8 . THE OMAHA DAILY JREE : F1UDAY JULY 2G , 1880. THECITY. _ The electric motor wires have boon Bttung across the Sixteenth street via duct. John Clnlr was sworn tn yesterday ns assistant boiler inspector by Judge I3orkn. Hon. James Whltohcad , of Custor county , qualified as deputy collector ol Internal revenue. Superintendent Whitlock has sworn out a warrant for the arrest of A. J. Stanley for delivering soft refuse brick to bo used for building purposes. A mooting of the directors of the State Development association is an nounced to bo held ut the ofllco of the secretary of the board of trade Au gust 8. Deputy United Stntos Marshal Stow- nrt brought J. A. Gibson , ot Wilson- villa , to the city yesterday , under ar rest on the charge of selling liquor without a license. Mrs. Burmoslor appeared for the third time in the police court to answer to the charge of reckless driving. As the complaining witness failed to ap pear , she was released. C. D. Lowsloy was at the police court yesterday afternoon after a warrant for the arrest of Mary Rassumsson , whom lie charges with having stolen a diamond mend ring valued at $76 from Evelyn Lownloy , A six-vcar-old son of Dennis Kollo- lior loll yesterday morning whllo climbing into a wagon , the horses starting before ho could get oil the wheel and the wagon passing over his body , breaking the collar bone. Robert Stewart , formerly employed by the District Telegraph company of Kansas City , as messenger , was arrested hero yesterday. The boy is wanted in Kansas City for embezzling $16 of die company's money and stealing a suit of clothes. He will bo taken back to-day. CHIT L. Carr was released from St. Joseph's hospital yesterday , presumed to be cured of the atlliction which brought him there. Yesterday morn ing , shortly after his roleabo , ho was found upon tbe btrcets , till Icing wildly nnd apparently half crazed. lie was taken to tbo city jail but was released through the ollorts of Joseph Garneau , jr. Carr was once employed by the Garneau Cracker company as 11 travel ing salesman , and has many friends in this city. _ _ _ rorHon.il Paragraph1) . Guy Barton has none to Denver. Air. Lieutenant Trultt has returned from Salt Luke. AV. A. Puxton nnd wife huvo returned from the west. Willintn Bussnnd.of Albright , baa returned from Dubuque , In. General 13rooko him returned from his trip west with Congressman Dorsoy and party. T , M. HoDCwell , editor of the Holdrodfro Nuggetjis the guest ot the Kov : H. L. Eddlo- blute. George Krug. the Indofutlgnblo agent of Aiihcuscr-Busch Brewing company , Is In tbo city. The remains of Lieutenant McCoy , who died at.cnmp Pilot Butte. will bo forwarded to his mothcra'a homo in Cleveland. Dr. J. H. Hyde returned from New York yesterday , where ho'has been attending n mooting of the grand lodge of Elks. W. H. Price nnd wife , ofOnkdalo ; H. Fuller , of Waterloo ; A. E. Smith , of Ran dolph , und D. S. Scltz , of Norfolk , are regis tered nt the Arenclo. Mr. CharlQs J. Smith , of the Milwaukee , is In the city. Ho represents the American Publishing company , nnd mlikcs n specialty , of perspective llthograpl ) maps of cities. \V. N. Noson , secretary of tlio Omnha board o ( traie ; will start todmon n tour through the west. Ho expects to visit ir Denver , Cheyenne , Ogdcnf Salt Lake and "other cities. . . John Brntt , of North Platte ; C. M. Rlgff , of Beatrice ; J. M. Mursb , of Grand Island ; C. R , I ) . LnMntyr , 'of Fremont ; W. .A. * woodward , of York , a'ud Charles B. Allan , of Lincoln , arc ut the Murray. JoluY J. Underwood , of Lincoln ; J. T. Armstrong , of Beatrice ; W. A. Post nnd 13. S. Peck , of Stromsberg ; P. F. O. Sullivan , 4of"\Vost Point ; H. C. Russell , of Schuylor. nnd Edward Force , oj Bancroft , are at the Millnrd. D. A. Holmt-8 , of Norfolk ; W. F. Buck , of Superior ; ! ! . J. Shickcll. J. H. Sutherland nnd H. Schoror , of 'lokamah ; George B. Franco and wife , of York ; II. A. Kerfus , of Ravenna ; Mrn. D. Adnms und Mis. Dwycr , of O'Noill , nra registered at the Paxton. Count Boronta , the husband of the famous Mod03itn ] , was shown through Tnr. HKU Building last evening by Mr. E. Roscwatcr. The count expressed himself thoroughly delighted - lighted with the magnitude and beauty of tjils.'tho finest newspaper homo on the con tinent. , . Mr. " Charles O. Wood , of the firm of Webster & Wood , real estate ugenU nt Dallas' , Tex. , who 'ins been nt tlio Millard , and who careo to Omaha to Interest som.o of the largest und most progressive mortgage companies of Omuha to enter Texas , left lor Spirit Lake and Minneapolis yesterday. tf ' „ Only Onojjlccnso. > * Judge Shields yesterday Issued a uiarriago ' 'licence to the following parties : Calvin C. Clark , York , Neb 23 Mary Slavins , Chicago , 111 31 Hopelessly Insane. Elizabeth Douglas , the woman who created BO much disturbance at Florence lint , week , has boon adjudged insane and will bo taken to the asylum. Her condition seems to be come moro liopcloss dully. Omaha Minor * . J. C. Gladden , Frank P. Gould , William Roohfo'rd , W. H. Rtnohart nnd Willlaui Btratirmn , of tills city , Imvo bought n gold mine nciir Uadcrsburj , ' , Mont. , which prom , ises a very Holt yield. They claim to have refused $100,000 for it , ar.d huvo already nut in plnco the machinery necessary to work it. Another HnHtliif ; I'luce. Mount Hope cemetery is the latest of the burial places which have been established around this city , It Is situated In the north west and on the road to IrvlnpUin. It Is 1 rtticlicd by Military n veil no ; the hilly portion of which beyond tbo city limits 1ms been ordered graded by the county commissioners , wLo huvo now a force of men upon the work , Wont lo the Pen. Sheriff Cobmn wont to the state peniten tiary with u batch of prisoners. This tlmo bo took Wither Edwards , who goes for eight years ; Henry H , Nolan , eight years ; Frank Williams , llvu years ; Scott Oilman , two years ; Huns Hanson and Frame Stone , ono year each , Pat Horrigan und George Hub- bard went along an guards. A. Hit ! Heal Kxtnto Diinl. John Wood Smith nnd Lotta W. Smith , of Callaway , Custcr county , Nebraska , have cold to Nclllo MoBrido , for $72,500 , allot block 4 , and lots 1 , 3. U , 4 , 5,0. 7 , 111 , 11,13 , 13 , i4 , ID and 10 , in block I , Wood's Pluco. The property Is on Sherman twcnuo , opposite the residence- Hon. A. J. Populeton , Tbo deed was tiled for record yesterday morn ing. William HUB Skipped. L. Silver , who keeps a small grocery at tlio corner of Sixteenth and Vlnton streets , is looking for William Rcnnott. Ho says William camp Into his utoro and Induced him to cash a chock for ? 13 on the Merchants' National bank , which was drawn to ttio order of Honuutt and signed by K. 1C. John- eon. Silver afterward discovered the check ivas a forgery. Swift's Specific has suvcd mo years of un told misery by relieving a partial paralysis in > ny left slue. Tills was after I had been treated by best physicians in St. Louis and Chicago. The trouble was cautod by BODIO tierrngcment of my blood , which has been conectedby S. S. S. T. A. SUKITAUT , Sherman , Texas. INDIVIDUAL WAIUtANTS. They Will lloronftor Tnlco tlio Plnoo of Mr. I'lpor'fl Check * . For some tlmo past the teachers of the pub lic schools have been paid on special chocks ot Secretary Piper , which they had cashed atone ono of the banks of the city. The funds for this purpose wore obtained From the treasurer on a warrant drawn for Iho full amount , They were then deposited In the bank in Iho name of the secretary and remained until checked out as above Indi cated. This mode of paying employes ot the board has obtained for yours , and was con sidered to most convenient to all concerned. especially the lady teachers. The latter will seriously object to the now order of things. The council , comptroller and city treasurer , after having discussed the matter , have ndti- ficil the board of education that , hereafter , a warrant must ho drawn for each Individ ual teacher or Janitor to whom the board is Indebted , This , of course , will filvo the treasurer more work , but. It will bo in accordance with the law. The amount involved average * about 25,000 a month. Cure Tor G. G. Trent , of West Granvlllo , Mass. , writes of AI.LCOCK'S Poiious PI.ASTEUS : For rheumatism , neuralgia , pain in the nldu or back , coughs , colds , bruises and any local weakness , they truly possess wonder ful curative qualities. I have recommended them to my neighbors with the happiest re sults , many of whom but for AUCOCK'S PLARTEIU would be In a crippled condition ut homo. In every instance where they have been faithfully and properly applied tlio re sult has been wonderfully satisfactory. Illp-ltnpplriK niln. Yesterday was the day sot by Charles F. Potter , the United States division engineer , to receive bids for tbo brush to be used In the rip rnp soon to bo put in on the east banks of the Missouri rlvor.ubovo the wagon bridge. Up to noon only two bids Had been received , ono of thorn from .Too Hodman. The name of the other bidder could not bo learned , as the engineer was , as usual , as dumb as an oyster. The specifications ru- qulro that the material must > o live willow brush with butt dimensions not less than thrco-quartcrs of uu inch or over one and one-half Inches. The engineer will open these bids and send them to St. Louis , but the result will not be known before Tuesday next. OTo-dny , up to noon , bids will bo re ceived for the roclc which Is to bo used in constructing the rip-rap. Dropped Dead. Will Bohanan , a young photographer nt George Hoyn's gallery , fell dead nt 1:30 o'clock yesterday , from apoplexy of the heart. Ho was IT years old , and lived with his mother at 820 South Seventeenth street. She is n very weakly woman , and her physician stated that the knowledge ol her son's death must have a serious effect upon her. The sudden death of Hohanan excited little surprise among his most intimate friends. Six or seven years ago ho overi exerted himself while lifting heavy articles , and has smca shown all tbe premonitory symptoms of heart disease. Several times he has fallen helpless to the sidewalk , and the last was but a repetition of former at tacks , with a fatal result. The funeral will bo held fiom the famllv residence at 6-0 South Seventeenth street this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The deceased was at work when stricken down , having left homo only about an hour previous , apparently us well as usual. Ho was a young man , barely twenty- two , of unusually line spirit , a thorough ' /on- tleman , nnu beloved by all who knew him. For over five years ho had been employed by Mr. Heyn , who regarded him almost us a son. Of the family only tlio mother and a little brother remain , the father having died some years since. A Pertinent Query. OMAHA , .luly 24.--To the Editor of THE BRU ; Will some of the many boys who are talking so much of "Drummers' Day" dur ing Merchants' week , please inform us wticn the committee of merchants have asked thorn to take part In the week's work i Is it not going a little toe fast to presume that the drummers are necessary to make the \\cek n success ? Of course the drummer is noted for his cheek , but wo had no idea ho would insist on tbe Jobber taking him in on the pleasure that goes with the business I Is it not enough for the Jobber to pay nil the protlu out this year In salary and ex penses of the drummer , without llxing up arrangements for a day off i Now , for heaven's sake , boys , let up on this diuininer day talk , and put In your tlmo selling goods , and when tbo jobbers need your assistance in u Merchants' week they will call on you. O.VB OF TIICM. That hacking cough can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Curo.Ve guarantee it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co. "Senator" Morgan Protests. THE BBH yesterday afternoon received the following dispatch from Denver : Any telegrams sent to Omaha by ono H. E. Cole from here with my signature and purporting to come from me , are forgeries and sent without my knowledge or consent. I know nothing of Cole or his business here , except that ho is witli Miss Williams , the bicyclist who is contesting the six-hour race. \V. J. MOKOAK. Still another telegram was received later as follows : Desvr.n , July 25. H. E. Cole is hero at tending to his own personal business and not representing himself as anyone but H. E. Colo. S. C. Sim-AitD. The Sixth ward republican club will hold its regular mooting at the corner ofOth and LtUco sis. this evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is desired. The Old Hcxton. George Medlock , the sexton old and gray who has spent twonty-flvo years of his llfo as sexton of Prospect Hill cemetery , has re turned to his old occupation. Ho was sue ccedod as sexton of this primeval burial place by Rufus Prultt. Since that time the old gentleman has reveled In trips to merry England and luxurious caso. Prui'.t , how ever , has accepted the position of sexton of Mount Hope cemetery , and his position has boon tilled by his old principal , Guorgo. Sick hoadiioho , wind on the stomach , biliousness , imubou , are promptly and agreeably banished by Dr. J. II. Mc Lean's Little Liver and Kidney Pillots. li-50 u viftl. The niiiKco mid IClopp & Dartlctt , printers , have begun suit before Justice O'Connell against the Eden Musco company and Alfred E. BhiU- fuss to recover MO duo the plaintiffs for the publication of the Munce programme. Manager Lawlor declined to pay the bill , stating that Ulaufuss , who was advertising agent at the tlmo the debt was contracted , had collected the money for the advertise ments and had failed to turn It over. The cnso has been sot for trial Monday morning at U a. in. Hlausluss was once a member of the Nebraska Detective association , but was discharged , Andrew J. Grlsham , of Hock , Pope county , 111. , saya : "I tried Chamber lain J Colic , Cholera and Dlorrhoua Remedy in my family for summer com plaint and cholera morbus and it gave the. best of satisfaction. It also proved good as u provenllva of flux. I praise it very highly and. think it is the host I over saw for suoh complaints , " All of the loading druggists in Omaha sell it. ItarnucUi vs Mullen. A change of venue has been taken from Justice Anderson lo Justice O'Connoll'a court In the case of Jlurnaclu agulnst Mullen. The litigation grow out of a plumbing con tract , an account of which appeared In THE Ur.i : at Wednesday. The time ( or hearing the trial has not been bet and a jury Is demanded. Over 10,000 phyalolans endorse Plait's Chlorides nu the proper Jiousehold. dis- nf ecUiut. TUB LAUGH CONTEMPTUOUS Glvon Pespnlrlng Father by ft Wny- tvnrd DfiMRlitor. Clara Burchfird was the central figure In police court. Clara was arrested at tbo In stance of her father on the charge of being Incorrigible. Her father. Ephrititn H. Uurchanl , stated that ho had boon dcaortod bv his wlfo in Glonwood , la. , seven years ago and loft In charge of throe children. Ho came to Omaha , found employment In the smelting works and , for the past two years , had been living in the old BrownoU hall on South Sixteenth street. Clara , the oldest of IJurchnrd's three children , has been keeping house for her father. Of Into , however , she has refused to stuy at homo ] and has boon ontronizlng boor-hall dnncqs with disreputable companions. Her father has made numerous but unavailing efforts to In duce the girl to mend her \vnvs. Ho claims that the girl's mother , who Is In the city , loading a life of shame , has encouraged the girl in her downward career and has kept nor from returning home. The girl was found nt Mctz hall by her father Wednesday night and when she refused to go homo with him ho caused her arrest and attempted in police court to have her sent to to the reform school. An the girl is more than sixteen years of ago , the authorities could do nothing In the case. She was dismissed. She guvo her lather and the court n coutcniptous laugh as she loft the jail to join her former compan ions. ions."Willyuu go homol" was a < tkeil of the girl as she loft the court. "Well , I should say not , " she replied. "Tho 'old ' man don't like my company , and so I'll stay away from him and keep the company I chooje. " Wllllo Babblngton , a lad seven years of ago , wivs charged with tlio larceny of a silver watch from Anna Janson. As soon us the jmlgo saw the size of the accused ho dis missed him. N. Peterson , a milkman , was lined $2 and costs for leaving his team in the charge or a six-year-old boy. The horses had started to run awnv , but were stopped by Garbage Inspector specter Goldsmith , who fllcd the complaint against Peterson. Four vagrants were discharged and six drunks fined. First n PlRiuyV mi n Olant. We are too apt to regard a small aliment much as wo would some pigmy , unpleasant of aspect and prankish Indeed , but incapable of serious mischief. Wo ignore the fact that it grows prodigiously , strengthens in proportion , and begets evil progeny. A lit of indigestion , a slight bilious attack , sensa tions of unrest and languor when tbo sys tem should have boon braced by recent deep , unaccountable nervousness , inactivity of the kidneys or bladder what are these but the precursors of obstinate and serious bodily disturbance ! In either of the above emergencies , common sense and experience unite in indicating Hosteller's Stomach Bit ters as the best preventive. Particularly should its use bo prompt when the languor , yawning , chilliness down the back , and fovorishncss that precedes a malarial attack , manifest themselves. Incipient rheumatism grows apaco. Don't neglect it. So with constipation and debility. A MSW V 1C All GENERAL. . Rev. J. F. C'Callnaliiui Likely to Bo Appointed by Blsliup O'Connor. Rov. R. A. Shaffcl , S. J. , late treasurer of Creighton college , left yesterday over the Missouri PaciHc , for St. Louis , where ho will hereafter bo located , ft has not yet been announced ofticially m what capacity ho will officiate in that city. Father Shaffol loaves a most extensive circle of acquaintance's in this city by whom he has boon respected and admired for his great zeal and devotion to matters pertaining to religion , as also for thoraru business qual ifications which be possess * * ! . His successor at the college will bo Father Mallory , who has boon here about a month , His successor as vicar general of the diocese - coso has not been announced , but it is thought llkoly that the ollleo will be flllcd by Rov. J. F , O'Callagban , the newly appointed pastor of St. Cecilia's Catholic church , Father O'Caliaghan for many years was the editor of the Catholic Telegraph of Cin cinnati. He is a profound theologian , a forcible writer and a scholarly gentleman. The Sacred Heart academy , for day pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue and Twenty-seventh streets , is an insti tution devoted to the moral and intel lectual education of young girls. The course includes everything from a pre paratory department to a finished classical education. Besides the ordi nary academical course , music , paint ing , drawing and the languages are taught. French is included in the or dinary course. Dilleronco of religion is no obstacle to the receiving of pupils , provided they conform to the general regulation of the school. The scholastic term be gins the first Tuesday of September. Classes commence ut 0 a. m. , and are dismissed at 3:80 : p. m. , an hour for recreation being allowed at noon. Ames' A largo force of men is busily engaged making the excavation for the now brick building of Fred Ames , on the southwest corner of Howard and Eleventh streets. Tlio structure will bo u massive ono. devoted entirely to wholesale purposes , and ull of it has bceu already leased. M. E. Smith & Co. have leased the greater part of it for their dry goods stock , which they will greatly en- largo. _ The Blind Violinist , Prof. Joseph Heine , the great blind violinist linist , his wife , Madame Ada Heine , pianist , and his daughter. Miss Evelyn Heine , so prano and violinist , are in tbo city. They give a concert in Council Bluffs tnis week and are arranging ono to bo given m Omaha shortly. The professor is a gifted musical genius and composer. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of puri ty , fctrength and wholosomenesa. More eco nomical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be sold In competition M 1th the multitudes of lor or nhortwefuht alum or phoiphate powders , Bold only In cans. Itoyal Ilaklnt ; Ponder Com. pany , K& Wall btrect , Now VTork. V ID DC Yand all urinary trouble ! easily , quick. MUn L I ly and safely cured byUOCl'UUA Can. stiles. Bevcral casei cured m seven aays. Bold ut ll.W per box. all .druggists , or by mull from Uoctuaa MTKlft , U4 WUUa s N. Y. Fulldlreo- ft A Al ff | > and Tuition CUUKD ! uo knire ; I. A Ilil kl < book free. UU. > l.MIlUiiaH.U. , Vmi V L. 1 1 180 vvibasjiav. . FBNNYWOVA& WAPJBBB AIM uccessfully ued monthly by over 10,000 adloa. Are Baft. fftctuatand l > t < xuant 1 I T box by nmll.or at druggist * . Scaled arHevlan 2 postage aUmp * . Addreaa Tu iiuafx-i CumicAi. Oa , Vmaan , Micu. For sale and by mail by Goodman Drug Oinuha. DRS. BBf f S & BEITS U03 FAH mSTncRT , OMAHA. NM. ( UplMU 1'azton Uotcu Office hours , 0 A. m , to 8 p. m. Qundayi , 10 , m. to 1 p. in. Spool illBts In Chronic , Mcrvoui Skin ami Blood llsen ei. I y Consultation at ofllco or by mall fro * . Miullcln s nnnt by mull or express , securely packed , free from observation. Guarantees to cure imlclcty , unfety ami permanently. WPDunil ! TIPRlM'rT ' Spernmtorrhcru. s mt- NjjltVUUu UhtuLllI nnH.05Bs.NlKht ( Kmls Ions. 1'liyslcal l > fcny. arising from Inc'.lscre tlon , Kxcess or Indulgence , producing Sleepless ness. Despondency , rln.p'ei on the nice. aver- . iilon to aocloty , easily ni"tourapcd. lucK of conn deuce , dull , unfit for Htudy or business , nlid finds llfo a burden. Bnfrly , pcrmnnently nnd pri vately cured. Consult Drs. lletts & Dctts , itUS Farnura Bt. , Omaha , Neb. Bloofl and Skin Diseases results , completely eriullcrUrd without tlis aid of Mercury. Scrofula , Kryslpelan. I'ever i-ores , Blotches , Ulcers , Pains In the Head mill Hones , Bjphllltlc Sore Throat. Month nnd Tongue , Ca tarrh , etc. . permanently cured whore pther have failed. nll < 1 Bladder Complaints ITirlnnu Ifrinprv ' , MIHGyi Ulllld'y Painful. Ullllcnlt. too rro- qiient ilurnlngor Illooily Unno , Urlno high col ored or with milky bedlmeut on st&mllm ; , Went Back , Unnorrhci'n. fllcet , Cystitis. etc. , PromDtly and L'nfely Cured , Charge * Jtenhonii- bio. < SJrii1'R.Tf1rJ1'n"R."R / / . I I Guaranteed munont Cure , per- re moval complcta , without cutting , caustic or dlllatlon. OuruM etltctcd at homo bjr patient nltliout n moments pain or annoyance. To Yonnir Men aim Midflls-A d Men , finni ? The nwlul eHects of early AtJTinp UllfiD UUIlL : Vice.Milcu bungs organic weakness rtestroy.ng both mind mid body , with all its dreaded llln , permanent ! v cured. riDO PP'TIPO ArtresR tlioauhohnvo impaired JUAUi 1)1)110 ) themselves by Improper indul gences and solitary ImblK which , ruin both body and mind , unfitting thorn lor business , tiuly or nmrim p. MAUHIED M , N. or those entering on that hap Pylife , invuro of physical debility , quickly ua fitted. ouu success. Is based upon facts , i'lr t Practical Eipe rlonce. Second Kvory CASH 1 especially studied- thus Unttlns aright. Tlilrd-ilc aiemcs are pre , pared In our lubatory exactly to suit each case. thus atTcctlnft cures \ \ ithoiit injury ta7 Send It cents oosttRe for cclobrate.lorks on Chronic , Nervuuu and Dullcuto Diseases. ThouHandncur a.MU7 A friendly letter or cull may save you future mitToilnc and sh.iine , and add Koldcn years * to life. t Ko letter * nn- swereil unless accompanied by 4 cents In stnmDft. Address or call on- JUR . ( BJETTS & ISJUTTS , HMFarnani Street Omaha. M b. -.WE BtSTWM SOAP HADE IN AHtHtt- -AIL .x clAS-S'KlRK m WHITE „ G-OUD | * Fi.OATIN < . ' 30JVP < VVRAPPER5 ( UK6E JlZtJ > and receive L" § J.SLHANDSOME3 . AcTORS-and-AciRtssES I liicl rlR'iinintlnntob.iu tliai U dih.iblul me fur \ \ orlc nn.t cor.lliiLd me to my b .d for n whole jcnr , during which tlmo I could iioteunralfcmy Imnds to my liuid , and for 3 inontl.u could not move in j f elf In litd , as reduced In flesh from } 192 to 80 His.Vns treat ed by bett plijBlrlane , only to grow worse. Finally I took Snlft'a Spcclflc , nnd soon began to imjiroio. After awlillonsnt my work , and for tlio pns' fl\omnntlis ln\u been ( isucll na I evcrwaa all from the cUcclH of Hwlfl'u Siwciflc. Jonv RAT. Jan. 8 , J8S3.l - Ft. Waj ne. Ind. Hooka on Blood and SUn Dlfeafca rniUlod frco. _ . . SWIFT SrEcirio Co. . MAX MKVEll. ADOU'IL MEYER liSTABLISIIKU IMfl. Max Meyer & Bro , 1 Great reduction of price on second hand FlanoH and Urgann. A good chance to get u good Pluno tor u small tuiiount of money. PIANOS. Cash. Per Mo. 1 Knnbo Bijuaro , line tone , cost now , # ; ) 12x1 ro $20 00 1 Hulh't. Davis If Co. , inn MI is oo 1000 1 Weber , square 17B CO ir.io 10 ( X ) IKnibe , Himro ( I7fl 00 ] 5 00 10 ( U 1 fitelnway , aiiuuro U 5 OJ V , 0) 10 00 1 Hradburv , Kinure 120 IH ) 100) 8 110 1 W. W. Klmbull. M [ MOO 10 ( K ) 8 UO 1 Nenton tt Co. wjuare DO 00 1000 H UO 1 good square I'luno 40 00 8 00 C W OHQANS. 1 Estcy Organ , used 8 months cost new , tl V ) N ) 00 1000 n oeD 1 KclioulDnor Urvan , 10 atop , Oi 00 u ou D 00 1 Sunday tichool Organ , cost new. tl'i'i uO 0) ) B 00 r oeD 1 W. W. Klmball Organ M 0) 8 (10 ( D 0" ! 1 PrlncoOrgau , Ti 00 U ( Kl 6 IK ) 1 Taylor ic Farley Organ. . . , 40 OJ K DO r , oj 1 Taylor A ; Farley Organ , . , 8i 110 700 6 00 V-llainllii Organ. . . G 0(1 ( i OJ Tim above price * are 10 per dent less than over offered before a ml us \ \ u mutt lm e room for our large stock of NeW Pianos vi o vt 111 gh e uu extra 10 per tent discount from above prices to any one that Liuyn an .Instrument before Auuuut 1st. i\eryliihtrumentguaiunteedto : bo just us re presented. ' riiinos forroat for2.r)0 ( and upwards tier inonlli. Organs for rcit for $1.50 anil upnards per month. If you buy any of the above Indumenta nnd you uru not fciiuuuildo will ullowjoii feumeus you paid for ittflwnrd nny new I'luuo you muy select. Call eurli'and get a bargain. Cor. 16 tin and Faniam Sts. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION JS7S. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-CO4. THE M03TPERFECTOF PE E _ _ _ _ " DTvoucEH ATljboDUioif , "ATTOII NKrviT LAW , 1-1 Dearborn rit. . Chicago : advlcu free ; " 1 yearn' experience ; " bualne ( juietly and lv gully transacted. To OFFICE SEEKERS. The Palace 171 ? BTTTT FITMP JiiJb IS UILIIIJN IJT. A Superb Court , Perfect Ventilation , Thoroughly Fire Proof WELL LIGHTED OFFICES , HARD-WOOD FINISH , * It . ' * * > } > TILED CORRIDORS Jf Fifty-Eight Vaults , Lighted by Electricity , ' * V Night @ Day Elevator Service -Ib- THE BEE BUILDING , Seventeenth and Farnam , offers attractions for Professional Men , Insurance Companies , Brokers , Real Estate Agents and Business Men , who desire elegant , 'commodious and fire-proof offices at reasonable terms. For particulars apply at the Counting Room , New Bee Build ing. STILL A CHANGE AT $15. Somecood Imrsnlns mnyyot bo found aiiuiiiK our odd sUes of inou'a .stilts. Hear In mind tlieso aru not Inferior nooils which wo ollci' , but lli tclai > 3 111 every parliuular. State Line. To Glasgow , llelfust , Dublin niilJ.l\criiol ) ( - From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin pussiiKO KU to t'O , acconllni ; to locution of eta room. Kzcurnlon lUtofjJ. f EtcernRC tounil from Kuropu'iit Lowest lUtos. AUbTIX IULDU IN i , Co. , Gcn'l AKCntS , * . U llroailwuy. Now York. JOllN liLECfN , Gon'l Western Aifcnt. 1GI Uundolph Ht. , Chlcngo. HAniir IC-MoitEg , Agent. Uoiulia. ( Iteduce J Cubluratoj to QUnjo.v HICAGO FEMALE COLLEGi G MurKiiiiI'urUlnearClilcaEn ) . ItoanllnKl Hcliool lor Ulrla ornl Vouii.l.iullos. . I'orf ' cntolpirua address ( J , TIIAYKIt. U. ilorfmu rarklll.ur ? ? Aludlsuu btrcot , Cmm o , 111 , ST. JOHN'S MIUI'AHV BCI10OI/ , MANUU8. N. V. Civil Knglneerlng. ninnlcx. lliislneHff. 1IT. HEV. K , I ) . HUNTINd'lON , President - I/r , Cou W , VIJUIJUCK. Biiporlntomlent. JACKSONVILLE u couiw , tuu.ic , ntU K. r. IILLUIUI. I'l XI BW YOItlC MILITAItV AOAIMMY COltN- IN wullon-Hudfcon. Coi. . C' . J , WIIIOIIT. II. a , A , M , , hupt. ; U 1' . II VAIT , Comd't of Cadets. DiUNKENNESS C".1 Ibe I.launr llablt , runlilTrlr Oured br AiliiilnUccrlnu llr. llalucii' tiolilcn bl'cclflc. Itr n tedln-n In acupof cotteeor t < a nlthout h ( kiiuwlttiliiu of tliu pernou taklimIt ; li ubtolutolr Uarui lu , anil will uilrit a > | > veUr an1 ! I'uriuuiiunt euro Uether tlio patient u u uioiiujuUi drlukir or na Hcoliolrvtk. . 'lliuu > and > of drunk ril liavo bicn uada tompumto niun wlioliitvutiiki-uUuluttn euuclflo n tUulr cufTfi * tvttbuut tliolrknowledrfuand to uur ! * lUTB IIIHT HUH drlnkluif of ( Uelr own tma will 11 NKVKlt WlhS. 'JDu jr teril oncu Impreknatid wuti lb Upuclttc. It becuinet an uttvr IniponlWlltr for the 1'juur apiiutito to exlil. For > ala Lf Kulni X Co. HruiftfUu.Iwtb andl ouiclai > ti.an < l Ibtb and Cuut J * t. , Ouakm A.D , JTvil r A llrg. , Council Uluffi , ! GE WATER LEMONADES , SHERBETS , AND ALL COLD DRINKS. Xlti'lll correct f/icc/itmirf/diy ( u. Jliti'iicauflce oiitliebtotiiurli , For Men n Mth freiervln ; , ( or Children Invigorating , and Its- freihlnc for All. Tl.o Celt Sumner - ner Bevcrago InEzlitence. War ranted Strictly furo Mid Unftr- mentcd. An Efficient Remedy ( or DUrrbaa , Cbclern Mor'jui , Dyiccltry , tad all Dltordcri of the Bowoli. , ' 87. JlLtsns. I.UVI.NTJIAL lluos. DPIXI Sirs : Ilinvo tried tlio HiiiiKarlnn lll.tcUbcrry Julco you HU kliiilly uciit me. Ills tlio nu plux ulliu of BiimniLT drlllUn Itlfl frtu from alco hol. ftllajs thirst , tones tlio illKCBtHo oiXiUtB , lias a Una ttromnllc llii\or. mill U Just t ho t lit UK for ( llnrrliu'iil troub les In the limited term. A TAHI.KSI'OONrUJi IN A < 1 1 , A KS 01' IfK .WATKll OUTNUCTAIlh NIICTAK. Ilfsnrctrully. T. A .ATCIlIbON , M. D. rpmnli bj'IJnipBl ti . , MquOC Dealers ttlidUruc . C.E.&C.M. ANTHONY. . . . . . 312 1st Nat'1 Bank Building : , Omaha , - Nebraska FARM LOANS l.owrntus for Cliolce Loans. Titles nnd mines pnsioU iipouinoniptly uiulloans closed wlttiuut Uuluy. Local correspondents \vuutud lu No ruuKa and lown. .A. "ST . . . 20to60 DAYS. This is u diHcnso wliicti lias horotofortt Badlcd all Medical Scicnco. ATlien Jlcrcurv , loJldo of 1'utasslum. Saraapa rtllfi or Hot Bprlng3 full , o guarantee u euro. Wo Imvo u Ruined/ , unknown to anyone In the World outsldu of our Conipuunmloau that baa NtUVKit FAII.KO lo cure the most obstinate cases. Ten days In recent case * iloua the work. It lj the old cnronlo deep EcutoU cases that wa oollcit. Wo Iiuvo cured tmmlrcidu who Imve been abandoned by I'liyelcluns. and pronouucud Incurable , auil wa cniillengn the world to lirjiig us u caao that wa will not euro In leas than bUty lUyH. Hlncotho history of mealclnu a true gpeclQc for Syphilis has boon ooujjUt for but uovor found until our was dUcovef ej , and wo are juytltled In Baying it U the only Hunifciy in tbu World tnut will pu . Itlvely cur , Imcauso tlio latest Medical Worki , imblUlied by the ) > o t knovrn autliorltlea. nay ineiu waBnuverdtfiiespeolllB before. Ourrom * edy will cure \vuru everything olae hns fallod. \Vl\y wiisto you time and money with patent medicines tnat never Imil vlrtim , or doctor wltb ii ihyulclanM thnt cannot euro you , you that huvo iit ried everything elau ulloulilcomo to UH now mid Krt ponnanrnt relief , you never can get U ! ' > whfro. Mark what wo any. In the end yon miiHt take our reineily nr NCVlJIt recover and you that huvo been iitHlcted but n whort time ehoiilil by all moans come tn UK now , not one In tcnof jimv caaoa over u-ct permanently cured. Many tet help and think tboyuro freu from tha dUeftsu , but In one , two nr thrert yeara after It appear * ( .gain In a more horrlblu form. This is n blood Purifier and will Cure any Skin or Blood Disease whou J2vor.Ythintr Else Fails. NOTICU Woileslro toc4Utlon patients In r - paril to pnrtloa chilinlng to line the Coolc Kent. tdy. Our formula U not and CANNOT b Known to linyoiio but puigulvrv. THE COOK REMEDY CO , Rooms 418 anil 419 , Pailon Block ; VIGOR , MANLY pttfectljr tri-iltitU lijf the new peslpn-Dunro nameUleo. eil ( $ fi > t ur Itrw IMuittntfil i li * - . - iUe. ABKilutoiciit/i VurlCO- celo eurnl ouliuul p ln urpiitrttjon Dealon-Oujiro Cllnluuu * lUTteuoDt 8L , liwtoai 1'uckct Mirror I'reo to Siiinkcrs of N. W.Con , l3tH&DODG STB , OMAHA , NEB. ran TUB TnEATUKfi OK AM. _ APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES.1 : c > llfuZ ring * * * * w * M wikviAWMM AUAA4 JIACtil 1 * . NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. ! Uoard&Attendtnce , Beat Accommodation * In Welt , CO-WRITE FOR CIRCULARS on Deformities nfi BraceiTruiiei,01ubFeet , CurT tureiofBpine.Flef. ! Tumori , Ciuoor. Oaturh. .Bronchitis , Inhs ton. idder , itlont. DISEASES OF WOMEN . Hook Ill KB ! * * * _ „ * * * ! * > v i AuauiuHiaiiii iuc m OEVBI.UI/ PRIVATE DISEASES All Hlool Dit e lueeiiirulltreiUiL Bipblllllo I'olioa rtmoTtdrroulbiijtiUm without ntreorj. K. Bi > l r > llie > Trtitn. . ! ftrLou of TITili IOITKIU l'.rll i uaitit. 10 > lilt nvtnivt e trriltd at home bj e rrti | > oBdeDce. | , , r > i ; oloJlt uf m DHcrnudir. On. pertoiul Inlirtlt * fltttrttt. Oil and coniult uior no A Si'ifI.0/i ? ° rcMJl" < l " IHsiniln l > Uln rifr.our | . | BOOK TO MEN FREE : upon rnou. ni.tii ; or Ul Ul t A " " " ' ' " s Ilhtani. laitoimf/.B/pt. OTlTftTTA MEDICAL & BHRo'lOAI. INBTITUIB , 13th and Dodge BtrctU , OKAHA , M B , Health is Wealth ! DiuK.O. WEST'S NBIIVH AMD BIIAIN THE A * . MUST , aguarunteea Bpocluc for Hyitcrla. ] > l/.zl- DOBS. Cuuvulslnns , lltn. Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nerroua Prottratlon caused by tht > a so of alcohol or tobacco , WaketulnesH , Montul Depression , Hofi nlninf the IJraln. re ultlnKla Insanity and leadlnuto mlnery , decay and death. 1'iomuturo Old Ago , llurrennesi. Loss of i'ower In cither HOZ , Involuntary I.ossa * and Hpermat- orhfua caused by njrer-exertlnn ot the liralii. l for - or overindulgence. Kach bor rontalas ene month's treatment. II 00 a box , nr ilx boxe for J' > .UBont by matliirepiild on receipt of price. WE QLTABANTBH SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received br tts for six boxen , accompanied with M.tt ) , we wlft send the purchaser our written Kimrantee to ro tund the money If thu treiitmeut does not ittract kcure. Ouarataei issued only br Goodman DrutfOo , . DwgRlits , Bolt AgeoU , IllQ Farnaia FOR MEN ONLY ! A POSITIVF O'1-OSTorFAHIMO MANHOOD : * r * _ , _ _ . _ P n r land NERVOUS DEBILITZt CTJUE ? * "i0"1'1'1 ! ' Ml.n4t.WfMt * oKr UltOll , t > l * lIIUIIUf llf j CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. Iteil Uio > IHniiiiinit llriiml. Ttnei.li i.lltlu tll | furi.lt. ttcs.oi ore. l.jKiri u.L liruiraUt fall. . UU. luuuil Jlruniln ) rr < l lu i.mcU > ltlM li4 lllil.luttll.Uu 'lHk uuiilirr. H < Dl4r. . . . . < wj Ualcbctlcr ChtuUc UuOliu