6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; ffKIPAY , JULY 26 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COTJNOIlTBLUFFS. OFFICE. NO 12 I CARIj STltUUT. rellmed by carrier In Any T'art of he City n 7vi rnty Cents i'ercek. . . . _ . , . H. W. T1MON . . . . .MANAGER. TKLKl'IIONUSi IJCMMM Orricr No. . Nionr EoiTon , No.23. MINOlt MENTION. N. V. P. Co. Glcason coal. C. B. Music Co. , 633 B'way. Ilcltcr , tailor , 810 Brondway. Evans' laundry , 721 Broadway. V.V. . Otis , city nnd fnrm loans. Additional Council Bluffs on IIfill pnge. A mnrriiiL'o license was Issued yesterday to John Slavicic nnd Fnnnlo Sopop , both of Omaha. A peed plrl for general house work Is wanted nt MM. II. W. Tllton's , No. 527 Fifth avenue. The examination of keepers was com menced nt the Institute yesterday nnd will bo concluded to-dav. , The ladles of St. Paul's church will servo refreshments nt the promenade concert nnd opening of the Mcrrlnin block , July 'M. The funernl of the Into Thomas W. Mc- Adnms took place yesterday morning from St. 1' rancis Xavior's churcli , nnd was largely attended. There will bo nn adjourned moetlmr of the Veteran Firemen's association nt the city linll Friday evening , July 20. All members nro requested to bo present. 'iho coming event of the season will bo the concert by the Josph Heine Concert com pany nt the Presbyterian church , Thursday evening , August 1 , ISS'J. The plnn of the elevation of the new flro house , to be erected nn lower Brondway , is on exhibition In the window of Foster's ' drug store. It Is designed by Boll & Bcrllnghoff. The mnn Loustrop , who wns nrroslod "Wednesday evening for selling liquor nt the beer garden , pleaded guilty yesterday mornIng - Ing nnd was lined fCO uud costs by Squlro BanictU A dfccd wns yesterday fllod for record nt the county recorder's ofllco thnt wns given in 1874. It hnd been laid uwny , and never placed on flic. It was mnde by J. M. Brown nnd Wife to Benedict Hngg. In the district court ycstcrdnv morning , Judge Carson heard nn application for un In junction against u nmn named Gibson to re strain him from selling liquor at Manhattan bench. Court then adjourned until Monday. The Legrnnd , ( Ore. ) Journal announces the wedding of Charles Klnaoy and Miss Annie Pike In that city on the 14th inst. The bride was formerly n resident of this city , nnd has a wide circle of acquaintances hero. The Dodge Llcht Guards will meet nt their armory next Monday evening for their regular weekly drill , nnd nil members , whether new recruits or not , nro requested to bo present , ns arrangements have been made for all to go to camp on the 12th of August. Invltntlons'nro out for a grand opening to bo given this evening In the now Mcrrlnin block. The rooms In the building will bo 11- lumlnnted nnd thrown open to tne public. A line programme of music will bo rendered by Dalbcy's orchestra , and the Indies of the Episcopnl church will servo refreshments. Miss S. D. Hohso , the talented -young ar tist of this city , has disposed of her copy of "The Coroan tSkyc , " the celebrated painting In the tiininper gallery In Oinulm , to n Coun cil-Bluffs lady for ! - } J. This Is the highest pnco ever received by n locnl urtist , which speaks well for Miss Rohso's ability. She leaves to-morrow for Colorado on a sketch ing tour. The rate on the Mnnnwa motor line has been reduced to 10 cents each way , lnb toad of n qunrtcr for the round trip , iu > formerly. It is expected that iho change will be the menus of grcutly increasing the attendance at the lake , ns the price is now the saino ns the cost of a , trip to Omaha on the electric motor , 'iho service on the Munawu is lirst- cluss , trains leaving either end of the line every half hour during the afternoon und evening nnd hourly during the forenoon. The police hauled in a fellow Inst evening who gave his name as DoWitt. Ho is re puted to bo nn nll-nround crook , and his ar rest followed his attempt to induce a couple of boys to commit a burglary. The two youngsters nro the same ones who ran away from tholr homo nt Stuart a few days ugo , nnd word wns sent to the police beta to ur- rcst them if they showed up In this city. Do Witt will be hold to answer to the serious chunre against him , nnd the boys will bo re turned to their parents atbtuart. . . . Mr. Barton , keeper of a livery stable on South Muin street , returned homo yesterday from Missouri , where ho wont t ? look for a team 'which wns stolen from him last week by a stronger. The fellow hired the tcntn to drive into the country to look nt some cat tle , representing himself lo be a stock buyer. Ho pnld for the team and departed , promis ing to return that evening. Mr. Barton tracked him ncrosa the Missouri line , bul there lost nil trace. Ho will otter n reward forjtho1roturnlof tlio team and information that will lead to the conviction of the thief. ' f * i ' Dcxtpr , empjoymcnt. r6eldonborg's r > o Figaro at the Fountain. J. G. Tipton , rcul estoto , 527 B'dwny. Money loaned tvt L. B. Crnft'a & Co.'a loan olllcc on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of nil kinds , n'lulull other articles of vuluo , without removal. All business strictly con 11- dontial. luiirntloitR. Certain parties , without brains enough to originate nn Idea and without energy enough to work up a trade on tholr own brands , ure advertising themselves as solo agents for the celebrated Santo Rosa cigars , which wo In troduccd ten years ago , ana which now en < Joy the reputation of being the best nna mosi \\idoly known of any 10 cent cigar sold li : the cntiro west \Ve therefore ilcsiro to in < f01 m the trade that we always have been nnd are still solo owners nnd proprietors oI this biund of cigars , and WIMU to caution the trade that all brands of Santo Rosas noi made In factory No. 121 , llrst dmtrict. Pa. nro base Imitations of the well known SnnU Rosa. See that the Inhcl ban printed thoi cor the words P. & M's Santo Rosa Cubur Mndo. All others nro Imitations and are o : inferior quality. Pr.uraoi & MOOHK , July 0 , ISM ) , Council Bluff * , la. Notice tlio beautiful finish given col lars , cufls and shifts by Cascade Laun dry company. J. II. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils , glass. GOD Main , near John Morgon's. S. B. Wadswortb & Co. loan money. To Biickmakors : Wo would like to show you u eholco brickyard site near Uroadwaj in Council UlufTs , Price und terms reasona ble. Swan & Walker , No. 4 Pearl St. During the hot weather many housekeep ers complain that "no one seems to care to eat moat , notio of It tastes real good. " This complaint Is not made by those who have bought toothsome Juicy moats from "Oui Market. " corner of Story and Main streets. M , Wulkor knows how to select and dresi uicnt. Cook corned beef is a specialty. Desirable house for rent. A. A. Clark & Co. important to ladles nntl Gentlemen I have established an extensive dyeing ant cleaning works in this city aud desire to cal attention of ladles and gentlemen of Oinaut and Council Bluffs to the fact that I have furnished my works with the latest Iniprovct machinery known to the Undo , that I havi bad over sixteen years' experience , ant Ir that I use only the very best dyes aud client Icals , I clean and dye everything but fu : good * . 1 call special attention to my nov cleaning process by which the garment i * no ripped and which restores the original luutn to the goods , Liidle * ' and gentlemen's sum nier garments , auch as llannols or silk , mad to look as good as new. Dresses , clothing ellks , shawl * , laces and plumes dyed in su perlor manner. Motor furo allowed on at toods brought to work * , or wagon will col ut residence. G , A. Schocdsack , Twin Cit ; Dye Work * , Twenty-sixth and Broadway Mala oOlcu 113 South Sixteenth , Oman * . TSJSC - - THE NEWS Of THE BLUFFS , Thoorloa As to Causes For the Burst ing of Hoso. THE LIGHT GUARDS' TROUBLE. The Bout Crows nt Home Cruelty to Horse Flesh A Now Cold Wntor Society 1'cr- son ills. Holes In Xliolr Ilosn. "Tho flro department is breaking nlto- gethor too many sections of hose , " said Al derman Wntcrmnn , chairman of the lire committee , yesterday afternoon. "Tho de partment Is not to blame for it , and It would lot happou if the hose houses wcro provided with suitable racks for the wet hoso. The way It Is now all the hoso. is dried In the tioso tower nt No. U hose house , and that Is no way to dry hose. It should bo laid on nn .ncllnod . rack , built for the purpose. This allows the water to drain without any strain on the hose , while In the tower the hose Is suspended from ono end , causing a terrible strain. " 1'ho hose Invarlaby burst near the coup ling , the very spot where the rope Is tied about It In the unvur. It Is so weakened by the constant strain that it fails to stand the ; est when the pressure comes. Wo ought to have a hose rack in every huso house und do away with the hose tower. " This subject has excited considerable com ment of late. It is stated that eight sections ) f hose have burst in the past four months. This is getting pretty costly. Each section is lltty feet long , costing $1 u toot , making the loss MOO In that short time from thin source alone. There Is a difference In opinion , however , rb- yarding the cause of it. Some assert that it is duo to the use of shut-off nozzles , and ad vance u strong iirgutuent In support of Hint theory. Their idea is that' the hose Is not broken by the rush of the water through it , but when the nozzle is closed the extra strain caused by the sudden shutting oft of the water Is what causes the burst. As the pressure furnished by the waterworks is very heavy , this thcgry is very plausible , and there Is no doubt but that these two ex planations fully account for the bursting of so much hoso. Another matter that is receiving the at tention of the flro committee is that of pur chasing a chemical engine. Tne HUE has advocated the purchase of a chemical for some time past , as it would undoubtedly place the flro department in a condition to do much better and more effective work. Chief Walters and u number of the most practical fire flghtcrs in the city are strongly In favor of It. The recent nro at the resi dence of J. J. Shea , csq. , was n strong argu ment in support of the purchase of n chemi cal engine , as it would easily have controlled the flames , and the heavy damage caused by the use of so much water would huvo been avoided. There are hundrnds of residences in the city where the same result would en sue in cnso n flro should break out In them. More especially is this true in the case of the Inrtro dry goods stores where the flooding of bho room with water would mean a loss of thousands of dollars. With the chemical a jtnnll stream in the direct region of the lire ,5 , nil thnt would bo necessary. The action of the chemicals on the goods Is not as damaging ns water , as it dries nna leaves them comparatively uninjured. It is stated that the lira committee will inquire Into the question of purchasing u chomic.il engine , when it next meets , nnd It is hoped that the matter will bo fully investigated. Wanted , lots near motor. A. A. Clark & Co. Hayo your old furniture upholstered , good as now. R. Morgan , TJ2 Broadway , Have our wagon call for your soiled clothos. Cascade Laundry Co. Fmo Jewelry , watches and dinmonds ; cleaning and repairing at E. Buruorn. Settling tlin Trouble in the Guards. Capinln elect Foster , Sergeant McNeal and Corporal Flnloy , of the Dodco Light Gunrd , returned home yesterday noon from Shcnandoah , where they went to confer with Colonel Castle , relative to the troubles existing in thnt organization. They state that the trip resulted satisfactorily to them , and express the opinion that the colonel will sustain their action. They still enter tain a hope that Captain Mount , of Shennn- doah , can bo induced to remove hero nnd take co mm an J of Company A , having bad an interview with thnt gentleman yesterday morning. They will go to camp , ns pre viously planned , Colonel Castle having ns- surcd thum that thov could go under com. iiiiuul of the llrst sergeant without fear of being mustered out of service. The colonel will bo hero in a day or two and make a personal investigation of the situation and the troubles lending to It , and will then make some disposition of the case. It is now the belief that the recent election will bo set aside , and the vacancy left open until n suit able man can bo agreed upon to 1111 the oftlce of captain. A lot on Stutsman sticct for $200 , 40x100. A. A. Clark & Co. Kollcy & Younkorman sell groceries Chase nnd Sanboro coffees a specialy. No Explosions When persons keep cool and use our "Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes , roaster and balteoven. Costs 7 conta per hour when running full blast. Now Vorlt Plumbing Co. City steam laundry , 34 Main , tol. 141. See us for loans on city property. Money on hand. A. A. Clark & Co. The Boat Crows Homo Again. Council Ulufl's wont to the state regatta and fell Into the soup. She was not alone la her Immersion , for Burlington was the only city in the state that escaped a dip in the pickle. The Bluffs wont up with two crews , and fondly Imagined that with this double representation she could got a secure grip on ono of the prizes. It was a vain hope , and the boys returned homo yesterday morn ing to tell Juai how It happened. Each crow was to carry a substitute , but Buckmau. ol crow No. 1 , was unable to go , so his place was tilled by Substitute Herman Buerdorf , On tno day of the race Buerdorf was sick , and as there was no ono to take Ills place the crow did not start. The other crow was m condition and wont in to got a place , but did not IX > SHCSS the necessary speed. They rowed well for the tlrst half mile , when they gel out of their course. The men were not properly balanced. Dodge and Bowman overmatching Patterson and Shorraden , Those who witnessed the race nvor that this made no difference ns to the result , as the Bluffs boys were not in shape to win the race. The other crow might possibly have made a bettor showing , but neither could have won. Neither of the Council Bluffs crows were in training over six weeks , while the major ity of the other crows hod trained from twc to four months. They are determined tc make a better showing next year , and wll not lese for want of training. Thu location of next year's regatta la at trading BOUIO attention. The matter wil ! not bo decided until next May , still it U being agitated somewhat at present. A member ber of one of the Council Bluffs crews , it speaking of the matter yesterday , said ; "I don't believe wo want it hero next year , Several places that have had It are not anx ious to secure it again. The Burlington boyi ay they wouldn't have It , and they nro noi the only ones who feel that way. You see , il takes about $1,000 to secure the regatta , and our folks are not disposed to subscribe thai amount. An near as wo could iind out , Spin' ' Lake is about the only placa that Is benellttec by the regatta , and they want it again. Tin probability is that they will got ft. It wouh cost tin something extra to tlx up the lake for u lot of work would have to bo don < tbero In the way of cutting out wccai und other similar work , In order u give a clear and unobstructed course It sounds all well enough to talk about hav ing the itata regatta at Munawa , but half ol these who talk that way haven't the slight est iuua what is ncoenaury lu order to got it It l Just nbout like the firemen's tourna ment They \yoro qrnr.y to e < & it , Hcrou nnd now they wouldn't tnko li ogam If H was of fered thgin. There Isn't enough Interest felt hero In boating to got up nny cnthusl- nsm on , and It would bo slow work getting subscriptions. Wo tried It last year when , ho Salt Lake party wont through , and I * now Just how It goes. If there should bo n rovuislon of fooling , there Is ample time for work in that direction before next May. " * Baths nt Mnnnwa Beach , near hotel. Pri vate bathing rooms for ladles ana children. Cold Wntcr Work. Colonel Holt , the evangelist tcmpcrnnco worker , organized a branch of the "Y" nt the Presbyterian church yesterday nftor- noon nt 3 o'clock. This is a young ladies' jranch of the W. C. T. U. , nnd has branches oil over the country. The attendance yes terday wns small owing to the rain , and an other meeting will bo hold Saturday nftor- nocn at 3 o'clock , to complcto nn organiza tion. The ofllcors elected yestcrdnv wore : Miss Kflle Moore , president ; Miss Ida Hun- : or , recording secretary ; Miss Ella Phelps , treasurer. A Move In die Ulunt Direction. Ed Snyder , n teamster m the employ of the Cascade steam laundry , was arrested yes terday afternoon'on n warrant sworn out by 31ty Solicitor Holmes , charged with cruelty to nniuiuls. For months past , in fact over since this laundry company first started In Business In their present location , the most nhuman cruelly has been perpetrated dally , in the alley In the rear of tholr establish ment. All of the coal used by the company , ns well ns the bulk of the clothing , Is taken n at the rear entrance , and the approach Is on the uo grado. " Immense lands nro dally jacked up there , and in doing it the horses are subjected to severe beatings. Numerous complaints have been made ana prosecution .hroatonoil , but no arrests followed , and the .cnmstors gradually lost all fear of ofllclal ntorferencc. Just why this shocking bru tality was allowed to go so long unpunished , ocated as it was but a few feet from Broad way , in the very heart of the city , is not vastly determined It is pleasing to know , however , that it will not bo tolerated hero- after. Snyder gave bonds to appear this morning for trial , and as soon as ho was released the compuny .for which ho wns working dls- clmrgod him. Mr. Holmes will prosecute the case. Said ho yesterday afternoon : "This ihlng has gone on long enough. The police ind city marshal have walked back and forth along there for fully a year , and have done nothing to stop It. It has annoyed mo prcntly whllb i.rSJt1 ( ? W"M ln tl10 8uP ° rlop nnnrl in YiavA iTfati'i. "oundlnfthls horses with ii < v i * i * \ little * M ttin < * nli"f t rtrt rt * "ton It. ° " windows , nnd Itrtaao up niy mlnu H would cost btii'very ijttlo to chnngo vU9 grade there sdJIlHal loams c6U'iu uiieH UD easily , nnd thoyftraat either do thnt or carry in their coal nnd packages by hand. If thov will ogrco thnt itslfnll not occur npnln I will move to dismal this ciso , but It must bo fully understood , thnt horses nro not to bo battered and bruhod there In the futura as they bnvo been In the past. " I'orsounl ' . ; I'nrncrnptis. Miss Eva Dow , o)1 ) Boone , Is visiting Mrs. John Dnnforth. t , j Mrs. Dr. Shilloyj of Salt Lake. Is a guest of Mrs. J. M. Pntton. Miss Ida Powell , of Glonwood , is visiting the Misses Farnsworth. Postmaster Keralngton , of Ncola , was In the Blutfs yesterday. Mrs. Addle Muurnth returned Wednesday evening from West Union , In. Miss Fannlo Pratt , of Omnhn , Is visiting Mrs. Ralph Williams on Harmony street. W. A. Mauror nnd wife returned ycstor- dny morning from a two weeks' trip to Spirit Mrs. W. D. Irvine nnd daughter , nnd Mhs Susie Spnldlne , nil of Sioux City , are guests of Mrs. J. N. Cassady. Miss Zoo Vinoyiird , of Hustings , Ncbwho has been visiting her aunt , Mrs. E. A. Dil lon , of this city , leuve this morning for Vil- llscn , la. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. S. Stevens nnd daughters , Cnrrlo nnd Nenllv , accompanied by Dr. Sarah Smith , left for Colorado yesterday morning. Captain W. A. Hay , the only member of the Thirteenth Indiana cavnlry In this vicin ity , will attend the reunion of that regiment In Indianapolis September S-t nnd 33. LOANS INSURANCE , REAL ESTATE , RENTS HOUSES. Agent American Building nnd Loan Assocla- on. No. 3D 1'carl St. , Ul'-bTAIKS. OHH. . O. GKEO. H. DEXTER , EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Situations obtained for men and women out of employment. Competent nnd reliable help guaiautecd for oeople desiring It. ( JUO. H. DHXTint. Manager. Hoom 4 , US 1'earl St. ( Up Stairs ) . While In the city do not fall to call on the the's store and see the finest and best Music Hell on , the Mo. slope. Come and , take a look at our large stock. oP-Pianos and Organs and all kinds'Jof musical instru ments up stairs and down stairs 103 Main Street. COUNCIL BLUFFS1 IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS HOMEOPATHS. W. H. CHAMBERLAIN M and Throat Surgeon , . . , , accurately prescribed. OIHco qornor Main St. , und Broadway- PI Surpreon amiJJomffi path. .Room U , Brown i J. building , 115 Penrl St. Ollico hours , 9 to 12. n. m. , U to C and 7 to 8 , p , m. It is a BEAT-ALL , because it never breaks , splits , cracks or curls. Because it is Indestructible in the weather , and will undergo no change in in any climate. Because it is more durable than nny other roof made , iron , tin , slate or wood. Because it can bo quickly put on without skilled labor and is cheaper than shingles. Because it has boon proven by the severest trials nnd has never failed. For further information apply to BIRKINBINE ENGINEERING AND SUPPLY CO. , , Room SOD First National Bank Building1 , Omaha. Council Bluffs ofllco , 116 Pearl Street. ESTABLISHED 1870. S. E. MAXON Architect and Superintendent , OFF ICE-S4P , CO & 2il MEHltlAM BLOCK , Council muffs , : : lown. Correct estimates of cost fuaianteed. fcpeclal attention given to all clntsi'H of build- IDCP , public and private. lliiuc iihvuvs on hund , for the c om cnlence of mv patrons u largo number cf plane , such 11 a tclioola , Luslni-bh nud offlco building ! ) . county court lic.utfs. vnrolioiiteB , hotels and prlrntu icBldencen , Oiucrs by mall promptly at tended to. OVID * V N MftNFY * * " * " * " IVtVlMLT CtWttT HATC ON KtL > SPECIAL NOTICES , TIIPIU5XCM ANnE7Spms vpj nblM r.rcpjrty. . - in Council miiuaiiir a won uuiiioveu f'urfli In eastern Nubraskn. farm must bo clonr , or nearly so. Johnson & Vim 1'atten , Kvotctt Iliock. ) ASruiAli : First-class upland imjtu rnRo for ftliout 100 licail more of stock siin'S nortu of cltjr , on llmo kiln road : nicnty pure water , slmdo nng unit ; coed ninn In dim-go of stock. U l' . Jmlnon , to ) SUth nvo. . Council llluirn. tolcpliono lOOi or W.V. . McMalion , i\t pasture. _ lNE family team for sale , or trade for lot. Inquire a West Uroaduny. RKAIj RSTATK-lloutrht and sold nnrt ex- cliaURcd. Spoclal attention alvon to exam , million or titles. W. 0. Jninos. > , o. 10 t'earl St. . Council Hlutls. WANTKD-llcllnble men to solicit slock In . , . . .Iowa for tlio Northwestern Loan nna Imlldlng association , llarlnu llroa. . Mcrriatu block. Council lllulfs. T .OSTCjietvrobitMnln nnd Pearl street * , on * - * llroawny , > oatorday afternoon , n purse con tain ! UR express iccnlpt and seine money. JFlndor will please leave It at the Hoe olllcc. NO. SB MAIN ST. . ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA J. D. KDMU.NDSON. n. U Siuio wr. Pres. Vice Pros. CIIAS. II , HANNON , Cashier. rTTlrip\Tr > | f > T 4 1M > 1TTf CITIZENS SI Alii BANK , OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. I'nld Up Capital J150.00.1.00. . Surplus iiv UM. Liability to Depositors. . . IKS.UXl.UO. DniKUTOli" I. A. Miller , V. O. Gle.ison , E. tj. Sliugart , i : . K. Hart , J. D. IMmnmlHon. chas. 1U Hun i ion. Transact general banking business. Largest capital aim surplus ot any b.mk In southwestern Iowa. Intoicst on time deposits. Tuos. OFFICEH. 17. II. M. Puscv OFFICER & PUSEIT , BANKERS. Corner Main and Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign end domestic exch-intro Collections mada anil Interest paid on tlina da- posits. KEEP COOL ! KEEP COOL ! AND Go to the Morrlnm bo"k. ! tixKo the elevator nnd stop at room "in and consult DR. W. A. S. MURPHY. 110 \Vhoinngtaihintennd u practical and scientific optician. Do not wear glasses Improperly fitted. Do not nogli-ct your e ) cs when they show imptomsot abnormal refraction , bo not buy glussvs from poddli-rti. The finest ulasscs to bo found In the \\orld alunja In stock. Glasses ground BO fit the cyb In all Us nifrnctho errors. Artificial eyes supplied tuprlcostosult. Consultation free. Hours u tor. , 2 to 6 , /OQ EAT FINK TKU1TS I'KOM ALL UA11TS OP THE WOULD. W. A. CIBBs , CIS Dronclwny. -HO TO- J. C.SEYMOUR'S For Fountain nislies of Ice CICRIU thnt nro 10 degrees below zero An elegant parlor , where ecrthing U cool , cluan nnd nice. Mo. S3 1'ciirl street. Look nt the Immense stock of Summer and Fall goods kept by JOHN PETER , Merchant Tailor KS liond\\ay ) , Opcrn House lllock. Hccollect that In hot weather peopln slioulil keep temperate. Don't get cxcltid , although the aululfcliixlilni ; of prices in summer footweiir nt tlio BANKRUPT Boot and Shoe Store 25 Main Stient. Is enouiili to excite nny body. U101IT IN TIIU MIllDtiU ot a red hot summer people should buy their mcat-J of n Imtchur ho knows how ami has the menus o : propelly keening them , 'iho finest market in vho 'west IB the IIQW ustabUsumont ot J. M. SCANLON , Upper Broadway. If you want cool , clean , fresh trrooorlo ? , go to F. A. TAYLOR , 10 Main St. People never got hot when they buy of F. W. SPETMAN & BRO. 30- They guarantee fair dealing always. 60 and 511 Main fctrect. Even though tlioonther Is hot W. W. BILQBB Has some red-hot bargains In lenlestntoand so\ornl peed houses to rent , all lilted upUh modern Impiovcments. No. ! M Pearl St. GOLF AX WAT3R BY BOTTLE OR CASE. W. N. YOUNG , 414 Broadway. 10 ZERO PRICES ! For all kinds of groceries and provisions , STEINKOPF & SOOFIELD , Neumoyer Hotel ItuiUlIng , Uroadwny. 1O Degrees Below Zero , and the Water Still Running. J. C. BIXBY , Sanitary Plumbing. 10 GO TO "THE FAMOUS" For bargains. 200 Broadway , opposite Ogden House. High prices tro/on out. Ilottom prices I GKO. H. MKSCIinNDOIir.ffiT IHondway. Look at ttiesn prices : lllb st nK , ( ! c ; chuck steak , fie ; boll beef , 4c ; corn beef , 4e ; chuck roust , re : shoulder roust , tc to Tc : prime rib stnmlnrd roast , Iflo : porlorlumso steak. Ulc ; vi'iilbtcak , 7c to Ue : mutton chops , re to U'c ; pork chops Do ; salt port , be ; hums , lUe ; shouldcii , I'c ' ; bacon , We. O * Q ii Q li Q lt Q ll Q 3S3 , . * -r 7J * I & - Ii L k ft - * i g lrirtfr - & * * * x& * TIME TABLE OF THE LAKE MANAWA RAILWAY , Connect with Electric Motor and Union Pacific Dummy Trains at Ninth and Broadway Council Bluffs Iowa. C. F , REED , President. Electric Trussas , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wantco fj JUI > f ) J. M. PALMER HAS THE CHOICEST LOT OF SUBURBS & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city. Ollt edged opportunities to imiuo dlate Investors aud UomesicKcri , ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY. OOR. 6TH AVB. AND 7TH ST. Council Bluffs , la. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity , An excellent educational Institution , fur- nlsUed with nil modern Improvements for boarding and day school. The aceJi'iulo yosr consists of two oeutloim , beginning on the flrnt Monday In Bvptomber uud 1'ubruary , ruupott- TBIIJ1H Hoard and tuition , per session. 176. 1'or further jmrtlculura uiWrosu Ulster Superior , tit , FranolH Academy , Council UlulVn , la. THE MAHHATTAN BILLIARD HALL AND CIGAR STORE Sporting Headquarters. 418 BROADWAY. MALONEY & O'BRIEN. ' No. 27 Main Street , Over .Incfiuoiulii'i JTcwvlryBtoro MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , ulninondB , hornet ) , buggies or ntiythltjf o ( vuluo tit low rutOB of Interest. No liubllcltyulr : / und hoiiorablo doullnff , A. A. Clurlc & Co. , olllce cop. Broad WAV ( and Muiu , over Amorlcun oxprcua.