Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Bulla Find It Difficult to
Advrtuoo Prices.
It Continues the Clilnf Kontttro In
Tlmt Cereal's Trnitlnjt 1'rovla-
Ions Bliow Moro StrciiRtli
Hojrn Higher.
CHICAGO , July 20. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE. ] Wheat was dull nnd lower to
day. The bulls find it difficult to put prices
up lu the fnco of improving northwestern
crop prospects , Impending heavy receipts ,
lack of Actual frco exports and an absence of
abroad speculative inquiry. It li true that
foreign advices are bulllsb , both ns regards
crop and market news , hut then foreign
houses arc generally long for speculative ac
count , and it Is not forgotten that
the foreigners are prone to take
profits on very moderate bulges , and the
scalping trade nrgtics that they are helping
the market up to sell out. December wheat
opened in this market at SOJ/c , which was an
over night gain of MO. Right from tbo open
ing thcro was a disposition on the part of
the bulls to sell out and on the part of the
bears to extend their speculative risks.
Hutch , ns usual , "buckod the crowd , " but
his efforts In that line did not scorn
to bo crowned with success. The price went
to TO c , reacted to TSJ jfc nnd worked down
to 70 } c , with heavy selling below 70K" . The
crowd wns short , however , and the buying
pave the bears a llttlo nervous tremor , set
ting them to covering nnd giving the market
an appearance of a firm closing at some re
covery from the usual inside figures , Decem
ber closing at 70 (270 ( 0. July wheat was
noticeably weak. It opcnca at SOXc ,
sold nt Sic and down to 79c ,
closing nt 79c. September ranged
at 73 ? < i(379J ( c and closed at 77 ? < fc. Trade
wns light In the ngKregato and news of an-
unusually Inconsequential character. It Is
probable that the visible simply decrease
will bo over 500,000 bushels this week. The
average decline In long futures Is | < 3KC-
July lost IJtfc.
The feature of the corn market continues
to bo the excellent shipping demand for the
dally receipts , the argument from which Is
that extensive users of tlio article throughout
the country are content to buy It freely
at the current price , even with very fair
prospects for another good crop. The ad
vance in the price of cash corn is something
more than is indicated by the actual quota
tions , freights having been also gradually
hardening. The clearances for the week
from the four principle Atlantic ports were
GSO.OoO bushels. Near deliveries are feeling
the Influence of the strong demand for cash ,
nnd are relatively firmer than more deferred
futures : The changes in the end from
Friday's closing figures were very slight ,
since July and September gained each 1-lCc.
The balance of the list wns unchanged. July
closed at SSQGJfo and September nt85J @
Oats wore less intensely dull than yester
day , though not active , with nearly the pre
vious prices continued. Pair trading WIM
noted in , July , chiefly at 22c , nnd later
offered nt that , with September
nt 2lX@-"c , and May cany nt
the former point ot 25 ? c. Crop
conditions were generally favorable and
with plentiful supplies of old oats In the
country yet to come forward. The long side
of the market received little support. No U
oats to go to Bloro were steady at 22J.Cc.
Local stocks were reduced 40.395 bushels.
Provision traders were favored with a
stronger market. The opening generally
Wiis nt prices closely corresponding with
yesterday's closings , and .during the morn
ing the changes made were in un upward di
rection. Unexpected buying by leading
packers made the shorts feel uneasy , nnd
Induced a good many of the la to persistent
bears to change their tactics. During the
first hours of the session there were more
buyers than sellers , n strong feeling held
control nnd better price * prevailed. Later ,
when the buying became tnoro restricted ,
the trade eased off , yet the day closed at a
substantial improvement , which in pork
amounted to lOc , In lard to Go und in short
ribs to SQI c. September was througtiout
the favorite futura delivery. It sold at
flI.12 @ 11.37Jf for pork , frt.BO@rt.87U for
lard and $5.00il5.72 } < for short ribs. Porlc
for September closed at $11.25 , lard at
$0.85 and short ribs at $5.05. Pork und short
ribs for August ranged iitTJ c and lard ntlOc
under September. The only winter month
receiving any special attention < vas January ,
Which sold at $10.10@10.12 } for pork and
tO.OO$3.05 ( for lard. Short ribs for Jununry
stood ut $5.05 bid. Cash liird sold ut * 6.20@
0.27 , 10-lb green hums nt 8J/c nnd winter
cured 10-lb sweet pickled hums ut
CHICAGO , July 20. [ Special Telegram to
THE BBC. I C\TTMJ. Estimated receipts for
the day , 3,500 ; lust Saturday , H.843 ; for the
week , 09,807 ; last week , G0.8SO. A few na
tives , say 10,000 head , went out at about the
same prices as yesterday , and business for
the week closes remarkably steady , consid
ering the unprecedented ruu , for n July
week. The 8,500 Texan * on the market
Bold slow , and although not quotably lower
than yesterday , were hard to soil from start
to finish. One or two contngninents
from Kansas City did not arrive
until late in the duy. Native butchers'
stock was tbo same as for several days post ,
but the chances are that anything that haste
to compete with Texans will sell lower , at
a big run of the latter is looked
for under the low rates. Choice
to extra beeves , KUKX34.25 ; medium to
good steers , IIUO to 1500 Ibs , W.70@4.00 ;
1200 to 1050 Ibs , 3.00@atK ) ; 000 to I''OO Its ,
KMO@8.70 ; Btoekern und feeders. | i.00@3.00 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , $ MVRi.OO ( : : bulk ,
I3.00ffi2.25 ; slop-fed steers , | 3.05@atK ) ; Texas
steers , di.25i3.10 ( ; cows , 1.60@3.UO.
HOOB Estimated receipts. 7,600 ; last Sat
urday , O.WK ) ; for the week , Si' S ; las' , week ,
07.030. The light run was easily disposed of ,
and the market hut nearly recovered the decline -
cline of the early part of the week , closing
nt W.154.25 for packers. M.SOC't-UO for
heavy nnd $4.60 < < H75 for light. The great
scarcity of light , especially slngo ort and
fine graders , and such are commanding a big
premium at present.
Chicago. July 'JO. iho Drovers' Journal
reports as'follows :
Cattle Hcccipts. 8,000 ; market steady ;
beeves , 1.4034.23 ; stackers nnd feeders ,
! 00(33.00 ( ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , SUO ®
8.00 ; bulk , f3.00-.S5.
Hogs Hcc'cliits. 8,000 ; market cloned quiet ;
mixed , (4.20(34.50 ( ; heavy , fU5@4.40 ; light ,
H 0@4.70 ; skips , f3.X ( > @ 380.
Sheep HecelpU , 8,000 ; shipments , 800 ;
market steady ; natives , t-I.MK < $4.75 ; west
ern , ; TOXBIIS. $3.23(34.10. (
KHMHBH City , July 20. Cuttle Receipts ,
8,000 ; shipments , none ; common to choice
corn-fed steers , 3.75(34.10 ( ; mockers and
feeders , $1.CO@3,00 ; cows , weak and lowest
of the season ,
Hogs Receipts , 9,100 ; shipments , none ;
market steady to strong ; light , tl.S
4.27J4 ; heavy and mixed , W.05@4.20.
National Brook ITnrd * , Kut Bt.
Ijoulu , July 20. Cattle Receipts , 200 ;
shipments , S,100 ; market steady ; fair to
choice heavy native stctrx 13.10(94.20 ( ;
lookers and fcoderr , t' .UK3 > UO : rangers ,
corn-fed , fl.7CK33.CO ; Brass-fed , $3.00@3.00.
Hogs Receipts. 500 ; shipments , 1,100 :
market steady ; choice heavy and butchers'
selections , f .2 < K34.40 ; packing , (4.20@
4,85 ; light grades , H.40Q4.55.
New YORK , July 20. [ Special Telegram
to TUB QBB.I STOCKS At the opening ol
the stock market to-day there was every in <
datlon that the half day would close the
weir without important action. In railroad
securities nnd trusts a spirit of weakuesi
prevailed. Higher prices sent by London
had llttlo effect and first prices huro wore
Jf per ccut lower tUuu last uighU Furtuei
declines were established In early trading
when all animation disappeared from the
market. Grangers , Missouri Pacific nnd
Northern Pacific preferred were the only
stocks showing any animation at any tlmo ,
and In those share's the losses were the most
conspicuous , the Union Paclflco losing J { nnd
thoAtchlson per cent , whllo others de
clined smaller fractions. Dofora the end ot
the hour there wns a Might reaction , with
promise of a better closing. The slight up
ward turn In stocks after 11 a. m. was of
short duration. Liquidation again set in and
prices declined below the bottom figure *
early. The Missouri reduction of rates
helped the bears. Asldo from this there was
no feature to the market and the close was
dull at about the lowest prices.
The following were the closing quotations :
II. 8.4s regular. Northern Vixeltlc. , 2n ? {
U.P.4sconnoni . . .12SU do preferred , . . . ' 02
U. A.4Ksregnli r. . U , i JH. W I03i !
U. B.4)i ) coupons. do preferred 139
I'MltrcOsot V5 US N.Y.tiontrnl ion ? *
Central Vactno ill I'.D.&K 21
Chicago k Alton. . . . 1U5 Hock iBlnnti U )
CM CARO , Ilurllngton C..M. &str BJVS
AQulncy 8R do preferred * 1M
D..UW. | < 3 SU'auKV Omaha. . 31
llllnoln Central 114 do preferred ( U
! . , ! . * vr. , < U Union Pacific R7t !
KnnsasftTetaa. . . . 10 W..8t. L. &P. ,
Lake Shorn cloiiroforred. " . . .
Mlchlcnn Ceutral. . Western Union . .7 tag
Moxnr Easy , closing ut UK Per cot > t
Puma McnoxxTiLn PAPBH 4J 5 per
STr.nt.tHO EXCHANOH Dull ; slsty-dny bills ,
M.SO ; demand , e3.S7f. ?
rnouucis aiARiCHTS.
CniCAoo. July 20. 1 lib p. m. close Wheat
Cash. 795 < c ; Septumbor , 77fc ; December ,
Corn Cash , S5 ( < ( i > 35)o ; August ,
September , SO e.
Oats Cash , 22J/o ; August , 2t @ 21o ;
September , 21Jf@22c.
Lard NomlnaT ; cash , $0.22 | ; August ,
$0.25 ; September , W.35.
IlyoMo bid for cash
Harley Nominal ; No. 3 , September , COc.
Flax Seed No. 1 , 1.82 > f.
Prlmo Timothy Nominal ; 81.47.
Whisky fl.03.
Pork Nominal ; cash , tll.16 ; Auirust ,
$11.17M ; September , 111.35.
Flour Dull , steady and unchanged.
Dry Salt Meats In light request and
prices ruled steady ; short ribs moderately
active tUo.r > 5@5.05.
Butter Very dull ) creamery , lO lSo ;
dairy , 0@18c.
Cheese Quiet and unchanged ; full cream
Cheddars nnd Younjr Americas , 7 @ 75fc.
Egcs Dull ; fresh , 10@llc.
Hides Weaiter ; heavy groan salted , 5c ;
light green salted , 5@5o ; salted bull , 4 } c ;
green salted calf , 5Kg55fc ( : dry flint 7c ;
ury salted hides , 7c ; dry calf , 7@Sc ; dea
cons , 25o each.
Tallow Easy , demand fair ; No. 1 , solid
packed , 8-S o ; No. 2 , cake , 4Jf < \
UcociDts. Shipmonts.
Flour . 9.000 12,000
Wheat . 53,000 90,000
Corn . 270,000 498,000
Oats . 144,000 241.030
Now York , July 20.W heat Receipts
87,450 bushels ; exports , 00,100 bushels ; spot
dull and KOJ c lower , weak : No. 2rcd ,
88c in store , ti&Wa \ \ nflont , it ! } < © 91c f. o.
b. ; No. I white , 9io ! ; ungraded red ,
85 % @ < JOJ c. Options dull ; July tfc lower ;
other months * jf@fo } higher , wcalc ; No. 2
red August closing at 85c.
Corn Receipts , 151,700 bushels ; exports ,
111.400 bushels ; spot wcultcr ; No. 2 ,
4JK@42itfc ! in elevator , 43)4@4i&o ) : nlloaf.No.
2 wlute , uOo asitcd ; ungraded mixed , 41 %
C < % 41) c ; steamer mixed nominal ;
outious firmer but dull ; July closing at
43 0.
Oats Receipts , 4,000 bushels ; exports ,
'none ; spot dull and X@Ma higher ; options
quiet but firmer ; July , 27K i 8P ° t , No. 3
white , 33@33 > ic ; mixed western , S5@
29c ; white western , 333l > c ; No. 3 , Chicago
cage , 28Kc.
Coltec Options opened barely steady and
10@20 points down , closed barely steady and
unchanged to 5 points down , quiot. Sales
2,500 bags ; July , $ W.5514.00 ; August ,
S14.55@14.5 ; September. * 14.00@ 14.75 ; spot
market steady and quiet ; fair cargoes , at
§ 17.75.
Petroleum Quiet and steady ; United
closed at ' .HJ c.
Eggs Quiet and easy ; western ,
Porte-Quiet ; mess , 2.50@18.00.
Lard Stronger but quiet ; western steam ,
J0.03 ; August , fl.C3 , bid.
Butter Choice , steady ; moderate demand ;
western dairy , 10@13c ; creamery , 12@lO } c.
Cheese Quiet ; western , 6 > f@7)4c.
MinncupoIU , July 30. Wheat Sample
wheat weak ; receipts und shloments , none.
Closing : No. 1 hard , July , 1.01 # ; on track ,
$1.03@1.04 ; No. 1 northern , July , 90c ; Au
gust , b2o ; September , 79 } c ; December ,
80Kc ; on truck , 9lio ; No. 'J northern , July ,
81c ; on track , 84@37c.
Cincinnati , July 30. Wheat Firm ;
No. 2 red. 78c.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 80M@37c ,
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 , 27c ,
Whisky Steady at 81.03.
Kunana City , July 20. Wheat Unset
tled ; No. 3 red , cash , COc bid ; July sales ,
GOo ; August , G5tfc ; No. 8 red , August ,
sales , 59u ; No. 2 soft , cash , OS obid ; July ,
07c ; Auuust OO fc.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , July , 2Sobld ; August ,
271 0.
Oats No. 3 cash , 20o asked ; September ,
St. Ijoiils , July 20. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 74c ; August , 73J c : September ,
Corn Firm ; cash , tti&o ; August ,
September , 33c.
Oats Entirely nominal ,
Pork Firm ; cash , * 11.50.
Lard Nominal at 10.00.
Whisky Steady at $1.03.
Butter Ensy ; creamery , 13@14 .
IitTcrpool , July 20. Wheat Firm but
demand poor : holders offer moderately ;
No. 1 , California , 7s l > tfd@7s 2d per cental.
Corn Firm and demand fair.
Sioux City , July 20. Cattle Rsceipts ,
50 ; shipments. 110 ; market lower ; fat
steers , f3.00@3.GU ; stockcrs and feeders ,
$2.10@2.bO ; veal calves , $ i25@3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 900 ; market R@10o
stronger ; light and mixed , | 4.12) @ 4.UO ;
heavy , $4.15(34.25. (
Milwaukee. July 20. Wheat Easier ;
cash , TUJ o ; September , 77c.
Corn Dull ; No. 8 , KMa ,
Oatt Steady ; No. 2 white , 23 > < o.
Ilyo Hosier ; No. 1 , 42o.
Barley Steady ; No. 2 , September 01 02o
Provisions Firm ; pork (11.20.
Saturday , July 20.
The receipts were only moderate for Sat
urday and quality fair. Beef and shipping
steers were picked up early at an advance of
6@10 cents with two loads selling at $3.97 ,
the extreme limit reached. Good fat cows
and betters are not plentiful and values OR
such are stronger. Common butcher stock
ana feeders uro selling steadily ,
11 oca.
Light receipts and good inquiry caused a
further advance again to-day of 5 ( < $10 $ cents
on all grades , with one lot of light sorts go
ing at (4.25 aud the bulk of the sales at
$4.17 > { . Trading was brisk , and by midday
the receipts had been cleared up.
Hammond received about 800 head. Outside -
side of these there was none hero to make a
Ileoelpt * .
Cattle 900
Hogs 2300
Sheep 80S
Prevailing Prioos
The following li a table of prloas paid la
this market for the grades of stock men-
Prlmostoors , 1300to 1000lbj.$3.SO ( J43.97K
Good steers. 12.V ) to 1450 Ibi. , . 8.70 MU.60
Good steers. 1050 to 1303 Ibs. , . 8.35 (33.05 (
Common cunnurs 1,25
Ordinary to fair cows. , 1.75
Fair to good cows , . . , , U.30
Good to choice cows , . . . , , . . , 3.40
Choice to fancy cows , heifers. . 2.70 M3.00
Falrto eood bulls 1.75 ® 3.23
Good to choice bulls , . 3.25 ( 2.50
Light stoukors and feeders , . . . 3.70 (43.90 (
Good feeders , 950 to UOO Ibs. . B.OO ( 3.00
Fair to choice liKht hogs 4.15 @ 4.25
Fair to choice heavy hogs 4.15 0(4.20
Fair to choice tnixod hogs 4.10 @ 4.17 > j
Shorn sheep 0.00 04.00
Representative Bixlos.
No. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
1 210 250 2 200 300
1 1310 1 75
0 713 250
lilvo Stock -Notes.
C. H. Post came in from Benedict with n
car of cattle.
John Nellor came In from Boomer with n
car of hogs.
W. R. Nichols came m from Benedict with
a car of cattlo.
A car of cattle Is what Tom barber , o ( Benedict -
edict , brought In.
Shcphnrd & Badger sent In a car of hogs
'rotn Crcighton to-day.
The Foster Bros. , of Benedict , were herewith
with two cars of cattle.
W. T. Bridgeford loft tnii evening on a
visit to his homo at Purls , Mo.
William lioyler came over from Creston ,
la. , with two cars of cattlo.
Charley Birney went to Kansas City yes
terday , nnd will return on Tuesday.
Ashlnnd wns represented by A. Lavorty ,
who was hero with a car ot hogs.
Joe Ellis , a heavy dealer at DoWitt , sent
in n car of hogs this morning.
J. H. Hothwell , of Croighton , was on the
masket with two cars of cattlo.
Mitchell & Davis , n well known firm lo
cated at Burwell , marketed hogs to-day.
J. E. Hunt , an every day dealer , was
n from Papillion looking for feeding cattlo.
C. E. Welch , a prominent denier from Pa-
pillion , was hero this morning with two cars
) f cattle.
-A. Sutton , of the well known flrm of Mc-
[ ntosh & Sutton , Chapman , wns here with n
car of hour. .
Leo MurUn. of Benedict , nddcd six loads of
fat cattle to the supply , and was hero to look
after them.
Messrs. Gould & Bauer , well known deal
ers at Cedar Rapids , were hero looking after
four cars of cuttle.
Russell Gates , of ( ho Gates Live Stock
company , of Ravenna , was on the market
with live cars of cattle.
Ed Lancaster , the fat man from Holmes-
villo , mid an all around stock man of promi
nence , was hero this morning with three cars
of cattle and ono of bogs.
D. Graves , a successful farmer nnd feeder
of Arborvillo , was in looking over the mar
ket. Mr. Graves has ten cars of fat cottlo
which ho will forward later on.
Produce , Fi-iiitP , Etc.
BUTTER Table dairy. ll@18c ; packers'
stock , 8X@9c. Creamery Prints , fancy ,
15@10o ; choice , 18@14c ; solid packed , 12 @
Eoos Strictly fresh , He.
CIIKESB Young Americas , full cream , lie ;
factory twins , 9 > c ; off grades , C@7c ; Van
Roascra Edom , $11.50 per doz ; sap sago , 19c ;
brick , ll@12c ; liraburgor. S@10c ; domestic
Swiss , I4o ; chceso safes , bronze medal , No.
POUI.TBY Live hens , per dozen , $3.50 ®
4.00 ; mixed. f3.25@3.50 ; spring , * : ) .00@2.r)0 ;
turkeys , 7@So per Ib ; ducks , Si.00@2.50 ;
geese , $ J.OO ( ( 4.00 ; live pigeons. $1.50.
OiuxoEB San Gabriel , $3.75@4.00 : fancy
Duarte Mediterranean sweets , $4.25@1.50 ;
Rod ! , $0.00.
PEAOIIKS Per bu. $1.75@2.00.
APPLES Per bbl , 75c@'J.X ( ) .
CiiEititiKS Per 24 quurt cass , $2.00 ; per 10
quart drnwer , Sl.OO.
BLA.CKIIEIIKIES Per 24 quart case , $3.00 ®
2.50 ,
BLACK RASFJIHUIIIES Per 21 quart case ,
RED RAsniEimiES Per 34 pint case , $1.75
@ 3.00.
GoosEiiEHiiics Per bu stund , $3.00 ; 24
quart case , $2.00.
CURRANTS Per case 24 quarts , $1.75@3.00.
BLUEIJKIIHIES Per bu , $5.00@5.50.
WATKKMELOSS $10.00@25.00 i > er 100.
CANTBI.OITS Per doz , $1 50@2.00.
PINE AITI.ES Per doz , $3.00sJ3.50. (
BANANAS According to slzo , per bunch ,
$2.00(33.00. (
COCOA.NUTS Per 100 , $5.00.
FRESH Fun White llrh per In , 7@Sc :
trout , per Jb , 9c ; white porch , per Ib , 7u ; buf
falo , per Ib , 7c ; pickerel , per Ib , Co ; black
buss , per Ib. He.
BIU.NS Choice hand picked navy , $1.75 ;
choice hand picked medium , $1.05 ; choice
hand picked coubtry , $1.00 ; clean country ,
EAIII/Y VEOBTAUI.ES Potatoes , 80@40o per
bu ; onions , California , per Ib , 2c ; southern ,
per bbl , $2.00 ; cabbage , per crate , $1.25 ; tur
nips , per bu box , 50@75o ; beets , per box ,
75c@i,00 ; wax beans , per bu box , $1.50 ;
string beans , per bu oox , tl.2V green peas ,
per bu box , $1.001 tomatoes , uur % bu box ,
40iJOOocauliflower , 51.50 ; eug plant , $1,23 ;
squash , 25c per doz ; cucumbers , 25u ; soup
bunches , 30o ; lettuce , 25c ; radishes , 20o ;
green onions , IMftl'Oc ; now carrots , 30c ; pie
plant , per Ib , 'la
CIDER Ubls , S5.00 ; hf bbls , 93.00.
MAPLI : SUOAR V2w@15o pur Ib.
POTATOES Old , choice , sacked , per bu , 15
( g''Oc.
VEAL Choice , medium size , 550o ; choice
heavy , 4@5c ; spring lambs , $30W@30.00 ( per
Hosor 14@15o per Ib for choice.
PIIKSKKVIB 9Jl$10a ( per Ib.
JELLIES 3K@4a per Ib.
BEESWAX No. 1 , 10@19a
HAY $3.50 5.50.
FBEli-$9.00(310.t ( > 0.
BllAN $ U.OO@9.25.
TALLOW No. 1 , 8 0 ; No. 2 , 2 f@3a
GiiKAbE A , 8Ji@4 o ; yellow , 2Kc ; dark ,
2c.WOOL Fine , average , 15@lCo ; choice , 18
MEDIUM Average , 21@22c' choice , 23@24c ;
course , 15 ( < J18c.
PROVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb average ,
lie ; 20 to 23 Ibs , 10) o ; 13 to 14 Ibs , 12o ; No.
3 , OKo ; specials , 12&u ; shoulders , 7a ; break
fast UU UIt . No , 1 , lt > Xui specials , lCe ! < ; pic-
utc , 7o ; ham saubago , I0)i'o ; dried beef
hams , Vo ; beef tongues , $0 per dozen ; dry
salt meats , 5K&Co per Ib.
SAIIBAOK Bologna , 4@lWo ; Frankfurt ,
7o : tongue , Oc ; summer , ltioheadcheese. \ .
6 > o ,
PORK Family , backs , per bbl , $13.00 ; K-
bbls , $0.75 ; mess , bbls , $13.50 ; Vi-bbls , $0.23 ;
pig pork , bbls , $17.50 ; H-bbls , f'J.OO.
BCEK TOSUUKS Salt , bbls , fJO.OO.
OiLS-Keroseno-P W , 9c ; W AV , 12o ;
headlight , 13c ; salad oil , $ 'J.159.UO per
PICKLKS Medium , pot hbl , M.50 ; small ,
(3.60) ) gherkins , $0.505 Q , B chow-chow , qts ,
ea.OO ; pts , $3.40. Z
WRAFi'ixo PArnn Straw , per Ib ,
2 } < o ; rag , 3ftot ninnill ; U'Co ; No. 1 , 9a
SALT-Dnlry , 140 3-lb ipkjjg , $3. CO ; do , 100
8-lb pkgs , $2.60 : do , C05lp pkgs , $3.40 : do , 33
10-lb pkgs , $2.30 ; Ashton. iu bags , 50-lb , S3o ;
do , 4'bu bags , 234-lb.$3.iqiAia A , 60-lb bags ,
G5c ; No. 1 fine , per bblji25. (
Cxxnr 03 @ 12J < o par Ib ,
CHOCOLA.TE AND Co < Xi 21@39o per Ib ;
Gorman chickory , red , " % ' .
Oi.sonii .Inninlca , ' nltits , $3.00 per doz.
FAitt > fACEous Gooiia Barley , 2 > < Q3Jo ;
fnrlnn , 4J c ; pens , So ; oatmeal , 2jf@5c ; nine-
ronl , He ; vermicelli , ' "lie " ; rlco , 4 @ 7o ;
sage nnd tapioca ,
Fisit Salt Urloili 'codfish ,
scaled horriup , 2So per box ; hoi horrlng.dom ,
COc ; Hamburg spiced herring , $1.00 ; hoi. hcr-
rinir , 70c ( < ? $1.10 ; inhuliciol , half bbls , No. 1 ,
$15.50 ; largo family , $13.COpcr 100 Ibs ; whltc-
llsh. No. 1. M.50 ; family , $3.00 ; trout , $3.00 ;
salmon , $3.50 ; anchovies , Sc ,
LYE $ l.75ib4,50. (
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; BraHls , Oo ; fil
berts , 12o ; pecans , 12c ; walnuts , 12c ; pea
nut cocks , 8c : roasted , lOc ,
BAGS American A , seamless , 17o ; Union
Square paper , discount 85 par cent.
COFFBES Green Ianey old golden Ulo ,
22o ; fancy old puabcrry , 23o ; Rio , clioico to
fnticy , 21o ; Rio , prime , 20c ; Ulo , good , 17o ;
Mocha , 2o ; Java , fancy Mnndchllng , 29c ;
Java , good interior , 34.0.
Comtns Roastcdi Arbucklo's Arlosa ,
22Jfo ; MoLnughlln' * XXXX , 22 } o : German ,
2-JXu ; Dllwortli , Sdlfc ; Alarouia , 2o.
SALSODA n < ( < J2j < o per Ib.
STARCH 5@7n per Ib.
STOVE POLISH $2.00W3.87 per gross.
STICKS Whole , per Ib Allspice , 12o ; Cas
sia China , lOc ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20u ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75c ; pepper , 19c.
SUGARS Granulated , ( ij/o ; confectioners'
A , JiJ < o ; standard extra C. 8J < ( < 5,9. , ! < c ; yellow
C , 8Jfc ; powdered , lOJ llo ; cut loaf , 10 > f
© llo ; oubos , 10 > @ 10) ) c ; cream extra C ,
h Gunpowder , 20 < 300cj Japan , 20 ( < j
40c ; Y. Hyson , 23@ > 50o ; Oolong , 2i@50e.
VINT.OAR Per gal. 13@20o.
CANNED Fisii Brook trou ; , 8 Ib , $2.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib. $3.85 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.33 ;
clams , 2 Ib , $3.00 ; clam chowder , 8 Ib , M.25 ;
devilled crabs , 1 Ib , $3.25 : devilled crabs , 2
Ib , $3.50 ; codlish balls. ! { Ib , S1.75 : caviar , X
Ib , $2.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , $3.C3 ; lobsters , t Ib , $2.00 ;
lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.90 ; lobsters , deviled , X Ib ,
$2.25 ; mackoral , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; mackerol. mus
tard sinico , 3 Ib , $2190 ; mackerel , tomnto
sauce , 3 Ib , S2.90 ; oysters , 1 Ib. 85c ; oysters.
2 Ib , $1.50 ; salmon , C.'R. ' I Ib , $3.10 ; salmon ,
C. R , 31b , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.85 ;
sulmou , Alaska , 3 Ib , ' $2.90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
Dry Goods.
BATTS Standard , Sc ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boone , 14o ; B , cuscd , $0.50.
BLANKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored ,
CAMIIIIICS Sinter , 5c ; Woods , Gc ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Pcncock5c.
CARIT.T WARI' Bibb white , ISKc ; colored ,
CovroiiTCRS $0.XJ@33.00.
CORSET JEANS Boston , 7fc ; Androscog-
gin , 7c ; Kcarsarge , 7J c ; Rockport , G fc ;
Concstotfa. ( ) ) < c.
COTTOK FLANNKLS 10 per cent trade db.
LL , unbleached , t > yo : CC. CJfc ; SS , 7 c ;
EE , 8c ; GO , OJfc ; XX. lO c ; OO. HKc ;
NN , 12Kc ; AA , He ; DD , Ift c : TT , 10 > < Jo ;
YY , ISc ; BU. 19o ; 20 bleached , SJ c ; C.O ,
12Jc ; 80 , ini c ; 50 brown nnd slate , 9o ; 70 ,
l'JKc9' > , lOc.
Ciusil Stevens' B , Tj'ffe ; Stevens' A , 7c ;
blenched , Sc ; Slovens * ! , 7J c ; bleached ,
8c ; Stevens' N , S } c ; meachca , OKc ; Stev
ens' SRT , 115 < c.
DCNIMS Amosl5eagi9 oz. IGJ c ; Everett ,
He ; Beaver Creek CC' lOc.
DUCK West Point , 20 in , 8 oz , OKo ; West
Point , 29 In , 10 oz , 12) ) 0 ; West Point , 29 in ,
12 oz , IS c ; West Point , 40 in , 11 oz , lOc.
FLANNEL-J Plaid RnftaiEon , 30o ; Clear
Lake , 30) ) o ; Iron Mountain , 20 } c.
FLANNELS White G H No. 3 , $ f , 22) ) o :
G II No. 1. r,2rjfc ( : G H No. 2 , % , 23 > < c ;
G H No. 1 , , 80c : Quecheo No. 3. 30c.
FLANNELS White Quechoo No. 2 , } ( ,
87 > e : Quecheo No. 3 , % , B2Kc ; Anawan ,
12Hc ; Somerset , 14c.
FiANxrLs Rod C , 24-inch ' , 15 > c ; E. 24-
inch , 21J c ; G G , 2l-in'ca,20c ; .IlAF , % ,
25c ; J H F , % , 37c ; G , f. 33u.
GINOHAII Plunkctt checks , CJ c ; Whlt-
tentoii , CSi'c : York , 7J c ; Normundi dress ,
7Kc ; Calcutta drossIXc ; "Whittcnton dress ,
7c ; Renfrew dress , 8x@12J c.
KENTUCKY JCANS Hercules , 18c ; Loam-
incton , 22i < c ; Ulcnwood , 20c ; Mclvlllo , 23c ;
Bang-up , 27c.
MISCCLLVNEOUS Table oil cloth , S2.50 ;
table oil cloth , niarblo , ? ? .50 ; plain Holland ,
9Kc ; dado Holland , 12 c.
PRINTS Dress Charter Oak , SJ c ; Ram-
ape , 4c ; Lodi , 5J c ; Allen , Gc ; Richmond , Gc ;
Windsor , 0 > c ; Eddystono , CK" ! Pacific , OKc.
PRINTS Pink and Robes Uichmond.0 > i ,
Allen , Oc ; Illvcrpoint , 5 > fo ; Steel Rlvor ,
O c ; Richmond , 0 > < c ; Pacific , OKo.
PRINTS Indigo blucSt.Lcdgar,3M , < 3 Vash
Ington. 0) c ; American , ( > Koi Arnold , O o ;
Arnold Century , 9c ; Windsor Gold Tk't ,
lOKo ; Arnold B , 10 > o ; Arnold A , 12c ; Ar
nold Gold Seal. IC c ; Yellow Seal , I0 > c ;
Auiannn , 12c. Prints , solid colorsAtlanticGc ;
Slater , Oc ; Berlin oil , CJ c ; Garntr.oil , C@7c ;
SHIRTINO , CHECKS Ctilecloiiia X , 9 > fcj
Caledonia XX , 10J < c ; Economy , 9c ; Otis , 9c ;
Granite. OJ c ; Crawford checks , 80 ; Haw
River plaids , 5 } c.
SHEETJNO , BHOWN Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7' c ;
Atlantic H. 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4 4 , 0c ; At-
limtio P , 4-1 , Cc ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Oc ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4e ; Crown XXX , 4-4. 05fo ; Hooslor
LL , 4-4 , fc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ; Law-
rcnce LL , 4-4 , 5 < c : Old Dominion , 4-1. 5 } o ;
Pcpperoll R , 4-1 , Cc ; Peppcroll E , 40-inch ,
7 } c ; Pepporoll , 8-4. 17 c ; Ponpurell. 9-4 ,
20c ; Pcpperoll. 10-4 , 22c ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4Kc ;
Wnchusetts , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7c ; Au
rora B. 4-4 , G&c.
SIIIICTINO , BLCACCED Ellorton , 7 } c ;
Housekeeper , S fc ; Now Candidate , 8 0 ;
Berkeley cambriu. No. CO , 9o ; You Bet , 4-4 ,
0c ; butter cloth , OO , 4c : Cabot , l o\ \
Farwoll , half bleached , 8 > c ; Fruit of Loom ,
8c ; GrecnoG , Cc ; Hope , TJ c ; King Phil
lip cambric , lOu ; Lonsdalo cambric , lOc ;
Lonsdalo , 8J c ; Now York mills , lOo ; Pep-
perell , 42 in , lOc ; Popporcll. 40 In , llu ; Pop-
percll , 0-4,14Kc ; Pepperoll , 8-1 , 20c ; Pcp-
perell , 9-4 , 22c ; Pepperell. 10-4 , 34o ; Canton.
4-4 , 8Cc ; Canton , 4-4 , 9J c ; Triumph , Oc ;
Wamsutta , lie ; Valley. 5c.
TICKS Oakland , A. 7Ko ; International Y
Y , So ; Snctuckot , S , S' < Jc ; Wnrrcn , No. 870 ,
Kic ; Berwick , BA. Use ; Acme , 18c ; York ,
30 In. 12Kc : York , . ' 13 in , 18 | c ; Swift River ,
Sc ; Thorndlko OO , 8 0 ; Tliorndlko EF. 8X0 ;
Thorndlko 120. 9 c ; Thorndlko XX , 15c ;
Cordls No. 5 , 0 > { o ; Cordis No. 4 , lOXc.
I > rucs and CjKMnlcnlc.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , 2 } . c ; citric ,
per Ib. , 51e ; oxalic , per Ib. . Ho ; tartaric ,
powdered , ! ! ; carbolic , 3S@15c.
ALUM Per Ib. , 2Xo.
AMMONIA Carb. perlb. . llJi'o.
AituownooT Per Ib. , lOc.
BALSAM Copaiba , per Ib. , 05o ; tolu , 52@
C5u. o
BORAX Refined , per } ] > , , 9) ) c.
CUKAM TARTAR Puro.'iuor Ib. , 30c.
EXTRACT Loa WOOD Bulk , per Ib. , ISJ c.
' ' '
Gl.YCKRINE 31 } C. ' ' !
GLYCBIUNK IJullc , per , Ib. , 21J c.
GUM AssafoQtlda , , , 14c ; camphor ,
perib , , ! )7u ) ; opium , pur , Jb. , $3.35.
lowNii Kesubliinuted , pcroz. , W.05.
LBAVCS Uuchu. shbrrj per Ib , 13c ; senna ,
Alex. , per Itj , 25@33c. '
MiiiiriilA Sulph , pored , $2.80.
MEHCUIIV 74c. f. ,
POTASH Hromklo , .norilb , 87o ; iodine , per
Ib. $2.85. r r
QUIWA Sulph , per Ilt > .l240o.
SKKUS Canary , perilhJM c.
Sou's ( Jastlle , moVtlod , per It , SC lOc ;
caHtllo , white , per lb,4i@15c. :
SI-HUTU NITKK Sweet , per Ib , 30o.
STHVCIIKU Crystals , fl,00@li5.
Sui.i'ii , CINCHONA Per nz , 0iJ13c. (
TAI-IOOA Per Ib , ( io.
Toxo.v UBANS $1.75.
OILS JJergamot , 52,45 ; Wlntergreon ,
f-,15 ; Mulnga , 05o ; linseed , ra\v , O''u ; boiled ,
' CAI.OMEI , Am. , per HI , 69o. <
CtlllCU BK1I1IIE8 81.60 ,
CANTI1A1IIDE8 75cfj$1.05. ? ,
CiBsiA Huns Per Ib , 17e.
ConitoBivc SUBLIMATE Per Ib , 80a
BLOCK Tin Eng. rcf'g , small pig , 2Sc :
bar. 29a
( Jopi'Eit Planished boiler sizes , 80o : cold
rolled , 20c ; sbeatUlng , 25u ; pltts , 20c ; flats ,
count , 00 t > or cent.
PATENT PLAMSIIKU Iiio.s No. 24 to 27 , A
qunllt.v , per Ib , 10os No. 24 to 27 , B qual
ity , 9Ko. For less than bundle odd H °
per Ib.
StiBBT IRON No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $ .15) .
SOLDER Hey t Motnl Co.'s half-and-half ,
In Mb cases , per Ib , ICc ; commercial halt-
and-hnlf , 15c ; No. 1 , in bars , He ,
sheets , $3.25:10.14x20. 112 sheets , $ O.M ; IX ,
14x20 , 113 sheets , $8.33 ; l.XX , 14x20 , 112
sheets , $1(1.00 ( ; 1XXX , 14X20 , 113 sheets
$11.73 ; 1C , 2x23 , 113 BROCIS. $13,50 ! 2x3 ? ,
113 sheets , $17.00 ; IXX , 3x23 , 113 sheets
COKB 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $0.00 ; 1C ,
14x20 , 112 sheets , $0 00 ; 16 , 10x20 , 333 sheets ,
UooriNO ( Best Charcoal ) 20x23 , $9.75 ®
Sir.r.L NAILS Base , (3.15 ; steel wire nails ,
base , $3.00. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Lumber and Uulldlng.
Material , f. o. b. Omaha ,
STOCK BuAims A 13 inch , s. 1 s 14 nnd 10
feet , $40.00 ; B 13 inch , s. 1 s. 13 , 14 and 10
feet , $41.00 ; G 13 inch , s. 1 s. 13 , 14 and 10
feet , $50.00 ; D 13 inch , B. 1 s. 13 , 14 and 10
feet , $23.00 ; No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 s. 13 loot ,
$18.00 ; No. 1 Com. 13 in. s. 1 s. 14 nnd 10 feet ,
J17.50Q18.BO ; No. 1 Com. 13 in. s. 1 s. 10 , 18
nnd 20 foot , $19.50 ; No. 3 Com. 13 In. s. 1 B
14 nnd 10 feet , $10.50.
white pine partition , $33.00 ; 2nd Com. $ { In.
whlto ulno partition , $37.00 ; clear V in. yel
low pine celling , $30.00 ; clo.irVin. Norway ,
$14.50 ; 2nd Com. / in. Norway , $13.00.
Bovuns No. 1 Com. s. 1. R. 12 , 14 nnd 10
ft , $19.00 ; No. 2 Com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. ,
$10.50 ; No. 3 Com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. ,
$14.50 ; No. 4 Com. s. 1 s. 13 , 14 and 10 ft. ,
( ship's cull ) , $11.00. Add 50 cents per M. ft.
for rough.
Batts , 2 ; $ ' inch , GOo : O. G. Batts , J x3 , SIS ,
33o ; 8-in. well tubing , D. & M. and bov. ,
$23.00 ; pickets , D. & H. , fiat , $20.00 ; pickets ,
D. & H. square , 519,00.
13 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft , 18 ft , 20 ft. 23 ft , 24 ft.
2x4..15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x0..15.00 15.00 15.00 111.00 10.00 18.00 19,00
3x8..15.00 15.00 15.00 1(1.00 ( 10.UO 18.00 19.00
2x10..15.00 1500 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x12..15.00 1500 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
4x4-8x810.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 10.00
No. 1 , 4&0 Inch , 12& 14 ft , rough , 10 00j10 ( 50
Fo. 1 , " " 10 " 17.00@17.DO
No. 2 , " " 13 & 1 " 13.50M14.00
No. 3 , " " 10 " . 15.00@10.CO
FiNisiiiNd 1st nnd 3d clear , \f ] inch , s 3 s ,
$49.000351.00 ; 1st nnd 2d clear , lk and 2 Inch ,
s2s , 47.00(350.00 ( ; 8d clear , l } { inch , s 3 s ,
$43.00@40.K ( ) ; 3d clear , 1J nnd 2 inch , s 2 s ,
Icct , 1 inch , s 2 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 Inch , s 3
s , $30.00.
FLOORING 1st com C Inch whlto pine ,
$34.00 ; 2d com 0 inch white pine , $31.01) ) : 3d
com G inch white ulnc , $2i ) 00 ; D com 0 inch
white pine , $30.00 ; com 4 and 0 inch yahow
pmo , S15.0J : Star 4 Inch yellow pine , $17.00 ;
1st and 3d clear yellow pinn , 4 nnd 0 inch ,
POPLAR LUMBER Clear Poplar box bds , %
lnH3s , 35 00 ; clear poplar % in panel.
$30.00 ; clear poplar % n uiiuel. $23.00 ; clear
poplar 14 In panel stock wide , s 2 s , $23.00 ,
clear poplar corrugated ceiling , % , $30.00.
POSTS White ccdnr , 0 inch halves , I3c ;
white cedar , 5J inch halves ami 8 inch q'rs ' ,
He ; white cedar 4 inch round , IGo ; Tennes
see red cedar , split , ICc ; split oak ( wblto ) ,
Sa ; sawed onk , ISc.
SIIINOLES , LATH , per M. XX clear , $3.20 ;
extra * A * , f ISO ; standard A , $2. CO ; 5 inch ,
clear , $1.0051.70 ; 0 inch , clear , $1.7o@l.bO :
No. 1 , $1.H > @ 1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , $ , J.40 ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $4.50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.23 ;
lath , $3.40.
SHIP LAP No. 1 plain , 8 and 18 inch$17.50 ;
No. 2 , plain , 8 and lli inch , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O.
G. , $18.00.
SIDINCI 1st Com. , and 10 foot , $23.00 ; 2nd
com. , and 10 foot , $19.00 ; M com nnd 10 feet ,
$15.00 ; fence , com. , nnd 10 feet. $13.00.
LIME , ETC. Quincy white llmo ( best ) , SOc ;
English and German Portland cement , $3.45 ;
Milwaukee and Louisville , $1.30 ; Michigan
plaster , $2.23 : Fort Dodge plaster , $2.10 ; Blue
Kuuid plaster. Sl.SK ) ; hiiir , 20o ; sash , CO per
ct dis ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 per ctdls ;
tarred felt , per cwt , $1.90 ; straw board , $1.50.
Kjlvla GcrrNh'H Pretty L Imbe.
This Sylvia Gorrish. by the wtiy , is
ono of the moat remarkable women on
the stage , says a Now York letter to the
Chicago News. She isn't pretty , she
can't sing , but she has the most wonder
ful legs and feet in the world. Nothing
like them has ever boon scon before ,
nothing ever will again. They htivo
walked with her right into fame' , popu
larity and n big salary. She doesn't
sing anything nor say anything , she
simply walks down to the footlights ,
poses and prances , turns round and
round BO that they may be scon from
every point , not oven undertaking to
dance with these beautiful logs lest such
muscular elTort might spoil their fault
less symmetry , and the enthusiastic au
dience cheers nor with ono accord nnd
wants hoi1 to do it over und over again ,
which she is never loath to do. She
stands live foot five inches on her
French heels , but the slippers to which
these high heels are attached are only
marked No. 1 , and by honest count , too.
The owner of the Thistle so worshipped
those beautiful.feet that he tilled ono
of her tiny satin slippers with cham
pagne , drank to the tiuccoss of his boat ,
and then to the cutter's mast ;
and though it didn't bring him luck ,
ho did not cease to worship at the
owner's feet until his defeated racer
bore him away from the shoro. These
beautiful legs served excellently as sea
legs as well. The owner is ono of the
most ardent yachtswomen that over
sailed the seas , and she can handle a
wheel against any female on the coast.
She has lovely apartments hero in Now
York , 1'ttorod all over with bric-a-brac ,
which divides her affection with the
sea and Wagner's music , and she really
has some vury good possessions in this
lino. Exquisite old Moorish drinking
cups of gold and sihor , covered with
most beautiful incised work , old Per
sian vases , Japanese porcelains and
Aztec pottery , all of which have been
presents to her. And sprinkled in
among those are every bert of sea tro
phies , including an endless number of
photographs of yachts , some of which
she has bought and many taken herself ,
for nho is a skilled amateur photo
grapher , like nearly every other per
son ono known nowadays.
The nollcf of 'irasliy Novels.
"People may say what they like
about trashy novels , " said a Baltimore
lady of wide literary acquaintance to a
News re-porter" but I must Bay that nt
times they are bettor than medicine
for me. I am , as plenty of other women
are , a natural 'worrier ; ' that is , I am
given to borrowing trouble and looking
ahead with apprehension of disaster to
come. I should have been born u
man , 1 sonuitimut ; think , and thus com
bat with the world myself ; but sitting
at home as I do , the mother of a family ,
and having to wait und watch my hus
band trying to lay up something for out-
old ago in his own way , I easily fall
into the habit of useless worrying about
the future , which tends to stimulate regret -
grot for the past , and often , I am sure ,
makes the present unnecessarily un
pleasant for those around mo. For this
'disease' I found u remedy in silly
novels , When I feel a worrying mood
coming on mo now I fall to reading
them They keep mo from thinking ;
they Bootho mo into dreamless slumber ;
they require no mental effort for their
comprehension ; they atlr HO strong
emotions within me ; in fact , u short
course of them induces a sweet torpor
of the brain , which , to ono uftlictcd us
1 am , is u great comfort. "
Abuon of thi ) KluHlutf JIntiit.
The kissing habit has been carried to
its greatest extreme among English
speaking people , and people of other
blood are often amazed and amused by
the universality aud cheapness of the
kiss among the English nations , snys
Good Housekeeping. It Is not neces
sarily an argument In its favor , however -
over , that it is thus found to bo an ac
companiment of the highest civiliza
tion , for it may bo promptly rotortctl
that vicp and crime also increase with
civilization , and that even civilized and
rofincd people often keep nlivo barbar
ous practices inherited from savage an-
oostry. The kiss , In its proper func
tions , has n fine significance , nnd maybe
bo mnilo the vehicle o ( the purest emo
tions , the honest oxpretsion of legiti
mate feelingn greeting full of genuine ,
voluntary sympathy and lovo. The
kissing habit is an abuse and n misuse.
It has brought the kiss Into disgrace
nnd inndo it vulgar , cheap and hypo
critical. De it the province of this gen
eration of rollnomoiit nnd education to
rescue it from its degraded estate anil
restore it to its natural olovntcd and el
evating place and use in the social
Pnstoiir nnil lllH Pittlentn.
Out of 100 persons treated within n
period of cloven months nt the Pasteur
institute at Hio do Janeiro only ono
dlod , nnd that ono had neglected to fol
low tlio treatment as directed. In
sixty-two of these cases the dog by
which the patient wns bitten was un
questionably mad ; in the others it wns
impossible to determine positively the
dog's ' condition.
Tlio Shark an a Fighter.
On Thursday , in Rnrltnn , n party of
fishermen out for sport had more than
they bargained for. After catching a
lot ot fish with hook nnd line they de
termined to try net fishing. Their first
haul was u brace of shnrks weighing 900
pounds. The nets were badly torn , for
both llsh struggled fiercely for their
lives. It was impossible to drag them
into the boat without first killing thorn ,
and harpoons , spears nnd boathooka were
energetically plied. The smaller of the
captives soon succumbed , His big com
panion fought almost ns long ns n shred
of his body hung together , and was lit
erally cut to pieces before no dlod. Ho
was about nine loot long and weighed
500 pounds.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
60S buutlilBtlt Street , Oiuulm
ls. u lby
Cities , Counties , School District * . \Vnter Com.
panics , &c. We arc In the nmrkct for the
purchase of round amounts of such bonds.
Correspondence solicited.
N. W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
IIS-lir Monroe Street , CHICAGO.
66 Oevonshlrn Stront. POSTON.
_ Boots jand Shooa. _
Buccoxori to Heed , Jones & Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Biots & Shoes
AgoulB for Iloslon Rubber Shoo Co. , 1102. 1101 and 110U
llurnoy Btreol , om ! ia , Nebraska.
sronz . ILER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1M North High tea nth itrcot.Omnh * . Neb.
Cornice ) .
_ _
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window-cups nnd meUMoikylUliU. John KpcncUr ,
proprietor. Hi and llufeuulh IQtU etrcet.
_ Paper Boxes.
Proprielor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Not. 1317 and 1319 Uouiclai itrcct , Omaha , Kcu.
Sash i DopjrBtJEto. _
a. A. DisBno\v& \ co. ,
Whole lulo manufacturers of
Sash , Boors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch O31co , 12th and Itard Btrcoti , Omaha , Nc'j.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MouldluK , stHlr-irurk on-l Interior Imnl wood finish.
135&-U North Ilith utrect , Omaha , Neb.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Bt m , water , rollwftr and mining luppllts , etc.
83) , VII and VU I'ariiim iitout , Omutaa.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilallldar wind mill * , SIS and ( CO Jones it. , Omaha.
_ U. Y. lion , Acting Manuiier. _
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BbevMron work , atenm pnmpi , air mllli. 121M311
LeaTcnworth ttrcetOuahu.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Can Iron Building Wort ,
Envlnca , btBti work , general foundrr , machlnoand
blackitulin nark , omce and wnrfct , U. P. UT.
_ and 17th itreet. Omaha. _
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railings
Ueik lalli. window guards , flower itand * . wlro ( lot ,
etc. m Kurth UtU itreet , Omaha.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar froof Safes ,
Vaulti , jail work , Iron ihultcrt and flr cicapei ,
0. Andreen , prop'r. Corner luh and JacUon 111.
mOlf foUK'YAKD C
Of South Omaha , Limited ,
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The liefit Itouto from Omaha aud Council
Bluffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Taut , Mlnucapolls , Cedar Kaplds ,
Rock Island | Free port , Ilockford ,
Clinton , Ihibuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madlgou , JanetTllle ,
Ilelolt , Wlnoim , La Crossc ,
And all other Important points East , Northeast and
For through tlcktti call on the tUket agent at 1M
farnara streetlu Ilarker lllocK , or at Uiili 1'iicim
Depot ,
I'ullman Sleepers and tb flnet pining L'arslntbi
world are run on the main line of the Chicago , Mil
wausee * St. 1'aul llallwnr. and ever ? attention li
paid to paiseuxers \ > f coutUou , euplojres of tbi
CtiulMll'l'.EI ( . Oonersl Manscer. ,
j. V. TUCK Kit , AitUUntUeiieral Uanager.
A. V , It. CAItfli.NTUIt , tivueral faissnger ant
UKO. K'tlKAFfOHU , AstUtaaiaeoerairaiteniici
ml Ticket Agunt.
Dsaler in AgricnlluralVpleiuGiilsj f asona
Carrlagci and MKtelcn. Jonrn Mrert. bctwtcnVth and
lOlh , omaba , Nftmikn ,
Aiijcnlt'l ' Immciiciiis1 ! a2ons1 Carriages
i , \Vholoja.o. ( . Onuha , Ncl > r Va.
\Vholtialo IKaleit In
Agricnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons & Buiglej
101. rat , no and W ! Jones strvet , Omaha.
Manufacturer" nnd job' ers In
Wagons , Buggies Mttt Plows , Etc ,
Tor. fth and 1'aeino sttxets , Oniahn.
Artldte' Mntorlals.
A. UObPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
IS 13 Douglaailreot , Orashk , Kebratin.
Boots and Shoos.
Jobbers of Boots aud Shoes ,
1101,1101,1101 Douglas street , Omaha. Manufactory
Summer street , Huston.
Conl , Coke and Llmo.
Jobbers of Hard ani Soft Coal ,
209 South 13lh tlroot , Omaha , Nebraska.
Shippers of Coal ar.d Coc } : ,
911 Couth IStHst. , Omalm , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber , Eto ,
Imported nnd American I'ortlaml cement. 8tat4
agent for llllwnukco hrttrunIc , cement nd
( julnir wblto inue.
Baaler in Bardwocd Lumber ,
Wood carpets nn.l parquet flnorlni ; . 1'tli ' auU DOUKS !
stieets , Omaba. vb.
Ml KinflsofBuiliingMaterialat Wholesale
Uth street and Union 1'aclno track , Ouialia.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Etc. Ynrd Corner * th and Douglas. OOlea
Corner llrth and lioualas.
Lnmbc' Ltof Cement EtcEtc
, , , , , ,
Cormcr Stb and Douglas st . , Oumlm.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and Tallfornla JtrcouOmahaNebraska.
Iinprlers & Jobliors in Millinery & Noiinns
- 0 ? , Jia ami 212 South llth unit , .
Wholesale Notions and Famishing Goods ,
1124 Harner Street , Omaha.
Co rimlsBloin
Stonge and Coinuiissiou Merchants ,
Specialties flutter , eees , cheese , poultrr , gam * .
1112 Howard street , Omaha , Neb.
Dry Cooda andI NotlonB. _
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Good * and Notions
1KB nnd 1101 Douglas , cor. llth street , Onmha.Neb.
Importers & Jolibers in Dry Goods , Notions
Gent's furnishing good * . Corner llth and Harner
streets , Omnha , NcUruikn.
Importer * nnd jobbora ot
Woolens and Tailors' ' Ti'muii
317 Kouth Uth slruft.
Wholesale Dsalers in Furniture ,
Karnnm street. Omnha , Nebratka.
Furniture ,
Omnha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
70S , 707 , tU and 711 South 10th St. , Oinabn , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
llth and Loavenwurlh Krccti , Omaha , Nebraska.
toy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Eprtnus , wagon sUick , hardware , lumber , etc. 1201
_ aod lill llarnor street , Omaha.
Hesyy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metal , . > heet Iron , etc. Agents ( or Iloire scalM ,
illiuul | , u ilcrsnd I.JIDBII liar bed wire.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shou
Mechanics' tool and llultalo scales , lift Douflis
street , Oniaba , tt'eb.
Toys , Eto.
II. HARDY & CO. , '
Jobbers of
Toys , Bolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Ilouid furnlthltiK good , , children's rarrlsge , , IMt
r'arnam street , Omaha , Not ) ,
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axil grease , etc. , Omaha. A , 11. Blihop , Manager.
Wholesale Paper Balers ,
Carrr a nice stock of printing , wrapping and wrltlal
paper. UpecUlaltcQlluaglTea lu card paper. _ ,
S , f.CornBrFarnain and I5ili Sts ,
I'ald in Capital 9500,000
UEO. K. IlAHKl'.lt , I'ro8l < luilt.
U. L. HlKUItOWKIt. Vice 1'reildent ,
F. H. JOHNSON , Ca hler ,
W. B. liKfi'OK , Aeshtaat Caahlor ,
OKO. J ! . lUuKEii , J. II. MCCONNKLL ,
I ; . H , WILLIAMS , J. K M1I.E8 ,
H. It. JOllNkON. H. W. CUOV.
Al.I.EST. ItKWOII , WM. HievKit.
Accounts of bunkerf. niorclmntH und indlvlJ-
a ule ittthiU otno most fuvornblo tvnui.