THE OMAHA NINETEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , SATURDAY MMsTING ( , JULY 27 , 1880 NUMBER 38. tAKDOLPIl TAKES A TURN , kord Churchill BoUovos Hlmoolf of u Sarcastic Spoooh. rtAKINQ FUN OF BRADLAUGH. The Member From Northampton Sc- Ycrcly llnndlcd In the 1'rcsenoo of Crowdnd Gnllnrlctf JL'rlu- OCHS Louise's 1'rononts. A nilTornnt Focnc. ( CopwrfoW 1P89 b\i \ Jama Oonton Uenntti. ) Ltmio.v , July 30. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Bnc. ] There was i marked difference In the appearance of the bouse when it met this afternoon. Scats tvero plentiful except In the parts allotted to Uraugcrs , which were all crowded. The peers did not care to como down to hoar Mr. Uradlaugh , although they flocked In in such numbers us to ovorflow-tholr limited space , rholiullus'gnllurlcs were lllled.among the fair visitors being the duchess of Murlborough , Who was anxious to hoar her brother-in-law , Lord Randolph Churchill , for the flrf > t tlmo. The duke of Murlborough , In the opposite gallery , was also ono of the early arrivals. While Mr. Bradlaugh was speaking the bouse filled very slowly. The junior mem ber from Northampton has long made a study of tha cost of monarchy in this coun try. Ho came this afternoon to impart in formation , but before the dinner hour It was his lot to receive a good deal more than ho gave or bargained for. Mr. Bradlaugti Is so clever a man that It might well have been supposed tllat ho would take warning by the lessons afforded by the examples of Mr. Lnbouchero ana Mr. Storey last night. These two worthy gentlemen over loaded their speeches with masses of matter which no ordinary audience could bo expected to digest. Bnidlaugh full into tti B3tno pit. Ho had got up n great case , but. Bomo of It rested on doubtful law , and the re sult was that ho had the pleasure of seeing n good deal of it knocked to pieces ultogcthcr. lie labored heavily this afternoon and came vary near losing the attention of his au dience altogether. It wns bruited about that Randolph was going to speak , and the house became densely packed , ns usual when this is the caso. The members were compelled to take refuge in- Bide the galleries provided for them. There begins to attach to Lord Randolph some sort of the interest which used to hang around Mr. Disraeli. Ho stimulates curiosity and compels attention. Some may dislike him n good many do for ha is too brilliant nnd too successful to please the medio- crltes , but , like him or dislike him , you must listen to him. Ho always has an original way * of putting things , and is sure to strike some flro out of the dullest discussion. So It was to-day. Thrro was at first a silence when ho rose , followed after a moment's ' hesitation by chcors from his own sido. They have bo- coma an unwonted souud in his ours. Ho jocosely intimated that it was so loug since lie bad addressed the house that ho was almost .entitled to uslc for the indul gence which ,1s invariably extended to nuw 'members. This brought vit a warmer cheer. Thus lightly and cheerfully starting off , ho was soon in the middle of bis subject , the whole house following him with the deepest interest. Lord Randolph was very soon launching some playful but trench- cut sarcasms in the direction of Mr. Brad- laugh. Undoubtedly Bradlaugb has bceu in D goqd many lawsuits , but it docs not make a 'man u first rate lawyer. Lord Randolph gently Intimated that oven the study of tlio moat "mischievous book In the world , " "ovcry man his own lawyer , would not do ; that ho pleaded for u little iD. more merciful treatment for the tory party. "Do not lecture us quite so much ; pivo us III < the credit of knowing nt least enough to understand you. " All this was received by the houso'with much chuckling and gloating , BES.1 and it will do Mr. Br.vllaugh no harm if it it/at cures him of the pedagogic manner of which * > t Lord Randolph justly complained. With the trs.1 Imntor which played like summer lightning VeitJ nround the stalwart form of Mr , Brad- laugh was mixed u good deal of solid Mlotu. fact and argument. Presently came little tioniT Mr. Pli-ton's turn. Hejbad talked darkly of terrible . Ho had hinted < H > k a cantastropho. oven JTIOB lilt EM like Mr. Toots , of blood. This , from n In. ) gentleman under five feet In height , cer- atrotS tulnly has u somewhat ludicrous sound. S Lord Randolph convulsed the house by knocking Mr. PIcton down with wordi etlilt longer tlmu himself. Ho had delivered a Allortx otltiv necromantic , geomantlc , thoumaturglo .ovr speech , and ns thono hoiwy missies l or Hew arouned the bewildered Mr , P'lcton's bead , Lord. 'Randolph drew a fearful picture of the good little man loading the mob of Leicester out to resolution nnd cntastrophics , amid the laughter of his friends as well as of tlio tones. A few min utOT more and Labouohoro came up for gen eral derision. "Ho apucars to have went infer for cheap ] acc republicanism and a general nttomut to bring the throne and all who were near or around It into disrepute. " Scarcely anybody who had spoken yesterday escaped Mr. Story came In for heavy punish ment. Altogether , a more dashing am Blushing speech was never delivered in the house of commons , even by Lord Randolph. And how the lories cheered. They always do when their prejudices or tastes are skill fully appealed to. Anybody might have thought that Lord Randolph Imd at his buck the entire tory party. It Included mon when lio'Jmn helped to ofllco and who bear un uu dying grudgd ngamst him. As far as the solid part of the speech , it will no doubt bo well wolgnod by the coun rue. * * try. Some remarkable very figures [ Ulzzt. were pro ; i . duccd as to the amount spent at Sandrlghiim lon'ft by the Prince of Wales In building dwellings flog fa for the poor und improving the state of the Cieath. i people all nround him. Also some still mon tower - remarkable figures as to the coat of u mon prmat- n.Holf- nroli In this country. Distributed over the JltUltt iboxe * * whole population it amounts to U farthings Tprlcft. per head. "Will you shed rlvora of blood ( B3 for that ! " naked Lord Randolph of Mr. Plo- rodbr tun , wiio wusstlll too ooufusod by the bur- 'ia fotmg ho had received to make liny reply. Undoubtedly the speech was a great parlia mentary hit. Among the very first men who run up to Lord Randolph in the lobby and poured over him n torrent of flowery and gushIng - Ing congratulations was Sir John Pule.ston ; "Splendid , delightful , beautiful , " so the torrent rushed un. But what Sir John said OOD ] In private may ba another and very different matter. ounf. Lord Randolph walked on recardless of both styles of comment A tremendous ox- odua followed the conclusion of lull speech. At 8 o'clock there were not ton persons in the house , wlion somebody suggested a count by wuy of brine ing back the hungry mon who had ruMiod oft for dinner. For two hours the ( uuil. imall fry and radicals had the field to them- ' Mlves , but they did not clean much from it. I LI li'li- Mr , Lawson , son of the proprietor of thu Daily Telcffrajih , thou made an onslaught ii'C upon Mr. Labouchoro's amendment , greatly to the disgust of his usual friends and neigh bors on radical benches. After him came Lord Hnrtlnglon with n weighty and forcible speech , nnd then an other Lawson , Wilfred , the professional humorist ef his party. Ho alternately amused and irritated the house. Ono or two unKltid digs at Mr. Chamberlain made everybody laugh. Ho quoted from a letter written by Mr. Chamberlain when mayor of Blrmlng- ham.on the occasion of ttio visit of the Prince of Wales some years ago , in willed the prince was compared to the Tlctibourno claimant. Thcso are curses that como homo roost. Mr. Chamberlain had probably forgotten all about the insult which ho had leveled at the prince , just as the prince has iloubtloss forgiven It. Sir Wilfred also boasts that the flower of the liberal party would follow Mr. Labouchoro into the lobby n the coming division , at which Gladstone smiled faintly. Is it not a little odd to too the radical party clthor mooring openly nt the grand old man , or flatly contradicting him , or doing their utmost to brine him into derision ) Decidedly. The future radical loader , who ever ho may be , will have no enviable task before him to reconcile discordant factions. The speeches of the night were these of Lord Randolph Churchill and of Lord Hart- Ington. Add Mr. Gladstone , nud wo have all the contributions to the two nights debate wtilch will bo worth referring to hereafter. Mr. Goschcn wound up the discussion with out throwing any now light upon it. Mr. Lincoln , the United States minister , nnd Mr. Chauncoy Depow were in the diplo matic gallery during : the evening. What did Mr. Depow think of Sir Wilfred Lawson ns a Jokistl Is ho prepared to strlko his colors as ono of the wittiest of Americans to u man of water and words ! Anyhow , with great generosity , ho laughed occasionally nt Sir Wilfred's offorts-unloss It wns at Sir Wil fred himself a very delicate point to dccido. PRINOKSS LOUISIS'B I-HJ3SENT8. Almost n Million Dollnra Worth or Magnificent O ftt. [ Copj/rffl/it / / ; BS9 lij ; James Onnlnn ncimctt. ) LONDON , July 20. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BGR. ] The view of Princess Louise's wedding presents took place at Maryborough House this morning. Tlio urand dintnc room presented a sight such ns Marlborongh House never saw before fore and such as has rarely been seen any- wtiero. It was a spacious curiosity shop , a storehouse of bric-a-brac and gems , which at first quite dazzloa the unprepared observer and loft him for quite u time so nonplussed that a concrete study of the valuable offer ings had to wait , for recovery from a general effect that was rather stunaing. The largo gifts were massed at ran dom about the room. They con sisted of n grand piano from Ludy Leicester , inlaid writing desk , all kinds of screens In metal , embroidery , mir rors und gold ornamentation , largo gold and silver trays , shields , bowls , cups , gold tea sets , gold vases , busts , oto. , oil paintings , fancy furnltui e , rugs , bronzes , flower stands and porcelain. They were passed over in a second , however - over , in favor of a long table running the length of the apartment , covered with smaller and more precious gifts so thickly that the white cloth was scarcely to bo seen. Tlio left hand side of the table for half its length blazed with diamonds and all the most precious stones. It was a confused mass of tiaras , necklaces , bracelets , pendants , brooches and ear-rings , representing the most valuatilo stones that the world's marKet could furnish. There were diamonds enough to comfortably equip a royal line jeweler. An expert who was present , after a careful estimate of the entire display , esti mated the gifts in the precious stones alone at between 100,000 and 200,000. The flrst 50,000 of tills was made by the presents of Lord Fife , the Rothschilds ana the Prince and Princess of Waleswhile the largo num ber of fancy stones representing values made the total estimate seem small rather than largo. Lord Fife's present to the bride consisted of u tiara and two necklaces. The tiara was a mass of diamonds , aline of large pear- shaped stones running nround its entire frontChanging and shimmering in pear shaped openings. About the tnrco on top was a line of diamonds , the point consisting of pear-shaped diamonds. Inverted pen dants wore surrounded by a beautiful and fragile open work , fronted with diamonds , the whole being ono of the most artistic and valuable pieces in all England. The neck laces wcro together in the name casket. The largest was a string of the purest diamonds , the smallest being the size of a pea and the largest , along the front , as largo us a six pence. The inner necklace was of smaller blucstono nnd gem diamonds , so rare and so perfc'ct that the small necklace urobnbly vied with the larger one in value. Tlio tiara from the Prince and Princess of Wales was in narrow lanco-sliapod beads of diamonds , striking from its simplicity and its brilliancy. It can bo turned over and becomes - comes u pendant necklace. It is two inches deep In trie center and Is graduated off to a depth of half an inch on each side. The or naments are pear-shaped , alternated with little spike * containing smaller brilliants , and the central one contains nine stones , while .the end ones con tain only three , and the whole is mounted on n row of single stones. The necklace from Mr , and Mrs , Lea and Lord Alfred Rothschild was in small flower patterns of diamonds and wonderful cabochuu rubles , and in artistic beauty sur passed oil others. Seven other necklaces were sent , ono of plain diamonds , from 112young lady friends , one of rubies , diamonds and sapphires in three straight rows , from Sir Edward and Lady Gulnucss ; ono of magnificent diamonds mends and sapphires , from Mrs. Villobois ; one of sapphire * und pearls , from Gouorul and Mrs. Oweu , Horace Faniubur , Lord Fife's best man , sent u long tprny of diamonds in leaves and flowers. Beside it wns un exactly similar spray In throe pieces from Sir Albert Sas < soon , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bassoon and Mr. and j\lrs , II. D , Sussoon. There was u cane of seven large diamond stars from the Prince ! Wales' suite , which might bo used jointly as n tiara or separately to ornament tlio coiffure. Baron Ferdinand Rothschild sent a spray of loaves and largo jlowur * in dia mondH. Ludy Paget sent a largo spray of rose leaves and roses. The Duke and Duchess of Manchester sent a largo crescent , live inches long , of solid diamonds. Mr. nnc Mrs. Dofalka sent a snruy of leaves and ( lowers in whlto and rose diamonds. Two of the most valuable single stones iu the col lection were n lane cabochou ruby , from tlio Duke and Duchess of Westminster , and Burmese cat's eye , from Lord nud. Lady Rothschild. How many thousands of guineas each cost must have depended on the desire of tlio purchaser and , the conscience of the seller , UK either would bo difficult , if not Im possible , to match. The ruby was set simply u ft pendant surrounded by diamond and a bljr cat's eye , which was a luminous .ball o ! yellowish green flro shining out most prominently. Among all the gems was sot a watch in a watch bracelet of solid diamonds , There wcro many bracelets of great value Intrinsi cally , and as specimens of tlio goldsmith's art. art.From From the Count and Countess of Purls a flat ono of woven gold , sol with diamonds , tnphtrcs and rubies , with a largo monogram of Princess Louisa In the center. From the wives of the cabinet ministers wai n , braco- et in two rows of largu brilliants. The Mar chioness of Lorno sent n diamond bracelet with a horseshoe of diamonds. A massive gold bracelet faced with a row of massive diamonds came from Lord Fife's tradcs-po-plo , and looked as if It did. The Irish ladies sent a magnificent diamond bracelet of large , closely sot stones , Lho setting not being visible. The ladles of Norfolk pent a diamond bracelet. The countess of Macclcsflold sent u diamond bracelet with a ruby center. Mr. Mackenzie , of Klntoro , sent a narrow bracelet of woven gold , with seven largo diamonds matching. The Duito nnd Duchess Paul , of Mcoklon- berg Schwerln , sent n gold bracelet with sap phires. Among the brooches wns ono marked "Brothers and Sisters , " horseshoe shnpod , consisting of a line of rubles sot between diamonds. Lady Scott sent a long diamond arrow , with a flower In diamonds mends in the center. Princess Helena , of Paris , sent a brooch consisting of three feathers in diamonds on n plate of gold flower petals. The Duka of Bucclcuch sent a diamond Cove. Princess Mary sent n sprav brooch of pearls nnd gold ; the Duchess of Albany , n broo'ch of diamond loaves ; Lord Arlington , a brooch of lilies and Illy leaves in diamonds ; Mr. and Mrs. Mercer Hoador- son , diamond butterfly ; Lord and Lady Alexander , a pagot brooch , consisting of Malachite antique , sot in diamonds ; the hereditary Prince nnd Princess of Saxo- Momlngon , a bracelet of gold , sapphires and ulamonds ; Charlotte Knollys , a brooch of crysoliio In diamonds ; Mrs. J. W. Mackay , n pair of earrings , consisting of. two largo turquoises sot in diamonds ; Lord and Lady Londonderry , a bracelet of pearls nnd diamonds ; Lord nnd Lady Burton , a diamond moth brooch ; Lady Lozard , a brooch of emeralds and diamonds ; Lady Dorothy Novil , a gold nccklot andJeweled enamel pendant ; John Baring , n diamond ring ; Lord nnd Lady Revels- brooke , a flower brooch , consisting of fine largo diamond petals , with a solitaire In the center ; Lord and Lady Rosoborry , a diamond mend bracelet , a largo diamond and sapphire ; Sir Frederick Johnstown , a'dlamond pend ant ; Lord Cadogan , a diamond and turquoise ring ; the Duchess of Wellington , u diamond ana sapphire ring ; Lord Mughorainorno , u moonstone brooch , set in diamonds ; Lady Norres , a setot sleeve links of turquoise , sot in diamonds ; Captain and Mrs. Dallrymplo , a wishbone brooch of diamonds ; Field Mar shal Sir Patrick Grant , n brooch in diamonds mends ; Mrs. Reynolds , n blotting case of blue velvet anu silver frame work ; gentlemen of the household , an orainental comb of tortoise shell and diamonds ; Lady Ralnllvo , a brooch , consisting of "Louise" in diamonds , surmounted by a coronet ; Lady Randolph Churchill , a prayer- book with a white leather cover bsaring thrco feathers at three points diagonally across , with "Louise" in diamonds ; the Misses Byinp , diamond brooch. There was only ono gift of pearls and only one of opals , the latter being a beautiful ring from Lady SIrk. The queen's ' present was not on * exhibi tion. Empress Frederick nnd her daughters sent u largo bronze mantel ornament , with a clock at ono side. Prince Louis of Ester- hazy scat a bottle with a gold and sapphire top. . Empress Eugenie sent a largo gold card bowl of beautiful open work. The other gifts of the Prince and Princess of Wales comprised a case of black- grained Russian leather , with gold-topped bottles , gold handles , button ho oks , scissors and ivory brushes , all bearing tlio mono gram. , The most valuable thimble that over wns soon , admirably calculated to stand the wear and tear to which it Is destined , was of gold enameled in rosebuds and thistles , with a largo diamond forming the top , the gift of Charles A. Horvey. Charles Wyndham sent a rich French clock In oxidized silver and gold , and Mmo. Albanl a cut moonstone brooch , sot in dia monds. There wcro a dozen fans and they were in comparable gems of their kind. Throe of them wcro of expanding snow ostrich feathers , from LadyColville , Mrs , James and Bomo QUO else , not named. The other fans were autiques , with mother of pearl frames , sot iu diamonds from Lord and Lady Londosborough , Captain and Lady Montague , Priuco nnd Princess Chris tian , Lady Emily Dyke , Lord Carnarvan , Lord Nigel , Lady Kingscoto , Lord and Lady Brooke nnd Lady Augusta Fane. Lord Tennyson sent his poems in eight small and handsome volumes , and Mr. Gladstone gave a sot of "Gladstone's Gleanings , " in seven volumes. There wore soiro very handsome paper cutters In tortoise shell and gold ana solid silver and gold. Lord Fife's presents were of a mere sub- ttnntial , character , tand ocouplod the other side of the table from the Prince of Wales. It was a royal mantel ornament of solid silver on n black marble base , representing a stair with two hounds leaping'ut his throat. The Princess of Wales gave n larga miniature portrait of herself , sot in pearls. His lordship's tradesmen sent a silver salvor. Thu citizens of Banff sent a tall , massive silver cup. Henry Irving's ' gift was a massive and most aitlstia silver drinking cup in thu shape of a kneeling Egyptian figure. There wore a number of gold cigarette cases and cigar cases , set with diamonds , bowls , cups , riding whips , coach Ing whips , rugs , traveling cases , oto/as ele gant and expensive ( .a such articles can bo. Lord Rosenborry's gift was a handsome llqucq set In crystal and gold , two bottles , twelve glasses and a tray of gold. Tnblo or naments , spoons , knives , salts und the llko were sca'.tcred ull over tlio table on both sides. The finest cigar case probably that money cruld buy was from Lord Alfred Rothschild , lu light irruy leather , with two "F's , " ono In diamonds and the other in rubies , crossing , and a long rubby clasp on the handle , with violets. Like modesty , there nestled among the pretentious gifts u little silver breakfast cas tor , from the gardener. It had quite as prominent a place as anything else. Laid Fife's present to the queen was a diamond brooch , composed Of the letters "L andjF , " with a royal crown and the call's coronet above , _ Oats and Who it In Danger. EVAS8VU.LK , Ina. , July 20. There is great uneasiness in this section of the country on account of the danger of serious injury to the wheat and oats crop from the coutinued wet weather. 'Jo Abolish Capital I'linUhmenr. COKCOHD , N. H. , July 20. The house judiciary committee is considering the advisability of reporting a bill abolishing capital punishiuoat. IN Questions of Jurle&totlon Puzzling the Southern rJakotnns. THE NORTHERN CONVENTION. Minority Ilcpnrt of thu Coninilttco o 11 tlio Judiciary Department Nothing Accomplished at Hole nix. Kvcnts nt Sioux Fnlls. Sioux FALLS , S. D. , July 20. The main feature of the convohtlon'a proceedings to-day have been the consideration of the re port of the committee of schedule and or- Olnnnco. A few days ago n icsolutlon was referred to the Judiciary commlttoo asking its'opinion as to the po\vor of the convention to ptovldo for the election of a cleric of the circuit court at the October election , no such provision seeming to bo made by the omnibus bill. The committee roportad that in their Judg ment the convention had such power. Then followed a lengthy discussion upon this 4 ' point. Tho'amendment'wus defeated nnd therefore after the election of circuit judge ? ) in October , the succeeding territorial Judges nnd clerks of court , heretofore appointed bv territorial Juogcs will vacate their oniccs and the vacancy will bo filled by the boards of county commissioners. Another amendment to the schedule was proposed , providing for n modified form of the Aus tralian system. Hero-again the question of the powers of the convention arises. The matter was umler discussion when the con vention adjourned. ProcecdlniiN at Hlsiiiurok. BtSMAncif , N. D. July 20. In the conven tion to-day ttio memorial to congress praying for experiments by the general government with a vlow to ascertaining whether or not irrigation for the north is practicable , was referred to a committee. The minority re port of the coinmitteo on the Judiciary de partment , submitted to-day , provides for the election of county Judges in each organized county , whoso term of oflieo shall bo two years and givoa county courts original jurisdiction in all matters of probate , guardianship and settlements of estates. In counties having a population of 2,030 or over those courts shall also have con current jurisdiction iwith the district courts m all civil cases wherein the amount In controversy docs not exceed $1,000 and provides for the allowance of writs of error or appeal to the district courts. The ofllco of Justice of the peace Is virtually abolished. The committee on revenue - nuo and taxation submitted its report with n proposed article for the constitution. It gives the legislature power to provide for raising revenues sulilciortt to defray the expenses of the state for each year not to exceed four mills on the dollar on the assessed valuation of tell taxed propiu'ty. It provides that laws shalllbo passed taxing by uniform rule ull property according to Its true value in money , but property of the United States , and state' , county and munici pal corporations shalPbaCxeuipt. Tlio legis lature shall oxempt-xfrom ; taxation all prop erty used exclusively for scnools , religious cemetery or charitable purposes , and per sonal property to any amount not to exceed 200 acres of land and. . Improvements thereon shall bo separated and assessed. Cultivated and uncultivated land of the the same qual ity shall bo assessed at the same value. Railroad property shall bo assessed by the state board at not less than $ > iCOO per mile. The Joint commission which has uecn struggling for u basis for a division of the property of the territory has ubout reached un agreement , although therois$25,000differ ence , and the chairman of each commission has been authorized to adjust this difference. The bonded indebtedness on public institu tions will bo assumed by the states in which they are located. respectively. The public library will bo sold at auction between North and South Dakota , going to the state bidding the highest. The records pci taining especially to South Dakota will go to the south und those of Intcicst only to North Dakota remain in North Dakota. Tlioso to both will bo copied , one keeping the original and the other taking a copy. Money paid out of the general fund m making permanent improvoJicnts on insti tutions will bo charged to tno state In which the institution is located , and adjusted ac cordingly. The state taxes to bo rofunucd to purchasers of railroad landn along the line of the Northern Pnciflo will bo paid proportionately by the two states. It is bo- llavcd a settlement will soon bo mado. Committee on Corporations Itopnrt. OLYMPIA , July 20. The committee on cor porations reported to-day in convention. Tlio report provides that corporations must be formed under the laws. Common carriers are subjected to legislative control.Thoy must not discriminate in rates and n long and short haul clause similar to the fnter-sUto commerce law is named. No railroad corpora tion shall consolidate with anyother company. It provides for a railroad commission exor cising control over all common carriers. Monopolies are roundly denounced anu strictly forbidden , and uuy attempt , of any combination to raise the price on commodi ties or transportation Is made punishably by law. Great opposition to the constitution is being manifested throughout the territory , and an organized effort IH being mudo to defeat - feat it if several articles are not amended. Notliiuic Accomplished. HELENA , Mont. , July 20. The constitu tional convention consumed the ontlro day In the further discussion of the suttrago bill , and the clause providing that after five years only citizens shall bo permitted to vote , the declaration of Intention not U ) bo hold sufficient. The clause was voted down in committee of the whole. The convention adjourned without accomplishing anything. fitrllcmi ; at Mormon Power. BOISR CITT , I. T. , July 20. The convention to-day passed an article on the sulfrago which is intended as a dentil blow to the Mormon political powerin Idaho , It hopes to complete its labors'In ' tlio next ton days. HONUHINQ THIS GLADSTONES. Tlio National LllWal Club Mplomllilly Decoi-atml , LONIIOK , July 2 < J.-iTho National Liberal club was splendidly decorated this evening in honor of Mr , and'Mrs. Gladstone who yea orday celebrated 'their golden wedding. There were two thousand nrescnt in cluding a largo number of peers nnd members of the house of commons nnd many ladles. Viscouiit Oxonbridgo presented to Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone an album con tuinlng thu work of leading artists commons orntlvo of tlio occasion. Glad tone in accept ing the Kift made an eloquent and pathetic speech which was frcO from political refer ciiccs. A Now H'olllni ; Mill. CHICAGO , July 20. The Chicago and Calu met KollniK Mill company , with headquar ters at Chicago , was incorporated to-day with a capilal stock of 11,000,000 , , The In cor porators are Jean L. 1'fan. J , Louis Pfon and George Campbell. It U understood the company will erect a largo rolling mill at Calumet and in alto steel mils nnd fight the combination of Jollet and North Chicago Uolling Mill companies. For a Coast Dolbnuo Vessel. WASHINGTON , July CO , The contract with the Union iron works of San Francisco for the construction of a coast defeuno vosicl was signed to-day by Secretary Truoy , The contract price la $700,000. SlYSTfilUOUH KI11I2\'DS. Uurko'a Hacker * Htlll lloninln nn Un known Quantity. CIIIOAOO , July 1:0. : [ Special Telegram to Tun Uin.J : Judge Horton , dl'l ' not appear nt the criminal court building this morning , but rent word to the state's attonioy that ho was nick nud would not bo in court until Monday mornlnp. - The application of the Cronln suspects for nn Immediate trial will there fore not bo disposed of before that tlmo. State's ' Attorney Longenookor received a tolognim this morning from Attorney George Baker at Winnipeg. It staled that the tnibeas corpuu case would bo finished by to morrow and that everything was favorable. It concluded Vlth the words , "strangers ar riving. ' . ' This last expression the state's at torney thonght refers to the advent of Will iam Kennedy , the Wisconsin lawyer , at Winnipeg. "I don't understand how this Wisconsin man gets into the ciTsc , " Mr. Longcncckor said. " 1 know nothing about It except what is In the newspapers to-day , and this refer ence to it In liakor's telegram. It Is very peculiar. Hero is n prominent lawyer who goes nil the way from Wisconsin to Winni peg , presents himself thnro nud says ho Is liurko's attorney , but rofnses to toll who has employed him. I don't ' know what It means except that this conspiracy roaches far ami wide. It is u big thing. " "Is there no way of llndlug out who em ployed the now lawyer ! " "No ; Kennedy Is not compelled to toll the court who hlrod him. but a lawyer can always toll who retained him with perfect propriety. If relatives of LJurko engaged Kennedy ho would probably tell it without any hesitation. It is tlio jailor wiio has the prisoner in custody who must bo satlsllcd as to the genuineness of a lawyer's representations buforo ho will pomilt htm to see the prisoner. They are very strict about such mutto'rs i"n Canada , and ivcnnody must have shown that ho was duly authorized to nctboforo ho was allowed to see Uurko at all. The police authorities have detectives at Wiunluo ? who wntcli every arrival and note every stranger who comns into the town. IJurko's lawyers are closely watched also , to see whom they com- mil nl en to with , in the hope of discovering a cine that will indicate who is backing the defense. Kennedy's nppoaranco must huvo taken everybody up there by surprise , but it is thought that the dotootivos will Und out who visited him before ho loft his Wiscon sin homo. " Jiiilmiioiit Koanrrod Until Tucmlny , WINNIPEG , July 20. Uurko's counsel com pleted their argument m the appeal case to-day. Judgment was reserved to bo given by the full court on Tuesday next. AN BLOPUM13NV8 XUAGIC END. A IJetrayed Lover Socles a Deadly CHICO , Cnl. , July 20. An Oiopomont , which occurred hero n few days ago , culminated in a tragedy this afternoon. A wedding waste to have taken plnco htst Monday between u younpr man named Raymond Bleret , a son of a San Francisco Journalist , and Miss Evn Adkins , a beautiful young lady seventeen years , of ago. Biorcs' most intimate friend was n handsome young man named Neil Hubbs , and ho was to have acted as best man at the wedding ceremony. * The day be fore the marringo was to occur Miss Adkins loft her homo and went to a neighboring town with Hubbs where the couple were married . They returned hero next day nnd this"morning - prepared to make a call upon the brlao's mother , Mrs. Barney. Ulorcs heard of the Intended visit and wont to Mrs. Barney's house before thorn. When * Hubbs and wife arrived ho entered the parlor and fired at Hubbs with a revolver. Hubbs foil to the floor , out also drew a revolver and flred. Four shots apiece were fired when Hubbs ran out of the room. B lores then placed the revolver to Mrs. Hubbs' head and flred , inflicting1 a severe but not dangerous wouad. Hubbs ro-cntercd the room nnd boat Biores to the floor with n revolver. Biores then dr.icgcd himself into an adjoining room where ho blew his brains out. Biores also received two bullets in Ills body. Hubbs wns shot through the abdomen and his recovery is doubtful. Mr-s. Barney was placed under nrrost to- nlpht on suspicion of being implicated in or having previous knowledge of the plot of Bleres against Hubbs. CHAIUTY'S IJKEAI ) . The Stnrvlnji Miucra of Conl Valley Kecelvo It With Joy. CHICAGO , July 20. Mayor Cregler , Con gressman Frank Lawlor and other members of the relief committee , left this morning with eighty tons of provisions and supplies for ITio starving lacljQd-out coal miners of Coal Valley , 111. There are about tira thous and idle miners In the district , matting with their families about six thousand souls. The airlvul of the train there this afternoon was greeted with demonstrations of Joy , and the committee was welcomed by the strains of an improvised band which wus none the less hearty la its welcome , notwithstanding the somewhat unmclodlous character of the music which it discoursed. Everywhere wens evidences of most plnchlnir poverty und destitution. Men , women and children were most scantily clad in the cheapest ma terials and there wns a dearth of foot gear among them. Their faces bora unmistakable evidences of pinching huniror. These people have been lockoa out nearly thrco months nnd are absolutely cu the verge of starva tion. _ ' I/ess than Living U'agon. CIIIOAOO , July 20. Hon. Fred H. Wines , of the Illinois state board of charities , who has boon making investigation into the Stroator mining troubles , said to- tilKtitOne thing has boon shown with coneluslvoiiess that many of the minors uro working for less than living wages , but the operators have also introduced strong evidence to show they can't Increase wages ; that they cannot renew o'd contracts at old prices , and that the now pnco loaves them no margin at all. Both slden have strong points , and it is u dllllcult thing to adjust. A JJKI'UTY HIIHUIIJT K1LLHI ) . 11U Murderer Klddlud With IJiiflets by nu Anci'.v Mob. SANTA FJS , N. M. , July 20. Deputy Sheriff Warren Moore was shot and Killed this morning at Wallace , N. M , , by Joseph Cliaclm. The latter was a smallpox attendant and was ordered to leave town , whereupon he fired throe slfots into a crowd of citizens , wounding one man. Ho then fled to the hills , pursued by Mon re. Ho turned and killed the officer and was himself - self overtaxed by the angry crowd and riddled with bullets. Nrnrly n Itlf ; itlazo. TOPHKA , Kan. , July 20. A flro in the gen eral oftlco building of the Atohlaon , Topoica & Santa Fo this morning did t33OQ ( ) dam ages. It was at ono tlmo feared the mag nificent building would bo entirely destroyed , us the supply of water was shut off by the bursting of u water main. The breach In the water pipa was repaired In u half hour and renewed efforts to stay the flames were suc cessful. 'I ho total loss Is confined to the amount stated , though what embarrassment will accrue from tlui destruction of papers caunot now bo estiinulod , Mysteriously , July 20. Dr. A. K. Jones , an old resident of thU city , well known as a local historian and enthusiast In military matters , Is mysteriously missln ? from hlx homo on Walnut Hill. Ho loft the house yeateidny without a coat , and not the slight est clue lias yet boon found as to his where abouts. It is feared h im > become nuduouy ! insane. CONSOLIDATION. A Proposition to Weld Together the \Vnbanh nnd Its Foodorn. INDIANAPOLIS , July CO. A mooting of the stockholder * of the Wab.ish Kastorn railway company , of Indiana , was hold here to-day for the puruoao of voting uixm articles of consolidation botwcon the Toledo WuMorn railroad company , Detroit & State Line , Wnb.ish railway compuiy , Wnb.ish Eastern railway company of. Indiana , Wnbash East ern railway company of Illinois , nnd the Wabash Western rcllwny company , under the name of the Wabasli railro id company. All the stock of the Indiana corporation , Jti.OOO.OOO. wns represented , and articles of consolidation previously adopted nnd recom mended by the directors were unanimously unproved by tlio stockholders. A meeting of the stockholders will bo Hold at Toledo , Au gust 1 , to elect directors of the consolidated compnny. A meeting of the stockholders of the Wnbash Eastern railway , company of Illinois will bo hold to-morrow nt Chicago. A Unto War 1'hrontotiod. NKW Yoiuc , July 20. Tlio ofllclalfl of the Pachlo Mall Steamship company notified the Transcontinental association that unless the subsidy from the railroads is increased they will cut rates nnd take nil the freight they can got. It Is thought this Is the preliminary step to a war nifalnst the Canadian Pabillo roads , and the fact that the Southern Pnciflo has refused to allow the differential rate to the Canadian Pacllo Is considered n confirma tion of this bellof. The Transcontinental roads Intimate that they tire wilting to divide the through business , giving the Canadian Pacific 0 pur cent , nnd dispatches from Chicago cage received to-day nay the Canadian PiuMllo wns willing to agruo to it If the Canadian Pacific Insists upon n differential , however , a war of rates will certainly follow. Soiithnrn Pnolllo Still Obstlnnto. CiilOAdo , July 20.- The proposition of the Canadian PaciUc , which involved the sur render of some of their differentials nud n modification of others , xvus discussed almost the entire afternoon by the Transcontinental association , and great pressure was brought to boar on the Southern Paclllc to Induce It to agree to the arrangement. The latter was obstinate to-day , but the opinion prevails that it will eventually yield. A Blfj Ketluotlon Ordered. CHICAGO , July 20. The Pan Handle road announces a big reduction of nearly 40 per cent in passenger rates botwcon Chicago and Indianapolis and Louisville and Cincinnati. No explanation is given nud the other roads have not yet determined how to act. THE IjlSWlS TIlOUUhK. Some Hopes That thu Firm Will Wenthor the Storm. NKW YOUK , July 20 , The clones of the suspended firm of Lewis Bros. & Co. were busyto.-d.iy making entry of assets. The unrtnorH of the firm refused to talk until a , statement had boon prepared. The firm think the assets will bo sufficient to pay the creditors , but business men think unless a speedy settlement Is obtained the assets will not bo more than half the liabilities. Litiga tion Is apt to follow despite the high reputa tion of the firm , Some creditors will gr.ib everything while these who are inclined to bo friendly will faro badly. If , however , the creditors by concerted action , can put the firm on its foot again by a speedy settlement peed results may follow. not kuowu where the administration will bo made. The miiln house being ia Philadelphia the administration of the ustato and the payment of divideuds mnv take place tliere , but tlio bulk of the litigation , if there bo any. will bo in New York , t'ho stock ot goods" are In flvo different Juris dictions , Now York , Pennsylvania , Mas- sai'husctts , Maryland and Illinois. Open accounts , amounting to $1,675,090 , are scattered all over the country. Banks who hold the firm's paper beilovo they will not .suffer much. The amount of tha firm's ' paper held hero is upwards of $1,000,000. The largest amount held by ono bank is SiO.OOO " HIS SENTliNOH ItEMlTTBD. Paymaster Smith , of the Navy , Held Not ItcHpoiiHtblo. WASHINGTON' , July 20. The finding of the court-martial In the case of Assistant Paymaster Henry It. Smith , of the navy , was made nubile to-day. Smith was the pay ofllcor on board the Essex , In Now York har bor. On the 2oth of April he drew 51,200 of the pay funds and was missing until the 3d of May. Ho was charged with beinc ab sent from his station of duty without a leave , and pleaded guilty. The court sentenced him to bo suspended from his rank and duty for six months on furlough nav with the unani mous recommendation that tlio sentence be remitted bec-ausc of their belief tliat ho was mentally irresponsible for his actions. Seuro- tury Tracy approved the Hading of the court and adopted its recommendation , remitting the sentence. _ , NobrnHlcn nnd Imvu PC unions. WASHINGTON , July 20. [ Special Telegram to THE Buu.l The following pensions ware granted to-day for Nooraskans : Wilhulm Hobbe. Increase Amos H. Burdlck , An drew S. Drombcrg , James Campooll , Wil liam T. Adams , John I. Martin , Charles G. Andorbon , AVilliatn Bode , Hobort Cochrau , Thomas Barren. Reissue Alexander Col- vert , lowans : Original invalid Andrew Schrall ( deceased ) , Gcoruo W. Stutts , Francis Champion , George W. Trudo , Jesse Thoip , Sanford O. Wood. Incroaeo Hii-lmrd Hob- sou , David M. Anderson , James W. Jarbean , Edward A. Wilson , Myron B. Ifndly , Tobias D. White , George W. Carrel , Joseph Varner , J. Allen Mm tin , John T. Shane , William Ward , Philip liotnch , Thomas G. Beadle , Charles Gott , Michael Hayes , John Hartman - man , Henry White , 'Ihom.iB J , Wilson , Jacob Worlov. .Tunics ITIrkcy , Astjriah Nollis , Emery F. Wolcott , George W Baird , Joseph M. ICIliroro. Helssuo John E. Gil- mo 10. Original , widowH , oto. Smiianth F , , mother of Addition Bullock. llta Yorktown Uisiufy For'irl-il. WASIIINOTON , July 20 This morning Sec retary Tracy was advised by Commodore Uamsoy , of the Brooklyn navy yard , thuttha Yorktown was ready to start upon her four- days' trial erumo. rUUSUUI ) KV GIlI2llTOIt9. A. Dopniy Sheriff * Hrnolccn ( Us Cob I'iliQ In VVedl'rf niniiHlon. CHICAGO , July 20. | Spoolul to Tins Br.K.J An evening paper nays ; Ex-K'lror ( Juuios J. West , of the Times , vislwJ by Dep uty Sheriff Graves nt his homo last night. During Iho afternoon tha Commercial Na tional bunk , which secured u judgment for $1UOO ! ) against West , complained to the sher iff that it was not satisfied with the levy madu on U'est's utablo , and insisted that tlio fchorlff seize other property. This was done1 , and everything in Woxl's beautiful toildciicu was marked In chalk bv the hut.rthtiiH under- uhoriff. r.vcn n Jlnw btPlnwny piano had to submit to having the sheriff's label on its pnlmiiud surface. When James West went homo last night ho found the sheriff's cus todian sitting in the parlor biuoklng a cob 1)1 po. This was aggravating , but Mr. Wofct said nothing when Informed that the proper ty was buliic watched for liin creditors. Sheriff Gle.isnn said to-duy that West would bo entitled to JlOfl worth of household jfooda and that thn creditors would probably nmlbu fr'i.MO out of the lie of thu uiicxcmpt prop , erty in the residence. 'J \Voatlier IndlcatloiiH. For Nebraska Fair , warmer in eastern portion , no decided change in western JK > ? . tl'jn , variable winds. For loivu J'itlr , warmer , variable winds , becomi : ] ; ; southerly. Fcr DuU''t' l-'ufr , vurlablo wiud . AT STANDING ROCK AGENCY The Sioux Commission Moots With Very Llttlo Enoouraffomout. A'TALK WITH GOVERNOR FOSTER. Ho Mnlccs n Forclhlo Appeal Hut J''allH to Awaken Much 12u- lnRiii In tiio Hnv I KO Hroixst. The Hloiix CominlHHton. , STAXIIINO HOOK AOIINCT , Dnk. , July 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin : HEB. ] The Sioux commission arrived horn hist night urtor a two dajs' travel on the stoainor Missouri from the Chuyonno River agency , and were mot nt the landing by conveyances from the post , Fort Yntos. The Indian * had boon duly notified previous to the coming of the commission , nud were nearly nil camped within easy distance of the agency. Kurly this morning pollcemon were sent out Into the camps to call tlio Indians together In council to moot the commissioners. Owing to thu scattered position of thu cnuips the council did not cnthor until about 1 ! o'clock In the afternoon. They were met by the full commission , Mnjor Wnrncr linrlnc yesterday returned fiom his eastern Jaunt in the lr.tor- est of thq G. A , It. nnd to moot ex-Itispccloi- Polloclc. The council , us usuiil. wns opened by the ngont , Major McLuughliu , In n fo\v appro- liriato romarkn , Introducing the commission ers by iniino to the Indians , briefly toiictilng upon the reputation oai-li hud acquired in the white man's hind. Ho was followed by Gov ernor Fester , whoprocccdod to report his ex planation of the bill , touching particularly upon the features of the bill which have to do with the rights of the Suntces and the prices which are to bo puld for tlio land. Ho concluded with the following friendly ad visory talk : "Kvory intelligent Indian must see that sooner' or later ho must adopt tl.o ways of the whlto man. The whites man wants you to do this , und will furnish the -means for you to do so as fast as you possibly can. I have met ninny of you during the past two months , and I ilnd among you many bright minds which only need education to make , thorn fully equal to our brightest minds among us. I hope to see the day when all of your young men can read and write nnd transact all of the business lilte the whlto man. When I wns a boy this country was called Uio Great American desert , and contained only about 1IK ( ) ) whlto men and over 11)0,000 ) Indians. To-day I find only about 50,000 Indians and nearly 1,000,000 of whlto people in this country. As you must know , this will bo fatal to your retiif- tlon of all this land , nnd us your friend I como hero to tell you Unit you ought to lie- copt this Dill as the best that ever will bo oflered to you for your acceptance. I thluk this will tie the hist commission that will ever visit you. The white man will surely find some way to got your lands. Wo want you to calmly discuss this before you decide , and , not like another agency , dccido bcforo wo como. " Ilo was followed by Major \Vnrnor , who made 1 } careful nnd complete cxnlanation of the parts of the bill bearing upon the questions of boundaries , prices and the sev erally provision. Ho also gave a plain state ment of tlio situation , present nnd proposed. His remarks , strengthened by copious extracts - tracts from speeches made at Washington last fall by the chiefs present to-day , were ver.v forcible and seamed to inako an Im pression upon the audience. The present prospect is not easily discoverable , but seems V > bo unfavorable. At tlio Clioyoniic Agency. PIIUII& , Dak. , July 20. [ Special Telegram to TUB UBii.j Late reports from Cheyenne state that : )35 ) have signed. Prosp ects are very encouraging that that three-fourth * will bo had in u few days. Itailrond ContruclH Awarded. . Iluuo.v , S. D. , July M. [ Special Telegram to TUB BiK. ! ] Colonel Hnsslor and Hon. R. M. Springer , representing the Forest City and Siouk City railways , are tioro to-day. They have contracted for grade work , tics and iron for sixteen miles of road between Gettysburg and Forest City : on the Missouri river , and will have the work done by Octo ber 1. Material will bog lu arriving August II ) . This will give direct connection from the Missouri river to Sioux City. SLAVE TAltiOUS. Awful Pccruilutioii of Workers In Now Yorlc "tiwnntiui ; Kliops. " NnwYoiiK , July 20. [ Special Telegram to Tun UBE.I A committees sent hero by the Tailor's union , of Boston , has boon investi gating the condition of the "sweating shopa" whore rcudy made clothing Is manufactured , on the east sida of tnis city. From tlmo to tlmo these places haul boon described in the dally papers , but the Boston mon wcro star tled by what they saw nnd heard. When the Boston tnilors struck six months ugo their employers told them that competition with the "sweaters" of this city-was Impossible. This story could hardly bo believed , hence the committee. Yesterday the delegates vll' itcd some houses in Hester and adjacent streets , and every place was simply a repeti tion of the others. No 7f > Ilostorstrcot , which Is u six-story double tenement , wan found ocrupli-d by contractors , or "sweaters , " on every floor. Here were being inudo men's and boys' ' clothing trousf-rs , vests and cnats. Kvory room was occupied by ccunUiy dressed men , women , boys nnd girls. The principal work rooms were 7x8 foot und nil contained rr-d hot Htnves , on which the food of the "bosses" and their families was pre pared and tho. inmu of the preasors wcro huatoii. lu thcBO rooms wore crowded eight to ton mon and women. No word or uerlcs of word * can bo found to oxprchs the amount of dii tor thn iiuallty of the atmosphere. Hoth were r.wfui and overpowering to any ordinarily clean portion. Heio thu staves of the "nwo.itoM" worked from daylight to 10 and IS at night , many of the men rarely going home , but throwing themselves down on the huiips of clotliini : and rues. Most of the men worked on the "task' ' H.v tom , nnd were required to keep up with their > lsiJnt. " "Greenhorns" are frequently brought In and p.tarted at as low as b ( ) cents H wool * . Nor are the "sweaters" themselves so much to They ivorlc us hard , or harder , thuii many of thu others , Hutting up at " o'clocic In the morning to pre pare the work for the day , and their earn ings ura comparatively Insignificant. Tha Btorios hoard by the Boston tjdiegau's had a Hamoiiciis about them that enforced tlielr truth. The committee said they would begin u cruHudo against the N 'V Yorlc ready inada ck'thlng when they returned to Hoston. Lieutenant MuCoy'H Koiiinius , CIIIIJNXI : : , Wyo. , July UO. ( Special Tel - gram to Tin : Bui : , ] Thu remain * of Klrst Llnutoimnt J. Knpy McCoy will roach hero to-morrow for interment In the military cemetery at Fort Russell , Lieutenant Mo- Coy was un ofllcur In company I ) . Seventh Infantry , now btutionud ntCump Pilot Butte , near Hock Sprliu'8. Ho was n son-in-law or General Gibbon , on whoso utafT ho former/ ! served as aid. Arrivals. At New York The Gtillort and CMurabia , from Ha.nburg , und the Adrhtlc , from Liv erpool. ' At Qurcnstowii The Coltlo anil City of Chicago , froin New York. At Hrcairrlmvcn The Saalc , from Nevr York. At London-Sighted , the Kjfypllan Mon nrch , froia . < rw Yorl : for I omlon ; the Her man , from New YorU for Antwerp , and the lionmu , from liustou , for Liverpool ,