Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    ; , - < aiflrw j aia jA jsw ,
No advertInemvntH be tnkon Tor
tlicdo colntnnn nflcr 12:00 p. m.
Terms Cash In advance.
i 'Advertisements nno r this hnad 10 eo. . per
tins for the flint Insertion. 7 etntn for cue * tub.
iKraent lnx rtlon , nnd I1.W per linn p r raontb.
No advertisement taken for less than 2fi cent *
Tor first Insertion. Seven words will 1 > counted
to the nn < ; they ranst run consecutively and
tnusi be paid In ADVANCE. All advertise-
mfvta must be banded In before U'lOT o'clock p.
. < And under no circumstances will they to
taken or discontinued by telephone1.
Parties advertising In th * ecolumni nnd hnr *
ing their answers aadressed In care of Till ! IlP.K
vrlll please ftk fornch"ck to enable them to Ret
, th | r letter * , as none will bedcllvertd except on
tiroKfntntlon of check. All answers to adrr-
ttatments should be enclosed In envelopes.
All ndrcrltstmentb in them column * tro pub
lished in 1 > otb morntuir nnd evening editions of
Tn * Hr.K. thn ch-CDlatlon of which aggregates
more than IP.OOO papers dally , nnd Rlr the ad
vertisers the bineiu , not only of tha city circu
lation of Tills UK. but alio of Council Illuffi.
Jjtncoln and other title * and towns throughout
tbls section of the country.
Advertising for these columns will be taken
n the above conditions , at the following bust *
s hoiiBfj. who araautuorlr.edagtntsforTnB
IBB sptclftl notices , nna will quota the same
ratctr na can .bo had at the main onicc.
JOHN W. BELL , PharinaclstrS outh enTh
A815 & BODY. Stationers and printer * , 113
8. CL FAHN8WO11TII. Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
WnJ. . nOOHES , PharmMlst , C21 North ICth
QVO ; W.JPAltll , fnarmacUt , IK St Mary's
. „ thnrmacy , SOS Farnam St , Tele-
ipuouo No. 02.
/Ule , 1ft. .Ilofer toUeo 1'ubllwhlng Co. Address
Ef > 0 llMolUco. SKI ; nit
A tflJUi-Tfanta n place In norao prlvato family econu'girt. Inquire nt C14 N. sa d.
, 8 3 SJ
W ANTKD Situation as book-keeper or en
try ( I n jOutiK Udy who lias had
erperttinceilnotferata salary ; references. Ad-
ilrenN K tfl , Bea onice. < 813-2J '
SITUATION by a young man in a grocery
More. . Address or Inquire H. HorbecK , 1001
Capitol nve. ' Hajt
WANTKp Position by young man , good
aae tmiu , three years' experience in gen
eral merchandise , 'ns traveling palesmnn In
wholesale house nnd ( .
* speaks Jingllsli lerinan.
IC6S' e office. KM 2 it
. . _ „ experienced graduate of
'plmnnfccy. ' registered by examination.
Can furnish Urst-clasH references. B. M. Kid-
dor. 200 ! DodgoBtrect. teo-K
SITUATION wanted-A No. 1 bread nnd
O cake baker with good refrionce. Must bo
sternly work. Addresv Jncoo lluyor. No. 8 B.
Main , Hutchlnson. Kansas. 8-J-2.
\Vanted-lly nn English womnn
as iiurHe to an Invalid lady , or nurse to one
or two children ; or light house work. M , 1UU1
Uodgu street , Omaha. 75.V2jr :
"f\7'ANTEI ] ) Situation by an experienced cut-
t ter , cooirofarencnH Rlvon. Addroii tno
MWldo Awake. " Norfolk.-Neb. Jtitl-pl :
Experienced hotel man to take
half Interest ; must have $ .1.600 cash ; sploii-
rtlrt chnnco Tor right man. Address Hotel , box
670. Onmua. ' 809 Stt
WANTED A young man to takech rgoot
auolllcoln a western city. Must luvost
1300 , salary ( l.OJUpery ar. Cnllornddross lUvls
& Sholiau , E40 Uumge Lilock , Omaha. bKS-'M
WANTPD Live man with capital for part
nor lu established rohl oitato uud toun bus *
Iness ID Oinalm. Ifofereuce given and roiulnul.
Address K f > H. lleo. 800 2t ;
. wanted at American , District Telegraph
graph olllce. liWI Douglas at. Apply bet t u
0 and 11 a. in. TO1 at
W AN.l'KD so laborers , JI.75 per any , clt :
\\0ilt : man and wife for cooks lu sunk !
hotel , 850lr . . -BreflnauJ ! B.JStnBail , , . sq
-VSTA [ J'rlJi ) ) At pnc j ; mou for
Tt. llgnV-iJtvnfly < ; J)2o ) N. JOth. room 17.
, " - *
V in 817-21
WANTfcJJ A boy Ji : or 14 years or URO. Ap
ply Jfondny Jlorntnu ready for work nt
Moody s china store , : J N. luth ut. 771-K
SALESMEN Wo wmti a fen- men to sell our
goods by sample to the wholesale andrutull
trade. Largest manufacturers m our line.
Unclose 2-c nt stamp. Wages $3 per day. Per
manent position. No postals auswnred. Money
advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centen
nial Manufacturing Company. Cincinnati , Ohio.
10 l-u21 *
WANTED Good , live , energetic man , to
solicit , must liavu good references and deposit -
posit 82.1 ; ( alary Mi nnd (75 per month with
commission privileges. The ueorge S. Cltne
p , room fill First Nat'l bank. NK-231
WANTED A man who has had experience
In the chattle loan business ; must bo well
acquainted in city and give best of leforeuce
lleoolllcn. HH
EN to travel for the Fomhlll Nurseries ot
Canada. WopnytiV ) to { 100 a month and
esiieusc.i'to ngcnts to null our Canadian grown
stork. Ad. Stone & Wellington. Madison , Wls.
ANTKIJ linilrnad laborers , rnckmvii and
tracklayers for Washington Torrltnry ;
good wages and steady Mork , at Albrlgl't'a
Labor Agency , IVM Fnrnnm t. bW
\\rANTED-A coed olllcomnn * toco cast !
' > imibt invest F.,600 ; must bo u good business
innn. Address the Goo. 8. Cllne Publishing
Hou e. BID to ail Wabnsh aye. . Chicago , III. 7 i
TtSTASTlTD tlailroad laborers for new worn
TTIn Wyoming. TcumsttTS , wheeler holders ,
pick and tdiovel mm , and rock and tunnel men.
Btuady wort nnd good Job. For transportation
apply arAHirlglifK Inbpr ngency , HiO 1'nrnnm
Bt , Omaha.- r.\a \
W1NTKI > Jffi weekly representative , male
or femnle. in every community. Goods
Btaple ; liouschold necessity ; 8611 at sight ; no
peddllnfr ; salary paid promptly , and expenses
advanced. Full parttculnra nndvalnalilosumplo
case niKK. Wo moan just what we nay ; nddnvta
nt once , Standard Silver wnro Co. , lloston Ma fa
WANTii : > A good girl for dlshwnshlng at
1004 1)0(1 go HU _ WacCH. H.50. _ tkVJjMt
WANTED A good girl for general non o"
wort ; iiiust bo a good laundress nnd cooc.
SUSSt.Mnry'iMivemio. 817 . '
\\rANTKI ) Girl for gcnoral housework , 40J
ft , aid st. f a J
work , il'-MN Ijtll st. K > 3 i'l
* \TAN7 ! ' Competent nurseulrlwwoman
VT to tnVe churguuf t\\ln babied. K \vnutc ,
nur u to nccompniiy fuiiitly to HlitwatliaKnii
fluuiHO : totakethnrKxofsiiibllchllddurlng la
dy s nbsonco ; laundress for North Platte tso ;
S < llBbwnshni , potiMinhers , kitrhrn girls. Lots
of plnce utMrH. llregii'B. niHi'B. l.'ith. ( U7 Kit
"lAYKTlJJ ? A gootl girl for geiitral liousa
T vrOrL ; poqd.wnctH paid. lvi > Vebstor.
t , , .1 m s
' "jl M nitlCAN
or English-speaking Qonuaii
xXuirl for gonornl IioitsoworK ; utvndy pucu ;
tiaaatd. ifliJi . .
\X7ANTKD-llood girl for general lumsuworkr
T tvtoilifamUyi gooilwagoa. Call ut Cnry&
gin for gontral hoijgownrk
and girl for housemaid at 2C2Cniiltol !
' _ _ 7CUJJJ
AN'iKU-iJiimjcdlntely , a competent "oi ?
married mliulle-ngea'uoman who can rook ,
wash ami do general Housework ; rofanmcti re
quired ; B permunt'iit iimcu ; for family of tnieo.
Adaros l-Jij tmilforulB _ u _ _ 7fH-a > t
rTTUI ) ( llrl for.goiieral hoimawork. W ,
. Yiitos , R w cor32d and California sta.
' 71.1
W AN'uilf ) Ulrl , must be good cook nud
Jlra. J , Ji , Tniir.-iton uot'nr \ -
nam at.
Nu. 1 female uu.sti r COOK. Ccz
tens Hotel.
' : : A ndlaun.
, . . , i-l per
KXM California. _
_ _ _
. lrito do cookJiiir" and
wasUlug , best of vuges puia. liujulro J.
L. llruudels. .a < B Iftlist. ( _ * t |
TXrANTBO Illrl to no second work nnd tnti
Tl enroot child three yr old ; no i ; , nt ccmi-
petent nee. ) njiply : dernian ? Trttrrod. i'40o Bt ,
Hury > ve _ V7
_ _ jiacieuLANEouB WA"NTS.
"T\/'ANTKl > lly u bookkeeper a set of booYs"
VI to POM aveulngn. Address KM.lleooiIlco.
' _ _
W'ANTIU ) Hoard in country ( radius of M
mllr * from Omnha ) for Invnlld lady , child
of 4 years nnd mine. State full particular * .
Addret K. 48. lloe. 7VBSK
. for railroad gradlCK , at
labor teener , H 0 Tarnani st.
W 1) Itoom and board , near Park arel
- . attertiopttiuib r 10 by youUB married rou-
plo. AddlVM U 12 , lies olllo * .
vltKiJSM AU1NU to do It faulllt < s KS 6.17th ,
boiird. Inquire 1009 O ° ngltui
A NTKU Unfurnished room nnd board
formannnd wjfoj hoMiw must have U
modern conveniences ) references exchanged ,
Address B3ft Ilfoonico 7MS
_ _
ANTKO-7-roora house , , modorh conven
ience * . within sn nilmitcswalk from post-
oOlce. Address II. n. . Internal revenue jcnllc * .
AGKNTLKMAN VRntB pennlinently a largo
and ntAtly fnrnlslied room In private fam
ily , within four or llv blocks of Paxton hotel.
State terms nnd description of room , liefer-
nnocs exchanged. Address "B 19. " cnro this
olllcft 8U
F o r ? R E rrr M u cs Es. "
OH KENT Now cottage on Sherman avo. ,
nil modern improvements , bathroom : far
further particulars call at 210 Capitol ave ;
rofcrenco required. ' M
171011 T.KNT 10 room honso cor. ftfth nnd
X1 Jackson , city water and largo yard , cnst
front clieni ) .
6 room house 27th are. near Cumlnp , good
order , only tuu.
A room house , Bristol st. oil finish , city water ,
SIS.Store room 1711 St. Mary's are. cheap to coed
,1 room house CStli and Rico Bt. near Shneloy
BtMion , collar , large attic , good vi ell , only S7.M ) .
O. Clark , room T llonrd of Trade. SKJ S3
bulldlni ? . 2.x.0. coed clonr viator and
J-l all s , with 8 Inrpo rooms
stall-sand batn room : party can put a saloon
in if th y desired-rent * 7&per mouth for all.
Lorntod atEil N. 1.1th st. Co-operative Land
and Lot Co. . SOa N. inth St. 750-23
"nVJll HENT Nice cottaceand good barn , city
JL' vi nler and sewer , ! T > 33 Davenport. " 2 < t
TPO'I ' HKNT August L one of the bent located
JP nnd coziest 0-room. cottages In Omaha , fur
nished completely. City wator. cistern , beauti-
tut lawn , snnde trees , on cable and horse car
llni. only B minutes walk from postodlco. Ad-
ilpjss K. V > 11M olTlce. 7 0-SU
TLIO IJ8P , Did N. Bt , for rent. HV. .
-O-Cremer. gQU N. ISth 6UB
TiHIt HUNT 12.00 per montli , a sir-room
X1 building. N. IX cor , ot IPth ana Mason. 455
FOU HKNT Two nine ) room brick houses on
1'nrk ayennn. with nil conveniences. Also
nice room frame house on nama street , -with all
conveniences ; priced to r > per month. I > . V
Bholcs. 21U First National Hank. 311
FOK HENT-a first-class dwelling with all
modern conr nlfinc 3. Including stable , 2M)8 )
Capitol av . IiJaulro of } ) .J.o ; Donahon , 1C01
f arnam st. Slo
TjlOU KENT 8-room house , all convenience !
JC pavou ktroct , cable curH end within D min
utes' v , alb of P. 0. N. glieltou , 1011 Furnnm st.
ltENT-B-roora nouse , lar e yard and
Rhada trooH , Jl.'i . per mo. , corner -d and
Pierce. Knqulre at UIX' i-o. 13th st. Hll
t lALL and sco the elegant houses wo offer for
Vreiit / in Hanscom Place. Hicks , room 10 ,
Iln'rkor block.- , . 813-21
TJIOH UHPtT T-room Hat. li per mo. nlravo
JD The Fair. IJith and Howard. Inquire Tbe Fair.
TT1OU HENT A nice 8-rooin cottage with many
JP convi-Blenccs , J7 S. 17tlinve ; rent moderate.
Adply ( til B. 11th st. 071
FOU HKNTNcHt cottage. 820 per month. C.
F. Harrison , Morclfunts Nnuunal IlanV. .
POll HENT-Turnlshed rottapo' of 5 rooms
aud furniture for f > nlo. U & S. Loan & Itentul
Aceucy. cor. JRth und Howard sta. 145
HOUSES to llcnt-IHcks , N , Y. Life building.
IjlUHNlSIIRl ) or ttnfurnlalieil house for rent
J. ' In Park Telracet opposite llauscom park ;
nil modern conveniences. Inquire Leo ! c
Nlcliol. 2Mh and Learonworth. Si )
FOK KENT A deUchod fc-room houae , all
modern jouveiilences. Uu < i.ZKZ > Copltolnve1
f Si-room trlct Swelilnpr nil couT
veuiences , 5 blocks from P. O x'lll N. l th st.
2FUllNI8HJiIJ front roomsto rent , for goa-
tlcmoii , iklf nonvcnluAcas ; prlv.ite family , on
25th-3 doors fiomDodgu. Address E M , Hoe.
No.llK. Soutli Ifith ,
J ? nlcest.locatiOn lu'clty. 10 2iT
TjlUHNiaHKD-rooms wjth board in houi-e
-lj with modern , co xvoiiifinceii 210 S. Rith st.
- % f Si 2SJ
'IJIOR ItKST A largo furnisheif front room
J3 and bonid < for " Rvntlonsnn , SI pur week ,
prlvato fiimilyiS ; ] Af obiter st. KM 2-i *
FOit IlENT Nlrol/furnislied room , suitable
for two gentlemen , or mini and wife , wither
or Ithout toard , ItiVJ N Ibth st. Ki ! 23t
D room and board , 20inDoug )
atreot. . ' 7UOr27t
rpO nicely furnlwlied rooms Tth"all fiodern
J. improvements , east front , rent , loasonable ,
Hurt. ' S
IjlOIt HBNT Tw'o ' furnlsltad rooms , on St.
J. Mary's h\-jsmi . To genticnleu only. Six
minutes -walk ot buslhehs ci-utcr. Hofcrencu
required. Inquire : it ston210 and 212 B. ICth st.
rp\VO rooms with or v.ltbotit board for gen
JL tlemou.privatu famtly.refcrenccs. 1812 Dodge
TJ1OR KKNTNlcoly furnished rooms with
JL ? uonrd In private family. 07. Farnam st.
C34 _ ' 5t
T. CI.Ain'Euioi ean hotel , cor. 13tn and
ledge ; special rates by week or month.
T7IUHN18HII ! ) rooms with-all modern con
-1 } venlenccsforgentlemen only , 170'J Uodce st.
( jvl
tniNlBIIED room for rent after June 3.5.
Hurt Bt lf-8
GOO1J room-null btttU. 5J'J 8.23th st.
ItUNT-Jtoom. 1W1 Howura. -
TjlOll IlENT Two parlors Irout nud on tlrst
I ? lloor. AH modern covenlences. I" ' " '
nouglaH. :
NICELY funilsned rooms , bomil Ifoeslrod ;
gas , bath , lcctri6 bells , etc. Wi Douglas.
] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 107
F 1TH HENTftlegnntflouth room tor gentle
man : , 1707 Dodge st , . MS
FOH KENT Suite of 3 looms. IIrat lloor :
man and wife ; car line ; i s Cumlng. 711 25
ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor , suit
able for 2 or ! ) went lumen , with or without
board ; uUosuiallroom.for rent,1721 Davenport.
Tpoil IlKNT- good rooms ) per ntontiu
X1 Half Howanfand S3d ts. 8.13 2 = ) J
2HOOJIS , modern conveniences. 1105 N. 18th
jt. FlatO. BiW
17 > OH HUNT 1 unfuriilsliod rooms suHable
X for house ceoplng. modern improvements ,
to family without children. 1704 TTobstur st.
Price. 8W. 037
'iTlOll ItENT Over nfovo store , Ifiil Howard
X' Ht. Innulro'ttt stflre. f > Ui
OH HENT Knit of n lilce plensaut store
room. Centrally located : cheap runt. J. II
1'irrotte Iteutal Agency , 16th uud DodKD.
K\0 U 1 1 1 E.NT Two stoics la brlclc block. Nos
-L | ) , KMIU ; N. isth st. Inducuiii'iiitti to the
riflit party. Addrum E. Pctcrauu. 1141 N. ISth
Inoil HUNT A corner xlorn with Hat ot i
' roonmabove. City watt-r and gas , on gooc
thorouKtitatp , thickly populated iinighborhood
siiliabio forauy business. Kent very lov- . Ap
ply .113 g. 10th 8t ; . 7627
HENT-The llecd Hotel. Bonth Omaha
X1 roiir-ntory' imlldlne : , modern convenient es
.Call nt 1H11 QiUit gt. cltv. _ 7KK.T
IjToH HUNlVTflu corner room uiiddr the N
J1 braska NalCiniii ) bank will BOOH be irVrrenU
the Kqultabli ) l ruiit * Co. leijimna to larcor
quartern. -
The n ce Is about double that occupied by
thoC. . l , i.Q trtet olllce. The floor is tiled
iV.u-tnfi room can bu malu deslrul'lu ' for u It. 1C.
ticket or brokerja olllco , ,
_ For particular ) ! apply atbanU. . 6M
1j1U ) UBNT Btore and tlxtures for tal ; the
X' entire bulldliiL'i one ot the best locutions in
the city. 13W Fnrnam st. Apply to A. J'olack ,
fPO HENT Desirable ws-rrhouie room enL
-L truck. Apply to 0. W. Kcltu , 714 Pacltlo St.
* *
_ _ _ _ _ ! _
TJiOtt JlENT-bioie nnd 4 living rooms In
- ircur , nil newly raprrtrdi coed locution for
grrcery orferd More ; r per month. Apply
at one * , C. F. Jlarrlkou , MorchantaNat. Uaufc.
TT OP. HENT-s'nocrs troptlialf llemls build-
4.1 injr. iHjwsr. boat. electrJollght. Inquire offlce
of lleioU OaaaUi Dag Co. 137 JyJl
EOll ItnNT-a'ho 4 story lu-icc building with
or wlinout powur , 'unaerly occupUd by The
n o PubllsUlnu COM Ulti I'arnani it. Tha bullu-
lun jax a Urn proof c raeul xl Ua oin iit , com-
luif Oxturos , water on all tae
Apply at liia oltlw of The Ilee.
2TOIIK for rent , southeast cor 12th and Doug-
JJ st. 8. Lehman. K4
RidRTEBN'F-Btorts ' and living roomi oniMm-
J-1 ing st. Also houeo on Cass st. llarris , room
_ - a * _
O FF1CE To rent. nirnLshed elegantly or
iinttirnishod. llusbman block , N. B. Cor.
18and DonglAs. 848
WANTED-iContractor to bullrt lioueo nnd
furnish part matcrlaf for good resldonco
ot , Artdresa. E22 , lleeomco. 60701
L"ADllTs7 Aftcntiont Mndnm Unorotte'a
U olden Specific , for nil female weakness ,
olllce hours a to Kin. m. . nnd 3 to S p. m. , con-
Bultatlon free. ICOa Douglas. 412a8t
T > 1IK banjo taught ns nn art by Oeo. F. Goi-
JL lenbeck.AppiyntIleeomce. _ _ _ DM
"V ES The old reliable llentnl agency Is still
JL runulne , supplying all that come wltli
lousrs , Hats and stores. J , II. Parrotlc. Room
21. Douglas block. _ Mflalfl.
Jlllltlil.LAS and paranoia covered and re
paired. 217 S 15th. Iloyd's opera house block ,
n Mice Etor . II. llalor. _ WO
OOLLA'lEHAL Hank , UI3 S. 15th St. . Chambo
of Commercn. I.onns money on chattels and
articles of Talup.
UPIIOLSTKHINO , draping and repairing.
Mnttrcsudi made over. First class work ,
lleasonable prices. H. Lehmnnn , 211) ) N. 14th.
_ „ _ 7871T24 *
r OS1 A black dog with tag No. 1181 , return
JUte 013 Park avenue and receive rewvrd.
Saturday morning nn Iron pray
pony , 'l-yri\r-old. llewnrd will be paltl for
Us rotuni to South Omaha hotel , 815-21 ;
LOST Sunday , n field glass , nt U. P. depot.
Howard paid If returned to 1521 Dodge
street. 827-23
LOST Encllnh M null IT. Return to 40(1 ( Paxton
block and pet rev. in d. 241-
IVfEET me at the Erie Clothing Co.'s , 30 Nl
-I'JLlcth st. Men's CM suits $10 , and 110 suits M.
MallordersO. K. 858 ill
YES. Charley , the Erie Clothing Co. , 320 N.
16th st. , nre selling all ? ? o suits at MO , and
tlO suits 15. Mall orders tilled. 85S 31
TEIISONAL "lona yes. Albert. 781-24t
M KB. Perceval ot California , 1603 Dougla * st. ,
fortells tha future. Ladies and gentlemen.
01 alt
S TORAGE at low rate * at 1171 Farnam sU
Omaba Auction and Storage Co. U01
"IttACKAGH storage at lowest rates. W.
Bushman , 1311 Leavenwortli. 803
BllANCIl k Co. , storage , 1211 Howard.
STOltAOn and forwarding.Vo collect and
deltverKOodi of all descrlptlouvnerchandl8n ,
furniture and baggasa at chrmpest rates for
storaKe for nny length ot tlmo. Vans und
wngoni ) to bo had at shortest notlco. with care
ful men for moving. Packing and shipping
from our own \\nrrJiouse done on moderate
charge. Merrtandlse loaded and tmlouded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllce 217 S. 14th
st ; telephone 114 HowolKVCo. 001
r\H. NANN1I3 V. Warren , clairvoyant , nwill-
J-Jcal nnd busluobs medium. Female diseases
a specialty. 110 N 16th st ; rooms 3 and ! ) . 005
QTANDAltD Shorthand School , Paxton Illk ,
kJisnccessor io Valentine's ) the largest zcln-
slvo shorthand school In the west. Teachers
nre verbatim reporters. Particular attention
paid to typewriting. Mecnanlcal construction
of machina taught by facrtoy expert. Circulars.
OMAHA llunlness Collene. cor. ICth and Capi
tel ave. Shorthand Tne largest and most
successful shorthand department In the state.
Staiidaid methods taught. Muusou's revised
of 'b'J a specialty , Call or write for terms.
WANTED tu Buy Good platform scales aud
delivery wagon , lor ; bcales to weigh
from 4110 to tiOO Ibs. Address U. Peterson , 1145
N. 1Mb , 811-i ! ) ;
\V ANTED To buy country bank in No-
11 brasku or Interest taking active part. Ad
dress . .full particulars , , * : 39. lloe , xlU71 27
WANTED A high counter , with or without
railing. II. H. Henderson , room'100 , Pax-
tonjllk. , 463
\77ANTKD Furnlture , carpotH , stoves nod
V > househola goods of nll.Jclnds. Omnha
Auction & Stoiajre Co. . 1121 Farnam. . 003
FOK SALE llandsomo youugpony'perfectly
Hound and gentle , inltablo for either saddle
or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcner , For. ? Omaha.
, 2S16 Charles st.
820 a 31
FOR SALE or exchange A good liorpe
three aud one-half years old. Apply 14H
Dodge .st.
FOR SALE-At half prlco , 24 feet shelving.
counter , ,1 show cases. 1 cigar store flguro ;
must ba sold utoncc. Address l2 \ N. inth t. ,
up-ttalre. _ 737 22t
I7\OIl SA'LE tons of 15-Inch Ice , housed
-L ; on track , Council IllulTs , lu. Gilbert Urns.
ClOH BALE Fine Hall's Bafo , as good as new ;
JJ cheap. It. M. Genius & lira. . 1408Douglas , D
FOK SALE Furniture of large house , every
room rented. First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bargain. Address E 8 , Doe onice.
"ll OIt SALE Cheap light three spring wagon
JD In good order. 16ii7 N. lllth st. 405 itl *
TtHI' Candeld M't'K Co. being about to move
.L will sell 1 tlrst-class 4-horse-power englno
and boiler at U actual value. 13U6 Douglas ct.
TI/TIDLAND / Ousranteo k Trust Co. . W14 Far-
J.U nam.Complito abitracts furnlxhed andtltles
to real estate exnmlned.pcrfacted icguarantoad.
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons
or securities of any kind ; commercial and
mortgage notes bought nt fair rates ; all busi
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co.roomit.'l. Hainge building. 713
THING Bit ft Penny , room 20 Douglas block
mouey to lonn on real estate st lowest ratet
(1081 (
LOANS on improved and umlmproved prop
erty at low rates. Odell llros. & Co.,312ri lOtli
O , F. I1AIIH1SON loans money , lowest rates ,
RESIDENCE LOANS-BM to 7 per cent , no ad-
XVdltlonal uhargei for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. 11. Moiklo , First Nat Dank bld'g.
_ till
MONBl" to loan on furniture , hornen , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W.
llobbtus , HUH I'arnani utreot Poxtou hotel.
ANTlUi Vlrat-clftsa inside loans. Lowest
inte * . Call und see us. Mutual Investment
Co. , It. 1 flarker blk . lltli and fArnum. UJ3
MONKV to loan nn real estate necnnty , ol
lowest rates , lie fore negotiating loans see
Wallsce.ll. ilio.llrown blilg , loth le Douglan. Kll
CTRINGEH & PENNY , room 20 , Douglns
lOblock.havomouoy to lend on chattel security.
43 ( ! A 10
EOPLE'S Financial Exchange -The fairest.
imleteiii aud most liberal inoaey oxchaugo In
the ilty ; money loaned witnont delay or pub
licity , in any amount , large or small , at tUs
louebtratexof Interest , on nny available se
curity ; loans may VSinrtd at any time or re
newed at or imi rutea. O. llouacartn. Mgr. ,
room. i7. iiarlcer block , IStli und Furnum. 915
' \rONUV-IxiHiia negotiated at low rates with
-I'l-out ( If lay , and purcbnso goods , commercial
uud mortgage notui. S , A. SIOIUHU , cor
Eaner and tarnani. -.V17
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co.-Loaiis of ] 0 tn
f 1 , ( ) ; get our rate * before borrowing anil
eavttmcmey ; loan on horse's , furniture or nny
uppro\ed security , without publicity : notes
bought ; for n w loan , renewal of old and lov
cstmtes.calllt-U-i , fltieeloy blE. 15th&Ho\Wrd et.
_ -U19
\TBUUAblvA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a
i.1 loan on liousolu > ld coeds ,
Loraea , wtiKons ,
laud conti net- . ,
fine jewelry , or securities of any kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Iloom 7 , Howler block. Bouth Omaha ,
Itooma 51S-51W , Paxton blocs , Omaha , N b.
MONKV loaned on furniture , norsa * auc
wugousi rut - reasonable. City Ix > an Co. ,
118 U , IJtuitt. , opposite Mlllard hotel 42fl
' .OANSmado on real estnta'nnd mortgage !
. Lewis H. Heed & Co. , K 13. ilourdof
Trade. i j
BUILDING and other real estatu laaai. W. M
Harris , > ooinft ) , l-'rouzerlJlocr , opp. pJj.
I CAN maki a few loancbnn first-class rhatte !
securities t rcasonablp Ktos. W. 1C Potter ,
room Id. Darker bit , toj < Ki
MONR\ loaned for OolMor IX ) days on nny
kind ot chattel senlrtty ; reasonable Inter
est ; confidential. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Fnrnam.
nlsh cheap eastern monry to borrowers.pnr-
chase securities , perfectmtles , accept loans at
heir western ofnco. Ucor b w , ] . Coatcs. room
7. llo rd of Trade. .mi , . TO
ONIY ! toloanrashon.tiand : no delay , J ,
W.Pnnlre , 1219 , First National
bans : building. . „ , 037
"I/UHST mortenge loans , * . 'lowrntesnnd ' nodc-
Ulny. D. V.Bholos.21 < rl.jA . National bank ,
MONBlTtolonn. 0. I''UnvU Co. , real estate
ana lonn agents , IS 1E Fnrnam st , 928
J\t \ OXEV to loan , Harris H. li. & Loan Co. ,
room 411 , First National bank , 012
MONKV to Loan Wo are ready for applica
tions for lonnaln amounts from I-MO to $10-
000 on Improved Omsha or Douclns county real
estate , mil Information a * to rotes. Loans
jromptly closed , ( lood notes will be purchased
iy us. Call upon ui or write. The McCnguo
"nvcsttneut Co. 018
MONKV to loan on ( rood first mortgages. Im
proved or unimproved property , ilort-
rnpcs bought ana sold. Wallace , room 810
Irown building , ICth and Douglas. K3
DONT borrow moner on farnttnre , horses ,
wapons. etc. , or collaterals until you see C.
II. Jacobs , 411 First National bank bulldlmr.
loans. . V. Bholos , 210 First Na-
> tlnnal bank. 800
MON1JY to loan on any soconty
tor short time , at low
rnt s. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgnga Investment Oom-
pany , ropmlOO.Paxton block. COO
$500.000 to loan at 0 per cent. Llnaunn k Ma-
honoy. room 600Pnxton block. 031
IVfONKY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
JLYJLhoutohold Roods , ptnnos.orRnnjs diamonds ,
owest rates , 'ilia flrat organized loan olllce lu
the city. Make loans for thirty to three hun
dred and sixty-five days , which can ba paid In
part or wholu. at any time , thus lowering tne
irlnclpal and Interest. Call and s e us whan
rou want money. We can assist you promptly
andto your advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Jlonoy nlwayu on hand.
No delay In making loans. O. F. Ked & Co. ,
310 S. mh st. over UmRham le Sons. tiU
SEK Sholes , room 210 , First Natl bank , before
making your loans. KM
PEOPLE'S Fiuancla Exchange Largo nnd
small loans for lonu and short tliao , at low
est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes. chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
nnd jewelry. Don't toil to call if you want fair
ul cneap accommodations. O. Bousoaron
Mgr. , room t > 7. Darker blk , 16th and Farnam.
_ 015
n want money ? If so , oon't borrow
before getting niy ratoawhlch are the low
est on any nuni from tl up to $1B ? 0.
I make loans on household cooas , T > lam . or-
itann , horso5mules , wuRonswnrcnou3o receipts ,
liouscs , leases , etc. . In any amount , nt the low
est possible rates , without publicity or rem'oval
of property.
Loans can be made for one to six montas and
you can pay n part at any time , reducing both
principal and Interest. 1C you owe n balance
on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on
them , I will take It up and carry It for you as
long as you desire.
Ir you need mouey you will find It to your ad
vantage to see mo before borrowing.
It. F. Wasters , room 4 , Wlthnell building IBth
and llarnoy. _ - _ KB
prontB In It. A-lrtress i : 57 Bee. 818 !
1J10K SALE -tt-ell-tfifcibllslied small cash
J grocery. Address A , Kelluer. ISM Bt.
Mary's avo. ' 84129 *
1JAIUIUU snop for sale- chalra , cheap. 50l > 5
-L > N. IBtn St. . D. Kennedy bOl 28t
WANTED-A man td'taro half interest in
and operate a pool .hall , inquire at in04
Bo. Thirteenth street. , , SB-2J *
WANTED Partner Wltft $300 or $1,000 In
hardware business ; good chance ; refer
ence required. Iv. It , Smith , Jfarne , Iowa.
, rf 82121
EOIt SALE A confecUoiiery nnd Ice cream
parlor. Address Efce , Ilee ofllce. 830-2(4
roUSALE-FurnltureliHd'flxtures of Clifton
hotel. A8hlhnd.aJmllm < from Omaha. Cost
SI.4IX ) . Will takn 700 ; half hash. 1J. * E. Pan-
coast , Ashland , Neb. " 82. ) 2.1 ;
W'E Have a nice drug store and stock in
in Grand Island. Neb. , wnlch we oITor to
trade , l > rlce S5.CKW. What hare you got ?
Also one of the best Improved farms In west
ern Iowa to neil cheap.
We have farms and land la all parts of the
country to sell or trade , as well as city piop-
orty. List your property with us , and we will
sell or exchange for you. Excelsior Land Co. ,
U10 South llitn st. 78
TpOll SALE Excellent opportunity for n man
-L1 with ilUJ to purclias * complete on tilt for
doing certain Hue of public work. Experience
unnecessary. Invoice valuo. Part time If
required. Address E 47 Ue . TOT-lOf
"OUTCHEll shop for sale for cash or on time ,
JDdnlng u good business , killing from four to
five beeves per week , at Neolo , la. Address
M , H. Hegarty. 74 2lit
TO HE sold at once ; stock ana fixtures ot
complete merchant tailoring establish
ment ; line location : invoice ( net cost ) S-W ; will
sell for $400 ; rare chance for practical tailor.
Kent reasonable. Call or address nt once. U. W.
Itlcnardson , attorney , luB ! Farnam st. 7iH-23t
FOIl HENT-Coal and feed yard on Fnrnaiii
and licit line ; Block for sale ; trackage.
Stringer & Penny , Douglas block. 74) 2(1 (
T710II KENT Shoo department , crockery deL -
-L partuient , clothing department , book de
partment , Jewelry department and grocery de
partment in a large department store to bo
opened August 15. Address E27 , Uoo olllce.
077-23 * I
BAHHEH shop and both rooms for sale ; irood
location and good trade ; satisfactory rea
sons given for selling. Lockbox H.Fremont.Neb
. . UlUSit
T710II SALK M interest In a good paying gro-
-L' eery store In Uncoln , about JI.COO required ;
those only who have the cash need apply. Address -
dress H , lice olllce. Lincoln. Neb. 641 23t
A UHEAT bargain in Gordon , Nob. , anew
-ii-rolicr mill for milo , 35 oarrel capacity and
rigged to make buckwheat nnd rye flour , meal
and chop feed ; In a good Wheat country and
good market for Hour ; S dwellings and barn
with it ; prlco J.S.OOO. Parties having prop
erty to trade need not apply ; mill has llrst-
clasH reputation. F. J. Andreas. Oi'i alOt
WANTED Partner in restaurant in connec
tion with hotel ot 40 rooms. Ad. E 21. lleo.
T71OII SALE The Gotham cigar store. Iloyd's
-L' opera house , witti or without jobbing stock.
Locution the best. , / 43 *
kHUO store to exchange for real estate ,
Mlonustool. Grand Ulaml , Neb. 701ZK
171OH exchange A gooa lot in Des Molao.i. la.
JL1 for a peed lire proof nafe. Address W. F.
Nine. Pea Molnea. la. 703-25
WANT to exchange 329 owes Kansan land
forra.0oa to (4.00U drugs ; will pay il.OOOto
J2.000 dlrrerenco In money , Hox. C03. Shenan-
doali , la. , , . , , BLWIJ
FOU EXCHANUE-W desirable residence
iiroperty In Omaha , [ Ally nr all of folio wine :
40cholco Inside resident ! lots In Hastings.
luu lots In Lincoln. - . ,
tHO acres line farmlnglainl , Lancaster county.
Fine residence proiertf ] .TJLmcoln.
Good rental property , 'llihboln. '
Choice family rei lden i'tjruor ) , Los Angeles.
A neat residence pronx'rry in Ilanscora Place.
Also some good morttAlge'notei.
Address , giving location and price of prop
erty , J , E. U. , care IUum IfQu Co , , 1-17 Learea-
wor t h. > rt l U3U
rpo excliange Geueruj stock merchandUe ;
-i- want lund nnd money. ' * llox 78. i'msJciort ,
Ind. lH5-2.1t
/ANTKD To trade for a good piano. Ad-
T dics3 W. F. Nine , DarSloiaos , la.
IF you want to make a quick sain orexchauge
of your property , list Jrwltli W , I'.Nlne , Des
Molnes. la. -yj j 70 a'i
T7 OIt EXCHANOK of200acresn (
JL1 polk county , NoD.ffiullu3 from Clarkn.
Neb. , to oxchHiiga for qattio ; BO acres under
cultivation. Uouuu , barn , wagon scales n d
BOO < ! feed lot. Address C. Odkamp , 2215 Webster -
ster St. . Omaha. Neb. ; tnj
FOK EXCIIANdK-AjLcUjgant tract of land
containing 1JO ecrei. In Antelope county.
Neb. , with ordinary improvement * .
A quarter-suction In Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved.
Eighty acres near Council IllulTs , la ,
llou B and lot on Boutli Itlth xt.
Large amount of Oil Mountain and Petrolltim
company oil stock.Vill exchnnge for good
property or the erection of some housed , ( Jeo.
J. bternsdorir , 1st National b ok building.
riV ) EXCHANGE for Omaba property , one of
JLth rest Improved farm * In Iowa , cmly one
mile Iroin town of 0,0 lnuablt uti. W. 11. II.
4M , K. , room 11 , Chamber of Commerc . 101
"IjlOH HALElly tli owuet und at a bargain ,
-L' Corner 200x1 % ft , near Kelt line station.
Splendid site for residence or tenement houses.
Will Le glad to show tolu property. J , A , Da ) .
zell.llJN. Idth st. 't6i
fnyott \ nre ml lnR U by not buylnc soms of
\J thnt One South Omaha property we ha e tor
sale. 1L. A. Upton Company , 16th and Farnam.
_ t _ 721 24
U.\VALLAOK.INWHI : , j. j , : Urowu wiTuT
In IT , 16th nna I > ouglas.
I/its , block 2 , Dollone's add , , M ft. fiont on
State st. , Prtsytorms , $1.000.
Lot 7 , block 1 , Dcnlse's add , , easy terms , ? 2,760.
I/ot 15 , block 4 , Thornburg , special terms ,
Lot 4. block "A , " Iledford , east front on Btato
St. , * 1,330.
Ixt 4 , block 1llodford Plnc , on Btato st , ,
ix > t'l3 , blosk 0. W. Cumtng. easy terms. 11.000.
lx > t 4 , block 21 , Carthage , beautiful east front ,
hot'21 , block 4 , Hawthorne. tl.COO.
Lot 22. block t > . Orchard Hill , corner and east
front on IXiwo ave. , Tory cheap , tfO ) .
Bouth front on , Farnam , In UrlggV 1'lacs ,
chaapest lot in the market , terms easy , S1.2JU.
lleautlful cast front lu Plalnrlow , tl.lAO.
Monmouth Park lots , or houses and lots , on
vmry ensy terms and nt reasonable price * . This
addition had the llnost situation ot nny about
Omnhn , with grand views , good neighborhood ,
cosy of across. Ofct plats nnd terms.
O. Cl. Wallace , Drown blocK. 18th It Douglas.
81(1 ( &
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SALE See here !
An elegant bom . tine barn , etc. , fronting
Ulgu school ground. IJO.WO.
Another not far north SJ6POO.
Anotlser76 feeteast front 1'nrk aye. , 114,000.
Anothar 100 feet east trout , With aye. , barn ,
etc. , In perfect order , f t < l,0o. :
Many others from lrno to IO,000.
And Her * .
An elegant cottage , new , aud GO-foot tot , a
beautiful place , cash flOO , prlco I..WO.
aiilnc of a 50-fcxt Bouth Iront lot at grade on
n paved street , one block from car * , nt only per
toot , m
llarpaln hunters lose money by not InterviewIng - '
Ing J. U. Kvausa03. N. Y. Life llld'g. 7J Ei
$ nOOJ ) 44 feet front In heart of Oinaha. 10th
at , , modern 3-story building. briiiRS 10 per
cent now , at low rents ; must have (17.000 cash ,
balance 0 per centj great olTor ; address KS9 , Ilee.
731-alP *
_ _ _
IjiOli SALB-Coltago with full lot and 1m-
Improvements , in n desirable location ; low
price 1011 Ko. 19th st.
HEIlEwe come with the very Unust resi
dence properties in Omaha , to sell 01 ex
change for lots or land. We said the
finest. Do you doubt it ? Thou come and Int us
show them to you. If you wish to buy you can
no so on your own terms. Do not neclect this
opportunity for never In the annals of real es
tate transaction * in Omaha tins a like opportu
nity b eu offoroo. W. U. K. & M B. . room 14 ,
Chamber of Commerce , Tel. 14 > o. 782
fflHE motor line is built to Collier place. Tlio
X Kelt line nins near Collier place. The P. E.
* M. V. 11. II , stop all passenger trains at Col
lier place. The horse c&r line will soon reach
Collier place. Float addition In the city , Price
tfW to $1,200 per lot , one-tenth cash , balance ouo
to five years. McCagna. opp. t . O. UTO
TjHif8AL"K New 8 room house , with barn ,
JC near Hanscom Park. Knty terms. Jos.
P. Megeath , lull Farnam. 34 floor. C33 XI
/1ONTIN0OUB sidewalk to CollUr plaoe. det
' ' - - - - - '
, terms HcCaeue. W9
- see us nnd nvestlpate somoof the
W bargains we hare to offer , wo are continu
ally listing new properties , and "If you don't
see what you wait , ask for It. "
Wo have merchandise to trade for land. We
have a brlclc and tile factory doing a thriving
business to exchange for western land.
For sale lot 12. block Id , Stull's second addi
tion at a bargain.
Throe now 6-room cottages at Albright , with
in 10 minutes walk ot terminus ot hourly
dummy line , for sale on terms that will only beAn
An elevator property with laigo dwelling
house , nta bargain , Elevator complete , witu
horse-power , scales , ofllco furnlsnnd , etc , A
line opening for n practical grain dealer.
Two line residences In Poppleton parlc , on
motor line ; will ba sold on easy terms.
Houses and lots In all parts of Omaha for
sale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omalm property.1,000 ncros
ot school land lease , in one of the best , counties
In the state ,
A line residence property in Omalm View for
sale at a bargain.
From $75.033 to 1100.000 worth of tlrst-clnss
notes to exchange for Omaha property.
Merchandise to exchange for ! cash nnd bal
ance western lanas. Tills Is ono ot the tluost
opportunities ever offeree to convert land Into
cash. Investigate this. N
For Sale , at a bargain , hotel and livery barn.
In a coed Neoraska town. Tuts li a flue open
ing for a practical hotel man. .
For exchange for Omaha property ono of the
best farms In Hock county , NebrasKa , together
with stock and machinery necessary to carry
on the place. Old ago and failing health of the
owner is reasonlor Belling.
A line Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , lor exchange for Omaha property. '
100 acres or wild laud near a thriving city.
What have you to offer.
2SO acres of fine land In northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omaha property.
For a bargain , one ot the best im
proved farms In Nebraska ; owner is going to
leave tlio state is the reason for selling.
Wo have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some BOO agents scattered
over four or live states. List your property
with us It you wish n quick turn. W. II. E. Sc
M. E. , room 11'Chamber ot Commerce , tele
phone 1110. 3M
rpl IE finest drive m tbe city is ot Collier place
-JL McCague. S3J
A FTEUthe motor lines run Into South Omaha
-ok. yon will be unable to get those One 0.000 feet
square lots at anything like the prlco wo can
now soli at. M. A. Upton Company , 16th and
Farnam. 7..T21
EOALblanKS. Chase & > Edrty. 11.1816th st
270 not
POH'8ALE-fi4W3 acre , sec. 6 , tp. 13 , r. Ow. ,
Hamilton county. Neb. House , stable , 300
ncros fenced , living water. Price. ) , ix)0 ) F. K.
Aldus'owner ' , railroad hldg. Denver , Col. 010
THE factories within easy reach of Collier
place will employ a largo force of men. Se
cure a house nna enjoy lite. Price of lots J800
to Jl.'AW , one-tenth cash. Send for plat. Mo
Coguo , opp. P. O. 9"J3
171011 SALE On long time and easy payments ,
Jj handsome , new , well built houses ot 8 , U and
10 rooms. AU conveulencesgood neighborhood :
mved streets ; street cars und within walking
'stance of P. O. NathanSnolton , Mil Farnam
13d .
"C1OH8ALE Ueautlful H-room house , all mod-
JP ern Improvements , including splaudld fur-
nace , near Hnnscom park , best location lu the
city fcrschool.chnrch and street car privileges :
pries $3,000. C. V. Harrison , Merchants National
bonk. W3
ot the two house and lot bargains I
huvobcen offering on Georgia ave. north of
Lcarunwortn. Is now sold and occupied , he-
cause of ray very low prlco. The south houno
of tbe two still roinntns a bargain open to
sombody. First comes , Ilrst served. To be ap
preciated It needs to bo examined Internally , 1
positively will not rent It , though several times
offered fM per month. Price , on very aasy
terms , $ ' ) , O.M. W. T , Seaman , east Hide Iflth St. .
north of Nicholas st , Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and carriages. nis
TfjIOH SALE Low in Stownrt Place on Lowe
JJ ave. ; Metropolitan Cable pauses property.
0-room house and barn , Hanscom Place. 3
houses and lots on Cass st. , on easy terms.
Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. Hank. 201
TMPHOVED farms and cltv lots for sale or
J-cxcliaiiRO for stocks df merchandise. First
National , It. K. Company , West Point , Neb.
OMB/iOO Actual value liiRldo business und rusl-
'Pilenco ; the seventeen lots at halt prlco to Ilrst
pai ty comes. Why ? For ruason urn lu need of
casli. Great chance. Address E.II , Hue.
TTIOH BALK Do you want cnoico farm 10
X ? inllea northwest ot Omalm ? It so , 1 have
just what will suit you , and can be bought nt
tU per acre below Its actual value. The above
named farm contains 27.1 acras of t ho u neat land
in tlio state , all enclosed with good barb wire
fence ; the buildings nud orchard tliorc'on are
in Urst-clufH condition. Two good well * furnlnh
abundant wnwr , Tbe very low price of IO.OO
per acre should command u ready purchaser ,
Let me drive you out and Hhow you this farm.
U.J. bternsdorir. Heal Estate. Loan nnd Ex
change Ilrokvr , Itooms 317 andUln. First Nat'l
Dank liulltllnc. Telephone 461. 313 art
TDUYiv homo in the center ot the city , on
-Omonthly payments. 1 will sell you a lot in
Aldlnn square , uulldahoiifeof any kind , worth
from I12.A ) upwards , and you can pay for It
monthly , quarterly or yearly. AMI no square
Is on Grace street , between 22d and Sid streets ;
It has all thu advantages such ax paved streets ,
sewerage , wnter , gas. and is n Unit-class local
ity. Call at 1RJ1 Furnnm street and HOB plans
of buildings and got llgurea. D. J , O'Donahoe.
WE can offer for sale for the next few days
tne following tint ) propurtlna ; A 3-room
house In Improvement Association add. , with
barn and other nut door improvements ) . A lot
In Oklahoma add. ; 1 In Ifopern1 add , ; I In
Cleveland Place ; 4 lot * In Ito.salmd I'li o. W. U ,
E.&M. Ex. , I'.92S-5i , Cimraner of Commerce ;
tuioplinne 1410 , Ut/i ,
AIIQ AIN Part of the Dl'.k Klmball estate.
60 feet on 18th street running through to 17tli
avo. One 13-roum bouse , nil modern conven
iences , aud two 0-room houses. Total rental
11,68) per yuur ; prlco IIJ.OJJ. M. A. Upton
Company , I'ltn and Farnam. 037
Foil SALE The residence in Orchard
Hill can ( w bought at actual cot ; owner
leaving town : house ha * 10 rooms with bath
room nnd every modern convenience , lot < Uxl30
nil aodded : large burn and nice shade trees ; la
factapurfftct iiomet call and Utus snow you
tliU. Arnold & Oo. , ituom & 27 Paxtou block.
171011 BALK Easy terras , Koninza place.
JU Two bomes , each H-rooms , acb ti.09) .
Two homes , eaoh V-rooms , each f 1.01U.
Two homes , cacti 15-roins , each 47.0M.
All HltU modern convenience.
Alllarga value at the price.
All witliln B8 inare of the motor line.
Don't lose those opportunities. . ,
For sale by the owner. W. T. Seaman ,
Kast tilde I8tht , north of Nicholas t.
Omaha's lurgest variety of wagons and car-
n 8ALR ilnnlnw * eornor , Hn.000. ( XT.
Harrison. Merchants National Hank. 1M
fllO MANUFACTtrilKHSi' 1 will glvo ample
JL ground , with splendid trackage facilities
on the Fremont , l.lkhorn < s Missouri Valley
railroad or on the Mls-ourl Pacltle ( llelt Line )
railway In Wostlawn , just outside the city
limits In West Omaum conveniently situated as
regards access to the bnslnpM center of Omnhn
and South Omnhn , to pottles for the location of
any ottho follow Inn Industries :
Furniture Factory , lltitton Fnctory ,
Shoe Fnctory , Lara Itcflncrr ,
Starch & Olucoso W'kn , Poap Works ,
Paper Mill , Purlllor Mnnufactory ,
Plow Works , llroom Factory ,
Harvester Works , Woolen Mtn , '
Null Works. Oatmral Mill.
Knitting Mills , nOx Manufactory ,
Sash , Door and nllnd Wire Wort.i ,
Manufactory. , .Machine Shops ,
Flour and Feed Mill.
Or any good mnnufacturlntt plnnt , Westlnwn
Is just outside the city limits nnd Industries
planted thnro will oscopulienry city taxes.
If yon are thliikltiR ot lumlng In Omalm U
will pay vou to Investigate this ,
Geo. N. Hicks , New Yort LI to bulMIng ,
Omnha. TOO
aetontothMebargnlnal * <
X 11,0(0 buys full rast front lot with sovnn
room house nnd rnruace lu llauscom place. Do
you believe U ?
tll.OOO ho\lso on ParX nvonno with lull
lot , tliat Is liner than nllk , and olognnt through
out. Vou cannot guoua how nlc < vtlils is.
11,100 buys a good four room house and full
lot in north part of the city ; nlso for tl.UOrt lu
northwest part of city. ,
I can sell you houses and lots from tn.009
down to JiXi and can suit you in any part of the
city. No trouble to show goods , oren if It M hot.
Call in nnd get a good tide. If nothing more.
D. V. Sholos , 210 Flrat National Hank. 310
FOU SALE Two of the bost6 atod trnckngo
lot * , on the noitlnve t comer of 21st nud
Izard Btrectj , she Iftixl.Tj r ut , For price nud
terms Inquire ot the owner , Edwiird Spellor-
. 1012 North 21st street 6'J7-nl4t
T 001C. up lot HI. Nelson's addition , nnd lot 10.
JLJblock 1 , Itcdlck's sub-division , aud submit
cosh ollor for same. Lot HI has 1 1,100 flve-yonr
mortgage that can be assumed. These uro Hue
roperties nnd nro in thn market for 10 days.
prM. A. Upton Company. Ifith ami Farnam. T-l 24
plE best money s worth of house ana lot now
JL for sale In Omalm Is that which I am novr
completing tiear',2Un st. on paved Wlrt st. lu
Kountze Pluce. bAdroonu , 3 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 3 bath room * . .1 wnt r closets ,
large laundry , stationary wash tubs , fiirnnco
and coal room nnd cellar , electric bells aud
speaking tube , 12 closets. Prlco only tf.OOJ on
terras to suit. Likewise a dupllcat * adjoining
at sama price. W , T. 8oamui , east sldl IBth st.
north of Nicholas nt. Omaha's largest' variety
otwajno and carriages. _ SOI
SEND for plat of Collier place , and when
driving for lecreation follow tho'motor line
poles on IGlh st. and Amen' ave , , nnd see the
woudarfuUmprovemcuta that have taken place
jiutaiound the barracks , nud remember that
Collier place la the key to tno situation , lluy n
lot now for the low prlco nnd at the easy terms
they are being offered , and we' are satisfied ,
Ona-tentb cash , balance ona to live year * . Me-
Cague , opp. P. O. 1KB
Not too.
Public notice Is liereoy-given that the part
nership bntweeu Ullrich & Stewart , consisting
of Peter Ullrich und George II. Stovnrr , ts this
day dissolved by mutual consent All bills
against said linn nro to bo presented to. and all
accounts tuio said llrm to be collected by Pe
ter Ullilch , room 409 , 1'axton bloce.
. .
Ualed July l.tHig83. _ j2H-d3t
' \otlco to
Sealed proposals will be received nt the ofllco
of county clerk lit .Douglns county , Nnbraskn ,
until y p. m. Satin day. , ' . 1881) ) . to fumlsli
drugs for Douglas comity for thu lialanco of thn
year isso. List ot drugs required to bo found
on fllo In olllco of county clerk.
A certified chock for $100 must accompany
each bid.
The county reserves tno right to reject any or
all bids.
lly order of county commissioners ,
Jy23dlgtmJta County Clerk.
Notion tn Oradorx.
Honied proposals will bo received at the odlce
of county clerk. Douglas county , until 2 p. lu.
Saturday. August 17. IBS'1 ' , for the running ot
grader No. 3. Sopaiato bids must be made for
nlll nnd turnpike work , aud nil bids must bo
accompanied by certllled check for J.VI
Plans aud specifications to bo seen nt the
ofllco of county clerk. M. D. UOOHB.
Public notice Is hereby given that the firm
of Ullrich & Stawnrt , couil.stlQg of Peter Ull
rich und George H. SUwart. has bonu dlssol\od ,
and are no longer the \yetteirn ) n tents of the
Mnnvlllo Covuilng Company.
Wo bnve this Uny appointee ; TeJcr Ullrich as
our western agent , with headquarters at
Omaha , Nebraska , room 4D1) ) Pnxtdn block.
11 Second at. . MilwaukeeWis. .
July lltli , 1889. JS.'d3tp
To whom It may concern ; Notlco. is hereby
mvcnthatJ. H. Carso Is no l < : : jjer in my em
ploy , nor connected In nny way with my busl-
ncsrf. All busluess'wlll hereafter bo conducted
by me , and nil monoyH due must be paid to mo ,
and nil buslnoss transacted by bun while In inv
employ , from March 1 , 18.O , to July IB. liih'i ,
must be settled with mo at my olllce , room ill ) ,
Shooley block. SAMUEL TATK.
Omaha , Neb. , July SO , 1880 , Jy21d7t
INSXllUilBNTS placed on record during
Chaa Krlctsson to II Skarnn , o I. lot 4 , blk
II , Lowe's add , w d . S COO
li M Ilackus to A Standen , s ' / lotu , blk
4C , Valley , w d . i..u . 200
Otto Lobeck nnd wlfo to D L Thomiis , lots
1 and 2 , blk 3 , and lot 12 and u 10 it lot
13 , blk U , Lincoln park , w d . 1.200
Otto Lobeck uudlfo to I ) L Thomas et
al , lota 1 to 3 and 22 to 24 , blcii , Iota 4 and
6. blk 4 , Lincoln park , w < 1 . ' . . 8,000
Otto Ilauman nnd wife to 1) K Miller , lots
14 and 1J , bit 18 , Omaha View , w d . . . . 2.0./I
J L Illack and wire to Lewis Cornback , o
Ulot4 , bik 0 , Helvedcre. w d . 1.160
1 8 Hascall to John Itiifh. lot W. blk X. Mt
Douglas , and lot 3 , blK 4 , Hawaii's sub
InseofI4.13wd . - . . L5CO
0 K 'J'urner and husband to It Wolfiihoiu-
or , lot U. blcll , Summit Place , wd . 5,003
W D Vest to O E Hunuen , lot 4 , bib 2 , La
fayette park , wd . KO
n Jetter and wife to J II Gttc , lot It ) , blk
14. . letter's add , wd . 1,000
Lee Gibson nod wlfo to LA Haughawout ,
lot 12 , blk ! * ) . South Omaha , wd . 1,200
Miles & Thompson to K O Stark , lot 17 ,
blk 1 , Excliange Place , ir d . . . 075
Otto Lobeck nnd wife to James McOreal ,
Iotl4 , blk fi , Lincoln park , w d . 453
V II Cotfmnn nud wife to Louisa VnnCott ,
lot 14 , blK H , sub ot J 1 Itedlck'Hi ndd.
wd. . . . . . . . . < . . 4,000
Q II Hoggs nnd wlfo to Otto llnumanu ,
Jot 7 , blic 17 , Omaha View , wd . 1,100
liyron Itoed and wife to M li iveint , lot 13 ,
ulk4 , lloed'B3dnad , w d . . . TOO
Sixteen trnnsfora . . . . . . . . ' . . . 123,050
The following p3rnit4 < vjrd isjuol by
UulldinglaspuctorVtutlook yestonlav :
Fred W. Leu , two-story frumo residence.
Tvvouty-eighth and Leayuiiworth . t 4tKX )
V. D. llnnvn , tnree one and oiiC'lialf-story
traioi ) cluelllnizs , Luavuuworth near
Tnlrty-llrst . 4,000
W. II. AuHtln.oiio and one-nulf-story frame
dwulllng , corner Plnkney nud twenty-
eignth avenue . . 1,200
Ida H. lloetime. to two-itory frame real *
deuces , and Half HuWurd
streets . . . . . 8,000
II. W. Ynten. two-story frame resldeuce ,
corner Nineteenth and Capitol avenue. 3,500
JI.W. Vales , remodeling frame dwelling ,
corner Nineteenth and Capitol uvonue. ) .M > J
Two minor parmlts . , . 'M )
Seven penult' , aggregating. , , . $ 22.900
Kicked , flcatnii und itobbrd.
James Dunn , a Imngor-on about the lious
of ill fame on Tenth street Kept by I.lzzlo
Foster , asked Liz lo for nome money ycatur-
dny morning , and on boinif rnfusud , IcnocUod
tier down and Ulcltcil her tenth out. After
ho had lilclied her until nlio was
nenrly Inscnsililn , ho robbed tier ot all
tlio money ho nud , about J4.0U , .pr (5.00.
As soon as situ recovered Hiidlciently the
wotaun sworu out a warrant for his ar
rest. Ho was not found uritilHW : ! p , m , Tom
McGregor uucl Dick Griiuilon , pals of Dunn ,
who were In the house witlt him when thu
robbery was committed , wcro also orrns ted ,
'i'oae ! : two men huvo a sunpundotl bontonco
hanging over them , which tiioy will probubly
KBt the benefit ot , Tt.a tentouco was pro
nounced some time ago und tvus suspended
on condition thai they kmv.o town.
Eva Donnlson , a sprightly young colored
woman , met C/yclla iJean , another duughtcr
of Ham , end accused her of undue Intimacy
with her newly married spouse. Loud words
followed , and noon tbo wool commenced to
lly and ramnanta of clothing -fallowed , until
the combatants \vero on , dinliabillu. Tlio
police appeared on the scona ut U captured
both of the Atnazpni.
Not Tliat Wny.
Munsoy's . Weekly ; The oocl man
( sadly ) ; "Ah , my son , you huvo been
to the circus ; ft pallia mo gruittly to
think that ono so yoUnj should have
crosaoa tha thrusholu of iniquity. " Tit
bad Email b6ys ! "I dlla' < " 'Cross no
threshold ; I cruwlad-ifi under the tout , "
Slio Kow OfTorn to Uutullhi the OA O
For $800.
Geared C. Hng n appeared before JuOfro
Itorkn yesterday afternoon on the charge ot
adultery preferred by Chlof Senvcy at the
request of the chief of police of Milwaukee.
There bcln ? no evidence presented to sub-
stautlato the chnrito , hoTIIS discharged nt
the rcquost of the prosecution. About nn ,
hour nhorwnrd.sMrrt. llagnn nppoai-od on the
scene , nccotnpntilcd by Altioro , nnd nt once
entered another complaint on the same
charge. Ilngnn was once more placed under
arrest and brought before the court. Ho Tvns
then remanded to } nll until ho could furnish
Whllo Hngnn wai waiting for his friends
to hunt up boiulsmon for him , ho wns nv- )
pronched by Moore , who ofTorod to Rotllotho
whole thing withdraw the chareo of ndult-
cry nnd the suit of nttnchlia'ilt lu'the dis
trict court for a consideration of $ SOO.
Ilngnn indignantly refused the nropotltlou ,
lennwhllo Mrs. Ilngnu wns protnonndlnR
up nnd uown outsldo the Jnil. awnltliiff Xho
result of the noRotliUlona. Sao la a heavyset -
set blonde , about' tlfiy ybnra of tfgo , witli ,
thin lips which coma tognlher with n snap.
When nskod whnt Imb of action she would
pursue she unccrod contemptuously , and rrt-
niorkml that she bad notlilntf to say ; lliftt
her lawyers had charge of the case aud
would SQ.Q that It was pushed. . *
An Interview was hnd with Mr. HnRan ,
who suld ho Intended to stay right here nnd
light the tliini : out. Ho will go Into business
here and disprove thi charges which huvo
been in ail o against him , Ho denounced the
Itroccedliigs against him as tiolhliiK mora
nor loss than ulncUmnll , and said the only
object was to cxlort money nud Itoop him
hero undernrrost until ho invo liu. Uls wlfo
dcsortod him two years ORO , taking Tvith.hor
all the personal property and money stio
could got hold of. Sim afterwards drew on
htm for & > , ooo , nnd told him aho "would
maico Hfo a perfect hell for him , " Ho says
the ? $ , IXX ) which It Is claimed ho wns Riven
to pay Moore U a myth , and that ha'owes
Moore only ,500 on notes which are not
yet duo.
Ball wai furnished for 11 n pan In tha sum
of 1500 by John T. Dillon and Jamoi Kale ,
tiooUlnir for His laiti Iitur.
John Shannon , of Glcnwood , la , , wni } a
the city yesterday soai'chlnfj for _ his suvon-
tcen-jcar-old daughter , Leon a , who 4r.\a
away from homo about July ! . , Ho describes
tbe girl as bolnc dark , with short hair , blua
eyes , and wolghlui ; about ouo hundred and
thirty nounda. Ho thinks his ( taughtm-
livliiR with one Shormau Hill , who was until
Saturday porter at the saloon on the1 cornlir
of Fourteenth nnd Podge streets. Illll is
now thought to ho rooming at Sixteenth and
Lcavcaworth streets.
An Excltnlile Nr ro.
George Thurstoii , n negro barber , was ar
rested yesterday for malicious destruction of
property. Ho had a barcor shot ) in the buso-
mont of the Estabrook block , and was. put
out by n constable for rofusluc to pay rout.
Ho became excited and began breaking up
property belonging to the agent of the build
Westward : *
Hunnlng batweeii Council niuffs ' tind Ai.
bright. In addition to the sntlons mentioned ,
trains Btop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
streets , and lit tlie Summit lii Omatia/ ' - k
IJrcmU- J'raos- Omilia. Uonth
way. fer , depot. Sheely , Omalm bright.
A.M. A.M. A. M. A.M. A.M. A.M.
, fl00
Bfl I7 O.-MI
6:40 : Ml 7S ( ; 7t C " .7.-3S
V:35 7 : 7M BlM
Hl : 8:13 : 8J2.1 : J
b3.i ; 8:43 : UU3 ;
8:52 : : U1 HI 12 flJ3
' nai 9.42 0:55 : 10.1)0
OKI 6 : 2 10:05 : 10:12 : 10Z/ : / ! 10'JO :
iimi 11:12 : 11 : M 11HQ :
P.M. I'.M. P.M. I'.M.
P M P. M. 12:30 :
12 : < A j-i2 : 1:12 : 1:3 *
1:45 : 1:52 : 2:01 : 2:1 : * aW !
2:4 : ? 2:5.1 : .1:00 :
3:45 : aat ' 8W :
11 : M 4io : 4:15 :
8:6' : . ' 4:12 : 4W.1 -.4:30 :
4i&7 ftllO 6:15 :
5:0 : > f > ; 25 rM :
6:45 : 0:05 : 4:1 : : 6:25 : 6:30 :
(1:41 ( : 7:05 : lf > 7.M
7:41 : 7.2 805 ; 8:31 : 8:50 :
8:41 : 8K : 'Jf | ni 9:2.1
9:4ft : 0U lU:0i : ! * 10:35
11:0) ) 11:07 : irll:20l Iv llHif : 13:04 :
Kutiwdra ,
AU" " South BliosOmiUia rTrans- i
bright , Omaha ley , Hepot. ' 'fer. ' " way.
A. M. A.M. A. M. A. M.
M.o'io 0:41 : COO
( Ml o'io ; 0:15 : 013
Tai TilS 7:20 : 7)4 )
1 : < S > 8:07 : SllS
8:10 : HM
8U S:15
306 ; eno Ja : : ' "
9:50 : : ti 10:07 10:15 : "ioioi
10:05 : 10:10 : 10:22 10:30 : "
10 ; M ) 11:15 "fitai :
11 : V , M. P. M.Uilfi I * . U. P. M ,
P.M. P. M. 12:07 : Uilfi 13:87
12 ; lt1 ! | 1:07 : 1)15 ) ] 7
llU X:07 : 3S8T
SU ;
auo 9:11 :
; 50 4:15 :
tI'M 1:45 : > if >
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tat , eifft 7)15 ) 7:27 7t5 ! 8U5 Si'fl
ti-M Dili 9:07
V-.KI 14:07 : lUllJ
WU : 10:11 : 11:07 : r. 11:30 :
Uili It'U U. UlM