Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    "d. .I . , j .iV * . .n. . fur , Mtir. .
D nlly ( Morning Kdltlon ) Including Sutxlny
lite , Una V ar. . . . . $10 ( K
ForSlx Montli . fi
ForThr t Months . , . 2 61
Thn Omnlm Stindny lice , mailed to nnjr
adilrcgR , One Year . 3 ( K
Weekly lee. ! ODB Year . . . . . . 2
OrnnnR OHIcn. lleo Iiullrtlnij. N.V. . Cornel
Cerenteenth nd Kurnnm Streets.
Cnlcngo omcp , MI7 Konkorr llulldlnit.
Nfir York Offlco , Hooms K nnd 15 Trlbuni
WMMngton Offlco. No. 613 Fourteenth Street
All communications rotating to news nnd edt
torlM mnttor should bo addressed to ths Kihtoi
of the llco.
AlUninlnexn letters ami remittances slionk
te aildresncd to Ilio Ilcu rtibllstilnt ? Company
Omaha Jtrnftn. check * nud poitolllco orders t <
toe made pay able to the order ottlio company.
Be BEG FnlsMnffinpy , Proprietors ,
BKE Building Fnrnnm nnd Seventeenth fits
THIS JUtili.
Kwnrn Rtntrmcnt of Otronlntlan.
Btnlo of Nohrnska , 1 „ _
County of UniiKlas. f 9s'
( ! oruo II. Tzschuck. secretary of The noi
Publishing Company. iloes solemnly swear On
the actual circulation of TDK DAILY Itr.R fo :
the weeK ending July 27th , 1S39. was us lollow.M
Sunday. July 21 . M8.NV
Hominy , July ? ! . IK/A
TueBrtny. .Inly lit. , . l .f > 7
Wednesday. July ) ! I '
Tliursdny. July Si
Krldny. July l
Baturduy , July VI . 18ftS
Average . 18,011
Bworn tn before ma and snuicrllxvl to In nr
presence thUUTtnilny of .Inly , A. It. 189.
iecnl.1 N. I' . FK1 It , Notary Public.
Btnto of Nolirnska , I
County of Donglat. f "
GeorRo H. U'7HChuck , being duly sworn , deposes
poses nml says tlmt ho M Hecrotury of The Hoi
I'lilillnhlnu company , that the nrtuul uvoniiji
dnlly circulation ofTiti : nvtbr H r. for the
month of Jun > > . 188 * , i .243 copies ; for July
188X , lHra I copies : for AllKUsUSKB , 18.18.1 copies
for September. 1H8S , IH.1,4 , copies ; for October
] 8 < . JH.O = 4 copies ; for November. 18S * . 1H.IM
copies ; for Ucce-nbcr. IHW. W.SZ } copies ; fo
Jiimmrjr , IHMi. 18,57\ copies ; for l-Vbrnary , 18SI1
JP.WKI copies ; for March , IKS 1 , 1B.M4 copies ; foi
April. IfcMi. ] , rr > 9 coplci ; for Jlny. IMt , I .OI ,
Snornto Before me and subscribed In in ]
LBcul.l presence this 3rd day of Juno , A
fa. 1881.
N. P. FCIK Kotnry Public.
Tins savage forenatof tlio Indian doe :
not yet bent in unison with the dosin
of the pale fuco.
THK Btonmou'-ovor.worin-oiiton pruuoi
will luivo to Uoop company with swill
mill ; hcrcuftor.
Y the metropolis of the great
est corn producing state in the union
can subscribe 815,000 for n camiva
JACK THE RIPPKII is atill in White-
chapel. IIo probably was ono of the
enormous crowd thut witnessed the im
pressive burial of his last victim.
Modern detectives are a great luxury.
THK frippery and finery lavished or
princes when they marry is wel
illustrated in the magnificent wedding
gifts worth millions showered upon
Victoria's grand-daughter and the Ear
Of Fife.
GOYKUKOII FOSTKII , of Ohio , is nov
nt Standing Rock with n vigorous ap
peal to the Indians to sign the Sioux bill
but somehow the eloquence of man-
proud-of-his-narrativo has lost is per
THK. Wabnsh and 'ts feeders botli
east and west of the Missouri river are
again combining forces. After having
the water squeezed out of its stocks the
Wabash will now resume stock water
ing at the old stand.
GLADSTONE'S speech on the roya
grants was a magnificent outpouring o !
patriotism and loyalty to his sovereign ,
The grand Hashes of his iniphty intel
lect completely swamped tlio puny efforts
forts of his radical deserters.
IF Fred Nye and Frank Johnson wil
mind their own business and leave Tin
BEK ta conduct its affairs as in tin
judgment of its editor is decraod best
they will bo severely lot alone , even i
they keep up their audacious confldonct
game on the credulous. If they hankoi
after notoriety , however , they will presently
ontly bo accommodated in a way tha
will not redound to their reputation a !
financiers or citizens. Some peoph
never know when they arc docontlj
TUB reasons assigned by the faculty
of the Ointihii medical college for ex
cluding women do not seem to us in res1
on a sound basis. In view of the fact tha
women have boon placed on an oqua
footing with mon by the leading mod
teal schools in this country and abroad
the fear that the admission of womoi
will frightdn uwuy the male modica
students does not appear well grounded
As long as women are willing to partlc
ipato with mon in the dissecting roon
' nnd in the hospital wards , no serious ap
'prehension may bo felt that the collogi
would suffer by co-education of thi
THIS fact thut the contracts for grad
ing ana track-laying from Sioux Cit ;
to Huron , Dakota , are now being lot i
of significance to Omaha inasmuch a
the completion of this road will givi
direct communication to this city witl
South Dakota. There is no need o
speculating what roads are behind tin
venture. It is sufficient to know tha
a connection with Dakota is a gooi
thing , and it may bo depended upoi
that Omaha wilt not fail to cultlvati
the acquaintance of the cities to thi
north and west. But Omaha should b ,
nil means huvo a direct road to Yanlttoi
and the Jim river valley.
IT would be a matter of surprise 1
BOtno of the British gold looking for in
vestment in America did not soolc ou
some of the great paying industries o
Omaha. The planting of tv million o
two of foreign capital should be on
oourngod in our city , It was Scotol
and English money which gave th
took and packing industries of Oniah
their impetus , and the field is by n
moans exhausted whereby a Imndeoin
return can be assured for every dollu
now invested , Our business men shouli
bo alert and call the attention of thes
capitalists to the advantages o tie rod b ,
Omaha in both mercantile nnd inanti
factoring enterprises which appear t
bo channels into which their tittcntioi
U now directed.
The man who Always cries "I told you
so , " is ponornlly pronounced a bore ,
Dui thcro tire occasions when a look
backward may bo instructive.
When the Omaha charter was bijforo
the legislature three years ngo , Tim
DUB vigorously opposed the effort of
the contractors and syndicate comblno
to cut out the section that would
huvo enabled Omaha to extend
her limits over the territory
now covered by South Onutlin. But the
oil room lobby and boodle judiciary
of the legislature succeeded in mutilat
ing the charter presented by Mr. Lln-
ingor , nnd substituted for it n bill that
has sot Omaha back live years , nnd was
the prime cause of the set-back in
suburban rent estate ,
By cutting the park provision out ol
the charter wo are deprived of the op
portunity to convert fcom ono to two
thousand acres of suburban lands intc
parks nnd boulevards nnd thus taking
out of the market surplus unimproved
lands nnd enhancing the value not only
of-the adjacent lots and lands , but of all
property in the olty. And yet , such
men as Tom Brunnor anil other real
estate agents wore most active in gWlntj
this black eye to Omaha , either because
they were in accord with Vandorbutr
nnd his oil room gang or anxious to
snub Roscwater , who in their opinion
wielded too much iniluonco *
In cutting down the area ot Oman a
from thirty to twenty-live miles the
boodlors of the legislature acted out
the dictates of the South Omaha and
stock yards syndicates. Those short
sighted nnd solllsli people forced the
incorporation of a now town which
oven in name has become a thorn in
the side of Omaha. On the map , and
In fact , South Omaha is parl ot Omaha ,
but in nil the directories and in tlio
next census South Omaha would figure
as ono of the smaller oitlos in Nebraska ,
as much disconnected in the minds of
the uninformed as Council BlutTs is
and always has been.
The pretense under which South
Omaha was made a separate
city with a municipal machine
of its own was. that it would
relieve property owners , and especially
the stock yards and packing houses ,
from the heavy burdens of taxation that
are imposed on property within Omaha.
They wont even so far as to declare that
no capitalist would locate a packing
house within the corporate limits of 11
city. And yet in the face of this , look
at Kansas City and Chicago.
South Omaha had no sooner become
a coi'porato town than the very people
who objected to Omaha's heavy load of
debt and extravagant city government ,
entered upon a system of finnneioriii"
that came very near bankrupting the
town. An enormous floating debt was cre
ated , and on top of that a bonded debt WUE
piled up for improvements which should
have boon made by the syndicate and
the railroads. Against this suicidal pol
icy THE BKI- : vainly entered protest.
The people wore literally bulldo/.ed
Into voting that enormous mortgage on
South Omaha and the most active advo
cates of funding the fraudulent debts
and bonding for grading roads through
the syndicate tracts nnd building the
viaducts , which the railroads should
have built , wore the mon who foisted
this separate town government upon
the people , notably both the Herald
and World. Now that iho inevitable
consequences have presented them-
themselves the parties and papers have
fallen into line with THIS BKB in favor
of amalgamating South Omaha with
Omaha. Having done all the damage
they could to both the cities they arc
now trying to undo the mischief.
In this as well as in other matters
Tim BEE has had the best interests of
Omaha , at heart. It has always depre
cated the establishment of separate
town governments in the suburbs of
Omaha. The experience of all great
cities has been adverse to divided
municipal control. Nearly every
parliament has been called upon to
deal with the troublesome problem
of annexation of suburban towns to
London. In this country the same pro-
cobS is going on around every great
city. New York and Philadelphia have
found it to their advantage to amalga
mate with suburban cities'and villages ,
and Chicago has just completed the
annexation of n dozen sub
urban towns thut will add
over throe hundred thousand to her ag
gregate population in the next cen
sus. The contest in the suburban town
of Chicago against annexation was
waged by syndicates and factory barons
like George M. Pullman , who loved tc
lord it over communities made up chiefly
of their workmen.
Ono of the principal subjects dis
cussed by the National educational as
sociation , recently in session at Nash-
villn , was Unit.of manual training. The
mutter was presented to the association
in the form of a report from its commit
tee on pedagogics , gentlemen recog-
nixed as of the highest authority in all
matters pertaining to education. Thlf
report consisted , first , in an inquiry iu
to the educational functions ot UK
branches taught in the manual
training school , wherein they arc
supplementary of the work al
ready done and whoroln they cover the
sumo ground ; and secondly , a dis
cussion ot the economic questions in
volved. The committed admitod the
reasonableness ot substituting a system
of manual training in special schooh
for the old system of apprenticeship ,
but expressed the opinion that sucli
training ought not to bo begun before
the completion of the twelfth year ol
the pupil , or still bettor , the fiftoentli
year , or before ho has had proper
school instruction in reading , writing ,
arithmetic , geography , grammar and
history In other words that manual
training should not bo considered
as an equivalent for school education
or a substitute for it. The ground upon
which they advocate this position IE
that children should be protected from
the premature assumption of the cares
of life. In reply to the argument that
the great majority of children are des
tined to earn their living by manual
labor , the committee say that jusl
for the ruiu > on that tha majority have
before them a life of drudgery child *
hood should bo carefully devoted to
spiritual growth , to training the intellect -
loct nnd will , and to building the basis
fora larger humanity. The trade or
vocation in life is but a small part
of the total functions of any ono life ,
The trade must bo associated with
something else , nnd that is n system of
universal education , not in industry but
in the Ideas and thoughts that make up
the conventional view of the world-
such ideas and opinions as ono learns
In studying geography and history , nnd
especially literature. While the report -
port did not show much sympathy with
the manual training school as an educa
tional factor , the cnro nnd elaboration
with which the subject was considered
showed tlmt the committee fully appre
ciated its importance.
In the 'current number of 'Ha Popular
Science Afontfily there is n comprehen
sive discussion of the spirit of. manual
training by C. Ilnnford Henderson ,
professor of physics and chemistry in
the Philadelphia manual training
school. Regarding the school , in a
general sense , as simply a tool , and n
very plastic ono at that , not too sacred
to bo sharpened and altered , whenever
by so doing it can bo mndo to accom
plish bettor work'Profes-jor Henderson
observes that the grout question con
cerning the schools is the very
simple ono : What olToct has the
Institution upon its pupils ? What , sort
of mon and women does it make out ol
thorn ? The whole forcq of the school
should bo devoted to the ono supreme
issue the boy himself. "If , while
you are making n , man , you can also
maku a scholar , it will bo well , but look
to the man first. ' ' The end of education
being discipline , the subjects chosen
for study are loss important than 'the
spirit in which the .study Is pursued.
"On some unaccountable theory of cul
ture , " says Professor Hciulorson , "years
are devoted to languages that
one will never use , and pre
cious momenta squandered on
the geography of places ono will never
see or hear of. And so ono might fol
low the entire list ot studicsomdortuicen
in the majority of schools. They seem
hopelessly inadequate. ' '
The spirit of manual training , ns
Professor Ilondor.son dolinos it , is the
attainment of results that will inlluenco
the conduct of life. The manual train
ing school has a purpose much more
profound than that ol merely training
the hand. It has come in recognition
of the growing demand for n com
plete man. The specific purpose
of such schools is to offer
aa education thai includes as far
as possible all of the faculties. Its
favorite maxim , is , "Put the whole boy
to school. " Its mode of carrying out
this purpose is the very practical ono of
occupying the time in any way , formal
or informal , that will best load to the
end proposed. Professor Hondeirson
observes that the time is a critical ono
for the manual training school , now In
its formative period , Two rival theories
contend for the mastery of its future.
The ono regards manual training as an
end in itself , and subordinates educa
tion to technical-skill. The other
theory is that the aim of the
school is to prepare for complatoness
of life , that the school is n purely edu
cational institution , and is industrial
only in making use of the tools of in
dustry to accomplish its chosen purpose.
The manual work , like the work in
science and literature , is simply a moans
of development. Those who hold to
the latter theory , among them evi
dently Professor Henderson , believe
that the object of manual training is
the production ot thoughtful , self-re
liant honest mon.
Professor Henderson deplores the
fact that at the several manual train
ing schools established in America
the artisan spirit is moro preva
lent than the educational. This means ,
ho says , that unless the advocates of
iho higher position are alert and vigil
ant the fine opportunity for broader
culture olTcrcd by manual training will
bo lost in now teachings. The man-
clement will go under and the world of
things will again rule. The discussion
of this very interesting and important
subject by Professor Henderson is clear
and candid , fairly representing both
the beauty of the system and its dantror.
In conclusion ho says : "Tho spirit of
manual training represents rather an
ideal , which in moments of extramo
hopefulness wo are tempted to believe
that we have partially roali/od , nnd in
moments of discouragement wo still
hold to bo worthy of our effort. "
' Americans returning from Europe all
agree in saying that the 'United States
has. not done itself honor at the Paris
exposition. All the reports are not
equally severe upon the American ex
hibit , but they are alike to the effect
that it is most inadequately representa
tive of our natural resources and pro
ductions. Some go so far as to say that
in its entirety it is inferior to thut of
the leant of the several South American
countries. This may bo giving the ex
hibit greater discredit than it deserves ,
but it loaves no doubt that a serious mis
take has been made by our people in
not taking udvuiitago of the great
opportunity ollornd by the French exposition -
position to familiarize the people of
other nations with the extent nnd im
portance of this country's productions.
Hero , certainly , was the best possible
chance for the producers and manufac
turers of the United States to thorough
ly advertise to the world our resources
and our claims to the consideration ot
foreign buyers , and wo have neglected
to take advantage of It. A few of the
features of the American exhibit nro.
it is true , unsurpassed. In the oloctrio
department every other nation is far
behind ua , and in two or throe other
lines wo are in tha front rank , but
this only serves to suggest what the
exhibit might bo if an adequate inter
est hud been taken in it , nnd docs not
excuse us for falling in that interest.
Ono olfect is to humiliate Americans
who visit the exposition , but this is an
inconsiderable matter compared with
the unfortunate sacrifice of the best
opportunity over afforded us to show
the world what we have , because no
previous international exhibition at
tracted the attention of foreign people
so largely as this has done , Shall wo
bo able to rotrlov o what wo have
thus log Jkt the proposed Amo rl-
can isilion In 1892 ? It la not
probable 1 Under 1 no circumstances
is it like vtl ml , there can bo attracted
to this ci mil ry more than n very small
porcontti o of the millions of Europe
nns who an have attended the French
oxposith Doubtless wo may safely
count upon a larger number ot visitors
from nbiTpn tit the next exposition than
came to tlmt of 1870 , nnd ospoctally will
there bo a larger representation of the
people oPsWith nnd Central America ,
but wo can not reasonably hope to. make
up for the loss of opportunity which the
French exposition gnvo us. That mla-
lake is irreparable.
The legal fraternity of the country
will bo interested in the proposal of the
Now York state bar- association to colo-
brnto the ono hundredth anniversary
of the institution of the judiciary de
partment of the United Htatoa" govern
ment. The federal supreme court was
organized in the city of Now York on
the first Tuesday of February , 1700 , SG
that the uroposotl celebration will take
place intthnt month next year. A com
mittee of arrangements is to bo ap
pointed to formulate n plan , nnd
it is to bo presumed that in-
vittttlons will bo extended to the
judiciary and to leading lawyers of all
the states to participate in the cora-
momorativo exorcises.
The supreme court at its first session
consisted of a chief justice and live as
sociate justices. The first chief justice
was John Jay , of Now York , nnd the
five associates wore John Rutledgo , ol
South Carolina , William Cushlng , ol
Massachusetts , James Wilson , of Penn
sylvania , John Bluif , of Virginia , and
Robert H. Harrison , of Maryland. The
names of some of those jurists , nnd par
ticularly that of the first chief justice ,
are eminent In the judicial history
of the country. With perhaps the single -
glo exception of John Marshall the
numo ot no jurist this country hue
produced ranks higher than thut ol
John Jav.
The importance ot the federal judi
ciary in our system of government ron-
pors appropriate the commemoration ol
the onranization of the Supreme court
ns the ono hundredth anniversary ol
that event. Furthermore , such a re
view of tlicj work of that great tribunal
as would beVa proper and essential purt
of such atommomoratlon ! would bo u
source of interest nnd pride to the Amer
ican pooolo. The Supreme court of the
United Stales is undeniably the
foremost judicial tribunal of the world ,
and none other can present a coiitury'ti
record of greater wisdom , purity and
patriotism. It may not bo un easy matter -
tor to arrange a celebration that would
bo especially attractive , except in its
intellectual features , since there could
appropriaSi } Dc nothing about it of
public pageantry or display , but it is
possible to rtmdor it highly interesting ,
nnd undoubtedly the New York State
Bar association can bo rolled upon to
do this. Tlio ° idea of commemorating
the anniversary is a good ono and ought
to bo successfully carried out.
The celebration of the golden wed
ding of Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone is an
event memorable in the history of Eng
land's grout statesman. It recalls the
marriage of William Ewart Gladstone
on July 2-5 , 1839 , to Miss Catherine
Glynn , daughter of Sir Richard Glynn ,
of Hawardon xjastlo , and that for half
a century these two worthy people hnvo
passed hand in hand through a most
happy and fruitful union. Eight sons
and daughjLora wore born to them and
some of those have achieved renown
and bid fair to pass their father's name
in honor to future generations. On the
verge of eighty , Gladstone retains his
mental vigor and still remains a great
loader of his party and the best loved
man in all Great Britain. No loss endowed
dewed with noble qualities is the
woman who has been the helper and
the counselor of her husband and who
has shared with him the triumphs and
the disappointments of his long nnd
honorable political career. Mrs. Glad
stone is essentially domestic in her character -
actor , cherishing her husband , her
family and her Homo. vVithal she has
largo mental powers as well as spir
itual graco. She is strongly intellect
ual and has proven herself , a most
worthy helpmate to her noble husband.
To tow mon Is it given to colobruto
their golden wedding. To a still fewer
number is it granted to pass.fifty years
of wedlock In cordial sympathy and
domestic felicity. Such lives flowing
as a tranquil river , faithful to
noble purposes and high endeavors ,
sanctify marriage to the high plane
which it should hold. While Gladstone
will bo remembered in history as n pow
erful factor in statcscruft , bis immortal
ity will bo sweetened with the thought
that his married life was aa pure and
serene ns jjjls 'public career has boon
manly anuV.upblomished.
A I'AUT qf fifty American work
men froiUt-iflU parts of the coun
try and "representing our lending
industries- just sot sail to visit
the Paris1 Exposition at the ex
pense of ffcrjpps' league of western
nowspaporiU' fl'ho trip will include a
tour through the French manufacturing
centers , asrnll ' as a visit to the loading
English ind.'u.gjtrinl centers. This is u
most worthy ' .enterprise nnd deserves
encouragonloVt. Thopo mon can not fail
to bo impreVs/jfj'd ' with the manufacturing
arts of Europov They will return with
ideas to enrich our industries and will
bring buck with them some of the BO-
crots of foreign handiwork and meth
ods for which Europe is famous. Their
experience abroad will bo watched
with keen interest , and thcro is little
doubt but thut they will bo favorably
received and entertained by their fel
low workman. This movement , sot on
foot by private enterprise , is likely to
lend to many more such similar excur
sions , where the workmen of the old
and now world can moot and compare
notes ns to their relative advantages.
They < \r Hunt ( > Tcnoli ,
Chlcaan JlemU.
Neither tbolr overwhelming defeats In tlio
eastern atutos nor the potency of Jersey
lightning la suftlcloiU to dUoourago the pro-
hlbltlonldts. They have Just nominated
George Ln Moat , of the nqimtlo town of
Bound Brook , for Rovornor of Now .Torsoy.
The nrohlbltlonlst Is ns full of liopo us at
Iowa druR storb 1 of whisky.
AVIint Alls Slltltic Hull.
Sitting Bull hns fully recovered from Ills
slogo of pneumonia and now has an nttnclc ol
moro monc.yla.
A OlfTjruiioo or Opinion.
A'eio Yorh IKorM.
Dubuque , la. , Is complaining of the Mor
mon fly. . The country nt Inrgo grumbles bo-
cmuo the Mormon doesn't fly.
A Military Mnrrlnno.
.1f < itiif < ij ) lt , Tribune.
The Into&t fuel In Virginia Is to bo mnrrloi !
on horsobnck. A cavitlry charge , to bo fol
lowed by infantry , so to sponk.
A Frmthotvtl Mtnr.
Clitcaon Keic3.
An OUucfitcd nmlor Is to star with Kiito
Clnxton during the coming dramatic season
Of course Us nmbltion Is to elevate the stage ,
Un rtllimt mill Unurotticrly.
SI. 7 > ) i l UMic-Demacnil ,
The Now % Torsoy woman who has boon con
vlctoil ou the charge of bolng a common scold
may bo properly described us Iho Now Yorli
livening Post of her locality.
The Two n In Paris.
Cfnelmmtl Knqutrr.r.
Between her exposition nnd her coming
election Paris Is enjoying a great Coul ot ox-
cltomcnt , while the two IVs , Houlangor nnd
Buffalo Uiil , are working the people for al
thcro Is in them.
A Prnutlonl Politician.
7uui. ( i.t City Journal.
Political nnllintlonR which ma.\f \ bo accom
modated to circumstances como handy. A
young man who obtained a clorksliip in the
ofllco of the Drst comptroller of the treasury
under the Cleveland administration , because
of his strong democratic endorsement , ha
Just boon appointed chief clerk , because o
an even atrongcr republican endorsement
Ho Is a practical politician.
A Itlnoitod HI Ik.
C/ifc / < i/o ! / Times.
Ex-King Milan of Sorvla is In Paris with
the rest of mankind at present , nnd is nego
tiating for the purchnso of the Due < lc
Morn.y's homo on the Champs Klyoeos. Foi
a king who Is out of employment ho live ;
very high , his annual expenses amounting to
something like $190,000. It is explained
however , that , ho doesn't pay hin annual ex
pcnsos , nnd Unit ho rattles among the ilrst o :
aristocratic dead-beats.
The latest accessions to the ranks of canill
dates for governor , according to the l-'ro
niont Tribune , arc Cnptain G. M. Humphrey
of Pawnee , and Goncr.U A. H. Connor , ol
Kearney. It is anticipated that In a ycai
from now the ranks will bo full.
"The contest for the republican nomina
tion next year for governor of Nebraska wil
possess no more interesting features than th <
strife thut will bo waged for the attorney
generalship , " says the Hastings Nobrasknn
"Governor Thayer is out of the Held foi
another term and General Loeso will not l > (
a candidate for re-election. The way Is
therefore open for a host of aspirants. Foul
gentlemen hnvo been named who are ex
pccted to enter the race for attorney genera
J. M. Stewart , former deputy ; Guorgo
Hastings , Lou Irvine , of Kearney , and D. F.
Osgood , of Tocumseh. "
The Sutton Advertiser seconds the nomina
tion of General Connor for governor , and
says ho "would make a bettor governor
than several of the men who have been mon
often mentioned for that position. Brlnt
him out and let him run. "
The democratic David City Press Is evi
dently distrusted with its party Jn Nebraska ,
and oxclutins : "As the only thing which thi
democratic party has , so far. over accom
plished in this itnto was to furnish an excuse
for the worst clement in the republican party
to perpetuate themselves In power , by keep
ing alive the hates of the past , wo are nol
certain but the party itself could go into in
ocuous duotitudo for about seven years. Bj
that time the mortgago-rlddon farmers ol
the west will have their prejudices pretty
wall blistered out of them , and might bo wil
ling to listen to a little democratic common
sense. "
Says the Falruury' Gazatto ; 'Two 01
thrco State papers which are run in the in
tercst of politicians who are figuring on
being the next governor , are fearfully wor
ried lest Governor Thayer should bo In the
way , nnd they proceed to announce him a
candidate mid then attack him with nil the
energy with which their diminutive souls
arc capable. Governor Thnyor probably
never thought of being a candidate again ,
but if the people uslc him to servo a third
term bo doubtless will. Ho Is making a good
record as an executive and the people , who
like fair play , will resent this mud-slinging.
Our advice to these fellows is that unless
they wish to sco the governor again nom
inated by acclamation they bad bust change
their course. " i
No efforts are being spared by political
tricksters and those who have some political
axes to grind or debts to pay , to onduco the
Farmer's Alliance to enter the political
arena in some form or another , says the Cus-
tor Leader. Every allurement Is being hold
out to the organisation , nnd projudtco Is ap
pealed to , to further the ends of the schem
ers , to ontrtip the alliance into some political
movement whluh these very crafty conspira
tors know full well will endanger tha parpo -
tulty oN tbo nlllance and render it of no
bouo'flt to any ono. As wo said weeks ago ,
tbo alliance has n grand mission to per
form ; but it is not in the political Hold
aa an organization , and if It fails In its mis
sion , wo predict that it will go to pieces upon
political breakers. Lot ovary member vote
and act as ho pleases as a political factor , and
let all who have the accomplishment of tlio
true ends of the alllancn at heart work to
keep down any tendency to bo invoigicd by
scheming politicians or 'disgruntled news
papers Into any concerted political move
ment. Politics never mixed well with any
thing else , and any attempt to mingle the
conflicting political Interests of the
various parties and their Innumer
able factions with the principles ex
pounded by the farmer's alliance , must
prove disastrous to the Allianro. Wo have
ovcr.v confidence In tbo good judgment and
Intelligence of the Alliance , as a whole , and
fool aura thai If reason and good common
soiiso are In the majority , and wo believe
they are , that no scheme , no matter how art
fully planned , jtvlll succeed with tampering
with the Alliance as an organization.
The Hrokon How Republican says the use
of Senator'a name In connection with
the candidacy for state regent is without
that gc'iitleman'a authority , and that ho
would not ncrcpt a nomination as recent if it
were Umdered him.
and Annwnr .
ONAWA , la , July 23. To the Editor of the
BKK : To dccido a bet please state in your
Sunday Usuu If Dakota lias been admitted
Into the union as u utute , and obllgo a sub
scriber ,
Ans. Yes.
To the Kditor of tliaBiiK : Will you ploa&a
BtaU ) In Sunday's HF.B what is mount in re
porting colTeu market -IIK IS "points" down.
What constitutes a point I
Ans. A "DO i nt" in cofToo is 1-100 of 1 cent
per pound , or 1 cent per hundred ixiunds. In
your cxutnplo the decline represents 1-1M ) ot u
co lit.
"Thoro It a locnl scnunblo for Iho collcctor-
ohlp of the port of Omnhn , which Is nov
hold down by Mr , Jonlon whoso Iticumboncj
1ms in every way been satisfactory , nnd . '
understand that there nro many jiromlnon
republicans who would bo glnd to see hln
retain the olUco ; nt nny rate , for a couple ol
yonrs longer. I am told that J. N , Phillips
who , by the wny , Is sold to bo Senator Man-
dorson'8 preferred candidate for the collect
orshlp , docs not agree with the vlows of th (
aforesaid republicans , and denounces tlicii
position at ono of political sontlmontnlity
nnd. not In accordance with ropubllcar
"Tho father-in-law of n prominent Ne
braska politician who ts nlso uolng strongly
urged for the position fools tlmt Mr. Jordnr
should rutlro upon his laurels and permit the
ollco ( to bo developed to n paying basis l > j
Bomo ono who Is less a democrat , and whc
may have something In common with Iho ad
' . 'I can not llnd , however , that the Ne
braska delegation liavo as yet ngrood upon
nny candidate for the ofllco , and , ns Scnntoi
Mamlcrson und Congressman Dorsoy nro of !
on junketing trips , which will consume the
remainder of the summer , Mr. Jordan BOOIIU
to bo supuro until the opening of congress. '
Dead men's shoes.Vhutbecomes of tliom 1
This is what becomes of some of thorn.
Two ragged , suuoj bootblacks catno out ol
the coroner's office the other dny , each the
proud possessor of n respectable pair ol
shoes which were a world too wide nnd long
for them.
"Say , Swipes , " said ono , "I'll trade shines
will yo. " "I'll go yo , " was the reply. So
Swipes shlncd Koddy's nowshoos , analleddj
returned the compliment to Swluos.
"Whoro did you get your shoes , boysl"
thov were asked.
"Oh , do cor'ncr ho gives 'cm ' to us , " said
"Yes , dcyoomosoff do stiffs In do morgue , "
piped Swipos.
"Well nro you not afraid to wear dead
men's shoes , they might carry some disease ;
nnd then they might hannt , you. "
"Oh rnts , " said Swipes , "dat don't cut no
flgcor wld me nn' Keddy. Say , I'd wear n
dead woman's bustle if I litul to , but I don't
have to. Duy ain't no spook shoes can blufl
me , I'm tough , Say , ain't ilcy dandles ] " nnd
ho gazed admiringly at his shining pedal ex
"Yes , " said the coroner , "we give nwny
the shoos that como hero with corpses.
Some tlmos wo got four or flvo pairs among
the effects of strangers who die In the city ,
nnd some very good shoos too. They are
never claimed and we give them to the boys
who need them. "
"Don't the boys nomotimot soil the shoes
you give them , and go back to their old
loves I" ho was asuod.
"No , hardly over ; wo know tha boys , nnd
they nro pretty square , nnd when they ask
for shoes they generally use them.
"But It would astonish you , " continued the
coroner , "to sco some of the people who nsk
us for shoes. Kogular duties , you know.
They como in and say they hnvo a poor fol
low out of a job up at their honso who needs
a pair of shoes Uadly , Then they pick out
the best looking pair In sight , thank us pro
fusely in the name of their friend out of a
job , nnd go.
"When I moot , them on the street the next
day they don't seem to notice mo , because
they have the very shoes on themselves. I
have several customers of that kind. Oh ,
Micro's lots of great people In thU town. "
A little knot of bright looking men were
standing under the I'axton house porch chat
ting idly ns they smoked. Ono of them was
a traveling man , nnd spoke of a certain
Omaha merchant , who Invariably endeav
ored to gain some advantage that was not
strictly upright In his business deals.
"I have to Iccop awake when soiling to
him , " ho said , "and its not the plcnsantcst
thing in the world to fool that your customer
is not on the square exactly. "
"That surprises mo , " said another , "for I
have always understood that Mr. Blnnk was
a pillar of the church and a very devout
man. "
"Ho Is , " replied the drummer , with a
chuckle , "ho's a daisy In the church , but
bless you , that's part of his regular business.
I respect a truly religious man , one who Is
thoroughly sincere In his convictions. But
the man who goes to church merely for cer
tain mercenary advantages , and sings and
prays loud and long and this kind of church
gear is always loud and long is meaner
than a yellow dog. "
"Ienow / a merchant In this town , " re
marked a quiet young man , "wFio worked
ono church of a certain denomination in this
town , and wont nt it in a business way. Al
ways bad a benevolent sinllo for everyone in
church , patted the little boys on the head ,
kissed the little girls ; had a tender , linger
ing , fatherly hand shako for the good looking
young ladies , and nil that sort of thing , you
know , and eot to bo a deacon and n digni
tary In the church. "
"Hushed the collection plato , I'll bet , "
ventured n sporty young fellow.
"Yes , nnd was superintendent in the Sun
day school. After ho had worked the church
pretty thoroughly and made lots of friends
who always traded with 'Brother Saintly , '
ho switched oft to a church in another part
of the city. I tnll you that man had a 'sys
tem' ' nnd know how to work It. What do
you think of a man who would do that , any
way 1"
1 think he's a dead sport , said the sporty
young man , with a laugh , "and has his health
with him. There's lots of old roosters in this
town who null their goods in church , "
"But merchants are not the only ones who
work the congregational racket , " said a good
looking traveling man. " 1'vn lived a good
many years In Omaliu , and could name llfty
professional mon who have , for years ,
worked the churches , clubs and secret socie
ties In order to increase ttit-ir circle of ac
quaintances and fatten their pockotbooic. "
"Yes , and some of them are pretty shady ,
too , " remarked the sport , "regular old
rounders on the quiet. "
"They apply for admission to the club , nnd
are generally elected because of the absouco
of Eomo member who is onto them. This
fivas them the reputation of well-to-do re
spectability , and that's what they need. "
"Politicians are not averse to using these
mediums to HUCCCSS. They join two or
three secret organizations nnd use the lullu-
unco thus acquired to bolster up their reputa
tions , elect them , and protect them wlion
thny commit Irregularities in ofllco. Of
course the societies huvo their own way of
punishing their dalliiquunt members , but
they , by nome moans or other , are able to
disauado thn odlcerfl of the law from bringing
the culprit before the courts. It's a great
thing to hnvo Inlloocnce. "
"I could muko a trip around town almost
any evening nnd visit the saloons and dls-
reputable places , and ihow yon u good many
men , professional and otherwise , who ara
church mom bars , and belong to as many
secret societies us they can got into. The
congregation only know them in church , and
respect them as good Christians , nnd the
respectable clement of the sociotlea tnoy belong -
long to don't got on to thorn. "
"It just makes my hair stand on end to hear
ono of those fellows sny 'amen , ' " said the
sport , "louder than any ono ulco In church ,
you know , and the depth of pathos in thulr
voices whun they ofllclato at a prayer moot
ing Is simply heartrending. mnltos mo
tlroil. "
"I'm ' nfrnld ot tlioso follows who pray
nnd exhort In tlmt loud , complacent , eoinl-
professional way , ' continued the philosophic )
sport , "and endeavor to have an little to do
with thorn ns possible , I never was much
'stuck' on n hypocrite anyway. But , ha
concluded with neigh , thcro't nn awful lot
of thorn In Omnhn. "
* *
"Whisky .tack" brought his recently reformed
formed son Into Drexel & Mnul'fl stern yes
terday morning nnd Introduced him to Mr.
Maul. "Mr. Mnul1 said Jack , "mo bye BO *
to mo , BOZ ho , 'don't drink any moro whisky ,
dad. I hntn whUky like snake * , und If yoj
drink nny moro I'll run away again , ' nnd I
got down on mo knees nn' shworo bd the
howly Saint Patrick I wudn't ' drink another
drop. "
"I'm glad to hear It , " ronllod Mr. Maul ,
"ami I liopo you'll stick to it. "
"Imlndo that nn' I wlllnha-ha , " snld Jnok ,
"an * dear Mr. Maul , wild yo bo kind enough
to wrlto mo out n slip ot n rlcommlndatlon
for the bye to git n job. "
Mr. Maul was particularly bniy nt tlio
time nnd did not Ilka the interruption , but
Jack was so per/intent / tlmt ho finally nat
down and wrote the following on a slip of
"L. M. lUioom , Kiq. : This will tntroiluco
n reformed drunkard nnd his reformed son.
Do what you can for thorn. "
Jack bestowed many hoiiisons on the head
of Mr. Maul with nil the richness and thick
ness of his mitivo tongue , nnd loft In n Imppy
frame of mind for Mr. Kheom's ofUcc.
Jack cannot road , neither can his son , but
confident that a rocommondiuion , coming
from Mr. Mnul , would bo omnipotent ho
presented It with n flourish.
Mr. Hoem read the note , nnd bubbled over
with laughter.
"What's the trouble , " micod Jack , "what
nro yoz lanin' at yo dlvill"
Mr. Klieem rend the note to Jack.and Jack
bulled over with fury ,
"Woll , tlio spalpeen an' I t'ought ho was
coin' us justice. Bugorry nn' I'll hov the
Inw ou him for libel , " said Jack , as ho
bounced out of the oftlco throwing torritlod
mcssoncer boys to the right nud lufu"
Accompanied by "ono of the finest , " Jack
repaired to Mr. Maul's ofllco nnd demanded
his Immediate arrest.
When ho was informed tlmt Mr. Mnul had
not. committed un offense which would wnr-
rnnt his Incarceration in a dank dunguon , ha
was much disgusted.
"Bedad , " said ho , "nn' I was towld that It
was a pomtontiary offense to libel n glntlo-
imui. But 11 poor man can't gat justice In tlii
town. "
A. Ncw.-umpor Motto.
Oak Leaf.
"Semper unutn dulluri ot hallco per annum
in advnncobus. "
They're n Xlco Match.
From ci C'liiratjxw Iciif.
Uncle bill Burgi > ss , A Boy of seventy years
is sparking my nut hwo is about the sanm
ago wo all think they would muko A ulca
Hound to Got Kvon.
Valpamhin Tribune.
B. W. Riddle , of Ccresuo , is a man tlmt
bns played the stlnkor with the Tribune nnd
'loft us In the hole for several year's nubscrip ]
tion by removing his residence. Never mind
Ben we'll catch you yet.
A Sevcii-Ui > Juilgo.
Geneva Ilcconl.
Attorneys Domsthropo and Carson had n
legal sctto before Judge Co mint. In which
the former drew n full hand , but the lattur
drew a jack. Donlsthrope kicked because
it cauio from the bottom of the deck. The
judge sided with John , however , but ordered
a new deal. So the case will have to bo
begun all over ngnln.
Cnnso For Itrjoicint * .
Artlnulnn Deiiinernt.
Miss Sophlo Hashoff is enjoying a vacation
from her duties ut the cases of this shop ,
and is visiting friends at Scru.ior. Miss
Sophlo is greatly missing from iho oflloo , it
being particularly noticeable by the com
plete absence of a certain young druggist's '
visits hero.
The AldnncBt Alny Yfct.
' nnmnimrtJ/incef.
A friead ot ono of our subscribers re
cently asked him to romnll his Lancet to
him , as he did not care to subscribe himself.
Such stinginess is alarmingWo wonder if
the poor littlc-soulcd thing would Uuvo been
willing to pay the postage.
A Public Hiniefnctor.
Humphrey Democrat.
Herman Tieskoottor , our portly hotel man
of the Commercial , is making improvements
to the hotel thut nra worthy of mention.
This week ho repapered the waiting-room ,
and Is now putting in a now marble-lop
wash stand.
The Summer Idyl.
Scottn lleiinlilleitn.
Lay mo down gently , lay mo to rest ,
In a barn loft or hay mow with care ,
"I'm as full as a goat , " and you know tin
rest ,
Because I drank too much hifjer beer.
No Str.iddloVlxuit Thin ,
Keuitinrt McoMtf.
The Advocate hns been accused of strad
dling the foncu on every question before tlio
[ > coplo. Tha poor suffering specimen of
mental deflection who mudo the char o
inows better , If ho 1ms discernment enough
x > discriminate at all. But the power of
penetration of this much-liiughcd-at and
jgotiotlo dunce has gene glimmering with his
tmnhood down with the blighting flurry of
iromnturo decay Into the nwf ulnoss of its
jffects so If ho cun't , how can ho !
Waller S. I'cntlcc In Huston Qlulit ,
[ am so tlroct and worn , a
With wonry waiting ttoro , *
For my brleht barks that onso were berne
The trackless waters o'er ;
: saw them veer nnd turn about
And ono by one depart ,
\nd gladly watclicd sail without
The harbor of my heart.
for were they not to bring rno back
Tlio things of richest worth ,
1'ho pence und joy which now I lack ,
Tlio rarest gems of earth I
' did not thlnx tlmt I uhould wait
Through long und weary yearn ,
\nd wonder why they were so Into ,
In grief tlmt mocks at tears.
) f all those barks that sailed away ,
A few hnvo anchored lute ,
lut moro in wreckage lie to-day
Uixrn the rocks of futo.
r'et some I know not whore they nra ,
Or what their chance may bo ,
f drifting near or drifting far
In fuir nr trcach'rous sea.
Jut thoy. perhaps , will seel' at livit
Thi ! harbor that they left ,
ind 1 shnll hold their treasures fast ,
Nn moro of Joy beroft.
\ > r tlioio bright barks that once wore bora *
The trackloHR wuteri o'or ,
am so tired nnd so worn
With weary waiting sore ,
I'o lnjo on Bninpln Pnoknuea ,
To the Kditor of Tile Bue : Please say la
our query column next Kunduy what tha
Qvornmtmi jwstago Is on sample paok-
b'cs of grain per ounce , and obligeW , B.
Ans. Samples of grain will bo carried M
jurth-clnas mutter , ono cent per ounce , If
nsealod , or put in transparent envelopes ,
.at contents may determined without
; > enlng.