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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1889)
THE OMAHA .DAILY BEIfc SATURDAY , JUliY 27 , 1889. T1I& FIELD OF SPORTS , . Omaha Defeated By the Flour City SlugRora STANDING OF THE BALL CLUBS. The AVnrrlors Ixiso a. Gixino to tlio ' " "Apostlefl'nml the Mountnlnocrs "Win Prom the Pro hibitionists. filnndliiR or tlio Clubs. Following la the standing of the Western association clubs , up to nnd Including yes- tcrdny'a games : IMnyod. Won. Per Ct. Omaha (17 ( 47 SO .701 BUPaul 09 45 24 Minneapolis. . . 03 83 ,5'Jfl Sioux City 07 83 84 .493 Denver 68 at 87 .450 DCS Moincs..05 27 83 .415 St..Tosenli 03 87 .41:1 : Mllwaukco GO SKI 43 .343 MlntioniOllH 4 , Omnlia 3. MINNEAPOLIS , . Minn. , July 20. ISnecial Telegram to Tnn HER. ] Three times Min neapolis apparently lost the gnmo to-day , and three times Klmcr Foster won It back. Ho made n catch by Jumping six foot up In the center Hold fotico m the last Inning. That has yet to find its equal in the ball Hold. About four thousand people witnessed the same. Score : Total * . 4 5S7 9 4 | Totali 3 1 37 U 3 'Minneapolis . a 030000 10-4 Omaha.-- . . . . 1 0 1 U 0 U 1 U 0 3 Earned rnnn'-Mlnnoiipolln 2 , Two-bane hits Vov ter. Homo runn Kosltr. liases ntolcn Ur Foster , Mllorljarkc | | , llasen on balls-Mr Iuko 5 , t > r Clarke A. Hit by pitcher-Clarke am ! Naiilo. Struck ont- i > njr-I > uU > Clarke fi. Cifuo.1 bnlln-DuKdala 1 , MaRlol. WIM I > ltblieluko4. . Sacrlllce blto-PUi- ter. Klrstbaae on emirs Minneapolis 1 , Omaha 3 , Time 1:55. " Umpire-Clark. " " " " " " " -r I > onvor O , DCS Molneg 7. Dca MOIXKS , la. , July 30. Listless playing by tho-homa team lost them the game to-day. Patton was hurt in the first inning. Score : I1T IX.VINQS. 1 10000014-7 o 030&0100-9 linns enrhed Ies .Mnlnc 4 , Denver C. Twc-bnio nils Coilv , Dulryinpli ! , Tlireo-basu liltv Smith. I'Donblirpfnj ' * Klunnmn and Smlllij Knitun , MrUlcllan art < lllm n. tftolrn tmic-n-llnrt V , Marnllar , Kluvnan , Mcasltt , Twlticlmiii , Trratlwajr. llnsea on l > atU-ly ! . Ucnuesty ; ! , by tiiumiT. btiurk out llr Heimriu < r2 , brRnn . - Ihnteil bnlls-Tnltielmm 1. Wild pitches wnn4. Tlmo of KIUIIO 1 hour ami 60 lulnules. Umpire UrliHljr. J ' St' Panl O , Sioux City -1. ( SJx'PAtTLjiMmn. , July Sfi. St. Paul defeated - featod 'Sioux City to-day by thrco hits. .Score ; * " . . , . n 10100400-0 BlotuCllyj/.i.u ; 3 UUUOUOOl-4 . , " , .UV/J BUJ1MAHY. Earned runs St. Taul fi , SIOUT City 1. Two-base hit Jlhirat , OnublB plny-Mlllcr to Werrlck to llnwcs. Oaictpnballs--oirMcoklnl.otl Bclbelll. Htruckout St. oux "tiiiesr-Curroll 4. 'i'lino 2 houra. Umpire MoDonuott. , , , ,0X111311 BALiti GAM13H. TliO'NiKlonal ljoaiuo. ' * PniLADELrtiu , July 30. Ilosult of to-day'a Philadelphia . 0 000000 0 Boston. , , , , . 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 a Base hits Philadelphia 0 , Boston 6. Er rors Philadelphia 1 , Boston 4. Batteries t Philatlblolilo , Bufflnton andShriver. Bos ton , MiXildoa nnd Btmnott. tlmpiro Pow ers. Game called on account of darkness at the oud of the 7th Innhig. _ Nuw YOKK. July 20. Hcsult of to-day's rpamor " .Now York. . 0 1 Washington . 5 2030000 * S Basp _ hit * Now York 0 , Washington 9. E CjT.Orsr-New York 4 , Washington l. Butter ies Now York , ICoofe undEwmg. Woshinc- toitFeTr6n and Daily. Umpire Quluu. Pmsnuuo , July 2a Kosult of to-day's ftamo : Pittsburc . 0 8 eiavelnnd/.0 4 "Haso hitB-Pittsburg 15 , Cleveland 0. Er- , rprs Piltsburt , ' 2 , Cleveland 4. iiattorios ' Pittsburt ; , 'Stnley mid Miilor. Cleveland , BcaUluand Smoiiffo. Umniros McQuald. - Thinorloaii Association. BHOO'KLVN' , July SO. Uosult of to-day's . .cnraa : Brooklyn. . . . 0 L 5 2 4 5 0 3 20 . ,1 3 0 0 0 1 1 * f July 'M. The Baltlmoro-St , -Bouis'gatng was postponed on account ole July 20 Hcsult of to-day's gaum : Columlius. , . l ooao ll o ( Jt lavillO . 0 2 00100 0 i ttl ' ' ' ' . - - Amateur Onincs. WAWOO , Nob. , July 20. iSpociol to Tut BEK.1) ) The county oOlcers and bankers played gauio of base ball hero yesterday , resulting in a victory for the former by t ' ! ) to J , Nob. , July 25. [ Spnclal Tolo pram to TUB BBK. I The Kearney team and a picked umo ot Lincoln put up a great Rainopf bTiso ' ball at the park to-day. It was decidedly the best pama of the season 1'ho Ko.iniuy boys , said to bo tliu champion anintour toniu of the state , won by a score o ; 0 to 3. * The uttunduuco was fulr. KEAKNKV , Nob. , July ai. | Tolo- Krani to TIIS 15m.l The fats and loans pldyod u ijamo of ball hero to-duy , which ro- suited in n pcoro of XI to ifj In favor of tin .loans. IJlsl't Ir.nlnKs were played. w - * - m Knookcrt Out In the Sixth. CnioijJO , July 20. Guy 0. Crovy nnd J. B Willliinis , local heavy weights , fought si : rounds Icrn barn near the city this morning Gravy ix > undod Williams unmercifully frou thq" start and put him loslccu m the sixtl round with u terrillu rlyht handor. i * ) H thu Winner. Et.Kiioity , Nab. , July 20. [ Special Tele- eramto TIIC BEK. ] five hundred poopl witnessed a horse race ou the Oaulnnd stool farm track hero to-day , between Tit tjtoner's ' bay mare Lizzie S and A. Muhow' ' oorrol coUUng Irish Bob. The race was i half inilodasli for a purse of (200. "LizzI 6" won by twwlve foot. Time MJf. aiilllnnairo BAN FiUNCisco , July 20. The will e Hiram Pearson , who was drowned In a Ink near Chicago recently , wus filed for probat to-day. The estate U estimated to bo wort 13,000,000 , That portion of his property I Cook county , Illinois , is bequeathed to T. C Hill , of Western Springs , 111. , to be used fo .charitaolo purposes. 8ULMVAN ! MAY UBtiT HIM. Smith Claims tlio Cliamplonslilp and iho nininotiil Glrillo , * NEW Y6HK , July 20. The following cablo- Rram was rocolvcd by the Police Gazette to day from London : Sullivan having re fused Smith's clmllenRO , Smith claims the championship belt. Smith Is ready to fight nnybody for the bolt nnd 1,000 pounds n side. Wants Kltralii to Ffcht Jackson. NBW YohK , July 29. [ Special Telegram to TUB BtB. | Mcrvyn Donohwo has offered npuinoof (7,000 for a finish fight between > 7nko Kilrnln nnd Peter Jackson , the light to como oft jn California within six months. Colonel Donohuo has offered to contribute this purse from his own resources so anxious Is ho to sea ICllruIn pitted against the negro. After Jake. ANSAI-OUS , Bid. , July 30. Detective Norris , of Mississippi , who has n requisi tion for Kilraln , was hero to-day. His papers nro now in proper form , hut the sec retary of state was noi hero nnd the ofllcer did not get a warrant for Kilraiu's arrest. * A STORMY TIUP. Xho Ivlntut Rncotmtars Forty-eight Mourn of Wind anil loo. PniLABBU'itu , Pa. , July 20. [ Special Tel egram1 to Tax BEE. ] The bark Ivlgtut , which arrived yesterday from IvlRtut , en countered a remarkably stormy and perilous [ lassaco , occupying In all forty-ci ht hours , ( luring which forty-seven icebergs were passed. She sailed on Juno 0 , and on thnt day jammod.ln an Ice paclc , .the area of which could not bo determined. From nloft , ns'far as the eye cotild rtaoh , nothing tiut a long wanto of thickly packed Ice could bo seen. Little or uo headway could be made. long days and nights , amid great sufferings , the battlo.with the Ice con tinued , and flnally th ? craft found herself gliding through nmooth water once more. On the following morning the thermometer gave indications of Ice again , and it was but a short tlmo until twentv-nvo tremendous ? llttcrlncr monsters loomed up in full view. On the 15th seven icebergs equally ns largo tvcrc sighted- and on the 10th flvo were seen. Favornblo winds carried the Ivigtut beyond further obstructions of the kind. Killed by Lightning. MILES CirV , Mont. , July 20. [ Special Tel gram to THE Dec. ] William Stevens , of the Illinois and Wisconsin Live Stook company , lias just arrived Jicro , bringing the news thnt on the iatti , while driving n herd of cat- fro m Weudovor , , VVyo. , up to the Montana range , Wiley Collins , a cowboy member of the outfit , was struck by lightning during a storm and killed. Collins and Stevens had charge of the camp wagon nnd wcro in ad vance-of the drove seeking n place to camp for the night , when the storm carao up , nnd Llio lightning-struck Collins while sittinton Llio seat .of the wagon , killing him instantly. The body was taken back tq LaBello. n few miles distant , whore au inquest was hold by tlio cowboys present , and ho was burled ou the banks of the Bella Fourcho , in Cook county , Wyoming. The coroner at Sun- dunce was notlnod of the proceedings two Hours after the stroke. Collins was from Gonzalcs county , Texas. Want Option JUcaliiiir Stopped. LO > pi/rfffit ? iSHO'bu James Oonloii n nn M.l BRiii/uf , July 20. | Nqw York Herald Ca ble Special to THE BEE. ] Tlio cham ber of commerce has addressed a petition to the imperial chancellor requesting him to open negotiations with foreign governments for the purpose of bringing about an intor- tional agreement to prohibit any but ready money business in co'ffeo , 'sugar , and similar branches of commerce. A rumor is current to the effect thnt the projected international sugar bank will probably bo ro fused permis sion to establish a branch in Germany. Al most'all German political economists are of the opinion that Germany muit sooner or later abolish all bounties on sugar , even in the Interest of her own sugar industry , and Without regard to the ultimate fate of the London sugar convention. Salt Trust Subscriptions Slow. Nuw YOUK , July 2(5. ( According to all In- dicationsitho subscription ifor shares to tbo North American Salt company has been un successful. At the Central Trnst company- it is stated , the managers of the salt company requested lhat the jtmquut of the subscrip tions should not bo made public. The mana gers decline to give out any statement for fear of its being misleading. They state it will take some time to calculate the results from all points , but promise to give an ofll- clal statement soon. Shelled the JJorvlsh Camp. CAIUO , July 20. Advices from the front ntate that three columns of Dervishes nro marching to reinforce the rebels. The col umns are followed by caravans convoying- provisions. It la bollovod that when these reinforcements effect a junction with tho. main nody of tliu.rcbels a grand attack will bo inudo upon tbo Egyptian forces. A later dispatch says : The British forces to-day shelled the Dervish camp. The rein forcements of the Dervishes nro estimated to consist of 700 lighters. K abb I Bailer Wants Damagss. CnioAQo , July 2Q. Rev. S. BaaSrv rabbi of the First -Hungarian congregation , began suit to-day tor $10 000 damages against David Stein , Moritz Schwartz nnd Louis Weber , members of his flock , ns a result of the ruc tion fit-lit In the congregation n short tlmo ago. The three defendants notified the rabbi to quit. Ho declined , and on July 19 , while ofllcmtine at the altar the defendants fell upon him , pulled out largo hand fulls of his hair and throw him 'violently in the street. -Trim bl us. SAi.B5 7 Ma"ss. , July 20. A voluntary as signment in insolvency was flled to-day by Oliver I , Itoberts , of Lynn , proprietor of the Franklin .trotting tparkat Sangus , The HabilitiM are 504,000 , of which 517,000 Is un secured.- " - ' Piiovn > EXCB , It. I. , July 2(5. ( The Richmond mend paper company suspended this morning.Tho company suspended some time ago , tnjid , has b.aen working under an extension , $200,000 new capital being paid in , secured by a mortgage subject to a ilrst mortgage for J.137)00 ! ) , The company hua hud uo rating with Bradstreet for some time. Tholr last statement showed assets of SSS-f.OOO nnd liabilities of ? 3SO,000. The plant is n largo cno. , Atiother Atlantic Cabin OTTAWA' , Oat , , July 20-nAn application is being mado" to the government to guarantee bonds of the Canadian Cable company to the extent , of SuOO.OOO. Tbo total capital roqulred is ,000,000 ; half of which will bo raised by subsuription. A construction company has been organlzsd in England to lay tbo cable. It will bo the shortest ocean cable of nny , the proposqd. length being only 1,000 miles. . . ! . , , - Halt , LnUu JJi'Ojzo | . SALT L urn Citr , July 28. [ Special Tele gram to Titq BKC.J At'tho preliminary ox- umlr.atlonpf Sheriff Dolamaro , arrested for killing W. 'J. Hyan-at Garllnld Beach u few days ago , ho was bound oyor to await the action ot thi ) grand Jury in bonds of $2,000. Thrco hundred excursionists arrived here to-day from Colorado. . . . . . The President Considering Pnrdona , DEBH P/HK , Md. , July 26. The president IB occupied to-day in considering knotty pur don casoa presented by the department ol justice. Attorney General Miller broughl over a largo bumllo of papers this morning seine of which required an curly decision and the president took thorn up to the ox elusion of other business. Steve Dorpoy Holoasod. New York , July 28. lu court this morning Stephen W , Dorsey stated ho bad no Intention tion of wilfully refusing to comply with the order of the court nnd thnt his neglect to at tend to tbo supplementary proceedings w % duo entirely to Illness. Judge O'Brien , then discharged liloi , hi agreeing to bo ou hand this nf toruoou for ox uiniuutlon. NEWS FROM NEBRASMTOWNS A Brakomnn Moots a Torrlblo Death at Humboldt CRUSHED BENEATH THE WHEELS. An Old Gcntlonmn Commits Bnlcldo nt riattsmomh Fly Shooting Aflhlntul City Council An * swors a , Mandamus. A Drnkoman Klllotl nt Ilnm'boldt. I ! DMHOI.IIT , Neb. , July 20. [ Special1 Tolo- grum to Tnn UBR. | Urakeman It. , C. Lewis was thrown from the top of a freight tram nt noon to-day whllo switching ; in the yards nnd fell beneath the wheels. The cars passed over both legs , crushing them to n Jolly , and the brake beam broke his nrrn , Cut a 'uccp ijash in his head nnd otherwise.imdly. man- plod him. Ho lived about two Udurs. His homo is in Green Bay , Wls. , whor6 his fiitner resides and where the remains will bo sent. - _ - 4 A Suichlo nt I'liUtsmrmth. PiATTSMOUTir , Nob. , July 20. [ Special to TUB Bnr. . ] This morning obout'7 o'clock the family of Frank ICes , llviug-in the south pur of the city , wore startled by hearing two pistol slots fired In quick succession in nn upstairs bed room , Otto , , ttio nineteen- year-old son , rushed to the room nnd found his ngcd father sitting bcsldo the bed in n pool of blood with a smoking revolver in his band. As the sou entered the door the father pointed the revolver at him , saying to loavn him alone or ho would kill htm. The boy had scarcely reached the' foot of the stairs when another shot was heard , which uuusod him to return regardless of danger. The last snot entered the old cen- tloman's heart , which caused his death In twenty minutes. Mr. Kos was eighty-two years old and until lately had worked at his trade , painting , in the U. & M. shops. Ho had bcoii consldurod slightly demented for several yours , and about four yours ngo ho shot , himself in the let ; in an attempt at sul- cido , although ho claimed the shooting to bo accidental. . Ho Was tmofcy to Got Away. SrniNQPiKi.n , Neb. , July 20. [ Special Telegram to TIIK BBE.J J. W. Smith , night operator at this place , was arroitod and locked up this morning , ho having hcnn caught la the act of committing rape on , a young lady whoso name is withheld on ac count of her family , who are respectable pco- plo. He was held until 2 o'clock this after noon and released , as no warrant had been sxvorn out. In the meantime , the father of the young lady had sworn out a warrant at Papilhon and placed it in the hands of the sheriff , who arrived hero a few minutes after Smith had taken a team out of town on the run. Up to this tlmo nothing further has been uono to apprehend him and the case will , no doubt , rest where it is. Smith Is a mar ried man and his wlfo loft hero about throa weeks ago. Answer-Hie to a Mandamus. WAHOO. Neb. , July 20. [ Special to Tnn BEG. ] The city council of Ashland uro in town to answer in a mandamus action brought against themto , compel the sotting' of a time for the hearing of a remonstrance filed against an application for a liquor li cense. It is claimed that the remonstrators weie personally notified by the mayor when the matter would come up f or bcaringand that they wcro on hand , with their witnesses and the remonstrance was overruled and after a license was granted then a protest was en tered , and they now aslc that the council bo required to "sot a day" for the hearing , to hear the same thing that it has already lis tened to. The remonstrators will probably got the mandamus for the technical reason that the council did not prior to the hearing "sot a day" for the same. Now Buildings at "VVnlioo. WAHOO , Neb , , July 20. [ Special to Tnu BEE. 1 To-day Messrs. School & Ort began breaking ground for the erection of a threo- story brick building on Fifth street , between. .Linden avenue and Broadway , which will bo wholly occupied by Messrs. School & Ort themselves for their furniture store and undertaking establishment. The building will bo finished in the most modern style ana will be quite an addition to the city. Arrangements have been partially com pleted for tlio erection of a line opera house during the present season , and several other business buildings will probably be orectod. Wahoo is not booming , but is steadily growing. Good I'urses for Flyora. NORFOLK , Neb. , July 20. | Special to Tnn BEE. | The Pair and Driving Pan : associa tion will give the "pumpkin show" the go-by this year , but have made a large layout for races , to commence Tuesday , Aucust 27 , and to continue four days. The track is one of the best to bo found anywhere ; $4,500 is the aggregate of the purses offered , mid It Is ex pected that the attractions will draw , to gether a largo Sao trotiers , pa cers and running horses. Sixteen races are on the programme , and tlioro will Drobably bo some made up races. Two hundred and fifty dollars uro offered for the winner In the 2:23 class of trotters.and the same Amount froo-for-all. in a - - A Boy Hobs His Father. FIIHMOHT , Neb. , July 20. [ Special io TUB BEK.- Last night $200 was stolen-from the residence of H. C. Moore , of. Ibis place , and Harry , Mooro's twelve-year-old son , being missing , was at once suspected as the thief. Pursuit was at once begun , and the boy was captured near Daykin , a small town on the Kansas City & Omaha railroad , without the money. The story ho tells is to the effect that Charley Wilklns , a younir manwho , is well connected horo. and Jack Wright , a circus tramp , induced him to steal thu money , nnd after they had got it awav from him deserted - sorted him while ho was asleep in a corn field. Neither of the men has > -ot boon captured. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'ropnrlnn Specimens of tlio Farm. Nioim.uu , Nob. , July 20. | Special to Tnu 15ii.J Bettor crops of all kinds have thus fur boon raised than any time in six years , and \Vostorman is Inviting farm ers to send la sneciuaens of their gram with a view of making creditable- exhibits at the Omuha Fair association , the Nebraska state fair and the Sioux City corn palace , Ho will store the produce nnd prouuro the same for exhibit without any trouble or oxpoiisu to the farmer. ' Rrtnll Grooora Organize. BLOOMIXOTOM , Nob. , July 20 , [ Special to TUB Bnc. | A orauch of the Retail Mer chant ' Protective association of Iowa , Nebraska and Kansas was organized hero hero last evening with n membership of thirteen. The following ofllcors were elected ; PioBldont , r , li , McUrew ; vice president , Al. K. Foigloy , secretary and treasurer , W. J , Knoppcr , An Alloyed tihortace. W.-HOO , Neb , , July 20. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] It is reported to-day that Sam Swanson - son , who has boon managing the elevator at Ceresco owned by II , H. Dorsoy and the liurggren Bros. , is "short" in his accounts in thu Bum of $ .3,000 , and that ho' lius boon removed from his position pending "au in vestigation. Tlio Molmiru Cannery. NIODUAIU , Neb , , July 33. ( Special to Tnu BBE.J The Niobrara Cunning company , which has an excellent reputation in north ern Nobra&kn for its nno canned tomatoes , is arranging for the sweet corn crop , oi which alargo amount was planted. A lj < ) t Attachment. Otcnor.A , Neb. , July 20. [ Special to Tan Bus. ] Suit was commenced in the district court and nn order of attachment Issued against Ferdluund F , Vogel , who has been doing business at La Jam , Colo.f la fuvor of the O. B. Moroy Mercantile company , of Denver , Colo. The property attached con- shtod of a lot oji ) tUp square at Stromsbarg , Nob. TnliVtito the Pen. BKA.TIHCR , Nqb. Tuly CO. [ Special Tele gram to Tna USE. ] Samuel F. McConuoll , convicted of buHSlltf l ln& a Chinese laundry , was taken to Lincoln yesterday to enter on n three-year sontoiico for the crime. Efforts to secure a now mal fnllod. Court AiUti'hriifi ' at Uontrloo. BEATIIICR , NouT , , $ uly 20. [ Special Tele gram to TUB HnVol-jplBtrlct court adjourned last evening , the term being an unusually long one. Much1 Important legislation was disposed of. i < i > Fatal Fall From n Horso. WAHABII , Neb. , July 20. | Special Telegram - gram toTnn Br.i : . | A flve-ycnr-oid son of S. H. Parish , living three miles south of town , fell from n horse last evening nnd was fatally Injured , Gate County Tonoliord. BnATiiiCH , Nob. , July 20. [ Special Tolo- crani to Tnn BRB. " | The GagO County Teachers' institute is in session hero with a largo attendance and. profitable meetings. * AVA9 HEATlNOBli3KHY WAIjU A Sharp Champagne Agont'ti Game at IJOIIK Branch. NEW YOHK , July 20. | Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] The upper crust circles of Long Branch nro nt n loss justnowto explain the disappearance of tjvo wall-known figures from the turf and b'cach of that American Ostond. Ono is a dashing young French man , whoso noble deportment nnd olcgunt nttlro hnvo won htm the fuvor of the uiondo nt the Branch. The other is Berry Wall , ox- potentate of dudcdmo. The young French man was known as M. lo Marquis do St. Marcoaux. Among his female acquaintances was Baroness do Blanlo , a well-known turf woman , with whom ho was frequently seen on the course. Minela baroness also know Berry Wall. A few days ago , while riding with the noble foreigner , she mot the ox- kinc and graciously acknowledged his bow. In reply to the lady's inquiry as to whether lie know Wall , the Chovullor do St. Mar- comix rssponded : "Cortninly , we know Mr. Wall. Ho Is in niy employ. Ho is an agent for my wine. " The baroness seemed surprised , and the chevalier remarked , laughingly : "Ho gets 25 cents for every champagne cork ho sells. " Next morning when the baroness met Berry Wall on the turf , ano called him to her side and whispered with a peculiar smile : "I did not know you were a champagne agent , M. Wall. " Mr. Wall soon afterward vras hurrying to the West Knd hotel , and Inquired for the umrquis. When Mr. Wall saw the uoblo stranger , ho could not refrain from uttering a cry of amazement. Suddenly ho recovered. from hls'surpriso and then ho rushed toward the man and exclaimed : . "Mr. Llppe , how dare you assume such a role hero aud circu late such things about mol I am going to wipe the floor with you. " "You don't understand your business , " answered the attacked nobleman , calmly. "Well , I am .going to fix you , " howled Wall , " and ho' rushed townrd the depot. Both boarded thh'-sarne train for New York. Half an hour later tHe two gentlemen were soon strucgllng 'dejjberatoly ' in the hallway of the building h ) which the office of the United Growers -company is located , and where both Mr. Wall and Mr. Lippo are em ployed ns agents' feY a champagne brand. Who got the bestv < of It history will never tell , but they resieiriMed the picture of Sulli van and Kilrnln after the Kichburg fight. Lippo , when dfJfvh'at the beach having n good time , had been. , masquerading as Mar quis do St. Marcoailr , Ho has succeeded in making scores of people believe that the wine ho sold was"f.rom his own vineyard. It is said on good timhority that Berry Wall has been employed some time to "push" cer tain brands , nndjt'hfjf. , his profits' uro largo. Ho receives ' 51 vhca'se , . besides an expense allowance , and squanders it all m high liv- THE BUEAVERX SYNDICATE. A Probability That % the Omaha Con- coma Will Pats into Its Hands. American breweries are , It seems , re garded as good planes to put English gold. Several of the \ > \g \ eastern breweries sold out. Only a month ago the Denver breweries - ios wcro absorbed. Kansas City wus also bought up , and now tbo representatives of tals great syndicate are at work in St. P aul , Omaha and other western cities , whore largo brewing Interests are located. Except that which is feast expected Interposes , the syn dicate will own ovcry ono of the Omaha breweries within ti month. The Rothschilds , bankers of London and Paris , are at the head of the corporation which is consoli dating the American brewing interests under one head in the manner alluded to. A reporter for THE Bun culled last night nt the residence of Mr. Fred Krug , the owner of the Krug brewery. His sou William , ono oi the managers of the busi ness , responded to the ring at the door boll. Mr. Krug said that for a month pasta repre sentative of the Kothschilds had kept at thorn to sell their brewery. They were not ready to sell. Their business was good and future prospects were iltxttoring , as a result ol thirty years' worlc. But the matter had finally been laid before them in such a light that they bad agreed to numo a price nt which the for eign syndicate might have a thirty days op tion on their property. Other brewers , ha said , alluding to Storz & Her and Metz , have been approached in the same way and with like results. "To-morrow. " ho continued , "we will moot the Uothchilds' representative , and unmo a price at wnlch ho can have a thirty-day op tion. 1 don't euro to civo you the exact flg- uro wo will demand , but wo xvill ask be tween SoOO.OOO. and 51,000,000. This Includes all our machinery , etc. , ho entire business and the five lots on which the brewery stands. " Mr. King was loth to speak regarding the probability that his figures would bo accepted by the parties who nro hero to buy , but ut least declared that ho really thought they would be taken up. For tlio others ho could not speak , but believed thnt all would sell. Mr. King stated further that the agent , Mr. L. J. Mnlonrv , wus registered at the Murray from Kansas City.Mr. . Maloney was found ut the Murray Mr. L. J. Maloney - loney , of Kansas City , according to iho register - istor but ho avoided answering any loading questions by simply saying thub ho didn't ' represent the Hothschilds , wasn't buying any breweries , end know nothing about it. 8PAUKS Fit WI THE WIRES. Over million 3mMs ( of blackberries will bo loft to rot on tile Vfuos In Maryland. There were t\V/i \ / exocuMous in Louisiana yesterday. * " A. H. Welch , ' associate professor of lan guage in the Ohio State university , Is dead. Congressman Horecy and party loft Port land for PtiRot Sound yesterday. The king of Greece arrived in London yes terday , , nt _ < The Yobor rlvoVfn China has again burst its banks , inundating an Immense tract of country. { . Wnrnoil to Ijonfctr Bnltl-Knobboiv ) . FoitSYTiiK. Mo,1 JuJif { 0. When Justice of the Peace Johns e/terd bis ofHco this morn ing ho found his books and pnpers had been removed and thrqiYn ibto tbo muddy struct , On his deek ho founiHuls notice , written in pencil : ' i "If you don't leave the county In ton days you will be lynched. BAM KNOIIIIEIIS. " Johns has boon an aotlvo untl-Bald-Knob- bor. _ _ Another Nownjiupei1 Deal. MiNNBAi'ous , July 20. A newspaper deal was closed huro yesterday by which a con trolling interest of the Evening Star was transferred to Alden J , Blethon , the present proprietor aim editor of the Minneapolis Til- bane , on or before August 20 noxt. The Star will ba Issued as tbo evening edition of the Tribune. _ _ A Bargain in a first-clasp piano at O. L. Erickson & Co. , 212 N. lutb et , , Masonic block. The Elkhorn short line for Fremont. Three dully trains leave Webster St. Station , 8l0 ; a. in. , 112:10 : noon and 0:10 : p. m. THE THIN END OF THE WEDGE , The Claim of a Mall Carrier lor Overtime Allowed. THERE ARE MORE TO FOLLOW , About Seven Thousand Applications Expected OlIloc-sookorH Glinrgo in n Dodr on Sooro- tnry Wlnilom. W BnufOTOX BunuAD , TUB OMAHA Uni , ) 818 FOUHTBRSTrtSTIlBKT , > WASHIKOTOX. U. C. . July 20. ) . The action of the postofllco department In ftllo\vin , the claim of William C. Tally , a letter carrier , for extra compensation for 'overwork beyond the night hours which Is fixed ni.n day's work by nn not of congress will W followed , It is said , by something like seven thousand applications of a similar character. It Is reported that there nro as many as seven thousand letter carriers who hnvo worked over tlmo since the law wont into effect , nnd it Is expected that each nnd every ono of , them will put In a claim for ad ditional compensation. Tlllt CFFJCE3KEKEUS' HUSH. Notwithstanding the fact that the hotels scorn * to 00 free from outsldo visitors , Secretary WInilom had scarcely taken his Bcut.nt his desk this morning to resume formal charge of the duties of the treasury department when ho was met by forty or fifty cagor applicants for places or the friends of applicants who came to urge their claims. The secretary was compelled to re- treai.lnto his private oftlco and to hoar the delegations in squads of two or three at n time. There were colored republicans from South Carolina , white republicans from Tenncs'oo and. mixed republicans from other states of the south. The southern , men seem to bo morn poraiatout in their efforts to got places now than those from any other section , and the secretary of the treasury is besieged ns eagerly as the postmaster general. These two members 'of the cabinet are bearing the brunt of the work Just at this time because they have more patronage at tholr disposal than , any of the others , although Secretary Noble has his full share of callers , who are pressing the claltr.s of various applicants for office. Tbo state department corridors were quite deserted to-day , and the absence of the attorney general gave the conductor of the elevator in the department of Justice build ing a brief rest Ho said that ho had riot taken up a solitary outsider , except two or thrco lawyers who called to look after busi ness before the department. rilCLFS IN SO 1IUHKT. Some inquiry has been hoard as to the probabilities of Minister Pholps' assumption of the duties of of his now position , because that gentleman has not shown any disposi tion to start for Berlin. At the state depart ment to-dny"it was said that there is no im- inedmto'necessity for Mr. Pholps' presence In the German capital , and Mr. Walker Blnnio expressed the opinion that tbo now minister would not sail until the first woolc In September- One of the reasons which probably actuates Mr. Phelpi in delaying his departure Is the fact that It is reported hero that every berth has boon engaged upon the French and German lines of'steamers during the entire mouth of August. A fcAWYEH GETS HIS WOES. Sentenced for Nine Years for Induc ing a Cashier to Steal. NEW YORK , July 2 < X Lawyer John R , Dunn was sent to Sing Sing to-day on a sen tence of nine years and six months. Dunn Was found guilty of having Induced Cashier Scott , of the Manhattan bank , to steal S1S5- 000. , As soon ns JJunn received the greater uart of the stolen money , ho advised Scott to fly Subsequently tbecashlor came back and appeared against Dunn. ' ? ' , Colored Rapisc Lynched. PARIS , ' Ky. , July 20. James Kelly , col ored , who made a .criminal assault on Mrs. Potcr Crow , wife of a section boss on the Kentucky Central road , was taken from Jail early this morning and hanged to a bridge uoac town. Kelly had been fully identified by Mrs. Crow. No Medical Ijioimse Needed. CONCOIID. N. H. , JulyiJO. In the case of the physlciaii and dentist indicted for prac ticing medicine and dentistry without a license , the supreme court to-dny quashed the indictments and declared the law requir ing a license for the practice of mediciuo aud dentistry unconstitutional. An Old Woman Cromntcd. LBWISTOX , Ale. , July 20.A house oc cupied by Mary Ann Groffum near Sabatti , burned early this niornlng. Iho charred remains of Mrs. Graffam , who was seventy years of age , were found In the ruins. The cause of the fire is unknown. Ivcs is Remanded. New YORK , July at } . Judge Ingram to-day refused to grant a writ of habeas corpus for the release of Henry S. Ivcs , in Jail under criminal indictments , and the prisoner was remanded. In UouInnROr Coining to New York ? PAJHS , July 20. Lo Soir publishes a report that General Boulangor is goiug to Now York , fearing the court-martial will con demn him. A WKI2K OK FESTIVITY. Prospects of a 8crlo < 9 or Brilliant and IntcrcHtini ; Attractions Merchants' Week matters nro crystallizing , A good mooting was hold last night , and fudging from the expressions hoard tticro , the men who have the matter in hand do not mean to allow it to lag. All the committee chalrincn. except John A. Wakollold were present. The ifcowinittoes are : On finance , John A ; - Wakolluld , chairman ; decora tion , Emll Brandols" , chairman ; indoor amusements , Nate Crary chairman public comfort F. ' P.t'Kirlcondall , chairman ; ad vertising'Samuol Keas , chairman ; outdoor amuEQinonts , Joseph Garnoau chairman , The other inomborfi of those committees have boon selected from among the leading firms In the mercantile life in this city. The varlous'committoos reported as far as they wcro ublo their intentions as regards spending ( ho money given them , and defin itely regarding the amount wantod. Chairman Joseph Oarncau said thnt t-1,000 would about satisfy the ooinmlttcaon outdoor amusements. The gus company , ho sulil , would bo unublo to furnish gus for a > gonorul illumination of the streets in Xho manner hitherto contemplated , bo the parade wouUthavc to bo hud during the day- ' tinip. Louis Helmrod , of the committee on deco rations , 6UU.lilting to his original Idea of putting / - ting up a number of arches , but has sst tliu priuo of the sumo up u notch or two. He thought" that' will ! Jl.OOO ho could erect flvo arches of suitable slzo and neatly decorated. These will ho plucod us follows ; Sixteenth and Farna'rn , Tenth and Jackson , Thirteenth aud Howard , Sixteenth and Webster , and ono not yet located. Fireworks having boon allotted to this committee also , Mr. Holmrod asked and wus granted $1K ) ( ) more on that iCOM. Not knowing just what the committee would have to advertise , Mr. Kees , of the advertising commlttQo , could uuiUo no doll- nlto report. Ho put the amount needed nt at $3,000 , but the committee raised him * W)0 ) , at the name timoinforming film that ho would have charge o' newspaper adverting as well as Job work. Mr. W. A. L. Gibbon reported that the In door amusements committee would content Itself by giving a grand oall , after the fash ion of the "Veiled Prophets" balls In St. . , Louis. TlckoU should bo sold at W each , and ho thought that would pay the bill , but was voted $1,000 to inako assurance doubly sure. sure.Mr. . Qarneau said they bettor take up a Hit subscription right on the M > ot , so as to start the ball rolling , And they did. Frud Gray , Max Meyer , the Garueau Cracker company , the Omaha Hardware company the Ulchardson Drug company , Moline , Mil- bourn & Stoddard company , and the Kll pntrloic Koch company , each subscribed very liberally. KoproiemUtivcn of othot- houses who wore present , wild they would do tholr dhnro. Then it was decided that each of the com nut tecs should report totho mooting on Tucs day night Just What Hio programme wouli be , ami the whblrt programme could then bo arranged without more dolny. Kixltt AVanl Kcpnhllonns. There was n largo and enthusiastic niooU Ing of the Sixth ward republican club , at the corner of Twenty-sixth anil Lnko street * , last night. The meeting was called to order bj Vlco President 'Mossick. Several small bills woi o allowed and committee reports received. The committee ou improvements reported that Spauldltig street was being graded and paved from Twenty-fourth strccl to the Belt line , and Li\ko street from Eighteenth to Thirtieth streets , through the efforts of the club and committee. The cut on Lake street nt the top of the hill , about Thirty second street , will probably bo changed from sixty feet to n cut of soVcnty-fivo foot. This will innko it the deepest cut in the city and will affdrd n direct roml from the old military road to" the city via Lake street. A regular meeting of the club will bo hold next Friday evening , * at which tlmo officers will ho elected for the ensuing year. This club has dctorfllltiod to make Itself felt nnd heard In the next election , Tim members say they hnvo the largest wnrd , poll the most votes , have the most school children and they propose to bo represented la the city of fices. 1OWAN10WS. The Ktionnndoah Normal College. SIIK.VANDOAJI , In , , July SO. ( Special to THE Bni ! . ] Shonnudoah has witnessed another commencement at the Western Normal college. The only thing to bo re- grcttod Is that the largo chapel hall was not one-fourth largo enough to hold the great crowds that came. There were 171 graduates this year. Visitors were lioro from all parts of the United States. The whole affair ciosod with the Alumni banquet last night , when plates were spread for several hun dred. Everything was on a grand scale. The normal class organized yesterday num bered over ono hundred , while soiontlllcs reached sixty-four , and many more to hear from The enrollment reached 2,530 this year. The largo addition. 80x00 feet , four stories high , will bo completed by November 1. While this year was roin'nrkablo , uoxt year promises greater and grander rosulU. Wayward Girl. DBS MOINBS , la. , July CO. [ Special Tele gram to THE BBE.J Marshal Jarvis this morning arrested Miss Nora Gilbert , a handsome young girl of sixteen , In response to a telegram from her father , a citizen of St. Joseph. It Booms that she came here nt the request of an attache of u traveling ptct- uro show , who made ho'r acquaintance n few days before ho loft St. Joseph. She accepted a ticket from him and was infatuated with his manner and 'supposed ho had honorable Intentions. Hn mot her at the train ou ar rival , but soon afterwards deserted her , having failed in his scliomo. ' She is now in the custody of the Jailor's ' family , awaiting the arrival of her father. Instructed For Ilnll. DBS Moixns , la. , July 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bun. ] The Webster county re publican county convention was hold to-day at Fort Dodge , It Instructed for Captain Hull for governor by a vote of 119 to 0. The convention also passed resolutions ap proving the administration of Governor Lar- rabeo. This is the first considerable break in the Tenth , or Eleventh > districts , which buve been claimed as sold for Wheeler. A militia Shoot. BOOJTE , In. , July 20. [ Special-Telegram to THE BIE. ] The Lincoln Guards held a shoot this morning for a gold modal and the championship of. Boone , county. , Hundschtn won , making forty points , arid W. Davis was second , makintr 80. The medal must bowen won thrco times before it can ba permanent ly retained. An Accidental Shooting. WALNUT , la. , July 20. ( Special to TUB Bnn.J Whilo'out pigeon shooting yesterday a gun in the hands of Ilobert' , Footo was accidontly discharged , the load taking effect in the leg of George Soholleld , a twelve- year-old boy. No bones were broken , aud no serious results are apprehended. Small Pox at Mount Ayr. DBS Momns , la. , July 28. [ Special Tele gram to THE .BEE.J The state board of health was notified to-day of a case of small pox at Mount Ayr , I lng61il county , with several exposures. Secretary Kennedy started for that place to-iight ! to investigate. SOUTH OMAHA NlSWS. Opposed to the Quarantine , A very strong opposition to the governor's ' quarantine proclamation is developing hero , The stock dealers have nothing at stake , nnd as a rule arc indifferent in regard to the matter. It is the packers who oppose it , and for this reason : They have bought Texas cattle for slaghter ; some of them have cattle on the way here from Kansas. City now , nnd they naturally feel incensed at being unublo to get their purchase into the stato. No one of half a dozen men who were in terviewed last night had a dellnito Hue of ac tion to lay down ; but every ono of them ex pressed u determination to oppose the order so far us can be done within the law. HUlil ) UP. William Van Bnrcii ttio Victim or a Diirlnu lliuliway Holiliqry. A daring highway robbery occurred last night on Sixteenth street near Howard. Mr. William Van Huron , n gcntldinan n the em ploy of the Anmmr-Cudaby packing com pany , was returnTni ; homo about 10:30 : p. m , , and when near the locality mentioned was approached by two men * ono of whom stag gered ns though-Intoxicated. This luttor staggered up to MrVim Huron and throw 'his arms around him , * pinioning Mr. Van Buren's ' arms to hfs side. The other man then placed something against his head and with an oath ordered him to keep quint or he would kill linn. Ho then pro ceeded to go through. Van Burcn's pockets. Mr. Van Hureli thought'tfio mutter hail gone about far enough , and , tlirojvi'n ? out his arms , suddenly -freed himself from the drunken man , nt the snmo tlmo yelling his- tily for Jielp. Thg man jvbo hadi beun gojnK through hiti pockets atruclc at him suvurul tiuiCH , but ha mamtgod to ward the blown otf , although ho received several severe bio ws abnut tlio head , By this time , ien or .fifteen men had appeared on the scuuco and Mr"Van Huroit uppoalod to thcni for assistancein capturing the robbers , but' they declined to tuko chunccH in gottitii ; tholr.leails"crackcd. | The two robbers separated at this going east on Hpyvurd ti net and the other , Ilia drunken 'o'rto , gain } , * along Sixteenth street townrd Fftruuui , Mr , Van Huruti uml a gciitlQiuun who came up followed thin latter ntd | nucccoilod In having liim captured. Gumt credit redacts upon Mr. Vnn Bureu In this ullair , us ho Is a small man and tuo man who wus ur- rostcil is ulanfo , muscular /nan / uml his uu- compllco la described us holug of similar build , The mini who wus arrested guvo his name as Thomas O'Brien , ' 1'ositlvnly cured by CARTER'S those I-'tllc Pifl.i. They alBO relloTO Dis tress fro'A Dyspepsia , In ITTLE digestion and Van Hearty fVTR Eating. 4 perfect rem edy for Plziluess , Nausea , Drowsiness , Bad Tastt to the Mouth. Coated Tongue , Tain In the fildo , TCWI'ID MVEJI. Tiny the Dowels. Purely Vegetable. SMJILPILl. SMALL DOSE , SHALL PRICE , T a. The Cholf Ronson forth ? great BUCCOSV of Mood's Barsnpurllla Is found In the nrtlclo itself. It Is Mbrlt Thnt Wins , ana the fact that Hood's tiar.sapnrlllu actually accompllehoa nil that Is claimed for It , has glvon this modi- clno n popularity ami snlo grojitor than nny other unrsnp'irllln or blootl pnrltlBr. Hood's Snrsnpnrllln li sold by clru - .gists. II ; sir ror * . " > . 1'rop.irotl by U. I. llooil i Co. , Apothecaries , Ixull , Mus * . Qlvo Ua trlnl. DRS. BETTS SL BETTS U03 FAHXAM BTIIRCT , OMAHA. NBB. ( Uppoult * L'uxton llot U Office hours , 9 . m , to 8 p. tn. Sunday * , 10 * . m. to 1 p. in. Specialists In Chronic , Ncrvoui Skin , , an < l Blood Diseases. per Consultatlon nt ofllce or. bynjnll fre . Mcdlclnc-s sent by mull or express , securely Hacked , free front observation ( iuarnntoM to euro milrkly. safely and permanently. WUDuniTQ ! nPniTTTV Siiermntowhotn , a ml- flhKVUUO UhDlLHI nal l,03ans.Nicht Einls tons. Physical IJrcuy. arlslnp from Im'.lscro tlon. Kxcess or Indulgence , producing Sleepless ness. Despondency..1'implej on the fade , aver- nlon to aociety , easily tlNcourngeil. lacs of confl donee , dull , unlit for study or Inialnesi. and finds llfo a burdou. Safely , vermanently and pri vately cured. Consult lira. Uetta & Bolts , 111)3 Farnam St. , Oinahix , Net ) . Bloocl and Skin Diseases SsS Ml'S'as ' results , completely eradicated without th * aid of Mercury. Scrofula , KryBlpolas. Feror Sores , matches. Ulcers , I'ftinsln the Head and .Bonos , Syphilitic Sere Tin oat. Mouth ami Tongup , Ca tarrh , tc. . permanently cured where othen have failed. Virtnnff TfritlQTO nn' Hlailuor Complalnti , LlUllby' Ullllaty 1'ulnfnl , nilllcult , too Ko- quent IJurnlDg or Illoody llrmo , Urlnn hlth col ored or with milky sediment on htandlnu. Weak Back , OonorrlKi.'a ; ( Sleet , Cyntltit. , etr. , Promptly and Bafclj Cured , Charges Boauona- lile. lile.TTP ? Tf"VYTTy "IP I fittarRntoed per- 3 & . JtvJk JL w JLvJu 1 mauent Core , ro- movHl coinplct * . without cutting , cnuutlr. or dlllntloiu Cures effected at home by patient wltlfcmt n moments patu or annoyance. To Young Men anfl MimHe-Asfiil MOD , JITRP PIIDD ' "ho awful effects of early A OUUD UIJUL : Vice , vrlilch brmrn oreonlo weakness , destroy .ng both rulud and body , with nil Its dreaded Ills , permanently cured , Adresi thoiuwho hire impalrnl mprnupa themsehos by Impi-oper IndilN pt'iices and Holltary habits , which' rum both body and mind , unfitting them tor1 buslucia , tndy or inarrmgn. f M UIIUKI > MEN. or those entering on that hap py lira , aware of physical debility , quickly a * listed. ' OUR SUCCESS. , Is based upon facts , first Practical Expo rlenco. Second nvurycasn Is osDecIallystuillod' thus starting nrlght. Third Modlclnes uro pre , pared lu our labutory exactly to suit each'caae , thus ttfTectlng cures without Injury | 3f"Benrt 6 rents portfigo fur celehruteJ works on Chronic , Nervous and Dellcutw ilUuaiCH. TnonsandH cured. tir A friendly letter or cull may save you future miiroiliiif uud shaino. nnd add goldun years to lire. Jf t1o letters nn- ewercil unless accouipaulud by 4 cents lu atamDa. Address or rail enl l > ltt. IJKT'i'S < V ISUTTS , 1408 1'arnam Street Omaha. Nell. UKATEFU L COMFOUTIStt Epps's Cocoa. UBEAKFAST. "Ilr a thorounU kiiowUdnu ut tUa naturM Inwj which KDvuni tliu upc'rallom ut duoitlim ami uuUI tton. and bjr u carglul apuilcalloii uC lh line ( invar ioiof rroll-suloclcaOicua. Mr. Cp irunkfustUblei trltli n milaitulr DUVDIOI ! bavaraid wtilch may i re us U.HUJT lioary iloctart' blll . ltl lytlio jutllolous uau of ttuoli srtlcloa of Ulct tlntu cunstltutlon mar ba Knuliuill/ built mi imlll utrnnx enuutib to ro Hl e/ury luuiU'iicr to illiu.ino. Hun- drudi of mbtlu niiilndiuiwra Hnitdm nroilml us teiui ) o attack irliurorertlioni n a wcu < c nolnt. Wuiiiur ( Micupo niniiT lalnl nlnifL lir koopliiK ourJulros well rortlDed irlth i > nru lilouil ami a properly nuurtihiu friiniu. " UlTlf Morvlco ( iiuutto. MuilosluiDlir with liolllnicwntorpr iiillV. Sola only n Unf iiouml tint lir nroci'r * Inueloa tlnu. Pfl iionuijopnthio Chemist bun I.OMDON. KNULAWU. NATIONAL BANK , U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , HSB. CapiUil $ -100,000 Surplus Jnn. l t , 188 ! ) fo,0l)0 ! Ori'HlUlS AM ) IIUIC71'01t9. ) ! IBSHVV , VATKB. I'roililunt. LKWI.S H. Ili'.Kii , Vlcu I'rcHl A. liToinsAMN , W. V. MOIWK , JOII.V r ! . ( 'OM.INS. Jt. O. ClJHriINO , J. N. II. J'A'IUHIK. W il. a. ilunuKS , C.iihUr. THE IRON BANK , Cor. 1'th und Fnrnain fits. A Gcnerul UunKliiK lluhlnohn Tisusactod. The II ( X ) Ht&tulard Homo HuimdUt fi > r the cure of prlrntti ullnittntK niu tiu < Muri'oitMtl fur ) > uilty , utu. HaU furllon UuniuiltOKl. Onlcr Krlllfily .No , 1 ( ut brnlbtl Mt k i > fct ur vital _ IOHM.I. 1'licull.uv , MMittK , ur i > lykltu ) ilvldtlty In marHc < l nioii.or thuhornti-rinrf on tfiftt liAi'py IKti. 1'ilto , UW Nu a furUBaurrkAta ur uleut In oltlur > tx , A uOiul/Uc , . treatment fur lultrinl unil local u > Uiirm In I lu 6 dayi. No yrlnturtnjclion Wlllnotf iuntKiikture. . ill 00. Xo. t. B D II > | irrlie for men ur wmuiii I'mvi'iilii , etc , Nu rublter nur Injti-lltjn , l'acl > 3ifi * - . _ _ .rrln-ll.Wl. tV'lllicn > luKul l trial iiniio | ol reiuwly Nu I nr on r ' < .l | > t ul 4 ft . In t > l4iniu lor i > osla/t | > . Any unuof Iht eKiiiit lbrt j > ioniit- | ly ftnt ( wulril ) by mall un ruoi-lpl of tliu | , rlc < . tluo. IwlrrMllMS Iliwk to vlthtr ox.nmrlleilur Jlnulo.ftilit ? rr * . STANDARD REMEDY CO , Clllcao , III. JOSEPH GILLOTfS1 STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL 1'ARIS EXPOSITION liTt. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O- . TIIK MOST PERFECT OP PENS , UlVOItCKH-A. 01)01)1(1011. ( Arroitwuv.AT IAW. 121 l)04rbnri ) ] Bt. . Chloaso : ulyj"freoj iriyJtnine. ct ! ' bualaMS V / a