Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No ndvortlscinentH wilt tie tnlccn for
thcfto columns Alter 12:3O : p. m.
Terms Cnfli In nilrnncc.
Advertisements under thla h irt 10 c i. . . r T
Una. for the first Innortlon. 7 cents ( or each sub-
tequrnt Insertion , nnd 11.50 per llonpcr month ,
No advertisement taken for less thixn 25 cent *
tor llr t Insertion. Boron words will be counted
to the tine ; they must nm consecutively and
must be pnld in ADVANCE. All advertise-
tncuU must bo handed In before 12:30 : o'clock p ,
m. , nnd under no circumstances will they b
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In thtiecoltimni and hnr <
IngthelrnhsworBandressodlnrnruof TUP. Hies
will pleads ask for a chock to enable them to got
their letters. as none will bo delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to ndvor-
tUtemcnts iliould bo enclosed In eovelopea.
All advertisements In thes columns nro pub
lished In both morntiiir and evening editions of
'Xiic HKK , the circulation of which aggregates
more than If , 000 paper ! ) dally , and gives the ad
vertisers the bincflt , not only of the city circu
lation of Tin HEK , but also of Council Bluffs.
Lincoln and other titles nnd tow as throughout
thlarectlonot the couutrr.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
i Dn thonbore con Jit Ions , at the following busi
ness houses , who ar * authorized agents for Tin
BEH special notices , ana will quote the same
Eaten a c n b h d at the main pfllce. _
EDDY , Statlonera and pnnteri , 113
South ICth Street.
BH. FARNBWOHTII , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
Ing Street ,
J. HUGHES. Pharmacist , 624 North ICth
GKO. W. PAKIi , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary's
TTUG1IK8' Pharmacy , 2208 Farnam St. Tele
phone No. 1C. .
\717ANTEU | Situation ai book-kooper , by n
TT thoroughly competent y oungman ; best of
references. Addredi A. L. K leiley , au S. . at.
055 28J
THAVKMNO talesman wishes position for
fall .mouths or balance ot ynar ; stove or
hardware llnu preferred. Addrosa E tt.lloe.
ire m
" \X7-ANTED Situation by experlencod prac-
TT-tlcal bookkeeper ; references. Address K
72 ; Bee. O4ai
APAHTY who thoroughly understands the
jrmllns ; of Htn-ots , building of sewers and
leaving fltrests. wants situation as foreman
nith contractor , or would join a unrty in the
business. Addreafl E 07. Heo olllco. OOU 28 *
i > SITUATION by n young man , boat of rofer-
j fJoi . good habits , cnn till most any position. st. 024 20 *
- uaon as second girl ; can
civ * the best of references. Address K.
PI. tti4 ! WelJBtur St. 8'.8 2flr
A N experienced huslncssman desires position
* - in oilloo of Jobber or manufacturer. Is now
employed. Will bo ready to accept place about
Aug. 15. liefer to Bco Publishing Co. Address
E 60 Bue ofllco. Bfi3 alt
ANTEDi-O carpenters , apply at room 023
puxtonblk. J. 0. Hladilen. 0 l 2W
WANTED An experienced nlt-ht clerk for
hotel out ot city. Good references ro-
qidreil. Alsomnnto take a milk route ; only
llo required. Oood milker. tJO ; 2 farmhands ,
year's Job. Mrs. llrcga , 314V4 8. 15. 08 M'
1" SALESMAN for North Nebraska to sell
lubricating oil. Apply Brooks Oil Co. , Doug-
laa Blk. gmalia. 070 27
AliESMEN Wowant a few reliable men to
travel and sell our goods. No previous ex
perience necessary. Permanent position , sal
ary jii.M per day. Wuue.s and traveling ex
penses In advance. Goods staple and sell on
night. Business light , easy , eenteol. Address
with atarop Continental U'f'g Co. , Clnclnnatl.O.
* 041) ) 2 ! ) *
A'OENTS wanted for bottled electricity ; en-
tx tlrcly now ; pays $ 10 a day. Addruns IT. S.
Homo Mfg. Co , , Bottle dept. , Chicago. 111.
Oil 2it )
_ _ _ _
"WyTANTED Teh llrst-cluss stone cutters. Ap-
TT plvto Froa Andres Jfc Co. , Canal St. , Mil-
Vaukce. Wls. 1)13 ) 4
r WANTED Bxperloncod lollcltors for 'tho
strongest H'ld'g & Loan association In the
V. S. Must be hustlers. Address , M. I ) . , care
carrier No.0 , Omaha. BB 2U $
ANTED Good cook , references required.
l N 18th gt , " 1130.27
VSVi iANTED-SllrBt-cUss barbers , 211 8,13th st.
VV 880 20t
WANTED 4 good men to Bell goods on in
stallment ; will make satlsfnctory ar
rangements with reliable parties. Metropolitan
lfg Co. . 1718 BL'Mary's ave. H71 26T
" \7trANTBD A young man to take charge of
ST-T 'an'oince lu a weHtoru city. Must Invest
BOO , salary $1,000per yrar. Cnlornddresa | Davis
& Bliolmn , 540 Ramge block , Omaha. W3-28
Wo wish n few men to sell our
goods by sample to the wholbsala and retail
trnile , . Latgest iimmtfacturera in our lino.
Enclose S-cant stamp. Wages $1 per day. Per
manent position. Ho postals answered. Money
iidvancod for wnges. advertising , etc. Centen
nial Manufacturing Coin puny. Cincinnati , Ohio.
. roi-a21
MEN to travel for the FoiuhillNurseries of
1 Canada. Wo pay 850 to J100 a month and
expenses to agents to Foil our Canadian grown
utock. Ad. Stone k Wellington. Madison , Wis.
"VRTTAISTEO Hnllrond laborers , rockmen and
TV , tracklayers for Washington Territory ;
coed wages anil steady work , at Albright's
labor Agency , 1120 Fnrnam at. b'J2 '
YvANTED ? A good olllco man toco east ;
TT ; . must Invest ti.fiOO : must be a good business
nan. Address the Geo. S. Cllno Publishing
UoiiBc. 315toJ21 Wabash nve. . Chicago. 111. 7'Jt
WANTED llallrotul laborers" ' for new worit
iinvyoming. Tcimisters. wheeler holders ,
pick and shovel men , and rock and tunnel men.
Steady work and good Job. For transportation
npply at Albrlglit'rf ' labor agency , 1120 Farnam
et. , Oiimhn. 'IB
) $2.- > weekly representative , male
> or femalu. In every community. UooiU
taplo ; household nocoBslty ; sell at sight ; no
peddling ; salary paid promptly , aud expenses
advanced. J ull particulars and valuable bample
case niEK. Wo mean Just what we nay ; address
nt once , Standard Silver ware Co. , Boston Mafu
GIRL for general Imuaewort ; miibt bo good
cook ami laundress. Iminlro jirs. Hobort
iPnrvlfl. 2Uhnnd _ _ St. Mary's uyj. 1)34-29 )
"isy ANTED-Ybtltig" lady to study for tha
TT stiiRe. all Instructions free. Immediate
QUCaguiuttnt at small nnlary , Wnore cau I nee
you/ Address I1' 0 , Heo olllce. 078-23 }
> EXPERIENCED nahwlnillen. Apply nt 8
O o'clock , no Inter , stnnehill' * , U032U
WANTED Flr t class woman cook , (0 ( ; 2 nt
KB ) : pantry gin out of city , JA ) ; 3 iuun-
nresses , 1H ; hend laundress , Wi : kitchen girls ,
uliintg room girls and - " > for general houaowork ,
S J'oruuolllcors family of y , iM unct til ) . Mrs.
llrepnllMS _ ! ? < l\ UII727'
\\7 A NT E ii tniiiUMliately , experienced girl.
TT lUO , Capitol avenue. U752UT
WANTED A ( ealeswomnn for a retail cloak
department. ADpllcant must give full
particulars us to experience , amount of salary
wanted , uud uimxcuntlonal references , Au-
" , O. 110X558 , Lincoln , Nob. U71 28t
VlTANTEO-dlrl for general housovvnrk , 1517
_ YJ Davenport st , _ "J51-LSJ
\\7ANTED-A coed lady solicitor to linndlo
Ti "Echoes of Life , " either on commission or
ealarv. It salary , must contract for t > lx mouths
and deposit (25 , Ladles of Rood address only ,
pply. Call nn or nddn s The Goo. S. Cllne
Pub. house. 511 Fir t Nat , banlc hulldlnc.
Oniiiha. ffiO7J
' 7ANTiD-Nout , ; qiiiiB girl for "generul
lioueuvvork ; snml family. Apply 2512 Cuss.
101)2 J
"T ADY agents wanti'd for my wonderful new
XJrubber uudnrffarmiint ; grandest Invention
for\voiuei nvornt'on. F. Little. Chlc.igo.
"IS sat
W ANTKl'-Ulrl. small family
avo. , near Luavunworth. Wl 27 *
J I \7ANTED Oood girl for general house work
' A u 1 fatally of throe , 122 B. 17th. bS5 2tf
/ } 1HL for hou o work , tti.'N. 10th.
WATJTlJDOtrl for general housework. W ,
M. Vates , H w cor32d and Calltornin Bts ,
\ 715
WANTED German girl to do cooking and
washing , best ot wage * paid. Inquire J.
L. llrandeU. 724 a l th t. aq
IIT'ANTKD ( lirl to ao Mcond work and take
.11 cam of child three yra old : none but com.
netent ' need apply ; Uenuan pruferrod. S < as St ,
Mary's vo iwj
rArJlrEU-OirrforBener 4 housework , tt . > 3
- - -
N , 17th
.rAHU'lflJ Tilw Ifbrary : Iowa"aiuf Nobraa.
ka practice , llox 651. Sioux City la.
WANTED A f t of books to keep evenings ;
Address B 55 ce olllce. 850WJ
TXrANTKD-Ily a 1)oofckeejM > r a set of books
T V to post evenings. Address E 6ft , Bee omcc ,
W ANTF.D-tX ) teams for rnllroail grading , at
Albright's Labor agency , 1120 Parnam st.
D IlESSM A JONG to do In families , CSS S. 17th.
rriTVO Rcntlemen wish to resldo.wlth a family
-Lot rollnoincntwhed tbefo will bo no other
board * , would require " rooms. Address K 01 ,
Bee. 09 Mt
TpIHST-clftss day lioard. Inquire 1W9 ( Douglas
T710II HUNT 7-room cottaRo , California near
JU Sid ; rent KB per mouth. Inqulro Netherton
Hall , U. 421 First Kut. bank. 970-28
T.TOU8I5 foTrenCiaiTDodgB.
1T1OU HUNT Kino ln-room brick houio. all
-L' modern convenloncoi , on cable and motor
linos. Call oni"Ul , ! Uurt st. ICU )
Foil lin.NT IB-room brick home ; all modern
convonlonces. N. luth streot. Itont low 1C
taken at once. IIKI. NeUiorton Hull , K. 4-T First
Nat , bank. U7B-28
n WO nowfl-room houses for rent , AiiRUst 10 ,
JInslda of 1 latin limit ; all modcru conven
ience ; reached byailnciot street cars ; choice
nelKhborhood ; Nos. SlWXlb. Jackson Bt. . rear
of cot S. usth Bt. Dan II. Wheeler , Jr. , Douglas
and 15th st. DT > 2 28
11KNT 3 B-rooni houses at Jflth and
Hamilton , { 15 cor month.
4-room house , 17th nnd Dorcas , $12 per month.
/-rooni / in Omaha View , $1U per month.
10-room house In llrlgK's place , JBO-por month.
6-room housp,3'tli and Corby tp.tH per month.
Oeo. J. Vex , room 1. Continental'bloU. UM Sd
HUNT 10-room nrir.K nouse. nitn near
St. Mary's vo. Kent moderate. Kofcrencos
required. Nothcrton Hall , H. 4 1 yirst Nat. bk.
TTIOlt UENT-nicgant 10-robm. now brick
JD dwolllug , DoURlns aud Sfd St.
9 or 10 room dwelling , Jllnney at , , all modern
conveniences. J. B. llvnns , Hooiu S08 N. Y. Life
building. V08 27
rtOH HENOJ-frroota coltftgo , t per month.
! 810 S. 10th. WS >
"I71OH HnNT7rocmccl house , city water and
-K bath , S82 Franklin stor room 10 ! ) Jlorclmnta
National bank. 01 ! ) W
II KENT A 6-room cottago. .T3 N. 27th ave.
1)18 ) SVt
FOH KENT 8-room house , nsi So. 20th street ,
SWpornicnth. Inqulro Notherton Hall , K.
42) Hrst Nat. bank. V70-1M
T OU HUNT T. oi-8roonihousoSUS. 21th.
i1 room house 510Vllllara - ) st , BOO SSJ
FOlt HUNT 5-room house to sraixll family , S
minutes' xvalk from 15th and -llurnov sin. ;
112.50 per month ; rooms nlcoly papurod. In
quire at K , Ihompson , at L. Bradford's olllco ,
10th unit DouKlaaslB. QJ22C ;
FOH ItKN'r New cottaeo OB Sherman avo. ,
all modern Improvements , batU room : for
further particulars cull at 2210 Capitol ave ;
reference required. 650
TTOUSE. 318.W. IMu bt. , for tent. tW3tV. .
JLLcrcmer , a N. luth tW3t
FOH KENT fl-room cottage , 89.
7-room Hat. $ > : > .
Storurooma nnd dtvelllliRS In all parts of the
city. iNotlu-rton Hall , U. I'M First
FOH UKNT 112.00 per month , a six-room
building , N. R. cor. of 10th ana JIason. 455
FOH HENT Two nine room brick houses on
Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frame house on same street , with all
convcnlencesprlco ; , tx > to tin per mouth. D. V
Bholca. 210 First National liank. . Oil
TTIOH IlENT-a llrht-class dwelling with all
JL1 modern convenience" ! . Including Btablo , 2508
Capitol ave. Jiujulru of D. J. O' Donalioe , 1001
I-nrnam st. - ! M5
fjlQll HENT 6-room house , largo yard and
JL1 ghado trees , 315 per mo. , corner 22(1 anil
1'lcrco. Enquire ut 012 So. Kith st. 814
FOH HENT 7-room Hat. E25 per mo. ahovo
The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire ThoFalr.
FOH KENtC-rNrat cottage.J20 per month. C.
1' . Harrison , Merchants } ( atlonal Dank.
FOB'RENT Furnished cottaeo of 5 rooms
and furniture for sale. L. & 8. Loan & Hontal
Agency , cor. Ifith nnd Howard sts. 145
"I/IUHNISHED. or unfurnished house for rent
JL' InParkTerrtice. opposite Hauscom park ;
all modem conveniences. Inquire Leo &
Nlthol , ! Mth nud Loavenworth. 838
FOH KENT A detached. tHrooni house , all
modern oonvenlenccs. Enq. 2 62a Capitol ave'
TTIOH RENT 14-room brick dwelling , all con-
JU vonleuces , G blocks from P. O 21U N. luth st.
FOH KENT One nicely furnlihod front par
lor wltn all modern conveniences , ( M N 17th.
rO'J 28t
ITIOH HUNT Elegant furnlsuod room for
-L1 Hinglo gontlenan only. 7 1 8. 10th st. , cor.
Leavenworth. , 'MO
FOH HENT Two nlco furnished rooms , suit
able fora , very cheap , 410 and $15 , board If
desired. 1B11 Douglas. 04 2UI
ITinilNISHKD front room ( parlor ) 810 month ,
-t1 newly fumlshefl , Iffi.'l Cuuiiug , n. e. corner.
U43 38 *
ITIOH llfiNT Largo furnished soutli front
J- ' room on second llonc , with board , ull con-
venlencoa. 1010 Capitol ave. 034
"ITIOH HUNT I'leusaut south room , with
JL1. ooard. 8U15 Douglas. KH-iW
OOOIj , .niculy furnlshcil rooipj , single or on
aulto ; tlm-clr.6Bbcs.ra. 103d Park avo.
807 28 *
FUHNI8HED front roomn to rent , for cen-
Jtleineii , nil conveniences , private fumllr , on
Mill , 3 doora 1'iom Dodge , Address E 54 , lloo.
813 US'
UltNlSHED rooms with board In house
with modern couv nlouccs , 2IU M. - " > th st.
TTIDHNISUED room nnd board , 2013 DOUR !
JU street. . 700-27 ?
"I/toil KENT Two furnUhfert rooms , on St.
J. Mary's avi'uUe. To goiitlemen only. Six
minutes walk of business cejiter. llvivrrnco
required. Inquire at atonlO and 212 S , 15th st.
rilWO rooma lth or without boanl for gen-
JL familyreforoacoi. Ibl2 Doilyo
ST. CLAIIt European hotel , cor , 1.1tti and
Uodgo ; special rales by \ \ oelcormoutli.B95
T71UHNIBHED rooms with all modern con-
X1 vonlunci-sfor gentlemen only , 170'J Dodce st.
"ITIUHN1SHED'room for ri > nt after June23 ,
X1 aC4 Hurt it ' 158
j OOD room , wjth bath. B19 S. SSth st.
HOB llKNT-Hoora. 1CU Howard.
POH HUNT Two parlors front and ou llrst
floor. All modern covenlancos. iflOU
" \T1CKLY furulslird rooms , board if desired ;
-LN gas , bath .electrle bulls , etc. 1GOU Douijlati ,
5DEB1HA1ILK rooms , second lloor. largo yard
nud blmdo , Southojst corner 2Jd and Hurt ;
choice of ton rear 1 In oj. Wl 37
ITIOH HENT 4 rooms , down stairs , : ith and
X Casg. ' ' 2511.
ELEQANTLT ftiruiBhed front parlor , suit
able for ' - ' or ! 1 rentleiuon , with or without
board ; aUofliuall room for rout,1721 Davenport.
744 art
2it HOOSlf , modern convenleiidu. lioc N. 16th
FlatO. GU8
"iriOH HliNT I unfurnished rooms suitable
X1 for house Keoplnt ? , modern iniprovunieiits ,
to family without children , 1704 Webster st ,
Prlci ) ( Is. C37
"THOU HUNT Over steve store ; Ittil Ilowara
X' ht Inciiilro ot stora 505
FOU business purposes 2 l lloor , 50x137 , In
Paxton liulUlmu , loth and Karnam , entrance
ou rnrnitm , piuacnger und fielght elevator ,
north uud south llghi. wit ) divide into two Is do
aired. Ht-yiuan V Ubieties , 1.M8 Funium st.
THOIt HENT Half of a nlca pleasant itorf-
X1 room , centrally located ; cheup rent. J , H
I'iirrottu lluutal Ageiic16th and Dodve.
1)43 ) aa
"jTroir'TTlIfTT comer sloie witfi tlat ot'6
X1 rootiiK above. City wat r and vas , on good
thorouglitarp , thickly populat d naiKhborhnod ,
Biilublu for uy bu lutu. Ucut very lotv. Ap
ply US. 10th at.
OFFICE To rent Furnished clenantiy or
unfurnished. Bushman block , M. K , Cor.
18 and UouRlaa. 643
EOH KENT Store and 4 llvlnc rooms In
rear , all newly papered ; Rood location for
Krocory or feed ( tore ; | .i6lper month. Apply
at-once , C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nut. bank.
TTIOH HEM Tlio 4 story bricE building with
X1 or without power , formerly occupied by The
lloo Publishing Co. , Dlfl Fnrnam st. The bulla-
Ing * jan a tire proof cemented basement , com
plete steam he&tlnoc fixtures , water on all the
floors , giis , etc. Apply at the olllco of The Dee.
QTOllE for rent , southeast cor 12lh and Doug-
Iplns st. B. Lehman. 621
FOH HENT Stores ami llvlug rooms on Cum-
inn st. Alf o bouse on si Harris , room
4JlJ t Nat , llanit. aa
TTIOH KENT The Heed hotel. South Omaha.
X1 Four-story building , modern conveniences ,
Call at Ul Caaa st , cltT. yii27 ( ! *
n O HENT Desirable warehouse room on
X track. Apply to C. W. Keith , 714 1'aclllc St.
TSOll HENT 2 lloors front half Uomls build-
X' Ing , power , heat , electric light. Inqiilroomce
otIlemsCinaha _ ! Ung Co. 157 Jr l
FOIl H15NT Tne corner room \imler tile Ne
braska National bank will soon be for rent ,
the Equitable Trust Co. removing" to" larger
The space Is about double that occupied by
theC. . 11. A Q , tlncot olJIco. The lloo is tiled
nnd the room can bo mrulo dcslrablo for. a It , 11.
ticket or broker's olllce ,
For particulars npply at bonk. , fiS !
\\7ArJTRD-C5iitriirtor to bulla house nnd
TT furnish part material for good residence
lot. Address , E 22 , Heo office. 60781
LADIES , Attention ! Madam Oueratte's
Golden Spcclllc , for all female weakness ,
olllco hours 8 to 10 a. in. , and 3 to 5 p. m. , con
sultation free. 1WJ Douglas. 412aQt
T > HE banjo taught as nn art by Qco. F. Oei-
loubcck. Apply at llee olllco. 1)60 )
\r ES Tno old reliable Rental agency Is still
X running , supplying nil tent come with
houses , tints and stores. J. II. Parrotto. Room
SI. Douglas block. C40nl3 , '
UMHRELLAS and parasols.covered and ro >
paired , 217 8 15th , lloycl's opera house block , "
In shoe store. K. llnlor. BOO
/COLLATERAL Bank. 312 8.18th St. , Chamber
\Jot Commerce. Loans money on chattels and
articles of value. 885Jy28
IOST A paper ot value to mo only. A suit-
J able reward for return of same to Com
mercial Nat. bank. A. H. Login. 7"-Tt
T , OST A bay norse , 0 years old , with scar on
JLJhlnd leg. 1. Bmale , N. 11. Falconer's. D58 art' '
QTHATED or Stolen White parrot 'with
Olaigo yellow topxnot from F 'and iWth sts. .
South Omano. IJboral reward for return to
Ed Johnston , South Omaha. 940 28 * ,
LOST or Stolon-An old WOO certificate of do-
posit. No. 145 , Issued t > y Omaha National
bank to P. C. NIsscn. dated , April 10.wr on nc-
count of public surveys , signed by Ezra Millafd ,
It was lost ahout May 30,1880 , nnclofcd in-U Jet- ,
ter addressed to mo by Helena SUNlssen , clerk
in tneOmahapostolllco. Hcunnot baused except
in payment for government lands to the re
ceiver of public moneys at this otllce ami-is
therefore worthless to nny one except the right
ful owner. I will nay $10 for Its return. N. B.
Chiirde , receiver U. 8. land office , O'Neill , Neb.
LOST Between 1014 N 16th st and Florence ! , a
hitching weight with strap. Finder will
please return to 1014 N IGth st. 1)10-26. )
T OST Poll Parrot , return to 1120 North IPth
XJnnd receive reward. 8812SJ
LOST A mmch of keys , the finder will be re
warded $1 by returning them to the post
master's olllce. 8 i-2at
LOST English Mastiff. Return to 400 Paxton
block aud get reward. 41-
PERSONAL If Miss NelHo ( StelnshouprMvho
lived at the Hub restaurant four or live
mouths ago , will heud her address to F. C. C. ,
cnroof.P,1 < itclilngmnii.nlN. ) 15th st , I will
call at earliest convenience. F , C. Child.
* ' *
IF Albert Storr. son of Thos. Storr , late of
Hull , England , will acply to his Drother.ThoH.
Storr , of Havenswood , Cook Co. , HLiho will
hear of something to his advantage. , / tut. S6f
MRS. Eccles , the famous fortune teller"and
clairvoyant , business , love , marriage and
changes. BUT S Uth door to Barker hotel.
884 MEET
EET me at the Erie Clothlnff Co/s , 320 N.
10th st. Men's t20suits $10 , and $10 suits $ T , <
Mall orders 0. K. 853 ni
YES. Cliarley. the Erie Clothing Co. . 320 N.
10th St. , are selling all $20 suits at 810.and
S10 suits $ . ) . Mall orders tilled. 858 31 ,
M IIS. Perceval ot California , 1609 Douglas'st. )
fortells the future. Ladles and gentlemen.
204 a4 ;
s ITORAGK ; at low rates at lll Farnam St. ,
Omaha Auction and Storage Co. 'Ml
rPHACKAQE storage at lowest rates. W. M.
X Bushman , 1311 Loavenworth. 002
BRANCH & Co. , storage. 1211 Howard.P03
QTORAGE and forwarding. We collect nnd
C/dellvergoods of all dcscrlptlon .nierchandlse ,
fill ill turo and baggage at cheapest rates for
storage for nny length ot time. Vans und
wagons to be had atsnortest notice , with care
ful men for moving. Packing anil shipping
from our own warehouse done on moaurnte
charge. Merchandise loaded and unlouded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco217 8.14th
St. ; telephone 114 Ho well & Co. 904
R. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , m dl-
cat and business medium. I'emulo diseases
a specialty. llONiethst. rooms 3 and 3. W.1
QTANDARD Shorthand School , Paxton HIK ,
Osuccessor ( to Valentino's ) the largest exclu
sive shorthand school lu the west. Teachers
are verbatim reporters. Particular attention
paid to typewriting. Mechanical corrftfiiotlon
of machine taught by facrtoy sxpbrc. Circulars.
f > 40
OMAHA. Business College , cor. 10th and Cap ] . ,
tel nvn. Shorthnnd-The largest ami most
succe.s.sfnl shorthand department in the etnto.
Standard methods taught. Munson'H revised
of'i'J a specialty. Call or urlte for terms.
TvTANTBD To buy country bank. In Jie- .
> V brnnkii or Interest taking active part. . Ad
dress full particulars , K ! , Hee. .871 St
" \X7ANTED-FurnIttiro , carpets , stoves < ADd
TT household goods ot nil kinds. Omnlnt
Auction & Storage Co. . lliil Farnam. ' UOa
" " "
E cneap. ono solltalre"dlam"onrt"rlpg ,
. jvelglit ly. _ AddressF3. _ _ Hee. iqit.iBt '
| 7\OH SALE-A 53-inch light Columbia bicyclis <
X1 cheap , Address Frank Mlttaur , Omalm.
' tail 281
TTIOK S.VLE-Law library , " 1518 biigla *
for sale , double door , used U yours. J.
. Hlco Co.
TTIORSALK-A gtinulno WllcoXOlbbs new-
X1 Ing machine \ > lth automatic tension la Urat
cluss running order. Address "C IK , " llee.
Ulltf.Oil *
TTIOR SALE Or rent cheap , a caltgraph typo ;
X ? writing machine. Apply to S. A , Orchard ,
Fariiam and 15th , tbO M ] ; .
ITtOH SALE Sample Upright Qahiorfpldnor
Jl' very snpurlor tone : u bargftlu. liifinlrti Mer
rill's PliHrinaey. Chicago una l'thbiirBfl ' ; *
iTIEDAR block kindling cheaper than coal ,
v llettor than gasoline becniiHe no odor 'nor
danger ot explosion. Delivered free ;
J. A. Nnugle Co. Telephone hjiO. B70.2it ,
TTil VI5 hundred shares of $10 per shard North
X1 Woitei n Standard Oil stock , Tuts stock ig
nnn-autcssabte and Und u being iluveloped
now and is sure to bring good returns in near
futurw. Will sell for cash very cheap. Address
K ttt , Hee ollice , , W
FOR SALE Handsome youngpony. perfectly
sound and gentle , suitable for either HHddlo
or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha ,
ICE fresh half Jersey cow , 5M15 Charles st ,
tee a 21
TTIOR SALE or .exchange A good horse
X1 throe and one-halt yvara old. Apply 1414
Dodge bt. . B2ii-aiT
"fi OR SALE 1,000 tons of 15-inch ice , noiised'
X1 on track , Council Illuns , la. Qllbert Urns.
ITtOH SALE Fins HiiH'i safe , as good as new ;
X1 cheap. H. M. UenUn & lira. , 1403 Joiulas , g
74 S
POH SALE rurntturs oilsrge house , every
room runted. Firt-cluu ; location. Parties
A harealu. Address E S , IJee olllce.
'f tt Co. tiding about to
.L will sell 1 Orst-classl4'horse-poTrer engine
and boiler at M actual v lu . VMS Douglas it.
unifi 818
MIDLAND auarantoa-j * * Tnnt Co. . 16H Far-
nnm.Complete abstrnctf f urnlihed hndtltles
to real estate exixmtnod.pmcctod A guivraiiteed.
> S f WB
I CAN make a few loanA n nrot-clMs chattel
securities at reasonable rates.V. . K. Potter ,
room 10. Harter blk. 'Ja' " 023
T , OANS on improved Viit' ! 'umlmproved prop
XVerty nt low rates. Odffll Hros. & Co.,3128 10th
MONEV loaned for S0t ) or BO days on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter
est ; confidential. J. J , Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
ESIDENCE LOANS-6J4 to 7 per cent , no ad-
dltlonal charge * for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. U. Molkle , Flrev Nat Dank bld'g.
MON El' to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved lecurlty. J. W.
llobblns , HUM Varnam street 1'aitou hotel.
TUINQnil * PENNY , room 20 , Douglas
blockhavo money to Und on chattel security.
4C2 A10
Mortgage Co.-Loaus of 10 to
KEYSTONE nur rates before borrowing and
BIXvcimoney ; loan on horsei , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for nw loan , renewal of old and low
est ratei.catllCMB , Sheeley blc. 15thKIIoward st.
OU >
MONEV to loan on furniture , horses , wngons
or securities of any kind ; commercial and
mortgage notes bought nt fair rates : all bust-
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co. . room ifa'l. Hamge building. 713
THINOEH & Penny , room 30 Douglas block
s ;
'money ' to loan ou real estate at lowest ratet
PEOPIiE'S Financial Exchange The fairest ,
quietest and most liberal money exchange In
the city : money loaned wltbout delay or pub
licity. In any amount , largo or small , at the
lowest rates ot interest , ou any available se
curity ; loans may Iropald at any time or re
newed at original rates. O. Bouucaren. MPT. ,
room 57 , Barker block , luth nnd Farnam. 816
MON BY Loans negotiated at low rates -witti
out drlay , and purchase goods , commercial
paper and mortgage notes. 8 , A. Sloruan , oor
13th andTarnam. 017
ATEUHAblvA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a
i-i loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land 'conti acts ,
flne Jewelry , or securities of any kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Room 7 , Howler block. South Omaha ,
ilooms G1S-510 , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb.
Vnv !
T > UILD1NO and other real estate loans. W. M ,
X > Harris , room 20 , Frenzer Block , opp. P. O.
F. HAHIUSON loans money , lowest rates.
MONEY loaned on furniture , , norses and
wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
113 S. lllth St. , opposite Mlllard liotoL 420
MONHY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , IS ] 5 Farnam st , DJi )
First-class inside lonusl Lowest
WANTED nnd see us. Mutual Investment
Co. . H. 1 Barker blk. . 15th and Farnam. 1K5
MONEY to loan oh real estate security , at
lowest rates. Before negotiating loans see
Wallacc.H. 310.11rown bld.TIBth { ' & Douglas. KI4
TOANSmado ou renXtAtste nnd mortgages
XJbought. Lewis S. ReM to Co. , H 13. Boardof
Trade. bif 023
6 PEHCcntmonoy-HCtffr.Y. : Life Ins. B'ldg.
O ! 020S23
HILAIJELHHIA MorMso & Trust Co. fur-
nlsh cheap eastern miney to borrowors.pur-
clmso securities , perfect altle , accept loans nt
their western olllco. Gcorjjo\v. P. Coates. room
7 , Board of Trade. U33 I
MONEY to loan ; cash on'hand : no delay. J.
W. Squire , ] 21'J Farnuio , St. , First National
bang building. * ' ' 027
_ _
TJIIIIST mortgage louns-at low rates and node-
-C lay. D. V. Sholos , 210'lHrst National bank.
) JJ/ >
_ _
ONEYtoloan. Harflst t. K. & Loan Co.
room 411. First Natloiui bonk. 03 !
ONEY to loan'on gbbV lflrBt mortgages. 1m-
proved or unlmprviveu property. Alort-
bought and sold. Wallace , room ! UO
Bnges building. 16tU an ppuylas. 523
T\ON'T borrow money on fiirnlture , horses ,
XAvapons , etc. , or collaterals until you see C.
olllce.'f National bank building.
1)33 )
UILD1NQ loans. D. V , Sholes , 210 First Na
tional bank. _ U2d
MONEY to loan ou any security
tor short time , at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com-
paoy , room 400. Paxton block. _ OOP
(2500,000 to loan at 6 per cent. Llnahan & Ma-
tp honey , room 500 Paxton block. _ 031
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , planos.organ > , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The first organized loan olllce in
the city. Make loans for thirty to three hun
dred and sixty-live days , which can be paid in
pnrt or whole , at any time , thus lowering tlio
principal and interest. Call and see us when
you want money. We cau assist you promptly
nnd to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Money always ou hand.
No delay in making loans. C. F. Heed & Co. ,
31'J S. 13th St. , over Ulnglmm & Sons. U1J
SEE Sholos , room 210 , First Natl bank , before
making yourloans. _ _ U20
PEOPLE'S Fmancia Exchange Largo and
small loans for lonir and short time , at low
est rules of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notos. chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and Jewelry. Don't full to call if you want fair
and cnoap accommodations. O. Couscaron
Mgr. , room 57 , llarkor blk , 15th and Farnam. _
TV ) YOU want money ? If no , don't borroi ?
Xybefore getting my rateH.whieh ura-the low
est on any &iim from Jl up to liO.OoOT
I nmko loans on housebotd goods , clanos. or
gans , horses.mulesrtragons.warenouse receipts ,
houses , leasaa , etc. , in any amount , nt the low
est pos-rtble rates , without publicity or removal
of property.
Loans cuu bo made for one to six montns and
you cnn pay a part at any time , reducing both
principal and interest. If you owe a balance
on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on
them , I will take it up and carry it for you as
long as you desire.
Ir you need money you will llnd it to your ad
vantage to see me boforu borrowing.
II. F. Masters , room 4 , U'lthnell building 15th
andllarnoy , _ 933
FOR SALE Saloon fixtures and business In
Crawford , Neb. ; the best saloon town in the
.statu : placu now clearing &VX ) per month , with
u certainty ot bettor imslnes ! ) . Oooa rensons
for selling. Price $2.600 , part casn. W.
Btransky , Chadron , Nob. II72-1J
FOH BALE ( not trade ) A stock of general
mdso. in Bownrd Co. . Nob. ; have u good
trndo established ; good reasons for selling.
Address F 1 , Hee. 074 UOt
FOR SALE A flno grocery stock and fixtures ,
well established , centrally located , about , with teams. Quick ; jvilareas F2 Hee ,
JJ J'JJI Ull 28 *
TTIOH SALE First-class.Vfpkery.confcctlonerv
X1 and restaurant , A I 'location nnd doing a
good business ; restaurant has a good patron
age from adjoining hoU > lrgood reasons for
soiling. Inquire U18 N. Wly/ . U45 24 *
3 ARBEIIS Attentlon-fliVwindsor hotel bar-
| X > ber shop with fixture ? ] complete , will bo
rented to a.tow , at
a good mau ut lir l price Apply .
tno olllce. yjj'.iy
_ , , , , CJn
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
r ! ! ! „ I I I III J I
IT10RBALE Lease audrfwrnlturo of 10-room
X1 boarding hoube , rentralApcation , line nolgh-
liorhood ; rent only $ > ) . ClfeArlug IliH ) a month.
Heubons for selling , ill IWIilth and removal.
'JVrniH. half cash. Will heaniclosest inspection.
Alex Mooie , Col Sheely blp/jfe t 0 20 *
rilAl LOR shop for sale.'Ub'Hig a good business
X and lu a good locatlonouApply or address
tad , A. Llnaiiucst , ltfiltaxnuui ) { St. . Omalm ,
Neb , " . b70 2flf
B AHHF.H shop for salu.5 chairs , clinan.
N. 10th st , , D. Kennedy , Wl 2dt
\ \ / E Have a nice drug store and stock in
T in Orund IsUua. Neb , , which wo oifor to
trsdo. PrlcafVUM. What hav you not ?
Also one of the best Improved farms in west-
fern Iowa to Hell cheap.
Wo have farms uiiu land in all parts of the
country to seller trade , as well as cltypiop-
erty. List your property with us , oud we will
sell or exchange for you , ExceUlor Land Co , ,
ma South I5tn nt. 7M
BUTCHEK shop for sala. for cash or on tme ; ,
doing it good business , killing from four to
llvo beevps per week , at Neoln , la. Address
M , II , Hegarty. 7 * > *
TTiOH UKNT Coal anil feed yard on Faraam
X1 aud Belt line ; stock for * ale ; trackage.
Stringer ( e Penny , Douglas block. 74 i Ba
AUHEAT bargain" Gordon , Neb. , a new
roller mill for solo. 35 uurre ! capacity and
rigged to make buckwheat and rye flour , meal
amlchopfeed ; in a good wheat country and
good market for Hour : 3 dwellings end burn
with u ; price fc'.ooi ) . Parties having prop
erty to trade need not apuly ; mill has llrat-
class reputation. F , J , Andreas. " 12 altit
SALOON and fixtures for sale , doing good
ouslne s. on K street. South Omalm , owner's
time being taken with other business , inquire
nt Phenlx pnloon. South Omnha. 873 OH
FOH SALE A well-established small cnsh
grocery. Address A. Kelluer , 1820 St.
Mary's ava. Ml 23 *
WANTED Partner In restaurant In connec
tion with hotel ol 40 rooms. Ad. K 21. lice ,
FO H EXCllANtllJ-iFor desirable residence
property in Omnha. any or all of following t
40 choice inside residence lots la Hastings.
HW lots in Lincoln.
040 acres fine farmlngland , Lancaster conntr.
Fine r ildonco property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice faintly , residence corner. Lot Angeles.
A neat residence property In Hanscom Place.
Also somw good tnortgngo notes ,
Addrpss , giving location and price ot property -
orty , J. 15. H. , care Baum Iron Co , , 1217 Learon-
north. t 0
property in Western Iowa and Omaha
X to exchnngo or stock ot coneral merchnn.
dlse'or clothing. Address call box No. 4:2. : Wal
nut , la. 015 2SI
TTIAHM to exchange for fend store , nnd also
X' a farm to exchange for dwelling : will as
sume some encumbrance on dwelling. Address
H. M. , 2U9 Cnmlng St. , Omaha. eavCTt
rno EXCIIANOI ! for Omaha property , one of
X the tst Improved fnrms in Iowa , only one
mll from town of 6.000 inhabitants. W. H. K.
i : M , K. room 14 , Chamber of Oomm rco. 1S4
TT1OH KXCHANOR A flno form of 200 acres in
X1 I'olk county , Neb. , 4 miles from Clnrks.
Nob. , to exchange tor cattle ; 80 ncres under
cultivation , house , barn , wagon scales and
good feed lot. Address C. Oskamp , 2215 Web *
ster at. . Omaha , Neb. OJ3
H AVK you nny good insldo property to exchange >
change for clour farmlands. Will nisuino
some Incutnbranco , Qtriiigor & Penny , Imig <
laa bloclc. U73-8
FOH UXOHANU K AU elegant tract of land
containing 120 acres , In Antelope county.
Nob. , with ordinary Improvement ! .
A quarter-sQCtlou in Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved.
Klghty acres near Council Bluffs , la.
House and lot on South liith BU
Largo amount of Oil Mount-Mil and Petrollum
company oil stock. Will exchangu for good
property or the erection of sorao houiea , Uao.
J. BternsrtorlT , lit National bink. building. '
T710H EXCHANOE-Cloar lots and cash for
X' good cigar stand.V m. llogera , general de-
livery. Omaha. 874 27t
PARTlESIiavlng oquli ? ItTOiiiaha real'ostato
with pressing Incumur.kuce should call on
Stringer & Penny , Douglas block. 07U-8
WE bavo a choice lot for sale to party who
will build ; wo will glvo tune in the whole
otpurctmau money. StilugerJe Penny , Douglas -
las bloclc. Q73-B
HOUSE and full tot , east front , 21th near
Poppleton avenue , J2.T03.
Attractive 10-room cottage , sightly , full lot ,
Hauscom place , &HX ) cash , halanco easy , price
W.5W ) .
80 acre Improved farm near enough to see
Omaha high bchaol , at $55 per acre.
Hougonud full lot In Ilauscom place , 12.503.
Hutchinson * Woad , T)24 Douglas st , .157 28
BAHOATN Fine lot on Broadway and 2 on
motor Hue , Council Bluffs. $ J,4CO cash. Hahn ,
1822 tjt. Mary's avouue , Omaha. 1150 SU
NTA'.J CTO forixfiO-foot lot fronting on Pop-
pleton nvenuo near corner of 28th St. , with
in the mlle limit ; altered at this price but n few
dny.-r ; If you prefer to go out 2V } miles nnd pay
more money for a lot In Kountze Place you are
at libel ty. to do so. Apply to C. A. Starr , 1203
Farnam at. 13 UO
TjlOH SALEBy the owner and at a bargain ,
X ? Corner 200x128 ft. , near Belt line station.
Splendid site for residence or tenement houses.
Willbe'plml to show tnls property. J , A. Dal-
zell.HSXiath et. 762
FOH SALE In Walnut Hill-Hera Is a chance
to get a homo one block from car Hue ,
cheaper than paying rent ; high and slghtlyi
8-room house and lot 50x150 , H.HOO.oo.
G-room house and lot 50x150. 3I , 0.00.
Can bo sold on small paymentH for one week
only. W. U. Gates , S.V. . cor. 15th and Douglas.
69J 2U
OUNT/.E PLACE-fl-room house , barn nnd
every convenience , for $7,000 , easy terms.
Address for particulars , E IU. Uoe. 668
FOB S ALB 80 feet , oust front near paved
street with newO-room modern house.7,000.
0. V. Harrison , -Merchants Nat'l bunk. 8S
FOB SALKJn .Walnut II1H-A nice new 0-
room house , llnlshed In oil and In first-class
style ; lot south front , newly sodded , ( jOxlSO.
Cable line will ba within one block ID 30 days.
Price 82iiO. : ( on easy terms ; will take a good lot
af part payment. W. JI. Gates , S. W. corner
ISth and Douglas. EM 20 *
f > G.'WALLACE,310-311. ' J. J. Brown build-
VJ inu , ICtli ana Douglas.
Lota , block 2 , IJellone's add. , 58 ft. front on
State st. . easy terms , $1.000.
Lot 7. block ] , Donlse'a add. , easy terms , $2,760.
Lot' Is , block 4. Thornburg , special terms ,
Lot 4 , block "A , " Bedford , east front on State
st. , Jl,3r > 0.
Lot 4 , block IS , Bedford Place , on State st. ,
Lot 13 , blook 0 , W. Cuinlng , easy terms , } l,000.
Lot 4 , block 21 , Carthage , beautiful east front ,
tot'21 , block 4 , Hawthorne. Sl.GOO.
Lot22 , block9 , Orchard Hill , corner and east
front on Lowe avo. , very chuap , $ w .
South front on Farnam' In Brlggs' Place ,
cheapest lot In the market , terms easy , $1.200 ,
Beautiful east , front In I'Jatnylew. 81.150.
Monmouth Park lots , or houses and lots , on
very easy terms aud at reasonable prices. This
addition has the llnost situation ot any about
Omaha , with grand vlewn , good neighborhood ,
easy of access. Clot plats and terms.
G. G. Wallace , Brown block , 10th & Douglas.
8 IB 27
OOME and see us and nvestlcute some of the
bargains wo linvo to oll'orVo are continu
ally listing now properties , and "if you don't
see-what you want , ask for It. "
Wo have merchandise to trade for Ifcnd , Wo
have a brick and tllo tactorv ; luinK a thriving
business to exchanss-far western land.
For sale Jot Ir. block Ii5 , Btull's cecoud addi
tion sc n uargaln.
Throe newK-room cottages at Albright , with
in 10 minute' ) walk of terminus ot hourly
dummy line , for sale on terms that will only bo
fair rent.
An elevator property with largo dwelling
house , nt a bargain. Elevator complete , wltn
horo-power , Hcale * . ofllco furnlsned , etc. A
line opening for u practical grain dealer.
TWQ line , residences In Popploton park , on
motor line ; will bo sold on easy terms.
Hou-jes and lots in all parts of Omaha for
sale and exchange ,
Foroxcnange , for Omahapropertyl,000 acres
of school land lease , In one of the best counties
In tlmstnto.
A line rt'Sldence property In Omaha View for
sale'at a bargain.
From S75.0U1I to J100.000 worth of flrst-class
notes to exchange for Omalm property.
Merchandise .o uxchnngd for / cash and bal
ance western lands. This is one of the llnost
opportunities uverofrpree to convert land Into
caalu Investigate this.
For sale , at a bargain , hotel and livery barn.
In a coed Neuraska town. Tills ii a llnu open-
luii for.a practical hotel man.
For-tixulmnga for Omaha property one ot the
best farms In Hoct county , Nebraska , together
with BtodC'ixml mach'aery necessary to carry
on the place. Old ugn and failing health of thu
owiifcr la foas'on'tor nellin/r ,
A ( Ine Winfeltlrtounty farm , well developed ,
icooil soil , foroxchango for Omaha property.
1UU acres ot wild laud near a thriving city.
Whnt have you fp olfer.
280acl-p $ , or nnp hind In northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omalm property.
Forsulodt'a bargain , one of tbe best Im
proved farms in Nebraska , owner is golni ; to
leave the atu.te Is the reason forHclllng.
Wo have unsiirnassied facilities for disposing
of property , having somo50U agents scattered
over fouror tlrostates. List your property
with us if 'yoii wHh .1 quick turn. W. 11. E. &
M.E. , ronnV'H , Chamber of Commerce , tole-
plionu 1440. ' a')1. ) )
TTIOIl SAIjE-lleantlful s-room houio. all mod.
X-crn-lfiiprovninouts , including xplondld fur-
nacp , ileurltunscom'park. bust location In the
city for HL'hool.ctiurcfi and street car prlvllegoi ;
price p.ouu. C. F. Ilarrlsou , Merclmnti National
bank. on
O ft tlitf two house aud lot ttirgalti3 I
jmvo bcw olferlngoii ( loorgla avo. north of
Leavunwoctn , is jiovr Bold und occupied , be
cause qf my very low price. The south house
of the tv > o mill romi.lnj a bargain open to
Bombodj , First come ; , first served , To be ap
preciated it need * to 1)n examlnod intdrnnllv , 1
positively Mlldnut rent It , though several times
offered IdO p r , : nonlli. Price , on very easy
terms. W.O.W. W , T.Soamnn. east side fflth et. ,
north of Nicholas st , Omaha's larguvt variety
of wagorrs and carrlaKes. _ lll
Actuul value inside business and rdsl-
ilenco : the seventeen lota ut hulf price to llrwt
purty comos.V \ y ? For reanon am In in-ed of
cash. ' Great chance. Address EMI , Heo.
OH SALE HiiHlness corner , 140.030 , ( ! . Y ,
, , Harrison. Merchants National llanfc. 155
BU Va home in the center of thicity , on
monthly payments , I will soil you a lot in
Aldluu onuure , uulldHhousoot any kind , worth
from * l-jO upvvurdo , and you tttn pay for it
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlna square
is on ( lrac street , between : iM and 2Jd atreets ;
it has all thuadvuntages nuch an piv < l streutj ,
eevMTage , water , ga , and is a nrst-cla s local
ity. Cull at HUI Farnam street and sen plans
of building * and get Quures. V , J. O'Donahoe ,
W K can offer for sale for tha iext"few days
tliu following One praportUs ; A : > rooin
houao iu luiprpvemout Association mid „ with
barn and other out door improvements. A lot
in Oklahoma add. ; 1 in Hogers' add , : 1 in
Cleveland place ; t loti In Kosallnd Place. W. II.
K. & M. Ex. , Iloom 14 , Chamber ot Cjrumarca ;
tel phone 144U. tluv.
"ITtOn SALE UMintlfnl now cottage , flno locn-
X ? tlou , very cany terms ) n bargain. J. II ,
Kvans , nooniOOa. N. Tu Llfp bldg. 007 3U aj
we como with the very Units t roil-
donce properties in Omaha to sell ot ex-
clmnqo for lots or land. Wo ttald the
finest. Do you doubt it ? Then como nnd let us
howthoi ? to you. If you wish to hay you win
ao so on your own terms. Donot nOglect'thU
opportunity for never In the antmU of rentes.
late tram Action * in Omaha hat a like opportu
nity boon offered , vf . H. K. Sc M 1 ! . , room 14.
Chamber of Commerce , Tol. 14(0. ( m
FOH SALE Do you want a cnoico farm 10
miles northwest of Omaha ? It so. I have
Just what will Milt you , nnd cnn be bought at
$20 per acre below its actual value , The above
named farm contains 27.1 acres ot the finest iMtd
in the state , all , enclosed with good barb wire
fence ; the bulldmgi and orchard thereon ara
In llrst-clnsi condition. Two good well.i furnish
abtiDdant'wntor. The very low pnc of $40.00
ver ncro should command a rtuuly purchaser.
Let me drive you out anil flhow you this farm.
( l.J. Sternsdorrv , Heal Estate , f.oiin and Ex
change Hrokcr , Ilooinx ! U7 nud3I . nrst Nat'l
JJank Hulldlng. Telephone 401 , 13 nd
LEaALblanKi. Chase St Rddy , IHSlSthst.
270 o5t
TTtOH SALK-ftW.73 acre. sec. 6 , tp. VS , r. Ow. ,
X1 Hamilton county , Nob. House , stable. 'Ml
acres fenced , living water. Price. $1,001) . F. K.
Atkins , owner , railroad hldgv Denver , Col. 840
ITIOH SA LI ! On long time and emy pay menu.
X' handsomr. now , well built hnusos ot rt , 0 anil
10 rooms. All convonlenccsgood neighborhood :
paved streets lAtreet cars and withlu walking
diitauc * ot P. O. Nathan Stiolton. 1014 Fnruam
$20,000 44 foot front in heart ot Omaha , 10th
st , . modern 3-story building , brings 10 per
cent now , at low rents : must have $17.1)00 ) cash ,
balance 0percent ; great offer ; address ES9llee.
TOl-MD *
TjiOU SALE Cottage with full lot and Im-
X1 provomoiits. in a desirable location ; low
price ; 1011 No. 19th st. 752-2S *
TTtOH BALE Easr terms , Koun&za place.
X * Two homes , each 8-i'ooms , nach Jl.OiXk '
Two homos , each U-rooms , each J.T.OTO.
Two homes , each 15-rooms , each ) i,0 > X
All with modern convenience ,
All large value at thn price.
All within n square ot the motor lino.
Don't lose thete opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W. T. Seaman ,
East sldo 16th st. , north of Nicholas st. ,
Omaha's largest variety ot wagons and car
riages. 617.
TRAHOAIN-Part of the DHk Klmball estate.
X > 60 feet on ISth street running through to 17th
nve. One lii-room house , all modern conven
iences , and tilroom homos. Total rental
81,503 per ycai : price $13,030. M , A. Uptoa
Company , Iffth aaJ. Farnam. 037
TTtOU BALE Lots in Stewart Place ou Lowe
X ? avo. ; Metropolitan Cable passes property.
0-room house and barn , llauscotn Place. 2
bouses anil lots on CMS st. , on easy terms.
Harris , room 411. 1st Nat. Hank. l l
mo JIANOFAOTUHEHS ! 1 wiU. gjva ample
X ground , with splendid traokago facllluas
on tlio Fremont , Elkhorn Sc Missouri Valley
railroad or on the Missouri Paclllo ( Holt Line )
railway in Wostlnwn , just outside the city
limits in West Omaha , conveniently Bltuntod as
regards access to the business center of Omaha
and South Omaha , to parties for tha location of
any of the following industries :
Furniture Factory , llutton Factory ,
Shoo Factory , Lard Hufluory ,
Starch feCllucose Wks , Soap Works ,
Paper Mill , Puntler Mnnufactory ,
Plow Works , Ilroom Fuctory ,
Harvester Works , Woolen Mill.
Nail World. Oatuxeal Mill.
Knitting Mills , KOX Manufactory ,
Sash , Door nnd Blind Wire Works ,
Manufactory , Machine Shops ,
Flour and Feed Mill ,
Or any good manufacturing plant. Wnstlawn
is just outside the city limits nud Industries
planted there will escape houvy city taxes.
If you are thlukiug of locating iu Omaha it
will pay vou to Investigate this.
Oco. N. Hicks. Now YorK Life bulMIng ,
Omaha. 7P8
\7"E QODSI Get.on . to these bargains I '
JL 84.000 buys full east front lot with seven
room house and furnace In llimscom place. Do
you believe it ?
$14IHW buys a house on Park avenue with lull
lot. that In liner than silk , aud elegant through
out. You cannot gucs * how nice this is.
11,100 buys a good four room house and full
lot in north part of the city ; also for 31,000 In
northwest p.\rt of city.
I can sell you houses nnd lots from M5.0QO
down to JSOu nnd can suit yon lu auy part of the
city. No trouble to show goods , oven if U Is hot.
Call In and get a iood ride , if nothing more.
D. V. Sholos , 210 Flit.t National Hunk. ! I10
of tno oost located tracKugo
lots , on the northwest corner of 21st and
Izard Htroets , size 120x1.12 feet. For price nnd
terms luqulru of the owner , Edwnrd Speller-
1012 North 21st fctreot Q'J7-al4t
TIIHE best money s worth of housa ana lot now
X for salt ) in Omalm is that which I am now
completing near 24th st. on nnvoil Witt st. lu
Kountzo Pluco. 8 bedrooms , parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , 3 water clo selH ,
lartro laundrv. stationary wash tubi , furnace
and coal room and cellar , electric bull * and
speaking tube , )2 closets. Price only 1(7,000 on
termi to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining
atsame price. W. T. Seaman , east sld > ) 10th st.
north of Nicholas st. Omaha s largest varloty
of wnj no and carriages , Wl
TjlOH SALE The nnest residence in Orchard
X1 ( mi can bo bought at actual cost ; owner
leaving town : house nas 10 rooms with bath
room and every modern convenience , lot 00x138
all sodded : large barn and nice shade trees ; In
fact apvrfoct homo : aall and let us show you
this. Arnold & Co. , Hooiu 527 Paxton block.
Notion to Graders ,
Sealed proposals will be received at the olllce
of county clerk. Douglas courity , until 2 p.m.
Saturday , August 17 , Ib8i ! , for the running of
griidor No. a. Sopaiato bids must bo made for
nlll and tiirnplko work , nnd all bids must be
accompanied by certllled check for $50.
Plans and specifications to Ijo-soou at the
oflico of county clerk. M. D. HOCHE.
_ _ _ jygldaitm. s
Notice to Jiraccl < t .
Scaled prcpouiifl will bo received at the omco
of cr.unty clerk of Douglas county , Nftbraska ,
until 2n. m. Saturday , August U. 1889 , to furnish
drugs for Douglas county for thu halanco of the
year 1S89. List of drugs required to bo found
on file in olllco of county clerk.
A certllled chock for 2100 must accompany
each bid.
Tlio county reserves tno right to rojoot any or
all bids.
By order of county commisilonors.
jy23d2tm&e ! County Clerk ,
Notice to Contrnutora.
The East Omaha Land Co. will receive bids
for grading streets to tno amount of 75ioo
yards , and curbing and paving streets to the
amount ot tfJ.OOJ ttqimro yards , with stone , either
granite or other klnn , Plans , Hneclllcatlons.
etc. , may betioenanv tlmenttheolllco of Potter
& Cohb. 1001 Fnrnam st , All bids must be in by
B o'clock , the 27th lust. The company reserve
the right to reject auy or all of them.
Jy2fid2tm&e Manager.
fNSTHUMENTa plaood on reoorj during
Novottl Jos nnd wife to A N Sayrc , lot 1 ,
blKfi7. Florence , qcd . . . . . $ j
S 0 Dull to H F Cadv , iot 4 , blK 124 , lot 5 ,
blk sal. and out lots 1W and 220 , Flor-
once.quil . . . . . 210
li W WnVeley nnd vlfo to A 0 & K Wako-
loy , lot 1 , blk 'J , Kounuu's 4th add , q o d 4,000
P T .May no and wife to John Jllno , JOJ ft
Knuiiro In M w a w 2M5-1H. w d . 7,500
P ' 1'Mayne and wife to John Hlno , lot 17
nnd 18 , and lots 22 to 20 , blk 12 , Schlos-
inger's add , wd . . .
L & I Hchleslngor to P 'I Mayno , lots 17
aud 18 , and lots 22 to 20 , blk ] 2In Sclilvs.
Inger'H ndd , w d . 2C09
W r Alexander and wife to B E Ifrunch ,
lot 111 , 1st anil to Lake View , w d. . . . . . . . 3io
Peter Kongor und wlfo to JohnPollvka ,
lot 1 , Woodluwn add , w tl . 750
N A Kuhn. truhtee. lo C E Taylor , lots 1
and 15 , ) > lk 4. Creluliton Heights , w d , . . 1,200
AlDi'lglit Lund and Lot Co to M O J New
ton , iot 22 , blku , Matthew's till ) , wd. . 403
Allnlght Land and Lot Co to M E V J
Morahol , lot 3 , blc Jl , Alorlgla's Choice ,
wrt . , . 3M
II llovd i-t : il to F 0 Olscn , oi \ lot 2.4 , blk
1 , Campbell's add , w n . toj
P C Hlmubuugli ut nl , trustee , to Hans I'u-
ter.-tou , lot 2j , Ijllc.JH , Omaha Ilululits ,
w d . 400
M H Hhondes und husband to M Mo
Comix , lot 14 , bill II , Central park , w a. 1,000 ,
II A Noyo.s and hiiBband to W A Hlggluz ,
lot 2 , blk 7 , sub J 1 HedlclM add , w d . . 3,700
Lena Schmidt to OJ Schmidt , n H lot 4 ,
blk HI , and adj strip on n end , Omaha ,
ii cd . 2,000
0 D \ It L May to Hobt Chuathani , 4lxlU2
ft n w n e IM5-13. W (1 ( . 4,003
0 Heckendorn and wllo to Ore Hackott ,
lot IN blk II. Ashland park , wil . COO
Homo Invc'Htmont Co to I ) Jl Archer , pt
lot 4. blk fi , llrooklluoudd. qcil. . . . . . . . 1
Home Investment Co to I ) H Archer , rot
12 , blK y , lot li ) , blk : i. lots 12 and M , blk
6 , Lliitoii Place , q o d . 1
Twenty trumifiU'H. . . , . tziwi
The folio , vm ; ; inrjilti 'vara Issusl by
UuUdlniIn ; poatorVlntlouU yoifjriliy :
Ocorgo L. Dunham , two-story nnd attio
frnmo , Plnknoy near Elchtivmtli . 9 C.MOQ
12. ( lllinore , one aud threu-tourthi-xtory
frame rosldeuro , Twciily-ulnth ntur
Hpruisue . , . 2,000
ILII.Coryell , one nnd onn-half-story lirlcic
htnblo , Mayno ana Fortieth Htreot . 1,000
M , T. Anderson , ono-Btory frame , Ogdcn
near'J'hlrtoonth . . . . . CO )
W. 0. Ivi'S , two-story frumo residence ,
Spring near Davenport , , . . . . . . . . . 4.WW
Four minor penults . . . , , . , . , VM
Nlue periulta , u 'urogatlcg . , . , , } H.OJ'J '
IVostward ,
Bnnnlng hntwoon Council Bluff's 'i."nd " A > '
bright. In addition to the at it Ions itlonedj
trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty ' fourto
streets , and at tbe Uummlt in Omana.
Leave. Arrive.
No. 2 5:00 : pm D No. 1. . , :15am :
No. 0 0:50 : inn 0 No. 6 6:15 : pni
No. 4 10:00 : am No. a. . . . 0t'pm : '
No. 14 U:45 nm No. 13 7il9am
No. 0 0:40 : am No. 7 ni37"a'ni"
No,8 ilil'i pmiNu.U 7:15 am'
No. } . . : pm rfo.O | J15pra ;
All Trains Dally. .
A No. 2 U:40aniA | No. . . , . , . . . : am
A No. 4 U:40pmA : | No. U. . . . . . .I > : l5pm ,
A No. 2 l07aml ! ) ; A No. 3 0:2.-iBm :
A No. 4 : ! j pm ) A No. 1 CslUpiu
B10UX C1T1' fc PACIFIC. ' '
A No.10 7:05 : amlA No. II RS1 aui
A Nu,12 7:03pmA : | No. 11 U.Hpiu ; )
A No. 8 4:3 pmA | No. 7 13:00'm :
A dully ; It tin hi except Saturday ; C except
Sunday ; 1) cxcopt Monday ; * fa t mail.
Gliicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul BJy ,
Tlio Host Itouto from Omnlm and Council
C'lilengo , AND Mllmmkcc ,
Bt. Paul , Mliuicnpolls , Cellar Ilaplda ,
Itoclc Isliuid , Fiocjiort , Jtoekfunl ,
Clinton , Dubiuiue , Dnrcnport ,
Iiljrln , MndlHon , Juiiohvlllc ,
IJoldt , Vlnonn , La Crossc ,
And ull other Important nolnti ICnul , Nortljonit and
For through tlckoti call oil Ilia tlokot nvrnt at 1'fll
rarimni ttri'Cl , lu llarkur lllock , or ut Unlv ruciflo
I'ullmiin filoo | ) n nnd tlio finest Dining RUM In Ilia
world itru riinuii DIH main llnu ol tliu Clilcuifn , MlH
ivmkre A HI. I'nul Ilkllwuy , und uvury ailuntlnn It
iuld lu rusBuiKOri liy courtuuiu um loyci of lli
H. illl'l.Kll. Ounornl MunaKOr.
J. K.TIKIIilCII. AiiUlinU.'oiHTnl M n ior.
A. V. u. ( JAIirK/iTUH , ( juijoral l'n uncor and
Tlcknt Client.
lilCO i ; II/\KTOHI / > . AiilstanUicnernl I'ussenKCf
and Ticket Atfunt.
T. J.CI.AUll , Ueaoral gnperliittndcnt.
J i Supplle OIIIco or I'liiclmsliiK .11111 } Depot
Comml34ury or .SubaUteiicc , U. S. Army.
Omttha. Nub. , July "I , 1WJ. Healed pro-
iiovnlu In trliillcale , subject to the ubiiul coudi.
tlona. will bo received at thli olllce until rj
o'clock m. , central standurd time , nil Huturday. I
tbuldth day of Auuiur , l si ! , at which time and
place they will be opened In the preivuce of
bidders for the furiilahlni ; aud delivery ut !
Omaha. Nub , , the following unuy siipiillus. viz :
Flour , family. Preference given to iirtlcloH of
nomettld pruductlon or niaanf.icturii. coudU
tloua of ( juallty und price ( including In tile ( irlco
of rmvlgu prodiiL'tlOhH or inaniiriu'turon the
duty IliL-roon ) | ifliii ; iitial , ThurlithtlHiimrved
to loji.-ct any or au bldH. Ilunik prupoiiuU und
t > pe Hlcatlons shotvlnu In detail tha urllclea und
( luiintltli" ! required , and KlvliiKfilllliitorinittion
as to coivlltloiu of contract , will b > > fnniMhctl
on application to this ulllcv. JY. . II AHKKlI'.lt ,
Maj , ana 0 , B. , U. B , A , " '