Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Cash WheatBulos Firm ntall Points
at Better Figures.
7lie Opening In Provisions Mndo nt
EtrnriKc * nnd lllclior Prices
Nntlvo Oflttto JJuHlucsH Active
General Qoutntlnns.
CIMCAOO , .luly in. [ Special Tclcpram to
Tnr. BKK. ] Wheat wns steady nnd dull
to-ilny. Now York hail n lot of bcnr
nown to communicate , Including the In
formation tlmtthcra was no chnnco for ex
port business. Nevertheless , the price of
cosh wheat , not only ut the Bcaborml but ftt
nil Interior polnte , held firm , nnd better ilg-
urcs than wore obtnlnublo ycsterdny nt the
close were naked to-day. In this mnrkot un
nctlvo milling demand for email lots of old
wheat to mix with now was reported and a
good trade In n retail way for that account
was done. Early trading in December
wheat was on a basis of 7l > Xc. The price
vent to TOJfe , back to 79 > V < ? . upngaln toTOXc ,
off to rst c , up to lOKc. oft to 198'c ; ' , and Jup
to TO QTOJfc , nt which pHco thn market
rested at 1:13 : p. m. September opened ut
77Jfc , ranged at 77j o low ,
77 Jo high , and closed nt 77J c.
August closed ut 78 @ 78 > c. The rungo on
July , In which thqrc was very light business
passlnir , was SO SSlc , nnd the close wus
Sfljfc. As compared with yesterday , the
closing rnngo shows nn average Improve
ment of about % c. The market wns at no
tlmo bulgy or excited. Local speculative
sentient was bearish , nnd the market
seemed to hnvo nn undertone of weakness ,
yet comparison shows nn advance over yes
terday , though not over yesterday's average
price ,
There was the usual good demand for of
ferings In the cash corn market , and there
was I ho regular apathy and Inaction among
speculators. . The trading pit was all but
empty during the greater part of the session
nud the narrow fluctuations bear witness
to a lack of Interest. Indications , until
within n few minutes of the close , nil
favored u silent reduction In price from the
prices ruling nt the close of the previous
iluy , but the llrmncss.of the wheat market
imparted moro confidence to operators nnd a
rally took place Just ns the market closed ,
which left quotations about ) c higher for
this and next month's deliveries than they
were at the corresponding time yesterday.
July closed at SKJ/o and September at ! ; < c.
Oats shared In the general quietude and
we're nearly nt a standstill. Few operators
were present and outside trading orders
wore Inconsequential , with the price range
limited to about # 0. September sold chielly
at 22o and May around i.5c , while cash lots
were steady ut 83J/o for No. 2 to go to store ,
and July sold sparingly at i2fc. ! . There
wns some inquiry for new No. 2 wlilto oats ,
though but few ore offered.
In provisions the opening was quite strong.
Unexpectedly small receipts of hogs , accom
panied by an advance iti thobiune , encouraged
traders to look for a bettor market. The in
itiatory trim suctions all around were made
at prices a little above the level of yester
day's closings , but the improvement wit
nessed was of short duration. The old bear
crowJ promptly resumed their hammering
alterations in pork , nnd by forclup a break of
iifioJn that article carried everything on the
list down. Later there was some recovery , but
the final quotations showed a decline for the
day amounting to * Xc in pork,5o in lard nnd
2Vo in short ribs. Lard closed at the bottom
tom figures touched , short ribs 'J c higher
tluin the same and pork ISJ c liluher. TradIng -
Ing was spasmodic anil of rather light
volume. Loading packers made no move
ment of any slgnlllcanco. For casn delivery
10-lb green hums sold nt 8(5)8fc ( ) ! ! , and lard
was quoted at lO lSjs'o under September.
Cured meats sold for shipment wcro taken
on private terms. Speculative interest was
aunta confined mainly to September , which
sold from 31UUI early down to $1102U for
pork , from Srt.-'tiK down to $0.80 for lard ,
nna from ? 5. < ' < r > down to $5.i7 ! } for short ribs.
Pork , for the same month , closed at $11.15 ,
lard at fd.EO und short ribs at i5.40. Next
winter's deliveries wore quiet.
CHICAGO , July 19. f&pccial Telegram to
TnB.UEB.I CATTLE. Estimated receipts for
the day , 9,000 ; last Friday , 7,194 ; week , so
tar , ( H,3SO , ; sumo time last week , 50,542.
About half of the run , say 4,500. were Tex-
mis. Business was uctivo In the native line ,
with n slight upturn , suy 5fd10c ! , on suitable
natives , nearly all of which wore sold at an
curly hour. Common and undesirable na
tives , ns Is usual , were loft until the last , but
were finally disposed of at about the same
prices as yesterday. Tuxans underwent little -
tlo or no chungo , uud are down to about
rock bottom prices , nearly as low as at any
time lust year. Native butchers' stock , es
pecially that class of common and can
ning cows that has to compete
with low priced Tcxans , remains .iO(3 ( >
25o lower than lust week. Nothmi ; of note
Is going on in the stacker und feeder trade.
Trmlo is dull and prices very low. Choice
to extra beeves , M.00@4.25 ; medium to
good steers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs , 13.70 ® 1.13 ;
1300 to 1350 Ibs , f3.50@a.)0 ! ) ; 950 to 1200 Ibs ,
| 3.35@i.X : ( ) : Mockers und feeders. $ i 00 3.00 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , 10@lnc lower nt
St.25 n,00 ; bulk , f2.00(32.80 ( ; slop-fcd steers ,
J3Wi.90j ( ) : Texas steers , S2.25fe3.15 ; cows ,
Hociii Estimated receipts for the day ,
8,000 ; last Friday , 10.1W , week so far , 75-
COS ; sumo tlmo last week , 87.010. Tno llpht
run und a fulling oft of 12,1)00 ) , as compared
with the same tlmo last week , finally checked
th down turn thut sot in so fiercely on Tucs.
duy , und to-day prices wore about the sumo
as Monday , as there was a slmru un turn of
a strong lOc , In some cases ] 5o. Hough unit
common packers sold nt ft.20@4.2TK nml the
beat heavy atM.iag4.40 ! ( , a few fancy at 1.45.
Light sorts ruled steady at $1.55(0,4.75. (
NEW YoitK , July 19. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : llEB.l STOCKS The stock market
took another awing this morning which
causnd prices to rule higher for a short time ,
but bofora the end of the linur landed them
away below the closing llguros of yesterday.
The higher opening uppourcd to bo the result
of the rebound before tlie close on Thursday
and higher figures from London , There was
less than the usual uuiouut of Influential
news nna values fluctuated wldoly without
heavy transactions. The opening prices
were from , ' to % per cent above the closing
figures of lust evening , but Missouri Pacific
and Now Kngland were noted exceptions ,
being J/Q per cent lower respectively
pugar trust was also down 1 per cent at
lOSs'l. The high prices of the opening could
not bo maintained , however , und a general
decline took place , though In most stocks the
losses were sinull and unimportant. Hock
Iilaml declined ? , Northern I'aclilo pre
ferred > f , Su 1'aul * , ar.d Missouri Pacllio
Jtf , Missouri I'.iclilc and Hock Island ut the
lowest points beintf 1 } { und 1 per cent re
spectively lower than lust iiight. The mar
ket was heavy and weak nt bottom figures.
The stock market wai not a broad one at any
tlmo to-day. During the hour to 13 o'clock
there was extreme dullness , followed by a
hort period of good buying und an Improve
mcnt in values to very nearly tbo opening
llL'urcs , Later liquidation attain prevailed ,
helped along by an cngngcmont of ovci
{ 3,000,000 gold for export. Trusts , whlel
took the lead on the upturn , wcro weak a <
the last , uud at the ulo t Chicago Cl us thowei
a net gain of K und augur a not loss of K per
cent , with load about Ue.vly. In rullroac
itocktf nearly all showed loiiirs front the
close of yesterday. Thn not losses for the
day cf Grangcrc aid u few other lines were
Murllngton , Lake Shore , and Union Pnclflc
Jf cftch , SU Paul * < , Atchlson * { , Mi sourf
Pacific , llock Island nnd Heading J < each ,
{ QW England nfld Lncknwannn lpcr cent.
The total sale * w < Sro ICI.tiud shares.
The following were the cloMni ? quotation * I
I ) . 8.4s rr-Kulrir. 128U Northern I'ftclflc. . 27' {
U.H.4 coupons . .il23 < { do preferred , . . ' R-'H
U. H. Ui roKUlar. . . li ! > { 0. & H. W IWK
IT. 8. < Ks coupons. . . < lo preferred 1,19
PaclllcdHOf M3 IIS N.Y.l'entral 10i > ! S
Central I'nrlno 3IU P.W..VK. . , , 21
Chicago &Allon. . .I8. > Hock Island ! < > * <
ChlcAKoJIurllngton O..M. fcStl' fiSJi
&Qtilncv , 0.1' ' } ( lopreferrsd 100
I43' ' gU'ruiKVOmnha
Illinois Cnntral Ill doprererreil . Oi
I. . II. AV' . , M trnlnn I'Aetne . K
. . . ' . .ol. M. < X I. . * JT4
I.nko Shorn . lllllj doproforred 28
MIchlKnn Coutrnl. . r. Western Union. . . . 88
Mo.vnr Easy nt SiJ S3 Per cent.
RTRIIMNO EKntuxop. Dull but utoaily ;
sixty-day bills , tl.tfi : domanil , M.STJ .
CniOAoo. July 19. ll : ! p. m. close Wheat
Cash , SOjfo ; Scutcmbor , 77 c ; December ,
Corn Cash , Kic\ \ August , 05 o ; Sep
tember , 35Xc.
Oats Cash , 229'c ; August , 31'c , ; Sep
tember , 22j c
Pork Nominal ; cash. $11.05 ; Aucuat ,
* 11.07K ! Scctcinber. JII.I3.
Lard Gush. W.17Ki August , W.20 ;
Scptetnbor , ti.40. (
Hyo Nominal ; 42a
Hurley No. 2 , September , Ode.
Flax Send Nominal : No. 1 , tl.31.
Priino Timothy Nominal ; $1,45.
Flour Quiet nnd unchanged.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , SS.S'KQC'.OO ;
short clear , f5.87K@0.00 ; short ribs , steady ;
ciuli , (5.ri0 5.55 ; .Tulv. j5.riO@.V5- j August ,
; September ,
Uuttor Dull ; creamery , 10@15c ; dairy ,
Olieose Quiet ; full cream Cheddars and
Young Americas , 7K@ ? c.
ERRS Dull ; fresh , 10@lic.
Hides U'caKor ; heavy green salted , Go ;
light green salted , 5@5j.fc ; salto , ! bull , 4J o ;
green salted calf , 5j ( V 5 ; ! c : dry flint 7c ;
dry salted hides , 7c ; dry culf , 7Q3o ; dea
cons , 2."o each.
Tallow Easy , demand fair ; No. 1 , solid
packed , C o ; No. 2 , cake , 4)/c. )
' Heceipts. Shipments.
Flour . 9,000 7lOO (
Wheat . 45,000 45,000
Corn . 22.5,003 234,000
Oats . 141,000 111,000
Now York , July 19. Wheat Receipts
300 bushel * ; exports , 50,100 bushels ; spot
market quietstrong and Jfc hgherNo.2red ! ; ,
bS e in stdro,90@JS J afloat , SUKQUlJ o f.o.
1) . ; No. 1 white , lr ) > 00 < "c ; ungraded red ,
8U@81J c. Options dull and irregular.
July Jfe higher ; other mouths } { @ % c up ,
toady ; August closing ut 85Kc.
Corn Hecoipts , 5'5.10a ' bushels : exports ,
V WIlllU , ll 'UUaHUU , u. ti iiuuiitiu , , UUK < UUVU
nixed , 42X ( ( 43PXC ; steamer mixed nominal ;
options dull , lower und steady ; July closing
at 43c.
Oats Heceipts , 22,000 bushels ; exports.
21,000 ; spot dull and unchanged ; options
dull and steady , August closing at 2 < Kc ;
spot , No. 2 white , ! Kc ; mixed western , 2T @
2'Jc ' ; white western , 30c ; No. 2 , Chicago ,
Cotico Options opened quiet and un
changed to n points up , closed dull at 5MIO (
points up , licrht business ; AuRilst , $1470 ;
September , ; October , $14.05 ®
14.70 ; spot Uio steady nnd quiet ; fair
cargoiis , f7:75.
Petroleum Quiet und steady ; United
closed nt 74 ' ' c.
EUKS Quiet and wcaK ; western , 13' < fSllc.
Porlc CJuiet nnd eisy : ; uiess , 512.nO ( ( 13,00.
Lurd Closed wpak nnd dull ; western
steam , $ tf.GO.
Uuttor Fancy , steady ; others wealc ;
western dairy , 10@13u ; creamery. 12@ll5 > Jc.
Cheese Lower ; western , 0 > i@7 e.
Ijivci-ponl , July 19. Wheat Quiet and
demand poor ; | holders offer moderately ;
California. No. 1 , 7s ld@7s ' 'd per cental.
Corn Easy ; demand fallen off ; new
mixed , s ll fd percental.
AXiiiticupoliu. July 19. Wheat Sample
wheat neiivp und higher ; receipts , 15'J cni-s ;
shipments , SI cars. Closlnc : * No. 1 hard ,
Julv , $1.UK ( ; on track , $ l.Xi ( < { ; No. 1 north
ern , July , VOo ; AuKtist , b2u ; September , SOc ;
December , Sic ; on track , OUc ; No. U north
ern , July , S2o ; on truck , 82@iOc.
Mllwnukco. July 10. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 79Kc ; September , 7S } c.
Corn Steady ; No. it , fci i
Oats Firm ; No. 2 white , ' .
Kvo Steady ; No. 1. 42c.\
Harley Firm : No. U , COc bid.
Provifiona Flrinorj pork 11.10.
St. Iioiiis. July 19. Wheat Higher ;
cash , 74J < ( ' ? 'Kci August , 747-iXe ; Sep
tember , 7fif < c.
Corn Firm ; cash , ! ! 3c ; August , 3 c ;
September , 3'5o.
Oats Nominal ; cash and August , 21c.
Pork Quiet ut $11.50.
Lard Nominal nt $0.00.
Whisky Steady at $1.03.
Butter Unchanged ; quiet ; creamery , 13@
15c ; dairy , @ 12c.
Clnclnnnti , July 19. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red. 7Sc.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 38 > < ; ( iM7c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , la ! > ( < $2Cc.
Hyo Dull nt 47c.
Whisky Steady at $1.02.
Kauwns Cliy , July 19. Wheat Weaker ;
No. 2 red , Cc ( ! ; August , C5c ; No. 3 red ,
cash. 5Co bid ; July , 57o bid ; August , 5S c ;
No. 2 soft , cash , OOc bid ; Aueust 07c.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash , 29o asked ; July ,
27cbid ; No. 2 whito. cash. 29c bid.
Oats No. 2 cash , 19J c bid ; August , 17 c
bid ; September , 17 | o Did.
Ohlcairo , July 19. The Droyors' Journal
report us follows :
Cattle Hoceipts , 8,500 ; market steady
good grades stronger ; beeves , J.35@4.25 ;
stockcrRnnrt feeders , $ -J.OO@3.X ( ) ; COWB , bulls
and mixed , $ l.a3@ .TO.
Hois Hecclpts. 8,500 ; mnrkot strong nnd
5U'lOc ( higher on nil but light bogs ; mixed.
S4.yO@-l.5U ; heavy , S4.10@4.40 ; light , H 5@
4.70.Sheep Receipts , 5,000 ; market steady ;
natives , * 3.W > ( TS4.80 ; weotern , f3.55@4.60.
Kn.n iisOli.v , July 19. Cattle Receipts ,
4,300 ; shipments , 800 ; common to cliolco
corn-fed steers , $2.7004.00 ; stockers and
feeders , dull and lower at fJ.OO@t.OO ; ; cows ,
wrak to fie lower at tl 005W.70.
Hogs Receipts , 4f > 'JO ; shipments , 1,50J ( ;
market steady but higher ; light , $1.20(34.25 ( ;
heavy und mixed , S4.05@4.15.
National Htoolc Vnrdx. linst fit ,
loulH , July 19 , Cnttlo-Uecoipts , 1.100 ;
shipments , 2,800 ; market steady ; choice
heavy native stctrs , $3.7.r ® 4,20 ; fair to good ,
do , f3.0C@3.f > 0 ; stockers und feeders , &J.1U ( ! $
3.20 ; ranijnrs , corn-fed$2.70@3,50j grass-fed ,
. . .
Hogs Receipts , 1,700 ; shipments , 1,100 ;
market higher ; choice heavy und butchers'
( .elections , fl.25i4.40 ( ! ! ; packing , $4.20 ®
4.40 ; light grades , $1.40 ® 1.80.
' Sioux City , Julv 10. Cuttle Heceipts.
100 ; shipments , 100 ; market steady ; fat
steers , $3.00 ( < f3.o < ) ; stackers and feeders ,
t2.1R(42.0 ! ! ; veul calves , f J.00 ( < { 3.50.
llog Heceipts , 510 ; market higher ; light
und mixed , M.05@4.12 ; heavy , 54.10 ( 1.15.
_ _
t Cdttlc.
Friday , July 19.
The icoolpts wcro very light and the bulk
of the cnttlo were common , but few beef
cattle hero , Tfio marUel on beef und
shipping steers was active and lOo higher ,
and on butchers .offerings actlre ami steady.
The receipts all told out early , the market
closing strong.
Under active competition prices advanced
10y to-day , with light sorts reaching J4.17X
unit thu bulk of the hogs soiling at { 4.10.
After the market once fmrly opened trading
wus brisk und the receipts soon sold ,
There were no sheep her6 to make a market.
Two luadi were received direct by Swift
Cuttle. . . . . , , . . , . , * . . , . , , , . 5GO
11ogs * , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . , , . . . , ,700
Ba-op , ,
Prevailing I'riffos
The XullowlugU aUulo of priori palJ la
3 1073 1 fie 1 1850
240 1047 2C5
Standard Cattle Company : .
liivc Stock Notes.
Lixht sorts sell nt $4.17 .
Straight loads of lK'lit _ hogs sell at $4.
Henry Rix , of Calboun , was in with a car
of hogs.
F. J. Grinin came down from Lyons with
two cars of cattlo.
C. J. Cilloy , of Olenwood , la. , was among
the visitors hero to-day.
Frank Mohnike , of Button , wns in with a
car each of cattle and hogs.
Frank Carroll , u prominent dealer at Stanton -
ton , was hero with u car of cattle.
J. 13. Hunt , prominent dealer , was m
from Stamford witli u car of hogs.
G. H. Babbitt , a prominent dealer at Ash
land , was hero looking after n car of hogs.
. The Standard Cattle company , of Ames ,
had six- loads of corn-fed westerns hero that
sold ut § 3.70.
U.\Standen \ , 1m every day dealer at Creston -
ton , was on the market with two cars of
cnttlo and one of hogs.
W. J. Wallace , hog buyer for Silberhorn nt
Sioux City , was at the yards yesterday. He
left In the evening for Colfux , la. , on a short
W. H. Wheeler , manager of the Man
hattan Ueof company , of Now York City ,
was at the yards. Ho U on his way to San
Francisco , nnd stepped hero to see Superin
tendent H. H. Meday , of 'tho Hammond
packing house.
Produce , Fruits , Etc. Table dairy. ll@13c ; packers'
stock , Stf@'Jc. Creamery Prints , fancy ,
15@llic ; cliolco , 13$14c ; solid packed , 12 ®
Eaos Strictly fresh , lie.
CUEESE Young Americas , full cream , Ho ;
factory twins , OKo ; off grades , C@7c ; Van
Rossem Edom , $11.50 per aoz ; sap sago , 19c ;
brick , ll@12c ; liraburger , 8@10c ; domestic
Swiss , 14u ; cheese safes , bronze medal , No.
8 , $2 85.
POUI.TIIV Llvo lions , per dozen , $3.50@
4.00 ; mixed. $3.25@3.50 ; spring , $3.00@2.50 ;
turkeys. 7@Sc per Ib ; ducks , $2.00@2.50 ;
geese , Si.004.00 ; live pigeons , $1.50.
OHANOES San Gabriel , $3.75@4.00 : fancy
Duartc Mediterranean sweets , $4.25@4.50 ;
Ilodi , $ 'J.OO '
PmciiES Perbu. $1.75@2.03.
Ari'lis : Per bbl , 75c@i.OO.
CiiKimiEs Per 24 quart casj , $3.00 ; per 10
quart drawer , $1.00.
UiitCKDBiiHiEs Per 24 quart case , $2.00@
BLACK RASi'DEiinics Per 24 quart case ,
HID HAsriiERinna Per 21 pint case , $1.75
( 200.
Goosnnnuuics Per bu stand , $3.00 ; 24
quart case , $3.00 ,
CuuiiANTS Per case 24 quarts. $1.75@2.00.
PLUMS $3.00@3.25. _
BiiEiiBWUE8 ) Per bu. $5.00@5.50.
WATKUMELOXS $10.00@25.00 oor 100.
CANTEUOUI-S Per doz , f I 50@2.00.
PINK Ai-1'i.ES Per doz , $3.00 ( < J3.50.
BANANAS According to size , per buncb ,
$2.00 ( < ? 3.tX ) .
COCOANUTS Per 100 , $5.00.
FIIESII FI II White Urn per Ib. 7@8Kc :
trout , per Ib , Oc ; wlilto perch , per Ib , "c ; buf
falo , per Ib , 7c ; pickerel , per Ib , Uc ; black
bass , per Ib. lie.
UEANS Choice hand picked navy , $1.75 ;
choice hand picked medium , $1.05 ; choice
hand picked country , $1.00 ; clean country-
EAUI.T VtoETADLES Potatoes , 80@40o per
bu ; onions , California , per Ib , 2o ; southern ,
per bbl , $2.00 ; cabbage , per crate , $1.25 ; tur
nips , per bu box. 50@75o ; beets , per box ,
75c@$1.00 ; wax beans , per bu box , $1.50 ;
string beans , per bu box , $1.25 ; green peas ,
per bu box , $1.00 : tomatoes , oer k bu box ,
40(2GOocauliflower ( ; , $1.50 ; eggplant , $1,25 ;
wquash , 25c per doz ; cucumbers , 25c ; soup
bunchcu , ! 10o ; lettuce , 25c ; radishes , 20o ;
green onions , 15Ci$20c ; new carrots , 20c ; pie
plant , per Ib , ! to.
Ari'i.i : HuTTiit : 5c.
CIIIKU Hbls , $5.00 ; hf bbls , $3.00.
MATLC SOOAII l K@15o per ) b.
POTATOES Old , choice , sacked , per bu , 15
VEAL Choice , medium size , 5gftc ( ; choice
heavy , 4@5o ; spring lambs , $30.0U@yO.OO per
HoNcr H ( < J15c per Ib for choice.
PHE3EKVBS HK@10o per Ib.
JEI.MES 8) ) < @ 4o per Ib.
HEESWAX No. 1,10@10c.
TAI.LOW No. 1 , 3Ko ; No. 2 , 2J/3c.
OHEA8E A , % @ > fo ; yellow , 2 05 dark ,
2o.Wool , Fine , uvorago. 15@10c ; choice , 18
'MEDIUM Average , 21@22o ; choice , 23@24cj
coarse , 15 ( < ? l8c.
PKOVISIONS Hams , No , 1 , 10-lb average ,
llo ; 20 to 22 Ibs , lO o ; 12 to 14 Ibs , 12o ; No.
2 , UJi'c ; specials. l"Ko ; shoulders , 7a ; break
fast bacon. No. 1 , luxe ; speciala , l'-Ko ; pic-
mo , 7 4c ; ham sausage , 10)ij'o ; doled beef
haras , Vc ; beef tongues , $0 per dozen ; dry
salt meats , 5 ! < (40)o per Ib.
SAUSAGB liolognu , 4@4U > c ; Frankfurt ,
"c : tongue , 9o ; suuimer(18 > ic ; head cheese ,
Pouic Family , backs , per bbl. 113.00 ; \ < -
bbls , 10.75 ; mess , bbls , $12.60i" ; '
pie pork , bbls , $17.50bbls ; , 19.
llEBif ToNOUE8-Salt.lbls$20.r
OILS Kprosene P W , Ko ; W W. 12o ;
headlight , IBo ; ' salad o il , 2.15@3.00 per
PICKLES Medium , per bbl , $4.501 small ,
$5.50 ; fborkliH , 1.50 ; O & B chow-chow , qts ,
* 5.eo ; pts , $3.40.
so PAPBII 8traw. per Ib , 1 ]
2Wo ; manilla , U , Go ; No. 1 , Oc.
biLT-Ualn' , 140 2-lb pkgi , $2.CO : do. 100
3-lb pkgs , I2.W : do , 605-lb pkRs , 13.40 : do , 28
10-lb pkffN (2.80 ; Ashtou , bu tjutti , W-lb , 85o ;
do , 4-bu biiL-a , 224-lb.$3.40 ; M 8 A , 56-lb bujjs
65o ; No. 1 flue , per bbl , $1.26.
CUOCOLATS COCOA 21(33So ( per Ib ;
Gorman chlckory , red , Sc. nl mi
GiNCtKii Jamaica , lj plnlsi ) $8,00 per doz.
FAntNACEous GOODS Uirlij.v , 8J @ 3JC <
forlnn , 4Uc : peas , 80 : oatmeal ) a JftvtSc ; hinc >
5F6nl , llo | Yornifcoli ! , Jlc : rlco ,
saec and tnplocn , OC < 10Vo. ' i _ .
r- - - ) J w.lflsh , OJ O
scaled herring , SSopcrbox hqlhcrrlnff.doin ,
60c ! Hamburg spiced hcrrlnu. l.OO ; hoi. licr-
rlnir , 70c < S1.10 ; mackerel , "half bbls , No. 1 ,
$ lBBOi larffofnmlly , $10.60ilor100Ibs * ! ; whlto-
llsh , No. 1. $0.50 ; lumlly , $3.00V trout , $ SOO ;
salmon , fS.GO ; anchovies , 8o4'oi
LTK $1.75(3)1.50. ( ) y , . -
NUTS Almonds , IfiQl'cii'nrazlls. Oo ; fil
berts , 12o ; pecans , 12o ; walnuts , 12o ; pea
nut cocks , Sol roasted , lOc.
UAOS American A. seamless , 17o ; Union
Snuaro paper , discount85 lAJrrJcnt. '
Corrnns Green FancyioUl cold on Klo ,
22c ; fancy old penberry , 22oj Hio , ctioico to
fancy. 21c ; Uio , jirltno , 20o ; Hlo , ( food , 17c ;
Mocha , 29c ; Java , fancy Manduhling , 2 Jo ;
Java , uood interior , 24c.
Corrnts Honstod Arbucklo's Arioso ,
22Jfo ; McLaUghlln's XXXX , 22Kc ; Gorman ,
23'ie ; Dllwortb , 22 ! < c ; Alaroma. ' 23 0.
SAI.SOIIA l < ( ! f2Ao ( per Ib.
STAMCII 57i ! per Ib.
STOVE POLISH $3.00 < W5.87 per gross.
SPICKS Whole , per Ib Allspice , 12o ; Gas-
sin China , Ida ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20c ; nut-
HICKS , No. 1. 7So ; pepper , lOc.
SCOAHS Granulated , UJfo ; confectioners'
A , OK i standard extra C. $ J6@UJic ; yellow
C , 8c ; powdered , 10J ( ? llo ; cut loaf , 10V
( Jllc ; cubes , 10 > l@10)o ) ; creatn extra C ,
TEAI , Gunpowder , 20ffiOOc ( ; Japan. 20 ®
40o ; V. Hyson , 23@50o ; Oolong , 22@50c.
VINF.OAH Per gal. 13@20c.
CANNED FISH Urook trou. , 3 Ib , $2.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib. $2.15 ; clnms , 1 Ib , $1.25 ;
clams , 3 Ib , $2.00 ; clam chowder , ! 1 Ib , F2.25 :
devilled crabs. 1 Ib. $225 ; devilled crabs , 2
Ib , $3.50 ; codllsh balls , a Ib , $1.75 : caviar , X
Ib , $2.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , $3.25 ; lobsters. 1 Ib , $2.00 ;
lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.90 ; lobsters , deviled , Ib ,
$3,25 ; mackcral , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; mackerel , mus
tard sauce , 3 Ib. $3.90 ; mackerel , tomato
naucc , 8 Ib , $2.90 ; oysters , 1 Ib. 85o ; oysters.
2 Ib. $1.50 ; salmon , U. R. 1 Ib , $2.10 ; salmon ,
C. K , 1Mb , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaskn , 1 Ib , $ U85 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $3.90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
Dry Goods.
BATTS Standard , So ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boone , 14e ; B , cased , $0.50.
ULAXKVTS Whlto , $ l.OO@7.CO ; colored ,
$ UOtfS.OO.
CAUIIHICS Slater , 5o ; Woods , Go5 Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c.
CAiii'ET WAHP Blob white , 18 c ; colored ,
CoitsiiT JEANS Boston , "J o ; Androscog-
gln , 7c ; Kearsarge , % c ; Uockport , 0 c ;
Concstoga , 6a.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trndo dls.
' LL , unbleached. 5 } < o ; CO. O'fc ; SS , 7 fo ;
EE , 8Jfc ; GO , 9c ; XX , \ 0oOO \ , HJ c ;
NN , 12Kc ; AA , 14o ; DD , 15 ; o ; TT , 10 > o ;
YY , ISo ; UB , 19o ; 20 bleached. 8) 0 ; 00 ,
13c ; 80 , 13) ) c ; 50 brown and slate , 9o ; 70 ,
12Hc ; 'l. lOc.
Ciusii Stevens' B , 5J c ; Stevens' A , 7c ;
bleached , So ; Stevens' P , 7c ; bleached ,
8Jfc ; Slovens' N , 8 > c ; oieachsd , O' c ; Slov
ens' SKT , llj c.
DENIMS Amoskeng , 0 oz , 10J < fo ; Everett ,
7 oz , 18o ; York , 7 oz , { 3o ; Haymalccr , 8 ! o ;
Jnftrey XX. ll } < fo ; Juffrey XXX , 12 > c ;
Beaver Crook A A , 13o ; Baavcr Creek MB ,
llo ; Beaver Creek CO. lOc.
DUCK West Point. 29 in. 8 oz. O' o ; West
Point , 29 in , 10 oz , 12) ) c ; West Point. 29 In ,
12 oz , 15) e ; West Pomt40 in , 11 oz , 16c.
FLANNELS Plaid Unfttjmen , 20c ; Clear
Luke , 3rtKo ; Iron Mountiiln. 2 ( ) ' < ji % .
FUNNBLS Whlto-G HJ p. a , ? / ,
G H No. 1. f. 27Mo : G H Np , 2 , # .
G H No. 1 , % , ! ! 0c ; Quecjicq No. 3 , 30c.
FUNNELS White Quccheo No. 2 ,
STKe : Queeheo No. 3 , JiV Xc ; Anawan ,
! l-jc ; Somerset , Ue. , .
l''LAN.\rLS lied G , 21-Inch , 15 } c ; E. 24-
inch , 213 o ; G G. 24-lncn20c ; fi A F , J ,
25c ; J li F , % , 2rc ; G , 5f , 25c.
GINOHAM Plunkett checks , ft c ; Whit-
lenten , OVo : York , 7Xu ; N6rmamli dress ,
7 0 ; Calcutta dress , 7 > cWhitten ton dress ,
7j < c ; Renfrew dress , b > (3 ( " '
KENTUCKY JEINS Heoeules , ISc ; Leam
ington , 2-2 n ; Ulonwood , 20c : Melville , 2oc ;
Banu-up , 37Kc. > " '
MISCCLLVNEOUS Tublo xiil cloth. $2.50 ;
table oil cloth , marble , $2,50 ; plain Holland ,
UKc ; dado Holland , 12J c ,
PHINTS Dress Charter' Oak. B o ; Ham-
npo , 4o ; Lodl , S./c ; Allen' , Oc ; lUchmond , Oc ;
Windsor , G c ; Eddystone , O o ; Pacifie , O c.
PKINTS Pink nnd Robes Hichmond , CJ c ,
Allen , Co ; Riverpolnt , 5Ko ; .Steel River ,
Okc ; Richmond , O' c ; Pacirtc , 0 > c.
PJIINTS Indigo blueSt.Ledgar,53 < iJ\Va8h ;
ington , OJ o ; American , ( Vifc ; Arnold , OJ c ;
Arnold Cenlury , flc ; Windsor Gold Tk't ,
10) ) 0 ; Arnold B , lOJ c ; Arnold A , 12c ; Ar
nold Gold Seal. IC o ; Yellow Seal , lO o ;
Amunaa , 12c. Prints , solid colorRAtlaulicOc ;
Slater , Oc ; Berliu oil , C o ; Garner oil , 0@7c ;
SiiniTiNo , CHECKS Caledonia X , > c ;
Caledonia XX , lOV c ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , 9c ;
Granite. O c ; Crawford checks , 8c ; Haw
River plaids , 5J o.
SHEETINO , BitowN Atlantio A , 4-4 , 7o ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlanlio D , 4 4. 6 fc ; At-
laalio P. 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Oc ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4fc ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , OJfc ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4 , 5c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ; Law
rence LL , 4-4 , 5c ; Old Dominion , 4-4. ti c\ \
Popperell R , 4-4 , OKc ; Pepperell E , 40-inch ,
Pepporell l , 8-4 , 17 > c ; Pepperell. 9-4 ,
20c : Pepperoll. 10-4 , 22c ; Olica C , 4-4 ,
Wachuseits , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora - ,
rora B. 4-1 , < J c.
SHEETINO , BLKACUED Ellcrton , 7 o ;
Housekeeper , 8J c ; Now Candidate , 8/Jc / ;
Berkeley cambric. No. CO , flc ; You Bet , 4-4 ,
0o ; butter clolli. OO , 4)ic ) ; Cabot , 7 } o ;
Farwcll , half bleached , b } e ; Fruit of Loom ,
83fc ; Greene G , Oc ; Hope , 7 } < c ; King Phil
lip cambric , lOc ; Lonsdalo cambric , lOc ;
Lonsdalc , SJ o ; Nexv York mills , lOo ; Pep
perell , 42 in , lOc ; Pepporell , 40 in , lie ; Pep
peroll , 0-4 , 14Xc ; Pepperoll , 8-4 , 20o : Pep
perell , 9-4 , 22c ; Popperell , 10-4 , 24o ; Canton.
4-4 , 8&c ; Canton , 4-4 , O c ; Triumph , Oc ;
Womsutta , lie ; Valley , Be.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 c ; International
Y , 8c : Shotuckct , S , 8 > io ; Warren , No. 870 ,
lOc ; Berwick , BA , ISc ; Acme , JUo ; York ,
80 In , 12 c ; York. 32 in , 18Ko ; Swift River ,
8c ; ThorndlkeOO , 8 cThorndlkoEF. ; 8 0 ;
Thorndiko 120. 0 > fc ; Thorndiko XX , 15c ;
Cordis No. 5 , 0 > < o ; Cordis No. 4 ,
ami Chemicals.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , 2J o ; citric ,
per Ib. , Me ; oxalic , per Ib. , He ; tarlaric ,
powdered , per Ib. , 43o ; carbolic , 38@45c.
ALUM Per Ib. , 2o.
AMMONIA Garb , perlb. . lljijc.
AiiiiownooT Per Ib. , l(5c. (
BALSAM Copaiba , per Ib. , C5o ; tolu , 52@
55c. .
BOHAX Rcflnod , per Ib. , 0 ; < c.
CitRAM TAIITAII Pure , per Ib. , 30c.
EXTHACT LOGWOOD Uulk , per Ib. ,
GUM AKAIIIO 50i < I05o.
GLTCKIIINB Bulk , per Ib. , 21c.
GUM Assafcetida , per Ib. , He ; camphor ,
per Ib. , 87c ; opium , per Ib. , $3.35.
JOPINK Resubllmated , per oz. , $3.C5.
LIJAVES Buchu , short , 'per ' Hi , 13c ; senna ,
Alex.-per to , 25@33c. ,
Moiii'tiiA Sulpli , per'bzJ $2.60.
MEIIUUIIY 74o. ' " '
POTJ an Bromide , poVJtJi , 37o ; Iodine , per
to. $2.85. " ' - '
QUINIA Sulph , per ft , 2S@10c.
SEEDS Canary , per Ib , 4J e
SOAI'S Castile , mottled.1 per to , 6@10c ;
castllo , white , per to , lawtfcc.
Si'iitiTS NITHB Sweot.'irtr ' to , 80o. "
STUYCIINIA Crystoiaj $1.DO@1.15. CINCHONA pfcr"nz. .
TAPIOCA Per to , flc. ( ' {
TONOA BEANS $1.75. ,
OILS Bergamot , $2,45 ; Wintergreen ,
$2.15 ; Malaga , 85c ; linseed , , raw , G2o ; boiled ,
CALOMEL Am. , per to , 600.
CASTOII OIL $1.24. : r a )
CUDKII BcuitiES-tl.50.ji ,
CASSIA HUPS Per to , 17o.
CIILOKOFOIIM Per to , 80c.
CouiiosiVB SCHLIMATE Per to , 80o.
BLOCK TIN Eng. ref'g , small pig , 2So ;
bar. SUo.
n PlauialioJ boiler sizes , 80o ; cold
rolled , 2Uc ; sheathing , 25o ; plus , 2tto ; flats ,
OC *
count , 60 per cent.
PATENT PLAJI IIEII IiioN No. 24 to 27 , A
quality , per Ib , 10' jo ; No. 24 to 27 , H qualIty -
Ity , OKc. For loss than bundle ad a } o
per Ib.
SHEET IKON No. 20 , $140 ; No. 27 , $3.51.
SOLDEK Hoyt Metal Co.'s half-and-half ,
In 1-lb cases , per Ib , Ida ; commercial half-
and-half , 15o ; No. 1 , In bars , 14c ,
TIN PLATE ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 ,
225 sheeU. M.50 ; IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $8.25 ;
1C , 12xl'J , 225 ihoets , $0.50 ; IX , 12x12 , 2ir.
BheeU , $ S.25 ; 1C , 14x 0. 112 shucti , $ U.50 ; IX ,
HxUJ , 112 BhwU , 3.ii5 ; 1XX , 14xSO , 112
sheets , $10.00 ; 1XXX , .14x20. 113 sheets
$11.7fi : 1C , 2x28. 112 sheets. $ iarK ) ; 2x23 ,
112 shoots , $17.00 ; 1XX. 2x23 , 112 sheet *
CoKE-IC , 10xU , 223 sheets , $ aOO ? 1C ,
H SO , 113 sheets , fO 00 ; 1C , 10x20 , 223 sheets'
WOFINO ( Host Charcoal ) 20x23 , $9.75 ®
STERI. NAILS Base , $2.15 ; steel wire nulls ,
base , $2,00. _
liiiinlicr nml
Matnrlal , f. o. b. Omaha.
STOCK U < AIIDS A 12 Inch , B. 1 R 14 and 111
feet , $40.00 ; U 12 Incfl , R. 1 . 12 , 14 and 10
feet , $11.00 ; O 12 Inch , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 1(1 (
feet , $30.00 ; D 12 inch , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10
feet , $23.00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 In. . I s. 12 tcct ,
$18.00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in , s. 1 s. 14 and 10 feet ,
817.50@18.50 : No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 B. 10 , 18
nnd 20 feet , $10.50 ; No. 3 Com. 13 In. s. 1 s
14 nnd 10 foot , $10.50.
white pine partition. $1(2.00 ( ; 2nd Com. jtf In.
whltotilno partition , $27.00 ; clear Sjf In. yel
low plno coillntr , $20.00 ; clear ? < f In. Norway ,
$14.50 ; 2nd Com. % In. Norway , $13.00.
BoAiins No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10
ft , $10.00 ; No. 3 Com. s. 1 s. 12 , II nnd 10 ft. ,
$10.50 ; No. n Com. B. 1 R. 12 , 14 and 10 ft , ,
S14.GO ; No. 4 Com. s. 1 s. 12. 14 nnd 10 ft , ,
( ship's cull ) , $11.00. Add 50 cents per M. ft ,
for rouRh.
Bolts , 3)V ) Inch , COc ; O. G. Halts , X3. SIS ,
35c ; 3-lti. well tublnjr , D. & M , and bov. ,
$22.00 ; pickets , D. & H. , Hat , $20.00 ; pickets ,
D. & H. square , 310.00.
13 ft 14 ft. 10 ft , 18 ft , 20 ft. 33 ft , 24 ft.
2x4. . . .15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 1RCX )
2x0. . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00
2x8. . . .15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00
2x10. . . 15.00 15 W 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.110 10.00
2x12. . .15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00
4x4-8x810.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 1S.OO 10.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 & 14'ft , rough , 10 OOffllO 50
Fo. 1 , " " 10 " 17.00@17.50
No. 3. ' " 13 & 1 " 13.50pl4.00
No. 2 , " " 10 " 15.00iblO.)0 ( ( )
FiNisiiiNfl Island 3d clear , 1' Inch , s 2 s ,
$40.00(3)51.00 ( ) ; 1st nnd 2d clear , lk and 31nch ,
8 3 s , 47.00@50.00 : ad clear , l } ( Inch , s 3 ,
$43.00iB40.008d ; clear , li ) mid 2 inch , s 2 s ,
$43.00(340.00 ( ; B select , 1 ; , \ } and 2 Inch , s
2 s , 37.00@3S.OO ; 1st and 3d clear. 1 Inch , s 3
s , $45.00M ; cleor , 1 Inch , 82 s , $ . ' 10.00 ; A - select
lect , 1 inch , s 3 s , 33.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 2
, $30.00.
FLOCKING 1st com 0 Inch white plno.
$34.00 ; 2d com 0 Inch whlto pine , $31.00 : 3d
com 0 inch white uino , $20 00 ; D com 0 inch
white pine , $20.00 ; com 4 and 0 inch yohow
pine , $1G.OJ : Star 4 inch yellow pine , $17.00 ;
1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 nnd 0 Inch ,
Poi'i.Aii LUMIICII Clear Poplar box bils , K
In s 2s , $3r ) 00 ; clear poplar * jf in panel ,
$30.00 ; clear poplar ? n panel , $23.00 ; clear
poplar in panel clock wide , s 2 s , $28.00 ,
clear poplar corrufealed ceiling , % , $30.00.
POSTS While cedur , 0 inch halves , 12j ;
while cedar , GJ Inch halves and 8 Inch q'rs ,
lie ; whlto cedar 4 Inch round , lOo ; Tennes
see red cedar , split , lOu ; sjillt oak ( white ) ,
8c ; sawed oak , ISc.
SiiiNii.i : , LATH , per M. XX clear , $3.20 ;
extra * A * , $2.80 ; standard A , $2.00 ; G inch ,
clear , ? 1.GO@1.70 ; Oinch , clear ; $1.70@1.SO :
No. 1 , $1.10@1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington terrilory , $ .1.40 ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $4."iO ;
c 'prcss , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ;
lath , $2.40.
Sinn LAP No. 1 plain , 8 and 18 inch$17.50 ;
No. 2. plain , Sand 10 inch , 515.50 ; No. 1 , O.
G. , $18.00.
SIDING 1st Coin. , nnd 10 feet , $22.00 ; 2nd
com. , and 10 feet , $19.00 ; 3d com and 10 feet ,
$15.00 ; fence , com. , and 10 feet. $13.00.
LIMU , ETC. Quincy white lime ( best ) , 80c ;
English and German Portland cement , S3.-I5 ;
Milwaukee and Louisville , $1.30 ; Michigan
plaster , $3.25 ; Fort Dod c plaster , ? 2.10 ; Blue
Ranld plaster. $1.00 ; hair , 20c ; sash , ( Super
ct d s ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 per ct dis ;
tarred felt , per cwt , $1.90 ; straw board , $1.50.
I.lst of letters rcmnlnliij ! uncalled f or In Uio rest
ofllca fur tliu week cmlln July I'.i , ! Si9.
Nolo l'nrtli'8 callliiK fur tltcso Iclters mil plcnfo
fay "AUvcrtl cil , " giving the ( Into nt the hem ! of Iho
ll. t , und Inquire for same nt the Imllcs' delivery
To avoid mistake ! ) liarc your mail nddrcssccl to
your elrcct and number.
KmoryJ T ElyOG Kastmnn E C
Youoc 0
AMen vrs v 3 Alqiiln H Anderson Mrs A
Amionon It AruiMroriR MM M 11 Ii
nutko K npomvrs J lloftfle Mrs R I.
llcclh A lifullctts I ! liyerJ
Ilcnson M Hers A HniiitnnO
11 rooks KO HrtcoMrsS llllW | > lier Mr J
HlnhopMra li llorrnnirti * M Iliirlian.inJ
llorhvlincr A llmwn J
Hnrnn I. UruwnMrsM lllako > ir Klt
Connell M Clnrk Mrs 8 t , Clsrk IIM
Carxm HO Cnry M1J3S Utility
Carl hey Mrs I. J
IVIroncI. A Unlln II DcaraH It
Dem-ring J
KneloMrsj It ICarly Mrs II Union MrsKIi
K'rickBon MM it
Pcnln M Fries ! < Knwccll A
Kmtlcr M A Fiidcn I. Frsk'cr nl s M
Knrrell A
OlllnnMrs JT finnMrom 1 > ( UnnnniMrs M K
UlTcnDirsM ( JrcoiuirsM B Unillck Nr O J
H. .
IlnrtlSI , llnrrliiRlon N K Hull A
llnnsonJ llnlnln H llclrtlilC
lledgoKV llnllanl H llpnrlck cii Mrs 11
Hunt Mrs J K llnllA llnnuierA
llocnn Mrs K Holmes < lr * 1)11 llaucr Mrs K
llaluortll Ilogiui M
Iirel it I.J.
John on T Jensen I > Jnmcs U
Jones K
Mnrtin Mrs K JUIrlicll Mrs 8 A Mltcncll li
.Xloltor nrj 0 Mull , Mnlicr.Mrs
n-.n ! ills R Mortis Mrs 1).M Jlurpliy.N
MnrKlnncT Mrs E McClaln Mln McKono M
Mcllently V
Nnc I , n Nobbs vm J Ncllion V
Melton K T
Olson A
Peterson > l Peterson M IMrkorO
Peterson O PvlvrmmJA I'nlllviii nm vr II
Piltchiml nirs > l 2 Petrle mrs C K s mra A
I'aynu nirs 1 ,
Young mrs ( I Y.z.
Zan nirs 7. Xcntncr Ii
Cl ) Warner J 1 ! Wilson J T. Hopkins
t'A bboop a W llhli-y
Snntn Ilonncn niln\llloyiBliiicliirlorailieiltf ; An-
tonl Ulgtollil.Sli : Anluiil ( iltitollil.
MisrKl.rNWUP. .
Bknnilinnrlskn Knunrcnint Koinnniil , Cnnc llnrkxfe ,
WitshliiKt'm I.'incl A. Imp Co , ' ( Inner * Union. Hull
Lumber Vnitl I'o , I'riok A llrntlirrp , t-nnur Hros tt
l\i , Houniiui A CrU ! IV'IJ hculli toiii. UrlHco Dunn A.
Co.H.l I'rup House , Wnrncr llrown A. Uo J , N
TJ UC.SivcclXTonn.
O. V. OA1.I.AO1IKII , I' . M.
i rovisioiis i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
505 Southluth SJrcct , - Omulin
_ Issued by
Cities , CoiintlcB , School Dlitric.sValcr Com
panies , &c. We arc In the market for the
purchase of round amounts of such bonds.
Correspondence solicited.
N. W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
115-117 Monroe Btroot , CHICAGO.
06 Devonshlrn Ktre t < POSTON ,
Boots and Shoos.
Successors to Heed , Jones & Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
Agents lor Iloaton Rubber fhoe Co. , lira. HUInnd I10J
llarncy gtrcet , Onialm.Nebraska.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IWl North KlKlitrenth trvot.Oinahn , N'ch.
Mannftctarers ofGalyanizefl Iron Cornice
\VllnJow-cnpnntiiI mrUlloikyllEliM , .lolin Kpunt'Kr ,
lironnctor. U8and llUbouihlOlh Btreot.
Paper Boxos.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
No .LIITond 181B Douglas ilrcct , OmnbsNeb.
Sash , Deere , Eto.
Wliolcialo rniDiifaeliirers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
llrancli offlco , 12Hi amd linrd HicoH , Omaha , Net ) .
Mannfacturers of Sarti , Doors , Blinds , nnl Interior linril wood Unlsli.
North ICih striiet , Uciuho. Nob.
_ , _ _ _ _ _ . _ _
Pipes and Engines
Bttam , water , rsllnav and mining siipplln , eta. and VU Fnroiini slract , Oinsha.
Steam and Water SoDDlles ,
IlalllJaj fitud mills , 913 and VXI Jones St. , Omaha.
U. F. Uoss.ActlDK Manager.
Eniincs , Boilers and General Macninery ,
Blient-lron wori , stenm pumps , saw mills. 12IJ-1J15
l-cntenwortU streetOmaba.
iron orka.
Wrotnt and Cast Iron Building Work
Knfrlnci , brass work , general foundry , marhlne and
blacksmith work , onicennd norks , V , P , Ity.
nnd Ittb street , Omaba.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railings
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults , lall work. Iron shutters and flro tiap s.
U , Andrcen. prop'r. Corner ina and Jackson its.
Of MOiaba , laniitefl ,
I t U # . N mpl O m OIljB.
Dealorin Agricultural Implements , Wagons
Carriages nnd buttles. Jpntu street. belnccn Mb and
H'lli , oni aim , Nebrsrkn ,
LiyixGKri & M EI CALF co. ,
Ajrlcnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages
, Ho. Wholesale. Oiniiha. Nebraska.
Wholesale Drains In
Agricnlt'l ' implements , Wagons Onzfifa
Nli mi , W5 and 107 Jonci tired , Omalia.
MnnufnclurcrK nnd job' orsIn
Wagons , Buggies Rake ? , Flotfs , Etc.
for. fill and 1'nclllo streets , Omaha.
Artists' Mntorlnla.
A. HObPK , Jr. ,
Artists'Materials ' , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 liouiilnsiilraet , Oinahn , Ncbraakn ,
Boots nnd Shoos.
irTV. MOUSE .t co. ' ,
Jobbers of Boots and Slioes ,
1101,1103,1U Douglas street , Omnhrt. Manufactory1 ! ' .
bummer street , Duilon ,
Coal , Coke and Lima.
Jollcrs of Hard enl Sjft Coal ,
100 Buutli 13th. Mr.ot , Ciua'ia. Nebraska.
NEintASKA VUKl , CO. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
311 South ISth si. , Omnlm , Not ) .
. Wholesale Lnmlicr , Etc ,
Imported nnd Aimrlcnn rnrllitn I cement. Elat-
tigcnl lor liliwrtiikco lijilriiu lc < o.i.e.u nml
( julmy nlilto liu.u.
C11AS It , l.UK ,
DjalcrinBarflwcrdLnmliBp ,
Wood curpet * nml piiKiiicllhHir.n ; . ' . Hli niul Douglas-
OMAHA LUMunn co. ,
AllMsofBiiiluiiigMatcrialatWlioIcsalc :
Iflli Btr.-cli > n I UiiUmt'uclnuliiU'k.OiunVin.
Dalor : in Liiinlier , Latli , Lime , Sash ,
Douis , I'.tc. VnMs-Cornrr Till HIM ) Piuglas. On'.co-
. Corner Kill rrul Duiiulm.
FKE1) . W. Git AY.
Lnmlic1 Limp Ceinciil ElcEc {
, , , , , ,
Corner 'Jtii n.d : luuiln ) { > l , OainliK.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
ll-tli nml Callfoiiilu klrcits.Oiunlin , .V
Noton a
OllKliFK.DKll .t CO. ,
IIK 111) ) ami 21V Suiuli lull Mruil.
J. T. RQlllXktOX KO'JION CO. ,
3lBsale Notions and FiiiMisliini fioofls ,
1121 lluruoy Struct , Omaha.
Stor e ant Ciininission Marc'iau's ,
Bpoilalllos-lliitlcr , rezt , clio o. ( umliry , un
1112 lluirr.r.l slri'ct , Uninlin , Ni-K
Dry Cooclo ' ntui Kotlonp.
DryfioolFiMislin ? , : fiodi ] and Notions. .
1103 und Blii' , cor. lltli ilrc-cl , Umulin.Nob.
KlLPA'J'll I CK-KOCH Dfil * GOOfl.S CO. ,
Importers & Jokers ; u Dry ( rioils , Noiians
Ucat'a furiilililnK KixuK c'oriur lllli nnd llurnur
Blrccla.Oiii.ll'ii , Noor.xika.
, TnO ) I PSOH A CO. ,
Importers job ! cm < i (
and Tailors' ' T1 minings ,
' . . "
31'boi.tli Kill trect.
H'jjr , V
Wholesale Daleps : in Furniture ,
Kaniiim stiuut , Ouialin. Kubnuku *
Furniture , r )
Onmha , I
Crooorloa , t CO. ,
Wlioles3lB Groceries anil Proyisiois ,
7UJ , ; U7. 70) ) and 711 Houtli IQlli cl. , Omulin , Nub.
McCORD , lUlA DY & CO. , 1
Wliotoale GrocBrs , 1J
IStli nudlxiaxonntirllialrciU , O.ualiH , Nobrtska , J
Hardware. ,
ir. j.
Hcyy Hiritware , Iron and Steel ,
, \tng < m utiick , Imnlw.irij , luiubvr , cto , 1209
ami 1:11 llninor nret. Omnlm.
He yy Hu ware , Iron and Steel ,
Eprlnn , wnKOn "hick , Imrdwuri , lumbar , cto. 1SO (
anil 1211 llnrnejr flreot , Omabn. _ _ _
Wholesa'e Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Mctnls , tlieet Iron , etc. AKrnti for Hnwo acaloi ,
Mlurul pumlcruml l.ynmn Imrbvd wlro.
BnildCKi1 Hardware and Scale Repair Saop
Mechanics' tool and HulTiilo scales , 1105 Douglas
Btrcet. Omuha , Kub.
_ Toyu , Etc.
Jobbers of
Dolls Albums Fancy Good ?
Toys , , , uutauorttu'r ,
, ' , 1101
Ilouio lurnlililnit tioods clillclrrn's rarrlUKUi
runiHia ttrtot , Uranhit , Neb.
Wbolesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle grc to , etc. , Ornshu. A. H , Illitiop , Manager ,
Pa por.
Wholesale Paper Dsilers ,
C rrr a nice stock of prlntlnir. Trr rplD ani writing
paper. Bpeclul altouilou glveuu card papor. _ ,
Capital . $400.000
Surplus .Inn , 1st , 1880 . 52,900
OFl'lOEUH AND 1)11112010113.
yATiis. President.
. Iti'.cii , Vine 1'roAldent ,
A. I ! . Toity.Ai.tN ,
W , V. MOIIHI : ,
J , N. H. rXTIDCK ,
W. M. 8. llucifiwn , Caahltr ,
Cor. 12tli unil KnriiHiu Bin.
A Uunxrul IluuxluK ilii liKni Traui > arttAl.
1 "u" ' " t'U U iiokura
" WuiuUuv. .f'f " .KBtBiiiiiitiB. uutauorttu' ! *