Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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OFF1CK. NO 12 I 13Anti STUEET.
fcllvcred by carrier In Any 1'nrt of ho City iv
TV only Cents Per Week. . „ . „ , , „
11. W. T1L10N. . MANAOK1U
Ws OFFICK No. 43.
KniToit ,
N. Y. P. Co.
Glcason coal.
C. H. Music Co. , 533 13'way. ,
Keller , tailor , 310 Hrondway.
Evans1 laundry , 724 Broadway.
D.V. . Otis , city and farm loans.
Tlio church record Is delayed a few days
but It will have Its regular number Issued
J. C. Dlxby has been awarded the contract
for the plumbing In the now block erected by
J , J. Drown.
J. Anderson , formerly In the White sowIng -
Ing machine ofllco , died Thursday evening at
St. Bernard's ' hospital. Ho will bo burled
this morning from the Scandinavian Baptist
Coroner Waterman , ns the next best county
onicer to the sheriff , was engaged yesterday
In serving notices of temporary injunctions
against the saloons. Ton notices were served
during the afternoon.
Building permits were Issued yesterday tc
J. P. Carmlehnel for two cottages In Twin
City Place costing $1'JOO and ? lUOO respect.
Ively. A permit was also Issued to George
Wilier for ono $1,200 brick building In Bayllsa
& Palmer's addition.
A frightened and enraged cur yesterday ,
who had fallen Into the hands of the dog
catcher , turned on tlmt individual and fast
ened his teeth la the roar purl of his log , in-
Hiding a scvern wound. The catcher quit
the business , and his name could not bo
In the police court yesterday there were
but two candidates for the judicial lash , ono
Snyder , driver of the Cascade laundr.v
wagon , charged with cruelly beating his
horse was discharged for lack of prosecu
tion. The other was a hardened druahurd ,
and ho got the usual $7.00.
"If Omabii people will help us Council
Bluffs can have the next staU ) regatta , " said
an aquntio authority yesterday. "Lake
Manawa shows a better course than Spirit
Lake , oarsmen would rather row over it , and
thcro Is not half the expense in getting here
that thcro is In reaching Spirit Lake , with Us
stub roads. All wo want is sumo help from
the Omaha boys. "
A largo number of complaints have l > ocn
made against people dumping refuse iimttcr
In the alloys and on the streets in various
parts of the city. Warrants have been is
sued for a half dozen offenders recently , but
still the practice is continued. A Main
street business man was arrested twice
within twenty-four hours for the same of-
fciiBO. The llrst warraut chat-god him with
depositing lllth lit the alley In the roar of his
store , and ttip second charged him with
dumping the same debris la another alley in
anotlicrjirirtof the city. This evident will
ful violation of the law calls for vigorous
prosecution , and the people who desire it
ehtiuld be gratified.
Dexter , employment.
A lot on Stutsman street for 8200 , 40x100.
A. A. Claris & Co.
Kcllcy & Younkorman sell groceries
Chuso and Bunborn coffees u spccmly.
No Kxiloslnni
When persons keep cool and use our
"Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes ,
roaster and bakeovon. Costs 7 cents
per hour when running full blast. Now
York Plumbing Co.
City s'team laundry , 31 Main , tol. 141.
Sen usjnr loans on city property. Money
on hand. A. A. Clark & Co.
I'crsonul Paragraphs.
E. G. Stevenson , of Itockford , 111. , is at
the Ogdon.
Miss Kva Dow , of Boouc , is the guest of
Mrs. John Dan forth.
Miss Blanche Arkwright , of this city IE
visiting friends in Nobrusita.
Dr. C. B. Judd was out yesterday for the
first time siuco his accident a week ago.
C. E. Taylor , DCS Molnos , aad P. O. Ked-
man are jiinong the lowans at the Ogden.
Joseph Davis , Mt. Pleasant , and H. Vat
Horn are among the lowaus at the Bcchtolo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pace returned lasl
evening from a six weeks' trip in the Uocltj
L. G. Pulklnson and wife , of Omaha , an
visiting friends in the city , and arc stoppint
nt the Ogdon.
Mr. Lou Winter and Mr. Will Withrow , o
le Now Brighton , Pa. , are visiting . L. Bedi
, . eon and family.
' Miss Sue Vinyurd , daughter of Judge Via
yard , of Hastings , Neb. , who has been visit
ing In the city , returned homo yesterda ;
Mr. C. E. Wllkins , has returned fron
Michigan whither ho was called by the dcatl
of his aged mother. Mr. Wilkins is now tin
only surviving member of the family o
J , L. Gaboon leaves [ on Monday for Chi
capo , where tie will hereafter have his head
quarters while representing the Amcrlcai
Loan & Trust company. During the pas
four months Mr. Cahoon 1ms placed three
quarters of a million of the company's dollars
lars in Council Bluffsunil , ho claims ho wouli
have placed a million more of It bad It no
been for the obstructions put in his way bj
some prominent citizens , who "queered1
their own town.
During tHe hot weather many houaokeop
era complain tlmt "no ono scorns to euro ti
cat meat , none of it tastes real good. " Thii
complaint Is not iniulo by these who havi
bought toothsome juicy meats from "Ou
Market , " corner of Story and Main streets
M. Wolkor knows how to select and drcs
meat. Cook corned bcof is a specialty.
Wanted , lots near motor. A. A. Clark < !
Have your old furniture upholstered , gooi
as now. U. Morgan , 7W ! Broadway ,
Have our wagon call for your eollci
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
FIDO jewelry , watches and diamonds
cleaning and repairing at E. Buruorn.
The Ijust Pay.
To-day Is the last day of the great snlo o
the Boston storo. Thousands of dollar
worth of goods have boon sold during th
week at prices never before known in Couu
ell Bluffs. There are just as line bargain
loft for the throng that will como lo-dny a
nny that have attracted the multitude durin
the week. This is the last opportunity
The store will bo kept open until 10 o'cloc
to-uighi for the accommodation of all ,
, I'Hvo Harvest Kxcuralons.
The Burlington Route , C. , B , & Q. U. U
will sell from principal stations on Its llaoi
ou Tuesdays , August 0 and CO , September ]
and " 4 and October 8 , harvest oxcursio
tickets at half rates to points In the farmin
regions of the west , southwest and nortl
west. For tickets and further luforraatic
concerning thcsa excursions call on yov
nearest C. , B. & Q. ticket agent , or addrci
P. S. Eustlt , general passenger and tlcki
Dgcut , Chicago , III.
Important to lilleu anil Gaiitlamoi
I have established an extensive dyeing ar
cleaning works In thli city and desire to en
attention of ladle * and gentlemen of Umal
end Council Bluffs to the fact that I ha\
furnished my works with the latest Improve
machinery known to the trade , that 11m'
bad over sixteen years' experience , at
that I use only the very best dyes and choi
Icals. I clean and dye everything but fi
goods. I call special attention to my no
cleaning procots by which the garment U n
ripped and which restores the original luiti
to the goodi. Ladle * ' and gentlemen's sut
rner garment * . uch as llannols or ulk , uiai
to looit as good as new. Dresses , clothln
Rilka , sbawU , laces and plumes dyed in a
porlor manner. Motor faro allowed en i
goods brought to work * , or wagon will c
ut rctldeucu. G. A. Sohocdsuck , Twin Cl
Dye Works. Twenty-sixth and liroadwu
Mala ofllco 113 South Sixteenth , Ouiaua.
Plvo Burglars in Ono Night , Just as
a Stnrtor.
Special Sermons For St. 1'nul'n A.I1IR
Cigar Deal A HutoliorV Con
test , l to nfOlitfTa
Some .
Flvo burglaries were reported to the police
yesterday morning by ns many citizens whoso
ionics wore Invaded the nlglit urcvlous.
The first was reported by Conductor D. L.
Blue , of the Chicago ft Northwestern rail
road. Ho resides nt SU North Eighth Mrcot.
The work was evidently done by profession
als , ns the doors wcro opened by means of n
[ > alr of nippers. The sleeping apartment of
Mr. Blue was mv.ulnJ , his pantaloons and
vest carried away and rifled of their con
tents , about ( S In cash and a line gold watch.
The garments were found In the morning
under the porch of a neighboring rcsldcnco.
The little grocery store at No. JUS North
Eighth street , kept bjr a poor woman named
Mrs. Hagan , was entered and tlio money
drawer robbed. The thieves entered by tear
ing a mosquito bar netting fiom a window.
They obtained but 10 cents as a reward for
their crime.
The residence of S. H. Warner , No. 515
Washington avnnuo , was entered during the
night. The front door key was turned
by nippers. The house was completely ran-
suclcnl und a great deal of valuable stuff
carried away , besides $10 In cushr
Among the articles stolen were n gold watch ,
a line pair of ladles' ' bracelets and u valuable
ring.Tho residence of Mr. Wllklns , 495 WashIngton -
Ington avouuo , was also visited' but the
burglars In effecting an entrance awakeaed
Mrs. Wllidns. Her movements frightened
them away. She distinctly' saw two men as
they ran away und is able to give the police
a very fair description of a couple of the
The place reported was the rosldenco
of P. H Nugent , tK)7 ) Avenue D. The skele
ton key and the nippers unlocked the door
without awakening the Inmates. The house
received a thorough going over , and when
NugOut awakened yesterday morning ho was
sniiR pantaloons and contents , sails vest and
contents and sans several other useful arti
cles , including a gold watch and all the
loose money ho kept about the house.
In none of the cases was there any clue
; oft upon which the police could work. The
business was evidently done by professionals
who know their business , as the premises
burglarized show.
Scldonbcrg's 5c Figaro at the Fouptain.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 B'dwny.
Desirable house for rent. A. A. Clark &
Incidents of Dot ; Life.
There Is a palaful uncertainty Intimately
associated with the existence of the canine
population of Council Bluff * in these hot and
sultry dog days. Death Is in the air aad is
breathing its flight upo'i them wherever they
go. The toils of the dog catcher encompass
them nt every turn. None know the danger
better than the poor dogs themselves. The
frequent spectacle of a yelling cur dragged
across the street at the end of a bright wire
noose strikes terror to the canine hearts , and
canine logs that are not yet entangled in the
deadly wire take their owners away from the
hauats of men as rapidly as possible. The
presence of the dog catchers and their ominous
nous black covered cart is a profound and
terrible problem to the dogfish intellect.
The dogs do not try to solve It , but make a
despairing effort to secure salvation by culti
vating a closer fellowship with their masters
and a disinterested friendship with every
body and everything that caiC offer protec
tion. The streets and public highways whore
the dogs had a right to congregate and
scratch their liens a few days ago , and where
they did congregate by hundreds , are
now deserted. The thousands of dogs
of high and low degree that have found a
habitation in Councjl Bluffs for months and
years past are gone , many of them Into tem
porary hiding and many into tliejpound and
thence thtough the hogshead of water intc
the dogs' potter's ' Hold.
Yesterday afternoon all of the unclaimed
and Unredeemed dogs la the pound were
given a bath of two and a half minutes in the
fatal tank in the rear of the city jail. As
little cruelty as possible attended the death ,
but it was death just as sure.
The dog-catchers are enterprising. They
are inspired by lifty cents on each canine.
Sometimes their enthusiasm leads them toe
far. Yesterday the wife of ono of the citj
merchants , was walking along the street , her
favorite dog following her , a doff-catchcr
quietly dropped in the wake of the two and
soon began to inveigle the dog into his wire
cage. The attempt was unsuccessful , and
utter one or two other like attemuts , the
lady's attention wa's attracted. Shu turned
about and expressed her opinion of the fel
low in terms that were decidedly ford
ble. Ho took it meekly , while the
dog , apparently reaming the danger ,
of his situation , streaked for homo.
The old man Montgomery , who owns sev
eral line houndswas visited by the catchers.
The old man is a character. Ho has had
many misfortunes , and isnowmaking abruvc
struggle for bread in bis old ago , but ho has
little property except dogs , and they do not
him any revenue. Ho promised to pay the nee
essnry tax in a few days , but the catcher :
insisted on cash or dogs. Finding that they
were determined to take the hounds he
turned ono of them loose , a regular Sulli
van , who cleared the yard of intruders in
about a minute , Some of the catchers mak <
ing their exit in scanty and demoralized
clothinir. The old man was complained of ,
and yesterday called into court , His case
wus continued.
Several dogs were rescued from death bj
being purchased. Chief Lucas' big hearted
ness was touched by the pitiful condition ol
ono dog , and ho generously paid $3 for hit
tax , stucK a tag on the dog and turned hin
loose. W. W. Hinghutn , of Omaha , secured
a flao bird dog , ransoming nim at the prlc <
of the tax.
Charley White superintends the oxccutior
act. Ho calls throe times for some one , any
one , to pay the tax. If no response is made
the rope is fastened to the dog's collar , and
the canine Is drawn to the bottom of the
hogshead and quickly drowned.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lurs , cults and shirts by Cusuado Lauu
dry company.
J. II. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils
glass. 000 Man | , near John Morgen's.
S , B. Wads worth & Co. loan money
At St. Paul'd Gliuroti.
Those who attend St. Paul's Episcopa
church will bo gratified utloarnlng of the arrangements
rangoments tnudo for August. Hov. Mr
Mackay the rector , is expected homo by tin
1st of September. In the meantime the fol
lowing provisions are made for services ;
July 28 Morning prayer ana Suada
August 4 Holy communion ; Uov. Canoi
Doberty , S. T. D. , of Brownell ball , celc
brant and preacher.
August 11 Morning prayer ; sermon b
Rev. Canon Burgess , of Plattvnoutb.
Auguut 18 Holy communion ; Hov , Doa
Whltmarsb , of Norfolk , Nob. , celebrant an
August 25 Morning prayer ; sermon b
Hov. Canon Scott , of Beatrice , Neb.
Steam and hot water heating , flrst-claa
plumbing. Work done In both cities. Joh
Gilbert , CIS Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
For ale One Gar-Scott ton-horse portab ]
engine ; In good repair. Apoly to Weir-Shu
gart Co ,
A niomly Iluttle.
There will bo a bloody contest next Sur
day at Waterloo , Nob. , botweea J. M
Bcaalan , of this ulty and Mr , Uesnlclielc , o
Omahu. The contest will be one of th
features of the butchers plcnlo at that pluu
auil it will bo for the purpose of docidlu
which is Iho best butcher of the two. Thi
stakes are $20a side , and the rules prcscrlbi
the slaughtering and dressing of a stcor
The ono who does It best and In the shortcs' '
time will win the stakes. The odds nr <
n favor of Scanlan by a long ways.
llano Imitation * .
Certain parlies , wllhout brains enough tc
originate an Idea and without energy cnougl ;
to work up n trade on their own brand * , are
advertising themselves as solo agents for the
celebrated Saato Hosa cigars , which wo ln >
.reduced ten years ago , and which now on >
oy the roputnllon of being Iho best and mosi
widely known of any 10 cent clgnr sold Ir
, ho entire west. We therefore dcslro to in *
'orm the Irndo that wo 'always have beer
and are still solo owners and proprietors o
.his brand of clears , and wish to cauttoa the
trade that all brands of Santo Uosas nol
made In factory No. 121 , llrst district. Pa. ,
are base Imitations of the well known SnnU
Hosa. See that the label has printed thorcor
the words P , ft M.'s Santo Hosa Cuban
Made. All other * are imitations and are ol
nferlor quality. PEIUIGOY & Momin.
July 20 , Ibb'J. ' Council Bluffs , la.
A Waterway Wanted.
The city council , or a portion of that Indus
trial body , mot as committee of the whole or
he corner of Main street aud First avenue
csterdny to devise some moans Of solving
another waterway problem. For many years
iart of the alloy lying parallel with Mala anil
' "oufth streets between Broadway and Wil'
ow avenue has been drained by an open
vatorway constructed across a vacant lol
between the alloy and Main street. The
dloy was paved several years ago with this
Icprosslon in Dm center.
The city had a contract with Mr. Meyers ,
ho owner of the vacant lot , for the rlgnt of
surface waterway from the alley to Man
treet ncross Iho vacaat lot. There was nt
record kept of the contract , however , anil
vhen Mr. Meyers sold the lot to its proson' '
owner , T. J. Evans , Iho contract was an
nulled. Mr. Evans has commenced the orec
ton of 5 two-story brick building on the va
cant lot. and the waterway Is thus cut off.
The visit of the council was to secure some
ncans of averting a Hood la case of n storm ,
\ 1111 of two feet will bo required to turn th <
vater through the alloy to Willow 'avenue
and this would raise the grade to such ar
extent that it would seriously damage nl
ho store buildings In the block. The qucs
Ion will bo settled at the next meeting of thi
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's < fe Co.'i
oan oflico on furniture , pianos , horses
wagons , personal property of all kinds
uid all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
Mora Yelling Than Whipping.
The case of Ed Snyder , for cruelty to an I
tnals , was quickly disposed of yesterday , tbi
charge being dismissed. It appears that Clt ;
Attorney Holmes had been very mud
wearied at hearing the shouts of drivers ane
cracks of whips , as teams were being forcoc
to back into the city hall alloy , In the roar o
tbe Cascade laundry. The laundry does i
largo business , and there are not only theii
.cams , but others hauling coal , etc. , to tin
ilaco. The alley is narrow , and the grade i
ittle difficult , so that drivers as well a
lories have tholr patience sorely tried. Th
Trcquent shouts and whip crackings hav
disturbed the court , and City Attorney
Holmes , in his determination to bring nboul
a reform , started in on Sn.yder. The latto
denies tlmt bo wnipped the horse unduly
and defies the showing of welts or cuts. Al
of the laundry horses , la fact , have indlca
.Ions of being well kept and carou for. Tin
most plausible explanation is that the noise
of drivers has been the chief cause of com-
ilalnt , and now that so unpleasant notoriety
las been civen to the matter , there will b <
occasion for no further trouble.
To Brickmakers : Wo would like to shov
you a choice brickyard site near Broad\ra ;
n Council Uluffs. Prlco and terms reasonu
ble. Swan & Walker , No. 4 Pearl St.
Lots ol' Sniolcc.
Peregoy & Moore , the well-known whole
sale tobacconists of Council Bluffs , gave thi
argcst order recently that was perhaps eve
gave in the world to a cigar manufacturer
The order called for three million cigars o
ono brand , to bo delivered In Council Bluff
n ten thousand lots every day In the week
The cigar is a new brand which they havi
} ought outright. The immensity of this order
dor can bo bettor realized when it is consid
crcd that this means the work of 800 llrst
class cigar makers working every day in thi
, vook for months , and to get them to Couaci
Bluffs the exclusive time of perhaps lift ;
more men is required in packing , handlinj
and shipping They were compelled ti
uuy the entire product of a factory to ucej
the pirates from stealing the brand and reap
ng a harvest uuon the great reputation o
; ho firm. they are having a red-ho
Ight with the pirates who are appropriating
the famous Santa Hosa brand.
Baths at Munuwu Beach , near hotel. Prl
vuto bathing rooms for ladles and children
'llio Pnvlnc Brlok Question.
"I see THD BEK reports a scarcity of pav
Ing' brick in Council Bluffs , " paid a cit ,
aldoruian yesterday , "and asserts that Con
tractor Miller has been compelled to go out
side the city in order to obtain sufllcicni
brick to complete the contracts for bricl
pavement awarded him by the city. I don'
believe a word of it. I don't believe ho ha :
bought a brick out of town. If he has mad
such a statement I think It must have bcei
In the nature of a threat to make the Coun
cil Bluffs brlckuiukers come down in th
price of brick. The twelve or fourtoer
brickyards in the oily can furnish all th
bard-burned brick Mr. Miller may need fc
his contracts. One of the obj eels the coui
cil had in ordering brick paving was to kee
all the money at homo and there will be n
occasion for a foreign brick to be laid m th
streets this year.
TUB Bui : made the statement alluded t
upon good authority and for tue purpose o
furnishing the alderman aad the public goi
erallysomo ofllcial information upon the sut
joct , Contractor Miller was asked yosterda
evening for the facts.
"Yes , I have bought 800,000 bricks la Lit
coin , to bo delivered bore at once in lots c
twelve cars nt a time. The llrst train loa
will arrive next week. Hero is the contract
signed , sealed und delivered , and the brie
will bo forthcoming. 1 would liked to Imv
bought them here If It hud been possible.
have offered $10 a thousand for Counc
Bluffs brick , und have contracted fc
all I can get at that price , bi
I got the Lincoln brick delivere
hero for fS.M ) . They are hard-burned mi
chine brick ot better quality than thot
made here. If the council hud had oxtende
Iho lime of completion of my contract unt
next June , I think all the material neccssar
would have been produced hero , for a brlcl
making planl of proper capacity would ha\
been provided by that time. Undo Joh
Hammer and C. It. Mitchell are now burnin
a kiln constructed on sclentillo prlnciplt
that In my opinion will produce tlrst-clut
paving material , but it is too late to help in
much. My contracts cull for the use (
about $2,500.000 brick , and if 1,500,000 (
tliosu can bo made here I will bo satisfied i
pay $10 a .thousand for Ihom. "
"If Iho city couacil will' award anybody
contract for 75,000 yards of brick paving ,
said Contractor E. A. WIckham yestordu ;
"I will guarantee the erection this fall i
brick making plant to cost (50,000 ; or if U
board of trade will guarantee it the plan
will bo erected. "
"We have a better offer than lhal , " sal
Alderman Lacy. "If Iho council lets enouj
more paving la make a total of 40. 000 y an
wo are assured of a (30,000 brick inuklr
plant as soon as it can bo erected. Tliiav ]
certainly bo done next year and thcro wi
bo no scarcity of paving material , ' *
Wont Through n
The regular passenger and mall tram <
the Wubash road , which left Council Bluf
at 4 :30 : Thursday afternoon , went through
bridge near Marysvillo at 0 o'clock the nan
night. Every coach loft the track but II
baggage aud sleeper. Some of the passe
gers sustained slight Injuries , but none s
rlpus. One of the train men had his 1 <
broken. The mail car in which M. A. Gre
ory , of this city , takes cure of Uncle Sum
mull , was thrown down the embaukiner
In its descent it rolled over three times ac
T x
landed on Hi stdoilnUha ditch. Mr. Gregory
wus not shaken trplfieriously enough to prevent -
vent him conllnujni ; his run when a relief
Irnln arrived. General Manager F. M. Gault
and Auditor HcdlOn ( vent to the sccno of
the wreck yesterday1 In n special train and
will return to-day . "jtbo accident WAS caused
by the recent IjlilAvalcrs weakening Iho
supports of Iho bridge.
llio nietrlrjin-jUlnok Oprutntr.
The splendid new.Morrlam block on Main
and Pearl streets' was"ublazo with light last
light. All its spacious corridors , ofllccs and
rooms wcro thrown t > non to the public. Hun-
Ircds of Invitation * 1md been Issued to prom-
nent citizens of both cities , and the buildlne
vas filled with ntbrllllant throng during the
evening. The following musical programme
vas rendered !
Enroll . Dodge Light Guards . Dalby
tlcdloy . ' .O vo-turo . Heckor
Clarionet Solo. Hotnnntlc- Varic.Thornton
Mr. P. Fuchs.
Gavotte. . . .First Heart Throbs . . .Ellonborg
Selection . Ermlnlo . Jakobo wski
Trombone Solo . Some Day . Wolllngs
Mr. P. I. Koff.
Waltzes . Gipsy Girl . Dalby
Cornet Solo. . Sea Flowers Polka. . Hollluson
Mr. A. A. Covnlt.
Grand Finale.
No Mothers In Fiction.
A sick youth was lying1 in bed watch
ing with quiet eyes his mother's form
novinp gently about the room whore
'or weeks she hud boon ministering to
ilin with teiidorost heart and hands ,
says a writer In the Athmlic Monthly.
Thcro had boon n stillness there for a
ittlo while when the boy spoko. "I
wonder why there nro no mothers in
ictlon. " ' 'Why , there are , dear ; there
nust bo , " the mother answered quickly ,
jut when she tried to name ono she
'ound tnnt none came at the call. When
she related to mo the llttlo incident I ,
too , immediately Bald that our memory
nust bo strangely at fault that it did
lot furnish us with examples in plenty.
Material level Why , art was illlod
with illustrations of it and so was litora-
< uro. And yet , on making search , I
lee , have failed lo find the typical
mother where It seems she would bo so
easily found. I'havo no largo acquain
tance with the imilpinntivo lileraluro
of any language but pur own , and the
liction of other countries may afford
examples in this kind of which I know
nothing. But recalling the work of
our own llnest and best writers , their
treatment of the subject appears both
scant and slight. Calling the roll of
them from Fielding and Scott to Haw
thorne and Hardy , it strikes ono as
singular that they ono and all omitted
to delineate with any peculiar force and
beauty a human typo which suggests
itself so naturally as full of opportunity
for artistic representation.
Origin ofthe Term "liynch Iaw. "
It is not generally known that the
term " lynch law'1 originated in Camp
bell county , Vifginia , before the Revo
lutionary war , says the Pitteburgh Dis
patch. At that period the country was
thinly settled aud was infested with
lories and desperadoes too many of
Ihom apparently for the local authori
ties to adequately punish. Col. Charles
Lynch , a distinguished officer of the
Revolutionary army , undertook to rid
liis county of the outlaws. Ho
organized a force , arrested the
outlaws , and , having satisfied him
self anel comrades of the puilt
of the accused , tixecuted them without
reference to the constituted aulhorities.
While not altogclhor approving of the
despornlo remedy for a desperalo cause ,
the beneficial effect of Colonel Lynch's
iction was recognized und has" since
been known us ' 'Lynch's law" or "lynch
law. "
Lynch's process" of meting out speedy
justice extended to other parts of the
country , and is n well recognized form
of redress of grievances to-day , partic
ularly for that class of offenses' that are
popularly believed not to bo adequately
punished by the statutes and courts of
the state. Colonel Lynch's brothergavo
liis name lo Lynchburg , and left at > on
who was subsequently governor of
* -
A Wild AVcstcrn Bank.
The bank of Devil Lake , D. T. , and
many of the business men in early days
Imd in use a design for checks and letter -
tor heads which was a starling curi
osity. A sheaf of wheat stooel upright ,
with a ribbon for a band was inscribed :
"No. 1 hard In hoc signo vinces. "
Above the sheaf was a silver dollar
resting on its edge , the refercnco being -
ing to the uniform price , $1 a bushel for
wheat In these days. Upon the dollar
was presenteel an outline of the lake.
Above the dollar stood Beelzebub with
tail revealed , holding scales in one
hand and pointing with a spear in the
other to the exact locution of the city
on the lake. The motlo , "Give the
Devil His Duo , " completed this odd de
vice. This was printed upon the bills
of the bank.
The English Autograph , l\farkct. \
A catalogue of ono of the chief
dealers of London shows the following
valuations for autograph notes : Sarah
Bornhurdt , 12s ; Boswell , G guineas ;
Byron , 11 guineas ; Coloridgo , 2 ; Do
Quincoy , 2 guineas ; Dickens , 1 I2s Cd ,
Lord Beaconsliold , 1 10s ; David Gar-
rick , 4 ; "Frederick the Noble , 1 ;
William Godwin , Gounod , Charles
Kean , Lever , Macroady , Spurgeon or
Prince Albert , half a guinea ; William
Blake , 0 ; Cowper , 4 ; Quo n Eliza
beth , 22 ; Thomas Hood , 8 guineas ;
Johnson , 0 7s Cd ; Mary Queen of
Scots , 58 ; Samuel Richardson , G 10s ;
Dnnto , Gabriel Rosolli , 3 guineas ;
"VictorlaR. , " 2 6s ; William III. , 6
10s ; William IV. , 2 ; George White-
field , 3 guineas ; Wordsworth , 8
guineas ; Young , 4 guineas. A similar
catalogue issued in Paris offers Bnlzuo
at 10 francs ; Boulangor , 8 francs :
Baudolairo , 18 francs ; Chateaubriand ,
16 francs , Cornollle and Alfred do Mus-
sot , 00 francs to ipo francs ; Borlioz , 7
1 nines ; Victor Hugo , 6 francs ; BulTon ,
10 francs ; Coligny , 18 francs ; either of
the Dumas , 2 or' $ francs ; Joseph Sculi-
gor , 30 francs.
Trousers Makb Men Overbearing.
tMrs. Miller and , Miss Juunosstallcod'
homselvos hearse persuading us to
"strike" skirts arid go into "leglots,1
says the San Francisco Report. Some
of us , eager to progress , grabbed the
chance lo feel us , ' .much like untrammeled -
moled man ns possible , and got into
our "reform" togs at shortest notice , I
never realized until the Jcnnoss-Millo
tidal wave why.mon were BO overheat
ing. It's all because tholr logs arc
comfortable. Such freedom of move
ment , Huch ease of locomotion , is calcu
lated to make unybody feel as though
ho owned the earth. Wo women are
elowly but surely foiling a foothold
and will demand a share of Iho globe
before many moons.
AT nruoaisTS jtxii Dritr * .
W CHARLES A. VOSELER CO. , BtltlmoriU < .
Are determined not to remove any Summer Goods into their new store ; therefore we
have concluded to inaugurate a removal sale , and give 20 per cent discount on all sales
from now until we remove into our new store , This sale means a loss of thousands of
dollars to u5. 20 per cent discount on every sale , no matter what class of goods you
buy , whether it is muslins , .sheetings , coats' buttons or any other staple or fancy article.
Besides the above we offer for this week special :
150 Embroidered Dresses tlmt cost from $5 to 316 , nt $2.50 ench. -
All our French Saloons and beat quality Scotch Ginghams that sold for 40o , 50c and GOc n , yard , at 23o.
All of our best English Sateens at 10o iv yard. " 'V , ,
All of our best prints including Indigo Blue , at Go yard. . , - ,
All of our best India SUUs tit-15o a yard.
All of OHM * Summer Silks at 25c n yard.
All of our Silk POIIROO finish linen Rlnphams at 12 cents a yard.
All of our best Embroidered White Suits and wrappers at o'no half ol former prices.
All of our parasols and Slllc Umbrellas and Fans regardless of cost. "
All of our table linens , towels , napkins , for less than cost.
Great bargains in hosiery , gloves , handkerchiefs , ladies underwear , in fact every article of summer poods must go.
This great closing sale in our old houaj will draw the largest crowd over seen in any store In the city.
Wo have had sales before , but novcr offered the barjra'iiH now to bo had.
Our last month In our olu place shall bo devoted to slaughtering goods , and giving the public the greatest benefit
sale that over took place in the went.
Jijxit * _ r TIME.
The goods and prices will tell their own story , at
Henry Eiseman & Co.'s
Arrf ! ll's Inscription of n 1'rlzo Fight
Between Trojan 81ngs ; rH.
The first prize fight of which wo have
any detailed description , says the Now
Orleans Picayune , was specially re
ported by the great Latin poet , Virgil ,
in the fifth book of the JEnoid. When
Prince Eneas was escaping with his
followers from the dcstructinn of Troy
ho anchored his fleet olT Iho coast of
Sicily and landed the men and women
for a season of rest. To celebrate the
occasion ho organized contests of archers -
ors , wrestlers and boxes , besides a re
gatta and foot-races. The prize fight
was between Entellus , an old athlete ,
and Dares , a young champion of tlio
ring. Wo are nol told if the marquis
of Quoonsberry's rules were used or not ,
buc there were scientific regulations.
Both champions had their fists armed
with gloves of rawhide and load.
Eutellus , "stripped of his quilted
coat , his body bared , composed of
mighty bones and brawn , " while Dares
"his trawny back and ample breubt he
hows. "
Both on the tiptoe stand nt full extent ,
Their arms aloft , their bodies Inly bent ;
Their .beads from altalnc blows they bear
afar ,
vVIth clashing gauatlets they provoke the
Before , behind , the blows are dealt : arouad
Their hollow sides with rattling thumps re
Heavy with ago , Entellus stands his ground ,
But with his warping body wards the
His hand aad watchful eye keep oven pace ,
While Dares traverses and shlfto his place.
And like a captain who beleaguers round
Some stronghold castle on a riainp ground ,
Views all the approaches with observing
eyes ,
And more on art than on force relics.
Finally the old man grows warm and
rushes upon his antagonist :
Ho lays on loads with either hands amain ,
Nor stop nor stays , nor rest nor breath al-
loms ,
But storms of strokes descend on Dares'
The young man is beaten and has to
bo taken from the field.
His mouth and nostrils poured a purple
flood ,
And broken teeth came rushing with his
A Geological Curiosity.
What is described as a geological cu
riosity is in the office of the acting
chief clerk of the United States war de
partment , Washington. It is a piece
of siono weighing about ono pound , 13
inches in length , lij inches in width
and i inch thick. Thcro is no doubl
about its being a genuine stone , but it
nevertheless possesses the flexibility of
a piece of India rubber. When taken
in the hand and shaken in the direc
tion of its fiat surface , it will bend back
ward and forward with a dull sound.
This is what is known as itacolumnile ,
or clastic sandstone. It is btaled lhal
a whole mountain of it exists in south-
era Nevada , a short distance east ot
Death Valley. It is found in California ,
Georgia and other localities in Iho
Uniled Slalcs.
Divorce and Drunkenness Unknown.
In Lced's Valley , in Iho vicimlv of
Birmingham , Ala. , there is a colony
composed of a religious sect known.ns
Shormanites. There are about ono
hundred families , and a happier , more
contented people cannot bo found iu the
world. Their religious rites and cere
monies are peculiar. Who founded the
society none of them seems to know ,
but it is very old , as the fathers and
grandfathers of Iho presenl generation
were Shermanitcs. They chum lo fol
low Iho loachings of Iho Now Tcsla-
mcnt in spirit and loiter , and they be
lieve that only Shormanitos will inherit
the kingdom of heaven. They have
churches and have preachers and wor
ship in a raannarsimiliar to many other
religious sects. Ono of their peculiar
rites is the washing of feet. A fool-
washing service is hold once every
month , at which the preacher washes
the foot of every member of his church.
The members then in turn wash the
feet of Iho preacher and each other.
They are industrious and scrupulously
honoal. Divorce and drunkenness are
never known among them. The men
never cut their hair or boards.
F OH KENT 1,2 or 3 nicely furnished rooms
ut ilU 1'irst avenue.
TTlOIl KXCIIANOK Borne valuables property.
J ? la Council lllnlfH for a well Improved farm
In euntorn Nebraska. Farm in nit bo clear , or
nearly no. Johnson & Van fatten , Kverett
> AHTiniAGK First-class upland pa tu rage
i for uhout 100 head more or uock ; ft mtlei
north of city , ou lima kiln roxd ; nienty pure
water , shade und suit ; good man In charge of
stock. U 1' . Judson. fcu Sixth live. , Council
Illutra , telephonu 1UO ; or tV. W. JIcMution , at
pqstura ,
I71INE family team for ale , or trada for
, J lot , Inquire 1J ! Went llroadvvay ,
lKAfi KSTATK llontjtit anil sold and ex-
-IV chaiiKed. Bpecliil attention Klvxn to nruin-
inatlou o ( vltlea. \ \ \ C. Jam us , No. 10 I'earl at. ,
Council HlutW.
ANTKD-ltellublo men to solicit stock In
lowu for tlm Nortliv\eatern Loan and
Ilutldlnu iiHuoelatlon. Marian llros. , Mirriam
block , Council lllulls.
T OST lIctwceirMnla und I'eurl etreetB. on
-LJ llroalway. yeitterday atternoon , u pursa
ronuiulua exprcKh rcci-fpt und notno money.
Fiudsr will please leave It at the lien olllce.
In th city. Gilt edged opportuultl 4 to luimo
diat inventors
Great Reduction in Prices on Carpets ,
Lace Curtains , Portiers , Rugs and
Upholstery -Goods.
This is Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale
Our old customers Know oxnclly what this means , viz
A Bona Fide Cut Regardless of Cost. Cash we
Want and Must Have ,
We propose to give the best values ever offered
on the Missouri Siope.
H II.vdru.ulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates
. Specitications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Building , Council lilulTn , Iowa.
Justice of Iho Peace. OHlce over American Express , No. 41
N . Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. _
Ri C I IWI C Attornoys-at-Law. Practice In the State and Foili
Ot OIIVIO oral Courls. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugarl-Bono Blockj
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
H Tll I M A N AUoniey-al-Law , Room 4 , Second Floor , Brown.
I It O I ILLIVIAn Block , llo Pearl St. , Council BlulTs , la. Will
praclico in Stale and Federal Courls. _
LEONARD EVFRFTT--Attornov at Liluv' co NO. ic pear
- " -
Especially Adapted for
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators
Speculations anil estlmnttM tarnished for coinjlotontenm plants. HoRiilntlnn. durability
guaranteed. Can bhow letters from iiburu wlicro fuel uummnyi * o.iaal
with OjrllsM Non-Condonslutf. Kend for ent-ilojjuo.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent.
No. BIO Pearl Strcel , Council Bluffs.
J. D. KnuuNnsotf. n.L. SIIUOAUT.
. . . . . .
1'rcs. Vleo J'res.
CilAB. It. llANNOir , Cashier.
Up Capital . Hfio.ono.oo.
Buriilns .
I.liiblllty to Duposltora. . . : tiriM.m.
DuiKCTOue I. A. Miller , l'\ < ) . Oluuhon , K. U
Blmgart , H. K , Hart , J. D. Kdmundnon.Chns. IU
linnnon. Transact ut > aernl banking uiialaeES.
Largest cupltnl nau tmrplus of any bunk lu
bouthttestt-rn Iowa. Interest on time deposits.
luos. UrriCER. w. n. M. Poguy
Corner Main and Broadway ,
Dealers In foreign c.nd domestic xchanga.
Collection ! mad * and tnUrait puld ou tlaio de
posit * .
No. 1O Pearl St.
Auent Amcrkan IHilMlnit and Loan Aesocla-
on. No , U'J I'earl t. , Ur-bl'A IIIH.
Oil AH. O , IClittOOU ,
Monuy loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , liorxes , buggies or anything
of value ut low nieo of interest , No ,
publicity , fair und honorable dealing
A. A. Clark & Co. , ofllco cor. Broadway
aad Muin , ever American oxprcca ,
Centrally locctod. Flrfit-clnss turnout * ) ,
frenli homes and new cuirla e.s. Nol un old
rlKl" the stable. Special attention given to
funcrulb , and icdiuod rates for carUuges for
tilth iiurnono.
iiurnono.W. . A. IIAVE8 , Proprietor.
Telephone 77 , liw llroudway ,
Adiipted to tint public schools , Tlio only
complete tliliik' of Itx kind In existence and In *
dlfipeasllilo In the M'hool room. Hcliool boitrdp
dfulrlnir tlm moat perfect help for tlio toachvrd
me Invited to examine thix , Address
General A Kent ,
721 Willow Avo. , Council IJIultn , Jowo ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity ,
An excellent educational liiHtlttitton , fur *
nlshed with nil modern Improvements for
boarding and day Hchool. Tli atedernlo your
conslstHof two sessions , beginning on the flfjjti
Monday in Beptombcr uud February , respeolt
iv ly.
TBUMB Hoard ami tuition , per session , lit ,
For further particular * address
SloturHuporlor , Hr. Kraiiols Aoademy ,
Coiinoll liluffr , In. '
Sporting Headquarters , i
G-EO. H. DEXTER , ? 1
Hltuntlons obtained for men und women oil ?
of employment. Competent und reliable hclu
Buuritntued for Utopia desiring It.
UJSO. H. IU3XTHU. Manager ,
Itoom i , Hi 1'eftrl St. ( Up bl