Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1889, Image 1

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The House of Commons Gonoldorlnff
tbo Ltmt Royal Request.
The Members niul Anillcnco Hpcll-
bounil BT the Matchless Oratory
of Gladstone hnbouahcro' *
ThriiHtnt Chamberlain.
The Roynl Grant.
tOopvWit 18f8 l > u Jamt
LONDON , July 25. [ Now York Herald
Cnblo Special to TUB BnE.J At last the
lethargy which has BO lone hunt' over the
house of cotnmouB this session is to bo
broken up. That was evident to the eye the
iiioi.ient one entered the chamber this oftcr-
iioon. There xvus im unusually largo attend
ance at prayers , not Indicating in any way a
devotional outbreak among the members ,
but merely their duslra to secure a sent for
tbo remainder of the sitting. The liberal
benches wore fairly well filled , and iimong
the chaplain' * congregation was M. Lubou-
chore , who Is very regular In his attendance
at prayers when thcro Is anything to bo irot
b.v It. Ho secured the corner beat below the
gangway , which Is a good deal to gain.
.Three-quarters of an hour were muddled
ttway over questions , and then the real sport
began , Tho'iioblo birds had Hocked to the
space reserved for thorn. The stronger hnd
been almost lighting for places. The gleam
of ribbons and bonnets shonu from behind
the grating of the Indies' gallery. Every
place was occupied.
What u chance for Lubouohoro to tell the
truth. Ili ? seemed rather over-weighted by
It. Such an opportunity can only occur once
or twice m any private member's life , und
there nro many chances airaiust his being
able to make the very utmost of It. lie maybe
bo too long ; he may behalf submerged In his
own notes' ; ho may lose the attention of his
audl6ase. These tutalltlos dogged Labou-
chcro'6 steps this afternoon. lie had built
up his case as Uoblnsou Crusoe built his
boat on too croat a scale. His speech
ought to have been condensed und
rearranged and one-third of it thrown bodily
away. As It was , after speaking nn hour
and u half Lobby left his nudioiica Jaded and
listless. The oftorvescenco had already sub-
Bided. Even O'Briut : looked bored , and Or.
Tanner , fresh from prison , with a line now
beard , could scarcely get one luuch out of
Lobby's Jokes cr Smith's speech In opening
the question. It was Stnithoan slow , grave ,
sometimes disjointed but plain and to the
Lobby made two .or three points which
took the house , the most successful being a
lilt at Chamberlain.
"Why , " quoth Labby , "are there so many
coble nnd other flunkies of all kinds about
court. If they tnust bo there why pay them
2,000 a year each ) There sits Chamborlalu.
tie would bo delighted to don u uniform and
go through the ceremonies without uuy pay
at all. "
Chamberlain , who , as usual , was imitat
ing Lord Hurtlnirton's passive demeanor ,
started as if a serpent bad stung him. The
little urtlllces of bis assumed sleep were at
once broken down , and then tbo stentorian
ivnd rapturous cheers of the entire radical
and Oladstontan party welcomed the stroke
which had been dealt at him. A man might
pretend that he did not care what Labou-
chore said , but it would bo almost Impossible
to feign indifference to that wild outburst of
cheers from those who three years ago wore
one's intimate political associates and
Chamberlain's face flushed , and the com
pact group of radicals who had planted
themselves Just behind Labonchere Storey ,
Pfctonj Lord Compton , Wilfred Luwson and
Illlngworth rubbed their hands with delight
over the discomfiture of their foe.
Alt the same , Labouehoie was too long.
Drdadliil to relate , Mr. Storey , who seconded
bis amendment , tried his very best to beat
thoVccord , und not entirely without success.
Labby had excited u hiugu without meaning
it. As"ha sat down ho had proclaimed tno
unity of tbo liberal party , though too obvi
ously he'hud his tongue in his choc k. As he
uttered the words the house roared and
spoiled Cabby's ' peroration. Labby had
brought'tho ' question down to a tolerably low
Mr. Storey klodod It a little lower. He ac
iually tallied of the queen's blacking brushes
nnd dustlnif cloths. The house of commons
can stand a great deal , but it could not stand
It.murraurcd und begun to empty , and at
ten'mlnutes ' to 7 Mr. Storey tardily came to
the con.lualon that tlm part of the wise man
vras to sit down. Unfortunately ho did not
eo It soon enough.
Thnn rose Mr. Gladstone brisk , ener
getic , broiling , clad In evening dress , ready to
KO out to dinner , a red rose in his button-
bole. Ho bud ubt said a couple of dozen
words before everyone was struck with hi
Immense elevation above the preceding
speakers. All his sentences were well timed
null pronounced with dignity of manner , the
style and matter being all-perfect of their
kind. It was a strange and Interesting spo o
taclo. Gladstone , the bete nolr of the con
acrvatives , standing on the radical
aide of tbo house delivering nn
out-and-out , true blue , thoroughly
loyal conservative speech , umld conservative
cheers , but with scarcely u response from his
own political supporters. The serried ranks
of the radicals wore plunged in gloomy
iloncnor exchanged dissatisfied whispers
with one another. The conservative * applauded
plaudod their most formidable enemy till the
bouse run < ; with tholrcheors. Harcourt am
Morley evidently thoroughly disagreed will
much that their chief had laid down. Ho In
Isted that the pledge given on behalf of the
qucnu that no further crams sbauld bo ap
piled for during her reign was absolutely
final , as Dual us If It wore written upoi
parchment and stamped with the roya
Deal. Morley shook his head. Harcoui
plnncod at tits leader , but the old raun wou
on In his own way , rising to still higher and
blghor grounds , until the tiouso found itsel
listening , almost breathless , to u noble
and pathetic conclusion. Ho had dona hi
duty to the people , the aged statesman de
clared , but ho would never ba ashamed o
tbo fifty years' service ho had given to tbo
illustrious occupant of the throne.
Ho suoke loaning half across the table
Ills voice trembled u little , and ho icotnei
for once almost afraid to trust hlnuelf
Think of bis politics us one may , it must bo
admitted that no living man but tills one can
Boar to far distant holghu which are bcyoin
the reach of common mortal and wblcn no
breath of vulgarity ever disturbs.
Then came Illmgwortb and dinner am
everybody rushed oft the scene. It Is n pity
thai ths vision of Gud ! toiio boldly avowiuj ,
bli attacnmeut to iiU monarch , a *
well on hi * lava of people , should b dU
jilueed by any otLor Jl uro. The right bud
many ether speakers , but the man of sev
enty-nine reigned supreme ,
To-morrow afternoon B rod laugh ana
hurchlll will speak , The Una Churchill
will take Is a defense of the royal grants nnd
ustlflentlon of the entire reign on the ques-
ion of expenditures , so that Labouchcro's '
resolution is indeed dead and burled before
t is put from the chair.
Biij Clitnr Factorlcx.
J8&9 liyJamu ( Ionian tlennett.l
LONIJON , July 35. " ( Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB Br.n.J English
money has purchased four more cigar fac
tories and appurtenances nt Havana , Eng
lishmen now own six of the principal facto
ries thoro. It Is noticeable that almost the
only clrars sold hero nrq made at tbd Eng
lish factories. Information of the purchase
was obtained from Cohen , British consul
general at Havana , who arrived hero on the
The Steamship hnnln's
Treated to n Magnldcant Sight.
( t > ipi/H/7it ( iSSDbiiJamr * OonJnn Hcnnelt. )
LONPOX , July 35. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BKK. ] The steam
ship Saalo bos been fortunate enough this
season to provide her passengers with
phases of excitement unknown to those who
have traveled on the other ocean lines. On
a recent trip from Europe to America sbo
made such a narrow escape from demolish
ing an Iceberg that the hair of such passen
gers as had an Inherent tenderness of ice-
bertrs stood on end und refused to Ho down
so long as any Ice remained in sight. Ice
bergs of the first class are seldom to bo
found so late in the season in
the Innes most frequented by the
Atlantic racers. Ono of magnificent
proportions was scon under the most com
fortable and favorable circumstances by
those who took passage nl Now York July
17 on the Smile. The passengers were In
mood for such n slgut , as on the third day
n fireman rushed out of the torrid furnace
room to the deck and throw himself over
board. The Saalo was put about without
loss of tlma and every possible effort made
to save the man , out his body was never
seen after ho took his plunge.
The unfortunate man was a stowaway
who was transformed hi to a fireman that bo
might work his way. Ho was a German ,
name unKiiown. On the fourth day out ,
while the passengers wore at dinner , trio
word was passed around that an immense
iceberg was in sight. The Iceberg furnished
more attraction than tbo dining room. It
was described by Captain Blnnko and his
oflluers to a Herald correspondent as the
largest they ever saw. It seemed to bo
about 003 feet high , its two immense
glistening spires reminding tno suectators
of arnagniflcent cathedral sheathed in silver.
Its length was estimated 1SOO feet. The berg
was sighted by the lookout early in the at-
tcrnoon , nnd the Saale was wisely kept ut a
long distance from the gleaming mountain.
That night the captain spent on the bridge ,
for the ice monster was followed by several
satellites , small In comparison , but largo
enough dangerous , and it was thought
possible that there was a vanguard. No
oilier bergs wore sighted , however.
Tlic Crnr'rf1 , "Undo Dyini * .
ST. I'BTEUsmma , July 23. The czar's
uncle , Grand Duuo Constantine , Is sinking.
A 1'rclimimiry Step in the Trial of the
Cronhi Defendants.
CHICAGO , July 25. fSpoeiul Telegram to
TUB BEH. ] This nfternoon the live defend
ants m the Crouin case Bccgs , O'Sullivan ,
Coughlin , Woodruff and Kunro wcro tuken
before Judge Hortou by order of State's
Attorney Longenecltor , and tbo question ,
"Are you ready for trial I" put to each of
them. All but Coughlin replied , "I am , " und
after a little discussion of the case weio re-
mundcd back to jail. The unswcrs of some
of the defendants were unique. Kunze , for
instance , uftcr stuting tbut ho was ready for
trial , was asked by Judge Horton If he had a
lawyer , und icplied like u flash : "No , and I
don't wuut ono , cither. " Bcggs was of the
sumo mind , but was charitable enough to
give his reasons for notwuuting un attorney.
He sai'l : " 1 hau'ii't got u lawyer uud don't
knew us I want uny. I'\o hnd considerable
experience with lawyers lately uud it hasn't '
done mo any good. " v oodruft wanted to
send word to Mr. Keefe ; Coughlin asked
that Lawyer Forieat be notified , und U'Sul-
llvun suid he wanted to confer witn Mr.
Donahue , who nas been looking after bis
Just ns the Judge ordered the defendants
taken back to Jull , Bcggs said : "Hold on ; I
understand that 'be state's attorney has
asked for a continuance. If that Is BO , I
would like to be beard In objection to uny
delay. " Judge Longeneckor was on bis feet
like a flush und snapped out : "You wcro
never more mistaken in your life. I have
not u.slced for u continuance and I don't in
tend to. If you are as much mistaken In
your defense us you are about that you will
need a lawyer , und need him mighty bad. "
Tbo prisoners wcro then taken out of the
court by the bhcriff , under orders from
Judge Horton to bring them before him ugnln
to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Judge
Longenecker's object In having the prisoners
thus arraigned was to prevent them from
claiming the protection of the statute which
holds that in criminal cases the state must
be ready for trial ut the second uftor un in
dictment is returned. Woodruff is the only
ono who can thus demand u trial at
this time , ns he was indicted for horse
stealing n month before tbo indictment iu
the murder case was found. The present
term of court is the second qno since his
presentment und the states attorney will
proceed with his trial for the theft of the
horse from Liveryman Dean , in order tbut
ho may hold him without question for the
more serious offense.
: tin ; Writ.
WINSEIXO , Muu. , July 23. The applica
tlon of HurKtVs counsel to make the writ of
habeas corpus , granted yesterday , absolute ,
is being argued heiu tc-duy before the full
court. It will last all dav and possibly to
morrow. Howcll , counsel for tbo prosecu
tion , will occupy most of to-day's setting
with his specc'a la support of his contention
that Judge /Cain's Judgment be nuntaini'd.
A gentleman who registered at the hotel
ns Ullllum KcnikV , of Appletou , Wis. , arrived
to-day and ooiisultcd ut great length with
Hurke's lawyer. The latter stated that ho U
an attorney and will take an interest in tbo
case. From all that can be learned it Is be
lieved that ICenney is to bo engaged in the
trial when It comes up in Chicago , and wants
to fauilliurito himself with tljo case.
A Narrow
ST. Louis , July 25. Dr. Ajrthur E. Ewlng ,
a well-Kuown physician bad"a
, a narrow escape -
capo from death to-day while in a barber
chair. Albert Williamson is a prosperous
colored barber , who in norno way offended a
dusky damsel named Lilly Ames. This u-
tcruoon she walked into the barbershop , and
without u word tired two tbpts at William-
sou , ono of which grazed tbo oar of Ewlng
and smashed the shaving cup of the " wolf.
known political boss , Ed Hutler. In half a
dozen seconds the Infuriated damsel was in
undisputed possession of the shop. Later
she was arrested on a warrant cbargiug her
with assault with intent to kill.
SteauiHlilp Arrivals.
At Bremen The Chester , from New York.
At Now York The Lohu , from Ureinen.
Alice Mackenzie's Funeral Hold at
a Fublio Houso.
Curious ( Crowds Watch tlio ProccsRlun
no Ir Winds l > nnt the Scenes of
tbo Various Murders lit.
the District.
It Was a Gain Day.
ICnpi/rfpht 1SX ) bu Jama Gordon Rennitt.1
LONDON , July 23. | Now York Herald Ca
ble Special to TUB Br.K. ] The funeral
of Alice Mackenzie , Jack the Kipper's latest
victim , took place from the Tower public
house ' , In Artillery street , yesterday after
noon. It was u typical Whltochapel funeral.
All the streets , courts , alloys , doorways and
windows which commanded a view of the
scene were crowded. It was rivers of bends
and tides of human beings In all the bric-a-
brac editions of humaiilly In Morocco bind
ings that Whltecbapol offers. ' There were.
walls of faces , male and female , old and
young , ruddy and gin-stained , fair to look nt
and unpleasant to see. Well-to-do homes
sent well-dressed people ; the slums sent
blear-eyed delegates , nocturnal ns
rats and much less neatly dressed.
There were children , others with
babies , ragged hugs with bottles ,
and more ragged hags with bottles. All bud
an expectant , nwe-struck look , mingled with
more or less excited expression , which indi
cated that It was an unusual occasion.
Whltcchapol has few gala scones , and among
them a real funeral ranks high.
The talk ran universally on the poor
woman and her assassin until the hoarse
came. Then everybody stared at the hearse.
It made a queer , black picture in the clingy ,
crowded street , as it stopped nt the public
house door. With it were two mourning
carriages , each with u driver and atten
dant uiuto. There wcro big , lum
bering horses with glossy black
manes and black velvet cloths. The vehicles
were blaclc , the drivers' clothes were black ,
hats wcro black , streamers were black , and
the Inside of the hearse was without a blos
som to relieve the blackness of the long
something , with a black ball over it , which
represented tbo fragmentary remains of the
murdered woman.
Inside the public house It was also black.
The low-ceiled apartment was rather dark ,
and the bar compartments were crowded to
their utmost capacity. In a small room adJoining -
Joining , on which a door opened from
tno bar , were the mourners. They were
nine women from Enpenny's lodging house ,
where the victim lived , nnd three men , The
women were ull in black , with crape hats.
Among the men Jim McCormack , in black ,
leaned against the high desk near the door
crying ns if ho would break down. McCor
mack was her husband in the eyes of the
neighborhood , if not of the church , and the
relation , if uusanctlfied , showed none tbo
less tender.
The mourners entered the two carriages
and tno procession moved. It wound , as
usual with Jack the Hipocr's list of
funerals , ull through Whitccbnpel , touching
or passing the scenes of nil tbo other
murders. It passed Dorset street ,
crossing Commercial street into Hamburg
street , and past Number 29 , whore the Rip
per slow his fourth victim and wrote the
prophecy on the door ; went down near the
morgue whither nil the victims have been
taken , nnd out Baker's row , passing the top
of Uuck's row , the scene of murder number
Throughout all this long way the crowd
was so dense ns to be scarcely capable of
motion. Tbo carriage wheels threatened
the feut of men , women , girls , boys uud
children who were pressing back as
far as they could. A squad
of police accompanied the hearse and
cleared the street ahead. At Whitcchapel
road the crowd thinned , nnd as tbo cortege
passed through Turner street into Commer
cial road it disappeared. The last gathering
was at tbo Commercial road corner. There
tbo horses began to trot on their long Jour
ney to Pialstow.
There were hundreds outside the gates
and thousands inside them. Up tbo wide
aveuuo to the chapel tbo procession passed
to tbo steps at the door. Tbo mourners went
into the little gothic burial church , with bare
walls of grey stone , high windows , small
diamond panes and bare , open stone
floor. There were two rows of
brown wood scuts at euch side.
At tbo upper cud was tbo reading
stand , of Drown wood. In front of this , on
tbo wide bare space , wore two pairs of black
wood frames , four feet high , to hold tbo
oonln. A third pair at the end hold the coOin
of Alice Mackenzie , still covered by the pall.
The rector , an old man with gray hair und
spectacles , and with whlto surplice , awk
wardly hung , begun , "I am the resurrection
und the life , " as soon as the mourning party
reached the scats on the right. The Lord's '
prayer and the benediction closed it. Tlien
the old man seized his bat uud walked briskly
out , going down the avenue at the
right of the coflin , which seemed a ghastly
ornament rather than a part of the occasion.
It begun to ram now , and when the rector
reached the small mound of elay and small
stones ono hundred yards away , the drops
came down steadily. of the mound
there-was a pint form of boards and between
them a narrow silt in the earth eighteen feet
deep und thirty inches wide , braced up at
the sides with thick beams. It looked like a
mining shaft. Five grave diggers , in cordu
roys and gingham shirt sleeves , stood on the
platform , The mourners and mutes came
along , struggling under the weight of
the cusuet , which was of light
brown wood , thickly studded with blucK
nails. It was laid on two props , covered with
clay , which crossed the narrow aperture in
the earth , Tbo mourners gathered on the
cdse and the women sobbed. The old man
said , half audibly : "Earth to earth , ashes
to ashes , dust to dust. " and the grave dig
gers lowered the colUn to the bottom. Then
ono digger pulled the lower rope , lifting the
coilln and shaking the .ropo free , tbo foot of
the coflin fulling back , striking the earth
with a thud. The other grave digger Jerked
tbo other rope and the Dead of the coflin fell
back with another rattle and bump. The
grave digger throw in a handful of gravel ,
which struck sharply on the coflin lid. The
rector walked briskly away. The carriages ,
came up at a trot. Tbo 'grave dcger ! boguu
to fill in , and Alice Mackenzie , a poor unfor-
tun.o , who a week ago was loved in Gun
street and murdered in Castle alloy , was left
at the place in Plnlstow.
Jack tbo Ripper is still ia Whitccbapcl.
A Presidential Visit.
BOSTOX , July 25. In view of the possible
Visit of President Harrison to tbls city tbo
executive council has unpointed a committee
to make arrangement * for a fitting reception.
It is not definitely known when the presi
dential party may be expected.
Seine of the Acliturft'nicn ts or tlio
Ijnto ChnrlcmpKnp Tower.
PHILADELPHIA , JulyT'ij. A private dis
patch from Wntervtllo , N , "Y. , announces the
death nt his summer residence there of
Charlemagne Tower , of this cl r. Mr. Tower
was In his olghty-Brst year , nnd death was
duo to paralysis , lie leaves four daughters
and a son nnd nn .enormous fortune. Mr.
Tower was born In Onclda county , Now
York. Ho graduated from Harvard univer
sity In 1S30. Ho studied law in Now York
city , whore ho practiced forborne time , after
ward going to Pennsylvania. His steps maybe
bo traced through many great legal battles
in different counties of Pennsylvania. Ho
bccnmo tbo owner of largo tracts of coal
lands , nnd was a director hi several corpora
tions. Ho was actually Interested In the co'n-
structlon and management of the Northern
Pacific railroad nnd n member of Its board of
directors for several years. The greatest
and mostTftlccessful undertaking , perhaps , of
Mr. Tower's long business career was his
development of the Iron resources of Minnesota
seta , now well known to the world ns the
Vcrmlllton range. It was about fifteen years
ago that Mr. Tower learned of the existence
01 iron ore deposits near Vcrmlllion lake , n
body of water ninety miles northwest of Du-
lutn. The country was then a wilderness of
forest almost without paths , nnd exploration
was a matter of great difficulty. An expert
was , however , sent out by Tower In 1875
to make u thorough examination and bis
report was so favorable ho pur
chased about twenty thousand acres of
mineral land near the lake. Years wore
required to get things Into shape , and It was
not until 18NJ that Mr. Tower hud things in
rcadlnoss for the construction of u railroad.
Ho laid out a line of road from the lake tea
a point on Lake Superior , about thirty miles
northeast of D ninth , called Two Harbors.
Hero Tower bought ) property , constructed
docks nnd acquired terminal facilities. The
mines were opened and n force of men set at
work digging ono. Meanwhile the railroad
was being built. All through the win
ter of 18SIJ-S4 force of la
- n 1,509 , men wore
boring in the Minnesota woods felling trees ,
grading and laying trucks. The expenses
wore enormous , but Mr. Tower was equal to
tlio demand upon his resources. Hundreds
of thousands of dollars wcro expended nnd
not u cent coming im Throueh the spring
of 'S4 the work was pressed with
vigor and late In July the road was com
pleted. On July 81 , 18SI , the first train load
of ore passed from Yoruiillion lake to Luke
Superior , whence it was shipped on barges
to Cleveland. Before the close of the year
03.000 tons of ore had been shipped from the
mines , and by 1SS7 the annual output bad
boon increased to 100,000 tons. On Juno 5 ,
1SS7 , Mr. Tower disposed of his largo inter
ests in the Yormilllon ( range to a syndicate.
On that day , iu this city , Mr. Tower handed
over to n syndicate the stock nnd bonds of
the Dulu 111 & Iron , Jlongo railroad , and
title deeds to some twenty thousand acres of
land , nnd received in return certified checks
on banks ana finnnulallnstitutions to tbo
amount of over 50,000 000.
Preliminary Sto n Taken by the
iUcetluir in liow lork.
NEW YOBK , July 25" In response to invita
tions extended by Mayor Grant , representa
tive business men of the city assembled in
the governor's room iji Iho city hall this nf
ternoon to consider , , tha project for holding
nn international exposition in New York in
189J. The mayor presfded. Mayor Grant
was made permanent oh'alrman of the com
mittee. The appolntmbat" of four commit
tees , ono on porffianentors&nizatloiv-
finance , one on legislation and another on
sites nnd bulldlncs iwaa 'decided on. Tlfo
chamber of commerce/ this afternoon ap
pointed a committee oT sixty of tbo most
prominent citizens to * co-operuto with the
national , state und city authorities in pro-
motingltho project aud making a success of
the exposition.
Hundreds or I'arnicrs Destitute and.
PAnKEiisnuiio , W , Vn. , July 2o. News re
ceived to-day for the fin > t time since the
flood from West JJork un.d Henry Fork elves
a sad story of the wreck and ruin. Houses ,
fences and crops are washed away and sev
eral lives lost. Couriers for Tygart bring a
long list of houses and property , bridges and
culverts gone. A list which embraces every
farm on the too long to enumerate.
To tell the story ; briefly it can be
stated that not n single farmer escaped
damage. Hundreds nro bankrupt and will
have to bo supported temporarily by the
county. The commissioners to-day estimate
the loss In Leo. Tygnrt , Shite nnd Steele
counties at half a million dollars. At Sauls-
bury not n single bouso or bridge stands on
its foundation , and many people nro in the
woods. The mayor issued a call for a meet
ing of the citizens to-morrow to reudor as
sistance to the homeless.
Gladstone's Goidon Wedding.
LONDON , July 28. This was the golden
wedding day of Mr. aud Mrs. Gladstone.
Iho queen telegraphed a congratulatory mcs
sage to the distinguished couple , and the
Prince and Princess of Wales and other
members of the royal family sent letters to
them. The Pnnco of Wales also sent a gold
Inkstand to Mr. Gladstone. A number of
liberal ladies presented a portrait of Glad
stone with his crundson , and n largo number
of ether presents were received. There was
nn immense number of callers during the
day , among them being , numbers of liberal
The King of the Belgians telegraphed con
gratulations to Gladstone. All the liboiul
clubs und ussoclauuns In the kingdom nnd
many unionist ladles sent addresses. The
cullers included the speaker of the house of
commons , Lord Hurtlngfon und nil the lead
ing liberal members of parllumcnt. A Jar o
number of handsome and costly presents
wore received. Irish admirers sent an album
symbolical of Gladstone's
political achieve
ConHldorini ; DinVrentlals.
CHICAGO , July 2 ? ! . No progress was made
in tbo Transcontinental association to-day
towards settling , the dispute between the
Southern Pacific 4nd _ Canadian Puclllc on
the question of diftacehtlals. The proposi
tion to submit tbo rnaUor"to arbitration was
rejected by Doth road,1 mid it is slill under
consideration by the ! executive committee.
With ono or two ptcpptlons the members
are all in favor of.abollshiug differentials ,
but ia the interest /of / harmony they will
make some concession ;
Jon ) oy Arreiitfd.
Nr.w YOIIK , July 23 , Stephen W. Dorsey
was taiton into custody to-day on nn order of
arrest issued by Judge < vO'Brlon In the supreme
premo court for contempt of court in neg
lecting .to put iu an Appearance at the supple
mentary proceedings < Jr Judgment against
him by the Nevada barfk.
A TwIAter.
MIX.VBAJ-OLIB , July 25. A Tribune's spe
cial from New Prague , .Minn , , says : A tor
nado 200 feet wide passed half u mile west
this afternoon. One liouto und five wheat
laden railroad iara were destroyed. The
crops In the path of the storm were dernol-
bhed. No lives were lost.
The U'catlicr Indication * ! .
For Nebraska and Dakota ; Fair , warmer ,
northerly winds.
For Iowa : Fiur , warmer , variable winds ,
generally wmthuVly.
For \Vlsconslu : Light local showers ,
cooler in casterniportlou , warmer Iu western
portion , ( southerly wlndi. '
Servian ItrltfuudH ,
BELGRADE , July 25. A band of Servian
brigands is harassing the Bulgarian frontier.
In a recent conflict with the o Ulcers five of
the brigands aud two genduuncs were killed.
Ono Point Worryiner the Sioux
Fajls Schedule Oommlttoo.
North Dakota Favors Submission ,
Fixes Salaries nnd Discusses the
Educational Question Trad-
Votes Bribery.
An Annnynnco.
Sioux FALLS , S. D. , July 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIB BF.K. ] The whole utm of the
South Dakota constitutional convention 1ms
boon to make no change not specifically au
thorized by the omnibus bill , but the schod-
ula committee la wrestling with a point
which puzzles it. Dakota's general election
for county officers and delegates in congress
occurs during the oven years. Under the
Sioux Falls constitution all state officers nnd
the legislature nro to bo olcutcd for two
yours. As this election will bo In an oda
year and as the usual county officers must
bo elected next year South Dakota will huvo
nn important election every year. The com
mittee considers this undesirable and is try
ing ia find some authority for making the
first term of state officers either ono year or
tlirco years , but no light dawns
on tbo problem. This shows how
great is the nnnoyunco in not
Doing able to make oven the Mlghtcst change
In the Sioux Falls constitution. Another
Instance of this developed to-day in the con
sideration of the report on education nnd
school land. The commltto saw a ohanco
more strongly to protect school land as well
us to Insert a formal acceptance from the
United States of the gift of land for publle
bulldlnirs. The point was raised that this
changed the Sioux Fulls constitution , and
the report was adopted with the old section
restored unchanged. Almost without ex
ception the delegates , who are nil level
headed nnd cont.oivntvo | men , regret their
Inability to make a number of slight changes ,
as n touch here und there would bo greatly
School Ijtinds Discussion.
Sioux FALLS , S. D. , July 25. There was a
full attendance at to-day's session of the con
vention. Tbo report of tbo committee on
legislative apiralntments was made a special
order for to-day. It would seem to bo ac
ceptable to all parties as adopted without
discussion. Concessions wore made to those
districts not entirely satisfied with the sena
torial apportionment by giving them addi
tional representation in the lower house. A
spirited discussion took place when the re
port of the committee on education nnd
school lands was reached. The committee
had recommended an amendment to the
Sioux Falls constitution so as to make the
lands granted for school purposes embrace
50,000 acres grunted for the state
capital fund and tying up said grant
so that it could only bo sold
subject to the sumo restrictions , placed upon
the sulo of the school lunds. It was con
tended that this convention has no right
under tbo omnibus bill to so amend the con
stitution and further that , granting the
right , It would bo an Injudicious action to
place any limitation on tbo disposal of this
grant , which was clearly made for tbo pur
pose of providing forj ) tapcapitol. .In this
view the conveutida concurred-by so amend-
Jng.tho report as. to mane it conform to the ,
Sioux Falls constitution.
A special committee of five on a communi
cation from the American Sabbath union to
day reported that tbo convention has uo
power to amend tbo constitution by inserting
the provision roferod to in tbo communica
North Dakota and Submission.
BisMAitcK , N. D. , July 25. Tno committee
on temperance to-day reported in favor of
tbo submission of the prohibition question tea
a vote of the people. The report was
adopted. The committee on scuool lands re
ported its proposed article. It provides that
the proceeds from the sulo of school lands
shall bo a trust fund , the principal of which
shall forever remain Inviolate nnd may bo
Increased bnt never diminished , the state to
make good all losses thereon. The interest
und income will bo used for the oupport of
the schools. After ono year from the as
sembling of the first legislature lands , may
bo disposed of as follows : Not more
than one-fourth of the lands shall bo sold
within five years , no more than one-half of
tbo remainder in ten years. Tbo remainder
may be sold at not less than $10 per acre.
The legislative committee provides that the
senate shall consist of not less than thirty
nor more than fifty members , and the house
of not less than sixty nor more than 140 , sen
ators to bo divided into two classes to bo
elected for two and four iears
respectively. Trading of votes among
the members shall bo considered bribery.
Sessions shall not exceed ninety dayti ,
for which compedsation shall bo $300 and .
mileage 10 cents. The committee on educa
tion prohibits sectarianism in schools and
leaves to the legislature the establishment of
a uniform system. The committee on execu
tive provides that the governor shall hold
office for two years or until his successor Is
qualified ; gives the governor power to dis
approve of any Item or part of any bill mak
ing appropriations , and the parts ap
proved shall become law. Trio govern
or's Milury shall bo { ,000 per year. The
lieutenant governor $1,000 of the secretary
of state , auditor , commissioners of schools
and public lands , commissioner of insurance ,
commissioners of railroads and attorney
general snail each rccoivo $2,000. The
sulfrngo committee introduced an article
providing that all male citizens , etc. , may
vote and submitting the question of female
suffrage to tbo vote of male electors ono
your from next fall , The convention Is now
down to business and will soon begin to
frame u constitution from tbo disconnected
n rticles endorsed by the committees.
Montana and the KnfTracc.
HEI.CNA , Mont. , July 25 , The discussion
of the suffrage bill to-day in the convention
brought out u heated debate. Hartuiunn of
fered an amendment that voters must bo
abis to-read and write the English language.
Ho wanted a precaution taken against the
slums and criminals of Europe. Educational
restrictions should bu placed as u safeguard
around tbo polls. Uurlolgh made an argu
ment against the measure , claiming it would
disfranchise many soldiers. McGiunls said
Montana needed immigration. To disfran
chise foreigners would stop it. . Alter further
discussion u vote was taken , und only 11
voted for the amendment. The woman's suf
frage question came up next. The galleries
wcro filled with ludies. All the afternoon
xvus taken up with speeches pro und con uud
yells lor adjournment. Finally , ut 0 , u vote
was taken ou the proposition that the legis
lature may submit a universal suffrage to
popular vote once In four yearn. It wan de
feated , and the convention adjourned until
OLTMI-IA , Wash. , July 25. The conven
tion occupied itself for some time to-duy un
doing yesterday's work. The article nn
county , city und town organizations was re
considered and amended several times ,
but finally passed without any very
material change. A largo per-
tiou of the report on executive uud
the pardoning | io\ver was adopted. Ube
committee on indebtedness reported to-dity
on article limiting ttio state debt to MOO.IXX )
except in case of war or for some specific
object with the consent of tbo people at an
election , Counties , cities , towuu or school
districts must not exceed 1 per ceut indebt
edness of the assessed value of tbo property
without tbo assent of three-fifths of the
notcrs. Subsidies not to exceed 4
per cent of the assessed value nro allowed
for railroads and ether objects. The com-
mlttcco on the bill of rights also reported.
Iu article abolishes grand Juries , except by
special call of the courts. They shall then
only include seven members , five of whom
can Indict. Appropriations of public moneys
to religious bodies for any purpose whatever
Is forbidden.
A SiifTrnjco Wrnnclr.
Uoisc CITV , Idaho , July 25. The conven
tion wrangled nil day over the KufTrago ques
tion nnd finally agreed uiwu the majority re
port almost entire , It anything , being made
stronger. All agreed It was necessary to
cut the Mormons off from the right to vote ,
hold office , or net on Jurors. It provides for
tbo secret ballot , prevents anv ono voting
who practices polygamy , plural or celestial
tnurrlago or belongs to nn association teach
ing or practicing these crimes ; gives the
legislature the power to enact laws prescrib
ing limitations nnd restrictions for voters.
evidently Designed hy the Writer an
a Spice Klll-v.
WAsmxoTOtf , July 25. | Special Telnr
to Tun Unn.1 The absence of so many of
the officials from Washington makes the
news market rather dull and causes some of
the correspondents who are compelled to fill
n certain amount of space every day to In
vent now sensations. The latest was pub
lished this morning in ono of tbo New York
papers ; and stated that Secretary Tincy is
about to resign for the purpose of accepting
n position on the supreme bench , nnd that
Mr. Thompson , of Indiana , U to bo made sec
retary of tbo navy. Tbls appeared in the
same paper which stated positively , a few
days ago , that Secretary lilalne had ten
dered IiU resignation , to take effect on the
1st of September.
Secretary Tracy , when seen in relation
to tbo subject , replied laconically : "Abso
lute bosh ; not u word of Vruth in it1" Thcro
Is not much doubt that ouo of the objects of
Attorney General MilJor's ' visit to Deer
Park at this time Is to consult the president
\slth reference to the supreme court bunch
vcnncv , but ull predictions us to the out
come of the consultation uro mere guesses ,
as neither tbo orcsldent nor uny member of
the cabinet has given out a single hint as to
who Is likely to bo elevated to the woolsack.
In fact , it is doubtful if the president has'
made up his mind on the subject himself yet.
Nebraska nntl Inwu Pensions.
WASHINGTON , July 25. [ Special Telegram
to THE BUR. ] Pensions grunted Nobras-
knns : Original invalids Duvid A. Tidlmll ,
Peter Kingery. Increase Mortimer G ,
Taylor , Henry n. Anderson , Michael Walter
Mire , Silas Aikmnn , John W. Wymoro ,
Chat los Detrick , James Alexander. Original
widows , etc. Sarah , mother of Jerome P.
Pensions allowed lowans : Original in
valids Dennis B , Fox , William Hodson ,
William May , Julius Schllllnir , Albert Wooa-
ruff , Joseph Welch , Frank Hildcbrand. In
crease Amos S. Pratt , Walter Mintcr , John
Fogorty , Thomas Duff , Nelson McCullum ,
James \V. Olds , Henry J. Turner , John W.
Muhonoy , William McLaugblin , Lewis ICel-
logg. George Yoley , Webster Niigle , Lemon
A. Olds. Paul A. Lynch , John M. Mills ,
William F. ICelloce , Alva W. Uonton. Ko-
issue , Patrick Welby. Original widows ,
otc. Lois 13. , widow of Samuel U , Edgiug-
Under the \Vhoo1s.
WAsniNQTqx , Pa. , July 25. Mrs. William
Irwin , of this pluuo , with her three little
children and sister-in-law , tried to cross tbo
tracks in a wugon at EUvnoii's ' crossing a
few miles west of Washington to-day. The
vehicle was struck by a tralu. Mrs. Irwin
was thrown under the wheels and ten curs
passed over her body , mangling it terribly.
A three-year-old son had both legs cut off
and bus since died of his injuries. The oth
ers escaped without serious injury.
Pension InvrHlljjntloiin.
WASHINGTON , July 25. The committee ap
pointed by Secretary Noble to investigate
and report upon the ro-rutltlg of pensions In
tbo pension bureau during lust year , were
to-day busily entr-ifed in examining cases.
A statement is being prepared at tbo pension
office showing the number of cases that huvo
been made special during the four months of
Tanner's administration. It is stated by the
pension 'officials that those special cases
number less than a thousand.
Airs. Heron IR All K'jjlit.
WASHINGTON , July 25. fn response to his
telegram of Tuesday respecting the case of
Mrs. Heron , reported to bo under sentence
of death in Corca for preaching the doc
trines of Christianity , w. F. W barton , act
ing secretary of state , this morning received
the following dispatch from Minister Dins-
more :
SEOUL , Coreu , July 24. Report concerning
Mrs. Heron wholly without foundation ,
John May 1'nnn.
WASHINGTON , July 25. The treasury de
partment bus acquiesced In tbo opinion of
the attorney-general that Chinese can pass
through United States territory in transit to
foreign ports. Instructions were to-day
sent to tno collector at Now Orleans to per
mit the landing of the Chinese who recently
arrived thcro.
Capital Notes.
WASHINGTON , July 25. [ Special Telegram
to TUB I3EB.J The comptroller of the cur-
rcucy bus authorl/oil the organisation of
the First National bauk , of Liberty , Nob. ;
capital , ffiO.OOO. K. E. Sardon , president ;
H. A. Harden , cashier.
General Van Wyck will start for Nebraska
on Sunday morning.
WASIMNGION , July 25. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bee. ] The following fourth class
Nebraska postmasters were appointed to-day :
Elkhorn , Douglas county , A , T. McDougall ;
Ithaca , Saunders county , O. S. Harnes :
North Loup , Valley county. Oscar Bulwark ;
Wcston , baundcrs county , H. B. Hadseil ,
To f ! RcliiHtutrd.
WASHINGTON , July 25 D. S. Mclntyro , of
Illinois , formerly special examiner in the
pension office , and George . C.irr , Jr. , of
Kansas , formerly principal examiner in the
same office , are to bo reinstated under modi
fied civil service rule 10.
The CoimnlsHlon Kutrrn Upon UH
Itoni : Vacation.
LONDON , July 25. The Parnnll commission
entered upon its long recess to-day. When
court met this morning tbo first witness
called was an accountant , who stated that
tiis books of the land league , which hau
been produced before the commission , cov
ered the whole period of the Icaguo'a exist
ence. Ho could not say that the 75,000
which wu8 unaccounted for , owing to the ub-
senco of the books uf the ladles' league , hud
been misappropriated , Soams. the solicitor
for the Times , In reply to u question by Sex
ton , said that ho could not tell within 10,000
of the umount the Times had paid to wit
nesses. The bum , however , was very large.
This concluded the tuklng ot evidence , und
the court then udjouruod until October 2i.
An Kniphutlu Denial.
KANBAS"Citr , July 25.-M. E. Hewins ,
president of the Cherokee Strip Stock asso
ciation , when uskod to day about his com
pany's ' alleged offer to the Cherokee nation
to extend the company's ' Icaae over the btrip
ten years beyond us termination , Mated most
emphatically tlmt tbo emaciation bad madu
no such proposition to tbo Indians. If the
commission should be successful in negotia
tions with the Cherokee * the ustuciatlon
would withdraw from the utrip an sotm us it
uoulti remove its cattle.
The Morohnut Princes , Lowls Broa
& Co. , Gouo to the Wall.
The Aonlcnincnt Filed In Philadelphia
KflTcct of the Crash In
ITork , Itnltlinoro anil
Other Cities.
A Heavy Full lire.
Nnw YOIIK , July 23. The announcement
that notes of the heavy dry poods firm ol
Lowls Bros. & Co. had gone to protest was
the nil-absorbing topb of conversation In
mercantile circles to-duy. According to the
current report the liabilities of the embar
rassed firm amount to nearly $4,000,000 , , , which
It was thought could bo more than covered
by tbo resources when the latter
wcro' In shni > o to bo immcdl <
ntcly available. In nn Interview to-daj
the manager of the firm said that
no assignment hud yet been iniuto. When
inked If bo thought the house would tlda
over the difficulty , be said : "Yes ; but the
members of the firm are not here nnd I can.
not speak uuthoi datively. I expect they will
come to tbo store later this nfternoon , "
The absence of Lewis Bros. & Co. from
their place of business during the forenoon
gave rise to the supposition that they wortf
endeavoring io make arrangements to taka
up tlio protested notes. It was understood ,
that If the firm could bo given u little tlma
they would be nblo to par In full and con
tinue business without detriment to cither
themselves or customers. The members ot
the firm uro Walter H , Lewis , Joseph W.
Lewis , Henry Lewis und John L. Boardmun ,
all well and widely known in the business
community. Their house Is OHO of the largest
of its kind In the United Status.
The assignment uf LIA\H ! Bros. & Co , was.
filed Iu the county clerk's ottico here this
afternoon. The assignment was executed ia
The parties will make a statement in n few
days. Bliss , the a signcc , suid the firm's
statements In the past sixty days showed a
surplus of over f lOOJ,000 but that was not
available now. A lurgo purt of it was m
accounts which they could not collect 1m-
mfdlatolvHo thought the assets would
mnkn a fair showing. The liabilities were to
banks and trust companies. There will be a
meeting of tbo creditors In ton days , ho said.
A man familiar with the firm's affairs said
to-duy that nearly ull the banks In Now
England held the firm's paper , especially in
cities whore they had mill accounts.
Boston , Providence , Hurtford , New Haven
and Now Bedford bunks uro reported to hold
considerable paper. The Now York banks
mentioned are the Fourth National , Ninth.
National , Central National , und Central
Trust company. Philadelphia bunks are tha
heaviest holders. The firm bus been ex
tended and overloaded. They Buffered a
severe loss In the death of Heilry Lewis ,
the founder of tbo house , who was well
known , particularly In Philadelphia.
It was learned from another source that
the firm own their store urotierty in Phila
delphia , and also their store building
on Worth street , New York , which
is on leased grounds aud which It IB said was
mortgaged a few months ago. It is said ono
of the causesof , the failure , was the Johns
town disaster. The late Hciiry Lowls had a
largo interest In tbo Cambria irou works
there , which his cstuto held , and the loss by
the flood depreciated the securities. Tha
Johnstown Manufacturing company's Wood-
vale woolen mills consigned their products
to Lowls Brothers. The mill was destroyed
by the flood and tbo loss was $300,000. It
was controlled by the Cambria Irou com
pany. Walter H. Lowls was a director of
the New York Life Insurance company. The
business of the firm bus amounted to us high
us $15,000,000 a year. Lately It is said to bav *
fallen to eight or ten millions nnuuully.
They claimed their capital xvas a million
and a half and they mudo money every year.
Since January there bus been donbt ex
pressed about their financial standing , and
in March last Bradstrcots took ruvny their
capital rating and reduced their credit ratlnir
u grade. April 20 tbo firm made tlio follow
ing statement to a largo financial institu
tion : Assets , f5,172,000 , consisting of ledger
accounts of flbT5,000 ; manufacturers'
accounts , $1,703,000 ; securities , $811,000 ; real
estate , tTTO.OOO ; bills receivable , $2U3OOOt
liabilities , $4,120,000 , of which $3GS2.000 was
bills uayable and ! 47,000aloan ; net surplus ,
$1,3,000. . This nus not looked on as u fa
vorable statement by the bead. The firm
had to work to make collections. The firm
was Interested in the Conshoboekon worsted
mills , which failed. They admitted In March ,
last that they would losot2SOiX ) by President
BullocK's Insolvency. For over twenty-five
years the firm of Lewis Bros. & Co huvo
been the leading bouse In the dry goods
trade. It was founded in Philadelphia in
185.3. The founder died in ISbO , leaving
a largo estate , of which $258,000 was invested
in capital in tbo firm ,
Cnitbcd SurprlHo In I'hlladoliihla.
PHII.AUEI.IMIIA , July 25. A surprise was
occasioned in business circles tbls morning
by the announcement that the firm of Lewis
Bros. * & . Co. , wholesale dry goods dealers ,
bad mudo an assignment for tbo benefit of
their creditors. While the exact
amount cannot us yet bo ascertained ,
it la thought the liabilities of the
firm will sum up nearly M,000,000.
The firm is one uf the largest In Its line of
business In tlio city , uud perhaps In the coun
try. It has houses in many of the largo
cities of the United Slates , notably New
Yoik , Chicago , Baltimore und Boston. Tbo
members of the firm resident hero uruGcorgo
A , Wharton , Joseph W. LeWis and Henry
Lewis. Mr. \ \ burton , when seen this mornIng -
Ing , promptly admitted the authenticity of
tbo rumor that his firm had mudo an assign
ment. Cornelius W. Bliss , of the New Yorlt
fii m of Bliss , FubayuuCo. . , ho stated , wua
the assignee. "I am unable , " continued
Wlmrton , "to pluco the umount of our liabil
ities. However , I feel convinced that they
will not bo much in OYCCSR of our assets.
Of course it Is impossible to deter
mine these things until nn examination of the
books has been made , if wo could huvo bad
only two or three days more I urn sure wo
would have been uolo to tldo over our difll-
cullies , but the blow fell Just ut the worst
time nnd the only COUIHOWUS to make nn
assignment , and this wo did this morning.
For some time past our business prospects
have never been brighter , but you know you
cun't marketpaper , "
I'rovidoniie Involved.
Pnovinnscc , It. I. , July 25. Tbo mills and
banks hero will bo Involved by the failure of
Lewh Brothers & Co. to the amount of
f'V > ) ,000. Local banks huvo about { 150,000 of
their paper among six or eight of them and
the remainder Is divided among half a dozen
mills , Including those at Sluter , Mnnvlllo
and Wuvcrgan. Tbo belief prevails hero
that the firm can pay Us Indebted ness in full
if they ure given time. None uf the allls or
banks will bo seriously embarrassed ,
AIIVotH iho MillH.
FAi.r.s , Klvcr , Mass. , July 25. The failure
of Lewis Bros. & Co. caused considerable In
terest hero to-duy , as the firm wan well
known to ull cloth manufacturers. It had no
effect on the print cloth market or uny local
mills because it had no Fulls Hlver business.
Later in the afternoon It was reported tbat
one mill hero was involved , but only for A
small umount.
All llluht TnT aTilinoro.
HALTIMOKK , Md. , July 25. Prominent dry
goods men hero estimate that Lewis Broth
ers & Company have in Baltimore more than
1500,000 of assets und no liabilities.
l-'aoiory lltirncd.
MfNCii ; , Incl. , July 25. J. H. Smith it
' Bunt Wood works burnuU to-night.