Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1889, Part I, Image 1

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    PMI i HE 1-B ,
The Requests For Additional Grants
Still Bolntr DlBOuaaod.
' * _ _ _
The Proopoots For Future Gifts Not
Very Encouraging.
Friendly With the Prluco of Wales
But -Party Followers Not.
Who the People Want IH n. Limit
Fixed to the Amount Which
the Iloynl Family Shall
No Agreement on Iloynl Grants.
ICatiyrtgM 18 ® liu Jama ( Ionian tlenntU. }
Lapox. July 20. [ Now York Herald
Cabltp-Spccial to TUB Bnn.l You have
evidently had access during the past week to
cxrluclvo sources of Information which hava
enabled you to lay before your readers with
remarkable fulness nnd accuracy the chief
facts connected with the controversy that
has arisen over the proposed royal grants.
In not n single detail does your Information
need correction. Unfortunately the week
closes us it began with utter failure , o se
cure an agreement on tha immcdiato applica
tion for additional grants , and with every
prospect of still moro 'serious disagreement
In parliament when the entire question is
carried there for settlement.
To-duy's efforts to como to some compro
mise have been "ns Ineffectual as those
which have gone boforo. " Gladstone , Morley -
ley nnd ether liberals , with two exceptions ,
nro wiling to give the Prlnco of Wales
40,000 u year over und above his present al-
lowunco on condition that ho makes pro
visions for his own children , and that the
ether grandchildren of the queen shall bo
provided for by their parents or re
lations. lo ) not Imagine that in going
thus far Gladstone and his friends
have hnd a road all smooth before them.
Very far from that. A largo body eof the
radicals in the house are desperately discon
tented , and they do not scruple to dcclaro
that their veteran leader betrayea them.
They do not understand that Gladstone has
been a party moro than * once to arrange
ments of the kind which are now proposed ,
mid that ho feels it his duty , as nn old ser
vant of the crown , to stand by the sovereign
nnd her family.
Now , 1 should think It very probable that
Gladstone was consulted before the present
application was mudo , and he is known to bo
very good friends with the Prince of Wales.
Ho is familiar with all the circumstances of
the prince , and that bolng so , ho must bo
aware thut if the prlnco were to die tomorrow
row his children would bo loft totally
unprovided for , consequently it is not sur
prising that Mr. Gladstone has taken up n
very strong line in favor of the reasonable
demand made on behalf of the ormco's
children. But then the government
does not stop there , and that is
the unlucky part of the business
It makes this application , but It docs not say
that it or its successor shall not be free to
coico.forward ngal& und ask for more money
for any other grandchildren of the queen.
Thcro is where Gladstone draws the lino.
Ho Is perfectly conscious that a great strain
has been put upon his supporters In their ef
forts to go wlth.hltn ns fur as they have dono.
Morley has been very faithful , and Morloy's
constituents are by no means pleased with
him In consequence , and , after all , nothing is
gained by a man losing Ills seat In parlia
ment through loyalty to his chief. It does
not advance the cause ono jot. Gladstone
himself would not bo a gainer by Morley
icing thrown out of his scat , and this result
will not be Improbable If nn election wcro to
take place just now , for the radical party
throughout the country Is furiously opposed
to any moro royal grants. That you may
take to bo u fact qulto beyond dispute.
As for the conservatives , they simply grin
and bear it.
"Will the trovornmont civo way to that 1"
is a question which agitates all sections.
This evening I do not think It can or will.
. - Evidently there U u power In the back
ground whloh has to ' bo considered , which
thinks it .would bo betraying the younger
branches of the royal family If nil claim on
the country on their behalf wcro now repu
diated nnd forfeited. Thb government Is
therefore really in no position to recede from
the attitude it has taken. It Is willing to
leave the future take c.iro of Itself and bind
parliament to nothing. But tlio liberals will
not have it thut way. They say wo must
s bear nil future applications. As matters
stand now the ministry can not yield , but it
may bo authorized to do so before Monday
The queen stood out for her rights on the
bed chamber question and boat Sir Robert
Pool. She refused to allow Lord Pnlmerston
to Ignoio her In the management of foreign
affairs , nnd ho had to give way.
Hut Is the present u good occasion to make
another resolute stand I Is it wise to assume
this attitude ! We will tutco all you have to
give now , but wp will give no undertaking ,
not to present another bill for payment
whenever circumstances require , and we
Mono are to bo judges of these circum
stances. Is that wise ! I for ouo take leave
to doubt it , The word apparently is being
passed around to the conservatives press to
back up the ministry in Its refusal to yield.
1 * co ono seml-oflleiul paper says that there
must bo no surrender. Well , of course , there
Is nothing to prevent that line bolng taken ,
The ministerial majority Is strong enough
to curry u report couched in thut sense , but
the conservative party must make up its
mind to bo routed , horse , foot nnd d ragoona
at the next general election us n result.
Tall talk costs nothing now , but it will bo
dear In the end. You cannot make addi
tional royal grants really popular. The people
ple will not stand in the streets and throw
up their caps for them. And what they
expect now is tbatdoflulto limits shall be
fixed to the uuiouut to bo paid the royal
family , und this limit the ministry refuses to
tlx. There you have the case in a nut shell.
It Is ofu'u said that there was a bargain
between the crown und parliament when the
queen ascended the throne , by which the
crown lands wore coded to tbo country and
tbo country in return agreed to provide for
11 the royal family , but then comes In
another ugly controversy. What do you
mean by crowning lands ! What made theme
o , and I it a fact that they really be
longed to tbo people I It it very ill <
Judged to drag all uch matter ! upon the
carpet. When once the whole subject Is
thrown Into the political arena for nil parties
to fight over , there Is no naylng what may
appcn or who may get badly hurt.
The best friends of monarchy nnd the most
oyal subjects of the queen arc these who
vould gladly have seen the Issue postponed ,
admit that it could not bo deferred any
ongcr , but it might have been managed
vlth moro tact. Next week wo shall bo In
ho thick of the contest , for the com till t ten is
round to make some sort of a report. Will
ho ministry take the risk of going before
parliament wltn the admission that It has to
mcountor the opposition of Gladstone and
ho entire liberal party } Will It do
his after it lias become notorious
rious that some of his followers
ire disposed to act eoncrously toward the
crown and nrrango a fair compromise ! Yes ,
t Is quite possible that It will do so unless
omo common sense steps In and takes com-
nnnd between now nnd Monday at half past
2. when the committee will meet , most
> robably for the last time.
The ncck-or-nothlng supporters of the
jovernmcjit intw spur them on. They may
ilustor about nailing their colors to the
nasthcud , and shout no surrender till they
are hoarse , but there will bo a day of reck
oning , and then it will bo rcgrcttou that
moderate counsels did not prevail. Lot us
oven now hope that nt the eleventh hour
hey will prevail , before Irreparable mischief -
chief Is dono.
An ICndlcHN Army of Tourists Invnd- '
Ci y.
( Ionian Jent\ctt.\ \ \
P.utis , July a ) . [ Now York Herald
2able Special to Tin : Hic.l : The weather
lias become suddenly cold ; ttio winds are
northerly. The Siamese princes , Spanish
jull lighters , Arabs , Cingalese and Nubians ,
with whom Paris now abounds , are slnver-
, ng with cold , and their teeth are chattering ,
rho endless army of tourists still Hwarms
about Eiffel tower , ' but for the Parisians the
season Is over , and the dames of the f au-
Ijourg Saint Gerinalu and the queens of the
moro wealthy , but loss exclusive circles of
the Champs Elyscesare now taking wing for
Dieppe ana Boulogne and Ostcndo. Count
Minister , the Gorman ambassador , is off to
England whore his son , Count Alexander
Munstcr , will shortly marry Lady Muriel
Hay , the daughter of the countess of Kin-
noul. Huron and Burouneas Alphonso
Do Rothschild uro off to their chateau ,
The Mauchys , Grammonts and Montmor-
cncys have nil taken their departure , and
Paris Is now abandoned to the wave of
American , English and Provincial French
Invaders , who are all warmly welcomed and
who seem to enjoy themselves Immensely.
Thcro has been qulto nn epidemic of mur
ders nnd robberies lately , which , coming
simultaneously with the now demonstration
of "Jack the Hipper , " causa no little alarm.
Ono of the most startling murders was com-
mitcd in the Hue Lionaparto last Monday
night. Mine. Kulino , a respectable con-
cicrga of about sixty summers , was seated
in her lodge shortly after nightfall , when
three men , who had previously been ob
served prowling around the house , entered
the room and cut the ill-fated 'old woman's
throat before she could utter n sound. It
must have been immediately after the mur
der that Mile. Ciiado , the servant of Sena
tor M. Fcguerr , who occupied an apartmon t
on the flrst floor-passed by the lodge. She
noticed that the curtain over the glass
half of the door was drawn down
almost completely. Looking through an un
covered corner shu caught sight of a man's
figure. After un interval the woman opened
the door to outer , but seeing three disrepu
table looking men in the room she ran bank
to the street shrieking. The murderers
Jumped through a window and quickly disap
peared. A male neighbor now joined the
alarmed servant , and together they found
Muio. Kuhno lying on the floor with her
throat cut. Ttio arm chair In which sue hud
probably been sitting was overturned , the
other furniture had been pulled ubout in the
haste made by the murderers in searching
for the money which they thought the con-
clcgo would have received from the Inmates
of the house. JS'o trace of the murderers has
been discovered. The next dnv a daring
burglary took place In the Hue Vauglrard ,
where Mme. Sazurn , a widow lady of easy
moans , was found lying senseless in her
apartment wilh outs and gashes on her
throat nnd neck. The would-be murderers
had been startled by the neighbors und fled
before accomplishing their purpose. No
traces of them have been discovered.
Ilo Proposes to Get Even With Ills En
emies Next Fall.
[ Copy/fo'if. ' 1S33,1 > V Ktw 1'orli Aftoelaletl P/rcs.l /
PAIIIB , July 30. | New York Herald Cable
Special to THE Bin. : | Murat Halstoad ,
editor of the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette ,
lias been spending a few days in Paris at
the Grand hotel. Ilo loaves to-day for Lon
don , to sail on the City of Paris for America
next Wednesday. A Herald corrospondonl
calleu yesterday to nsk him for nn Interview
on the sonata discussion about his npi > olnt-
ment to the German mission. Halstcud
said :
"I never talk about the affair , and do not
wish to sny much ubout it now. Nothing has
been heard from mo on the subject for the
reason that I was ill when the nomination
was sent to the senate by the president. I
was ill for four weeks , and knew very little
about what was going on at the time. I uli
not have brain fever , as was re
ported. When I began to pay at
tention to the subject of the senate's nc
tion , my friends bud said all that was
,4'Tlia original cause of the trouble came
"through Senator Payne , father-in-law to
.gdc'rotary Whitney. Tl\o \ democrats gener
ully in my case opposed the administration
1' have no personal feeling of animosity
towards Payne , but it was unwise to brlnf ,
up issues of the manner of his election to the
senate to influence the election of his succes
sor. The poopjo of Ohio will doubtless ex
press nnd execute entirely tlwlr will on the
subject. 1 shall be content with what
they do.
" 1 feel very much interested in the Onlo
campaign , and have no doubt of the triumph
ant ro-elerttou of Fornkcr , I feel that I may
render some assistance in making , the Coin
incrcial Gazette a warm , effective campaign
paper during August , September and Octo
bor. "
Hulstcud continued that nobody over do
nlod that Payne was elected wltn money ex
cept the Cleveland Plain-Dealer , "I did my
chare In making that matter an issue In Ohio
when the question came up on to whether
the senate should Investigate Payne or not
Something had to bo dono. Payne's friends
know that if an investigation came U would
bo ruin to him and them. Therefore , thoj
had to find some moans of evading , and the
thing decided upon was to make it n persona
matter with mo. Therefore , Instead of debating
bating what Payne bad done , they debate * ,
what I had said , whloh was an injustice tc
inc. lustcad of the election of Payne , They
obatod my literary career and extravagance
f language. My friend Evarts oven no-
used mo of impetuosity. When it came to
alklng of iny fitness for the forolgn mis- '
Ion the senate debate took place on
ho propriety of alleged language of mine.
> u > . which was u cd by correspondents of the
Commercial-Gazette whom I never employed ,
rly own language , speaking of the senate ,
vlll bo found parliamentary. Therefore the
omlnatlon was rejected by holding mo re-
iKmsiblo for what was Bald by others writ-
ng over my own responsible signature , but
have no complaint to make and am well sat-
sflcd with the situation. I had rather go
tome than stay abroad. I think that I ropro-
cnt the American nation best when I would
rather go homo than stay abroad , nnd
hlnk that I represent the American nation
> cst when I come nnd go nt my pleasure and
> ay my own expenses. I grcatlv rejoice to
10 able to go homo. I am In ( rood health ,
ml the other affairs to mo are immaterial
n comparlslson. "
Hal&toad dined , at the American legation
ast night.
American Illttcmcn Krcolve Badges.
[ Cnpi/rfoAt Jt89 byJamci Onrdan nennttt. }
LoxnoxJuly20. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tap. Unn. ] Wimbledon , though
t is no more the homo of the National
Hillo association , will always bo a pleasant
nouiory to every member of the Massachu
setts ride team. The team won a little re
nown and not si little help here. It was in-
.cnscly gratified to-day by the presentation
: o ouch member , us a memento , of n queen's
Wimbledon badic , hero considered a high
lonor. The team was loudly cheered r.s the
medals wcro presented. The riflemen loft
for Paris to-night for a week. They return
to bo entertained by the honorably artillery
company on the 29th , after which they sail
for home.
Tn HiHitircflH Sedition.
PAIIISJuly 20. M. Constnns , minister of
the Interior , has decided to form a body of
police , consisting of 100 men , apart from n
regular force , whoso special duties It shall
bo to suppress seditious assembles.
The National says ; The government pro
poses to wi rn the electors that General
Uoulanpcr Is Ineligible as a candidate for
councils general.
A Very Different Spirit manifest nt
the Chcyeiino ARonoy.
CIIEVKXSK UIVEII AoExcr , Dak. ( via Fort
Sully , Dak. ) , July 21. [ Special Telegram to
'lim BuK.--Mueh ] hard work in the camps
has been done during the past twenty-four
hours. The half-breeds who have been
hedging nro now aoing and have
regained their lost prestige. Their head
chiefs , Swan Bird , LiUlo-No-Heart and
Charger , have declared themselves and will
sign the bill soon , only awaiting the bunds
coming to subscribe. Major George M , Ran
dall , a former agent hero in the
day of danger , has been doing souio
very effective work in the camp
hero. R. Rosseau , a very influential
squaw man living on Iho reservation , signed
the bill this morning , as did Fred D.ipre and
his four sons. Tlicso men huvo been thought
to bo in opposition , nnd they have given
cause for this in their previous inaction. To-
duy they have been talking with the Indians ,
and it has Una a good effect.
General Crook mot.the Indians In small
numbers nt ono of the .employe's housoSj ajid.
answered questions and nuido a brief explain
ation of the bill to those who did not under
stand it thoroughly. Later hornet the Indians
in a general council at the pavillion
where ail present who desired could ask
questions and have made clear any doubtful
point. White Swan , who has been'ouo of the
most bitter in his opposition to the bill , was
the llrst talker , as usual , and so lar receded
from his former position as to say thut if he
could have all the lands for tan miles south
of the Chcyenno river Included In his re
servation ho would sign the bill. This con
sidered quite a concession. General Crook
told them that ho had no power to chance
the bill , nor did any ono short of congress ,
but thut they might take .their land In sever
ally south of the Cheyenne river. Alltbo
Indians could como on the land south of l\\o \ \
river and take land there , while
still owning the land above in common.
The lieutenant of Indian police , Coolc ,
then came forward and addressed the coun
cil , talking quite saucily for some timo. Ho
was followed by Charger , Four Bears ,
Spotted Eagle and Htimprib , all of whom
wcro very modornto In their talk. It is evi
dent that they uro all qulto anxious to grace
fully back down from their former position
in opposition , one of them , Charger , said
that ho wanted something to give his people
peace and would advise them to coma in
and sign the bill , but ho wanted to go down
to Washington rnd council with the secre
Thcro are now about ono hundred and
seventy-fives names added to the list. A
grand rush Is expected Monday.
A Cut tons Onso Decided.
JSS9/i// | < imM ( Jordan Hrwi'fi.l
LOXDOK , July 20. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BBC. ] Lord Jus
tice Lopez gave n decision In a curious case
todaythat of Cochrano agalnt Moore.
Cochruno Is a money lender and Moore a
gentleman jockey. Ho rode ICilworth ,
owned by Ernest Benson , the jubilee
plunger , a young man who squandered
250,000 in a few months. After the race
Benson gave Moore a one-quarter interest
in ICilworth. Later ho gave Cochrano a
bill of sale , Cochrano then sold him , AU
Moore claimed was a quarter. of the proceeds
of the sale of ICilworth. Cochrano fought
the claim , and on his trainer testifying to
his promise to Moore , the court decided
in Moore' : favor.
Champion Soiillert In Training.
[ Oirj/r/u/il } 8fO l > y Jiimei ( laiilun Dennett , ] t
LOHDON , July 20. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TIIK Bun. ] So far
O'Connor ' , the American champion , and
Searlcs , the champion of the world , have
done only tough work. They have still
seven weeks of training ahead. Soarlos is
the favorite , as bo naturally ought to be. i
Knpidly ,
LONDON- , July 20. Five-sixths of the
amount of the capital stock In the American
Salt company reserved for Great Britain has
already been subscribed by ahuro holders in
the Salt Union ,
Wcutlier Indications.
For Nebraska and Dakota ; Light local
showers , colder , southerly winds.
For Iowa ; Light local showers Sunday
afternoon , no decided change in temperature ,
southerly winds , becomingvariable. .
A IllR Paper Mill flurnod.
PAIIIS , July 20. The Staudel paper mills
near Pontarller were burned to-day. The
loss is enonnoui.
Cotton Warehouses Burned/
LiVKiirooL , July 20 , Several cotton ware
houses burccd to-day loss , COOCO ,
The Porto OonclHdoa to Stick By
the Trlplo'Xlltanco.
f _ _ _ ? . _
The Servian Situation Accelerated
the Entente Oordlalo.
King Milan's Partisans Would Welcome -
como Internal Trouble ,
Count Herbert filninnrck Afmurcfl
Switzerland That Ills Govern
ment Will Bo Very Def
erential Hereafter.
The Sick Man's Allcclnnco Hocurcd.
npurlaM 1SR3 l > u Ktw York Aftnctntal Prtn.l
Br.nus' , July 20. Thb long pending nego
tiations with the porto aiming at the adhesion -
sion of Turkey to the triple alliance have
finally resulted In nn entente cordiale , under
which the drolbund guarantees to maintain
the Integrity of the Turkish territory In ac
cordance with the treaty of Berlin. The
question concerning Crete Is reserved , Prince
Bismarck promising to influence Greece not
to interfere , providing further autonomy is
conceded the Cretans. It is stipulated that
the Turkish troops shall co-operate with
Austria in Sorvin nnd Bulgaria In the event
of a war with Hnssln.
The sultan received Count Rtvlowltz , the
German ambassador , on Wednesday , and ar
ranged for the reception of Emperor William ,
whoso visit to Constantinople depended upon
the porto's conclusion of nn entente cordlalo.
The negotiations wore accelerated by the
gravity of the situation in Scrvia.
The cabinet council held In Vienna on
Thursday debated whether the time hcd
como for military Intervention by Austria.
The war minister reported the
arming of the Servian reserves on masse.
Russian ofllccrs , tie said , were engaged In In
specting the fortresses , barracks nnd depots
in Scrvia. The minister advocated imme
diate action. Everything was ready to
march two army corps into Sorvin. The
council declined to wait-until Count ICalnoky
influenced the reappearance of King Milan
in Belgrade. The partisans of King Milan
Tire eager for a civil war-in order to crush
the Russians. If it occurs King Milan wll <
Invoice Austrian assistance and thus give'
tCalnoky ground to interfere.
The interview at the foreign office between
Count Herbert Bismarck nnd M. Roth , the
Swiss minister , was amicable. Count Her
bert intimated that the German reply to the
Swiss vote , though denouncing the existing
treaty settlement , would invite early negoti
ations for n now treaty. The toner of the re
ply would bo so friendly that Count Herbert
was confident the Swiss government would
consider the hostile phase of the dispute
closed. ' '
The Swiss secretary of justice and the
police went to Zurich Thursday and sub
mitted a number of German socialists to In
terrogation and obUluott pledges that while
residents of Switzerland they would re
nounce all propaganda work compromising
to the country. The same pledge will bo de
manded of every refugee sheltered in Switz-
The socialists have taken heart over the
Hulbcrstadt election fpr a member of the
reichstag. The feature of the contest was
the large socialist gains. The experience at
Hulberstadt will load to a cessation of the
quarrels of the government grout s.
The strike of the bakers in Berlin continues.
The government has placed at the service of
the masters soldiers who are able to bake
bread in order to prevent a broad famine.
It Is a year this week since the emperor's
recoplion in St. Petersburg. The semi ,
official journals seize the occasion of the an
niversary to criticize tbo conduct of the
czar in his discourteous delay In returning
the visit. The Cologne Gazette deplores in
the name nf peace the czar's obsti
nacy in refusing to explain even by
a single word of diplomatic excuse -
cuso why ho has not responded to the
approaches of the emperor , who honored
him by the first visit beyond the empire ,
although not an ally. Ths Guzctto declares
that the Russo-Fronch arrangements for
mutual action in war are near completion.
Colonel Briosio , the'French ' military attache
at St. Petersburg , has received the cross of
a commander of the Legion of Honor , In rec
ognition of services associated with the
Russian war ufllco. The statement of the
semi-official Courier , of Warsaw , is repro
duced hero without comment , to the effect
that in the event of a Franco-Gorman war
un Italian army marching via Bremen will
join the Germans at Metz. Astrlu will pro
vide transportation fOr the Italian troops
through the Tyrol.
Tli" public uneasiness concerning corrup
tion In the ( service bus been Increased by
the arrest of the chief engineer of naval
construction at Kiel. The police arrested
him in a restaurant at Kiel und brought him
to Berlin on the charge of accepting bribes
from contractors.
The colonial party will organize a series of
meetings in the leading cities to protest
against tbo violence to . Dr. Peters by Ad
miral Fremuutte. The Cologne Guzetto re
news the clamor for indemnity or reprisals
or British venm-ls. >
Emperor William's-ydeht rounded North
Capo at noon yesterday , ' The weather was
fine and mild , but a heavy-sea was runniuir.
The yacht immediately/turned houiowurd.
Prince Blsmnrck , wbi U ailing , has telegraphed -
graphed for Dr , Sohwoimingcr , who wont to
Varzlu , Thursday , iana to-night ho tele
graphed for Count Herbert , His sickness
was sudden but it is reported that it is not
serious. '
They Loci : AriiiKtciid jump Into the
JUrer Td etlier.
ROCKFOKII , 111. , July 'JO.J-for some time
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sussmlllcli , an aged couple ,
each over seventy-It vo years of ago , have
been in poor health. Lute Friday night they
got on a atrcot car and went to the end of
the line , walked to ttio river , tied their arms
together and jumped In , The bodies were
recovered to-day fouruillea below the city.
The only cause known for the suicldo is old
ago uud poor health.
Killed for.Hn If" Dollar ,
ST. JOSEPH , Mo.tJuly 21. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB HKU.J I ) . B. Crouch and A.
U. Holland , railroad Ureuvu , engaged in
shooting affray last night , ns a result of
which Crouch died to-day , The trouble was
as to who should pay n l.irbor bill of a half
dollar. The men were In the employ of the
Burlington during the strike , but wore dis
charged for drunkenness. Holland has
severe wounds In the head and may not re
Only n Lie.
MtXNBArous , July 20. A Winnipeg sooc-
ialsnys : Tha story originating nt Grafton ,
Dan. , that the settlers In the Canadian
northwest had been reduced to eating Hold
mica nnd gophers was simply n Ho. The
chances are for a two-thirds crop , and thcro
Is no destitution any where.
HOY juimniiUKHs.
Terrible Crlmns Committed By the
YouttiB of Paris.
tsssby Jama ( lonlnn Hennctt. ]
Puns , July 20. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to TUB Biu.J Since the heavy
rains of Sunday last , which went far to spoil
the pleasure of the holiday * makers on the
national fete , the weather has been unusual
ly cool for this season. Td-day it is again
oppressive , with the wind In the southwest ,
nnd every appearance of mi approach hit ;
The police are still without a clue to the
murderers of the old woman , ICuhn , tha con-
clorgo in the Kuo Bonaparte , who was
strangled Monday night. Goran , chief of
detectives , said yesterday that he has every
hope that his men nra on the right
track , nnd will shortly have the criminals
under look nnd key. The old conclergo was
evidently murdered by persons who sup
posed that she had collected the rents for the
expired quarter from the tenants of the
house. Fortunately for the landlord she
had not dona so. Several arrests are made
dally , but until now without practical result.
Among the persons arrested to-day was a
youth nloxnamcd "Toatlllard , " who hud
scars upon his forehead and broken thumbs ,
just as hud ouo of the suspected persons
seen in the house. ' When confronted with
witnesses they said that although bearing n
strong resemblance to the man
wanted , ho was not the same
Individual. Besides , " Toatlllard
was able to prove an alibi. When asked by
the police commissioners where ho lived , ho
replied In the Hotel dos Pontros , nnd earned
his living In an honorable manner washing
dogs in the Seine. Some times ho earned as
much as 1 franc and 50 centimes a day.
Upon being questioned by the police officers
as to where the hotel was situated , ho re
plied that it was upon the embankment near
the river. This was found to bo the case.
Between the bridge Saints Peres and the
bareo landing exists some scaffolding.
Amongst this n number nf young gamins had
fixed packing cases nnd made themselves
rooms , furnished with old straw matts. They
cen went so far as to lot lodgings for the
moderate price of 2 cents a night.
Goron seems convinced that this murder ,
like that of another old woman committed
the following night , was by BO mo precocious
boy murderers. His llrst impression wus
thut the sumo hands committed the two
crimes , but this has been proved not to bo
the cnso. The second attempt was not suc
cessful , and the poor old coachman's wife ,
although half strangled and much knocked
about , wus able to designate the assailants ,
who wore bovs she had befriended to the
best of hnr ability.
A London Sportlni ; Pnpor Opposes
the Scheme or a New Cup.
[ Copyr/o'it / ' ISS ! ) t > u Jama Gordon /JeniicU.l
LONDON , July 20. [ New York Herald
Cabin Special to TUB Bin.l To-day's
Field throws co'ld water on tha suggestion of
a correspondent that a 1,000 cup should bo
provided for international yacht racing1. The
Field savs it Is by no means certain that any
American would compete for such a cup
under the Ordinary rules governing yachting
in Great Britain , and considers it doubtful
if Americans would compote under their own
conditions , as two American challenge cups
the Capo May and Brcnton's reef cups
have been on this side of the water four
years. Ono is held by the owner of the Gn-
ncsta und the other by the owner of the
Irox. These cups nro hold under conditions
made by the Americans , who also selected
tba course , vet no American is sulllcicntly
spirited to challenge for thorn. The u [ old
thinks 1,000 too much and says the fate of
tho"Dunravon tureen" should bo un example
of what may bo tlio fate of a perpotua
challenge cup , Tlio Field regrets to suy that
the American cup "Seems to have almost en
tirely lost its importance. " It rather ex
pects the new challenge cup started by
Boston yachtsmen W > eventually extinguish
the American cup. Should the Yulkyrio
win the Boston cup , all the challenge cups of
American manufacture will bo held by
British yachts. Doubt Is expressed that the
Valkyrie could win from the Katrinn or
Titania , which the Field considers "Ro-
markabla vessels In an ordinary match. "
The Field attaches no Importance to the re
peated defeats of the Valkyrie by the
Yaruna. and considers the former the best
all-round boat.
A Knee nt I > ever ,
[ CopyrtuM 1SH3 h\/ \ James GorJm ; mut'.1
DOVEII , JulySO. [ Now York Horuld Cable
Special to THE BIJK.J Great Interest wus
awakened by the yachting hero to-duy , thoraces
races being sailed under the flag of the Koyal
Clrquo. The Port Yacht club's now lugger ,
Paradox , was entered for the maiden race ,
No vessel of a similar class has been under a
racing flag since tbo time of the celebrated
three-masted lugger of Lord Willoughby , n
quarter of u century ago. There were two
mutches , ono for vessels over forty tons ratIng -
Ing , and ono for those rated under forty.
The Paradox was entered In the first class ,
and started with the Wcndur , Gudrun ,
Sloutlihound and Vol au Vent. The new
lugger made a false start , and wus fully thirty
minutes behind the rest before she
came round the buoy. There wus tcarcely
any wind at the outset , but about mid-day a
breeze sprung up which freshened Into half
a gale before the finish. The Paradox never
Improved her position , but gradually fell
away , and about 1 o'clock dropped out of the
race. She carried two big sails , a top sail
and jib , and presented anything but an ele
gant appearance among the other crafts.
The finish was very exciting as the lot came
pitching along over the high seas , the Wen-
dur first , Vol au Vent second and Gudrun
third. The owner of Paradox Intends to null
her in a race to Boulogne on Monday , and
hopes to do much better after rectifying cer
tain defects in the vessel's ' sails.
A Momeuloiia Mooting.
CniCAUo , July 20 , The meeting which Is
probably to determine the fate of the Trans
continental Railway association began in this
city to-duy , but owing to the absence of
several representatives of Important
lines adjourned until , Monday next.
The association has just now reached the
critical period of Its existence , both the
Southern und Northern Pacltlo roadi having
given notice of withdrawal. Should they
persist In their Intentions It would 'bo folly
to attempt to continue the association , Ef
forts will ho made to persuade
them to rconsldor their action , nnd
In the cnso of the Northern Pacific
thcro is hope of success. Traffic Manngor
Hannaford said to-day that ho thought the
matter would bo amicably adjusted so far as
his road Is concerned , but the grievance of
the Southern Pacific is the competition of
the Canadian Pacific. It claims Hint the un
reasonable differential allowed that
road , coupled with its free
dom from legal restrictions , has
enabled It to absorb the bulk o ( the Pacific
coast tradlc , nnd the American lines are
powerless to moot Its competition whllo re
maining members of the association.
Strangely enough , the representatives of the
Canadian Pacific are in attendance asking
still further differences on San Francisco
trnfllc ; BO the prospect for adjustment of
the existing difficulties is not bright ,
Alcnt Unto.
CntcAoo , Julj' 20. Chairman Blnnchard
announces that the vote In the territory of
the Central Trafllc association Is now unani
mous nnd that the rate of car service for In
dividual refrigerator cars used for carrying
dressed beef , fresh meats or provisions will ,
after August 1 nnd until further notice , beef
of a cent per mile.
Thn Cheyenne & Northern.
CIIGTRNNC , Wyo. , July 20. [ Special Tolo-
griim to Tun Bin : . ] The Louder publishes
an article to-duy , on what it says is absolutely
reliable authority , to the effect that work on
the Cheyenne & Northern extension of tha
Union Pnctllo to a connection with the Elkhorn -
horn ft Misourl Valley will bo completed by
January 1 , 1SOO. The importance of this work
to this section of the conn try is almost beyond
Cnn't Pay Intercut.
Now Yonic , July 20. it was announced
thin afternoon that the Columbus , Hocking
Valley & Toledo railroad would have to default -
fault on the interest on the 5 per cent bonds
duo September 1 , amounting to S-00,000. A
receiver will then bo appointed.
She FilcH a Sensational Damniro Suit
Against a Mmiiphls Colonel ,
MEMPHIS , Tonn. , July 80. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Ben. | Some time ago Colonel
II. Clay King filed a bill in the chancery
court against Mrs. Mary E. Pillow , widow
of the well known confederate general , in
which ho alleged that Mrs. Pillow exorcised
undue Influence over him and induced him to
deed a largo amount of his property to her ,
but that ho did so with the expressed
understanding between them that she would
not present the deeds for registration until
after his death , which obligation nnd agree
ment she had violated. The object of his
bill was to got n decree vesting the title to
the property again in himself.
Within the past week the lady has brought
a damage suit against him in the circuit
court for $100,000. Supplemented to this , she
filed , through her attorneys , In the
chancery court this morning , her an
swer and cross-bill to the bill filed
by Colouol King. The bill is n
very sensational one , and contains wholesale
dentals of all of Colonel King's allegations
und sovcro strictures upon him. Among
other things , she charges that the complain
ant , upon a hollow pretense , inducijd her
house maid , during her absence , to pet him
the deeds in question , nnd that once in his
possession , ho throw them into the flro ,
where they were consumed , and that "every
allegation of his bill putting any other con
struction upon this transaction is un inge
nious falsehood. " The bill further says ;
"Notwithstanding the complainant wishes
to destroy respondent's reputation , ho has
repeatedly , in conversation with his friends
in Memphis , solemnly declared her purity ,
In the llrst year of their business connection
ho told her ho wished to got a divorce from
his wife in order to marry her. Respondent
dissuaded him. Afterward ho drew up a bill
of divorce and sent it. to Judge Morgan , of
this city , to bo tiled , and sent a copy to de
fendant's son-in-law , J. S. Shield , of
Birmingham. Shield at once replied
that the disgrace attached to his
actions could only bo wiped out with blood ,
mid asked for a meeting In Memphis to ar
range hostilities. Respondent came to Mem
phis nnd induced Judge Morgan to suppress
the bill. Complainant demanded that re
spondent marry him , saying that ho was a
ruined man if she did not. Complainant has
always avored that respondent was a chaste
woman , and is under obligation to marry her
on the death of Mrs. King , or on the secur
ing of an Honorable divorce , "
Illinois VeternitH Still Determined
Not to Attend Ir.
CnrCAfio , July 30. The Times to-morrow
will publish interviews with leading G. A.
R. men of Chicago and Illinois on tha Mil-
wuukeo encampment and the attitude to bo
assumed on the recent order of General
Warner , commandcr-In-chlof. The concen
sus of sentiment , while most friendly to
General Warner , is that the Illinois veter
ans should follow the recommendation of the
state commander and refrain from attending
the nutlonnl cncumpment. Not a few , how
ever , announce their determination to accept
General Wurnor's buggesttons and at'-citd
tlio encampment. " "
DorHoy't ) Party nt Salt Lake.
Sioux LAKE CITV. July 30. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEG. ] Tlio party of con
gressmen , to whom the freedom of the city
was ofllclully # xtcnded , went to Garfluld
beach to-day. Thn gentlemen composing the
party are : Hon. J , C. Burrows , of Kulu-
mazoo , Mich ; Perry S. Heath , Washington ,
D. C. ; Hon. William E. Smalls , Fremont ,
Nub. ; Hon. J. W , Stewart , Vermont ; Hon.
Nathan Goff , West Virginia ; Hon. , f , S ,
Herr , West Virginia ; Hon. E. G. Hayden ,
Boston , Mass. , uud Hon. Gcorgo W. E ,
Uorsey , Nebraska.
Hon. Alvin Suundrcs has been called to
Mount Pleasant , In. , by the death of a
Confirmed by MHB | nioCormlok.
Ciucuao , July 39. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK Biul The reported engagement of
Miss Anita McCormlck , dmmhtur of the lute
Cyrus H. McCormlck of this city , to Em-
inons ISlulno , son of Secretary of State
Bliitno , hus been confirmed by the young
lady herself. ' _
A Mexican CiiKtoms HOIINO FnllH ,
TUCSON , Ariz. , July 20. Woralms boon re
ceived hero of the fulling of the Mexican
customs bouso at Sasslly , Sonora. Twelve
rn n were caught in the rums. Three wore
dead when extricated ,
Ktonmshlp Arrlvulo ,
At New York The City of Chester , from
At London Sighted , thti Scrvia , from
New York for Liverpool ; La Brctagno , from
New York for Havre. .
At Glasgow The Lord Lundadowno , from
Baltimore ,
? N1
A Now and Interesting Point Ho *
gardlnjr tlio Murders ,
A Kuowlodpro of Polloo Customs
That Is Significant.
< d
. 'l '
When the District Was Well Guard
ed No Crimes Were Committed * .
Xho Self-Aconsod Slayer of Altco
Mackenzie Arraigned In Court
Nobody Believes * Him to bo
trio Criminal.
A Well-Informed Murderer.
ICopvrlgM ISO liy JCIHW.I Oonlon flennnM
LONDON , July 20. ( Now York Herald
Cable Special to TIIK BIK. : I Ono of the
most interesting nnd pi'rhnps most signifi
cant poluts connected with the murder of
Alice Mackenzie , the last victim of the
Ripper , is ono to which intention has not
been called. When the August , September
and November murders wcro committed last
year the number of constables on patrol duty
in the "murder district" was strengthened ,
by a hundred extra men from the ether di
visions. Those were at that time UOO men la
uniform nnd plain clothes on night duty In a
comparatively small area. As the excite
ment lessoned the force was gradually
decreased until two weeks "upo there were
only forty loft of the extra nllowanco. Last
Monday , by order from headquarters , the
extra forty were withdrawn. On the follow
ing nlgbt , the Sth , tha murder wns commit
ted. This singular coincidence would of Itself -
self have some value , hut added to the faut
that every ono of tha murders showed n
knowledge of police customs nnd rules , U
must provo to the police that the field to bo
covered In scorch of au assassin Is not largo ,
nnd is probably within the Whltcctmpol dis
trict. The celerity with which the Ripper
accomplished his purpose after the with
drawal of the extra police might bo accepted
as evidence that ho was waiting1 for such nil
order , and the moment the order was given
ho was aware of the circumstance.
The ox-pollccman is at times a doubtful
character , because no man is discharged
from the force without good cuuso. The in
formation of police matters possessed by the
Ripper seems sufilelent grounds for an In
vestigation of such ex-members as spend
time in or about Whltechapoi.
In hunting for clues tha police display
much patience , if not much Intelligence.
Absolute lick of the trail has a paralyzing
affect on every man , woman or child , whllo
every story tending to throw light on the
murders Is listened to , but without ndvantaga
so far.
Brodie , the man who walked into tha
station and said ho had committed
the murders ho did not appear
to know whether eight or nine-
was given a hearing to-day. The testimony ;
of the lodging housekeeper was that lirodlo
was In his room from 11 o'clock Tuesday1
night until noon Wednesday. Brodio provodj
untruthful on ether material points also , blithe
ho insisted so strenuously that ho was the
Ripper that he was hold on his own con *
fession with being the murderer of Alice
Mackenzie , though the charge against him
was a wandering'lunatic. Ho said to the
magistrate :
"Do I look like ono. I am ns sane us any
man in this court , I can assure you. "
His appearance belied his words.
John Royal , the man arrested on the
charge of attempting to dissect Nora Brown ,
on the Surrey side of the Thames this morn *
Ing , was remanded for n week. Nobody
thinks ho is the Hipper.
Everybody is still talking of the Ripper
aril the smooth style in which ho docs his
a\yful work. Many persons are under sus
picion , but day by day the number lessons.
Jack seems us safe from detection ns If In
the center ot Africa instead of in the center
of Loudon.
Much of tlio Kcoeiit News of u Favor
able Nature.
ST. PAUL , July 20. Much of the moro re
cent crop news is of n favorable nature und
grain men In the Twin cities Jure much re
joiced. From Isolated towns nnd villages
over In Dakota reports have been sent of tha
total or partial fuiluro of the wheat crop ,
but the reports from the whole northwest do
not warrant such broad statements as to the
condition of the crops. Grain men
who have just returned from trips
over the territory say there will bo
probably two-thirds or three-fourths of the
avcrugo crop In Dakota. It Is generally ac
knowledged that the condition of affairs In
Minnesota Is much more favorable. This
state has had considerable rain at the proper
times , and the fields nro generally reported
in line condition , although In u few sections
the crop will fall n little short of tha uverugo.
Within the past few days good rains have
fallen in immv Darts of the northwest , nnd
In flomo Instances , at least , the rain huj been ,
not too lute to bo of benefit. Western Wis
consin nnd northern Iowa also send in favor
able returns.
The Northern American .Halt Com
pany In Not a TriiHt.
New YOHK , July 20. The Northern.
American Bait incorporation , which wus
noted In u despatch from Albany lust night ,
occupies two columns in this evening's papers
with Its advertisement. Its capital stock la
11,000,000 , und It proposes to Issue f 1,000,000 ,
worth of bonds. The advertisement statoi
the object of tha company Is to unify und
systematize ttio suit Interests of the country.
The prospectus states that arrangements
have boon made for the purchase or control
of nearly all existing salt producing
properties un the North American continent ,
and that thcso number KiO different workg
and companion. The company insists It la
not u trust , and us proof of this state * that
anybody may buy stock who will pay for it
Tin ; HiMiHiUlon Kndei ) .
Sioux FALLS , S. D. , July 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Br.K. ] Grace Howard , thq
young ilrl ; who ran away fromKansas , City1
to marry Fred Foruian , a travelling pho
tographer , returned with her mother to-day ;
Formun hud been In the city ten days and
encouraged the girl to como hero. Fortu
nately she wus arrested the day of hei *
arrival. Her mother came to-day , but the
girl persisted that ( ho would run away again
aim marry her forty-j car-old lover. Diligent/
pcrsuualon at lust effected a promise that aha
v.-o-ild marry u young man of her mother' *
choice , who ulso cuniu hlthor , and the tenia-
l.'iiii anted