Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Internal revenue collections yesterday
wore 508,058.81.
The collector of customs yesterday re
ceived twont.v-flvo chests ot tea for ft
local firm.
The scholars of the Docntur street
Baptist church wont out on the Kile-
horn for H picnic lit Calhoun yesterday.
A. K. Uiloy secured n pofmlt for the
erection of a M0,000 five story brick
warehouse on Douglas- street between
Tenth and Eleventh.
.T. E. Ktloy , the contractor , has been
ordered by the board of public works to
bctrin tjfadliifr Vlnton street from
Twentieth to Twenty-fourth.
Work has boon commenced on the
now brick block to bo erected by Will
iam Slovors at the southwest corner of
Sixteenth und California streets.
Forty members of t.ho Omaha Guards ,
with tholr band , will leave their ar
mory on Saturday , August 10 , at 5 p.m. ,
for Spirit Lake , In. , whore they will go
into camp for a week.
Mrs. Nelson , n woman who runs a
hennery near Hoyd's packing house ,
has asked for police protection against
the doprcdatlonsof chicken thieves who
infest the neighborhood.
John Mumm and Henry Bona , pro
prietors of the Motbuor garden , wore
iirrosted .voctorday on a now charge of
uolling linuor on Sunday. They gave
bonds ana wore released.
Bill Armour , the cab man , arrested
for the larceny of a gold watch from Pat
Klrby , olcaded not guilty in police
court yesterday afternoon. Ills case
will bo heard on Saturday.
John Lintlorholtn , David Landon ,
Myron D. K rr , B. A. Karr and Oscar
Linderholm have ( lied articles incorpo
rating the Metropolitan Ice company.
with a capital stock of $30,000.
Clerk Prank Mooros , of the district
court , has made a rule that petitions for
dainngo suits must bo accompanied by
810 for the cleric's and sherilt's ' fees.
Damage suits are usually settled out of
court , and the clerk may whistle for his
"Jimmio" Lindsay , the pugilist , is in
n fair way to roach the police station as
ns inmate. J. P. Hendorbon , proprietor
of the New York hotel , charged in po
lice court yesterday afternoon that
Lindsoy owed him a board b'ill of0 ,
and refused to settle the bill.
Chairman Balcombo complains that
nil the public work now in progress , and
particularly grading and sewer build
ing , is going on slowly and very unsat
isfactorily , owing ehiolly to the con-
btutit rains which arc very unusual at
this period. Most of the contractors
will be behind time in completing their
While car No. 65 , of the Park avenue
line , was crossing the cable tracks at
Fifteenth and Barney yesterday after
noon it was run into by grip car No. 55 ,
bound west , and knocked from the
track. The force of the collision pushed
the grip car olT the track also. The
only damage was to the horse car ,
which had the dash board broken in
nnd a small hole perforated through
the side of the car.
A few days ago Mrs. Emma Christo-
phorson , wife of Ed. Mauror's bar
tender , discharged her hired girl , Ida
Iloss , and in doing itassaulted her. For
this Chribtopherson came into uolico
court and paid a line. Yesterday the
girl ventured back after her clothes ,
nnd claims she found that all had been
destroyed. The articles enumerated
nro a hat , dress and other articles , val
ued at $ 'JO. A warrant is out for Mrs.
u In the Courts.
Commissioners Mount and O'lCecffe have
ponu to malto an examination nf roads and
briclpcs in the vicinity of Ellchorn. KoDorts
say tliut the lucent heavy ruins have done a
great deal of danmen.
Snlliviin'M Heir ,
Ed Kothcry yesterday rcculvod through
the mails the belt worn by John L. . Sullivan
in Ills rccunt Hsht with Juke ICllr.tin. It was
presented ( o Ilotliory by Sullivan , who for
warded it from Chicago , where ho lias been
sojourning since tho. light.
Army Noxvs.
The following soldiers of the Seventeenth
Infantry have * reported at Uollovuo rillo
range as competitors In the department rillo
competition : A. Rows , company
G ; Sergeant AllviiRlit.companyC ; Musician
Mullgcrt of Gibbon , company K.
Ninth "Wnril ICeniibilcano.
A special meeting of the second district
Ninth ward republican club will be held in
the headquarters of the club , corner of Lowe
and Mercer avenue. Saturday evening. The
meotinp will ho called at 7:1'-0 , and matters
pertaining to local politics will bo discussed.
Holds ( he Fort.
Thomas Gontloinaa mndo the third unsuc
cessful attempt in Justice. ICroogor's court
yesterday to oust James Stewart , an objec
tionable tutmtit , from ono of his houses.
Stewart pays his runt promptly , and scums
to have a cinch on thu place. Tne hotibs is
at lOtU Saundora street.
Comiiii ; to Omaha.
The work nf. moving the ofllco fixtures of
the Omaha Elevator company from Council
Bluffs to the headquarters of thu uuw consol
idated company in Hlinobaugh & Mnrrmm's
ofllfo building wan begun yesterday. Tno
etaff of clerics at Council liluifs will bo trnus-
ferrcd to Omaha also.
David Stnnton , a member of the book firm
of Ostorholm & Staaton , of Lincoln , was
united In murriugo at the parlors of the Paxton -
ton hotel , at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon ,
with Miss Jennie Q. Odoll of Lincoln. The
corcmouy was performed by UQV. Mr. Mar-
( juette. Mr. and Mrs. Stun to u returned to
' their future linmo at Lincoln last night.
Now Itcvoiiue Olllcors.
, Collector of Internal fiovonuo Peters yes
terday mailo the following appointments :
Deputy Collectors John McMation , O ma
lm ; Audicw Kerr , Beatrice ; John Jacobson ,
Hastings ; F. G. Simmons , Soward.
Guugors B. Bigbeo and Daniel Hurley ,
. Omaha ; M , Stephcnson , Lincoln ,
StoreUecnora M. Uoderlck , F. M. Single-
toil and William Fcnton , Omalui.
linroo Trailer * In Court ,
A couple olhorso traders wera In court
_ ycBtorday uftornoon. Johnson had JJern-
hanl's horse , and vlco versa. Johnson had
tliu bust of the deal and Bernhard wanted to
trade buck. Johnson lofused and Hornhard
eald it w s a case nf homo stealing , The
police judge heard the testimony of Johnson
and Johnson's brother , and then of Bora-
hard. Tho.llrst pair said it was u trade , und
they had the preponderance of testimony , so
the case was dismissed ,
Tit Ice Your Tankd Off.
Patrons of the Belt line complain that
every evening the drivers of the Consoli
dated Tuuk Line's delivery tank wagons try
to ECU how closa tlioy can coma to the out
going train at the Locust street crossing , As
a collision with 0110 of these oil limits would
probably bo follcw.-d by an explosion , tlio
passengers iiatu1 llfcol very nervous until
this point U pasiod , The engineers of both
the Klkhorn und the Missouri Pacific have
icon o impelled frequently to como to a
standstill rather than risk a collision with
ono of these wagons. A memorial Is helm ;
prepared for presentation to the Tank Line
company , ro lucbting them to. cautioii their
drivers In tliU matter ,
Ono bottle of Plait's Chlorides con-
Jains iiuiro diblnfoctlng power then tun
ot chloride of lima ,
Pound In nnd Around Ijoaillnc County
Position * .
In county ofllco circles the political pot
tias commenced to boll very lively. Com
missioner Mount stirred It by declaring that
Mlito Ilocho , the county clerk , would have
to bo thrown overboard.
Ilocho says Mount ought to attend strictly
to his own canvass If ho wants to bo reelected -
elected , nnd Dick O'KoofTo Intimates that
any attempt to knlfo Ilocho may react on
the parties who make It. There Is no longer
any question but that a combination has
bcea formed to freeze the county clerk out ,
and his friends nro furious over It. They
have prepared themselves , it Is nald. and
when the proper tlmo comes will make some
very Interesting exposures.
As an Illustration of Chairman Mount's
cunning , the fact is pointed out that ho hns
proposed that the money appropriated to Mr.
Kocho for hiring six clerks on the tax list
work bo divided according to thu political in
fluence of said clerks. Tha resolution au
thorizing Hooho to employ them suya that
they shall receive $75 n month ouch , but
Mount is not satisfied with this and proposes
nc entirely different distribution. Bo said
to O'lCeeffo yesterday that some of the clerics
ought to have $100 n month and othois only
fr > t ) ; and , In order to have the
distribution maiio according to tils idea ,
ho proposed that Roche draw the mnnoy and
pay them Instead of making out Individual
warrants. George Anthes nud J.H.Boan are
the clerks whom ho wants to pay 4100 each ,
on the ground that they are expert account
ants. O'Kcoffo objects to the schema , and
will mnko a light , against it.
Another feature causing much comment is
the apparent collusion between Mount , An
derson and County Attorney Mahoaey.
Nearly every qucntion raised In
the board meetings Is referred
to Mnhonoy , with Instructions to
mnko au examination and give his opinion
thorcun , Ono gentleman ventured the asser
tion that It was not in the line of a county
attornuy's duty to act us an examining com
mittee and ascertain whether or not the
clerk is using too many or too few books of
record , "but , " he continued , "this deems to
bo a part of the ulaii adopted to manufacture
charges against Kocho , and tnus prevent
him going bofoie thu convention for a ro-
iiominntlon. "
The Kochc faction declare that Hen Knight
of the Ninth ward will be a candidate against
Mount , and Mike Lahey says there is not a
man in the district who can defeat him.
A Ildliiiilc
ALI.COCK'S Ponoi's PI.VSTKKS never fail to
give speedy proof of their eflleucy as the best
external remedy for weak back , rheumatism
lumbago , sciatica , colds , coughs , sere throat ,
pulmonary and. kidney difilcultics , malaria ,
dyspepsia , heart , spleen , liver aim stomach
affections , strains and all local pains.
They have boon in use for over thirty years ,
and their value has been attested by the
hleliest medical authorities as well as by vol
untary and unimpeachable testimonials from
thousands who huvo used them.
Ask for AM.COCK'S nnd let no explanation
or solicitation induce you to accept a substi
A 1'roHpectlvo Urldo Kerouvcd
Through Kontti ol'n. Linvcr.
John Krajccck , a Bohemian , twoaty-nlno
vcars old , employed at ono of the packing
iiouscs in South Omaha , was overcome by
heal Wednesday morning , nnd at 5 o'clock m
the afternoon died from the effects. Thu re
mains wore taken to Heafoy & Hoafcy's un
dertaking cstublishmcntanil will be interred
in St. Mary's ' cemetery to-morrow.
There is an unusually pathetic incident
connected with the death of young ICrnjecck.
Be was engaged to bo married to a young
Bohemian girl in Wnhoo , and for many
montL past had been saving a portion of the
mcagro stipend uo loceived tor his work each
weelc to buy a home und furnish it for hib
brido. It was hard work , but Krnjccek suc
ceeded , tholittlo homo was ready , und yester
day ho was to have left for Wutioo , nnd next
Tuesday the wedding was to Imve taken
place. But to-day the bluu-oyed Bohemian
girl in Wutioo mourns u lover dead , and nil
that is mortal of John Krujecok lies in the
cold dead room of an undertaking house.
The Closing of an Important Outlet.
The blockade of n port is not moro injurious - '
ious to its commerce than is oven the tem
porary obstruction of the bowels to the
health of the system. Constipation neces
sarily arrests the secretion of bile , impedes
nnd disorders digestion , and poisons this cir
culation. The safest and most effective , as
it is also thu most genial , laxative and anti-
bilious medicine in existence is Hosteller's
Stomach Hitters , and it is more than prob
able that its sovereign efficacy ns a preven
tive and lomody for intermittent and remit
tent fever is largely duo to its reformatory
action upon the liver , an organ prejudicially
involved in nil malarial complaints. Persons
with a tendency to rheumatic , ncur.ilgio
and kidney trouble cannot do bettor than to
antagonize it with Hosteller's Stomach Bitters -
tors , which invariably checks it at the out
set. Thn wealc , moreover , are invested with
strength by this line invigoniut.
A Brutal Hack in-in.
A two-year-old babe , son of Mr. Hobo , a
stonemason employed by Drexel & Fall , was
run down tand badly injured by a reckless
cabman yesterday afternoon. This child
with others was playing at the corner of
Sixteenth and Charles streets. A four-
wheeled carriage , hauled by a pair of bay
horses , and driven by a fellow known only
ns "Barrv , " was driven rapidly around the
corner , The older children wore nblo to gut
out of the way , hut. the bubo was caught
under a wheel and bruised about the body.
Strange to say no bones were broken , The
cabman saw what ho hud done , mid , putting
the whl | > to his horses , hurried out of sight ,
turning back on his seat to as' : the children
"why In they didn't pick-tho kid up out
of the road. "
That sour tempered , cross , dyspeptic
individual should take Dr. j ! II. Mc
Lean's Sarsuparilla ! It will make him
fool as well and hearty as the healthiest
of us. lie needs bracing up , vitalizing ,
that is all.
to Wed.
Marriage licenses were issued by Judge
Shields yesterday to tlio following parties ;
( David Stanton , Lincoln rg
| Jennie G , Odoll , Lincoln 41
j MattUIns Lultschwort , Omaha 80
( Annniu Grohs , Onmhii 'Jft
( Fredrlch A Gebauor , Otnaha 20
1 Uosa Uuzvosky , Omaha 21
j John A. Swanson , Omaha 81
I Ella Nelson , Uoono , la at
ItH 1)10 'X NAMI'J Til 13 POW12II
Davis Hnyn That IN Why ttto Oas Mills
AVnro lunornil.
Councilman Davis , speaking uf the charges
mndo by frank Murphy , president of the
Omaha Gas Mntiufacturlng company , to the
effect that the bids offered by his company
had been Ignored by the oouno'l ' committee
nnd the contract awarded to a higher bidder ,
Raid that Mr. Murphy's statement was a In
Ucachlng In Ids pocket Mr. Davis fished
out a document , ot which the following Is n
copy i
OMUIX C , S. Goodrich , city comptroller ,
Omaha ; Dear Sir This company offers to
light all the public lamps , whcra gas mains
are now laid , or shall bo laid , for the term
of llvo years , for the sum ofWo for lump
per year.
By Frank Murphy , President.
"This bid. " said Mr. D.vvU , "did not specify -
ify the riindlu power of the lights nor did it
enter into the mnttur of who was to pay for
repair * . Wo ordered the comptroller to no
tify this company to modify lls bid , nnd not
withstanding the fact that they had live
weeks In which to answer , they fulled to do
so. As it stood , the bid wits an improper
otic , nnd we rejected it as such.
"As to the matter of the bid fnrtho electric
light , this company wanted to furnish HO-
candio power lights ntl more pur lathp than
wo hnd to pay for Itl-candlo power , nnd us
K't-candlo power lights are amply suflleicnt ,
and as wo only called for 10 to " 0 candle
iiowcr lights , and further , ns the $1 moro per
light would call for an unnecessary outlay ,
wo rojccted the bid. "
The Swift Snoelilo Company , Drawer 3
Atlanta , Oa. . offer a reward of one thousand
dollars to any one who wilt Hud by analysis u
particle of mercury , iouide of potash , or
other poisonous substance in S. S. S.
Knndi U'ill Be Provided to Do Sotnn
Town Gr.ulini ; .
An Important meeting of the board of
public works will bo huld this after
noon , when bids will bo received tor grading
South Thirteenth street from Vintou street
south to the city limits , and Thirty-second
avenue from Ed. Crcighton uveuuu south to
the city line , practically connecting Omaha
nud South Omaha with trr.ulud highways.
As the mayor bus refused to approve the
cxpcndlturu of any additional funds from
the general fund nhovo that nlready appro
priated for grading already ordered , the city
woula not. huvo been nblo to do this work
this year hnd not the county commissioners
agreed to pay the city's half of the expense ,
and appropriated 10UOJ for the purpose.
Ever since this was done there has been
some little hitch in the proceedings , the citv
engineer having discovered that it would
require 50,000 to grade Thirteenth street and
$ , "iJOO ( to grade Thirty-second , but Mr.
Kiersteadof Ihc board was to-day assured by
Commissioner O'ICcoffu that the board would
certainly appropriate the additional $1,000 ,
aud so the contracts will be let.
The Rock Island Soup can bo bought
at all groceries in Omaha.
Too MIIRI | Kamlllarity.
Time is called for the second round in the
case of Uooley vs. Forbijs. L. J. Cooley
paid Judge Iterkn $5 and costs yesterday
morning ior knocking out a fourteen-year-
old son of Forbes the other night. Tno boy ,
while playing ball , accidentally struck a lady
with whom Cooley was walking. The latter
retaliated , was arrested and paid the lino.
Bo has now caused the Elder Forbes to bo
arrested , charging that Forbes struck , beat
and kicked him the lirst time they ever met.
So much familiarity on Iir3l acquaintance he
couldn'l endure. The case will bo heard
this morning.
Catarrh pared , health and sweet
breath boeurcd by Sluloh's Catarrh
Uomudy. Price fiO cunts. Nasal injector
free. For bale by Gooumaii Drug Co .
The difficulty between U. G. Boll and
Grant Level was adjusted in police court.
Level was arrested on the charge of grand
larceny at Bell's complaint. The testimony
was conclusive that Level secured $1'J frrmi
Boll ns hush inonov , Boll having bccomo
mixed up by report with Level's handsome
wife. When L'jvcl asked for f2 > more , und
threatened to shoot IJoll if the cash w.n not
foithcoming , the matter was tiikcn in hand
by the police , lu dismissing the case , Judtro
Berku said it was n pretty clear case of
blackmail , but that thu charge of laiccny
was not sustained by the evidence.
Cushman's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fever.
Trial free at vour druggist. Pi ice 50 cents.
A Lily with a Temper.
Lily McGovern , n bright young lassie ,
about thirteen years of age , was in police
court chat gcd with fighting. The evidence
was to the effect that Lily's mother at
tempted to punish her out was not able to
do BO owing to the sirl's stubborn resistance.
An older sister went to the mother's aid but
Lily was rapidly getting the best , ot the com
bination when au ofilcor arrested the two girls
for lighting. Judge lierka dismissed them
both. John Nelson eamo in a fewminulcs
later nnd wanted Lily urrestcQ for assault
ing him with u club. As Lily weighs about
ninety pounds nnd Nelson nearly two hun
dred the city attorney refused to issue the desired -
sired warrant.
Three drunks and four vagrants were
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children
teething. It soothes the child , softens
the gums , allays all pains , cures wind
colic , and is the best remedy for diar-
rhoja. illc a bottle.
Tlio City's Roerot Service.
Chief of Detectives Mostyn's soiui-monthly
report shows that slcco July 1 the detectives
have made ! 5 ( ) arrests , scoured 23 convictions ,
and recovered $113 worth of stolen property ,
fn the month of Juno the force iiudo ! ) f ) ar
rests , secured US convictions , nnd recovered
$1)5 ) worth of stolen property ,
For r. ulsodcred llvortry Beoclmm's Pills ,
A Mad
A mad dog bit two other curs on Saundcrs
street at noon. Oftlccr Walker , on the Cum-
ing street beat , was summoned , hut had for
gotten his gun , and the dog escaped and ran
to the corner of Nineteenth und Iiard , where
u grader on tno street railway company's '
power house dispatched it with u brick.
TIcd tiy the United Statci Rovcrnment. Itndprserl by the liead of the Crest Universities
and Public Hood Analyst" , R < Hie blronrett. 1'urctt and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream
llaklni ; I'ovfdcr duc net contain AiuuioulaIlmeor Alum , Ur. Price's Delicious I'lavorintrItc-
Intel * , VanUU , I.crnou.Oruuge , Almond , Uotf , etc. , do uutcouUlul'ol oiou OlUtrClui lcaIs ,
* PRICE 0AKINQ POWDER COu N w York , Chicago , t. L ui .
This now der never varloa. A marvel of pure
ly , strength and wholeBvmoncsa. Moro o.'o-
notnloal I linn the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot
be Bold in comnutltlon with the multitudes ot
lor or HhnrtuclKlit alum or phosulmtu powders.
Sold only In cans , lloyal tlnlclti ) ; I'ottiler Com
pany , I'M Wull fcticet , Kuw Vorlc.
-MAIL , x i
di * ' 5
V * iO * J&J * < ]
\ | * ® ® 2
WHITE. , g
( UfttC 3IZCJ 2
oni receive t -
elsL *
( Upposlto 1'uxtou Hotel. )
Office hours.On.mto8p.ra. Sundays , 10 a.
in to l p. m.
Sp-clills-u In Chronic , Ivcrvoun Skin anil
lllood ! ) l < eir-e ! >
t-7 Consiiltiitlon at olllco or by mail free.
Mndlclut'S hunt by mull or cxpiess securely
Backed , free from ol nervation. Guarantees to
euro . onlcVlr. snfolv and pcrmnnentiy.
.TT T T-rm-rn T nnTT TinTr gjerinntoi'rli | < uii , serai-
ilons. Physical lnc.iy. ailsln from ln < U cro
tton. 1'xccss or Tnduluenro. pi odiicliic Sleepless
ness. Despondency. J'lmp'o * on tlio face , aver
sion to Hcic'ety. easily nlM'ouumcii , IftCK of c mil
flrin'c , dull , unlit torstiulv or ImMni'S * , and llmls
llfo n burden. Snfoly , piTinmieutlv nml itrl-
vately enroll. Consult lrs. lletta A , Hetts , HU $
Kurnam fct. , Omnha , Neb.
Rlrnd and ( il/in. Tliprajpj Syphiih , n iiheaso
JJJuOll dilll UiUil UlSidtiDl mostfrilblolnltB
rfhUltB , completely rranlrntrd without the nlil
of Mercury. Si rnfnln , rryMpn'as rover Sores ,
matches , I leer1'Aiiif In tliu Heart anil Ilonos ,
Hyphlllllc Soro'JIiroat. Me mil nml 'Jonsuo. Cu-
tinh : , ct < \ . permanently cuiedhcro others
lm\o lulled.
Wirtiimr Tfpinn.'TT nml Hlailrter rnmplninto ,
ttlQllBVi Ul 111(1 ( J l'.lnful , mini-Hit , too fro-
quunt IlnnilUR nr Illooily I tine , Uilnu ln li col
ored or v. It li icillVy ficUln ent on htuiullm , ' , Weak
n.ifk. ( iDiiinrliii'ii , fili'Pt , C } Mills. etc. ,
1'nimptlv and Gafclv Cured , Charges Keat-ona-
moval complete , with > ut cutting , caustic or
dlllallon. Cu. h o < ltc.ud af linmo by patient
v lU.out a moments pain or amioynnco.
To Yoiiuff Ken and MMiHa-A-iGl - Mon ,
AOnnfl nflDP The awrul ullocts ot early
OUUlJ UlmD Vice , wlilch bimcs orfianlc
wi'itciifiitdcstroj.nK both tnlnd and body , wltli
all Its dreaded UN , pi-rmanciitlvcured.
Tips ! 'PPTiri1AilroHsthoje ! whohuvn unpaired
UUJi DDL 10 tuemsolvci by Impropi-r Indiil-
Kfn es and Kollturr habit" , whlcli ruin both
bed und mind , unllttlng them lor
itndy ormarnngp.
MARIIIBI ) MILS' , or those entering on that Imp
pylifo. awato of physical debility , quickly 114
' ! > t < 'd'
Is based upon facts , rirtt I'rartlcal' Krpe
rlenct1. Sni'oud Kvcry casu la especially cturtled.
thus btaitliiB aright. Third Mo llc'nos are pre ,
piucd lu our labaiory exactly lo suit each cuse.
IbiiK allfCtlUK cures without Injury
C j5 Hund 0 cents pohtr.jre for rclelirato 1 worka
on Clironlc. Nervous and Delicate lU a ! > es.
Tnousnnds cuied. f4T \ friendly letter or cull
may tavoyou future hiilleilnt : and Hhnmo , and
add golden yearn to life. tff'Ko letters an-
ewered unlus.iiccoiiip.inloil by 4 cents In stauioa ,
Adilre.sH or call on
SJET'H'S tV ItfirrTS ,
H08 rnrnam Street Omaha. Neb.
isTAiiusiuo : :
Great reduntlon of price on ee 'ond hand
I'liinn * and Or aua. A Kood cliunco to get a
good 1'liuio for a amall amount of iiiouuy.
V1AN03. Cash. 1'erMo. .
1 Kimbo Sinaru. ( < ttno tone ,
cost now. if aw tin rosso no jio oo
1 Ilallot , Davis & Co. , bcjuaro 1ST , ( X ; | K , 00 | 10 ( X )
\Vnbjr , Biiiro ( : ITfi Ul IB 10 , 1IKO
1 Km be , Hiiaro. . . . . nr , in ; 15 o. ) 10 ( m
1 Stolnway , Hqnaro : 1 , 'j Ojl 15 0 10 00
1 Itiailburv , H iiinru t'M ( Xli 10 OU H 110
1 W. W. Klmball , Rjuaro til OJ Ht K ) H ( Ml
1 Nentou X Co. Hquaru Il'l 00 ID 110 H (10
1 good fcijuuru 1'liuiu MO W 8 ( H & OJ
1 Kitcy Organ , used-8 monthi
cost now , il.i'i Ml 00 mm n oo
1 Bctionlnirur Orzau , 10 stop. tfi 00 6 UO coo
1 Sunday Kcliool Oreuii , coat
new. illi'i m 0) R m r. ( o
l W. W. Klmballmwm . . . . M 1)1 ) H ( U r , ( HI
l 1'riiicoUn'Aii .T. 00 U Oil / , ( I )
1 Taylor & Karley Or un. . . } 0 in K CO fi 0) )
1 Taylor .V rarluy Organ. . . . ! 7 UO : , ixi
1 Mason tc llamlin Organ . 2 > 00 Ti (10 4 Od
Thn above prices are 10 per cent less thnn over
oirurud beforoi. II IIM wojinibt lia\oroom for our
large stock of Nuu 1'liiuou wolllKl > < ' anoxtra
10 per cent discount from ul.ovo i/rlccs to any
one that buyb an lintruincnt before Annual lal.
Kvcry ln trumentfc'uurauteud to bu jiibt as 10-
riuiios for rent for $2. " > 0 ami
jicr nioiilli.
Orfe'iins for rent for # 1. 50 an I ujnuinls
per mouth.
If you buy any of the above. InJiiimonts and
you are not siitiMlfd , wo will afluwyim MIIDU MS
yuu pulil for it toiviird jiny now 1'lano ) ou muy
Bclci't. Call fitrly and iet a ImiKalii.
Cor. IGth and Farnam Sta.
. WAI'IIKS are
5 succeiufully ute < i monthly by orer 10,000
> I > adlc . MoSafe.KffictualanitJ'lcatant
$1 pcrlxix bymall.or at drugRUta. Kealtd
particular * * POlAsifKlamp . Address
For Bale and by mail by Goodmtiu Drug
Conipiuiy , Omaha.
The Palace
A Superb Court , Perfect Ventilation , Thoroughly
Fire Proof
Fifty-Kight Vaults ,
Lighted by Electricity ,
Night @ > Day Elevator Service
Seventeenth and Farnam , offers attractions for Profcssiona
Men , Insurance Companies , Brokers , Real Estate Agents and
Business Men , who desire elegant , commodious and fire-proof
offices at reasonable terms.
For particulars apply at the Counting- Room , New Bee Build-
Soiiu1 Rood bargains may yet bo found
niuoiig ' .iir nM sl/ei of mnn's Milts Itear
in mind tb Be are i.ot inferior Kooils whlvb
wu ulfvr , but lirstcl.isa in cveiy particular.
To Glasgow , lielfusl , Dtihlliiniid Hicrpool
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin paisago $ " ! to I'O , nccor.Hnj tolncatlon of ta
room. Kiciirnlon ( GI to tu.
t-tcorngeto nnil fronrKurojio at Lowest Hates.
AUbTlN HAUtWJN i Co. , Oeil'l Aifonta ,
U llroaUway. Now York.
JOHN Ill.EOEN , Uon'l Western A pnt.
M ItuuJulph St. , Clitciico.
IIAUIIVK. MoiitB , AROnt. Ouiulm.
Kcduced Cablnrdtoito Qlxs oxr Gx'.ilbltlri.
\vall-on-lluilHon. . Cou ( ' . .I. Wniiiiir. It. 8. ,
A M. , Kupt.ll I' . IIVATf , Comd'tof Caduta.
ST. MANWU8. N , V.
Civil Himlnuorin . Clussli's. lluslriess.
UT KKV I' 1) ) III NTINiiTON , 1'reslilcnt
J.T.Cou W. ViillliOK. : : Biipurlntundent ,
I'lrihtrAtorynnd iollcirlate COUFKB , Ill4'i-aturollniiifii c
uiuilc. url. K V IHl.UBlr.I'ilucliuil 4nrLtuiirlllc > , lit
ItaiimrKiiblo f < ' poworfulsympathotlo
lone , pliuble aettoii and ubsoluto duru-
billty ; ! (0 ( ycuvt , ' record tbo lust-1 fruaran-
leo of the o.xeullencu of thuau iiiHtru-
1110 nth.
'und ' all urinary troubles onslljr. quick.
lyands.ifely cured bylKXri'llllX Cap-
ruioo. Several cane * cured liifcuvenduyii. Kohl
utll.M tier box , ull drutfitUts , or uy mall rruia
LluttUJiiil't'uCy. 11VUltg \ a l { , i , i'uildliec-
DRINK wlthg
It trill correct tlic < ltii > iaijli > iIn -
' JlufuceofJco on the btomaclt.
Tot Men Health rrMervtnc. for
freihlng for All. The belt Rum-
tatrBtveriee la Existence. Wtr-
rantod'ctrlctly Pure and Unfir-
ncatcd. An Eflclent Xeccdf
( or Ijiirrhai. Cholcri Morbui.
Drur.tery , end ull Dliordcri o (
the Bowels.
K siivii.r.nTixN.Juno9 , , ' 87.
Sli.'sas. I.oviNTiiAr. lino1- .
lloni Plrsi I Imvotrleil the
Hiingiirlf.u Illiickbcrry Juicu
you po Mmlly Kent uii' . HH
tlio ne plna ultra of .iiimiiier
drinks. Ills free from aim-
hoi , nllnyn thirst , tones the
digestive urgnns , has n line
nromnllc tlavor , nnd Is Just
HUM hint fur illnrrlici'ul troub
les In ( hi * liratcil term. A
T. A . ATCltlbON , II. D.
Tor f ale by . IJquOL
312 1st Nat'1 Bnnk Building- ,
Omaha , - Nebraska
Low rates for Choi'o Loans Titles nml values
passed upcinpioinptly and loans closed without
delay l.o'al couei-pomlents wanted In No
raska and Iinvn.
20to60 DAYS.
This IB ti tlis nso which bus heretofore
Dallied all Medical Scluuco.
> Then Mercury , Iodide of PotuKsluin , Sarflapa
rllla or Hot Hprlngifall , we Bimranteoa euro.
We have a Remedy , unknown to anyone lnth
World outside of our Company , antlouu thutlias
to cure the most obitlnnta casaa. Tea days In
recent ca ea doeH the mirk. U li the old chronla
deep neatod cases that we aollcit. Wu hare
cured hundreds who lmv been abandoned by
I'hyslclana. and pronounced Incurable , and wa
challenge the world to brliiK us a C.IJD tlmt vre
will not cure In less than nlxty dayH.
Klnce the hlxtory of mnolclno a true gpscllls
for tiyphllli has b un sought for but uover
found until o ir
wai discovered , and we are jintlHed in Baying
It U tbe only ItemeUy in tha World tnat will PJ * <
Itlvely cure , bncaiiBa tha latent Medical Work * ,
published by the lient Known authorities , tuy
tnero wasnevera true specific before. Our rem
edy will cure wiinn eYorythlng else has failed.
Why wnste you tlm and money with patent
medicines tnat never had virtue , or doctor vrlUl
iihyilclans tlmt cannot cure you , you that liuva
tried everything else should come tons nowancl
K'tpermaunnt relief , you never can get It eUe-
where. Marie what \re nay. In < ho end yon
must take our lomedy or N1SVKK recover und
you that have been afflicted but n ghort time
cliouM by all moaiifi come to us now , not ona In
ten of nnw canes over got purmanently cured.
Many t help and tlilulctuey are free from the
disease , but in one , two or three years after U
appear * tgaln In a more harrlbla form ,
Tliib la H blood Purifier und will Cure
any Skin or Blood Dibousa wbun
Kvorytblnif Klm Fulls ,
NOTICK Wedenlro to caution itatlenln In re-
nnrd to pHitlen claiming to use the i.'ook Htm-
udy. Our formula Is not and CANNOT bi
Known to anyone but oui solves.
Rooins41anHlPaxon ( Block ,
FOR MEN d'.r.U'K . ' .
ncrfflotly r'liAlncil l > y Die iitw
fiflnrior cur lirMrlllutliiltu Mjuiilcta
Urillll. " Al-millloecf.rc. VurlCO-
curftl without pain orotnik | > ti. Ariflrfii
S9to lon-Dupre Ol'nlque ' , iw TtcnHini bllfn > lee ,
Traveling' MciiSiiinkrninl Itorottinipiiil
5' ?
Treatment of every form of Il'ieaie ' requiring
Board & Attendance. Beit Accomrccdationi in Wcit.
Braces , Tnuiei , Club 1'tet , Curvaturn of Spine , Pllei.
Tuir.ori. Oinccr , 0 tarrh , Bronchitis , Inhslation.
Elcctricltr , Piralyils , Epilepiy , Kilaey. Bladder ,
Eye , tar , QklnanJ Blood and all Sur/.lcal Operationi.
nKHAVEMTKI.Y Allllkll 1 ItLMI-IV IlErillTfiKMfUU
noit.N lil'imoCdinMintST. (8TRIOIIY ( PRIVATF. )
Only Reliable Medical Inititute nuklnc a Bnecial ty of
All lllood I > li iei iuc rullr Irreled. tirrhllllio 1'olioa
rrmorcdfromtli.ijritrni llliout mercarr. hrw Hrtor lh for l.o > . orIT I. run > II. r.rllr. unable lo ( lilt
mtul lr.t < ; l.l I. cm eleorrriponiltiiee. . All community
llon.eoufltlrnll.l. Ar ( lleln .orlnilriimrut .fnlbjrni llor t-
pr. leeur.ljpackednoui.rt. , alnrtl lecoiil > ulior > rnJir ,
linerer > on ( lnlirilewprcftrtfd. oil nilconiultuiontiKI
dtitarrcr rourcait , > n < t ouitlll Kud lu nliln m > I > rr our
nnnK Tn MFH FREE : uion wim. , nr M or
UUUrt IU riYKH ) Neln > u < llie c.lnil , | lriiertP > '
Illii Illeet an < l Vttlcocele , ollli qneillun Hit. AJ.Irfpi
13tb and Dodge BtreeU , OHAUA , If ED.
IIKST , a guaranteed speclue for Ilynterla. .
nesi. Convulsions , fit * , Nervoiu f 'eur.D. _ .
Headache. Norrous 1'rostratlon canned by th
Uho of alcohol or tobacco , WalcefulneM. Muutal
Depression , Bof inning nf the Drain , resulting | ri
tnuunltv and Icadlmtto misery , decay and death.
I'lemature Old AK , IlarrennusH. Io of I'owcr
In either Hex , Involuntary Losses and Bporiuat-
orliicacaunudby over-exertjonor tlio bruin.n lf-
btino or overindulBencfl. Kach box contalna
cne month's treRtment. ! 1.M H box , or ilx boxe *
for M.O i.sent by mall prrpuld on receipt of price.
To cure any caso. With each ordwr received \ > g
tuiforslx boxes , accompanied with tt.OJ , we wlft
Bad ilia purchaser our writ ton Kuaiuntee to refund -
fund the money If tlio tro itment do s not erreok
mure. Uuarnateen issued only by ( Joodm
Drug Co. , DruKi < t t , Bolt AueaU , 1110 Farnam
BUeiUOmuu * M b. .
? " * , " 11 n4 NERVOUS DEBILIT i
, _ , . . , , , , , , . , , . . .
. , rui.11 IMMI..v.i ; Ji""i : ' .
'It * . Hit , , , ltd MEOlCAl tO..BuffAt0.ll' .
Itrd Cm. . Dluniuiul lliuud.
71. SLlr Icll.Ll. ul | | far t > U. S.fe .1.4
" " ' ' Jl" . k UruifKl.l Or Ik. I > l > .
luunil rid uuulllcV < it , > 4
.IlLllu.rau. T k uu | b.r. K 14c.
( ! [ . ) fur ikrll uUr * iitj "UclUr ft '
l1'.1 * " t\i''r-1 " llj * ftn
* ! 1'blUI * ,