THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , JULY 20 , 1889. MERCHANTS' ' WEEK AND FAIR The Autumnal Celebrations to Occur Simultaneously. AMUSEMENTS IN LARGE DOSES. A. Ornnil Iloutilo Dill of Attrnctlons tn bo Provided Tor Oinnlm'fl Country Visitors Imqt NI hl'H Meeting. Will ho llr-M ToROtlicr. Merchant * ' week nnd the fair ara to beheld held nt the nama time. This was decided by tlia Merchant's week committee Inst evening. Joseph Gnrneau called the meeting to or der , nnd W. O. Taylor was Installed In the secretary's chair. Then nroso the question of a suitable date. Mr. W. A. L. Gibbon thought no wiser plan Csuld bo provided than to double attractions n the visitors. Lot the fair and merchants' celebration cotno together.Yhllo our country cousins are here , give thorn iimuso- cumin In Inruo doses.- Mr. William I. Klcrsicml approved Mr. Glbbon'fl sentiments. lie also suggested that ho wns a very fastidious sortof man who would not consider a trip through TIIK VBK and Now York Llfa buildings ixlono worth the time ha spent In coming to Omaha. Mr. Louis Hclmrod said something about cutting the wcok to three days , but tils prop osition was not considered nt nil. John A. Wakcflcld thought the manage- inont wns catering -too much to the fair di rectors. ' 'If you want to advertise nnd work for the fair why not conic out nnd say so at on col But It seems to mo that wo might have our Merchants' week celebration u quiet , pleasant gathering of murclmnts. " Mr. Wnkoflold chairman . of the commit- .too on lltmnco nnd'an Important man on the Unxccutivo comtnlUuo , and everyone foil bet ter when ho caino into line after uwlulo nnd sola ha would work as hard as anybody to nnilte It alt u HUCCCSS. And then there wns the ether question of money. How to llnd out the necessary amount , how to rniso It and what to spend it for , were sorlous questions. Joseph Garnoau suggested $10,000 , nud said ho ImUn't a doubt but what $0,000 could bo raised easily. Mr. Wukeflold wasn't very sanguine , and Bald ho thought hard work might raise the Btnko to $1,000. "Nonsense , " replied Gnrnoau , "wo can raise $000 hero lir this mooting. " "Put down Dewey ft Stone for $50 right now , " Klorstoad shouted. "We can rnlsa $500 among the packers of South Omaha , " caino from II. H. Mcday , of the pork-pnckintr suburb. ' 'And cveu If , ns Mr. WaUoIlold sny , the ( air knocks KOO oft the subscriptions , it will save $1,500 in another way. It will bo so much amusement wo won't huvo to pay for , * ' When this discussion undcd all committees agreed to report thu amount they needed nt too next meeting , and in that way show the necessary total. As to the way outdoor amusements should 1)0 ) conducted , no one hail u plan to urge very strongly. Plans which hnd bcon sug gested in Tin : UKE were mentioned , and the following suggestions were mado. First , thuro might bn ward organizations of horse men , uniformed or carrying torches , who , well trained , could make a pretty appear ance. A banner to bo given the best drilled organization would ntlmulato hard work in the direction of ofllcloucy. Or , the old plan of getting out n number of floats might bo adopted. It la a little more expensive than the others , but always good. Last , a bril liant display of lira works might bo mndo from the tops of the Now York Life and BUB buildings , where everyone could sco them. Each of these motions was well received , but no action was taken. After deciding to meet hereafter every Tuesday night , the committed adopted Mr. \Vllliaiu F. Uochol's resolution that the oni ce ra of the fair association'and the Coliseum directors bo Invited to meet the executive committee next Tuesday night. The secretary announced the following committees and the meeting adjourned : Finance John A. Wakollold , W. N. Bab- sock. W. 15. ClarV , N. H. Falconer , C. 13. Sloore , John A. McShano , Euclid Martin , jjhurlcs MOtz , Robert E. Perine. ; In-door Amusements Nate Crary , J. A. Fuller , John Buumor , Max Meyer , Allan Beder , W. Q. Sloan. Public Comfort William J. Kicrstcad , C. 0. Moore , H. C. Akin , F. Coljwtzor. i Transportation William ! ' . IJcchol , W. V. Morse , E. W. Nash. Out-doo- Amusements Joseph Uarncau , ftobert Fxissou. E. E. Uruco , Amos Field , H. B. Msduy. Decorations Louis Hoimrod , James Stoph- wnson , Ernest Uiall , W. A. Pagi ) , Max Uocht , O. A" Votes. Advertising Samuel flees , George Bur row , S. P. Morso. G. H' Mack , Simon Ohcr- foidor , William Flomming , II. Haubelus , G. S ) . Morris , C. Burinistor , L. O. Jones. Cnrp's Ijoltcr. THE SUNDAY Dm ; will contain an intensely Interesting description ol tbo Suez canal , with UH surrounding territory , a history of Its construction nud a bird's-eye ' view of Scenes. 1'UBiaO WORKS. lie t tin of Contracts nnd. Other Im portant OInttera. The board of publlc-wo lcs yesterday after- peen opened the following bids for grading Thirty-second nvonuo from Ed CrclgUton ttvouuo south to the city limits. F. J. Peter- ion , lOS-lOo ; Canllold & Fleming , 13c ; C. F. Williams , ISJ c ; C. A. Jensen , 10 9-10o ; Ed Cnllahan , 10U-10o ; Ed Pholau , 129-10o ; Ryan & Co. , 12 0-lOc. Peterson being the lowest Wilder , ho was awarded the contract. The following bids were received for grading Thirteenth street from Vlnton outh to the oily limits : Unnflald & Flotn- 13 0-10 cents ; C. F. Williams , llitf cents ; C. A. Jensen , lit cunts ; Ed Cullahau , 15 cents ; i Ed Pliolun , 10 contss llynn Se Co. , iiw ; cents. Canllold < fc Fleming were awarded the contract. For grading the ullny between Ninth and Tenth streets on Hlcuory , Cantlold & Flem ing nnd Ed Cnllahan both bid 17 cents. The board told thorn to take the afternoon and decide themselves who shall uavo the con tract. F. L. Heaves was awarded the contract for building an extension of the south brunch of the North Omaha sewer from the corner of Thirty-first nnd Farnam streets , southwest to Thirty-fourth and .Tones , at I.JO. ) Tim board spent consldorublo time Uii- ( nisslng whether they should throw out a bid ubmltloit by Hiloy & Co. , which contained n extra provision. The bid wns Dually rejected after Mayor Furay had exhausted the subject and himself. Through the fault of cither the city engi neer or the contractor who did the paving , It IB alleged , the alley on Leavonvvorth street between Ninth and Tenth U not properly drained , and , In consequence , h pool of stag nant water has formed at the pluco. It will be Iiuiulred into and removed. In keeping with the story told by Chair- plan Ualcombo of the board of public works , regarding catacombed Htroots , comes the lory thatTucsduy night the paving on North Twenty-fourth street in front of No. 1115 , fell beneath a liorso which was landing at the pluco , The animal dropped Into tb'.i liolo nnd was hidden up to his ghoul- 4cm. > 4cm.Lara Nelson , James Harrold nud Erastu * Young , of Omaha , anil U. Froderlckson , of Holdroeo , have been notlllod to till up the pond of stagnant water U | > on their property on Loavouworth street , betweun Twenty , fourth and Twouty-llfth , before August 1. Many complaints have been made by prop < crty owners uKiilnst this nuisance. , Sidewalk Inspector Allan reports seven miles of wooden sldowulUa already laid this eason. Only ouo-mmrtflr of a mile of atone imvouiont has been laid , The editor of the Burlington Junc tion ( Mo. ) Peat has for yours boon nub- to cramp colic or tits of ludiffostlon. Iiot Hutohor , the landing ilrujjRlal tboro , advised htm to try Chainbarlaln't Colio , Cholorn and Dlorrluuu Remedy , He miys : "Wo took the modioino and not only found rollof on that occttslon but liuvo several tliuoa since tried iu Jls virtues and founu relief In over ) fustauco. " TJ1E 015U IlINQ 18 IlllOltlSN. Non-Pnrtl i\n Members Now Ponu- nnlo the School Honrd , Ever slnco the last school board election efforts have bcon made to crcnto n division of the members , with the avowed purpose of breaking up the old combines nnd cliques which have prospered for n number of years. The now members are said to have formed n compact looking to n thorough reorganiza tion of the commlttOQs. Secret meetings have been' hold , and a definite line of action was mapped out and agreed upon. Evldonco of this first came to the surface when Mr. C , F. Goodman was a wcok ago elected to tbo presidency of the board , vlco Mr. Henry T. Clarko. Mcanwbllo the old combine were busy. They hold meetings , endeavored to induce Bema of the newly elected members Into their camp , nnd oven went so far ns to offer the tatter Inducements to strengthen the ring which had been strongly formed. The now men held , however , that they had not been elected as ringslcr * , that they had been chosen in non-partisans , nhd that as non-partisans they proposed to act. At the adjourned mooting Thursday night n complete reorganization of the committees was effected. The attempt to bring about this chunga created a hot discussion and stubborn resistance on the part of the old faction. The resulthowovcrshows conclusively that a now order of things will hereafter prevail In the school board. A leading member of the Iwara was seen and questioned about the com plexion of the now committees and the chnngo they would bring about In the affairs of the school board. Ho said : "Tho rooorts published in the morning papers don't do our sldo of the question 'Jus tice. nnd I want It explained. "Tho public has bcon clamoring for this very change for a long thno. Heretofore , all the work nnd nil the glory luivo boon In the hands of n few mon. Now , Just consult that list of committees and see If auyono has been snubbed. Each ono of the fourteen members Is chairman of BOUIO committee nnd each name appears somowhcra on four committees. All this tnllc about a combine- with democrats Is bosh. Politics cut no figurent all. I don't know anything about Mr. Clarkn's statement as to being asked to depose Coburn. Teachers nnd text books were too much for ono committee so It wns divided , and Coburn is chairman of the lat ter named. "Tho whole trouble Is the rlntj Is broken and the people have what they asked for. Tboro worn thrco kickers , Clarke , Sholes and McCouncll. CInrko was disgruntled be cause ho lost the presidency ; Sholes , because he did not get the committee on buildings , and McConuoll , bauauso ho was taken off the commlttoo on claims. Now , ho has had that position for n long time nnd when the report comes from the comp troller's ' o 111 eo you will see that business was done in a very slipshod manner. An immense amount of money is passed on by this committee and Mr. McConnell was very looao in his methods. "The books of the secretary nro hoxv being chocked ui > and I am told that tnoro are or ders and vouchers which havn never been O K'd by any ono. "There are ether rather serious dlscrop- .neics which will bo reported to the council ind board when the puoplo may judge for .hcmselvcs . whether or not a change of com- mittoemcn was desirable. ' . 'I consider that the pledges Implied In my iloction on the non-partisan ticket are ro- .eumod and hereafter two or thrco men , von'i bo nblo to run the board. " Mr. Kelly 1 haven't ' much to say. Some coplo arc in the soup. The public will bo iutistlcd , however , nnd the work is pretty ivenly divided. Politics has no business m ho affair at all. Mr. Sholes makes some jhargos. Tno trouble with him is ho would iavo given his shirt to have boon appointed ; hnlrman of the commlttoo on buildings. Ho ; old mo he wanted It. The couiblno was all in the other side. They anticipated that the ing was going to bo broken and they were .round yesterday hunting votes to save It. They didn't got them and they are hot. Mr. Hoes Oh , I could say two or thrco , liinirs if I wanted to , but I don't. I can't go .utolho Coburn question. Everybody under stands that. The object of the now move ivm to put each member at work. Wo don't ivant two or three men to run the board. The new committees wo created wore necessary. I don't see how you ara to know ivhoro to erect a school building If thcro Is no committee on boundaries , and Jdon'tthink ' anv man should have authority to expel u child from school. The committee on sal aries and discipline will remedy lhat. The last election turned on thin very uoint , nnd ivo have redeemed ourselves. I didn't ' notice ; ill my attention wns called to it this morn- ng , that there were democrats on the most mportant committees , and Itvould have undo no difference If I hud. The other side ilxud un their slate and wo beat them. OiSpaulding The ventilation committee 1 consider the most Important in tbo wholu list , and it should have experienced men. Fclton , it is understood , is about to resign. which will leave me on this board associated with an Inexperienced man. On these grounds I refused to servo. Sheriff Coburn I was' not at the meet ing , therefore can't ' give an opinion for publication. It looks , however , as though the board was bound to be dragged into a political squabble. I have heard , for several days , that a combination was formed to put democratic members at. the head of all com mittees , but knew nothing about It. 'Tho Board'H Accounts. Comptroller Goodrich was seen in refer ence to the reported slipshod methods of keeping the books of the board of education , and in reply to n question said that It would rcqulra upwards of ton or llftccn days to complete the auditing , and , until that lime , ho could make no statement. The conversation of the people in the oflloo , liowevor , implied that considerable irregu larity was boinc discovered. Notwithstanding the inability of the comp troller to shed light on the subject , it has been currant In the city for some days that the secretary of the board of education has been keeping his books , to say the leant , In an original mann r. It is alleged that ho keeps no ledger , and that Its substitute is a memorandum which shows entries in a style that are far from being satlstactory to a com petent accountant. * It is also stated that some time ago the secretary - rotary uudortook to keep a lodger , but aban doned it for reasons of his own. Tlio Vault Balcony. It is understood that Commissioner O'Kooffo will revive the vault controversy nt to-day'a mooting of the board , .T , H. Cranes , an export , employed by O'Keoffo , has been at work several days taking meas urements of the b'alcony , and will have completed by to-morrow , an Itemized report of what the balcony should cost. The board paid $1,500 for it. Mr. Cranes' estimate will bo about $300. Ho takes into account every screw , bolt nnd bar at contract prices , and says the Job , at (500 , would leave a largo pro lit. Secret Booloty Under the head of "Tho Ante Hoom" In Sunday's DUK will bo found all the secret and benevolent society news , attractively pruuarod by Tiiii Uni''s corps of reporters. 1'lonlo nr , Unlliouii. The plumbers , plasterers and bricklayers will have a picnic at Calhoun to-morro\v , Arrangements have been niada to run trains from the Webster strcaf depot at 3 nnd 10 u. m. Muslo will bo furnished by the A. O. H. band , and a parade will be given in the morning. Prizes will bo awarded for danc ing and for athlotio contests. A game of base ball will bo played In the af ternoou be tween the bricklayers and plumbers. Wo have sold S. S. S. smco the first day wo commenced the drug business , and have hoard some wonderful reports of Its effects. Many use It wltli best results to cloinso ma laria from tha system , and for blood poison , scrofula cnJsucl. diM > acs It Is without a rival. Monroe , La. Pnrk I'nUcdiiioii. The park commission is to have a police force of Its own. At Monday night's moot. Ing of the nro and polled commissioners , Frank Goodrich was mido the II rat ap pointee to the new force. Others to thr number of three or four will bo added , when UBot'Jod ul.ui Is adopted. The uniform : will bo of grey * lulf , something after the fushlons of tUo iritll curriers. Tbo now con- tlimont will bo under the control of tbo chlol of Police , THREE HUTCIIINSON MEN , They Want to Establish Connection With Omaha. OBJECT OF THE MOVEMENT. County omolnli fimlonvorlng to Cnrry \Vntcr on Iloth Shoulders A lloiimntlo Uscnpndo from the Knst. Hit toll I URDU nnd Onialin. A.L. Foraha , W , L. Moore and H. Whlto- sldo , n delegation of loading citizens from Hutchinson , Kan. , were In the city yesterday on railroad business. Telegrams received Thursday heralded their coining. They want the Union Paclflo to extend Us line from McPhcrson , nnd also tnko In a new road now bolng constructed from Hutchison south. Two years ngo sub sidies were voted to the Union Pa- rillc 1,000 a mlle for un air line , through Hone , Klugmau nnd Harper counties , but thu.v expired In the latter two counties bcforo any worlc was done , nnd would have expired In Keno had not u. local company taken thorn up nnd built the rood from ILjiteliinson to the south boundary. This company has nail the bonds through Kingmnu and Harper rovotcd aud will push the worlc right along. Having connection , with tlio Santa Fc , Missouri Pacific nnd Rock Island already , Hutchinson pcoplo now demand n rend which will direct some of their trndo to Omaha. They begin to realize the commercial Importance of this city , and are anxious for the compotl- Mon that , n railroad would give them with Cnnsni City. "Our only clmnco for snob nn outlet Is through the Union I'aclllc , nnd wo vixnt It , " said Mr. Foriha. "It would open a largo , thickly populated and productive orrltory to tlio merchant * ot Omaha , and wo vould bo greatly pleased to give them u por- ion of our business. MePherson Is but liirty mile ? distant , and knowing that the Jn'on ' Paclflo and Uoclc Island are on 'rlondly terms , wo hope that , the former can > o Induced to make truck arrangements with .ho hitter nnd run Its trains to our town. This would give us nn almost llrect route by way of Salitm , Manhattan , Jcatrico anil Lincoln to Omaha. " These gentlemen , accompanied by Socro- ary Nason and other board of trade men mil a conference with Thomas I. . . Klmb.iU yesterday afternoon and made known to him their wants. According to Mr. Forha , with whom a 5 p. n reporter talked , Keno is ono of the richest agricultural coun ties In Kansas. Hutchinson is a town of 1,500 population , and gaiuing rapidly. It "s the contural metropolis of a largo und Hour- shing territory. Immense salt wells tire lo cated there. "Crops of nit kinds , " said ho , 'aro simply Immense. Wo never hnd such yields of wlicat , oats and vegetables , aud the corn Is simply beyond description. " The delegation was very mucli pleased with Omnhn. The gentlemen \ visited \ Tin : Tit * I * building in tno afternoon , aud took the late train for homo. ON BOTH County Olllnlals Trying to Serve Themselves and tlin Pcoplo. The report of an nctivo movement in cer tain democratic circles to organize for the forthcoming campaign tmi caused consider able oxcitcuiont. Commissioner Mount sud denly draw In bis horns when u Bcc reporter met him yesterday , and could not bo In duccd to talk. Janitor Loahoy denied eve r laving said that if Hen Knight should bo- coma a candidate for Mount's ' scat "no other man in the district could defeat him. " Some of Mount's friends are giving it nut that both the sheriff's ' and troasoror's ofllccs vill bo occupied by democrats next year. A gentleman who road the Item in Thurs- duys's DEE , said : "Tho two commissioners who nro trying to fasten some act of dishonesty on Clerk Kouhti ) ought to take nn inventory of their own ollicial careers and Hnd out how they stand. Something lilco $7. ) was paid out to experts employed to uiuko the btartling dis covery that Kocho hud distributed amonir the various ofllccrs half a dozen boxes of pens more than was necessary , but nothing ho1 * over been done to rectify the extrava gant mistake of expending $1,500 for u vault that should have cost only $300. " Illii liOVEU IllS TYPEWniTEll. A. Chicago Merchant Arrested In Omahn for Dcflci-tiiic His Wife. Georto C. Hagen , a wealthy boot and shoo dealer dolug business ut Chicago and at NewCastle Castle , Pa. , was arrested yesterday , charged with being a fugitive from Justice. It is another casu of an uncon genial wife nnd a pretty typewriter. Tbo arrest was caused ou u telegram from the cliiof.of police of Milwaukee , stat ing that Hagen had eloped , dosertlng his wife nnd taking a lot of her Jewelry. Hugcn nnd his typewriter , a handsome young irirl , about eighteen years of age , named Kauhcl Vaghn , arrived in Omaha Wednes day evening , and stopped at the cheap lodging house on Fanmm street where they were registered as "Mr. Adums and wife. " They remained in tbo place until noon yesterday , when llagen ventured out to call upon u friend of his to secure Identification to enable him to get cashed a draft for $1,200 , which ho purchased nt the Chicago National bank. Ho was placed under arrest by lo- tectivo Mostyn while on his wny to the bank , and was placed in Jail awaiting orders from the Milwaukee ofllcUls. Rachel Vaghn , tha woman in tbo case , \vas seen by a reporter after her icleoso by the police , u there wuro no charges agalast her. Her version of the escapade is apparently honest us slio mulu no effort to deny her re lations with Hugcu , "I worked for Mr. Hagen for two years as his clerk and stenographer , " she said , "nt Newcastle , Pa. Ten months ago ho opened u store In Chicago and I went there to work. Ho has never lived hap pily with Ills wife , and last weak ho came to Chicago , turned over all of hia prop erty to her , except $1,300 In cash , and asked mo to leave with him. I did so , as I love him and know ho loves mo. Wo Intended to come west and give his wife a chance to get a divorce , after which wo would be married. Mr. Hagun treated her very well , I think , as ho left her nil of his property. Wo went to Milwaukee and came from there hero. Wo stopped ut the cbenp lodgingH house because wo thought wo would bo less llitely to be found there than if wo put up at a good hotel. I don't know what Mr. Hagen has In his trunks , but I won't bollevo that ho curried off tiny of tier jewelry , she concluded , pro nouncing the word "her" with u vicious snap. "What will you do , now that Ilagan is in jail ! " was asked. "JDol" shu uuswcred. "Why I'll stay right here until tha case is settled and then wo will go on again and maico a homo for our selves. " Hagen ! s n man about forty years of ago und bus the nppcarunco of u successful busii ness man. Ho corroborated the statement mudo by Miss Vughn nnd says ho docs not four any sorlous result from his arrest. The girl was witlrllugon most of the af ternoon , und when she loft Hngon was Inter viewed rewarding his plans , but refused to talk , Thu girl said sho. had been encouraged by Hucun to think that ho would bo out nnd ail would bo well in u few days , when they would go away airuln. Ur. Vance nnd Mr. Halo , Into residents of Lovviaton , now of Omaha , called on Hugcn. They were met us tlioy cainu out and ques tioned ns to Hngon'd antecedents. Ho was of good family , wealthy , and moved In good society. His wife was the daughter of a prominent Presbyterian clergy man. Ha- gen's actions huvo for years scandalized the little town in a quiet way , and kept a family war brewing. Mrs. Hugen 1s expected to arrive from Pennsylvania tblsu vonlng. Cntarrh cured , ho tilth nud sweet brouth secured by Shiloh'a Cattirrli Remedy. Prieo 60 conta. Nasal injector froo. For sale by Goodman Drug Co . l.ouls I.imt Ills Ciuitt. Thursday evening the borne of Louis Holm- rod over his place of buslncus cu South Thlr- tceuth street , near Jackson street , was yu- Itod by n sneak thtof and , a gold bonded cane and a quantity of clot hi jig , the property of Mrs. Helmrod , word stolen , The Inmates wore away when thotbuk-glary was commit ted. U is thought that n Mrs. Qrobockorwho Intended to ninko n call on Mrs. Helmrod , frightened the intriKJuu away before a very close search for plumlor could bo mndo. The lady , however , saw noihlhe of the thief , but U Is thought that tho'lhttor ' heard her foot steps and lied. t ODIccrOlark SAW a man leave the building with n bundle of clothes but as ho wns not on duty made no luvostltfiaiun , Mr. Hoimrod rogrctn the loss of the o.ino ns it was presented to rlm by the firemen of Shrcovcport , La. , aboil } , eight years ago. In bis rummaging , tno tliinf overlooked n box la the closet that contained 500 worth of Jaw- elry and diamonds. The Mnrkut * . Men of business should road the business rovlow which will appear In Tun SUNDA.T liiR. This department Is prepared with cs- poclnl care , JKFFEKSON's"IjAUYlUNTIL The Old Srjnnro Given Walks ) nnd Trees , Hut No Fountain. The plans presented by Gardener Cleve land for Improving Jefferson square and ac cepted Thursday by the park commissioners at their meeting , rcqulrntho adding of slxty- flvo moro trees to the ilf ty-ono already there , also some shrubs and the putting In of wind ing graveled walks. There will bo'no foun tain , as Mr. Llnlneor wished ; neither will there beany ( lower bods. The trrudo of the park will rotnnln as it is now. There has boon some attempt toward making the Irregularly-shaped plats of the square cerrdspoud with each ether In curvei nnd angles , but this has bean considered im possible , owing to tho"dlsposltlon of the trees already standing. A now band stnud Is to bo erected ami out side of the circle of seven trees about that structures is to bo a promenade twenty-two fcot wldo. The plats ou which the trees will stand will be slightly elevated above the walks , but thuro will bo no curbing to them. The following varieties of trees are to bo planted : Uirch. acacia , ash , linden , catultm , magnolia , mountain ash , Virginia lutcn , nlso the following shrubs ; bush honeysuckle , syrlugn , RIIOW ball , wogulia , duntrla , hy- drangur , lilac. Thcro will DO sixteen plats , eight of these will bo arranged so that two will face each strcot and the remaining eight will Ho Just back of these so that each path between them will bo caused Co branch in two direc tions. Mr. Llningor , who has traveled oxton- sivcly and seen the ilncst parks In the world , wns strongly in favor of having n fountain In the park , > but Mr. Cleveland spoke in a belittling mnnner of fountains , terming them "squirt guns. " Dr. Miller , Mr. Pratt. Judge Lauc and Mr. Millard agreed with him , and voted for the Cleveland plans , while Mr. Linlngor voted against them. Mr. V. U. Cnldwell offered to soil ths S. S. Caldwell estate , which consists of 140 acres of land in sections 31 ana 32 , township 15 , for pnrk nurposcs ; this was referred to the com mittee on designation of grounds. Mr. Thomas Swift suggested a boulevard running from sulphur springs to the fort ; thence half u mile west of Uelvidorc ; thence circling ono mile westof. Dundee place past the Davis farm to Wpiss' ; thence south forty rods west of Seymour p.'trk ; thence south to. the county line and' east on the latter two' miles ; thence northhhlf a mlle to the Gas- sidy farm ; thence northeast to Hanscom park. This wns favorably discussed. Mr. House reported .tliat ho had completed the topographical survey of Hanscom park for thodivisiogof ifinto .VMoot squares. The secretary wns 'jin&tructcd to write to Joseph Uerry at Minneapolis , asking upon what terms ho would como to Omaha as su perintendent of Ij.-xlior Ni'ws. A fcaturo of Tin : StiMuv BEE will bo a carefully nrepured rovifiw of the labor situa tion and the doings Of'tlie unions during the past week. 1 ' SQUATTKUS MUST GO. Three Hundred Families Will 'Be Evicted uy the Union 1'ncillc. The ofllcials of the Union Pacific are pre paring to make u crusaOo on the squatters , und wholesale evictions will follow in a few days. Superintendent Kesscguio , together with an attache of the civil engineers' depart ment , devoted considerable ! time yesterday preparing a profile showing the lands owned by the Union Pacific , By Monday this will be completed , and any individual or family found located on the land will bo notitled to vacate at once. In case they fall to comply the authorities will be called upon. Superintendent Kcssequlo states that at least thrco hundred families are residing on thu company's lots , a largo number of which are in the vicinity of the lower yards and along Fifth street adjacent to the river. They are all squatters , and have built little shacks upon tho.lund and "hoincsteadod" It without the consent of the company , The company has bcon annoyed more less while laying track on account of obstructions in the line of their residence. The superin tendent ulso states , the trespassers make a light agiinist being disturbed by the employes of thu company. It is estimated that the to tal number of people that will be affected will bo about 1,203. Excursion to y cllowHtonc Pnrlc. Jaines Stcphenson und E. L. Lotnax , gen eral passenger agent of the Union Pacific , completed arrangements yestorduy wboruby an excursion train from this city to the Yel lowstone park will be run August 15. Mr. Stcphensou will take his stage coaches along and stops will bo made at Denver , Ogilon , Salt Lake , Chcycnno and prominent , western points. At Lieuvor canyon the stuue couches will bo pressed into service , and u complete tour of the purlr will bo mudo. The trip will rcquiio eighteen days. The excursionists will bo in churga of the pioneer stage man. Mothlnt ; Known Hero. The officials of the Union Paclflo profess Ignorance as regards the telegraphic reports to the effect that the Union , Canadian and Southern Pacifies wore about to consolidate , together with the Pennsylvania They are of the opinion that the report was circulated for the purpose of booming stocks Hint are on the decline. Nevertheless , they think such a transaction might materially. An Oudvn Union Depot. A number of railway officials and many of thu prominent cltlzin o Omaha have re ceived Invitations to tlU opening of the now union depot at Ogdon. 'Wednesday uoxt. A grand banquet and Udil'wlll bo given. The H. & M. and Union 'Pu'tillc companies are1 largely Interested In thnibulldlng financially , Hounlon at Itroken How. The veterans of the Cj. A. H. In central No- brnsku will hold a nuulon at Broken How August 0 to 0. TheH , . & M. has mudo a special rate to apply on these dates of one and ouu-thlrd faro for the rtouud trip fiom all points west of Auranl.M ' Itnllrond , N tCH. The Trans-Continonjal association will meet at Chicago to-day. . Trainmaster HaxtQr.iof the Union Pacific , has returned from th'o west. Engine 501 , stuniraru" freight , has been turned out of the Uillolf'Pucllic shops. The Union Paclflo will soon commoncoto lay four additional spur tracks loading to the Bruin elevator at Council HltifTs. The now Cures 11 TlioDcst Aohot , Polne , ( k Cramps , , -Hb Soreness , /7xT Stiffness , f HTho MootRo- Swellings , \nowneUAbroad Strains , Js\ [ Will use no Brulaet , ( / \ olher Cut" ' if. Bf nuu\LR ° m e d ll Wounds. rffUirtD.H' THE CHARLES A. VOOUEB CO. , BaUlmoil , Wi. consolidated company will use the building for stoiago purposes. Vlco President Holoomh , of the Union I'aciflo , will return from Denver Sunday. Superintendent Itcssomilo , of the Union Pacific , has returned from ft trip of In spection. The Atlantic express on tlio Union Pneiflo arrived from the west In two section * , the Irst as fast freight , composed chlolly of California fruits. L. T. Fowler , freight agent of the Union Pacific , with headquarters at Philadelphia , is in Omaha , onroutoto the Paolflo coast Mrs. Fowler accompanies him. General Trafllo Manager Mullen , of the Union Pacillo , will nrrlvo from Denver Sun day , but will go direct to Chicago , where ho will nttcnil a mooting of the transcontinental nental lines , at which the controversy over .ho rate on bullion and ore from Colorado to Missouri river points will bo tnlccu up. An article of true merit for the atom- nch , Mlhnlovitoh'a Hungarian black * berry juice. THE MINlSTISIlIAli ASSOCIATION. It Closes \VltIi a Lecture On "Travels In I'nlnstino. " The morning session of the Ministerial In- ntituto yesterday wns devoted to business . Resolutions were passed thanking the pastor nnd congregation for their kindness nnd their efforts to make the time pass pleasantly ; nlso n resolution expressing the obligations the association" foil to the press for their courtesy , etc. Another resolution was imsod condemning - ing the liquor trafllc nnd endorsing the pending ing constitutional amendment prohibiting the traflle. It was decided to hold the next session of the association nt Nebraska City In July , 1890. 1890.An An election ot oflfcors was hold , which ro- Bulted In the following being elected : Presi dent , Rev. A. Martin , of Omnhn ; secretary , Kov.W. D. Doweoso , of Dorohestor , Neb. The afternoon was devoted to sight seeing. The entire party were driven to the various points of Interest about town. In the evening thu association was enter tained by a lecture on "Trnvolsiu Palestine" by Hov. L. T. Van Clove , which was Illus trated by views thrown upon n screen. The lecture was n most entertaining ono , the speaker handling , his subject in a clear nnd concise manner. The meetings of the association have boon very successful nnd thoroughly enjoyable In every respect. They nro In the nature of a midsummer vacation for the ministers of the state , who receive material benefit from their mutual intercourse. The lecture last evening completed the programme of the association , which now stands udjournod. Ask your grocer for Cook's Imperial Clininpugne. It's bouquet is delicious nnd it is perfectly puro. Try it. KEFOKU TUB UAIt. Some Important Cases to Do Passed UDOII To-day. Judge Wakoloy will deliver decisions this morning in the following cases : Colpetzer vs. Nicholas , Curtis vs. Uonv , Parslon vs. Jones , Miller vs. Aylosworth and ICouutzo vs. Ueitel. J. J. Johnson & Co. have commenced suit against Mattlo Martin and Charles Norllng to recover J120.-JI on account of a contract for building material. The Douglas County bik filed suit agulnst the Omaha Carriage aud Sleigh company anil Andrew Decker to recover § 000 on a promissory note. Patrick Desmond , administrator of the es tate of Patrick Quinlan , deceased , applied to the court for a license to sell certain real es tate belonging to the estate. The case of the Omaha Carriage Top com pany vs Ben B. Wood et al , to recover $401.71 on a contract , has bcon appealed to the district court. County Court. William J. Pnul has ucfiun suit in the county court against Hubert Jacobbcrgor to recover $200 on u promissory note. The Columbia bank has brought , suit in the county court against \Voodbridgo Bros , to recover $131 ! : J7on n promissory note and protest fees. S. Dessau brings suit against Joseph Drulc- kcr for J-TO on a promissory note and inter est. United States Court. The Union Pacific Kailway company has filed its petition in the United States circuit court against J. Cloudt ct al , to have defendants - fondants deliver to it the following premises in which it claims legal estate , to wit : lot 1 in section 14 , town 15 , range 18 east , and lot 1 , section 11 , same town and range. Lysander W. Tulloys , trustee for Clarence 1C. Hesse , has filed a bill in equity against David S. Parkburst et al to recover on a coupon bond for J,0)0 ( ) secured by deed of trust on ' 5 ( > acres in Hamilton county. The Union PaciBc Uailway company has begun suit niralnst J. Colbora et al to recover possession of u tract of land in section 10 , town 15 , range 1 ! ) oast. A suit for foreclosure of mortgage wns filed in the United States circuit court this morning by the Farmers' Loan and Trust company vs. Thomas Sullivan. GRATEFUL COMI'OIITINU Epps's Cocoa. DRVAItrAST. "Iljr a thoronxh knowlailiu ot tha naturM lawi nblcti unvuni tlio operilloos ot dUuitlim mil nntrl llun , nud br acuroiul miuiluatluu of tlia line propjr Uu or wun-soloeliHlCucoa , Mr. l'ul > tim prorlilaitour brent fH l lablus with ndaltcnttiljr tlnroroil boruia i ) wlilthmay auvu us icaiif u vy doctors' bills. Hn bj tlio Jutllcloua u v ol nucli rtrllclcs of illot tlmt cuiialltutlun mar bn Knilually built up until utront nnoiiKli to reals ! orurjr toniluncr to Him. UreiU of lutitlo malnillMiira Hrj&tliiK around us remlr to attack wherovertbvroia a weak oolnt.Vomar paCMpa ni.inv n fatal ibatt by keoplntf ouriulvc wufl tortltleii with pure blood mm a properly nourlaboj Irniuo. " Civil Hurvlco iiH/etl . MiHoilmpIr nlth bolllnn water or milk. Sold In hairpounil tliu by ( Irucnrs labsloi tbud TAMDC ! TJDDd 9. PD Homa-opathic Cheraiat JMltiU JjITu U UUi. LONDON. KNOLAND. CALIFORNIA Till : 1AND OP DISCOVERIES ! -A irt < cc \j- ' . _ . , J SANTA ; ABIEAND ; : CAT ; RCURE ! For sale by Goodman Drug Co , SP. 'MEDICINE m m mmamtF QUIN OOX For Dtllous nnd Nervous Dliorden , such as Wind and Pain In the Stomach , Sick lloadactio , Glddlnrlt , Fut < ntii. and Swelling utter Meali , Diiilnen and Drowtlnoit , Cold Chilli , Flushing ! ot Heat , Lou ol AppeM * . Shortness ol Breath , Costireneli , Scum , Blotches on tha Skin. Disturbed Sleep , Frightful Dreamt , and all Nervous and Trembling Seniatlont , AC. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This it no nctlon. Krory eutroror In earnestly luvltod to try ono Uox ot tlicao Tills , nnd tuoy mil fee ncknnnlmlgcHl to bo o } l'nt lrrf\il Mnltrtnr. HEEOHAJfa FILLS , taken ns Olnxtcil. Mill quickly tv.ttora feit\t\lt to complete hoaltlu For a WEAK STOMACH ; IMPAIRED DIGESTION ; DISORDERED LIVER ; they ACT LIKE MAGIC : n / " < ' < " Kill work Kondorn upon the Vital Organs ; Sttenglhenlng ttm inusculnr Sjitem ; rpatnrttiR loiln-lost Complexion t bringing Imch the keen edot ol appetite , ntxl rJoiidluR wHIi the ROSEDUD OF HEALTH tim ti-liolcjttij lciil tnergvol the liumnn frnmo. tlirno nro "fncto1' mlniltKst by tuousnnds. In nil ol/\ft. c\ < off > ocloty : niul onont thobcst Rimrnulccs to the Nervous nml 1'cbllltAtccl ' IB tlmt DEECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PATENT MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. FU11 directions with cnclt Box. rrcpnrca only by THUS. nKF.rilAM , Ht , IIrlrn . Tjincntlilro , KiiRlnnO. PoM l > u l > rtig jitirtirrnl ( / ; / . D. F. ALLEN A Ca , 3GB and 307 Canal St. , New York , Solo Agents tor the I7mtc < ! Blatra. triot ( \ t/niir ilrnpRlst Uooa not kooji thvtn , ) WILL MAIL BEECHAIKI'S ' PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. ' GREAT . / / The above cut shows evidence of Mr. Johnston's mistake. His wife having sent him for "GOLD DUST , " but by some misapprehension he brought home soap greatly to her dissatisfaction. After a house-wife has once used "GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER" it is useless to offer her the old adulterated soap. Ask your grocer for Gold Dust Washing Powder , and take no other. MADE ONLY BY- H. K. FAIRBANK & CO. , P. 8-lf hnndu . u'no " " . jour are ohnppad. FAIRY" SOAP. T | QIIS | Instantly Flops the most cxcruciutlnir pains ; never falls t > alro ease to the sutToror Tor 1'AlNf. IIUlTlHKS , ItAUKAUIIK. CONjlJKSTlONS. INFLAMMATIONS. UHKUMVl'ISM NiUllAI. : < ; iASCIATaA.llHAUACmTOOrHAUHKornnyoHiur ! PAIN , few application act like mnglc. causing tliBnaln to Instantly stop. A CU11E FOll ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS Internally taken Indoioi of from thirty to .sixty drops In half a tnmlilor of water will euro In a taw ininiUoH ( Jranii ) Spasms , Sour Stomach , Collu , I'luutulence. Heartburn , CHolur.v Morons , Dyaontry. Dlarrlurn , Sick Hoailuchu , Nmisea , Vomiting , Nervousness. Slueplossnuss , Malaria and all Internal pains arising from chiviRe of diet or water or other causes. . CO Cents a Ilottlo. Sold by Urueglsts , TEEE ST-AJVX > VtI > OF1 "Pure" and Silver Gloss And Corn Starch FOR THE LAUNDRY. FOR THE TABLE. STRANG & CLARK STEAM HEATING GO , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. OTHINQS , ! EMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , HALLBT & DAVIB. ARTIST SUPPLIES , KIMBALL , MOULDINGS , PIANOS ANDORGANS FRAMES , SHEET MUSia 1513 Douglas SL J Omaha , NcMa. State Line. To Glasgow , Jlcirast , Dublin nml Liverpool From New York Every Tuesday. Cabin imimiio fV > to t-'O , nccordlnu lolocutloii of BU rtium. KrcurMou ttfi to fO. bteerego to nn. | from r.uroixi at I.fjwen KiM . Ai'su.v lUi.mvjN A. Co. , Ocn'l AKonts , M Ilrondnnjr , Nuw York , JOHN lii.KGtsCcn'l : \Ve lern Ak'ent. li > | lUnJolpti Bt. , Clilcnya. IIABItV K. iloilts , A cnt. Onislm. Hoclucud Cnblurutoi to OUajiow KrUlbltlin. DREXEL & MAUL , Buccflssors u > John a. JacobjJ Undertakers anuEmbalmers Attheold stand HOT Farnain Bt. Order * by and promptly attended , elepliono to No.ia PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1802 FARNAM STURBT. HESS I . UUHEO/ffp : rallrtlr ArrrruuK \ > i ' ' . . . , - r cl'il' AR CUSHIONS ! Wlilipiri CoBtrrMll.rn.uilluiltL'.lJ. C.m _ _ _ _ , . . . K , IIIUOOX. Hli.t HrunOwar.l r.llCll.r vrVi7ri \VJtli Hucetaiful Kip0r1 nn for ] EWWOTpRIAt BA.&A11I.U HOOK. ( " Auilie , AY ONdE , Latlu (