Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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plumbers will hold n special
-meeting nt their hnll at 7:80 : to-night.
Important matters bo discussed.
Prrnntml 1'nraerAplii.
Mr. A , 13. Aycrfit rind dniiphtor loft Inst
cvcnintf for ft month' * cntniilnic out at Lnko
Okobojl , la.
Mrs. O. M. UlMicl nnd doURhtcr , Mrs.V. .
G. ClnrU. ami Walter O. Clnrk loft for
Spirit LnKO jestrrdny.whoro they will spend
the Imlnnco of the licntcd term.
S. O. Mummu , of Lincoln ; Peter Ilorlot , of
TalningaA. ; D. MuNcur , of Hastings ; U.
Simon , of Nccnnh ; W. E. Dcnmnn , of Ne-
brnsKa City , nnd Charles Hisc , of Norfolk ,
nro at the Arcuilc.
J. E. Koper , of Davenport , In. ) Jolin D ,
.lorilnn , of DCS Moln < n ; W. L. Uutler , of
Uoono , la. : 1' . H. Strotton , of Davenport ;
W. D. Taylor , of Sioux City , and W. F. Con-
tier , of lioone , lit. , are stopping at the
Uarkcr. '
Charles 1' . Soule. of ChnOron ; It II. Off-
ley , of Fort D. A UUBKOU ; General II. It. A.
Ullzncr , of Clicycnno. Wyo. : W. W. Soulo ,
of StonxCity ; J. S. Poland , of Sidney , mid
Charles D. .Smith , of Lincoln , uro restored
ot the Murray.
General A. V. Kauts % of Fort Nlobraraj
Colonel .1. G. Lllford , of Fort Hoblnson.
Major J. F. Hamllutt , of Fort McKlnney ; W.
K. Uonnmn , of Nebraska Cliy ; Mrs. Loney
IJnsler , of Lincoln , and Colonel M. M. Ulunt ,
of Fort Douglas , are cucsts at the I'axton.
S. II. Ortoa , of Norfolk ; J. C. McNiuiph-
ton , of Hastings ; J. 13. Lyon nnd Mrs. Nellla
J. Everett , of Lyone ; T. 10. Sunders , ol Lin
coln ; Of car M. Anderson , of NcllRh : A. V.
Ilecs , of Sioux City ; George D. Curler and
John A. McCnll , of St. Francis , Kan. , nro
registered ut the Mllhxrd.
He Is 1'rnlinbly Crazy.
John Howard , a sncnlt 'tliluf , who says bo
Is a filiociuakor , was arrested last night
charged with petit larceny. Ho walked
Into the dlnlnp room of the Southern hotel ,
ntMlnlh ud Lcavcnworth , and picked up
two overcoats. The landlord saw the per
formance and took the coats : uviiy from him
nnd then called the police.
Sleepless nights made miserable by
that terrible cough. Shlloh's Cure in
the remedy for you. For sale by Good
man Drug Co.
A Slight Klnzo.
A quantity of budding and clothoi in r.
closet of the liouso nt 2C22 Davenport
Direct chUKlit lire in some unknown way
yesterday nttornoon about 4 o'clock. The
11 ro department was on the scene In u few
moments , nnd , lifter throwinir a little water
to deaden the ( lames , pitched the burning
material cut of the window. The dumngu
was Blight , amounting to $10 or $15.
7 lie Cnllioim I'lonic.
The plumbers , plasterers and bricklayers
held a union picnic in Cnlhoun yesterday.
Uetwecn fiOO and COO persons were present.
Baseball , wrestling , foot racing and dancing
ivcro the nmuxemcnts. The baseball game
was decided In favor of the bricklayers ,
they beating the plumbers by a score of 5 to
4 In live lnniii'H. | Appropriate prizes wore
given to the victors in the various competi
tions. The A. O. II. band supplied the
music , nnd all day the woods resounded til-
tsrnatoly with the notes of lively music.
The picnic was a bcncllt for the striking
plumbers , and netted them ? ) ,000. Asldo
from the picnic , Calhoun presented many
points of interest , some of a historic chnr-
neler , which will bo treated ut length In TUB
UEI : next Sunday.
Mutter Privately Considered by
ttii ! Church Directors.
The little church nt the corner of Twenty-
first nnd Hurdutte streets presided over by
Kcv Schnur , was not overcrowded .last night
nttho regular evening services. In fact ,
there was plenty of room for many more.
The pastor announced the subject of his sor-
mpn as "Heavenly Joy , " nnd took for his
text the seventeenth verso of the fifteenth
chapter of St. Luke. It was painfully evi
dent tbut ho was Inhering under great ex
citement. Ho was nervous and fidgety nnd
often hcsltntcd and repeated his words. No
reference was made In his remarks to the
situation In which ho 1ms become involved.
Ho laid particular stress upon the portion of
his text , "There is more rejoicing in heaven
over the one sinner who repents , " nnd stated
tlmt many things which appear great , hero
are regarded as insignificant in heaven , and
things which appear insignificant hero are
noticed in heaven. He nlso ndvuncfeU the
theory that character without love Is dead ,
nnd stated that "If we uro to be worth any
thing In that tlnal life we must BCD that wo
nro consistent , earnest and doing right. Then
only will the church und religion succeed.
Lot us BO live that saints will rejoice over
our actions. "
Mr. Z. H. Berlin , ono of the board of
directors of the church , was seen after the
services and asked what truth there was in
the report that Mr. Schnur had been asked
to rcslcn. Ho stated rather reluctantly
that the mutter hud been considered pri
vately by the directors , but no ollicial action
had been taken on it. Ono of the members
had given the minister warning of tlio im
pending action , On being urcssed for the
reason for this action by the directors , ho
admitted that it was on account of the objec
tion to the young lady ho had chosen us the
partner of his Joys and sorrows. Ho could
jjlve no definite abjection , but stated tlmt it
was on social grounds that the young ludy
did not suit tlio notions of some of tlio con
gregation , ete. Ho stated also that Mr.
Schnur had sent his resignation of the pas
torate of this church to tha board of missions
about thrco months ago.
The Sacred Heart aendomy , for day
pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue
tuu > Twonty-6oventh streets , is nn insti
tution devoted to the moral and intel
lectual education of young girls. The
course includes everything from u pre
paratory department to u finished
classical education. Besides the ordi-
nnry academical cour&o , music , paint
ing , drawing and the languages are
taught. Fro null is included in the or
dinary COUI'tO.
Dillorcuco of religion is no obstacle
to tlio receiving of pupils , provided
they conform to the general regulation
nf tha school. The scholastic term bo-
pine the first Tuesday of September.
Uliifchcs commence at 0 n. m. , and are
dismissed at < i0 : ! ! p. m. , an hour for
' recreation being allowed at noon.
Apparently Working to
tlio newt of Satisfaction.
The people of Omalm yesterday received
ocular proof that the motor railway was nn
rmureil fact. On Saturday a single motor
car made a flying trip over the trucks , but
yesterday n full train was run out about UjUO
p. m. and mudo a trip from the power house ,
out ou Hurt and Cuinlng streets to Walnut
Hill , thence bacit down town , around the loop
on Fourteenth and Howard streets , and back
to Walnut Hill , afterward returning to tha
jiower house. The trlii was entirely satis
factory , ana only u few slight changes will
need to bo made In the rails ut two or thruo
JHlilts , wlien the track will bo ready for use.
The electrical apparatus worked In the most
desirable manner.
For the prc&cnt only the Hurt street und
Wo 1 nut Hill line will bo operated , as only
six trains have arrived. Twenty-nix moru
trains are on the road , and us fast as they
nrrtvo they will bo put into service , BO that
the other lines will probably be In operation
in a week or ton davs.
To-day two or thrco trips will bo made ,
and by to-morrow It is expected to nave ttio
six-trains running on regular tlmo.
Mr. B. Willard , an cluclrliMl expect from
the Chicago ofuco of the ' 'liouipsoii-lloustnii
company , Is hero lu clnirgo of the electric
plant , and will huvo everything in first-class
jslmpo when ho turns tha plant over to the
motor people.
The bcbt regulator of the digestive
.organs , nlso best appetizer known , Is
Angostura III tiers , tlio genuine ulr. (
J. 0. 13 , Slogcrt & Sons. At all drug-
Two Mon Attfinpt to Hold Up n
SnmulcrM Street Car.
An n horse car on the Sounder * and Twen
tieth street llnrfwas coming down town nbout
11 o'clock last night , a man came Into the car
from the rear nnd asked the driver for some
change. Thcro were no passengers on the
car nt the tltno. The driver handed the man
hl change nnd at the some tlmolio was ac
costed by another man , who jumped up nt
the front end of the car and demanded the
money box. The driver declined to surren
der his box , nnd at the game tlmo picked up
a hammer and sli uck at the robber. Ono of
the men drew n revolver and fired nt the
driver , but fortunately missed him. They
both fled before any assistance arrived ,
The driver's name Is Jock Grill. Great
cxcltemeit prevailed over the affair , nnd the
entire neighborhood turned out to help look
for the robbers.
AVIint nrnmlrotli'rt I'ilU Do.
In BIUNIWETII'S PILLS the true life mcdl
clno has been found , compo&cd as they nro o
numerous vegetables &o combined that each
multiplies the virtues of the rest. They
never can do any harm. Their notion Is
always the same , no rnaltcr how long or In
what doses they nro taken. They purge
awny the waste particles of ttio system ,
Ihoy recruit the animal vigor nnd arrest the
progress of decay. They purify the blood.
Thny stimulate the liver. They Invigorate
digestion. They open tlio pores. They
make the bowels do the work of the kidneys ,
thus giving those organs an oft-times needed
rest , Ono or two nt night for a week will
demonstrate their po.ver nnd is generally
snftlclont to euro ordinary diseases.
Utahnp Newman's Sorinon nt tlio First
Moilindtht Church.
Ulshop Newman preached to n very largo
congregation nt the First Methodist church
yesterday morning. His sermon , devoted to
the science of Christianity , was profoundly
interesting , nnd ono of Iho most elegant over
heard * In Omaha. In substance , ho mnlu-
tnlncd that from the beginning nil great
events for good , all wonderful discoveries ,
all revolutions arc the result of God's su
pernatural power worked through n few men
nnd women. John C. Calhoun did more than
any other man. he said , lo bring about the
Into civil war and leave our goneralion n
fragment. At the beginning of that
trouble it appeared for n time
that this notion was ready to
erumblo and fall , and the loyal people , in
their fear and agony , cried out for a louder.
God heard their prayers und was secretly at
work. Away oft in the west , on a broad
sweep of prulno , ho discovered the man , and
the republic lives because Abraham Lincoln
was consecrated to the cause of the Al
For centuries the thunders kept saying , "I
have in mo u spirit ttiut will make the world
n whispering gallery , " but not until n Chris
tian Morse came and heard Iho spirit was
its voice heeded. The carbon which nations
trampled underfoot had a spirit that kept
saying , "I can turn your nights Inlo duy ,
and mnko dim the moon und stars , " but
not until a Christian Edison cumu was the cry
of the splrif. heard.
Through all time men huvo been employed
by providence to supplement ono another.
God's works uro mysterious to behold. He
ruiscH his agents from obscurity to position
and power.
After the sermon a collection was lakon
towards making up a deficiency of about
$1,000 in the church's current expanse debt
for this year.
Southern Illiteracy.
The services of the South Tenth Strcot M.
F . church yesterday morning were dovolcd
lo Iho cause ol Iho Freodmcn's Aid und
Southern Educational causes. The exercises
consisted of rsspoosivo readings by tbo pas
tor and congregation ou the Illiteracy of
people in the south , nnd ibis was followed
by a short Impromptu address by the uilnis-
ler , Hov. Duwson. Among Homo figures
quoted in Iho readings were tbo following :
There are 1,500,000 voters In the south
who can not read or write. There are nearly
four hundred thousand young women
between the ages of ilfleen and Iwenly who
can not read or write , and there are nearly
2,000,000 women over the ago of twenty-ouo
who nro equally i.inorant. The Fruednien's
Aid and SoutbernEducation societywhich is
trying lo deereuso.lhis illiteracy , established
thirty-eight institutions of learninclast your
in the south ; twenty-three of these were for
colored people and llfteen for whiles. Over
7,010 students attended these schools , 5,000
being colored und 2.1XK ) white. Over 400 of
Ihcso wore preparing for the ministry und
3,500 expected to bo touchers.
The pastor's ' address was simply in corroboration -
oration of the above figures , und consisted
mainly of incidents descriptive of the illiter
acy and poverty of the poor whites of the
south. _
Do you suffer from scrofulasalt rheum ,
or other humors ? Take Hood's Sarsa-
ptirilln , the grout blood puriJior. 100
doses one dollar.
Co. K Takes the Pciinntit lit the
MnrkinntiEiiiip Contest.
Company 1C took the honors of the Second
Infantry during the nllo practice ibis year.
Company F , Captain Ullos , came In with a
good second. The names of the sharp
shooters of Company 1C , the pennant com
pany , uro as follows ! Lieutenant William
Turner , Sergeant C. C. IClnswuter and Mu
sician H. Keller. Marksmen , Second Lieu
tenant J. M. Arrowsnuth , First Scigcant J.
Sullivan , Sergeant J. McGuIre , Sergeant H.
Kllno , Corporals Daviu Day nnd T. Sullivan ,
Privates J. Colllm , J. Uenway , C. Fogurty ,
P. Gallagher , J. Jefferson , Charles Lowe , M.
Mcchan , G. Uoell , J. D. Sullivan uud M.
Fort Hall News.
The Fort Omaha nlno on the 20th tendered
a surprise parly to the Crane Brothers lo Ibo
luno of 7 to 0. The gatno was closely contested -
tested ana afforded much sport to the inter
ested by-slanders. The following uro Iho
members of the clubs :
Cruno Brothers Van Arnam , Canigan ,
Lawson , vvlpumnSlockbam , Howols ,
Swurlz , J. Cody , Straight.
Fort Omaha Uico , Williams , Gerab ,
LIpka , D. Cody , Weight , Gerluch , Uutler ,
Boo re ;
FortOnuilm 0 1 7
Cruno Hros 0 o o 0 U 0 1 0 5 0
Umpire E. Cody.
Miss Luddington and her guest , Mrs.
Captain 1'orter , drove out to the fort on Sun
day morning.
CJcnonil ICauU and Colonel Ulunt , Six
teenth Infantry , uro the guests of General
Wheuton , Second Infantry.
Miss Miskcv arrived from Philadelphia
Sunday morning. ha Is a guest of Mrs ,
Captain Mills , at Fort Omaha.
Mr. Wedomeyor. one of the young men
who is lo bo examined for a commission as
second lieutenant , U ut Atlanta , Ga. , visit
ing his brother.
Caplaln William H. Clapp , Slxlcenth In
fantry , has arrived from Fort Douglas
Utah , id net us counsel for Lieutenant1
Colonel Fletcher.
Mrs. Porter , wife of Captain Porter ,
Eighth infunlry , is n guest of her relatives in
this city , Dr. Luddlngton nnd family. Mrs.
Porter is the daughter of ono of the most
popular ofilccis of llm "old urmy , " Colonel
John D. VYilkliiB , rcccnlly rollrcd.
The courl martial for Iho Irlal of Lieuten
ant Colonel Fletcher , Second Infantry , mooU
to-morrow at Fori Omaha ut 10 u. ui. Gen
eral ICuutz la president of the court , which is
ono of considerable rank , belni ; composed of
four colonels , four lieutenant colonels and
llvo inajorn. Caplaln J'orlor , tilghth infan
try , is judge udvucato.
Uccchain'B Pills euro blUous and nor vous Ills
Tlio LI Co of lo ( to IMmitH.
It is snld that the life"of rose plants
greatly varies. Some of the hardiest
kind will bloom for thirty years , while
others die oil uUcr several
TonghH nt n Dnnoc.
About midnight Saturday night a gang of
rouclis , who Were nt the dance at the St.
Charles hotel , raised a row and practiced
their "nmnly art" on some women. Mrs.
Anna Hess was struck on the cheek and
knocked down , getting up with n terrible
black eye , while Mrs. O. Uechtol was struck
and kicked. Ono of the toutrlm , named
Utirke , was arrested ami the police liavo ob
tained the names of the others and nro
rondy to nrrest thorn ns soon us warrants can
bo lamed. In the mclco Con Houngan re
ceived n battering blow.
Knndny nnno Bnlt.
The Blue Stars , ot Omaha , came down
Sunday and defeated the Swlfu by n score
of 23 to 18. Immediately aflcr the Blue
Stftrn-Swlft Rnmo the Wood Lnwns , of
Omaha , and the Sobottters played , resulting
In n score of 10 to 8 , In favor of the Sobot-
Iccrfl. At the close of Iho game n genuine
Third ward row was started , in which base
ball bats were used us freely as tbo un-
llmborcd profanity. No serious damage was
The U. O. T. H. ricnlc.
Tbo picnic given Sunday In the Ocrmanla
gardens by Central Lodge of Omnha. No. 51 ,
U. O. T. H. , was ono of the best attended
nnd most onjoynblo fraternal meetings over
lield In the city. South Omaha Lodge No.
63 , with the Union Stock Yards cornet band ,
lurned out to meet and nicnlc with the visitIng -
Ing brethren. Fine nusb and the best of
accommodation ! ! made it pleasant for tbo
hundreds who attended.
About thnClty.
The city council will mcetMomlay evening ,
Robert O'Lcary ' has gone to Chicago to bo
Mrs. Fleming , of Chicago , Is the guest of
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Welsh.
M. M. Grinith , of the Ptattsiuoutu Herald ,
Is the guest of Frank I. Leo.
The W. C. T. U. will meet in the Presbyte
rian church Friday afternoon nt U o'clock-
The announcement has been made of the
marriuiro of Mr. John Toner and Miss Ella
G. Bates.
In the Gun club shoot Sunday morning
Simon S. Hemer made the best score and
carries the medal.
The Armour-Cudaby base ball club ,
through THE UKI : , challenges the Sobotkors
lo play for any sum from $10tooO.
In the foot race at Albright Sunday after
noon Ashcr Auspccher > .on easily over tbo
champion of Chicago In the 100 yard dash.
Mrs. D. McCalloy and lilllo daughler , ac
companied by Miss Kdllh Hyan , after a long
visit \ vilbfriends in Chicago , returned homo
Frank Desmoro , while out riding Sunday
afternoon , was overcome uy the heat. Ho
was taken to the Benson hotel and medical
aid summoned.
Frank Hirsch , of Grand Island , and
Charles E. Hlcc , of Norfolk , nro the guests
of O. A. Hlrsch. Mr. Hirsch thinks ho will
remain hero with his brother , O. A.
A union temperance meeting will bo held
next Sunday evening in the Methodist
Episcopal church. No services will be held
In the Presbyterian church that evening.
The Ilov , Father D. W. Moriurty 1ms re
ceived word from the sisters of Providence
informing him that six of them will leave St.
Mary's of tbo Woods , Indiana , August 20.
Harry T.aged two years , son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. M. EvursoK died nt 8 o'clock yes
terday afternoon und will bo buried in
Laurel Hill cemetery Monday afternoon ut 4
Frank Jones , ono of Iho popular slock
yards boys , who has been sorely nflliclcd und
laid up so long with inflammation in one of
his legs , is better nnd was able to go down
to the yuras ou Saturday.
I have been subject to painful boils nnd
carbuncles over my body during the spring
season , and after much suffering mid much
useless doctoring I found u permanent cure
In Swift's Specific. It Is the monarch of
blood medicines. E. J. WILLIS , Augusta.Ark
Bncs in H Chitroh Hell.
The sexton of the chapel at Budd'u
Lake , N. J. , was badly stung by bees
the other day. While the chapel boll
was ringing on a Sunday evening some
time ago the bolt which held it to the
frame-work hroko and the bell clattered
down the roof to the ground. The next
day it was found to bo right side up and
uninjured. Lutcr , when the sexton
pried it over to one side , preparatory to
having it raised by a derrick , hundreds
of honey bees How out , faurrounued him
and ilrovo him into the lake , whence ho
was rescued when nearly drowned. His
head was covered with stings ami his
hands und arms Buffered severely. The
b'ell was found to bo nearly filled with
honey. The bees had obtained ingress
and egress through a small hole in the
Mr. W. A. Tibbs is n printer In the office
of the Jackson , M'ss. ' , Clarion-Ledger. Ho
says that three years HKO no was a victim of
bad blood , which deprived him of health nmi
threatened serious conscqueuccs. Ho further
says Ihui bo look S. S. S. , und it cured him.
For Ch'clcotiH.
South Easton boys have been caught
stealing chickens from farmers in anew
now way , having fished for them with a
grain ot corn on a small hook. Some
chickens that tore loose from the hooks
wore so badly injured that they died.
A hook in ono chicken's throat revealed
the rascality.
That hacking cough can bo so quickly
cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee
it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co.
A. Moses of the
Griflith Williams and a family of
eight have loft for Wales. They are
survivors of the Johnstown flood. Ono
of the children , who was born in the at
tic of a houbo that was floating along
the stream , bus been christened Moses.
Cushman's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fever.
Trial free nt your druggist. Price 60 cents.
Iho Expenses ol' "Drummers. "
' It is estimated that the money used
in a single year to foot the salary and
expense bills of the traveling salesmen
of the United States would pay oil the
entire national debt and leave u few
dollars over.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pure
ly , ttrrngtu nnd holeBoineiirsu. Morj o. o-
nomloil jnan the ordinary kinds , and cannot
tjoholrl In com t.Btllitmvltli the multitudes of
lor or HiortttffoUt ulumor pliosphato | io ilcr .
bold only In run * . Hoyixl lUkinu I'osdur \ Coin *
Wi.ll 6tt t , New Vorlc ,
IS a blood dlMinfC. Unlit tlio poison 1.4
expelled from the system , there can
bo no euro fee this loathsome and
dangerous iimltfdj. Therefore- only
effective trentmont Is a thorough
of Aycr's Snvstipnrllla the best of all
blood purltlcm. JTha sooner you begin
the bolter ; dcl. is dangerous. '
"I was troiiMrfJl with cntnrrh for over
two years. 1 rtried various remedies ,
nnd wan trcnt d > by n number of physi
cians , but recurred no benefit until I
began to take Ajer's Saranparllln. A
few bottles of this medicine cured mo of
this troublesome complaint nnd com
pletely restored mv health. " Jcsso M.
lloggs , Hobnail's Mills , N. C.
"When Aycr's Snrsnparllla won rec
ommended to mo for catarrh , I was In
clined to doubt Its offlciioy. Having
tried BO many remedies , with little ben
efit , I had no faith that anything would
cure mo. I bccamo rtnaclated from loss
of appetite nnd Impaired digestion. I
had nearly lost the sense ot smell , nnd
my system was bndly deranged. I was
about discouraged , when a friend urged
mo to try Ayur's Surnapaillla , nnd re
ferred mo to persons whom It had cured
of catarrh. After taking half n dozen
bottles of this medicine , I run convinced
that the only suru way of treating this
obstinate dNcasa In through thn blood. "
Charles H. Malonuy , 113 Itivur St. ,
Lowell , Mass.
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Or. J. C. Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Trice ( f ilk bottles , 5. Worth (5 a bottle.
( Upposlto I'nxlou llotuu
Office hours , 9nn , to 8 p , m. Bundayi , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. m.
Bpeclillsts In 'Chronic , Nervous Skin and
Blood Diseases.
SST"Consultatloauat olllco or by mall frc .
Modlclncs bunt by mall or express , securely
packed , tree from observation. Guarantees to
euro ( illicitly , safely nd permnnentljr.
lotiK. Vhystcftl Dfcny. iirlslnp from Imllxcro
tlon. Kxcesti or Indulgenro , producing Sleepless
ness. Tcsponilencyi ) i'liiipiea on the face , aver-
glen to society , easily discouraged , lack of conn
donee , dull , unlit rorstudy or business , nnd finds
11 Tu n burden. Bnfely , permanently anil pri
vately cured. Consult lire. Jlotta. , & Belts , 1408
Farnnm St. , Omnha ; Neb.
Blood ani SHnlDiseases
results , completely rradlcutea without the uld
of Mercurjr. Scnmiln , Erysipelas. Fever Sores ,
niotchcH , iJlccrs.-.PoinHln ' the Head und Hones.
Byphllltla'Sore ' Throat , Mouth twdfTonKUP , Qa-
turrh , etc. . permanently /cured Vihero others
have failed.
Firfnon Ifrinonr ttn < 1 madder complaint * .
jUUIItjYi UllllilY Painful , milicult , too fre
quent IliirnltiBor Bloody Urine , Urinn lilsh col
ored or with milky bedlment on btandlnq , Weak
Back. Oonorrhtua , Gleet , CyBtltK etc. ,
Promptly nnd Safely Cured , Charges Kenfcona-
ble. _ _
moval complete , without cutting , caustic or
dlllatlon. Curca offcctcd at homo by patient
n Ithout a momenta pain otMinnoy anco.
To Yonnff Men anfl Men ,
PIIDP The awful effects of early
AQTTDP UUIlu Vice , which b lines organic
\t enlcni'SP , destroy. nj ? both mind and body , with
nil Its dieaded HlH. permanently cured.
HB < ! RCTTv ! Adresn those w ho have impaired
UrlOi Dill 10 themselves by Improper Indul
gences nnd holltary habltH. which ruin both
body and mind , unfitting thorn lor business ,
tuny or marriage.
M AiiniKii MK.V. or those entering on that hap
Pylife , aware of phyulcal debility , quickly as.
Is bused upon facts. First Practical Expe
rlonce. Second K\orycano Is especially studied *
thus starting aright. Third Medicines are pro.
p.ired In our labntory exactly to suit each case.
thtiH affecting cureH without Injury
taySond 8 cents Dostcgo for celebrated works
on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate JMboasca.
Thousns K curod. ( yf A friendly letter or cult
may rare you future snllerlni ; and Hluuno , nnd
mu golden years to life. l4f No letters nn-
e < vcred unless accompanied by 1 cents In s tamps.
Address or call on
. KE'ffTS & UUTTS ,
1 M l'arn iu Street Omaha. M < b.
-AIL , /
< 8cg
. nni receive i * o
lj"iiirana | |
State Line.
To Glasgow , IMIfiist , Dublin ami Lhcrnool ,
From Newflfork Every Tuesday ,
Cabin paoiiffcf tP1' - acconllnu tolocatloa ofeta
room. * fi < ; 2ri > lon 105 lo ( M.
MeorngQ to nnd from Kurapa t ' . " " 'eit Hate * .
Al'fcTlN 1UI.D 1N tCJ. , ( ; i'n'l\k'mt. ,
U Hrouilwajr , Now Vork.
JOHN" Di.uau.s' , Uea'l Vcstcrn AKCMII.
1U ( UuiUolpU St. , CUIcnio.
IHIIIIV 1C. MuiiiH.Atont , Otnulia.
Kedncuil Cablnratej to QUijo'v i'x'ilbltl JT.
a > ENNYnoyVAimns " are
eucceufally u ed monthly by ov r 10,000
Jadkw. Am Safe , Kfftctualuiul Pleatant
91 perlioxliyinall.oratilrugKltta. ( Sealed
J'articulan t postAgu ttarapn. Addreys
TUB tuuttui UuBHtcat , Co. , DUTROIT , llicit ,
For sal und by mail by tioodnmn Dri/j
Company , Omaha.
U rUdl 117C D q.r lend HEKV008 BrBILITTi
T5TTY ? T1 Vi'rtlmcM of Dody rd Hindi Effect !
U U JKifJ ofllnorJci-t ctwtslnOldorVo'Jcr.
llotutl , > > . ! XilHIHIll f.llr Knl.n-d. Hc In l Ur mit
tllr tlli > n ( IHK.I IDETEMll't u liUL'lhS * mT6 of IIUUT.
Jbtiui , . .r.ui.f iiuti. THniBtAT-Ui..ri. ii etf ,
fo lullfrnm 41 BUUi , T > rril rin , "J torrlcaloaitrUe.
Vour a rU lbinJ. U k , ftllntltfialloo , 4 fnali uilltj
It'.lrf I , . \4tf ( Ut UClllitl CO. . 8UMin. M r
l infJCVund all urinary troubles easily , quick *
M U11CI ly and f aly curml by DUOTUK A Cap.
tules. Beveralc.uen cured inkeveutluyn. Horn
at 11.60 per box , ull ilru Iit * . or I/ mall from
UoctuJa Jl'f'dO ) , 11WUlto ! M N. V. Fulldlroo
We are obliged on account of the busy season to postpone our SemiAnnual -
Annual stock taking until August-1st , and our G-rand Clearance
Sale of Summer Clothing will continue for the rest of this month
terrains m s Clothing ,
gains In Boys' ' and Children's ' Clothing
Specie ! DisGQBiils io Merchant Taiioriog Department ,
Everything desirable in hot weather furnishings , The largest va
riety and lowest prices.
Iflen's ' Summer Coats and Vests ,
Closing out prices on all these goods.
"We will C9ntinue the sale of $3.60 Pantaloons during the month and
have included many special lines never sold for less than $5.
Until further notice our store will be closed at 6:3Oo. : . m. , Saturdays
10 p. m. Our friends will please remember this and make their
purchases accordingly.
DES MOINES Proprietors ;
Cor. Douglas and 15th. Sts. } Omaha.
Some good bargains inny yet bo found
amontf our odd sizes of mon'H Milts. Hear
lu mind these uro i.ot Inferior gooda which
\vo \ oiler , but llrstclabs in every particular.
Max Meyer & Bro ,
Qrcat reduction of prlro on eond hand
Pianos and OrKann. A Rood chance to got n
good 1'iuiio tor a , small amount of money.
Thn above prices nro 10 per rent lens than over
ottered lief nro nd BH \ \ e must lme room for our
large Block of Nuu I'luncuuntllgloiiu ujctra
10 ] ur cent dliiciiunt fioiu ulioro mlct'H to anyone
ono that buyH an Instrument before Anirimt Int.
livery Instrument guaranteed to bo just ui ro-
I'lunos for rent for $2..10 anil
per ninalli.
Crgflns for rent for $ J. . ' 0 nnil
1 > IT IIIOIllll.
Jf voubuy any of tfl3 ubovo IniHimenta and
you are not Kuliblltd , wo will iillotvyoit hunio as
you puld forH toward any now I'lano you may
Belfct. Call vai ly and get n bargnlil ,
Cor. IGtli arid Farnam Sta.
C , E. & C. M. ANTHONY.
312 1st Nat'l BrJ k Building1 ,
Omaha , - Nebraska
lowratoH for Choke I.onna. Titles anil valio : <
pasu'd upan promptly and closed wltliuut
delay , l.o ai correspondents wantad In No
raska nnd Iowa ,
KmlTuinuraCUltKt ) : no knife :
CANCER liuokfrre. Ub.BrUltlliKL.B.U , ,
Wi w bwu or. , vmuuy , luu
II irllt correct thctlaiiumlitfj in.
jlurneooflre on tlio btomttch.
or M n Health Prenrvlnj , for
Children Invigorating , nnil Uo-
rMhlugfor All. Tin Beit Euitt-
nerB v racelnExlitence. W&r-
ranted strictly Pur * and Unf r-
meeted. An EOclcnt Itemtdy
( or Dlarrnua , Cholera Mortm ,
Djior.Ury , and all Dliorderof
the EoKeli ,
NASHVILLE , TENN.Jnno3 , ' 87.
DparSIri : I have tried tlio
Hungarian Illuclchrrry Julcn
you po klmlly unit mi * . It If
ttio iiu plim ultra of summer
drlnkH. II In free from alco
hol , nllnyn thirst , Ionia the
illccstlMJ nrKUin , him n line
nrimmtlc lluvur , anil In just
Iliothlnirrorilliurhicnl truuli-
k > In tlic liciitf-il U'rm. A
TAllI.r.M'OO.NKUr. IN A.
( ii.Ass IIP KM : WATini
ncspirt fully.
T. A. ATC1USON , M. D.
urnalPtiy DrueRliitdLI'i '
Dealers uud Urucc-ru.
C-1 tlio I.launr Habit , rnnlllriilr C'urvtt
l > r Adinlnlflturiiic Or. Hiilacu'
Uolden Specific.
It run lioglvi'ii In n cup of collector tea without ) )
knowlutUo nf Ihu ii''raoiitu'diiiflt ' ' ; Imiu-oliitolylitmu
lent , nnd "III urlrit n i > u < ly mill permanent ojro
iruothor the patient , u u muilunitu drinker or nn
ikoliol nrc'iK. 'llummnrtu of Uruiikuitli huvo bi'i-n
nitdo tompornto mun who huvo tnkt'ii ' ( joldmi Hpoclflo
n thulr colfuo without thulrknowledgemid lotluy Uo
luvo thiiy quit drinking nf Ihulr own Irruvrlll. 11
NICVIIItKAII- > < j U'iii imco | nn > r Kmilril wall
ttio r-pcclllu. It hccniuo HII iiiurlmpotislliility fur Iho
llijunr niiotlti | | ) to xl t. For xulu by Kulin .V Uo.
liuexl ! l8.15th niidlloimliu * tti.iui'l ISlli nnd I'niii
M , , OmuUu. r'oBtur.t Uro. . Council Illulfi.
Moruunl'urlilncarnilcarol , Iloardlnii
Bclioul for Ulrlt und Vouni ; I.mllca. Kor
catalovuontldroiX ) . TIIAVKIt. I.Ii. n. ,
' , 111. , or 71 ilodleu i titrctt , Cblcuuo , 111.
O MANMUB , N. r.
Civil Knglnecrlng. ( JlaiNlc.i. llUHini'HH.
Ifr , lluv. I' I ) . HUNTINHTON , 1'iunldent
LT , Cot. , w. VlIUIIl'.C'K , Bupurlntendviit.
1wallon.lludt.oti. . Coi. . P. J. Wiiinnr. II. B. .
A.M. , Hupt.U ! ' . HVA-rr , Comd't of Caduts.
iln.laii ) ; " Lr
l , J ikKjuvlIlcJit
( ffJUH ,
al fores MEATS FOH ,
' '
fgft m n Flb'ri'
fable SOUPS , ,
Sauce ,
Koiiuirkuhlo for poworfulsyinptithotio
tone , plitiblo action and absolute dura
bility ; ! ! ( ) years' record the best tfiwrnn-
tco of the excellence ) of these Inatru-
: n outs.
Best Boston Twine
Jami * j. Also huvo
J ? 1135.13 I JC VIVIL .
Hulf-nnd-half , fo nndJ , and
SOU ( u aoH H. VVulcr St. , Clilcuuo.
Capital . WOO.OOO
Surplus Jim. 1st , 1880 . 62,000
IlKMtv W. VATKR , I'resldent.
IH R HKKD , Vlcu I'rufildout.
W. V. MOIISi : ,
JOHN . um.MNP.
H. 0. CimniMi ,
W. II. S. lIumiKS ,
Cor. 12th and I'arimm Hti.
A ( icnurul Uunkluc Dubinins Tnumactuil.
NOB. 303-404-I7O-C04.
is Wealth !
Du.K.a WEST'S Ktiive AND BIUIN '
UKNT , ftguurantoerl npuclfic for llyiterlu , bUl
uess. Convulsions , Ills , Nervoiu Keumlal * .
lluuilacUo , Nerrnus ] > r itratlon caused by til *
UHO ot alcohol or tobacco , Wakofulties.i , MentM
I ) preH lnn , Hofirnlnurif tha 11 ruin , resulting m
ln anltvan < l leinlliiKfomliiery. iltcny ami il atb.
I'lumaturo Old Ace ( , lliirroniifm , I < om of 1'owsf
In either Her , Involuntary I , < m and SpBrmat-
orhd'H canned by oritr-nxortlon ot the braln.BBlf.
busn or ovorlndulRonro. Kach lx > x contatm
cne month's treatment. 11.03 n boxot ilxboxe *
fur fi.oiia nt by mall prepaid on receipt ot price.
To cura any cuse. With e ch order received \ > r
\i \ for nix boiB . uocomp.mle J with KJ.UOr wlu
Bend tha purclmner our written Kuarnnteo to rev-
fund the money if Ilia trotituivnt does not eatct-
6 cure. Quaramt is4 Istuod nnlr by Uoodm&i
Drug Co. . . Sole AgenU , UlO '
Uuel. Oiuau * NtU ,
V t rhronrh rrn rr
tail ( irtcllwi , imy U
'g l u by tlic i"
po lpn-Dui > ro.flerrie(1ctt | ,
Sii.J fir K-ir lie * lllu.lttliirjli-
rele cuif l ) ii.c ti' ' ln rn'irit ; < in.
Uoclon-Oupre Ollnlauo. lu Titnunt St. , IJottoai
A I'uckct Mirror Free to Smokcru of