Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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' " * " ' " ' ' " * * * " " " " ' ' * " ' - - - -
Jntlor Joe Miller la ox per ted homo
from New York on Frldny or Saturday.
The rcinnlns of the Into Mra. Mercer
were burled from the coroner's olllco
Bishop ifnro , of South Dakota , will
pronch In the Trinity cathedral this
evening nt 8 p. in.
A mooting of the directors of the
Stnlo Development association is an
nounced to bo hold at the olllco of the
eccrolary of the board of trudo Au
gust 8. v
Suit to recover $200 duo on n prom-
Ifcsory note was brought in the county
court ycstordiiy. The Nebraska Na-
, tlonnL bank is the plaintlfT , and John A.
Smiley and Gcorgo Thompson , defend
Drive Miller and Al. Ward , Into of
tbo police detective service , Imvo
opened n private detective nponcy in
tbo Withnoll block. The style of the
now firm will bo the Miller & Ward
Dotoetivo ngoncy.
Solm J. Miles and Jnmcs Thompson
an > the plaintiffs in a suit to recover
8760 on a promissory note from R. O.
Patterson , defendant. Papers wore
fllod with the county courtclork yester
day afternoon.
While crossing South Tenth street
yesterday , a horse , driven by un ox-
pressman named Adams , caught its foot
in the cable slot and wiva thrown to the
ground. The shoo was torn from its
foot. No serious injury resulted.
PcrNiiiiiil I'nrujjrnphs.
Mrs. H , Cbrlstlo , of Paaadono , Cal. , is In
the city.
Miss Lena Giles , of Lincoln locloty , is the
guest of Miss L. Dandy , ot tills city.
W. A. Austin , agent B. & M. lo'cal freight
department , has returned from the laltos.
E. U. IJrad'loy , of U'lulr ; Albert Heller , of
Nebraska City , und A. S , Badger , of Liu-
coln , are at tbo Murray ,
Jack Francis , of Lincoln ; W. S. O'Urlcn ,
of Newman Grove , and 1 < \ M. Hosmer , of
Auburn , nro stopping nt the Arcade.
Mrs. Col. Henry has gone on a visit to
Clifton Springs , Now Yorlr , xvhoro sue will
prolmuli remain during tbe summer.
Mr : ? : General S. G. Hill , of Musoitino , la. ,
is on ft visit 'to her slstor. MM. J. F. Morton ,
\Voolworth avenue , between Thirty-fourth
and { Thirty-fifth streets.
E. 8. Uavcl , Misses Nellie and Mabel
Gjrnv. of Hollywood ; Mlsi Gruco Moore , of
"Red Oak : E. F. Wnrren/of NcUraskn Olty ;
R.V. . . Oliver and Miss Oliver , of ICearney ,
nro nt the luxton.
S. H. Morrison , of Nebraska City ; W. H. '
BuStfut , of Lincoln ; J. H. Waterman , of
Plattsmouth : T. M. Marquott , of Lincoln ;
Eugene Moore , 'of West Point : S. P. lUvid-
eon nnd wife , of Tccuinsoh : W. A. Urideos ,
of O'Neill ' ; Jelt Horn , of Fremont ; G. J.
Campbell , of North Bend , and T. Harry
"Whitman , of Norfolk , are guests at the Mil-
< m
Bcechnm's Pills act like magic on a weak
Btomuch. 4 * *
For Three Lioiii ; Ycnrs.
Sheriff Coburn went to the penitentiary at
Lincoln yesterday with Alva Flucher.tho
colored girl , convicted of stealing a watob ,
and sentenced for thrco years.
Early Closing.
All the leading shoo houses in the city
closed their doors last evening ut 0:30 : , and it
is certain no ono appreciated it more than
did the salesmen. Stores will bo open as
usual on Monday nnd Saturday evenings.
ntacleoit vs Genius.
In the contract case of Macleod vs Genius ,
Judeo \V akeloy set asldo In favor of Genius
a largo amount of the jury's finding , but Mr.
Gculus is lint Hntislled with the amount , and
has appealed the the supreme court.
Fifteen bales of crash , for Kilpntrick ,
Koch , & Co. , from Dundee , Scotland ; three
casks of porcelain and seven cases of
. bronzes , for J. N. H. Patrick , from Paris ,
Franco , and three cases of cigars from
- HiU'ami , for Max Meyer & Co. . were re
ceived at the custom liouso .yesterday morn
ing. . _
CuRhman's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh ,
befirtaeho , neuralgia , asthma , buy Fever.
Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
They Cnma to Soc.
A largo delegation of prominent Lincoln
men were in the city ycsteroTay. They come-
to inquire into and inform themselves about
tbo workings ol olcctrio motor railways.
Lo Grand M. Baldwin bended tha party. At
noon it boarded n bridge line motor train nt.
the Pnxtoii hotel and started on un excursion
to Council UlulTs and back.
tO Weil.
Marriage licenses were issued by Judge
Shields yesterday to the following parties :
Nunio nnd residence. Age.
, ( .Hnne Huusen , Wnlioo , Neb . SO
' } Hllmli Estrom , Omaha . 21
J August Kluuichleg , Omuha , . . . . . 87
.1 EngolC. W. Buchholz , Omaha. . 20
i 4 _
" School Touchers Conilnir.
i * An excursion party compoaoil'of 150 schcol
K chdnttfo , , I rom Harrison county , , Ia. , will nr-
rive in'Omuhu on the "St. Paul limited" ex
press Frfdoy morning.
The tourists have made arrnncf ments to
, - < sojourn in Omulm a considerable length ol
' ' tinlc. mid huvu also arranged to visit Tun
" " Bui ! building in a body. Afterconcludingthelr
. visit in Omaha tbo party will journey to.
- points west on tbo Fremont , Elkhoru & Mis *
' . 'kiouri Valley railroad.
Over four years ago Swift's Specific cured
mo of n troublesome eruption which covered
my shoulders , bacic and limbs. This was
after I had been treated by six doctors , some
of whom said I never would get well. E. M ,
Hubaoy , Klrurmun , Tex.
ItVtH it ntytli.
Internal Hovenuo Collector Peters and
Chief Deputy Dennis emphatically deny
that they gave any information whatsoever
bearing on tbo Calhoun defalcation matter to
any reporter Tuesday , and that the discov
ery of n now Item , amounting to something
like tl',200 , was a myth. The item in Ques
tion was ono of thu very llrst discovered ,
and there is nothing new in the case of any
nature , other than the fact that tbo United
States attorney i undoubtedly making his
preparations to proceed against young Cat-
lioun. _ _ '
"Why Ho boakotl tlio Jloor.
A complaint has been made against Special
Onlcor William Naglo , a block wutotiman ,
that will bo investigated by the flro ana
pollco coiuniissioners at their next meeting.
Tlio ohargo against Nugle is that ho is a
frequenter of u certain honso ot prostitution
lu thu district watched by him , und that ho
Is provided with keys to the establishment.
This was discovered recently by oflluers of
the force who wcro searching for another
pnrt.v in the house. In response to tbolr nip
on tno door Nnglo opened It , but closed It
again and locked it as soon as bo saw who
tbo visitors wore. Tbo matter was reported
to tbo commissioners.
The Sacred Heart academy , for day
, pupils , situated on St. Mury's iwontio
und Twenty-seventh streets , Is an Insti
tution devoted to the moral und intnl-
leutuul education of young girls. The
course includes everything from u pre
paratory department to a linlshod
classical education , Besides the ordi
nary academical course , music , pnint-
ing , drawing nnd the languages are
taught. French is included in the or
dinary courto.
Difference of religion is no obotnclo
to the receiving of pupils , provided
they conform to the general regulation
of tlio school. The scholastic term be
gins the first Tuesday of September ,
Classes commence ut 0 u. tn. , und are
dismissed nt SliO : p. m. , nn hour for
recreation being allowed nt noou ,
If They Don't Itcport Ur AimtiHt 1 tlio
Atnbittit of Mqiior Sold.
The lloonso inspector Is having no end of
trouble In securing from tbo druggists of the
city the report of the amount ot liquor sold
by thorn for the six months of the present
year ending Juno 80.
Less than half of the druggists , wholesale
nnd retail , In the city have made any report
at nil , and many of those substituted are not
properly attested and nro conicquontly
worthies * . *
Druggists fall Ing to comply with the law
requiring them to mnko such reports are
liable to a uuo of not loss than $30 nor moro
thnn flOO.
As nearly a month has passed since the
time fixed for submitting these reports , the
city license Inspector threatens to take legal
action against all druggists whoso reports
are not sent in by tha 1st of August.
The section of the statute regulating this
matter ii as follows :
"Any druggist to whom a permit may bo
granted as contemplated in sections 25 and
it ) of this act shall keep in n book provided
by him for that purpose , a register of all
liquors sold or given uway by him for that
purpose , a register of all liquors told or
given .uway by him , which register shall
show the dates , kind , quantity , for whut
purpose , and to whom such. liquor was solder
or given away , whlah book shall bo ut all
times open to the Inspection of the public.
All druggists to whom such permit may bo
grunted shall , on tbo firat Monday of Janu
ary and July of each year , fllo In the oftlco
of the clerk of the authorities granting such
permits a report of nil entries nnulo in said
register , as contemplated In till * section ,
Binco his last report , which report shall be
subscribed and sworn .to as correct by said
druggist , and that ho has not sold or given
away , either by himself , clerk or agent , any
liquor other than n stated in said report.
Any druggist falling to comply with the
provisions of this section shall bo deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor , and , ujwu'convlc-
tion thereof , for each and every offense shall
bo fined in any sum not less than twenty
( 20.00) ) nor more than ono hundred ( $100.00) )
dollars , nnd bo Imprisoned in tbo county jail
not less than ton days nor moro t ! > an thirty ,
in the discretion of tbo court. "
Dr , Benjamin Dlllard , druggist , nt Aurora ,
Mo. , says : I sell a great quantity of S. S. S.
for scrofula , eczema , rheumatism und other
Wood troubles , and have never heard of a
case of failure to cure.
District Court Jurors to Itn Drawn on
the Lottery 1'lnti.
County Clerk Itocho is having a "wheel of
fortune " made which will bo used in tbo
newly 'adopted plan for drawing district
court jurors. TUis change promises to bring
about something of a revolution. Tlio com
missioners must prepare a list of names ,
taking oncHcnth of all the voters
in each ward and township , ns based on the
last general election returns , give that list
to the county clerk , who must then wrlto
each name on a separate slip of paper , and
put them all in the "Wheel of fortune. "
Thls-wheol is to bo made of glass so that
there can bo no possible show of going it
blind about tbo business. After that
has been dene , n time for tbo drawing to
coino off will bo announced , when the county
cleric und the clerk of the district court will
make their appearance and do tbo drawing.
On the suggestion of County Attorney
Mahonoy.tho Jury for the next term of court
will bo drawn as soon as the wheel is ready
for uso. ' _
Lemonades are delicious withMihalo-
Yitcli's Ilungarian blackberry juice.
They Want Walks.
OMAHA , July 21. To the Editor of THE
BEE : Please grant the residents ofrfweuty-
ninth otrcct south of Lcavcnworth space in
your paper to enquire where the street cross
walks have pena to. When the contractor
commenced grading the street the cross-
walus wcro taken up nnd taken away by
sonio ono nliont two months ago , and since
tlmt time no cross walks Imvo been nut
down. Complaint has been made to the
street commissioner , but no attention has
been given to it , and wo fool as if wo should
bo given good cross-walks on all cross streets
south of Loavcnwortb. on Twenty-ninth
Cook's Imperial Champagne has stood
the test for thirty years ; there is no
bettor sparkling wine made. Try it.
A Cliicnuo Detective.
Matthew H. Plnkerton , ono of the famous
Chicago detectives , was in Omaha yester
day , though . not on sensational
business. Ho registered at the
Millnrd hotel , took lunch tboro in full
view of the other guests und in no wuy tried
to hide his identity. While Mr. Piulcorton
declined to bo interviewed ho assured the re
porter that bis presence here hud no special
Blgnilicunco. Ho is en route west and
merely stopped between the arrival uud do-
purturo of tbo train.
California Ont-K-Curo.
The only guaranteed euro for catarrh , cold
in the head , bay fever , rose cold , cutarrhnl
deafness nnd sore eyes. Restore tbe sense of
taste and unpleasant breath , resulting from
catarrh. Easy and pleasant to uso. Follow
directions and u cure is warranted oy all
druggists. Send for circulaV to ABIETINE
MEDICAL COMPANY , Oroville , Cal. Six
mouths' treatment ford : sent by mail , $1.10.
Sold by Goodman Drug Co.
AclninH1 express Company.
The. Adams express company , which
located nn agency in this city eomo months
since , is making rapid strides into goaorul
popularity. Ono of the results of the Adams
about hero was the reduction in the freight
rules fro'r. this point to Now York , and the
aim of the company now ls to extend the
Itn os clear out to the const nnd throughout
the entire north ami southwest. C. W.
Cathcurt , of Columbus , O. , Is the Omaha
agent , no Is nn old experienced man In the
business , nnd a Konlnl , accommodating nnd
courteous gentlemen , und has nlreii'iy made
a legion of friends hero. Ono of the dis
tinguishing features about the Adams is that
they are always among the first to proffer a
helping hand In case of any grout public
calamity , similar to the Johnstown horror.
Another fact , which may not bo generally
known , is that the Admin carry all news
papers frco , and in numerous other ways
demonstrate that they nro deserving of
liberal patronage.
When tlio Knnrclcs Flng.
Use Hcrsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. T. C. Smith , Charlotte , N. C. . says :
"U Is an Invaluable ncrvo tonic , a delightful
bovorngo , nnd one of the best restorers when
the energies flag and the spirits droop.1' '
These Wore the Tender OfTorlnas nt
Goorftlo Htnilloinnn'H Funeral.
The remains of Georgia Stadloman , who
was run over nnd killed at Farnahi nnd
Twenty-eighth streets Monday , were tuKon
to Lincoln on the 10 o'clock U. & M. train
yosterdav morning.
Funeral services conducted by Rev. John
Williams of St. Barnabas Episcopal church ,
were hold nt 0 o'clock. In Droxcl & Maul's
undertaking rooms , a largo number of the
grief strlcKcn family's friends being pres
ent.The little coflln was covered with floral
offerings , In pillow , wreath , anchor , star ,
crescent nnd bouquet designs. The hcarso
xvas followed to the depot by a long line of
The grief of the parents , brother and sis
ter was mast piteous nnd hcart-rondini ; .
The last tlmo that Georgia's mother saw him
nltvo , she adjusted his blouse bolt and ho
wont out to join his playmates.
llurno'rt Catiirrh Snuff.
When suffering with catarrh , cold in the
head , nervous headache , etc , , use Durno's
Snuff , it will relieve you at onco. Price 23o
nt druggists. ' _
Result or I'uvlnu Street * ns Soon ns
There has been this season a largo num
ber iif washouts in tbo streets subsequent to
rains , nnd repairing those has cost the city
thousands of dollars.
A short tlmo ugo Major Balcombo , chair
man of thcr board of public works , declared
that these washouts were duo solely to the
habit of the council in ordering n street
grudcd und paved the same season , but not-
wlthstandlngtho warning given by the major ,
and thccxainnlo laid before thorn by the nu
merous washouts this spring , the council bus
followed the same course iti the matter as in
former years ;
The following streets were ordered graded
by the council in May and Juno and ordered
paved a month inter : Luke from Eighteenth
to Twentieth , Burt 'from Nineteenth to
Twenty-sixth , Chicago from Twentieth to
Twenty-second , Twenty-llrst from Daven
port to California , Lake from Twentieth to
This is to bo done by order of the council ,
and the chairman of the board of public
works says that ho has no alternative but to
follow Instructions , and , as soon as the grad
ing is done to order the paving begun.
Peurs' is'tho purest and best soap
over made.
A Mechanic's Liien.
Michael Corkery , who has commenced suit
against H. B. Brown nnd Frauds E. White ,
says that on the 15th day of April last bo cu-
tcrcd-into an oral contract with Brown for
the performance of work and labor in mak
ing repairs on eight dwelling houses in this
city. The lots are owned by White. After
performing the work , amounting to $53 50 ,
Corkery made out his bill , filed it with the
register of deeds , and took out a mechanics'
lion on the property as security. Having
been unable to secure settlement ho now
asks the court to give him judgment.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should nlwuys bo used for children
teething. It soothes the child , softens
the gums , ullnys nil pains , cures wind
colic , und is the best remedy for diar
rhoea , iidc a bottle.
Ho Is Said to llnvo tiled.
John McElhatton was lined in police court
the other day for an assault upon Mrs.
DrifTkon. The principal witness against
McElhatton was Frank Raaschwho testified
that ho was a witness to the assault.
McElhaltoc now claims that Raasch was
nowhere near the place at the timu of the
trouble , and that hq tcstillcd falsely. A
warrant has been issued for Raascb's arrest
on thd charge of perjury.
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up in largo two-ounce tin boxes ,
and is nn absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup.
tions. Will positively cure nil kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
25 cents per box by mall HO cents.
A Peculiar Case.
Mrs. Corby nnd Miss Trice , nt 1105 North
Twenty-fifth street , met with singular and
painful accidents Tuesday afternoon. They
were seated in a hammock at the time when
a fastening broke and nrecipitntod both
ladles to tbo ground. Their shrieks brought
out the other members of the household and
upon picking up the prostrate ladles It was
ascertained that Mrs. Corby hud suffered a
broken log nnd Miss Trice had bitten off a
piece of her tongue.
Royal Baking Powder is Superior to all others
in Strength and Purity.
Certified extracts from tlio report of Hon. E. Miall ,
Commissioner , and Professor WUlinm Saunders , F. R. S.
C. , Public Analyst , Inland Revenue Department , Ottawa ,
Canada , pages 4 , 20 , 21 :
"Eight samples of baking powder .have been ana
lyzed ; six were found to bo adulterated , the proportion
of adulterant varying from 20 to 00 per cent. Tlio other
two consisted of a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and
pure cream of tartar without any adulterant. "
"Royal Result of analysis : Contains cream of tar
tar , carbonate ol soda j pure. "
"Price's Result of analysis : Contains matter in
soluble in water 24.10 per cent. , consisting of starch und
turtrato of lime ; adulterated. "
"The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure. It
is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable baking
powder offered to the public. ' - -
"HENRY A. MOTT , Ph. D. , "
U. S. Government Chemist.
IS a complatarfrom which many suffer
1 and tow ta ntlrcly free. Its causa
is Indigestion ami n sluggish liver , tlto1
euro for vrlilahdls readily found in the
use of Ayor'jaiOlls.
111 liavo fawnd tlmt for sick licndaclio ,
cixnseil by a dittordcrcd condition of the
Btomaeh , AyfttM 1'ills nro tlio moat re
liable rcmedt.V Snniuol 0. Brndburn ,
"After ths wio of Ayor's Pills for
mnny years , in my pmctlco nnd family ,
I nm Instilled In nnyliiR that they are an
excellent cnthnrtlc nnd liver medicine
siiRtalnliiR nil the clntmsiimdo for them. "
W. A. Westfnll , M. D. , V. 1 . Austin
& N. W. Ilnlhvay Co. , Burnot , To JIM.
"Ayor's Tills nro the best mediclno
known to me for rcBiilatliiR the bowels ,
and for all diseases caused by n dis
ordered stomach nnd liver. I Buffered
for over three years from headache , In
digestion , and constipation. I had no
nppeUto nnd was weuk nnd nervous
most of the time. " IJy using thrco boxes
of Aycrs Fills , nnd nt the same tlmo
t'.lutlne myself , I was completely cured. "
Philip LocUwood , Tonclca , Kansas.
" I was troubled for ypara with Indl-
pcstlor : , constipation , and nuadache. A
low boxes of Ayer's 1'llls , used In small
dally doses , restored mo to hi-allh.
They are prompt anil effective. " W.U.
Btrout , Meadvlllo , 1'a.
Ayer's Pills ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass ,
Bold by nil Druggliti anil Dealers in Medicine.
< ! tirflfnpflcH ; ESTABLISHED ISSI ( ISO So.
bura inresif Chiongo , ma. i l
The Regular Old-Established
It still Treating with the Groatett
tonic , Hcryons and Private Diseases ,
Palling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Acne and all the effect !
tcadlnfi to early ducuy and peihps Consumption or
Inianlty , treated scicnllEcally by new methods with
never-ruling tuccrss.
OSf SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Die-
saaes permor.-ntly cured.
S-KIDNEYand URINARYcomplatnUGleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Varlcocele and all dlseas 3
of the Qenito-Unmry Organs cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kfilncya or o-Jier Organs.
O3 No experiments. Ace and experience Inn
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
S3- Send 4 c nts i > oita e for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
aa-Thotc coitnoflatlng Maintee send for Dr.
Clarke's celebratediKulde Male and Female , each
IS cents , both at.xcnti ( stamps ) ' Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter orcallmay savefuturcsufler.
IDK and shame , and add golden ) cars to life. JKtBook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50cants ( tumps ) . McJiclns
and writings sent erary where , secure from exposure.
Houn,8to8. SuaoVfsg to i > . Addreu
F. D. CUARKE , M. D. ,
I8d So. Clark CU CHICAGO. li& *
1403 FAUN All flniEKT , OMAHA , MXB.
( Opposite I'njLtou Hotel. )
Office hours , 0 . m , to 8 p. m. Sundayi , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. tn.
Sprclillsts In Chronic , Nervoun Skin and
Blood IMseiviefc.
l"Hy ConsuKatlon at olllce or by mail fre .
Medicines omit by mall or express , securely
Vackqd , free from observation . Guarantees to
euro diilrkly. safely and permanently.
Ions. 1'liyslcal Decay , arising from IniMncro
tlon , Kxcesa or Indulgence , producing Sleepless
ness. Despondency. I'lmples on the face , aver
sion to society , easily discouraged , lace of conn
dence , dull , uuntrorstudy or business , unit finds
11 fo a burden. Bafcly , permanently and pri
vately ciirod. Consult Drs. UetU & Belts , ftub1
Farnum St. , Omaha , Neb.
Bloofl and Skin Diseases
results , completely eradicated without tin aid
of Mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , Tever Hores ,
Blotches , Ulcers , I'ainsln the Head and Bones ,
Syphilitic Bora 3 hrout. Mouth and Uonguc. Ca
tarrh , ate. , permanently cured where others
have fulled.
Virinnir KrinQPir ftml Bladder Complaints ,
lVluHGy > Ulllldly 1'nlnful. Ullllcult , to * frequent
quont ( turning or Illoody Urine , Urine high col
ored or with inllky sediment on f > tandln , Wcnk
Back , ( jonorrlm.'ii. Gleet , Cyfctltls. etc. ,
Promptly and Eafoly Cured , Charges Ueasona-
bio.fHMCTTISrE ! ° aranteed per-
O JL JM&\s J. U JCVJCi I inaiiont euro , re
moval complete , without cutting , caustic or
dlllatlon. Cures effected at home by patient
\\lthoutnmomeutnpalnor annoyance.
To Yonnir MGII and Middlc-A d Men ,
AQITDl ? fflDl ? Tll ° awtul oirects of eurly
DUilli ulJilt Vice , which brines organic
wenknesH , destroying both mind and body , ulth
all Its dteaded illx , permanently rtirrrt ,
Tinn Tjrnima Adre s those \ > ho have impaired
LUUi Dill 10 themselves by Improper indul
gences ami solitary habits , vhlch rulu both
body and mind , unllttlutr them tor business ,
study or marriage.
MAIIIUKII MKN. or those entering on that hap
py life , awuro of pbyalcal debility , ( julckly us
Idled ,
Is based upon facia , 1'lrst' Practical Bzpe
rlcnce. Second K ory case Is especially studied.
thus blurting nrUihU Third Mo 31cnes ! are pro ,
pared In our ljUntory exactly to suit each case ,
thus affecting curos.wlthout Injury
l& Seiu\ cental uosttgo for celebrated works
on Chronic , Nervous and Dollcuto Diseased.
Tnousiindu cured , IP A. friendly letter or cull
may ( tare you future suffering nnd ehnino. and
adit golden yearmto lift ) . f < rNo letters an
swered unless accompanied by 4 cents in stamps.
Address or call on i
IKWiainam Street. Omaha. Nib.
Successors to Jolm U , Jucobu. )
Undertakers andEmbalmers
AttheVuietanil U9T i'arnam Bt. Orders by
tollclttJ and promptly attended ,
elephone to No. 'ii.
r -L- T'L T' | - . - --TT -
- - - - - -
_ _ _ _ _ - - - - - . - L- _ _ , _ _
Continental * . Clothing House
Wjs are obliged on account of the busy season to post-cone our SemiAnnual -
Annual stock taking until August 1st , and our Grand Clearance I
- Sale of Summer Clothing will continue for the rest of this month
Bargains in Meln's ' Clothing ,
Bargains in Boys1 and Children's ' Clothing
Special Discomitsjjflerchant Tailoring Department ,
Furnishing Goods Department.
Everything desirable in hot weather furnishings. The largest va
riety and lowest prices.
s Summer Coats and Vests ,
Closing out prices on all these goods.
Price $3,50 ,
We will cpntinu'e the sale of $3.60 Pantaloons during the montli and
have included many special lines.never sold for less than $5T *
Until further notice our store will be closed at 6:30 : t > . in. , Saturdays
10 p. m. Our friends will please remember this and make their
purchases accordingly.
OMAHA BOSTON , Freeland , Lopmis & Co.
DES MOW03 Proprietor * ;
Cor. Douglas and 15th. Sts. , Omaha.
Bomo good Imrgalns may yet bo found
among our odd sizes of men's suits. Hear
In niluil these nre not Inferior goods which
wo offer , but llrstclass la every particular.
ealtii is Wealth !
tATjdtf ,
Du.Tl.C. WnsT'8 NKHVB Ann OnxiH THKA * .
HE.\T , a guaranteed epeclBc for Hysteria. UUzl >
noiU , ConvuUlouB , fits. Ncrvon Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nerrnus proatratlou caused by the
use of ulcohol or tohacco , Wnkefulnesi. Mental
Depression , Sofmnlnjc of the llrnlu , resultIUKIn
Insanity and leadlimto misery , decay uud death.
Piemutura Old Ago. llarrenneua. Loss of Power
In either ei. Involuntary Loasea and Bpermat *
orhniacKUHed by OTurx rtlonof the hraln.xalf-
'abiiHo or ovurlncliilgcncif ? Each box contain ! )
one month's treatment. 11.09 u box , or six boxen
for ll.u'.sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure wuy cane , With each order received lij
Bfor _ six boxes , accomp ul d wlthJU W , we win
send the purchaser our written guarantee to ro
tund the money If the treatment does not ; etfflct i
acure. Guaranteed Issued only by Uoodiuaa
Drug Co. . - 8oU Asoni , uW 1'ornatn
strast. Umulia ob ,
Northwostcrn Military ncaciemy ,
Twcntjr-tlireo mlle north of CliloaBoi ha a l.ill
c iin of uxperluiKert liietructor i ( l ic ur e of
> 'udr. und un urpii ! crt facllltlea for Initrucllon . ,
I enlth , liorao coratorn und Chrlitlan Inllucuce.
Lf JlorcatulouuutoIllKblanil I'urk.lli.
iifdoal Iiiitructlon. Mttdvrn
nririinl'nrlilnoarCIilcairo ) . DoanlltiR
Bdio < i5 for IllrU and Voimu Ijidlon For
catHlociie aadri'i * U. VJ1 A VKlfc Ut. J > . .
-L > wall n-lludkon. Col. , f. J. WIIKIIIT. II. 8. ,
A. M. , but > t , ; II K nv'A'iT , Comd't of Cailots. _
l " urmurjr troublu-s aally. quiclc-
V \ nU C Y n <
M UN L T ly nnJ BuMy cured uyUOUTtfUA Cap.
Bul i. Several cuflfs cured m beren Uayi. Hold
uttl O per box , all druggists , or by mall frotn
Uoctu-itt M'tv ( i. 11- White a N. r . Full Ulreo-
The largest , fastcm uud ttuebt In the world
nBscriucr accommodations unorcollcd.
New VorlcloT.lvcrpnol Tire < inrrnnlon -
The Celebrated I'J'lio Fluent PlcMin-1 Atlrv 01
Ully urJtumeI BldD in tlio \\urld.l AUgiI
New York to Glasgow via Londonderry
Ethiopia lUly 7 | le\onln Auuuat 17
Anrhorlii , . . . August 'I | Clrcnssla , . . Auiiiibt21
yurnessla . . August 10 | ithlopla..Augustn ; :
With rc/julur w ookly Ballings thereat tor.
SAIXJOX to ( ll.ivow. Liverpool , Dcrry , llelfastor
QueenstoHn $ . " > 0 to Xl by ( ila * > tovr cteanior , &llaml
upwards by ' 'CHy of Homo. " Boconil ClasS.H ) . ht''Pr-
HKO > H > . J xcurAlnn ruteH retlueuil iivnlluolu for cither
rjiitu. thuHfilvliiu pilvllc e of * orlnK In otie trip tUu
Illi or Mur.-ur , Picturesque Clyde , North and fcontli of
MW JSTTKKMS. Tra rlcrs' Olrculnr I.eltcm of Crodl
nn 1 Drafts fornny amount nt IdweAt current ratoa
A | > ply to nny of our local luviitsorto
licrxlorHOii lirolhort ) , Cliiuauo , 111.
II. S. H\LT , .
. . . . .
3121st Nat'l Bank Building ,
Omaha , - Nebraska
I Lowrates for Choice Loans. Titles and Tallies
1 passed upon promptly : md louns closed ulthout
delay. Local correupoudcnts wanted iu No
rauuaand Ion a.
I rrlArtt/tLttuntitfluM. CBiBi Try QtlM
it M M * ' "irysjflPoEFS sT1 *
atly Imprpvou mtU"iwinrlnit tliaotlwi nu
. naf ' 'W rvi.rfbo.prin long
n ana H > irtan ecur > llnf to the welxbt put on them.
AtUpUd erionllr w ll to rouah oountrr or ( Ino I
ttty drlvoa WUlniiujrou btat atiaraotlor\ \ >
' * Eurononn Department receives null
lorwurds BLI | ! : IO > < n Uuilnuai hy ouch JlullStuamur
clepartlni. tiom > 'ow Vork.
Milpmcmtiifroiii Kuropoian bo made illrnct I > T thli
roiiipuny loulllnlunil 1'uiti of' Kutry In lliu Unlluil
hat8 ( , also to CunuUn unU .Mexico , ultli \Uttjout
puyuentutduticiatNevr Yurlt. ,
llntos a > loir iu ilio a of any re | ) onilblo company.
Money OrJom Itiucl piirablo at 15UW place ] In
Unlleil btntev , C'uunila und liurope ,
Kuroneto vfhom uhlpnicnti for UnH ( t
Mutu nm bo ilellfcruj , or If from Interior iiolnli
Miould be connlunuil , acuompanlvl Ly lull of I idlim
and Involcu certliloil bcfuro Amerltun Consul :
TIIOS. .MKAIUWHAXUilllkHtr it ! , CliounAldu ,
1 onilon , K. O , : U Water direct , l.ivuiti'um , ; U I'jro.t-
mily.MANCIIt.STt.H 11) llunotor Klruul , ( JI.ASdOtr 3 ,
Itiui Kcrlbi > . 1'AMIM. i : mCHAHli. 1 Hue Oillnn ,
lUiirn. N. l.tJ-KJIITINcJACO , 117 l nKDimtruiie ,
llur.Mi.Si UI DoMiutleclli , UAMUUUU , auainAui *
UufVII ,
U | itfrg hCL/H * * Hi tfc * * d VIfru4 birmitlh. kitctrlo
S 61..1 ? " * > II-/l" > > * " " 'f ' ' f * " < ! ttiwrti | Mk.
? KI'T.1 ! * ? . " ! Pt ! V/plf ! f 9t * * * d * > * w'cr l ( * * ' Hf-
Stack Piano
Itomiirloiblo for powerfulbyiiiitliotlo | ; !
tone , pliublc action and ubsoluto ilurii-
billty ; 80 ycuru1 rouord the best KUiiruu-
tco of the excellence of thcao Instru
Best F dlitlei , Apparatus and lUuudieaforBucoeisfu !
Treatment of every form of Disease reaulriag
Boardi Attendance. Best Accommodations In West ,
Places , Trusses , Club Feet , Uurratures of Spine , Files ,
Tumors. Osncer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation.
$ tffi W&tSto ffiSi
Only & Uat | tdUallDututo uaJciocV
Illil Ulf.t.nd V.rl < | . , wllh qVutlia llsl444ms"
18th and Dodge Bti U , OJW1IA , MEB.
Dr. J. E , McGREW
In tbo Treatment of Al ! Chronic , Nervous
anil Prlvato JJlscasc .
Cperinatorrliiua , Impotonor and t'nlllnc Manhood
ub olulclr cured. A cum vuaranl o < l In all forini of
'rlrato liuu ! u * , btrlciurui. ( Jluut , Ac. CittiirrU ,
Iliroat , l.une . and Heart l > | eu > o , Ulieuniatlim ,
iplnal nnd tuuialo Dlienmj , liiood and Hkln imuaiei
renloit aiicceitrulir.
J.mllei' uuu nvnllcniou't wultlni ; roouii louurata
and entirely private.
nCooiullallon frco. Bend for booki.Tho Hacret and
rlratullixiaiiui of. Man.'aliu' Woman A Kef Dl eon ei
Uo cacli ( itaiiux. ) Tftatuiont bjr corrviuuudeDcoi
t nil uuii ; ( or ruolf .
LAW , J-'l Dcurhoni Ht. , Chicago ) advice treat
Jlyeiim' oxpcileiKui buuluuna quietly and lo <
Kully tranuavtud .
i Buccwufully Uitnl monthly by over 10,000
f. ll/ullc . Arefia/e , ftfectualanil Mu-tant
For Biili ; and by by Guoiliiuin Drug
Oinuhu ,