Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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A Statement of Facts Qlvon to the
s Public.
Xho Fnther of tlio Oroom Tells the
InHldo Illmorjr of tlio Trou
ble A Mercenary
Ctrl Kolloil.
Tlio Iruc Hiory. "
Two weeks ngo THE 13nr. printed a state
ment of facts with reference to the separa
tion of Mr. 1C. 0. Harton , ion of Hon. Guy
C. Barton , of Oni'iha , and bride , formerly
Miss Fannie Bridges , who resided In tins
city for a number of years.
The announcement act the gossips all agog ,
and curiosity to know the entire history of
the affair became Intense. In fuel It was the
most startling society sensation which has
over concerned prominent Omnha people.
At the time of the llrst publica
tion the cntlro story wni given orally
to TUB BKB by Mr. Guy Harton , father of
the groom , who expressed himself , with
nome feeling , that ho would not like any
publication made that would injure the
young Indy In question , or wound her friends
and relatives In tills city. Ho uiado n strong
personal apponl to Tin ; HEP. , and other po-
peis , to have her name protected.
So many conflicting rumors have been
afloat concerning tlio mutter , however , that
Mr. Marlon has concluded to give a truthful
account of his son's trouble , mid when scon
by n reporter for Tun Use talked frcoly
about It , Ho snld ho hnd hoped nothing
nioro would bu demanded of him than the
statement first printed , and censured In
severe terms the newspaper that guvo pub
licity to the wild and incorrect stories that
had become current.
Ho said thut In Juno ho and his family , to
gether with Misses Uewcy and Hoaghind
nnd Mr. Will Wyman , lea for Ogdcnsburg
and arrived there the day before the wed-
ding. Elaborate preparations were being
made for the marriage ceremony , and for
two days before tha appointed hour the
young society friends of the bride
were engaged nearly all the tlma In
decorating the church. The bride herself
was occupied In curing for and arranging the
many costly wedding presents which had
been received.
Mr. Harton Interposed the romaric hero
that the story of Miss Bridge's boat rldo uti
to within -nu hour of the wedding was a
Everything passed off smoothly nnd the
wedding was a moat successful one. The
brlJo and croom loft that evening for
Toronto , and Mr. Harton , sr. , returned to
Oiniihu with hl purty.
A few days after the wedding the father
of the groom received , from a source which
he declined to give , u letter which had
been written by the bride at Toronto to a
young man in Ogdenshurg named Frf'
Ilnnicl. 'Jim tenor of this letter was such
as to excite u suspicion that all wus not right
between the young people. Mr. Harton
culled a friend lo his nld , and n plan was de
vised to Intercept other letters that wcte ex
pected tu follow. A thorough investigation
was at once instituted , uiul It was found ti.ut
a clandestine correspondence immediately
> boforc , on the morning of tin * , wedding , and
every day thereafter , had been carried on
between the bride and young Hamcl. A
number of these notes and letters are now
In the hands of Mr. Burton , and upon them
was bated his dcimind for an Immediate
scpurat.on of the couple and the annulment
of thn murringe contract.
Fred Hamol has for a long time resided in
Ogdensburg , und was Ftill there at last ac
counts. He Is said to bo a young man of
good address , fairly intelligent , unU of poor
but respectable patcntago. It appears that
ho hnd won the affections of Miss Uridgt-s ,
and had such control aver her that no was
enabled to bring about her ruin.
The stories which are current of the plot
Miss Hridges and himself are said to have
concocted against young Harton , hud their
origin doubtless in the notes und letters.
Expressions are capable of very seri
ous construction , but there ts not
enough evidence in exit-tence probably to
fasten any intent to commit crime , on the
part of the young couple. The story that
Humel had attempted to extort blackmail
from IVir. Guy Harton is purely a fabrica
tion , but whether it wus his intention to ul
timately exact tribute is a matter of specu
lation. No attempt , however , has been
made upon unyono In tlio case to oxtoit
money. The Information that came to Mr.
Burton that something wrong existed was
prompted by the friendship one gentleman
bears to another , and hud it not been for
these kindly ofllces Mr. H.irton would to-duy
bo ignorant of the true stutc of affairs.
The wedding tour of the
young couple extended to Toronto ,
New York , Boston , Saratoga , und the return
to Ot'donsburg. , From the day of the mar
riage , it is said , the demeanor of the bride
towards her husband hud changed in u
marked degree. She seemed stolid and in
different , grow sulky und morose , until tlio
young gioom became not only uneasy , but
alarmed. Upon Lheli- return to Ogdonsburg
an excursion to Toronto wus uroposed by thu
bride , tu include a number of young society
friends , nnd among them Fred Humel. The
day for departure arrived , nr.d much to the
regret of the party the bride feigned Illness
and did not accompany them.
In Torouto one or two- incident *
happened which cuu be Interpreted
as the preliminaries to a diabolical
jilot , but for the very best of rou-
gone , and thut the ends of Justica may bo
protected , nothing can be definitely said nt
present conccrnlnc thorn. The party re
turned homo shortly and the young couple
departed for the south , arriving at St. Louis
go'iio tltiys Inter.
Meantime Mr. Quy Harton hud in his
posBcs&lon enough evidence upon which to
demand nn immediate reparation of the
couplo. Ho therefore loft for St. Louis ,
accompanied by his attorney , having pre
viously notlllod the bride's aunt tn meet all
parties them. Thu meeting came about
us arranged , und the bride
was confronted with the Indisputable
evidence In Mr. Hartoa's ' hands. In the
presence of her aunt , the groom and his
father , and one or two others , she nuulo u
full confession of her duplicity. She wus
provided with funds by interested parties
with which to return to Ogdensburg , and the
groom departed for the north.
Among other things , Mr , Uuy Harton said
to the reporter ! " \Vhen tills young lady
came to Omaha she was as pure a girl us over
lived. She bec'-ime engaged to my SOD , and
about a yrar uftur she returned to Ogdens-
Vurg.iibu mot Humel , who caused her down
fall. " *
At the meeting In tit. [ .ouls the girl ex
pressed herself us perfectly willing to havu
the warriuiro iiiii.iilled.
Arrivnl In llio City or tlio Klra le-
The Nebraska editorial Jnuntcrs nro com
ing homo in two detachments. The tlrst ar
rived yesfrduy morning over the Union Pu-
cltic , coming direct from Portland , Ore. ,
without utop. On the return trip Clarence
E. Brown , of tlio advertising buioauof tlio
Union Pacific , and Lou Wensos ! , of tbo Cap
ital City Courier , wcro handsomely rcinum-
Dorcd. Hrowu was itiudo the recipient of a
gold watch ctiutu and charm , the former
from the gontlnincn and the tatter from tlio
ladle * . Wcsfcols wears a handsome gold
watch us u memento of the trip ,
Tnoso who arrived yesterday were : Atteo
Hart , Dakota City Kagl'j ' ; U. C , Morton und
C , K. Huanor , Nebraska City Nowsj Ed
Drown , Nebraska City Press ; II. P. Lewis ,
of OiMiilm ; A. I. . Pollock , Omaha Mercury ;
John Haunter and Miss Haunter , Oiruhu ;
J. S. lloaglnnd and wife , of North Plutto ;
J. K. Koithloy and wife , J , F , Sprugun.
llushvtllu Suns J.I ) . Kawlur , tiulton ; Fred
lleddound wifo. Grand Island Independent ;
Mr , Hondenz , Norfolk Luily ) News ; A. R
liooiiu. Lincoln : A. C. Wilson , Pluttsmouth ;
A. C. Wild and wlfo and A. C. Davtmport
nnd wife , South Umatiu ; It. M , Goshorn , of
At a Hireling held on their arrival in the
city the excursionists passed resolutions
commending tbo kindness of the various
railway and steamship ofllcUU with whom
they cuuie In contact , und la the public
pnlchils of the various cities through whlcu
they passed for courtesies rendered. Special
mention was nude of clarence E. Brown nnd
Harry E. Young , of the Oregon Hallway and
Navigation company < and of Tom Weasels ,
Jr. , chairman of the association.
Tlio remainder of the party nro expected
to arrive In the city this morning ,
An lidlot iHsiiod By tlioGrnutl iMnstcr
of J chrnslcn Mnson * .
The grand master of Masons of Nebraska ,
John J. Mercer , has Issued an edict dated at
Omaha , July 20 , IbSO , In which ho cites the
resolutions passed at the recent session of
the grand lodge , declaring that a grand lodge
Is an Independent body , recognizing nnd hav
ing supreme Jurisdiction over no other de
grees than these of entered apprentice , fol-
lowcrnft nnd master Mason , nnd declaring
further that "This grand lodge expressly do-
cllnos to enter upon any discussion of the
history , use or legitimacy of any bodies claim
ing to confer what Is known ns the Scot
tish Ulto degrees , or to bo committed
lo the recognition of any such body , or to
the recognition of any body conferring any
degrees over which this grand lodge has no
control , as being Masonic or as being u part
of ancient craft Masonry , " Further , that
two bodies of the same gr.tdo not exist
in the sumo itato at the same time , und that
the llrst lawfully constituted authority ob
tains exclusive Jurisdiction in the territory.
Ho then states that without entering Into
any discussion of the history , usu or legiti
macy of any of the so-called "Cernettu"
bodies , or of these governed by the
suprotno council of the southern Juris
diction , It is sufficient to sny that the sev
eral bodies of the so-called "Ccrncnu Ulto' ,
are , by the resolutions of the grand lodge
aforesaid , declared unlawful , because the
territory over which they claim Jurisdiction
had been occupied by bodies of the sumo rite
nndor the authority of the southern Juris
It ts further declared that the only legiti
mate and lawfully constituted Masonic au
thority of thu Scottish rlto within the state
of Nebraska Is that of the southern Jurisdic
tion , and all others not acknowledging ul-
legluucc to the southern jurisdiction are un
lawful and clandestine.
The members of the fraternity are ex
horted and enjoined from Joining anv bodies
of the so-called "Cerneau rite , " und if uny
have become members to withdraw from
such membership.
E I. Dutton Ncntly Gives the Olllcjrs
tlio Slip.
Ed. B. Dutton and Frank Darsflold were
arrested Friday for sollini ; Quantities of
postage stamps at a discount. The charge
of ' 'suspicious characters" < placed
against their names. Soon after their ar-
rest the charge against Dutton was changed
to "grand larceny , " a complaint having been
.filed by U. McAlluster , chief of thu land
department of the Union Pacillo railway.
The specification was that Uutton opened a
letter containing : t draft for SJi-JU'j ' and
appropriated it. 11 u went to Council Bluff *
und had the draft cashed , talc-
Ing a certiflcuto of deposit for $300
and the balance tn cash. A search warrant
was Issued to search his room ut No. 115
South Fourtoeuth street , yesterday uftor-
noon ,
Dutton was brought into police court yes
terday afternoon und after the charges wcro
read to him , ho turned to his attorney , .ludgo
McCulloch , to consult with him. At this
time the attention of everyone was directed
from Uutton und he took French leave.
The prisoner was lu chargeof Court Officer
Pulusld und up to n lute hour lust nignt that
ofilcer , as well as the entile police force , wus
prosecuting u vigorous search fur the fugi
Madame Modjuska has now closed nor sea
son and will leave tuis evening for Now
York to begin preparations for the Booth-
Modjcska engagement , which commences
September 2'J. The ropdrtoiro of play * iu
which they will appear together includes
"Richolfcu , " "Merchant of Venice , " "Ham
let , " "Macbeth" and "Much Ado About
Nothing. " Considering the time of year and
thn hot weather , shii did a remarkably good
business here this tune. Both performances
yesterdav wcro well attended. Her pre-
entation of Viola in "Twelfth Night" was a
delightful bit of acting. Miss Eleanor T.yn-
lalt > received yesterday us many as u doziin
ell-grams from managers in Now York wani
ng to engage her for next season.
Ninth WiuM liopubllcnii- .
The republican club of the Second dKtrlct
of the Ninth ward , mot ul Uyan's hall , at
Valnut Hill , lust evening to consider the
advisability of consolidating the clubs of the
wo districts into one. Dr. Hcrt/nrin , the
ircstdont of the club , presided. The propo
sition to consolidate was looked upon favor-
tblv and a committee consisting of J. K.
Joultcr , Dr. HortEinun , Charles Taggart and
Jeuchor Higby was appointed to confer with
ho delegates of the first district with it view
to consolidation. Ur Hortzman was reelected -
elected president of the Second district
: lub , Tbo delegates then withdrew to con-
'er with the representatives of the First
llstrict nt Charles Johnson's store on West
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Next Vicar O-uoral.
The appointment of a vicar-general of the
Catholic diocese of northern Nebraska bv
LUshop O'Connor , to succeed llev. U. A.
Slmfllol , S. J. , has been made , but the name
of the successful candidate will not bo an
nounced for two or throe days.
It was originally supposed that the choice
would fall upon Rev. J. F. O'Callaghan , of
St. Cecelia's church , but it Is now assured
Llmt another clergy man tins' been selected.
The mime of Roy. John Jonnncttu has been
mentioned iu 'connection with the vacant
The Oinnhii City Union ,
A union meeting of the churches com
prising the Omulm City union will ho hold
at the base ball park on Tuesday evening ,
July 30 , at 8 o'clock. Ono of the principal
objects of the mooting will be to hor.r the
reports of the union's delegates to the lust
national convention. A short programme of
song und devotional exnrclees will bo tilled
out by addrossen by Rev. W. J , Harsha , of
the First Presbyterian church , and Kov. E.
S. Ualston , of Lincoln.
Must Look Out for
An old man named Lcgaski , who ktiops n
small grocerj at the corner of Twelfth und
Chicago streets , put his two grown-up
daughters out of the house yesterday afternoon -
noon , and would not allow them tu have
their clothes. One ot the daughter" N a
married woman , with n homo In' Kansas
City , and 1s here on a visit. The old man
says hu is a poor man und his duughtvrs are
oht enough to look out for themselves ,
Kfut Ity tha Cam.
Mr. Hcllmun , 0110 of the employes of the
Electric Motor - - bo-
comp-i-iy , was squeezed -
twuen tv/o curs yuauntuy at Walnut Hill ,
nnd It was feared for u while that his Injur
ies were , serious , but Dr. Cluybuugh pro-
nqunccd him all right with the exception of
Rome bud bruises.
A Itiiuil Soolul.
The Walnut Hill band guvo a very suc
cessful ice cream social at Orchard Hill on
Friday evening. It wus well attended , and
netted the band boys a handsome sum to
ward buying uniforms.
A. Thurlby has been appointed uhlbf elec
trician of thn Omaha motor , and assumed
hl duties yesterday.
A rousing , rollicking picnic will bo given
by the Omulm Hutail Butchers' union at
Waterloo to-day. CJnmos and refreshments
urn expected to attract a largo attendance.
Miss Bosslo Hammond , of Hayden Bros. ,
will return Monday from a very pleasant
Visit with friends down oust.
w mi-H *
Kilritlii to Ho Arretteil.
AMXiroua , Md. , July 27 , Although the
stnta department will ivo no definite information
mation In regard to the Kllraln requisition
from the governor of Mississippi the Indica
tions are that Detective NorrU has finally
obtained u warrant ot Governor Jucksou for
Kilruli.'n arrest.
Ho Executes a War Dnnoo on a
Oodnr Block Pavomant
The Uoltcnest Kind of. Material BolnR
Used hy Negligent Coiurnoiorj
In Vnrlnuq Portions of
tlio City.
Iniposlnir on tlio Public.
"By the eternal , this thing must bo
stopped I An outraged public can't ' stand
such Imposition any longer I"
The speaker was Chairman Halcombc , of
the board of public works , and ho wus on
the war tmth.
When discovered by a BEE reporter nt 2
o'clock ho hud his fighting clothes on and
was executing a war daaca on the Cedar
block pavement between Seventeenth and
Eighteenth streets , on Clark , and singing a
war song , the text of which would not road
well In n Sunday morning paper.
The cause of tha major's wrath was the
discovery that the contractors who nro lay
ing the pavement on this ntreet had made an
attempt to wring In a lot of ration paving
blocks on the job.
"It Is tiaio a halt was culled , " continued
the mujor , when Questioned concerning the
trouble. "Such robbery must bo stopped ,
nnd will bo if there Is not another yard of
pavement laid In this city this year. 1'vo
telephoned for Furnv and Tiilson , nnd they'll '
be here In a minute. "
They cumo.
The city engineer was bubbling over with
anger , andnvanted to speak , but was awed
info silence by the abundance of vigor
ous F.ngllsh that was lot loose by
thu two majors. Fifty men who were em
ployed on the work gathered around the two
veterans and listened In silent admiration to
their burning denunciations.
After Major Bulcombo had cooled down a
little he explained the trouble and its cause.
Ho hud discovered thatJ. E. Hlle.v & Co. ,
who have the contract for paving Clark
street from Twenty-fourth to Sixteenth , and
J. B. Smith & Co. , who hnvo the contract for
paving Twenty-fourth to Spauldlng , and
Spauldlng to the Bolt Line railway , have
been using cedar blocks that do not conform
with the specifications adopted * by the board
of public works.
' 'We ' have hud trouble nil this season with
these contractors. They have made all man
ner ' of piomiscs and have broken them
with impunity and becoming regular
ity. When Ulley & Co. commenced
the work on Clark- street they
were using the poorest kind of blocks. Wo
stopped them. The board then hold a meet
ing , nnd bud ubout decided to condemn nil ot
the and cypress poles In the city thut
are used for the manufacture of paving
blocks. The contractors agreed to furnish
better material , and wo allowed them to go
on. They furnished decent material for a
few days , not good blocks by any mcnns , but
passable ones. To-duy , however , I cumo out
nnd found them using this stuff. " nnd the
major pointed to u pile of blocks that ho hud
flicked to nnc side of the street.
"What's the trouble with the blocks ! "
asked the reporter , innocently.
' Great Caesar , man , are you blind } " Inter
jected Major Furay. "If you cun't
sen anything wrong , smell them.
They're so rotten that they stink. "
"Tho whole trouble is right hero , " said
Chairman Halcombe. "The men who fur
nish these blocks hnvo bought u lot of second
hand cedar some place , thut they uro _ trying
work in on these jobs. The specifications
call for blocks made from live , sound cedar
posts. M hcse contractors have a lot of
stunted , rotten poles that they nro sawing
up for use on these jobs. The cedur wus
bnucbt from a culled lot or from dead timber.
You will Und that almost every block shows
worm truces and other evidences of decay.
Even the blocks that look sound ure
from old dead timber , most of
them , and an examination will show
thut the snp has already commenced to rot
und the blocks nro pithy and soft. "
"What pur cent of them uro la this condi
tion 1"
"I urn not given to exaggeration and will
put it at 50 per cent. As a mutter of fuel ,
however , I nm sure thut If a proper examina
tion were made wo would find that fully 75
per cent of the blocks are unfit for uso. If
decent material were used wo would not
have to reject more than 5 per cent of the
material offered.
"If wo allowed them to go on
with this kind of material , the
pavement would bo rotten and would go to
ruin in a year. We have been compelled to
reject ut leust 10 per cent of ull the material
offered by the contractors tins year , and lu
this cose it U all worthless. "
"What will you do about the present state
of affairs I"
" \Ve have ordered both J. B. Smith & Co.
and J. E. Kiley & Co. to stop work on their
ce.lur and cypress blocks , und wo will sec
that DO more work is done unless proper ma
terial is furnished. "
J. E. Hiloy & Co. have the contract for
laying all cedur block pavement on sund and
plank nt $ l.K-4 } uor square yard , and J. H ,
Smith & Co. for all cedur block pavement on
concrete ut $1.01 per square yard.
Major Bulcombo states thut no complnint
has been made against the size of the block
used or the manner in which the pavement
is being laid. The trouble has all been
caused by the defective material that tha
contractors have attempted to uso.
Ho Denies Thnt Ho Was Concerned In
n Fraudulent AHHlirumetit.
OMAHA , July 20. To the Editor of TIIK
UKK : This evening my attention was called
article headed "A Fraudulent
to an Assign
ment. " As I um the person most interested ,
nnd knowing thut a great injustice has boon
done me by the publication of that article ,
I usk you to publish the following true state-
men t : In March , 1837 , after an absence
from this city for some eight years , 1 re
turned , and started In the grocery business
with Mr. Walters , the name of the firm being
Askwilh Si Walters. At thut time 1 had 100
iicros of land In Madison county , Nob. , ( then
my homestead ) and about 1,000 in
money , and nt a low estimate was
worth $4,50t > . About ono year later ,
on account of Walters bo'ng ' unable to mnko
good his share of losses In an unprofitable
business , an agreement was made between
us thut 1 should take the firm assets and pay
the firm's liabilities so fur as I was able.
This agreement wus consumatcd , und an
umlcablo arrangement made with nil the
firm creditors by which they were to take CO
cents on the dollar In f.ettlomont of claims.
This was accordingly done , and In order to
raise the money to do this I was compelled to
sell my farm In Madison county. This then
left me * owning tha stock of goods of Ask-
with & Walters , and the book accounts ,
which are not very gilt edged.
Allen Brothers were creditors of Askwlth
& Walters , and wore then , and all the time I
did business , familiar with all tlio facts
above stated. They well know that I had
sold uiv homestead to clear up the debts of
AskwUh & Walters , and that all I had ro-
mt.lnlng wus simply the stock of goods and
bud accounts of the late firm of Askwith &
Walters. 'I boy sold the goods to mo on
time , and then prevented mo In paying , by
taking from mo the moans of puyinc them In
suing out a writ of attachment xvlthout the
shadow of a ground for such action. By an
examination of the records of the ofllca ol
the Bradstreet and Dun commercial agen
cies it will bo learned that my financial con
dition in the spring of 18S7 and 18SS was reported
ported Just as I have stated noro. 1 fool thai
in justice I am entitled to a publication of
this article. He.spoctfully ,
lieavenworth'H Light.
LKAV NWOUTII , Kas. , July 27. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The Leuveiuvorth
Gas Llcht company , that has boon doing
buslmns In this city for several years am
owned valuable franchises , sold out to-du ;
to the Loavcnworth Light & Heating com
pany , an organization of homo capitalists
Thi < jirlco paid for the plant was * 25u,000
By tnls purchase tr.o lighting interest o
the city is controlled by Lcuvemvorth citi
tons , ' 4'hero will bo no change in the tnuu
agomont ot tbo company , tiut the latest im
proved methods of gas lighting will bo udde'd
to the plant.
\VANmvd. . I
Tlio Ccl ry Trust.
Sioux CITT , July 27. [ Special to THE
JEC.J Just north of this crcf , at Orange
City , Sioux county , thcro Is a'O''trust" which
vasln successful operation long before the
ugar trust or the load trust { jerp heard of ,
Iz. ! the cok-ry trust. H was founded nnd
ucccssfully operated by the same persons
vho have built < ip the viut celery Industry
n the vicinity of ICalumazoo , > Itoh. , In har
mony with which It Is to-day conducted. A
colony of Hollanders , being n branch of the
same colony which settled around Knloma *
roe , settled In Sioux county , at
Orange Cltv , several years ago. This
colony hud a remarkable history ,
nnd has achieved extraordinary results
n accumulating wealth. The Hollanders are
exports In raising celery , and they now have
Kindreds of acres devoted to the successful
culture of this 1 > 1 ant. Although there nro
scores of Hollanders engaged in its separate
lulture , from the very tlrst tbo entire product
las boon sold bv n single man , who repre
sents , under a strict agreement , all the pro
ducers in the market. The trust absolutely
Ixes the price. It gets Its supreme orders
rom Knlumazoo. The market Is skillfully
manipulated , so that n high price Is always
nalutalncd. There has never been n break
n the trust or a serious "nick"
on the part of any of the indi
vidual producers. The protlts are Immense ,
and the cultivation of celery Is incomparably
nero profitable tlmn ordinary Iowa farming.
The Hollanders have grown rich und rapidly
Ilstanccd their neighbors , tho" ordinary
western farmers. The Orange Cltv celery
ii'iustry has grown rapidly In magnitude ,
ind the acreage devoted to it will next year
} 0 increased by several hundred acres.
Dotluca the Sheriff.
WWEIILT , ta. , July 2" . Tim following tel
egram was recolvcd hero yesterday after
noon from Gary , Dak. , by County Attorney
Billings escaped last night while on trial
for perjury. If you hear of him please wlro
mo. FUANK E. Mr.t.i.Aiin , Sheriff.
After Billings' teloaso on bail from the
Annmosn penitentiary , Bonding a new trial
crantcil him by the supreme court for the
nurder of Countv Attorney ICingsloy , ho
went to Gary , Dak. , where ho has since been
staying , and it would seem was at his old
tricks again. It is' understood that his
ircscnt trouble grew out ot an old transao
.Ion that ho hnd loft unfinished when ho re-
urned here from Gary the night before the
tilling of Kingslcy.
Crop suulstlcs.
Drs MOINKS , July U7. The secretary of
ho State Agricultural society Issues a re
port to-day based on nearly ono thousand
reports to him , from local reporters , in every
county in the state. Corn promises to exceed
.ho yield of any former crop. The damage
'rom frost in Kiay and Juno Is noted in the
counties of Aponnoose , Adalr , Audabon ,
31urk and Hardin. Kicht hundred and
thirty-six reports show a percentage
of lOlJf , a gain of 2 per cent of the Juno
renort. Winter wheat , 270 reports show 93
> cr cent , a gain of 2 per cent. Spring
wheat , fl',17 reports show a full crop , 100 per
cent ; damage from rust Is reported in several
counties. Spring barley , 313 reports show
2' per cent. Oats , 8'JIJ reports show
Mrs. Sliernmn Sues fiir Divorce
Siot'.x CITY , In. , July 20. jueclul to Tun
BEK. ] Harry Shormin , a Slqux City cx-
salooakccpcr , who was indicted with nine
others for the murder of Kov. George C.
Haddock , has been sued In th"o district court
for divorce by his wife , Mrs.H.E. , Sherman.
The grounds stated in her petition for di
vorce nro desertion , adultery'cruelty nnd
liubltual drunkenness. Mrs. Sherman alleges
that her husband deserted her lust January ,
when she was lying sick in oed , among stran
gers , without money or fdp'd. She also al
leges that often she had Hod from home In
the night time with her little' girl for fear
that Sherman would kill norland that ho
aas frequently assaulted and brutally beaten
nnd choked her.
The AVIiioiin & Southwestern.
Sioux CITY , July 27. [ Special to THE
BEK.I Bonds for the extension of the
Winonu & Southwestern railroad have been
placed by the Now York banking firm of
Joseph Walker & Co. The Wmona & South
western will bo built to a Missouri river tor
mlnal and strenuous efforts are now being
made to have the road built to Sioux City as
well as to Omaha. The Wtnona & South
western Is virtually an extension of the great
Delaware & LacKawanna sai. . Joseph
Walker & Sons , who have tau , the bonds
of the Winona & Southwestern a. the finan
cial agents of the Delaware & Laikuwanna.
HutchiiiHon Indorsed.
Dus MOIXES. la. , July 27. fSpocml Tele
gram to TUB BEE.I The Wuppallo repub
lican county convention wus hold atOttumwa
and cave Senator Hutchiuson , who lives
there , a strong indorsement for governor , in
structing the delegates to the state conven
tion to use all honorable means to secure his
nomination. The Appauooso county conven
tion wus held at Centervillo to-day. No In
structions wore given , but the delegates will
stand Hull 8 , Wheeler 2. Hutchiuson 2.
CropH Damaged By Htorni.
ANAMOBA , la. , July 27. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. I Lust night , from 7 to G p. m. ,
occurred the most severe rain nnd wind
storm of any since July 4 , 187IS Haiti foil in
torrents , sweeping away sidewalks , gardens
and a largo section of track on the Chicago ,
Mil \vau iceo & St. Paul railway between this
city and Monticollo , breaking off trocs a
foot through and devastating the county
generally. Oats ore entirely ruined , und
many will never be cut. Corn Is almost flat
upon the ground.
Wheeler in the I oacl.
MASON Crrr , la. , July 27. ( Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] All over the state
much interest Is manifested over the
govcrnshlp. Out of the convontlons al
ready hold Hiram C. Wheeler is in the load
for tbo republican nomination by twenty-
six votes. J. C. Hutchlnson has twenty
delegates , J. A. Hull sovonty-clght , and
Wheeler 104.
Bliiclllo at Million City.
MASON Crrv , Nob. , July 27 , [ Special to
TUB HUE. | Miss Cora Birdsull suicided to
night by taking thrco grains of strychnin" ,
She was to married next month to George
Decker , of Pittsburg , Pa. , but report reached
hero to-day thut ho Has givoVljis devotion to
another , which is the attributed cause of tbo
act. Her relatives reside at'pecoruh. '
Brutal Outrage liilltidlann.
INDIANAPOLIS , July 27. ThfaWurnal learns
from Marion , Grant countypth'it ' about mid
night lust night a brutal outfagq'wus perpe
trated by about half a dozent men upon Mrs.
Smith Street and her daughter Clara. The
two women live alone ten1 miles cast of
Marlon In a secluded neighborhood. At the
hour stated they wore aroascfl , taken out ,
and after being stripped to th < ? 'J waist were
whipped with beech gads M'ntU the blood
ran. They were then ! released
and warned that BOVOTO treatment
was In store for thomj lf , they did
not cease talking about their neighbors. The
regulators were all muskea.'nnd their iden
tity is unknown. The women were given to
gossip , but the brutal manner of their pun
ishment Is denounced on all hands. Officers
will make determined efforts to discover the
authors ot the outrage.
Service Crop Bulletin.
WASHINGTON , July 27. The signal service
crop bulletin for the week ending July 27
says ; The weather during the week was
decidedly favorable for crops in the spring
wheat regions of Minnesota aud Dakota ,
Whore a good harvo st Is In'progress. Through
out the northern states of the central val
leys , extending from Ohio vtestward'to Ne
braska und Kansas the weather was favora
ble for corn , which Is reported as excellent
und growing Jluoly. Harvesting of winter
wheat , grass and outs was Interrupted by
rains , aud the weather In many localities
was too wet lor threshing. Excessive raina
have doubtless Injured the fruit crops In
New Jersey und grapes are reported as a
How tha Late Thomas J. Potter
Olutxrocl U. P. Headquarters.
Another Domurrnco Btironit to bo
KstnbllMicd The Mod in Opornnill
of the Ola Arthur's Chancca
or Kc-clcction.
RlcCnrty's Proinrtlon ,
The appointment of O. P. McCnrty to the
position of assistant general passenger agent
of the Baltimore & Ohio Is met with n hcaity
support in railroad circles , here , whcro "Lit
tle Mac , " ns ho was styled , is well and favor
ably known.
Tbo appointment recalls souio circum
stances connected with the pant history of
the Union Pacific , principally owing to Mr.
McCarty having once boon assistant general
ticket ngont of the road.
When the Into Thomas J. Potter assumed
the vice presidency and general managership
of the road , It was expected that ho would
make the official changes , which Invariably
accompany every change In the management
of a road. Like the great wheels of com
merce , Mr. Potter moved slowly yet surely
upon the remnants of the Callnway adminis
tration. Days passed Into weeks , and weeks
Into months , and yet no change wus made.
Those who had expected Immediate dis
missal , nnd hnd all but concluded to ten
der their resignation , began to feel that
danger had been passed. But It was the
calm before the storm. Straight from Mr.
Potter's oftlco went the official axeman to
the general passenger and ticket depart
ments , whcro the heads of thcso o dices ,
Mcisrs. Morse nnd Stobblns , were hurled
into the capacious basket of the vice presi
dent. Another revolution of the axe , nnd off
went the heads of their lioutcnantD , Messrs.
Jones nnd McCarty. 1 ho destroying angel
next visited a beautifully furnished parlor
on the second floor of the headquarters
building , and extinguished n collugmte sparK
which was shining in the form of G. M.
Cumlug , at that tune acting assistant general
manager. With renewed vigor the South
Platte territory was crossed , mormoiuloin
was reached , and P. P. Shelby , assistant
general traffic manager at Salt Lake , was
retired to private life. The next move
was the abolition of the department of
general traffic manager , and the incumbent ,
Mr. Thomas L. Kimball , emerged from the
destruction with the title of assistant to the
first vicn president. With duties yet unper
formed In this direction the vice president
answered tha inevitable summons from
which there is no avenue of escape.
There was ono man , however , who was a
victim of circumstance , nnd that was O. P.
McCarty. He was a good man for the place
ho filled , a concession which was even
made by Mr. Potter. But the 'utter con
ceived the Idea tha' , by consolidating the
passenger and ticket departments better ser
vice might be rendered , and at a much less
expense. Mr. Stebbms , the general ticket
ngeut , ho thought , was not sufficiently
familiar to take charge of the passenger bus
iness ; and a bill of f'.l.OJO ' for commissions on
the sale of tickets led him to believe thut the
retirement of J. W. Morse , the general pas
senger agent , would not bo inimical to the in
terests of the company. But consolidation
was the originul plan devised by Mr. Potter ,
and this wus curried nut. The parties in
charge must then bo experienced men in both
the passenger und ticket truffle , und the
places wore filled , by J. S. Tebbcts being
Placed in churgo with E. L. Lotnux as his as
sistant. Morse and Stebbins absented them
selves from their familiar quartcrs.but Jones
and McCnrty remained , having been given to
understand that they would bo provided for.
They frequented their apartments in the
headquarters , rendering assistance when
called upon , nnd in this way spent several
weeks anxiously awaiting their new commis
sion. Finally , McCurty was Informed that
the company had decided to open a city pas-
sencr and ticket office in Omaha , and thut ho
would bo placed in charge of it. That same
day Jones was given to understand thut he
would bo appointed general traveling passen
ger agent at a handsome salary , and with
headquarters in ChU-ago.
This information WHS imparted by Mr.
Potter , and feeling that tne same would bo
carried out , the gentlemen in question dis
pelled the unpleasant recollections of the
past and gazed with an expectant eye upon
the future. Hut for a reason , us yet unex
plained , a low days afterward , the vice
president informed McCnrty and Jones that
his plans for the future had been re-cast and
that where there should have been a cavity
the metal had "run solid" and no opening
existed for them.
They accepted the result ns final , and that
afternoon left the headquarters building
both agreeing never to return while Mr.
Potter was in power.
They subsequently left Omaha burdened
with u double series of disappointments and
sought another clime where available mate
rial was in demand. The fact that Jones is
prominently connected witli a Chicago road
and McCarty has Just been appointed
assistant general passenger agent of
the Baltimore & Ohio , plainly dem
onstrates that Incompctpncy did not
bring about their retirement from the
Union Pacific , as was so openly manifested
in other changes that were made by Vice-
President Potter , owing to the Incumbent
having been placed in the position through
favoritoism aud friendship.
* *
A movement Is on foot looking toward the
establishment of a demurrage bureau in
South Omaha. A demurrage bureau is not a
money-making affair when considered as to
the money accruing from the demurrage
charged. It Is simply the means whereby
railroad companies are protected against the
intrigues of the shippers. Proof ot this run
bo furnished in Omaha.
Prior to the establishment of a de
murrage bureau In this city , shippers
were accustomed to receive freight con
signments and allow the same to remain
in the curs on the tracks sometimes for
weeks and oven months. The railroad com
panies Imposed no additional tariff for the
use of their cars for warehouse purposes. A
clluinx wus reached when the Union Pacific
found Its tracks occupied by 2bOO , freight
cars detained for warehouse purposes by its
patron shippers , Not only were the firms
which had ample facilities for unloading
their freight utilUmg thu cars in this way ,
but bucket shops were doing a good business
by being enabled to hold their material on
track until they found purchasers , The re
sult was the establishment of the demurrage
Complaints of excessive charges followed ,
but when the man who had thousands of dollars
lars invested in u plant observed that it
would wipe out the bucket merchant who
had not ono dollar Invested , yet who was
doing as lucrative a business as himself ; and
also that the cars could bo unloaded with
in the prescribed time for which retention
no charges would be levied , the case pre
sented Itself In a different light , and It was
soon favorably looked upon by all the loading
To-duy , the yards and side trades In Omaha
uro free blockades. A similar abuse of the
rolling stock at South Omaha has resulted In
the matter of establishing a demurrage
bureau at that point being made ono of the
the possibilities of tbo future.
In the appointment of John W. Scott to
the position of passenger agent in charge of
tbo Kansas division of the Union Pacific , a
worthy young man has been promoted. Mr ,
Scott succeeded I. W , Miner , us chief clerk ,
when the passenger and ticket departments
were consolidated. Since that time , ho has
remained ut his desk day In and day out la
the discharge of his duties , until re
cently , when the pressure proved
too great , ho being compelled to abandon his
work und repair an almost broken-down con
stitution , ills knowledge of the pasvonger
business , together with valuable service ren
dered tn the past , are said to liuvo a great
deal to do with his appointment.
* *
General Freight Agent Moorohouto. of
the Fremont , Elkhorn , & Missouri Valley ,
who has Just returned from un extended
tour of Nebraska , brings sotno good news
Ho states that In the country known as the
, 'grain belt , " which represents that portion
of the tate under cultivation , the crop will
be the largest that bus been harvested In
years. "I never cast eyes upon u more
promising yield In my llfo , " ho continued
"Tho corn tins n healthy appearance , nnd It
is beyond danger aside from frost ,
Small grain U well developed , nnd It will
grade well on the market. You have
no Idea how the agricultural Industry hat
been advanced In this stnto within the past
two years. Largo farm buildings hnvo sup
planted dug-outs , nnd the prairie grass has
been blotted out by the harrow of the farmer.
People who traversed thU state soroinl. years
ngo would be surprised , were they to pass
through the same territory nt the present
time. A few yours more and Nebraska will
bo the greatest grain ptoduclug state la the
union. "
As the time for the holding of the annual
meeting of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers approaches , thu opposition to the
ro-oloctlon of P. M. Arthur to the cluofshlp
urrows stronger and nioro openly. It Is oven
said that the mention of Arthur's name ns a
candidate will be the means of creating con
sternation and dlssoutlon lu the nutks. A
well-known brotherhood man on the Union
Pacific said ! "Arthur will bo n candid ate , but
ho will not bo re-elected. There Is no i < ossl-
blo show for htm unless radical changes , en
tirely Improbable , take place before Oc'obor
8. To bo plain Hpokcn , wo do not regard
Arthur the most available man for thu place.
When I say wo , I mean 70 per cent , of the
brotherhood men that run on the western
roadq. Pcisonally , Arthur Is a uooil follow ,
but wo want something beside congeniality.
Wo want a man who will not weaken when
the clouds of war begin to lower. Wo want
n man who Is scrupulous and conscr-
vtttjve , . yet not to that extent ns
to allow monopoly to side with honest
labor beforn an opposition move 11 made.
Some of thrso Ingredients are musing In Ar
thur's composition , and through this his de
feat will bo brought about. Who is the fa
vorite I Well , that Is difficult to sav. George
Vromuti mid Michael Cuvendor nro both
available men and have considerable of a fol
lowing. Cavendcr Is on the California South-
urn , and , it being an extreme western point ,
his chances will bo weakened by it. Vroman
Is chairman of thn grievance committed of
the Union Pacific , and Is almost as well
known cast of the Missouri us he Isvcst. . In
my mind , ho will go Into the mooting with n
strong following and mav bo the victor. "
ins TUUST.
Discovers n Trnltor In the
Nlok of Tliiv.
NEW Yonic , July 27. [ Special Telegram to
THE HKB.J A correspondent of the Times nt
Port-uu-Prlnce , under date of July If ) , writes
as follows : The tide uf affairs during the
past fo.v days has been in favor of L.ogitimo.
Port-.iu-Prlnco Is beginning to feel her
strength. Illppol.yto fails to make an im
pression anywhere along the Hue , and ttie
success of Arcahlal appears to have availed
him little. Lcgitimc , for the first time iu
many months , has scored a point. It was
momentary , hut It served to strengthen the
feeling of confidence ho Is endeavoring to *
imparC to his followers. As n result of the
Lacoupo affair Hippolyto lost in killed over
thirty men. The number of wounded Is not
known , though It is calculated as exceeding
tha number killed. The affair was a mere
skirmish growing out of nn attempt on
Hippolyto's part to take the works of La-
coupe. Hippolyto had good reasons to
believe that the southern general
in charge of the place could bo
bought. Ho accordingly made overtures
to him , which proved satisfactory to both
sides. It was arranged that the northern
forces should make at least the feint of an
attack on Lacoupc , that they should retreat
und bo followed by the garrison , which In
turn should allow Itself to bo overcome in the
open. In the nick of time , tiowevor , the
whole plot wus divulged to Legitimo who
quietly ordered the force earliest available
to take a position beyond Laeaapo. Logi-
time arrived on the scene almost us soon us
his men and immediately arranged an am
buscade on both sides of the road leading to
Lacoupe. In accordance with the previous
arrangements Hippolyto's advance appeared
at the appointed hour , inarched close to the
position where Logitimo was ambuscaded and
then slowly withdrew. The momant the re
treat commenced , out rushed the whole garri
son of Lacoupc , firing their pieces in the air ,
but doing no dumago whatever to
their opponents. The retreat hud ex
tended no further than 5 DO yards
when Hippolyto wheeled about and
advanced with a rush. On ho came pell
mcll , intending to fairly run over ull In his
way and then'dash into the work. Tlio ad
vance of Hippolyto was thu signal for a general -
oral stampede on the u.irt of the would-be
pursuers , und , with his path clear , the north
ern general continued to push ahead un
checked , until suddenly from all sides men
appeared to spring out of the very ground , '
and the next instant were pouring m a deadly
lire. Taken completely by surprise , Hippo
lyto retreated faster than ho advanced. Ho
carried off as many of his wounded and dying
as ho could under the piruuuistancc * , but
over thirl y dead bodlos were found by Logo-
llmu's men. The surprise given Hippolvto
was no more patent than tlio one given the
commanding general of Lacoupo. In an In
stant the traitor saw through it all , but to es
cape wus out of the question. The whole
garrison was surrounded und its general
sei/ed. Under a strong guard hu was con
veyed to Port-au-Prince to await the sen
tence of a general court-martial. As ho en
tered the city the plaudits of the people re
sounded in his oars In their ap
preciation of u victory brought about
by his own perfidy. The traitor was
Incarcerated in a dungeon , and
since that time nothing has boon heard of
him. The people shrug their shoulders when
his imuin is mentioned and meaningly say :
"Oh , he is cared for. " There is very little
doubt that the watch was summarily put to
death , and If in keeping with the usual man
ner of carrying out Logltime's executions ,
his death was most surely accompanied by
The whole war seems to be a moneymaking
ing affair. Lego time is reputed to bo pocket
ing $1,500 , a day of money thut Is paid to
soldiers not existing. His generals are pro
portionately receiving money in fraudulent
ways and all are getting Immensely rich ,
aud , strange to any too , the lowur classes are
not losing as much as one would imagine.
There are few dupes to bu found among
thcso latter people , and us to striliini : bar
gains , they would do credit to. thu business
shrewdness of Maiden Lane.
As to negotiations , they' are out of the
question , Any settlement of the difficulties
coulo > not othi'rwine but favor Hippolyto , wheat
at this moment Is not only strong in position ,
but before the very best of LoL'otime's
Nothing Now.
WASHINGTON , July 27. The etuto depart
ment has received advices from our repre
sentatives In Hnytl up to the 15th last. , but
they contain nothing new.
I. nml Sidles in PoiuiHylvanla ,
WH.Ki'.siiAKKB , Pa. , July 27. Residents of
Swoycrs Hill , u few mllas above thin city ,
are greatly alarmed this morning by the
settling of a largo area of the workings of
the Enterprise colliery , A considerable
number of dwellings are located on the dis
turbed tract , but so far only thrco dwellings
are injured. Thcso mine dyings frequently
give rlso to startling incidents. Some duya
ago , near Pine Ridge , a young lady
was talking with her mother , who
sat outdoors shelling peas. Continuing the
conversation her remarks received no an
swer. Going to the door to ascertain the
cause- , the daughter discovered a bole
twenty-five feet deep , at the bottom of
which lay her mother In a dead faint , with
the pan of peas lu her lap. The ground hail
settled noiselessly , carrying her down with
It. Hopes and ladders were required to
bring bur to the surface.
A Cowardly Ansnulr ,
Wn.KEauAimi ! , Pa. , July 87. Mark King ,
a burly minor of ungovernable temper , re
siding near Hazelton , last night knocked his
"wife down and kicked her in the stomach
aud faco. Ills children witnessed the as.
sault und ran for assistance and when Mrs.
King's mother urrlvod a few minutes later
she found her daughter lying dead ou the
floor. King wa wrested.
A PlotBollovod to Exist to Kill Him
iu Transit. .
John F. Hcnnlnii Thinks Tlmt If I
U Not Very Closely Gunrilotl Ho
AVill Ho Murdered lioftiro
llonchlnjr Chicago.
llnlr Turning Grnr.
CmcAOO , July 27. [ Special Telegram to
Tim HKK. ] 'Tho newspapers can not too
strongly impress upon the authorities' tha
necessity of adopting every precaution for
the safe conduct of Suipect Burke to Chicago
cage , " said John F. Scanlan this morning tea
a Journal reporter. 'Thoy affect to inuko
light of the rumor ot nn attempted rescue , "
Mr. Scanlan continued , "but It is no Idle
goHjilj ) . On ( he contrary It ts founded on
most solemn fact. The conspirators are des
perate mail und will leave no stone unturned
to prevent Hurlni's ' coming to Chicago. Isoo
there Is talk of bringing him In u special car.
That is good , but thcro should bo at least
twelve men to guard him. A great deal do *
ponds on Burke. Wo look to him for the
most important squeal , This the consplra
tors know. Aud this they are trying to cir
cumvent. I don't ' fear the probabilities of n
rescue , but 1 do that , ho may ha killed.
Killing him will not bo so difficult The
train can very easily bo side-tracked
u row raised , and tn the melee the Job dona
with dispatch. 1 don't ' want to bo considered
In the light of a sensationalist. That I am
not ; but I think the situation calls for extra
ordinary measure * ot precaution and every
conservative man should feel ns I do. The
killing of Burke might bo useful in bringing
the attention of the government to thn ex
istence of this widespread conspiracy. But
though that might bo an excellent thlnjr , still
wo don't ' want to lese Burke In order to got
it , "
"You have no fear then of Burke being
rescued * "
"No , sir. He is in charge of Officer
Collins who will never let him got away.
Ho will kill himself llMt , "
"What do you think of Lawyer Kennedy' ,
being sent to Burxci"
" 1 look upon It ns merely n dodge to pre
vent Burke being pumped by Collins
on the way here. Kennedy , as
bis attorney , counts on being
allowed to accompany him during
the trip. Hut that is only u trifling obstacle.
Bringing Burke hero ulivo ii tlio thing , and
to do that excessive vigilance and protec
tion will bo necessary. "
"Bunco111 be hero before this time next
week , " so said State's Attorney Longo-
neckerthls morning when talking to u re
porter about the outcome ; of the recent legal
proceedings at Winnipeg. "I had a dis
patch lust evening notifying me that the ar
guments had closed , and that the court hnd
reserved its decision until Tuesday next. I
fell confident that the decision will bu in our
favor. "
"What more have you learned about the
arrival of Clan-mi-Guol men at Wiuniparfl"
"Nothing nt all. 1 cannot think what
Banter meant by tole.'raphlng "strangers
arriving. ' I wrote tn usk him , but I have
not got any reply from him. I suppose that
is one of thu things that he refers to wnou
ho says 'see letter. ' I have not recoivoJ his
letter yet and don't know what it contains. "
"In your opinion Is there nnir possibility
of an attempt being made to rescue Burke
should the decision bo against hlmf"
"It would be madness In them to attempt
it , and I can not imagine how they would bo
so foolish ; still there Is no Knowing what
desperate men will do if they think they
have anything to gain. "
"What will bo done with the cases when
they como Monday before Judge Hortonl'1
"I don't know. They won't bo tried this
term , anyway , that is sure. Did you see
Beggs when ho was in court thu other day !
How he has changed. He is a young fellow
with a yellow moustache. Well , he has got
white now. Ho is letting his beard grow ,
and it ts coming out grey. I never s iw n fel
low change so In my life hi the tlmir"
"What is the reason ! Merely the confine
ment ! "
"No , it is the nnxioty and fear under which
he is laboring. "
"Will the cases bo tried next term ! "
"I can't ' say anything about that now.
Walt till we get Burke back. 1 would like
to see Burke , wouldn't you I"
"Do you expect to get a squeal from hiinj"
" 1 don't know , but I would like to see him ,
anyway. There la no way In which ho can
escape tmniriiig , and ho knows It. "
"Wouldn't ' you accept bun as a witness for
the state if ho makes a clean breast of all ha
"Woll , I don't know that. Ho might not
know enough to make it worth while , that
.ill depends on how much ho is able to toll. "
Sunday HiH3 Ball.
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock a gntna of
base ball wiU bo played between the Swift
and Armour-Cudahy clubs in the Third ward
park. Messrs , Gctzel , Snyder , Hogan , Gal
lagher , KuHscll , Horn , Hnrron , Walls and
McCune will be the Ar.nour-Cudahy . nine ,
nnd Messrs. Enrlght , Gallagher , JJarnclr ,
Ilorst , Thompson , Clark , Hart , Hayes und
Myers will form the Swift nine.
About the City.
R. Hoagland nurses n cut hand.
.ludgo King assessed Hoary Uietzcr 57.50
for pawning a borrowed watch.
The Incandescent electric lights wcro first
used Saturday nlL-ht and gave perfect satis
In the game of base ball Saturday after
noon the leans defeated the tuts by u score of
13 to 12.
Nlcholos Mortis , of the beef 'cutting gnnR
of the George H. Hammond & , Co. packing
house , cut hU band last Friday.
The committees for the second annual plo-
nlc of St. Agnes congregation will nice
Sunday afternoon in A , O. H * hull , Kowloy's
bloci : .
The gun club will shoot nt the Third ward
range Sunday morning and In the afternoon
nearly ull the members will go below
Albright to shoot.
Miss Mabel Silver , with her well known
gruce und elegance , entertained it puny of
friends ut bur pleanant home In thu Hunt
block Saturday evening.
George Burke , of the commission firm of
Burke & Frailer , has received work that his
brother , William Burke , was killed July 20
on the Big Horn river , Montana.
A doicn couples upe.nt u delightful overling
with Miss Kuto A , Wymau Saturday even
ing. Music , games und un elegant lunch
filled the time to Us full delight.
Messrs. L. W. Gllchrcst , J. U Gllkeuon
and W. S. Gorbcs , state railroad ]
sloners , were in the city Saturday investi
gating charges of discrimination against
South Omaha.
F. J. Hurtmun , who has the jewelry stora
In the Lister hlocK , In running to the ll55 ;
dummy train Saturday night , fell near the
Union Pacific depot and injured hln left log
nnd thigh.
The Husort , south of Albright , will offer
numerous attractions Bunday afternoon.
Omaha und South Omnha workmen will contest -
test over 400 pigeons , whllo egg and blue
rock shoots will entertain the crowd on aide
amusements. Various other sports will
amuse the patrons of that pluco.
The dance given at tholr opening by Mrs.
Anna Ryan and Miss Nora Ooodley , brought
forty couples of friends from Omaha , and
gave tholr many friends ono of the very
pleasant social evenings of midsummer o-
clali. Martin Una fey did the honors of tha
occasion , and all were moro than satlifloit
over as pleasant u gathering as South Oumba
affords friends.
PerHonal I'uriuirnphs.
Benjamin Gratiot , of Papllllon , Is visiting
his brother , George II , Gratiot.
Mrs. John Kuusoll , who has been visiting
her parents in Dulfonoo , la. , has returned
Editor A. C , navjr.irt ; , of tha Slcckinaiv.
has returned af'r lib trip nriili lltu Njur ttlca
excursion itts