaten repeatedly. When and whore did Sullivan nnd Kllrnln first moot , and how often did they meet ! C. H. Mnyberry , Stnnton , Neb. Ans. In Boston , In January , 18S3. Three times. Can you please Inform mo whether Jacob Schaufcr , the champion billiard player , was born in Chicago or St. Louis ! T. H. E. Cue , Omaha. Ans. Ho was born In Milwaukee. T. H. Blnck , City All the questions you ask have been answered several times In these columns before , and Tin : Bci : has not the space to reprint them. It is expected that those interested will regularly read this column and keep posted ; for that reason the queries are published in full. No attention is paid to communications asking to what re ligious denomination or what political party th's or that ball player belongs. To decide a bet will you please state the size of the ring in which Sullivan nnd Mitchell fought In Franco ) C. O. Dunhnni , Fremont. Ans. Tlio regulation , twenty-four feel square. In a game of pinocle A und B both have DUO. The dealer turns up the seven spot ( dees ) , can this bo counted ) In molting , when ono has melted 150 ( Jack , queen , king , ten and ace ) can ho , by placing an extra king or queen , count forty additionalt Charles N. W. , Kansas City. Ans. Unless you had an understanding before the game begun , it counted. Yes , to your second question. A Man's Mistake. M. N. II. In Jlantnn Gtolic. A brace of beauties ono u blonde And t'other a brunette Is ; The dark-eyed hourl's Hlldcgondo , The golden locks are Letty's. A horse between two bales of bay Might lancy what I suitor ; To iniss u heaven whichever way I turn , oh , what is tougher ) Either I'd woo as I've wooed none Hud I ne'er met the ether ; But when I think of life with ono It makes mo long for t'other. When Lotty lifts these violet eyes To mine llovo her madly ; But Hildcgonde's angelic guise Affects mo quite as badly. Their rival charms distract me so I wish I'd never scon 'em ; For , soon or lute , full well I know , I've ' got to choose between 'em. Besides , to break a woman's heart Should horrify a heathen ; Yet if I choose that is the part That lute assigns to mo then. O Lotty 1 O gay Hildogonde 1 Bo sure that 1 shall pity Whichovcr's leftl Yet why despond ! There still is Suit Lake Cityl And where I fancy either face Now all aglow with beauty In tears for me , it seems a case Where bigamy's a duty 1 * * * * * P. S. Kind friends , the die is cast , Oh , take mo out und bake mol I've ' popped to both the girls ut last And neither one would tuke mol i uoi 3. The road to ruin leads through the wicket gate. The language of a deaf-mute is a thing that goes without saying. Has the norse who wins by n bare neck any advantage over a pretty girl ut a ball. The trouble with a tip on a horse ruco is that it , is so seldom tip-top. None of Jack the Kipper's victims is so thoroughly dead ns the London police. What are the wild waves saying ! They are probably lying about their circulation. What's the difference between being in the soup and getting in u stew ) The fly-wheel Is tbo anarchist of mechan ics. It. is always engaged in revolutions. Marriage In not n failure. It is simply Ciiuld'a assignment Jor the benefit of bis creditors. The people who got the greatest pleasure out of the traveling season are the servants who stay ut homo. The sublimojiorto has been asked to join the triple alliance. The alliance wants to bo able to talk Turkey to Servta. Alas ! no British syndicate of capitalists has yet proposed to buy the state capital at Albany , A very sensitive horse Is bettor than nny other for hunting because ho is quicker to take u fence. The man who Is Into for the train is like n contractor when ho is seen "tearing" up the street. Actors may have no end of animosities In private lifo , but they always make up before they appear on the stage. From Newport cornea the cry that men are wanted. The heavy swells of the surf nro nutaunlcieul to satisfy the fomlnlno heart. In the meteorological eccentricities of tbo present season nature seomn to bo Indulging in "cruel und unusual" modes of annoying mankind. The ranjnsty of tbo law had to take n back seat at the prlro fight , but it saw the fight , and can now get up and be the mujesty of the law again. ' 'Yes , " ftidtbo literary man , with a sigh ; "stylo is a line thing for a writer to huvo , but when bis wife's got it , too , It takes all the profit away. " An English viscount , aged twenty years , has man led n concert ball singer. Ho will probably have a divorce la time to make u suitable marriage at the ago of discretion , Tlio time lias comouguin when a One string of fish In the hand is worth two dollars out of pocket to the man wbo didn't catch tbo nVn. nVn."Hut "Hut , Max , don't you think It extravagant to give f-'lOO for a diamond to wear on my handl" ' 'Not at all , mv dear ; you don't con sider how much I shall save on your gloves. " "Forty Thieves" was recently billed for a Montreal theater , but it was a failure , Tlio Insignificant number of thieves was only jeered at by the American colony of default ers and cashiers , Stage realism is taking another and more lifelike form. In a play soon to bo pro duced In Now York there will bo no tank tilled with real wutcr , or a brace of bona tide buglars but u rooster tbut knows when to crow. A competent company has been engaged to support the bird. An ADsoliitii Uurn. ThoOmGINALADIETINB OINTMENT Is only put up In largo two-ounce tin boxes , and Is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped bands , and all skin orup. tloiis. Will positively cure ull kinds of piles- Ask for tbo ORIGINAL AB1ETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug oempany At 26 cents per box by mall UP ceutg , Jewelry being agulu in high vogue , ail eorU of pew designs and devices ure being brought out , STRUGGLE FOk A FORTUNE. Florence Blytho'a Case as It Appears In Court. HER MOTHER TELLS THE STORY. Klootrlolty Ends tli v H liblmlcrs IJufllncs1) In Chinatown An Un- romniillo Monnoilnu Conrt- Blilp Curse of IjixnU Monopoly. A Hrcoxo From i ftio "Const. SAN FUAXCIPCO , Jnly25. ? [ Special to THIS I3ii : : . ] The stoitf ! tft the struggle for the millions loft by the Into Thomas II. Blythe tins atttjnfctod nttontlon throughout this conn , England and Australia , und tlio cc urt room in this city , where tlio fight-1i 5now at its most interesting period , is thronged daily. The principal charadtor just at present is Mrs. Ashcroft , moihor of Florence Blytho , the latest claimant for the millionaire's monoy. Although sulTor- inp from sickness , Mrs * Anhvroft was on the stand for sovorul days last week anil rotieatod the story of her lifo her meeting in London with Thomas Blytbo , his promises of marriage and llnal desertion , followed by the birth of Floroncu , and thu subsequent marriage to Joe Asheroft. The story of Mrs. Ashcroft loses none of its interest in the tlotails. Grief was her portionand sel dom was it dispelled by joy. Ilor sea son of happitioss was short with Thomas H. Blytho ; the shame that came of it was so great that her filth or was not told of it. Then her marriage with Ashcroft ban-on qf everything but tears and bitterness and remorse. She concealed from her hus band the address of. Blytho , fearing Asheroft would attempt to blackmail the man who had caused her so much sorrow. The father of Florence seemed to have forgotten his little girl and her mother , and for two tyoars nothing was heard of him. At the o.n"d of that tlmo the witness wudordorcd toTwrlto him by her husband , and eompliotl only when "Joo" Asheroft stood ever her with a bludgeon and dictated the words that she should set down. The cross-exami nation shown that the defense is not sat- isliod with Mr. Blytho as a father for Floronco. A largo crowd listened to her story , moro could not get iuto'the court room. The pioneers have prominent places in tlio room , and many ladies listen with eagerness to every detail of the case. The hearing of this case is notable for many things ; ono mattoVin particular strikes the observer. Th6 usual court room frequenters have "been replaced by n bettor element , and interest more than curiosity draws tbb audionco. There are , however u number of tough characters seen in the court room daily , and the impression has gone abroad that an attq'mpt is to be made to abduct the girl plaintilT , and thus end the proceedings. To prevent anything of the kind detectives have been engaged to watph Florence and accompany her wherever she goesnight and day. A will is said to be ill exis tence giving all the prdporty to Florence once , but so far the much sought after document has not boon found , although it is believed to bo -possossion of at torneys at Ix > s Angeles } . . - v. . . - . - TAGI1T lif CIlfsJAXOVJJi. . The frame of m'ijiid in which the Amalgamated APSOC : ation of Iligh- binders finds itself -ir Chinatown 'over the erection of tho-c oetric-light masts and the lighting ol the powerful are lijht is illustrative ofrtho class describ ed in the Bible , ot which it is said , "they love darkness rather than light , because their dt-cda Wj evil. " It must bo a bovero blow tdftho inlustrious Mongolian assassin to\flnd his favorite corner in an alloy orcourl. lighted up by the electric light arid as brilliant as day , where heretofore it had boon shrouded in utter darkness , and whore ho could use his hatchet or iron bar en tirely unobserved. iJo rcuht think tnat the police authorities/ have interfered with his vested rightsy-and that this is becoming a hard country for a poor man. There is no such detective as light. Crime flees before it nnd hides itself and vice of all kinds avoids it as though it wore fatal to it , as , indeed , it is. The portion of the city called Chinatown has been a perfect Aisatiit , chiolly because it waa so dark , and bocnuse a deed of violence might bo doiio and the criminal escape under cover of the shadows which fell across the narrow alloys and streets ; but now tho-searching rays of the electric light penetrate to the farthest recesses of' tlio holes in the wall in which clusterscores of those aliens , and the highbinder's occupation is gone. gone.A A MONGOLIAN COUUTSHIt' . Lnn Ah Fook works in a tailor shop nnd has juet been married , his bridu being Mias Ah Oil , lately a resident of , the Presbyterian mission homo , The ceremony was porJonnod by Rev , A. W. Loomis at the mission. Fook were his Sunday suit and a doubtful smile , while Miss Oil was decked in a new navy blue blouse and bright green troubors. The other Chinese girls of the mission gathered around the prospective bride and jabbered ever the nlluir , casting occasional on vious glances at Fook. Ho stood the trying ordeal in the most stoic manner until ho was requested to take Mibs Oil's hand. Ho then hesitated , blushed and finally a loblc of disgust settled upon his conntontmco , evidently bored at the little marl : of affection which ho was compelled to publicly ex hibit. Thoy-both repeated the marriage ser vices nnd made their responses in good English. When Foolc waa iiiskod if ho "would take this woman to bo his law ful wedded wife ? " ho hesitated , eyed her askance for a motriont , nnd then re sponded doubtfully , "y-o-ei'p , " THE HIIIDI''S BTOHY. After the ceremony hail been per formed anu congratulations ever with , Mrs. Fook tohlu reporter in the host ot English the history of her lifo in the mission nnd how Mr. Foolc Imd wooed and won hor. "I was brought to this country on a slave about llvo yearq ago , but was res ound by the Chincto consul and , placed in the mission homfe , whore I have lived ever since. I go W ohuroh every Sun day , and there I > liruteaw my husband. Ho is not a merchant , And could not go to China for a wife , BO ho told Dr. Loomis that ho wan\od \ onfe from the mission. Ho oxproesod a preference for mo , to the minister nsked mo if I would marry him. I wajgliid to got the chance , and I accepted it immedir.toly. You know , wo nro not considered r'o- spoctablo by our people unless wo nro married , Then lie ouiao here to see mo , and I told him thatLnanted to ho mar ried by a minister lojmako it binding , though I nm not .Christian. Ho con sented , and that w B ll there was to it. Ho wanted a wifo.iandl wanted a hus band. Ho nuked me und I was accept able to him. There , now , " and she tousod her head in contempt of the po- otlc features ot nn Idonl courtship. The honeymoon will bo spent in the tailor shop. A IIOMII-TIIKUWKH ATTKMl'TS BU1CIUU. "Dr. " James A. Hodges , who gained BO much notoriety in February , 1887 , by his attempt to throw a bomb at Adollna Pattl during u performance at the Grand opera houeo , attempted to end his lifo by cutting his throat in this city recently. Fortunately , ho did not cut quite deep enough , nnd with the aid of a few stitches and a good constitution the old doctor will bo spared to add'a few moro years to the three score and ton which have already passed ever him. The act which" made Hodges no torious is ono which will not bo forgot ten in a hurry by any ono who attended the last performance given by Adnlina Pattl in the Grand opera house in Feb ruary , 1887 , and saw the bomb thrown by Hedges como flaming through the air in the direction of the stage. The excitement raised by the action was something Intense , nnd the only thing that pi evented a panic was the coolness of the famous songbird. Ilodgos. was talcon , burned and bleeding from the theater , and after a trial , was sent to prison for two years. Ho was released last December , nnd cnmo back to San Francisco to llnd that his wife of forty years had died the month before , aim that his daughter had fol lowed her soon after. Whonho | hoard of this the old man , who had always acted quocrly , Bcemed to lese his senses en tirely , and lie accused every ono of con spiring to do him an injury. By his wife's will everything she had was loft to her son-in-law , Albert T. Warron. Hodges contested the will , but , after a long and acrimonious contest , it was sustained. Since then Hodges made bovornl visits to Warren's residence , 20 Derby place , and made demands upon him. When refused ho would organ ize a street mooting and denounce hia son-in-law as a murderer. After his at tempt at suicldo Hedges said ho wanted to die , and objected to having the wound sowed up. Ho must have spent considerable time preparing for his death , for ho had bovoral letters , written in iv rambling way , in his vest pocket. IjAND MONOl'OIA"S CUUSIJ. The curse of land monopoly has ever boon ono of the most gigantic oviln of the century and of the country. It is making giant strides here in California. It is opposing itself as a barrier to pro gress. It is a stumbling block placed on the road to improvement , for the purpose of wrecking the traiils of ontor- prise. Its vicious work is to bo seen on every hand. The Norris grant in Sac ramento county is ono of the most glar ing examples of the baneful results of land monopoly. It seems ns though hero hundreds of homes might bo dot ting the landscape ; a thousand children basking in the sunshine ; the music of the church boll nnd the voices of happy bcholars making melody whore now the rolling plain echoes only to the low of the cow , the bleat of the sheep , and the neigh of the horse ; orchard , and vine yard , and farm standing as silent wit nesses to the growth and prosperity of the county. Yet no such picture pre sents itbolf. But a few houses can bo soon and dozens of herds and Hocks. All this tair land is the property of ono man. Not content with hoarding to Jiimsolf those vast acres , the owner thereof has barb-wired Ihom all in , until only the county road is loft. For ever thirty years this vast area has been the rendezvous of pleasure parties. It was one of the few places in the county where a pleasant Sunday could be spoilt. Now it is locked up , and its boundless acres , untillcd. have naught but cattle , sheep and horses for Iho the landscape , wliilo -aver and anon. The ini'rri ; brown liurcs come leaping Over the crest of the bill. And as they leap the Duke of Sacra mento and the love of the Rancho del Paso glances hoardingly ever the union , "millions of hands want acres ; millions of acres want hands. " THE CITY LICKNbK KKVUNUR. The annual report of the city license inspector shows the total collections for the past year to have been $510,677,40 , as against $480,128.35 , last year , an in- increuse of S21,455. ! ) : ! The classifica tion of the revenues is as follows : Mer chandise , $94,192 ; bankers , $22,150 ; liquor dealers , $235,800 ; municipal li cense , insurance , laundries , solicitors , $52,713 ; dog Inga , $7,257 , stock certifi cate tax , $7,71 ! ) , of which $0,810 was paid to the state treasurer ; one-half proceeds from permits for the sale of lire-crackers , $705 , the other half hav ing been paid into the lire relief fund ; vehicle licenses , including street cars , $22,929 ; pawn brokers , $0,000 ; theatres , $7.108 ; Chinese nnd other bnskot ped dlers , $11,010. The expenses oi the li cense olllce for the year are about $28,500.THE THE UNION LEAGUK CLU1I. The organization of the Union League club in this city has been a matter of great surprise to the politicians of both parties , most especially that class which depends largely upon the general apathy of the bettor class of citi/ons for success. The club is thoroughly repub lican , nnd will advance that cause at all times. The idea developed during the last campaign in the organization of the conference convention of republi can clubs was that of concerted and continuous action. The practical illus tration of that principle was the bring ing of the young men prominently to the front and they assisted materially by united action in making a brilliant victory. The present organization will not bo restricted to ago nnd will bo thoroughly independent in its move ments. The formation of the league is largely duo to Colonel William H. Chamberlain , the active president of the Dirigo club. KcUpatli anil iTon DnvlH. The acquaintances of Mr. James Rod- path who know that ho was ono of John Brown's men in Kansas are surprised Dr. J. E , McGREW ONE Of THE MOHT SUCCE8BKIII , C SPECIALISTS lit the Treatment of All Chronic , Nervous and 1'rhuto Diseases , Spermatorrliii a , liupotenur > nd t' llluz Manhood abioluttjlr curtcl. A euro k'unrmitooU la a > | luriin ut 1'rlrale llica > e > , blrlaurei. ( jl t. Aa. Culurfli , Tliront , I.UUKI , and Ilimrt liluaiei. ltliauniatl > iu , Hpliml aud humale Dliemct. lllooil aud bklti UKeiiei truUud lucceufullr. I illM1 ami Kcotlomen'i waltlnz rooiui eparntu and entirely private. nConiultatlon free. Send foe ; booki.Thn Kecrot and l'rlT tiiln eni' of t n , ' liu'\Vomui > Allvr Uiirunit-i Ulo each nuiupi. ) Trcutmunt tif corre pou < loniei tend > iamp rorreolr , OFFICKI lam ANO HOUOLAS sTUEtn-s , OUAUA , nt the fnot that for a week past ho hns boon a gxiost of .TolTorfon Dnvis nt his homo in Mississippi , Buys the Now York Sun. In truth , Rod putli has boon on intimate terms with Davis for n mini- of years , and it was ho who procured for Davis the opportunity ot hccomlnga contributor to the South American Ko- viow. The ox-prcs'ulont of the south ern confederacy- a butter opinion of John Brown now than lie had thirty yours ago. DRS. BETIS & BEITS lift ) FAUN \u BTHKET , OMAHA , NM. ( Uppoilt * 1'Axton Hotel. ) OlTIco hours , 0 . . m , to 8 p. m. Bund&yi , 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Spfdillsts In Chronic , Nervous Skin and Ulood lUca < * e& . , . { t * CoiisuHntlon at oniea or ujr mail fre . Medicines sent by innll or express , securely Backed , free from observation ( limrnmeos to curt > niiti'kly , nnfely im < l pornmnentljr. TJDDunilC ! niJBTl IIPV Bparmntorrhum. s mt- ilhrlVUUo IJhDlLUl uat I.ossns.NiKlit Knits alons. I'lijolcul li cny. arising from Inrilncre tlon. Uxccssur IndtilKencn. producing Sleepless ness , llrapnmlonry. I'linp'CJ on thn face. u\cr- mon to sodctv , easily ( UkOournRcii , l cn of conn denco , dull , unlit for st.mly or ImsluesH , nnd finds llfo n luiruen. Hnfi-lv , permanently nnd pri vately curoil. Consult lira. Delta & Ilotts , HUB Knrnnm St. , Omnhix , Nob. Blood anil Sinn Disease results , completely Diseasec without the uld of Mercury. Scrofula , rj . 1'ever Sores , Illotchos , Ulcers. I'MlrtUiiwilU'ad und nouns , Syphilitic Bore Tlirortt ; Mft l nnd Tongue. On- tarrh , ate , , permanently ftV' : \ where other * hu\o failed. VV' r Viihinu UrinaTO UU'i ( iluadtler Complaints , JUllHuy' Unfldiy rniatnimimcuit , too rro- ( | uont IHiriiitic or Illoody t'rine , Urines high col ored or with milky scillniciit on xtnmllm ; , Wonfc Back , Oonorrtiii'ii , Gleet , Cjntltls. etc. , Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges Itcnsonn- bio. 19 i .CuLlr JL U J&XU ' ' ! 1 Guaranteed mnnent Cure , per- re moval complete , without cutting , caustic or tllllatlon. Curca directed at homo by patient ulthout a moments imlnor uiinoymice. To YOIM Men and Miuule-Afcfl M , PlIDP rjllle aw fill ellects of curly A5IIDP Uulm uUflC Vfco. which biincs organic weakness , destroying both mind anil body , with all Its ilreaileil Ills , permanently cured. TTD J PCI"1 ! ? Adress those Nhohnve impaired LIUO , DElllU themselves by Improper liuliil- genres and Holltary ImbltN. which ruin both body and mind , unfitting them tor bu lnfis , ituay or marriage. M AintiKi ) MKV. or those cuti-rln on that bap py life , mvuro of physical debility , iiulctly lu listed. OUR SUCCESS. Is. based upon facts , First I'rnctlcal Kxpa rlcnce. Second Kvery casu In especially studied- thus starting nrlght. Third Mo llciuos aru pro , pared In our lubatory exactly lu null each cuse , thus nH'uctlnK cures u Itliout Injury tSK Seml 0 cents Dosttgo for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous anil JMkuto Diseases Tnonsiinilsf curoil. t f \ friendly letter or cnll may save you future suffering nnd ulinmo , ami add golden yearn to life. J-rNo letters an swered unless accompanied by I cents In stanina. Address or call on 1 > R . JBETTS & HUTTS , llOSFaruam Street. Omaha. Nb. andAll urmury troubles easily , fin'lclt- ly ( iud surely cnraiU ) lUCrr ITUA Cap- BUles. Several cnses ciirert tn seven uay . - Sold ut l.M per box , all iliugulsts , br by inatl from DoctUJa M'f'K O ) . 11WUlta N. V. Full illrefl- lotia Rnrn fnmH HTADLISHED IBSI j iso so. M"8 Mural J Chicago , Ilia , i ClarkSt. Tlio Regular 01d-EsWblIste4 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON It itUI Treating with the Grutoik SKILL and SUCCESS Chronic , Ncryons anil Priyate Diseases , ' - NERVOUS DEBILITY , , falllnr Memory , K h ui lnr Dtnln < Drtami , Mend and Dack Ache and IJ teidlng 10 curly dccuy tnd rcitiipi Con uni ji lo nUy , uiattd tcltnllfualljr by new nct Devir-Auiiur HUCCM * . . < t m * all bid DIooJaBd nvplt. sain ntrminrntly cured. ' . / . ' ' * * -KlDNEY nd URINARYcompUlMt.aieet , Ctonorrhota , Stricture , VnrlcoctU mt nil of the Qenlto.Urinary Org i cuml promptly without Injury to Stomach , Kldniyt or othtrOnini. Air-No eiperlmtnti. Ag nd experience lm portant. Coneultatlon frte and acreil. 7-S nd4CtnU potUce for Ctllbr t d\VorV 00 Chronic , Nervou * and Dellcote Dlittict. - , Aa-Thoie cooUfnpUllne M ir ! K trad for Dr. Ctrke' ctltbratcd Rul.le Mile > nd Pctnale , cch , both ij ctnU ( itimui ) . ConiuJt the old BeenU AfritndlyUller orc.llm r fi turt urr. ( Ina and ihamc , and add Roldcn ) tan to lift. A9llix > k "Lire'iStcrtErrort"soc ( ) nuit npi ) ' Medlclna and wtilmn tent everywhere , icniie front npotur . noun , 8 to > . Sundayi 9 to 11. Adilrut P. D. CLARKE. M. D. . - 168 to < dark 8U CHIOAQO MA ft CALIFORNIA TUT. 1AN1) OP DISCOVERIES ! CATARRH OROVlLLECAL SANTA : ABIEANDCAT ; ; : RCURE ; For sale by Goodman Drug Co. DR. R. W. BAILEY , The original purchaser In Omaha of the formula for Dr , Stlnaus' Local Anmathotlc for the PAINLESS EXTRACTION OP TEETH. , The ( INfjY METHOD whereby tooth nro cxtrnctoil without puln or ilaiiKur , nnd without using chloroform , gas , other or electricity. The patlout remains perfectly conscious of all that tnuis- Kphes , but fuels no Bensatlon of puln. Nosoieiiessof the gums uf tor extracting , as la the oasn with so ninny so-called unieatliotlra. Mnny who have been sutrerlni ? from builly decayca anil broVcn teeth ami roots , huvo visited lr ) llalley and hail them removed palulcsHly. After having used this unu-Hthotlu for two months for neatly e ery tooth iixtrnct oil In this ofllco , the Fl HST PKKSON Is to be found that li not cntlu-ly Kiitisflud with UK merits. Sonic dentists may try to prejudice you ugtilust visiting IIH : cionotnllow them to do HO. MukotiB ucall whotlior you desire dentul work or not ; wo uio always pleased to fceo nny or nil who luuj * chooho tocotno. fipeclul attention ulvon to KIl.MNd tucth , thereby preserving tLulr uaofulucs-i many yoais. DO NOT LOSK TIUU'U THAT CAN IIU 8AVK1) . II TEETH WITHOUT PLATES , Bridge Work ; Gold and Poroolalu faooa Crowns , QOLDl : } AkHyMJNtTM , SILVER , CONTINUOUS GTJM and RUB- BEB PLATES at lowest rates. A Full Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00. $ DO NOT FORGET THE LOCATION , DR. BAILEY , DENTIST , Pattern Block , 16th and Farnaiu Streets. ( Entrance on lOth Stroot. ) Cut this out , incntlonlnntlilH'pappr. JAMES MORTON & SON , Cutlery , Mechanics' ' Tools , Telephone 437 , One doolr west of Postoffica. 1511 Dodge St. O THINGS , EMERSON , NGRAVINGS , HALLET Sf ARTIST SUPPLIES , KIMBALL , MOUUirNGS , PIANOS ANDOROAN3 FRAMES , SHEET MUSiq.f 1513DOU2M J ; - Oinalia , Nebraska-'fr DEWEY & STONE " ' Furniture Company A inouni/lcent ( llzvlajjofeveruthinif uirful anil ornamental In the furni ture malitr'tqrl < tt reasonable prlcea. 811 South 10th St Onrnlm. Neb SOLU AOKXTS FOK ST. LOUIS KYDRAULIG-PRESS BRICK. 'fcri-a Cotta work and ) 'lro I'roollnu , I'ecora Mortor colou , ( 11 u lailnw ) , Hw nny' < i Dui Hard W'ooil rioora , Vanetlun unil MHilliut ilns dm JllilH. IVntiictors und llulldcr'a uud tut jirlcos. iurie < ii | < U-KiMill ttil