OMAHA DAILY BE : WEDNESDAY. JIJLY 24 , 1889. . THE DAILY BEE. . E. nOHBWATKU. Editor. PUBLISHED ISVBflY AiOUNINO. TKHMS OF StJnscniFTION. X ) Mlf ( Mornlnjc Edition ) Including Sunday De .One Vear . . .110 M Forfllx Months . . . , . GOO J'orlhrf * Months . , . S M ThoOmMifiSumUj- , mailed to any address , One Year , . . . . . . . . . 300 Weekly Hee. Ona Year . 2 00 Oman * Ufflct , Bee Jiulldlng. N. YT. Cornet Beventconth and Farnam Streets. Cnlcneo Office. 567 Itcokory lltilldlng. Now York Office , llooms 11 and IS Trlbunt . Wellington once. No. B13 rourUcntn Street , All communication * r i Una to nons nnd edi torial matter should 1 > e addressed to the Kdilo ? ot tba lice. lice.BUSINESS I/ETTKIIB. All liuMness letters and remittances should lie addressed to Th lire rubllshlnit Company , Omaha Jirnfts , checks and postonke ordirs tel l > emadepay ljla to tlie ortlerot the company. The Bee Pnlsblngliilpy , Proprietors , I3BB Hulldlng Farnam and Seventeenth Sts. TI1E HUE. Bworn Statement of Circulation. Btato rjt Nebraska , I . > BS. CVunty of Douglas. J Owirgo II. Tzsclmck. secretarj of The lice PiiAllxnltiK Company , ilocs nolemnly swonr ttrit the actual circulation of 'I'll f. DAILY HER for tlie week ending July 20th , 183 , was as tallows : Sunday. July 14 18,802 Monday , July 15 .J 8,573 Tuesday. July 18 ! K.fi04 Wednesday , .Inly 17 18fifi3 Thursday , .July 18 ] Hr > iso Friday. July 10 11,672 Bnturduy , July SO 18,583 Average 18Oil ' onouoK n. TZScitucK. Sworn to before mo and minscrlbed to In my presence thls 0tn day of July , A. 1) . IBM ) . [ Seal. ] N. 1' . VK1L , Notary Public State of Nebraska , I County ot Douglas , f " George II. Tzschuclc , being duly snorn , do- TIOSOS nnA says that ho is secretary ot The IJe Publishing company , that the actual average dally circulation ofTiiK DAIT.Y HER for the month of Juno. 1888 , ni , ia copies ; for July , 1BR8 , le.Ollcoples ; for AURUBU8 < i81fUKlcopies ; f or September. 1888 , 1H.1M copies ; for October. 1888 , IOS4 ( ! copies ; for November. 18BS , 1 , , US < 1 copies ; for December , 1888 , IH.SSl copies ; for January , 1W-W , 18,571 copies ; for Kobrunry , 1883 , 18W1 ( copies ; for March. 18H' , 18,854 copies ; for April , 1689 , 18,563 copies ; for Mny , 18i' ' , 1H.C99 cople . GKOUGI ; II. TXSUIlfrcK. Suoru to Dnforo mo and siihscrlhod In my IScal.l presence this 3rd day of June , A. D. 1W3. 1W3.N. P. 1'EIlj. Notary I'uWlc. LKT us hnvo electric light from tlmt company which will give the moat sat isfactory service nt the most rcasonixblo terms. THE cyclone has mot a rival in the wntorapout this season , and hoth are tearing : about the country like a dis gruntled politician. THK rc-ratlng of pensions has stirred up a hornet's neat in the pension ofllco that is likely to cause Commissioner Tanner considerable'trouble. . HKNIIY GEOHQE is on the flowing main on his way to America. Is it possible that he is coming homo to im press his single tax theory on one of the four virgin states ? TllK hitherto friendly relations be tween the two Dakotas is liable to bo strained now that the hair-splitting has begun over the assumption of the terri torial debts and assets. of claims in Oklahoma are invalid , duo to the fact that they were tnlcen up before noon of April 22. In consequence many a landlord of that embryo territory is likely to find himself - , self a wanderer once more on the face of the earth. TUB popularity of Parnoll is by no moans on the wane. His recent recep tion in Scotlandand especially at Edin- burg , where the citizens accorded him the freedom of the city , was a mark of confidence in the integrity and patriot ism of the great Irish loader. THAT twelve hundred dollar vault balcony matter will not down. The remarkable - markablo feature of the whole fiasco is the complacency with which the county commissioners filed the report of the export who estimated tho.valuo of the vault fixtures to bo only four hundred dollars. Tim prohibitionists of Washington territory are quite anxious to at least leave their mark on the constitution to bo adopted. They have introduced the same measures time and again , and are not one whit discouraged in seeing the waste basket of the convention fairly groan with their communications. AN oiTOHTUNE rain along the line of southwestern Kansas ac last insures the success of the corn crop in that sec tion. There wore fears that the hot winds which parched that sec tion of the state for throe successive yeara would again sot in this year. Happily for the thousands of farmers , that danger seems now past , and'a largo corn acreage is looked for all over the stato. CHICAGO jury has just acquitted two attendants of the Cook county Jn > -BMIO asylum charged with the murder ot an inoffensive inmate. The verdict , however , should not bo interpreted us a * 'vindication of the oourao of brutal koopora. It does not give the monjbers of that craft a license to maltreat pa tients with , impunity , and an example should ho.inado of ono of them at the very first offense. Till ! acquittal of McQuado , the boodllng alderman of Now York , at " \Ballstori , in that state , waa to bo ox- jwctod. It was taken as a matter of course that where District Attorney Follows was the prosecutor the case would be so weak and lame that it would practically bo abandoned by de fault. An the verdict stands , however , It is no crime for a public official to ao- oopt n bribe in Now York. THE good people of Yank ton have awakened to the fact that Mr. R. F. I'1. Pottlgrow , who has boon given a fran chise to build a system oi street rail way in their enterprising city , is In clined to delay matters , having so far failed to inako a beginning. Mr. Pot- tigrow is a candidate for United States senator and needs the sUpport ot Yank- ton in hlo effort to capture that prize. Mr. Pottlgrow will probably continue to make { womisoa to the people ot Yank- ton until after the election , and then drop them , and the only coat to him for thou * support will bo the loss ot their confidence , and that ho will no longer . euro for. TITO VIEWS OF AIWEXATTON. A great donl ot attention has boon given to a recant address by General Benjamin F. Biltlor , in which ho advo cated a union ot the United States nnd Canada , li was nn elaborate , nnd 'in some respects a very vigorous , argu ment to show tliat every consideration flnnricial , commercial and political was in favor of making the two coun tries ono , and that their union ulti mately ia inevitable. The idea is , of coursdi not original with General Iut- lor , thougli his reasons for advocating it wore largely original. It has boon advanced by others who are in n much bottpr position than ho to glvo it character and forcer Trith the poonlo of both countries. Yet it has appar ently made so llttlo progress in popular regard that ita-promotors have little to encourage thorn beyond the faith they have in the wisdom of their theories. At a mooting a few dnya ago of the Massachusetts club Senator Hoar talked on this subject , and what ho said was not at all in line with the views ot General - oral Butler. The senator has but re cently returned from a trip through the west as a member ot the senate commit tee investigating our commercial rela tions with Canada , and it is gratifying to note that ho was profoundly im- prcssod with the beauties and ad vantages ot.tho western country , nil of which ) ho remarked , was for Ameri cans. As to annexation , ho did not think it wise to undertake a discussion of that question just now. Annexation with this country must , from the neces sity of the case , bo a Canadian ques tion. But , in any ovcnt , the senator saw numerous obstacles in the way of annexation , and ho even could not BOO "how this notion of what is called com mercial union is likely over to bo prac tical. " Ho did not think ono tariff under two administrations could bo conducted by two people like the people ot the United States and the people of Canada , , nor did ho think it possible for the people ple of Canada to maintain political rela tions with Great Britain and nttho same tiino have an .absolute form of commercial intercourse with us with a protective tariff , especially as against a country of which they are a part. The senator cited several of the most for midable obstacles to annexation , and even to commercial union , and remarked that Great Britain is trying in every possible way to make Canada a loyal , faithful subject. Other speakers on the occasion expressed similar views. It is not question able that Senator Hoar reflects the very general senti ment of the country , so far at least as the question of annexation is concerned. It would perhaps bo a good thing If this country could ncquiro peaceful pos session of British Columbia nnd Mani toba , the natural trade centers for which are in the United States Seattle and Tacoma , St. Paul and Minneapolis. But there is no urgency for absorbing any ether portions of Canada , and if that is over done it should be the result of a movement of the Canadian people. As to the scheme of commercial union , while there are certainly serious ob stacles in the way of its consummation , it cannot be said to bo wholly imurac- ticablo. The mutual interests of the two countries undoubtedly demand some Toadjustmontof trade relations , but how this can bo best ejected is a good deal of a problem. It was to assist in the solution of this that the committee of which Senator Hoar is a inombor was charged with the , duty ol investigat ing the commercial relations between the two countries , and It is because of this that his recently expressed views possess general interest. RE-RATED PENSIONS. The order issued by the secretary of the interior directing an investigation of all ro-ratings of pensions made by the pension bureau during the past twelve months , was made necessary by the public charges that many of these re-ratings have boon made in violation of law , particularly under the present commissioner of pensions. There has boon a good deal of scandal cet afloat during ho past two mouths regarding the condition of affairs in the pension bureau , and th'o matter to 'bo investigated has boon the prin cipal tonic. The ofllco contains a largo number of veterans of the war who are pensioners , among whom are medical examiners , legal advisors , and chiefs ot divisions persons having power to facilitate the consideration of pension claims and to puss upon their validity. It was discovered that these persons , or a number of them , had boon in collusion in securing re-ratings for their mutual benefit , and also railroad ing through the applications of their friends for an increase of pensions , and these shown to bo guilty were dis missed. This was , perhaps , sulllctont to cure the evil , but it was obviously necessary that the whole ro-rating busi ness should bo thoroughly looked into , and this Secretary Noble hun ordered donp , especially as to pensioners in the government ( service. There is reason to believe that the disclosures will not bo uninteresting. This and ether scandals connected with the administration of the pension bureau are very much to bo regretted , but these who are responsible for them should bo shown up without fear or favor , and subjected to whatever pun ishment their culpability may render them amenable to. The pension bureau is the largest under the government , nnd Is absolutely independent in its fiscal relations. It disburses nearly ono hundred millions of dollars annu ally. The people who supply this money and these for whoso benefit it is supplied are equally Interested in an honest , cloiui and careful administra tion ot this great trust. The pension service of the country , if it is to bo maintained , must bo kept free from all scandal and suspicion. It is to bo hoped Secretary .Noble will glvo the bureau a thorough investigation , and will bo unsparing lu punishing those who ahull bo found to have been dere lict or dishonest. INCREASING THE JJOMAW. There has been n very conblderable increase of the public domain , from In dian lands made accessible for settlement - mont , during the past two years , Within that period about eitrlitden mil lion acres ot the old Plogan reservation in Montana , and nearly two million acres in Oklahoma have .boon opened , to which will soon bo nddod from the Slsseton nnd Wahpoton nnd the ndjoln- inrr military ro'sorvo perhaps ono and one-half million acres more. The 6pcnlng of the Sioux reservation would make available for white Bottlomont about eleven million acres " nero , nnd thoputchaso of the Chorpkoo outlet over six million acres , vrhtlo the success of the negotiations with the lied Lake Indians of Minnesota for the purchase ot two-thirds of thoiroxtonslvo reserva tion would add ever a million acres to the public domain. . With regard to this latter agreement the prospects ap pear favorable. Thus far the commis sion has been fortunate in overcoming the objections encountered , nnd al though a number of tribes are yet to bo visited there is a feeling of confldonco thnt the negotiations will bo successful. Thus the lands opened within the past few.years , and these In fair prospect of being opened before the close of the current year , will aggregate about forty million acres , the larger part of it good farming land , which undoubtedly will bo rapidly settled. There will yet remain , however , a much larger area to bo secured for set tlement under the operation of the sev- alty allotment law. The present Indian population Is estimated at two hundred nnd forty-six thousand. Of tins num ber seventy-two thousand belong to the Indian territory and ether lands free from the severally law , leaving ono hundr.ed and seventy-four thousand to bo treated with under that act , thoao occupying lands amounting to oighty-ono million ticros , an avorapo of ever four hundred and slxty-llvo acres to ouch person. Thus there will bo many millions of acres to dispose of in excess of the amount apportioned by the law to the Indians in sovoralty. It is entirely probable that nearly , if not quite , all tboso lands will bo available for settlement within the next two or throe years , as It Is the understood pur pose of the administration to push the severally allotment process as rapidly as it can practically bo done. Success In the Sioux reservation and in Minnesota seta would doubtless expedite the work olsownoro and render it comparatively cosy. These additions to the public domain will unquestionably bo wanted as soon us they can bo made. INTERESTS IN COMMON. There is no doubt that THK OsrAHA. BEE has interests in common with all other papers that expect to pay dollar for dollar for their materials , and meet all ether obligations , as against any paper like the Omaha Republican , which is Incurring enormous liabilities to its subscribers by taking $5 in advance. To bo sure it docs not matter to THE BEE or any ether paper , whether the Republican's subscribers find themselves "chiseled" out of three or four dollars of the amount they have advanced , in case the .Republican in its wild run over the highway of ruin to the receiver , shall collapse. But anyxoiicern ; that carries on a profitless and reckless busi ness demoralizes , to seine extent , the trade in which it is engaged , and to that extent only has Tim BIE an interest in common with ether papers that are con ducted upon business principles. Wo are told by our eminent financiers that wo do notknowanything about the newspaper business , and that the more subscribers a newspaper gets ever a certain number the larger its profits. True , always , providing the paper is sold at a price above the cost of production. But suppose that the Omaha Republican , or any other paper , has collected five dollars from each of five thouband subscribers , ortwonty-fivo thousand dollars in advance , and by so doing incurs a liability to five thousand patrons to deliver the paper by mail three hundred nnd sixty-five days in the year. Then if it should transpire that such a paper could only deliver its papers at that price two hundred and sixtv-fivo days in the year , where does the profit coino from ? What assurance have the dupes of these cheap and fitful issues that the paper will not completely collapse before the expiration of the year ? It is said that a railroad in the hands of a receiver Is the most dangerous of competitors , because it does not pay dividends upon its stock , or interest upon its bonds , and therefore for a time demoralizes the entire railroad traflio. A well managed , first class railroad , like the Pennsylvania or Now York Central , is not affected very much by bankrupt competitors , but still it is concerned sufficiently to bo lu sympathy with those weaker roads that are loss able to stand competition. Tim BKB'S relative position Is very much the same with roteronco to newspaper competi tors in this city , Its business Is estab lished'and no inroads have been , or can bo made by the Itopuolicim , even if it should give away its paper to every body. > _ _ _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tim prospectus of the proposed salt trust contains this significant passage : "And if , as has boon arranged , a portion of the shares should bo taken In Eng land by these having similar interests there , even in the event of a removal of the United Stains import duties on salt , it is not prnbablo that they would desire to Injure this market by making ruin ous prices here , or wo in turn go beyond our natural market ; indeed , an under standing to this effect has already boon arrived at. " In other words , tlio salt trust gives the people ut the country to understand that if the people of America should repeal the duty on salt , with the hope of escaping the exactions of n monoooly at home , the English syndicate weald not 'allow salt to bo shipped to this country due to nn "understanding" with tlio American Bait trust. It would be by this method that the salt trust would circum vent any attempt made by congress to obtain relief by abolishing the salt duty even if laws bo not passed declaring suoh trade com binations illegal , Bo that asit may , there Is still another avenue Jor .relief , and that is through the courts founded on law dating back to the time when the memory of man runneth not , It has boon declared tlmo adit again ; in cases relating to combinations and trusts , tlmt public policy is opposed to monopo lies which work to the Injury of the general publltt y destroying competi tion in trauoH1 For that reason the courts do not op to inqulro ns to the degree of injury Inflicted on the public. It Is that the Inevitable tendency of ttiich combinations Is Injuri ous to the p\liilc \ ) , nnd therefore trusts are unlawful u'd ' must bo suppressed. THE BEKJHWI observed that n newspaper - paper cannot' live unless it ohanrcs more for its'JtAjior than it costs to pro duce it. Tljb'Chlcago papers have , by experience , found this to bo true , and some of them have raised their prices to a paying basis. That'old established paper , the Chicago 2Yni , has just sut- fored a temporary ornburrossniont , owing , probably , as much na anything else , to the low prlco at which It has boon selling of Into. It has found the "give-away" policy a failure. It was sold to dealers in Iowa and Nebraska at ono cent per copy , nnd even loss , during the last campaign. It Is utterly impossible to sustain n business at such rates , and mnko both ends moot. That paper should have boon a property worth a million ot dollars , earning from $100,000 to 8200,000 a .year to the publisher , nnd to-day would hnvo boon in such a condi tion had it boon handled as ably as Story handled it in his palmy days. TiruiiE is something radically wrong with the mall service between this city nnd Yankton , A. letter mailed at that placoon Saturday will not reach Omaha until the following Tuesday. The reg ular time of pnssago between the two cities is ton hours , and even Una should bo reduced to about four by a diroctlino on this side of the river. The sooner the business mon ot Omaha realize the importance of the South Dakota trade and the necessity of close communica tion with the Jim river valley the sooner will they gather into their coffers the hundrodsof thousandsof dollars now sent annually from South Dakota to Chi cago. Under the present railroad fa cilities the tlmo between Omaha and Yank Ion nnd Chicago and Yankton is about the samo. THE value of the lake route in keep ing down transportation rates can best bo appreciated by the shippers of this country. It is estimated in a report made by General Pee to the wnrdopart- mont that the charges for transporting freight on the great lakes for the year ending Juno 30'Avas equivalent to ono and one-half mills per ton for each milo. On the ether hand , the trunk lines have dema'ndod for like service something like i six mills per ton. What the charges would bo were the water competition removed can only be surmised. Inj'all , the freights paid for lake transportation aggregated about eight millionsjpr the year , and there is every prospect > that the volume of trade over the watdr routes will increase from year to year. * As AN inducement to increase the efficiency .andinterest in the railway mail servlconth'e postolfico authorities have dccided 'lo ' , ivo the clerks in service at Omaha an opportunity to compete for gold medals in the distri bution of mail. This is a now departure on the part of the postoflico officials that is likely to lead to good results. An in centive is given to the mon to win pro motion as well as to receive the appro bation of the department , and the serv ice will bo greatly improved , insuring to the public a more careful mail distri bution and delivery. You can run a locomotive on extra high pressure at seventy miles an hour , and run the rislcof "busting" the boiler , followed by a general smash-up. You can boom the circulation of a paper by giving away thousands of copies on trial , and selling them below cost. You can stimulate your cash receipts by playing a confidence game on credulous patrons who are willing to pay for n year in ad vance at half-prico. But such high- pressure financiering is just as sure to end in a wreck as if a banker were to pay ton per cent to depositors und loan at eight per cent. Tlio Secret of His Hucocss. Journal. "Talk about Jay ( Jould's making mono.vl" said Mr. Shornlumb ; "ho never mnuo u cent in his life. Ho waits till other people make it and then gets it away troin them. " TCncouragmi ; Slgni. Jjmttrltte Cmtrici-Journal. If a girl in Alabama really did say , "I should jump up and t.lptoo to cackle , " our northern friends will not despair of the "Now South. " There are some signs of progress that are unmistakable. nobtifnc iu all Direction * . Haltttnore American. Some of tbo trusts are not gottlng along harmoniously. The cause is too much greed. Next to their doslro to rob the public seams to coma their desire to rob ono another. If there could be a reversal of these preferences the public would not object. What Dott't Kdltors Know. ' /.uUrirtlce American. Wo received a 'puuiplot yesterday entitled' , "How to Raise 'Poaltry ' on a Largo Scale. " Wo know all nuaUt It before wo saw the book at all. Wl&t you have to is to do pluco the poultry on tlify iiirgoscalo , press dawn on tlio ether side , utjii jjou ralso your poultry , " - " - ! Ji Fnt ) jt9 Ooninornta. ffeni'uil < 'frUiune. "The HarrisopjUcip" is the nuino which Ims boon givento a now-fashioned cello Which has madd Itrf appearance in the Hud son river countlW. " So the Albany Argus reports. Wo JuUta'from thu that the now cello means business and is warranted to make democrat rf srfairm. ProhibitionUts lor Knvnnuci Only. Itloom ( Mi/Ion LMer. . The prohibition organization will undoubt edly bo maintained by the continued ascen dency In its councils ot tlio men who aocuro their broad and butter through agitation , A few of the elect may bo deceived but the movement shows undisputed signs of weak ness and fli'al dissolution. Monoiinllca Defy the Imw , I'ttMiuro DI | Mic/i ( / , There can be no monopolies in this coun try if the laws are nuuntalnod and supported in their Integrity ; neither can there bo a rule of the rich if tbo popular suffrage is preserved la its purity aud thus made to support the popular rights. I3ut a few such gignntlo facts as the Standard oil trust and tbo detlunco of tbo courts and law by tlifl Rrcftt combinations furnish evidence enough to the effect that such things cun bo in this country bccnuso they nro. suntMim z Now York Mercury : ft raixy sound para doxical , but one's "baro" word Is not always suOlciont to establish even the "nnkod" truth. Drake's Magailnot Foreigner "Who is that solitary Individual whom nobody no > tlcesj" American "He's on ox-prosldont of the United States. " Now Orleans Picayune : Electricity had made but llttlo headway at the time of tha flood. What Noah most nocdca nnd could not got was an nro motor. Terre Him to Express : llojolco , O young man , in the days of thy youth , but remem ber that , big ns ho Is , the whnlo docs not blow much until ho reaches the top. Gloucester Advertiser : A fellow thnt has nctunlly tried soys thnt nlthough there nro three scruples In n dram the inoro drams you tnko the fewer scruples you will havo. JL'uck : "That aotor you introduced mo to , " remarked Olios , "can drink more than any man I over met. " "Ho belongs to the now school , you know , " returned Merritt , "He's n tank nctor. " Judge : Mrs. 'Butts-What n delightful conversationalist Mr. Jabborbox is. It just docs mo good to hear him talk. Miss Minnlo Hnll Yes , Indeed ; but how restful it is to hear the sllonco while he listens to somebody clsol Life : Clerk "There , sir , I call that a. pretty good-fitting pair of trousers. " Pnrmor Stubblclloltl ( from Wnvbaok Junc tion ) "Thoy feel all rlifht in the sent , bub ; but It seems to mo they don't lit very snug under the arms. " Minneapolis Tribune : A crazy Dctroltor is creating n sensation by hugging defense less women on the streets at night. Ho is very bright for nn insane person , how- over. Ho hugs them nt night when it Is too dark to see their faces. Now York Mercury : "Robert , dear , what Is n jag ? " "Ajagi I don't know , Maria. " "Mrs. Jones says thnt her husband told her thathosawyoudown _ town with your Jng on. " "Oh , yes , I see. Ho meant my Eng lish top coat , ft is uomotlmos called a jag. " Chicago Tribune : "I have quite nn inter esting ornithological collection at home , " said n professor to his host. "I would bo glad to have you cnll. Are you interested in birds ? " 'JNotmucli " "Except in larks , " his wife put In , sending a wave ot indigna tion over his face. Life : Cumso I sco that Edifon has in vented a machine by moans of which a per sons face can bo seen miles nway. Mrs. Cumso O , how nlcol You'll get one , George , nnd then when we go to a theater you can see a man on the street without leaving your seat. Puck : Miss Dovecote ( hostess ) Why don't ' you como into the parlor and dance , Mr. OrkwoodJ Mr. Orkwood ( who loves flattery ) Ah , deah mo , you know , Idarnco so beastly , don'tchcrknow , that I'm sure I'd make a fool of mesolf. Miss Dovecote ( re assuringly ) You couldn't do that , I'm sure , Mr. Orkwood. You know It takes n wise man to play the fool. - THE AUTUMN AU ATTRACTIONS. Last Nlglit's Mfotinc or tlio Mer chants' Work Committee. A bettor and more sanguine atmosphere pervaded the hull when the Merchants' Week committee met last night , and the result \vas a live meeting , wherein half-fledged plans were rapidly matured. Mr. Wilcox , of Browning , King & Co. , was called to the chair. Messrs. Flagg , Mardis , Julius Meyer and Jack Prince , of the Coliseum management , and Messrs. Mount and Hungato , from the Fair management , wore present in response to the invitation extended at the last meet ing. ing.Tho The questbn of adjusting the outdoor amusements at the various places nroso early. Mr. Mount suggested that as Tues day would DO Children's day at the fair , and a very big day all round , the merchants' parade might well bo hold on Wednesday. Chairman Wilcox thought it wouldn't bo good policy to crowd two such Important events so close together. Mr. Wukellold suggested Friday for the merchants' parudo ; it would bo a good thing to fill out the week. All the Coliseum man agement would offer in the way of umuso- ment would bo in the evenings , and Thurs day Is always a grdat day at the fair , so per haps after all Friday would bo the best day for he parade. Nothing definite was de cided upon , however. Mr. Qarneau opposed reserving any special events until it was known how much money could bo procured , and , consequently , what would bo the iKituro of the entertainments. On motion of Louis Hoimrod , a committee of three. Jack Prince , Joseph Garnenu and D. T. Mount , was appointed to specify what days should bo given to the parade , the fair , und such other important events as should bo provided. vV. A. L. Gibbon said it might bo a good idea to select ono night during the week for a general round up at ono of the opera bouse , which might cost about $200. For tlio committee on outdoor amusements , Joseph Gurneau reported that a rougti esti mate of the total expense would bo from $3noo to $0,000 , of which his committee would use the greater part. Chairman Hecs , of tlio committee on ad vertising , bad no report to make. Ho didn't know what ho would have to advostiso , nor what form the funds would allow them. to put it in. Mr , Ktorstead , of the committeeon public comfort , said his committee would do all in itn power to make things comtortablo , and wouldn't ' want any money. Mr. Cray stepped in about 0 o'clock , and stood qulntly by the door. "How much must we have for 'this whole tblng , Croyl" asked Garneau. "li wo can't got 10,000 wo had better quit right now. " "I agree with you , " said Mr. Wakcflold , and wltu ono accord $10,000 was agreed upon as about the proper amount to work for , Mr. Helmrod was called upon to report for the committee- decorations. Ho suggested ttio erection of six arches at an aggregate cost of ? 350 , to bo decorated with red , white and blue bunting. A special display of gas lights along thu prominent streets might bo mud a. "I'd ilka to know what kind ot arches you'd put up for (35 or VO , " put in Klorstoad , with a suspicion of contempt in hlf , tone. "Why , do you re member that big uro.tL , that was put up when the G. A. it. mctl That cost 1700 , and it was a mlgnty poor excuse for an arch , too. " "Yes , Indeed , It was. It was a big fraud , " retorted Mr. ( leiinrod , nnd the jolly mer chants laughed nt tlio sally und these that succeeded , "Lot's see , " said Mr , Gibbon , "tho esti mates so far are , for Indoor amusements , $500 ; outdoor amusements , $5,000 ; advertis ing SI.OOO ; decoration , * SOOj total , 57.000. " That wasn't ' siitisfaulory , so Mr. uurncau made tlio following motion : That when the committee adjourns it bo to meet Fri day night , when the chairmen of the respec tive committees must bo ready to present Jlnul estimates of tlio money they will need. Tills motion was carried , but instead of leav ing In a hurry , the coinuiltloa lingered , dis cussing earnestly tlio minuiiuj , dividing the work among tlio various committees where the line of distinction was not clear , and lay ing plans for an active canvass forfunds , the same to bo begun at once , and to bo carried on with the understanding that every public- spirited citizen of means would contribute liberally. A biinrniet was one of the Ideas suupcattid at this discussion , and it came In for very serious consideration. It is tbougbt proba ble that something of the kind will be ar ranged for an evening late In the week. Oklnlioum'H Metropolis. Guthno , with its suburbs , now has 15,000 , inhabitants , six banks , eight newspapers , thirty-seven lumber yards and hundreds of stores. AN OLD OFFICE REVIVED. A Peculiar Omloolon in the Amended Election Law. THE PROBABLE OUTCOME OF IT. Another Poor Unfortunate Tlio De cedent fcaxv BnUl to Ilo Unjust Hupromo Court Records The City Now * . LTOCOI.K nnncATi oi'TnBO uti.U , ) 1029 P Stnoar , I LINCOLN. July 23. I Now mul then nn occasional piece of bung ling legislative work comes to light. Chn | > - tor twenty-two of session laws of 1339 shown that section seven of the compiled statutes , entitled "Elections , " was not only but repealed. It appears Hint the now law provides for the election of state and county onicors nt the stipulated times and enumer ates some of them ns follows : Governor , lieutenant governor , congressmen , state treasurer , auditor ot public accounts , secretary - tary of state , attorney general , commissioner of public lands and buildings , superintendent of public Instruction , one district attorney for each judicial district and members of the legislature. The act la question spoolllcally roultos that these onicors shall bo elected in the year 18SO and every two years there after. It is only necessary , however , to cite the law for the connection in the point sought to bo made. So mo of our state ofllclals and Capital City lawyers content ! that the law re-establishes the ofllco of district attorney and abolishes that of county attorney. Oth ers express the opinion that because section seven of the compiled statutes , amended and repealed , docs not mention the onlco of county attorney that it Is nottnoccss.irlly abolished , as tfiat ofllco wns provided for and instituted during the session of the legislature four yoara ago , and therefore not incorporated In the sect Ion repealed. But this peculiar fea ture Is said to still exist. Tlio new law pro vides for the election of the various stale , county and precinct officers , names them in regular order , and is wholly silent as to the ofllca of county attorney. It is urged that because the act cited , passed at the Into sit ting of Nebraska's lawmakers , distinctly names the odlco of the district attorney and llxes a time for the election of the ofllcor that the ofllco has properly boon re-instated by law. TUB 13ii ; representative failed to got the opinion of any state ofllclal or lawyer as to the intent of the of the legislature in passing chapter twenty-two of the session laws , but the conviction seemed to exist that the Insertion of "district attorney" and omis sion of "county attorney" was an oversight. In any.'ovont it seems that a construction of the now law will bo necessary fiouitho supreme premo court. Another Unfortunate. A very pretty girl , perhaps seventeen years of ago. lies between life and death in a scantily furnished room oa P street. Her condition Is duo to a criminal operation per formed on her by a no-called mlduifo of this city. It Is hardly possible for her to recover , and , deserted by the author of her trouble , among strangers and without any of the comforts so necessary during the hours of travail , the poor girl lies as the hours go by , the past lost , the future terrible. At a Christmas festival last year in the little town of 'NYavorly , la. , this poor iirl ; met a law student , who has since been ad mitted to the bar , and who from that date showed her marked attention. Under prom ise of marriage , shortly afterward , he accomplished his aim. About a mouth ago her condition became apparent , and in desperation she implored her seducer to fulfill his premise , but this ho refused to do , and added insult to injury by insisting that ho was not re sponsible for her condition. This almost broke the poor girl's heart , and she came to Lincoln , where she expected to llnd an old domestic who had worked In her father's family , but in this was disappointed. She then engaged a room and board with the family on P street , whore she endured the tortures of a criminal operation lost night. It appears that her landlady noticed her con dition and advised her to go to a doctor nuil rid herself of her trouble. She visited sev eral physlciaus of the city , who , to their credit be it said , refused to perform the opera tion. Finally , however , she met the mid wife in question , who exacted her watch and a valuable gold ring for her services , leaving her destitute of means to pay her board and attendance , and oven refused to visit her when the hour came , for fear of compro mising herself. The midwife , becoming frightened to-day , loft town over the IJur- lingtoa , but her whereabouts are known , and should the girl die she will have to ac count for ncr handiwork. No persuasion caa induce the suffering girl to give the name of her betrayer , nor her own , but she has envelopes bearing the imuriat of a well- known Wuverly law flrtn , and parties have the matter in haud who propose an investi gation. The Now Ileouilniit Law. The sweeping change in the decedent laws of the state , wrought by the passage of the act recited in chanter forty-seven of the ses sion laws of 1839 , seems to come in for a full measure of criticism. Division twelfth , of section thlrtv , says : "If the estate shall leave no widow nor biudrod , hi * estate shall escheat to the state of Nebraska ; provided , further , that the homestead , if nuv lrft by thu estate shall cleeend us follows : The homestead shall be appraised by the county treasurer and the county clerk and ono freeholder to bo appointed by thu judge of the county court , all to bo residents of the county in which the homestead is sit uated. The Judge oi the comity court shall , within sixty days after ho has boon notified by any person of the death of the deceased and tnat the intestate leaves a nouiestoad , or If the judgu of the county court shall ascer tain said facts from any other source , shall appoint such appraisers and notify the county treasurer and county chirk and the appraiser appointed by tiuid judge of the county court , in writing , to moot oa the day fixed by said judge within thirty days from the notice to meet at his oOlco. The said ap praisers shall then proceed at once to ai > praise the homestead of the deceased at its cost value , which appraisement shall bo made ana returned In writing , under oath , by said appraisers , and shall bo made a part of the records of said court. In case that if any of the said appraiser * shall fall to moot , the court shall appoint ether freeholders in their place , who shall proceed and appraise said homestead under this provision , and any vacancy at any time shall bo Illed in thu name way. The Judge of the county court shall thereupon deduct , from said appraisement the amount of en cumbrance , if any , upon said homestead , and if the residue doon not exceed the sum of $1,000 , said homestead Blmll descend to the widow in absolute title , subject to the ou- uumbranco on the aaino , if any ; in case them Is a roBiduo after doductlug thu amount of of encumbrance , It any , and the 11,000 , it shall descend as provided la this act. " The citation is made to show that the homestead of intestates must bo sola under any and every circumstance , and the faut nrovokos unlimited criticism hero , although Its purchase price , after the payment of all debts or Incnuibrances , descends to the di rect belra. It appears that the mother , with four or live minor children , if such cases bo found , will hava to give up her homo for whatever residue may come to her through a forced ualo. " 1 regard the decedent law as passed by the late legislature , " said ono of tno etato ofllcium to TUB UKE representative to-day , "as the weakest and most unjust law that over found a place on our statute books. Its provisions should bo un derstood and comprehended by every parent In the stuU * . To bo emphatic , no parent ought to neglect making u will , It inluht prevent ondleis heartaches and break ing up what would prove to bo happy aou proipt'rous homes. I want to say , also , that husband and wife must bo of one mind when it comes to wlll-inuKing , or , according to the now law , the will would not bo of any ac count. The coiment of the wife is necessary whoa it comes to disposing of property by testament , and the nauio tmutr la true oa the other haud. Biiproino Court Mows , The following causes were filed for trial in the supreme court to-day ; L. F. Grimes ot al r * Claroilco If , Cham berlain ot nl. Error from the district conrl ot Johnson county. Salllo A. Ward v Mietmol Wation ot al Appeal from the district court of Lancastot county. Jnmoi D. Hnssoll ot al vs William Or lines , shoriiTsf Johnson county. Krror from thi district court of JoiD ? on county. John W. Marshall ot al vflMlllon II. Goblo , Krror from the district court of Douglai county , City Nown nnd Noted. Some of the momborn of the boiml ot public lands and buildings wcntto Omaha to-day t inspect the lire escapes and ether Improve ments just completed on the deaf and dumb Institute building. Fred Ucnzlngor , of the Capital Oity Courier , and W. Morton Smith , of the Omaha Uopubltcan , loft to-day for Spirit lake , la. , to Attend the regatta thnt com mences there to-morrow. The work on the boiler house and smoke stack of the capital building Is progressing rapldlv , It will bo completed an an early tlnto in September , and will add to rather than detract from the anpcaranca of the Btato house grounds. A AVnrnlni ; to W'orklnjrnioh , Ciuwroni ) , Dawo Co. , Nob. . July 10,18S9. To the Kdltor of Tnre Uns. I bog leave through your luvatuablo nnd widely circu lated journal to warn the workmgmon of Omaha who are being fooled with false promises as to wages on the B. & M. from Whitman , northwest to Sundance. The most open , barefaced and shameful robbery of worklngmen in being perpetrated on this ploco of road daily. The men are Induced to leave Omaha to work at $1.75 per day , bourd * t per week , but when they arrive at the scone of their labors they are told that they will receive only 81.50 per day if they nro not retained for a full month. The board it very bad. I hardly bollovo an ounce of moat Is used on the road but what is condemned. A charge of $3 is deducted from pay as faro from Alliance to certain working points , whether the. mon walk the distance or not. oa the principle that there nro moans for them to ride and they must pay the toll , even if the moans is not used , The blankets fur- nlshua are very poor , and harbor bedbugs as largo as booties ; the mon nro charged rent for thorn the blankets , not the bedbugs. The bearding camps nro about all the same , with the exception of Hill's ' nnd Arkansaw John's. Those gentlemen pay all they agree , but. the others are open , daylight robbers. The robbers hire men at $ l.T5porday , nnd taftcr bo lias worked a low days ho discovers thnt ho will only bo paid at.tiio rate of SI.50 if ho fails to work a full mouth , "Mule-skinners" nro promised ? 2T per month , but if they do not remain a month they nro paid at the rate of $20 per month and are charged 10 per cent for cashing their chocks. All the workmen are charged 10 per cent discount on top of the 2 , " > cents shrinkage if they fall to work a month and ask for their tlmo. I saw several flno workmen at headquarters - quarters this morning , ono of whom had a cash order for his pay , but was discounted 1U per cent. They complained bitterly of bad treatment , poor grub nnd long hours. With all this , teamsters get but $ J per day and laborers ? l.r > 0 , and have to stand n dlo- count of 10 per cent. On those grounds I warn the worklngmon of Omaha to stay where they are and not venture out here la search of work , or they will bo sorry. 1) . ( J. A Now Mail Schedule. Parties to whom schedules of. arrival and closing of malls have been sent will remember that copy was Hied In the government printing olllco May 21 , and that connections must bo made as follows : Lincoln tn Alliance , express pouch , 7,10 : a. m. ; all 13. & M. trains marked on schedule duo at 10:30 a. m. , now due at 10:05 : a. ui. ; Chadron to Casper , duo at 4:00 : p. m. ; Omaha to Hast ings and Superior , duo at 10:10 p. m. ; North western , Hock Island and Milwaukee , duo at 7:35 : p. m. , instead of 3:00 : p. in. PAUL VANDRIIVOOKT , Superintendent of Malls. Tlio J/ouii-llornoil ncotlo. State Entomologist Lint nor of Now York , has c coiveu from Howe's Cave a specimen of beetle which hns riddled a painted kitchen lloor in that place , says thn Now York Times. The holes are about n quarter of an inch in diameter. The beetle is about an inch long , gray , with black velvety dashes on its wings , and the males have horns. Prof. Lint- nor finds Unit the depredator is the long-horned pine borer ( Monoluunus confusor ) . Its larva , or grub , in the ono that causes the injurious and unsightly burrows so often soon in pine lumber. In this instance the grubs must have boon in the pine logs before they were sawed Into Mooring. From some un known reason the grubs occasionally remain in a dormant or unchanged con dition for a long time. In the museum of Peabody academy of science at Salem , Mass. , one of those booties is preserved which had oaten its way outof the wood of a pine bureau which was made fifteen years boforo. As allowing a greater Im prisonment of booties in furniture it is traditionally said that in 1780 a BOU of General Israel Putnam , residing in Williamstown , Mass. , had a table made from ono of his apple trees. Out of this table twenty years afterward , a long-horned beetle gnawed his way , and a second ono burrowed his way out twenty-eight yoara after the tree was out down. Hleopy PontiHylvanln Vlllnjron. A Huntington panor Hays : There nro villages in tills county of 200 and 'Ml ) inhabitants where it would bo impos sible to llnd a boul astir on Sunday after noon. It is a universal custom to "nap. " BEST" iNjr | WORLD , Further Great Cures of Skin Discuses by the CnUcnni Itcmcillcs. I Joy nnn year nncl a half old. Fnco and limly In a torrllilo Condition , being covornd with sore * . Biilptmr SprliiRn Tall , Cured by Ciiilcnra Kemodior ) . I have used your Cimctnu Hr.vimir.s lu two rates whertt It proved to bo micooss/ul. Tun lirnt nraiiu the ciuu of a boy a year and iv half old. HlH face and body ware lu H urrlulooou- dltlon , thu forinir buiiiff comuJfiMly covuicil with soros. 1 tout him tu tlm MOSSMIIH Sulphur Hprlngu , but ha did not improvb any. 1 vrux tlion mlvKedto try the I'IJTICIIIM JIWKI > IKS. which i did. Ho took one nnd hnlf bottlol of CirriciiiiA ItK or.vKNT , whan hln ekln wua nn ( smooth an cuuld bo , and la to-day , J used thu CUTiciniA on lila Mores uad tlio Curioim.t lu washing Mm. Ilo 1st now Jlvo yearn of and all right. Tliu ether cnso wii.i a ( lUoa thu HCBlp , vrnlch wns cm oil by wanning wltli the UimcuiiA HoAi' and rubbing In tngCUTl- fliiiu , ono bottle ( it CUTicmiA Jtmdr/VHNr Delns ? iiMod , Tht ' havu proviid iuccui fjilln | every ( ftto where 1 have advised the usu of ilium. It IB HUrprlulni ; how rupldly a child will Improve under their truiumout. 1 rccoiijinnml ilium for any dlAeiRi : > of the skin AS liclnu thu best In thu or 111. Till * la my experience , und 1 am reudjr to Htuud by my Htuteuiunt. JOHN It. IIHUO. American HOUHO , lloyunsburKli , N. Y. An Unbfuriihlr. kln DIHOUBO Cured. I hare boon udllctod ulnce lust March wltlni Hlcln disease thn doctors ciillod eczoma. My f 0' ' vras covered with acubs und H'jrex , und the Itch- lug ami ImrnliiK wore unbniirnlile. Bee- IIIK your UIITIUUHA ItKMKUiKS so highly r com > inouded , concluded to Klvo thiini u trial. nsliiK thn CIITIUUIIA and OUTICIJIIA SoAi-oxterrmlly. and JUani/VKNf Jnturnnlly for four month * . I call myself cured , in guitltudo for which I make thin public vtatoinunt. MHS.CrjAUA A. I'HKDRIUCK , 11 run (1 llrook , Conn. Ontlaiirn Itnmcdfoa Cure every upcrlci of toiturlim , humiliating , luhlnu' , bur Ing , scaly , und pimply Ul oa8o of the Akin , octtlp , mid blood , with loss of hitlr , and nil humum , blotches , itruptlotia , acres , Bculon nnd cruata , wliothor almple. Bcrotuloii' , or cuutaglouu , whun physicians uud all known remedies fall. Bold everywhere. I'rlre , CUTICUIIA. 60c : BOAT. Z5e ; HKSOI.VKNT , II. Prepared by the POTTKII DlllIO AND ClIKUIOAl , COIII'OUATION. llOltOU. rrBu < ii\ \ for "How to Cure Hkln Dlueaxes , " 01 pages , CO Illustrations and 100 testimonial * . I a Hkln and Bculp preserved und lieanU- ' lied liyC'utlcuruHoap , Absolutely joiro PAINS AN"D WEAKN"ESS" 1 Of female * Instantly relieved by that ti ne.v , rlouant , und intulllble Anlldotu to i I'aln , Inllniiiinntloii und Woaknob-i , HID CUTICUIIA ANn-l'ilK l'AbTKit. Hud only lujiUnumtouv plattrr ,