Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1889, Page 10, Image 10

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No nilrrrtlHcmcntR will bo tnlccn for
ttionrf colnninn after 12JOp. : ! m.
Tri-itm i. null In ntlvnnce.
Advertisements trader this hemVM a.- per
Hnu for the first Insertion. 7 e nts for eactt tub'
sequent Insertion , Mid JlJjOper llnwper month.
No adYerttsomrnt taken for less than 25 cent *
for tint Insertion. Seven word * will be counted
to tlio Una ; they inun nm consecutively and
smut be paid in ADVANCI5. All advertise
ments must bu handed In before 12:30 : o'clock p.
m. . and under no rlrmmntnncei wilt they b
taken or discontinued by
Parties advertising In th so columns and Imr *
Inc thelrnmm-orsaudrensoillncfiruof TIIK HKK
Trill please ask fora check to enable them to get
their letters. as cone will he delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to aijv r-
. tUcrrfents should bo enclosed In envelopes.
AllndvertlsoimnlH In thos < i column * nro pub
lished in both mormnv and evening editions of
TIIK UEE. til * circulation nf which aggregate *
tnore than IP.fiOO papers dally , and given tlio nil-
Ycrilserii the benefit. not only of tlio city circu
lation of TITT. HKK , but also of Counrll Illuf fs.
I/lncolnanJ other t.ltlrs and towns throughout
thloectlonof the country.
UOIIK8' I'hnrmncr , ZXK Fornam
phone No. 32.
YOUNG married man ot education and
thorough business training wants employ
ment of cnyklnd , llond furnished. Address F
5 , Dee , lUJOSDi
W ANTKD-Bltuntlon for3 women , each has
ono child , nil good workers , ; U4ft 8. Kith ,
\XTANTKD Uy a middle-aged lady , position
T" ns housekeeper in a small fnmlly : city rof-
eroncoH. Address F 7 lloe. iK)4 ) > ut
WANTKD | Situation ns book-keeper , by n
thoroughly competent yonnffmnn ; bust of
references. Address A. L. Kelley , 314 8. 15th st.
WANTKD Situation by experienced prac-
tlcal bookkeeper ; references. Address K
72. Uee. 'J43 1 *
\rANTKD-Uy a married man thirty-live.
T years old , a good paying school near
Omaha. Ten yearn experience nud taught the
last school in Douglas county- Address V. I.
Wood. 1808 N 17th at , Oinfthn. 13.V383 :
APAHTVwho thoroughly understands the
grading of streets , building of sen art ) and
paving streets , wants situation as foreman
with contractor , or would join a party in the
business. Address K 07 , flee ofllco. 90U 86"
A''N experienced Dullness man desires posit(6n (
XX In ofllpo of jobber or manufacturer. Is now
employed. Will be ready to accept place about
Am * . Hi. Refer to lleo Publishing Co. Addrcna
BCD llee olllco. 8C3 31t
WAtiTHl ) An exverlom-ed man to solicit
printing ; good wages for the right man ;
1TO4 Cass t. JOSSSf
WANTKD An experienced clotlilm : saliw-
mau. Oood references required. Must boa
good man. llarnes Ilros. , Hastings. Nob.
111 HOJ
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
SALEBJI AN wanted in wettorh Towa. Kan-
sas. Missouri or Nebraska tor n line of
school supplies. Wo otTer good men either n
commission or a guarantee salary ot from $7A
to HIM per month , with commission. When
salary Is guaranteed a deposit Is required of
from * 03 to * IWl. Call Tuesday or Wednesday
( BUund 31) ) . George S. Cllno publishing homo ,
room 511 , 1'lrst National bunk building. Omaha.
_ _ _ _
WANTKD First class salesman , in white
goods' department ; must furnish first class
reference ; The Fair , 13th and Howard.
_ _
TTyANTED Carpenters to perform the labor ,
IT by the job , on Hovornl U-rootn oottagns. Address -
dress K 31. Hee. 1U7-2U *
WANTED A guuorul aiont for a staple
article that Is already established ; MOU
capital is required nnd a person with good busi
ness capacity. Call nt ! ( . ! Karnum st . Omaha.
Tlierois rrom 00 to 75 per cent In it tor the right
person. luo-ait
/ l OOD Men are making $150 per month hand-
VJlmg our goods ; address Sherman , Tnngon-
berg & Co. , 100 W. Lake st , Chicago 1110 a *
WANTED IluBlnoss man for the most suc
cessful health resort In America , where
the climnto cures consumption , catarrh and
throat dlseasosr > 00 llrstyear. and bullnlug
lot free. Address Dox M , Van Itatib , lloxnr Co.
Texas. 143 'DT
WANTKD A good boy between the ages of
15 and 'M years to study pharmacy , llcst
of references tc < mlred. Apply to C. U. ( liirnoy ,
corMth : and Sowaid sts.
WANTKD Salesman to sell jexvolry to fur
nishing goods trada of Omaha and Ne
braska cities ; statn rofeieiico and oxperlence.
L. Holler & Co. . Cftluago , 111. _
WANTKD At once , an eneigetla salesman
In every town to sell toai. cotteos , splcos ,
extracts , baiting powder , groceries , etc. . to ho
tels , restaurants , farmers , and ether laruo con--
Htimorrt \rnolesalo prices ; exclusive territory
given. Address the Kdgoworth Mercantile Co. ,
14t" State at. . Chicago , fit- _ 115 M
rplli : Missouri wnsrtcr affords agents prollta-
JL bio business. It washes dirtiest clot hen clean
! n hot steam without rubbing. Arguments In
Us favor are numerous nnd convincing. ( Cosily
gold. Bent On two weeks' trial to bo returned
at my expense If not satisfactory. Write for
illustrated circular and terms. J , Worth , St
.Louis , Mo.
WANTKD By a largo cigar faetory ot repu
tation several traveling salesmen for Kan
sas. Missouri and' Nebraska , to entry a few of
our special brands or full Hue In connection
vlth their regular line or exclusive , on commis
sion. Only those having a trudo in the cigar
line need apply. Htatu how long traveling same
territory and whom leprosontlng. A No. 1 rot-
erencex. L Goldsmith & llro. , 11 and 13 Dearborn -
born st. Chicago. 10U-3HJ
WANTBD-lractlcaI salesman wlio under-
stands operating steam boilers. Apply J.
M. Wilson , president Feoa Water & Heater Co. ,
inth and I'lei casts. lUiai
WANTKD A young man to take charge of
, an olllco In a western city. Must Invest
1300. salary fl.OXJ per year. Call or address Uavls
A Slmlmn , C4U Itiimge block , Omaha. 803-38
Wo want n few reliable men to
travel and sell our goods , No previous ex
perience necessary. Permanent position , sal
ary 42.50 per day. Wages nnd traveling ex
penses In advance. Goods staple nud sell on
sight. IluslnesH light , easv , nouteol. Address
with stamp Continental M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati.O.
1)10 80 *
A GKNTSwnntodfor bottled electricity : en-
- titlrely now ; pays t'J ) a day. Address U. 8.
Homo Mfg. Co. , Ilottlo dept. , Chicago. III.
, ANTED Ten llrst-class stone cuttsra. Ap
ply to Frou Andres it Co. , Canal st , .Mil
waukee , Wls. W32
QALT.SMKN Wo wish a few men to sell eurO
O goods by sample to the wholesale nud retail
trade. Largest manufacturers in our Hue.
linclope 2-cent t > tamp. Wages $1 per day. Per
manent position No postals Money
advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centen
nial Manufacturing Company. Cincinnati , Ohio.
Mi-ail *
_ _
EN to travel for thn Fonthlll Hui series of
Canada. Wo pay IM to 1100 a month and
en to agents to sell our Canadian grown
Ad , Ktono & Wellington. Madison , Wls.
WANTED Railroad laborers , rockmen and
track layers for Washington Territory ;
coed wages and steadv work , nt Albrltcht'u
Labor Agency , 1 180 Farnam Bt. bU2
\ , \ ANTKD A good olllce man to go east ;
' must ln\estW,600 : must bo n good bu lnesi
man. Addresa the Geo. 8. Cltne Publishing
llpuse. 315 to Sll Wabaslijive. . Chicago. 111. 7tft
TirANlKD Railroad laborers for now work
lu Wyoming. Teamsters , wheeler holdora ,
pick nnd shovel men , and rock nnd tunnel men.
Btcady work and good job , For transportation
apply nt Albrlght'H labor agency , 1120 Farnam
t. Omaha. . ? U2
WANTKD Vifi weekly lopreseutattve , male
or female , in every community. Goods
Btnple ; household necessity ; sell at sight ; no
peddling : salary paid promptly , and cxiwnees
advanced. Full particular ! ) and valuable sample
catka ritHK. We mean juut wbatwe nay ; address
at once , Standard Silver \uuo Co. , llonton Mafs
orliouso work , OS N. 19th.
18 * 81) )
WANTKD Houbokeeper for a widower on a
farm ; no objection to one child ; steady
pirl or woman \\orKvOii ranch near North
PUtte ; experienced chambunuald. mldille-
tttcd. In u Hat , f 1 per day nud board her elf ;
now pUceirevery day. Mrs. Hrega , J14S S. inth.
126 8W
LADV ngentsvauted to sell the Madame
Williamson corset. Largest sale of any patent
eonet In the murKot. Good territory , Apply
gem * mounter , IB 8. Cth at. , St. r.ouu. Mo.
WANTKD Nurse girl , call at once , good
wtKea.Sllii Douglas at. 105-88
WANTED A aood la < ly solicitor to handle
"Kchoi'a of Life , " cither ou commission or
salary. It salary , must contract for six months
nuddepoMt tSi. Ladles of good addreiu only ,
PPly. Cull ou or addie.s The Gee ti. nine
1'ub. hoiuo , en First Nat. bank building ,
Omaha. 1MI
W ANTIJI * Younu girl to a > Ut with housework -
work , 142S W. 1CUJr u „ 174 i"J
WANTKD-Womnn cook. 110 : Lfor boarcllnff
house , (8 per week ; s for Council limits ,
J31 ; cook and cond ulrl for otMror'n family ,
120 and fid ; head laundress t3\ second f 10 ; cook
and second girl In private family In city. " \ for
private families. Mrs. llregn , 3ll S. lAth.
WANTKD Kxponencod sales ladles for mil
linery department : non but fully compe
tent tioed nnplv : nl'o apprentices nnd milli
ners. Apply at lleymnn .V Doiehos , l.'IBnud
1520 Farnatn .t. ITJ'- '
W ANTIID Competent girl for ( { ouoral housework -
work , ira Karnnm. Ha
Gl Itti for Kenernl hoUBeworlc ; must bo
_ cook nnu Inundrnss. Iniiulro Mrs. HoDort
I'nrtls , Wth and St. MnrvVi ajpo _ H5W ! _ _
W'A > JTI { | ) Vonhlc Tndy to stwty foVtho
8tn o , all Instructions free. Immndlata
I'ticnReinent nt small salary. Wftoro can I see
you ? Add re-ss H . Heo olllce.
WANTKO A saleswoman for n retail clonk
ilviiartmunt. Appllrnnt must Klvo full
particulars as to experience , amount , ot salary
\\niited. and unexceptional references , Ail-
dress V. O. lloxfiSH. Lincoln. Nob. U7I 'iSt
W ANTHD-GIrl for general housework , 1M7
Uftvonport st. l 5IJ J _
LA1)V ) imentH wanted for my wonderful now
rubber undergarment ; nr.indest Invention
for women ever scon. V. Little , Chicago.
ois aif
WANTIJD Olrl for uoneral liousework. W.
It , Yates , x w cor 3-d and California Bta.
7 IS
\XTANTKI ) ( Jertnnn girl to do cookluu nnd
IT wnslilnc. best of wages paid. Imjulro J.
I. , llrmidola. 724 3 inth st ,
\S7ANTI5D nir > to uo second work and take
V carnofrhlld thren yrs old j none but com
petent need iipply ; German preferred. " 40S St ,
Jlary'savo 7117
WANTKlC-A Rirl for Ronural lirmsuw ork
nnd a girl for nursemaid at 'M Capitol
avo. W yt
W ANTICD A sot of books to keep eve'nlugi :
Address KTa lleo ell u. U50 : Wj
W ANTKD H ) teams forrnllioad grading , at
Albright's Labor agency , 1180 1'urnam st.
kllESSSr AK1NO to doln families , car , S. 17th.
T7 L1OANT table board at 1U15 Capitol ave.
JilAlso nicely furnished rooms. lltl Jtt
"pl IHST-class day board. Inqulni 1009 Douglas
flOll HKNT-C-room house. 82915 S. 21st.
1 121 8 *
Fi Oil HKNT Furnished cottnsre , 0 rooms , COS
8 17th st. Inquire Flo. Hoe oillco.
Fll HKNT Two 7-room. lints neir 10th ou
Howard st. Enqnlro of L. D. Holnwi. Dar
ter block. 170 SUt
T71OH HKNT 8-room , 8-story corner Hat. Kn-
JJ quire 1J1H PaclOo street. 1'W-iB '
ITlOil RKNT .Vroom cottngo , $ i ) per month ,
X' at21 South 88d ut. , near Iniaveiiwortli.
OU8ES-Of 14 to 17 rooms , in tltWlllnm
Paul block , luth and Chicago sta. , most
modern , attractlvo and cheap ; to llrst class ten
ants only ; b st of neighbors ; cable and cars
one block ; everything that can bo asked for ;
Paul. 1B.IJ Farnam st. 114 81
FOll HKNT Half of double cozy cottniro ,
four rooms , bed room , slttingroom , alixjve ,
bay window , kitchen , china closet , pantry , cel
lar. cLStcrn , well , porches , lawn , good out
houses , 315 per month , tor. 30th and. Inckxon
FOH HRNT A nice cottage ot (1 ( rooms , 8U2
Cass st. 105-SSJ
FOH RlTNT Flno large residence , "hnru'Wooii
Ilnlsb. nil convenience * , low rent to private
family ; aiuN. lath at. ! l
TJ10H HKNT T or 8 room house 811 S. 2Hh , 4
X1 room house 510 Williams st. W 8l
FOH RENT 7-room cottage , California near
83d ; rent & ? 8 per month. Inquire Notherton
Hall. H. 431 First Nut. bank. 070-83
H OUSE for tout. WX Dodge.
FOll RKNT Fine In room brick house , nil
modern conveniences , ou cable and motor
lines. Call on 8 01 Hurt st. IMVI
FOR HKNT 10-room brick bouse , nil modern
comenlcnces , N. lUth street. Rent low If
taken nt once , Inq. Nctherton Hull , R. 4 > First
Nat. bank. 87B-28
rpwo now n-room houses for rent , August 10 ,
X inside of 1 mile limit ; all modern conven
ience ; reached by I ) lines of street curs ; choice
neighborhood ; Nos. 8713-8715 Jackson st. . rear
ofBOl 3. Sbthst. Dan II. Wheeler , jr. , Douglas
und 15th st. Pf.J 88
FOH HKNT 3 fi-rootn houses at XRth and
Hamilton , fin per month.
4-room house , 17th ami Dorcas , $12 per month.
Ii-room huiiso In Omaha View , $10 per month.
10-room house In Ilrlgg'u place. 13) ) per month.
r > -room honse.3 th nnd Corly t.t > -f s per mouth.
Geo. J. Fox , room 1 , Continental block. 'H8 23
FOH HKNT 10-room brick house.Oth near
St. Mary's nvo. Rent moderate. References
required. Netherton Hall , 11. 4J3 First . at. bk.
FOR HKNT 3-roorn cottngo , JJ ) per mouth ,
Kill S. lUth. ! KtJ | _
"CIOIt HKNT 7-rocmod house , city water nnd
JL1 bath , 8h81i Frankllu stor room lOJ Merchants
National bank. U1U ! '
FK RKNT A 5-room cottagova ; N.87th avo.
lH8 ! > t
OR RENT 8-roott htmso , ftl So. 80th street ,
i3Spcrincmh. Impilro Nethertou Hall , It ,
423 First Nat. bank. U7IW8
TflOH HKNT Now cottage on Sherman avo. ,
JO all modern Improvements , bathroom ; for
further partlcularw call at 8810 Capitol ave ;
reference required , 8jO
HOUSE. " 318 K. IDth St. , tor rent , if , Wi
Cremer. ITO N. 15th 003 ?
FOR HKNT 3-room cottage , 89.
7-room Hat , $ ! " > .
Storerooms nnd dwellings In all pnrts of the
city. Netberton IUU , Uu-483 First Nar. bank
T710R RKNT ? 12.00 per month , n six-room
X ? building. N. K. cor. of 10th and Mason. 4U
T7U1U RKNT Two nine room brick houses on
JU 1'urk avenue , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frame house on hnme street , with all
conveniences ; price .T5 to Mr > per mouth. I ) . V
bholes. 310 First National Hank. Oil
TjlOH RKNT-n llrstclass"dwelling with all
X' modern conveniences. Including btablo. 2TJ
Capitol nvo. Inquire of D. J.O'Uonnlion. 1G01
1'nrnam st. 341
fjlOH RKNT 5-room house , largo yard nnd
JO slmda trees , SIC par mo. , corner 88(1 and
Pierce. liuqulre at 018 80. 13th st. 814
FOR RKNT 7-room Hat. * 8Ti per mo. nbove
The Fair , Uth aud Howard. Inquire 1 he Fair.
POH HKNT-Nnat cottngo. KO per month. C.
F. Harrison. Merchants National Hank.
FOR HKNT rurnlMied cottairo of f > rooms
und f urnlturo for bale. U & 8. Loan & Rental
Agency , cor. Hlth and Howard sts. 145 ,
TjlURNlSIIKDor unfurnished house for rout
JT1 In Park Terrace , opposite Hanscom park ;
nil modern conveniences. Inquire Leo &
Nkhol , 8SMi nnd Loavemvorth. S'JS
FOR HKNT A detached b-room houee. all
modern onvenlenceu. Knq.'Jfirj CnpRolnva'
ATI KWLY furnished room with bath for single
IN gent with reference , 10 , 007 N. 80th st.
VBRYdeslrnblo room.Ntt 8. Kth ave.1208St
_ _ _ _ _
FO"lFirKNT Two very pleasant , well fur
nished rooms , without board , to gentlemen
only : private family : furnace heat ; ou motor
and street car line. Address F 10. llee olllce.
1G8-8U *
TniJRNlSHKO rooms with board for3 centle-
X1 men In private other boarders , a
desirable location for parties who wUh to bo
pleasantly ultuated. 683 8. 85th avo. 8. II ,
Pratt. _ WJ8J
H UKNT Furnished rooms , 880J Dodge.
ELKGANTLY furnished front parlor , suit
able for 2ori : < jentlemen. with or without
board ; also small room forreut.1721 Davunport.
J 741 4t
_ _ _ _
"VTKWLY nirnlslied rooms , with board , at
JNo. . 1818 Chicago t. 1703.1 ;
OR RKNT One nicely furnished front parlor -
' lor witu all moderu coavealeucua , UM N 17th ,
rpOH RKNT Itiegaut furalsned room for
X' eluglo gentleman ouly. TH 8. 10th st. . cor.
Leaven worth. Vx.0
FOR HKNT 'J wo nice furnished rooms , suit
able for 2 , very olitaap , 110 aud (15. board If
d slred. 1611 DougUu. U4U 8tX
TIVJH HKN'lv-Kleiant owly MrnUbnd rooms
X' In modern brick renldunce , lath , etc. . wither
or without board , IS-'l Onus t. 1IW-31T
VT10K1.Y furnished room , strictly private.
X > southern exposure , SIO 80. Hh t , near
Farnam. 101-29 *
TjlOR HKNT Furnished rooms nnd bonni at
Jc 8200 Fnrnam ru 173-3U
niW'O nice front rooms , ft and fi. IOH N. 18th
X at. , on oar line : Iwlocfc from cable. Pieas-
nnt location. 171-2H *
front room ( parlor ) $10 month ,
JL ? newly furnished , 1C8 Ciimlng , n. c. corner.
012 287
ITIOR RRNT Largo fnrnlshod south front
X ! room ou second tloor , with board , all con
veniences. 1U10 Capitol ave. KH
FOR KENT Pleasant south room , -with
Donrd. 'JUS Douglas. KK-891
GOOL , nicely furnished rooms , single or on
snllo ; flrst-clasg board , lll'io Park nvo.
nvo.W ! SK
J FUI1NIS1IKD trout rooms to rout , for gon-
fc'tlemoi ] . till ronvonlencog , private fnmllv , on
8ith. 3 doors from Dodgu. Adarois K M , dec.
S13 88 *
TTUJHNiaHKD rooms with board In honio
.V with modern conveniences. 210 S. tilth st.
W > 8.SJ
Tj OH 71KNT Two fnrnlfiheil rooms , on St.
J. Mary's nventio. To gentlemen only. MX
inluulos walk ot business center , llvferenco
n quired. Inquire nt store , 210 and 312 S. 15th st.
FUHNISIIKD-lYont room. 1913 Farnnm.
115 n87
ROOMS-r-For rent , with or without lH > rd , nt
1111 Chicago st. 1IRI 8n *
p UHNISHKD-Sontn front room for one or
JL1 two Rents : 8028 Ilownrd st. 137 28 *
fT WO rooms with or wlthont board forneu-
X tleinen.prlvato famlly.rufurencoa. l < 18 Dodge
_ _
FOH RKNT or uniurnlshed ; u
nice li-rooni cottage , city water , etc. , etc. ,
located near ICountro add. ; possession Inline-
dlately. .1. Ronncr , l.ll'i Dout5la' st. MWiO
ST. CI.AI11 1:111 : openn hotel , cor. 13tn nnd
Dodge ; siieclsl nitos byook or month.KM
fTHTUNISItrn rooms with nil modern conJ -
Jvenlences.for gentlemen only , I70J Dodge st.
TT1UHNI8IIKD room forn-nt attor June 3) .
JC yiu Hurt Rt. IM
G OOD room -vnih bath. in S. 80th st.
F' I OH ' llBNT-Roora. 1621 Hoifaru.
6 ! > 7
iriOH HUNT Two parlors front and on first
L tloor. AH modern covenlencos. 1B03
Douglun. KKi
NK'KIA furnished rooms , board if desired ;
go ? , ball : , oleclrlc bells , etc. IfiOU Douglas.
F OR HRNT I rooms , clown stairs , 37th nnd
cass , _ ii.Tt-.Ut
UIT Of roouiH. unfurn8hodnt ! 1414 Chicago.
140 8
2UOOM3 , modern convonlonccn. IKfi N. 181U
it. Tint II. CW
TTIOR RUNT I unfurinMied rooms suitable
- Ifor house Keeping , modern improvements ,
to fftuilly without cbllrtion. 1701 Webster st.
Price si1 * . ren
RK'NT'Overlstovo "storoT IBlI Howard"
. ln < | ulro at store _ ! > o."i
"I ! > IT rirIiN"f ) for rent w Ith 8 nlce Inrue rdoms
-Uupstalrs anil nle * lnrg room on first
lloor suitable fov ru-.tauraitt or any other
business ; co'lnr. ' gas. water nnd nil mort
em convenloncos ; rent 875 per month. Co-
107 811
VJTOIlli nnd olllrcs for rent In Witlmel ! block.
tJcor. IMh and Hnrney a\a. ! W > 8lt
Foil business purposes -'d Hoof BOxTfj. lii
Paxton building , llith anil b'urn im. entranro
on Farnam. passenger nud fielght elevator ,
north and south llt'ht. will divide Intotwo ifde-
slred. H'lymnn ii'Uolclies , IMS Fnninm st.
! M4 n - . ' )
FOR RT3NT Halt of n nice ple.isant store
room , centrally located : cho.ip runt. J. H
1'arrotta Rental Agency. 18th and Dodge.
84H 81
OFI'ICK To lent. Furnished elegantly or
iinfurm.sbed. llushman block. N K. Cor.
16 and Douglas i'A3
T71OR 111' NT More aud 4 Hring rooraa In
J- ' rear , all newly papered : good location for
grrcery or feed store ; I fi per month. Apply
at once , C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank.
TTIOH RKNT Tho"4 story lirlcK building with
JL1 or without power , formerly occupied by The
lleo Publishing Co. . Ulfi Farnam st. The build
ing ljns n llro proof cnmantotl basement , com
plete steam boating IKtunM. water ou all the
floors , Krts , etc. Apply at the ollle.o of The Hoe.
STORK for rent , southeast cor 18th and Doug
las Bt B. Lehman i'l i
FOR RENT Stores and living rooms on Cum-
lug st. Also house on Casa st. Harris , room
411. 1st Nat. Dane. _ _ .8-6
TI O HUNT Desirable warehouse room on
JL track. Apply to C. W Keith , 711 Paclllc St.
JT1OR KKNT 3 llocrs front litlf llemls bulld-
JL1 Ing , power , hoar , electric light. Inquire olllco
of Romis Omaha ling Co. 157 Jyill
IPOR RHNT Tno corner room under tlio Ne-
X1 lu-oakii National bank \vlll soon be for rent ,
the Hqultnblo TriiHt Co. lomovlng to larger
Tlie space Is about double that occupied by
the C. . II. iV Q tleKet olllco. The lloor U tiled
ami the room can bo made desirable [ or a It. R.
ticket or broker's olllco ,
For particulars apply nt bank. _ (188 (
_ _ _ _
"VTOUNG roan with homo cjipltul would like to
X engage in business. Address V 18 Ileeotllce.
CIVIL service examination questions and in
structions to get govurnmont positions
sent formic. Iluroau of Information , Hnmll-
ton. o. _ _ lr7te" :
ANTKD To Invest Sl.OOQntid senTtos inTn
established paying butlnu.-B. Address F ( I
Roe. lllW att
WANTKD Coutracfir t < i UulTa"Tibusi"liniI
f urnluh part material for good residence
lot. Address. B38. llee ulHce. 00731
JNVU8T Vour money In the Interstate Ilulld-
Inii mul Loan association : 8Up r cent profit
per annum ; tne stock la paid for bv monthly
lustallmentH of 7.1 cents per share ; wutsHiio prepaid -
paid dividend bearing stock. nt gift per share ;
the Interest of members ih protected by the
stntolnspuitlon : ngentir wunted ; send for clr-
oiilnrH ; Interstnto Ilulldlng and Loan associa
tion , Mlnno.ipolls. Minn. ill 8bt
LADIES , AttentUmI Mndnm Ourrotte's
( ioldeu Speclllc , for all female weakness ,
olllce liouin H to Ilia. m. . ami D to 5 p. m. , con
sultation free. 1COJ Douglas. 4I-'a1T
ri ill ; banjo taugut as an-nrt by Geo. F. Gei-
JL lonbeck. Apply at llee olllcu. ( Kill
"VKS Tno old reliable Rental agency is still
X running , auppljlng all that comu with
lioiihes. Huts and btores. J. II , I'arrotle , Room
81. Douglas block. Ml'ul3. '
UMIIRRLLAS ami parasols covered und re
paired , 817 8 15th. lloyd's opera house block ,
In shoe store. H. iialor. IKXJ
/"lOLLATURAL Hank. 312 B. inth St. . Chamber
\Jol Commerce. 1/oans moiioy on chattels and
article ! ! of Tttluo. HMJyga
, will buy akandsome decorated dinner set ,
$7,50 up in dozens ; best Kngllab ware ; glaz-
lug iieverchecks or crazes ; cliiH.s In every
way. See this bargain at Moody'e , ! IJ8 North
lUth st. Inl-iM
PERSONAL Silver plnte-d tea spoons , plated
on nleklu silver , 7A contH ] > nr uet. Guitran-
teed for four years' use. Moody's China Store ,
lk North Hitn at. litl-SH
I > iilSONArWlll : the young lady who went
toouncil Illuirs on the csrly eluetilo motor
four weokn ago tills Euiuluy morning , and
throw H penny in the liver for lurk , pleas * tend
her uddrrsa to the gem Ionian who aat in tha
Bout in front of her nnd conversed with her/
Address F U , lleo llljte , _ Ul-S r
" "
I , OST Pup. reward for his rotum to L. C.
JUUrven , UJ S.BOth , UM i-'Ht
STHAYKD or Stolen-Whito parrot with
laige yellow toptnot from F and l Jth His. ,
South Oinaiia. Liberal reward for return to
1-M Johnston. South Omaha. OH1 8 ; > *
OST or Etolen-An old { 100 certltlcate of de-
t poalt. No. 145. issued uy Omaha National
bank to P. C. Nlssen. dated April lu. IMi . on ac
count of public aurveyx. signed by lizraMIIIard.
U was lost about May 20 , IStit , undated in u let
ter addressed to me by Helena M. Nlssrn. clerk
In tneOmaha poatolllce. It cannot be used except
In payment for sovernmant land * to the re
ceiver of public moneys ut thin office and U
therefore woribleu to anyone excepl the right
ful owner. I will pay flu for it * return. N , H ,
Charde , receiver U. 8. land offleo , O'Welll. Neb.
DST l'od Parrot , return to 11 J North IVth
and receive reward. 881 28 }
OST KnglUb Ma tiff. lieturn to 409 Paxtoa
block aud yet reward , til-
DR. NANNIR.V. Warren , clairvoyant , mult-
cnl nnd business niedlutn. . Female diiensos
njBpeclnlty. HONUth st. roomsSandn. TOJ
MRS. Eccles. the famous fortune teller and
clairvoyant , business , lore- , marriage ami
changes. 807 8 13th stnxt door to Darker hotel.
MKKT me at the Krle Clothing Pa's. 3'ffl N.
loth st. Men's CM suits tin , and 110 suits & .
MallordersO. K. 888 ; il
"VTKS. Cnnrley. tlio Erie Clothing Co. . 83) ) N.
JL ] dth st. , are felling all t-M suits nt 110. nnd
? 10 suits U. Mnll orders filled. m ill
MRS. Perceval of ColIIornla , 1601 Douglas St. ,
fortells the future. Ladles and gentlemen.
804 a4t
S TOIlAQi ; ntflow rntes nt ll'Jl rarnani St. ,
Omaha Auctlonttind StoraKO Co. Wl
MOHItlKON .VKlK' moraRO and fonrardlliR !
special arrangements for commission mer
chants , 1213 Leavcnwarth ; tel. 41W. , Omnhn.
. l.8a2. :
_ _
ltACICAdlt ritoraKO nVlo est rates. W. M.
lluslnniii. Htll'lKnvenwortli. ' ' .Hli
O RANCH & Co.,8toragc , 1811 Hownrd.
S TOHAOn /orwariilnif. . Wo collect and
dellvergooda nt nil descriptionsmerchandise ,
furniture nnd baggngo nt cheapest rates for
storngo for any length of time. Vans and
wagons to bo hnU'At shortest notice , with care
ful men for mov m. Packing and shipping
from our own vrnrehoiiHe done on moarrnto
chnrue , Muretiindlse loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco 817 S. 14th
Rt. ; telephone 111 Howell A Co. WU
QTANUARD Shorthand School , Paxton lllk- ,
Oisucccssor to Valentino's ) the largest excln-
slvoshorthand school In the west. Teacner.s
nre verbatim rotiorter.s. Particular attention
pain to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by fncrtoy expert. Circulars.
54n _
OMAHA Huslness College , cor. 10th and dipt-
tel nvn. Shorthand Tim largest and most
successful shorthand department lu the state.
Standard methods tnught. Munson'n revised
of' ) n specialty. Call or write for terms.
WANTKD Stock of rlo n drugi In Omnna
orvlclnitr. about Sl.ixW : will give one-
third and balance m trade. Address Fit
liee olllco. TO 88
T WANT to purchase n book nud stationery
J- store hero or In country' ' town. . Give price.
Address F 17 lleo. l.'il-ciht
\\TANTUD Furniture , carpets , atovcs nntl
i T hoiixohola goods of nil kinds. Omnhn
Auction & Storage Co. . 1121 Varnam. 1W3
FORSALi ; diioftp. oho sbUtalrotUamond ilng
weight IM. Addresa Ki. ; lleo. IH1I.8S * _
"tpOH SALE A genuine Wtlrnx & Olbbs sow-
JL' lug machine \\liu automatic tension In first
class running order. Address " 1208 , " lleo
Oil SAti : AnMiieli light Columbia blcycle
cheap. Address Frant Mtttaur , Omaha.
M 88 ?
FOK SA Lll Comploti } liTUsehold of " 7-robiin
cottage. 8310 Chicago st. ISO 8 ;
TTTIOU SALK-Law Ilbrnry. liilO Douglas.
-lj 1117 8t
TT1OR SALK Or rent choip , a cnllgrnph type
JL' writing mai'hlna. Apply to S. A. ,
Fariiam and l.lth. H < 0-M
FIVE hundred shares of $10 per share North
Western Stnndara Oil stock. Tnls stock is
non-aiscssnblo aud land is being developed
now nnd Is mire to bring ; good returns in near
future. Will sell for cash very cheap. Address
J3 C8 , Uee oince. Ml
FOR S A Jn 3 thoroughbred red Irish setter
pups. Apply Ciinlleld lionso.dth nnd Fuuiuiu
O riltSTclass No. ! ! cnllgrnphs'nlmost new , O.
Oliver , 10 Malnst , Council Ululls , la. 5W 8W
f \ OOD fresh Ierjy cow for sale at 11. N.Wlth-
VJTneirs brick yu acor3Snd and Illckorr.
FOR SALn Handsome young pony , perfectly
sound nnil gentle , suitable for either saddle
or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha.
171OU SALE 1.000 tons'of 15-Inch Ice , housed
J ? on tiack. Council IHulfs , la. Gilbert llios.
v W.x-a8i
| 71OH'SArE FlnWllnll's snfe.'as fcood ns now ;
JL cheap. It. 51. tleltltis i : Hro. . 14W ( Douglas , Q
131OK SALK I' rnlture of large house , every
1 room rented. * First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bnrftaln. Address EN , iteoolllce.
.pit. V'- ! !
* ClIIKCanfl ld MTK Co. being about to move
L will sell 1 first class 4-horse power engine
nnd boiler at H nctoal value. 12C8 UougltiH st.
; V iCT
MIDLAND Gudr/mtceiTrnst Co. . Irtll Far
nam. Complete abstracts furnished undtltles
to estate examinedperfected & guaranteed.
I CAN make a few-Joans on llrat-olass chattel
bcctirities at reoHonablerales. W. K. Potter ,
room 10 , llark r ulk. WJ
LOANS on Improved and umimproved proi )
erty ut low rates. Odell Ilros. i Uo.,3l-3 Ilitli
MON Hi loaned for 30. CO or 90 days ou any
kind ot chattel security ; reasonable Inter
est ; contldentlal. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Fnrnurn.
T > RSIDINCH : LOANS-OIS tor per cent , nonu- ,
-Lidltlonal charges for commissions or attorI
neys' fees. W. LI. Melkle , tlrsl Nat oank bld'g.
MONfil" to loan ou furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W ,
ilobblns , I4I1S5 Furnam street Paxton Hotel ,
QTHINGKR & I'KNNY. room 80 , Douglas
Oblockhnvo money to lend on chattel security.
4IJ8 A1U
KKYKTOM'I Mortgnge Co.-Loans of $10 to
51l l ; gotourratei before borrowing and
snve money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity : notes
bought ; for n w loan , rone.val ot old and low
est rateB.eaIlR20 , Shoeloy blic. 15thSHow.ini st ,
MONKY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons
or securities of nny kind ; commercial and
mortgage notes bought ut fair rates : all busi
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co. . room 381. lliunge building. 71.1
s i THING : Bit Sc Penny , room 80 Douglas block
money to loan on real estate at lowest ratet
PKOPLK'B Financial Kxe.h < uigt > The. fairest ,
quietest and most liberal money exchange In
the city ; money loaned without delay or pub
licity , m any amount , large or small , at the
lowest rates ot Interest , on any availably se
curity ; loans may be paid atany time or re
newed nt original rates. O. Ilonscaren , Mgr. ,
room 57. Darker block , 15th und Fnrnam. 015
TVTONKV Lonns negotiated at low rates with
jTloiit delay , anil purchase goods , commercial
paper and mortgage noUis. S. A. Bloman , cor
13th and l < nrnnm. U17
\TKUUAblvA Mortg. Loan Co. will malm you a
i- > loan on household goods ,
horaei , wagons ,
land conti acN ,
fine Jewelry , orBecurltlos of any kind
without publicity , ut reasonable rates ,
Room 7 , Howlev block. South Omnna.
Rooms 618-5IU , t'nxton blocs , Omaha , Nob.
TT > niLDING nnd other real estate loans. W. M.
XJ Harris , i oem 'M , IVenzerlllock , opp. P.O.
f \ Y. II AHUISON loans money , lovroatrntes.
MONKV loaned on turniture. norses and
wugons ; ratej reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 8. Ulh St. , opposite Mlllard hotel. 431
MONKY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
anil loan. agonU , l > 1 S Farnam st , U.M
\\f A NTi ; I ) Ffri l-cTa a ln ldoToans. Lo west
TT tales. Cull nnd see us. Mutual Investment
Co , H. 1 ItarUer blk. . VUh and Farnam. ua
MONKVtoIoan. Harris R. K. S : Loin Co. ,
room 411 , First National bank. U8
ONKY to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J.
W. Squire , iiv Farnaui at. , First National
bant building. _ W7
IjlIRST mortgage1 loans at low rates and noda-
X1ay. I > . V.ShoJesw 810 First National bank.
_ 1 i > KW
MONKVtoloaa.on real eatate security , at
lowest rates. Ileforo negotiating loam see
WalUce.H. 310.llrttwn.bldg. 16th Si DoUKlaa. VH
OANBmade oii'rtal estate and mortgages
bought. Lew i3a. 'Reed to Co. , U U Hoard of
Trade * UM
_ _ _
Q PKH Cent money fill , 003 N.Y , Life Ins. ITldg.
TJHIXM.DKLHHIA Mortnnre Arru t co. fur-
X nUh cheap eaiitenrmoBoy to borrow erspur-
chasi ) securities , ptrA'Ct titles , accept loans t
theirwestern oineu George w , 1' , CnU i. room.
7 , Uoard of Trao > . W
MONKY to loan on good first mortgages. Im
proved or unimproved property. Mort-
capes bought nnrt sold. Wallaces room 310
Drown Inilldlnir. 10th and Doimlas. 623
DON'T liorrow money on Mrntturp , horses !
w pnn % etc. . or collaterals until you see 0.
D. Jacobs , 411 First National bnnk bulldlnir.
" 1 OAtfs on household fttrnltnro or any" rood
XJseturlty. Lnrge and small sumo. Lonqr
Interest than has been olfered. Klkhom Ixinn
Co i over Commercial National bnnk , tilth nud
Douglas st. IM A. 87
BUILDING lonns. D. V.'sholos , 210 First Ns-
tlonnl bank. itM
MONKY to loan on nny security
ror short time , at low
rntts. Lowest ratoi
on personal
Tlio Henderson Mortgage Investment Oom-
pnny , room 400. 1'axton block. COJ
( I > nOOiiot ) to loan nt 0 per cent , Llnahnn & MaP -
P honey , room HOC 1'nxton block. wn
MONKY to loan ou horses , wagon * , mules ,
houiohold goods , plnnosorgan , diamonds ,
lowest rntos. The first organized loan olllco In
thn city. Mnko loans for thirty to thrco hun
dred and sixty-live days , which can be paid In
part or whole , at any time , thus lowering mo
principal nud Interest Cull aud see us when
you want money. Wo can assist you promptly
ami to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity Money nlwnys on hand.
No delay In mnklng C. F. Reed A Co. ,
3IUS. lJth _ St. , over lllnghnm Je Sons. Ulll
SKRSholes , room 210. First Katl bnnk. beforo"
making yourlonna. Uii )
PF.OPr.K'8 Flnancln Kxclmngo Large nnd
small loans for lomr and short time , at low
est rates of Interest , iri ro&l estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamond : ! , wntchos
nnd jewelry. Don't fail to call If you want fair
nnd chenp accommodations. O. Honscaron
Mgr. , room 57 , darker blk , 15th and Fnrnam. _
BO YOU want money ? If MJ , don't borrow
before getting my inte , whlch are the low
est on any sum from Jl up to S10.00U
I make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horse , mules , wagons , warehouse rnculptH ,
houses , leases , etc. . In anv amount , at the lowest -
est possible rates , without publicity or removal
of property.
I < oans can bo made torouo to six months and
you can pay a part at any time , reducing both
principal nuillnteresU It yon owe a balance
on your furniture or borsoB , orhnvoa loan ou
'them ' , I will take It up and carry It for you as
long as you desire. .
If jou need money you will find It to your ad
vantage to see me bcforn borrowing.
11. K Masters , room I , Wlthnell building 15th
andllarney. Ut !
FOH 8AMP-A very deslrnbln centrally lo
cated rebtnurant , dolni * n good > business ,
full ot ticanlets , jnurt have monoy. J. II ,
1'arrotte , Renlnl Agency , inth Mid Dodga.
H o
"IfOU SALK Cigar store , centrally located.
X' rood stand. Acldross P. , 910 N. S-Jth st.
"T/1OHSALK Lease nnd furniture of hotel lu
X1 Oinuhn. central location , llnsly furnished ,
in fact , one of the cleanest , best llghtod ami
most thoroughly equipped houses In tha entire
west. Prlco , JI.5UO. Terms. 81/JW cnsn. and
good i Ity or country property nt Inir vnluntlon.
Alex Moore , : ! 01 S'leely block. IK-Bdr
TjIOHSAIiKorrent , on liberal terms ono of
X' the bent hotels in the city of Omaha , con
taining over one hundred well furnished bed
rooms , with umple parlors ou each tloor. nup-
plied with nil modern Improvements. The of-
ilcc , rending room ? , saloon and billiard rooms
ore the tlnest In the city Apply to John li.
Nengle , 304 Slioely block , Omnhn , Nob. 151-80
TMHTNKR wanted with from KiOO to 81.000 to
X t.iKo an Interest ill now musical comedy
Which has made a great hit on the road and
\\ill make big money with a little capital to
back It. Address F Ks lloo onice. 130-88t
"OUir.DING for rent suitable for restaurant ,
XJand rooming , or any other business. B nice
large rooms up-stalrs. and room on 1st lloor
SL'xr/O ft , cellar , gni , water and all modern con
veniences. Hunt , * 75 per mo. Co-oporntlvo
Land and Lot Co. . 805 N. 10th st 107D
TTlOHSALK-Mcnt marker , will soil cheap , do-
X1 Ing good cash business ; have too much
other business. Address F 8 flee office. IKC ! 8ti ;
Foil SALK-Good restaurant , good location.
10food bed.s ; will sell cheap for cash. 40B
8 10th st. .I8.I-8J _
ONK of the best chop bouses or lunch rooms
In Omaha ; Hue location and doing n nice
business ; parties going away ; price $1,100 ;
rent8100 per month. A llrst-class restaurant
doing a nice business ; price S > 00 ; runt .ill
boarded out by owners of building. A line
grocery business with an established cash
trade ; will Invoice from * "i.ODO to $7,000. , Nice
Ice cream parlor. Co-operative Land & Lot
Co. , S05 N. iHUi st. 107 89
TjlOR SALK First-class fancy grocery store ;
X1 location bestln the city , doing a biiblness of
$ .1.500 toJ4,000 per month : one-third cash ; no
bud debts ; stock will Invoice about } 1,000 ;
reason for belling owner going west ; terms
reasonable ; no trade. Address K 70 , lleo olllco.
102811 ? '
_ _
T WAN ! ' to purchase an interest In , or the
Xwhole of an established business. State par-
tlcnlar.s. Address F 1. llee. VJJ 88t
SALK Saloon fixtures and business iu
Crawford , Neb. ; the best saloon town In the
state : place now clearing J5TO per montli , w 1th
u certainty of better business. Good reasons
for selling. Price JJ.5UO , pare cash. W.
Strausky. Children , Neb. IW-1J
FOR SALi ; ( not trade ) A stoclc of general
nidao. In Sewara Co. , Nob. ; have a uood
trade established ; good reasons for selling.
Address F 1 , llee. 974 3UT
LK A fine grocery stock and fixtures ,
X' well established , centrally located , about
1,000 , with teams. Quick , Address F 8 lleo ,
J 014 38 *
_ _ _ _
FOR SALK First-class bnkory.confectlouerv
and restaurant , A 1 location nnd doing a
good business : restaurant has a good patr.m-
lige from adjoining hotel , good reasons for
selling. Inquire 618 N. 16th St.
B ARIIKIfshon for sale. 5 chairs , cheap.
N. 10th Bt. , D. Kennedy. Bui 28t
AOHBAT bargain In Gordon , Neb. , n now
roller mill for sale , X > barrel capacity and
rigged to make buckwheat nnd rye Hour , meal
and chop feed ; In a good wheat country and
good market for Hour ; - dwellings nnd barn
with it ; price $8,000. Pnrtles having prop
erty to trade need not apply ; mill nan llrst-
class reputation. F. J. Andreas. flU a I/It /
SALK A well-established small cash
X' grocery. Address A. Kelluer , 1K3I St.
Mary's nve. B41 80 *
WANTKD Partner in restaurant In connec
tion with hotel of 40 rooms. Ad. K 21. Hue.
rp I fi HTl' room hotel ln n good Nebraska
Xtown to traao for land , city property or
merchandise : price { Good grist mill ,
W.OOO , for city or fnrm property and a little
cash. * . i)00 ( ) stock of hardware , half cash. bal.
farmland. $1 1,0 > )0 ) stock of merchandise for
laud or city property and some cash , ' ,
stock of himhwire , $ I,50U cash and bal. land ,
Furniture and business of n 81-room hotel lu
city for city property. Co-operatlvo Land &
Lot Co. . 'JI5 N. inth st. 107 8U
W ANTDD llrlck , snml nnd b'l'd material
for lota , lands , etc. W. J. Paul , 1003 Far
nam. 1H 2H
F OH KXCIIANlK-320ncros line unlmprfivod
land near North Platte , Neb. , for furniture ,
bed ami bedding. Htoves , carpels , piano or
organ , horse and liuggy and cow , or all fur
niture. . AdilrnH-i F 11) ) , Uee. 15V28 ;
rpo KXCIIANGK-We have a good resilience
X property full and unincumbered , nicely
located In a goj > d business town In eastern Kan
sas of 3,0iO ( thousand Inhabitants , coal in abun
dance and a nice country around. We want In
exchange a nlco clean millinery stork of goods
located In some good business town , or we u 111
exchange good property here for the same. Call
on or address W , H. Gordon & Co. , Steele City ,
Neb. 147-il
T7IOH KXOHANGK-A stoclc of boots and
JO shoes. Curse Real Kstute Agency , insheely
block. 134-2rit
HOUHK8 Lots , etc. . tn > xchaugo for InmlH ,
farms , etc , W. J , Paul , IMJJ Fnrniim.
141 88
"IXTANTKD Lands and farms for houses ,
I T lots , etc , W. J. Paul , 1COJ Famam st.
144 8H
4 room home nnd : l lots In Potter & Cobb's 2d
addition to South Omaha , nearly clear , for
land lu Platte county or vicinity , Co-oiieratlvo
Xandjind Lot Co. 203 N. inth st , 107 S
Y IVKHY etable , stock and fixture * lu OinaTia ,
XJprlce ( l.iioii , to trade for clear land or city .
property or merchandise , If encumbered would
M ant KOIIIO cash Co-op. Land und Lot Co. 805
N. 18th st. 107 ! M
_ _ _
AHI1 ami clear lota or land to trade for mer
chimdlae. Addrona. F H. Itee. 10 ! ) 3
ANTED-A parlor billiard t bl and a
piano in exchange for clear lou in one of
the best tow ns in the itate. or a good farm.
lightly encumbered. W 11 , K. & M K. . room
14 , Chamber of Commerce. VM
_ _
B OH KXCIIANGK An elegant tract of land
containing 1J acriu. In Antelope county ,
Neb. , with ordinary improvements.
A quarter-section in lUnd county , Dakota ,
Council III. * . , la.
oittD and lot on South l th t.
Large amount of Oil Mountain and I'etrollum
coinp"ny oil Btocc. Will exchawje for irooU
property or the erection of some bonie * . Geo.
i.Bternsdorir , lat National l ) uk Uuildlnir
"filOH BAtiK Do you want a choice farm 10
JL inlias northwest ot Omahaf It so. I have
Just whftt.wlH uItyou.ana can be bought nt
JO per acre below Its actual value. The ubovo
named fnrnt contains 377 ! ncre of thanncst land
In the tntp. nil enclo etiwith Rood \iarl vriro
rntice : tlio buildings and orclianl thereon arn
In llMt-claiwcondition. Twonood well * rurnlMi
abundant water. The very lownncn of HO.oo
tier nero should command n ready purcnnier.
11 mo drive yon out anil show you this fnrtn.
GJ. . Mormdorir. Roil KMateLo'iti and Kx-
rhanir.o llrokcr. Roonn ,11 ? nmlsift. First Nat' ]
llnnk Itiiildlng. _ Tolcphon64 l. 313 nO
LKUAr , blanks. Chase & Kddy. IM S tfith st.
ino KM
TTfOii lScilAN < FDr"5cTlfnbro rnsldonco
JU properly In Omnlin , any or nil of following :
40 choke Insldo residence lots In UnsUngi.
IUU lots In Lincoln.
Ml ) ncros line fnrmliiKlnnd , Lancaster county
Kino residence property. Lincoln.
flood rental property. Lincoln.
Choice fixmtly rosldonco corner , Lei Angeles.
A ne t rpsldenro property In llanscom Plnco.
Alv > some good inert cage notes.
Addrrm , Riving location and price ot prop
erty , J. K. U. , care Damn Iron Co. , UI7 Lea von-
north. KW
fPOWN property In Western Iowa anil Omaha
J. to excumiRO for stock of anneral merchnn-
dlto or clothing. Address call box No. < J. Wal
nut. In. 15 iWt
rpo KXClTANltlf for cFmana property. oneo"f
J. tlio rest Improved farms In Iowa , only ono
mile from town of nftW Inhaliltunt * . W. It. K.
& M. U. , room 14. ( Jliamlior of Oommorco. 101
TjlOH nxtllANOK-Anno fnrm of ax ) ncxcsln
-C1 I'olk county , Nob. , 4 miles from Claries.
Nob. , to oxchitiRn tor r.ittle ; VH ncros under
cultivation , house , burn , wixgon je.ile nnil
Kooil feed lot. Address 0. Oikninp , l."i Wnb
storst. . Omalim Nob. ia >
H A Vk yo\i \ nny KOIM ! Inntdo property to ex
rhniiRo for clear fnrm hinds , will nsstima
some Inoiinibranco. Stringer & Penny. Doug
Inn block , UTII-8
I fUTl 7\irE-OrTrndn , sin acres of beautiful
level laying lauii JoiulPg town site of uood
town and futnro county seat In eastern Colora
do , \ inio bnrgaln atI'- per acre. Will trade
for stork ot groceries. C. F. Kornow , La Kay-
otto , Colo. , care Hatu.twny Kfdso , Co , 11:3 : a&
TjlOlt SALE-A.4-story brick blocK with high
JL' basement , desirable for wholesale business ,
on cor. lot. Kensimablo prlco. Particulars at
Pnnhen .V Co. , mil I'arnnra sc. , Itoom 8. 117 a
TT1OU SALK or Tradu The old Farmers house.
JL1 inquire at premises , cor. Htli nnd Ilnrnoy ,
rpwo lotfl in Walnut Hill , close to the motor
-L and Holt'doDot , WH ) buys the two lots.
Stringer & Penny. Douglas block. 1HU a
FOU SALU-23 ; 44 orCfl'foot of lotO block Tfl.
at * < IV ) per foot. Tola Is within a quarto rot
a block of the new 1' , O. site , and will bonorth
fl.GOUlnaldoof a year.
Tlio oH lot 8 block 101 , cor Douglas and inth
nts.14 feet on Douglas and Rlon IDtli , price
ti\KX ( ) , cosh , bnUnco In five equal annual
payments. >
r3o , Douglas Co. .
price $ ni , JM W.iuHh. balance catty.
Lot 7 block ; l VI. South Omilia , prlco Jl.SOn ,
terms easy W.i ll.l " & 51. K. . room 14 , Chum'
her of Coininorpc , telopliono 144'J. 037
/ 1AHSK al e tnto agency have unequal fa
v cliltles for milking quick sales nnd e\nnngcs
In all Uluds of property , A trial will convince
you. 417 Slieoley block. U70 yeT
T > AHTltS ; having eciulty In Omaha real estate
-L with pressing incunibnincit should call on
Stringer A : Penny , Douglas block. D7.I-8
HOUSK and frill lot , east front. 84th near
Popploton nvcnno , $2.70) .
Attractive lU-room cottage , sightly , full lot ,
llanscom place , $ . > OU cash , balance easy , prlco
, .
N ) acre Improved farm near enough to BOO
Omaha high Hchool , at 'J.V > per acre.
House nnd full lot In llanscom place , $2.500.
Hutchlnxon Si Woad , r > 2l Douglas st , HIT 88
BAHGArN Fine lot on Hrondway and 8 on
motor line. Council Hluirs. &J.loOcash. Halm.
11122 St. Mary's avDutie , Omaha. KSU ! Sl
W'K can offer for sale for the next few days
the following One properties ; A 3-room
house In Improvement Association add. , with
barn and other outdoor Improvements. A lot
In Oklahoma add. ; 1 in Rogers' add. : 1 In
Cleveland Plaoo ; 4 lots In Rosalind Place. W. U.
E. Ac M. Ex. , Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce ;
telephone 1410. 3ufl.
SHOI.KS to the front again. Lnst list nil
sold ont.
KiVKio , WOOD , sin.oto , si 1,010. $13,000,311.500 ,
nud from this down to a small house for a
cent , buys residences In the city for bankers
down to the man who cleans the sower.
$1,000 or 87,000 buys either 18 aril-room houee ,
burn , lots 78 nnd MxKI feet ground each , on
84th st. , Kountze place , w Ith furnace , gas and
ilxtures , hot and cold water , bath , three elegant
mantels each , nil papered , elegant lawns , on
grade , street paved , motor by October 1. If
not cheap , comu In nnd I'll give thorn both to
you. free.
8I.6IXI buys 8-1 oem house , furnace , nnd every
thing even to electric wires for lighting gas ;
lot Mix 150 , ncross street west of Dr. Mercer's
und 1 block from motor. $ . " > oo cash. bal. u per
cent. buys full lot In llanscom place , 32d and
Pcppleton nvenue. with 3-room house , furnace
and everything else.
SI. JX ) buys n Joe Dandy east fiont lot ou 3Jd
and I'ncillc street , Hnnscom place.
fc"00 and 87,000 residences lu Kountzo place
to trade for smaller houses and lot near tneio.
84.000. rul ! lot and good house In Hillside add ,
opp. Webster street school to trade for vacant
lot. 81,800 buys elthei 4-room house , full lot , in
Central park or Hitchcock's add. , and $ I.OX )
8 mo In Crelghton heights add. K , fO buys tine
lot on Fnrnam and 42d sts. 8SI.7.V ) buys 8xl.'i2
ft. on COBS st. opp. Cass school. W.VJO buys
either of two 5-room houses In Roddick pure.
II.WH buys n line 7-room cottage on isth and
Paul fjts. , with bath , hoc and cold water , slug
walk , and a corker for the money.
3 choice lots ualiio In cash 18,500 , In Lincoln ,
Neb. , for good house nnd lot and pay balance
In cash. Submit offers Also IKQ acres choice
land lu NuckoILs < o. Neb , , and good hard cash
for choice c'ty lots. Submit.
Ifvouoon't want to buy soud list of what
you have to sell.
Wo nro hero for that purpose and there are
lots of thorn that will buy. There Is Justus
good bargains to-day as ono uants. Drop your
"cranky" Ideas and get to business.
For pointers , seoSlioles , 810 First Nafl bank ,
FOH SALK-Pnrtles wishing to build homes
In a llrst class residence portion of the city ,
within ono mile of the postotllco. within a few
blocks ot the cable line with nil the advantages
of gas , city water , sMvorago nnd continuous
pavement from Center ot city , will find It to
their udvantageto g6Cprice and terms from us
before purchasing elsewhere.
A number of line lots In Hod ford place from
tMJO to $ .HUO. These lots are within n few Ijlouxs
of the now fiirnltiiro factory now holng built ,
and will soon have the ndvantagouot paved
street and stieet railway. Do not mlsi an op
portunity of securing a lot fur a homo before
prices nil vnnce In thin lociilltv. Lots In Isaac
.V Seldon'H addition from * I'OJ to f 1,010. These
lotH are each WIX124 feet large enough for three
good sized cottages.
A fenBant front lots In blocks 1 nnd 2. Pot-
tor's addition , ranging In prlco from 11,3V ) to
Wo'lmvosome property within six miles of
Omaha , with line stream of Witor. furnished
by Inrgo springs , which Is suitable for dairy
purposes , and wo can sell from 5 to UK ) acres
together , on veiy easy terms , or some of It can
be exchanged for other good property
South front lot on Hamilton st. , near 30th .st , ,
price JI.HV )
Knst front lot on Georgia aveniie.ln Rurr Oak
addition , price * I5 < > .
Kant front lot on Georgia nvenue , between
I'oppletonnnd Woolworth avenues. prlco.H.MlO.
one of the best lots In Patilck'H addition ,
within 1 block of Saundeis fit. , price f.,50j.
One of the finest corner lots on llroadwny. In
Council Illulls , opposite the carriage factory
nnd power house , with 50 fuut frontage on
liroadwiiy by 17H ou 2bth st. . only Slr ) .
Lots in Pottur A , Cobbs' addition , Council d
IlhilTs , from 13) ) J to SKX ) , Terms very easy
123 5 Potter A. Cobb , UXJl Farnam st , >
flOMKfttid son us and nvttt.tlgatonomoof the
V-/bargalns we have to oiler. We am continu
ally listing new properties , and "If you don't
sea what you want , axle for It. "
For sale lot 12. block I'l ' , Ktull's second addi
tion at ii bargain.
An elevator property with laign dwelling
house , at a bargain lilorator complete , wltu
horse-power , scales , olllcu ruruUued , etc. A
line opening for a prai tlcal grain dealer.
HOUHHS and lots lu all parw ot Omaha for
Halo and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha proporty.1,000 acres
of school land lease , In ono of tha best counties
in thu t ate.
A linn residence property In Omaha View for
sale at a bargain
From * 7VW to 3100.000 worth of first-data
notes to exchange for Omaha property.
For a.ile , at a bargain , hotel aiici livery liani ,
In aifood Nuuraukutowu. TuU 1 * a line open
ing for a prne.Ural hotel man.
For oxcnango for Omaha property ono of the
best farms In Rock county , Nebraska , together
.with t ck mid machinery necessary to carry
on the pUci ) . Old ugn and fulling health of the
owner U ruason'tor nelllng.
A line Whuvlvr county farm , well developed ,
good neil , loroxchange for Omaha property.
of fine luml In northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omahn property
\V have un iirnaai d f cllltlus fordlHpoilng
of property , luivfiig some > 60U agent * scattered
o\er four or Uvontutes , Ust your properly
with im if you wish a quick turn. W. H , K. k
M. K , , room 14 Chamber of Commerce , tele
phone 1140. lei
ONK of the two houiaand lot bargains I
have been offering on GeorgU ave , north of
Learenwortn , Is now sold and occupied. lw-
cause of my very low price. Thu nouth homo
of Uie two still remains a bargalu open to
sombody. First comes , llr t served. To be ap
preciated it needs to bo examined InUrniUlv. 1
positively wilt not rent It. though several tiinct k
offured ( Ul p r month. Price , ou vury euy J
term * . ,0JO. W. T. Beaman , east side 16th t. (
nortli of Ntchola * t. Omaha's larye t variety
of wagons and carriage * . CIS
t ) fir-res near South flmnha , wntltd inateo n tint
addition of 10 lots , price at botl-niok Mo < H ) .
fi acres near Monmouth Park addition toOnm-
ha , llrst class property for plaintiff , prlcn JT.UOU ,
Co-oporntlvo Lund nnd UitCo.'JUu N. lilthst.
( ) RSAIn-- feet , os. t front near pnvod
Mtreoknlth newo-roonl modnrn housMT.OOO.
lK. . Harrison , Morchmits NntM bank. S9
" _
Khnvon choice lot for nalo to party who
will build ; wolll give time in tlie v hola
of purchase money. Htt Ingor * Penny. IhniK-
las block. U7.I-8
ONLV KWfor a M- foot lot fronting on I'orH
plcton avenue near corner of 83th st. , with
in the mile limit ; offered at this price but a fnw
dsysj If you prefer m go out ! " miles nnd pay
moro money tor" a lot In Kouutne Place yon nro
nt llbei ty to do so. Apply to C , A , Starr , I'M
I'nrnam st , ttl.'l , W
illl ) 8AT.Klly tlio ovriiur mid at a bnrRainT
1 Corner IWxliM ft , near Holt line station.
Hplotidld situ for rosldenro or tenement houses
W 111 bo glad to show tills pi'opertj'j 3. A. Dill-
toll , 115 N. Ulth ( it. 7H !
_ _ _
"iJUllT HAT.K in "WaTnut II I ifleroTs" \ a chance
Jv u > get n homo one block from" car line ,
cheaper than paying rent ; high and Slightly :
e-room house nnd lot WixlMI , Jl.Wti.oti.
0-room house and lotnixtAn. JI.HVUiO.
Can bo sold on Hinnll paj'iuent.s for onnoek
only. W. II. Gates , S. W , cor. 15th and Douglas.
"ITlOItSAIilt lloautttiil K room house , nil mo I
J-1 ern linprovonieiits , Includliie splendid fur *
uace , near Huuscomp irk , bjit loaatum In the
city for srhoouchurch and street car privileges :
prlcn S.\ooa U. F. Harrison. Mei chants National
bank. ICH
FOR SALK Or exchange , for Monk ot mor- , real estate In n thriving western
town , paying 8. ) pur cenron the Investment. Ad
dress , Box 7 , Crawford. Nob. o 110 3 + ;
"IJ1OH8AI.K In Walnut 11111-A men now I ) .
X' room house. Mulshed In oil nnd In tirat-elnss
style ; lot Houtlt front , newly sodded , fQxt'iO
Ciililo line ulll bo within ono block In . " 0 da\s
1'rlco f Ju : > . ou easy terms ; \ \ 111 take n goo 1 lot
ns part pauucut , W. H. Gates , 8. W. corner
IBth and llouglns. sm 8U
FOU SALK Kasr terms. Konnczo plnre.
TWII homes , each .s-rooms. o ch tl.UJ.1.
Two homes , each -rooms. each J oio.
Two homes , each 15-ruoms , each jr,0 > l
AH with modern convenience.
All largo value nt thn price.
All witlilnn square of the motor Hue.
Don't lose these opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W , T. Seaman , side tilth st , , north of Nicholas fit , ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons mid car
riages. 017.
BARGAIN Pnrtof the Dlik Klmbnll estate.
60 feet ou 18th street running through to 17th
avo. One 13-room house , all modern conven
iences , and two il-roora II.HUOH. Total rental
fI.C6J per year ; prlrn $1 J.OA ) . Sf. A. trpton
Company , intn nnd Fnrnam. WJ7
FOU SALK Lots In Stewart Place on Lotvu
nvo ; Metropolitan Cable passes propert.
B-room house nnd barn , llanscom Place.
houses aud lota on Can St. . on enjy
Harris , room 411. 1st Nat. Hank ; OI
FOll SALK iFoautlftil nu\v cottage. line
tlon , very easy rerms ; n bargain. J. II.
Kvans. Room 308. N \ ' . Life blclg. HOT 30
Hliltl ! o como with the very tlnest resi
dence properties In Omaha to sell 01 ox-
chnnge for lots or land. Wo said the
finest. Do you doubt It ? Then nome and let us
show them to you. Ifyouwlshto buy you can
0.0 so on your own terms , lioi.ot m-gloct this
opportunity for iwvcr In tbo annals of icales-
tntx transactions in Omaha has a like opportu
nity been offered.T H. K. & M 1 ! , . room II ,
Chamber of Commerce , Tol. 1410. T.H
fl OH SALK On longtime and easy payments.
JJ handsome , new. well built houses of H , U niui
10rooms. All convenlonoos.good neighborhood :
paved streets ; street cars and within walking
distance of P. O. Nathan Bnolton , 1(114 ( Farnam
133 .
$29.000-44 feet front In heart of Omnhn. IBth
st , , modern H-tttory building , brings 10 per
cunt now , allow routs ; must bnvo S17.IMMcash ,
balance G per cent ; great oiler : address K : > 9Ieo. )
731-nl ! ) '
TiiOlt PA LK Cottage with full lot und Im-
pro\omonts. . In u dealrablo location ; low
price ; 1811 No. lllth st. 7iV.'O8
0 > 48fyx ) Actual v.iluo Inside business aud resl-
1'dunco ; the seventeen lots at luilt price to tlrst
party comos. Why ? For reason nm In need of
813,600 cash. Great chance. Addresa I ! 31. Hue.
710-q 18t
F I OH SAIiK Iluslnescornor. . 840,000. G K.
Harrison , Merchants National Hank. 155
BUY a homo lu the center ot the city , on
monthly payments I will snll you a lot in
Aldlne square , millda lioii'oof any kind , worth
train S\SM \ upwards , nnd you can pay for It
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlno sqimro
Is on Grace street , between M and 8.ld streets ;
it has all the ad vantages such ns pnvod .streets ,
sewernge. wntor. gas. and Inn llrst-class local
ity. Call at 1001 Farnam street and Heo plans
of buildings and got llguros. D. J. O'Donahoo.
KOUNT/.R PLACKroom house , bam and
every convenience , for * T.OOO. easy terms.
Address for purtluilars , K ill. lien. WiS
H ) MAN'jrACTintKlis" : 1 ulll give nmiMO
ground , with splendid traelcago fae.llltles
on the Fremont , hlkhorn Si MlH onil Valley
railroad or on the Missouri Pacific ( Holt Line )
railway In Wostlawn , Just outxlde the city
1m ts in West Omaha , convenluntly eltuntod as
regards access to the business center ot Omaha
and South Omaha , topumes for the location ot
my of the following industries :
I'nniituro Factory , llutton Factory ,
ihoe Factory , Lard Itellnory ,
Starch & Glucose \\"ks \ , Soup Works ,
Paper Mill , Purlllor Manufactory ,
I'low Wrrks , llroom Factory ,
Harvester Works , Woolen Mill.
Nail Works. O.itmeal Mill ,
ICntttlnrt Mills , llnx Manufactory ,
Sash , Door nnd Illlnd Wire Works ,
Manufactory. Maehlno Hhops ,
Flour nnil Feed Mill.
Or nny good manufacturing plant.Ventlawn
Is Just outside the city llmlw nnd Industries
planted there will oncapo heavy city tnxei * .
If you ure thinking of locating In Onialm It
will pay vou to Investigate this ,
Goo. N. Ille-ks , New Yor * Life bull'lliig ,
) malin. . 710 *
OR SALK-f > ii.73aere. : sec. 5 , tp. 13. r.'Ov/- . ,
Hamilton county , NoU. House , stable , 30J
ncros fenced , llvlmt water. Prlco. $1,000 F , 1C.
AtKlns. owner , ralliond tildg. Denver , Col. 010
FOH 8ALU Two of tlio best located traoKngo
loU , on thn northwest comer of 81st und
Izard HtrcetH , sly.o l ) xL't ! feet. For price and
, enns Inqulrs of the owner , Edward Speller-
bvrg , 1012 North 2lHt Ktreo ; 6U7-aMt
rplli : best money s worth of hoiuo ana lot now
X for alu In Omaha Is that wnlch 1 am now
rompletlug near -UU t. on paved Wlrt st. In
CounUe PlacH. H bedrooms , 8 parlors , dlnlut , '
room , kitchen , 8 bath moms , 3 water clo sots ,
arire laundry , stationary waxli tubs , furnncu
and coal room anil cellar , electrl < ; b lU nud
ipenklmr tube , K closets , Price omy 17,00,1 ou
erms to Mint. Likewise a dnpllcatn adjoining
at same prlco. W T. Huarnan , oust , sldo Hlth st
north of Nicholas at. Omaha's largest variety
of waj no and carriages Wl
FOR SALH The huest lesldonce In Orchard
Hill cnii Do boiiKht at actual con : owner
onviugtown : house hnx M rooms with bath
room and every modern convenience , lonWxl.1) )
ill nodded : large Darn and nice Hh.idd trues ; In
'act a purfect home ; call and let us show jou
this. Arnold & . Co. , Room r7 Paxtoii block.
"Supplies Olllco or PurchaHlng and Depot
JommiHxury of HiibstHteiiL-e , II. S. Aimy.
) mahu. Neb. . July 84 , IttH'i. ' Hoalud pio-
tojnl.s in trlpllcato , subject to the iimntl coudl *
Ions , will lie le ulvod ut tills olllco until 18
I'cloclcin , central stiuidanl time , on Saturday.
hulOth day of August. ; , at wlilcli tlmuand
ilaco they will be opunvd In thu iirosem.0 of
Jlddera for the furnishing nnd delivery at
) maha. Neb. , the following army niiupllos , vr/ :
'lour , family. I'rofarento givun to artlclui of
iomestli ; production or mu'iiifaeture ; . tondl-
Ions of quality and price ilucludlnt ; In thd prli o
f foreign piodnUloiiH or iiianufai lures the
luty thereon ) being eiiual. The right Ureuurved
o reject any or all lildH , Illaiik proposals and
ripeilllcatlons showing In detnll tlio articles and
luantltk-M leqiilred , nnd giving full Information
is to conditions of contract , will bo furiiNlied
m application to tills olllto. J , W. IIARRIGCR ,
MuJ. and C , 8. , U. 8. A. Jy8SUIt
Notion ti > Ornilor.-i.
Healed proposals will be received nt the olllce
3f county rlei k. Douglou county , until 8 p m.
iiitui day , August 17. ItW , fyrtbe running of
Cruder No. 3. Sepatato bills must be made for
illland turnplKouork , and all bids must bo
iccompaiiled by cortllled check forl > " .
Plans ati'l upucltlcutlons to beHeitii rt the
Kllco of county cleric. M. D.
Nmlco to Drimulst" ,
Si-alod proposals will ba rocelveit at the olllcu
3f count ) clerk uf Douglas county , Nobrauka ,
mtll 8p. in. Satmilay , AiiKUMt.t , IK.S.I , to furnish
1rii 3 tor Dougliis county forthu balance of the
rent liwi. List of uriigM required to b found
in tlio In olllco of county clerk ,
A certllled check for ilOJ must accompany
each bid.
The county rouurres tne right to reject any or
ill bid * .
lly order of county commissioners.
y83dl2lra&o County Clerk ,
Notion in Contractor * .
The Kn t Omaha-Land Co. wilt receive bliU
For grading streets to Die amount of 75.UUO
irnrds. and curbing ami paving street * to ilia
tmount of 20.IWJ eqiiariiyurua , with ito-iu * . eltlior
runltu or other kluo , Plans. poi lllcutlons ,
sic , may bo seen ony time at the olllco of roller
( nbb , IMt Knrnanist , nil Uldmnust. be In by
o'clock , the 8 , tli tnst The .company rc rvo
he right to reject any or all of iliem.
AUTllUa U. pO'lTKIt.