Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1889, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY * JULY 28 , 1880.-TWELVE PAGES. 'THE ' FAIR , " GREAT SALE , J. L. Ernndols & Sons Will Offer Bar gains To-Morrow THAT WILL BETRULY SURPRISING Ono Cnao , FlncHt Imported Forty Inch Wide Indln Iiliicn , \\orth Hfie , nt lOa a Ynrd. All chocked nainsooks nnd flno white poods that wore lOc reduced to Cc. Best quality kid finished dross linings , Ic a vnrd. Host quality double fold waist lining , Ge a ynrd. 1110 pieces double fold line wool dress goods reduced from JWo to lOc. Finest imported all wool double fold dress goods , worth up to $1 a ynrd , 80c. 1,200 samples midsos' and chil dren's fancy hose , worth up to i5c ! , 60 a pair ; 818 samples ladles' fine gnuKO fancy hose , worth up to35c , lOc a pair. Fine black silk jersey mitts. 19c. Our entire stock ot French woven corsets , worth up to $2.60 , at 7Gc. Our entire stock of Oriental laces , lea yard. Our entire Stock of Oriental luce skirting , worth \ipto $2.60 , at 2oc a yard. Standard calicos in dark patterns and Turkey rod ut 21c a yard. 13cst qunlity light shirt ing eulioos.Jtjoyurd. Full size Marseilles bed-Bprouus , 4Uc. Whlto ombrodorod nnd colored bod-sproads , $1.10. Heavy honeycomb crush towelling , 2c a yard. Fine all linen unbleached toweling 5c n yard. Very line check gluss towel ing Oc a yard. All grades finest im ported German toweling 12ic n yard. Extra largo nil linen towels Oc each. Our entire stock Jersey ribbed vests in till colors , worth from 25c to 50c. at 9c. Our entire stock of silk trimmed Im ported Jersey ribbed vests , worth up to $1.25 , at 2ac. Ono hundred very line colored Moire sutin parasols , worth up to $2 , at O'Jc.fory finest black all silk lace trimmed parasola. worth up to $4 , at 81. 7o for to-morrow only. Good qual ity boys calico waists Oc. Fine percale waists 2-1e. French llannoletto waists 48c. Gents' guu/e undershirts Oc. All fnncy stripe underwear 2 HJ. Imported Bulbriggun underwear ! 5c. ! ) Men s line white trimmed nightshirts , 40c. 40c.Good Good qunlity reinforced men's un- luundricd white shirts , -De. Very best quality'unluundricd white shirts. New York mills muslin , rein forced buck und front , 2200 linen bosom and bands , 4c. ! ) Best quality celluloid collars , all styles , 15c. Finest imported colored percale laun- dried shirts , OSc. Big line men's working shirts , 2oc. MUN.'S AND LADIES' SHOES. Ladies' kid shoes worth $2 , 1) and E. OSc n pair. Genuine hand turned French Icid shoes , opera und common sense last , regular $4.60 shoos , cut down to 82.25. Every pair warranted. Ladies' toe slippers to close , lc. ! ) Men's calf shoes ( bals ) 0 to 9. worth $2 , go at 81.10. Men's line French calf shoes , hand sowed , worth % 7 and $3 , cut down to $4,10. Ladies' line Paribkid shoes , reg ular $3 shoo at $2U5. : Ladies' line rton- { rolu. all sizes und luats , regular $3.oO shoe at $2.25. Boys' button shoes ; 1-5 , regular $1.75 quality , cut down to $1.10. This great sacrifice sale will close our special sales for July. Remember this and save money when you can. Open every evening until 0 o'clock. J. L. BUAXDKIS & SON , THE FA1 R , ' 602 , 504 ; SOO , 505 und 510 , S. 13th st. Revenue collections yesterday , $1,003.GS. Thrco enios ot perfumery nnd toilet arti cles from Paris for the Hichardson drug comlmny have been received at the custom houso. A warrant was issued \Vllliiun O. Bur gers yesterday on complaint of his wife- Nora , who says ho cut her lip und knocked out two of her teotli. Gcorgo C. Magnn , who wns arrested at the instance of his wife on the charge of adul tery , wns called before Judge Berka yester day morning for trial , but there being no ono present to prosccuto ho wus discharged. The water works company have Issued in vitations to n number of prominent people to bo present at , the formal opening of its now pumping station at Florence next Thursday at 12 o'c.ock. A special train will leave the Webster street station at 10 a. tn. Thursday. An ice cream sociable und dnnco will be given by Harmony assembly , No. U.1TU , Ludies' assembly , ut d. A. H. hall Friday evening , August . Admission , entitling holder to refreshments.5 cents. The coming week at thu Eden Museu will bo replete with interest. The Standard Lyceum company will present the popular play "Kathleen Muvour- neen. " The curio hall will present many interesting features , among which will ho Lcoma , the throe-headed woman illusion ; Xunti , the magician , and Prof. Williams' revised Punch nnd Judy show. _ _ The Sacred Heart academy , for day pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue and Twenty-seventh streets , is nn insti tution devoted to the moral und intel lectual education of young girls. The course includes everything from a pre paratory department to a finished classical education. Besides the ordi- nnry academical course , music , paint ing , drawing and the languages are taught. French is included in the or dinary course. Difference of religion is no obstacle to the receiving of pupils , provided they conform to the general regulation of the school. The bcholustlo term be gins the first Tuesday of September. Classes commence at 0 n. m. , und are dismissed ut : ) : ! tO p. m. , an hour for recreation being allowed at noon. A Great Swudl > li I'rnnahnr. The great preacher from Sweden , Dr. P. Wuldenstromwhols now Journeying through the United States preaching thu gospel to the Scandinavians , arrived in thu city yes terday and was escorted to the residence of Rev , J. A. Hultninn , IS'20 Madison a von no. He will preach to-dnv ut 10 a.m. and 7 p. m. In the Coliseum , where ull the Swedish churches will Join In union services. Great crowds are coming in from surrounding towns to attend the service. Dr. Wntdcn itroui'it pen and preaching have moved hla own country , where ho has been thu mout prominent preacher for the last thirty years About twenty other preachers arrived lu the city with him. _ _ Kxcurniou to Ojrdon , Utah , Round trip WO. On August 20th an excursion run bj the Inter-State Land nnd Town Co. will leave Missouri river points for Og- ( icn , Utah. The rate will bo Jl > 0 for tin round trip. Tickets good 19 return u ) to Sept , IDth. Passengers can huvi choice of routes , Opdon Is now the most prosperous city in the country uiu money invested tljoro ut present price ; will surely return a large prollt. Ad dress , INTKU-STATK LANI > &TOWN Co. , 1807 Lurimlo St. , Denver Col. Falconer's sale continues for Ihrot fluya , ' _ Motoru. The Omaha Struct Railway uomuany re coivnd the first of Un now eluctrlo inotoi cars yestorJay. They are very elegant ant commodious. Superintendent Smith , of th i-ompuny , Is pushing the work of extension and 'Will ' have Ins motor line In operatic early in . N , B , FALCONER , Only Three Moro Days of the Great Sale. llonilnj- , Tuesday , Wednesday tlio Only Dayn You Can Iluy Choicest Ury Onooiln at licfm Xlmn Alniiuraoturcre' Cost. GLOVE DEPARTMENT. Prices to close : Ladies1 tnlTotiv nnd lisle gloves and mitts Co , was Uoe. Ladies' silk mitts nnd cloves He , was 860. 860.LadJos' LadJos' silk mitts 25C , was SOc. Ludlos'bluck silk mitts 5Uc , was 76o. Chlldron's "onyx" hose 2 > c. Ladles' brlllinnt llslo lioso 122c. } Gouts' flannel shirts $ 1.110. All linen towels 7u. All linen towels 12c. } All linen towels lUc. Kxtrti size all llnoii towels 2-5o. IH-lnch hlouchod crush , Sc a yard. Genuine Russian crush , lOic a yard. Bust quality Turkey red damask , 47o u yard. Bargain In line cruntn damask nt 40o a yard. Bargain in line croiiru damask at 76o a yard. Burcraln in line bleached dumask at 62c } a yard. Bargain in fine bleached damask at 09c a yard. Mexican hummooks reduced to 98c each. Hammock stretchers reduced to lc ! ) a pair. Vine Irish dumask sets at reduced Tennis suitings at 2c. ! ) Blankets at half prlco. White Goods. SPECIAL SALE. Continuation of our great sale , lOo and Iflo. Black linen lawn reduced to 2Uc id 25ii a big ourguin. 40-Inch dress llannels , 32Jc. 4J-lnch ( Henriettas , 55c. 4J-incli ( Henriettas , G2Jc. 51-inch llannels , G3c. 51-inch llunnels , 5ic. ! 20c challies for 12jc. 40c chullios for 20c. 15o chullios for 8Jc. Greater bargains in silks ; great bar gains in laces ; great bargains in ribbons bens : great bargains in black -croods , lot of ] ) anisols , 75c ; wus $2.60. Lot of purulsols , $1.79 ; wns $5. Lot of para- Bpls , * o.2S : was Sl.'i.oO. Sweeping reduc tion in ladies'and gents'handkerchiefs. 20 per cent otf on lace curtui.ix and draperies. Tuko elevator , third floor. Mail orders promptly lilled. N. B. FALCONER. EXPOSITION. Merc-limits' and M.-tiiufao Hirers' Ex- l > nnlilon. All parties wishing space to make ox- liibits in the Coliseum building during the exposition to bo held next Septem ber should upnly soon as possible to John S. Prince at the building or by mail. No charge for space. All correspond ence answered promptly. JOHN S. PKIJJCK , Manager. * McDonald Protests. In accordance with the notion taken by the boail of park commissioners , the secretary of the board lirul uolilled Mr. .Toliu McDonald. RU | > crintundcnt of HUUHCOHI park , thut his fiorvlces will not bp required after August 1 , and requests him to vacate the house at the park us soon as possible. Mr. McDonald ob jects to being removed In sued a summary manner. Ho states that ho was obliged by the council to purchase $730 worth of prop erty or his predecessor when lie assumed charge of the parlc , which his predecessor could not remove without loss , and lie thinks ho should bo remunerated in n similar man ner. _ To the Sea Shore niul the Whlto Moiiiuulnd. Thrco more trips of the finest train in the world. The next "Sea Side and White Mountains Special , " solid Pullman vcs- tibuled train of the Chicago < fc Grand Trunk railway , leaves Dearborn Sta tion , Chicago , Wednesday , July 31 , August 7 and August 14 , at 6 p. m. The attractions of Niagara Falls. Thousand Islands , Kapids of the St. Lawrence river , Montreal und the glorious scenery of the White Mountains , are all en joyed by passengers on this modern hotel onyheols. . The entire train , in cluding dining car , barber shop , ladies' and gentlemen's bath rooms , li brary , and observation car , with four magnificent Pullman vestibulod sleeping palaces , ail lighted by elec tricity , runs through to the Atlantic coast without change of any car. The ladies should not overlook the nncclul feature of a "lady attendant , " who ac companies the train. Passengers for the White Mountains. Rangeley Lakes , " Poland Springs , Portland , Bur "Harbor. Old Orchard , York Harbor , Ports mouth , Isle of Shoals , and all the sea side and mountain resorts of New Eng land , should secure accommodations early on this finest train in the world bv applying to E. II. Hughes. General Western Passenger Agent Chicago & Grand Trunk ruilwuv " , No. 103 Chirk nt. , Chkugp , 111. * Tourist tickets to all eastern sum mer resorts are now on sale good to Oc tober SI. It Is AI\Miyn Cool In the cars of the Chicago & North western. Their two daily fust trains- btill louvo at 2:45 : p. in. from the Union Piicilic depot , Omuhii , arriving at Chicago cage 7 o'clock next morning. That is faster time than other lines make. In addition to the "llyors" there are two other eastern trains daily. Free chair cars. Nowout and best Bloopers. Vos- tibulod trains. No change of cars at Council Bluffs. Everything right up to the times. Low rutos now to the east. east.City ticket oftlce , 1401 Fnrnam st. R. R. RITOIIIK , General Agent. A Choice hlttt ol * Hiiiiiinar Ilesortu. In the lake regions of Wisconsin , Minnesota. Iowa and the two Dukotus , there are hundreds of charming locali ties pre-emptorily fitted for miinmor Homes , Among the following selected llbt are names familiar to many of our readers as the perfection of northern summer rcHorts. Nearly all of the Wis consin points of intercut within a short distance from Chicago or Milwaukee , und none of them are so far away from the ' 'busy ' marts of civilization" thut they cunnot ho reached in a few hours of travel , by frequent trains , over the lincbt road in the northwest the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway : OcoiiomowocVis. , . Clenr Lnhe , Iowa. , Wis. Lakes Okobotl , Iowa. Wuuki'shnVn. . Spirit Lnlto , Iowa. PalmyrnVU. . Frontenuo , Minn , Tomuhawk Laken , LtiUo Mlnutjtonka. ' Wis. Mlr.n. Lakeside , Win. Ortonvllle , Minn. Kllbourn City. Win. Prior Lake , Minn. ( Dells of the WlsWhlto Uear Lake , conMn. ) Minn , Boiivor IJain , Win. BlR Stonu Lake , lla- Mudlson , Win. koto. For detailed information , apply at tlrkot ollliie.1001 Kitrmuu utroot , Barker ' Block. ' _ Falconer's BUO continues for three days. JIAVDKN mtOH. Special Rnlo on White Quilt * . On Monday wo shall place on Bftlo thn largest and 11 nest stock of bedspreads -which was over displayed by uny house In Omaha. Wo are solo agents In Omaha for Ry- lands < fc Son's fine quilts , manufactured In Manchester , England. 11-4 double faced oxtru heavy quilts , $3.08 each. 11-4 line Milton Marseilles spreads , 93.95 ouch. 11-4 fnncy colonial colored striped cronhot and fringed spreads at $1.88 each. 11-4 line Wnldock quiltsthey are beau ties , at (1,05 ouch. 11-4 flno colored Milton spreads , fust colors , at $3.05 ouch , 11-4 flno Wuldock quilts ut$2.)8 ( ) oach. 11-1 extra bargain white quilt nt $3.60 each. 12-4 white Mursoilcs sprouds nt $2.50 each. 11-4 white Mursolloa spreads at $1.2-5 each. 10-4 white crochet bed spreads at 05o each , 10-4 soft finish crochet spreads at 8Sc each. 10-4 extra line crochet spreads nt $1.00 c.ioli. You will notice these spreads are all largo sixes. Wo are the only dry goods house in Omaha that import their quilts direct , and buying those spreads in larger quantities than any house in this city wo can , therefore , oiler you bettor bargains In this lino. LACE CURTAINS. Our first shipment of Nottingham lace curtains arrived and will bo on Halo Monday ; they are all now patterns for full 1880 , they are all tape bound nnd measure from 3 to 4 yards In length at $ l.f > 0,12.05. $3.00 , $3.60 , 84.00 , $4.50 and $0.00 a. nair , with each pair wo will give you a polo and brass trimmings free on Monday. Wo shall contlnno to close all odd pairs of curtains nt loss than cost , also curtain net by the ynrd at 80 , lOc , 12jc. lou. llo ) and 2oo yard , loss than half price to close ; silk curtains at ? 0.50 a pair whore can you mutch thorn ? Now curpots , new rugs , now oil clotliSj new door muts just received. 1IAYDEN BROS. , Dry Goods and Garnets. - TIIE COUNTY COM MISSION ( Jlltt. Turner's ' Expense Account GHUSCH n Mttlo Row. An hour passed in waiting , half ns long listening to the monotonous voice of the clerk reading the minutes of the last moot ing , und the county board was assembled , ready for work. The secretary was instructed to cancel taxes on lots 3 and 4 , the new postoQlcc blocl : , the same being church prope'rty. J. N. Knapp's bona as constable for the southern district of Florence was approved. Tlio bill of the sheriff for boarding prisoners from August , 11 , 18S3 , to July 1 , 1bS9 , amounted to $1,77:1.23. : The total num ber of prisoners was 98 ; days , 1,700. The average cost to the county was therefore more than $7 a week for each prisoner. The bill was cut to ? 12..U : , the difference repro- scntnii ; the rental value of the jail for tlio uarlaa named , and allowed as recommended by the finance committee. When the bill of the Wubash Western rail way four llrat-class tickets ro Now York and two of the same from Now York to Omaha wns read a lively little row ensued. Chair man Mount guessed he'd have it put in the hands of the charity committee. O'Keeffo objected. Anderson and Corrlgan smiled , but said not u word. "Utsfrrrod to the committee on charity , " repeated the chairman. "Hut I object , " said O'Keeffe. "We'll put it there anyway. " "Hut yon can't.- "But we will. " And ho did , while O'Keoffo turned to gaze out through the window , muttering in a grim sort of way about blamed fools , and gutting even , und things like that. Tills was the expense account of Commis sioner Turner and Jailer Miller on the Mew York Jnunt. The bill amounted to ? 1SO. ( < 0. A showing of the fees received by the sheriff durinp the first and second quarters of the present year and of his ofllcu ex penses during the same period wore received and referred to the linanco committee. Durlnc the first quarter the collections were f97S.3'J ; expenditures , $1I17. ! Second quarter , receipts , ? l-l'jj ; 02 ; expenditures , ? iau. Appropriations were ordered as follows : Prom the road fund , No. 1 , $13.727.ii : ; No. 3. Sl,4 a.7l ) . BridKO fund. No. 40 , SSCS.'JS. ' Hospital fund , No. 25 , * 3,101.37. General fund , No. 4 , $ 'J'J2. ' ( ) The board adjourned to moot Monday morning1 , .lul.v 2U , at 9 o'clock , to try Justice Levy , of South Omaha , charged with mal- fc.muico of olllce , such as dividing fines with prisoners , etc. _ All morabora of Nebraska colony of Oklahoma who have paid their $3 can cull tit 108 North 1-lth St. and see the plat und select lots. I will bo here for 10 duys. J. W. PAHSONS , City Cleric. Curd of Thanks. I wish to return mv grutoful thunkB to those who so kindly guvo us their ( ita und sympathy in our recent bo- reuvemont. .Wsr. STADKLMAN. J. P. Fruzior & Co. , the pho tographers near Tenth and Jones streets , will move their gallery from the city about August 1st. Those who want first class cabinet photographs at $2 u dozen should call before that time. To-Dny's Concert. Tlio concert at Hunscom park to day , will bn givnn by the band of the Second in fantry. The programme Is as follows : PAUT I , Sunday March- Coronation . .Hooves O vei lure Nubucix ) Verdi Cornet Solo Spanish Sercnado..Ellenborg Paraphrase Jerusalem thoSolucu.Holllnson FAUT II. A ve Maria Iloyloft Air Vario Solo for Hanton Brooks Selection Attila Verdi Sont' "Oft In My Slumbers" Thomas I'AUT III. Overture L'HspolH do 1' Alsaeo..Hermann Cnpriclo Solo for Two Clarionets , , Mcrcadnnto O Salutaris Itoussol Divertissement For Two Cornets. ElIcuborK A Ornnd Kxoiirnlmi to Yellowstone National 1'arlc and Other Prominent PlnucH In the \Vo t. On Thursday , August 8 , the Union Puclllc railway will run un excursion from Omaha , Nob. , to Yellowstone Nu- tionul park and other places in the west , including Great Shoshone fulls ( the poor of Niagara ) , Ogden , Salt Lake City , Denver and ever the fur-fumed Bow-Knot loop. Ono special feature of this occasion is that the Union Paul do will tuko its own 'Stages ( mugnillcent Concords ) nnd line slugo horses along on the train , und the party will huvo the plousure of staging around tlio dif ferent places at which stops are made , fros of cost. The visit to Shoshone falls will also bo of striking interest. Elegant Pull- mmrslcoparB will bo furnished for the occasion , and the trip will luHt twenty- one days. Thu ovccedingly low rate of 6175 has been mudu for this excursion , which Includes railroad faro , hotels , meals , sleeping cur accommodations und staging in the park as well us elsewhere. Arrange to go on this excursion you will never regret It. For full particulars address , II. P. Oicuiu , , City Ticket Agt. 1 ! > 02 Funmm St. , Omaha , Neb. Falconer's tale continues for three days. THIS KljISTOflKItiTCOUIlT MAUTI.VIj It la Expected toilltvolop In n Most ScntntlnruAtBcnndnl. Tlio court martini tarcstigntlon going on nt Fort Omnha promise to develop ono of tlio moat sensational naaidnls that tins ever been known In military circles. An ofllcor high in rath n.v that twenty- flro years' cxporicncaias not bocn sufllcicnt to store his knowlcdiCTrlth information of nny affair quite so ui&fracoful. "Judging from wh&lllmvo ; learned , there must have boon a praetncortcd plan formu lated to drive Colonel Elotchor out of the nriny. An usual , thorcris n womnn nt the bottom of It nil. If wrsuccccd in getting bet hero to testify , umrk ny word , you inn.v looker or some startling revelations. This woman Is no other pernonngo than Mrs. NcFurlnnd , Col. Flotchot's sistor-ln-lnw. Wo hnvo let ters showing that htr character for three yours past has not bo < n HUe tlmt of Ciusur's wife. Two years ago tula summer aha wns the chief cnuso nf un escapade nt Atlantic City , In which tier huiband both threatened nnd attempted to shoo' , a St. Louis traveling ninn named Clayton , vlio wus thou paying the ludy undue nttcntlm. Since tlmt time Mrs.Parlatid's conduct has been , If anything , mon reckless. She wns hero last spring snvurd weeks vlsltlna Mrs. Fletcher and hnvltg an oxtremly guy time with sotiio of tin handsome young of- ilcors at the fort. Aluost nny one of Imlf n dozen Hcutonntits oui there could , If ho would , unfold a. rich md nicy story about her. It is not unllkelyttmt she will be asked When placed on ttic witness stand to clisclcso many tcto-a-tcto Incidents that certain par ties , deeply lntorcsted < would much prefer to have kept secret , but the probabilities uro that she will dlscroetlj decline to betray con fidences. "Mrs. McFnrlund wis present when Dr. Henderson assaulted Colonel Fletcher , nnd in many ways expressed her approval of the act. Tlmt any slio cane down town , nnd in various plnccs ol busliuss Rave to listening crowds of eagerly atUntlvo clerks nnd shop pers graphic nccoutts of the eruption. She told to any and every ono who consented to hear it , how briinlly the colonel had treated her dcnr sister ; what an Insanely Jealous man ho wns ; the mnny times ho had outrageously nbusol his wife for no Just cause whatever , nnd a whole catalogue of other varied and rivers Inhumane acts. Ii wns Mrs. McFnrlutd who Insisted on Mrs. Fletcher bundling tor effects aad louring for Philadelphia. "Now the Colonel is. apparently , basing all hopes nf the cast on the anticipation thut Mrs. McFarland wit bo forced to como on from her homo In tin cast and go before the court martial. " E. P. McJrYlirNUY. The Elite Clonk and Suit Co. , 151(1 Suits , costumes , tea gowns , wrappers. Jackets , wraps md luce gnrmonts. styles und priced to suit the most economical us well us the most fastid ious purchaser. Perfect lit guaranteed on every gar ment sold , without extra charge. E. F MCCARTNEY , 1510 Douglas St. Cedar lUncit Kindling Cheaper than coal. . Bettor than gas oline , because no ocor nor danger of ox- plosion. Delivered free. Try it. J. A. Nuuglo & Co. Telephone 809. Fast Time to the East. The Burlington Ho. 2 , fast vestibule express , leaves Omaha daily ut 8:15 : p. m. and arrives nt Chicago nt 7:00 : the next morning , in time to connect with ull morning trains out of Chicago for the oust. The famous fast mailnow cur rying passengers , IcavesOmahu daily ut 9:00 : p. in. und CoundlBluffsat:2-5 ! p. m. , arriving ut Chicugoutl2:00 : noon the fol lowing day , tuo fastest time over made between the Missjuri river and Chicago cage on u rogulur-iBchedule. Pullman palace sleeping cataiund free reclining chair cars * On nil through trains. Sumptuous dining curs on vestibule ex press trains both to Chicago and Den ver. City ticket olllco , 1223 Farnam st. Telephone 2-50. THAT KA.STKRN OUTLET. Thn Union Pacilic'H Lake Ijlno Ex- nililtcd nn f'at > cr. There is no longer any doubt concerning the liroposed eastern cutlet of the Union Pa cific throuirh the building of a line to bo known as the Sioux City & Northwestern , nn exclusive announcement of which was uindo in THE BEE several days ago. Late yester day afternoon u reporter was admitted to the private compartments of u well known rail- vruy official , and was shown u profile of the survey of the new road , which , though eichty miles in length , furnishes the Union P.icilio direct connection with the lake steamship lines , and ulso with the Canadian Pacillc. Mystery surrounds the project as far ns who is at the back of it is concerned The intorcstod parties have been narrowed down to three. The first , that it IB baalccd by the Manitoba ; the second , by tlio Union Pacific ; the third , by the Pacific Short Lin e company , better known UH tlio Sioux City & Ogden Hallwny company. It is presumed , however , substantiated by n slight knowledge of the fuels connected with thu deal , that the Union Pacltlc is back of it. At any -rate , the survey has been mmlo , and the line will extend to tlio northwest from Sioux City to the following places in Iowa : Leeds. James , H in ton , Merrill , Maurice , Sioux Center , Doon und Lester , ft than crosses the Dakota line , passing through Valley Springs , Pnllisado and to iHandrcnn. It will connect with the Chicago cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha at Merrill , la. , und again crosses u division of this road near Doon , la. It connects with the Chicago & Northwestern , proper , at Maurice. la. , und the Dakota division of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omnhn nt Valley Springs , Dnk. It intersects the Chi cago. Milwaukee & St. Paul near Hull , In. At Pulllsadc , Dak. , it connects with the Manitoba. It extends northward from Palll- sade , und terminates by topping the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul at Klumlrciiu , Minn. Its Una from Sioux City to Pnlllsudo Is direct. From Pnllisado a direct opening Is furnlshnd to Dulutli nud marina ports , through the Manltob.i. The appearance of the road settles nil controversy as to such u line being under headway. The material for construction Is now being delivered on the ground. One Kara ISxciir.slnnn. On August Gth nnd 20th , September 10th nnd 21th. and October 8th , round tni ) tickets will boiBold via the Santa Fo route at one loivoHt lirst class faro to Kansas , Texas , Indian territory , Now Mexico , Colorado and Utah , Touching cities of Gulveston , Austin , Ft. Worth , Dallas , OkluhomiLCjuthro ! , Panhandle City , El Paso , Darning , Denver , Colorudo Snringa , Pueblo , Trinidad , Suit Lake City , Ogjleii und intermediate points. Tickets gooa thirty days. Stop ever privileges at pleasure while on the Santa I e. For maps , rates and full information regarding optional routes call on or uddreis E. L. Frilmor , Freight and Passenger Agentl S. M. Osgood , General Agent , Santa Fo Route , 1OS ! ! Farnam street , Oninba , Nob. A Democratic I'lenfo. Surp.v Mills is the place selected by the Second Ward Democratic club ns u picnic ground for to-dny. Union Pacific trains will leave the Seventeenth street depot at 10 o'clock u. m. for South Omnha , from which place busses in waiting will convoy the visit ors to the ground. Sneaking , athletic exer cises and dancing will bo the features of the day , und a good time la promised those who attend , _ _ _ _ _ _ Abstracts of title to Wyoming oil lands furnished. Assessment work dona und verilled to by nlHUnyit nnd cortl- licuto of recorder. Claims located , J. J. Corbott , diaper , Wyoming. HniiKOliold Goodu for Sale. Furniture , carpets , ull household utensils etc. , of 7-room cottage for bale ut2310 Chicago st. Cottage for rent. Inquire on premises , THEY ARE ALWAYS ON DUTY , The Omnha PlroDopnrtmont nt Host nnd Work. DECORATING ITS HOUSES. Quarters Hung AVHh Pictures Pro vided With Modern Accom modations nnd 1'nrtorre * of iUomc-llniscd Flowers. Blon of Nerve. The Omnha flro department ts n thing of beauty in places and a joy for twelve months of tlio your. The fuct tlmt it wasn't intended that the present force should cover moro than throe * fourths of the territory It nclnnlly does cover , adds something to the luster. Chief Gnlligan recently informed a reporter for TitiilSuu that the appar atus used by the department is all of now and approved patterns the very best in use. The most pressing ncodri of the department are now fire stations and n salvage corps , Of the former , there should bo throe more , The local ity most in need of such n station is Wal nut Hill , which Is only reached utter n , long , laborious walk. Horses cannot haul the heavy machines at a faster pace up the stoop incline. As sot forth a few days ngo , there ave 80X)0 , ( people In Omaha without sutll- clont flro protection. However , few great losses by fire occur , because the boys fool tlmt much is expected from them , and exercise extra vigiluncc. A salvngo corps , in the opinion of the chief , "is not s-o much needed in Omaha as In Kansas City , St. Paul nnd other cities , bectiusc there are few fires of consequence here. Quick work prevents that. But oiico in a while a salvage corps would be a nice thing to have in the family. For instance , " says the chiot , "wlien Polaclc's clothing store burnodasalvage corps would have made the loss $2,000 instead of $17.000. Kansas City has u corps of seven men. The expense is not very great , nnd when a man wants n salvage corps ho wants it very badly. * ' Chief Galligan wants a salvage corps , but the excellent disci pline to which his men huvo been sub jected reduces lire losses to- the minimum , so thut u great many people think the corps is not an immediate necessity. In t > ome eastern cities and western , too , the insurance companies maintain a corps. Hero in Omaha they have several times talked of such a thing , but never did anything further. There is u gtcut deal of romunco about and within a lire houso. especially ono of the older ones. But the boys don't like to talk about the past very much. The romances jiro very likely to huvo a tragedy in then , , und to recall memories that are anything but picas- ant for the narrator. In many other ways , too , these places have an Interest for the average reader. Of course , it would bo naturally well understood , that firemen are always on duty , except for such short vacations as they may got from a rather conservative board of commissioners. That is to say , a fireman on duty is subject to call at uny time during the duy or night , seven dajs a week. Now , in view of the fc ct that the department is covering moro territory than an equal number of men elsewhere , and consequently is subject to calls oftoncr than should be the case , it might bo thought that they would find no time to keep the houses tidy , to make repairs and read. But they do , und do many other things which would surprise "tho average reader. " Who would credit the boys of No. 1 with either the inclination or ability to climb the ridge-polo of a burning house like a trapeze performer , and to operate u piano , kept in excellent trim in their own houbo with equal facility and grace. ( That remark uncut tlio ridge-pole of a burning building , sounds just a trillo trite , but that's the way Chief Barnes put it.Barncs ) plays several pieces with much agility , but TIIK BBK man is re liably and quietly informed that Cap tain Simpson's "ta rarum" is about bo von octaves and ono hip ahead of anything Barnes can produce. As usual , ono must look to the merry men who compose the rank and lilo for music , and it is from among the latter that No. 1's piano claims it most at tentive followers. The quarters in this same No. 1 have no equals in the whole list of BIX in the matter of neatness und homo-like comfort. A bed whose snowy linen forbids its use lor Boating purposes is sot apart for each man , and cueh has a locker for his clothes. There are curtains in the windows , pictures on the wall , and a do/.en and ono other little evidences of rellnomont not ordinarily found where mon have have to do the worlc alone. On the east wall hangs , among others , a frame enclosing a group of four old photographs. The quality of a man's soul shines out through his eyes , the noul' windows. These mon wore martyrs. And the half-faded likenesses on the wall uro not mute. They uro moro expressive fur in the light of duty performed than any human tongue. One September night In 1878 those mon wont out to answer n call for help. The Grank Pacific hotel was in Humes. They wore volunteers , young , strong and bravo to u fault. JIuman lives wore ip danger. Ladders were hoisted to windows. There was u crush. A cry wont up from the crowd that the walls had fallen on some fireman in the building. The crowd below was breathless ; waiting , waiting , ovet-y nye fixed on the slowly ascending figure. Several days later , from among the ruins , the charred fragments of four human bodies MoNumura , Wilson , Hockfolt and Randull wore removed. Oh , the glory of such a dentil ! Never liiBoogor in Htory have their heroic deeds lGon heralded , but in the hearts ol their comrades their nohlo example is cherished , und their memory hived und revered. Tlio life of a fireman is usually commonplace mon-place ; not so his deuth , if it bo at the poht of duty. But turn for u moment from the grave to thu light , Up at No. 1 the boys hnvo a grassy yard that fairly laughs with llnword. Nowhere is there grass softer and moro vivid In color , or fuller of promise for future beauty. Against u back ground BO perfect , the ( lowers , the bright and the sober , stare saucily up at the visi tor. There is u peculiar vigor in the Boil , from which at least ton feoljms been graded , and a something in the ulr and care they receive that makes these llowors Boom brighter than others of their kind. Porhups H is becuuno the eight i one BO utterly unoxnoctod. It wus ut first bight something like the pluno up at No. 1 , only moro so. While thu scttbon was yet young , creeping vines , the sweet pou , morn ing glory'and the cyprots vine , wore planted in the earth beneath the win dow B. Now they huvo climbed to thereof roof und the windows are circled ubout with a pretty musfa of clinginj , ' vines and grooti loaves , clotted closely with vari colored blossoms. In the circled and octagonal beds below - low are the rich golden yellow of the marigolds , the ungainly phlox , remind ing ono ns u stands ulono among the flowers , of a tall , gawky country lad just arrived among the city youths at a big school. It it ) long , lank , top-heavy ; sort of run to ours and eyes , like the country boy again. The punslos and mignonette * , the olysiums clustered about the feet of the first named , nstors not yet in bloom , verbenas in job lots and assorted col ors , geraniums and balsams ; gaudy , sensuous pinks , the cold sturdy cactus , ana the dainty , dimity , bewhiskered - whiskered pnnslos. What n profusion of lovolinosH , to bo stirol And to think tlmt Captain Crowley could bo so vorsa- tllel IIo Is u man of grout strength , but ho can pluck thu tiniest tlowor with all the tender grace of n woman. And so ouch house in turn hni some thing attractive about it. To tell about all would bo along tusk , much too long. The reader muy regret that no records of fust time are given , but the fact is there are no reliable records. The Omahadoi artmont , underChlof "Jack ' Galligan , has never aimed much at fancy record-making , but somehow nearly always gets in Us work in an oITective sort of way that should bo and is much appreciated. . THIS < 'OiniT8. PetltlniiH Piled In the Ofllco of Clerk flliwrcs Yesterday. Jno. F. Flnck brought suit late yostovdny afternoon to recover $1 , > ( ) alleged to bo duo from Uobort Kcrr , A. L. Fluid nnd Uobort Guild. Plaintiff claims that ho sold Kcrr lot 2 , of Catalpa second addition to ttio city on June 0 , 1SS7 , nnd took ICcrr's notcn , six of them , In payment , secured by mortgage on the lot. IIo further affirms that Kcrr sold the lot to Bishop in Soutombsr , 1887 , giving the hitter a deed of conveyance , Ulshop agreeing to pay the mortgage hold by Flack , and also to pay another mortgage of $1,000 prior to Flack's , held by Lewis S. Heed & Co. Agnin , on January U-l , 1SS9 , Bishop miulo n similar deal with Field , wlio in turn agreed to pay all outstnnd ing cluims. On the same terms , later on , the lot nnd encumbrances were transferred to Guild by Field. Flack's mortgage has not been paid , und ho suns thn whole party of ex-owners to recover. Fliick has also brought suit to recover SiKIl ! 15 , tlio balance duo him on promissory notes given by James W. nnd Sary 12. Murnhy. and Agnes W. , Mary 13. and Anna P. Wright. William S. Wright , who snys that for more than ten .years past he hns-becn in possession of the north hnlf of the" northeast quarter of section 20 , township 10 , has discovered a lluw in his title to that property. In Ibll'J ' , ho sets forth , the government granted to H I. Uob- hison a ( latent for thu hind. Itobmsou sold It to ono Sclsor , nnd through con tinued conveyance from Silsordown , Wright ciimo Into possession of the land. Hero is where the Haw Is found : Robinson gave Selaor a deed for the property , but It was never recorded , being lost before Solsor came in to file It. Wright sues to h.ivu his title uiado perfect against any of Hobhibon's heirs. Louis Bradford has begun live small suits to foreclose mechanics liens. Norman A. Kulin has begun suit against .loan Morftll to foreclose u mortg.i o oa lot 1 , block 2 , South Exchange plucQ , South Omaha. Chionuo , Milwaukee & St. Paul Il'y Via Omnhii niul Council HlufTH. Short line to Chicago and the cast. Finest dining cars in the world. Through sleeping cars to Chicago. Ele gant free chair curs. Only direct route to the G. A. R , emcumpinont ut Milwau kee. Everything lirst-clnss. Fsist trains to Chicago and all points cast. For further information enquire at Ticket Ollice , 1501 Farnam St. , in Bar ker block. F. A. NASH , General Agent. A HInzo of Electricity. The gas company has announced that It cannot supply gas for illuminating the streets during the Merchants' week , nnd n plan is being worked up to have tlio various arches , which are to bo thrown across the streets ut differiitit places , lighted by electricity , sup plied from private electric light plants in the vicinit.v of the arctics. It is expected that the plants in Tins Hin : building , ISiew YorlcLlfe building , the 13emis Bag company , the United States Lighting company and the Thompson-Houston company will bo utilized In this way. Falconer's sale continues for three days. K. P. MoOAUTNRY. The Ktlto Clonk nud Hull Co. , 1510 Douglas fit , Suits , costumes , tua gowns , wrappers. Jackets , wraps nnd lace garments. Stylus nnd prices to suit the moat economical as well as the most fostld- lous purchaser. Perfect tit guaranteed on every yar- mont sold , without extra charge. E. F. McCAHTNKY , 1510 Douglas St. DcrotulorH of North Onmhn. There will ho n meeting of the above association , corner of Spruce and Suun- dors streets , to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. ' CAUII ABKOUD , THOMAS II. D.\II < IY : , President. Secretary. For Rent : Kesldenco , 210(1 ( Douglas St. ; now house , all modern improve ments ; not a basement house. Unqulro of Moritz Meyer , Cor. Kith and Fiirnixui AMUBI2M1CN WKEI& OF IttO.M > AV .HJ1.V 21) . ProicntAtlon of the popular Irish piny entitled "KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN" Ily the Standard l.ycoum Company. LEOIN A The Tnri'o Headed Woman IlliiHlon. ZAMA The Magician. New features. New Curiosities. One IMmo Admits in All. STILL J CHANGE AT $15 , Some Kf > od luirgnlns may yet bo fonn.l among nur odd NJ704 of men's mtt , Hoar in mind these are not Inferior KootU which wo olltr , but llrstchibs in uvcry particular St. Mary's Academy. lOnu .Mllo Wt'it from Node DIIIIIU Ur.lit'ri > ltjri ) Tlio l.S til Aciiiloiiilc term will open MoiiUnv , Sfpt.2. SCHOOL of ART and DESIGN. CONSERVATORY OF MU 13 , Tlioniclcmlc ( 'mir ci In tlioiou.'li In Ilio l'r < M > : ir - tury. ' inloritml Clnis'ial ( iriulci. Muslo llonartmi'nt , on tliuplnnof tlio l > esl'oini > r\uturlt s nf tin lei UinrKU of 11 vuniiilutncuriiiul liMulHTB. Muillo imulckMl un t'u > Ki ut Art t-ulimi ! of Duriipu Din'v- liu unil I'idiitlni : fioin life iiiul t'tu : inlliiu | > . 1'liun- ocr.iiiliy ami Tyiio-WrtlliiB tiiiitflit. liull Hum ( iliiippeil with Flru nieiipu. A Mpiriitcili'iiurlnieiit ' fur uhllilii'ii umliT 11. Apply n > r nitilnuuu to Monu.u .Min mull , sr sum H Ac.tin.m , NOTKH DA MI ; r. o. , far. Jii.sKi-u coirsrv , IMII.V.V\ . Our Lease has Been Sold and Store will be Vacated August 1st. ir Ifori Entire Sfa&k Offered Below Oost. Imported , D01gfig Cigars , Meerschaum & Brier Pipes ALL BELOW Smokers' Articles , COST Walking Canes , , Henry Clays , American Girls , Pickwick iHHDnDTCn I " " , Arabian Nights and other popular brands , from $3.75 to $4.60 per box. KEY WEST CIGARS , from $2.75 to $3.50. Domestics and Clear Havanas from $ i to $3.50 , Meerschaum Pipes $2 up to $4.50. Genuine and all of first qual ity. Briar Pipes , 250 and upwards. Walking Canes.sterling silver,75c to $2former price $1.50 to $4. Natural Sticks 250 to 5oc , former price soc to $1.25. TSTis Sale Continues Until August 1st , THE GOTHAM CIGAR STORE 215 S. 15th St. , Boyd's Opera House Block. RENT 1 IJL l il 1 Will be ready for occupancy about Sept. ist , 1889. This building is located LEAVEN WORTH STREET , NEAR NINTH , and is 66x132 , with trackage in the rear , four'stories and basement. Suitable for warehouse and wholesale purposes. This is the most substantial ware house ever constructed in Omaha. For terms apply to ERNEST RIALL & Co. , 309 Soiitli 16th Street ,