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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JULY 28. 1S89.-TWELYE PAGES. 5 it nand Not dangerous or damaging to anyone but ourselves , and we're satisfied to stand it. The time is past to adopt half way measures on any summer goods , when we're "bound to get rid of them , and what we're offering for the coming week , tells the story in much more forcible language than any pen or print can portray. and Jury B Come and Look , Lot 6478 , All wool stripes and checks sack suits , reduced to $8.00 , actual value $10.00 6041 , Striped cheviot sack suits , very stylishreduced to $7.5O , actual value 11.50 1638 , All wool pepper and salt mixed sack suits , reduced to $8.25 * " 12,00 1818 , Splendid Scotch serge lined sack suits , reduced to $9.75 , 15,00 1604 , Elegant striped blank worsted sack suits , reduced to $9.75 , c 15.00 1742 , Fancy check cheviots , well made sack suitsreduced to $9.OO , U 14.00 7880 , Light grey cheviot strictly all wool sack suits , reduced to $10.00 15.00 7882 , Light grey cheviot strictly all wool frock suits , reduced to $10.OO 15.00 9015 , Fine light greyserge lined silk faced sack suits , reduced to $12. OO Ii 18.00 7889 , Fancy mixed cassimere sack suits , nobby , reduced to $13.50 It 20.00 9091N"ice ! grey check cassimeres sack suitsvery durablereduced to $13.75' ' 20.00 8757 , Extra fine worsted cassimeres , grey and frab color sack stilsreduced , to $16.00 kt 24.00 8046 , All wool brown mixed cheviots cutaway suitsreduced to $10-5O ii . 17.00 7709 , Elegant r > in check cassimere cutaway suits , reduced to $13.50 i. 20.00 1781 , Light grey Imp'd Scotch cheviot cutaway suits , reduced to $14.25 21.00 Goods We're Offering You , Exactly with the Above0 -JL , Jt Probably Moans Sotrxothine For Southeastern Nebraska. , A VERY BIG FORECLOSURE SUIT. \fXlio \ Bary < Jaso Dismissed l > eatli of lr. Mulvune Supreme Court Blatters City Now * and No ins. Uxcoui BDBBiu OP mo OMAHA HH * I 1029 P STREET , I LINCOLH , July 27. 1 Irtlclcs incorporating n railroad company Tvoro filed to-day that may moan something { lor the state , especially the southeastern part if it. Its name is the Omaha , Lincoln & iQulf Hallway compony. Its terminus in the jotato is fixed at a point at or near Omaha , pnd it is to traverse Douglas , Sarpy , Snun- ilers , Lancaster , Oleo , Gage , Johnson and Jefferson counties , thenceIn jBOUtherly direction to Brygorio , Tex as. ' 1 he length of the road contemplated is .said to bo 1,200 miles , and the capital stock authorized is 12,000,000. Omaha U designated us the principal place for the transaction of business , July 80 dates its commencement , und ninety-nine years its duration. Incorporators - porators : S. L. DoBowviso , George G. Rochs. G. A. Walkop , 13. Dillowuy and M. JJ. O'Brlou. The Columbus Eloctrlo Light company also Hied articles of incorporation. Busi ness commencement dates from July 24 and continues twenty years. Its purpose Is to provide a lighting mul power plant for the city of Col umbus. Capital stock , $50,000. , Incorpnrat- ors , Charles S. Schroder , A. flmtz , Qus i'al- baum and George G. Bowerman , The Nebraska City Water and Light com- panyalso complied with the laws of the stain by lUlns articles of incorporation. Its purpose Is to establish and maintain a sya- tcm of water works and lighting , and to furnish oloctrlc power to Otoo'a county town. The company authorize a canltal stock ol ta70,000. Incorporators , Joiju C. Watson , Frank P. Ireland and Co.irloa W. Seymour. 'llin Darry Cixso The case of James Barry against his daughter and her husband , Charles Gordon , to recover possession of certain notes the complainant alleged to bo in their bauds , because of huviug tu'.on ' advantage of Ills * mental decrepitude , has Doon dismissed , Mr. "Barry fllos a long uflldrwit , in which lie states that the suit which purported to have bean brought by him was not intended ; that no did nol intend to brine any suits against the defend ants us bis relations with thorn are cordia and friendly ; tlmt himself und wife hut hithoi to written to the defendants at tholi homo at Portland , Ore. , to come to Lincali to take care of them ; that in this wnttci request ho bad promised them that if luoi would take euro of him and hi : ngcd wife ho would meko over to them tht notes set out In the petition , and that In ac cordance with his agreement ho did .Mgn nn < endorse the notes to Ella Gordon , hi : daughter. The aOlant fuither says that h < bo * no quarrel or contioversy of any kliu v with the defendants , that he regards them a lil * best friends and benefactor and that In dcsirrs the suit to bo dismissed. And it wa accordingly done. A IllK Korcoloimro Suit. Atmlo Merrill riled her petition la tbo dls tnot court to-day to foreclose a mortgage ol $75,000 , given on a quuttcr section of land north of West Lincoln , Immediately adjoin Ing Oak Hill addition. The defendants It the cose are Alexander 8. Porter , Fanny C Porter , Benjamin A. Gibson , Jonutlmi Cbase , Charlena Chase , J. M. lloardsle ; and Charlotte Ii. Hoardsley. There is ai interesting story connected with thl land deal. The plaintiff , Mrs Merrill it a resident of New York city , al although her husband has been m Lincoln for several months oast. When the boom on , three years ngo , the land was sold to Messrs. Chase , Gibson & Be.irdsloy. who soon after sold it to Porter , who Is a resident of Boston. It appears that 'there were charges of fraud never clearlv defined in connection with the sale of the land , but no open charges were made against any ono. Mrs. Davis , n lady real estate agent , brought suit for her commission on the sale to Gib son , which is still ponding. JL'ortor paid $025 per acre for tbo land , a sum much greater than it was worth , and has npparentod re pented his bargain. Hence the foreclosure. State Homo Jotting * . Governor Thayer occupied the executive chair aaaln to-day. Ho will Issue his procla mation quarantining the shipment of Kansas City cattle into the state next Monday. Auditor Benton loft for Manitou , Colo. , to-day to Join his wlfo who has boon spend ing a short vacation there. She will return homo with him. The Long Pine Chautauqua assembly at tracted Secretary Laws and daughter , Miss Gertrude , and they loft for there to-day to spend Sunday. Deputy Auditor Bowerman will give the grand assessment roll of the state to the press on next Mon day morning. It will bo the most complete report of the kind over submitted. Charley Carter , deputy commissioner of public lands and buildings , and wife , who have been'enjoying nn outing at Long Pine , will return home early next week. Unul P. Cook has been presiding during Mr. Carter's absence. The furnituraof the now library rooms will soon bo in pla , o , and the main lloor will boone ono of the , most elegantly iltted of any of in tbo capital building. It is understood that the library will bo removed within a few days. Dr. Knapp , superintendent of the asylum for tlio insane , Lincoln , filed a clinical his tory of the death of Fred II. Lytlo , who died quUo recently , in the olUco of the secretary of state to day. Ho was a native of Michi gan , admitted from Dundy county and became - came insane from the excessive use of alco hol. hol.Tho The Royal Arcanum In authorized to trans- net a life insurance business in Nebraska. Deputy Allen , of llto Insurance department , soys that the supreme council made a splen did annual , showing. The association has compiled fully with tbo laws required. Stiproniu Court Miittors. The following cases wore liled for trial in the supreme court to-day , viz : John Fitzgerald ot nl vs A. P. Richardson , error from he district court of Lancaster county. William A. Droyfus vs Carrln Aul ; error from the district court of .Buffalo county. Williams & Griftlth vs James Woohvorth ; error from thu district court of Lancaster county. William S. Amos vs. Jainns T , Townsend ; error from the district court of Johnson county. John Fitzgerald vs k Dennis Browstor ; error from the district court of Lancaster county. A Worlcinifinan's View * . A prominent Lincoln laborer contributes the following mite to Tnu BBB'B bureau i .letter ; "Astute modern philosophers realize that any previous condition of servitude does not prc.oUulf political longings. Even the toiler who mops the sweat from his brow in the ef fort to secure for thu men who make his liv ing for him two hours less work a day for the tame tnouey , loom forward to the time when ho can draw JIM n month from tbo public treaiury with aa much eagerness at thu man who is born an ofHce-holder. A Lin coln banker has political plans , uud , us every politician should do who oxpoota to winho Is selecting good and truu men to 1111 the county ofllccs thU fall. Among the list Is n man labeled an cifhteen-karat worklagnian , and who takes great stock in all labor movements. This man U booked for couuty Jiulgc. and ex pects to curry the labor voto. It has never developed that he ever did moro than talk and instruct tlie poor , dawn-trodden laborer , but ho fancies he In solid. Some doubts have benn uttered against his complete conver sion , anil some few laboring men oven de clare he labors solely for oftlcd. It is not Im probable that he will soon undergo a crucial ; est which will determine whether ho Is gold or lllled , The leaders of the labor movo- nent propose to throw the vote solid for iledgtjd candidates , regardless of color , poli- : ic or religion. This Is not a prediction it is n throat. A Correction. The following communication speaks for itself : LIXCOLX , Neb. , July 30. I ask the privi lege of making u correction in TUB BKB in regard to an article In circulation , that men bad been discharged from the service of the U. & M. at Nebraska City for belonging to the Order of Railway Conductors. The men who wore discharged at Nebraska City were not order men. There is no ill feeling be tween the officials of the southern district and the order , and such reports seeking to do them an injustice are charged to the order bj some ono who has not the courage to tell the truth. The Order of Railway Conductors does not soon the vindication of any ono whose conduct would bring reproach unou the calling whether no belongs to the order or not. Our order has always received the kindest possible treatment at the hands of Superintendent Rogers and his assistants , and these efforts to bring discord between tbo order and its true friends are as useless as they are contemptible. A MEMUEK OF TUB OHDKII. Unjnstnrss of the Dococlcnt Ijnw. "Too much can not bo suid in condemnation of the present decedent law , " suid a state ofildal this morning. "It is an outrage in every sense of the word. Why , it does away wittr tbo homestead in every essential thing that it implies. For instance , a man having lost his tlrst wife before taking effect ot this law , is left with a child and marries again , dying without offspring from the second mar riage , tbo estate , both personal and real , under the provisions ot the new law , would bo divided equally between the child of tbo first marriage and the widow , excepting the homestead , which would descend to the widow in absolute title in case its appraised value did not exceed $1,000 , after deducting the amount of encumbrance on the same , and In case its value did exceed (1,000 the widow would have tbo absolute right to retain the homestead , subject to encumbrance , b > pay iug to the natural heirs one-half of the appraised value after deducting , frotn the tame 11,000 , as provided In the statutes. The value of a homestead , as a rule , does not con sist In any of the values that might bo uppr.ilsod by disinterested partiesbut , lies , in a great measure , In family associations and the deslro that should exist In every ono to perpetuate the family name and holdings. The now law renders thin absolutely impos sible in all cases , as above mentioned. Every man loft a wiuow.with children on his hands , disrupts his familv by a second marriage under the existing doscedeut law. "And now as a further illustration of the Injustice of the law. Wo will suppose a Mr. Adamson to have lost his wife in 16S8 and is left with two motherless children. In 1880 ho commits the error of marrying again , and by the second wife ho bus two children. He dies intestate possessed of 10,000 , and to avoid complication we will suppose him to nave been without homestead. Under the law the estate is divided as follows , viz. : To thu wlfo 11,000 iu lieu of homestead , and one-third of the remainder or $9OCO , total JlO.WiO. To ouch of the four children one- fourth of the remaining estate or $1,833. Clooely following the death of the husband and father the mother dies and to her two children will descend her proportion of her husband11 ! ostat-o ; so that the llnal division of the estate among the children of tbo two marriages isl,8 J to ouch of two children by the llrst wlfo , and ? 10,1GO to each of the two children ot the second marriage. " Kenrnry 7 , Lincoln S. The Lincoln and Kearney base ball clubs played their second game to-day at the uark , commencing ut 3:30 : o'clock. Tbo bleaching boards and grand stand were fairly well mlod. Kearney won by a score of 7 to 3. City News unit Notes. Thursday , August 1 , the colored people of Lhi iln will observe Emancipation day at Gar Hold park. ' Prof. Lees , Ph. D. of Johns Hopkins urn vorsity , Baltimore , It is said , will succeed Prof. Bennett as principal of the Latin school of the state university. Cora Trutnbly entered a pica of guilty to day to the charge of incorrlgibllity , ana will 30 sent to the reform school at Kearney. Mr. Trumbly , however , will proceed to pros- ccuto the parties who sought and nearly ac complished his daughter's ruin. Dr. O. E. Mulrane died at Strang , yester day afternoon , of acute peritonitis. The doctor is well known iu this city. He form erly resided at Raymond. His body was em balmed in this city and shipped to Raymond this evening , where the funeral will occur lo-morrow at 11 o'clock. A largo number of Lincoln physicians followed his remains to the depot. A special election has boon called for Au gust 17 to vote $20,000 of sewer extension bonds. If the proposition carries a large portion tion of the money will be used m building a sanitary sewer north from Twentieth and T streets , where the storm system that was built lost fall empties into the Antelope. The system , if extended as contemplated , will drain nearly all of the east part of the city. Flemon Drake and W. Murdoch , of Omaha ; S. V. Caldwell , of Edgar ; Walt L. Dawson , of Bennett ; L. A. Varner , of Ster ling ; A. J. Wright , of Tccumseb , and J. P. Dunham , of Seward , were among the No- hroskans registered at the Capital to-day. In Clover. VlcJt's Magazine. Lot mo lie down in the clover , Whore the daisies scatter snow. And the yellow bees ily over As my fancies coino and go. Dwellers In n royal palnco Have not softer couch than mine ; And , lol here's a lily chalice , Brimming with tha morning's wmo. Yonder brook sings low and softly , But I cannot catch Its words , As they blond in silvery music With the notes of breeze and birds. In this sweet , still summer weather It is easy to forget That our life has toil or trouble , Has a cloud , a jar , or fret. Why should we try to remember ! It is well to dream and rest , And forgot that wo grow wary , Though our dreams are areauis at best. Happy howho puts away Thoughts of daily life and strife , Who is deal to dlu and discord Jarring through tl'o chords of Ufa. Let me Ho thus l clover , As a child ou mother's ' breast , And awhile the bburrf Ily over , Dream sweet arcams of peace and rest. " - * IT"- Hip I4GIO US. The Y. M. C. A. of Lincoln ii about to lot the contract for a building to cost $01,000. A now church is | u process of erection In BrooklynN. Y. i will bo called the Church of the Transfiguration. Seven clergymiri'of ' the church of Eng land-were recently received into the church by his eminence Cardinal Manning. The Ursullne fajsVera of Santa Rosa had a spiritual retreat 'last' week , The Rcrinuns were delivered byj Rov. Thomas Leonard , S. J. jjf [ T The popo's yearly medal will this year rep- rosaut the now portico and cloister of the gieut bailllca of St. John Latorau. which complete llio work of restoration begun thir teen years ago by Pius IX. Tbo Baptist work in Cuba continuesunder the supervision of Diaz , to prosper. There are now 20 missionaries , 27 churches and statloni , with a memnorshlp of 1,4'J3. The numbnr of baptisms the past year was 800. Cardinal Newman's health has improved during the last year , and now at eighty-nine he is iu actually in better condition than ho was ten years ago. Ho is troubled , however , by a slight failure of eyesight and by writer's cramp. A bronze portrait statue of John Hughes , the famous Roman catholic archbishop of New York , is to be erected ou tbo campus of St. John's college. Fordhum , next October , It is the work of W. J , O'Douovan , and by the report of hi * friends , quite the belt work bo has douo , and an excellent likeness of the noted representative of the church militant THE LABORINGMEN'S UNIONS , Shoe-Store Olorks Bonofltted By Early Uloaing. THE CARPENTERS WON'T STRIKE. The Plumbers still Out X'ho Diffi culty of the lied Liabol Other News For Men \Vlio U'oil. Early Cloglnc Movement. The retail boot nail shoo merchants inauR- uratcd the closing of tholr stores at 0:30 : p. m. on Tuesday evening last. There uro several exceptions , howoTOr. who are still keeping tlie old hours , notably More , Lang and Cook , ou Farnatn street. A. D. Morse in away from Omaha , and as his re turn is dally expected his manager did not tliink it incumbent to Join the movement la the absence of instructions from his superior. Lang and Cook would not close because Morse kept open. Mr. Lang said : "I was perfectly willing to close at 0:30 : p. m. if my competitors on the street bad done so , but I could not afford to close and leave what trade there was to them. " Mr. Cook , it la understood , was also will ing to close , but was compelled for the name reason to keep open. Thirteenth and Tenth street teem with shoe stores of lessor magnitude , and they are always open ready to tell goods. Many of these stores handle boots and shoes in connection with dry goods and clothing , and some handle a heterogeneous mass of com * modities from shoes to disli pans. The proprietor of one , of the larger Thir teenth stores , near Farnnin , said that ho was willing to close It the Farnam street peopla nad douo GO , notwithstanding the fact that most of his trade is in the evening , coming from mechanics and laborers. Another Thirteenth street shoo merchant said that ho could not close because Brandeis & Sons were open all evening , and they handled shoes. Thus it is all the way down the street , one would not close because the other had not. A'clork in a Thlrtooonth street store said it made voryHlttle difference whether they were closed or opun , ns they sold very few if any goods in the evening. Another olerk on the same street thought they had a "kick coming , " and that the workingmen should get together and aid the clerks. "It makes mo hot , " lie said , "to think that I am not getting the treatment that many other shoe clerks are receiving at the hands of the losses. I am Just us capable of enjoy ing a rest us anyone , and 1 need it. While those other fellows are out wulkiug with their wives , or buggy riding with their girls , I and many moro clerks ou thin street uro sitting inthu stores inventing and trying to kill time. " They wouldn't ' closu on Tenth street for anything ; it would deprive them of the pleasure of dusting off shoe boxes and selling calico and thincs , for there is no evi dence of their soiling any shoes. Some of the Omaha shoo merchants are as eager In their championship for the early closing hour as the others uro opposed to it. They all nope that Mr. Morse's return will straighten matters out , and that all the Fur- nam street merchants will Join in the move ment. * Mr. Julius Meyer , secretary of the local assembly of the Knighta of Labor , speaking upon the matter of the erection of an assem bly hall , said that so far as the movement in augurated something over a year ago for tlii * purpose , the schema was practically dead. At that time it was arranged that the Knights of Labor , in conjunction with the other trades and labor unions of the city , should give a series of Fourth of July celebrations and other entertainments , and after all bills bad burn puitl , the surplus should go towards building u trades' ' assembly hall. Bubncri | > - tlon lists wore circulated among the mer chants and the first celebration was given s year ago the 4th of last July. It was a grand success every way except financially , but in that it was a failure. U being evident that the large uuui of money necessary for the erection of a hall could not bo raised in this way , it was decided , bv a resolution passed nt si meeting of the direct ors , to abandon the schema and the treasurer was ordered to return tha money to those who subscribed to the fund , pro rata , and this was accordingly done , mm to-day , ac cording to the statement made by Mr. Meyer , there Is not a , cent , in the bands of the treasurer of the local assembly placed there to bo used for the erection of 1111 as sembly hall. w * In this column last Sunday it was stated that certain Journeymen plumbers had gene into business for themselves since the plumb ers strike was declared "off. " The journey men plumbers take exception to this state ment , as they have a right to do , the strike not yet having been declared off. What the writer wished to say was that the men men tioned had gone into business for themselves since the strike was declarcil "on" and It was so written , but the types made it direct ly opposite. Justice to the plumbers who have madn surh n long struggle for whut they consider right , calls for this explana tion. * # "Can a non-union printer go Into any nowspanor oflleoin this city and goto work ! " asked an ofllcur of the plumbers' union n day or two ago , while discussing the merits of the present strike. "Can a , non-union clgarmakcr , a non-union tailor , a non-union bricklayer , or any non-union men cot em ployment in the same shops of other trades where union men are employed ] Go over the field and I don't think you will llnd n one , but the master plumbers ask us to work with non-union men. How cart wo go back under that condition , when one of the chief objects of our organization is to down 'scab' labor ! Wo couldn't do it and maintain our union. All wo us It of the bosses is to dis charge the non-union men in their employ and promise to employ no others , and wo will go back under the old scale. " * * An uninterested party who lias bad con versation with both parties to the stnko , Bays there is no reason why the difficulty shouldn't be formally ended. The Journeymen say that all they want is the discharge of the non-union men now employed and the prom ise of the bosses to liiro "scabs" no longer , and when the bosses are talked to they say that they would prefer to have union men in their shops , but cannot afford to give in to the striker * . A number of contractors and architects in the city have bocotno dis pleased with the bosses for refusing to make any concessions , whatever. They say their work Is delayed and uro inclined to ascribe the attitude of the master plumbers to bull- headediicas. 4 , The organized laboring men of Omaha are not payiug as much attention to the eight- hoar movement as the unions of other cities. With the exception of discussing the matter occasionally in union meetings , and the Cen tral labor union , nothing Is being done. A prominent member of the last named organ ization called u llKK reporter' * attention to this fact Thursdav , and continuing said that the time between the present and the day in May next , when thy general demand Is to DO made , is so short that worklugmen every where should bo active. Ho wanted to know if something couldn't ' bo done to arouse the Oinalm workmen from their lothargio state. A bystander expressed the opinion that unless the project , per so , wore sufficient to do this nothing clso would , ana then the controversy was dropped. In every union tlioro are men moro radical than othois , and this is true of the carpen ters' unions of Omaha. Tlia union carpen ters of the city are far from being satisfied with the present condition of things , es pecially in regard to the action of nearly all contractors of the city In allowing them but : w rents for the tenth hour of a day's work , instead of 45 , as the rules of the union call for , and further , the refusal of a few con tractors to nay moro than 27K cents an hour throughout the day. Those are real grievances , which do exist , and the radical members of the unions are urging their moro conservative brethren , at every moot ing , to make a stand. Hut the coniervatlvo element Is in the majority , and it has been aoeut decided this week { hut no demand will be made at present , and probably not until spring , These conservatives say that the unions are still too weak and that there ore too many non-union men In the city for them to tuUo action now. It is tbeir intention to spend the Intervening months between this and spring in Inducing these non-union men to Join the unidns ; in fact , this work hasial- ro.idy begun , und the union men uro meeting with great success in increasing the mem bership of their organ nations. There will bo no settlement of the diffi culty nmonir tlm cuarniukur8 and manu facturers regarding the use of the rod label until the meeting of the national convention in September , the matter really being a question of privilege , and it falls to tha national convention to decide whether the local union lias the richt to endorse a label which is used solely to induce purchasers to buy cigars made nt local factories rather than these made in the oast. But those made elsewhere iu boxes bearing the blue label , are also made by union men and it IB claimed that Aha Omaha men by endorsing the red labelin- Juro the union mcu elsewhere. There bus been BOUIO talk among smaller factories of reducing the men's wages if the rod label wasn't sustained , but it is the general im pression that this will not bo attempted. * t Twenty-five now members were admitted to the Bricklayer * ' union Tuesday night. All the bosses In the city now allow nine hours * pay for eight hours' work on Saturday. w Regular mooting of the Typographical union next Sunday. Tlioro ran bo no settlement of the diffi culties existing between the muster und Jour neymen plumbers upon the basis asked by the latter. The bosses Imva signed contracts with about twenty non-union men to give them employment for one year , and they-say that they cannot break these agreements Jor the solo purpose of taking back the iow strikers that still remain out. CONNUIUA.MT1E8. In the village of Bompton , Kast Yorkshire , England , a young womun , whilst in the aet of throwing rice at a newly married couple , fell backwards and expired. As Mist McCormlck , the finncoo of Km- mons Hlitino , has SJ.OJO.OO'J ' In liur own right , it is likely Mother Ulaluo will llnd it easier to got along with bur than with poor Marie Kevins. The folly of an old man deeding his prop erty to a young womun ni an inducement to marry him was shown by the incidontin Now Jersey , whern the faithless damsel , after getting control of the real ostaioeloped with a young and handsome cousin of hnr aged suitor , The sons of the king of Sweden refuse 'to ' submit to royal dictation when it comes to their marrying. Last year Oscar , tbo heir to the throne , married a pleblan , Miss Monk ; and Just now Kugonci declares that he Is about to wed a dusky princess of tbo Sand wich Islands , whom ho recently met in Paris. The guests at n lecont sllvor wedding in Now York city indulged in n promUcunus rough-and-tumble light because tno minister , who had already talked half an hour , desired to give his views ou marriage , When 'tha ' guests finished with him he was fully con vinced that marriage is a failure. A young couple la Jefferson county , Ohio , had boon engaged for u year , und all went happily. The young man wont iiw.iy to work last month and wrote a letter to his sweet heart , the llrst slio hud over received from him. When she discovered that his gram- mnr was poor and Ills spelling worse'she decided not to marry him , and now another fellow is courting her. Lewis P , Davis , after two years' absence In the west , sought out n girl named Harris , in Ltarbcritown , near Bcranton , and in it spirit of reparation offered to wed her. Her father , hearing of his return , had him. or * rested and demanded JJOO m addition to the wedding. The young man had not tbo money. The father dropped to J200. Still the young man was too poor to puy it , and ho hu therefore gone jail. Florida's Itamy Hnneon. The rainy season In Florida is enid to bo delightful. Tlio cooling uhowora generally Hut in about midday , and ( rum then until nl Jit it la cool and nloaaunt. The moruury drops to about 70 , and blanltota ' are comfortable at niftht. Mciinwlillo everything ( 'rown aa If b/ mnjlo.