THE OMASA DAILY BBS : SATURDAY JUJuY 20 , 1885) . TilE RID WAS IN THE BOX , Omaha's Phenomenal Pltohor Wins Another Gamo. THE WARRIORS MOWED DOWN , fllonjt City Narrowly Encnpcs n Shut out nt tlio JlnndH of b'oolo' * J'cts Standing of the Clubs. fitnmllntj of the Clttu < i. Following Is tbo standing of the Western association clubs , up to and including yes terday's games : Pla. Omtihn 03 St. Paul 03 Sioux City OJ Minneapolis. . . Cl Denver OJ DCS Moincs.X ( ) St. Joseph 59 Milwaukee 03 Oinalin 8 , Hloux City 1. Sioux CITT. July 19. The Corn Iluskcrs failed to hit Nichols , but otherwise played a magnificent gamo. Flannagan pitched his third consecutive game to-day , the other pitchers being crippled. Score : BIOU.X cirr , OMAHA. r. b. o. n. r r. n , o. s. a dine , rf. . . U u I ii ( K' J 1 I ) 0 U HrnMtnn,2l > . . , .0 143 0 Cle e.lMuMti..J 2 .1 2 U rowell. II V U 1U 1 ( ' trnu.'V rr I 1 .1 U ( I ( U U I U 1 Crook * . 21) z 2 2 II 1 Urmllor. 3b. . . 1 Wulili , U 1U11 llnrlccn.ei 0 1 u 1 AndrewsII.0 4 & U U ( 'rotlr , o 0 U 3 1 0 Nnule.c. . . .11 1 It I U Jorno , If 0 II ,1 U tiCnniivan.if U U U U U r'tnnnunn , p..0 U I 'I UUInrk.p 0 1 I 1 U Totals 1 42IU 3 | Totall 61388 83 Jiri.VNI.M13. cuouxcitr. . . . . . . . 0000000-1 0 0 0 0 3 0 8 HUJ1HAHY. K.nrnort riinn Sioux I'ltjr 1. Oraalin 6. Two-base hllK UurkiM , Clureland 2 , Anttrotr * . Thrce-bunu bits Crooks. Huso * utolen yioui Cltr 2 , Umahn 3. Double pl r Cleveland to Crooks , l-irst base on balli-Slotir Cltr 1 , ( Imnbn 3. Struck out-Ur ! lanna * can, I'anseil bnlls-Crotty 2. Wild iilten s FlaniiHRanZ. Time of n nie 1-.4U. Umpire ilcDcruiotU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Denver H , St. JOHOI > | I O. ST. Josni'H , Mo. , July 19. Denver fell on Crowcll in the third Inning for six hits , wlilcli won them the gamo. The came was full of bii30 hits and errors. Flood was sub stituted in the fourth inning for St. Joe aud pitched woll. Score : HT.JOSEI'lt. DKXVKIl r. ll. n. n. r. h o. a. CartwrUtU,31).l u 1 1 1 Diilrmnli- , 3h..l 1 72 OurtKI ? I U 1 1 ( I McUlpllnn. : . ' ! > . .2 1 S 2 1 Ardncr.L'li U X 1 .1 U 'I'rcnilwnjr. rf..l : l 0 II U ilrtJiirr. 95 S 3 1 II O.Unwo , It ) I 1 1U 0 0 Krlcir , It ) 1 2 11 I I While , 1 1 2 0 llotnlW , CC..O 2 1 II U U 2 1 U 0 Hlit'llhiKse , C..I 1 H U 1 l.'olnn. c U 1 & 2 U Knell , rr II I U U IMirnbrouKh.p 11 21 Crowall. | 0 U ( I U Huguii , p I 1 3 U U Flood , ] ) U 1 U U Totals . 8 1227 l Totals C 12 SI 0 ( , 11V 1N.VIVI13. Bt. Joieph. .1010002 1 1-n Hcnrer . . . . , .0 1 5 0 U 0 2 0 8 . lliinn enrnexl Denver 4 , St. Joseph 1. Two-base bits llono , Wlilte , bllch , Anlner. Krelp. Struck out lly DiirrjIirniiKli ; CroMi'MII , Kland S. liases on bulls lly DnrnbroiiKli 6 , C'owoll I , Kloml 1. Jinublo pliir Me- ( Jarr to.\nlner to Krclu. i-tnlcn bnies McClellan , Dolan , .MeOnrr , Knell , Parsed balls Dolan I. Time 2 hours. Umpire llrloUy. Des jMolnos 7. St. I'aul S. DES MOINBS , July 19. Errors on tbo part of the visitors and Hunching of hits by the locals in the sixth , gave the game to DCS Moinns to-day. Score : Dta HIOIVKS. l ST. i-Aur. . r.b. o. no. r. Ii. a. o. ration. If 1 1 1 ullnnrpvlb U 1 2 U Kluiiimn,2t > . . . . ( l 1 & X I Murphy , cf. . . .0 II D 1 Wliltvloy. CI..U U .1 U uMtolllv , . ! ! ) u u : i u runncll..lli. . . .U 0 I ! B 0Wcrrlrk,2b..O , 0 Trnllley. If 2 1 1 1 U Ciirroll , if I 8 u I Hmltli. lb 1 U 8 1 U.Miller , us I ) I . < l Coil/.o 1 1 : i : i 1 Italy. II II 1 MHuiillnr.s.l 114 lljtriiiiuhtoii.t ! . . . ! U o i .Hurt , p 1 121 U.Miiln. , p u 2 3 I Totnls. .7 0 27 13 21 Totals 2 7 27 11 7 11 v ixsusns. Pen Molnca. , .0200 1 4 U 0 0 7 St. t'uul .a 0 U 0 1 0 U 1 It3 HU > IMAHV. Huns eirned DCS Molnen : l. Two b : se hits Hurt. Umies. Three buso lilln Ualjr. lla a stolen 1'at- ton 2Carroll 2. Double pliirs Maeullar to KlUHiuan to Hinltli , Main * \Verrlck to llunus , Werrlck , to llawus to .Miller. llHsei on bulls Hr Hurl 2 , by Mains 0. llaaos Klrcii for lilttlni ; nuui .wltli ball Ujr Mains ) . Struekout Jtlalns 2. I'asacd balls- . . . . . . Wlul pitch M.illu. Umpire Hurst. Time 1 hour , ; ii minutes. . AlinnonpollH 7 , MllwuukROl. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , July 19. Minneapo lis again defeated Milwaukee to-day in ono of the most exciting contests of the season. Score : BtlMMAUV. , | a Huns earned Minneapolis G , Mlliraukai 1. Two- base hlU Urlschel , Mliinotrm. Home runs Jant- zon.Mlnnelian , Morrinsey. lUtes stolen lly.lifls- choll' . Double pla > s Miller to Mlniiclian llunrubun to llenKloaU ) Mlnnebnn , Juntzon to Mlmichan. liases on ball -llr Knouf 2. lilt by ritrhor-Shocli. htmek out lly Mltcbfll n , by Knouf 2. raiiscUballs Mills. Left on buses Mlnnuiipolli li , JIHwiuikeu 7. Time 1 bournuUlUiulnutei. Cuiplru Clarke. OTIiKH GAMliS. The Nntionnl L HOSTOX , July 19. Kosult of to-dny' Chicago . 1 0002801 * 1 Boston . a 00120000 0 Hasn hits Chicago 13 , Boston 7. Errors- Chicago 4 , Boston S. Batterins Chicago , Toner and Farrell ; Boston , Undbouruo and Bennett. Umpire Powers. NKW YOUK , July 10. Result of to-day's Ramo : NowYork.4 0 1 ' 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 S indian'iu.i ' i o u n a o o o o u a Uaso hlta Indianapolis 12 , New York 11. Errors Indlunapolii 2 , New Yorlc 7 , Bat teries Now Yorlt , Cruno and Kwing ; In- dlanaDolis , Qutzuln and Bucldoy. Uuipiro McQuald. _ "WASHINGTON , July 10. After playing four innings lu the rain the umpire called the 'Washington-Cleveland gnmo with the score etundini ; Clovulmul 0 , Washington 0. PniLArir.i.i'iiiA , July 10. The Philadelphia- .PlttHburg . gnmo was postponed on account of wet croundH , _ _ Ainntcur ( iniues. f UTICA , Neb. , July 10. [ Special to Tun Ben. ] The game of ball botwoeu Utica und Scward , ulaycd on thu lattor's ground this afternoon , was won by the Utlca boys by u score of 7 to C > . Utlua so fur has not lost u came thU season , and has played some good ones , * _ Auiiuun , Nob. , July 10. JSpoclulTelegraui to Tun Bun. ] In a game of busu mil at the ball park to-day between the Auburn und l ulls City clubs Auburn won oy a score of 8 to 0. Another game will bo played hero to-morrow by the same ulubs. KBAIINBT , Neb. , Julv 19 , ( Special Tele gram to Tin : BEE , | To-day the Grand Is- laud team played with thu lionm team on the nssoclatiou grounda hero , this being iho last in a series of guinea for iho statu champion. chip. Grand Island won to-day , the score landing 5 to 4. As Kearney wan two games uhoad before ' this , the championship remains nt homo. lUAiiioun , Neb. . July 19. [ Special Tole- grum to TUB UHK. | Tlio Lixfuyettea , a col- orcd nine from Omaha , played the Madison club hem to-day. The ronull was n victory for thu visitors by a score of 29 to 12. i * OIIAIIIION , Nob.Juiy 19 , [ Special Tole. rratn to Tim line. ! Thu second game bo- twcon ChqdroD and O'Neill to-day resulted lu a victory for Chudrou by a score of IS to 7 , ilnrcoliaok Ulaillntur * . Thcro will be u tort of a revival of the old Olyuiulun games In the horol-sok wrestle 1'Ctwcorl Prof. Lloyd and Major Knston nl the Coliseum this ovonlng. 'i'hoso twc athletes nro well known as the chnmploi horseback wrestlers of the country , If not ol the world , and their match this oven. Ing will bo ono of the most thrilling specta cles over seen In the Coliseum. The match it for (150 a sldo , nnd Is for blood , as Prof , Lloyd has already beaten Kaston In a match Homo months since nt St. Louis , nnd by n piece of foul work , to Knsten claims , and ho avows his Intention of squaring up matters. The mon , arrayed in tights , nro mounted on steeds matched ns to size , and at A idgnal from the rofcrco they dash furiously nt each other , and endeavor to throw or pull their adversaries off their horses. Grrcco-Koman nnd catch-as-catch-cnn are the styles permis sible , nnd nil the dangerous locks nnd holds go. Often both men nro struggling for su premacy on the back of ono horse , whllo the other runs wildly about the arena , and nlto- gethor It Is a thrilling nnd exciting spectacle. Both men , Lloydjind Hasten , are splendid sDecimens of the physical man. Knston Is n model nll-round athlete , nnd In wrestltnghns but few supcrlqgp , llo Is backed In the pres ent match by n well-known Kansas City sporting man. Prof. Frank Lloyd li the horseback cham pion wrestler of the world , and has a long list of victories to his credit. Ho is n won derful horseman , nnd says he has a "clucti" on Knstcu. Tlio men nro both In fine condition , nnd the match will bo a stubbornly fought ono. Cricket Tills Afternoon. There will bo a cricket match played this afternoon at the fair grounds between the Omaha Cricket club and an cloven captained by Wallace Broatchi Mr. B rout oh bus suc ceeded In getting together a good eleven , sonio notable players from Chicago nnd St. Paul boin. " nmnng them. The Omaha chlb will bo compelled to put forth their best licks Lo maintain their supremacy. The game will begin at 3 o'clock sharp. IN NEW YOIIK. Ills Mother Lying at tlio Point of Dentil. New YOIIK , July 19.-- John L. Sullivan njf Ivcd at the Pennsylvania depot nt Jersey City by the united express at 3 o'clock to- inulit. Thcro wore two friends with him , nnd tho.v got him into a carriage and across Lho Cortlandt street ferry. Sullivan wits intoxicated. The fnct of Sullivan's presence In the city loon became noised about and nil of the Icadlnc sports started in search of rum , but fallod to lind him , Mike Sullivan , John L.'s brother , who has boon stopping at the Vnn- dorollt hotel for the post we ok , liud intended to lenvo for Bos ton last night , but the news of Ills brother's intended arrival in Now York [ ircvcnted him , nnd ho spent the night In n fruitless search for John. Young Suffivan was very anxious to see his brother and tuKo ilm home at onco. Ho said : "My mother nt present lies between llfu nnd death , and heretofore wo have kept this nformatlon from him , but now it is abso- utoly necessary that ho should como homo at onro. " A largo party of friends aud admirers of Sullivan waited ut the Vanderbilt hotel un- .11 midnight , valnlv hoping that ho .might irrivo , nnd planning the reception to bo riven him at the hotel. Piiil Lynch , one of ils friends , missed the train that Sullivan irrived on und looked for him for several lours , but was unable to ilnd him , nnd at midnight suid that Sullivan und Johnson would probably remain quiet until it Wus definitely understood whether Sullivan vould ba delivered to the .Mississippi nu- hontics on a requisition or not. Later-It transpires that Sullivan was lu the A'nndcrhilt while many of his friends wcro scouring the town , for him. Hu says he will go totBoston to-uiorrow. A few intimates were admitted to hit room. To n reporter hat was shown in Sullivan explained that 10 wauled him to state that ho was sober. md he incidentally said ho bad not been drunk in Chicaco. iititcticll SKltm NEW YOUK , July 19. An Item appears this evening to the effect that Churllo Mitchell , vith Mike Donovan , has skipped to Canada rather than run the risk of arrest in this city , vhora he has few frleuda among sporting lien -who would help him in a pinch. Ho de cided to cross over into her majesty's domin- on. When Mitchell arrived from the west on Monday , ho went , in company with Frank Stevenson , it is said , to the law ofllco of 3eter Mitchell. The two were soon closeted vith the lawyer , and in the conversation that allowed Mitchell's fours of arrest were ully stated. On Tuesday ho kept well under cover awaiting developments. The irrival of Detective Norris with requisitions rom Governor Lowry , of Mississippi , in creased Mitchell's fear , and un'othor secret -iait was paid to his counsel. When it was earned beyond a doubt thnt Norris was bent upon arresting the trainer of Kilrain , and .hat . the New York pollen were assisting him , Mitchell's fears were undisguised. Ho saw n prospect a long term of imprisonment in a trange country , and skipped. in K SPKKO Brighton IJcnch Races. BIUOIITON Bmcii , July 19 , Summary of o-day's races : Three-quarters of a mile Ueclaro won In :17 : , Prince Howard second , King William bird. Three-quarters of it milo Guosnl ivon in 1:10 : , Ddlcsinuu second , Long Jack third. Ono mile Toatruu won In 1 M2J < i Kudiirer second , King Crab third. Ono und an eighth miles Brian Boru won n l:57Ki 'J'tti Booker second , I-eloeos third. Ono mile Brotizomnrto won in 1:4' : % Pericles second , Theora third. Park Itnnea. CHICAGO , July 19. At Washington Park o-day the track was heavy , There was an attendance of U,00d. , Silmmary : Five-eighths of a mile" Fonso won , Cecil B bccond , Ircno II third : Timo1:07K. : . Five-eighths of n mlle Scrra won , Mt. -.cbauon second , Fluuibcau third. Time 1OS. : Three-quarters of n mile Cutulpa won , ilavillah second , Spinnetto third. Time 1:20. : Throe-quarters ot u mile- Florence E won , Carus second , Hudru third. Tir&o 1:31. : 1:31.Dearborn Dearborn handicap , mila and an eighth fllndoocraft won , Castaway second , Gany- mudo third. Time 2:0- : ' . Milo heals Dud won both heats , Leidor- trnnz second in each , and Arundol third in the lust heat. Time 1 :50 : and 1 .49 } * , MI13 and one-sixteenth Los Angclo * won , ? uccn of Trumus second , Harry Glunn third. Time 1:554-5. : Th ii Kmmlnir It ST. P.VUL , Minn. , July 19 , [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Uui : . ] St. Puul U to have two running meetings this ynar. The summer noetmg begins next Tuesday , and the Twin Jity Joi'koy club this afternoon signed n oon- ruct with the State Fair association for u 'all meotlni , ' , to begin September 0. Interrupt oil Bv V'looils. PCOIIIA , 111 , , July 10. The July races hero veto abruptly terminated to-day by u Hood , vhlflh washed tbo park fern-en nnd debris rom the bridges down on the truck. It will require tlii'un weeks to repair thu damage. Tlio Knulisti Tnrj ; LONPOX , July 19. Kandown park races , ullpsa stakes. 10,000 sovereigns , mile and u iimrter Ayrshire won , Kldorado second. Seclusion third. United With thoK. ofU CHICAGO , July 19. The crx'ecutlvo board of the Knights of Lubor Uilry granted a char or to the Ship Calkora' nUU Caruentars" Notional Trade assembly , thus ( Mining about U.OOO members. Thu disputes pf .ho . carpenters' assembly wore uonyldcrod at length , nnd the board finally rccom- nendod tliu union of thu Knights of Labor carpenters with the "United Carpenters' council. " Thnv suggest that tno two ele ments bo under the control of nn advUory committee to ba mndo up equally from each body. Xm > Climiiploti Co.nt. Cutter. CHICAGO , Jinx iu. At to-day' session of ; ho National Tallow onventlon Mr. James Voale , of Dooatiir , ill. , . „ „ awarded first irivi m the ojnt cutting contei. A Double Domostlo Sensation ot the Nebraska Capital. THE LONQ PINE CHAUTAUQUA. A Successful Assembly Meeting In I'rogrcs * nt Thnt 1'Jnoo A Col lision nt York Other Nebraska Nctvfl. A Disgraceful I'nrnllcl. LINCOLN , Nob. , July 10. | Special Tele gram to THE HUB. ] There Is a double sensa tion In Lincoln to-night "of n very singular aud unusual character , The homos of two Iowa railroad men have boon despoiled and broken up , and the seducers in both oases arc the uncles of the husbands and both families Included n little boy nnd a httlo girl. Doth those husbands wcro In Lincoln to-day looking for their wives nnd children. One , a Mr. Stanford , of MarshoKown , la. , tolls the story that ho and his wlfo Magglo have lived together In the happiest state , and uoth wcro proud of the little folks who had como to bless their homo. Lost winter his undo cnmo on a visit , and almost immediately began to apply his seductive wiles to break up the homo. The husband , though uneducated , was nn fool , and on ono or two occasions had words with the villain , which once resulted In blows nnd the driving of the uncle from the houso. Last week ho loft town , promising to stay away la the i u- Lu re , but the sequel shows thnt his poison Itad did its work nnd tlio happy homo was on the verge of bcine broken up. The other day the wlfo made ready to visit some Kau nas relatives , but , before leaving , came to her husband , crying and kissing , him fer vently , telling him to bo careful of him self and not get hurt until her re turn. The little savings ot $ SO she wanted to divide with him , but ho snld no. As she had always kept the money she should keep this. Ho went about bin work , but the neighbors told him of their suspicions of nn olopomcnt. Ho looked and all of her effects wore gone. Ho vislted'tho depot and two boxes of household goods had been shipped by J. Wilson , the uncle , to A. M. ford , Lincoln , Nob. Ho telegraphed to the Kansas people ana learned that his wife was not thoro. Ho Lincoln , but has not yet found the erring pair , though they have been seen together. The other case is exactly parallel , except Lhat he has secured the little girl and irivcn her to a family , whcro she will bo woll.takon caroof. For her sake , however , neither bor name nor the name of the Iowa homo is given. Iionc IMno's Assembly. Loxo Pixis , Neb. , July 19. ( Special Tele gram to Tim UEK. | The assembly workers nnd teachers have boon organizing nnd ar ranging their classes nil day , and the fact that there are a great many attending the classes gives It the appearance of a success ful result. The work began in earnest this morning , leading out with an excellent ad dress to the class In theology from Dr. E. IVIcCllshoa on the subject of "Miracles , " which was very much appreciated by the class , fur they always like to hoar the doctor talk. During the foro- loon ilioro wcro also classes in botany , po- science , geology , and the Chuutauqua formal union , and all promise good results. Mrs. C. M. Woodward , state organizer of the W. C. T. U. , Is hero and doing as good and effective work , as she generally has the liulillcatlous of doing. At 11 a. in. Kov. E. A. Whitman , A. M. , of Madison , Neb. , do- Ivercd a lecture , his subject being "Nature's Answer to -Evolutionist und Materialist , " uul the subject was well studied and do- .ivurcd , but was a little dry to a great many icoplo on account of a great many technical terms necessary tobo used. At 3 o'clock Kov. T. 15.-'L'amur , D. U. , of Omalui , was to deliver a lecture , but bo did not arrive , so his place wax supplied by liov. L. N. liorry , of Fremont. Ho took for ils subject , "Advertising , " which was a , reat to all who heard it , on account , of the lovelty and iho wit and humor that perme ated the whole discourse , in the evening Hon. J. L Nesbitt , of North Platte , delivered a very forcible and instructive lecture , his subject being "Tho Grip of the Nations. " ' A Collision nt York. Yoiii ; , Nob. , July 19. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEE.J The west bound passenger train and au cast bound freight , with engines No. J2 and ' . . ' 27 , collided ut this place at 3 o'clock to-day on the H. & M. railroad. The freight engine was considerably disfigured , but is able to run , whllo the passenger engmels Jcidly damaged and unable to stir. Eight 'might cars aru broken , three of which are : ouipiotely demolished. No one was injured. i'hu fault rests with the freight crow , who tried to do u little switching , i'lattsmoitth'H liloctricity. PLATPSMOUTII , Nob. , July 1U [ Special .0 TUB HUE. | The Opporiuan Electric Light Manufacturing company is rapidly rushing thu work on its factory , and will teen commence the manufacture of the Op- jcrman incandescent light on a large scalo. The factory is u large , two-story brick. structure , situated in Hloliio Place , near tbo present terminus of thu electric motor street r.iilway , nnd will cost $50,000 when com pleted. The Opnerman incandescent light , vis ; patented by Mr. E. L. Opperman , who 3 a thorough electrician and ono of the .argcst stockholders of the company. About ivo hundred of these lights have been con tracted for by the citizens for private use , md twenty arc lights will grace the princi pal thoroughfares of the city , Tbo company ivill manufacture the electricity for the .ights and will also supply motor power for the street railway , 'iho polesuro being rapidly placed in position for the electric lights und mot'r street railway , aud it is ex pected that everything will bo completed and ready for ouerutlon by. the middle ; of August. Several miles of new truck uro midur construction , and the city will soon tiuvc n first class street railway service. A JJoyV Jlorrihla Vato. GIIAMD INLAND , NOD. , July 19. [ Special Telegram to Tins BEB , | J. V. Lamnioru. living ulno miles north of this city , saw h'is twelve-year-old son killed and bis body hdr- ' ribly mutilated so quickly that ho was unable - able to render any assistance. Ho was plow- lug In iho road , the father holding the plow nnd thu boy leading the team. The horses became frightened and run , knocking the boy down , and when the plow , which was lurlicd out of the father's hands , passed over him the sharp point struck him in tbo stumach , completely disouibowoling him. Ills Mental Condition , F.UIUIUIIV , Nob. , July 19. [ Special Telegram to Tim HKK.J A board of physi cians appointed by Judge Morns went to llio homo of Jpscph Nichol to-day aud made an examination ot his physical condition. Nichol souio tiino ago sued tbo Grand Island mllroud for $30,000 for IUiged injuries. Those appointed are Doctors Irving ; of Hastings. Conrad , of Crete , Paddock , of Wilbur , Hart , of Lincoln , and Dodge , of i-'ulrdury , , Drowned at David City. DAVIU CIT * . Nob. , July 19. ( Special to PJIK HUE. ] About ouo-half mlle east of the city Is a small etroam which composes the lead waters of the Dig llluo river. Lost evening sevonal of the boys and young men vent there to batho. Ono of them , William Murphy , one of the tinost young mon In the city , was drowned by making an effort to cross. Ttio body was found after repeated search about 'J o'clock this morning , A Ilurtflur's Poor HUOCCVH. ttiWNuc Car , Nob. , July 19 , [ Special to Tun llKE.J The grocery store of J. tStor - rcmeler was burglarized last night. The hlef entered through the cellar by cutting a lolo in the door und unhooking the latch. In breaking open the money drawer hu found 15 cents , and In leaving ho left n good hntchot The * toro84 mdoublnono , and the Great Vn. rlety occuptpfcJmlf of it , The sum of $1.0i was takort from iho Variety. . Do A tli ofa Cnttt County Citizen. PtATTsWwwi , Nob. , July 10. ( Special to TUB UKihld-C ! . j. Horning , ono of the old- 01 1 and &styr63poctod residents of thle county , dlifl thls homo , three miles south of town , las nlght , Whllo sitting in a chair Tuesday morning , having Just finished hla brcukfiiAt , he was suddenly seized by n stroke of DaralysliJ f rpm which ho did not r'ecovcr , although cociciousucss prevailed until Ins death. r _ Otoe Cu.'rfty Teachers' Institute. K iyiTY , Neb. , July 19. [ Special to TUB HifB.rhQOtoo County Teachers' Institute closed a two weeks' session at Syracuse - racuso to-night with n concert , social nnd a gcnoraV Rood timo. There was a grand parade in the ovonlno ; In which about one hundred anil fifty school teachers partici pated. The institute was ono of tbo most successful and protUablo over hold In thli county. . _ \Vestek-n Nolrnslcn Camp Meeting. ICiuuxlir , Nob. , "July 19. [ Specjal Tele gram to Tun BUB , j The Western Nebraska Camp Mooting association commenced Its ten days sorfos of meetings at the lake last night. Sixty wedge tents nnd a largo pavillton tent deck the hlllsldo overlooking the lake and country > U'lio attoiulnuoo has been , good , nnd a number of prominent divines from abroad are hero. Minus ivTIimnb. ALBION , Nob. , July 19. [ Special Telegram to Tun UBC. ] While D. J' . Gates was en gaged In breaking a colt to-day ho mot with painful accident. In holding the colt ho had wrapped the halter strap nround his thumb , and the colt pulled back , tearing the flesh completely from the bone. Dr. Smith imputated what was loft'of the thumb and Mr. Gates Is doing as well Us could bo ex pected. _ A Dntl Blacksmith. NKnitASKA CITT , Nob. , July ly. [ Special to Tun BSE. ] A blacksmith named Clary onme here sometime ago and persuaded ono ) f our bucluess men to erect a largo shop. Ho then borrowed some money nnd ordered a lot of tools from Omaha. Yesterday ho llsnppearod , leaving his family behind , and his creditors in the lurch. Thrown Prom a Cultivator nnd Killrd KKXNAHD , Nob. , July 19. [ Special Tele gram to Tns UEB. ] Whllo the seventeen- vear-old sou. of Thomas Wright was coming lorao from the field tits team tooit fright and ran uway , throwing him off the cultivator , lilhug him instantly , Ho was found by his little brother between 4 and 5 o'clock. * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Hluhwnrinan Kollncl. BKATaicn , Nob. , July 19. | Special Tolo- jram to THE BEE. ] Jninoa Smith , a stock auyer , wasstopped by a highwayman at Bear > cok last night. Smith pulled his pistol , jut the fellow llod and got out of sight in the brush. Ho' said ho would BOO Smith again. A Hcatrlq'jterohant AHsaultod. BBATIIICE , lieb-c Julv 19. ( Special Tele gram to TUB BKKJ } Walter Scott , a leading merchant , wasTtp aultcd in his stable last night by tiomo'sbpilndrol whllo putting up his horse. Scott Wept back to his house for a pistol , but tholaksallant had disappeared. AVater HonilH Carried. TUKAMAII , § etu July 19. [ Special Tele gram to TiiBytliijB.l Iho special election held to-day to aiototon the proposition of is suing water Udnds resulted in favor of thu bonds by a rno'J&rity of 157. . . r \ , lUVVA NKWS. vy- _ - Four Denthn in Two Days. WATEHLOO , I3ay. July 19. [ Special Tele- cram to Tun 'BKn.J Four persons have been killed liv iisiylcinity since yesterday morning. ( Jpliu np.oa colored man , was tilled by .tno cars 'on the Burlington , Cedar Hapids & Northern- , railroad a few miles south of hero. Mrs. 'Francis Seuffort was sunstruck whllo in the field in Barclay township , this county , yesterday afternoon , md died soon afterwards. About the sumo ) Imo a stranger who was working in the lelds about eighteen miles southwest of the city was fatally sunstruck. Tnis afternoon Arthur Brown , a six-year-old boy , was billed near this city by the caving in of a gravel pit. An Elevator Iturned. DBS MOI.NES , la.- , July * 19. [ Special Tolo- ; rnm to TUB BEU.J A flro at Dysart , in Tama counfv , this morning destroyed Li- quin's grain elevator with contents. Loss on luilding , machinery and grain , $10,000 ; in surance , 1,500. A V let i in of tint Hear. KitmnKCK , la. , July 19. | Special Telegram .o THE BEE. ] Yesterday afternoon a Gor man boy named Albert White , whllo shock- ng grain on the farm of Henry Closson , six niles south of this place , was overcomeby the heat and died instantly. The Colored Jnil Breakers. NEW SHAHON , la. , July 10. [ Special Tulo- ; ram to Tins BKR.J The two colored jail ircaUcrs of Oskaloosa wcro captured hero yesterday about 8 p. m. , while sheltering in a box car standing on a side track. Cherokoc'H Opera House Destroyed. CiiEKOKB'ii.-la. , July 19 [ Special Telegram x ) Tun BEE. ] Wednesday afternoon the opera house and other adjoining buildings at this place wcro ' burned. Loss , 50,500 ; in surance , $700 ! THIS M-ISSINO AKitONAUr. A Keller That lib is Hiding to Create a SmiHntlon. JACKSON , Mich. , July 19. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The people of Jackson are deeply Interested in iho fate of Prof. tlogan , the aeronaut , who started out Tucs- lay in Now York In Campbell's air ship. Opinion Is largely divided as to his fato. t Many think 'lie has gene down in the ocean , whllo others are of the opinion that ho is in ildlng somewhere for the purpose of crcat- ng a sensation nnd securing advertising , still others bchuvo ' Jilm safe , and that 10 will turn \ up all right in a ipw'y , , days. Jlogan is xnowti to bo a man Vf iron nerves , and no matter in what predicament ho finds. himself , never loses hU self-control. Ho was deeply nterestcd lu this hlr ship , nnd before leuv- ng Jackson cxpmssod the utmost conlldonco n its success , yesterday afternoon Mrs , iloguu received t alisjutch from Campbell as 'allows : ( * - if . "Huvo heard frifujjjlogan. lie Is all right md may bo hcro pHlfiy. Whan I hoar fur ther particulars iyilliwlro quick. " Late last , ufxh/jdiro. Hogini had heard nothing fyj-tliei-.j syo Is nearly prostrated with fear and anxiety , but still hopes. Tlio Irish EdltoWtrlnus the Cliartro of Slander AcnliiHt tlio Tory Uliluf. LONDON- , July VjtiTlio trial of the action of William O'Brlon against Lord Salisbury or slander began ( .oay. 'O'Brien testified hat ho never iucltAl to murder or robbing dither upon the platform or in his paper , United Ireland. Ho never advocated crime. Counsel for Lord Salisbury cross-examined O'Hrion and niuiod . .to show that the wit ness * editorials and Bpeecties juatlllod Salls- iury'8 language. V Sugar Corner loured. Nuw YOIIK , July 19. The belief thnt the vast quantities of refined sugar that have icon piled up in the city storage warehouse along the Brooklyn water front during the est two years have boon corralled n vlovv of a squeeze by the nanagors of the sugar trust , has bund many supporter * in financial circles. ) n the stock oxchangu the opinion prevails hat tho. trust lias been engineering u cornur u sugar , and that era long the pricu of the refined urtlclo will bo sent up | IUo a sky rocket. LECIT11IE ON HIS LAST LEGS Hlppolyto Bntronohod Within nMllc of Port-uu-Prluco. A PANIC SEIZES THE CITY , Ponrs of ntoody Work Cause tlio Unllrd States NavnlI'oroo to JL'rcjmro n > r Action A Ilrltlflh Threat , An Oinltioud Outlook. YOIIK , July 10. The Times corre spondent writes from Port-au-Prince , July 7 , ns follows : Port-au-Prlnco , within the last few days has boon In a stnto bordering on frenzy. Hlppolyto 1ms assnultcil the oxtrcmo outworks. He is bo I up held In chcolc at the present writing. Lcgltlmo Is Impressing Into the ranks every man capable of carrying a rifle. The minister of war has executed some prisoners with his own hands , Hlp polyto Is burning farm houses and villages In tbo very sight of the city. All foreigners have been threatened with extermination , but the United Suites navnl force on hand U preparing to take the city if nocctsnry. The Koarsnrgo and Osslppoo are In Rood shelling positions. All the Runs are ready for firing. A system of signals has been established with the American consul ate and the moment the danger ( lag is ex hibited picked Infantry companies from the Koarinrgo nnd Ossippeo will Jump for the boats. The captain of the Urltlsh cruiser declares that It ono Englishman Is touched ho xvlll open every pun in Ills batteries. Hlppolyto's nearest position Is within al most n mlle of the city. Ills rumored his lorco numbers 10,000 men. It Is now a ques tion of but a few days before the end u at hand. I'ort-au-Prmco knows It , nnd men. women and children are preparing to die with Lcgltlmo. The recline against the foreigners Is ono of bitter hatred , and It needs but a spark to turn the whole nntlvo population Into a frenzied mob. Admiral Uhorordl considers himself able to protect every Amer ican resident. The present state of affairs Is the out com o of nn aggressive movement made by Hlppo lyto on Juno 80. Ho throw a body of men into a position distant flvo miles from Logi- timc's works. At once great excitement prevailed lu Port-nu-Prlnce , and the conster nation became so cencral that had Hippoljto then pushed ahead 'ho would have met with comparatively little resistance. His advaucc , which was made in the early morning , was hcrnlucd to the city by boncon llres burning from hill top to hill top , together with , the general tir ing of signal nnd alarm guns , followed by tlio beating of drums and the sounding of bugles. Women und children rushed out in the night air , screaming with fright. Dnv- llght finally broke and revealed the city in a condition bordering on a panic. All day long the uproar continued , Hippolyte still refraining. As night gradually came on , confidence was in part restored and fewer troops were to bo found back In the city. Toward evening the greater part of the transportable property had been gotten out of the city , nnd as night advanced strange nnd pitiful scones wore presented by the crowds of women nnd children hud dled together in the small plain west or the city. Hero they remained the entire night , the children clinging to tlielr mothers and all sending up a cry which sounded on the night air liku a great wall. During the early part of the second night and aeain toward the approach of the fol lowing morning , volleys of musketry could bo heard in the direction of the front. The morning revealed Hippolyto's position within nearly a mile of one of the outposts. His position is now still nearer the city. On tho-1th inst. Lcgltimo succeeding in getting most of the pcoplo back into the city , alonic with their effects. On the afternoon of the 4th Hippolytc mndo another snow of attack , and as ho advanced toward the city , burned several houses to terrify the be- siegedi The advanced works of Lcgltlmo opened llro on the head of Hippolyte's columns , which was joined in Dy the puns of Lepitimo's vessels. A determined show of resistance stopped any further advunco on the part of the northern leader , and with ttie exception of securing a better vantage ground , no marked change was noted. At 5 p. in. on the 5th Hlppolyto threw out an extended skirmish line , supported by strong infantry columns. The forts immed iately opened with great vigor , and all along the line Dcffz's infautr.v commenced a rat tling fire. The resistance was apparently too strong , nnd Hlppolyto recalled his troops to the rear of the Intrenchmcnts. On the Oth all was quiet. To-day dcsultorv firing occurred along thn lines , but no ad vance was made. Hippolytc is now in force almost wlihln a mile of the town. The nco- Die of Port-au-Prineo seem to have little confidence in Lugitimo.but they stick to him , believing it must bo either success for Logitiino or death for them. ALTON NOT hOLiD. Vice President Talks About the Itnilroad Situation. NEW YORK , July 19. Speaking of the ru mored sale of the Chicago & Alton , VIce President McMullan said last night that all the rumors wore absolutely groundless. "It's all tno work of Cnlcago inventors , " ho de clared. "We have not sold nnd wo don't in tend tp soil. As for the proposed railway trust among the northwestern lines , I think it would bo the " best possible arrangement for settling tho"difficulty , but It will prob ably never bo effected. A trust of all the farmers in the country will happen before tnat comes. " "Will the Alton restore passenger rates between Chicago and Denver ! " "Wo will very willingly when the provoca tion which caused us to make the .reduction Is taken away. Wo haven't yet announced wo will definitely do so. It is the name with the restoration of freight rates from the Missouri river , and as forttfu latter I don't think our rate nn live stock so low coi- rcspondlngly astho tariff of lines east of Chicago to Now York. " A Joint Circular. NEW YOHK , July 19. Tlio joint committee of the trunk lines and the Central Trafllc as sociation Issued a circular to-day that on August 1 rates upon nil grain and the pro ducts of grains classified as sixth class , with the solo exception of unground corn , will bo restored to a basis of 25 cents from Chicago to Now York. The rate on unground corn to bo continued on tlio basis of 80 cents until otherwise agreed. . * r Tito Kiilllon Unto. CHICAGO , July 19. Chairman Walker , of the Inter-Stato Commerce Hallway associa tion , to-day rendered a decision in regard to the adjustment of rates on bullion and ere from Colorado points to the Missouri river. Ho advises the restoration of the bullion rate to $3 per ton , und decides thnt with such a basis in uffect the ere rate should bo f5 per ton. Must lluii'iiuc Hatoi. CITY , July lit The Missouri state board of railroad commissioners has decided that all railroads In the state must reduce. rates on grain. 1(1 ( per cent on llvo stock und 25 per cent on ami. The now rate is ordered to go Into effect as soon us tlio railroads can publish the now tariff sheets , Unto IleHtnratiim I'oHtpontd. NEW YOIIK , July 19. Commissioner Ulan- chard , of the Central Trafllo association , said yesterday that the restoration of grain rates had been postponed from July 23 to August 1. This U duo to the fact that go many of tlio rouds gave notice of cuts after the Jiultlmaru i Ohio difficulty had been adjusted. anil Hankers Confer. NEW YOUK , July 19. A conference of rail road presidents and bankers was hold to-day , It Is understood tbo question discussed was the boycott on the Chicago & Alton railroad. No conclusion was reached. A nis Mill Hurnoil. ALPHA. Mich. , July 19. The large mill of W. L. & II. D. Churchill was struck by lightning this morning and burned to the ground ; loss , $10,000. ! ! nv THE An Agotl Ijatly Meets With n Proton- My I'ntnl Accident. An nocidont thnt will probably terminate fatally occurred at Thirteenth nnd Capitol avenue last evening. About 1 o'clock Mrs. Morccr , n lady of seventy- four years , started across Thirteenth street and hurriedly passed In front of a street car. As she passed by the car she was struck down by the horses attached to an express wngon on the other sldo. A The horse * trampled her under foot , and the wheels of the heavy wagon passed over hor. She was picked up quickly , her hip shattered , loft arm brouon In two places and the bones horribly splintered , nnd driven to her homo nt 209 North Tenth street. Hlood poured from her mouth nnd nose arid her acony win al most unbearable. Dr. 'llnlph thought she could not live twenty-four hours. A year ago she suffered n similar nccldont , nnd was confined to' ' her bed three months In cense quence. The driver's name Is Uro , nnd the old lady exonerated him from blame , saying the thing was purely accidental. Himton ItcMlcnn the Ghnlrmniifllilji. INDIAVAVOMS , July 19. At n called meet. Ing of the state central republican committee - too to-night , James N. HiiBton , treasurer of the United States , presented his resignation of the chairmanship. Hon. Lewis T. Mich- snor , gtnto attorney general , was unani mously chosen to the vacancy. Mrs. hogim Uncle l < * rom Kuropo. BwYonic , July 19. Mrs. General John A. Logan arrived from ISuropo to-day nud loft for YouuRstown , O. The Correct 8 nlioro of Woman. Says Mnrioti Harlnml : "I would guard ono point jenlouslr. Kightly Illlcd , there is enough in tlio sphere of wife , housokcopor , mid mother to satisfy any woiimn , wlmtovor lunybo her aspir ations. OI all forms of whining eontl- uiuntality I 1m vo least patience with the cry for a higher mission than that ' of homo-'iniihihfr and child-rearing. As the sum of over thirty years' observa tion of this form of Intellectual unrest nnd the perusal of hundreds of letters from malcontents 1 assort , without fear of contradiction , that the unfortunates who raise the lamentations are , in the proportion of a thousand to ono , those who are the least lit to take the lowest seat in the woman's kingdom. " Mntlu Her n Hermit , A woman who claims York as her homo , but who refuses to reveal her name , is creating a , sensation in Upper Lancaster county by her hermit life In the woody retreats near Falmouth , whore she occupies three caves in ono of the wildest and least frequented spots iii this boctiou , says the Philadelphia Times. She is suupnsod to bo a relig ious fanatic , and hundreds of people have ventured into her forest homo to oxumino her romantic habitation. Her cave is divided into three compart ments. The llrst is three feet wide , eight feet long and six feet high. In the rear of this is a second cave eight feet long , eight foot wide anil seven feet high , in which she prepares hoi- food gathered by long foraging in the neighborhood. Back of this is a third cave nine feet high , six foot wide and ten foot long , in which is a rude bed of loaves and an olu blanket to protect her ' .rom the cold. A florflo-ltncini ; lnchr * a. The lady who owns nni rears horses under the name of ' 'Mr. Manton" the merry duehesa who is irreverently known at Nowmarkot as "Hob" even the dowager duchcba of Montrose , cave her evidence in the Chotwynd-Durlmin turf scandal on Sunday , savs u London letter to the Philadelphia Bulletin. Thrice married , this Inst tiino to a imiu almost young enough to be a grandson , the duchess has long been a puzzle to students of women und the source of their power over men. She is not liaSd- some ( I can remember when she was , though ) , she is old , and her tastes are distinctly masculine. She is wealthy , it is true , but moat of her wealth cfuiio to her on the death of Mr. Sterling Crawford , her second husband. Wherein'then , lies the attraction:1 I felt that I had divined some of it on Saturday when the somewhat 1111 wieldly lady began to give her testimony. She has a delightful voice aim a style of sneaking which , added to a finished elocution , is full of charm. Stnrz & lior's liner. StorIlor's Vienna export bottle beer for family use. Ucor delivered to any part of the oitv. Telephone 171. a he nntliinu-Mank Fail. A now wrinkle that broke out this week is for ladies to wear masks in the water , says a Santa Cruz letter to the San Francisco Post. The masks are either black or white , and made ot chamois skin. It is exasperating to the spectators to see the fair bather , witli a liguro lilco Venus , trip along the sand witn mask on nnd no way of finding out who who is. It is currently remarked that the masks are worn as n protection to the comploxionsand not , from a seneo of prudish modesty. Some of the wicked , it is said , have started pools on the esplanade , the bets being us to the identity of the maskers ; b'Jt this is be coming unsafe , as it in hard to unravel the secret of who is below the masks. The gangers are chewing gum and bathing tickets. A bather with a lnuid- boino figure is so closely masked that her identity has not , yet been revealed , and the curious are on tlus ragged odgu of anxiety to know who she is , but they can't lind out. Women as h\vliniinrH. The women who Bwim well , and their number Increases every season , lind it ono of tlio most difllcult things to learn in the whole round of athletics , and ability in this line represents a great deal of hard work and persistent en deavor , nays the Now York World. Nothing but the most tremendous ear nestness of intention and long and per sistent practice over enables a woman to throw a ball , for the reason of the length of her clavicle , which makes it extremely dilllciilt for her to use her arm in the way required. And so in swimming ; Her head being heavier for her si/.o and her lungs smaller than tlioso of a man , her con stant tendency in the water with every Htrolio la to pitch forward on her head. The shape of her body alfeo increases this tondmicy , and the .smaller sl/.e ( if her lungs gives her much IOHH buoy ancy. All these she lias to overcome before she canloaru , to boa Hwiiiiinor , and a girl who is a good one clcsorvos a good deal of credit. Po ltlTo1y Cured lij theio Little I'llls. Tlioy also relleTo Dis ITTLE tress from nyipepsla. Indigestion and Hearty I'-atlcg. - / feet remedy l' > v J > i i nose , NauseaDroivsl , CadTa toln thcl Tain in the Side , TOJi PID LIVER , &e. Thor reguUto the Boweli j ad prnront Constlpavlon and I'llei. Th raallpjit and eaileat to take. Oolj one pill i done. 40 in a rial , rurtly Vegetable. IS cent * . CARTER MEDIOIKE CO.PwVi , K YoiV Vitality nnd Vlpor nro quickly clvon to every tuirt of the body by Hood's Sarsnparllla That tired feeling ! < entirely orerroino , the blond U vnriltod , enrichwl und vluilr.iMl , the Btomncli i. tout-it nntlstroiiKthunvd. thanppetllo restored the Icltlnoys nnd liver Invigorated , the lirnln rofroi'liod. the ivliolcsvstumbuilt up. Try Hood'n Snrnnimrllla now. Hoocl'BSarsapnrlllnHioldby druggists Prepared byC. I. llooilrt Co. , Ixwoll , Mas * . DRS. BETTS & BETTS 1103 FAiiNAM STHKRT , OMAHA. NIB. ( Opposite 1'uxtou Hotel. ) Ofilco hours , 0 . m , fb S p. m. Sundajs , 10 a. m. to I p. m. ypeUUUu in chronic , NervoiiB Skin and Illood IM'Sca'-es. J tyConsnltntlon at olllce or by mml frc . Medicines Mint l > y mull or o.xpnwn , securely pnrkoil , frcu from obHurvntlon ( Junnmtei's to curp nulrlcly , snfoly ami purnmiitmtly. ritniT s mt. HDlMmiTQ ITV Spermutorrhir-a , rlbllYUUu UbDlLlll nnl l.os3 s.NlBlit llmla lion ? . I'liyslcnl llfcny. urltlng from ImUncra tlon , KXCCHS or Indulgence , prodnrliiii Sleepless ness. Despondency , l > linp'e < on the face , aver sion to society , easily nlscournced. Inct of conll donco , dull , unlit rnrHturi.voclmslnvs * , mid tlnils life n burden. Snfuly , permanently Mid pri vately curud. Consult lira. Delta & Belts , HW ( Knrnmn St. . Omaha , Neb. Blood and Skin Diseases results , completolv crinllcated wltliout tlio aid ofMcrciuy. Scrofula , Krystpiilas. Kover Sores , lllotclies. Vlcers , 1'Aini In tlio Head und Ilonos , Syphilitic Sere Throat , Mouth nml TOIIKIK * . C.i- tiirrh , oto. , permanently cured Mliero othori have failed. lirtnOTT Tfl'lllQUT nml Ulnildor Com plu mts , aMuYUlllld'y ' IMInful. Dilllciilt , too fro' ' qnont llnrnliiRor Illooily t'nnw. Urine high col- nreil or with milky sediment on itnmllni ; , Weak Back. Monnrrliii'a , fleet , Cystitis. otn , Promptly nnd Pafoly Cuied , Clmrecs Itoiisona- STRICTUllS ! SS ciero. : moval coniplot * , without cutting , cniwtlc or aillation. Cures oITcctecl at homu by pntlont v tthout n momontH pain or aunoyunce. To Yonnf Men anH MiflillG-AsciI ; Men , finP fFIDP 1 < lle nwrnl oirects of curly A UUnfj Ulltlt VIco. which unnRi organic weakneai. ( both mind and body , \Uth all Its dreaded tils , pertnnneiillvciirud. MDrritmn Adross UIOHU who have impaired DDllU thcmielvei by Improper liulnl- ceiu-es and Bolltary ImblLs , wlilch rulu both body and mind. uiilUtliig them lor biuiueia , itudy or marring' . M AiiuiKi ) JlKN. or thosiB entering on that Imp pylifo. aware of physical debility , quickly &a fisted. OUR SDC'CKSS. 18 based upon facts , flr t Practical Kxpe rlcnci ! . Second KvarycaiulM ospeclally tudleo > thus starting aright. ThirdJlo'Uclnos nro pro , pared In our labatory exactly to suit each case , thus atlectliiK euros wltliout Injury tdS Se. ! ! ! ! licenti post&so for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and DullL'.Uo Illsuasei. TliousiiudH cnr 1. JiS A filendly letter or cull may save you future siiircrlni : nud xluinio. nnd add goldmi year * to ] ir . CyNo letters an swered unless iiccompanlod by 1 cents lu stamps. Address or call on ' UK * . nE'ETS A KliTTS , 14US I'aruam Street Ujnuha. Neb. Over 14 Millions Sold in this Country alone. The Best Fitting and Best Wearing Corset Ever Made. SOLD EVERYWHERE. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAI. 1'ARIS RXPOSITION 1S7S. Nos. 303-4O4-I7O- . BHH MOST PERFECT OP PENS. JUST RECEIVED , 100 TONS. Best Boston Twine und % . Also luivo Ilulf-iiiid hulf , - nnd - , mul , CLEAR SISAL , AT LOWEST WHOLHOALH pnicos. 3EO. B. CARPENTER & CO. , * OZ 10 iOH H. Wutur Ht. , Vlileimo. -tm-L I'1 ' * " "U'IUHT U n.L.,4 , bn.u i nZ&l " r U..MII . mullM J" " ' " ' * f f r < Wr M ( ori cU. mfttaiuiatojfcty