Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Tbo Mountaineers Lese tlio First of
the Dos Molno9 Sorlos.
Xlcmlrlx Wins tlio Oroat $1OOOO
Stalcra nt Detroit Intorostltifc
Go&slp About the Turf
nncl Dlntiiuml.
of tlio Clnhi.
Folloxvlng Is the standing of tlio Western
association clubs , up to mid including yos-
tcrday'o games' I
Plaved. Won. Lost. Pop Ct.
Omaha . . . .00 47 10at .712
St. Paul. . . f > 3 41 at .047
Minneapolis. . . 07 13 ! 553 .533
Sioux City.W ( IH S3 .GOO
Denver 07 BO 37 .448
DCS Momes. . . . < U 27 37 .423
St. Joseph 03 2(5 ( 37 .413
Milwaukee GO 23 43 .348
- - Don MotncH D , Denver O.
DBS MoiNC8 , la. , July 25. Timely bitting
by th locals and errors by the visitors gave
the locals the game with ease to-day. Score :
r.h.o , r. h o. ft.
r tl n. rf. . . . ,2 3 ( J nulrmnle , lf..O 0 o u 1
Slnslmir. If . 1 1 1 u \cUlHll.aiiUI ! > . .U 0 U 6 1
Connell , Jb . 0 21 0 0 TronilirnT. rf..O 1
Cody , c . 1 1 ft 0 U Wliltu , Hi . 0 1 3
Klii nmii,2b..l U ! i .1 0 Itoirn , Hi . 0 0 II 0 . U 111 1 I Mcs < lUib : . .0 0 1 I . u o 3 u u Mich , of . u o u a
Mncilllnr , s.0 0 1 3 II Dolixn , o . U U U 0
Uart.p . , . . .0 U 1 1 U McNabb , p. . . . 0 0 1 1 0
Tjlnls.6 7 ! 7 8 1 Totals Q tzi j l
Dos Molnoa. 3 031 0000 , 0-6
Eirnod rnns lo Mnlues 2. Two bnin hits Smith.
Three liaso lills Tromlway. Htolon ba a Kinsman ,
ration i Jlnsrs on bulls II y lliutj. bjr MoNuljlj.l.
lUnamvcn for hitting man with bull lljr .McNabb 1 ,
Htruck out-llrllurt 6 , br McNnbb 8. I'msml balls
Uolnnl , Wild Pitches-Hurt 1 , McNnbb I. 'Jliuu ol
gamo-1 hour unit ID ifilnut s. Umplro llrtod jr.
" Ntnvuy IJano Dull Grmsip.
Jack Mossctt has been loaned to the Den-
Tors. Ho will play third ,
Joe Walsh Is fast climbing up toward the
top of the Western association battlntr list.
Tim Hurst , the now umpire- a good one ,
nd Is a welcome Requisition to the western
The Omaha's loft for Minneapolis Wednes
day. evening , but will return hero Sunday
JCid 'Nichols "took n hot liner from off
Trcdwuy's hot in Wednesday's game that
was a hillu. But did you examine the Kid's
record L It is hard to boat.
The Omaha's return next Sunday for four
games with tbo DCS Molncs team games
( scheduled for the DCS Moluos grounds , hut
transferred to Omaha by mutual consent.
Burks Is Vith the St. Joe's. Ho wouldn't
go to Denver unless ho received half the
money paid lor his release , and in preference
to allowing him this , Sioux City gave him
his unconditional release. Ho then went
back on , Denver and signed wltn the St.
Joe's. ' *
Jack' Crooks made ono of the most brilliant
plays ever seen on the local frrounds In
Wednesday's gnuio. It was In tlio seventh in-
nlng , nnd was a hard run and nick up wltn ono
band ol a vicious grounder oft of big Itowo's
bat , supplemented with a miraculous throw
to first m tlmo to rctlro the runner. Jack
received a storm of npuluuso that lasted for
fully a minute. Great player , that Crooks
of ours.
A movement Is on foot to give Manacer
Selco a big benefit on the 15th of August.
Besides an interesting programme of throw
ing nnd base running , there will be an ex
hibition game between the Minneapolis nnd
the home team. Selco is deserving of this
compliment , as ho has brought Omaha's
team up to ft most flattering standard , and Is
n hard working , careful and painstaking
manager. A royal crowd will most llitely
turn put m recognition of his good work ,
The National tioacun.
PHILADELPHIA , July 23. Result of to-day's
game :
Philadelphia. . . . .0 10001012 5
Boston . 1 00003101 8
Base hits Philadelphia 10 , Boston 13. Er
rors Philadelphia 6 , Boston 4. Battorlos
Philadelphia , Sanders and Shrlvor. Bos
ton , Ctarksou and Bennett. Umplro Pow
NRW-VO'KK , July 25. Result ot to-day's
name :
Now York . 0 01000000-7
Washington . 3 01030000 5
BOS.O hita Now York 0 , Washington 0.
Errors Now York 5 , Washington 4. Batter-
Ics -New York , Welch and Ewing. Washing
ton , Keofo and Daily. Umpire Quinn.
Pirrsnnuo , July 25. Result ot to-day's
game :
Pittsburc . 0 00030000 3
Cleveland. . . .7.0 01000010-3
Base hits PIttsburg 0 , Cleveland 5. Er
rors Plttsburg 3 , Cleveland 3. Batteries
Pittsburg , Sowdors and Miller. Cleveland.
Gruber and Zlmmor. Umuircs Calvin and
INDIANAPOLIS , JulySS. Result of to-day's
game ! *
Indlauopblis . 0 0000130102 0
Chicago" . 0 4000000003 7
Base hits Indianapolis 13 , Chicago S. Er
rors Indianapolis 1 , Chicago 1. Batteries
Indianapolis , Gotzeln and Daly. Chicago ,
Dwyer nnd Farrell. Umpire Curry.
July 2o. Result of to-day's
Sxmo : 0 000080 33 7
Kansas City.l 001003 10 5
BALTIMOHB , July 23. Hosult of to-day's '
game :
Baltimorp 5 103000 00 8
Louiavillo. 3 010100 00-4
PHILADELPHIA , July 25. Result of to-day's '
' v < "
game !
Athlollcs..0 6
Cincinnati ! . . . . . * 0003031 -10
CoLUJinus , ' July 25 Result of to-day's '
gauio ;
Columbus 3 001 13003-8
St.Louis. . , 0.0 300134 10
* Amateur Games.
ULYSSES , Nob. , July 25. [ Special Tolo-
graui to TUB BBB.J Kearney and Ulysses
played bull hero to-day. Kearney made 20
tallies aud Ulysses 4.
Lorutr , la. , July 35. [ Special to TUB
BKE , ] In n game of bull yesterday between
Logan and Missouri Valley on thn tatter's
grouuUi , the former club was victorious by
a scare of 4 to 1. Good playing was the order
of tha day , and there was an Immense crowd
of Missouri Valley people out to witness tha
game ,
EXBTEII , Nob. , July 23. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HUB. ] Exeter won the garno with
Tobias to-day by a score of 10 to 8 ,
EXBIER , Nob. , July 25. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BUB. ] Exeter nnd Beaver Crossing
pluyet ] on interesting gnmc at .the latter
plocu yesterday , resulting iu a score of V to 2
in favor of Exeter.
PLATTSMOUTII , Nob. . July 35.-Special (
Telegram to Tun BEB.I The game of base
ball to-day between 1'lattsmouth's first nine
und n club from Ulonwood , la. , was ono of
the hottest contested ones of the season.
Plattsmouth won by a score of 4 to 0.
B , Nob. , July 25. [ Special Telegram
to TUK BBB. ] A game of base ball botweun
Friend and the Lone Stars , of this city ,
cndod In a row this evening , The decision !
of tbo umpire were o decidedly unfair that
friends of the homo oiub outored a proles
nd the game oamo to an cud with a general
kirmUh. _
For the County Championship ,
ATKixeox , Neb. , July 35. [ Special Telo-
gnou to TUB BBK. ] In the live bird shoo
to-day ( or the championship of the county
between J , W. Houston , of Atkinson , am
W. D. Matthew * , of O'Neill , twenty birds
for ISO , the latter won hy n score of U to IT
On awoopitaKea ; O. II. Murritt lint , Kd
Herahizer socoud , I. C. ColOurn third , all of
O Nolll.
Detroit Rnoo * .
DirrnOfT , July 25. Fifteen thousand pco-
ilo attended , the races at the Detroit race
rack to-day. The weather was perfect and
bo track fast. The feature of the pro-
tram rae was the merchants' and manufao-
urors1 stftlto of $10,000. There were four-
eon starters In this raco. Summary :
Free-for-all , purse $3,000 , unfinished from
Yesterday Gone Smith' w6n , Kosallno
Wilkcs second. Ucst tlmo 3:17itf. :
2:30 : class ; purse $2,000 Koferonco won ,
Tnrlod second. Arbutus third , Elista fourth.
2:21 : elms , 510,000 stake Hendrix ] won In
hroo straight boats , Amy Leo second , Cal
vin Sprnguo third , Yorktown Uollo fourth.
Ucsttlmo-3l8 { .
The dny closed with the 3:14 : pace , puree
: l,500 Gossip. jr.t won tlio first nnd second
heats , Hey Wllkos tlio third and fourth
icats. Tlmo 3:10) : . The final heats will
10 paced to-morrow.
Hnrntojtn. Kuccs.
SMUTOOA , July 23 , The Saratoga Racing
association , could not have selected a hotter
lay for its dponlng so f a ? us the weather was
concerned. The sun was obscured , and
here was just breeze enough to raaUo it do-
Iphtfullv cool. Summary :
Flvo furlongs Goraldlno won In 1:01 : J ,
Fordham second ; Maori third.
Ono mlle Hanover won in 1:43 : , King Crab
second , Mnlho's Last third.
Flvo-oighths'or a mile Succession won in
: IW , Pearl Sot second , Sono third.
Mile nnd throo-fourtliB Long Dance won
nOS : ) : f , Floodtldo second.
Throe-fourths of n milu Vivid ono in
: lfl % Ualsnmti second , Hcdstono ttlrd.
Three-fourths of a mile Uralt won In 1 :15 : ,
The Lion second , Dilemma third.
Mnniiinuth I'nrlc llaccs.
MoNMOuru PARK , July 25. The weather
vas delightful hero this afternoon , the traok
ast and the attendance largo. The feature
if the day's sport was the disqualification of
Mr. Wlthcn'B ' Fan Fan colt in the second
nco for fouling Lclghton. It was also soon
hat Doano , his Jockey , had strucit Taylor ,
vho was riJlnc Lelghton , aver the head with
us whip on the homo stretch , but ho claimed
t WAS an accident and it did not count
against him. Summary :
Seven furlongs Grenadier won In l:20Jf : ,
Dyer second , Volunteer. third.
Three-fourths of a mile Lo.ghton won in
:15. Hurlington second , Rosette third.
Ono mlle Mndstono won in 1:43 : , Hhono
ccond , Favordalo third.
Mlle and one-eighth Belinda won in 1:30 : ,
Now or Never second. Judge Murray third.
Fivo-elifhts of a ratio Freedom won in
:03 : , Harambourna second , Tourmaline
Ono mlle Fltzjatncs won in l:434f : , Stifle-
away second , Mngora third.
Br. i'nul Kacfl.
ST. PAUL , July 25. The attendance was
air at the Twin City Jockey club races to
day. The woatnor was threatening , the track
very heavy and the tlmo slow. Summary :
Five furlongs Kidnap won , Park Hill sec-
ud. Alta third. Tune l:21.Vf. :
Thrco-ynar-olds nud upwards , fifteen six-
eentlis of a mile Oursmau won , Grade D
ocond , Jou'Jou third. Time 1:41 : } .
Twoyearoldsivo furlongs Willie M
won , Valedictory second , Henry Mack third.
Time l:10Jf. . .
Three-year-olds .and upwards , milo and
oven yards Castaway won , Kate Malone
econd Nevada third. Time 1:55 .
Three-year-old fillies , ono mid ono-oighth
mlles Laura Davidson won , Mamie Fonso
ocoud , Brown Princess third. Time
KUruln on n Ufa Drunk.
BALTIMOUB , July 25. Jake Kllraln and
bhnny Murphy drowned tneir sorrow and
elobratcd their return from seclusion to
night by taking a highly hilarious Jaunt in a
lack around town. Kllraln was taken in
ow by a f rierfd nnd'convoyod to the Windsor
lotol and lockedIn a room. Murphy was
uken caro-of by Captain Furron at the Cen-
rul police station , charged with drunken
" " "
ness. ,
High Wntcr In Kaunas.
FHEDONTA , ICnn./July 25. The water in the
loaded Fall river bottoms hero is rising two
nchcs an-ho'iir. The river in places is seven
miles wide and the water twenty feet deep.
L'he heavy iron wagon bridge , after standing
fifteen .years , , went down Just night , leaving
only two railroad bridges standing in the
lelghborhood. The flood is within n quarter
of a niile.-The roller party organized is at
work day and night. Some families , slow to
move , are 'surrounded and being rescued as
last ns possible. No deaths ura reported ,
although u-fow persons are missing. There
las been no mail here for two days and tao
lcgraph wires , are'oporated with difficulty.
The weather indicates moro rain.
Lnrjtft Corporation.
ST. Louis , July 25. The Torramal Rail
road association , which was formed here
yesterday , which will purchase the uropor-
.Ics of the Union Railway and Transit com-
) any , the Terminal Railroad company and
.ho Union Depot company , and will obtain a
case of the bridge uud tunnel. To secure
these properties the now company will iisuo
J7,000,000of 4 % per cent bonds , $13,000,000 of
which will bo used for the creation of of a
iow passenger depot. One chief result of
: ho now arrangement of the bridge is arbi
trary , and practically will mulco all roads
on the east aide of the river terminate in
this city proper , instead of East St. Louis ,
as heretofore.
Ohio Prohibition It0.
Z.NEBVjLLi : , O. , July 25. The prohibition
convontlou to-day no'mlnatcd Rev , J. U.
Helmlg , of Springfield , for governor ; L. 13.
Logan , of StarK county , for houtonont-gov-
crnor ; Gideon T. Stewart , Norwalk , for
supreme Judge ; D. N. Trowbridgo , Toledo ,
for treasurer , ; E. J. Plnnoy , Ashtabula , for
attorney general. The platform urges the
suppression of the liquor irnlllc , declares the
revenue from it contrary to the fundamental
principles of riant , favors woman suffrage ,
lououncos stock aud grain gambling , favors
the non-sectional , adjustment of the tnriff and
declare * in favor of enforcing Sunday laws.
A Wild Train.
JOHNSTOWN , Po.J July 25. A runaway
train of empty cars ou the Cambria Coal
company's tracks daMied into the cars used
ns sleeping' nnd eating quarters by the em
ployes of the .Pennsylvania freight and pas
senger station * this morning nnu completely
wrecked half a dozeu curs , The runaways
were going toward the main tracks of the
Pennsylvania road , when Foreman Wilson
of the yards noticed the day express pulling
into the station and by great exertion
managed to turp the switch , thus averting a
fearful accident to tho. pasaungor train
which would bavo surely been wrecked.
Strikers Sentenced.
DKIILIN , July 25. The trial "of the strikers
arrested at Hrcalau tm _ resulted in the con
viction of thirty-two of thu prisoner. . Hon.
klo , the ringleader , was seuteiicod to sovua
years' nonul servitude and to -deprived of
hid civil rights foe sovcn years. Tbo others
were terms ot imprisonment
ranging from oho to four yearn , with and
Without burd labor.
A Prohibition Argument.
SUMMIT , MI * * . , July 25. An explosion oc
curred at tlio homo of Peter Uolhns , colored ,
causing the death of a daughter and mor
tally wounding a son. Kolllni > himself was
severely burqod. Rollins was drinking
whisky from a barrel , the girl was holding a
coal oil lamp , the burner of which , not boinif
properly fastened , foil into the drawn whisky
and caused the explosion.
A Kovi-ro Storm.
ST. PAVL , July 25.A Pioneer-Press Mor-
rUtown , Minn. , special says : Asovorohall
and electric storm In this vicinity this after.
noon did great damage , Several building *
were demolished. At Anoka tlio most ter-
rifla thunder und rain storm known iu years
was experienced. Much damage 1s reported
from the surrounding country.
Kallvray lirkkemen.
OTTAWA , Ont. , July OS. Tha Brotherhood
of American Railway Urabemen of Canada
und thn United Status convened bore to-day
with two hundred or more member * present.
Tlio Veterans Make n Biff Turnout
at the Obantauqua.
A Wealthy Farmer Nonr Nebraska
City Wlnillni : Up Ills Business ,
Thinking tlio find of the
World Nonr.
Old Votornns Knjoy Thnmiolvos.
LONG PINB , Nob. , July 23. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TIIR BuB.J This was Gt. A. It.
dny , nnd it seemed as if everybody turned
out tor this occasion. Thn Qrand Army nnd
sUto militia boys marched to 'tho grounds.
Dr. Evans introduced Governor John M.
Thnyor as the presiding ofllccr of the 'lay ,
nnd the governor thanked the management
Tor the honor conferred on him. Qovornor
Tliayer Introduced E. McClesh.A. M. , D. D. ,
of Ouargo , 111. , who adJressod tha G. A. II.
toys for about ono hour nnd n half , and
was very well received. The doctor
was ono of the boys , and ho related a great
many anecdotes , which amused and pleased all
A peculiar coincidence occurred hero to-day
In there being present Dr. A. W. Lamar , of
Omaha , who was an oQlcor In the southern ,
urmy from South Carolina. In the afternoon
hu was Invited to address the boys. This
was cheerfully accepted , and the boys after
ward nald that a moro loyal and entertaining
address they had not heard for many a day.
In the evening the usual ruuipflro was hold
nnd a great many anecdotes and short
spocchos of the respective speakers wore re
A Burglar Shakes n Sheriff.
BFATKICK , Neb.JulySS. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HER. ] Sheriff Barton and deputy , of
Saline county , brought , a prisoner down from
Wilbor last night for safe keeping in the
Gage county Jail. The party took a hack
from the depot to the jail , and when they ar
rived there the sheriff got out. The prisoner
followed und made a break for liberty. The
two ofliccrs opened flro on htm , but to no ef
fect. The follow escaped in tha darkness.
Ho was hoara of near I'iokcrell about 4
o'clock this morning , where ho had stopped
at i > farmers and asked for a fllo. The pris
oner was handcuffed. Officers nro now in
pursuit of him. Ho was held for a burglary
committed at Wilbor several days ago.
Preparing to Ascend.
NF.HHASKA Crrr , Neb. , July 25. [ Special
to THE BEB. ] A woll-known and wealthy
farmer named D.inbar , living west of the
city , was in'town yesterday and prophesied
that the end of all tlmo would bo here some
tlino during the next year , and ho Is closing
up all his business affairs. Ho is not consid
ered "off , " but Is a member of a religious
sect which is flrtn in the belief of the near
approach of thn final windup. Ho declares
as proof that this Is the last opoh of the
world , that false Christs are appearing in
every section of the country , a fulfillment of
the bible's prophesy concerning the closing
A Surprised Highwayman.
BEATUICB , Nob. , July 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] James Smith , a butcher ,
returning homo 'roin the south part of the
county last night on horseback , was stopped
at the outskirts of the city by a highwayman
nod ordered to hold up his hands. Smith aid
so , but happened to huvo his pistol in his
band , and ho opened flro on the fellow , who
fell with the exclamation that ho was shot.
Smith hurried into town and notified the po
lice , who wont out to investigate. The fol
low could not bo found.
New But for and Ghooso Factory.
BLOOMIXGTON , Neb. , July S3. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEE. | Bloomlngton's new
brick butter and cheese factory started to
day , making a small quantity of butter for
sample. They will begin active operations
next Monday with milk from about live hun
dred cows. Thn plant was put in by Davies
& Rankln , of Chicago , at a cost of $6,500 , ana
is first olass in ovary particular and fully up
to contract. It was accepted to-day by the
board of directors.
A Probable Fntnl Fall.
CUBSTOX , Neb. , July 25. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Monday evening Miss
McMulten. a guest at the Crostou hotel here ,
started from her room to her brother's.
Mistaking the stairs for the room , she fell
the full length of the stairs , injuring her
spmo und also internally. A uhystoian was
summoned lust evening and after examina
tion Raid it would require the best of care to
insure her recovery.
Discharged From Custody.
DAKOTA Cirr , Nob. , July 23. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BKB. | On the examina
tion on the charge of manslaughter of John
Lynn , an engineer on the Chicago , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha railway , who ran
over and killed Frankie Luclo with a switch
engine on the 12th at Siuux City , ho was to
day discharged by Justice Juy.
NcbrusKn City Paving Contracts ,
NsnaASKA. CiTr , Neb. , July 25. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE.J The board of public
works has awarded the brick paving con
tract to B. P. Egan , of Lincoln , at $ L95 } .
A plant is to bo erected and the brick manu
factured in Nebraska City. Thorp & Toby ,
of Council Bluffs , will do the curbing at CO
and 00 cents.
A Jail Break Frustrated.
BEXTUICE , Nob. , July 25. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Prisoners in the county
jail made an unsuccessful attempt to break
out last night about 8 o'clock. They had
Eartly pried the grating of the skylight loose ,
ut wore discovered by Sheriff Davis' wife ,
who iioUtled the deputy , and the escape was
prevented , _
Opposed to Improvement.
NEBRASKA. CITY , Nob. , July 23. [ Special
to TUB BEE. | A gentleman named Milter ,
from Sioux Falls , is building u soap factory
in South Nebraska City , and this morning
found a notice ou the building threatening
to burn it down if it was not moved , The
paper was placed in the Hands of a defective.
A Water and Liu-lit Company.
NEWUSKA. Cirr , Neb , , July 25. ( Special
Telegram to THE BBE.J The Nebraska City
Water ami Light company have Jlloa articles
of Incorporation with the conntj clerk with
a capital stock of $375,000 , The BOW com.
pany is the reorganization of the old water
.company ou a moro extensive basis ,
1C of 1 * . Lodue IiiHtltuted.
NCWTU PJ-A.TTB , Nob. , July 23. [ Special
to THE BEE.J Deputy Ferguson , with flf
teen other knights , went to Loxlugton yesterday -
terday to institute a lodge of Knights ot
Pythla . Tboy report having organized a
lodge of more than twenty-live charter
Itolloved iho flatnbllshmont ,
GnANT , Nob. , July 25. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ( Burglars entered the billiard
hall of A. A. Quaokenbusb last night and re
lieved the establishment of its cash , IS , to
gether with a quantity of cigars and con
Water Work * Shut Off ,
HOLUHEDQB , Neb. , July 25. [ Spoolal Tele
gram to TUB BEK. ] Water works wore shut
oft to-night by order of A. U. Fitch , owner
of the plant , at Omaha. The cause Is some
disagreement between him and the city
council. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gaga County' * New Coroner.
BEATXICB , Neb. , July 25. [ Special Tele-
gramtoTiiBBKB. ] Dr. Q. L. Roe , a demo
crat , vrua to-day elected coroner by tha
county board of supervisor * In place of
Sonier * , republican , resigned.
1 i
Special lnr > cotor Bpnnglor Will
Ilccommond Its Extension.
The Jreo delivery nystcm of the Omaha
postofflco Is Rooll to' bo reconstructed nnd ex
tended. Special Postofilco Inspector Spnnglor
arrived in the tytyyostorday morning. Mr.
Snanglor has charge of the free delivery
lystoii. Ho wns , tntionod In this city about
thrco years ngo M inspector.
Mr. Spanglor suggested to Postmaster Gal
lagher yesterday that they take a look nbout
the outlying districts of the city In order that
ho might nayo an Idea of the amount of
territory cov.Qj-qji , eta Ho expressed
himself us being surprised and aston
ished at the great changes which hod
taken plan * about the city slnco ho resided
hero. Said ho : " 1 stai ted out with the Idea
of recommending that the districts that now
have but ono carrier delivery per dny should
bo Increased to two , but when I saw what n
great amount of territory was not covered at
all I was forced to the conclusion that tlio
Borvlco would have to bo extended , even if it
bccama thereby impossible to Increase the
sorvlco in the districts which are now served.
Wo nro greatly crumped by the appropria
tion for carrier service , nnd while I recog-
ul.e the fact that Omaha is outltlod to moro
carriers , and should have them , it will bo 1m-
poslblc at this time to make all the changes
necessary. " ,
Mr. Spanglor was asked how many addi
tional carriers ho would recommend.
"That is moro than I can stnto at this
tlmo , " ho replied. ' ! saw a statement in an
evening paper to the effect thnt Mr. Galla
gher would ask for fifteen moro carriers. I
don't know whore the reporter got his information
mation , but I am sure ho didn't ' got it from
Mr. Gallagher. The liloa of such an Increase
is absurd. "
The reporter Inferred , from Mr.
Spanglor's remarks , that not moro
than five additional carriers would
bo recommended. In the course of his re
marks. Mr. Suanglor alluded to the crowded
condition of the postofllco , and that some
thing should bo done at once to secure addi
tional room. The only way this could bo
done would bo to rent moro room or to build
an addition iu the area west of the building.
Ho thought a commodious ono-story addition
could bo built for about $10,000. This would
afford all the room necessary. This matter
should have been attended to lone ago , as
the present quarters are entirely too small.
Mr. Spanglor said this question was not in
his province , and should bo pushed by the
congressmen ,
Hasan Wouldn't Bo Bluffed.
The Hagan case nas boon adjusted outside
of the courts. Moore tried several times to
induce Hagan to give him money , saylnsr bo
would persuade Mrs. Hunan to withdraw
her suits , Mr. Hagan would not bo bluffed
in such a transparent way , and Moore
finally desisted. Ho returned to Chicago
yesterday morning Mrs. Hngan has had
several conferences with her husband , nud
has decided to wlthraw her suits against
him. She became convinced that she coula
not frighten him into paying her a largo
sum to keep quiet , and will leave the city
Tried to Rob a Drunken Mnn.
John Lambert , acrook , was arrested yesterday
terday for trying to rob a drunken man. Ho
was placed in the patrol wagon , together
with another man Who had been arrested
about the same time. " Lambert jumped from
the wngon and ma'do'a ' break for liberty. Ho
run down toward tha river. A posse of
officers in charge of Sergeant Whalon started
iu pursuit. They spied their man among the
bushes near the smelting works nnd soon
had him in custody nram.
A Habeas'Corpus Granted.
NEwYoiiK , July 23. Judge O'Brien to-day
granted a writ of habeas corpus in the case
of Henry F. Ivos , now In the Ludlow street
Jail , In a 'suit for recovery of § 2,553,323 ,
brought against him nnd George H. Staynor
for alleged misappropriation of funds of the
Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton Railway
A Boyv Arrested ?
KINGSTON , Ontl , July 251. A son of Marshall
shall H. Twltchell , United States consul
hero , was arrested to-day on the charge of
being tha masked burglar who entered the
residence of Mrs. Martin last night. Ho is a
mera boy and up to the present tlmo bore a
good character. Ho is said to bo insane.
Deliberating Builders.
CHICAGO , July 25. The national convention
of building associations began its sessions In
this city to-day. Delegates are present from
all parts of the country. The object of the
gathering is to unite the associations moro
closely by the formation of a national organi
Breweries Sold.
PATEIISO : ? , N. J. , July 25. An .English
syndicate has purchased five of the six
breweries in Paterson for nn aggregate of
$3,380,000 , the owuors to retain a ouo-third
interest in the concerns. The transactions
were completed to-day.
Suioldo of * a Naval Engineer.
NEW Yonic , July 25. Assistant Engineer
C. G. Tolcolt , of the United States navy ,
committed suicide this afternoon on board
the Atlanta. His health had boon imparod
for same tlmo.
Defiant Hnloonisto.
CINCINNATI , July 25. At a meeting of sa-
loonlsM this afternoon , at which 1,200 were
present , a resolution was unanimously
adopted to the effect that saloonists keep
open their saloons In defiauco of law.
Grocorn Assign ,
CHICAGO , July 25. The J. W. Loveriu
Company , wholesale grocers , made an as
signment this morning. The liabilities arc
estimated at between $10,000 and $00,000 , ,
with assets about the same.
Struck hy
HELENA , Mont. , July 25. John Monarlty ,
of Elk Park , an employe of the Montana
Central road , was struck by llghtulug to-day
and instantly killed. Several ether employes
were stunned ,
tintta and Booth the Only Millionaires
in tlio Profession.
There nro but two millionaires union ff
nil the rich actors Lotta Crabtroo nnd
Edwin Booth. They have considerably
over $1,000,000 oa9b. . Charles Barnard ,
the ox-minatroliasi } 8500,000. and Jos
eph Murphy luis as much. Joseph Jef
ferson had moro'.bul has spent a good
deal on starting hi sous in life. Mag
gie Mitchell bailout 8-100,000 , most of
It Invested In ( Railway bonds. Mary
Anderson has oqrnep $2oO,000 with nor
beautiful face , and dims invested it in
England. Mlnrtlb. ( Palmer has about
3275,000 , whlld Stuart Robson nnd W.
H. Crane divided $ .500,000 between thorn
when thov soparrhtbd. Mrs. Langtry
has her $160,000 invented in Now York
and California roalioBtato. Fritz Em
met has made about ) , $200,000 and Annie
Plxloy the same , most of which is sol
idly invested in city lots in Denver and
Minneapolis. Uton'rhnn Thompson has
made $150,000 Qut/'pf his play and lias
part of it safely salted down in govern
ment bonds. Jambs O'Ncil has made a
fortune out of ono play , which ho has
invested in mortgages on western
farms , Nat Goodwin has a fortune , but
more than half of it was loft to him by
his wife. Francis Wilson has made
$100.000. Emma Abbott has a fortune
of $225,000 , a largo part of which is in
vested in diamonds , and Fanny Daven
port has at least $20,000 worth of her
$100,000 looked up in these shining
utouos , which are periodically being
stolen nnd recovered. Herrmann , the
magician , has made a fortune , which Is
all safely stored in paying , property In.
the upper portion of Now York city ,
For Rent : Residence , 2100 Douglas
St. ; now house , all modern improve *
monts ; not a basement houso. Enquire
of Moritz Meyer , Cor. 10th and Fumum
Rough Weather Interferes With the
Sooond Day's Baooa.v .
Yotintc Elklns ConfosscH to the Mnr-
tier of llli Father ami StepMother -
Mother A Notable
Oar4in n ,
OmBAVs , SI-HUT LAKE , la. , July
25. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bun.J Thoraces
races of the senior crows of the Iowa regatta
were delayed In starting to-day , owing to thoroughness
roughness ol the weather caused by a heavy
rain In the morning and a strong western
breeze. Tho. four-oared race was the first on
the call. With the word "go , " Cedar Hap-
Ids got the water first-and during the course
maintained a strong pull of thirty-six to the
mmuto. They made the turn halt a boat
length ahead nnd finished several lengths
ahead ot Davenport. Tlmo 9:53.
Tbo senior single was won by Kllby , of
Ottumwa , by several lengths. Tlmo 1:10. :
McClelland and Amiable , of Davenport ,
won the pair oar without effort.
The race of the dny wns between Mc
Gregor nnd Ottumwa and was fought hard
from start to finish. Schonck and Kilby ,
of Ottumwa , won hy a half n length In
OMUJf. The water was very slow and
'Iho swimming nice , open to nil members
of the association , was won by J. T. Dodge ,
of Council Bluffs , In 1:52. :
Murdered llln father and Mother.
DBS MOINES , la. , July 23. [ Special Tel
egram to TUB BEK. ] Wesley ElUins , who
has been detained on suspicion of having
killed his father nnd stop-mother In Clayton
county on July 16 , has confessed the crlrno.
Hu says ho got up at 10 o'clock at night , and
shot his father through the head. His step
mother then started to got a light , and ho
says ho struck her with n club. The boy is
only twelve years old , but yet the circum
stances corroborate his statement. Ho made
his confession to Judge Hatch , and has boon
Bent to jail.
A Notnblo llomilon.
DUUUQUE , la. , July 23. [ Special Telegram
to THE Br.u.l There was a notable reunion
of early settlers to-day nt Twin Lake Springs ,
thirteen miles north of horo. Among the
2,000 people who attended the picnic wcro
Mrs. John Burns , the first white child born
in Iowa ; Mr. A. Levi , the first Mason in
Iowa , and General George W. Jones , the
first United States senator from Iowa.
Arrested on Suspicion.
DunuquE , la. , July 25. ( Special Telegram
to TUB Bun. ] A man giving the name of Ed
McDonough entered n clothing store in Dubuque -
buquo to-day and boucht a suit of clothes.
In payment ho tendered two certificate1 } of
deposit issued by the Southwestern National
bunk of Minneapolis to Auron Larson ,
amounting to about S350. On being ques
tioned hu was unahla to state how ho came
into possession of the certificates and was
handed ever to the sheriff. Later on bo
stated that ho found them. Ho Is m jail
waiting further developments. His story is
very conflicting , and foul play is suspected.
After the Flro Dims.
DBS MOINES , la. , July 25. [ Special Tolo-
ratn to THE BEE. ] This evening Governor
Larrabeo issued a proclamation offering a
reward ot S300 for the arrest nnd conviction
of the persons who sot flro to the barn of W.
A. Stcphcnson , in Harrison township , Mo-
huskn county , Juno 15. This lire was ono of
n long series that have endangered the lives
and property of Mahaskn county people.
Complaint Aunlnst the Northwestern.
DBS MOINES , la. , July 25. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE.J Tlio railroad commis
sioners went to Castor , Monoua county , to
day to Investigate complaints against the
Northwestern road filed by residents of tbnt
place. They claim damages on account of
overflows caused , they allege , by the eleva
tion of the track in several places.
A Fatnl Runaway Accident.
CENTEIIVII.LE , la. , July 33. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Carletou .loslyn. a
young man of seventeen , who drives a team
for William Brudly , a leading merchant , was
run away with this afternoon and so badly
injured that ho will dlo. .
MASOX CITT , la. , July 25. [ Special Tele
gram to TUK BEB. ] George Willurd , for
many bears a prominent resident of this city ,
died nt his homo to day at the ago of olphty-
The Great Triumph nnd Trnglo End
ot'an Artiwt'H Model in Berlin.
Two years ago Ellso Kommlor , then
eighteen years old , was a waitress at a
restaurant in the students' quarter in
Berlin , saya the Now York Sun. She
was not pretty. She was freckled ,
square-shouldered and dumpy. She was
so plain that she did not oven got the
usual caresses and love pats which the
Gorman waitresses almost invari
ably got from every man they servo.
She had , however , ono beauty of form
her arms. They wore largo , white and
exquisitely molded. A young artist
noticed them ono day , as Elise , with
her sleeves rolled up , brought him his
beer and roast goose. From that day
on Elise was probably moro sougntafter
by young men than any ether waitress
in Berlin. Every artist wished her to
sit for him , so that ho could paint her
beautiful arms.
After the young artist who discovered
her arms had given their counterpart to
his Hobos and Vonusos nnd Uianns
dozens of other artists wished to repro
duce thom on their canvases. As a
model Elise made double nnd treble the
money she had earned as a waitress.
She spent it all upon her person and be
came immediately vain. By moans of
a bit of lacing , a ( roe use of cosmetics ,
and a lot of now gowns aha made her
self ever into a very attractive young
woman. She had levers bv the do/on ,
Hardly an evening passed for the next
two years but that she drank wine with
nn artist or student in a fine Berlin res
taurant , or sat beside him in some sec
ond-class theater ,
A few weeks ago EHso had nn en
gagement to sit for the young artist
who discovered hor. She wont to his
room and prepared to reveal the beau
tiful arms which ho had wished to
paint. lie told her , however , that she
need not take tlio trouble ; ho had found
a woman with moro finely molded arms
than hers. She throw herself on the
iloor und wept. Ho tossed her
some money to comfort hor. She
threw it back to him and
hurried olT homo. There she locked
herself in her rooms. For two daya she
rofudod admittance to every one and ate
nothing. On the morning of the third
day her landlady was attracted to her
bedroom by groans. On the bed lay
Ellso in convulsions. Bho eon tossed
that eho had poisoned horjelf , but
begged the landlady not to summon a
doctor , aa she wished to Ulo , A physi
cian who was called in considered nor
incurable. She was sent to tha charity
hospital , where she died two days later ,
A World's Exhibition at Ducnon Ayrr
A company U being formed , with a
capital of 18,000.000 , for the purpose of
holding a world' * exhibition at Dueoos
Prodbrtorlnn Soolrxt.
A largo number attended the mooting hold
Wednesday evening in the church to arrnngo
for the Presbyterian social Friday evening.
Committees ns follows were appointed :
Ice Cream Mesdames A. ll. Miller and
George W. Masson.
liccoptton and Introduction Messrs. Both
M. Eddy. Dr. C , E. a Smith , K. H. Lawrence -
ronco and Hollls E. Hoplo nnd Misses Elln
McDonald. Knto K. Wyman , Cora It Smith
nnd Mngglo Sliopanl.
Tables-Misses Cora K. Smith , Huldnh
Lambert , Aliuo Knon , Jessie IJavaRO , ' Cora
Persons , Alice Griffiths , Anna Merrill , Ella
McDonald , Knto E. Wymnn nnd Myra V.
Brlgham and Mosdnmes Edward D. Mun-
slmw and Jnmos Hi Van Diuon.
Music Mrwrs. James C , Curloy , L , F.
Hltto nnd Scth M. Eddy , Miss Knto E.
Wyman nnd MendamoslSdward D. Murshaw
nnd O ergo Wi ICysor.
Tables and Furniture Messrs. A. H. Mer
rill nnd A. W. Hibbard.
Macla City Plonmiro Chin.
At the meeting of the Mngio City Pleasure
club Thursday evening Itvis \ decided to
hold a picnic nt Oormaiua gardens , Twenty-
fourth and J streets , Sunday , Ail-
gust 11. Messrs. Kodll Hod-
mend , Andrew H , Donoliy , Edward
Gallagher , D. D , Donovan nnd Larry
Noonau wore appointed a general committee
of arrangements , with po.wur to appoint sub
committees. The committee will meet
Thursday evening of next week to complete
Y..W. C. T. U. Kntrrtnlnment.
Messrs. E. S. Daniels , Howard P. Savngo ,
Willis II. Stowo , William K. Dunroy. and
Missus Grace Richardson , Cora Pariah and
Alice Bevcr have been appointed a commit
tee on arrangements for the Y. W. C. T. U.
entertainment to bo hold Thursday evening ,
August 1. The committee will moot Satur
day evening at 7 : W o'clock hi the Presby
terian church to complete arrangements.
Scalded Both Feet.
Frank Herml , employed nt the packing
houses of Swift & Co. , wtnlo cleaning up
Thursday noon , had some hot water thrown
on him , scalding both foot and ankles.
The scald was not serious but Is painful and
will lay Mr. Hcrml oft for fiomo days. Ho
was taken to the Hanson hotel nnd a Burgeon
summoned who dressed his injuries.
Ail Oinnhan Injurnd.
James V. Ohlson , of Omaha , was driving
under the Q street viaduct Thursday nnd his
horse became frightened at tha pllo driver ,
throwing him out. Mr. Ohlson received
painful but not serious injuries. Ho was
sent homo and cared for.
Cut With n Btitoticr Knife.
Martin WalUor , employed in tha ham pack
ing gang nt the Armour-Cudahy packing
houses , haa a butcher knlfo slip , through his
right hand Thursday afternoon , nearly
cutting four of his fingers off. A surgeon
dressed the member.
South Otnuliii Notns.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Christ
Frank S. Dewcy , of the exchange , has re
turned from Chicago.
William Bussard , of Albright , has ro-
turncu from Dubuque , la ,
A dauco will bo given by "Volcov Plvonka ,
in the National hall , Sunday evening.
The young men at the Exchange nro ar
ranging to organize a gymnastic club.
Mcaford Cross , formerly a resident , is
back from Sau Franotsyo , visiting frlonds.
A.E.Davis was fined f5 by Judge Kng |
for slapping his wife , Lizzlo , of Albright no ,
A. V. Miller , who has been confined to his
room for sotno weeks , is bettor and able to
bo out.
The Swift and Armour-Cudahy ball clubs
will play in the Third ward park Sunday af
The Papllhon and Sobotkor clubs will play
ball at Sarpy Mills , Sunday , August 4 , ut
2:30 : o'clock.
James Thompson made himself too numer
ous and James Lowry hud him run in for
disturbing the peace.
Thomas W. Whlttlesey , superintendent of
the machinery at the George H. Hammond &
Co. packing houses , is ill.
James Murphy , of the clerical force at
Swift & Company's packing houses , received
nn accidental cut In the leg with a" razor by
H. S. Bnllard.
B. D. Davis , a carpenter working at the
packing houses of George H. Hammond &
Co. , stepped Into a catch basin , Wednesday
and sprained his ankle.
Tlio Hcsorvcs of Omaha and the Sobotkcrs
of this city , will play ball in Hascall's park ,
Fifteenth and Vlnton streets , Sunday after
noon ut 2:80 o'clock.
At the Forostrr's picnics at Waterloo , An-
gust 4 , Captain .lohn J. Sexton and Joseph
L. Anderson will run u foot-rauo for & ! o n
side. The money is up.
Two clubs from Omaha dry goods houses
will play bull in tlio Third ward park Situr-
day afternoon nftor the gaino between the
tats and leans is finished.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Eversole. through Tim
BBB , wish to return thanks to Iho many
neighbors and friends who were so kind iu
tliolr troubles nnj bereavement.
Mr. John Toner and Miss Ella G. Bates
will be married in St. Bridget's Catholic
church August 1 , ut 8 o'clock. The Kov ,
Father D W. Moriarty ivlllotUcIuto.
John Toner's horse , driven by Edward
Corrigan , run away on Twenty-sixth street
Thursday morning. Captain Sexton c.iught
the animal before damugu was ilono.
Wednesday evening , after thu council ad
journed , Mayor Sloanoami , Councilman ( ' 'un-
vo locked horns on ttio streets und the old
rag was chowoil ut both ends till the orowd
wus pleased.
Martin Dunn and Timothy Kelly became
too big a crowd Thursday evening , nnd were
run iu for bolng drunk nnd disturbing the
peace. They will explain before Judge King
Friday inoirun/r. /
A well attended ineotlnguf the committees
to nrnini-'o for St. Agnes' second picnic , was
held In A , O. H. hull Wednesday oven Ing.
All aub committees were appointed and final
arrangement * made for the occasion.
A lamp In thu barber shop of Anderson
Brothers , under the National bank , Yell ,
Wednesday evening , cuualni : a slight fire.
Rescue hose was out m a moment , nut thu
ilauics were extinguished bolero tlio firemen
could do anything. Nfi damage.
Tuesday evening a p/casant / social dance
was b'lveu by Mlcluicl Connors In his now
brick liouso , in thn southwest part of the
Third ward Mr. Connors has his liouso
completed and furnished , und will marry in
a few days an estimable Wisconsin lady.
Tha Injunctions sorymi y 03 tor Juy oven.
Ing on tha mayor nnd members of thu city
council nud on the Motor and Tramway
.Street Hallway companies titoppod all worli
and have so Und up things that no man know ,
oth the outcome thereof. Ttio 111 fouling ex
isting between city officials nearly resulted
in a row ,
Frank Snodgrnss , the man who so myster.
lously disappeared from this city some woolu
ago , und left his bride wlfo and Chilil ut the
Hood hotel , has not , bocn hoard from , HI *
parents in Council UlulT have no traces of
his whereabouts , end the opinion is evenly
divided between deserting his family and
foul play. Mrs. Suodgrasi has so no to Sioux
Tlio Indiana nnd thn Knrthqimlco.
The Indians hereabouts are badly
frightened ever the recoit | ahnkuups ,
and fear that this portion of California
will bo ingulfed , says the Susanvlllo
( Cal. ) Advocate. There IH an old Indian
in Willow Creek valley who haa aeon
the snows of ninety odd wintersand who
declares that ho can roinoiiibor when a
mountain near Frank Perry's place on
Willow creek Bank and water surged up ,
covering the whole country , and that
the water again subsided and the moun
tain raid once moro. There ts n tradi
tion among the Indiana hero that suoh
n thing ha * ooourred many times , hut
this old-follow doelnrua that ho can remember -
member suoh an ocourronoo. Wo are
in the midst of a volcanio regionIn fact
all this portion of the country is of vol
canio origin , and the froquunt and bo-
voro shocks certainly indicate a re
newed activity Bomovmuro.
Not Quito So Sonsntlorml as Has
Boon Reported.
An InvomlRntlnn Into the Comirinlntr
of the Dlxchaittcd Seanion 1 ho
OfllcorM Justify" IheniKolvos
All Clalnm to Do SntUllod.
WASHINGTON , July 2T . On the Itith of
Juno the San Francisco papers contained
statements of certain survivors of the disas
ter to the American vessels at Samoa , en
listed on the Trenton and Vnndnlla , which ,
if true , picAontcd a seven ) nultotment
against the navy department. The papers
reported thnt nbout tlilrty of the men were
roaming around Snn Francisco urfablo to
sccuro the wages duo thdm , destitute- and
dependent upon charity. The charges of the
men were hi substance that they had n6t
been paid "bag money , " about W , which
the United States contracted to allow
them m ciiSO of tha loss of their
clothes by the sinking of the vessel ;
that their wngus prior to the date of
the disaster liad not been paid , that they had
boon discharged andnont adrift , none of them
with moro than W5 ; that the clothes
furnished them hi Samoa were charged for al
regular rales , Ic.ivlug them little or nothing
to live on ; that Lieutenant Cnrlln , executive
oftltor of the Vnndnlia , refused to sign their
cortillcntcs to bo presented to the fourth
auditor. Six of tlio sailors Joluod In a
petition to Secretary Ululno that he use his
Influonuo. Copies of the newspaper articles
wcro ulso sent the president. The mutter
was referred to Secretary Tracy who
ordered an Investigation and tha
papers have Just been rolurued
to the navy department. Couimoiloio
Ucnham , ot the Mnro Island navy yards.
says the newspaper articles have a. trraln of
truth nnd n great deal of exaggeration in
them ; that the attack upon Lioulommt Car-
lin Is unjust In the extreme for the reason
that ho remained in San Francisco by his
own request In order that ho might bo able
to look alter tlio Intorostn of the Vnndalla's
men. The commodore further furnishes a
statement tnndo by Lieutenant Burnett
showing iho amounts paid to men who
reached SMI Francisco , ranging from f O t ( $
$ JTJ. Eighteen of the man nro reported as
having dcsortod after the arrival nnd ofcoursu
they received nothing. Lieutenant Carlin , iu
his report , says that of the nineteen men the
San f'rauolseo papers claim are roaming
about the water front of that city , ono was
discharged at his own request ut the expira
tion of his term of enlistment , tnroo were
discharged by sentence of court-martial uud
thirteen were dusortuis. The clottiing Usuod
to the men was charged to thorn at u dis
count 00 % per cent. It was good clothing ,
worn nllku uy officers nnd men. The claims
of the inon were excessive ns a rule : As to
the .statement Unit ho hud told the men ho
would help no ono until ho got his own
money , Lieutenant Carlin says :
" 1 will nav that I am here at my own re
quest for the special purpose of puttlug
wrecked sailors in shupn so that ttio fourth
auditor may properly settle the men's ac
counts. Thiswoik is now fiuishcd. Appli
cations for Indemnity ( tug money ) hut boon
made out for nil the men , dead or nllvo , aud
I huvo as yet talton no step toward getting
my own money. "
Of the ni\ men who signed tbo petition to
Blaine , McCluskcy not at Samoa At all.
Lane was discharged by court-martial. Ho
was on board thoNipsIc , whlbhAvns not sunk
and has not a shadow of a claim for any
thing. 13oylo and btewart were discharged
iit the expiration ot their enlistment. All of
them , except lioylo , were paid In full , but
some of them , had a claim for personal effects.
Explorer Mulr Suya It Is'Feasible
Olastollnn Itomtilns in Alaska.
John Muir , according to a San Fran
cisco letter in the Port hind Oregonian ,
that ho has by no moans yet completed
his explorations in Alaska and that in
regard to certain elephant ronminn
there , the bridging of Bohring roa , and
other matters , ho hopes eooti to add
information that will bo of great vnluo
to science. Although tlio bridging of
Bohring straits haa boon widely ridi
culed Muir IH incllnod to think thnt
such a feat will ono day bo accom
plished lie says :
Senator Staniord'a cirdlo of steel
around the earth via Boh ring boa is a
perfectly feasible scheme. Bohring
straits uan bo bridged. It is only ai.xty
miles auross in the narrowest place aud
there are three islands strung along in
it. This would divide the bridge up
into four divisions , but besides this tile
water ib very shallow. In many plnccs
it is not over twenty foot deep. I un
dertake to say that if a man was strong
enough to talco ono of our California
red wood trees in his hands ho could
put it down anywhere over the 000
miles of Bohring sea and yotliavo 100
foot of it left above the water. This
shows how easy it would , bo to bridge
the straits. The only trouble would .be
from floating icebergs , but thnt could
bo easily overcome by constructing
swinging bridges , lilto that they have
across the river at Chicago , In this
way the straits could be kept clear all
the time 'and trains of cars could run
right along.
' There are BO many strange tilings in
Alaska , " added the diswweror of the
Muir ghioinr , "that have not'yotcome
to the knowledge of the puhlie that ono
v/ho huhbuon them hesitates whdro to
begin. Eluphunt remains are found all
over the valley of Yukon. AH a mutter pi
fact they are found everywhere through
out the great western slope ol Alaska.
Dana ; vnd Sir Charlus Lyle.startlud thn
world by announcing that tyiiry fro/.on
elephants were found wedged anioifg
Siberian icebergs. But scarofy any
body knows that throughout Alaska
nro the rcmainsocountless ? thuusandsof
masttidons. You elm dig thom out und
find them on the surface everywhere.
I saw hundred * of thorn , 'possibly , on
my hibt trip , nnd I am mm anxiously
trying to got there to coinplnto my in
vestigations. So thick are the ele
phant remains that the native Indians ,
on finding thorn buried partially in the
ground , decided that Uio.y wuru some
Kind of great mole that burrows in to ) )
boll. This is the stury given ino , I
collected a lot of rumalns. The collec
tion of elephant tusks every summer is
a regular business , just over Itohriug
sea.Vo have Just as many of thom on
tlio Alaska Bide ; is they ever had in Si
beria. Ages ugo great herds of ele
phants roamed ever thuso shores , 1'or-
haps they existed down to a compara
tively recent date , for the hairy bodies
and uoll-prcburvod. bones wcro ovl-
doncos of that. "
The Bliivn Tnulo ns It mill Is.
Cardinal Lavlgerio , tlio woll-known
and inuch-ruupcclod archbishop of Al
giers , who has made the question of
African slavery a lifo-long ninl qpuaial
study , estimates that the enormous num
ber of 2XM,000 ( ) of lives are destroyed
every year on the African continent
through the horrors of the slave trade.
In a recent speech at London tlio cnrdj-
nal declared that if n traveler lost the
way leading from orjuatorUl Africa ( o
the towiid where slaves are sold , hu
could easily find it again by the skolo-
tona of the negroes with which it is
strewed ,
To Olid Ht. ruul'H .
It la proposed to lld the doino ol St.
Paul'a cathedral in .
Ixumon. Tjia A-
poiiBo IB OHtlniutud ut , * ; , ' ; ! , &rrt" ; , U would
ho a very i/iclurcBquo object in the
oityV dliijfy utinoshor ) ) , ,