Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    ' *
| U08
No ndvortlRcnicnts will lie taken for
' thcRO column * nflcr liliiin p. tn.
Terms Cnnli In ndvnnnc.
. Advertisements nndur this had M e * * p r
nine for the first Insertion , 7 c nU tor each ub-
[ sequent Imortlon , and per linn ptr month.
I No advertliement taken for less than 2S ccntu
! for flr t Insertion. Seven word * will b counted
i to the line ; they must run consecutively and
must bo paid In A OVA NCR. All advertise-
I raenta must be handed In before 12:30 : o'clock p ,
; tn. , and under no circumstances will they w
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Purlins advertising In tht.secolumns and hav-
* tne their answers aadressod In care of Tur. 1KB
, will pleaite ask fora ( hcck-to enable them tn got
j tbtlr letters , as none will ba delivered except on
\ , presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements thoulri bo enclosed in envelopes.
All ndrcrtlsemcntfi in thes column * are pub-
f llslud In both mornroir aud evening editions of
JTiiit llr.K , the circulation of which aggregate *
rmorn than ) paper * dally , and gives the ad *
I.Yertlsora the b ncnt. not only of the city clrcu.
Utlon of TIIK Ilnr : , but also of Council Illuffs ,
' Lincoln and other i.ltles and town * throughout
thl * hoctlouof th country.
Advertising for thcsor colnmn * will bo taken
n the nbove conOltioim. nt the following busl *
F c ss houses , who are authorized ogents for Tnn
; JIKR Rpeclal notices , nnd will quote the same
[ rate * as can be hod at the main olllce.
JOHN W. BELL , 1'harranclst,820South Tenth
CHASR & r.DDV. Stationers and pnnten. 113
South 16th Street.
I. FAHN8WOHTH. Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
Ing Street ,
w. J. HUGHES. Pharmacist , 624 North ICth
. Street.
GKO. W. PAHIt , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary's
HUGHES' Phnnnacy"J203 Fnrnam St. Tclo-
phone No. SI.
"W7ANTED Drlght , Intelligent olllc * boy.
' TT Itoom 403 , Uee building. 91021 *
APAHTYwho thnroughly understands the
grading of streets , building of sewers And
paving streets , wants situation as foreman
with contractor , or would join a curly In the
business. Address K 87 , " Bee olllco. POU 28 *
AYKUNO man , Swede , wishes to get work
in private family as coachman , has rxp r-
i , lenco. Address Albert Swnnson , 600 inth. city.
tea at a young man. best of refer
ence , eood habits , ran nil mqpt any position.
JJcrt A. Wnrnor , Sate N , Wh it. 024 20 *
rOlUJ4 > man wants situation as coachman or
. other employment. Address. K. 7 ] , lleo. .
1)17 ) 251
W-ANTKD--81tuatlon as second girl ; can
ftli a the best of references , Address 1C.
II. , 23ICWebster at. 8'.8 6r
for glrlr of all kinds ;
, small girls .to help ; nurse girls ; Swedes
anil Cermnnsyrho cun't epoak English , but are
nxlons 'and willing to learn ; come and see
tjcin. Mrs. Ilroga , 31115 S , 13th. t 7 25t
" .
r" ' - *
A N experienced nuHlness man desires position
VIn oillce of jobber or manufacturer. In now
employed. Will be ready to nccept place about
Aug. IK "Mlofor to Bee Publishing Co. Address
ECO lleo olllco. 803 31T
BKUGOIST Well experienced graduata of
pharmacy , registered by examination.
Can furnlnh llrst-clnss references. H. M. Kidder -
dor , 2 ,0 , Dodge street.
A 0KNTS wanted for bottled electricity : en-
JX tlroly new ; pays > 'fl a day. Address U. S.
Homo attg.Co , , Bottle dopt. , Chicago. 111.
Oil wJI
WANTED Ten llret-clasa Htono cutters. Ap-
. ply to Iroa Andres & Co. , Canal St. . Mil-
\vaulsee , Wls. 913 SSft
rpHAVELING salesman wishes position for
JLiall months or balance of ynar ; stove or
hardware line preferred. Address E S3. ilee.
Ml 2Ct
WANTED Experienced solicitors for' the
strongest ll'ld'g&Loan ; association in the
IT.,8. Must be hustlers , Address , M. 1) . . care
carrier No , 9. Omaha. tea 2iS
ANTKD-I3arbor-tt15y4 ! OumlnR st.
man quick at figures.
, Apply Btonehlli. 11U 8 loth st. 927-a >
" \KTANTED flood cook , references required.
T T S34 N 18th Bt. KW.27
WANTBD S flrat-class barbera , 311 S.13th st.
. . 880 2it (
" 13IT"ANTKD Good nistler for grocery store ;
v.V''cookfoMmall hotel , f 40 ; head cook , $75 ;
dishwasher , tSU : ( bovelers , } 1.76. Mrs. Brega ,
tM4W 6.15th ! * S8a 23t
"ITITANTBD A.yonng man to take churgo of
TT an olllca in & western city. Must Invest
'R300 ' , salary fl.OXlperyoar. Colloraddress Davis
A Shohan. 540 Itarnge block. Omaha. tei-20
QALESMEK We" wish a few man to sell our
W7 poods l > y gam pie to the wholesale and retail
trade. Largest manufacturers m our line ,
Knclobo 2-cent stamp. Wages SJ per day. Per
manent position. No postal * answered. Money
advanced for wages ; advertising , etc. Centen
nial Manufacturing Company , Cincinnati. Ohio.
. 101-021 *
MRN Jo travel for the Foniblll Numerics of
Cnoiula , We pay WO to (100 a month and
expenses to ngpnts to sell our Canadian grown
Block. A.O. Btono & Wellington , Mudison , Wla.
. > v wi
laborers , rockmeo and
T T track layers , for Washington SCerrltory ;
good wage. ! and steady work. At Albright's
Labor Agency , 112U Faraam Bt. HW
> "W7ANTJSD Aigood olDce man to go east ;
T T mn t inveet K.&OO ; must be a Koodboslnens
plan. Addr Ba'tbo Qeo. 8. CUne Publishing
IIou c--m6'U > p l yabash are. . Chlcuiro. III. 7 i
\X7AN1ED Battroad laborers for now worn
T v In Wyoming. Teamsters , wheeler holders ,
pick nnd shovel men. and rock and tunnel men.
Steady woric and good Job. For transportation
apply at Albright's Inbor agency , 1120 rarnara
tOinnha. 7112
WANTED tCTvw kly representative , male
or female , in every community. Goods
staple ; household necessity ; sell at sight ; no
peddling ; salary paid promptly , nud expenses
uilYnnced , Kul | particulars niul valuable sample
- "KB. We mean just what we say ; addrera
P Standard Silver ware Co. , Boston Jlafj
LAD\ agents wanted for my wonderful new
mbberundergarnumt ; grandest invention
lor women overseen. Mrs.ll. F. Little. Chicago.
013 sot
W ANTKD Olrl , Binall family , 833 Ueorgla
avBMuearIioaven\vorth. iwi S7 *
WANTED A competent nune girl ; best
city referenda reijulred. Mi South acth st.
"TyANTKD Good girl for general housework
y in family of three , 123 . 17th. etft 'M
" \\T ANTED German girl or woman forhouse.
TV work. Call at Silo 8. llth St. B l ai
G11IL for house work , 023 N. 10th.
80S SO
TA/'ANTKD Ulrl for iienorul housework. W.
T T JL Vates , s w cor32d aud California sts.
WANTED carman girl to do cooklnu and
. washing , lyit ot' wagoa paid. Inqulro J.
1. Ilrandels , 4 S IBth at , 233
"ITI7ANTRD Olrl to oo fioconil work and take
T euro of child tnvoo yrs old : none but competent -
potent need apply ; U nua preferred. 24CW Kt ,
W'ANTBD ( jlrl ( ot general fiouieworltTaa
N. Ittb. lU3flt
WANTED Law library : Iowa and Nubnts *
ka practice. IIox iil , Sioux City , la.
\\rANTKU-Ily a bookkeeper A set of books
T T to I > OM ( evenings. Address 15 55 , liee cilice.
WANTED 60 teams for railroad grading , at
Albright' * I4kbor aggucy , 112U J'nniam n.
"MATANTED Hoom and board , aenrPsrk vo ,
T f acr tf * plember 10 by yonug uiarrl d cou
ple. Address K 12 , Uw olllca. S V
DUESSMAK1NU to do la families , 3T. 8.17tB.
mwo eentltmen wiib to r sl < l with a fumlly
Jnf refinement \ hee there will be ua other
Moardorswouldivqulr8rcowa. Addruss KOI ,
lie * .
TmiHbT-ciaM , t y beard , luqutn 13UJ Do jglu
TjTOK HENTKItgant 10-rooa new brick
JL : dwelling , Donplns and Ski it ,
B or 10 room dwelling , Illnney Bt , nil modern
conveniences. 3,1) . Evans , Hoom 80S N , V. Life
building. we 27
TRTOlTllKNT-6-room cottage , ta > per month ,
JD 819 8. iKh. iv
T71OK HKNT 7-rocmed house , city water nnd
JL ! bath , ae Franklin ator room 009 Merchants
National bank. P19 J3Q *
TpOHHENT A 5-room cottage , 33 N. 27th ave.
ffOH HBNT-fi or8 room house SH fa. 2Uh ,
-Croom house oil ) Williams at. 810 SCJ
TTOH HENT 6-room houao to small family , 5
JJ minutes' walk from 15th and Harnoy sts. ;
112/ per month ; rooms nicely papered. In
quire at K. Tnompson , nt L. llradford's office ,
loth and Douglas sts. VS 207
H IOUSE ( for rent , IK ) Dodge.
T710U HBNT New cottnge on Sherman ave ,
JL' all modern Improvements , bath room ; for
further particulars call al 210 Capitol ave ;
reference required , 850
1J1OH KKNT 10 room houeo cor. 2Hh nnd
JL1 Jackson , city water and large yard , vast
front cheap.
0 room hotiso 27th tire , near earning , good
orrtfr. onlySJU.
5 room houso. ilrlstol st , oil llnlth , city water.
* lv Store room 1T11 St. Mary'a avo. chotip to good
3 room honno 2 th nnd Hlco st. near Shooloy
st'ition , collar , large attic , good well , only 87.W.
Hugh O. Clarlr , room 7 Hoard of Trade , fol 25
M6 lf8E5F8 tt. ifith at. , tor rent. II , vT.
Cremor , O N. 15th GUK
EOK HKNT ? 12.X ( ) p'cr month , a six- room
building. N. H. cor. otlSth ana Mason.
FOH ilKNT Two nine room brick houses on
Park avenne , with nil conveniences. Also
nine room frnnio house on same street , with alt
convenience * ! price IV to llfi per month. D. V
Sholea.2101'lrst National Hank. 311
THOIl ItHNT-a first-class "dwclllnp with ail
J modern convonlciicos. Inclndmc ( stable , 2M8
Cnpltol ave. Inquire of D.J.O'Donahoe. 1601
at , 31S
CVK KENT frroom house , large yard and
JL ? ahado trees , 815 per mo. , corner 2 d and.
Plerco. l.'nrintra Bt fil'So. : 13th st. 814
THOU IIENT 7-room flat. tKi per mo. nbovo
X ? The Fair , 13th nd Howard. Inqulro TheFnlr.
FOM KENT Neat cottage. KO per month. C.
F. Harrison , Merchants National llank.
"ITHH RRNT Furnished cottasro of S rooms
X1 and ftirnlturo for sale. L. Ac 8. Loan A Itental
Agency , cor. IBth and Howard sts. H5
1/\UHNlSinr \ > or unfurnished honse for rent
JL' In Park Terrnra. opposite Hanicom park ;
nil modem conveniences. Inqulro Lee *
Nlchol , 2Sth and Leavenworth. 893
TTlOIt IlKNT A detached fc-room house , all
Jt ? modern conrenlonces. Enq. 5633 Capitol ave *
OH HENT 14-roombrlclcilweUlnff , all con-
venlences. 5 blocks from P. O S10 N. 10th at.
TJLEA8ANT furnished rooms at 309 N. 27th st.
JL Kent very icasonable. OC at
ITtOH HUNT Largo furnished south front
JU room on second Moor , with board , nil con
veniences. 1'JIO Capitol nvc. 0M :
F I OH KENT 1'leasnn : south room , with
poard. 2015 Douglas. W--aut
GOOTj , nicely furnished rooms , single or oil
suite ; lint-class board. 1053 Park ave.
807 28J
FUHNISHED front rooms to rent , for geii-
* Jtlemen , all conveniences , private family , on
23th , 3 doors from Dodgo. Address K 64. Bee.
T71OH HENT Front room , No. 115. South 15th.
-t ? nicest location in city. 840 2jr
T71UHNISHED rooms with board in house
JL with modern conveniences. 210 S. JMth st.
TjlUHNlSHED room and board , 2013 Dougl
JU street 7W--J7f )
"Ij OH HENT TAVO furnished rooms , on St.
J.1 Mary's nvenne. To gentlemen only. Six
mlnutoswalk of business center. Iteferenco
required. Inquire nt store , 210 aud 212 S. 15th st.
rpWO rooms with or without board for gon-
X tlomeaprlvaie famlly.rcf erences. 1812 Dodge
Oil KENT Nicely furnished rooms with
oonrd in private family. 2207 Fnrnam st.
094 25t
S T. CLA1H European hotel , cor. 13tn and
Dodge ; special rates byeek or month.
T7UJHNI8HED rooms with all modern con-
JL ; Teiiience3f or gentlemen only , 1703 Dodge st.
TnOHNlSHRD room for rent after June 23.
JD 2dt4 Hurt st. 1M
G COD room with bath. 519 8. 23th st.
poit HENT-Hooin. 1R21 Howard.
FOH HENT Two parlors front and on first
Hoar. All modem coveniunco > . 1 W
Douglas. CS :
NICELY furnished rooms , board if desired ;
gas , batu .electric bells , etc. lOOtf Douglas ,
nmo HENT--Elegantsouth room for gentle
JL ; man. 1T07 Doil e St. 613
fT DHS1HABLE rooms , second lloor , largo yard
e > aud shade. Southeast corner 22d and Hurt ;
choice of four car linos. 004 37
JF8 It HKNT 4 rooms , down atalri , 37th and
Cess , , '
ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor , suit
able for 8or3K ntleraen. with or without
board ; also small room forrent.1721 Davenport.
744 3it
st.ItOOiia , modern conveniences. 1105 N. 18th
st. Flat U. ftW
T710H HKNT I unfurnished rooms suitable
Jfor house Keeping , modern Imnrovcmoiits ,
to family without children. 1704Yolmer st.
PrlcuJlh , 037
TRMJll HKNT Over stove store , 1U2 : Howard
JJ st. Inqulro at store 605
ItKNT Half of a nice pleasant storeroom -
room , rentially located ; cheap runt. J. n
Parrotte lluntal Agency , IC'.li and Dodce.W820
"IJIOIl HRNT A corner store with Hat of 0
J-1 rooms above. City water and gas. on good
thoroiighlare. thickly populated neighborhood ,
KUltitbln for any business. Kent very low. Ap
ply W3 S. llfth ss.
T7UHI UENT Tlie Heed hotel , Uouth Omaha.
-U Tour-story building , modera convenience * ,
Call at 1811 Cass st , Cltr. 7iB-i !
"Cnoil HENT Tne cornerrnom under the Ne-
J. ' braskn National bank will soon bo for rent ,
thn Uijultablu Trust Co. removing to lurgur
The anuce in about double that occupied by
theO. , II. AQ tlruet olflce. The floor 13 tiled
Bud the room cnn b made desirable for a 11. II.
ticket or broker's olllce ,
For particulars apply at bank. O3
T71OH HUNT Store and ( Utnrea for sale ; the
- * ' entire bulldlnr ; ona of the best locations in
the city. U1W Farnam st. Apply to A. Pol nek ,
_ 4U6
TO HKNT Duslrable warehouse room on
track. Apply to U. W. Keith , 711 Pacific St.
TTIOH UUNT Moro hd 4 Uviuc rooms in
JL' rear , nil newly papered ; good location for
grocery or feed store ; t'S per sionth. Apply
at once , C. 1' , Harrison , SlerchauUNat. bunk.
TTlOll HRNT 3 floors front half Dcmis build-
J-1 lug , power , heat , electric light. Inquire ofllco
of llemLi Omaha Hag Co. 157 JyUl
T710H HKNT- The 4 story brlcs building with
Jv or without power , formerly occupied by The
Ilee PubUshtng Co. . ulfl Farnam st. The build
ing ' .m * a lire proof cemented basement , com-
plate utoum heatlnc llxtures , watn' on all tbo
iloors , giu , eta. Apply at the olUce of TUe lien.
s [ TOUK ; for rent , southeast cor 12th and Doug-
it. B. Letiaaiu tel
T7TOH HENT-8tft s and living room * on Cum-
JU' injrtii. AUo homo ou Can st Harris , room
411,1 Nat. Hans. 306
OFFICE To rent. Furnlauod elegantly or
unfurnished. Uviuniau Mock. W. B. Cor.
Iff and Douglas , OS
LUASB and part of tbe furnlt ur for lalo of
two oUgant corner o01ct rooiaa. tint . tloor ,
J , L. lllcei Co. -
WANTED Contractor to bulla hnns and
f urnli < h part material for good residence
lot. MildreM. K2A licuolnre. Kl 31
IAUlEa , Att.'Utlonl MaJam Uueratte' *
Jdouicn Sprclflc , for all female woaknes * .
olllce hnurautolUo. iu _ and 3 to 6 p. ni. , con-
bultatlca flee. IMl Doujjlm * . 4129f >
rpHR banjo taught ns an art by Gee , F. Oe-
JL lenbeck. Auply at Ilee onice. WO
"V K9 Tne old reliable Rental agency Is still
J. running , supplying nil tnat corao with
houses Hats and stores. J. II. Parrotte. Hoom
2L .Doulas block 6iinl3 )
UMI1KELLA5 and parasols covered and rd-
paired , 217 8 15th. Iloyd's opera couae block ,
In shoe storo. IL Ilalor. 800
iP OLLATEHAL Hank , DI2 S. l h st Cliambo r
\Jrtt Commerce. Loans money on chattels and
nrtlcles of value.
LOST or Stolen An old 1100 certificate of de
posit , No. 14.1 , Issued oy Omnha National
bank to P. C. Nlsscn , dated April 1U , 1869. on no-
count of public surveys , fllgnndby EzraMlllariL
It was lost about May 20. 1KSO , enclosed inn let
ter addressed to mo by Helena M. Nlnscn , clerk
In theOmahnpostonice. Hcannot boused except
In payment for government land * to the re
ceiver ot public moneys nt thli onice nnd la
therefore worthies ! to any one except the right
ful owner. 1 will pav 810 for 1M return. N. It.
Chardo , receiver u. S. land olllce , O'Neill , Neb.
IOST Dog Large. Krey. Dlack-strlped bitch
Jimp. Tag Ui7. Howard nt 37 Darker blocker
or 2813 Woolworth nvepue. B31-iK
T OST Between 1014 N 10th st and Florence , a
JUhltchlng weight with strap. Finder will
plcasa return to 1014 N 10th at. H1B-28
T OST Poll Pnrrot. return to USD North 10th
JLJnnd receive reward. 83128J
LOST A nuuch of keys , the Under will bo re
warded tl by returning them to the post-
master's olllco , * 09-M
LOST A black dog with tag No. 1181 , return
to 013 Park avenun nnd receive rowtird.
850 21j
QTHAYED Saturday moraine on Iron grny
rjpony , a-ye nr-olil. Howard will bo pnltl for
his return to South Omaha hotel. 815-21 ?
LUST English Mastiff. Hetnrn to 400 Paxton
block and pet reward. _ 241-
MRS. Ecclps. th famous fortune toiler and
clairvoyant , business , love , marriage aud
changes. 607 S Uth door to Darker hotel.
MEET mo at the Erlo ClothtiiK Co's. 330 N.
ICth st. Men's KM suits * lt ) . and $10 suits K.
Mall orders O. K. 858 ! U
ES. Charley , the Erie Clothinit Co. . 320 N.
ItHh tM are selling all $20 suits at tlO. and
tlO suits t > . Mall orders 11 lied. P63 31
M HB. Perceval of Callfornln , 180 ! ) Douglas St. ,
fortells the future. Ladles and gentlemen.
201 n4t
s TOUAGH ; at low rates at 1121 Farnam sL ,
'Omahn ' Auction and Storage Co. IO1
TIllACKAGll lowest rates. W. M.
Bushman. 1311 Loavouworth. 902
T > RANCH Sc Co. , storage , 1211 Howard.
OTOHAGK nnd forwarding. Wo collect nnd
Odcllvergoods of all descrlptlonsmerchandlse ,
furniture and baggage at cheapest rates for
storage for any length of time. Vans ud
wngons to be had at shorten notice , with care
ful men for moving. Packing and shipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
cliarue. Mevctandlso loaded nnd unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllce 217 S. 14th
Bt. ; telephone 1U Howell&Co. 1 H
U. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi
cal nd business medium. Female diseases
n specialty. 119 N 16th st. rooms 2 und 3. P03
Shorthand School , Paxton Kile ,
( successor to Valentine's ) the largest exclu
sive shorthand school in the west. TencnerM
ore verbatim reporters. Particular attention
pala to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by fairtoy expert. Circulars.
M AHA Business Collecc. cor. 10th and Cap- !
lol ave. Shorthond The largest nnd most
successful shorthand department In the state.
Standard methods tnucht. Jlunson's revised
of 'bll a specialty. Call or write for terms.
\XJANTED To buy country bank In Ne-
V > braskn or Interest taking active Dart. Address -
dress full particulars. E Si ) , Uee. 071 27
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
housAhold goods ot nil kinds. Omahn
Auction & Storage Co. . 1121 Farnam. UQ3
OK 8ALU Refrigerator , stoves , etc. . nearly
now. 1)33 ) N 27th ave. 02J-2.4
SAFI ! for sale , double door , used 3 years. J.
L. Klce Co. 88326 ?
TTH3HSALB A genuine WIlpox te Glbbs sew-
JL ? iug machine with automatic tension m first
class running order. Address "B 08 , " Bee.
E9S-26 *
T7U3R SALIJ Or rent cheap , n callgraph type
A'writing mnchino. Apply to S.'A. Orchard.
Farnam and 15th. tt)028 )
TCOll SALE Sample Upright Oabler piano :
JL1 very superior tone : n bargain. Inquini Mor-
rill's Pharmacy , Chicago and Itith. bOt 8C *
/1KDAII block kindling cheaper than coal.
V Better than gasoline oecause no odor nor
danger of explosion. Delivered free. Try it.
J. A. Nnugle&Co , Telephone SC9. 87027 ?
FIVE hundred shares of 110 per share North
Western Standard Oil stock. Tnls stock la
non-assessable and land is being developed
now and is sure to bring good returns in near
future. Will sell for cash very cheap. Address
E U. , Ilee olllce. 860
CpOK BALK Handsome young pony , perfectly
A sound and gentle , suitable for either saddle
or driving. Apply to CoL Fletcher , 1'ort Omaha.
"M'ICE fresh half Jersey cow , 2815 Charley6t.
TT10U BALE or" exchange A good honse
JU throe and one-half yeau old. Apply 1414
Dodge st. KW-StVt
t7\OH \ SALE 1.01)0 ) tons of 15-Inch Ice. housed
JJ on track. Council Bluffs , la. Gilbert Urns.
. . . SALE Fine Hall's safe , as good ns new ;
cheap , H. M. Genius & Ilro. . Hu3 Douglas , o
FOR SALE Furniture of largo house , every
room runted. First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bargain , Address E S , Boo olhce.
IJftOH SALE Cheap light three spring wagon
JU in good order , .1507 N. I'Jth Bt. 405 31 *
TMIR Canlleld tt't'g Co. being about to move
.L will sell 1 urn-class 4-horse-powor engine
uud boiler at J * actual value. law Douglas st.
1DLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. . Wll Far-
nin.Complete abstracts furnished andtltlea
to real estate examlned.perfected & guaranteed.
MONKV to loan on furniture , horses , wagons
or securities of any kind ; commercial and
mortgage notes bough t ut falrratea ; all busi
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co. . room 321. Hamge building. 713
QTHINfIKU Ic Penny , room 20 Danglai block
kJmouey to loan on real estate at lowest ratot
TOAN8onlmproved and umlmproved pron
JLJerty nt low rates , Odell Bros , k Co.,3123 loth
TJESIDUNCK LOANS-8)J ) to 7 per cent , nond-
J-Vdltlonal charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W , 11. Muttle. bird Nat Dank bld' {
MONKV to loan on furniture , horses , wagon * ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W.
Hobblna , llllii Famam street Poxtou hotel.
CJTRINaEH & PENNV. room 80. .Hoi'Klas '
kJblock.havo money to lend on chattel security.
KOPLK'S Financial Exchange -The fairest.
iiuleteat aud UICM.I liberal mouey exchange in
the city ; money loaned without delay or pub
licity. In any amount , large or small , at the
lo\M\st rate * of Interest , on nuy available se
curity ; loans may bepald at any time or ro-
ntwud at original rates. O. Bouacoren. Wpr. ,
room S7. Barker block. 15th nnd Farnam. Bli
MONEY LonnsTegotiated at low rates with
out delay , and purchase goods , commercial
paper and mortgage notes. 8. A. Slouian. cor
toll and Karnaiu. 817
KEYSTONK Mortgage Ca.-Ix > an * of 110 to
tl.ouo ; get our rates before borrowing aud
save money ; loan on horum , furniture or uny
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for n w loan , renewal of old and low-
et tate.callUaM , Blutoley bit. lit hit Ho ward at.
I CAN make a few loans on nrst-clas * chattel
securities at reasonable rales. W. K. Potter ,
room lu , Parker blk. ga
MONUV loaned for 30 , CO or SO days on any
kind or chattel security ; reasonable Inter-
Ml ; conOdentlal , i , 1 , Wilkinson , 1417 Varnam.
N'BURAbKA Moris. Lonn Oo. will make you a
loan on hoasehoM-coods ,
horse * , wtfjttnjL
land oomNetsT
fine Jewelry , or Kecudtlm of any kind
without publicity , atrpa/tonabl * rates.
Room 7 , Howler block.Sanlh Omaha.
Rooms 61S-41P , Paxton u jp ; Omaha , Nob.
{ OILO1NQ and othorreftlidtate loan ? . W. M ,
'Harris , room SO. Frenzjjlgock , opp. P. O.
Q F. II AHUI80N loans wriooy , lowest rates.
MONKV loaned on furniture , noraes and
wagona ; rate * reasonrfRH. city I < oan Co
118 8. 13th at. , opposite Mlifg d hotel 420
MONEK to loan , O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
nnd loan agents , L5 1 S Fftpiam Bt , 9-
W ANTED Klrst clnss indo loans. Lowest
rate * . Call and see us. Mutual Investment
IL 1 Barker bit , 15th and Farnam , 025
TON KV to loan on real estate sncurlty , nt
JLU lowest rntc'i. Iloforo negotiating loans see 310Hrown bljgriah A Douglas Kit
T OAKS made on real ostnto nnd mortgages
-LJbougbt. Lewis S. Kced & Co. , II 13. Hoard of
Trade. uai
" _
PBH Cent money Hoom , 803 New York Llfo
Ins. Hulldlng. v 020a24J
_ _
pIULADKLliniA Jtortgaifo A Trust Co. fur-
Jnlsli cheap eastern money to borrowers , purchase -
chase securities , perfect Utloi , accept loans at
their western ofllco. Uoorgo w. P. Contcs. room
7. Hoard of Trade. BO
MONKV to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J.
\V. SUilre , 121U Faruain St. , First National
back building. D27
BlIItST mortgage loans at low rates and no de
lay. D. V. Sholes , 210 First National bank.
M ON KV to loan. Harris U.K. 4 Loan Co. ,
room 411 , First National bank. WJ
TlfONKVtoLonn Wo nfe ready for nppnca-
J.1-tlons for loans In amounts fromHOO tojio-
OX ) on Improved Omnha or Douglas county real
state. Pull Information as to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will be purchased
by us. Call upon us or write. The McCaue
Investment Co. 918
MONKV to loan on good first mortgages , im
proved or unimproved property. Mort
gages bought ana sold. Wallace , room 310
llrown building , loth and Douglas. 623
DON'T borrow raon y on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , or collaterals until you see 0.
O. Jacobs , 411 Vlrst National bank bulldlntr.
RUILD1NQ loans. D. V. Sholes. 210 First Nv
JOtloual bank. IW )
Tl/fONBY / to loan on any security
1TJL tor short time , nt low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgiigo Investment Com-
puny , room 403 , Paxton hloct. 000
$ .VM,0X ( ) to loan nt 6 per cent. Llnahau Sc Ma-
honoy. room 008 Paxton block. IBI
MONKV to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , planos.organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The Orst organized loan olllca In
the city. Make Jeans for thirty to three hun
dred aud sixty-live Oays , which can be paid In
part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the
principal nnd Interest. C.ill and see us when
you want money. We cau assist you promptly
nnd to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Money always ou hand.
No delay lu making loans. C. F. Hoed & Co. .
319 S. I3th st. . over Ulnghani A Sons. U'3
SKE Sholes , room 210 , First Natl bank , before
making yourloans. ICO
PEOPLK'S Flnancla Exchnngo Largo nnd
bUiall loans for lone and short time , at low
est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds. , diamonds , watches
nnrt jewelry. Don't fail torall If vou want fair
and cheap accomrnodatltfcX O. Eouscaren
Mgr. , room 67 , Darker blfciJtJi and Faruain.
- * f DI3
"TiO YOU want money ? If'so. don't borrow
JL/beforo getting my ratea.whlch are the low
est on any sum from $1 tip tqCVO,000.
1 make loans on householtfnods , rlanos , or
gans , horses.uiules , wugons.warcnouso receipts ,
houses , leases , etc. . In any amount , at the low
est possible rates , wlthoulTliubllclty or removal
of property.
Loans cau bo made for ontTto six moutmi and
you can pay a part at ant Umo , reducing both
principal and interest. It ] ydu owe n balance1
onyour furulturd orhorses , or have'a loan on
them , I will tauo it up and carry It for you. as
long ns you desire. 1 "
Ir you need moneyyou uI llnd it to your ad
vantage to see mo before bflK ° wlnB-
It F. Masters , room 4 , Wfihnell building 15th
undllarm y. V. . - rWC
Foil SALE First-class fancy grocery store ,
location bast m the city , doing a business of
$ J,5ixj to $4IXK > per inonlfi. one-fhlfd cash ; no
bad debts ; stock .will.Invoice about tJ,000 ;
reason for salHngowner going west r terms
reasonable ; no trade. Address U7U. Uee oillce.
903 yf
BAHHE1IS Attentlon-TJie Windsor hotel har
bor shop with lixturas complete , will be
rented to a good mau at a low price * Apply at
too office. Ml W
JjlOHSALE Lease and furniture of IB-room
JL1 boarding house , central location , line neigh
borhood : rent only SW. Clearing $1DO a month.
Heaspns for selling. Ill health and removal.
Ternis , half cash. Will bear closest inspection.
Alex , 'Ml Slioely block. ' & 0 20 *
rpAILOU shop for sale , doing a good business
JL and in a good location. Apply or address
to n. A. LlmTquest , Io07 i'ftrnam st , Omaha ,
Neb. 070 28 ;
WANTED Partner to engage in a manufac
turing business that will clear 15.000 a
year. Address Bio , Uee. 872 25B
SALOON and fixtures for sole , doing good
business , on N street. South Omaha , owuer's
time being taken with other business. Inquire
at Phonlx saloon , South Omaha. 873 20
WANTED Good hot&l , inan to rent dining
room and kltchun. Everything in flrst-clnes
condition , all ready for business ; beautiful
dining room ; will seat 100 ; large kitchen : line
opening to right party. Inquire K. L. Itrltt ,
Globe hotel. 130 * . 1310 and 13Ui Douglas at.
878 2i *
FOR SALE-A well-established small cash
grocery. Address A. Kelluer , 1830 St.
ilnry'save. 84120 *
AHIIEK snop'for sale , A chairs , cheap.
N. 18th St. . D. Kennedy , tfll sat
OU SALE A confectionery nnd Ice cream
parlor. Address tfl , lleo ofllcc. ' -
OK BALi : nirnltnro and fixtures of Clifton
hotel. ABhlanil. 3' ) miles from Omaha. Cost
II.4CO. Will take iTOO ; half hash. Jl. E.Pan -
coast , Ashland , Neb , 829 air
W'K Have a nice drug store and stock In
in Grand Island. Nob. , wntchTve "offor to
trade , Prlca li.WX ) . What Have you got ?
Also one of the best impt oved farms in west
ern Iowa to Hell cheap.
We have farms ana land in all parts pf the
country to neil or trade , as well as city prop
erty. List your property with us , and we will
sell or exchange for you. Excelsior Land Co ; ,
310 South llitn st. 780
BUTCHRK shop for gale for'cash or on time ,
doing it good business , killing from four to
flvo beeves per week , at Neol/v la. Address
M. II. Hegarty. 746 it
TT\OU \ IIENT Coal nnd feed yard on Fnrnara
4. and llc-lt line ; stock for alot ; trackaga.
Stringer & Penny , Douglas block. 74-12d
A UUEAT bargain In Gordon , Neb. , anew
Aroller mill for sale. ' 35 ujurrel capacity nutl
rigged to make buckwheatr And rye ilour , meal
and chop fend ; in a good Mhent country and
good market for Hour ; a-awelllugs and burn
with it ; price JU.noa. Parties'having prop
erty to trade need ' not M > > 4 > " . mill has llrut-
cloa * reputation. F.'J.A fem. ,043 alGt
W ANTBD "pnrtner iniwWsurantTiTconnec-
tlon with hotel of 40 nwa. Ad. V 2L Hea.
ia :
rpOWN property In WeartHk Iowa and Omaha
J. to exchange for stock eft-'saneral ' merchan
dise or clothing. Addre S4aatbox No. 4J. Wai-
nut. la. py 1)1528 ) ?
171AHM to exchange for JuM ntbre , and also
X1 n farm to exchange loWlifraillns ; will a -
sume some encumbrnnue biiflwelllng. Adareia
H. M , 841U Cnmlng at. . Onflyt . Mi 27t
. . , . .
"v i txi.n.
rPO jjitjJR - ' '
.r rr'rt ] . nun nf
J-tie ; rest improved fariKTla Iowa , only one
mile from town of 0,000 Ii iitant8 , W. H , K.
& M. K , . room li , Chamhe qfCommerco , ] W
luo lots in Lincoln.
610 acres line rarmlnglaiul , Lancaster county.
Fine resilience property.'Lincoln.
Uood rental property. Lincoln ,
Choice family renldtiiice corner. Ix > s Angeles.
A neat roMlileuou property In Hauscpin Place.
Also Borne good mortgage cotes.
Address , giving location and price ot prop-
urty , J. E. U. . care' Ilaum Jron Co. , U1T Leaven-
woun. KM
TO exchange General stock merchandise ;
want land and money , llox 70 , Frankfort ,
Ind , " ( H6 2ot
ANTED-To trdd for a goo l piano. Address -
dress W. y. Nine , De MOIOM , la.
708- * >
It you want to make a quick sain orexchange
of your property , llit It with W , F.Nlne , Do *
Molne * . la. 70B-25
T7KH KXUHANQE Anns farm of aw scrts in
X ? Polk county , Neb , , 4 miles from Clark * .
Neb. , to exchange for cattle ; SO Acre * under
cultivation , house , barn , wagon aculea and
good feed lot. Addreu a Oakamp.SSlS Web-
iter * t. . Omaha , Neb , B5
Fen TXCIIAN ( l-An elpgant tract ot land
containing 130 acres. In Antelopa county ,
Neb. , with ordinary improvements.
A qu rt ectlon in Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved.
Eighty acre * near Council Ttlnirs , la.
House and lot on South loth at ,
Largo amount of OH Mountain and Petrollnm
company oil stock. Will exchange for good
or the erection of some hon \ lleo.
Sroperty , 1st National bank building.
TOOK EXCHANGE Clear lots and cash for
JL good clpur slnnil. Wm. Itogers , general de
livery. Omaha. 874 27t
T7OH exchange A pooa lot in Dos Molue , la.
JL * for n rood lire Droof safe. Artilress W. F ,
Nine. Pea Moln > . la. 7U3-SJ
owner and at A bargaitH
- corner UOxl J ft. , near licit line station.
Splendid situ for rostilrnca or tenement housei.
Will bo clad to show this property. J , A. DM-
tell. 116 N.linii at. Y 3
"lilOK BALE In Wnlmit Hill-Hero la a chance
Jto get a home one block from car Hue ,
cheaper than paying rent ; high and sightly :
6-roord house and lotroxliu , 1NKM .
o-room hbtiso and Iot60xiv > . tl , 50.(0. (
Can be sold on small payments for one week
only. iVT. U , .Onles. 8. W.eor. . Itth and Douglas.
KOUNT7-E PJ.ACK -room 5 > home , barn nnd
every convenience , for J7.000. easy tornn.
Address for particulars , E ( S3. lleo. ten
TTIOUSALK 80 feet , east front near paved
JL1 street With new ( Vroom modern house.ST.OOQ.
C. F. Harrison. Merchants.Nafl bnnc. SKO
TT\OH \ SALE In Walnut HI11-A nice new 9-
- * - ' room house , llntshed In oil and la flrst-ola.
style ; lot south front , newly soddod , fiOxlV ) .
Cable line will bo within one block In SO days.
Price e ! , W ) . on easy terms ; will IRS * n good lot
as part .payment . W. II , Gates , & W < corner
15th nnd ougla.s. 692 29 *
a a. WALLACE.aiaau. J. J. Brown maid-
inc. Ifith aim Douglas.
lxtit , block 2 , Dellone's add. , G8 f U fiont on
Stnte su. easy terms , ILOOii.
Lot 7 , block l.Denlso's add. , easy terms. $2.7rA
Ix > t" 15 , block 4. Thornbnrg , apeclal lorm ,
Lot 4 , block "A.Iedtord , east front on State
st. , tl.KX ) .
Lot 4 , block 15 , Bedford Place , on State st. ,
ll.WX ) . .
Lot 13. block 0. W. Cumlng. easy terms , 11,000.
l/ot 4 , block 21 , Carthage , Donutlful east front ,
I ot'21. block 4 , Hawthorno. $1.000.
Lot 22 , block 0"Orchard lull , corner and east
front on I/own ave , , very cheap , $ SO ] ,
South front on Farnam , lu Urlggs' Place ,
cheapest lot In the market , terms easy , 1,200. . .
Ueautlful east front in Plntnvlew , 11,150.
Monmouth I'urk lots , or houses and lota , on
very easy terms nud At reasonable prices. This
niUHtlou has the flncst situation or any about
Omaha , with grand vlawn , good neighborhood ,
easy of access. Oet plats and terms.
0. G. Wallace , llrown block. Iftth * Douglas.
810 27
$30.000-44 foot front In heart of Omaha , Iflth
st. , modern 3-story building , brines 10 per
cent now , at low rents ; must have $17.000 cash ,
balance 6 per cent ; great offer ; Address KSJ.lloo ,
InOK SALffiDottase with full lot and Im
provements. In n 'desirable location ; low
price ; 1611 No. IWh st. . 7t2-3d *
TpOB SALE Heautitul new cottage , flno locn-
* - tlon , very easy lorms ; a bargain. J. 11.
F.vans.Room 308 , N. V , Life bldg. U07 30
H UUE we. come with the very finest reil-
denco properties in Omaha to sell 01 exchange -
change for lots or laud. Wo said the
Ilnest. Do you doubt It ? Then come and let'iiB
show them to you. If yon wish to buy you can
uo so oh ydur own terms. I > o not neglect this
opportunity for never in the annals of real cs-
ti'.tn transaction * lu Omaha has n like opportu
nity been offered. W. K. K. & M E. , room 14 ,
Chamber of Commerce , Tel. 1410. 7,12
milE motor line Is built to Collier place. The
JL llelt line runs near Collier place. The 'F. K.
kM. V. H. H. stop all -passenger trains nt Col
lier place. Thehorsocnr Hue will soon reach
Collier place. HCst addition in the city. Price
IHH ) to * 100 ! per lot , one-tenth casli , balance ouo
to live years. McCngue , opp , f. O. 039
/CONTINUOUS sidewalk to OollUr place. Get
Wprtces and terms McCague. 9J3
/ 1OME aud see us and nventigate some of the
V 'bargains wo have to oiler. We are continu
ally listing new properties , nnd "If you don't
see what you want , nsk for It. "
We have to trade for land. Wo
have a brick and tile tactory doing a thriving
business to exchange for western laud.
For sale lot 12. block 18 , Stull's second addi
tion ut a bargain.
Three newf-room cottages at Albright , within
lOrnirnntes Tvalk of terminus , or hourly
dummy lineiorsale pn terms-thativlll only be
fair rent , i * ; ' , >
An elevator property with large dwelling
house , nt a bargain Elevator complete , wltn
horco-power , scales.'onico fnrnlsnod. etc. A
line opening for a practical rraln dealer.
Two line residences In Poppleton park , on
motor Hne.wlll ; be sold on easy terms.
Houses and lots lu all parts of Omaha for
sale and exchange.
For exchange- Omaha propertyl,000 acres
of school land lease , in one of the beat counties
in the state. >
A linn residence property in "Omaha View for
sale at a bargains ' . '
From t'tVMrta J100CO worth pf flrat-class
notes to exchange for .Omaha property.
Merchandise to exchange for H cash and bal
ance western lands. This ls < one of the finest
opportunities over offeree to convert land Into
cash. Investigate this.
For sale , at a bargain , hotel and livery barn.
In a coed Nebraska town. Tills U a flue open-
inn for n practical hotel man.
For exchange for Omaha property one ottho
best f arms lu Hock county. Nebraska , together
with stock , nnd machinery necessary to carry
on the place. Old ngn and failing health of the
owner is reasonfor selling.
A line Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil. lor exchange for Omaha property.
luo acres of wild laud near u thriving city.
What hnve you to offer. ,
280 ALTPS of fine land in northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omaha property.
For sale at a bargain , one of the best Im
proved farms in Nebraska , owner Is going to
leave the state is the reason for selling.
We have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some BOO agents scattered
over four or flre states. List your property
with us if you wish a quick turn. W. H. li. i :
M , B. , room 14 , Chamber of Commerce , tola-
phone 1440. 390
mil C finest drive m the city la ot Collier place
JL McCague. 033
EGALblanu. Chase & Eddy. H3816thst
TTIOK SALE fi 13.73 acre.see. 6 , tp , 12 , r. Ow. ,
JL' Hamilton county. Neb. House , stable , 300
acres fenced , livlnp water. Price. ) , ( XJO F. K.
Atkins."owner , railroad bldg. Denver , CoL 040
milE factories-within easy , reach of Collier
JL place win employ a large force of men. Bo-
cure a houtonnd enjoy.llte. Price of lots 8KB
to $1,200. pne-tenth cash. Send for plat. Mc
Cague , opp. J''O. , 033
C1OR3AI.Kr-On longtime andeuy payments.
JJ handsome , new. well built houses of 8 , U and
10 rooms. AU convenlencesgood neighborhood :
paved streets ; street cari and within walking
distance of P. O. Nathan Bnolton , 1814 Farnam
i. - 133 ,
FOH8Af < K Ueautlful 8-room house , all mod-
eru Improvements , including splendid fur-
na vnottr Hancom park , best locution in the
city rerH < and street car privileges :
price (5.000. C , Vniarrlaon , Merchants National
bank. , JC j . VJS
ONE of the two .hoiua and lot bargains I
have bceti offering1 on Georgia ave. north of
Leaven orm.4 now HO 111 und occupied , be
cause of my very low price. Tilt south house
of tne two still remains a bargain open to
Bombody. First'Comoj , first served. To be ap
preciated it needs to ba examined Internullv. 1
positively wilt ' hot-rent It , though several time *
offered zio'per month. Price , on very easy
tennis. taOM. WT. Seaman , east side 16th st , .
north ot Nicholas st , Omaha's largest variety
of wagons nd carriages. 018
Q 4t < , / > QO-.Act.ual value inside business and resl-
Pdence ; tlm eventeen lots at hulf prlcntonrst
party come * * Why ? Jt'or ruahon am In need of
813.5UOcash..Ureatchance ; Address Kill , Ilee.
' ' 710-alW
POH 8AtK ) Do you want a choice farm 10
miles northwent'oC OmahaIf so , 1 have
Ju t what will suit you , ami can be bought ut
* J per acre iKjlovt-ua-Mifua ! value. Tnu nbovo
. . 's acrea ot. the II nest land
lu tlio stale , alt enoloSdu with good barb wlru
fenoe ; Uio buildings and orchard thereon are'
In ; lr l-ciiss ) condition. Two good wulu furnish
abundant water. The very low nncn of 140.10
per acre MionhV command a ready purchaser.
Lutmodrivo yott'ont and show you this farm.
(1. JLbternsilorir. Heal Estate. Loan nnd Ex.
chaniellrottr.-UOoin ) : : ilI andaix , FiMtNat'l
llank landing ; Jfelyphouo 4ty. _ ! H3 ail _
BUY a lionjtt in the , center of the city , on
monthly payments. In ill sell you u lotiu
Aldlnu Biniare/niillau. house of any Kind , worth
from 9VsM uiuvAril , . and you can pay for It
monthly , 'quarterly or yearly. AUllne grjuare
Is on Orace btreet. between d and Sd ) streeta ;
it has all tliualViiU ( ) > Ke * such as paved HtreeU ,
sewerage , water. IIIH , and la a Brat-clan local
ity. Cell at Iff ) I rarnam street and see plans
of buildings and get llgures , D. J , O'Uonaiioj.
\\7Kctmoilerfor aala for the nuxt few liayd
TT the following fln iiropertUs ; A U-room
lieu eln Improvetnunt Aimoclatlon mid , , with
barn and other out door improvements. A lot
In Oklahoma add. ; 1 in llogern' add. : 1 in
Cleveland i'jacu ; 4 loU in Ho allad Plac . W. H.
K. * M. XX..UOVJA li , CUamber of Commerce ;
teleohone lllU. _ 3uu.
SEND for Dlat of Collier place , and whan
driving fur recreation follow the motor Una
poles on Ifltb. et. And Amej' ave. . urn ! see the
wonderful Improvement * that have taken place
juic arouttd'the burrackt , and remember that
Collier i l o U the key to the iltuatlon. lluy A
lot now for the low prtr aud At the easy turras
they are bulnjf offereil , and we are aatlitled ,
One-t utb ( MJih. balance one to live year * . Me-
Cague , opp , P.O ,
TjlOIl 8ALK T5 sy terms , Kountio plac .
JL1 Xwo homes , each ft-rooma , ch I4.0JX
Two home'sroom < , each > VW ) .
Two homes , each 15-rooms , each It.OOiX
All with modf rn contenlcnce.
All largo value at the price.
All within a square of the raptor line.
Don't lose the e opportunities.
For Ja by the owner. W. T. Boamnn ,
Kast side 16th st , north of Nicholas st. ,
Omnha's largest variety of vngons nnd car
riages. ' 817.
_ _ _ _
T3AROAIK Part of the Di-k Klmball estate.
JL > N ) feet on 18th street rnnnlng through to 17th
ave. One 13-roum house , all modern 'conren *
lencot , and two U-room liousas. Totnl rental
ll.DfiJ per ycart prloo $13t j. M. A. Uptoa
Company , fitthnnd Farnam. _
TTIOH SALE Lotsln Stewart Plnc on Ix > wa
JJ ave , ; Metropolitan Cable pxiaos property.
0-room house and born , llauicoin Place. 2
houses and loU ou Can st. . on easy terms.
Harris , room 411. 1st Nat , llank. SOI
TTlOll SALElluslnoss cornar. $40,000. C. K
JL' Harrison. Merchnnta National Hank. l.Vi
n-\0 MANUFAOTUHKHS ; 1 > lll give nmpl *
JRruund , wlttt-splendld trackage faolllties
on the Fremont , l.lkliorn & Missouri Valley
railroad or on the MU ourl Parlllc ( licit Line )
railway in Wostlawn , Just outside the city
limits InVest Omaha , conveniently situated as
rogann ) noctvts to the inixlnnsi center ot Omaha
nnd South Omaha , to parties for the location ot
nny of the following IndustiUf ;
Furniture Factory , Hutton Factory ,
Shoe Factory , Lard Hednory ,
Starch A : Glucose W'ks , Soap Works ,
Paper Mill , Purlllor Manufactory ,
Plow Works , llroom Factory ,
Harvester Works , Woolen Mill ,
Nail Works. Oatmeal Mill.
Knitting Mills , llox Manufactory.
SnMi , Door nd tlllndVlro Works ,
Manufactory. Manhlne Shopf ,
Flour nnd Feed Mill ,
Or auy good nmnuractiirlng plant , WVittnwn
Is Just outside thn city limits and Industries
planted there will escape heavy city taxes ,
If you are thinking of locating In Omahn it
will nny vou to InvestlKntw thK
Geo. N. Hicks. Now Vo Life bull-ling.
Omaha. 739
TK UOD3I ( let on to these bargain * !
Sl.tnO buys full east front lot with seven
room house and furnaro in Hanscnm place. Do
7011 believe 117
IH.OUO buys a housn on Park avenue with lull
lot , that Is llnor than Bilk , aud elccant tlirough *
out. You cannot guc s how nice this is.
11,100 buys n good four room huus * nud full
lot In north part of the city ; also for $1,000 In
northwest part of city.
1 can sell you houses nnd lots from , KI5.090
down to tM nnd can suit you In nny partot the
cltr. No trouble to show pood" , even if It Is hot.
Call In and get ft peed ride. If nothing more.
D. V. Sholes , 310 FUtit National llank. 310
TTKMt SALE Two of the. Deallocated trackage
J- lots , ou the northwest corner of 21st and
Izard streets , size 120x1 % foot. For price and
terms Inquire of the 'owner , Edward Speller *
berg. 1018 North 21st street 637-aUr
nillK best money s worth or honse ana lot now
X for sal * In Omaha Is that wnlch I am now
computing near 24tn st. on pared Wlrt at. in
Kountze I'luco. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen.2 bath room.3 water closets ,
laree laundry , stationary wash tubs , furnace
and coal room and cellar , electric bells and
speaklngtube , 12 closets. Price only 87.000 on
Urm to suit. Likewise a dupllcat * adjoining
at same price. W. T. Seaman , east nidi 10th at ,
northoC.Nicholas st. Omaha a largest variety
of was no and carriages. ' TO1
'T&iOIt SALE The nnest residence in Orchard
J- Hill can bo bought at actual cost : owner
leaving town : honse 'has 10 rooms with bathroom -
room nnd every modern convenience , lot DUxlD )
nil sodded ; large barn and ulco'shade trees : In
fact npiirfect homo ; call and letns sbow you
this. Arnold & Co. , Koom 27 Paxton block.
Nqtlco to Orndors.
Pealed pronosals will bo received at the office
of county clerk. Douglas county , until 2 p. m.
Saturday. August 17. 18Mi , for the running of
grader No. S. Bepatate bids must be made for
ntll and turnpike work , and all bids must be
accompanied by certified check for430.
Plans and specifications to bo soon at the
onico of county clerk. M. D. HOCHE ,
Public notice Is hereby given that the part
nership between Ullrich & Stewart , consisting
of Peter Ullrich nnd George H. Stewart. la this
tiny dissolved by mutual consent. All bills
against said firm are to be presented to , aud all
accounts uue said tlrm to be collected by Pe
ter Ullrich , room 409 , Paxton block.
PKTEH UiJ.mcn ,
Dated July 11th. 1E83. j23-d3t *
Public notice la hereby given that the flrm
of Ullrich & Stewart , consisting of Peter Ull
rich and George H. Stewart , hns been dissolved ,
nnd are no louuor the western nguntsof the
Mauvillo Covering Company.
We have this day appointed Peter Ullrich ns
our wesroru agent , with hcadquartets at
Omaha , Nebraska , room 41KI Paxton block.
11 Second St. , Milwaukee. Wls.
July llth. 1883. I2d3tp
Notice to Druirclit" .
Sealed proposals will be received at the olllce
ot county clerk of Douglas county , Nnbraska ,
until 2p. ra. Sat unlay. August J , 18&J. to furnish
drugs for Douglas county forthu balance of the
yearlSSS. List of druga required to be found
on file in onice of county clerk.-
A certllled check for 3100 must accompany
each. bid.
The county reserves the right to reject any or
all bids.
lly order of county commissioners ,
3y33dl2tm&o County Clerk.
Notice to Contractors.
The East Omaha Lana Co. will receive bids
for grading streets to the amount of 7flWO
yards , and curbing and paving streets to the
amount of 20.00J square yards , with stone , either
granite or other kina. Plans , specillcntlons.
etc. , maybe seen nny tlmo attlieollico of Potter
& Cobb , 1001 Fnrnam st. All bldi must bo In by
o o'clock , the 2Tth lust. The company reserve
the right to reject any or all of them.
Jy20d2tmie Manager.
INSTUUMENTS placed on recori during
J II Ever and wife IA Cottrell , und / 166
x284 ft in n w n e a-16-i : ) , wd . . . $ 3,000
IA Cottrell nnd husband to B F Stults. e
M 132x204 f t in n w n 0-1D-11 , w d 2,135
BFatultH and wife to I A Cottrell , w H
llir et ft lu n w u o U-15-1.J. w d 2,135
T J IMrchase und wife to 8 S Wilt , n M lot
7 , blk 2. Elkhorn by Crawford , w d BOO
Fannie Mncleod to J A 1'ayne. lot 14 , 1)1 E
20. Hanscom Place , wd 2,500
Kllen McCollrey to tl J McCaffrey , w a
acres of n 10 acre * no so 7-14-1.1. wd 1,000
A Illock aud wlfo to H I ley man , o } j lot
111. Davenport's sub , wd S.OOO
J V Flack and wlfw to S O Funcucr , lot
lO.blkg , Institute Place , wd 1,000
Win Couurii. aherlir , to O P Btebblos , s 3
ft of eH lotn , blk 22. Omaha , deed 1,000
A J 1'omueton nnd wife to a P ijtobbtns ,
lot 2 , blk 17. Popploton park. wU 1,175
Ed ward McEuchrou and-wifotoS C Fan-
cher , lot 13. blk I. Cloverdnle , w d . . .t. . 1,000
J W Smith and Wlfo to Nellie Mcllrlde.
blc 4 and lots 1 to 7 and 11 to 18 , blk 1 ,
Wood's Place , w d t 72,600
Union Pacific liy Co to Mrs 21A Dugdalo ,
lotl , blk " 15 , " Omaha , nort 300
B H H Clark. trunUe. to C A Tiibbs , lots 11
and 14 , blk 2. West Sldo.wd . . . . „ COO
J U Salisbury nnd wjfo to F E Van Brunt ,
lot3 , blk , Shull'H2.1 add. Wd . - 1
llobt Major toW K Petty , lot VI , Falr-
mountodd , xv d..N , . . . . , . . , 4,600
Hoard of Education of South Omaha to
public , plat of school tot. plat ,
Wm Cobum , F W Urayan Irrag
tract In n w BO ; w-15-I2 , deed 2,003
South Omaha Land Co to O Hanly , lots 5
and e , blk W , South Omaha , w d 787
M 8 Lindsay and wife to Central Park In-
voHtment Co , lot 3 , blk 1. Clarendon , w d ) , COO
M H Linasiiy urn ! wife to Central Purtc In
vestment Co , lots Xi and 1 , ] lurdatt
Court , wd * . .TOCO
M 8 Lindsay and wile to Central Park In
vestment Co , pt lot 7 , blk ' > ! , South
Omaha , wd . . . . : i 0,500
Louisa ICinscy and husband to P M Mul-
leu. e 6J ft lot 2 , blk U , Lowe's 2d add ,
wd 6,600
Poppleton Pare Iluildlng association t-o J
1C Coulter , lot V , blk 1,1'oppleton park ,
w d { ; , , 6.0CO
Twcnty.four transtHru I123.W8
IlullCuiK rcrnuts.
The fllaviiitf pjrniti > vJra Isiual by
UullilinKlrnpastorVhttlook.vostordav \ ;
C. f U > w. twostorymine residence , cor
ner of Douglus aud Twenty-eighth ave
nue . . . , , , . . . . . „ 1 8,000
0. l' ter on , one-dory frame cottage ,
entiling street near liuttltuto . , , , , , . , , . . 1,000
Two permits , aggregating , . . | 4oo ;
Capitol $500,000
Surplu * 100,000
HEEMAK KOUNT/Ii , President.
JOHN A. CIIEIOJITON , Vice President.
F. H. DAVIB , C Uler ,
W. II.MEOgi'IEIt , Assistant Cashier.
H. E. OAT Erf , Assistant aaluur.
Safety Dopodit Vaults la 13ascin nt.
Dunning between Council niuffs And AW
bright. In addition to the atulons mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-foutUt
streets , and at th bummlt in Omaha.
Leave. Arrive.
No. 3 . 6:00 : pm D No. 1 olfiam
No , 6 . 0:50 : No. 6 6:15 : pm
No. 4 . 10:09 : am No. 8 , . . . 0:30pm :
A No. 14 0:43 : pm A No. 13 7:1J uui
No. fl 9:40 : amiNo. 7 i. . , :27 : nm
No.8 3:15pniNo.3 : , . .i 7:1S : am
No.4 9:2i : yintfo.O U-15 pm
All Trains Daily.
A No , 2 0:40amA | No , 1 7Wnia ;
A No. 4 0:10 : pm.A | No , 3 : El5pra
A No. 2 10:07a : ml A No. 3 daiam
A Nu. 1 9:45 pm ] A No. . . ; . . . . ,
A No. 10. . 7:05 : amlA No. 0 8:5" : am
A No. 12 7OOpmA | No.ll U00pia ;
A No. 8 4:11 pmA | No. 7 12:00 : ra
Adally : B dnlvl except Saturday ; C except
Sunday ; 1) except Monday ;
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. '
The licat Iloiito from Omaha and Council
HlufTs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
SU Patil , Mlnneapollu , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Island , Fiecport , Rockford ,
CM I n ton , DubuquC ) Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jatimlllo ,
Itelvlt , IVlnona , La Crosse ,
And all other ImporUnt points lit , Morlheait and
boutheut ,
Forthrongli ticket * call on the lloket ot-fnt at IHI1
f rn iu ilruel , In llarker Jllook , or at Uiilcrn I'nclOo
Pauot ,
l'ullm n Sleeper , and Ilio flnett Dlnlnz Car , In the
world are run on tliu raklnllnu ol Ilia thlmico. llll >
H ukce 4 HU 1'ttul Hallrmj , mid uvorr ulloutlun If
to i > a > * u er \ > t tourlcoui crajjloruj at tbe
H. JIIM.EH. qoncnl Manager.
j.r.TUCKElT. Aiil.tint ( ; uoral Mtnagor.
A. V. It. CAlll'KNTKIt , ( J.noral r urger and
Ticket Avent.
( } f.U. K. UKAFFOIiU , AtiUUat aencral l'ui ngcr
and Ticket A tent.
T. J. CLA UK , Ocooral SopirlnUadent.
Steck Piano
Komnrkablo for powerful aympatho lo
lone , pliabto Action and absolute dura
bility ; SO yearn1 record tbo boat guaran
tee of the excellence of thcbo instru