Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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OFF1CI5. NO 12 I'EAttti 6TKEET.
Ifllveredby carrier In Any Part of he City n
TwrntrCents 1'erweek. , .
L.V. . TII.10N . . . MANAGE ! ! .
TupiNrpR Orric * No. 43 ,
N. Y. P. Co.
Glcason coal.
C. U. Music Co. , G33 U'woy.
Hcltcr , tailor , 310 H road way.
Evans' Inundry , 724 Broadway.
D.V. . Otis , city and farm loans.
Josef Home , the world renowned violinist ,
plays at thn Presbyterian church Thursday
J. P. Carmlchaol , of Omaha , has taken out
building permits for a f 1,000 and a $1,200
cottaeo in Twin City place.
Martin J , House nnd KlUabeth Cnstlcton ,
'both of Omaha , wore united In marriage last
evening at the onlco of 'Squire Ilaruott.
Iho Keating block Is being thoroughly
"overhauled , mid will bo occuplod on the llrst
of the month by the Swansea Music com
'Prof. Heine , one of the ercii test musical
ecnlucBCB of the ape , will honor Council
HlulTs with a concert next Thursday , Au
gust 1.
Tickets for the Heine concert will bo on
sale nt Camp it Kills' drug store , Hinhnoll's
book store and IJruckott. & Cnvln's Upper
Urondwuy store.
Mary C. Holsclaw has applied for n disso
lution of the marrhiRC tics binding her to
Martin Holsolaw , alleging extreme cruelty
hud failure to support.
Pottawattnmio tribe. No. 21 , Improved
Order of Hcd Men , holds n council lire every
"Wednesday's sloop , ut the wigwam , lu Wood
men's hall on Uroadwuy.
1 U , T. Koycs , an Omaha hack driver ,
Was lined tll.GU yesterday morning for
running a hack without u license and for
6vcrcharclnK passengers.
, The committee appointed to Investigate
the lighting outlying portions of the city by
cither tower lights or the single arc light
system , have postponed their limil drive over
tlio ground until to-morrow.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wlrt last ovonins cel
n ebrated their eighteenth wedding anni
versary. A number of the relatives and in
timate friends joined last evening in u happy
1 faocial obsci Viince of the event.
The lunoral of J. P. Anderson , who died
ot St. Bernard's ' hospital , took place yester
day morning at 10 o'clock. The amount nec
essary to defray the funerul eximnses wa
raised through the efforts of Mr. Frank
An adjourned meeting of the school board
was held last evening , nt which very rittlo
business was transacted , except draxving up
nnd Signing contracts and approving the
bonds for certain work which was let at the
last meeting.
Lucille , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo
. Ucnnelt , died ut 2 o'clock yesterday after
noon. The funeral will tuko place at 8
o'clock to-day from the residence , corner of
Washington avenue and Seventh street , Kev.
D. C. Franklin ofllciating.
At the bi-weoklv shoot of the Council
Bluffs Hillo club Friday afternoon , J. G.
Tipton and G. W. Smith tied on 72 points out
of a possible 1UO. On the shoot elf Smith
\\oti , taking thti badge , which Tipton had
held for nearly three months.
C. J. Gamma was again before the board
of insane commissioners .yesterday for exam
ination , and udJudguJ perfectly sane ,
and discharged. Ho attributes his temporary
ailment to u fall he received several weeks
ago while employed at the Kiel stables.
The articles ot Incorporation of the Ger-
mania vcrcin , of Walnut , were flled yester
day with the county recorder. The incorpo-
r..tors are Jotianno Uruck , J. F. Glee and II.
F. W. Brandt. The objects of the organiza
tion are physical exercise and mental im
The Second P/esbyterlan church social
will bo held this week at the new church
Ttiesuay evening. Ice cream and cuko served
for 15 cents. Music and social converse the
order of the evening. Every one invitc-d to
attend and enjoy the evening. Strangers
jivill bo welcome.
i The owners of the steamer Rescue , the
i newest boat on Manawa , have announced
their intention of donating twenty per cent of
their net receipts to-day to the fund devoted
to the benefit of Jimmio Davis , the heroic
( .ripple who saved the life of John Hughes nt
the lake last Sunday.
A new cnurch is to bo built immediately
by the Methodist congregation at the corner
ot Fifth avenue and Eighteenth street. The
plans and specifications may bo seen at the
onlco of W. W. Cones , yjlU West Broadway ,
where necessary information will bo fur
nished contractors and builders.
The board of trado-rooms will bo moved
to-morrow from the county court house to
the now quarters in tint Merriam block. The
new location may bo regarded as pcrmanrnt
for some time to come. Tlio rooms are well
ni'aptcd to the wants of tlio board of trade ,
and will undoubtedly bo uupreciatod by the
The grocery llrm of Uurbridgo & Gnhin
was closed Friday evening on u chattel
mortgage hold by K. Burbridgo , father o f
the senior member of the llrm. The inort-
jrugo was to secure the payment of notes to
the amonnt nf $1,100. C. M. Oberholt/or
nnd J. H. Snyder nave also filed attachments
ngainstthe stock.
An ndjourned-n.cctlng of the stockholders
or the Omaha and Council Bluffs Chnutau-
qua assembly will bo held to-morrow evenIng -
Ing , nt the now rooms of the board of trade ,
on the third llo'or of the Morriutn block , for
the purpose of transacting business of ut
most Importance. It is desired that every
stockholder bo present
The steamer Nellie Keller has started
down the river to the scene of future opera
tions on Lake Contrary , near St. Joe. The
vacancy In * the Manawa fleet is filled by anew
now yacht Just placed there by Omaha
parties , who claim her to bo the fastest beaten
on the lake , Some Interesting races In the
near future will decide the question of
Eisctnan's new building is ono of the busi
est places In the city at the present time ,
Nearly o hundred men are engaged in push
ing the work. The finishing of the first , see
end and third floors has been commenced.
Savon thousand feet of antique oak will bo
used In finishing the first floor. If no unfore
seen delays occur the giant palace of glass
' and steel will be ready for occupancy by the
t' 1st of September.
The oloctrlo motor line conductors have
foutid the task of educating the traveling
public In the matter of company rules by
verbal information so slow and exhausting
: thai Cards are now posted In the cars to the
i effect that smokers must occupy the three
ii rear scats of the trailer , nnd that all passen
i gers must get on and off trains at the fur
ther side of the street crossings. Unless the
latter i ule Is obeyed , the comp.iny will not
be held responsible for the acts of reckless
A rattling game of ball will bo played this
afternoon , at Fnlrvlow base ball park , be
tween the Odull Bros , and the Neolas. Those
clubs have already played ono game , which
resulted In a victory for the local team , but
the Ncolus were dissatisfied ' , alleging par
tiality on the part of' the umpire , and are
ready to back their club for uny reasonable
amount. It Is probable that the visitor * will
piny to win a largo amount of money for
their friends , as u number of bets have al
ready been imulo. The Indications that to
day's irauiu will bo thu most hotly contested
ever played on these grounds , and that the
game will draw a very large attendance.
Dexter , employment.
A lot on Stutsman street for (200 , 40x100.
A. A. ClurK & Co.
Kelley & Younkorman sell groceries
Chtuo and Sauborn coffees a special } ' .
No Explosions
\Vhon persons Icoep cool und use our
"Sun Dinl" giia stoves. Four holes ,
roaBtor and bnkcovon. Costs 7 conta
uor'liourwlton running full blnst. Now
York Plumbinji Co.
City steam laundry , 34 Muln , tol. 141.
See us for loans on city property , Money
on hand. A. A. Clark & Co.
Huvo our wngon ctiil ( or your toiled
clothes. Cubuiidu Laundry Co.
A Well Known Contractor Asks a
Very Prominent Question *
Tlic Ilurelnrn Pop Up. With llccomlnc
ItcKiilnrlty Whisky Sellers
Still In Diiinniiil 8un >
tiny Oilmen.
WnntH to Know tlio Wliy or It.
'I ' sco ttio usunt kick of Uio mos backs
nnd growlers lins materialized rcirimlInK our
project to establish 11 laryo'brick miUtniR
plant m the city , " said Mr. K. A. Wlckhiun
last availing. "Thero is n class of citizens
lu the Blurts who Accm to fcol It their duty
to kick ns html as possible whenever nny
move tending to tlio growth and prosperity
of the city Is brought up , no matter whnt the
result of the move might bo , or how materi
ally It would advance the Interests of ovory-
oUc , the kickers thomsolvoi Included , They
lira so thoroughly Imbued with the Idea that
they must dissent that the thought of. join
ing In thi ) push to help un enterprise along
never occurs to them.
"There Is another class who coullno their
kicks to moves mudo by actual clllruiis of
tlio HlulTs , and the slightest hint that a
Ulufllle intends to make any improvements
or Incicnsi ) hU business plant la suniciont to
bring them ta the front with un endless
Btrlnc of objections. Tuny distrust nil th lr
follow citi7cn8 , but would pludlv accept from
ii total BtratiL-er the same proposition to
which they so strongly object when made by
.n neighbor or acquaintance. To Illustrate
this , 1 will cite a couple of Instance * . A ycxr
ago Koyes Urns , desired to remove their car
riage factory from Ucd Oak , and by the as
sistance of the board of trade hero wore in
duced to locate In tills city.
"A nice little sum was raised to purchase
a lot and put up a building for thorn , and
they came. That was all right and proucr.
It showed untrcprlso on the part of the boat ii
of trade , nnd great credit Is duo that body
for the result. I hardly think that anybody
will over have the sliijljtcst cause to regret
it. Kcycs Bros , employ from forty to ilfty
men , nnd will undoubtedly enlarge their
plant nfter a while.
"Now then for the other side. As the
local representative of a party of
Chicago , Burlington , Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs capitalists I made the
offer previously stated In THIS line ,
to the eltect that wo would put In a WOJO ) ,
brickmaking plant , if the council would lot
contracts fur 7."i,000 yards of paving , to bo
laid this Reason and next. This is not ask
ing anything excessive , ns that is not a largo
amount of paving to bo done In two yearn.
Foricvo.ii and a half months In the year wo
would guarantee to employ 100 men , and at
least Ilfty men nil the year round. We don't
ask a cash bonus , and there can be no kick
on that eoore , still the mighty howl Is al
ready going up for fear that a Council Bluffs
man will bo allowed to make something at
home. KvcrybocJy knows this Is so , and I
would like to know the why of It. "
S. B. Wtidswortb & Co. loan money.
Steam and hot w.itcr heating , first-class
plumbing. Work done in both cities. John
Gilbert , 518 Pc.irl street , Council 131ufTs.
For sale One Gar-Scott ten-horse portable
engine ; in good repair. Apuly to Weir-Shu-
gnrt Co.
An A.llr > ctl Itiipc Case.
A disgusting case was on trial yesterday
before Justice LJarnett. George Ilust , n farm
er , living near Underwood , is accused of
rape upon the person of his sister-in-law ,
Miss Nora Davis , a comely lass of flftoau
years of age. Nora is now enciontc and al
leges that Ilust Is the author of her misfor
tune. Mrs. Uust was confined last January
and sent for her sister Nora to conic and as
sist in doing the housework. The story of
the probccutlng witness is that February 2
lust Mr. Uust brought her to Council Bluffs
and showed h r the oity ut her own request ,
she stating that she had never bo-eu iu or
seen "a big town. "
After attending to bovoral little matters
and looking around town for several hours ,
they started homo about 3 o'clock , stopping ,
at the girl's request , lor a short time at the
residence of "Aunt Nancy Hitter. " n t'ow
miles from the city. Thuy luft there about
4:1)0 : ) and drove home , a distance of eleven
inllcii , arriving about sundown. The girl
states that on the way Knst drove into some
timber , pulled her from the buggy and com
mitted the rrimii with which ho is charged.
There are several circumstances connected
with the , testimony concerning which was
introduced li : court , that tend to disprove
the charge and brighten matters considerably
for the defendant.
The flrst of these is the well known enmity
of the atcu-father of the girl | for Hust , who
is his step-son-in-law , the two havinir had a
pitched battle some time ago , and tlie girl
testified that there had always boon trouble
Hinco ho cauio into the family.
Mrs. Kust , who was present with her three
children , swore that hoc nister told her some
time ago that ahc had a bad cold , but she
.suspected that something wrong , and
pressed lior Inquiries until Nora ac
knowledged her condition , and Dually amtoij
that n young man named Brown , who was
keeping company witn her , was the cause of
her trouble.
It was stated that the mother of the girl
would have bcguu prosecution before , but
she concluded to "wait until the corn wns
laid by , " when they would have inoro leis
ure time in which to Indulre In the luxuries
of a case in court. The case * attracted quite
u number of spectators , such as always turn
out u'lienovor a case with any sensational
features is on trial.
Attorney C. H. Converse , of Oakland ,
conducted the prosecution , cud J. J. Stewart
looked after tbo defense.
Au evening session was held , iu order to
dispose of the case at ono hearing. The tes
timony was all In when the court adjourned
for supper , and the evening was taken up
with the arguments. It was found that it
would prolong the session until after mid
night If Mr. Converse inado hi * closing argu
ment , so it was arranged that this gentleman
should submit his argument in writing , the
fore part of the week , and the court an
nounced that a decision would bo rendered
not later that Friday next , at 'i o'clock.
About fifteen hours was the time required
to try the case , and the court was decidedly
weary at the close. Attorney Converse loft
Immediately for home , and the plaintiff ,
defendant and all their retainers were soon
afterward en route to their abodes in tbo
rural districts.
Desirable house for rent. A. A. Clark &
Co. ,
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , culTn nnd shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
J. II. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils ,
glass. 000 Muin , near John Morgan's ,
Vim nnrKlnrs Aijaln Hoard From.
Two more attempts at burglary wcro re
ported yesterday , Ono was at the residence
of D. 1C. Shrevcs , corner of Sixteenth street
and Avenue B. , whore the thlevcH secured
t 12 In money and n harness valued at $15 ,
both house and barn being visited by the
prowlers. The other was at the residence
of liarnoy Honham , on Avenue A. , which
was burglarized but u. few nights before.
The proprietor heard the marauders this
time and started after them with a gun , but
they got out of light in a hurry and left no
trace as to their identity. Barney did not
oven jar the circumambient atmosphere with
a pistol shot for fear of disturbing the culm
repose of bis neighbors ,
An Attornry'H Opinion ,
"It rather looks ns If the temperance folks
wcrn going to drop Shin and taKe up Hard-
ton , " laughingly remarked a prominent
member of the bar , yesterday morning ,
"SiuiB U ttlll doing their work , but I see
Hazelton. Is botdunlniron the search warrant
cases. Now , laying joking aside , It would
bo almost iuiXist'bln | to find a man who
would do as well a * Sims has done. Ho had
a vast amount of work to gut things utartod ,
and I don't bohevo anynno but un attorney
can realise whut obstacles ho has had to con-
Umd ugalntt. XYcrytblng was against him ,
and It must have taken a ( treat deal of brain
work nnd many alioadnchc to shape things
so that heconld boeln to make visible pro
"As for this other side that fans recently
developed I am not prepared to say. Their
backing Is not such ns would recommend
thorn to the bettor class of citizens \ still
their work may result In something to bo de
sired. Their work savors a little too much
of n conspiracy with the saloon keepers to
make It seem right , but wo can toll better
about that after n while. Of course , folks
nro bound to form opinions , nnd first Im
pressions may bo wrong , but I predict that
the only saloons closed In the near luturo
will bo by the same parties who have done
the work In the past , "
Will Clo ont OtO. : :
Henry Elseman & Co. have Issued an order
In cognizance of the curly closing movement ,
to take effect Tuesday next. From tnnt data
until further notice they will close all do-
pnrtmonts of their establishment at 6:30each :
evening. It Is gratifying to observe that Tin :
Bsi''s ( tuggostlons In this line have berne
such good results. There ought not to bo a
rot ail store In Council Bluff a kept open iu
the o vetting during the hot weather.
During the hot weather many housekeep
ers complain that "no ono seems to care to
eat meat , none of It tastes real cood. " This
complaint is not made by those who hnvo
bought toothsome Juicy meats from "Our
Market. " corner of Story and Main streets.
M. Welkcr knows how to select and dress
meat. Cook corned beef Is a specialty.
WantedJots near motor. A. A. Clark &
Have your old furniture upholstered , good
an new. It. Morgan , 7J3 Broadway ,
After the ntulgtt Sellers.
Several new applications for Injunctions
have bpon filed with ttio clerk of the district
court. A. Overton Is the plaintiff m cases
against John Taylor , C. C. Taylor nnd Jens
Potcison , Mike Snlplcs , P. L Foot and
Warren Flick , Keo. 1C. Stoddard , Catherine
Kouiian ( two cases ) , James ICconan and Sa
rah C' . Key. John Landstrom , representing
thoox-Haloonkpcpers , asks Injunctions against
Hilly Madden and John Lindur , 1'oter Beck ,
Jon Peterson and John Taylor , L. Scubert.
Fred Slcbler , Mrs. Joseph Schmidt and
Ccoi-go Schlndclc. The number of now
cases started uuiount to over thirty , and
there are moro to follow.
Kiscman's ' removal salol The great re
moval sale ! Tno reliable removal sale 1 The
onlv gcnulno clearance sale Is now going on
in full force. No abatement of interest , no
lessening in this quality and quantity of bar
gains ottered. Wo have the goods , and are
bound to sell them before wo move into our
new store. Twenty per cent discount on nil
purchases before wo move. Come and do
like everybody else does , get yoxir share of
the bargains In every line , at the great re
moval sale of Henry Eiseman & Co. , People's
store , Nos. ilH , 31C , 313 and 320 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs.
Anionu llio ChurctirH.
Congregational Services this morning.
The llev. Dr. Da Forrest , president of Talla-
dega college , who at ono time was pastor of
the Congregational churcti in this city , will
speak on his wnrk in the south. A cordial
Invitation is extended to all who may dusire
to attend. There will bo no evening service.
There will he a union temperance meeting
this evening at the Presbyterian church
under the dirc-clton of the W. C. T. U. The
address will bo delivered by Colonel Heath.
All arc invited.
First Baptist church Preaching bv the
pastor at 10:3'J : a. m. ; Sunday school at 12 m. ;
young people's meeting at" p. ui. No even
ing service.
First Presbyter'an Ilov. J. W. Cathcart ,
im r.olo and poimlar pastor , recently from
Canada , will preach at 10:30 : n. in. Sabbath
scnool ut 12. Young people's meeting at 7 p.
m. Tim regular evening service is given up ,
on account of the union temperance meeting
under the auspices of the W. C. T. U , which
is to bri held in this church. Strangers and
others cordially invited.
Second Presbyterian Preaching at 3
o'clock. Sornion by Kov. J. W. Cathcart , ol
Emerson , la. Subject : ' Deepest and
Grandest View ol Life. " Sabbath school at
4 p. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday oven-
ing. Subjivt : "Faithful in All Things. "
Trinity MclhoJist church , South Main
street , opposlto Eighth avenue Preaching
at 8 p. m. by S. Alexander. Sunday school
at 8:10 : : p. m. Social meeting at 10:30 : a. m.
Fourtu Avenue Methodist , corner Seven
teenth stn'e/ ! Preaching by the pastor. S.
Alexander , at 10:30 : n. m. Sunday school at
3 p. m.
HcruanBaptist church Subject for thought
at the inornlnu service , "Prayer : " for the
evening service , "The Kingdom of Heaven. "
Sunday school meets at 11:45 : a.m. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Old people
are spcvially invited.
Broadway M. E. church "Old Pegplo's
Day" will be observed as follows : Love
feast at 0:30 : a. in. , in cnargo of Uov. Hoary
Dolomr , followed by services appropriate to
the o'Tusion. A rordial invitation to all vet
erans in the Master's service. Sunday school
at 13 ui. Class meeting at 7 p. m No even
ing service.
Overton Mission Judge H. C. Hubbard
will preach this evening at 7:3 : ! ) o'cloclt. All
are invited to attend.
St. Paul's Church Services nt 11 o'clock
as usual. Sunday school ut 12 o'clock. All
mude welcome.
All Saints Chapel , Eighteenth street and
Third avenue Sunday school nl 3 p. m.
Evening service at 8 p. m. An opportunity
will bo given for the baptism of Infants and
adults. Strangers Invited.
Unity Sunday school and service as usual.
All are cordially invited to attend.
The regular devotional mooting of tbo Y.
M. C. A. will bo held at the Baptist church
on Sabbath next at 4 o'clock. The meeting
will be led by W A. Mageo. state secretary
of the Y. M. C. A. A very cordial invita
tion is extended to all young people to at
The regular meeting ol the Y. M. C. A.
will bu held at the First Baptist church nt
4 o'clock this afternoon , instead of at their
rooms. Lead by the state secretary , McGee ,
assisted by the pastor.
The Young Woman's Christian rompor-
anco union met yesterday afternoon to com
plete orgnni/atton. This afternoon at 3
o'clock there will bo a lecture by Colonel J.
C. Holt , under the auspices of this union , at
the First Presbyterian church , to which all
are invited , especially the young people from
all denominations. Subject of lecture will bo
"Our American Girl. " Lot there bo a full
house to encourage the young ladies in their
good work.
The temperance mass meeting at the Pres
byterian churrli to-night will present an in
teresting programme. Dr. II. S. Do Forest ,
former pastor of the Congregational church ,
has been invited to address the meeting , Mr.
J. C. Holt , theevungollst , will give the last
of his series of lectures. The public ia In *
Jlnuo luiilntlonH.
Certain parties , without brains enough to
originate an Idea and without energy enough
to work up n trade on their own brands , are
advertising tbwnsclvci as sole agents for the
celebrated Sunto Itosa cigars , which wo In
troduced ten years ago , and which now en
joy the reputation of being the best and most
widely known of any 10 cent cigar sold in
the entire west. We therefore desire to In
form tlio trade that we always have been
and are Btill solo ownoiR and proprietors o
this brand of cigars , nnd wish to caution the
truck- that all brands of Santo Itosas not
mndo In factory No , 121 , llrst district. Pa. ,
are bane Imitations of the well known Santo
Itosa. Boo that the label has printed thereon
the words P. & M.'s Santo Itosa Cuban
Mudo. All others arc imitations and uro of
Inferior qualltv , PKBKOOV & MOOIIB ,
July 0 , ISs'J. Council Bluffs , In.
Mon'oy loaned nl lj. U , Ornft's & CO.'B
limn olUcu on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of nil kliiilw ,
and nil other articles of value , without
removal. All business btrictly confi
R. H. Sheafe < t Co. glvo special attention
to the collHctlon of rents and euro of prop
erty In the city and vicinity. Charges mod
erate. Ofllco Broadway nnd Main streets ,
up stairs.
An Enjoynlilo t'fonlu.
The F , L. C. club , an organization com *
posed of BRVoral well known young ladles of
tnu city , belli a picnic in Falrmount park
Friday nf let noon , to Wiloh they Invited n
number of gentlemen friends. The affair
was u very pleasant ou - _ The usual picas-
urcs of plcknlckmg wcro found to ho greatly
enhanced by the nnlnhA beauties and ad
vantages of FalrmounttjiThose present were
Misses Donnhoy , Davis , Marsh , Clark ,
Myers , Evans , HnrrcttTKoynolds , Mansfield
nnd Armstrong ; Messrsi ! Grass , Mulquccn ,
Wallace , Jobson , King , Wnlto , Stacy , Stod-
dard , Moore and Stioimord ,
Dwelling for snto oittJ.ffy payments. Also
building lots nt lowest ) iairkot prices. Call
and oxamlno our list , jJI. . Sheafo & Co.
To Brickmnkcrsi Wenvould llko to show
you u choice brickyard site near Broadway
In Council Bluffs. Prlco mid terms reasona
ble. Swan & Walker , No. 4 Pourl St ,
Baths at Mannxva Bench , near hotel. Pri
vate bathing rooms for ladles nnd children.
Fine jewelry , watches and diamonds ;
cleaning nnd repairing nt E. Burhorn.
Seldenborg's Co Figaro nt the Fountain.
J. G. Tipton , real estoto , 627 B'dway. '
il I2nrth.
The largest order over jrtvon for ci-
pnra wns for 500,000,000 Santa Hosns ,
iniinufncturod by Fred Iltttik , of Dnvon-
port , la. Look out for the pirates.
They will call on you for an order for
Santa Rosa ol Jirs. .T. R. SNYDHU ,
Council UlulTs , In.
Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorata
prices. E. H. Sheafo & Co. . rental agents ,
Broadway and Main streets , up stairs.
Now that the pigatitic sale is ever at
the Boston Store the accumulation of
remnants is somewhat wonderful , there
fore wo have decided to make n proat
slaughter on remnants Monday , Tues
day and Wednesday each tiny until 12
o'clock , noon. Bo on tnno and receive
a bargain. Get there early.
Finest bathing In the world nt Manhattan
beach , Lake Mnnawa. Motor runs every
half hour until midnight every evening.
FO H HKNT 1 , 2orl ! nicely furnished rooms
at 71U Tirst avunuo.
FOR KXCHANGB Some valuables property ,
ill Council Illuira for u well Improved furm
In eastern Nebraska. Form must Mm clear , or
nearly so. Jotmson A : Van I'Attan , Kvurutt
T > AKTUKA(1B First-class upland p'istu rage
JU for nhout 100 head more of btoclc ; ii miles
noUUofclty , on lima kiln road ; nlcnty puio
water , shade and salt ; gooil man In charge of
stock. U P. Jmlson , U."J SKtli avo. . Council
IllulTff. telephone 190 ; or W. W. McMnhon , at
pasture ,
FINE family team for sale , or trade for
lot. Inquire US Wtw llroadway.
RHAI. K8TATK Itounht anil sola and ox-
changed. Spnclal Attention given to exam
ination at titles. W. C. Jnmes , No. 10 t'enrl St. .
Council HlutTa.
\\7ANTKD Ilellnlilpnirn to solicit stork in
' Iowa for the Northwestern Loan and
Hiilldtnir association. Karlan llros. , Merriam
block. Council HHiirs.
Sporting Headquarters.
Eight beautiful cottages on Avenue B. , just completed , one
block from the electric motor line , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Why pay $30 per month for a house in Omaha , when you
can get the same accommodations in Council Bluifs for
$18 ?
A Five Cent Fare Guaranteed ,
To those who rent and are engaged in business in Omaha.
These houses with lots can be purchased for less money ,
than vacant lots similarly located in Omaha.
Call on or write
505 First Ave. , Council Bluifs , Iowa.
j ffiissspB@si
&a gs asb ! SSSQ2rai
Connect with Electric Motor and Union Pacific Dummy Trains at Ninth ; yid 13roadw a
Council Bluffs Iowa. C. F. REED , President.
Hero Mill and Power , Sheiier ,
ten Feed Gutter Wood Saw.
It is a BEAT-ALL , because it never breaks , splits , crncks or curls.
Becuu&o it is indestructible in thu weather , and will undergo no change in
in any climate.
Because it is more durable than any other roof matle , iron , tin , slate or wood.
Because it can bo quickly put on without skilled labor and is cheaper than
Because it has boon proven by the severest trials and has never failed.
For further information apply to
Room 6O9 First National Bank Building , Omaha.
Council Bluffs offlco , 116 Pearl Street.
Edjicclully Adapted for
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators
SpecliUatloiiH und eitjmutes furnished for complete ntoam plants. IteRiilntlon , .durability
guarantee ! ) . Can tiliow letter * from tibcra wlioro fiifl economylu eiiiml
Wth Corliss Nou-Condonijliif , ' , Send for entuloHiie.
> .r . E. C. HARRIS , Agent.
No. 81O Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
Superintendent ,
Council JiluUH , : : lown.
lontct ultimate * of cost
cuuinnteed. bjietlul attention
t'htnto nil cliu-SL-M of build-
U'KK , public und private.
I liiivo ulwiiVB on huiid , for
tl.u i cntnli iic uot my patrons
u iBrite nuinbfr of plaim , Mich
n mioolti , 1 ueliH'tn and oltl > a
ImllillngH. county court
iirlvntomidi n <
OiilrrH by mall | iiomi.tly ut-
Undedto ,
Newly Furnished
Connected by Motor
Located on Lake Mannwn , the finest Watering Plncoand Summo
Resort in the west , Beautiful Boating and Fishing.
Unparalelled Bathing Beach.
Special Rates to Parties and Families. Cor-
Rates $2 $ Per Day , rospondoncQ Solicited.
THOS , Ol KJCKIt. TT , H. M. .
OFFICE ! ) & PliSEf ,
Corner Main and Urotdway.
nealcrx la foreign &nrt domestic xchaneo.
Collectlvni made aud iutirtit pnld on tlmo d -
II I * 11 111 I I X II I fl I I I
Coiuicil Bluffs , la.
Conilucted by the Sisters ol Charity ,
An oxculltnt educational Institution , fur *
nUht'cl witli nil modern Improruinentii for
liounliiiK und day scliool. 'I'll * ucedemlo yesr
consists of iwo mslon . buglnnlni ; on the first
Monday lu Beptembir anil t'ebruarr , iu puct-
TliK.MH Ilourd aud tuition , per sea.fion t76.
Kor further particulars nddros >
lbtci-Suorlor , hi. KriinulM Aoadoiny ,
Council JSIufft , la.
J. I ) . KllMUNDHON , r.U HlllTOAIIT
1'res. Vice l'ie ,
CIIAH. It. UANMON , Cubhlur.
I'uld Up Cnpltul . iin ,
Huriilim ,
Mublllty to DwiiosltorH . , 'ra.ojO.U ) .
iKOTOiu-I. A. Miller , I'.O. ( JliMbon , n.
Bhugart , K. tt Hurt , J. I ) , KdmundHon , Um
Iluimon , Triinsiitc yononil banking buHlnt-
l.arKeut capital mm mirplilH ot any Imulc lu
Boutlinuatern Iowa. Intercut ou time doponltu ,
Money loaned on furniture , piiui OH.
diamonds , liorsoa , buggies or nnythintf
of vnluu ut low raus of interest. No ,
publicity : fuir nnd honorable dotiling
A. A. ( Jliirlt fc Co. , olllcjo cor. Hrotidwuy
nnd Main , ever American express.
In tliu city , ( Jilt edged opportunities to Imuiv