Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No ndvortlHoincntfi will l o taken for
thcBO column. ) nflcr 12:3O : p. in.
Terms C'nsb In ndvntioe.
Advertisement ) , under tnls head 10 Co. . . . per
line for the drat Insertion , ? cents for eactt sub-
i qtient insertion , and tlM per linn per month.
No advertisement taken for legs than 25 wnt
for first. Insertion. Seton words willb count d
to tint Una : they must run coiueentlvtly and
Dime b * pnld in ADVANCK. All advertise
ment * must be handed In bof ore 12..W o'clock p.
m. . and under no circumstancei will they bt
Infcen or discontinued by telephone.
P rtlo.i advertising In th * ocoliimns and har-
incrthalrnntwernaadreesodlncaroot TUB URH
will please ask fora check to enable thorn to got
their letters , as none trill badellv-irctlfixcent on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements slioiiM IIP enclosed In envelopes.
All ndvrrtltemcniH In the. . . column * ore pub
lished in both tnorniUK and evening editions of
9iiK IIKE , the clrculntlon of which aggregate !
Worn thnn Ic.Oto paper * daily , and gives the ad
vertisers the bnneflf , not only of the city circu
lation of Til R HEK. but also of Council Bluffs ,
Lincoln find other titles and tow ns throughout
this tcctlonof the country.
Advertising for thrno columns will bo takca
on the above conditions , at the following busl *
Bess houses , 'nlio areauthorlrcd aiontHforTltK
/ ) .r. BpeclAl noUcefl. ana will quote the same
tittes as can be hnd nt the main olllco.
C1IA8K Ic IIDDV , Stationers and printers , 113
South loth Street.
Bit. PAilNB\VOH'riI , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
Ins Street ,
J. HUOItEa PharmBclst , 024 North ICth
OKO.V. . PAIIU , Pharmacist , 1800 St. Mary's
Cf Avonuo.1 *
HUOHK8' Pharmacy , ' XH Farnnm Bt , Tele-
phone No , t. .
" \roUNO man well educated desires a sltua-
Jtlon to study pharmacy ; speaks English nnd
IHauiaii. Address 7 i 8lt
WANTED-Bltuntlon as clerk by young man
newly arrive d from England. Address E
m. Ueo. , cm at >
TSXrANTKD Hy a young man of ten years'
T T experience. Httuatlon in nny kind of whole-
gale business. Address HBE , Hre. B7n.-.lj
T [ TNGLlHllMAN ngod 19. wants - cement
Jii/by July 115 In private family : can take care
of hoiHoa and cows ; good references. Addrusa'
B S. Jlee olllco. 6720t
WANTED Situation by manexpprlcnccd'ln
Krnln. coal , lumber , and Implement trade.
iero Duslneio can be tnado lively. Address
O. box SO. Underwood. In. _ 614-10'
TANTED Situation by an experienced cutter -
tor , good roferoncoi glvon. AUdross tno
* yydo Awake. " Norfolk. Neb. C41MS1
"BVXPRHT accountant wants coiiipKcntoiK
Ji books and partnership mattery to alust.
Address C 6B. llee. '
[ 7ANTED A tlrst class coat maker at onco.
11. H. Peterson , Friend. Nob. 702 2 < M
D Agents of either xoxto sell our
goods In Omahaand Council HlulTfi. Goods
3io rare and sell at sight. No competition.
< l'till at room 4 , Arcadu hotel , this morning.
WANTKD Agents to sell our goods In Oma-
1m ; good n w nud rare and Hell at sight ,
pall to-day , ut room 4. Arcadohotel. 6H7-1U ?
TANTRD 1 boy ; musf go to work nt 3
o'clock In the morning. Apply Ueo mall
OKI tit U o'clock. 711 1 T
iIltST-cIass clumbers wanted. Apply Ora-
hnm Park , ifiuu l.cavenworth at. intan
' \A7 ANTED Several men with small capital
TT tomiy terrltorv : profits from 1UO to 3Ui ( per
itent. Call at Hotel Derby from 10 a. m. to ( p ,
til , to-day. W. C85-1I ) *
WANTED Two men with fair education to
act us county managers. Deposit of fcJl
reiiuned. 8ahuy875 toSlix ) pormuntb. Call or
dddicsx , Davis .c Miahau , M'J llninge block.
| | ( JUT SI
VVANTHD-Hri-ad bakers. Steady work to
v > sober , Industrious men. Jos. Oarneail
Cracker Co. COT lllj
" \X 7ANTKD A good cook nt 'N , Johnson's ,
T > lunch counter , -0-1 Cmnlng st.-
ANTBD At once , three yOmtg u\ou \ for
light , Btowly woik. 220 M. Wth. llooni 17.
571 II ) '
WANTED A man who has bnd experience
In the clmttle loan business ; must be well
acquainted In city and give best of reference
Audreys E lOJUeojollico. _ U.I4
WANTED Men with fair education nnd
plraslug address to solicit ; dp posit of 425
required ; balary $ < ! 5 and $7" > per month. Call on
or uddiesa C. L. lloylon , room 511 , 1st Nat. bank.
_ _ 623 ID'
ANTED Man of experience In the grocery
business. Newman liros. , IWj 10th st.
UN to travel for the Fonthlll Nurseries of
M Canada , Wo pay tU ) to $100 a month und
exreusen to agents to Boll our Canadian grown
block. Ad. Stone & Wellington. Madison , Wls.
, . _ Ml
WANTKD Hallroiul laborers , rockmen and
track layers for Washington Territory ;
good wages and ntcadv work , at Albright's
tsUjor Agcncy ll U Farnam bt. fjg
TANO'KD A good olllco man to go east ;
V > must InvestEi.WIO ; must ben good business
man. Address the Geo. 8. Cline Publishing
House. 31B to 331 Wnbash avo. . Chicago. III. 7Ut
"IJITANIBD Hailfoad laborers for novrworK
V In Wyoming. Teamsters , wheeler holders ,
pick and bhovel men , and rock and tunnel men.
Steady worn and good Job. For transportation
npply at Albrlght'ti labor agency , 1120 Farnap-
Bt. Omaha. 7iti
WANTKD 62,5 , weekly representative , nialo
or fo.nt.1o. In every comniuutty. Goods
Etnple ; household m-cesslty ; sell at sight ; no
peddling : salary paid .promptly , and expenses
advanced. Full particulars and valuable sample
caHo niKK. Wo moan just what wo say : address
at once , Standard Silver ware Co. , Iloston-MaN
Ktt 3
ANTED Chaiut-ermald Doran house ; IftH
und Howard yja
WANTHD Oood girl for general houso-
wotk. M J South 18th at. 7IU--OJ
TXrANTKD Woman to cleun an olllco dally
T nftvrOp. in. Apply Jos , Uarneau Cracker
Co. CHH U |
Atn'l.D Girl for gonori.l housowork.c W.
21. Vrttua , H w corS''d und California sts ,
| 715
ANTED-(5ood ( girl for general house ,
work. 11)11 ) Ilurdettt } . ( ITU 'M
W ANTED-lHt-class cook , Mrs. W.A. Pax.
W7ANTED oxo. U II 20
" \\7ANTED Woman COOK for luitol , t-to ; 4
i T good laundresses. } ! unit $5l ; waltreHt-es for
name hotel , In Kearney. JIS ; cook for olllcers'
family , J3I ; cook s\\ \ > \ second cook In hnmo fum
lly , i-i each ; Uurso girls , klchonglrU and 25 for
gonornl housework , Mr * . lliejii,314Vi 0 , llth.
0 < l lut
W ANTED Girl for general bousedork ; 817
. mil. iuj
WANTKD Olrl , must bo good cook aud
liiuudiess. Mm. J. M. TUurston IUl Far
nain _ ut. C47
GIHL wanted German , for housework , turn ,
lly ota. Mw , D , W. Vuu Cott , Parlc BV
and J i.cks n st. U-tl liff
\\rANTKD-A Nu. J female pastry coos. Coz
T * zyns Hotel. nK
\rAN'llD ! -At Ml Park a.o. a corapotoul
jniirso ulrl or .Mimon. Dlu li )
VTANTIH ) Awomon , good cook nufl luun
dress ; i In family ; wages M per week ,
ICpUjQillfiiriilu. _ _ _
\\TANTI-U0rinni)8lrl { | to do
ft wivshlut ; , best ofMig pali liiulr ( | ij.
Ji. llramlcU. M481itli8t. )
\\rANTIn ! Girl to ao t > cnnd work and tiik <
Tl cnreof child throe yrs old ; noun but com
iietentiiuedupply ; Uurinan nreicrred. 240b st ,
Mary's 7
171EMA1.E tMiiplovmeut ulllcc , girls wanti-a.or
Jl don wanted. Mis , Htiule. U1U NVldili Bt.
yifl I8OEIL L AN EOU8 WA'NT S. '
WANTED Boom and board , near Park uve
n'ter Saptiimber 10 by ypuug nmrrlod cou
pie. Addreys E 12. lice olllco.
. ITt
Tjljlltn-cliusa day board , Inquire 1GU9 Douglui
JiJ 1B
4-KOOM house. HSlt.ifct.Williams 8t. NewU-roon
basoiucnt. Ull HSlt.ifct. 7WJU
" '
"fof'rontT II. W
ITUlll'llllNT 7 room llat , I.ttngrbi. > cl . M3 !
JL1 Uth'Bt. W
T7Uli lil5JuC-ll2.'W ' IHT monthnixtixjii "
JL1 building , N. i ; . cor. u * 19th uun ' '
T710B BRNT I have n number of customers
JD fomouse .4to7roomstlf you want yours :
rented list with J. II. Parrotte , Itcntal apency ,
iloo m2l7i.oi.glai. block. NX ) a ) HHNT-A-room Hat.corner 16th and
JL' Maion , under viaduct , 110 per mo , . Call n *
Cizainthst. 478
rr\OH \ IlBNT-Chcap to right parties , two 0
JL1 room tints , second and third Hoers of 120.
I'at-nam St. ; nil modern improvements. Call
within. OOMilJ
rpWENTY-THHEE room hotel for rent , , 0.00
-L per mo.i located In Omaha ; now full ot first
class roomers ; making t. * > per mo. clean furni
ture fro , worth ; from J50.ot.KM rash ,
1ml. ns It Is made out of hotel , Co-Operative
Land nnd Lot Co. , EOT. N. IQtn st. CM 21.
"Troll UlirJT Two nine room brick houses on
JU Park avenue , with nil conveniences. Also
nine room frame house on same street , with nit
conveniences ; price IW to 111 per month. D. V
( .holes , 210 Hist National Hank. 811
Tmoli liKNf-HX i.rst-.lass dwelling v-lthnll
JL1 modern r < iuvenl nc s. Including htable , avjs
Capitol nve. Inquire of D.J. O'Donahoe. 1GOI
1'arnam st. 313
8-room houo , all convenience ;
I10RHENT , rnble cam and within li mlu-
tites' walk of P. O. K. Sliolton , 1011I'nrnam st.
" 1X1011 ItErrr 7-room lint , K5 per mo. above
X1 The Fair , 13th Mid Howard. Inquire The Fair.
"I710H HUNT A nlceS-room cottage with many
JL' conveniences , a7 8.17tuave ; runt moderate.
Adnly Ktl 8.17th St. 071
IfOH \ HENT-Nont cottngo. KO per month. C.
1 P. Huirlson , Jlurchanu Natloual llanlc.I'i4
THOU Itl'NT FurnlshoO cottacn of 5 rooms
J- mid f urntturo for Kale. It. & 8. Loan & Hontnl
Agency , cor , loth and Howard sts. Hn
"IjlUltNlSin.D or unfurnished house for rent
.1 In Park 3'orrare. opposite Ilauscom park ;
nil modern conveniences. liiiulro | Leo &
NlelioljgitU and I.eavonworth. 83H
FOR HI.NT A detaclied tf-room hoiiBe , all
modern ? onvenlcncoit , Unq. > K. Capitol ave'
fllOU UF.NT 1room 1 brick dw6lf.nt7"a.l coiv
J ? vonlencos , 6 blocks from I' . O 21U N. luth st.
TJIOB BENT Nicely furnished room In prl-
-13 vatefamily Inquire . -20 B.25th nve. ffi'JUl *
A NICELY furnished front room for rent , nt
No. 1811 Capitol ave. 707 22 *
rp WO rooms with or wttn'out board forgeii-
X tlcmoa.prlvutu f.imtlyroferonces. Ibl2 Dodge
f OV2
T7IOB BENT-iulto of 3 rooms. Urst floor ;
JU man and wife ; car line ; 2C22 cumlng. 711 2.5
TTlOll KENT Nicely furnished rooms with
JJ oonrd in private family. 07 Fnrnam st.
. C 4 2ut
J1UUN1SHUD rooms torrent at 603 B. 18th St.
081 l t
jjlUHNlSllKD room with bath for two gentle- .
.J.J munthird lloor. Cor. 80th nnd Lcavonworth
QT. CLA1U r.iiropean liotol. cor. Kiln and
ODodgo ; special rates by week or month.
"rnoil HUNT Vurnlihod room with or without
-D hoard ; Kill Douglas st. COJ-2U
LAl.Gl. south front room with alcove , fur
nished or unfurnished , pin , bath , cool ,
ilea.sant location , largo yard , private family.
.512 Chicago at. 570 lilt
, " 171011 HBNT lM < > astnt ! south room wltn
X' Mrdt cluss board , gentleman only. it ) 15
Douglas. fi77 19t ,
TfiuUKISIIRD rooms with all modern con-
1 venlenct8ror ; gentlemen only , 17UU Dodge st.
roil UENT Furnished rooms. 22U. Dodgo.
BU9 ZV >
. alcove room in now house ,
modern improvements. Iniiulro C1I ! N ! rd.
UwS l T
TJ1CJKN1SHKD room for rent after Juno25.
. .L2 24 Hurt st. 158
G OOD room with bath. fi9 ] S. 20th st.
HKNT-ltoom. 1E1 Howard.
moil llKNa Two parlora front and on
L' lloor. All modern covoulencas. 1C01
Douglas. = W3
ICELYfuinlsntd rooms , board If desired ;
N gas , bath .electric bellg , etc. ICOli Douglas.
NFTII * * "
FTII ) HKNT 'lnognns .south room .for gentl
man. 1707 Dodge St. 8-18
BOOMS , modern conveniences. 1105 N. 18th
3t. FlatO. Gl > 8
TJlOIl HENT I unfurnished rooms suitable )
JP for house Keeping , modern Improvements ,
to family without children. 1704Vobster st.
Price iflA " C37
_ _ „ * _
171OH HENT Over steve storo7iKJr Ilowarcl
J st. Inquheat store 505
FOU KENT Tno corner room under the Ne
braska National bank lll soon bo for rent ,
the Equitable Trust Co. removing to larger
The space la about double that occiiplnd by
the ( ; . , f I. .V Q ticKet olllco. The lloor Is tlUnl
and tile room can bo made desIraVlo tor a It. It.
ticket or broker's ollice ,
jr particulars apply at bank. CP2
GOOD iloskroom for life or llro insurance
.ago ut to rent cheap. Host location. Address ,
E 20 , Ueo. ( .1)5 ) Idl
STOKE for rent , sotitheasc cor 12th and Doug
las st. S. Lohmun. u-'l
POK UENT Store and fixtures for sale ; the
entire bulldlnr ; one of the bust locations in
the city. 1.110 Farnam bt. Apply to A. Polack ,
o HENT Desirable warehouse room on
track. Apply to C. W. Keith , 714 Pacllio St.
TRIOK KENT The 4 story brlcK building with
Jc or without power , formerly occupied by The
Ueo Publishing Co. , IHI ) Farnam st. Tin ) build-
Inn * JOH a tire proof cx'inunted batoment , com-
Sletu Htcam heating fixtures , water on all the
cor ? , grt , rtc , Apply at the olllco of The Ueo.
"IjlOH UENT Stores nnd living rpoins on Cum-
-U liiK st. Also house on Cafa ut. Harris , room
4llJst Nat. IlauK. 2(6 ( _
OFFICE To rent. Furnished elegantly or
unfui-nished. Ilushmanblock , N. R. Cor.
18 and Douglas. U48
FOlt HENT Biore and 4 living rooms In
lour , all nuMly imperod ; m > od locution for
grocery or food store ; K5 per mouth. Apply
at ouce , C. F. Hairlson , Meiclmnts Nat. bank.
Foil HENT-2 floors front half llemis build
ing , iio er , heat , electric light. Inquire olllco
ot llenili Omuha Hag Co. 157 Jy.ll
LADIES , Attention I Madam Uuerotte'fl
Golden Specltlc , for nil female weakness ,
olllco lioniss to in a. in. , and 3tu5 p. m. , con
sultatlon free. IflXl DouKlas. 4KafK
nnHE banjo tauitht as an art by Goo. F. Goi-
JL lenbeck. Apply at Mae olllco. UoU
"V KS Tlio old rollublo UontiU aRency li stli :
X running , supplying- that como with
hollars. Hats and stores. J. II. Parrotte. liooni
21. DQUKlas block. ' fiIUal3.
TTSlllltELLAS mid parasols covered and ro-
U paired , 217 8 loth , lloyd's opera house block ,
In Khoo storo. It. llalor. VW
JT10LLATF.UAL Hank. 312 B. lijth St. , Chanibo
or Commerce. Leans money ou chattels am
Ul'HOLSTEUINO , draping and r patrln
.Mattresses made over. First clusawoik
Iteusonable prices. H. l..ehinunu , 21 ! ) N , Hth.
7 7 1V-'l
I OST Ijiay's Rold watch on Park are.
J Wnolnarih orloorRla ( ave , with monoRrnu
"S. 0 , " Ltbe-ivl icwaril111 bo paid If ratuiupi
to tlio Nebraska Savings bank. 70(1"Of
JTHAVKO-yrom 1510 Corby st. , a black bin
? dogtag No. 1515 ; liberal rOward.J.E. Lladloy
70J 80t
LOSlR7re'vard for Information that wll
lead tcr the conviction of thief v ho stnlo the
red Irish setter from my residence uu Lowe ivvc
'lhedpg ere liceiuu tag No"U57. attached to
collar..T. . Llndsey. SirJ _ _
T 'IjSY EnglUb JlantilT. lieturu to 40(1 ( Paxton
JLJ blotV and iwt reward. 241-
ri\\KEN Ul'-Span of black mare mules
-L weight 750 each , about 7 yeiirs old. Sainue
Mtiore. Florence. Neb. out 2IT
\VANTKD-The address of A. n. Jllilo Inf
i ' lie U unted to Kettle estate of decen sec
inother. Address J , W. M lcolm , lloserllle
\5 arrun Co ; III. 410 n $
OHPrlutlus. ChasaAEddy , 113 S 16th
_ _ 870 aSt
Tf IIB. I'orcavul of Ciklltoriila6U \ DouKlas it
1'lfortelU thu future. iJullos and gentlemen
804 a4 ;
S TOIUOI ! riowiAte * at ll/Jl FttruanTeT
Uiiiali.v Aurtlon and Storage t'o. U01
pUACKAOn BtorRca at lowest rates. W. M.
JL Iluslimin , 1311 1/ohvcnworth. OOP
UANOII flTco. , storage , 1311 Hovranl ,
rjTOnAQB and fonvarillnR. Wo collect nnd
-Jdollvergoods of all descrlptlonMnorchandlse ,
nrnllure ami baegage nt cheapest rates for
torago for nny lenqth of time. Vans and
vagonq to bo had at shortest notice , with carer
nl men for moving. Packlnt ; nnd shipping
rotn our own warehouse done on moderate
harise. Mcrrr/andlsa / loaded and unloaded.
Varehouioon our own track * . onicoSl'S , Hth
t , ; tclephonn lit Howell A : Co. 004
r\K. NANNlE Vi W rrourcl lrvt.yftht , mdl-
L/ cal and buslnns * medium. Femnlo diseases
n specialty. 110 N 16th st. rooms 2 and 3. Mi
QTA.NDAHD Shorthand School , Paxton Hlk ,
Jsu ( c8Hsor to Valentino's ) the largest ercla-
Ive shorthand school In thn woit. Teacnern
re verbatim reporters. Particular attention
> alci to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by fnrrtoy expert .Circulars.
1 510
MA1IA Huslnes Collf e , C6r. 16th and C.ipl-
tel avo. Shorthand -The largest and most
urccs ful shorthand department In the state.
Standard methods tnuuht. Munsoti's revised
of ' 60 a specialty. Can or write for terms.
t Ji
WANTKD To buy a liorse.bURgy and harnes'j
or horse and will plvo for same i1st m't'g
loto sociued on n lot , duo In U uiomhM per cent
nt. C. .1. S. , 20.5 N 10th , Itoom 1 , up stalri a
( V 2l
\VANTED-To bny country bank In No-
' " brankn or Interest taking active part. Ad-
Iress full particulars , BSD , Uoo. _ 671 27
-A high counter , 5rith or without
ratline. II. H. Henderson , room 400 , Pax-
on II Ik. _ 4M
XXfAKTED Furnlturo , carpets , stoves and
T > housnhold poods of nil kinds. Omnlm
Auction & Storage Co. . 1121 Farnam. _ 003
TjlOK"8A LE-5.MU. Columbia light roadster
JL ! bicycle , cheap. Address t ? . T. M Omaha
Wheel Club. 712 21t
ITlon SALE Cheap light three spring watron
JL1 In good order. 15o7 N. lutli st. 405 31 * '
fjlOU SALE A flne riding or driving horse 4
V years , safe nnd sound , pries 8140. Address
E31. lloo omcft. 67018
plOH SALE Small Block ot cigars and tobac-
JP ro : good location ; cheap. Apply at 617 N.
10th st. OSO-21-
1I10H SALE Set of baker's tools complete ,
cheap for cash. Inquire I7J2 S 17th nt.
SALE Aflnenoda fountain , with shnlf.
In good running order. .Apply F. Doss. 1017
davenport. 027 80 *
SALE Hnndsomo Motlcnu parrot and
FOU ; will trade for bedroom set. MM S. 10th.
03021 *
7T10U SALE furniture * of large house , every
J' room rented. First-class location. Parties
leaving city. A bargain. Address E 8 , Ueo oillce.
SALE Carpets itnd lease of the best located
cated cottage In Omaha. Very low rent ,
AddreFS nt once E b , lice olllco. 499
TWK Canlleld M'f'c Co. being about to move
.L will sell 1 flrst-class 4-horse power engine
and boiler at U actual value. 1208 Douglas st.
MIDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. . 1614 Far
nam. Complete abstracts furnished undtltles
to real estate exumlnedperf cted guaruntood.
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons
or beouritles of any kind ; commercial and
mortgage notes bought ut fair rates ; nil busi
ness transacted contldotitlal. Collateral Loan
Co. , room 321 , Uainga building. 713
S'HUNGER & Penny , room 20 Douglas blockl
money to loan ou real estate at lowest ratet ]
LOANS on Improved and umlmproved prop
erty at lo\v rates. Odell Bros. & Cp.,312S Itlth
1)16 )
/ 1 F. HAHKlSON'lpans money , lowest rates.
EESDENCE LOANS-CIS to 7 per cent , nond-
dltloual charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. U. Jleikle , First Nat oauk bld'ff.
MONOl' to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on nny approved security. .1. W ,
llohblns , llllli Funittin street Paxtou Hotel.
SEE Sholes. room 210 , First Natl bank , before
making your loans. V20
MONEY" to loan on real estate security , at
lowest iates. Heforo negotiating loan < aoo
Wall5ceH. 3IOIlrown bldg , lutli ADouglas. 931
S' [ TIUNGEIl ' & PENNY , room 80 , Douglas
block.have money to lotul on cliuttol security.
4b2 A10
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The fairest ,
quietest and most liberal money oxchauge In
the city ; money loaned without dehvy or pub
licity. In any amount , largo or small , at the
lowest rates of Interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may bopuld at any time or renewed -
nowod at original rates O. llouscaren. Mgr. ,
room 57. Barker block , lotn and Farnam. U15
MONEY' Lonns negotiated at low rates with
out delay , and purclmso goods , commercial
paper aud mortgage notes. S. A. Sloman , cor
13th and 1'arnam. 017
T7"EYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of IO to
-LVfl.OiX ) ; got our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
boughfufor n w loan , renewal of old and low
est H30S , Sheeloy blk , 15th&Howard st.
VTEUltAi5lvA Jlorlflo11 Co- will make yon a
i3l loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land cputi nets ,
flno Jewelry , or securities of any kind
without pulillcity.-at reasonable rates.
Koom 7 , Howlov block. South Omiha.
llooms 518-51 ! > , 1'axton block , Omaha , Neb.
MONEY loaned on furniture , hoises and
wagons ; rates roasonablu. City Loan Co. .
118 a. ! St. , opposite Mlllurd hotel. 42 < S
T OANS made on real estate nnd mortgages
-UixMight. Lewis S. Heed A ; Co. , It II. Hoard oC
Trade. * KM
PHILAPELliniA Mortgage is Trust Co. fur
nish iheap eastern money to borroerH.pur -
clmsii securities , perff ct titles , accept loans nt
their western olllco , George W. P. Coatea. room
7. Hoard of Trade. ' U33
JUILDINQ and other real estates loans. W. M.
'Harris , loom 3) , Frenzorlllock , opp. P. O.
ICAN'mnka a few loans on lirst-class rlmttol
securities at reasonable rales , W , K. Potter ,
room 10 , Darker blk. 923
MONEV loaned for 30 , l lor H ) days on imy
kind ot chattel security ; reasonable Inter
est ; confidential , J , J Wilkinson , 1417 Fiirnam.
MONEY to loan. Harris It. E. & Loan Co. ,
room 411 , First National bank. U2 !
JVT ONE V to Loan Wo ore ready for applica
tions for loans in amounts from fWO to fin , ,
on on Improved Omnha or Douglas county real
estato. full information us to rates. Loaiu
promptly closed. Good notes will be purchased
by us. Call upon us or wrlto. The McCnguo
Investment Co. 1)13 )
"TITONH"l' to loan on good flrst mortgages. " 1m-
-Hi-proved or unimproved property , Mort
gages bought nnd bold , Wallace , room 310
llrowii building , ICtli and Oouiilaa. 523
D ON"T borrow money on rurnlture , hormm ,
wagons , etc. , or collaterals until you see C ,
I ) , Jacobs , 411 First National bank bulldlmc.
IB }
B U1LDINO loans. D. V. Shales , 210 First Na-
tloual bank. 1120
MONEY to loau on any security
tor short time , at low
rates. Lowest rates'
ou personal
property ,
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com
prmy , room 4ft > , Paxton block. OW
W7 NTED First-class Inside loans. Lowes' '
rates. Call and see us. Mutual Investment
Co .11.1 Marker blk. . 15th and Farnam. V >
CD 300,000 to loan nt 6 percent. Llnuhan &JIft.
P honey , room HM Paxtoa block.
MONEY to loau on horuoj. wagons mules
houiehold goods , planos.orgaiib , diamonds
lonest rates , The flm organized loan ollico litho
the city. Make loans for thirty to lur o hun
dred and tlxty-llve days , which can be paid lu
purt or wholo. at any time , thus lowering the
principal and Interest. Call and see us when
you w am money. We can asslut'you promptly
itud to your advantage without removal o
property or publicity. Money always on hand
No delav lu making loans. C. F. Heed & Co. ,
31U 8.13th at. , over Ilmghaui Si Bona. UU
MONEY to loau ; caution hand l no delay. J
W. Boulrf , 13li > Farnam st. , First Natloiu ;
bank bulldlnirJ vxi
' "moriijuije loans at law rates and node-
lay. D. V. siholet. 210 First Nutloual bank.
MONEY to loan , O. F , Davis Co. , real estate
and loaq agents. UTtynTnam at. 6JO
PKOPLB'8 Flnancla Exchang * Largo nnil
small loans for lom Vull short time , at low-
cst rates ot Interest , ofi.rqal estate mortgage
lotei. chattels ot all Minis , diamond * , watches
nnd Jewelry. Don't falHo call if volt want fair
and en on p accommotJnUont. o. Bonsonren
room 57 , Barker b 15th and Farnam.
O YOU want money-1 so. don't borrow
before gettlnft mj rotM , which are the low
est on nny sum from iLup to (10.000.
I make loans on housphuld Rood * , tilanos , or-
cans , horse , \nttrdQSwarenouse receipts.
louses , leases , etc. . In pnv amount , at the low
est possible rates , without publicity or removal
of property. " "
Loans can be made fqfijy10 to six months and
-ou can pay a part at any time , reducing both
> rindpnl and Interrst/N f you owe a balance
m your furniture or horses , or have a loan on
hem , I will take It up aud carry It for you as
one as you desire.
It you need money TOU will flml U to your ad-
-antago to we tno before borrowing.
II. F. .Mutters , room 4 , Wlthnell building 15th
mil llaincy. KM
worn hotel for rent. J50.00
-L per mo. , located tn Omahn ; now full of llrst
class roomers : making I7i per mo. clear ; fiirni-
tire IMW. worth (1'JUUI frolrf * sVI tu f300 cash ,
ial as It is made out of hotel. Co-Operatlvo
.and nnd Lot Co. , an N 16th Et. uiiusi
FOB SALE Meat market ; requires very
smnll cupml ; best location In city. G , D.
Meyer. York. Neb. TOOiilt
WANTMD A man with about $503 s partner
In bakery business , doing n good counter
rndo. Apply onprcinlaos , ] 718NIcho1aaOmaba.
B30 20 *
FOH SALE Saloon doing good business : lo
cation ono of the brst tn town , satisfactory
reasons for selling , Inquire at South Omaha
iliiuor House , South Omaha , Oil ! 21 *
FOB SALE Ono of the best lunch counters
in the city : business llrst class nnd estab-
Islicd trade ; good reasons for. selling $1,100.
.lakery. confectionery mill Ice troain parlor ,
Ki'.O. 75-room hotel in ou of Nour.iskn's bust
cities ; long lenso ; prlce$5,0X ( ) for all. or } JfjOO
for 4 Int. Cigar and inhacco storo. $150. 30-
room hotel tn tlio city ; nnlendld location. Gro-
rery store , the b st in the city ; meat market ,
i.150. and other business chances. Co-Op. Land
nnd Lot Co. , 20.1 N Iflth st. ( W7 S3
"VyANTKD-Contractor to btilla house nnd
TT furnish part material for good rcsldouco
ot. Acldross , KgJ , BeoolUctf. 60731
WANTED Partner In a small restaurant ;
everything neat , new and clean ; ladv pre
ferred. Capital roiiutred $150. Mrs. llrega ,
I14H B. Kitli' C841U ?
FOR BENT Shoo dcpartmnnt , crockery do-
partmoiit , clothing department , book de
partment , Jewelry department nnd grocery de
partment in u largo department store to bo
opened August 15. Address K 27 , Doe oillce.
677-23 *
BABDEU shop anil bath rooms for sale : irood
location and good trade ; satisfactory rea
sons given for soiling , Lockbox 14rremont.Nob
010 23t
FOB SALE H interest In a good paying gro
cery Htoro In Lincoln , uboutI.UU ) required ;
those only who have the cash need apply. Ad
dress H. Bee oillce , Llncoln.'Ncb. Ml 23 ?
AOKEAT bargain In Gordon , Neb. , n now
rolicf mill for fiuln. 3.5 uarrel capacity ami
rigged to mike buckwheat nnd rye Hour , meul
nnd chop feed ; In a good - \ \ hcnt country and
! ? oed market for Hour : t dwellings and turn
with it : price $ < , OOJ. Parties having prop
erty to trade need not apply ; mill has tlrst-
class reputation. F. J. Andreas. 642 alGt
$1,000 and the services of a competent young
man In good paying business. Address nt
once. B 1(1 ( , flee olllco. ? 623 1'J *
W /ANTED Partner In restaurant In connoc-
' tlon with hotel of 43 rooms. Ad. E 21 , llee.
' ' BY )
TpOHSALK-Tho.Oollmin cigar stored lloyd's
J-1 opera house , wltn or without jobbing stock.
Location the bi-st. 43S
pIHVATE bank formula In small town In
Northeastern NobriwJca. Address D < st , 11 to.
sr ' , 4JQ ai
STOC1C of general merchandise , In n good
town in Nebraska , good , clear stock ; prlco
$14.009 , for K casli and balance In land or rity
property. ifo.OuO stocK at hardware In an lowii
town for cash and laud or city pronertv. Llv-
rry stock and barn In. city f ° ' lnn < l and some
cash. Co-Op. Land and Lot Co. , 203 N IBtli st.
jja. 0821
* TVHUO store to fxtWingo for real estate ,
JL/HoiiBateel , Grand l lanil , Nob. 7012lt i
I710H exchange- goon lot in Dos Molnos. IB.
J. ' for a peed lire nroot safe.- Address . F.
Nine , DcsMolnutr , la. 708-25
douli , In. 04J-23J
TO exchange General stock merchandise ;
want land and money , llox 70 , Frankfort ,
Ind. C45-25t
WANTED To trade fora good piano. Ad
dress W. F. Nine , Des Moines , la.
" \7t7ANTED-Toexchange steam elevator with
i T feed mill. In best grain section of north
Missouri , J3.0UO.
Morton Co. , Kansas , farm $1,000 ; Adams Co. ,
In. , 04 acres cl bottom farm. M ith ( .rops , on
smooth , level laud , all fenced and Impiovcd ,
SMUHJ : Incumbrancc. jl.OO ) ; want general mer-
ulmudlso , dry goods or boots and shoes. Kxcol-
slor Land Co. , 310 B. IGtli st. 052 1
TTIOK SALi : or Kxclmnge What have yon to
- - oxchnngo for good iiulncumberod rarms at
cash value. Stringer to Penny. Douglas blk.
CASH and choice land to oxchuugo for mer-
chundlso. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205
N. 10th sr. fiWI-20
T ! you want to make a quick snln or exchange
JLof your propeity , list it with W. F. Nino. Des
Holnes , la. 708-3 >
EXCHANGE A flue farm of 200 acres in
FOU county , Net ) . , < 1 miles from Clurkrt.
Neb , , to oxcbancn for cattle ; K ) acres under
cultivation , house , barn , wagon scales and
good feed lot. Address C. Oskamp , 2215Va li
ster St. , Omaha , Neb. ( Uj
TpOK EXOHANOU-For desirable residence
J3 property In Omuha , any or nil of following :
40 choice inside residence lots In Hastings.
JUU lots in Lincoln.
040 acres line tanning land , Lancaster county.
Fine residence property. Lincoln.
Qood rnntal property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence corner. Los Angeles.
A neat residence propertyln Ilauscom Place.
Also some good mortgage notes.
Address , Riving location and price of prop
erty. J. E. U. , care IJauin Iron Co. , 1217 Leaven-
wortn. KM
FOR EXCIIANOK An elegant tract of land
containing UJ acres , in Autnlope county.
Nob. , with ordinary Improvements.
A quarter-section In Hand county , Dakota ,
partly improved.
Eighty acres near Council lllutrs , la.
Ilouso and lot on South Iflth Bt.
targe amount of Oil Mountain nnd Pctrollurn
company oil stock. Will exchange for good
property or the erection of some homes , Oeo.
J , BternbdorlT , 1st National bauk building.
rpo EXCHANGE for Omaha property , one of
-L the rest Improved farms In Iowa , only one
ralto from town of 0,000 inuabltanti. W. U. K.
k M. E. , room 14 , Chamber of Commerce. J'Jl '
Actual valuefilslde business and resl-
dence ; the sevunteaialats at Imlf prlcutollrst
party comes.Vhy / , rjipr reason urn in need of
* lJoixi cash. Great chalice. Address 12 III , llee.
J " 710-alW
TMPHOVED farms aSITcltv lots for Bale or
J-nxcliungo for stocks of merchandise. First
National , K. U , Company , West Point , Neb.
in " -
" 17011 * SALE Easy tutlfe , ICountzo place.
JL' Two homes , I'OchH-ri.oins , sarli .l.UJJ.
Two homes , each a-rt > onis , each 13.0 M.
Two homes , eaoti Ift-rootns. each * 7OH
All with modern convenience.
All largo value at thfc 'price. '
All within n square of the motor Una.
Don't lese these opllcnilinltlea.
For sale by the owner. W. T. Seaman ,
Kast side lath Kt. , .tdrtli of Nicholas st. ,
Onmha's largest varluUof wagons and car
riages. i * 017.
TjlOU 8AI.K THO ofJne best located tract , ago
-L' lots , on the uortlWw. corner of 21st und
Izard streets , size 1'Jncl'i : tout. For tirlee and
terms Inquire of th bwner , Edward Speller-
berg. 1013 Jforth 21st street 6'J7-allt
A SNAP Aroom ( house and lot. tlty water ,
I mile from P , O. , " blocks from curIn North
Oiniiliii , for 11,3) " . . cash , (700 ; balance on tluio ,
Address. E 2J. lieu olllcu. ull 2ut
rplll. Dost money B worth of house ana lot now
X for sale In Omaha Is ihat wnlch J am now
completing near -itn it. ou paved Wlrt st. In
Kountze 1'luco. D bodrooini , i parlors , dining
room. Kitclifna bath roonm.if'water closets ,
larue laundry , stationary wash tub. , furnace
and coal re001 und cellar , electric balls and
speaking tuba , U closets. 1'rlro only 7.00J enter
tor ins to suit. Likewise a dupllratn adjoining
at same price , W , T , Seiman. east nidi lllth at
north of Nicholas st. Omaha a largest variety
of waa no nnd carriage. . * U
SUN I ) for ulat of Collier place , and when
driving for recreation follow the motor line
poles on luth BU und AmeV uve , , mid see the
wonderful linprovrments that have taken place
Just around the burraclcs , und remember that
Collier place is the kuy to thu altuutlon. lluy a
lot now for the low price and at the easy terms
they are b lng olfered , und wo are salt .lied ,
One-tenth cash , balance one W Uvoyeari. Me *
Cogue , opji , P , 0. V33
rriHP. nnest drive in th city la ot Collier plac *
? 1OMK and ce nsTaniit hvesllpafo somoofttift
V barsaini WB have to oiler , wo are continu
ally listing now proportion , and "If you don't
see what you want , nsfc for 1U"
We have rnerchandl'e to tnulo for land. Wo
have n brick and tile tactory doing a thriving
buMncsi to exchange for western land *
For unlo lot 12. 1)1 ock Id , Stull's second addi
tion Ht a bargain.
Three newsroom cottages nt Albright , withIn -
In 10 minutes walk of terminus , or hourly
dummy line , for sale on terms that will only bo
fair rt > nt.
An elevator property with largo dwelling
house , at.n bargain , Klevator completa , wltn
horo-power , scales , onico furnlsned. etc. A
line opening for a practical grain dealer.
Two flno residence" ! In Poppleton part , on
motor line ; will bo sold on oay termn.
Houses and lots la all parts ot OnUlm for
sale and exchange.
For oxcliange. for Omaha proporty.l.OOO acres
of school land lease , in one of the best counties
In the state.
A linn residence property In Omaha View for
e.ile at n bargain.
From ITiVXM to J100.000 worth of Ilrst-clnss
notes to oxrhange for Omaha property.
Merchandise to exchange for ! ( J cash nnd bat-
nnco western lands. This Is one of Iho finest
opportunities over o ( force to convert land Into
cash , Investigate this.
For sale , ntn bargain , hotel nnd livery barn ,
In n good Nioraskix town. This is a line openIng -
Ing for a practical hotel man.
For exchange for Omaha property one of the
best farms in Hock county , Nebraska , together
with stock and machinery necessary to carry
on the place. Old ag nnd failing health of the
owner is reason tor selling.
A tlno Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , forexehango for Omaha property.
ItiO ncr s of wild laud near a thriving city.
What have you to oner.
"SO acres of flno land in northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omaha property
For Rnlo at a bargain , imo ot the best Im
proved farms In Nobrmkix , owner is going to
leave the state Is ths reason lor selling.
Wo have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some ( WO agents scattered
over four or HTO states. List your propeitjr
with us If you wish . - quick turn. W. It. 11 *
M. E. , room 14 , Chamber ot Commerce , tola-
phone 14 40. iS ! _
rpllE motor Hue is built to Collier place. The
JL lielt line runs near Collier place. The F. E.
& M. V. II. H. stop all passenger trains nt Col
lier place. The horse car line will soon reach
Collier place , llest addition 111 the city , Prlco
JH1) ) to f 1,800 per lot , one-tenth cash , balance oua
to live years. McCngun. opp.-1' . O. ttlfl
WE have special good bargains In a few lots ;
also oiler to exchange for city nnd farm
property. Wo represent farms and lands In
nearly nil states west ot Chicago. Wo cull
special attention to the Maxwell land grant In
Southern Colorado and Northern New Moxlco ,
whrro the best Investment In real estate Is tu
lie made. Call and see Excelsior Land Co. , 310
8.15th st. , Omaha. ore 10
SALE Now 8 room house , with barn ,
FOU I Inn scorn Park. Easy terms. Jos.
P. Megeutb , 1514 larnam. 3d lloor. cn3ia _
filT Hutchlnson & Weail , 1124 Douglas for
cheap homes In Walnut or Orchard Hill ; a
splendid opening in furnltnro business ; also 1
general stock , 2 grocery stocks. 072 20
TJMFTV CENTS on the dollar bargain to nny
JU one with $1,000 a lot fronting on Lstreot ,
South Omaha , Just west of viaduct , which must
bo sold. Price is too low to advertise. D. 1) .
Smeaton. Darker block , Omaha. B92-21
SALE (140 ( acres farm land In Merrlck
Co , Neb. , 1 mlle from depot ; all lonced and
running water ; choice ; easy terms. Address
F , S. llartlett. Onlesburg , 111. 584 21 *
FOU SALT : Do you want n choice farm 10
miles northwest ot Omaha ? If so , 1 have
just what will suit you , and can be bought at
JjO per acre below Its actual value. The ubova
named farm contains 27S acres of the II nest land
in the state , nil enclosed with goodUarbulro
fence : the buildings and orchard thereon are
In llrst-class condition. Two good welU furnish
abundant water. The very low price ot $10.00
per acre should command a. rijady purchaser.
Let me drive you out and show you this farm.
O. J. bternsdorir. Hoil Estate , Loan and Ex
change Urokcr , Itooins 317 aud3lH , First Nat'l
Hank Ilulldlnc. Telephone 401. 3U a
BOY n homo In the center ot the city , on
monthly payments. 1 will sell you a lot in
Aldlmi square , oullda house of any kind , worth
from S1.WO upwards , and you can pay for It
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlno square
is on ( Srace street , between 22d and 23d streets ;
It has all the advantages such as paved streets ,
sewerage , water , gas , and Is a llrst-class local
ity. Call at 10)1 ) Farnam street and see plans
of buildings and get llgures. D. J. O'Douahoo.
WE can offer for sale for the next few days
tlio following line propertlss ; A ; i-room
house in Improvement Association add. , with
barn and other nut door Improvements. A lot
In Oklahoma add. ; 1 In Uogors' add. ; 1 In
Cleveland'Placo ; 4 lots In llosallnd Place. W. It.
E. k M. Ex. , lloom 14 , Chamber , of Commerce ;
telephone 1440. : W .
EG AL blanks.Chase & Eddy. 113 816th st
J 2TO out
Part of the Dl'k Ktmball estate.
M feet on 18th street running through to 17th
uve. Olio 13-room house , all modern conven
iences , and two ti-room houses. rental
Sl.fifl ) per year ; price 13OOJ. M. A. Upton
Company , IHth and Farnam. 937
F SALE lluslness corner. $40.000. 0. F.
Harrison , Merchants National lianE. 155
YE G O DSI G et on to those bargains 1 - *
$1,0(0 ( buys full east front lot with seven
room house and furnace In Hauscrmi place. Do
you bullovo It ?
SI4.00J buysahouso on Park avenue with lull
lot , that Is liner than silk , and elegant through
out. You cannot guess how nlco this is.
41,100 buys a good four room house nnd full
lot In north part of the city ; also for $1,000 in
northwest part of city.
I can sell you houses and lots from SU.5.000
down to $ SOO and can suit yon in any partot the
city. No trouble to show goods , even if U Is hot.
Call In and got a good ride , If nothing moro.
D. V. Shales , 210 Firt > t National Hank. 310
TnOH SALK-513.73 acre. sec. 6 , tp. 12. r. Ow. ,
J3 Hamilton county. Nob. House , stablo. TOD
acres fenced , living water. Pi Ice. J'l.OUO ' F. K.
AtKtns , owner , railroad lildg. Denver , Col. 910
rpHE factories within cosy roanhot Collier
X place will employ a largo force of men. Se
cure a houte and enjoy life. Price of lots fWX )
to $1,200. one-tenth cosh. Send for plat. Me-
Cogue , opn. P. 0. 9W
Lots 2 and 3. block 8. Walnut Hill , J'JOO ' for
the tno , $35) ) cash , balance to suit.
Lots 14 and 15 , block 2 , Mount Douglas. $400
each. 'Jhesel ots Ho Just west ot Armour's
packing house , and cost $700 each two years
ago. Stringer & Penny , room 20. Douglas blk.
IjlOIl SALE On longtime and easy payments.
-L handsome , new , well built houses of A , 0 and
10rooms. All convenlence- , good neighborhood :
paved strents ; street cars and within walking
distance of P. O. Nathan Snelton , 1011 Farnam
13S .
FOK SALE Ileantlful 8-room house , all mod
ern improvements , including splendid fur
nace , near llunseom park , bast location in the
city fcrschootthurcfi and street car privileges ;
pnco 5,000. C. F , Harrison , Merchants National
bank. HM
ONE of the two house- and lot bargains I
have been ollerlngon Georgia avo. north of
Leavimnortn , is now sold and occupied , be
cause ot my very low price. The south Iiou ° e
cf the two still remains a bargain open to
Bombody. First comes , llrst served. Tobeap-
predated It needs to be examined Internally. 1
positively win not rent It , though several times
offered JnO per mouth. Price , ou very e.isy
terms , * > lOJO. w. T. Seaman , east sldo ffith st , ,
north of Nicholas st , Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and cairlages. HIS
Foil SALE The finest residence In Oichaid
Hill can bo hQiight ut actual cost : owner
leaving town : IIOUHH has 10 rooms with bath
room uiiil every modern convenience , lot 00x1,1)
all sodded ; large Darn and nlco Hhade trues ; In
fact upnrfect homo ; cull anil let us show you
this. Arnold & Co. , itoom 627 Paxtou block.
FOU BALE Lots In BtBwarPlacaonlLoHO
ave. ; Metropolitan Cable passoi property.
U-room housa and barn , Ilauscom Place. 2
houses nnd lots on Cms St. . on easy terms.
Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. Hunk , 201
/CONTINUOUS sidewalk to Collier place , dot
v prlces and terms McCague. u)9 )
Dissolution Nonce.
"VTOTICK in hereby given that the copartuer-
J- > ship existing Del ween E It. Ilallard and
Low PlxJuy , uiulur tne tlrm name of JUIl.trd ,
PJxloy , V Co. , commission buslnes. . is this day
dissolved by mutual consent ; I.tnv i'ixloy rutlr-
Ing. I. . It , llulluid assuming ull Iiidnbtuduoss
of the tlrm and collecting all outstanding debts
duo said tlrm. K , H , HAI.I. .m > ,
Omaha , Neb. , July IGth , ISSU. jyl7dH
Notion to
Hock and earth excavation and tunnelling
Sealed proposals will bo received at the olllcu
of the Company , Iu Ogdun , Utah , until noon , , lbt.ii , for tlioconstruction.Jf the upper
tw .Ivu mllosof the Hear Jtlver Canal from tlio
head works ou Hear itlvur , llox Elder County.
Utah. In accordance with plant , prolllcs and
specifications on Hie In thu oillce of thu engineer
in chargf at Ogden. ,
' 1 he amount of work to bo contracted for In
the tlrtt suction Is approximately us follows ,
L-'U.OUO cublu yards solid rock ,
1P.UU cubln yurds loose rock
1.538,030 ctiblo yards earth ,
1.200 linear feet tunnelling ,
t titfafitnfa will be required ( to give a suffici
ent oond for the faithful perforiuanco of the
contracts awarded them. .
The company reacrvei the rlgbt to lejoct uuy
nnd all bids.
FnBO. MXT.g. , In charge.
INSTIUIJIBNT8 placed on r oord during
Omaha Beal Estate A Trust company to
KM Finch , lot 4 , blk 7 , Saunders A
Illmebangh s Mount Piens&nt addition ,
vrd , , . . . , . . . , . . . , $ 175
Charloa Paine to S H Benedict , und H ot
60 ft oh Pierce street NoRSLtril S.POO
Patrick Scully and wife to J n Murphy ,
lot 2\blk 17 , Scully's add. wd . ; . 1,3,50
0 F Fahs , to II IICarpenter , lot 10 , bit 93 ,
South Omaha , w d. . . , 1,600
Q W Shields and wife to J C Oowlnr4 !
nw BC -ll-13 ( , w d. , . 4.000
B W Nitsh and wife to A W Lomlsh , lots
onplat byK WNasn , wrt . . r.50
A II lloman nnd Husband to Carile Stov *
ens , w iu lot 17 , nlk 1 , Orchard Hill , w il. 3.DOO
Bouth Omnha Lnnd cnu.paliy to .M B
Miolby. lot . blk Id , Poutn Omaha , w d. COO
Omahn Beal Estate .t Trust company to
I , S Fleshcr. lot 0 , blk 5. Sniuulers &
Hlmobnugli'A add to Wtilmit Hill , w d. , n.50
J O Cowin and wife to PM Croft , lot 14 ,
nw nw 1.MV1.1 , q o d , 1
William Wallace , Ixiuls Cromblc , lot
, blk 78 , Oinnha , w d . , 20,000
LouU Crombio to Chorlos Corb. It , lot fl.
blk Tn. Omnha. wd 85,000
M E Hall and husband to W T Boblnnon
ut at , Irrcg tract lu nw fie 0-14-13. n c d. . . 1
Mutual Investment company tn8P Dost-
wick , n 30 ft lot 17 , blk V > , BUull's 2d add ,
wd. . . . . 4,400
W II Itusaoll nnd nlfo to llcnjainln , Wol-
batiptor. lots , Stauton Place , wd 1,400
J J McCabe and wlfo to Gate City Land
company , lot 7 , blk "E , " Prospect Place ,
wd. . . . . . . 1,800
G FltatT nnd wife to BJotlor , lots , blk
40 , Albright's Choice.v < 1 , , 4.SJO
Charles Weyiuuller to B Van Glider , lot
0 , blk . Unwood Park , wd 300
Fred \ToymuIlor \ to B Van Ulldor , lot 7 ,
blk5Iitn oodPark , wd > . . 300
Bcka Vnii Glider and luisband to M D M
Malchlen. lot 12. bit 7. Albright' * An
nex , and lota 0 and 7. blk Is Llnv\ood
Park , wd 1,800
Bcka Van Gilder nnd husband to M D 31
Malchlcu. lot 2 , blk 1.1. Clifton II 111 ,
wd FOO
A E Shaw to J K Vnn Gilder , lots , talk 13 ,
Clifton Hill , w d 1,000
Twenty.two transfers $31,000
TltiiltfttiK Permits.
Tlio fjllo.vmi ? par.ntuvoro I 3U0.1 by
HuildiiiKInspector Whttlock yostcrdav :
James Pedwlck , two-ntory frame resi
dence. Fortieth nnrt Davenport $ 4,500
D. Kennedy , two-story frame residence ,
Farnant and Forty-second 2,500
Tvto permits . .t 7.00J
AV. A. Ij. Gibbon on the Street Cnrn.
"What are your views us to tlio street rail
ways In South Omaha , Mr , Gibbon ! "
"I am pleased to learn that the clcctrlo
motor and the consolidated companies nro
coining into the magic city. It will greatly
facilitate the between the two cities. "
"What about tlio proposed routes ! "
"Of that I am not fully posted. I presume
they will tlrst come so ns to catch the passen
ger travel which is now done by the Union
Pacific suburban train. To do this they will
nnturnlly como out Twenty-fourth to N west ,
on N to Twenty-seventh. This route will
nccommodnto tlio greatest number , und that
is wnat the street cars are nftor. "
"Do you thinn they will run west over the
Q and L streets viaducts ! "
"Ultimately , yes ; particularly over the Q
street , us tlicro Is quite u population over
there. Still , that is a business matter for
street car companies to determine. It would
hardly bo Just to ask them to extend the line
beyond where it would bo profitable. "
"Is there not a combination in the council
that will insist upon the motor running over
viaducts at ouro. "
"Suchis in in.ntod , but I do not believe it.
The city council are , ns a body , uonest men ,
who aim to no wliat is for the best. Wo
want better passenger accommodation from
tlio business center of South Omaha to
Oinnha now. The future will take euro of
outlying districts. The council will not cer
tainly oppose a thing manifestly so proper. "
The Twpntjr-lfoiirtli Struct Oritinnnco.
"Most certainly do I favor tlio issuing of n
certificate to the election of Dr. Mercer's
motor company , " said ono of the leading
spirits lu the city council , "providing that
the company will give us necessary bonds or
evidences of good Intentions to show that it
will lay tracks , equip jind continuously on-
ernto the street car railway to points to ac
commodate n majority of South Omaha's '
citizens. To glvo a certlflcato , without any
thing to bind the company to construct to
nny particular point or operate the same ,
looks to mo us if it were merely for specula
tive purposes , und I believe it would so "im
press the citizens of this city. To give this
certificate to Dr. Mercer's company
now would not only bo for speculative
purposes , but would keep any other company
from coming in the city on Twenty-fourth
strei't , the best territory from A to N Directs.
What wo want is a company to build at once
and operate n street railway line to accom
modate the citizens. I think t ho instructions
to the committee of thu council , requiring
Dr. Mercer's Motor company to give a SIO.OOO
bond that it will have a line laid und in oper
ation to II street within ninety days , to Q
street within six months , and to Thirty-third
street within nine months , eminently fair
and just as fair to the company us It is just
and protective to thu city und citizens. "
Ilio Mnjiia City IMcanurc Club.
A meeting was hold Thursday evening , at
Germania hall and the Magio City Pleasure
club was organized , , 'i'ho offlcors are : Presi
dent , Cornelius P , Hogau ; vlco president ? ,
Hoed Darnell ; treasurer , Andrew J. Don
nelly ; secretary , James H. Fleming ; Messrs.
J. J. Donahue , D. D. Donovan and ( Joori u J.
Seltzer were appointed on resolutions.
l ) < Mii > hters or Itcbckah Soolul.
Alpha lodge , No. 44 , Daughters of Ile-
bokah , has arranged for u soolal Wednesday
evening , August 7 , Messrs. n , Ho.vman ,
Zlba Crawford ana Claude L. Talbot have
been appointed on the reception committee ,
und Messrs. Rudolph HurU , .John 11. John
son and William A Anderson will attend to
the music.
Hum ICobbnil.
W. W. Lyons , residing near St. Bridget's
Catholic church , found that thieves had
broken in nnd carried away valuable har
ness , without leaving any tract to detect
TJ. 1 * . Depot. Uoblictl ,
Hurglnru got Into the Unlqa Pacific depot ,
Thursday evening about 8 o'clock , and broke
open n cliest , rilling ft of valuable tools ,
Tlicro are no traces ot the thlu'ves.
Notcu ADDHL the City.
A daughter born to Kmanuol Roberts.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Frederick-
son , a girl.
David Hoban smiles over tlio arrival of
twin boyn ut his homo.
Miss Kula Grace , of Avoca , Iowa , Is the
guest of Miss Swiss L. Klllott.
Hermann TrcnUcll , nftcr a jaunt to his old
homo iu Uadeu l.nden , and over continental
Europe , returned Friday evening.
The Illue Stars of Omnha and the Robot-
kors will play n gnmo of base bull in the
Third ward park Sunday afternoon.
Colonel .1 , O. Holt , the timipornnco
tipostlo , canio over from Council muffs Fri
day and spent the day with friends hero.
A dance will be given in the half onwon ' -
ty-flfth street Saturday evening , the 27th ,
by Mrs. Anna Uyan and Misa Nora Gooloy ,
Alphonso I' . Hough , aged sixteen , died
Friday afternoon ot Inflammation of. the
bowels. The funeral will take place Sunday
from the residence of hit , brother , In the
Fourth ward , The Inlnrmont will ho in
Lutirel Hill cemetery.
Messrs. Johnston. Molchor nnd P. Itourko
mot Dr , Merper Friday afternoon , nnd while
the doctor would not comply with the In
structions of the city council , ho was willing
to give the MO.OtXJ bond , and iuvu ; the com. '
mittoa a petition to the council different
from the ono formerly presented ,
Tlio dance given Thursday evening was
ono of the best managed and most pleasant
BOcml gatherings hold in the city this sum
mer , The ladies were most ftucccgstul In en
tertaining their friends , and the musiu fur-
ulshod by thp Union Stock Yurds string hand
gave excellent satisfaction. All theru were
well pleased.
An ADHoliitit Uurn.
Is only put up in largo two-ounce tin boxen ,
anil is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , nnd all nkm nrup.
lions. Will posHivuiy euro nil kinds of piles
Ask for the OIUOItfAL AlIIE'l'INI. OIN1'-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Prut : company at
25 cents per box by mall UU cents.
< J
\Vcst\vnrd. '
Running betwcau Council Rluffa and AV
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
Btieets , and at the Summit In Omana.
Leave. ArUvo.
HC No. 3 , fipjpm D No. 1 IIHSiun
C No. 0. ' . 0:5(1 : ( amO No. 5 6:15 : pin
AA No. 4 MM amA No. 3. . . . ' 0:30 pin
A No. 14' 'Jin piu No. 13 ,7:10 : um
No. fl 040 ! aiulNo. 7 :37 : am
No.8 ! ) :15 : pin No.i : 7:15 : am
No. 4 0:25 : pm No. D 015 pm
All Trains Dally.
A No. 8.l:40nmA | No. 1 7:00ara
A No. 4 9:10pmA | No. a 5:15 pia
A No.8 10:07am | A No. 3 Bifflam
A No. 4 i:45pm ) | A No. 1 OiUluin
A No.lO..7Or.amA : | No , U . .K am
A No.12 7OJpmA | No.Il V00pm ;
A No. 8. . , . 4:15pmA | No. 7 13:30 : m
A dally ; I ) dnhl except huturday ; ( J except
Sunday ; loxccpt _ Monduv ; _ 'fust muJU.
Chicago , Milwaukee _ & St , Paul R'y ' ,
Tlio llcst Itoutu from Ornnlin anil Council
Illutrs to
Clilt-nfjo , AND Mlhv ikcc ,
8t. 1'iiul , Miiiii'iiillH ( | ) ( , LVilur Knplds ,
Kock Islantl , Fiocpor ) , Itockford ,
Clinton , Diibiique , Dnvcnport
Klglii , Maillsou , Jnno.svlllo ,
Kclcli , AVInoiiii , Li Crosse ,
Anil all other Important points Kait , Nortlionit and
boutliuuil ,
Fortlirough llcketi call on tlio llflliot aiicnt nt I'fll
Knrnnm itrcol , In llarkvr lilcjclc , or ut Unlun 1'acilla
1'iillmnn Sleeper * anil ( he ttnoit IXnlnir f'ar In tb
worm nra run on tliti main linn ol tliu t utcuo. | , Mi | .
waukeoAHt. I'mil Itallwiir. Biirt overr attciitlon U
palil to paiitiiKCn Ujr vuurtuouB cmulorvt of I'.ia
Jl. 1111,1.KH Qenvrnl Mnnnior.
j. r.'J'UCKI'.li. Aailitintiiuuuml Mnnavrr.
A. V. It. UA1IPKN1KU. < lcner l PiiMonier nnl
'Jlcki-t Air.'ut.
O I'O I' . IIKAI'I OKI ) . AiiUtuat ac' ruaiifaiier
kinl'ticket AKuiit ,
T. J. Cl > AltR , < i nnrul Bnturllitenili-iit.
1'n kn n LI p
June 10. at Shymour Park , six miles South.
wrt of Omaha , a black and vrhlto pony bran *
dod "V" ou left shoulder. .
.Notion to Contractors.
, . , , . South Omaha. Julz 10 , ] K .
healed proposals will bu ruculvnd ilPtlie city
enclnuer H olllcu by the commitlo on vlailuctu.
streets and alloya until noon Mend y , Juiyy : ,
1WJ , for gradlUK t } street from 21tli troot to
22d btroet. Approxlumta ultimata. 1H.IHUcublu
rarm , earth uxravutlon. To ( ) stft.V > U Worfe
to be completed vrlthln forty dny after a con.
tract therefor binds and taicot eiloct , All bldM
must ba accompiinled by u terlllleil cliccic ( or
thrua hundred dollars , xald dfeck * to be re
turned on all blili not accepted
The light to reject any and all bids Is ra.
served ,
IMuns and specifications can b * aeon ct the
city eni'lutwr'H olMce. K , II.TOWI , .
( Imlnimu Yiiulucts , Struota n4 Allays.