Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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July Wheat Bulls Glvo an Exhlbl-
tlon of Tholr Power.
An Active Dcinnntl Par Cnhh OfTar-
JMRH of Corn Provision Trailing
I'nrtlnlly Demoralized Cai
tic Bring Strong Prices.
Cuiuioo , .luty 2(5. ( [ Special Telegram to
THE Unc. ] The screws were out on July
wheat tilts morning with Just enough to Im
press the crowd with tlio feeling that the
price could bo shoved up through
I the colllnR If necessary. Hldor Hutchm-
Bon , the blft bond broker , victoriously
bid the prloo from S2c to 82Ko and Clifford
bid 83Jfo without Retting anythlnr ( , The ex
tent of the short was nn unknown
quantity , but the hnpressloit has proviulcd In
usually wflll In formed quarters that there
\vuro two or three good-sized Bhorta holdlug
out nnd that Hutchlnson was going to force
them to give In. This may not have been
the status of the case , bat along about noon
the peg was oullcd out nnd the word went
nrjunil that the shorts had nettled and that
there was nothing to hold July at a premium
excepting a few scattering lives and tens
bcld In anticipation of a squeeze.
' 'Tho July deal has been closed up , "
enld one of the best posted brokers
on 'change. "I can give you that
straight , " ho added , Tlio crowed jumped to a
similar conclusion. July broke to S0c , with
offers 80V c. Subsequently the price went to
81c , where it was at the closo. Aside from
the July Incident the market wa's destitute
of Interesting features , News was a scarce
article. Cables wore received to suit mod
erate views on both sides , but the edge of the
foreign bullishness seems to liavo worn off to
n great extent. The seaboard hud now ex
port business to report and the shipping de
mand has Abated at Interior markets. Ho-
cclpts are on the increase , though tlio rainy
weather is still ( htorfcrtng considerably with
the fi'ccddm of the movement , The local
demand Is rather less urgent , though cholco
wMent is snot likely to go begging at
thlj iStage , of the movement. Trading in
futures wus on a moderate scale , and until
the brqak In July fluctuations were confined
to. a narrow range and December opened
nt 7c , and for two hours
the prlco kept within 79j @SOc.
Once It got to TO tTOJfc , but it wus only
momentary. When the props were with
drawn the scalpers got on top of the market
and jammed It down to TOc. It recovered
MO nnd December closed at 79) ) e. Septem
ber opened nt 77J c , runted at 783 ( < ? 76J c ,
and closed nt 77J c. Compared with yester
day July shows n loss of IJiC , August % c
nnd September nnd December Ic. North
western crop estimates received yesterday
were generally discredited , thouch wheat is
conceded to bo eood. Reports of rust alonr
the northern edge ot the winter wheat belt
and the southern edge of the spring wheat
bolt were received , but had no eflcct. There
Is still too much rain through the winter
wheat country.
The demand for cash offerings of corn was
active ut higher figures than on Thursday ,
but in the speculative branch of business
trmlo'was dull , fluctuations were confined tea
a narrow ninpo nnd the feeling was very 1't- '
tlo better than steady. Juiy was Influenced
by the cash demand , but September deliv
ery , which is the most active in trading , was
more affected by the weakness in wheat.
Outside domestic markets were firm early ,
but responded later In the day to the chaugo
which occurred hero. There was dlfllculty
In executing orders for export on account of
ocean tonnapo and the consequent higher
rate asked for was felt toward the close of
the market , when wheat was at its weakest.
There was considerable selling out of Sep
tember corn , nnd there were a few minutes
of activity , which was soon over , however ,
leaving the market quiet , with an easy feelIng -
Ing at the closo. July closed at 3Gc , and
September at K > % @ 'Mc , against 3Cc on the
precedliig'day. J uly ut ono tlmo toay was
in good demand at 3Gj > ic , and September at
Oats were dull and nearly stationary on
the spcculativo market , with operators in n
making mood , and the outstdo trade was
light. As a result there were no fluctuations
of consequence , nnd little Interest at any
tlmo displayed. The leeliug was about
steady , with July at 22c. May about 3o
'premium nnd September 21c. The re
ceipt * were slightly below the estimate , with
ICO cars expected for to-morrotv. No. 2 to
'go to store sold nt 22 0 , No. 3 white for
August nt 25/l @ 2.ri)4C and September at the
In provlilons trade was m a somewhat
domornlbcd condition. Short ribs , under
the support given by u couple of prominent
puckers , hold their own quite well and prices
suffered no more than their late almost daily
decline. In pork , however , weakness and de
pression were the ruling features. It was
practically wanting In support of any kind.
Even the small short interest remaining in It
were only half hearted In tliuir biying , and
when the frightened holders attempted to
realize , sharp declines naturally followed.
Trading In porlf opened nt figures closely
approximating yesterday's close , but from
the highest quotations reported Urn market
broke 2''Jfc bctoro experiencing a turn 'Iho
recovery , when it did come , was only a re
action ana failed to improve the prevailing
fooling. Trndo was bearish , being con
trolled by advices from the country concernIng -
Ing corn and hogs , and it wus impossible to
develop any conlUlctico. The day's last quo
tations stood at the lowest figures touched
for lard , -1KU higher than the snmo for short
ribs and lUc higher for pork. In pork the
decline actually suffered was 12 @ 2Uo and
in lard and short ribs 2 c.
cmo/vuo / LIiv 12 srooii.
CniCAao , July 20. [ Special ToloBram to
TUB BEK.I CATTI.K. The receipts were
divided between 7,000 natives nnd 2,000
Toxans. No rangers were in sight up to a
late hour and none were reported in sight.
IJuHlncss was nciivo and prices steady to
strong on prime corn-fed stock , but all other
grades of natives , especially green anil
gratsy stock and such as had to compete
with Tcxuns , romaln slow and weak. They
are always left until nearly everything else
is sold , There were no fresh rangers on the
market. Kango cuttlo will get tlio go-by as
long as theto are so many clioap and Rood
natives. Texans wore quoted lOo higher ,
making nn advuncoof ISfiMOo in two days on
best common and canning stack. Native
butcher * ' stock continues to sol
n shade stronger than at the opening
of the week. Dealers In stocuers and fccdcri
reported that there wus some inquiry for
peed stock , but that light steers
were not wanted. Choice to extra
ers Una feeder * , fc3.00i.ija.00 : cows , bulls am
mixed , $ UO@a.OOj bulk , $2.00@2.8oslop.fei ;
steers , f3.CO ( < J4.l > 0. Texas cattle were lOo
lower : steers , t&SEgS.b'Sicows , fUO2.45
natives and half-breeds , 12.50 3,50.
| i n lloug Trade was very slow on packers
Bnd heavyweights , with a downturn of a
strong 10c , closing weak nt W.16j4.20 ( for
rougii and common , und fur fulr
to Rood packers. Selected heavyweights
old early ut M-iM-Up , hut Inter they couh
have been hud a nickel U n , Light sorts un
ciorwent little or no change , sellinu nt W.tWff
4.60. Llfht lulxed sold readily at W. ( < J4.&y
KEW YOIIK. July 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tun UKK.I SiocKs-Tho action of the
market yesterday was the cause of tnoro
than usual interest lu stock circles lus
night , It was conceded that the boars were
repulsed. They attempted to raid the market
kot , helped by n big commercial failure
TTioy not only failed , but before the end o
the day some of their number changed fron
nnd tunica buyers. The upturn was more
than even the bulls expected m one hour ,
rhoro are evidences of an American nnd for-
! gn combination to punish the shorts In Sf
3nul nnd other slocks , whcro the conditions
nro favorable. The taking of Hurllngton ,
Atchlson nnd Union Pnclllc by Uoston was
, ho subject of much comment. It la believed
by many that In the recent transactions
leading has gone Into strong hands. All
things had tholr weight at the opening
o-day. First prlco ? showed , In many cases ,
an mlvuncu over last evening's closing fig
ure * of from * § * to K 1'or cent , whllo Mis-
our ! Pacific was exceptional with a inln ? of
{ per cent , and the only marked declines
"ere in Northwestern and Jersey Central.
Y > r n tlmo thcro was a hesitating market ,
tut later In the hour there was a firmer feei
ng , und St. Paul , Union Pacific and Now
taclund took the lead In the advance ,
.hough the pains were only fractional.
How Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago & St.
Louis stock , however , was strong all the
way out , and after opening up ? jf per cent ,
nt 07 , rose steadily to OSJ . More animation
accompanied the advance and nt 11 o'clock
the mnrKct was quiet and strong at the host
prices reached. There was llttlo change In
iricos or in the character of dealing * uqtll
noon , when the figures generally were at
about the best points of the morning. There
was us decided n break In prices In stocks
before the close to-day as there was a bulge
ycstorday. The weakness was not confined
o any class of Accuritics , but included the
entire list. Grangers and coalers suffered
, ho moit. From the host prices of the day
the decline extended from 1 to IK Per conli
with no recovery from the bottom figures.
Not only were the gains of the forenoon lost ,
jut prices went below the closing figures of
yesterday. Lake TShore dropped bioK to
101 Ji , Burlington foil below par again ,
Northwestern went off to lOOSt. . Paul to
Atchlson broke to 3 % , Missouri Pa
cific to tifljf , Union Pacific to SS : Suiar
rusts fell back to 100 , Heading to 4tJ ; { , nnd
Lnehuwunna to 143jtf. The weakness was on
the raid on Heading and the attack on grang
ers by local traders.
The1 following were the cloilnif quotations
0. S. 4s regular , 12SJJ Northern 1'aclflc. . 27U
U. 8. 4s coupons . . . . do preferred . O3'i '
U. 8. 4Vs regular . . O. & N. W . KXiy
U. S. 4J4tcoupono. do preferred . KM
1'a.ciuc.nsof ' 03 . 118 N.Y.L'eutral . 105K
Central 1'acino. . . . : Ui ? . o.E
Chicago & Alton . . . . 125 Hock Island . 94
Chicago , Hurllngton .f. . .
& .Oulncv . OO On preferred . IDS
D..S.&W . 143 StJ'aul&Clmahii. . H2 ;
Illinois Central . lll ; ! { do preferred . ttl
I. , II. & W Union Pacific . .M
W..St. L. & ! . 14
I.ako Shore . 101 ? ; ilo preferred . 2.SJ
Michigan Central. . 8 Western Union. . . . M
Missourll'acino. . .
MONET Easy , 1) @ 3 per cent.
co nt
nLiso EXCIIAXOC Quiet , but steady ;
sixty-day bills , H.S5& ; demand , S4.S7 , .
CniOAao , July 20. lihp. : m. close Wheat
Weak nnd lower ; cash , 81c ; September ,
77J < c ; December , 79XC.
Corn Shade easier ; cash , 30tfc ; August ,
85 15-lOc.
Oats Steady ; cash , 22j ) c ; August nnd
September , 2lc ,
Hye Cash , 43c.
Barley No. 2 , September , CS o.
Prime Timothy $1.45.
Flax Seed No. 1 , C1.33&
Whisky 11.03.
Pork Easier ; cash , $10.07X ; Aueust ,
S10.70 , ScDtember , $10.80.
Lard Steady ; cash and August , t < 3.12 > ;
Sentembor. $0.20.
Flour Quiet und. unchanged.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $5.12J @ 5.25 ;
short clear. $3.75 < 35.87K ; short ribs ,
Butter Quiet ; creamery , 10J @ 10c ; dairy ,
Choose Dull ; full cream chcddara
nnd flats , 7@14c ; Yountr Americas , 7 /7 > c.
EgKs-Dull ; fresh , 10@llc.
Hides Steady.
Tallow Firmer ; No. 1 solid packed , 4@
; cake , 4o.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour . 11.000 11,000
Wheat . 00,000 17,000
Corn . 1W,000 257.00C
Oats . 176,000 347,000
Now York. July 20. Wheat Receipts ,
1,600 ; exports , 82,000 ; steady ; demand mod
erate ; Nn. 2 red , SSu in store , 83o afloat ,
88 J@.fOKo ' t. o. b. ; ungraded red , 78 # @
S9)4c ) ; options dull and irregular ; July ,
Corn Receipts , 77,000 bushels : exports ,
119,000 bushels ; spot fairly active and
firmer ; No. 2 , 43 > f@435ic In elevator ,
44Ko afloat ; ungraded mixed , 42 %
outlons quiot.
Oats Receipts , 29,000 ; exports , none ; spot
steady but quiet ; options quiet nnd firm ;
July , 27Jic ; August , 27fc ; September , B7 c ;
spot , No. 2 white , 33 > s'iS34o ( ; mixed western ,
Coliee Options closed barely steady and
5@10 points up ; sales , 40,250 bags ; August ,
S14.15@14.25 ; September , J14.'iO@14.45 ; spot
lUo , quiet ; fair cargoes , J17.25.
Petroleum Quiet but steady ; United
closed ntUl.OOtf.
Eggs Quiet und easy ; western , 13@13) ) c.
Pork Steady but quiet ; now , $12.60@
Lard Quiet and easier ; western steam ,
J0.52K ; August. $0.50.
butter Steady to weak ; creamery , lljtf ®
17c : dairy. 10@12Kc.
Choose Fairly active and easy ; western ,
lilverpoo ] , July 20. Wheat Quiet , do-
roand poor ; holders oiler moderately ,
No. 1 , California. 7s 3d@7s 4d ; red western
winter , Oa ll d@7s UMu\
Corn Quiet and aemand poor ; now
mixed , 4s l d.
St. IJOIIIH. July 20. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 75 % < J ; August. 74. @ 74Ko.
Corn Lower ; cash , 339 0 ; August , 32Kc ,
Oats Lower ; cash , 22o ; August , 21 c.
Pork-Dull , $11.50.
Lard-Dull , $5.75.
Butter Firmer ; creamery , 14@10c ; dairy ,
Cincinnati , July 20. Wheat In mod
erate demand ; No. 3 red , 70@80c.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , HSc.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 20@27c.
Whisky Steady aUl.O'J.
Kaunas CHy. July 20. Wheat-Higher ;
No. 2 red , cash , 08c ; August , Cflo asked ; No.
8 red , cash und August , r > 0 > fo bid ; No , 2 soft ,
cash , ( VJKo hid ; July , 09o bid ; August. OOo.
Corn Quiet ; No , 2 , cash. U7o bid ; No ,
2 whlto cash , 2S > > ) fc asked.
Oats Cash , 20o asked ; August 17o bid ;
September , ISc.
, July 20. Wheat In mod
erate demand ; receipts , 93 cars ; shipments ,
53 curs. Closing : No , 1 hard , July , fl.02 ;
on track , $1.03 ; No , 1 northern , July , OOo ;
September , 79e ; on track , iKks ; No. 2
northern , July , 84o ; on truck , SSQbSc.
Milwaukee , July 20. Wheat Dull ;
cash , "CKu ; September. 70 > c.
Corn-Dull ; No. 3. HO o.
Outs-Quiet ; No. 2 white , 2SQ2SKo.
Uyo Firm ; No. 1 , 43V < fo.
Hurley Easy , September , OOc.
Provisions Easier ; pork , $ U.05 } { .
CliloaRo , July 20 The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 8,500 ; market steady ;
boovog , $4.20@4.35 ; steers , $3.50@4.15 ;
stackers and feeders , $300@3.00 ; cows.
bulls and mixed , fl.40@U.OO ; Texas cattle ,
$1.40 < 32.b5 ; natives und hulf-broeds , | 2.00@
Hugs RecolpU , 15,000 ; market heavy
and IDolower ; mixed , $4,20@4.60 ; heavy , * 4.15
4.40 ; light , $4.35@4.80 ; skips , $3r > 0@4. ( < 0.
Sheep > Receipt 0,000 ; market steady ;
natives , 1.75 ( 4.85 ; woatern , $ . ) .OC > @ 4.20 ;
ToxaiiB , $2.70(34.10 ( ; lambs , $ l.75$0.00. (
KunHAs Oily , July 20. Cattle Receipts ,
5,000 ; shipments , 1,500 ; uativo cows ,
steady to 5o higher ; common to medium
corn-fed steers , $2.90@4.15 ; stackers and
fecdern , tl.GOfflaoUj caws , $1.50(32.70. (
Hops Receipts , 7,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ;
market "weak , llirht , 6@10o lower ; heavy
and mixed , lOo lower ; light , $ l.l7J5 < ii4.S2W :
heavy and mixed , \il 65 < g4. '
Nalioniil tilook VTard-f. Hist : St.
Ijinils , July 2 ; ) . Cattle Receipts , 700 ;
shlpmcnu. 1,100 ; market steady ; choice
hcuv.V imtlvo steers , $3.80 ( 4.30 ; fair to good
heavy native steers , $3.003.W ) ; stockers
and feeders , $2.15@3.00 ; ranger * , corn-fed ,
$2.70 < g3.30 ; grass-fed , $1.0088.00.
Hogs Recoipti , 2,100 ; Bhlpmeut * , 1WO ;
rrmrkct weak ; heavy , t3.40@ packing ,
14,20 ; llRht grades , W.40@4 55.
Sioux City , July 20 Cattle Uecelpts.
44 ; shipments , HO ; market steady fit
steers , $3.00@3.W ( ; feeders , * 2.25@2.JO ( ;
stackers , (2.152.40 ; canners mm bulls ,
700(31.25 ( ; veal calves. $ J.OO 3.0 ,
Hogs Ucccipts , 1,030 ; mnrltct lower ; llRht
nnd mixed , f .55@4.12 > o ; heavy , f4.07)g ) (
UM < Vil < \ STODIC.
FnitUT , July 20 ,
Light rccolpts caused prices to stronptnon
npnin to-day , nnd before mid-day all the de
sirable cattle had changed hands. The Ron-
oral quality of the cattle offered wns not
very good , with the exception ot n few loads.
The common cattle ruled about steady , uud
the pens were well cleared of nil offerings ,
Another disastrous break In prices marked
the ho ? trade again to-day. The market
opened fairly early , and by noon nil but a
few loads hud sold. Prices dropped fully
lOu from yesterday's closing basis , the bulk
of the hogs going nt $1.00.
Thcro was none received.
Cattle . 650
Hogs . 5,700
Sheep . -
The following U a tibia of prlosj paU la
this market for the gr.i-.loj of stos men
tinned :
Prime steers. 1300 to 1000 lbj.$3.80 (84.10 (
Good stcoi-s , 1250 to 1450 Ibs. . . 3.70 '
Good stuers , 1050 to 130U Ibs. . . 3.25 @ 3.V ( >
Common dinners 1.25 052.00
Ordinary to fair cows 1.75
Fiilrloijood cows 2.30 02.40
Good to cholco cows 2.40 ( " ( 2,75
Cholco to fancy cowsheifers. . 2.70 (53.00 (
Fair to k'ood bulls 1.75 (3)2.25 ( )
Good to choice bulls 2.25 ( < J-5U
Light stockers nnd feeders. . . . 2.70 ( 2.00
Good feeders. 950 to 1100 Ibs. . 8.00
Fair to choice Hunt hops 4.00 C$4.10
Fair to cholco heavy hogs 4.00 @ 4.0. >
Fair to choice mixed heirs 3.05 M4.03
Shorn sheep 8.00 ( S4.00
Roprcauntntlvo Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
10. . , . 718 $3 15 20 1193 $3 70
0. . . . . 703 3 25 i0 ! 12(58 8 70
1. . , . 9SO 3 25 8 1825 870
17. . , . 918 3 35 17 1130 3 75
10. , , .1010 8 35 25 1249 3 75
20. . , .1090 3 40 17 HIS 375
9. . , .1178 3 55 31 1418 3 tSO
18. . . .1044 3 GO 23 1103 8 SO
17. . . .1101 3 05 44 1433 H 95
13. . .1040 1 70 3. .1130 2 00
0. . . 893 1 80 2. . S85 2 00
20. . . S91 1 85 10. . Ml 3 10
1. . .1000 2 00 C. .1070 2 25
48. 904 2 00 5. 840 2 35
4. . .1145 2 00 18 heifers 823 2 50
23. . 900 2 05 1 810 3 00
.1100 1 80
.2000 2 40
No. Av. Off. Pr. No. Av. Off. Pr.
10. . , .341 120 $3 85 OS. , .217 40 402
24. . , .270 . . 3 05 70. , ,238 120 403
18. . , .294 120 8 05 07. , .2 ( i 100
22. . . .273 60 97K 57. , .2110 12(1 (
24. . . .325 120 8 07H 01. . , ! > 5t 240 4 02
03. . , . 4G 80 00 49. .24 ! ) 80 4
51. . , .273 80 00 CO .271 120
02. . . .817 80 00 72 40
59. . . .203 80 00 70. .348 80
70. . . .234 SO 00 07. .232 4 05
05. . . .200 40 00 80. .238 120 4 05
57. . , .2S7 ICO 00 09. .245 40 4 05
73. . . .225 100 03 45. 40 05
07. . . .240 120 00 30. . 'J87 80 05
5S. . . .293 120 00 07. .237 100 05
CO. . . .290 40 00 54. .820 . . 05
GO. . . .242 40 00 70. .203 120 05
05. . . .243 120 4 00 CO. .845 60 4 05
72. . . .201 120 00 05. .230 . . 4 05
71. . . .257 80 00 71. 235 80 4 05
50 . . .240 120 00 00. .251 100 4 05
57. . . .274 SO 00 57 .272 80 4 05
05. . . .250 240 00 05. .257 120 4 05
83. . . .203 200 00 54. .289 120 4 05
03. . . .247 100 00 03. .257 80 4 05
00. . . .242 40 00 09 .2S7 80 4 05
CO. . . .252 SO 00 72. .231 120 4 05
CO. . . .203 100 00 65. .235 200 4 05
09. . . .2SO 40 00 00 .207 . . 4 05
53. . . .283 120 00 74. .253 80 4 05
184. . .220 ICO 00 45. .222 40 4 05
07 . . .258 200 00 77. .214 100 407K
01. . . .240 200 00 O'l. .199 120 4
07. . . .280 80 01) ) CO .219 . . 4
01. . . .280 80 00 03. .251 . . 4
54. . . .294 120 00 OS .213 . . 4
05. . . .304 120 00 CO. .231 40 4
CO. . . .277 00 47. .209 4
58. . . .303 SO 00 53. .190 4
CO. . . .247 280 00 42. .212 40 4
CO. . . .270 120 00 70. 229 120 4
02. . . .271 120 00 03. .203 120 4
03. . . .203 100 00 43. .209 40 4
54. . . .231 120 00 03. .201 80 4
04. . . .2S3 ICO 00 80. .183 100 4
45. . . .334 00 70. .311 120 4 12 ;
59. . . .803 120 4 02K
Idve Stock Notes.
The hog market goes lower again to-day.
A. Tracy came in from Nelson with a car
of cattle.
Thorp Bros. , of Wood River , marketed
hogs to-day.
J. S. Hulloran came in from O'Neill with a
car of cattle.
G. A. Cummins , of Hoag , was hero to-day
with a car of hogs.
S. O. Rymer was In from Columbus with a
shipment of cattle.
J. T. Shroyer , of Grafton , was hero with
three cars of cattle.
Sam Cotnor , Jr. , of Plckrcll , was hero to
day with a car of hoes.
Inspector Clark Howard condemned a
lumpy } aw this morning.
W. S. O'Brien , of Newman's Grove , was
on the market with cattle.
Charley Wolcb , of Paplllion , was at the
yards with a car of hogs.
Fuller , Smith & Fuller , of Newman's
Urove , marketed bogs to-day.
D'rcmont Hey , an every-dny dealer at Sil
ver Creek , was In with a car of hogs.
Shep Raymond came In from Columbus
with u car of hogs of his own feeding.
R..B. Gammell , a prominent dealer at Her
man , was here to-day with three cars of cat
S. R. Black , a prominent dealer at Kear
ney , was at the yards looking after a ship
D. E. Severs , of the firm of C. H. Parma-
leo & Co. , of Cedar Creek , was in with two
loads of hogs.
Jerome F. Wares , of the James H. Campbell -
boll company , Kansas City , accompanied by
his wife , are at the Exchange ,
C. W. Shelton , ot Porcival , la. , was In with
cattle for E. W. Bunks , of McPaul , la. The
cattle sold for $3.80 and $3.05.
A. J. Weam , a prominent shipper from
Hastings , la. , and family are the euests of
S. J. CofTmun and family for a few days.
H , Dlers came in from Crowoll with a
car of hogs. Mr. Diers says there is plenty
of stock in his locality for this time of the
J , M , Bennett , of Hoatr , was looking over
the yards to-day. Mr. Bennett has sold out
bis plant and retired from the shipping busi
ness. Ho says that during the past year but
few shippers have held their owp ID handling
live stock. _
Produce , Fruitt , Eto.
BUTTEK Table dairy , ll@13o ; packers'
stock , 8 > { < 39c. Creamery Prints , fancy ,
IJ-felOc ; choice. 13gl4c ( ; solid packed , 12 ®
l o.
o.EOOB Strictly fresh , 8@10e.
CHEKSE Young Americas , full cream , Ilo ;
factory twins , OK" ! off grades , 0@7c ; Van
Uossom Edom , $11.60 per uoz ; sup sago , 19o ;
brick , Il < gl2a ; llmburger , S@10o ; domestic
Swiss , I4uj cheese safes , bronze modal , No.
8 | VSo. .
POULTHT Live hens , per dozen , $3,25 ®
4.00 ; mixed , $3.35@3.50 ; spring , $3.00@2.75 ;
turkeys. 7@8o per Ib ; ducks , $2.003.60 ;
geese , $3.00 ( 4.00 ; live nigoons , $1.50. %
OHAKQEH San Gabriel , W.75@4.00 : fancy
Duurto Mediterranean sweoU , $4.25@4.60 ;
Rodl , $0.00.
SouTiiKUNl PeicriEs--K bu. 75c(3Jl ( for
choice , and BQ@40o for poor and couiuiou ,
Arru-.s-Per bbl , 75csJ2.0a (
CHEKIUES Per 34 < iUftrt/cass , $3.00 ; per 10
quart drawer , $1,00.
CiLiroHNiA. PECUE | M Ib boxes , I1.23Q
1.75. ,
Goo.EiinnniF.s Per Tni"stand , $3.00 ; 24
quart case , $2.00. - 3i
CtfuiiANTS Per case 61-Quarts , $1.753.00.
PI.UMS ? 1.W > @ 1.75. , ' .
GIIAI-KS 81.50 ( 1.75.
PEAKS 40 Ib boxes ,
WATKiiMiaoxB ? 10.00@2s.oo nor 100.
CANTEua'rs PerdoiiiO@3.00. !
Pisi : Arri.KS Per dtfz , $3.00 ( 3.50.
BANANAS According to' size , per bunch ,
$3.nooi8.uo. ' <
COCOANUTS Per 100$5.00.
PIIESII Fisit WhltoMlrh per Ib , 7@3ko :
trout , per Ib , Oc ; whlto porch , per Ib. 7o ; buf
falo , per Ib , 7c ; pickerel , per Ib , Co ; black
bass , per Ib , lie.
BEANS Cholco hand picked navy , $1.751
cholco hand picked medium , $1.05 ; cholco
hand picked country , $1.00 ; clean country ,
$1.20@1.25. .
EXULT VEonTAiiLBS Potatoes , 80@40o per
tau ; onions , California , nor Ib , 2c ; southern ,
per bbl , $2.00 ; cnbbuco , per crate , $1.25 ; tur
nips , per bu box 60$75o ( ; beets , per box ,
75c@S1.00 ; wax boons , per bu box , $1.50 ;
string beans , per bu box , $1,25 ; green peas ,
per bu box , M.OOi tomatoes , uor } { bu box ,
40@00c ; cauliflower , Jl.50 ; ens plant , 7Co ;
xquush , 25cpcrdoz ; cucumbers , 15o ; soup
bunches , Iftc ; lettuce , 15c ; radlsho * , IRe ;
green onions , ir > C " < $20o ; now carrots , 20a ; pie
plant , per Ib , Ic ,
Al'l'LH UUTTKIl 50.
CHICK Bbls , $5.00 ; hf bbls3.00.
MAIM.U SUOAH 13H@l5o pnr Ib.
POTATOES Old , cholco , sTiokod , per bu , IS
@ 20c.
ViiAii Choice , medium size , 4@5c ; choice
heavy , 8c ; spring lambs , J30.0i > ( < i30.00 per
Hoscr 14 < r$15c per Ib for choico.
PIIESEHVKS Ul@10c ) per Ib.
Jin.uns 3 } @ -lo per ib.
BKKSWAX No. 1 , 10@10c.
HAY * 3 50(35.50. (
TALLOW No. 1 , 3J c ; No. 2 ,
GUKASE A , 85f@4 c ; yellow , 2Xc ; dark ,
Wool , Fine , average , . 15@10c ; cholco , 18
@ 19c.
MEDIUM Average , 31@22c ; choice , 23@24c ;
coarse , 15filSc. _
PUOVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb average ,
llc % ; 20 to 22 Ibs , His ; 13 to 14 Ibs , 12c ; No.
specials , 12) ) c ; shoulders , 7c ; break
fast bacon. No. 1 , lOXo ; specials , 12kc ; plc-
nic , i e ; ham sausugu , JOJ-s'c ; dried beef
hams , Oc ; beef tongues. $0 per dozen ; dry
salt meats , 0 ! ( a7c per Ib.
SAUSAQC Uologna , 4@4 } c ; Frankfurt ,
7c : tongue , Oc ; summer , 23o ; heiul cheese ,
POUK Family , backs , per bbl , $12.35 ; K-
bbls , $0.50 ; mess , bbls , $11.88 ; U-bbls , § 0.35 ;
pig pork , bbls , $17.00 ; Jbbls J , $9.00.
PIGS FEET Pickled , kits , 75c ; pickled pigs'
tongues , kits , $2.35 ; pickled tripe , kits , 05c :
pickled H. C. tripe , kits , 85c ; spiced pigs'
hocks , kits , $1.15 ; boneless ham , Oc.
BEEF TONOUES Salt , bbls , $30.00.
OILS Kerosene P W , O e ; W W , 12o ;
headlight , 13c : salad oil , $3.15@0.00 per
PICKLES Medium , per bbl , $4.50 ; small ,
$5.50 ; gherkins. $0.50 ; C & B chow-chow , qts ,
$5.90 ; pts. $3.40.
WiiAi'i'iNO PAPCU Straw , per Ib , 1 % @
2 > < c ; rug , 2 > < c ; munillu , B , Oc ; No. 1 , 8c.
SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb , plgs , $2.00 ; do , 100
8-lb pkgs , $2.50 ; do , OQfAb pkgs , $3.40 ; do , 23
10-lb pkRS , $2.30 ; Ashton , bu bags. 50-lb , 85o ;
do , 4 bu baes , 234-lb , W.40 ; M S A , 50-lb bugs ,
55c ; No. 1 line , per bbl , $1,25.
CANDY 9 @l2 } u per Ib ,
CHOCOLATE AND CpcoA 21@39c per Ib ;
Gorman chickory , red , Sw.
GINOBII Jamaica , % pints , ? 3.00 per doz.
furina , 4 } o ; peas,8c ; oatmeal , 2 % ( < Z5c ; mac
aroni , llu ; vermicelli , He ; rlco , 47c ;
suge and tapioca , CKOKc. (
PISII Salt - Drlpd codfish , OX@9c ;
scaled herring , 28c per box ; hoi herring , < ioui ,
50c ; Humburf : spiced hcrrinp , $1.00 ; hoi. hcr-
rine , TOc fl.10 ; mackerel , half bbls , No. 1 ,
$15.50 ; largo family , S13.50 per 100 Ibs ; whito-
flsh , No. 1. $0.50 ; family , $3.00 ; trout , $5.00 ;
salmon , $3.50 ; anchovies , So.
LTEl.7507ll.50. .
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; { Brazils , 9o ; fll-
berts , 12c ; pecans , 12c ; walnuts , 12o ; pea
nut cocks. So : roasted , lOc.
EAOS American A. seamless , 17i' ; Union
Square paper , discount 35 per cent.
COFFEES Green Fancy old golden Rio ,
22o ; fancy old peaberry , 22o ; Rio , choice to
fancy. 21o ; Rio , prime , 20c ; Rio , good , 17c ;
Mocha , 20c ; Java , fancy Manduhllng. 29c ;
Java , good interior , 24c.
COFFEES Roasted Arbucklo's Ariosa ,
23J c ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 22Ke ; German ,
22 > | e ; Oil worth , 22 c ; Alaroma , 82 > c.
SALSODA n < ( ; J3J < o per Ib.
STARCH 5@7 per Ib.
STOVK POLISH $3.000 5.87 per gross.
SPICES Whole , per Ib Allspice , 12c ; Cas
sia China , Klo ; cloves. Zanzibar , 20c ; nut
megs , No. 1. 75c ; pepper , 19c.
SUOAIIS Grunuluted , 0c : confectioners'
A , 9.50c ; standard extra C. 8 ; < Oi9Kc ; yellow
C , 8c ; powdered , lOX@Uacut \ loaf , 10J
cubes , lQX@lO&c ; cream extra C ,
TEAI , Gunpowder , 20rtJWe ( ; Japan , 2004
40c ; Y. Hyson , 2S@50c ; Oolong , 33@50c.
ArlNEOAH Per gnl. 18@20c.
CAN.NEI > Fisit Brook trou. , 3 Ib , $2,40 ;
salmon trout. 2 Ib , $2.35 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ;
clams , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , ! i.25 ! :
devilled crabs. 1 Ib , $225 : devilled cr.ibs , 2
Ib , $3.50 ; codfish balls. 2 Ib , $1.75 : caviar , X
Ib , $3.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , $3.40 ; lobsters , I Ib , $2.00 ;
lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.90 ; lobsters , deviled , K 1 ° .
$2.25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , ? l.OO ; mackerel , mus
tard sauce , 3 Ib. $3.10 ; miickorol , tomato
sauce , 8 Ib , $3.10 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 90c ; oysters.
2 Ib , $1.50 ; salmon , C. R. 1 Ib , $2.10 ; salmon ,
C. R , 2lb , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 ib , $1.85 ;
salmon , Alaska , 3 Ib , $3,00 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
DHIED Fi'i'iTS Currants , 4g)5o ( ) ; prunes ,
casks , 1,300 Ibs , 4 @ 4 u\ \ prunes , bbls or
bugs , 4Ji@44c ; citron peels , prums , 20 Ibs ,
2f-c ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ibs , lOu ; furd
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , lOc ; apricots , choice
evaporated , 2Mb boxen , 13c ; apricots , jelly ,
cured , 35-lb boxes , 15c ; apricots , fancy , Mt ,
Ihunllion , 20-lb boxes , 15e ; apricots , cholco.
bags , 80 Ibs , 14c ; apples , evaporated , Alden ,
50-lb boxes , 0@p } o ; apples , Star Oc ; apples ,
fancy Alden , 5-lb , B/c ) ; u ] > plcs , fancy Altlcn ,
2-lb , SJ/c ; blackberries , evuiwrnted , 50-lb
boxes , 5 > j@s9ic ; cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
18c ; pears , California fancy. fs boxes , 25
Ibs , 30o : Peaches , Cal fancy , Jfs unp , boxes ,
25-lbs , 13u ; peaches , Cal No. 1 tuney , } < 8 unp ,
bags , SO Ibs , 1'JJ c ; poaches , Cal , No. 2 fancy ,
J < s unp , bags , 80 Ibs ; peaches , Cal sundriod ,
XB unp , bugs , 60 Ibs ; peaches , fancy , ovnp ,
unp , ftd-lb boxes , 12@13o ; peaches , Salt Lake ,
now , OX@ o ; nectarines , rod , 13c ; nectarines ,
silver , bags , 14o ; pitted plums , Cal , 25-lb
boxes , 12o ; raupborrles , ovap , N. Y. . new ,
25e ; prunes , Cal , R C , 90-100 , boxes , 35 Ibs ,
80 ; prunes , Cul , RC , 00-70 , OKo ; orange peel ,
15u ; raisins , California Londons , crop 1838 ,
$3.40@2.00 ; raisins , California loose musca
tels , crop 1SSS , 12.00(5.2.00. ( .
Dry Goods.
BATTB Standard , fie ; .Gem , lOo ; Beauty ,
12ifc ; Boone , 14o ; B'casud , $0.50 ,
BLANKETS Wlilto , $1.00@7.50 ; colored ,
CiMuiiics Slater , Stft "NVoods , Bo ; Stand
ard , 5c. ; Peacock , 5c. '
CAIU-KT WAIIIBibb white , IS c ; colored ,
. , Androscog-
, - - - , - , . - , r- , „ - , ickpnrt , C o ;
Coneatoga , 0 > o ,
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade din.
LL , unbleached , S c ; CO. 05fo ; SS , 7o ;
KE , 8/c ; GG , 9o XXIO ; OO , ll&j ;
NN , ! 2 > < c ; A A , HeOb ; , 15 0 : 'IT. 10 > | o
YY , 18oBB ; , 19o ; 20 bleached , 8 0 ; 60 ,
12ioj 80 , 18 > c ; 50 brown and alnto , Oc ; 70 ,
13Ko ; 9' ) , lOc. i
CiiASii Stevens' B , SWo ; Stevens' A. 7o ;
bleached 80 Stevens'il' 7 bleached
, ; , o ; ,
8o ; Stevens' N , 8 0 ; Dieachod , 0 > o ; Stev
ens' BUT , lltfc.
DENIMS Amoskeng , 0 oz. IC o ; Everett ,
7oz , 13c ; York , 7oz , I8o ; Haymaker , 8Uo ;
Jaffrey XX , ll } < u ; Juffroy XXX , 12Ku ;
Beaver Creek AA , 13o ; Beaver Crook BU ,
lie ; Beaver Creek CC , lOo ,
DUCK Wen Point , 39 In , 8 oz. O o ; West
Point , 29 In , 10 oz , 12 0 ; West Point. 29 in ,
12 oz , 15Kc ; West Point , 40 In , 11 oz , 16o.
FLANNEL * Pluid Raftsmen , 20o ; Clear
Lake , liO o ; Iron Mountain. 30Kc.
FLANNKLS-Whlto-G H No. 2 , J23KO !
G H No. 1 , Jf , 27 o ; G H No. 2 , Jtf. 23. o ;
G H No. 1 , , 30c ; Quecheo No. 3. 80ft
FLANNELS Whlto Quecheo No. 2 , X ,
87Ko ; Quecheo No. 8 , 9f , 83 > < o ; Anawan ,
ISko ; Somerset , 14c.
FLANNFLS Red-O , 21-inch , 15 > < o ; R 24-
inch , 2lXoG \ G. 21-Juch , 20o ; U A F , % ,
25o ; J R'F. } { , 27o ; G , ? f. 35c.
KENTUCKY JEANS Hercuies , I8o ; Loam-
incton , 22Koi Ulenwood , 20o ; Melville , 35o :
Bang-up , M7 > < c.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $3.50 :
table oil cloth , marble , $3.0 ; plain Holland ,
Cicjlado ) ; HollanJ ,
PntNTS Dress Charter Oak , 5' ' o ; Ram-
ntx > , 4c ; Lodl , 5 c ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond. Oc ;
Windsor , OUo ; Eddystono , OWc ; Pacific , O o.
PniSTS Pink and Robes Ulchuiond. OJ < o ,
Allen , Go ; Rtverpotnt , 5 } a\ ; Steal River ,
OUc ; Richmond , OU'o ; Pnclllc , 0 > { c.
PniNis Indigo bluoSt.Lcdgar,5K > 5iAVaih
Ington. OKoi American , 0' ' < o ; Arnold , 0 > fc ;
Arnold Century , Oc ; Wlndnor Gold Tk't ' ,
lOKo ; Arnold B , I0 } o ; Arnold A , 12o ; Ar
nold Gold Seal , ICKo ; Yellow Seal , lOKo ;
Amanna , 12c. Prints , solid colorRAtlnntlcc , ( ) ;
Slater , Oo ; Bnrlln 01. , OKc ; Garner oil , Gfti'c ;
GINOHVM PiutiKott checks , 0c ; Whit-
teuton , OMo ; York , 7Ka ; Normundl dress ,
7 0 ? Calcuttft dross , 7Wc ; Whitton ton dress ,
7 > < c ; Renfrew dress , 8) < @l2 > ic.
SiuiiTiNO , CnrcKS Calcdonln X , 0 > c ;
Caledonia XX , lOJfc ; Economy , Oc ; Otis. Oc ;
Granjto. 0 ? c ; Crawford checks , 8ej iluw
River plaids , 6Ko.
SIICBTINO , Bitowx Atlnntlo A , 4-4 , 71/o ;
Atlantic H. 4-1 , 7c ; AthuUlo D. 4 4. C c ; At-
lantlo P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LL , 4-1 , Oc ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4Jfcj Crown XXX , 4-4 , o ; c ; Hooslor
LL , 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ; Law
rence LL , 4-4 , 53fu ; Ohl Dominion , 4-4. fiKo ;
Peppcroll R , 4-1 , OJtfe ; Pepporell E , 40-Inch ,
7/c ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 17Uu ; Popporell , 0-4 ,
20c ; Popperell. 10-4 , 22cUticn ; C , 4-4 , 4 fo ;
Wnchusotts , 4-4. 7o ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7c ; AUrora -
rora B. 4-4 , CKc-
SIIEETINO , Ui.n\ounn Ellorton , 7K < 5'i
Housekeeper , SJc ; Now Candidate , 8 > Jo ;
Berkeley uamhrio , No. 00 , Oo ; You Bet , 4-4 ,
OJfc ; butter cloth. OO , 4Jc ; Cabot , 7Koj
Furwoll , halt bleached , S 'u ; Fruit of Loom ,
8 fc ; Greene G , Oo ; Hope , 7 0 ! King Phil
lip cambric , lOc ; Lonsdulo cnmbrlC ) lOo ;
Lonsdale , 8K i Now York mills , lOo ; Pep-
poroll , 42 in , lOc ; Popporell , 40 In , lie ; Pep
perell , 0-4 , l4J o ; Peppcroll , 81.'Oc ; Pep-
percll , 0-4 , 22o ; Popporull. 10-4 , 2lo ; Canton ,
4-4 , S > r"e ; Canton , 4-4 , 0 'c ; Triumph , Oc ;
Wumsuttn , He ; Valley , fie.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7j c ; Intornatlonal Y
Y , So ; Shotucket , S , SKo ; Wnrron , No. 870 ,
lOc ; Berwick , BA. ISo ; Acme , 18o ; York ,
80 In , 12 ! c : York , 83 in , 18 > fc ; Swift , Rlvor ,
80 ; Thorndiko OO , SKcThorniko ; ( ! EF. 8 0 ;
Thorndiko 120. O c ; Thorndiko XX , luo ;
Corals No. 5 , 9 > o ; Cordls No. 4 , 10 > ic.
nnd Cliomlcnls.
Acin Sulphuric , per carboy , 2J o ; citric.
per Ib. , file ; oxalic , per Ib. , 14c ; tartano ,
powdered , per Ib. , 43o ; carbolic , 3SQ43o.
ALUM Per Ib. , 2 > c.
AMMONIA Curb , porlb. . l\ \ o.
AunownooT Per Ib. , IGc.
BALSAM Copaiba , per Ib. , Coc ; tolu , 52@
Boiux Refined , per Ib. , O' ' c.
CRIAM : TAUTAU Pure , per Ib. , 30c.
EXTHAOT LOGWOOD Bulk , per Ib. ,
GLVCEIIINE 3l } < o.
GUM AiiAiuo 59il93c. (
GLVCCUI'NE Bulk , per Ib. , 21KC-
GUM Assafoetida , per Ib. , 14c ; camphor ,
per Ib , , S7c ; opium , per Ib. , $3.35.
JODINE Rcsubllmatod , per oz. , $3.05.
LEAVES Buchu , short , per it > , 13c ; sonna ,
Alex , , per Ib , 353Sc ,
Moiii'im. Sulph , per oz , $2.80.
Powsti Bromide , per ll > , 37o ; iodine , per
Ib , $2.85.
QUINIA Sulnh , per Ib , 23@4Gc.
Snnio Canary , per tti , 4J c.
SOAPS C.istilc , mottled , per Ib , 8@lOo ;
castlle , whlto , per Iti , it@15c. :
SriniTs NifiiE Sweet , per Ib , 30c.
STKYCllNlA-'Crystals , $1.00@1.15. CINCHONA Per oz. 5 ( < J13c ,
TAI-IOCA Per Ib , Oc.
OILS Borcutnot , $2.45 ; AVlntergreen ,
$3.15 ; Malaga , 95c ; linseed , raw , G2u ; boiled ,
CALOMEL Am. , jior ib , 89c.
Cuniin BEIIHIUS SI. 50.
CANTHAiinia ! : 7. > c < < J$1.05. )
CASSIA Buns Per lu , 17c.
CiiLonoroiiM Per Ib , 30c.
Iicnf Tobacco.
SUMATIU Medium to dark , per Ib , $1.00 ®
1.80 ; lie lit , per Ib , $1.75(3)3 ( ) 00.
HAVANA Remedies , $1.00(581.15 ( ; Vuclto
nbajos , $1.150 1.35.
SEED WHAITEBS Wisconsin30@30c ;
Pennsylvania. : ! 0@ . " > 0o ; Housatonlc , iiS SSc.
BINDEHS Wisconsin , 12@lOc ; Connecticut ,
FiLLEiis Havana seed. 8@12c ; Yara , 14(51 (
lOc ; Pennsylvania , ICODlSo ; Llttlo Dutch ,
15@20c ; Key West. 20@-35c.
BLOCK TIN Eng. ref'g ' , small pig , 38c ;
bar. 39c.
Corrcn Planished boiler sizes , 30c ; cold
rolled , 20c ; sheathing , 29u ; pitts , 2Cc ; flats ,
count , GO nor cent.
quality , per Ib , lO c ; No. 24 to 27 , B qual
ity , 9 } c. For less than bundle add J c
per Ib.
SHEET IKON No. 30 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.5X
SOLDER Hoyt Metal Co.'s hulf-und-hulf ,
in Mb cases , per Ib , Hie ; commercial half-
and-half , 15c ; No. 1 , in bars , 14c.
TIN PLVTE ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 ,
233 sheets , $0.50 ; IX , 10x14 , 325 sheets , $8.25 ;
1C , 13x12 , 235 sheets , $0.50 ; IX , 12x13 , 235
sheets , $8.25 ; 1C , 14x20 , H2 sheets , $0.30 ; IX.
14x30 , 112 sheets , $ -3.25 ; 1XX , 14x20 , 113
sheets , * U > .00 ; IXXX , 14x20 , 113 sheets
$11.75 ; 1C , 3x28. 113 sheets , $18.50 ; 2x23 ,
112 sheets , $17.00 ; IXX , 2x38 , 112 sheets
COICB 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $0.00 ; 1C ,
14x30 , 112 sheets , $0 00 ; 1C , 10x20 , 225 sheets.
ROOKING ( Best Charcoal ) 80x23 , $ U.75@
STEEI. NAILS Base , $2.15 ; steel wire nails ,
base , $2.00. _
Material , f. o. b. Omaha.
STOCK Bi AIIDH A 12 Inch , s. 1 s 14 nnd 10
feet , $40.00 ; B 12 inuli , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10
feet , $41.00 ; C 13 inch , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10
feet , SSii.OO ; D 12 inch , s. 1 s. 13 , 14 and 10
feet , $23.00 ; No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 s. 13 loot ,
$18.00 ; No. 1 Com. 13 in. s. Is. 14 nnd 10 feet ,
S17.50@18.50 ; No. 1 Com. 13 in. s. 1 s. 10 , 18
nnd 30 feet , $10.50 ; No. 2 Com. 12 in. s. 1 B
14 and 10 fcot , $10.50.
white pine partition , $32.00 ; 2nd Com. % in.
whlto pine partition , $27.00 ; clear % in. yel
low pine celling , $20.00 ; clear % in. Norway ,
$14.RO ; 2nd Com. % In. Norway , $18.00.
Bouins No. 1 Com. B. 1. s. 12 , 14 und 10
ft , $10.00 ; No. 3 Coin. s. 1 s. 13 , 14 nnd 10 ft. ,
$10.50 ; No. 8 Com. s. 1 s. 13 , 14 nnd 10 ft. ,
SH.M ) ; No. 4 Com. B. 1 s. 13. 14 nnd 10 ft. ,
( shlp'g cull ) , $11.00. Add 50 cents per M. ft.
for rough.
Baits , 2i ; inch , OOo ; O. G. Butts , JtfxS , SIS ,
85c ; 8-in , well tubing , D , & M. nnd bev , ,
$2J,00 ; pickets , D. & H. , flat , * 30.00 ; pickets ,
D. & H. square , $10.00.
12 ft.14 ft. 10 ft. 18 ft. 20ft. 22 ft. 24 ft.
2x4. . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.08 10.00 18.00 10.00
2x0. . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x8..1C.OO 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x10. . . 15.00 1500 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x13. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
4x1-8x810,00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 19.00
No. 1 , 4&0 inch , 12&14 ft , rough , 10 00@10 50
Fo. 1 , " " 10 " 17.00@17.50
No. 2 , " " 12 & 1 " 18.500014.00
No. 2 , " " 10 " 15.00 ( < ? 10.00
FINISHING 1st nnd 2d clear , lf inch , H 2 B ,
19.00 ( 51.00 ; 1st and 2d cleur , Jk nnd 2 Inch ,
nS3s , 47.00 ( < ? 50.00' 3d clear , IJf Inch , e 2 s ,
$ ! 3OOffilO.OO ; 3d = lear , 1J $ und 2 inch , s 3 s ,
$13 OO KS.UOj B select , ljVt \ und 2 inch , s
2 s. 87.00@88.00 ; 1st und 3d clear , 1 inch , s 2
B , $45.00 ; 8d clear , 1 inch , B 2 s , $30.00 ; A bo-
Icct , 1 Inch , s 3 a , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch , B 2
B , $30.00.
FLOOUINO 1st com 0 Inch whlto pine ,
$34.00 ; 3d com 0 Inch white pine , $31.00 ; 3d
com 0 inch white ino , $30 00 ; D com 0 Inch
whlto pine , $20.00 ; com 4 and 0 inch ynliow
pine , $15.00 : Slur 4 inch yellow pine , $17.00 ;
1st and 3d clear yellow pine , 4 und 0 inch ,
Poi'LAit LtiMiiEii Clear Poplar box bds , %
In B 2 s , $3500 ; clear poplar % in jintiof.
$30.00 ; clour poplar % n panel , $25.00 ; clear
poplar ] < in panel etock wide , s 2 B , $23.00 ,
clour poplar corrugated colling , % , $30.00.
POSTS White cedur , 0 inch halves , 13c ;
white cedar , 5 % inch halves und 8 inch q'r ,
lie ; whlto cedar 4 inch round. lOo ; Tennes
see red cedar , split , lOo ; split oak ( wblto ) ,
8c : sawed ouk , 18c.
SiiiNni.LB , LATH , per M , XX clear , 13.30 ;
extra 'A * , $2.80 ; stnndard A , $3.00 ; 5 inch ,
cleur. $1.0031.70 ; 0 inch , clear , $1.75@1.BO :
No. 1 , $1.10011.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Wushlnirton territory , $3.40 ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $4. 60 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.35 ;
lath , $3.40.
SHU * LAH No. 1 plain , 8 and 18inch$17.0 , ;
No. 2 , plain , 8 and 10 inch , $15.50 ; No , 1 , O.
G , , $18.00.
SiuiNfi 1st Com. , and 10 feet , $23.00 ; 2nd
coin. , und 10 feet , $10.00 ; Sd com uud 10 feet ,
(15.00 ; fence , com , , and 10 feut , { 13,00.
LIVF KTO. Quincy whlto llmo { bMt ) . $0c ; |
English nnd Gerninn Portland cement , $11.45 ;
Mllwankco nnd Louisville , $1.50 ; Michigan
iilaster , $3.25 ; Fort Dodge plaster , $2.10 ; Blue
Ilnulil plaster , $1.00 ; hnir , COc ; anh , 00 per
ctdls ; doors , blinds , mouldings COporctdU ;
tarred felt , per owl , $1.00 ; straw board , $1.50 ,
Onuses niul MiiuTftstntloua of Thin
IjJttlo Known Audit ,
What Is this invisibto agent which
carries siuknuss nnd possible * ( loath so
far aflolil nnd 1ms the power to weaken
'tho enorpy nnd stunt the growth of
those who tire doomed to live on malari
ous dolly says the Nineteenth Century.
"Wo do not live , " paid an inhabitant ol
the Poutlno marshes to a stranger , "wo
die. " Malnria constitutes the chlof ob
stacle to the exploration and coloniza
tion of the African continent , and
threatened to reduce to the condition
of n desert vast tracts of the southern
states of America- , which nourished so
long as they were cultivated by the
negro race , which , bettor than any
other , resists its notion. Cicero , in al
lusion to Romulus having built Uoino ,
remarks that ho Boloctod a healthy spot
in a pestilential region ( "locum dologit
in rcgiono pestilent ! snlubroiu" ) . Atone
ono time n terrible epidemic visited
Homo which carried otT multitudes of
the inhabitants , including Cumillus the
dictator. Toward the close of this visi
tation the earth opened in the
middle of the forum , doubtless
by voloanio action , which was
probably also the causa of , the
poisonous miasmata arising from the
bowels of the earth. Indued , tlio vol
canic nature of the Italian peninsula
generally may bo taken into tlio list of
causes which contribute to its insalu
brity. The volcanic soil of Italywo are
told , acts as aspoligo in absorbing and
retaining an immense quantity of mois
ture. Ilonce , aftOr n.poriod of drouth ,
tlio tropical ruins , which fall steadily
for days together , make but little im
pression on the Bin-face of the parched
earth till the underlying sponge is
saturated. The ovorllovv then becomes
sudden , the brooks rapidly fill , every
extinct orator becomes a lake roplen-
ishcdovory valley a bog , and the coun
try a universal swamp. So lone ago as
800 years before Christ tlio connection
between the fever swamp was fully
recognized in that region of the earth.
But , although true that the disease is
more provtilcntin the low-lying grounds ,
it may also bo found in the higher alti
tudes , whore soil , temperature , and
moisture favor its production. Still it
deus not haunt the damp and marshy
places alone ; for oven in dry , sunbaked
parts of the earth the malaria finds
egress through the fissures of the soil ,
keeping its base of operations in the
moisture far beneath. If the upper
crust is unbroken and dry it nets as a
barrier against the egress of germs
from below , just as a coating of water
over malanouo land neutralizes , for the
time bointr , the necessary conditions of
activity. When the surliico water is
withdrawn by the heat of the summer
sun , and the oxygen of the air comes
into direct contact with the decompos
ing vegetation underneaththere , in all
probability , may be discovered the
homo of the dreaded malaria.
Cushman's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , bay Fever.
Triul free nt your druggist. Price 50 cents.
Thf Whole Mcltctl Awny.
Seven thousand pounds have molted
away. A dead whale captured in the
Cattegat was brought from Copenhagen
to Vienna at the above mentioned cost.
But the laws of nature then assorted
themselves , and the monster exhibit ,
liUa the Boojum , softly and silently be
gan to vanish away. It has been buried
at the owner's ox'pensc , and 7,000 odd
lies oh its grave.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
5OS JsoiUliltfth Struct , * Ouiulia
Successors to Reed , Jones & Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of BMs & Slices
Aevuts lor lloslon Uubbor Hlioo Co. . 11U2. 1101 and 11W
llnriioy gtrvot , orualm , Nebraska.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1M North Hlubtcentli street , Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
WInUow-cups ninl miHalloiVylluliti. John Kpeneter ,
proprietor. 108 and llU.-uulti lOtb street.
Paper BOXO B.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos.niT and 1819 Douglas street , Omnlia , Neb.
Sash , Doorsi Eto.
M. A. Disnnow & co. ,
Wholesale ) manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Ilranch ofllce , 12th and Unnl Mreuts , Onisba. Ne'j.
Manufacturers of Sato , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , slHlr-work an 1 Interior liarrt wood flnlib.
13U U Norib 16th struct , Omubo , Nob.
„ . . - _
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
BUam , water , rallnnr anil mining supplies , etc.
_ MU. V onil VH i'arimm ilrtul. Oinaba.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
llalllJajr nlnd mills , D1S and ICO Jonus it , , Omaba.
_ U. F. Itots. Aotlne Manuger. _
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
bueut-lron work , steam pninpi , sair mills. 1SIJ-1216
street , Oiuuba.
Iron Worko.
Wrought and Can Iron Building Wort
Kiii'lnes , brass work , poneral founrtry , machine and
blacksmith nork ( mice anil works , U , I' , Ur.
_ and Illli street , Omaba. _
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railing
Desk tails , window guards , Dower stands , wl
etc. 12J Norm lull itreot.umiilia.
Manf'rs ' of Fire arid Burglar Froof Safes ,
Vaults , tail work. Iron sliuttor * nnd nr eirapts.
U , Auureen , pru.i'r. Corner lUb anil JacVson it .
'STOCK YARD'S cd , "
.Of M Omaha , Limited.
_ _ Agrloulturhl IrnplotjipntBi
D3alcrin Agricnltiiral Implements , Wagoni
Carriageand tiiisiild. Jnnci ilrcrt.ljctmcntth a&4
H'th , era nha , Nrlitntkft.
Azrlcnll'l ' Implements , f ajons , Carriage !
Huggl iclo. Wholesale. Oinnlia. N'etitaUa ,
\Vliole < al l' ' aor ! In
Azrlcnll'l ' Implements , fagons & EnzgliB
Ml. fOl. MS and W7 Jonci iircct , Omaha.
Manufacturer ! met Job' ers In
ous , Baggies Rakes , Plows , Etc ,
Cor. Pth and 1'aclflo itrcau , Onmha.
" '
A. HOaPE , "Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 Douglni itroct , Onnli , Nebraska.
Doots anil Shoos.
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , *
1101,110,1 , lllpDouglns Btreet , Omnhn. Manufactory
Hummer trcot , lloiton.
Cpal , Coke end Ljmo.
Jobbers of Hsrd End Soft Coal ,
axi South 13th final , Oiualm , Nubratka.
Shippers of Cual ar.II . CoKe ,
211 South IStli t. . Omalm. Neb.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported mill American I'orllaml cement. SUM
ngout fur Mllwiiukco hydraulic cement anil
( julmy nInto liiuo.
Dsaler in Baiflwcci Lumber ,
Wood cariieti niul pnrquvt llnnrlnn. Ptli aud DouglM
iliec'U , Olunhn , lyub.
All Kinds of BnlUlng Material at Wholesale
IStli ttrcct § ml Union 1'aclHc track , Omaha.
Daler : in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
DOOM , Etc. YantiCorner 7In and UougUi. Offlc *
Corner lutb and Donilai.
FRED. W. Oil AY.
. Lnmtr.Lime Cement Etc Etc
. , , , , ,
Corner 8th and Douglas its. , Omaha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13tb nnd California ttr < ct , Omaha. Ktbraika.
Mllllnory and Notions.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Nptlins
203 , 210 and 212 bomb lltb mrcct.
Wholesale Notions and Publishing Goods ,
1124 llnrnej Street , Omalia.
Commission and Storage.
Stongc and Commission Merchants ,
Ppeclaltlei-Uutter , cggi , cheeie. poultry , gam *
HID Howard itrcct.Oinnlin , N | I.
Pry Goods and NptlonB.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Famishing Goods and Notions
1KB and 1104 Pougliti. cor , lltli 1 tree t. Ora all a , Nab.
Importers & Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notions
Gent'i furnlfhliiK Roods. Corner lltb and llarnor
BireetJ.Umnlm , Nebruik * .
Importers nnd Jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Timings ,
317 South 15th atrout.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Furnum street , Omalia , Nalruika.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provision ,
705,707,703 anil 711 South 10th et. , Omalia , Neb.
McCOIlD , BRADY dCO. . ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
18th and Ixmvonwurtli strecU , Omaha , Nebraska.
Hesry Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Eprlnus , nngon stock , linrdnnra , lumber , eto. 1S08
nd 1211 llanny street , Omabo.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlnua , w K < tn stock , hardware , lumber , W. 120 *
and nil IJarney Hr st. Omaba.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plato ,
Metuls , sheet Iron , etc. Agents for Ho wo stales ,
Miami pumlor and Ionian barbed wire.
Builders' ' Hardware 'and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' tool and Murrain scales. U06 Douflat
street. Uuialia , Mb.
Toy81 Eto.
It , HARDY & CO. ,
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Uouio furnlthliiK Koodi , otitlJreu'a carrlasei , 1209
I uruuni ( trout , Umalm , Neb.
f holesale Rcficei and Lubricating Oils ,
All * gru o , etc. , Omaha , A. H. BltUoy ,
Wholesale Paper Mm ,
Carry a nlca Hook ol iirlntlnff , wrapping anil i
Ciurr nlcu iloik of priming , wrtpplnu anil wntln
liapor. bpeclal aUeiUloiTglron
to card pap r.
THE y.
S , W , Corner Parnani anil 15th M ?
L'lM In Capital $600,000
UBO. K. IlAlllCKIt. I'lWldeiit' .
' V' ' ' .
V 'rim'S' J'rwMent.
I. II. JOilNbUN , Cnuhler ,
V. B. lK"hf ( ) | , Assistant Cashlvr ,
( iKO. 1 ! IIAIIKKII , J. H.I
H. 11. litiiii : < nvKii'IUH. . i
' ! ' . ' J ' " % BON. JN. . < - ' ' o
I * . H. WIM.IAMS , J. L. ,
8. H. JOIINhON , H.V. . ClIOV.
AI.I.UNT. ItKOTOn , WM , Hiuvuu ,
Accounts oriiankurs. inorch nt tuul inClyJd.
naU recolveU ou tuo uiost fu\ crude tcria * .