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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1889)
kd bu be iii- iiiu ; u la DU ro- ill- lul for hit IV ! : an fjt. rd lot ror [ bo the ihu Cud .L WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW. The Fooling in Monetary Circles Ono of Firmness. DULLNESS IN NEW YORK STOCKS. 801111 * Improvement Noted In tlio Ijnst Twn Jnyn of ilia Week Pnrla ItnlcH of KxalmtiKO Ad- vnncliiK. A Hcniunc or tlio Country. CHICAGO , . July 27. [ Special Tologratn to Tun Hr.K.1Tiio feeling In monetary clrclos is one of firmness. There Is n good demand for loiius from the mercantile trade , and they nro asking more favors than usual nt this season , probably duo to the fact thnt trade with many of them ha * , not been nt brisk as they expected at the opening of the season , licnco they have been Unable to turn over their stock with suniclunt readiness to meet their maturing obligations , and they are forced to seek temporary loans to tide them over. Now crops will soon inovo freely , but the flow of currency to the Interior has not com menced , There Is n disposition , however , to prcnaro for it , nnd country bnnltars are drawing down their balances hero nnd get ting themselves in position to do a largo buatnnss'thls . Itatoa of interest are flrm and I ! par rent Is tlio Inside for call loans und r > ) li ( per cent is frequently naked nnd oh. tallied. On tha street there is less money booking Investment at lowrates , and 4 per cent In the Inside llcllro. Time loans uro made at fl@8 p'or cent. ' 1'ho feeling In east * orn murkutA Is firm , and an the prospects for cheap money are not at all Mattering , rates nro well maintained. Uull loans on stock and bond collaterals are mudo on n basis of 2X@W Iol ° cent. Hcports cotno from abroad ot an advancing tendency In rates of exchange In Paris. This will hava a ten dency to chock further shipments of gold from tins country. Now York exchange was. to lid lor and rates ranged nt 40 cents discount to par , nnd .closed at par. Foreign exchange was easier and rates n slmdo lower. A fnlr amount of bills , drawn against Hhlpments of corn und lard , and also against , wheat , were offered. Itutcs rangcd.'at f4.84@l.S4 . Tbo Now York stock market was < iull dur ing tha greater part of tbo week , and the aggregate volume of trading showed u moderate falling off. The opening was weak , with considerable pressure to sell the entire list , and moderate declines were recorded. JSugar and lead trusts were the weakest properties traded in , and the former declined u'ver 'J points , while load only drop ped ahout 1 point. The latter part of this week witnessed considerable improvement , both in the tone of the market and the extent of the trading , and tbo early declines wore moro than recovered. London was an important factor In the market und bought about 75- , OIX ) Hhurcs. Thrfir operations exercised n de- clilcd Inllucnco in shaping the course of prices and induced good buying of the gen eral list. News from tha west was mostly "bullish , " operators nero buying nuito freely on reports ot improved crop prospects in Minnesota and Dakota. Thu sale of 100,000 shares of common Chesapeake & Ohio to the Yundorbtlt interest was looked upon as n "bull" card , as it gives tlio latter party moro power. This also tended to in crease thu "bullish" ' feeling nmong operators whoso tendency naturally inclines that wav. Clovolaud , Columbus , Cincinnati & St. Louis consolidated wus bought fr.'ely , and prices advanced over live points. Hocking vallov , after a sharp decline , hi'camo ilrnicr nnd regained about all the , loss Thu close shows fair gains on most of thu list over the prices current n week ngo. Honda were slow , hut all choice issues were held flrmly. The ncgregiito sales on the Now Yoric stock exchange lor the live days ending Friday , woro-8W.COO shares. 1IVK S Cut tin. SAIIIIIDAV , July 27. The market was not very active and was somo\vli\t : \ uneven In prices , being quoted nil tho'.way from weak to strong , uccoraing to the quality- tha eattlo offered. Choice handy beeves sold generally stronger , whllo others ruled steady us a rulo. Uutoliors' stock was slow und inclined to bo lower. . * * " " * " - " llots. The market opened steady with only n , modctute number on sale , ut which basis the bulk sold. Toward the close the market was easier , especially on heavy weights. The re ceipts were finally taken , the market closing weak ut opening prices. There were none here to make n market. Cattle' . 1,100 Hogs 2,700 Sheep Prevailing Prices. The following U atii > la of prlu3ipild In this market far tha gr.Uoj of stock men - tloncd , : Prime steers , 1800 to 1(100 ( Iba. , ? 3 SO 64.00 Good dtoors , 1250 to 1 mu Ibs. . . 3.70 CcW.SO Ooodstoors , 1050 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.35 < yl.U5 ) ! Common canners 1.25 Ordinary to fair cows 1.75 Fair to good cows 2.30 Good to choice cows 2.40 r < tJ.75 : Choice to fancy cows , heiror.i. . 9.70 M > ; i.OO Fnirto good bulls 1.75 Good to choice bulls 2.25 ( R2.50 Lightstackers and focdurs. . . . 2.70 Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 3.03 fiWI.OO Fair to choice light hogs 4.00 001.10 Fair to cholno ho.ivy hogs 4.00 W4.05 Fair to choicn mixed hogs 3. ' . ) . * ) ( tf4.05 Kliorn sheep 3.0J ( &I.W HnprcHoniatlvi ) Hilo * . STiUS. l.lvu Htnuk Notos. _ H. X * Lewis brought In a car of hoes from Eagle. H. 1" . Churcn , an extenMro shipper from Plorco. was In with a cnr of cnttlo. ' Mr. Church n.v thnt ht noctlon of country pro duced the beat crop of wheat this sorvion In mnnyycnrs. Pat stock 1 pretty wall run out from thnt part ot the country. .1. K. Wilson , of Orotno , wns at the .yards this mornlnp. O. Swonson cnmo In from Chapman with n car of cnttlo. D. S. Vnn Ormci got In from Illland with a shipment of stock , II. C. Uawoon , of Endlcott , WAS ainonp the shippers here to-tiny , George n. Snulo came In from Grotna with four cars of eattlo. OcorRO Wjrnnt came over from Silver City , In. , with n shipment. J. It , Smiley got baoTt this morning from an extended western trip. J. G. Unwson , of Kndlcott , was looking over the yards this morning. V. S. Millar , of North Hond , was in lookIng - Ing after n shipment of eattlo. A. C. Smith had six cars of fat cattle hnro to-duy. Ho ship ? from Fullcrton. Gus UrnilcnburR. nu ovcrylit.v dealer t Mnlino , WHS here with n cnr of hogs. O. A. Kltnmcl , a regular dealer nt Una- dllla , was here with two cars of eattlo. Thomas Ash ton nnd J. Sample , of Laird , Col. , were hero with n shipment of cattle. Alex Gnrroxv , well known lioro , was up from Lincoln shutting hands with numerous friends. .1. W. Prlco soil tnawo cars of hogs. Ono was shipped from Urunnlng und ono from Geneva. ThmnnsMorttmor , n prominent eattlo man locatnl ntMndlson , brought in aovoral loads of cnttlo. 13. V Stlllev , n well-known patrsn of this market , was here from Aurora with twn cars of cnttlo. S. C. Ilnvoo , of Palmer , added four cars of cnttlo to tha receipts aad came along to look after them. Jacob and John Grlorson , of Columbus , were ut the yards looking nftor three cars of eattlo shipped from North Plntto , J. 1C. Hurkholder , n well-known Iowa pa tron of this mnrkol , was hro with a ship ment. His homo is nt Woodbine , la. A. PJjEASINO , OUTLOOK. The Realty Outlook Promising Builtlliic nnd Ct'iiurniiQo Notrs. Tbo real estate trado' has experienced , during the past wcoW.ilts.flrsl period of dull ness during-tho present year , The transfers for the wcelr have bcon light and almost en tirely conflnod to small transactions in out sit ) u property. The only deal worthy of special mention waVtho salo'by J. W. Smith to Molllo MoHrulo df all oHilock 4 and four teen lots in blgcic ; ) l'crVpoJ's ; ( \ plaix ) , the consideration being $73,500. , . . A shrewd obscrvbr of thb ebb and flow of the real estrute traJtr ventures his opinion that the prcsant dullness is simply a sort of calm bo/oro the storm , and that it portends a sudden change later In thu season. Omatia ho says , stands too solidly for any falling off in values und us soon as tills fact Is generally known prospective buyers .will hasten to closu deals for w til on negotiations have long been pending. "A largo class of citizens , " ho continued , "havo been expecting a drop in the realty market and h.ivo boon waiting for that time to purchase sites for homes. Such ideas nro being rapidly dissipated by the rovlval of sales of suburban property and a big business in this class of property uiuy bo looko'l for this fall. " The transfers for the week are as follows : Alonauy 8 48,4tii Tuesday : 2iS : > 50 Wednesday S.'i.o'JS ahunuay lJb"i ( Kridnv 32,977 Sutunhiy 125,550 Tlio ftnilillni ; Hooni. Activity in building still continues and nearly twice as many houses are being built as at thin time last year. Improvements in the outskirts are especially noticed. W. ( J. Ives is building a $5,000 homo' ' on Spring street , near Davenport. Maxwell Hamilton is building a $3,500 , homo on Thirty-first , near Pacific. F. J. Saukott la building a $3,000 homo on Seventeenth , noiir Charles. Aliss K. F. McCartney will build a ? 2,000 homo in Orchard Hill , on Fortieth street , noarGiirlichs. ' Frank V. Lancpoud will build a $5.000 res idence at 1412 Williams street. Fred W. Lee will build a f4.000 dwelling on Leavenworth street , near Twenty-eighth. IP. O. lirown will build three $3.00 ( ! resi dences on Leaven worth , near Thirty-first. Ida II. Uochmo will build two $4,000 brick dwellings on Twenty-ninth street , near Half- Howard. II. W. Yhtes is building a $4,000 frame residence on Nineteenth and Capitol avenue. Michael Donnelly will build two 83,000 rcidoneei on Davenport street near Twonty- sevdnth , and another structure on Webster near Thirty-lirst. C. Shaw wi 11 nuild a (3,000 rosideucc on Douulas near Twcnty-oichth. George L. will build a $5,000 homo on Plnknoy near Eighteenth. K. Gllmnro Is bulfdlng n $3,500 home on Twenty-ninth near Spraguo. < The permits issued for the week are as follows : Monday (7,550 Tuesday 22'JOO Wednesday ; 1100 ! ! Thursday 4,000 Friday 14,0.50 Saturday . - . 8,000 Total i . , . ' , ; ; ' . . . ; $07,800 The Cloaraiico-Itacord. The bank clearings fyr thb week were as follows : ' I Monday 4. . . . ? 781,003.05 Tuesday 778,4(11.14) ( ) Wednesday ( V17.2Sl.9l Thursday O'J..OIO.OO Friday. 7SJ,725.t5(5 ( Saturday 841,814.ai5 Total . . - $4,529,201.77 , Increase , 40.4. THE REALTY MARKET. TNSTUUJIKNT3 placotl on rosorU durmit * J-yostordav. J S Johnoou and wife to D H Johntiou.Iots 1 tn II ami 10 to 12. bile S , blk 1 , ana lots 1 tn n , ulk 4 , and loui fi and it , lilt u. Cone iV.Ioliuaon'asill ) , wil $ 3000 SHiiiiii'l I'ruynanil wlfo to M UAhlmilst. ' lot It , blk 0 , 1'riiyn park , w d COO J W .Smith tmil wire to Nulllu Mcllrlde , n K lot n and u ' , ' , w H lot 0 , blk 1JD , Omiilm , wd / 85.000 W (1 Shrlver and wife to W II Moutnltli. lot 4 , bite 7 , Shrlrt-r plnce.w a 300 N A Kulm tr to U Anduraon , lota 1U and 17. blk I. CrolKhtou liiiluhtti.w d 735 Samuel Strutton and wife to Samuel D Cox. lotihlK ! 1. Patrick's add , wd 8.WO N A Kulin , troasurur. to Wm Peterson , lot 7 , bU 7 , CrtMghton HolKhU , vr i\ \ . . . . (70 Mllcw .v 'J hoinpson to It 0 Unowold , lot 19. blk 1 , Walnut Mill , wd . . . 440 IIJ I'niyn and husband to K 8 Howler. part tux lot III , m > c 10-IO-lil. wd . . . " . . . . . 10,000 HA Hanson anil wife to Olllo l.nwrence , lot li. blk U , IIrlKa place , wd 1,600 J -McfJivorii to ( } N Illcks , lots a and 7 , blk 2 ( > , Curthactt odd. w tf 6.600 J A McShiuio to .1 H I'unn , lot U , blk 19. West Blilo add , w d 5W Tw elvo trausters , aggregatlnsc 1125 , WO No Mllllonnlro Doctors. A phyaiiilnn says. In the St. Louis Globo-Doinoonit : "Nobody over boiird of a millionaire doctor. Some of thorn Imvo comfortable incoinos , but no moro. It is not iv inonoy-makintr profession , and tbo gnmo amount of talent tuiil energy - orgy ilovotod to any rogulnr business would brlnj ? in far bettor tlnnnalnl ro- turns. Dr. William Hammond has an inuoinu of $100,000 a year , and i prob ably bettor Hxod financially than any other American doctor. Ho is a very busy man , and will hardly move for loss than $50. I told a friend of mine who was going to Now York for treat ment to got Dr. Hammond. IIo sent hiu companion to the doctor's olllco , but ho said ho was too busy to uo to the hotel , only a few blocks , and recom mended another doctor acroas the 81 root. But my friend's companion in sisted that ho wanted Hammond , and the preat physician flnally consented to jro , but pave warning that ho would cluirjjo $ . " 50 for the visit. But Dr. Ham- mum ! ! a an exception. " THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. Wheat Narrow and Without Any Particular Intoroat. A VERY QUIET DAY IN CORN. Tlio Provision Trade In Kntlior a Fen- turolcn * Condition IliislnoHa In Cnttlo Hloxr Hogs Oloro ' Actlvn Quotations. CHICAGO rnooucic MAUKBIS. CIIICAOO. July S7.--fSpoclal Telegram to THE Uun. ] The market was narrow , uncer tain and not particularly Interesting. The probabilities favored heavy receipts next week , nnd advices from the seaboard pointed to a good foreign outlet for a considerable portion of thorn. The llmpnesa la the July delivery pulled December down in sympathy early In the day , but the news toward noon WAS In the main In favor of the longs , and whllo July closed IJ o lower than It did on Friday , December gained ) < o upon the previous day's ' resting price. The market is loaded , but whether for boar or bull to-day's action did not give a very clear Indication. There was not much vim at the opening and prices gave uanustakoublo symp toms of sagging , and did sag from 7U.fu at the start for December to " 8 0. July , in the meantime , from BO o nt the beginning sold down to TOJ o on very trilling transactions. The nervous fooling In this month's delivery is by no means allayed , although the short interest is not now believed to amount to much. Hutchlnson was still showing an interest In the deal , nnd it wns his purchases or rather offers to purchase , fer there was not much for nala when his brokers bid for It which prevented a further breutc. From TSJjfo for December and TOj c for July there was a gradual but spiritless rally to 70K ° for the former and 80c for the latter delivery and some subse quent backing and tilling within a X0 raugo , leaving the resting llguros at 79 0 for July and TO c-for December. The recent break In prices has resulted in less confident soiling : , although a further decline. Is confidently looked for by t. bears , * who stand pat on recent Mos nt higher ilgures , expecting hcav. ecclpts next week to still further fortify tho. x > sition. To-day St. Louis received 140,006 xshols , but the inspection returns there , a voll as hero , show the effects of the recant wet weather. Out of 37 cars inspected to-day 37 were graded No. 2. Here , out of 204 oars of now wheat 127 were No. 9. Cables were again on the side of the boars. The English mar kets were weaker on some Improvement In their weather , according to the majority of dispatches , although December wheat ad vanced from 7'Jc ' to 70KC at ono time , on ad vices from New York that late pri vate cables received there. This was accentuated a little Inter by returns of twenty two boat loads having boon bought at Kew York for export , nnd by further in formation that of twenty-four loads of gram for which freight cngupamonts were made on Thursday lust , the bullc of which would bo used for wheat. In the same connection it was also said , but tbo saying wus not posi tively vouched for. that freight engagements were concluded for iho shipment of 800,000 bushels of now wheat by way of Baltimore. The sudden drop in July wheat at Duluth from U9e to 94c caused a momentary sensa tion near the close , but its effect as a bear ar gument was somewhat nullified , by an ad vance in the September delivery In tbo same market from S-c to S3c. Tlio corn market was very quiet to-day nnd , while there was not much decline , the early tone was rather weak. Receipts were not much different from what was ex.pect3d , the inspection being for 4U3 cars , of which 343 curs wns inspected contract. Specula tion was very dull , but there were the usual buyers of cash corn , and the demand Kept prices pretty steady. The warm , growing weather for crops was something of a bear feature , but only served to weaken without depressing- market ; to any great extent. Later , on a good cash demand , prices wont up some , and at the close sellers September corn wns about , 'c better than it closed last night , and sellers May about unchanged. Oats continued quiet and nearly steady , with occasional glimpses of activity , though in the mnln the regular market was dull , owing to the continued absence of outside trading orders or news of any consequence. There was some changing of July to August at KC difference in favor of July , or at 2viffc and i 2jjo respectively , wbilo deferred de liveries were quiet and tended to easiness. Hecomts continued fair , and withdrawals from store were smaller. No. 2 regular in car lots sold at 22 c. The provision trade was in a somewhat featureless condition. The opening was at prices generally under the level of yester day's closings , and during the session specu lation was too restricted to occasion anything moro then moderate fluctuations. The mar ket was in a slow state , with the outsiders giving It little or no attention and packers inclined to allow It to drift at will. Profes sional traders transacted the bulk of the limited trading witnessed. Short ribs closed for the day quotably unchanged , ivhilo lard showed n not decline of SX Sc and pork C@10c. For cash delivery a moderate amount of lard was sold nt fff.liy < @u.1' % of pork at (10.75 nnd of 10 Ib. sweet pickled hams at $ U.9X Sixteen-pound green hatns ranged ut $3.a7X@3.03 } . Speculative inter est was again confined to September , which sold at $10.05@10.80 for pork$0.17 @ 0.20 for lard and * . " > .47 @ 3.52 } for short ribs. Pork for the same month closed at $10.70 , lard at 3IU7& and short ribs at (5.50. August was quoted ut n discount from Sep tember of 7 } o for short ribs und pork aud lOo for lard. For January , the only winter delivery in demand , pork sold at f9.90@ 10.00 , lard at f5.05@0.00 and short ribs at $5.00@ CHICAGO IjiVK STOCR. CIIICAOO , July 37. [ Special Telegram to TnuBEB.I CATTMTrudo was slow nnd prices rather weak. Everything saleable wont over the scales , the general market closing rather weak , with Texans selling So lower. Quotations ranged at $3.40@l.30 for good 10 choloo shipping steers , $3.9U@3 115 for common to good shipping steers. $3 , GO@.i.90 for butchers' steers , $3.00@2.SO for stookors , SiO@ai ! : ( ) forToxnns , * 150j.lllfor feeders , S1.50 ( ( 2.75 for cows , and Jt.5U@j.75 for infer ior mixed stock and bulls. lions Business was fair aud prices steady as compared with yesterday. Packers bought rather sparingly and ttio shipping demand was light , with the Squires party out of the trade altogether. FINANCIAL. NBW YOIIK , July 27. 'Die following were the closing quotations : U. B. < s regular. liM" } Northern Vncltto. . 2iy U. 8. la coupons . . .U'3i ! do preferred . 03)1 ) U. 8.4HsreauUr..liMl4 : O. & N.V . ( ijj U. H. < U4n coupons. , lutl donrorerrud . 13'J PaclUctfaof 'W . 118 iN.Y.Ceutral . 1 < Central Paclnc . ; HJJ I'.D.&H . , . SU Chicago A AIUa..ia IllocWulanil. . IMU Chicago , llurllngton C..M , & 8t.l' . uatf &Qulnuv . D3V Uoproforred . 10H I > . .UW . H3 | SU'aul& Omaha. . 31 Illinois Central . 11314 ilo preferred . 03 I..II. & \V. . fl'i ' { Talon 1'aclllo f.'J Kansas .V Texas. . . . 10 ! W..8t. L. lev HVi l. ko Shore ] Uli ? do prof erred. . . , . Mijj Michigan Central. . Western Union. . . . 84 Missouri 1'acldo , . . . MONET Easy with no loans , closing at 3 } per cent. Piiiue MnncxxTaB PAI-BB 4 } 3S per cent. SmuuNO EXCIUNOB Dull , but rtoady ; sixty-day bills , tl.85 / ; demand , U87 > JMtODUOia MAIU'CKTA. Cnjoioo , July 27. 1:16 : p. ra. close Wheat Firmerj cash , 70 > < o : September , 775 o : December. 79 cl Corn Firmer ; cash , SO 7-10o ; AuRnst and September , 80 Mlic. Oat * Steady ; cash , 2 o ; Auau t and September , 31J < ° , Hye Cash , 43c Barley No. 3 , September , C3Vo. Prime Tlmothy-$1.45. Flax Seed No. 1 , 11.33 . WhUky 1.Q3. Pork Easier ; cash and August , SIO.G3V : September , * 10.70 , Lard Steady : cnsli , M.07K ; August , tn.07X@0.10 ; September , M.17& Flour Dull and neglected. Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $5.12X05.25 ( short clear , $5.75@5.87J { ; short ribs , fT .40@5.50. Uuttor Unchanged j creamery , 10J10oj dairy , 0@14c. Cheese Unchnncod ; full cream chrddars nnd fiats , 7@Ho ( YounR Americas , 7 f(37Ko. ( Eggs Unchanged ; fresh , 10@llc. Hides Unchanged. Tallow Unchanged ; No. t solid packed , 4@4Vc ; cake , 4tf < x . . _ , . Receipts. Shipments. Flour . 17,000 0,000 Wheat . 103,000 00,000 Corn . 219,000 , SUI.OOO Oats . _ .sm,000 145,000 Mvorpool , Julyr. | Wheat Quiet , de mand fair ; holders offer moderately. red western , sprlnrt' 7 4tl@7sM red west ern. xvintor , 7 C'57 2di' ' Corn Steady and. demand fair ; now mlxod , 4s IXd. > t n St. liOtiis , ' July1 2T. Whoixt Tjowor ; cash , 73Jtfc ; August , 733f @ 73Ko- Corn Firm ; o slu 8Vc ; ; September , 83c. Oatt Nominal ; cu. < tUf 23o ; August , SlJ o. Pork Dull nnd lower. 811-.25. * Lartl-Nomlnnl , 3:76 : Whisky $1.03. Butter Nominal1 creamery , 14@lGcjdnlry , Il@l8c. J , f Oliiolnnntl , Julyl 07. Wheat Dull and lower ; No. 3 red , 78Sc. ( Torn Firm ; No. 3 trilxod , OSc. Oats Quiet but 'flrjn ; No. 3 mixed , 20 ® 27a rt-i , Whlskyl.03. . i , KunsnR City , Jnty 27. Wheat No. 3 cash , ( > 5o bid ; August , ( V > o : No. 8 rod , cash , 58c ; July , B7Xc ; August , WJo hid ; No. 3 soft , cash , 07c bid ; August , Coo. Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , cash , 25o bid ; July , 2 Xo nsltotl ; No. 2 xvhlto cash , 27o bid. Oats No bids nor offerings ; July , 17c bid. bid.Now Now York , July 27. Wheat Receipts. 2,200 ; exports , none ; steady ; spot firmer nnd moro active ; No. 2 red , tiStfa In store , 89Xd afloat , 89@905fc f. o. b. ; No. 8 red , 83o bid ; ungraded red , 8. ) } @ 91o ; options moderately active and higher ; July , 68c. Corn Heceipts , 53.000 bushels : exports' , 18,000 bushels ; spot quiet and weaker ; No. 3 , 44c in elevator , 44W@-14/o afloat ; No. 2 vhlto , 53c ; ungradod mixed , 4l@t4Xo ; ; co ttons dull , weak and lower. Oats Stoidy ; options firm nnil moderately active ; July , ' 277 < o ; August , 2Scf September. 27o ; spot , No. 3 whlto,35 > , ' @ 24c ; mixed western , 26@29c. Coirco Options closed steady nnd 5 points up : sales , 46,000 bags ; July and August- Jii.9r : @l4.15 ; Scptembor , $14.10@14.40 ; De cember , $14.10014.35 ; spat Itlo , quiet ; fair cargoes , 113.25. Petroleum Firm ; United closed at $1.25. Eggs Quiet und weak ; western , l3@13Xe. ! Pork Quiet and steady. Lard Dull and weak ; western , $0.50 ; August , tfl.44 asked. liuttor Fairly active ; western , 10@l7c , Cheese Quiet and unsettled ; western , 6@7o ftlinnonpollx. July 27. Wheat Dull and easy ; receipts , 114 cars ; shipments , 03 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , July , 91.01 ; on track , $1.03 ; No. 1 northern , July , 9 < iu ; on track , 95@Ko ! ! ; No. 2 northern , July , 84o ; on track , 85@87c. Mllwniikec , July 27. Wheat Steady ; cash , 78c ; September , 7(15 c. Corn Dull ; No. 8 , 3i ( ; c. Oats Quiet ; No. 3 white , 2SX@20c , Hye-DullNo. ; 1. 43 0. Barley Quiety ; September , Provisions Easier ; ork , f LilVlS STOCK. Chlcaao , July 27. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 2,800 ; nmr' " . steady ; beeves , poor to choice , ? 3.50ji ,0 ; cows , $1.50(33.00 ( ; stockers , SiOO@.J.OO ; Texas steers , § J.20@3.03 ; cows , $1.50083.20. Ho s Receipts. 10.500 ; market steady ; mixed , S4. : > 0@4.50 ; heavy , $4.15@4.35 ; light , .3.- > @ 4.75. Sheep Receipts 2,000 ; natives , $3.50 ( $ 4.80 ; western , $ } . ! ! ( X < < 14.20 ; Tcxuns. $3.40@ 4.2J ; lambs , J4.73@0.00. KniiRnn Oiiv , July 27. Cattle Receipts , 2,200 ; shipments. 00 ; markOtQ steady and firm ; common to choice corn-fed steers , $3.00@4.1G ; stackers and feeders. $1.00@ 300cowp ; , ? l..r > 0@2. 0. Hogs Receipts , 5,700 ; shipments , 2,500 ; market steady , closing " a stlado stronger ; iK'hr , S .17X@-t-23X ; "heavy and mixed , 4.05 4.1 . National * Sf > 3kiVanli. . St. Lioiiis , July 27. Cattle Receipts , 200 ; shipments , iiOO ; market steady ; choice heavy native steers , $ -t04.20 ; fair to good heavy native steers 83.75(34.10 ( ; stockers and feeders , nominal ; " ranenrs , corn-fed , $2.75@3.15 ; grass-fed.S1.00@3.75. Hogs Receipts , lksoa ; shiumeuts , 500 ; market active and scaa'diur ; cnoico heavy and butchers , $1.45(31.5) ( ; packing , $4.40@ 4.50 ; light grades , $ lT55@1.57X. Sioux < ; ity. JulV,27. Cattle Receipts , 190 ; shipments , 93 ; market steao\v : fat steers , § : j.00@3..ri ) ; Tocdcrs , $3.25@3.l0 ! ; stockers , J3.20 ® "i. 19 ? ) Icanners ana bulls , 75o@ l.25 ; veal calves , Si.OOSp.iJO. Hogs Receipts , l,00i ; market lower ; light nnd mixoJ , $4.00@4'.07 > c ; heavy , 4.10. The RatIo ScroaiiM'in California. It is pleasant to know , says the San Francisco Alta , that the Fourth of July had due honor paid it at points far remote - mete from tbo great cities. The papers coino in with accounts of salutes and processions , Goddesses of Liberty and An pels of Peace , stirring patriotic music and orations. Of all the orations wo think that tins from ono delivered by Mr. Hook , at Concord , takes the patriotic cake : The breath of freedom fills our val leys , is wafted to the monarch of nature Yosomito. Yosemite booms it to Shasta ; Shasta bows and reflects it to Columbia ; Columbia ripple and dances it to the pines ; the pines murmur it to the o to rn nl glaciers of Alaska. The glaciers with tears of joy , weep it to the Yukon ; tbo Yukon swells and surges it to the shores of Asia , down through the Indian ocean through the Rod Sea , to the classic shores of tbo Mediterranean , upon the breath of the lotus-laden Nile to the loving Stanley , back on the breath of the simoon to the Eternal City , Mont Blano catches its bong , Switzerland und Franco join in the grand chorus. On through the olive groves of Spain to the gates of Gibral tar it battles and thunders till all Europe wonders , while it flies over the Holds of England. Across the Irish Sea it sings n song of hope at the door of the over down-trodden son of Erin. There the thumb and linger of American science turns the screw that sends it tiokl tlokl beneath the Atlantic's roar fathoms doopl Behold it sits spark ling upon the finger tips of ' 'Liberty Enlightening the World ! " which throws it to the far off Sierras , t The Sierras glance it to Diablo ; Diablo shimmers it to Hamilton ; Hamilton eights it to the stara ; the stars in the Eternal Space sing it to the nngols : "American liberty atill lives , und shall for all timol" IfOnly iin Were Hern ! 11. D. L. in New Yurlt World. All through the long , bright summer day. As J lie on the glistening sand , Aud see the cool waves dathlnir spray , With seaweed drifting towards iho land ; Or rest In some sweet , leafy glade , And watch , as through a golden slevo , The sunlight filter through tha shade , I feel that it is good to live. And when despite the sunset's frowa His abdication over wins- King Phoebus lays his neeptrc down And sweet Queen Dial's rule begins , I sit and watch her silvery beams To earth immortal radiance give , No doubting thought within mo gleams : I know that It is good to live. But , at last , when from-afar The shadowy dusk Is lost to sight ; When darknc8 , pillowed on a star , Lies dreaming in tbo arms of night ; I wako from thoughts -of-rapturoun bliss , No heart boats warralV next my own. No sweat lips parted w.Hh a kiss ; Tollvol Ahyws : but jjot alonol Cushrann's MenthoMmmlor , euros catarrh , headache , neuralgia , nsthma. hay Fuvor. Trial free at your druggist , Price 50 cents. THE CRUISE OF THE IOLOTUE From Chicago toNovr York by Way of the Lnkoa. AMID SCENES OF RARE BEAUTY. Tlio Strnlts of Mackinaw nnil Tliulr I'lotitrcsiiuo Islimtls , V Kuvorlto Sutiimor ftoiort Tlio Grant St , Clnlr Hlilp Ciuinl. An Outing Ainniitr the Imkcn , POUT DAMtoxTsin , Ont. , July 16. [ Spcolul to Tills ButMy : ] trip com prised traversing lakes Michigan , Huron , the St. Gtiur rlvor and lake of the same 1111.1110 , Detroit rlvop , Luke Krio , the Wollntul canal , Livko Ontario to the Thousand islands , and by the St. Lawrence down past Montreal to the llttlo Canadian villnifo of Soul at the mouth of the Hlcholiou river , up the wator-courso to Lake Champlntn , down Clmmplain to Whitehall , taking In Fort "Ti" and Luke George by the way. Thence by cannl to the Hudson at Al bany , turn from this point end in a ma jestic sail down the grand old Hudson to Now York , at Its mouth. In short , by water from Chicago to Now York , the on tire distance from Kingston , Canada , to Now York , to be traversed in the llt tlo twenty-foot yacht , the lolantho , which was to bo car-rind on board the nropollor Avoroll as far as Kingston. If the noisosomo and malaria-breed ing waters of Chicago "creek" were re pulsive , just in proportion was iho ngrocabla change of Luke Michigan's milled surface of azure hluo waters as the Avoroll plowed its surface outward bound , The far-reaching waters of this boundless heaving fresh water- sea stretched far away upon every hand , hero and there dotted by the white winged vessels , with an occasional cloud of propeller amoko floating far up into thin air , the noise and grime , the rum ble and roar , hot pavements and reek ing sewers were Inft far behind. A line moon-lit sea greeted us on the first night out , and together with the captain a most agreeable gentleman wo discussed and admired the scone in all its varied moods until the steward appeared and ushered us to the neatest and smallest of cabins , far up in the bow , and for all the world like a Pull man car on a small scale. There were two berths , an upper and lower , and both rosplendant with the whitest of linon. Early next morning found the steamer in Milwaukee , the city of lager beer , 'cream buildings and thick-waistod girls. It KO.S with dllllculty wo restrained from llirting witn the Gorman lassies who occasionally cast a languishing glance our direction. Toying with the all'oc- tions of a Milwaukee girl is quite a serious affair , punishable by a $ 3 line in fact. It was the afternoon of the second day out when the Manilou islands were sighted rising dim and blue from the waters surrounding. This proved to bo the Straits of Macki naw with their high wooded and pic turesque islands , showing a white and yellow clill' hero and there. The straits are about eight miles wide in the nar rowest portion , but the distances be tween land are made loss by the islands of which there is a multitude. The island of Mackinaw with its fine hotel is the largest. This summer resort is connected with St. Ignatius , a little railroad terminus opposite in Michigan , with a line Horry boat and the hotel is much frequented in summer by vacation tourists from the hob cities , north and south. Night was drooping her sable wings over the scene when Spectacle Reef lighthouse was sighted on the north shore of Lake Huron. This light was built on a dangerous reef on Lake Huron at an enormous expense by the United States governmot. Its founda tions are of solid block stone hold to gether by iron rods driven down into bod-rock. It is a Hash-light , showing now rod , now white , and it was a very pretty sight as the darknessgrow denser and its carmine and white began to Hash over Huron's troubled waters. The afternoon of the third day found the ' 'Avorell" cleaving the waters of the St. Cluir river opposite Port Huron , a busy little town at the foot of the lake of the sumo name. The St. Clair river which hero springs into existence is a magnificent stream some thirty-eight miles in length and together with the Detroit river and Lake St. Clair , con nects lakes Huron and Erie. The huge craft on which wo were passengers stpamcd into this deep thoroughfare with speed unchanged and directly was swinging down its broad bosom past many a quaint and natty farm house with neat grounds extending down to the water's edge , with natural docks for flotillas of gaily painted boats. Hero and there a sum mer cottage of moro pretentious and modern design stood sheltered by its groves of trees and surrounded by its faultless lawns , while manystoam yachts of no moan proportions swing easily at their moorings , giving one an idea of the luxurious lives of their owners. Go ing up the mast-head the tourist gains many a fine landscape view of small Canadian homesteads and thriving American farms , with their outlying buildings and Holds , and fat , sleek cat tle , making in all a beautiful pastoral scone as over delighted alovor of nature and an admirer of progress. Spine distance below Marino City , of Saline notoriety , the boat came out on the St. Clair Hats , and the sight of a steamer plowing through what scorned at that distance a pleasant country of trees , corn , wheat and rushes. Gradually the trees , corn , etc. , gave way to long fields of reeds , with occa sionally a Hush of water showing white among the green , and the lake of St. . Clair , with its famous ship canal was reached. This great work consists of two par allel walls , built in the lake , and is a mile and an eighth in length. It was designed to deepen the water at the mouth of the St. Clair rival , which had here previously given much trouble to lake commerce. The sum expended on this great feat of engineering must have been immense. The earth form ing its walls was dredged out of the lake and filled into heavy wooden crib bing and the whole surmounted by grass and willows nnd provided with a light house at end. The walls or banks tire about twenty feet wide , It requires sixteen minutes as ordainoy by the government to run through the canal , with a ponnlty of $1.000 for and Bnoed In excess of four miles an hour. Consequently the hearse oxhaustwhloh had kept up a continuous monotone since leaving Milwaukee , was silenced , and wq glided through with scarcely a ripple on the canal's calm surface. Darkness was once moro hovering over the horizon when the brilliant lights of Dotrojt were sighted far oil over the low shores of Lake St. Clair. The moon rose silvery and silent over the stilled waters of the lake , and mudo a golden path of glorious light , in which one might Imaglno sylphs , fnrlos nnd nymphs dinportintj thomsolvoi. The long , lazy ground-swell over nnd anon would throw up their fungos of phosphorescent water advancing and retreating llko gems of Incomparable bounty. The dim white painted stacks of the boat rising ghostly In the scant light. An ocean of silence around with nothing to break it save the low ca dences of some fnr away lowing cattle on shore and you have the picture to the eyes of the tourists who admlrod and discussed It , The electric lights of Detroit now shown out from a wall of black like diamonds mends sparkling and Hushing in a setting ting of onyx. . The speed boll was rung as wo glided past sombre warehouses , occasionally lit upon their exposed walls by the light towers high over hcadand wo glide to a wharf the lines were made fast and wo found ourselves In the most brilliantly lighted city in America , "tho city of the strait.1 WILL F. SWT.KSV. A Country Iloml. It , Yellow with dust It sleeps In noonday tflaro , Yellow with dust It stretches fur away : On the moiscd-wall the cnlpmunks frisk niul play. Where golden dnUlos'hroldor nil the nlr. Now imturo Booms to iircam 'mid fragrance rare , For summer slloucu holds unbroken sway , Till round the bund n croAlUna wain of hey Comes lumbering down"4 the drowsy thor oughfare. Then nil is still again ; the orchard trues Are motionless us the distant purple hills On which the shadows of the whlta clouds rest When suddenly the whito-fleclted clover seas All joyous tremble , whllo the bobolink thrills Ills wildest melodies with owrot unrest. THE RAILVKY TIME TABLES. OMAHA. Sioux City Hipres.i lttl : p in luO p in * BniorsonAccoitnnoliit'n 5r p m 4t'i a m Oakmnil Awonnnod'n. . : : n a m 4 : ; i i p m St. I'nul Umiteil fi:4i : p in II Ml a m Klorenco 1'iwi nger . . . I arn a m Sli : a m Horcnco 1'asaenKer l > :31 : p m n'll i > in tPIorenco 0ni : ) a in 10 : ! > a nt tKlorom-a " 1:30 : p in 5l" : > p m Dally Except Sunday , tSmuinv Onlv SUBUHIJAN TIl JNS. Westward. Rnnnlns between Council niutri and AU brluht. In addition to the stulom mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twouty-IourtH streets , nnd at the Huramlt In Omatia. ri5a livnrn. COUNCIL IILIJFFH. CHICAGO. IIOCK. ISLAND Ic 1'ACIHO. Leave.I Arrive , No. 3 BstWpmO No. 1 Ul5am : O No. 6 6:50imO : No. 5 fi:15pm : A No.4 100i ; ) am | A No. ! ] . , . . u.-icipm A iO.ll UI5 : nni A NoID. . . . . . .7:1J ura CIIICAOO U NOllTllWliSTKUN. No. 8 0:10 : aimNo. 7 UJ7 : am No. 8 : n pmNo. ; 7W : tn No.4 u8i ; pmNo.6 0-15 pm All Trains Dally. CHICAGO , J11LWAUKKB 4 ST. PAUL A No. s 0:40 : amlA No. l , . ,7:03 : am A No. 4 0WpmA : | No. H BJ5 pm KAN8AB CITV , T. JOHIil'H Is COUNCIL DLUFKH. A No. 8 1007a ; ml A No. 3 0:25am : A No. 4 0ilipml ; A No. 1 OllU um BIOUX CITV k PACIFIC. A No.10 7:06 omlA No. 0 8:55 am A NoU ! 7:00 : pm A No.ll Vuopm ; OMAHA d. BT. LOUIS. A No. 8 imprulA No. 7 KrTO m AdfUly : n dalyl excupt Baturday ; Ovxuvpt oonday ; D tucept Wouilny ; Taw mall. THE CONDITION" OF TRADE , A Good Incronso hi Clearings and Money Reported Easy. GENFRALTRADE CONTINUES FAIR An K.fTort lUnile to Hoar the liocal Antlmiclto Conl Market- ' Havana l < onf Tobacco l.eneriil .N In Ijocul Traili Mr. Hughes , njnnuRcr of tlio" house , reports the clearing * for'Uo ( iwooltt ending July 47 at $ l,5'JS'Ot.77 , an incrcmo of 4(1 ( 4-10 per cent over the sumo poVlotl last : your. Unlniices were ? lMr\atl.r \ > 8 , nndj bankers generally say thut Iho monoy\ nnirkut I ) vcr.v unsy , and prime inorcnntlltK paper is In demand at shaded ilgtircs. General triido continues very lair for the season nnd orders are llhcml , botli by mail and from "snlosuion on the road. Oolleo * tions , however , do not show upv so well , and tno country is some * ' wheAt bohlnd In this respect , but not sorU ously so , mid an Improvement Is ooiifUlotitly- anticipated us soon us the small gram crops * uro harvested. Prices nra steady , thouKtn sugar shows n further decline , ami granm luted ir.uv he quoted at 0 cents. The Cozzcns house property was sold ycsv terduy by Mr. J. IX Her to Dr. J.V. . MoMctK- nmy for $ ! VlXh ( ) spot cash. The prlco is coin- sldorod a low onu and liltoly to not the pur- ' clmsora handsome profit. HVVANA I.KA1'TOIIACOO MAHKBT. Loaf Trnnqultlty hut boon the prevailing , fi'uturo of this week's market. The prudls-t- position on the part of buyers against that now Vnolto Abajo leaf seems to bo incroa-j Ing , the goods are not liked nutl although ! ' tl.o Purtldo tobacco from the present growthl hiis given much hotter satisfaction * both ) at rcRiirds condition ot loaf and iroodf burning , &hp ! | > ors constain from ouorm tiup , owtiijj chiefly to the poor assortment * of really good wrapiwrs' contained In the lots thut nro being offered female , fill- era not being wanted Just now. About alxi hundred bales of now crop of Uomcitios Imvof mudo their appearances thus -far , and toV judge by thorn , nil the expectations enter tained in regard to the leaf raised in thlsi part of the inland moro suitable for thu Gorman - - man markets are now fully upset. The to baccos in question luivo pkmty of gum , and In fact the capadurai promiseto turn out equal If not superior to thtaa grown last season. Thtiltamrdlos crop Is said to have tunled out very largo , say about sixty thousand bales , and about , half may ho looked for toi suit the United States trade. This willl prove n great relief to shlppors for said mar ket , since bo Mi Vucltas mm 1'urtldns may ou considered tins season ns not existing ut nlll on account of their light quality. Cigars Absence of orders Is still com plained of by manufacturers , nnd the pros- out monotony In the trade has only been In terrupted by some small strikes in various * factories , promptly settled , however , to tho. ) atixfaction of all parties concerned. The tobacco urnp of Stu. Clara is expected' to add up this year no less than 2l,500 ) > Dales. The picking of tobacco has already. com * menoed in the district of Sagua and the qual ity of the leaf is said to be in general quite ) satisfactory. At Itumndins growers entertain high ox pcetations regarding the prices to bo ob tained/or their tobacco crop , which seems * to havu turned out. of excellent class nndt rather abundant. MOTHS. Mr. J. 1C. Armsby , of Chicago , in his latt. circular has to say : Canned corn is booming1. The packers of ! corn in the west are .strengthening their1 ideas for futures , prices having boon ad vanced lUc per dozen during thu last two weeks. Mr. Charles McConniolc , of this city , has bought the . ' 500 aero stock farm of Judga Kounts , near Calhoun , Nob. , nnd proposes to put In n half mlle tracir and further do- velope the property. Fro January 1 to da to the exports of gold from this country have amounted to50,7:13- : b l. For the same period in IB&i they reached i-.lllUbar ; in 1S87 , $ ll,8.T3OS6 ) ; in 18SO , ? 13- ( i'ji,514 : , and in 1SS5 , $10,47iC'JO. ) ' We congratulate the Jobbers on the posi tion they took this year in not buying futures , and wo believe that their canned goods de partment will show a fur larger prollt in 11:80 than it showed loss in ISS8. Tlio Spreckcs | ( Philadelphia ) sugar re finery , cauaeity 4 , JOU.CXK ) pounds per daywill commence , oiu-ratlons about Septemberjl next. The general opinion is that it will bo gobbled u ) > by the trust monopoly. Advices from Cauifurnin continue very favorable for the crops of raisins and prunes , the early estimates of about lOUOtlM ) ) bures of the former and 18,000,000 , l\n \ of the hitter yet standing us the expected yield of these twn important articles. Gold coin and bullion In the United States treasury foot up Wlii,913,878 : ; silver dollars and bullion , ? 2 IlliS7S ! ) ; legal tender , * 4(1- 71,4 ! ! $ " ; cold curllllcatos in circulation , SUl- ! i : : ) , ! l' , ) ; silver cortilicatoi la circulation , ' J3.r > , br)7iy5 : ; currency cortlllcatcs , $10,875,000. , The inerclmtiulHo exports froin thfs coun try for the last twelve months exceeded these of the corresponding period preceding by about $45,01)0,000 ) , more than two-thirds of this increase being accounted for by the larger exports of raw cotton , hoof , hog and dairy products , and live animals. A local dealer In making an effort to bear thu anthracite coal market by taking ordera lor future delivery , to bo paid for Iirad- v.inee , at $3.7. " > and 5UOO p r ton a cut of SO cents-but it might Do well for Intending purchasers to require security that thu deliveries will bo made us ngrned. Corn and tomatoes are looking bettor , especially the former. The acreage of corn planted in the western circuit In J.S81) ) was about 10,000 acruH , against over ! ! 3IXX ) last year. The Btoclt of old corn is beginning to get whittled down to vury small proportions in llrst hands and prices are Btcadily ad vancing. The mackerel catch docs not improve ac cording to eastern advices. No. 1 have no yet made their uppoar.inco. No. ! 2 art ) selling at $2J.K ( ) 4.)0 ( ) ami No. 3 nt # 18.0USSJO.OO. There is some movement in the Irish mack erel. The imported tlali , it Is true , nl'o very lean , ' 'but In other respects they are doing quite well. " The latest agricultural reports Indicate that the census crop of wheat will be grown upon about :18C : , > 84,000 acres , ugnlnsti5,4Uly.i : } ; ten yearn ago , a gam of loss than 10 per cent. The urea of corn has increased from Cf d'.H- ' ) 000 to 77,000,000 acres , the oats , artu from 10OOll.O < KI to 2S,0KOlK ( ) ) acres , nnil the cotton area from 14bOOUO ! acres tun years uga to iO.iiOO.OOO acres. ' As the season for the packing of vegeta bles approaches thu bent ovidmiuo of the proripcmlvo packs uru tlm ordera for cans that uru placed with the manufacturers. This subject , according to the Now Vurlr Commercial Unlletin , has been Invuetljtoa | by u prominent house in the trade , und thu result is thut they Hud the proportion ] ! ] . ' ) | b tomato cans to 1 'Mb corn. From this It would appear thut p.u-kcrs hud ileteriomod to jiut uj ) very llttlo corn the tonnnyjie Ron. Kin coffee is pretty siirp to soil 'fo wiir and purchasers are waiting for the cxpucutit drop. The now ciop U estimated m 4XMJLOUO bags. If to this wo add the 1,700,000 hitgn of old coffee , it makes 5,700,000 bajjHwiiLh / U only 1,127,000 bairn less than the raruiuU for the lust year , and thU U more than com pensated for by the Increase in the world's vlslblo supply. In other words , if the now crop U not underestimated the supply will bo large enough to meet the world's con sumptive rbqulrumonts and yet leave stocKfl .at thu end of the year lamer than they wpro Juno 1 , 1SSS. The whole trouble ) In this dried fruit and canned goods business luyt in a nut shell. The entlro product nnodeU for a year's 'con- sumption Is produced In about ninety days. Some ono has got to curry It for the ensuing nine months. If the p.iukeru would only realize that If they have a good artlulo and not too much of \ \ that the tradi , If they can buy It as they want It. will gladly pay them a good price for it , and let their country banks carry it Inatoud of the Jobbers , three-quar ters of the battle would Imvo boon fought , und it would very largely settle the ( jucitlou of overproduction.