Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1889, Image 1

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A. Splendid Obanco For Dead Boats
In the Now Stato.
NMiirnl Oiitcotno nn Inuiionso
Number of ChiUtcl MortenucB nt
a Very RlRh Unto of
„ -
, FAU.S , S. D. , July 23. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bui : . ] To-day's session of
the South Dakota constitutional convention
was well attended and good progress wa *
made. Ten reports were ndoptcd and added
to the finished work. Among those wns the
nrtlclo on exemptions , which Is as follows :
The right of the debtor to enjoy the comforts
und necessaries of life shall bo recognized by
Wholcsomo laws ; exempting from forced
ala a homestead , the value of which shall bo
limited' ' and defined by law , to all heads of
families , nnd n reasonable amount of per
sonal property , the kind nnd value of which
is to bo fixed by genornl laws ; the legisla
ture , therefore , will determine the limitation
of exemptions.
Under the present law Dakota Is the best
Blaco In the Union for the debtor who does
not core to pay his debts. The law exempts
n homestead without limit as to value and
$1,600 worth or personal property. For sev
eral years tba loglslatlvo assembly has vainly
tried to rcduco their assessment and miilco
possible the collection of debts. The consti
tution simply provides that a homestead
shall bo limited in valuo. The effect of so
liberal nn exemption is nn immense number
of chattel mortgages at a high rate of in
The federal uuproiiriutton will doubt
less curry the convention through until
the last of next week. Twenty-six hundred
dollars has been reserved for printing , nnd
tbo mileage account will bo llttlo short of
fl > ,000. The Individual mlloago varies from
$231 to nothing , the fatted picking of course
colng to the Black Hills members. This will
leave about f 12r > 00 , whicti will carry the con
vention for about thirty du.vs , or until
AURU-U J ) . As the Bismarck committee will
bo back at least by thut tlmo , the delegates
will not need to bo very long without their
per diem.
An Attempt to Defer Acllon.
Sioux FAI.I s , S. D. , July 23. Au attempl
was made to defer action on the report ol
tbo committee on judiciary until Thursday ,
possibly with the purpose of tiring out the
delegations that have como from tbo dissat-
Juflcd districts to lobby for the defeat of the
majority report , and tlio now deal iu the ar
rangcmont of the judicial districts. The re
port was finally made a special order for to
morrow , nt which tiuio Its udopt'.on will bo
hotly contested and un attempt uiudo to sub
atltuto the minority report. The feeling is
general that the arrangement of the districts
is excellent , and the report of the committee
Will probably bo adopted.
A notable feature of to-day's proceedings
was the presentation of u commuulcntior
from the American Sabbath Union , signet
by Elliott i'1. Sllcpard , Major General How
ard , J. H. ICno\vles und Wilbur F. Crafts ,
Hiking the convention to Insert in the con
stitution a provision protecting and uiicour-
nglng Sabbath observance. Ti.e communi
cation was referred to u special committee of
live , including three clerical delegates. The
committee on legislative appointments
reached an agreement to-day on
senatorial apportionment , by which the
number of districts Is fixed at
forty-ono und the senators forty-five , the
latter being the limit provided in the consti
tution. The arrangement is practically in
nccord with the upportlontmont agreed upon
some tlmo ago , bolng a senator for every
1,800 voters or u major fraction thereof. ' 1 ho
report of the committee was not unanimous ,
standing 18 to 0. Tin minority object that
the number of senators Is too great for thu
present population , nnd that the counties
having a Voting population of 2,000 and over ,
gel but ono senator , whllo the other counties
having 1,100 or 1,200 votcis are equally rep
Sioux FAU.S , S. D. , July 23. f Special Tele-
fjrnm to Tun BUB.J Tbo assessment of per-
otial and real property of Sioux Falls has
Just been completed. The total is $0,011,000. ,
Last year it was lens than $1,1X10,000 , und In
18S4 the assessment wns $1,057,000. This
year's increase in property Is about flo per
cent , wlillo the now names m the city dlreo
tory Indicates nn Increase In population of 40
per cent.
A Fnrmcra' Alliance
Sioux FALLS , S. D. , July 83. [ Special Tel
I egram to TUB BEB. | An important Farm
ers' alliance mooting was held ut Hartford ,
with Mr. Loucks , prcsldont of the territorial
alliance , In attendance. Resolutions were
passed urging the constitutional convention
to udopt the Australian ballot system , which
wui rejected in committee last week ,
The Ono Housn lilcu Defeated ,
BIPMMICIC , Dak. , July S3. Prohibition pe
titions are beginning to pour In and it is
evident the hone of having prohibition em-
DOdled fn the convention still burns. Pres
ident Fanchor , of the constitution , received
a telegram from Elliott F. Shepard , presi
dent of Jbo American Sabbath union , urging
a provision In the constitution protecting
nnd encouraging Sabbath observance.
The complete constitution Introduced by
Williams cauio up for" reference to-day , but
was postponed until to-morrow ,
The proposition to vest the legis
lative power In a siiilo ; body was
again -discussed In committee of tbo
whole , and furnished a field day
.for the orator * . The proposition was 'de
feated and the convention will now make up- '
portlonmonts for two houses. The remain
der of the afternoon was passed in dls-
'cusslug the article ou county and.- township
organization. The greatest controversy was
on the quo llon of locating county seats ,
Olympic's CoiivontjOM.
OLYHIMA , W. T. , July 23. Terry wants to
bo the tlrst governor , und undoubtedly will ,
as ho has no rival for the republican nomi
nation , but it was thought whou the legisla
ture mot ho might bo elected to the senate ,
if the warring factions could agrco on no ono
else. The committee on the executive und pur-
, < Joning power reported this morning among
other things a proviso that the governor
hall bo ineligible for the oDlco of senator.
This , If it passes , greatly strengthens the
chances of ex-Governor Wilson's nuccces ,
mid his election to the semite U now almost
certain , The other provisions of the article
on the executive power ere the creating of
the ofllces of governor , lieutenant governor ,
secretary of state , auditor , treasurer und
commissioner of public lands. The
governor uad lieutenant governor hold ofllco
for four years. The others two years.
The returns of the election for the governor
ind lieutenant governor are opened bcforo u
joint session of tbo legislature. If two
candidates have the sumo vota ttio legisla
ture elects , The governor must send an
innual uioisaeu , hf.a the veto | wnvor , and cr. : :
1111 all oftlces not elective. Ho can veto any
Item'of a bill without killing the whole bill.
The governor and lieutenant governor must
bo thirty-live years of ago and must Imvo ro-
idfd live years In the state. Tlio other of-
llcora must have resided hero two years. The
rciiprt wus read and ordered printed.
Delegate Bullivau wanted the convention
to Invite II. II. HUukwcll , etcrctury of the
Woman' * Sutfrugo Autociutlou of America ,
to ftddrvs * it , butu number of ucuibor * ob
jected to anybody being Invited to address It
for nny such purpose. It was llnally agreed
that lilackwoll or any other person desiring
to address the convention can hire n hall nnd tlio convention , but no formal notlco
will bo taken by the convention as a body of
such person or persons.
The lny nt llolcnn.
IIr.Lr.ju , Mont. , July 28. In convention
to-day the chairman of the committee on mlt >
cellanious subjects reported back the propo
sition relating to Rambling , stating that It
wns a question for legislative notion. The
resolution relating to free passes was also reported -
ported , nnd a substltuto will bo Introduced
later. The labor question came un npaln ,
and the section relating to convict labor was
dlftcusscd nt length and llnally rejected.
The afternoon session was devoted to the
further discussion of the preamble. Several
members opposed the bringing of God or ro-
llgion Into the constitution , and the preamble
was llnally adopted as previously reported.
No Sectarian IlookR Allowed.
I30IRE CmIda. . , July 23. The citizens of
Washington county presented n petition to
the convention to-day ngalnst
the monopoly or Irrigation canal. The pro
position , to admit tbo bible Into the public
schools provoKed n hot discussion , but was
disposed of by nil amendment forbidding nuy
religious or sectarian books or papers In the
schools. The HChool lands nro to bo sold ut
auction for net less than $10 per acre.
Bishop McQuald Tells .of His Visit to
Hl Holiness.
NEW YOIIK , July 23. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Uiu : . ] Dishop McQuald , of the diocese
cese of Rochester , who has been > in Rome
for several months , returned homo yesterday
on the steamer La Mormaudlc. The bishop
declared that the reports of the pope's ill-
health were In the main gross exaggerations
una promulgated for various reasons. Ho
bad Had numerous Interviews with his holi
ness nnd hud oven seen him the day previous
to hh departure for this country. Ho was
then in excellent health , and buoyant spli its
and seemed to curry his great age of four
score years as lightly as many men carried
half that number. Other reports which have
been published of late that the pope was pre
paring to leave Koine and hud nlrendy made
arrangements to purunasu a scat in Spain
were , ho thought , Groundless , as the clergy
of Rome knov nothing of such u plan. Uc-
gardlng Cardinal Giobons1 chuncesof becom
ing pope , which have been talked of and
written of recently , the bishop said that
thev amounted to practically nothing. "In
fact1 said the good nuturcd bishop , with n
broud smllo upon hi * lips , "tho latest report
which I heard before I loft Rome was thut u
certain member of the Now York press waste
to bo the chosen successor of Pope Leo. I
only say that , " he added , breaking into n
laugh , "to provo what llttlo truth there can
bo In such rumors. Naturally the fact of
his being an American does not bar him
from succession to the poncttlcal chair , but
the cardinals of the pupal collcuo rccocnlzo
the fact that owing to tlut present state of
affairs and the peculiar political combinations
nnd complications in Ituly , an Italian pope is
un absolute necessity.
Franco Offered the Pope Kpfugc.
LONDOX , July 23. The Standard's corre
spondent nt Rome says : "I am authorized to
BtiUu that the principal reason for convening
the recent secret consistory was the fact that
the French government hud advised the
pope to quit Hume und hud offered him an
asylum In .Franco. The pope told the curdl-
nul that ho had refused the odor because ho
would not cnusb Franco to declare war
ncnttist Italy for his sake , ho being personally
well disposed towards Italy.
The Marriage ol Gnoreo Foster to
Clilshoim's Divorced Wife.
OTTAWA , Ont. , July 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEM.J It is reported that
George Foster , minister of linnnco , who re
cently married the divorced wlfo nf D. U.
Chlsbolm ut Chicago , will sue several load-
leading journals In C < inada who have im
pugned the validity of his raarriao and
grossly libeled both himself and Mrs. Foster ,
The marriage has been declared valid by the
highest legal authorities In the Dominion , In
cluding the judges of the highest courts
and ofllcors of the highest judicial tribunal.
Foster was too snrowd u mun. knowing that
a question might be raised , not to consult
the minister of justice , his collnaguo , among
others , before taKlnij the step ho did. A
prominent politician sold to-day It wus mon
strous to contend a marriage which was leg
ally contracted In the United States wus not
to bo recognized in Canada. There has not
been an instance In which such a murrlugo
has been declared illegal in Canada.
llcturii ofu Wichita Citizen \Vlio Was
HupuoHcd to he Dead.
WICHITA , Kan. , July 23. E. L. Brown , a
well known business man of this city , dlsap
pcnred last January. His hat , covered will
blood nnd a blood-stained coupling pin , fnum
near his house , led to tbo suspicion tha
ho had been murdered. To-daj
ho returned homo Insane and having
the nppcarunco of u trump. A largo scar 01
his head lends to tbo belief that his murder
was attempted but failed , and since then I
Is supposed that ho bus been kept concealed
by his would-bo murderers until to-day
when ho escaped and found his way home
Ho can give no account of himself.
Tlio Pic Iron Output.
PHILADELPHIA , July 23.Tho statistics
furnished by the American Iron nnd Steel
association show that the production of pig
Iron in tbo United States for ttio first six
months of 18S9 was larger than in nny pre
ceding six mouths loathe history of the
American Iron tru do. Tno stocks of unsolc
pig Iron on the IWth of June last were much
larger tbuu at the close of uny preceding
annual period for u number of years. The
total production of pig iron for the tlrst six
months of ISM ) was 417,09'J tons of 20,000
pounds , or 0,007,707 gross tons of 2,24 (
pounds. The Increased production was
wholly in those kinds which are used for
general foundry und mill purposes.
Tuoru was u decrease In the production ol
BesHomor pig Iron. The number of fur
naccs In blast on tbo 80th of Juno was 2SS
out of blast 293 , total f > 31.
Killed by the Cars.
PiTTsnuno , July 23 , Miss Oppenheimor
a Hebrew society belle of Allegheny , am
daughter of ono of the most prO . : seit ! rner
chants In that city , was killed ut Harmony
this morning. Miss Oppcnhoimcr mid four
other ladles were riding In u wagon. The
train came along , und the horse becoming
frightened backed them over the embank
ment. Miss O | uenlioinier wus thrown ou
of the wagon between two cars and iu
stuntly killed , Two of liar companions were
seriously injured , The others escaped
Wnriiar'H Advloc ,
TOPKKV , ICun , , July S3. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK OKI : , ] Department Commander
liooth , of tlio U , A. 11. , Issued a circular
letter to-duy recommending thut "tho com
rades of Kansas forego the pleasura of at
tending the national reunions until a fair
linU equitable rate Is inudo by the railroads ,
und r.- ; low as tliut accorded to uny other or
Hrgnrdod us a ua ft.
PITTSIIUBO , July 2U. Tlio idea that Englir.t.
capitalists will buy up and control the stce
industry of the United StaU'8 , us publishci
this morning , has created considerable peed
natured fun among some of tlio tnunufactur
crs hero , who ridicule the Idea.
Editor Woor , of the Times , Acousod
of Dishonest Methods.
s _
Itumora nnd Inslnuntlonn Flying
About llnrd to Dollovo Sup
posed Discoveries otn Lead-
The "Whole Story Denied.
CHICAGO , July 23. [ Spoclal Tolcgratu to
Tim UKK. ] It is predicted that the caption ,
"By James J. West , " which has been at the
head of the editorial columns of the Times for
some months past , Is destined soon to take n
plunge Into obscurity. It was told yesterday
how Mr. West hail confessed judgment on a
note for (1UU70 hold by the Commercial Na
tional bank , nnd rumor says that it xvas only
tbo beginning of n move to oust Mr. West
from the control of the 'rimes. The trouble
began ubout the 1st of July , when Mr. West
went away on a vacation and Mr. Huiskamp ,
of Kcokuk , la. , onoof the principal owners
of the paper , came on to look over the busi
ness. Mr. Hulskiimp found some things that
didn't suit him and made au Investigation.
The Investigation proceeded and was a most
fruitful ono. Said ono of the Investigators
to a reporter :
"Tho mismanagement Is of the most glar
ing nature. The hideous head of blackmail
was frequently disclosed. The details can
not at present bo disclosed. They will , how
ever , come out later. Wo have found that
Mr. West has been obtaining largo sums of
money ns an Individual , giving the notes of
the Times company as security. Further , It
looks as If ho had sold the Times building for
300,000 und pocketed the proceeds. What ho
has done \vitti the money no ono knows. It
was thought ho might have speculated exten
sively , but there Is nothing to show that ho
did. Ono thing wo do know , ho lived ex
ceedingly high. His manner of raising
the money to supply domestic tastes
and needs Is interesting. Ho started
in by borrowing about 533,000 from
George M. IBoguo , giving security.
Ho then borrowed about 523,000 from Lyman
J. Gage , of tbo First National bank , to
whom ho gave a second mortgage. He then ,
It Is claimed , induced Mr. Gage , as a per
sonal favor , not to put the second mortgage
on record. West gave as a reason for the
request a desire to keep his credit Intuct.
Ho then , it is said , borrowed a similar
amount from John II. Irwln , of Keokuk , n
big stockholder of tbo paper , giving him a
third mortgage , but intimating that It wus _ u
second Itch. That also for a time kept off
the records. When it is known that Irwin
is tbo ono who bus befriended West from the
beginning and to whom ho owes bis position ,
the dishonor of the borrower is rendered
very conspicuous. "
"How did Mr. West get control of the
Times I"
"Tho same way ho got control of the Mail
Infinite assurance , immense daring and
suuvo address. By those qualities ho got
Into the Mall management and tticn an
nounced himself ready to assume all the ob-
llgatious of the paper. Well , ho assumed
them , but that's all the good it did the cred
itors. The Mail wus a trifle small for his
restless ambition , and his eye lit on tbo
broad field offered by the Times. His ussur-
ance , daring and address enabled him to
form the syndicate and to impress upon
the members his ability to ussuuio obliga
tions , and ns ho professed to have $180,030 In
available securities his tnlk was swallowed.
In reality ho didn't ' have 180,000 cents. His
first move after getting possession was to
displace Storey's uutno from the head of
the editorial column and put his own
there instead. Ho had no more right
than I buvo to do 1 % but ho did it without
consulting anyone. After the substitution
was made , however , more harm than good
would have followed its displacement , so it
was allowed to remain. This prominence
gave him great influence , nnd financial man ,
naturally believing him to bo the main owner
of the paper , listened to him with favorable
cars. The stock ho owned was represented
by the Mull , which he turned over to the
Times company. Some months after ob
taining control he fell out with Snowden
nnd fired him. With bis massive confidence
ho announced himself editor in ctiief of the
paper , notwithstanding ho know nothing of
editorial management and couldn't write a
paragraph to save hlmsolf. fn February last
he took the managing editorship from Joseph
Uunlup , nn old newspaper man. Dunlup re
mained on the editorial stuff , but had noth
ing more to do with directing the paper. By
taking the managing editorship West , was
more able to carry on his peculiar financial
methods. Ho borrowed sums from many
persons , among them Mr. Odcll , of the Union
National bank , and in January got $1,000
from Mr. Dunlup , to whom ho gave bis own
check payable the next day , una Mr. Duulnp
has the check yet. The investigation also
unearthed the fact that West had , without
authority , Increased the stock of the Times
company nnd Bold it , an ofTenso , by the way ,
punishable by a term in the penitentiary.
"Two weeks ago Martin J. Russell , chief
editorial writer , became disgusted by the
fuels unearthed by the Investigation and re
signed. Yesterday Mr. Uunlap resigned.
In a few days Mr. West will resign , but for
different reasons. Ho holds on uy a tech
nical point , but bis grip will very shortly bo
loosened , Mr. Frank Weigley , the indorser
of West's note , said that his professional
connection with West would not permit him
to sneak of the muddle In detail ;
"I will toll you , however , " ho said , "that
though at ono tlmo I wus Mr. West'n at
torney , I have now withdrawn from hf ! In
dividual service , but I am still a director of
the Times and the attorney for the paper.
The company Is perfectly solvent , Is strongly
backed , and will in a few days be sailing
along all right. In the meantime , you must
understand I have nothing to do with Mr.
West personally. "
Duonno , the city editor of the Times and
West's right hand man. declares the whole
story regarding the retirement of West to bo
a ho.
"How about the presence In this city of
Messrs. Huiskamp and Irwlul" ho was
"Some tlmo ago Mr. West found himself
unable to run the business und editorial de
partments , BO bo Induced Mr , H. J , Huis
kamp to become business manager , Mr.
HulskauiD and Mr. Irwln are both men of
largo means and leisure and frequently came
to Clucaeo for pleasure. Their being here
now Is not ut all significant. The paper is
making money and is all right , BO is Mr.
West. "
Uxcltcnicnt In Oklahoma Over the Ro
contbnnd Ofllco Decision.
KANSAS Car , Mo. , July S3. A special from
Guthrle , Oklahoma , says the decision of the
land ofllco ousting "sooners , " as tlioso who
entered Oklahoma before noon , April 22 , are
called , is causing excitement throughout
Oklahoma as fust as the news spreads. Two
bundrod men wcro In line yesterday morn
lug , waiting for the laud ofllco to open , a
largo majority waiting to Ilia on claims al
ready entered by mon supposed to have been
In the territory before noon of April 22 , und
which the dccisicn declares are not entitled
to hold claims. It Is thought' by many that
in equity the same ruling must apply to town
lots , when six hundred or seven hundred
persons in CTuthrio ulono will bo affected.
A Sop to the Irish.
LONDON , July 33. The comuiuns to-night ,
by veto of 230 to 70 , iigrc-cu to grant the lump
sum of 600,000. or , as an alternative , 20- ,
000 annually , to build railways in Ireland.
Another Trunk IilnofFrom Chicago to
tha Hoixboard'Sootircd.
Nnw YOUR , July 23.--A. ! railroad deal wns
completed yesterday by xvhtch Drexel , Mor
gan & Co. bought of C. P. Huntlugton 100,000
shares of common clock of the Chesapeake &
Ohio railroad for two and a
Quarter million „ dollar * . This firm
has been buying blocks of this
stock quietly and It is understood they now
control the properly. This , it Is said , Is the
end of n glgantla deal In the interest of the
Vnndcrbllti. which gives thorn nnotuor
trunk line from Chicago to tbo seaboard nt
Newport News , shorter than nny of the
otlior lines. The beginning of the deal was
said to ba the consolidation of the Cleveland ,
Columbus , Cincinnati ft Indianapolis or
"Bco Line , " with the Cincinnati , Indianapo
lis , St. Louis & Chicago or the < l13lg Four , "
making n thorough trunk line with tuo
Chcsupcako & Ohio.
An liilcrostlnir Hult Decided.
CIIICACIO , July S3. A decision was ren
dered to-day by Judge Qroshaui in the suit of
Perry Bros , against the Wnbash road. Ono
of the firm , a couple'ot years ago , checked
his sample case In Springfield , nnd while on
the train a wreck occurred , In which the
trunk nnd contents were burned. Perry
sued the Wabush for $7,010 , the vnluo of the
Jewelry destroyed. The receiver sets up In
defense that when the trunk was received
for shipment n now rule had gone Into effect
forbidding the carriage of sample trunks us
personal baggage ana requiring tnolr trans
portation as freight. Judge Gresham do-
cldcs against the railway company , holding
that the act of the station agent In accepting-
the sample trunk for shipment as personal
baggage , bound the company , and judgment
was given P.erry Bros.
Aloro Rate Ciittlnsr.
CHICAGO , July 2 ? . The Fort Worth nnd
Denver road , which recently withdrew from
the Inter-state Commerce Railway associa
tion , has already begun to cut rates. It an
nounces n reduction of 2 to 12 cents per hun
dred on different classes of freight between
tbo Atlantic seaboard and Colorado , via Oul-
vcstou , whore it connects with a stunner
Hue. The Trans-Missouri roads have auplled
for permission to meet the cut. The action
of tlio Fort Worth and Denver road ca.'sos
considerable surprise , as it was understood to
have no such object In view when It with
drew from the president's agreement , and
President Adams , of. tbo Union Pacific ,
vouched for its good behavior.
ThoIjarnmlr , North Pnrk and l nclflc.
LAUAMIE , Wyo. , July. 23. [ Special Tele-
grnm to THIS BEE. ! The following were
elected directors of the Lnramie , North Park
und Pacific Railroad company at the annual
meeting held hero to-day : Charles Francis
Adams , F. Gordon Ddktcr , Edward F. At
kins , Frederick L. Amos , Oliver W. Mink
and James O , Harris , of Boston ; Edward
Dickinson , Tnomas L.ilCunball and William
H. Holcomb , of Omabu. The compnnv docs
not contemplate any action beyond continu
ing to maintain the biggest side track in Wy
oming. The meeting was held for the pur
pose of keeping up tbo company's ' organiza
Trunk Lines Vinljitine the l/aw.
WASUISOTON , July 23. The Inter-State
Commerce commission to-dny decided that
the practice of the trunk lines In accepting
smaller sums for hauling igrain for export
between interior nndjenboard points than
the regular local ratebetween the same
points is in violation oMaw. This decision
Is founded on the complaint of the Now York
produce cxchaog'o tagatnst the Now York
Central road. Tlio decision says : "The
only practical tnodo.yet devised .for making
through export rates , is to add to the estab
lished inland rates from the interior to the
seaboard , the current ocean rates.
\VhntWnll Street Thinks.
NEW YOIIK , July 23. The announcement
made to-day that C..P. Huntiugton had re
cently sold 100,000 shares of Chesapeake &
Ohio common stock Created no surprise and
little comment on Wallstreet , for It was
generally understood ho hud arranged for
the sale of all his railroad property cast of
the Mississippi and would devote himself to
the management of his roads west of that
stream. The sale of Block makes no change
in tbo control , as under the re-organization
plan tbo voting power is vested in tlio bands
of the trustees until 1691. Huntington con
firms the above statement.
The Southern t'nclflc Stubborn.
CHICAGO , July 23 , At a meeting of the
Transcontinental association James Smith
was elected permanent chairman. The
Southern Pacific's notlco of withdrawal wus
considered and TraQlo Manager Stubbs
stated the notlco would only bo recalled on
condition that the Canadian Pacific's differ
entials on Pacific coast business bo consid
erably modified. The matter was referred
to tbo executive committee.
Ho Refuses to Glvo Information About
Laud tieaciio Funds.
LONDON , July 23-rParnoll to-day again
appeared before the special committee ap
pointed to examine the Times' charges
against the Purnelllto members of the house
of commons. Ho denied that any letters
which had passed between himself and Mr ,
Harris had been withheld from tbo court.
The letters had all been scat to Soamrs , so
licitor for the Times. Attorney-General
Webster intimated it was bis intention to
call every witness necessary to trace the miss
ing books of the land teaguo. Continuing his
testimony , Parnoll'said ho instructed Lewis ,
of counsel for the Purncllitcs , to subpoena
Mrs. Maloncy , treasurer of the ladles'
league , to produce tbo books of ttio laud
league In her possession. Ho could not sny
what amount of league money Egau und the
other trustees Invested in his no. mo in
France. It might huvo been 100,000 , 50,000
or 15,000.
Attorney General Webster But you , a
man of business , surclj'.know.
Parnell I am. notiu man of business. I
never was. In October , 1882 , Egan sent mo
tbo accounts of tha relief fund , showing ex
penditures of iMO.'OOU and a balance of -
00. i
Purnoll stated that ha Jtuid not taken any
steps to discover documents relating to the
ladles land league , nor VrauW no , Egan sent
from America through liabouchoro , valuable
clues iu connection TYit > the I'lgqott forger
Justice Hnnncn aslcid : "Would you In
struct Monroe &Co.l tbe Purls bunkers , to
produce the account ot'Uie truit fund ! "
Purnell "I decline to , give any Informa
tion concerning the fund , , to frlond or fee , "
Tlio Uanawlm Farmers In a Sorry
. . ' .
- ,1'liuht.
PAKKEHSIIUIIO , W.f V . , July _ 23. In the
flooded district the waters bavo subsided
and the farmers can now sco where they
atand. .Many have lost all and will bo coin-
rolled to ask charity , It is now known that
eighteen perooua lost their lives. There
have been other drownlugs in Juokson
county. The county commissioners returned
from their tour -of inspection to-day and
found the loss iu bridges to ba about | 2S,000.
Mauy farmers will bo unable to pay tuxes
this year. Tbo loss la this county will ru--h
. _ _
Rtcamshlp Arrivals.
At Now Yorlt The Wyoming , from Liv
At Bremerhavcn The Elder , from Now
York. '
At Philadelphia Tuo Lord Cllve , from'
At Hamburg The Bohouilu , from Now
York. [
Ho Asked For the Investigation of
the Pension Bureau ,
Oinnlm Ono of the Cities to Bo Vis *
Itcd Nourfialcn'M Corn Prospects
Furniture Contracts Awarded
Army News.
WASHINGTON. D. C. , July 2J1. j
The secretary of the Interior has finally
announced definitely that ho proposal to
comply with Commissioner Tanner's re
quest , nnd to have n thorough Investigation
of tbo manner in which pensions bavo boon
rc-rntcd and cases in nile special in that
ofllco. It is possible that the Investigation
will bo In the nature of n comparative anal
ysis of tbo methods in vogue for a year past ,
nnd it is moro than likely that It will show
that whllo the prcsout commissioner has
adopted n liberal policy , ho has not In any
Instance gene outsldo the strict letter of the
law. nor has ho been more reckless in the
matter of malting cases special und of ro-
rating old pensions than was his predecessor ,
In spite of the dally howls which
have boon Kept up In the mug
wump papers ncralnst Mr. Tanner there
is not the faintest ground for the statement
printed broadcast that tbo president Is ells-
satisfied with his management of the ofllco.
It is probable that there would have been no
commission and no Investigation but for the
persistence of Mr. Tanner himself , who ,
while bearing up without a murmur against
the abuse which baa boon tired In upon him ,
has considered it duo to his superior officers
that the publio should have n chance to
know just what hns been done slnco the be
ginning of his administration nbout four
months ago. Mr. Tanner has not tbo slight
est fear ns to the result of such investigation.
In fact ho courts it , and is convinced , as nro
others wiio bavo a knowledge of
the methods now prevailing there ,
that an examination will show a
vast improvement over the management
of thu sauio ofllco during Mr. Cleveland's '
administration. Mr. Tanner , instead of
treating an applicant for a pension us a fraud
and imposition ut tbo outset , bus started in
with the Idea that every man who ffiught for
his country bus a right to usk for a pension ,
under tbo law. Each , from the humblest to
the ir.tist powerful , has been given an oppor
tunity to present bis case , und even in those
instances where special facilities wore
granted , the poor man without an attorney
received just as much consideration as the
member of congress when ho succeeded Iu
reaching the commissioner's car.
The appointment of Mr. W. E. Curtis , the
well known author and correspondent , to a
position as an agent of the state department
in connection with the forthcoming Interna
tional American congress , wus made by tile.
Bluino because of the familiarity of Mr. Cur
tis with South American nfTairs. His duties
wilt occupy three or four months , nnd thu
first work done will bo to prepare the
way for the trip which Is to bo given to the
delegates to the principal cities of tbo. coun
try. As soon us the congress organizes the
members will bo taken through tbo coun
try .at tbo exponRo of thogovernment
of the United States. The trip will extend
from Boston to Omaha , and the programme
contemplates a visit to all the commercial
and manufacturing centers between tlioso
points. It is expected that the cities visited
will co-opcrato with the department in enter
taining tbo visitors , and that all possible
help will bo afforded in giving , them a proper
idea of American methods. Mr. Curtis loft
for New York to-night , where bis headquar
ters will bo at the Fifth Avenue hotel. Ho
will consult the board of trade and other
commercial bodies in the cities to bo visited ,
und will prepare a brief for the American
delegates , giving an outline of the topics
which will bo discussed at tuo meetings.
From the current report on tbo condition
of crops issued by the department of agrioul-
turo , the following report of the corn crop in
Nebraska is taken. Johnson county looks
splendidly ; Nomaha has seldom been better ;
Webster has an unusually good stand , but It
Is small because of the cold ; the prospect Is
first class In York , and the stand may bo put
at 100 , cultivation the same , but owing to
the cool dry weather late In May and early
in Juno the corn is two weeks lute ; Koya
Palm , a good stand and most off color ;
Wheeler will bo very late ; Hamilton prom
ises well ; Loup's prospect is good , it is gen
erally clean aud Is doing well : Madison has
an enormous crop ; Bo ward Is retarded
by the cool weather , but is growing
fast now , and has au excellent stand und
is clear of weeds ; Sioux looks well ; Wavno's
cultivation was prevented by excess of rain ,
but the prospect was never better ; Furnas ,
with favorable rams from now on will bo
immense ; Lincoln's crop advanced consider
ably by the favorable weather since Juno 22 ,
ami in ton days inoro will bo equal to last
year ; Antelope very promising : Hayes back
ward from cold , that planted with the lister
is the latest ; Elaine , late spring , damaged by
cut worms , some fields entirely destroyed by
them , but has advanced in the past ten days :
Cherry is growing finely , a little backward
from tbo cold spring ; Douglas , nbout four
feet high.
The superintendent of the treasury to-day
awarded the contract for supplying standard
ofllco furntturo lor the government building
ut DCS Molncs , la. , to the Minneapolis Ofllco
company , of Minneapolis , whoso bid was
II,7W , and for supplying stundardifurnlturo
for the building at Keokuk to the Akron C.
& C. company , of Akron , O. , whoso bid was
Abbott , Harden county , John H. Grotlmus :
Barnes , Mahaska county , John W. Harper ;
Dunkertol , Black Htuvk county , A. S. Cum-
ings ; Fuirbank , Buchanan county , S , P. Leo ;
Qilmoro City , Pocahontas county , H. C.
Kerdun ; Hotnor , Hamilton county , William
A. Sharer ; Lcighton , Muhaska county , H.
E. Whltcacro ; Ramsey , Kossuth county , Au
gust Wortman , West Bend , Pulo Alto
county , Seymour Bookman ; Wlnthrop , Bu
chanan county , Stephen Knowlcs ; / < -
norsvillo , Boone county , Bruch Hutchmson.
Major Theodora S. Chevun , assistant adju
tant general , has been detailed us ono of the
officers to assist In examining und reporting
upon tbo Indian depredation claims In Ne
braska and other western and southwestern
states. Ho relieves Major Edward Hunter.
Captain Allan H. Jackson , Seventh Infan
try , will proceed to New York city upon the
completion of the suminor field exorcises in
the department of North Platte , to conduct
tbu first detachment of recruits that may bo
sent to his regiment after November ID , 18b'J.
The comptroller of the currency to-dny
approved the selection of the Omahu Na
tional bank as reaervo agent for the First
National bank , of Albion. Nub. , also the
National Bunk of the Republic , of Now York
city , us reserve agent for the First National
bank , of Superior , Neb. The Commercial
National bank , of Omaha , wus selected as
reserve agent for the Commercial National
bunk , of Salt Lake City.
Acting Land Commissioner Stone , In a
decision rendered to-duy , holds that un entry
man in Oklahoma may sell from his entry
stone for building purposes when no mate
rial damage is thereby done to the lund.
In bis report to thu chief of engineers for
work on thu improvements in the Mississip
pi river between the Dus Molnes and Illinois
rivers , Captain K. H. RitTncr recommend *
an appropriation of 150,000.
Ileljjrude's' Regent Klclc ,
BKLGUADE , July 23. Regent Hlslics ( *
reported seriously 111. He It said to huvo had
a fctroko of apoplexy.
o Aslcd the American Rcpro-
nontntlvo to Act ns Arbitrator.
WAsnmtiTON , July 23. The navy depart
ment to-day received a report from Admiral
Ghornrdl , stationed at Port-nu-Prlnco , dated
July 10. There wns no monton.Qt ! lighting.
The admiral states ttmf Hlppolyto was re
ported to bo advancing upon Port-au-Princo
nnd that upon the beginning of the attack a
force of mariners would bo landed from the
United States ships In the harbor , to pro
tect the American representatives mid the
Interests of tlio American residents. The
admiral also reported that Logltimo had
appealed to the American minister , Thomp
son , to meet Hlppolyte and endeavor to nr-
raugo some basis upon which the conlllct
between their forces might be stopped , but
whether or not Thompson had taken nny
stops to carry out Loglttmo'a wishes was
not stated.
The uctlna secretary of stnta said If
Thompson did anything In the capacity of
peacemaker it would bo ns nn Individual en-
tlrnly nnd not ns n representative of tbo
United States , nor acting under the author
ity of thii government , which has all along
declined to rccognizo either of-tho factions In
Hnytl. _
Going to IlniiK n Mwslrmnry.
WASIIINOTON , July 2.1. Acting Secretary
of State Wharton , upon tclographls repre
sentations from Congressman Taylor , of
Tennessee , that Mrs. Hnttlo Gibson Heron ,
a missionary in Coron , wan to bo hanged for
preaching the doctrines of Christianity , cabled
Minister Dlnsmoro at Seoul to investigate
the case and , if necessary , to use his good
ofllces In securing Mrs. Heron's release. Tl |
state department has no other ad vices on the
subject. _
Dr. A. Inn AnitiRod.
WASHINGTON , July 23. Dr. Allen , secre
tary of the Corean legation nnd nu Ameri
can , who bus spent many years in Corca ,
wns interviewed to-night in regard to the
story that Mrs. Heron is to bo hniigvd in
Corea for preiiching Christianity. Ho was
grcatlv amused by the story , and
said It was altogether Improbable H
anything of the kind hud occurred it would
have created the biggest sensation of years ,
nnd the American minister would have
known all nbout it. The Corcnns , ho said ,
are opposed to Christianity , and there is a
law making the preaching of it n capital of
fense. This was made sevorul years ago
when It was reared the Jesuits were endeav
oring to obtain the control of the government ,
but it is a dead letter.
TV nit I nc for the Title.
WASHINGTON , July 23. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BKK.I "I am awaiting the report
of the attorney-general upon the vulldity of
the title to the site selected for the Omaha
public buildlngbeforo dolnganything further
in the matter , " said Supervising Architect
WinJrlm to Tun BEE correspondent to-day.
"When we are advised that thu title is all ,
richt wo will at once begin work on the
sketch plans , and will proceed with them us
rapidly as possible. "
"It Is reported that you disapprove of the
very ornnto styles of architecture ) for public
buildings wnlch buvo lately prevailed , and
that your designs will bo for solid , substan
tial structures , with loss ornamentation. Is
this report true ! "
"Yes. I think the government should have
structures built for durability and utility
ruthor than for ornamentation. It is null
enough for the private Individual to put on
u whole lot of extra decoration If bo desires
to do sd , bnt It scams to mo that buildings
erected for the government should bo'of an
entirely different ! Character. "
"Then thtvchanccs are that the building to
bo erected in Omuhn will bo radically differ
ent In design /rom these which have recently
been designed for the use of the government
in other cities ? "
"Yes , " said Mr. Windrim , with n smile.
"I am disposed to go in moro for solid und
useful buildings rather than for the kind
which hns all Its beauty In the extra touches
outside. "
At the department of justice it was said
that the district attorney bus not submitted
any report upon thy question of the title to
the Ouiuha post ofllco situ.
An Important Opinion.
WASHINGTON , July 2J. Attorney General
Miller has given un important opinion in the
case of u uuvnl cadet wbo tendered his res
ignation , which was duly accepted. ' 1 ho
resignation wus subsequently regarded us
withdrawn nnd the cadet wns sent back to
the academy. The attorney general Is of thu
opinion that the consent of the secretary of
the navy to the withdrawal of the resigna
tion had no legal nlTcct whatever. On the
acceptance of his resignation the cadet
ceased to bo in tbo service.
Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , July 23. | Special Telo-
ram to Tun Biii ; . ] Pensions grunted Nc-
braskans : Original invalids Schuylor Sutton -
ton ( deceased ) , Wesley S. Orton , Daniel W.
Swayzo. Increase H. H. Brabham , Samuel
Ghor , Thomas Fairbanks , Michael Overnan ,
J nines P. Morris , Reissue Sterling L.
Parker. Original widows , etc Sarah , widow
of Schuyler Button.
Pensions allowed lowans : Original inva
lid C. B. Park , sr. , John W. Brown , John
R. Schollold. Increase Charles I. Vincent ,
Addlson A. Stow.irt , Thomas Suilloy , Joseph
Hartur. eJumes Boldinan , John A. C. Hick-
man , Christian G. Lulghtley , Orrin B.
Warner , Charles P. A r kin son. Reissue
Charles Packard. Original widows Martha
A. , mother of Samuel M. Street. Mexican
survivor Auron MuMullen.
Iowa I'litents.
WASHINGTON , July 23. [ Special Telegram
to THE BBK.I Patents wcro issued to-dny
to Iowa Inventors us follows : Lawsou W.
Baylies , Ncola , la. , combined end gaUi and
scoop board ; S. R. Crownor , assignor of ono-
half to W. J. Miles , No well , la. , steam gen
erator ; Oscar A. Klcltz , Sigouiiicy , la. ,
stump puller ; Fred V. Mcdynskl , DCS
Moines , la. , feed water purifier ; Horatio B.
Morrison , Brltt , ussianor " of three-fourths to
F. M. Hogcrs , C. "H. Hughes nnd V. ' . H.
Cottrcll , Mason City , la. , wrench ; H. H
Baler , Dubuque , Iu. , attachment for plow ;
James I. Shruck , Jcssup , Iu. , liniment.
Train * Tied Pp iu Denver All Day
Several DiHtrlcta Flooded.
DENVKH , July 23. An exceedingly heavy
rain fell in the city last night between 10
and 12 o'clock , doing considerable damage to
thu streets and Hooding cellars , To-day re
ports from nearly every point in the titato
luulCStO tftcr ? is crept dumugo to crops
und fences. Tuo rullrbails ar .tieavy losers ,
no trains having loft Denver or arrived until
late tins afternoon. Tha Santa Fa and Rio
Grande are washed out between hero and
Pueblo BO that trains on the former line ; uro
forced to como in over the Denver , Texas &
Fort Worth , which did not suffer by the
storm. The Union Pacific and Burlington
were delayed about eight hours , as also was
the Midland und all mountain trains. The
damages will bo repaired and all trains run
ning on tlmo by to-morrow night.
Rhootini ; Am-uy nt Illawntlin.
HIAWATHA , Kan. , July 2'J. [ Spoclal to
TIIK Hen. ] A Hhootlng affray occurred hereabout
about 1 o'clock p. in. to-duy between John
Davles , a notorious character employed by
Ed Hogo , a butcher , and James 0 , Dunn ,
keeper of a beer Joint , resulting In Davloi
receiving a flesh wound In his loft unn.
About a dozen shots wcro fired at short
range. Davles is said to have been thu ag
Wonthrr Indloutlon * .
For Nebraska ! Fair , clearing In eastern
portions , warmer , variable- winds , generally
For Dakota i Light , ihoweis , warm
cr , bouthcusturly wiu n. *
A Ohoyonno Indian Poltcomon Ro
From the Force ,
Tlio Sioux Commission Meets WUf
Very 1'oor Success Thny AVlll
Xry Btiindlng
Aeouoy Next.
Very Poor Sitocooi.
Citr.VKN.NK Kivcn AGENCYD.ilc' , July OH
-Special ( Telegram to Tun HKK , | Th
council hold Its hist mooting , mill It wns a
very disheartening ono from any staiuluolnt.
Considerable dlulculty was experienced In
getting the bnnils togcthor , but whim they
did coino they wore nil on horseback nnij
advanced in line , slnglug tliulr war spn s.
Whlto Swan Imd declared himself favo'rablo
to tliobllllUt | did not so express himself in tba
council. Llttlo Uonr mid Swuu Bolco ] , say
Ing they wotilil not IntciToro with the nlgn
Ing , but whcu the Swan band started to sign
Hump elbowed thorn back , and , followed by
his band , formed n line before tlio mun of
Swan'a band. Hump lliuilly advanced ana
BtUll i '
" 1 have boon risking my llfo for 815 per
month for the agent , but I do not want to do
eo nny longer. 1 um not going to sign
bill. "
When signatures were Invited nnd tlios *
who wcro not willing to sign given permis
sion to retire , the eutlro brooch-clouted band
of Hump's camp , to the number of 1-0 , wont
out whooping and yelling and returned to
their camps. I3ut onu signature was ob
tained nt that tlmo. Tlio commissioners
were considerably non-plussod by this action
and concluded not to leave before they hold
a coudcil , nnd give the Indians a chnnco to
hear the facts in detail. The pollco wcro
sent out to call them in this morning , and
ho council was Calked to by General Crook
and Governor Foster in a peed , hcnrty wan
ner ; thut the first damage donn by tho'hos- '
tilcs to tlioso wlio hud signed would bo taken
from tlio rations of the offenders. This talk
did moro good in quintlng the open hostility
than anything clso. Hump cnino into the
agent's ofllco and uurrotidured bis badge and
Tuo commission loft to-day for
Standing Hock agency , on tlio steamer Mis
souri , which bus been chartered for the pur
Matters hero will bo loft In chartrc of Dr.
MoHcsncy , one of the most thorough-going
and clliclent agents In the service , assisted
by an able corps D. F. Curlln and Q. ' W.
Poussln , clerks ntthongoncy.
Major Handall , of the United States army ,
has orders to remain hero and assist the
agent. The I ml Inns arc to remain hcto uutll
the major is conviuccd of the uselessness of
further efforts.
A telegram received hero from Crow crook
announces that Whlto Ghost and his band
have till signed the bill at that place. Thia
encourages the commissioners to rouuw
their cffoils. The total number of uunics i
2(35. (
The World , Times anil Sun Dodortcd
POP a Short U'iiur.
Nnw YonK , July 23. [ Special TolegranS to
THE BnE.l The compositors employed on
tlio Times , Sun and World went on n strlko
last evening to enforce the scale of Typo
graphical union No. (1 ( Early In the after
noon notices had boon posted in the compos
ing rooms that there , would ba some slight
reductions In their wages , and a meeting of
the "chapels" were ut once hold , and * the
printers were excited nnd refused to distribute -
tribute typo. When they assembled for
work at 7 p. in. the notices wuro still up , and
word cnino from the executive com *
mittcu of the union to strike , which.
they Immediately did , nnd ubout , ono
hundred nnd soventv-llvo left tha World ,
100 tbo Times , and 00 the Sun. The Sun suc
ceeded in gutting ubout fifty-five non-unloa
men from Polhcmus' olllco and from the Eve
ning Post. The World secured about ton
non-union men. Park How was u sccno of
excitement up to 11 o'clock , when word cuuie
from Typographical union Nr . (1 ( for all hands
to return to work and the non-union men
were immediately discharged. The agree
ment by which the men returned to worn
was that the notices should bo taken down ,
which was soon accomplished , and not posted
up again , if over , until Monday ; that in thft
meantime the scale of the typographical
union would bo paid ; that the union would
consider what future action to take at a spe
cial meeting to bo hold Sunday.
Eighty-Seven Tlioiimiml Houses Burn
ed Twelve liunclruil Per lull.
SAN FIIANCISCO. July S3. The steamer
Uelglc arrived from Hong ICong and Yoka-
bema This morning. The recent lire utTu
Chow burned twenty-three houses , destroy
ing 87,000 dwellings. Over 1,200 perished In
the Humes , and 400 others were killed. Nearly
170,000 people were obliged to camp out with
out shelter , and wcra * dying ut the rate of
100 a day from want and exposure. The au
thorities urn providing for their necessities.
Hov. J , Crosslet , prominent in missionary
and benevolent work in China , died Juno 21
on shipboard between Shanghai and Tient
_ _
Crop > ) in Cnniuln.
TOIIONTO , July 23. Reports as to the con
dition of crops in Manitoba and at many
points In Ontario are published , As a wkolo
the reports are satisfactory , In Manitoba
wheat will bo an average crop , barley two-
thirds crop , nnd oats a poor crop. The situ
ation is not all that could bo desired * but
thura seems to bo no coed ground for the
despairing reports that have Ijcun.clrculatcd.
Reports from points In Ontario arc generally
satisfactory. Fall wheat will bo a good
avorngo crop , except In the low lands , whom
serious Injury WIIH done by the Juno ruins.
Barley promises u good yield nnd oats a fair
crop. The corn crop scums to bo n failure ,
while the hay crop U heavy and well saved *
Annthnr Hlnw ut
PAHIB , July 23. The Ropubllquo FrancaUo
says a committee of the scnata court Is ubout
to IBSUO an order depriving General Uou-
langcr , Count Dillon and Henri Uouhofortof
all civil and political rights Tills action of
the nommltti'o is taken on the ground that
they have refused to comply with the summons -
mons IstSst ) l > y the state court to appear for
tual on the charges mnuo 'ii7 iu-tlicja , The
decision will render them ineligible ) to cletP
lion to any ofllcu in Franco , and will also
make any property they may own In Franco
liable to seUuro.
A Qiilntupln jlniiKluv Hinted.
Nuw YOIIK , July 83. At the court of oyor
and tonrnnor to-day Chariots Qlblcn and Fer
dinand Curolln were sentenced to bo hanged.
on August 23 , This will make live mou who
nro to bo executed in tlio Tombs on the unine
day. The other three uru Jumou Nolun ,
John Lewis and J'atrlclt Puckcrliuui.
To Mnho n tlonrrnl Advance ,
LONDON , July 2. ! . General Grenfoll , BritIsh -
Ish connnundur In Kgypt , reports to the war
ofllco that ho Intends to make a general ad
vance aguliiBt the UarvlaUes ut the oud of tli
present month ,
Trvliiir to Ijlhornio Iliirke ,
WlHMi'cu , Man. , July 2. ' . Burko's law *
ynrs gave notice to-day that they will apply
to-morrow for u writ of habeas corpus. TuV
case wlllbu argued Thursday ,