Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Uovcnuo collections yesterday ,
* 8,8 8.23 ,
F. Kctchmnrk , of the firm of Kolch-
mnrk & Rynn , Fort Omnhn , has o
broken log.
A book entitled "Electricity In Modl-
clno nnd Sunrorv'Ma awnltinjr nn owner
at the ofllco of Chief ofPohco Soavoy.
Andrew Kerr , of Beatrice ? Frank D.
Simmons , of Seward , and Clarence
Solnh , of Ewlng , qualified yesterday as
deputy collectors of internal revenue.
United States Court Clerk Elmer
Frank hns not irot down to the ofllco
with cigars yet , hut ho rojolccs nt homo
nnd rjulotly over the birth of a daugh
ter a day or two ngo.
Deputy County Treasurer Groves
turned' over to the secretary of the
board of education yesterday afternoon
Omaha's shnro of the stale school fund ,
amounting to 810,400.24.
Peter WnhlorVnn ox-policeman , was
before Judge Korka yesterday with
Jiro In his eye and blood on his nose ,
llo had boon assaulted by Otto An-
trnusor and got tha worst of it. The
case will bo heard on Friday.
John Longfroy , a lineman In the om-
T loy of the motor company , foil thlrly-
five feet from the top of a pole at Seven
teenth and Izard streets , Sunday oven-
ing'and broke his loft arm In two
plticoa , ono ut the wrist and the other
near the olbow.
Rev. E. 13. Morrlfl.of Syracuse , N. Y. ,
nn ovnngulist of great experience and
success ; will preach this ( Wednesday )
oVcninp at the Nowmnn M. E. church ,
nt'thb ' head of St. Mary's avenue. All
interested in revival work arocordially
invited to bo present. '
"The fifteenth anniversary of the mar
riage of Mr. and Mrs. Peter O'Malloy ,
was celebrated Monday evening. About
lilty.of their friends took 'possession of
the house , nnd presented to them a very
Imndsomo silver tea sot. The presen
tation speech by J. T. Moriarty spark
led with wit and rood feeling. At a
seasonable hour the guests departed ,
wishing them the usual "many happy
returns. "
As ordered by the county commission
ers Saturday , County Attorney Mahoney -
noy has brought suit against James H.
Baldwin to recover $2,40 ! ) , with inter
est from September 20 , 1&75 , to May 1 ,
1880 , at 7 per cent per annum.
Mary M. Baldwin , wife of the defend
ant , became insane in 1875 and was
taken to the county poor farm , to bo
cared for. lior husband allowed tlio
county to pay till the bills , although ho
tats timply able to pay them himself ;
lienco the notion to recover the amount
expended by the county on Mrs. Bald
win , deceased.
I'orHOtml Paragraphs.
Mr. B. H , Smith , of this city , left last
night for St. Paul , where ho will spend two
Mr. Charles II. Gulon , assistant manager
of the Chicago Lumber company , of this city ,
lias returned from Spirit Lake , la.
Mrs. Louis Heller and family loft last Sat
urday evening for Milwaukee , Wis. , where
they will spend the rest af the heated term.
CountyTroasurer Holln writes from the
mountains of Colorado , whore ho is spending
his summer vacation , that life is ono con
stant round of joy.
A Twenty Dollar Fire.
A gasoline stove caused a small fire nt
noon yesterday in the residence of Mr. H .V.
' Craycroft , 2i8 South Twenty-eighth avenue.
The damage was about $20.
Mrs. Turner , mother of the senior member
/ of the firm of Turner < fe Jay , died on Satur
day ntTrumhull in Nebraska. The remains
have been taken to Macon , 111. , for Inter
ment , under the charco ot the son of the
deceased. _
Habitually Drunk.
Officer Sheep , of the mounted police , has
flicd a complaint against Mr. and Mrs. P.
O'Neill , who reside on Saunders street ,
charging them with habitual drunkenness
nnd cruelty to their child , a little girl five
years of ago.
They Want His N.iino.
The chief of police has received a card from
some Omaha storekeeper stating that his
store was robbed on July 21. The writer
fails to lacuto the store or give his own name ,
but tlio police say ho will probably roar just
the same if the police do not give his com
plaint any attention.
Grading the "Overland Trail. "
Work has been begun on the grade of the
old military road , which extends from the
end of Cumlng street to Fremont , known in
days gone by as the "Overland Trail. " The
, work will coyer the road from the west line
, of the city limits to Coal Creek , a distance of
nbont a mile. Between 60,000 and 00,000
yarda will bo removed , > _
f' The Pacific Express Btiildinir.
The architects of the new Pacific express
bulldljUK are preparing their detailed spocill-
.cations , nnd as soon as the lattoi are com-
' Dieted , President Morhtnan will bo ready to
receive bids on the work. In the meun-
tlmo Auditor Beclicl is negotiating with the
lease-holders , and will tear down the old
buildings on the site selected.
AVnnt Their Pay.
'The workmen employed by John A. Sauor ,
grading for the Nnw York and Omaha Land
and Trust company , have as yet received no
pay. The company filed nn answer to the
garnlshco proceedings with Justice O'Con- '
nell , admitting that it was indebted to Sauor
to tlio extent of f 103.75. H also claimed dam
ages in the same amount , owing to the non-
commotion of the work. The { 103.75 has
beenattached by the workmen ,
- HcQnml Ward DiiinocrntH.
( Ar , Th'p Second Ward Democratic club has
tnrulo arrangements for its picnic , which will
bo jield at Barpy's Mills next Sunday , July
,23. y.ltirtralu will Innvo the Seventeenth
' trco'tStation ( on the Union Paclllu prom
. .at. 10o'clock for South Omaha , where'Iraitscs
11will be ip waiting to convoy the picnlako H tr
' tho' grounds. Speeches , athletic K"CS ,
.daifofng , and n general good time is protn-
* "t(1 ( < A
* i
Arrived Homo.
Little Mabel nnd Kay Morris , tha waifs
I -who wore In' Omaha several days ngo on their
% vay from the Hoys' nnd Girls' homo at
, " -Portland " , Ore. , to relatives at Folsom , Dak. ,
lia"vo , arrived- safely nt their destination ,
' .Their aunt , Miss Mary Taylor , has written
( a letter expressing thanks to the police ofl- )
cers and the management of the Crocho for
thouttciitlon given to the little travelers
during thojr fuw days' rent In OnmUa.
nil * . Todtinnti-r'H Successor.
Yesterday afternoon Adam Widener , a
cable car conductor , while on duty , received
a summons to report at the company' * head
quarters at onco. Ho went with misgivings
mid came away with n clear conscience and
the tittlo of assistant superintendent. His
appointment was to till the vacancy caused
by the resignation of Mr. Todhuntor , The
new assistant superintendent was ono of tha
first conductors appointed on thu cable line ,
end u in popular favor with the employes of
the company.
To Kntisty n Judgment.
Sheriff Coburn nlozcd upon the real estate
* of the Union Sti-ol and Nail company to
satisfy a judgment In favor ol Joseph
! ' CUarvat for 13,600 and costs. The block of
land on which tha'mil ! stands is mortgaged
for n small cuiount. Tlio judgment debtor
would llko to settle ths account , but has no
inonoy. Charvat U a lad who r.tono tlmo
yras employed by the company. One duy
xvhllu working ho lost several lingers in the
t machinery , nnd sued for fS.dOO damages. At
. .thp last term judgment was rendered iu his
A I'ow Stnlo tiles Nulled by Various
"Yes , I saw that editorial in the Republi
can this morning. The statements made
concerning Mr. Kosowalcr's levying tribute
upon political candidates are whito-whlskcred
Thus spoke n city official yesterday morn
ing. "
"These stnio slanders -remind mo of the
tlmo whim Fred Nye came out of the west
nnd started the Dally News , some ton yonra
ngo , by which ho essayed to revolutionize
journalism In Omaha. Then , as now , ho
thought by injuring the Dee and slander
ing Mr. Uoscwater , lie could build
up his amateur dally , liut the iron hand of
dcitlny kwlpcd hit little offspring from the
face of tha earth. .
During these days Fred regaled his read
ers with tlio story of the f 1,000 check , the al
leged offer of Mr. Kosowatcr to change his
convictions It Joy Gould would purchase the
Republican and turn it over to THE 13r.c that
the two papers might bo merged and con
trolled by Mr. llosfiwntcr.
-"Hut all this stuff and more llko It , was
thoroughly discussed und disproved. Fred
better cot something now. "
In reference to tLo 1,000 check paid Mr.
Kosewalor by Jay Gould , City Attorney
Webster snld ho remembered the case very
well. "I know there was a dispute over
soinn job printing contracts which the Union
Pacific company broke , and Tvir. Hosownter
brought suit for damages. A compromise
settlement was Dually agreed upon and the
company paid him $1,000. That is all tbcro
was in the deal. Ho had a sure case against
the corporation , its ofllccrs kncxv there was
no chance of escaping a judgment , nnd as I
recollect It , they proposed n settlement.
Ilnthcr thnn bo annoyed by a long , tedious
litigation ho met them naif way and they
soon agreed on terms. "
Judge Douno said : "I know all about
ttmt matter. Mr. Kosewntcr retained
mo and I prepared thu papers to bring suit
for damages against the Union Pacific , because
causeof a breach of contract. IJcforo the
case went to trial , however. Jay Gould came
out hero. Overtures from tlio company wcro
nmdo , looking to n settlement , and Mr.
Hosownter entered into negotiations which
resulted in a compromise on 1,000 , some
what less than half thu amount he sued for.
It was a perfectly legitimate , honest nnd
honorabletransaction. . He had n contract in
writing to do certain job printing , purchased
typo nnd prepared himself to do the work ,
and when ho consulted mo I tchl
him there was not the least
doubt but that ho could recover In the
courts. At the tlmo of this settlement the
Republican printed a ridiculous story about
Mr. Uo ewater having received Gould's
check for ? 1MX ( ) , and charged him with nil
sortsof offenses. Ho referred them to mo
for the facts , and I told ttiem ono dav to a
reporter , but the paper never printed
them. "
The Republican nl stated that Hon.
John A. MeShano hair assisted Tin : UBB
financially in his campaign for congress.
A BEB reporter inquired of Mr. McShano
whether ho had ever been solicited to
contribute _ anything to the support
of Tnu HUB , to buy stock , or in any other
manner assist lu Its maintenance. His reply
wa : "No , sir : In no way , shape or form 1"
Thomas F. Hall said emphatically that he
never , directly or Indirectly , contributed u
penny to THE BBI : newspaper In consideration
its political support other than by purchas
ing the paper at 5 cents a copy for the past
sixteen yoars. Ho said ho once purchased ono
share of HEI : stock , which ho subsequently
sold at n profit.
The liver and kidneys must bo kept
in good condition. Hood's Sarsaparilla
is a great remedy for regulating those
City I'liyslcim Ilalpli Groping In
Dr. Ralph was asked what measures wore
being taken to prevent the sale of impure ice
and in reply said there were none.
Somn time ngo , Dr. Ralph , as city physi
cian , was instructed by thy council to make
an examination of the ice stored m the
various Ice houses m the city. The doctor
did so und found that certain companies had
cut ice in what is known as the sewer dis
trict nnd this impure ice was hold und stored
in the houses of these companies. The fact
was recalled to the memory of the doctor
this mornlug and ho was asked what information
mation ho had that these companies were not
selling this ice for household consumption.
"Well , " said Omaha's city physician , "thoy
said they wern't going to sell it except for
refrigerator purposes. "
"Hut how do you know that they arc keep
ing their word ? Is it anybody's business to
llnd out whether they do or not ! "
"Well , it's your business or mine , as citi-
7ons , to report the fuel that impure ice is
being sold , If we know such to bo tlio case. "
"Hut isn't it your business , doctor , us city
physician to guard against impure ice being
sola in the city ? "
"No provision is made for that under the
law. I don't ' really know whose business it
is to look after that matter. "
SWIFT'S SrnoiFic nas saved mo years of
untold misery by relieving a partial paraly
sis in my left side. This was .after I had
been treated by best physicians in St. Louis
and Chicago. The trouble was caused by
some derangement of my bloot' which has
been corrected by S. S. S.
XT. A. Silisri'AnT , Sherman , Texas
Considered O til u Ions.
Some of the pollco ameersof the forca are
rather nettled over tlui action of certain ser
geants who report them. for the most trivil
offenses. One man was recently reported and
reprimanded for .stopping into a shoo store
to have , a null knocked out of his shoo. An
other was lined for stopping Into a saloon 'to
get a' glass of water , Monday night , Ofllccr
Foley was docked one day's pay for stopping
In front of a store and buying a pair of
shoes whileon duty.
The patrolmen claim that some of the ser
geants do this for the same reason the Irish
policeman gave for beating his prisoner :
"Its not because I hate you that I beat you
but to show my authority. "
IJ. O. GIU.F.TT , of Pnrd.v , Mo. , says Swift's
Spccllla cured him of ICczcma on his limbs
and body. Ho took only two small bottles.
Kruslcr Must Keep the Poaco.
An interesting case was tried before Justice
tice- Anderson yesterday afternoon. Joe
Kruulcr , a burly German , and William
Con faro , an American day laborer , are near
neighbors on Davenport street , near West
SiJo. Kruglcr is quarrelsome. Ho disliked
Con faro , und told some ill-sounding stories
about him. Con faro resented the Imputa
tions on his honor , aud when the men mot
last Saturday night they quurrolod. ICrug-
ler threatened to shoot Con faro on sight , and
friends parted thorn. Last Sunday Confuro
heard tlmt Kruglcr was drunk and out look
ing for him will" a shotgun , All day long
Confuro was afraid to return homo. Yes
terday ho had KruRler arrested , and Justice
Anderson held him in bail lu the sum of $101) )
to keep tliC'pcaco.
The Sacred Heart academy , for day
pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue
and Twenty-seventh streets , is an insti
tution devoted to the moral and intel
lectual education of young girls. The
course Includes ovorythtng from 'a pre
paratory department to a finished
classical education. Besides the ordi
nary academical course , music , paint
ing , drawing and tha languages are
taught. French is included in the or
dinary course ,
Difference of religion is no obstacle
to the receiving of pupils , provided
they conform to the general regulation
of tno sohpol. The &cliolastlo term begins -
gins the first Tuesday of September.
Classes commence nt 0 a. m , , and are
dismissed at 8:30 : p. m. , an hour for
recreation being allowed at noon.
PoAfnflloo Apprujsnrs.
William F. Heche ! , ono of the appraisers
of thu poatonlco site , said > "Wo have taken
no action as yet , but will moot Thursday at
, IP o'clock In the United States court room ,
there bar anything the uroperty owners
have to nay , a'ttU thereafter , as soon as possi
ble , icako.ou'tpur r t > ort , . jl dou't apprehend
that there will bo any trouble. It the owners
don't feel satisfied with what % vo allow
them their remedy lie * In the court that ap
pointed us. They can appeal to It nnd tnko
thoohanccs , of course , ot doing bettor than
withua. Sofrxrnnlntn informed , wo will
not nnd It n troublosumo matter to give a
good title to the land. "
All Interested parties , with three or four
exceptions , have been notified. No ofllcial
notice has boon taken of the notice by Mrs.
Cleveland , wife of the ox-prosldont. Benja
min Folsom , another of the heirs , Is In
England , and apparently out of the way of
a personal service. District Attorney
Prltclictt Is of the opinion that It will bo nec
essary to advertise the proceedings for the
boncllt of this heir , n proceeding which
would necessitate n delay of at least n
month. This is among the questions to bo
settled when the appraising board meets
Cushman's Menthol Innnlcr , cures catarrh ,
licndnelio , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fever.
Trial free nt your druggist. Price 50 cents.
The Hittliortnnd Hotel Company.
With a capital stock of § 150,030 and n busl- <
ness basis broad enough to cover nearly nil
Florida Industries except fruit raising , the
Sutherland Hotel company lllod articles of
incorporation with the county clerk Into yes
terday afternoon. The principal places of
business of the incorporation 'vlll bo In
Omaha ; its business to own , buy nnd sell
real estate ; to erect hotels , nnd other build
ings for its own use or to sell or lease ; to lay
out town sites ; to loan money ; to purchase ,
build , own nnd operate railroads , steam
motor , electric or horse car lines ; to own und
operate- saw nnd plaining mills ; to own nnd
operate steam nnd sailing crafts and row
boats ; to manufacture cigars and tobacco ;
and do all things pertaining thereto In 'the
town of Hlllsboroiigh and vicinity in the
state of Florida.
1 ho capital stock of $150,000 is to bo di
vided Into shares of 5100 each , and the usual
provision Is made regarding dividends , in
debtedness , etc.
Meetings of the stockholders shall bo held
on the first Tuesdav in Juno of each year ,
nt which tlmo nlno directors shall bo elected.
The usual oHlcors will bo elected for a period
of ono year. Until the llrat nnuunl election
C. T. Taylor , W. W. Lowe , E. L. Bloitiowor ,
Jacob Dlston , Morris Morrison , James A.
Hovorly , G. H. Mack. William C. Richard
son nn ' Victor II , Coftmau will constitute-
thu board of directors.
That hacking cough can bo so quickly
cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee
it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co.
A Hnnvywulclit
After lunch at the Mlllurd yesterday Mr.
Cheney , of the Fremont , Ellchorn nnd Mis
souri Valley , seated himself in the rotunda
to enjoy a siesta when Mr. GrifTln , of Chl-
cat'o , presently took n sent by his side. A
ihomcnl later Mr. Kdgorton , of this city ,
dropped In a chair next in linn. Hardly a
moment elapsed before C. C. Hughes , super
intendent of the Fremont , Klkhorn and
Missouri Vulloy railroad , drew up a chair ,
followed by L. S. Allen and W. C. Shoe
maker , of the Italtlmoro and Ohio roud.
What Is considered remarkable Is that all
were strangers to ono other , and as they
wcro Introduced explanations were In order.
As the drop had been n largo ono they were
anxious to ascertain its proportions , which
they found as follows :
Mr. P.Cheney , proprietor of Cheney house ,
Missouri Vnlloy , 835 pounds ; Mr. Edcurton ,
Omnhu. 3(10 ( ; Mr. Griftln , Chicago , 203 ; C. C.
Hughes , Fremont , Elkorn tind Missouri Val
ley railroad , 3o."i : W. C. Shoemaker , Haiti-
more and Ohio , 225 ; L. a. Allen , Baltimore
und Ohio , " 5" , making a total of 1,015 pounds
in six chairs.
The Mlllurd Is balancing up to find what
Its net earnings are for July 23.
Advlco to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children
toothing. It soothes the child , softens
the gums , allays all pains , cures wind
colic , and is the best remedy for diar
rhoea. 25cTu 'bottle.
The Dress Wan Given to Her.
Mrs. E. M. Ward , of 1403 Jackson street ,
in whoso possession a little , , child's dress ,
which hud ocen stolen from Louis Hoiuirod's
house , was found , states that.tho dress was
given to her little llve-year-oid girl by a
strange man , who called her to him on the
street. The operation was witnessed by Mr.
Johnson , of the same number ; Mrs. Sheoloy ,
of Council Bluffs , and Miss Emma Gees , of
the Gees hotel. The dress was a new ono
nnd it was concluded the man nad stolen it.
Mrs. Ward at once put the dress on the little
girl and sent her down town , in order that
it might bo recognized by the owner. Almost
the llrst person met by the little girl wus
Mrs. Louis lleimrod , who at once recognized
the dress. The little girl was well known to
Mrs. Holmrod , and explanations at once
followed. Olllcers wcro called to look for
the strange man , but no trace of him could
bo found.
No odium attaches to Mrs. Word in the
matter , as she has made every effort to lead
to the arrest of the man. The statement
that n silk dress had been found in Mrs.
Ward's possession was a mistake.
For a disordered liver try Bcecham's Pills.
AVoeds nnd n Our.
People who ilnd It necessary to pass along
Madison avenue , between Fourteenth nnd
Sixteenth streets , arc required to choose be
tween two evils. Rank weeds have over
grown the sidewalks , and a vicious dog
carefully guards the middle of the street.
This is the subject of a complaint rnudoby
George W. Holbrook to Chief Scavoy. The
street gang will remove one of the ovlls , and
if the owner of the dog is not careful the
poundnmster will look after the other ,
An Absolute Curo.
is only put up In largo two-ounce tin boxes ,
and Is nn absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin orup.
lions. Will positively euro all kinds of pilcs-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
25 cents per box by mall ! ! U cents.
Turner's JunKotlnji Trip.
"Tho only escape Commissioner Tumor
will have from being worked by confidence
sharks while In Now York city will bo
through the protection of Jailor Miller , "
said a county odlcial yesterday morning who
scorned to think th&t the tall , granger-look
ing William would bo a good mark for the
smooth-tongued , light-lingered gentry.
"Who will pay tno expenses of Turner's
trip ! " asked a reporter of Commissioner
' 1 know nothing nt all about it , " ho re
plied , "though n motion was passed by the
board at its meeting ono week ago , provid
ing for Sadlo Glldersleevo'a transfer
homo. "
Clerk Rocho says the county will have to
foot the bill.
Anderson would say nothing on the sub
ject further than to predict that the woman
would return in a short time. She is so deep
ly interested In und connected with certain
Omaha people , ho said , that it would be a
dldluult matter to keep her nway.
Are you restless at night , and hnr-
rassod by u bad cough'/ Use Uiv Mc
Lean's Tar Wino Lung Balm , will it secure -
cure you sound slcop nd effect a prompt
and radical euro.
Henry Ginson's Statement.
Mr. Henry Gibson protests against the
assertion of Commissioner Anderson to the
effect that the contract for furnishing tlio
county r-tationery was reduced $93 by tbo
board. Ho savs the contract was nmuo be
tween himself ana the county , und not by
the firm of Gibson , Miller & Richardson , nnd
that the amount involved wns f8 ! over
charge , which had run along unnoticed for
nineteen months , and was for Egyutian pens
furnished the county. AS soon as the over
charge was discovered , by the county clerk ,
Mr. Gibson says his book-keeper ran back
over the account and found that tha over
charge occurred u year and a-bulf ugo , und
as noon us it was discovered it was Immedi
ately corrected , and was simply a clerical
Plutt'b Chlorides.the beat Disinfectant
An odorless liquid , prompt , clioap and
. .
M | * * fc * 1 0. " "
Nofolo Not HcliliUtpsponflitilo For tlio
The coroner's rnry in the case of the death
of HtUoGcorgoStiftloltnann resumed Its ses
sion shortly bofcro noon yostordny nnd ox-
ntnlnod thrco more-witnesses , Francis l > hll-
brlck , Miohaol Whiilen nnd Hobort Noble , the
prisonerwhoso trj ttraonyKTced ( in tUo mnln
vlth that of thoie.t'oxnniinod Monday , with
, ho exception Ffttiut they assorted that
Nobio was not driving ftt abroik-noolc pace ,
as hns boon usscrtdd. Tlioy snld that the lail
wns running behind the street car at the
time , nnd ttmt ho darted In front of the
wagon before the team could bo stopped ,
The testimony of previous witnesses
was to the effect tlmt No-
bio wan sitting In cither n
stupid or drunken condition on tha wiieon
not attending properly to his team. Noble
said tlmt ho had boon nt work nil night nnd
half of the day and wus feeling rnthor broiton
up. lie was on his way homo at the ttmo
nnd his horses evidently kr.ow this and
started off .at a smart pace. Ho did not BCD
the lad In tlmo to atop , nnd the reason ho
flud from tno sccnu WAS because ho wns
frightened ut his accidental killing of tlio
boy. Ho wus In n vury nervous condition
owing to loss of sleep.
A number of Monday's witnesses wcro
recalled and questioned again. The coroner
nppcareil to bo Bittlsllcd that the killing of
tlio boy wns duo to the culpable carelessness
of the driver , but the Jury Boomed to think
otherwise , bringing In a verdict of "nccl-
dcntnl death , " nnd also adding a clause to thu
effect that "tho driver , Uobort Noble , vvus
giving proper attention to his duties , aud no
blame Is attached to him. "
The coroner suys that the verdict makes no
material difference nnywuy , as the laws uf
Nebraska nmUo no provision whatever for
the punishment of criminal carelessness.
jVfler the verdict was rendered Noble was
released from custody. Ho hud boon locked
up in the central station over night.
The little boy whoso bright IIfo was so
suddenly ended was Just eight years old
Monday acd was on his way to West Douglas
street nt the tlmo to celebrate the day with
some playmates.
To-day nt 10 n. m. , his remains will bo
tiiltcn to Lincoln for interment bcsido his
The Mercer lnquo < it.
An inquest was hold yesterday nttornoon
over the remains of Airs. Mercer , the old
lady who was run down by a delivery team
Friday night , and of her injuries utod Mon
day night nt 12 o'clock.
Walter Breon , a boy of ton or twelve years ,
testified that ho was riding on the wagon at
the time. The team was going along at a
slow paco. At the corner of Thirteenth nnd
C.ipltol nvenuo the old lady ran directly in
front of the team from behind a street car.
The horses reared up and struck her down
and the wueon passed over her body.
Uho driver of the wagon , Lauck Ewers , n
teamster employed by IJowmau , Williams &
Howe , described the f > ccno without giving
additional fncts. Ho said ho made every
effort to stop the team , nnd was excused
from the stand.
A son of Mrs-Mercer sat near by. Ho
listened attentively and Bcemcd to think the
driver imd been ( guilty of carelessness. Ho
was sworn und testitied that the space
between the street car behind which his
mother hud pae3cdnnd the place where she
was struck down , was more than twenty
Tlio Jury in its verdict exonerated the
driver. _
First n. Plum. * Aiiuu Ginnt.
Wo nro too apt to regard a small ailment
much as wo would some pigmy , unpleasant
of aspect nnd prankish indeed , but incapable
of serious mlschiiJf. Wo ignore the fact
that it grows prodigiously , strengthens in
proportion , and bagets evil progeny. A lit
of Indigestion , a slight bilious attack , sensa
tions of unrest and languor when tno sys
tem should have been braced by recent
sleep , unaccountable nervousness , inactivity
of the kidneys or bladder what are these
but the precursors of obstinate and serious
bodily disturbance 1 In'either of the above
emergencies , common sense and oxpcrieucc
unite in indicating Hostcltcr's Stomach Hit
ters us the best preventive. Particularly
should its use be prompt when the languor ,
yawning , chilliness down the back , and
fcverishnoss that precedes a malarial attack ,
manifest themselves. Incipient rheumatism
grows apace. Don't neglect it. So with
constipation und debility.
The School 'Inx Apportionment. s
Secretary Piper , of the board of educa
tion , yesterday received a notice from the
city treasurer that the Omaha apportionment
of the school tax , amounting to f 1G-)03.4 , ) ,
had been deposited with him. This is the
amount apportioned for 20,210 pupiK
The annual report of the secretary and
superintendent wus filed with tlio county
superintendent yesterday. It had been prepared -
pared for filing last week with the exception
of a little data to bo furnished by the city
superintendent. Tlicro is no fixed time for
filing thcso reports , nnd the fact that
Omaha's report was tiled after all the others
was duo to the fact that there was almost no
comparison between the amount of work in
volved in the city schools with that con
nected with the schools in the small dis
The work of auditing the books is going on
steadily. It is expected to finish the accounts
nnd records for 18S7 by the latter part of tlio
week. Until the auditing is completed it
will bo dilllcult to make any dcllnito state
County Court.
Charles II. Hrown , administrator do bono
in the Hour. ? Gray estate , has made his
final report to the county court. Ho shows
that the amount of money received from all
sources was $ in-134.20. , Of this ho paid out
claimants SI,310.28 ! ! , leaving n balance of $48
with which to compensate the court und sat
isfy other incidental expenses.
Sleepless nights nmdo miserable by
tlmt terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure in
the remedy for you. For sale by Good
rnan Drug Co. _
Ncwfl | > ninr Clipping" .
Henry Romclico , the famous furnisher of
newspaper cuttings , has published a neat
memorial of the methods of his business.
Ho furnishes to statesmen , actors , corpora
tions , societies , nuthors , editors , playwrights ,
merchants , contractors , aim in fact everyone
and anyouo , newspaper clippings relating to
themselves or .their occupation from 8,000
papers weekly. 'Ho established himself llrst
in London , but afterwards sought , in Now
York , n broader Hold. Ho retains , to-dav , us
clients , many eminent politicians and mem
bers of parliament 1n England. His unique
business caters I to over 1,800 subscribers ,
among whom Is'fllrs. Harrison , who uru fur
nished with ovof.ii,000 clippings weekly.
Army Notes.
The order directing First Lieutenant
Hallard S. Humphrey , Ninth cavalry , Ft.
Duchosno , to reifwt to Colonel Henry as
range odlcor in 'thu ' coming oavulry compe
tition , has becnarovokod.
W. 11. MorforU and W. M. Morrow , ( both
young men of Omaha society who entered
the array for tho'purposo of obtaining com.
missions ) are on * duty at the rifle rango.
Sergeant W. M. 'Alerrow ' is n son of General
Morrow , of ttioTtvoiit.\Mjrat infantry. The
general is well known In Omaha. Both W ,
H. Morford and W. M. Morrow were mem
bers of the Omaha Guards until they wont to
don the blue of the United Htatea army.
The best regulator of the digestive
orgnns , ulso best npnatizor known , is
Angostura Dittors , tlio genuine of l > r.
J. G. 13. Siogcrt & Sons. At nil drug
gists ;
AVIieru in IIIH HonV
J , N , Main of Dexter , la. , has written to
the chief of polluo making inquiries relative
to the whereabouts of his son , \V. E. Main ,
iiucd 17 , who loft homo in March last , since
which tlmo ho has not communicated with
his parents. Tno young man Is reported to
bo working in a packing house In Ouuilia.
Said liter Drank Ulroli Boor.
The case against Munnln & Hens , for soil
ing liquor nt Meti's hall on Sunday , wus
brought up before Judge HerUa yesterday.
TUo principal witness was Nellie Wroth , wno
testified that Bho had bcon treated to and
had drank two glasses of beer In the hall
Sunday before last. Her testimony wns
contradicted by that ot Ella KImball , who
said Noltto nnd she wcro together , and what
they drank wns birch beer. She nlso said
Nellie told her afterwards thntsho was to ro-
cclve $30 from n policeman for testifying that
she had drank beer. Several men tcstlllod
to having had birc.h beer in the hall on Sun
day , but never had uny lager bcor. The
Jury retired nnd brought in a verdict ot not
guilty. _
A Horse In Question ,
Constable Page levied upon a horse nnd
colt to satisfy an execution In favor of II ,
Wolshans against Ed Miller for- . Young
Miller's father has brought a replevin suit In
Justice Krougcr's court for the possession ot
the property.
Cttt Hlfi Fin nor Off.
John Baher , aged twelve , son of 'John
Bauer , while playing with some follow
chlldon , had the third finger of his loft hand
cut off by u hatuliot In thu hand of 0110 ot the
boys. A surgeon dressed tliu wound.
Shot Through thu ilnml.
Stephen Muller , aged twelve , son of Peter
Muller , of Albrluht , Monday evening stoln
his brother's revolver out ot hla pocket , nnd
while fooling with the weapon , shot Himself ,
the ball passing through thu left hand. A
surgeon dressed the injured member.
Illuming Ainiiuk In the Third Wa'rd.
Tuesday morning two men , whoso names
could not bo learned , cot in trouble in the
neighborhood of T and Thirty-third streets
nna the result of the quarrel was that otlo
ran the other through the streets nourishing
a couple of big butcher knives in the'vain
attempt to c.irvu thu Hoeing man. The man
escaped nnd no Injury was received ,
Notes About the City.
Mrs' . J. J. Hrccn , who has been ill , is bet
U.V. . Campbell of Grand Island is the
guest of Z. Cuddln ton.
Mr. nnd Mrs. FranK II. Clark have re
turned from Hed Oak , la.
Victor B. Hondor tins been granted n per
mit to build on S and Twenty-ninth streets.
A child of Half Goodman yesterday even
ing was burned by falling into some hot
A party of young friends will spend Satur
day evening witli Miss ICato Wymnn , Al
D. M. Waugh had a slight run-away Mon
day afternoon. The buggy Is slightly
Hetwecn S 00 and $300 wat raised Sunday
afternoon by the eloquence of Ulshop New
man at the Methodist Episcopal church to
liquidate the church dobt.
A grand plccon shoot will bo hold at "The
Choice , " south of Albright , next Sunday ,
No ono will bo barred and 400 pigeons have
been purchased and are on their way here.
Bruce McCulloch , city editor of the Stock
man , in lowering n wimfow Tuesday morn
ing Jammed his left hand through a pane of
glass , receiving painful cuts on the hand and
The United Presbyterian Sunday school
will hold n picnic In Syndicate park Fridnv.
TheoDlccrs , teachers , pupils and friends will
meet ut the church. Twenty-fourth nnd Second
end streets , at 10 o'clock In the forenoon.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of pure
ly , streiiRth and wholcsomeness. More eco
nomical tiiau the orclluurv kinds , nnd cannot
bo bold lu competition u 1th the multitudes of
lor ov r-hortwelBht alum or phosiihate powders.
Kold only In cans Jtoyal Hating I'owuer Com
pany , UMVuil Street , Now York.
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorjiomtc.l hy tlio U'glslaturo In 1S H , for e lucn-
tloml nnl charitable purpose * , nnn itn irancliUe
nindo a | mrt of tiu prunvnt iUnto Constitution , In
UW , by nn oTornbnlmltiK iiojinlnr vote. ,
lt MAMMOTH DIIA\VINOd tnko iilaco scral-an-
nuftllr ( Juno nnd December ) and Its OltANI ) SIN-
GI.UNU.MIIICU miAVYINUS Hike place In each of tlio
citlicrten moitunof : thojresr , unit nro all drawn in
public , at iho Acuilein y of Music , Now Orleans , IJi
For Integrity of its Drawings , nnd prompt
rajiiieut of Prizes.
Attested as follows :
"Wo do lierebf certify Unit wo supervlio tlio ar-
rnnnoruunts lor nil tliu .Monthly mill bnml-Annual
DrnnhiKs of the Ixjulalaiiii Mutt ) Lottery ( 'onipnnjr ,
and In person iimiinRoiinil control theilruwlnBB thorn-
selves , unit tlmt thu name urn unmliicloil with honesty ,
iHlrnesa , and In uoua inltli to all imrtlcn , and we
autuurlru the company to use thin tortiUcnto , wltn
faoMuillcsot our eljinuturca attiicuud , lu Itaatlver-
We , tlio undersigned tianVs and bunkers will par
all prl/cs drawn In tlio IxjuUlana Ntato Lotteries
whlrh niav lie prencntoil at otironunlrrst
II. M. WAI.MHl.KV , 1'rvi. Loulslnnn Nat. Hank.
riKIIUKI < ANAUX.Pri ! > . r-titto NHt. Hank.
A. HAl.invlN. I'ren. Now Orleans .Nut. Hank.
OAIth KOHN , 1'rca. Union .Nutkmul Hank. ;
At. ilin Academy of Mu l < r. New Or
, Tuesday , nnctirit III , 1HH1) .
1UU.IM ) Tleleti nt Ol ; Halves. | IO ; Quarters , ti |
Tenth * , til Twentieths , [ I.
UfiT of I'ltl/ES.
1 PRI7.K OK pftl.UII IK fmfm
1 "ItlXKOK : { Jtll.lIII Is , 1111,1111
i riti/i : OK i fti.llUls , UtftH
1 I'ltlXI ! OK I 25u Jlii 2.VIXI
2 I'HI/KH OK lUjUVaro ai.iu )
ft 1'IIIX.IW OK 6. ( > > lnro i'p.liO
1 rui".1 Ut' l.ixinro SSjutiu
nil I'lti/.K-l OK f < niuru uviu
a i I'ltiXKS OK mu am 011,1111
WU I'Hl/lIS OK UU nro . - . 1JUUU (
100 Prices of tfUuro „ . " . ' . "
HO Prizes of a J urn , IIMIII
10U I'rlies of , SSI ) nro SU.UX )
' ' '
009 prltes of ( IUI are. . . . . ! , . . , , , VJ.M )
v.'i rrltcs of luu nro 1WJU
U.iui l'rlzo . nmountlnt , ' to l.os4.HOO
NoTK-TlcketHilruwliiitcuultal 1'rlius are not entit
led to Terminal I'rUei.
tlTToll Cl.un ItATKS , or any further Information
desired , wrltti IcnlLlv to the uu derelgnoj , clcarlr tat
Iniyour resilience , with btata.t'ounty.Mrrcliiml hum-
ter. More rnpl.l return mull delivery rill uu assured
IT roar cucluilnyan vnvolopo tearing rourJull ad-
"rC" '
I.1fI > OItTA\T.
Adilrois M. A. IIAIII'IIIN , New Orleans , I.a.
Hy ordinary' letter oontalnint : MOJiKV pltDHll
Issued br all Kiprrn Compaiilef , Nurr York Ex-
thaugo , Oml l or 1'oitnl notu.
Addrvss 1 Mien , fontalnlnz Cnrrcncr to
New Orleans , lA
1T'HT"i7'llTTI < M > That the puimunt of th *
IVrjMi iVlJjl lv. prljO lsat/AllANTEEII V
I'ol'u NATIONAL HAMK of New Orleans and the
ticket ! are ilBjied liy Hie president of an Instltutloii
whoso i harteriMl rlnhts aru rcciutuUed In tlio hlithett
courts ) thereroro , Leware of all Imitations or
' ' ' ' ' '
ON'fy'l'i'lJi'.UAl'fl's ' tiiu price of the smallest partor
ffttCtionofatlcietlSslIBI ) BY US In am ilrajrlntf.
Anrtlilng lu our uamu wffujeU lor lc .tbau ono uwllar
U a irrluuig.
( O/iposlte I'axton Hotel. )
omco hours , 0 . rn , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. in.
BprrltilMti In Chronic , Nervoui Skin nnrt
Blood Dl < > ca < et. . .
pt7 Consultfttlon at olflce or by mail fre * .
Medicines snnt by mall or expros , securely
Ducked , frets from observation. . Guarantees to
snfoly mid
slons. Physical Decoy , lUlslnft from 1ml
tlon , Kxccas or Indulgence , producing Sleepless
ness. Despondency , I'lmpioi on the face , aver
sion to society , easily riUcourngcd , lack of conn
denco , dull , unlit I or study or builncss , and finds
llffl n burden. Safely , permanently and pri
vately cured. Consult tin. lletts & Betts , HIM
Fnrnnm St. , Oiunhn , Nob.
Plnnrl ourl JVin nioropou Syplillli , a disease
D1UUU dllU Uulll UlSOdouS most terrlblo In IU
results , completely crmllcntnd without the nld
of Mercury , Bcrofiilu , Kryslpolas , I'ovcr Sores ,
Blotches , Ulccrp , I'ninsln thnllentl und Hones ,
Byiihilltlc Sore Throat , Mouth nnd TOIIRUP. Ca
tarrh , etc. , permanently cured where othcrt
have fniled.
FirlnntT Ifn llOrTI nni' Bladder ComplntnU ,
allllluYi Ullllalj Painful , Dllllcult. too fro-
quoiit Ilnrntnri or llloody Urine , Urine hliih col
ored or with milky ( cdlment. on standtiiK , Wcnlc
Bnck , Ortnorrlucn , ( ili'ot , CyKtltla. etc. ,
Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges llcnsonn-
mauout On ro. re
moval complete , without cuttliiK. unustlrs or
dlllatlon. Cull's olTtctcd at homo by patient
\vltliottt a moments paluor annoyance.
To Yoini ? Men and MMflle-Aseil Men ,
JIIDP PITDP Tle ) awful ellects of early
A uUlUJ Ulmt Vice , which utinca organic
\rcnknu ss , both mind and body , with
all Its dreaded Ills , permanently cured.
MTJpl'Tv ' ! Adross those wan have impaired
DDllO themselves by Improper ludiil-
pence ! ) and solitary hnbltu. which ruin both
body and mind , unfitting them tor business ,
itudy or marriage.
M AiuiiKi ) MK.V , or those entering on that hap
py life , aware of physical debility. u.ulclcly a *
Is based upon facts. First Practical Kxpe
rlenco. Second Every case Is especially studied-
thus starting aright. Thtul Mo.llclnea ore pre ,
pnrcd In our labatory exactly to suit each case ,
thiiH unvoting cured without Injury
CZT Scmd 0 cents posttKe for colourate.l works
on Chronic , Nervous und Delicate Diseases.
Thousands cured. fc T" A. friendly letter or call
may save you future milVerliig and shame , and
add golden years to life. CSTNo letters an
swered unless accompanied by 4 cents In staincs.
Address or call on
BK * . BETTS & ; KKTTS ,
UOdl'urnam Street. Omaha. Neb.
Some good harpalns inny yet bo found
nmoiiK our odd hl/.es of men's sultn. llenr
lu mind thcso arc uot Inferior goods whlcli
YO olfer , but llrstclusa in every particular.
Health is Wealth !
ITE. > T , a guarantee J apecluc for Uy t rla. Dizzi
ness , Convulsions , Fits. Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by the
use ot alcohol or tobacco , Wakofulness. Mental
Depression , Botumlng of the Uraln , resulting In
Insanity aud leading to misery , decay and death.
1'ieinature Old Ape , IlarrenneBS , Loss ot Power
In either Hex , Involuntary Losses and Hpermat-
orhtta caused by orer-exertlnnof thobraln , olf-
abuse or overindulgence. Each box contains
ene month's treatment. 11.00 u box. or six boxen
for IS.lW.sent by mull prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received bf
m * for six boxes , accompanied with fc'i.OU , we vrlQ
end the purchaser our written guarantee to ro
tund the money if Hie treatment does not effect
svcure. Guarantees Issued only by Uoodma *
Drug Co , , DrugUlats , Sol * Agenli , tllO Varnam
atxeiU Omaha JS'eb.
Is now open. 1'artlos desiring Booil accoinmoJutlo
on the new lame cipruis ttearueri of tbo Famous
Which arc uotrd for thnlr rCKularltr. equal to rail.
ruail trainsIn inaklni ; the trlu to llavru-Varli In ono
neck , are advlieU to
Sliiko Kitrly Application foillcrths. .
I'jilj Is also ntccisarr on nccqimt of the neavr
travel Jnrin two sjirlcg aud summer mouths.
McCAGUfi BROS. , 103 South Ifith St. ,
HAURY E. MOORES , 1502 FarnnitfSt. ,
II. L. HALL , 122.1 Fnrnnm St. ,
J. II. GREEN , 1501 Fnrnum St. ,
AKOIUH , Ouuilia , Neb.
A 1'ockct Jllrror Free to Snickers of
o.asralani H1EVOU8 BiBILIT'/i
W.aknsss of B dysad HindiEfhcU
oflrror or IicMMslaOldorYouir.
ikiiiiut ; i.r.ui.r MU I TRiniiiT-iutiu i. s < i j.
UiUr/ trim 41 klklM , T.rrll.cU , , d r r > lfi ttmlr .
' Ve k , rKlli luAU , s 4 r * hMtlU4
U ( ttt. aitttw Ull MUIU1 CD. . lilMlO. p. V.
Max Meyer & 6ro ,
Oront reduction of prlco on second hnnd
I'lnnos and Or nns. .A itood cnnneo U > B tft.
good Tinno for a amnll amount ot money ,
Thn nbovo prices nro 10 per cent less thnn ovey
offered before a mini we must have room foroi *
Inrco stock ot Now 1'lnnou vro will give nn extra.
10 per cout discount from ubovo prices to Anyone
ono tlmt buys an instrument botore Amtust 1st.
livery liiHtrumoutguaranteed to bo just ns ro-
riiinos Tor rent Tor $2.50 nnd upwards
per month.
Organs for rent for $1.50 and upwards
per month.
If yon buy nnj'ot the nbovo Instilments untt
you nru not sntisllcd. wo will allow you same n *
you paid for it toward nuy now * 1'lnno j on may
select. Call curly nnd got n hnrg&In.
Cor. 16th and Farna'm Sis.
"TAQLISHEO issi ( ieo so.
TtoBogular Old-Established
It itlll Treating with the GreatMt
Chronic , teens ant Private Diseases , '
.TO- NERVOUS D5UIUTY , Lett Manhood.
Palling Memory , Exhausting Dralni , Tetrlbi *
Dreams , Head nnd Hack Ache und all ilie cdecti
fending to curly dccuy and pcilups Consumption ol
Imanity , treated sum lineally by new method * with
never-failing Ruccris.
JKS- SYPHILIS and ell bad Blood and Skin Oil *
: nsen permanently cured.
3-KlDNEYand URINARY eenptalaU , Ole * V
Qonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele ami all dbtate *
of the OenltO'Uriiury Orgnns cured prompUy without
injury to Stomach , Xulncyt or o-.her Orgnni.
. .raNo experiment ! . Ace and experience lm >
portent. Consultation free and sacred.
3- Send 4 cents pottage for Celebrated Works oa
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diieuei.
coitemplatinc Mairiace itnd for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cenu , both a } cents ( it mj ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer-
ink and shame , and add golden years to life. CS-liook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " jocenu ( stamps ) . Mcdiclns
and writings sent everywhere , secure from expotur * .
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 la is. Address
F. D. CLARKE. M. D. . .
tCO 80. Oiark SU CHICAQOt < IA
Board & Attendance. Best Accomraodatloni in West.
07 WRITE FOR GIBGUtABS on Deformities and
Braces , Trussci.Cluu . Tcet , Curvatures of Bjiiie.Pllei.
Tumors , Oaneer , Ontarrn , Bronchitis , InbuUtlon.
Electricity. Paralysis. Epilepsy , Kidney , Bladder ,
Eye , Ear , Sklnanl Blood and all Burclcal Operations.
nL'ii ucoMi\tJiK\T. ( STRICTLY JRIVATF. )
Only Beli&blo Medical Institute making a Specialty of
All lllood i > i ! iei uicKiirmi/ te4. Brpbiiitla folion
rcmorcil rromtbeij.tvm vltbout mercury. N w RriUrallt *
TrxInnntrurLa.lorVlTAL rorlKIU 1'utltl ut.blo to Ylil
v. mi7t ) treated at hoiatbf eormpondeDee. Allcommimles *
tloaicouQdeatlAl. Mctllclne.orlnitrBflb uli.entbTmtllorex *
t > rf > ii < ei > rtl/p eiednoiiiiriii > lDitlt l < eoiittnl > ritDdtr.
One t'criooit ' loterileir preferred. C ll nil eon.ull ui or i nl
fcl.lonr of rour cut , and vlll Itnd In rUla wrirnr , or
Rfmif Tfl UE7U FREE : Upon rriratt , njxcUl
DUUIt IU HICN | KirToui tltlI iwieneTHj
Illi : Uleelind V.rltoeet. , IU , qu.itlon ll.t. Addr > u
13th and Dodge Btrcets , OMAHA , MED.
A Sure Cure
2Oto6O DAYS.
This is a discnso which 1ms liorotofor * )
Banied all Medical Sclcnco.
When Mercurv , Iodide of I'otanslum , Bnrsnpi
rlllrt or Hot Springs fall , we icuurantoo a curd.
We have a Remedy , unknown to nnyoas In tut
World outside of our Company , andouu thatliaj
to cur * the most obstinate cuaea. Ten dayi In
recent canes dooH the work. Hlsttia ( ildchronla
deep seatad cases that we solicit. We hav *
cured hundreds who liar * been abandoned br
1'hynlcians , and pronounced Incurable , and w *
challenge the world to brlUK us a case that w4
will not cure In lens than sixty dayN.
Hlncotho hlHtory of mealclne a true speclda
for Bypbtlls baa beou sought tot but nflvof
found until our
tnere was nevora true speclllc before. Our rim-
dv will cure wUen e'rorythlng else tins failed.
Wliy waste you time aud money with patent
medicines that never lind virtue , or doctor vrltll
physlcluns that cannot cure you , you that bar *
tried everything l i should come tousnowund
gi t permanent relief , you never can net It t > Ue *
Where. Mark what we nay. In tlio end yorj
must take our remedy or NKVIMt recover anil
you that have been alllctnd but u short time
should ty all moans come to us now , not one la
ten of new cases ever Ket permanently cured.
Many Kethelp and think they are troa from til *
dlsea , but in one , two or tliree years after IV
appears again in a mom horrlblu form ,
Tills la n blood Purlflor und will Cure
any Bkln or Blood Dleoaso whoa
KyorythhiL' Eo Falls.
NoTlCR-Wedesir : tocutlon patlentR In r >
Card to partlea clalmlni ; i3 'tsa tha Uook lit ia <
edy. Our formula IH not unS CANNUT b
Known to anyone initoiirsulves.
Room $ 418 and 419 , Faztott
| /iniCYand | all urinary trouble * naslly ( iiilclc-
MUllCI ly mid sufely cured byDOOTl/UACnp-
Btlles. Bcreral Ciisei * cured m seven Uttys. Hold
utll.60 per box , all dniculMH , or by mail from
Dontuja M't'K l > . II' Whlto v N. Y , Fulldlroc-
With Huc'.osifnt EiMrUiiro-Iur NE'
AT OKOK. .UtluL-
sUDtpf rrdrlenct ,