Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1889, Image 1

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* S
South Dnkota'0 Convention Trans-
Dote Lots of Business.
Ilcnry 1'nyno Arrive * * In lllsninrolc to
Counnol With the Itciiutillcnits
The Prohibition und Hl li
Grttlnii n Hnstlo on Itself.
.Sioux FAI.M , S.D. , July 19. [ Special Tel-
Agrnm to TIIM Bnu.J Should the South Da
kota constitutional convention have a few
ruoro dnyn so busy as this it wouldn't taKe
long to revise , correct nncl adopt the whole
constitution. When the roll of committees
was called about n dozen reports wore sub
mitted. These wcro largely routine , cm-
bracing a largo part of the Sioux Falls con
stitution , with only such verbal changes us
Bhould clearly be made. The federal rela
tions committee reported favorably the reso
lution asking coogress to appoint a commls-
nlon and make an appropriation for a geolog
ical and hydrographle survey of Daltota.wlth
n view especially of investigating llio extent
of tbo artesian well basin , Wore Dakota to
contlQio as n territory it is doubtful wliothcr
congress would grant the rciinost , but , with
so tunny new senators and members from
the northwest. It Is generally thought that
favorable notion will bo taken. Beneficial
results , ngnutilturall.y und mechanically , are
Of the nix reports which wore made yes
terday , five 'were tnkeu up and adopted , as
follows : On compensation of public ofll--
COTS' , on public accounts und expenditures.
on amendments und revision of the consti
tution , .on corporations other than banking
and municipal , on the bill of rights on mu
nicipal corporations.
Pending the adoption of these reports
several members mmlo a special point to
. ha vo the record show that the report ex
pressly stated that no chnngo had been
made , nnd hereafter reports of committees
will Invariably specify the chaniros , ff nny.
The committee on schedules has lost its
grip on the Australian ballot system. The
subject has boon thoroughly considered nnd
the committee to-dav rojclnded its former
action to rccommond thu adoption of the
Australian system.
The Judiciary committee reported a reso
lution Unit this convention has no authority
to allow members of the convention of 18ST >
who neglected to sign the constitution to do
sn now. The sumo committee also recom
mended tlmt n clause bo inserted formally
ncccptliij ; all lauds donated by congress.
Anxious County
Sioux FAI.I.S , Dal : . , July 19. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bcu. ] A largo number
of county oillccr.s are In the city to learn
what construction the constitutional conven
tion will place on the matter of the election
of county oHlccrs this fall. Some have hold
tlmt such elections will bo necessary , nhd not
n little uneasiness has prevailed. The com
mittee on schedule will report that no county
ofllcors , except a county judge , are to bo
elected , nnd that county commissioners after
admission shall bo empowered to appoint
clerks of court until the next-election.
County und. Township Oi-ennizition.
HIIMAIICK , N. D. , July 10. [ Special Tolo-
grnm to THIS BIB.J The constitutional con
vention passed the day in discussing the
question of county nnd township organiza
tion. The high license men are beginning to
realize that they made a mistake in intro
ducing a proposition to have the high license
question submitted to u vote nt the snine
tlmo with prohibition , find mnny high licence
won are opposed to having it embodied in
the constitution , ami would vote against
both propositions. Thus would the high
license vote .bo divided. The license men
wjll probably withdraw theirpropositionand
inako the light squarely on prohibition. A
proposed article was Introduced to-day , call
ing for the election of n state board to IIL CSS
railroads , providing that railroad property
shall bo assessed as the propoity of InUlvid-
Thu capital location question i becoming
oo.r . one of the great bones of contention. It has
r , been proposed to locate all of the
public institutions by constitutional
provisions , thus taking the question out of
the handii of tha legistnlura If this is done
the convention will also locate the capital.
An nrgmnentthat stiongthens the proposi
tion with delegates representing districts ,
now having or expecting un inuitutlon , is
fruit thnt it gives them nn opportunity of taking
llci- advantage of the Immense land grant made
llci"i by congress for the public institutions. Some
mi say they believe In locating the institutions ,
KI but fear they will displease their con
stituents , as this wus not an Issue In the cam
IK. nth paign. Another question on which the judl
clary committee is laboring is as to whether
the supreme court ahull hold all of Us ses
sions at the capital or bo migratory. It lius
been propobcd by some tohavothecourtsltat
Bismarck. Fargo and Grand Forks , holding
ono term In each place each year. This plan
is opposed by lawyers.
The Joint commission for the division of
thn territorial property between the states IH
nt work on thn books , nnd has discovered
that instead of North Dakota Imvini : received
more money out ot the general funds ( mean
ing monoj aside from the bonded debt for
public buildings ) than South Dakota , South
I Dakota bus ncalvod f22,000 more than North
Dakota. The commission can not possibly
complete Its labors in less than two or three
To add to the Interest in the political situa
tion , which Is now exciting mid intorcstlijg
in North Dakota , Henry Payne , thu Ohio
politician , arrived this morning ; and , al
though he says nothing , it Is understood that
he is here to counsel and advise with the re
publicans with regard to the upproaching
campaign The democrats will meet here
to-morrow for the purpose of crganizlng thu
democratic central committee ot North 13n-
kota. The democrats are talking seriously
of having some of the Best speakers of the
> th party come to North Dakota to Iirlp thorn
out , ami it is known that the republicans
have ulrcady made plans for similar work.
pvrcr OlympliiV Convention.
BOlf- OI.YMPIA , W. T , , July 10 , In the conven
iilna tion to-dayirmomorlal was presented from
rtcs 3xe * , ttio Olymplu board of trade praying that cor
porations should only bo formed under the
general law : that all corporations doing bus-
Ucss in the state ohould liavo u public oltluo
i ra
in-not licro ; thnt nil goods of n company Bhould be
| nm open to Inspection by the stockholders or n
aaitt legislative committee that
; railroads should
bo allowed to cross each other and bo forced to
exchange freight nnd passengers and perform
the service at a reasonable rate , out tlmt
otherwise corpoiatlons should bo treated
liberally so as to ciiL-onrago capitalists to in
vest in the state. A number of other me
morials weru presented uud some committee
Htttt reports heard. Tlio Judiciary conunlttoo re
unf. 14 ported ns an amendment that t\vo judges of
.our the supreme bench be elected for thri'oycarii ,
' ' r. two for llvo , and one for seven ; laid
over until to-morrow. The convention , In
committee of the whole , then considered
other sections of the judiciary articles ami
adopted several. It Is practically settled by
m the committee on corporations other than
municipal , that it cluUHo will be Inserted In
the constitution forbidding the grunting of
subsidies of any kind from counties or towns
to railroads or other corporations , A strong
lobby hero hu been opposing this.
Ilon't Want J'lnkrrtoiw ,
HULKS * , Mont. , July R In the conven
tion to-day , tbo committee ou Irriuatlcn re
ported favorably on Mnglnnls1 resolution to
momorulUo congress regarding the granting
of arid lands for Irrigation , etc. Burlolgh In |
troduccd n resolution providing that thn
state snail assume all county Indebtedness
existing July 1 , 1839 , loss tbo value nf public
Improvements ; referred to the committee on
finance , Lceso Introduced the following ,
which was adopted : "No armed per on nr
persons , or armed body of men , shall bo
brought Into this state for the preservation
of peace or the suppression of domestic violence
lence , except upon application of the legisla
tive nsKcmol.v or the oxccutlvo , when the
legislative assembly cannot bo convened.11
At Holso O.ty.
HOISR Cur , Idaho , July 10. In the consti
tutional convention to-day n number of com
mittee reports wcro heard. Ona recom
mending the prohibition of convict
labor outside of prisons , nnd of
children In underground work , wns
adopted , A proposition for a secret bal
lot wns defeated , ns was also the education
qualification fur voting. A resolution was
adopted that no civil or military power shall
Interfere with tbo free exercise of suffrage.
AVhtto Ilorso nnd lllnck KtiRlo Killed
nt Standtiu : Hook.
BISMAIICK , Dak. , July 10. A wild terror
izing scene wan witnessed near Standing
Hock Agency late yesterday afternoon , when
the terrific thunder storm was nt its height.
Lightning was darting hither und thither ,
striking in numoroui spots near by , and the
Indians rushed en masse , howling and
whooping , in abject fright to the shelter of
their wigwams. At lust n blinding flash of
'lljhtnlng , accompanied by n deafening chip
> f thunder , came from the heavens and
actually shook the earth. Lightning struck
i wigwam n few yards below the agency In
which wcro huddled five terrified Indians ,
instantly killing White Horse nnd Black
Englo nnd Injuring another so he will not re
cover. The other two were unconscious for
Dnkotn Knii > ht * of 1'ytliliw.
Sioux FAM.S , S D. , July 19. [ Special Tel-
ogrnm to Tun Hnu. | Tlio Dakota grand
lodge Knights of Pythias was In session last
until nftcr 2 o'clock the
night , uwulting or
der establishing the grand lodges of North
nnd South Dakota , which did not come until
this morning ifter ) the Html adjournment.
The following oftlccrs wore elected : Grand
chancellor , J. L. Edmonds , of Deadwood ;
.irrnnd vine chancellor , T. R Bnngs.of Grand
Forks , Dak. ; grand prelate , Alex Jncobson ,
of Huron , Dak. ; grand keeper of the records
and seals , Arthur C. Phillips , of Slonx Falls.
He-elected : Grand master of exchequer , F.
H. Bean , of Huron : grand master of arms ,
D. O. Hoot , of Woonsockot ; grand inner
guard , W. E. Tipton. of Armour ; grand
outergu rd , W. J. Hall , Alexandria ; su-
pr.emo represeututlvo , John Westduhl , of
One of the Elopers Arrested.
Sioux P\ir.s , S. D. , July 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : UBK. ] On telegraphic in
structions from ICatisus City Chief of Police
Donahue late last night arrested Grace Par
ker , the pretty sixteen-year-old girl who
clopod from Kansas City. She called her
self Mrs. Carleton , of Now York , but finally
when cornered admitted her real name. She
pretended to bo in a spasm all night , but is
all right to-day and closely guarded pending
the arrival of her mother. Her paramour is
about forty years old and paid to bo Fred
Farman , a traveling photographer. He wns
not at the hotel when the girl was arrested.
Jla returned shortly , however , but has kept
shndy since the arrest.
Vnnkton'f ) CciuuntVorki. .
YANKTONSo.Duk. , July 19. iSpeciul Tele-
grutn to Tun BKK.J All the necessary pur
chases of real estate for the cement works
have been closed and the contract let for n
grmlo of four miles for the extension of the
railroad track up the river to the point ,
where the plant will bo located. Work will
bo commenced nt once , und cement will bo
dclivcicd about the 1st of April next. One
hundred men will bo employed from the
start ,
I.nhorcrs Strike ( it Yiinktou.
YANIUON , So. Dak. , July 19. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bui : . ] The men working
for Contractor Sykes on the Third street
sewer trenches to the number ot about forty
struck this morning. They wore receiving
only $1.20 a day nnd demanded Sl.CO. The
men nro peaceable and it is understood they
will ho paid off and the work suspended for
some days awaiting the arrival of material.
A Dead Man Koiind.
Picuui ! , S. D , , July 10. | Special Telegram
to Tin : Bun. | Vho bund of Indians on the
reservation thirty miles below Plerro , on the
river , yesterday discovered the -body of u
mini lying dead in the road. Ho is thought
to bo the man who loft Pierre a week ugo In
a boat with n companion for Sioux City.
There are signs of murder.
Took Hat IMIson.
PicititR. S. D. , July 10 , [ Special Telegram
to Tin ; Bnr : . ] Last nlcht Mrs. C , A. Hhlno ,
the wife of a leading merchant of Pierre ,
suicided by taking rat poison. Ill-health is
said to be the cause.
Tlio Sou of n \ininus IMvliio Arrcuted
Kmilor.4u Stonlluj ; .
KANHAS CITY , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BIK. : | Henry D. Groag , son oftlio
famous Kcv. Dr. Gregir , of Dublin , Ireland ,
whoso discussions wltl < Bishop Maguire , of
the Catholic church , of 183 lo 1SS3 , gave
him a world-wido fame , was arrested hero
to-day for stealing a horse and buggy , but
claims Iii innocence. Ho wus private secretary -
rotary to General Phil Sheridan after no
came to tills country , und was then trans
ferred la the adjutant general's ofilco In
Washington as a clerk of the first claij ,
going there with Secretary of War Lin
coln. Ho remained In that place three
years , when ho was removed by
Secretary "Endlcott. Next ho held an Import
ant place on the United States revenue
steamer Chester A. Arthur. Then ho came
west nnd was u newspaper reporter In Omaha
on several papers. Havlnir worked hlmsidf
out in that line , ho drifted to Kansas City ,
where lib fell in with a notorious horse thief ,
who asked him to take Quintan's horse and
bugiy through to Hiawatha , and , It ho got a
good chunco. to sell It. Gregg drove the
horse to AtcnUon and tried to sell it lor 10 ,
but failed. He then resumed his journey
toward Hiawatha , where lie was arrested ,
Wnisky is responsible for his downfall ,
Groifg made several efforts while in Kansas
City to secure work as an jiccountnnt in the
railroad onlces , but failed. Ho held some
flrst-cluss recommendations.
Aldoriiinu McQuailo AcijuittPd.
NK\V \ YOKK , July 10. Arthur J. McQuado ,
ono of thu board of aldermen Indicted In 1SS5
for alleged bribery In connection with the
Broadway railroad franchise , was convicted
In this city and for months confined In Sing
Sing , His counsel secured a new trial and
the case was removed to Bullston for trial.
The Jury to-night rendered u verdict of "in
nocent. " Moguudo is now free. It 1s the
Jirbt acquittal in tbo famous "ooodlo cases. "
Sherman UtauriiH.
BUFFALO , July 10. WiUou H. Sherman ,
the absent member of the llrni of Sherman
Brothers & Co , , involved in the grain shortage -
ago case , returned to Buffalo to-day. He ex
presses n desire to Uo all In hla power to
straighten matters out.
Count I/eoHolnviil ) Dja-f ,
BOSTON , July W. Count Lee Sch.wab . died
nt Heati.iciil : , Mais. , tbis moriiing.
Oboyonno Oblofb Show a Disposi
tion to Favor the BllL
Swift Bird nnd Mulo-No-Heart Mnko
.Mild Speeches A Government
a Favorite Arrnyn HlniBOlf
in O | > poltlon. .
Xlirro Councils Held.
CIIBTBNNE HIVKH AaBNCT , Dak. , ( viftFort
Sully , Dale. , ) July 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Biin.lLastcvonlng three councils wcro
held nuiong the Indians to discuss the ques
tion of signing. At two of these councils the
sentiment wns fnvornblo to the hill , but nt
the most numerously attended council there
was much opposition fiom Influential chiefs ,
though it is a noticeable fnct that BO mo of
those who wcro decidedly opposed at the
public council yesterday nro not disposed to
hold out In their opposition , and the speeches
Bird nnd Llttlo-No-Hcart
mndu by Swift - -
wcro very mild In lone , and gave the idea
that they were under the conviction that it
was right. They scein to feel that the in
evitable Is coming , nnd wish to submit now
to obtain the best results. This feeling
may change from evil persuasion ,
but it is now hopeful. Reports coino
In from the councils held In camp
this afternoon that Little-No-Heart nnd
ono or two others have become reconciled to
the new condition and will sign the bill in
the morning , but do not wish to do so now ,
as they are fearful lest others bo there to
prevent them from signing.
Hump's ' band are carefully kept from any
contact with these who are supposed to be in
favor of the hill , though this chief is on
especial favorite of the government and has
been heaped with favors. He Is now chief
of the Indian police , with the rank of major ,
but ho is far from being much In favor of
any measure looking to the civilization of his
people. A special examiner of pensions
visited this agency to take his declaration
for a pension , he having served under Gen
eral Miles nt n scout. This may huvo
seine Influence with htm in bringing
into line these squaw men and half
bloods who havi ) been lukewarm in
their supportof this bill if not absolutely
opposed. They are now declaring them
selves as favorable In order to bo in a posi
tion to go with the crowd. At this writing
it Booms that the hard work being done by
these favoring the bill would bo effective
ana a larce majority of the signatures here
would be obtained.
White Swan is still out of the fold nnd is
holding his men lirin in otiposltlon. but a
disintegration in their ranks is hoped In duo
timo. If the commission hold on hard nt
this agency it is thouchr. they will bo ulti
mately successful. They have ono cleric ,
Mr. H. K. Hurrill , with Forepaugii's circus ,
obtaining the lorty signatures of the Indians
with the wild west" show now exhibiting
The total number of signatures to date is
now computed at 2S35 , names , leaving about
1XX ! ) to bo secured yet. While success ulti
mately is by no means assured , the outlook
for n successful issue to the negotiations of
the Sioux commission is brighter than ever
before since the work begun.
Wimtom Has No finv ol'n Rtrlngaiiuy
In the Mont-y Blnrkcr.
Nr.w YOUK , July 10. [ Special Telegram to
THU BEE. ] A special to the Times from
Washington says Secretary of the Treasury
U'lndom is not troubled by the published re
ports that the reserve in the Now York
banks is getting dangerously low , and that
there are no indications of a stringency in
the money market which may call for some
action by the treasury department. The
secretary said to-day that ho could see no
evidence of money huing light , from the fact
that while tlio department offered to buy
bonds at a liberal figure the offers wcro not
"If money was in demand , " ho continued ,
"bonds would not be held back as they now
are. The price wo have established is a lib
cirnl ono , and on the bonds the holders are
getting only about 3 per cent , while on the
4 > s the interest is only a trifle over 1J , yet
there is no great alacrity shown
by the holders of these bonds to
Bull them to the government and
convert them into cnsh. It is true
that the people who hold bonds are not the
people who want money , but what can I dot
\Vo dare not go to work and oiler a price far
in excess of their value , so as to induce the
people to sell their bonds to the government ,
the price wo are now paying being all that
they are worth. " Mr. Windom picked up
the dally report made by tlio treasurer of
the United States showing the disposition of
the public funds , and after .glancing nt the
figures continued : "Tho nurplm now
amounts in round figures to $ r > 'JUOO,000 , of
which , according to this report , $15,000,000 ,
Including the current balance , is in the
hands of the banks and $14,000,000 is in the
treasury. The money in the banks is about
tlio same as wtan Mr. Fairchild was secre
tary of the treasury. It IIU'H been reduced
soinouhut , but not very much , asl wanted to
bo conservative and did not care to do any
thing which might disturb trade. It is true
this amount might be Increased , but I do not
bellovo in the plan nnd should not care 10 in
crease the amount without action by con
gress ; so you sea thu great bulk of the sur
plus is in the bunks to bo used by tno people ,
and the treasury could not do very much
more unless authorised by congress. "
"Will you increase tno purchase of
sllvcri" Mr. Wlndoin was asked.
"No , " was his reply In a very cmphutio
tone. "I sco no indications of a stringent
money market , " the t > ecrelary added , "ami
the reports which roach me do not show that
it Is generally feared. Since 1 have been In
the treasury department 1 can safely say
that I have not rccived a half dozen appeals
for money or request * that the donartmeul
would liberate money. I have not heart
that the Now York banks were losing their
money , and the general Impression convoyed
to mo has been that money was plentiful. "
lit ) TlilnkH There Will lie a Good
Altoiidunoo at Milwaukee.
Mis.VEAi'OLia , July 10. Coinmnndor-ln-
Chief Warner , ot the U. A. H. , was In this
city to-day. When asked what ho thought
tha attendance at thu coming Milwaukee
encampment would bo , ho said :
"If the 1 cent rate had been carried Into
effect I think fully 103,000 members would
huvo been in attendance , which with their
wives meant 200,000. Yet 1 think there will
still be a good attendance. "
"What pension measures will be advocatet
by the encampment ! "
"I think tno dependent pension bill will be
relndorscd and 1 think the old soldiers uro
all in favor of the service pension bill. "
The commander also thinks some action
will bo taken at Milwaukee looking to the
recognition of the Sons of Veterans In such
a way that they uiav bo brought Into closer
relation with tlio U. A. it. , as the time is
rapidly coming when the Grand Army wil
expire by the statute of limitation.
Ilia Order.
KANSAS CITV , July ID. Major Warner ,
commaQder-inchlcf of the G , A. It , yester
day issued general order No. 10 , in which ho
urges all G , A. H. posts in the country to
send as largo delegations us possible to the
national encampment ut Milwaukee.
The Hoynl Grants CoinmUteo Holds
Another Fruitless Meeting" .
[ Coi'i/rlvM ISS9 l > v Jamet Oofdor ! nc n < tM
LONDON , July 10. [ Now , "YV > rk Herald
Cable Special to THB Beitl The royal
grants committee mot' attain to-day and sep
arated without getting any nearer n-solution
of cho problem before It'.than it war nt the
close of the first deliberation , It looks very
much ns it it had got into an linpawo , but ot
course aomo sort of settlement must be ar
rived nt before long , for the present utato of
affairs exerts rather too great a strnln on all
ho members to bo , kept up. Tlio stumbling
> lock remains proclcoly what it was the ro-
'usal ' of the government to consent to
glvo n positive guarantee that
10 future application for grants
hall bo tnnaa on behalf of the queen' * child
ren-outside of the family of the prince of
Wales. It must bo assumed that the minis
try would not have fought so hard on this
point if they were not "guided j > y the wishes
expressed in the very highest quarters. It is
scarcely likely that the government would
keep up sucti a contest dayfaftor day on their
own responsibility. They want to Und some
via media If they can and their proposals ad
mit of no no. If they Insist upon reporting
: o the house in favor of future prants , or re
fuse to Insert positive conditions iignlnst
them , it is very certain that a hot nnd bitter
controversy will nn o and greater feeling
will bo aroused in the country than it is at
all desirable to excite.
Labouchro handed In n report , which was
read before the committee and Inut aside
without comment. It condemned any further
? rant to a member of the royal family on
any terms , with an emphatic ho to the pres
ent application on behalf of Prince Victor
and Princess Louisa , and , by anticipation ,
to nil future applications of the sumo kind.
A rooort In committee , llko n bill in the
house , is read a first , second nnd third time ,
and the report shelved. It will , however ,
bo published , nnd no doubt , Wlll bo read with
much satisfaction by tboso who nirco with
Labouchrc. and with much disapproval by
those who do not. ' ,
The resolutions submitted Uy the govern
ment on Thursday and pocketa ! by La
bouchro wore nlso ordered , entered on the
minutes , so they also will see light as well ,
for the government must make a. virtue of
necessity , for if they had not published the
resolutions some ono else would nnvodono so
The matter now goes over to Monday. Any
thing llko a united report ticms out of the
question , und if the controversy is kept open
much longer it is quite possjblo that an ad
ditional clement of danger may bo Imported
into it. '
Ono of the chief liberal members of the
committee has received notice of n vote from
bis local organization , passed without dissen
sion , calling upon him to oppose the grant to
the Prince of Wales' children. If ho obeys
the mandate ho must de'scrt Gladstone ,
which would be very hard for him to do. If
ho docs not he may lose his scat , which
would bo harder still.
The incident serves to show what an awk
ward subject this is to' ( Veal with , and the
longer it lingers tha moi-o awkward it will
become. A respite o ; .sqrao kind may per
haps bo presented < Moiulqy. A prolonged
und acrimonious dlscussiouj mjiy'be expected.
Virtually n MUr-ml Victory.
LONDON , July 19. In'lho election to-day to
fill the parliamentary seat made vacant by
the reslcnatton of Sir Cnarles 13eresford ,
Mr. Lcvinson Gowcr , the Gladstoninn can
didate , was defeated by Boulnois , conserva
tive , by 405 votes. Uoresford's ' majority over
his homo rule opponent last tlmo was nearly
three thousand.
Ho WHB Not "JnoK the Rippr. "
LONDON , July 10. The man arrested on
suspicion nf being the Whilcchupol murderer
is not "Jack the Kipper. " The police to
night say ho is only a drunken lunatic , and
they attach no importance to his confession.
A. SeiiButloiuil hiilt Coiniunnccd
AfjuliiHl tlio Mitliotinlru Inilliu ;
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , July 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun nin. | Late last.nlght suit was
Bled in theJWyaudotte county , Kansas , cir
cuit court by Mrs. Jennie L. Shryock , of this
city , against Matthias Splltlog , the million
aire Indian railroad and land owner , In
which she alleges that on August 1 , 1888 ,
Splitlog violently and unlawfully assaulted
her , and by physical force overpoworea nnd
injured her. She say ; } that she wus in feeble
health nt the time of tbe a&snult , and it lias
rendered her an invalid. As soon us the suit
wus filed it was placed In the hands of n
deputy sheriff , who immediately wont out on
the trail of Splitlog. Splltlog was in the
city last night on business connected with
the Indian Territory railroad , in which ho
is interested. He was registered at n
hotel. In some way ho became nwnro
of the search for him mid mysteriously dis
appeared , und is thought by this tlmo to be
well on his way to tlio territory. All night
long the deputy sheriff kept up his vigil , ana
the only satisfaction ho cot was the answer :
"Splitlog went away-some time ago. "
Mrs. Shryock was married a few years ago
to Elmer Shryock. She is tin artist , and
during the illness nnd enforced Idleness ot
her husband added' to their Income by selling
her painting * . .She solicited orders in Kau
nas City , Kan. , and. there became acquainted
with Mrs. Splitlog , who gave licr u number
of orders. 'On oho occasion , while cull
ing ut the SplitloK homo , she mot
Matthias Splltlog , who seemed
greatly attracted by'her. . On August 1 ,
1683 , shortly utter this mooting she called at
tbaoSplltloi ; house to ace Mrs , Splltlog.
Matthias Splitlog responded to her summons
nt the door. Ho- Invited her up'stalrs , Mrs.
Shyoek says , stating that Mrs. Splltlog was
there. When she entf rc"U an upper room
eho nays that Splltlptf' ' locked the door ,
threatened to'kill her if slu ( made an outcry.
seized her and threw ! igrta > the floor. Mrs.
Sliyook screamed , wlicrcjipon Splltlog told
her trmk If she woud' | promise not to say
anything about It to unyouu bo would let her
go unharmed. She consulted and was re
leased. ' *
That is tlio Cnnsp'pT ? ; wo Virginia
PONT PLBASANT , VjiJuly 10. Anita nnd
Mcrium Hoggs , maideji sisters , living In Jack
son county , committed Bu'lfldo last Tuesday by
taking arseiilc. , They loft a letter , signed
jointly , saying there irusjiothlng in life for
old muiils and 'they were , tired of It. They
were in fair clrcumg.uuiuca , but had no rela
tives living.
llio iipgr Combination , "
LONDON , July ID , The syndicate of paper
manufacturers has about completed all' ar
rangements 'for the proposed combination
with u capital of 1,500,000. It is expected
the effect will bo an uavunco of 5 per cent in
Wonther Indications ,
For Nebraska Fair , warmer , variable
winds ,
For Iowa Fair , warmer , variable winds ,
becoming southerly. ' *
For Dakota Fair , warmer 'In southern
portion , cooler In urirthiveste-rn , variable
Houulor Cornell Appointed.
WASHINGTON , July 10. The president lias
appointed C'lmrlw U , Cornell of Nebraska ,
register of the land office at Valentino , Neb ,
minima ,
Queensland Bonds For An In
structor in Agriculture.
Ills Snlnry Will Ho Hovcnty-Ovo Hun *
tired nnd House Itont Free
I'minocfoto Balls for
WASHINGTON , D. C. , July 10.1
Secretary Kuslchns nt last compiled with n
request which Ills predecessor was unable to
grant , nnd 1ms named Prof , EMwurd M. Shelton -
ton , of Kansas , ns the most proper man to bo
Instructor of tha now department of ngrlcul-
turo In Queensland. The position will pay n
salary of $7,500 n year , wfth house rent , mid
In this respect la better than a cabinet minis
ter's place In this country. The Australians
have a very exulted opinion of American
methods of agriculture , and they have sent
several requests for nn Instructor through
the British representatives hero , with the
result that Mr. Shclton has nt last been
selected for the place. Ho is very highly
recommended and has bad n great deal of
practical experience , both in this country
nnd In the Orient.
Sir Julian Pauncofoto , the British minister
to this country , M ho intends to sail tomorrow
row for England , will bring his faintly buck
somewhere about the 1st of October. It is
reported hero'that Sir Julian has Instructed
his ngonts to secure for him n residence ,
which will be occupied by his family when
they do not desire to remain In tlio legation
The president has everything packed , and
accompanied by Mis. Harrison ho will icavo
to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock for
Deer Park. The Impression haa got
nbroad somehow that this stay
is to bo a long ono and that ho will not be
likely to come to Washington , unless called
hero upon very urgent business , before the
middle of August. Owing to the fact that
the impression gained ground to day that a
cabinet mooting was to bo held , there wore
.few official callers , and only ono congressman
so far is known to huvo put in an appearance
in the presidential sanctum. There was the
usual public reception this afternoon , and
quite a number of visitors said good-bye to
the president , and all wished him a pleasant
uud enjoyable vacation.
A largo number of bids were opened to
day in the olllco of the superintendent of the
treasury for supplying special furniture for
government buildings thoughout the coun
try. The bidders and bids for Iowa were :
Keokuk Conant Bros. , Toledo , O. , $3,1S5 ;
Akron Contracting nnd Cabinet company ,
$1,703 ; Thomas Kelsoll , Cincinnati , O. ,
% } , 1M. DCS Moines .John Moore & Co. ,
Syracuse , N. Y. , SJ.OrO ; A. H. Hevcll & Co. ,
Chicago , SJl.lSO. For supplying standard
furniture , the following were the bidders
nnd bids : Keokuk Akron company , ? -i,30ii.
DCS Moines Minneapolis Ofllce and School
company , 51,701. The Des Moiucs Manufac
turing and Supply company was to-day
awarded the contract for supplying the heat
ing apparatus for the public buildings ut
DCS Moines , la.
Adjutant General Koltoti has made n num
ber of changes among tLo olllcor.s of his do-
partmcnt. Mujor-'Mio'hael , V. Sheridan ,
assistant adjutant general , the brother of
the late General Sheridan , has been relieved
from duty nt the adjutant general's ollico in
this city und ordered to Oinahii , Nob. , where
he will become assistant adjutant general of
the Department of the Platte. This change
has been expected ever sincn the death of
General Sheridan. Major Sheridan ex
changes places with Lieutenant Colonel
Samuel Breck , who will report in this city
on September 1 , two months before his suc
cessor's duties at Omaha begin.
Lieutenant II. C. Wood , assistant adjutant
general , will bo relieved from duty ut St.
Paul , Minn. , nnd ordered to San Francisco
on October 1 us assistant adjutant general
for the department of California.
Major Merrltt. Barber , assistant adjutant
general , will go from the department of Co
lumbia to the department of Dakota on Oc
tober 1 ns assistant adjutant general.
Major Thomas Ward , who has been assist-
nut adjutant general In this city , has been
ordered to relieve Major Barber us assistant
adjutant general for the department of Co
lumbia ,
Nathan Frank , the netv representative
from the Ninth Missouri district , was among
the president's ' callers to-day. He said this
afternoon that ho was convinced that the
president was committed to an extra session
of congress , but whether it would bo held
early in October or late In that month de
pended , ho thought , entirely upon tlio results
of the election in the new states.
These changes wore made to-day In pen
sion boards throughout Iowa : Dr. D. S.
More , appointed ut Northwood ; Dr. A. 1) .
Bendy , nt Osage ; 4)rs. S. G. Blytho nnd K.
W. Wilber , at Charleston City , and Drs. D.
II. Bowen , U. C. Ambler and J. Shepherd , at
J. S. Caldwcll , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is nt the
RISKS. Comptroller Matthews loft Washing
ton this morning for u three weeks' visit to
his homo 111 Illinois.
Virginia Kopubficnns filmw a Disposi
tion lo CMiit u n rr clin .
WASIIINOTON , July 19. A Hub-committee
of llvo from the republican national com
mittee , consisting of Chairman Quay , Vieo-
Chairman Clarksoh , Treasurer Dudley , Mr.
Fcssenden , of Connecticut , und Mr. Ho-
barth , of Now Jersey , have been in conference -
enco hero three days with a view to hurinon- the troubles In the republican party in
Virginia. Delegations from both parties
have been hoard. Brady und Groner , ( untl-
Mahnno element ) will abide by the decision
of the national rommlttee , and the Muhono
side showed a similar desire to reach unity.
To-day a conclusion wus reached by the
national committee approving of tlio call for
a state convention to be issued by Muhono ,
as chairman of the regular committee , and
Brady , on behalf of the other sld.o , con
curred In this action. The call is so broad
ened as to give protection to the delegates
asked bv the nntl-MahoiiuItcs. It makes the
first duty of the state convention , after as
sembling and reading the cull , ( it have read
the list of delegates certified byiti \ county
conventions to the state conmiUop. | and alia
the dissenting shall be admtttei | ( p joutii ptf
the floor of the convention , In ( Hirtycrittloit.
with the Associated Press rapQvt V tn-nmlit
Chairman Qim'JU'd Vice Cholrinati Clai
said : /J-V
"Wo found botU'jplomenti sincerely , anx
ious to effect party 'unity. Tliovholb \ sua
sion of three ujayy jijiH been hurmoplous , and
nothing unpJrasanfhas occurred. Wo bo-
Huvo It Is an honest nnd Indcpondpnt recon ?
dilation which prot/Jetu the lionoc nnd lode-
pendenco of all republicans In Virginia , und
which ought and , wo bollovo , will thoroughly
unite the utirty ,
I'rctildciitlnl Appoint men IB.
WAbiiisoro.v , July 10. 'Thoi president has
appointed the following named postmasters :
Jacob Weaver , at Colfux , In. , vlceS. S. Wil
son , removed ; G , W. Clark , Alliance , Neb. ,
vlco M. W. Strouso , oHlco presidential ;
Henry 0. \ YrightVa.vno , Neb. , vleo Mar-
cellus Dearborn , removed ; Captain George
UdWey , to bo chief nf the bureau of equip
ment , and recruiting In the department of
the navy , with tbo rank of commander.
President Knloinan's Offer.
WASHINGTON , July 19. The Star to-nlgnt ,
referring to a communication which it wua
said President Snloman , ot Hnytl , made to
this government shortly before his death ,
offering the United States the absolute right
to the harbor of Mole , San Nicholas , that wo
might establish n coaling station there , savs
the proposition was still unacted on when
Mr. Hlalne wont Into the state department ,
nnd it Is believed this furnished the lucent *
Ivo for his proposition to send a coinmlttoo to
Hnytl with n view to ascertaining whether
or not Lugltlmo wns disposed to give us the
same concession , Snloman'ft Idea was to ef
fect ncle.oo alliance with the United States
in the hope of insuring u stable government
In fltiytl. _
Ncbrnskn nnu town Pension" ,
WASHINGTON , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEK. ] Pensions granted Nebran-
knnn : Original Invalids Joseph M. Haw-
Unga , Thoiuai Batoman , Charles E. Dayton.
Increase John N. Klinball. Reissue
George W. Llnton. Rclisuo and Increase
Lorenzo MclSwnn.
Pensions allowed lowans : Original In
valids James It. Armstrong , Edgar K.
Spcurrt , Hobert A , Barker , George M. Lamb ,
George Hnchhob , Isano N. Cnrr , John Mul-
thnup , Joseph S. Miller. Increase Lovl P.
Kiddell , Robert David-ion. Reissue Snmuol
Ycndon , George G rotten borgcr. Helsstio
and incicaso Jiuncs Smith , Stephen John
To Ho ItcHtortid to thn Public.
WASHINGTON , July 10. Secretary Proctor
has recommended the resorvntlon of Fort
McDermott , Nov. , to bo restored to the pub-
Hi ! domain , it being uo longer reuulred for
military purposes. President Htirrlion has
Issued n proclamation carrying into clTeet
Secretary Proctor's recommendation.
lloi-r Ii ) ; < ; lluH the Appointment.
WASIIINOTO : : , July 10. The following
letter has been received at the stnto depart
ment :
EST SAOIVAW , Mich. , July 10. Hon.
Willlnni F. Whnrton , Actlntr Secretary of
Stnto , Washington Dear Sir : Your notice
of my appointment by the president of the
United States as consul to Valparaiso , Chill ,
is Just received. I most respectfully decline
to accept the position.
Yours most truly , H. G. Hoitii.
UOSTIIjl 1 1138 TllUKATliN.
Two Kt\ntm < * Towns Quarreling About
the County Roivr.
TOVKKA , Ivan. , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tin ; Bm : . ] A telegram was received to
day from Garlleld county which states that
nnothor county seat war is threatened. The
bitterest feeling exists between the towns of
Kuvennn and Eminence , und n collision Is
probable. The supreme court decided u few
days iifjo thnt Eminence Is the legal county
spat of Garflold county , which makes it nec
essary to remove the county records from
Havcniin , where the county capital has been
located for throe years. The Kuvennn people
ple propose to resist the removal , and ask
for a new trial. Eminence Is determined to
have the county records. Tlio records are
now guarded in the court house nt Uavennn ,
and the citizens have organized and are
heavily armed to prevent any iitttauk. Pick
ets uro stationed around town to give warn
ing m cuso an attack is made by KuJnenee.
Jim Guyon Tscnni-s , but Hln Accom
plices Goto , f < iil.
DAYTON , O. , July 19. Captain John S.
Hell , chief of the government- secret service ,
will take Nelson Driggs and wife nnd , baby
nud Mrs. Mary. Brown to Jail at Cincinnati
for complicity in the counter Jelling deal that
was turned-oy'lJtrtrwdH.v. AU''libp > s of cap
turing Jim Gu.von.'vmh wnoifftha uetectlves ,
had the skirmish yesterday , have boonntlinn-
doned. All of thu " las > t Issue of t,000 ( ) la
counterfeit $10 notes IB now in the hands of
the secret service bureau , but the plates
nave not been found.
Thn ( educational
KASHVH.M : , July 19. At the morning BOS-
BHin of the Educational association a paper
on "Sound Blindness" defined the term to bo
any disorder of tlio ear. The infirmity was
us universal as color blindncns und quite as
important ba cured. Charles Foster
Smith , of Vand erbilt University , condemned
the too promiscuous bestowal of honorary
degress by American institutions. Alexander
Hogg , Texas , said tlw problem of tlio hour H
to secure universal .uffrago und universal
The noticeable feature of tlo present
meeting of the Educational association is the
unusual interest manifested in the subject of
kindergarten truiniiiL' . The doors of the Ma
sonic theater had to be closed tins afternoon
to keep back n portion of the throng. 'J'lio
kindi'rcarlen. In its relation to motherhood ,
was discussed by Mis. Sarah Cooper , of Cali
fornia , and Mrs. Putnam ' , of Illinois , and
Colonel Parker , of 'Chicago , spoke on thn im
portance of a Hjstein of instruction in the
Idndcrgarti.'ii schools which would iireservo
the natural lunoccnco nnd purity of eariv
childhood. Th hoard of directors of the as
sociation voted this afternoon to hold next
year's meeting In. St. Paul if suitable ar
rangements can bo made.
Imhliy AKCH ! n Question.
LONDON , July 19. In the commons to-day
Labomjhcro asked what truth there was in
the statement Hemi-oiHcially published in
L'Opinione , of Home , that there was n doll-
nite understanding tlmt the English mid
Italian navies would act together in the event
of war with Franco , nnd nlso thnta year ago ,
when a French attack on was feared
the British Mediterranean squadron was held
in readiness to assist Italy. Fergusson , sec
retary ot the foreign olllco , In reply stated
that the action of the government in case of
war between Franco und It ly would bo
guided by circiimst-uiees. England was under
no engagement. Further questions by La-
houeheru Sir James declined to answer ,
A IMniiiinoth Salt Company ,
Ar.inNV , N. Y. , July 19. The Northern
A mcricun Sajt company filed articles of In
corporation in the secretary of state's ofllco
to-day. Franklin Woodruff , Horace 1C.
Thurber , William A , HIIXII nnd Charles F.
Burger are the iimorporutora , with n capital
or $11,000,000. , They stuto that they are to
manufacture nnd sell salt and salt products
in their various rumil'.cations ' , The principal
part of their business will be located In War-
oaw , N. Y. . but they will nlso oarry on busl-
ness in Ohio , West Virginia , Kansas , Texas
und Michigan , The thirteen trustees who
will m linage the company for the lirst yeur
are named ,
Killed HH ! Young HHdc.
ASHLAND , Win. , July 19 , Near Had River
station yesterday , Joseph Fubch murdered
1(18 ( eighteen-year-old bride , The couple
yyoju walking up the truck arm-in-arm ,
\vliQU \ Fusch wus seen to attack his wife ,
atnllblng her oevorul times. Then , teeing
himself pursued , ho throw her down a steep
embankment , where the body was found
{ ifplcss. Tha murderer escaped to the
Aciittfxl | | of tlio
LAUASUIfyo : , , July 10- ( Special Tele
gram to TllK BBK. | Joseph G , Farlft has
been acfjulltcd.ln tli.o district court at Lan
der , of the niurclor of Hobort Bull last Octo
ber. The deferijo was Insanity and self-
defense. This Is ( lie * ceo ml man acquitted
of murder at Lander within a week.
Six Ijuiiiueruioii Drown cd.
OTTAWA , Qnt. , Juji' 10. Six men wore
drowned \YojVffuynlght } while attempting.
to shot JCqclio'a ' rapids with u raft. They
wcro luultlorweu , but their names are mi-
known ,
Now Jorsliy
AUIIUKN PAIIK , N. J-i July 10. Tlio anuunl
convention of t u Now Jersey iirohlUltlon
party opened yesterday uft rnnon nnd
forini i a temporary ofenuU'wilur '
Tlio Ktxnawha Valley Iti Virginia
A Cloud Burst Overwhelms I ho VII *
Injjo In nn Instnnl , DcntroylliK
Kvnry House Mnny Iilvcs
Knoxvii to ho Ijost.
A Tcrrllilo Anllotlon.
PAnKr.iniitmo , W. Vn. , July 10. Tno
greatest disaster which over bofol the Llttlo
Kanawha valley came last night in the
shape of n terrible cloud utirst , which has
completely flooded the county , destroying
many lives , carrying off thousands of
dollars In proiwty nnd ruining the
crops for miles nrouud , Thu deluge-
' fell hero about dusk nnd continued to
fall In torrents , doing much diiinago In the
city. The worst of the storm struck the
lower side of the Kanawha , tilling the small
tributaries from bank to bank. In three
hours the ICnnnwha rose tdx feet nnd ran
out with such velocity Hint it carried
everything before It. At this point thous
ands of legs nnd n number of bout.s wont outer
or wore sunk ,
Mrs. Isaac H. Tucker , Martin Lawless
nnd nn unknown man weru drowned.
Above the destruction wis still greater.
The Big Tygart vnllay Is completely
swivnpod. The big mill near its inotitti
wont out mid took tlio Tygart brldgo with It.
In the valley all fences , crops nnd much llvo
stock were lost.
At ChesterVlllo , a small town about ton
miles above , half the rosldeacon worocarried
oft bodily uud loft In the enrntlolds.
In Clay district a line church and three
dwellings were wrecked. Several stoamera
on the river wcre-wrcckcd.
The worst story of nil comes from Morris-
town , n small village near the head of
TucKer creek , where the cloud burst concen
trated in nil Its fury , coming down on the
village about midnight and totally .destroy
ing it , together with many of lt people. The
Ilrst report gave the IOSH at eleven , hut later
news seems to fix the loss nt n greater
number. The houses are said to huvo been
picked up and hurled against each other In
such a short spare of time that no chance to
escape was given the people.
Among these lost at Morrl town are Jnko
Klnger. his urothers. Joseph and Thomas ;
n man named 13ailey and Orvllio
West and his wife and child.
The body of a man bnlieved to bo nnothor
Morristoivn victim was found on a Mr.
Hichardsnn's farm this morning.
At Pill Brush all the br Ultras and culverts
nro washed nwny , and it is Impossible to
reach or communicate with that point or any
other on the upper waters. It is
impossible now to omimurato the loss oven
henan tlio river Is still rising and tearing
everything loose. A family bout
containing three or four persons went out
during the night , und it is believed all are lost.
A freight train on the Ohio Uiver railroad
broke through the trestle at Harris ferry ,
completely wrecking the train and fatully in
juring William Nuptnno , an employe. Tho.
wreck was caused by a heavy waihout. .
Other Storms.
CIIICAOO , July 10. The severest thunder
storm in mnnyyears occurred hero last night.
An inch of ruin fell in- twenty minutes. Cel
lars nnd basements were Hooded , Chinese
luundrylntin BU iit the night perched on the
tables , uud basement lodgera were driven
into the streetu. Much property was dam
CINCINNATI , July 19. A heavy thunder
storm at ! ) o'clocit this morning flooded
n portion of The O.ilo canal
broke at York street , and u number of persons /
sons were rescued with dillleu Hy. The storm
was general lu the state. Lightning set flro
to tlmJittlo village ot Goorgesville , Franklin
county , and half the town was burned.
CiLMiLCbTON , W. Vn. , July 19. A cloud
burnt on the 12 lie river this morning caused u
great deal of damage to lumbermen and far
mers. The loss cannot be estimated. 1C
rained all night.
Sr. PAI'L , July 19. Reports from many
and widely separated points in Montana and
Dakota report severe storms of hall or ruin
yesterday. Tlio weather has been excess
ively hot. In places the crops are burned up
by heat , in others damaged by water. The
streams nro rising and u serious overflow ja
A FATA 11 I'HDD. '
iwo Alabama KnmliirnLhimilnt ;
I > noli Other Our.
BiiuriNOtiAM , Ala. , July 19. For several
years a feud has existed between the Simp
son nnd Howton families of this county. It
began by Tom Simpson Hilling ono of the
Howtons. Simpson was released on ball ,
which ho subsequently forfeitedand n reward
of $200 wns offered for his arrest. The next
tragedy wns the death of another Howton by
n shot from ambush us ho wan riding along
the road. Recently the officers of the law
have been trying to arrest Tom Simpson ,
who was known to bo in the vicinity.
Labt night Sheriffs Glenn and Scrogtflns
and W. B. Morgan , with thu assistance of
two of the Ho-.vtons , surrounded Simpson In
n gin houtio near Mutt crock , where ho was
with some other men. At daylight ho came
otit looking around , and was promptly or
dered by i croi-'gins to throw up
his hands nnd uurronder. Instead of doing
so he rushed uround the house with
a bullet from Serogglns' pistol whistling
after him and wus met with u bullet from J.
B. Howion's gun and fell dead , Almost at
thu saino Instant two guns were fired
from the lioncc , killing Deputy Morgan ami
fatally wounding J. B. Howton. The Inmates
of the house huvo barricaded it und defy nr-
rcbU J , 0. NtMvton at once came to Bir
mingham for assistance , leaving ScrojrifinB
on guard. The nhurilf hero nt once dis
patched ficvcn deputies armed with Win
chesters to thu scene of the difficulty.
HttmniHhip ArrlvnlH ,
At Moville The Furncssia , from Now
York , for Glasgow.
At London Arrived , the steamer British
Kmplre , from Uostnn ; sighted , the steamers
Brlttmilc , from Now York , and thn Maine ,
from Baltimore.
At Southampton The Aller , from No\r-
At Quoenstown The Wisconsin , from
Now York.
At Now York The Germanic , from Liver
pool ; the Wlelnd and Augusta Victoria ,
from Hamburg , ami the Trave , from Bre-
miiii ,
Don't Wniit to ho fiolih'od ,
CIIICAOO , July 10. Certain tax [ layers of
the Town of Luke filed a bill In the circuit
court to-day praying that the. Chicago board
of education and the city government bo re
strained from taking possession of school
property or annexing the town , Ingenious
arguments are presented In support of their
und FriHulit Collide.
GUKKXSIIUKO , Iiid. , July 10. There wan a
collision last night on the Cleveland , Cincin
nati , Chicago & St. Louis road between a
wont-bound express and an east-bound
freight. An unknown man wns killed and
Cochran ueyorely injured. '
UllloiJ y an 0 | | Tank Kxpluslon.
HiunroKit , Pa. , July 10. An explosion oe-
enrrccl this monilng In the ICuglo Valley oil
tui.V iil Htdeoway , A young mnn oameit
KUi'.crr wi cremated In the uliuo and six
nth ' cr-Mil-'yeH ' badly burned , kouio fatally ,