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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEjjfc FRIDAY , JULY 19 , 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES , ' OMAHA. No ndvcrtlHomontB will he tnkcn Tor tlic o c-o I u in tin nflcr 12HO p. in. Tormi Cnsli In advance. Advertisements under thin hrurt 10 e . . pet Una for tliu first Insertion , 7 ccntn for encll nub- equent Insertion , and I1.50 per line per month. No advertisement taken for less than 2r > c nu tor llrst Inncrtlon , Seven wordii wlllbocotint d to the line ; they must run consecutively unit mint l > pnlrt in ADVANCK. All ndvrrllso- rntBU mu t ha handed In before I2i0o'clnck : p. m. , anil under no clrcnmUanroi will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. I'artlon advertising In tli m > columns nnd hnr < IngthclrHnwftr.snddrcssedlnraroof TIIK Ilr.n trill please ask fora check to enable them to not their letters. BY none will bedcllvercd except on presentation of check. All answers to adY r- tUements uliould be enclosed In envelopes. All RdrcrlleemcntH In thoti * columnn nra pub lished 1n both morning and evening editions ot Trt llr.u. the clrcllUtlon o which agKr Kfttej more tliun If.OOO patxrh dally , nnil given the ad- Y rtl crs the bnnellt. nbt only of the city circu lation or Tilr. lliK. but nln ot Council ( Huffs. Lincoln nnd otlier < , ltlr nnd towns throuRhout this toctlonof the country. BRANCH OFFICES , Advcrtlilng for tlirno columns will be taken n the above conditions , at the following bnsl- 2 > * ss houses , who are agents for Till BKK spoclAl notices , and -n-lll quola the lame rntes as cnn be had at the rnntu ofllcO. Btraot , _ O : te iiI : > r , HtHtlonern and printers , 113 fioulh ICth Street. _ B. IL PAItN3WoTtlrH , 1'harroBoUt , 2115 Cum- . Ingytreot , ' jTllUOIIKS. Street. riinrmaclst , C24 North ICth' _ QUO.V. . I'AHIt , Pnarmaclit , 1809 St. Mary's i ! Avontle. HUminS' Pharmacy. S.D3 Farnam St. Tele- phone No , : t. . SITUATIONS WANTED. "WfANTKO Ily a youiiK man of ten years' . ' ' iLxporience , situation in any kind f.wholu- * * * > . \\o \ bilslnesa. Address 13M , lleo. r.7ft.aij ENC I.IHII.M AN ngod 19. wants re engacvment by July 'M\n \ private family ; can tnkocnre of homes unit cowa ; irood lefcroucos. Addroka ErO. lloo ollico. C7B-at _ 'VtT'ANTKD Situation by irinii experienced In T > grain , coal , lumber , nnd implement trmlo , where ouslnos cnn bo mndo lively. Address P. O. box SO. Underwood , la. _ 614-11) ) * WANTED Situation by nn experienced cut- tor , good references glvoii. Address tun "Wldo Aw ake. " Korfol k.Nob. _ _ tHH-ai SITUATION wanted by nil honest young man lijwcclo ) ns coAchmim. Knows tne buslnuss ; basHxper'.euco. Address ESS , llueoilluo. accountnnt want coi > ipuc ti l books and partnership matters to alust. Address CO.llee. . . COSJyl-.iJ WANTEP r/'fll.e HELP. _ 1711 llST-clavi olumbers wanted. Apply 6 ra- J.1 limn I'ark.SJlo Lcuvenworth st. ANTKD Sovornl men with small capital to buy territory : pioHts from 100 toUJdpor cent . Callnt Hotel Derby from 1U a. m. to i p. m. todny.V. . WAN'J'IID Two men with fair education to act us county managers. Deposit of K" > required. Sulary 47ft to 4101 per month. Call or address , Davis & Mmhan , WU It.Mngo block. Ml 1 ' \\rANTED Dread bakors. Steady work to T 'Holor , Induatrloii.s men. Jo . ( iaineau Cracker Co. cr > a liij W ANTED A good coplc at N. Johnson's , lunch counter , tt > ) Cuuilug st. C75-1I.J ir ANTED At once , three young men for light , steady work. ! 20N. Hith , Hoom 17. 574 ! ! ) WANTRO A man who bus hnd experience Hi the cbattlo loan business ; must be well ncmmluiod lu city mid glvo beat of reference AddrobS K 11) ) . Hue ollico. U.U WANTED Twenly-llvo solicitors for n good thing. Apply pirtionnlly this morning to I\D , Leon. Cniiilnld IKIIISO 'WTANTUD A competent , riiliablo undeiioi- Ti gctlc salesman to sell tobacco to the retail trade nnd ndvertluo nud Introduce same to consumers. Address , giving references nnd mating salary wonted , K n.Omahn llee. fill Pi * 2 rellnblo men with refeiences to WANTKD Hell goods on iiihtnlment ; part salary und port commission. 171K St. Alaryfa ave. tK'J ' lo" ' Men with fnlr education aim W'ANTKD pleasing address to solicit ; deposit of 5 required ; salary M3 nudS75 per month. Call on or nddresa C. L. Itoylen , room oil , 1st Nat. bank , W ANTKD Mnn of experience In the groceiT biislnoss. Nowmau llios. , IKirt loth : n. K)4-2It ) - to sell the Plulens Clotho.s WANTlCD-Asenta Line ; the only line evur invented that holds the clothes without pins ; a perfect .suc cess ; patent recently lisucd ; sold only by agents , to whom tha ( ixclnslve right IH given ; on receipt of Mo we will send n sample line by until ; also circulars , prlco list , nnd terms to ugi-nts ; Bcciiroyour tcnitory nt once. Addiuss , Wor cester f'lulos' * Clothes I.lno Co. , 17 Htirmon Ht. , Worcester JItujs. _ . . _ Sia IS * WANTBD Good mnn In cyory town , S&lnry paid weekly. Writ for particulurs. her man. Tangonbcrg & Co. , ICO Wust J.aUo.riilrag , IN ! to travel for tlio Komhlll NurBcries of Canada. Wo pay KO to I1UO a month and xpensen to ngonts to Hell our Cnundlun grown Block. Ad. Stone & Wellington , Jliidison , Wla. fcJl WANTBD llnllrond laborers , rockmen nnd truck layers for Washington Territory ; nodwngos and steady work , at Albright's nbor A gency , 1120 Knrnani at. _ t J _ V\"ANTKD A good ollico man logo east ; V > must Invest K.OW ) ; uiuit bo n good buslnu.Mi man. Address the ueo. B. Cllno rubliKlimg lloiiso. 315 to itit Wnbnsh ave. . Chlcngo. III. "M \\7AN1EI > Uaitroad laborers for new worK T > lu Wyoming. Teamsters , wheeler holders , pick nnd shovel men , aud rock nnd tuunol men. Steady wore nnd peed Job. For transportation 'npply ' nt Albright s labor agency , M'M Kiirnam Ht. . ( ininlin. 7IU _ WANTKD i weekly i-oprosentntlve. mnle or fomnlo , In every coiiimunlty. floods ataple ; household iiecesslly ; s ll nt Bight ; no p ddllug ; snlnry paid promptly , nnd expanses advanced. I'lill pnrllculnrs and valuable sample case fill'.r. Wo mean Jint what we say ; address nt once , Stnndard Silver wure Co. , Uo.ston MafK WANTEP--FEMALE HELP. w ANTKD flood girl for general house work. Kill lUirdutto. (170 ( " ) ; TTUANTKD-lbt-classcook. Mrs. W.A. 1'ax- T I ton , 01 H. Both nvo. UUi 'M WANTKD Woman COOK for lmtol. ? IO ; 4 Uoqdlaundrt')3Mj4 ) nnd J54 ; wnltrtsiw-es for pnmi' hotel , lu Kcaruoy. * 18 ; cook for ollU era' family , ( 11 ; cook iindxctomt cook lu HIIIIIU fam ily , $4 each ; imrso girls , klrhun girls and " . " > for general housework. Airs. licguUl ) | > i U. I5tlu IKI iot for general homework ; 617 838 bnker at once. K. II , I _ Colller.JVnlioo. Neb. GIItL for geutrnl housework ; small family , no lodgers , hoarders or children ; aotw Cull , oriua. ( Sll-lSt * f\7 ANTKD Qtrl. niUBt be good cook and TT Imiiidreaa. Mrs. J. M. Tnuratop. l > 17 X\rANTKD Oood cook and second girl : rof- _ ! Jt < rcI1EL'i rcijuir i , i N. latiu mi ia GIUL witntml Cermau , for hounework. fnm * lly of U. Mra. D. W. Van Cott , Tark ave and Jackson al , OM 1UJ > 1 dining room ulrl , 1 chamber maid. California hotel , lltli & Doiiulos. UlO-18 _ _ \\rANTKD-A No.l female pastrr COOK. Coz T i y.uns I Intel. HI3 * * X''AJiT l ) At * * l'Brlc v . a competent TT nurto ulcl or w omuu. BIO ia \ \ A NTKD Ulrl foFisonural housuworlc.must IT lie good cook. Cull ul onixi at al ) y 'illi ht. 177L8 _ _ WANTKD A woman , good cook andlaun. drosH ; Ulu family ; wages tt per \\cok , JOU9 Cullfonijo. _ 428 > fiiy7rNr'l'iTv-iJrmuii ? ( ) girl to iU > cooiiuii nd Ti washing , bett of wagon paid. ItujulruJ. J , . llraudeU. fU B IDth it. gjj \\7ANTIJI1 Olrl to ao second work cud take TI euro of child tar yrs oldi ilone but com petent need apply ; German preferred. " 4UB st , ' jlmry'Havu W EMPt Y M ENT DU R EAU8. : .H employment ollicp. frlrli wautca.ort d , Nr , lllnile. lilt N , Hith st. ' _ MISgEjLUANEOUS WAjNTS. , _ WANTKD Hoom and board , now I'nrk nvo uftrt B ptember ID by youni ; marrlwl rou plo. AdditM H 1J , | lf oillce , WMM \ ANTIID furqltlied roouou cable Vr loiltlirrii xHiaure , prlrAtu family , ntntu prlc * . AUdrvaS U U , U o , U7 U DRESSMAKING. r llKriSM AK1NO to do In families , C3R 9.17th. BOARUjNO. TJUHBT-class day board. Inquire 1B09 Don gins FO RJBgNY HgUSES.jr L ( TUSK ? ni N. irih"sC forrent * H W. Cromer. 20U N , iGth cult 1J1OU HUNT 7-room flnt. I.tinse block , B128 JJ 1,1th st. 47 _ TTIOR HKNT llmvo n number of customers JL' for houses , 4 to 7 rooms ; if you w ntit yours rentedll with.I. II. IMrrotte. llentnl acenuy , Hoom 21 , Dotmlas block. 6oU iM TjjIOIt , 11 KN'I'-fi-room Hot ] corner 10th aiul .L Mnioti. tinder viaduct , ilopor mo. . Call at f.l38HtllBt. _ VT8 _ tjlOll ItHRT-A tint In n now house wlnt nil -D modem conveniences. Apply nt 817 H. IMh St. , near Leavenworth. HQJ 1ft * iroil lIKNT-Chcnp to rlRlit parties , two 0 J ? loom Hats , second nnd third Iloors of li > 4 Fnrnam sl.i all modern Improvements. Call within. _ " ' fiV > K HUNT per month. "n'Tix loom L1 building. N. K. cor. of inth nun Mason. 45) I OIl ItRNT Until October 1. large furnished JL1 IIOUBB. call an s. atii. ; x > i "WOIt HUNT T\vo nine room brick IIOUIHS on JJ 1'nrk nvenun. with nil convenlennos. Aho nine room frame homo on oatno street , with nil conveniences ; prlcnVU to } l" > per month. D. V Bholc-f. 2101'lrst National Hank. 311 T71OU ItliNT-n first-class "dwelilnBvUli"n7l J. modern convenlimcoi. Including stable. " 5UH Capitol nve. Impure of D. J.O'Dnnnhon. 1001 1 nrnnm at. ! ! I5 "plOU HKNT H-room lioue , all convenience ; JU pn\cd Htreit , cable cms Mid within A lulu- xitei' walk of 1' . 0. N. Mieltou. irU Karntim st. ' POH KENT ' , -room Hat , } ' - * > per mo. above The Fair , 13th nnd Howard. Intjulro Thel'iilr. "T710H HKNT A nlf f f-rooin cottage with ninny JJ convenience' ' , K.7 S , 17tliAra | reut moderate. Aduly Kit a. Kth St. 671 "T71OK HUNT Nrnt COMORO. T * ( ) per month. 0. J. F. HiiiTlfon. Merchants National Hank. 151 POII HENT "Furnishedcortac , of 1 moms and furnltuni forsalo. L. k S. Loan & Mental Agoucy , cor , lilth nnd Howard at * . 145 Tj1tIIlN18HI5Dor unfiimUh d honse for rent X1 In I'nrk Twrruca. opposite llnmcom park ; nil modern convenience ! ) . iMiuirn Lee It Nlohol. UXth nnd Loavenwortli. 33 _ " 171011 HKNT--A dotncilrrt -rooHn l House , all JL ! modern tonveu'enc * * . K > IH.sfc Cnpltoluve' T.OK llKNT M-room brick dwelling , nil eon- J ? veiitencea , 6 block * frots. 1 * . O 210 N. 1'Jth it. 774 FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- I TJUNiailED rooni8 for rent nt Wi K Uth st. TfTlUHNISIlKD room \\li\\ \ \ bath for two { -untli1- . X men.third lloor. ( tor. seth and Lunvonworth CbO 1W O HOOMS , modern conveniences. 1105 N. li > th -it. Flat t ) . t > W JfToLAlil lluroiio.iu hoTeT cor. ] : itu nnd ODodge ; special rates by week or month.K'5 K'5 IjiUHNISHIil ) room with nnoof narlorand JL' piano. $10 , bonrd If desired , bill Ctilltornia. * i 18 ? TTIOU UKNT Vnrnlsbtd roomwitU pr without JE board ; 1 11 Douglas st. 5M-21J : OK soiitli front room with alcove , fur- JU nlshed or unfurnished , gns. bath , cool , iloiistint location , largo ydriP prlvnto family. X > 12 Chicago st. 570 1'Jf T710K HKNT I'ionsunt south room wltn -L' urst class board , gentleman only. 'Mi'i Douglas. f , t 19 ? ITHJIINISIIKD rooms with all modern con- J. vtinlHncesfor ceiitlemon only , 17U9 Dodga Ht. Ml I HKNT Furniahod rooms. iO'J Dodge. MM ' 'lt AHO i : furnished alcove room innowliouseT modurn improvements. InipMlre 51,1 N U'.ird. K8 1M TJlUHNlSHKn room for rent after Juno2,1. J. 2U24 Hurt st. 1J3 G OOD ( room with bath. 51'J S. 'JOth st. 158 ItKNT Hoom. lOil Howard. mOK KENT Two parlors front and on llrst L tloor. All modern covenltmces. ItWJ Dpughcs. tiS2 N1CKIA' fnrnlsned rooms , board if rtcsiredT gas , bath .electric bells , etc. 1SOU Douglas. 107 TT1OU KENT Nicely furnlsnod rooms with ex- JJ collent board.modoru convcn'es.lOVil'arknv 20) ) lb friOK HENT Elegant south room tor gentle D man. 1707 Dodge st. ' M8 FORRENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED TTtOH HENT 4 unfurnished rooms suitable JU for house Keeping , modern improvements , to family without children. 1704 Wobiter st. Price * tf. C37 _ 1OH HKNTbver stove sTo"roT1e3l "iloward at. Inriulre at store fiis _ FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICSS- T71OH HUNT Tmi rorner roomundor the Ne- JL ? brasku National bank will hoon bo for rent , the Kiiultablo Trust Co. lemovlng to larger iiunrtors. The dpace I * about double that occupied by theC1. , Ji. .VQ tlntcot ollli'o. Tne tloor is tiled and the room cau bo mndo drslrablu ror a H. It. ticket or broker's olllce , t bnnk. 033 GOOD room for llfo or tire insurance - ngent to rent cheap. Host location. Address , Iluo , . IVH III * i : for rent , southeast cor 1-thand Doug- lns st. 8. Lehman. K4 TflOK ItKNT Store and fixtures for Bale ; the A ? tiutlro building ; ono of the bust , lof-nllous In the city. WIG Fanmiu nt. Apply to A. 1'olnct , K ) HUNT Desirable warehouse room on . track. Apply to 0. W. Keith , 714 1'ncltlc St. 481 IJIOIt HUM' The 4 Btory brlcK building with J. or without power , formerly occupied by Tlio lleo I'ubll.shlng < . , 'J1U rurniuu Ht. The build ing 'jns a Iiro proof cemented basement , com plete atenm heating fixtures , water on nil the iloors , gas , etc. Apply nt the ollico of The Uei\ " 171OK KENT titoros nnd living rooms on Cum- JL' ing si. Also house on Casa st. llnrvli , room 411,1st Nat. Italic. Zf , _ OFK1O1J To rent. Furnished elegantly or Unfurnished , lluslinmti block , N , S , Cor. 10 and Douglat. (148 ( T71U11 Iti'.NT Hiore mid 4 living rooms in JL1 rear , lilt newly pnpcruil ; good location for grrcory or feed store ; ( Ui per month. Apply at onve , U. K , Hiirriton , Merchants Nftt. bank. 1VJ 171011 11KNT-3 floors front halt Ilomls mtlld- JL1 lug , power , heat , electric light , IniiiiireolHco of lleiuls Umnha Hag Co. 7 .1yl ! ( FOli UI5NT Comfortable sWn > rooms lu thp HIT building , OflxSi : good location for Inir- ness shop. Also , two bnttementri , light nnditlry , 44x'.tt > , under hardware storu ; good location for tin Hhop , Apply to A. C. Uovinor , huidvrure more. Her bulldlug , coruur Jackaouand Kith st CM JY Ig MISCELLANEOUS. LADIiS. : Attcntloul .Madnm Uuorottn'H ( ioldcn Siieclllc , for nil fumalo wuaknexs , olllrc IIOIUH 8 to 10 n. m. . and U lo 5 p , in. , can- imitation free. KM Douglas. _ 41itti ! ? HI I ) K banjo taught UH un art by ( Ico. F. Uoi- JL leiibnck.Appiy _ at lloe ollico. _ W ) VKS THU old rollalile Ilental agaucy Is htill JL riinnlnir , supplying all ttiut como with liousftj , Hula aiiilatorus , J. H. 1'nrrotte , Itoom SI. Douglua block. _ UilllltlU.I.AS ami parasols covered and n > - paired , BI7 8 13th. lloyd'd opera nouso block , In Blion M on * . It. llnlor. MM _ / 10IIATKUAI. Hank , Ill'JH , Ititli at. , Clmiube VJof Commerce. Ix > ans immoy on chutttls and ui t l leHof Jfnluo. _ . _ ' - \A done , ooltected and delivered by i T Mrs. Andrew Soreusoii , 3J10 1'nrker Kt. _ _ _ ' * Ul'HI.STiUINJ. ( ) : draplnir 'and . MuttrokSi-a made ovj-r. Klratclah * work , lUasounbli prlcea. 1L I.tlinmno , 210 N. Uth. TOTIrSf LOST. T O3T M re-.vanl for informntiou Unit will JUfead to tha conviction of thief who slots tha ted Irish &Qttcr from my restduiireon Ixiwo ivve , 'liuidogvoro licoriM.i tay No , 3J7 , attached to X. T. Llndsey. KZJ ui LoVf-UUKlUb Jlnsti ? " Keturn toloTl'iizton _ ti't * * and j t ruwant. an. I.OST littyhori * . with saddle on : bind fuel Jwlilto arnl ei'ddlo mark nu Imclti lout ; heavy thlli l 't on lth kud Ixjavciiworth. Henry llin ; doni , 47 at. . West Ouiulug. OJ3-16t LOST ( lolil me < ! ftl eiiurkvoT" , Agntlm'a . > ui. aud iiuiuu in fall ; tiiuler pUam loturn to ! lee olllca , 059st \ r . .O3TIrl U setter.Uilt * on faca and breast ! -LJuumb.-r of taglsi. tutHIUlock lu aumo loop rviurn to &e tf. Satn and fej reward. R51 18t FOUND. TTIOUND-Ono grny ( toldlns : agedt blind lit JU lefteyei nbout IS hands lilpli. IJiojiIre fct Omaha Veterinary Intlrmary , 16IO-18lS Harniy Btreot. R73 PERSONAL. rANTKD a wife A gentleman of good address , a business man who can tur- nlah n pleasant homo , wishes to correspond with nlacly from 18 to M years of ngo , with a view of marry Ing. 1'lcnio give ngo , color ot hair nud eyes , also weight and height. Address - dross K IS , lloo. OSS 18 * " ' " \\rANTKD-Tlio"ndd'foss of A. K. M Mo Ira" 11 He U wanted to nettle estate of decea sed mother. Addresi J. W. Malcolm , Hosevl lie , W nrren Co. , HI. 410 < n ToTfprinUnfr. Chnso&Kddy. 1139 ICth 118. 1'crcovnl of Cnltlornln , lOTi Douglas St. , fortolls the future. Ladles and gentlemen. -JOi nU CLAIRVOYANT r\ll. NANN1K V. IVnrren , clnlrvoynnt , mdl- JL/cnl and builnets medium. Temnlo dlsonsei n specialty. ll'JNlGtli st. rooms "J nnd 3. D05 STTORTHAND AND QTANDAltD Shorthand School , 1'nxton Illfc , Oisnccobsor to Valentino's ) the largest exclu sive ) shorthand school In the west. Teachers are verbatim reporters. I'nrtlculnr nttentlnn pain to typewriting. Mcciianlcnt construction of innchlno tnuglit by facrtoy export. Circulars. Ml OMAHA HuMnei * College , cor. 16th ntid C.ipl- tnl av . Shortbnnd Tlio Inrgest nnd most ticcenful shorthand department In the state. Standard methods taught. Munson's rovlsod of * S9 u specialty. Cnll or write for terin-i. _ ( Jl _ ' STORAGE. 'oilAOK at lowrntes at \ \ Fnrnnm St. , OluahnAui'tIpnjitid Slorn.go Co. _ It ) I rpllACKAOi : storage nt lowest rates.V. . M. J. lluMunan , 1311 Leavenworth. WC1 BllANCII i Co. , storage , 1211 Hownrd. UJti STOHAOK nnd forwnrdlng. Wo collect and dollvcrgooda of nil descrlptlonsmorchniidlsn , fiirultura und Imggugo nt cheapest rates for Htorn > < n for nny leiiRth of time. Vnns nnd \Migocs to bo hud at stiorte notice , with rnre- ful men for moving. 1'ncklno : nnd shliiplng .vmn ' our own warehouse- done on inouvriile chni'ire. Morctnndlso londed nnd unloaded. Wai ebouso on our own tracks. OIllco-17 S. lltli t ; tolephonn 114 IlowolKVCo. U04 WANTED TO BUV. V\ANTKD-TO ; buy country bank In No- "T braska or Interest taking antlvo Dart. Ad dress full partli ulnrx , K M , lloo. 071 7 WANTKD A high counter , with nr without ratllutr. H. II. Henderson , room 400 , Vnx- toulllk. 4B3 IWILlipny cash for tent In good order , lllnck Lrelghton hotel. COMBt 'tXT'ANTKD Furniture , carpets , stoves anil V > liou.snliolit goods of nil kinds. Omnha Auction it Storage Co. . 1IU1 Fnrnam. W3 FORSAUE-MlsaELLANEOUS. 1T10H SALi : Cnno"rldlng orTlrlvlngliorso 4 J-1 yenr.s , snfe nnd sound , pi-Ice S14U. Address i : aljjlpe ojllce. rtV. ) IK" TJ10II 8AIn rimnll stock of clgnrs and tobnc- JL ro ; good location : cheap. Apply at 517 N. ICtli St. ' Usll-31' FOU SALH Set of bilker's tools complete , chenp for cnsli. Inquire 17.5J 8 17th ht. ( < 46-19-t FOU SALK Alliio.soda fountain , with blielf. In good running order. Apply F. Doss. 1017 Davenport. C37 'Ait FOlt SALK Handsome Mexican parrot and cage ; will trade for bedroom set , NI ) ( S. lUth. IF you diiblro to buy a strictly llrst-class plnuo rlieap for ci"h or on oisy : terms , apply tu C L , Erlcksou A : Co.12 N llitli st. , Mnsonlc block. 015 IS A POOL table for snlo cheap ut 811 S. inth ht. canst niOlt yAliK Light three spring wagon In -L' peed order. _ lM17N.lti _ _ ! ) st. _ 405 IB/ " 1710H SALE 1'urnlturo of l.irgu houso. every J' room runted. Klrst-clnss loc.itlou i'artles leaving city. A bargain. Address 12 S , lieu olllce. 55i- ; fPOH SAIii ! Carpois Hinl IP.IMI of the best lei - - ic.ited cottage iu Omnha. Very low rout , AddrofH.nt OUCH Ti Ii , Bee olllce. 49'J Cnnileld MTg Co. being about to move .1- will sell 1 first class 4-honie-powor engine and boiler at U uctual vuluu. I-VS Douglas st. ! )7G ) ABSTRACTS OF TITUE. MIDLAND Gunrantoi ! & IVust Co. . Idl4 Far nam.Complete abstracts furnlslied andtltlcs to real ostuto cx.xmlnodperfocted & guaranteed. MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS on improved and umlmproved prop erty at low rates. Odell llros. Al'o.il2S ; : Ifith 'J1D O.F. . HAUItlSOX loans money , lowobt rates. . 030 ESIDRNCE I.OAN8-8J5 to 7 per cent , no nd- XXilltioiint rliargo-i for commlssloui or attor neys' fees. W. II. Jlolkle , First Nat Dank bld'g. MON n'to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. . or on nny approved necuiity. J. W. llohblus , IllUi Varnnm street i'nxtou Motel. UIO SUK Sholei , room 210 , First Nntl bank , before KX ) \IONKVtoIoanon ronl estate oocurlty , nt J--I lowest into-i. lluforo negotiating Umus si > o 310.11rown bldg. Ibtll A : Douglas. ! )3l ) TluN'fiKlt PKNl7Y roonr"20 , Douglas blockhnvo money to leud on chattel ecuriljr. 4U2 AIU PKOPr,15'8 llnanclal Kxchnngo Th fairest , quietest nud most illwral money oxchaugo lu the city ; money loaned without delay r > r pub licity , in any amount , large or mnnll , at the low est rntc.s of interest , on any available se curity ; loalm inny bopnld at any tlmo or re newed ut orlgluul rntes. ( ) . llouucnrt'ii. Mgr. , room 57. Darker block , 15th nnd Faruiim. 'JL" > MONKV Iionns negotiated at low rates with out df lay , aud purchase goods , commercial pnpornnd mortg.igo notes. S. A. Slomau. cor l3lh and Hirimin. U17 KKVSTONi : Jlortgngo Co.-Louus of t0 | tn Slt X ) ; get our rntus boforci borrowing nnd snvoinoiiey ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved Heciiritv , without publicity ; not n bought ; for n * > w loan , ronuwal of old aud lowe - o t ratfa.calll . Qhoeloy bit , 15tluVHoward st. U1S > N'CUUAbKA Mortg. l < oan Co. will make you a loan on honuohold goods , horses , wngons , land coutiucts , line Jewelry , or xocuritles of any kind without publicity , at reasonable rates. Itoom 7. I tow ley block. South Omaha. Iloonis 518-511) ) , 1'ux.tou blocK , Omaha , Nub. MONFV loaned on furniture , horses and wagons ; rutcj rca onablo. City J.oun Co. , I'.H ti. Jith St. , oppoMtu Mlllurd hotel , 4'M LOANS mndo on real estate aud mortgages boiiElit. Lewis 8. Heed \ Co. , It 13. Hoard of Trade. 1UI ] OIIH < A1 > I'.M1IIIA Mortsago * Trust Co. fur- . ni.Hli cheap eastern money to borroweis.pur- chiXHx tupurltlcs. perfect tltion nccept liiiias at thflrwosternollloi , Ouorgo \ \ , V , Contos. room 7 , llo rd of Trade. USI B1ULD1NO nnd other real ostnttt loaus. U' . M. Harrlx , loom J , l-'renzor Hlock , opp , P.O. I CAN make a few loaiiN on r-nattol sucurlties nt reaaonablorates. W , 1C. Potter , room W , Hnrkar blk. 1 J MONKY to loan on any security tor short time , nt low ratfs. Lowest ratus on personal pi oiwrty. The Henderson } forttHK Investment Com pany , room 4IM , 1'uxton tilocU. COJ STIlINOKIt .V I'I'.NNY nuvo 11,009 on hand to loan on improved Omahn property , Itoom 20 , Douwlas utock. lUVia AATANTHD-First-clnssinslile loans. Lowest Tf intes. Oil and aoo us , lurebtmout Co. . It. 1 llarker blk . Uth and Fariiam. i)2j ) flJ.IOO.OOO to loan nt a percent , Llnahan&Ma * n > lionoy , room WW i'uxton bl > ck. Wl MONKV to loan on lioisos , wagons , liuilej , houiehold Koodi , pianoi.orx i , dlumoiids , lowest r tos. The tlnst. organized loan oltloe in tlio city. Maka loana for thirty to tlirco hun dred and tlxty-tlvo days , which cuubupaldln part or wholu , ut nny time , thus lowering the principal and interont. Call nud are ns when you want monoy. Wa cau imslst you promptly nod to ) our ndvnnUfe without removal of property or publicity. Money ulway * on haud. No delay lu tuaklnc loans. 0. V , K ett & Co. , 'J\V \ 8. 13tU st. , over llmglmiii & Boas. utj MONKY to Imin ; ash on haad : no d 'ay , J. W. t-uulru. 1JIU i-'arnam at , , First National buildliu ; . ttfj law raioa nmt no da 1) . V. bholo * . SWHrst National bauk. MONF.T loaned for 5Oj or M days on any kinder chattelBerfldrV : reasonablelnt r- st ; confidential. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Farn&tn. MONKYtolqnn. IIa 1 r It. R. ft Loan Co. , room 411. First NaUtfHM bank. 913 MONJIYto Loan We l r ready'for appllcn * tlons for loans In anxoynts froifiKXX ) to (10 , . 000 on improved Omaha or JJonglas county rent estate. Full Inforniat&ihras to rntc. Loans promptly closed. Good .fates will be purchnsod by us. Call upon ns or wrlto. The McCngno Investment Co."J 018 ITroNlJY to loan on g5on first inortgiiges. im- J.iJLproved or unlmprAYM property. Mort gages bought and solili'IWallace. room 310 llrown bulldltip. 16th nrgj Douglas. 533 T'XOTf'T7 borrow moneon fifrnltun > , horses , JL'wagons , etc. . or collaterals until you see C. 1) . Jacobs , 411 First National bank bulldlnu. 92J M ONKV to loan. O. V. Davis Co. , rent estate nnil lonn ngantt , M1G I'nnmui at , 9J < ! OKOl'M'/S riunnclft Rxchnn e Largo nnd J- small lonus for lone nnd short time , nt low est rates of Interest , on real ostnto mortgnRo inter cnntcols of nil kinds , diamond * , untrho-t nnd Jouelry. Don't fnil to call If you want fair nnd cnonp nrcommodntlons. 0. Itoiigcnron Mgr. , room C7 , Unrkor blk , 15th and Fnrnam.Hl'i Hl'i Bini.DlNQ loaM. D' V. Sholes , 210 Flrsl Nft- Uonnl bank. 1 J T\O YOU want moneyf If so , don't borrow -LMioforo Rotting my ratosvhlch iiro thu low est on any num from 1 up to * 10,003. I mnkoloans on household goods , tilunos , or- ; tius , liorseK.nuiles , wngons.warcnoiiso receipts , iousi-8 , leases , etc. . In any amount , nt the low est jxMslblo rules , without publicity or romovnl of property. Ijonni cnn bo mndo forono to six montns aud you can pay a part at niiy time , reducing botli principal and Interest. If you one a balancu on your furniture or borsoi , or hnvo a loan on bom , I will tnko It up nnd carry It for you as eng as you desire. Ir you need money you will nnd It to your ad vantage to Bee mo before borrowing. ll. Musters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building 15th and llnrney. ul ! BUSINESS CHANCES WAHTKD Contractor to build house nnd furnish part maturiiil for good n-sldouco ot. Address , Ii 2lleo olllce. fl)7 ) 31 WANTKU I'nrtiKir hi a sinull restniirnnt ; iivorythlntr noixU nuw and clcun ; liuly pro- 'orrod. Capital required $150. Mrs. llregu , . ' ) ! Hi H. . 1U FOIl HEN ! ' Shoo department , crockery de partment , clothing department , book de partment , Jewelry department and grocery de partment in a Inrgo department more to bo opened August 15. Address E27 , lice olllce. f t 077-51 * " \X7ANTKD-To sell , a pnyiiiu business ; rea- i eons given for selling.Call at HW nnd bll 7th st. . upstair * . OTtlSt BAHHKlt shop nnd bath rooms for sale ; good location and good trade ; .satlifnctorjren- sons given tor selling. Lockbox 14KremontNob 010 Slf "IjlOU SAM1J ; ' mterMt In n good paying gro- J corystora In Lincoln , nbout $1.1 OJ requltol ; tlioso only who have thn eanli need niply. ) Ad dress II , lleo olllce. Lincoln , Nob. UUS17 WANTED A pnrtiior with from $ -0) ) to 91.1)00 ) to take half IntereIti a popular musical comedy company , with brass bund , orchestra nnd line special lithographic work. Show has n : class reuut.iUon nnd l < now booked In the je < t thontors through the east , but needs moro cnpltnl. A hlonilld ] ) chnnco for thu right mnn. Onlv tlioso meaning business need npplv. Ad dress i : St. lloe. ( 8-l8t A HIISTLBK with 8100 ns partner. Illnrfc , LOHKAT bargain lir'dordon. ' Nob. , anew roller mill for snle. i" > oarrol capacity nnd rlgced to mnko buckwhOat and rye Hour , inonl nnd chop feud ; In a , good wheat country and good market for Hour : " dwolllugs and burn with it ; prlco 98,00'J. IPftTtles having prop erty to trmlo need not .apply ; mill nns llrat- cl.iss roputailou. F. J. Andreas. 012 a lilt $ IJOO ( nnd the servicesoC R rompetent young man in good paying. uuiUi ess. Address ut onco. K 1" . lleo ollico. ' GUU I'.lf ' IT A NTl'D Partner Inirwstaurnnt In conncc- tlon with hotel of 40 rooma. Ad. K SI , llee. 1 " Kn FOR ii3lne33 clearing Jj o day. Address K K tH-o. WM-18J j10U SALK The Ootlmm cigar store. Hoyd's - opern house , wltu or without Jobbing stock. Location thojhrst. * 4M I > HIV'ATK bank for sato In small town in Northeastern ' Nebraska. Address. ! ) Kt , life. . ( 'H ' " ir 420 2P TTIOIt SALE A complfctfl sqdn aud mineral J. water manufactory with n good run of cus tom for bnlo cheap , nt Lexington ( formerly I'lum Creek ) Dnw.sou county. Nob. Apply to John K. Winter , agent. Diet llros. ' Quiney ill-owing Co. , Fremont , Nob. 211 IS FOR EXCHANGE. WANT to exchange 3J.I acres Kansas land for SI.X)0 ( to W.cuu drugs ; will pny 31,000 to difference in money. Bos. ! ) ) . Sheuan- doah , la. 04'I-2J : ] TIO exchange Oonernl stock merclmudlso ; want land nnd money. Box 70 , Frankfort , Ind. Olfi-lilt WANTED To exchange steam elevator with leed mill. In test grain section of north Missouri , 53.0UO. Morton Co. , Kansas , farm tl.COfl ; Adams Co. , la. . 1)1 ) acres 'M bottom farm , with crop ? , on smooth , lavul lund , all fenced and improved , Sl.'JOO ' : iucumbrnnce. ! fl , ( ) J ; want genernl mor- chandlse. dry goods or boots aud shoes. Kxcel- slor Land Co. , 310 S. luth SU OJ2 IU "iriOlt SALK or Kxchango1 What liavo j-ou to * exchange fbr good untncumbcrod farms nt cash value. Stringer it Penny. Douglas blk- . 381 23 CASH and choice land to exchange ) for mer chandise. Co-operatlvo Laud & Lot Co. , 20o N. ICtb St. r > 5li-20 FOll KXCHANUK-A line farm of 2JO acres in Polk county. Net ) . , 4 miles from Clurk.i , Nob. , to cxoh'iugo for cattle ; BO acres under cultivation , house , barn , wagon Bciilu.s and good feed lot. Address C , Oskamp , 15 Wnb- star at. . Omaha , Neb. 1H. > TTIOR KXCIIANUK-For deslrnblo rosldnnce JJ property in Omaha , any or all of following : 40 choice iDsldo residence lots lu Hastings. UK ) lots lu Lincoln. C40 acres line farmlugland , Lancaster comity. Finn rosldouco property. Lincoln. ( iood rnntnl i > ropurty , Lincoln. Cholco family rosldouce corner , Los Angeles. A nuat ru ldcn"o property in Ilanacom Place. Also f-omn good mortgage notes. Address , giving location and prlco ot prop erty , J. 1' . B. , care llaiim Iron Co. , U17 Loavou- wortJi , UM FOH EXCHANUK Ail elegant tract of land containing W acres , in Antnlopo county , Nvb. , with oidmary improvements. A < | iinrtur-scutlon in Hand county , Dakota , partly improved , Klghty ncrns iiuar Council IHuiTa. Ia. House and lot on South Irtth nt. Largo amount of OH Mountain nnd Potrollum company oil Block. Will oKchnngii for good piopertyor tlio erection of some houses , Uoo. J. Stcrnsdorir , 1st National bftukbulldlng. riK ) KXCTfANUH for Omaha property , one of JL the rust Improved farms in Iowa , only one mlle from town ot fi.ODO Inhabitants. W. ll. E. & M. K. , room 14 , Chamber of Commorco. 1UI FOR SALE "SEAL ESTATE TMPHOVKI ) farms and , Vv lots for sulo or J.excliangu for stocks ( ifinorchandls ) . First National , U. K. Company ; jWeJt 1'olut , Neb. JA 040-23 | 7KK SALE Kasy turms. Kountzo place. JL' Two homes , each K-rooms. each (1.U9J , Two homes , ench.9-rooirti.oach il.ttw. Two homos , each in-roiims ; each * 7,011 All with modern tonvufilMuco. All large value at the ydce. All within a square of HID motor lino. Don't lese those opportunities. For sale by the owner. , W. T. Boaraan , side Irtth st. , north of Nicholas st. , Oinahn'slnrt'cBtvarletriiof wafons und car. rlagos. | 017. OOIlNinc 100x150 foot , foi t front. Ilnnscom I'lnco. Hpeclal price ( or-few ( tays. Money in tills , for builders. F. K. Darling , Ilarkor oik . , 018 18 ABNA11 A O-rhoin nosfs > nd lot. city water , I milo from I' . O. , 2 blMii from cnr.ln North Omulia. for jsm | ) ; cash , 7UO ; bulunco on tlmo , Address , Kiil. B o olllce. 'v 001 SOt Oil SAM' Two of the best located traoxugu lots , on tlii corner of gist nud Izard streets , size 1-Mxn : foot. I'or price nnd terms inquire of the owner. Kdward Speller- berg. 1012 North gUtxtrect 6J7-al4t TITHE bust money s worth of houw ana lot now JL for sale in Omatm Is that which 1 om uow completing near ' . ' 4tn ut , on pavei } Wlrt st. in Kounfze rluco , li hudroyuia. 2 parlors , dining room , kitchen,2 bath rooni . ; t-'iTAt r closets , lurtru laundry , stationary wash titbi. furnace and coal room awl cellar , electric bells and speaking tub * , W clbiBts ; Price only I7.00J on terms to Bint. tLlkewMo A dupllcntn adjoining nt Kami prlco , W , T. Sunman , east nidi Itltb at north of Nicholas Ht. QraaWdJfVrtfuit variety of was no and carriage * . * " Wl s HNI ; ) for ulut of Uollier place , and when 'driving for recreation follow the motor line Delis OR loth m. and Amos' HVO. , and aee the wonderful improvement ! ! that have taken plnco Ju t around Uie barracks , and remember that Collier place Is the key to tliu bltuntlon. lluy a lot uow for the Mw price und at the easy teniig they art ) boluu oifered , und we are sutUllml , Oue-tunlli cash , balance one to uv years. Mo , opp. V , O. VS ) nillE On st drive in the city Is ot Colllar plat * -LMcCftnu RM - < _ _ _ OOMHftnd seauinmf nvestlftato ( Tom of the barKalns we hnvo to offer.V"e are contlntt. ally luting now proportii1 ! ! . and "If you don't mo what yon want , ask for It. " We have morcuixmllio to trade for land. Wo have a brick nnd tile tnctory dottur a thriving bn.Mnoss to oxchnnge for western laud , For Kixlo lot 12. block Id , Stull's socoud addi tion nt n bnrcnlu. Three nawfl-room cottngcs nt A IbrlRht , - within in 10 minuter walk ot termtmti ot Hourly dummy line , for snlo on terms that will only bo fnir rent. An elevator propcrtv with IHIRO dwelling house , nta bargain. Klovator roiniilole , wttn horo-power , scales , odlco fxtrnlstind. olc. A line opening for n practical rrnln dealer. Two line residences in 1'opplcton park , on motor line ; will bo sold on eaiy terms. Houses and lota In all parts of Omaha for Bale and exchange. For excnance. for Omnhn proporty.1,000 ncre * of school laud lease , In ono of the best counllos In the state. A tlnn residence property in Omaha View for sale at n bnrualu. From 75tiS ) to H1W.OOO north of llrst-clajs notes to oxclmnKO for Omahn property. MerclmndUoto exchange for H tasli nnd bal ance weMern lands. Tlili Is ouo ot tha tlnest opportunities over otToreo to convcit land Into ca li. InvuitlKftto ttiK For snlo. nt a ImrRntn , hotel nnd Hvery bnra , In ivcood Nourakka lown. Tuts is n tine open- Inc fern practical hotel mnn , For OKcfuinKo for Omnha property ono of the best farms In Hock county , Nebraska , toRethor with stock mid machinery necessary to carry on the plnca. Old age nnd faillug health of the owner Is roas on tor Hollluu. A line Wheeler county farm , well developed , Rood soil , foroxrliangc for Omaha property. IHO ncrcs of wild Innd near n thriving city. What hnvo you to offer. SMOncri's of nno land in northwestern lown tooxclmnijo for Omahn property For snlo at a b-ircfttn , ono ot the best Im proved farms in Nebraska , owner Is coin ; ; to leave the state is the reason JtirsolllnR. Wo hnvo unsurpnsiud fncllltlos fordlsposlnir of property , linvlnij RomoOJO ajjonta ncaltcrod over four or Iiro states. List your property with us If you wish a < | itlck turn.v. . 11. K. K M. E. , room 14 , Cnnmber of Commorco. telephone - phone 14 40. _ iM riTHU motor line Is built to Collier placo. Tlio JL Hell line runs near Collier place. The P. H. * M. V. It H. stop nil pasecuRer trains nt Col lier place. Tlio horse far Hue will soon reach Collier pliu'a I lest addition lu the city , 1'rloo IJio ( to $1,3)0 ) per lot. one-tenth cash , lulanco one toljvoyears. _ McCnKUf > . opp. l' . O. _ _ _ _ ii1-1.- . . W15 hnve special Rood barnnlm in n few lots ; ulso oltor to vxclianiTt. for olty nnd farm property. Wo represent farms nnd lands In nearly nil states west of Chlnnco. Wo call special attention to the Maxwell mud fjnmt in fiontliorn Oolnrndo and Noithern NowMuxlco , v hero the best InvoKtmotit In real estate Is tn bo mndo. Cnll nud see UxcvUlor Lnnd Co. , i'10 ' S. IMIiar , . Om.ihn. OSS U' ' _ TT OU SA.1.T : Now fi room honsn , with barn , - - near llunscom Hark. K sy terms. JOB. P. Jleueiith , 1611 Farnatii , Ud lloor. 038 J _ SRi : llutchtlisou ItYud , 1.V24 DoilRlns for cheap lioniL'i in Walnut or Orchard Hill ; a splendid opening in furnlturo busliicsi ; alsol general stock. " grocery stocks. on 'M TTHtTY CUNTS on the dollar bargain to nny JL ! one wltn Sl.ilW a IOD froullnff on I. street. South Omsiha , Just west of viaduct , which miut bo sold. I'rlcn In too low tq odvortlse. D. D. Stneaton , U.irker block , Omaha. _ ( fXJ-il FOU SALU 640 aero ? fnrm land lu Morrlcl : Co. . Neb. . I mlle from depot ; nil luncod nud running wntor ; choice ; tiisy torms. Address K. S. Unrtlett. Onlosburf ; , 11U 584 SI ? " 1710H HALE Do you want n choice farm 10 X1 mtlcvi northwont of Oiiiaha ? If .10 , 1 have just what will suit you , nnd cnn bo bought at W ) per acre below Us nctunl value. Tlio above named farm contains " 7."i acres ot the IInest land In thost.ite. nil ouclose < i with Rood barb wlro fence ; the bulliliuin and orchard thereon are In llrst-cluxH condition. Twocood welU furnish abundant water. The very low pnco ot 310.IO per ncronhould command n ready purchaser. Lot mo drive you out and show yon this farm. U. J. blrrnsdorir. Hoil Knato , Loan nud Ex change Hiokor , Hooius : tl7 aud'JlS , First Nat'l Ilauk Hnlldtnz. Telephone 481. 1)13 ) a6 BUY n homo In thu center of the city , on monthly payments. I will soil you a lot in Aldlmi square , oullu u house o niiy klud , worth from $ l o ( ) upwards , nud you can pay for It monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldluo stjuaro is on Grace stioot , between ! i-'d and ld streotn ; it has all the ad vantages such ai paved Mtrects , Bowerago , v/ater , KUS , and is n flrst-clan local ity. Call at. lliOl Fnrunm street nnd sec plans of buildings nnd cut figures. D. J. O'Donahoe. 5111 " \A71I can oiler for sale for the next few days ii the followluj ; Jluo propertius ; A Il-rooiu house lu Imiirovumoiit Association add. , with barn nnd other nut door improvements. A lot in Oklahoma add. ; 1 in ( { odors' ndd , ; 1 lu Cleveland IMnce ; 4 lots in Uosallnd I'lnco. W. H. K. .v M. Kx. , Itoom II , Chamber of Commerce ; telephone 14 ID. Htfi. JKOAL blanics. Chase & Kdily. 11,1 S ICth st. ! . ' 70 n5T BAHOA1N Part of the Dik : Ktmbjill estate. 50 feet on 18th street running through to 17th nvo. One 13-room house , all modoru conven iences , aud two H-room housed. Total rental JI.GO ) per year ; prlco Jl.l.OJJ. M. A. Upton Company. Itlth and 1'arnain. UK fOH ( SALE llusluoss corner. S4U.OM. C. F. ' Harrison , Merchants National Hank. 155 YHOODrtl Get on to these bargains ! JI.UU ) buys full east front lot with seven room hoitso and furnace in Hauscom placn. Do you bollovo It ? Jll.CO ) buys a house on Park avenue with lull lot , that is finer than bilk , and elegant through out. Von cannot guess how nlca this is. $1,100 buys a good four room house and full lot in north part of the city ; nlso for tl.UOO In northwest part of city. 1 cnn sell you houses and lots from I.K.OOO down toS.W and can suit you in nny part of the city. No trouble toshow goods , oven if it is hot. Call In and get a good rldo , If nothing moro. D. V. Slioles , 210 First National Bunk. U10 SA.LB fiKl.rJ acre. sen. 5 , tp. 12 , r. Ow. , Huinlltou county. Neb , House. : < tablo. 30U acres fenced , living water. ) 'rico. iVKX ) F. K. AtKlus. owner , railroad Dldg. Denver. Col. 040 factories within easy reach of Collier J- place will employ n largo force of mtin. Se cure a hoiito una enjoy lite. 1'rlce of lots fcHOO to $ I'AK ) . one-tenth cash. Bend for pint. Jlc- Cague , opp. ! . O. VU3 ATTHACTIVB 10-room house , barn nnd Rheds. full lot. sightly : 1435 Georgia ave , , $25. Hutchlnson * Woad , 1524 Douglas st. " | 608-18 AKOAJNS. Lots 2 and n , block ? , Walnut Hill. JWW for thu two , i ! ! ) I cash , balance to suit. Lots 14 nnd 15 , block 2 , Mount Douglas. 9100 each. Thesel ot.s lie just west of Armour's packing house , und cost t'W each two ycarH ago. Htrlnger & I'oiiny , loom 20 , Douglas blk. I71OK 3A iiE On long tlmo and easy payments. J. handsome , new , well built houses of S , Hand K ) rooms , All convenle'ncoj.good neighborhood : paved streets ; stieot cars aud within walking distance-of 1 * . 0 , Nathan Snclton , lull Kama in l.'H TTU)1I SAI.E-lloautlful 8 room housa , nil mod. X em Improvements , including splondld fur- mice , near Hauscom p.irk. bast location in the city forschooLchurcu und street cnrprlvllugei ; prlco $3,000. C. F. Harrison , Muichants National bank. 008 ONE of the two house nnd lot bargains I hnvobemi oirertngon Ceorgla nvo. north of Leavuuwortn , is now sold and occuplod , because - cause of my very low prlco. Thu south IIIHUO of the two Htlll remains a bargain open to sombody. First come : , Urst served. To bo ap. predated It needs to bo examined lutarnallv. 1 positively will not rent It , though several tune.i otTurod SM pur mouth. 1'rice , on very easy terms , 81UJO. W , T. Benman. east sldo ] 6tli st. , north of Nicholas st , Omahn'.s largest variety of wagons and carriages. flit ) FOK SAIiK Tlio finest msldoncfl in Orchard Hill can bo bought at uctual cost ; owiim1 leaving town : house lias 10 rooms with bath room nnd every modern convenience , lot CUxliiJ all nodded : largo barn and nlca shade Irons ; In fact upurfeci homo ; call nnd let us show you this , Arnold & Co. , itoomi:7 : : 1'axtou bloek. ° 775 FOU BALK-Lot ? In Btuwart 1'laca on Lotvo ave. ; .Metropolitan Cable passes property. 0-rooin housa und barn , Hntiscom 1'laco. S liotisns und lots on Cais at. , on easy ternu. Hurrld. room 411 , 1st Nat. Bank. -"Ul /10NTINITOUH eldowalk to Collier place. Got v pi'lcesnnd terms McCaguv. 9I'J Notlci ) to tiiitraoti ) > r i Hock und eartb excavation nnd tunnelling Sealed propos.iU will be received ul the ulllco of the Coiiipunv , lu Ogdeti , Utah , until noon , July 2t'tli , liv.i , fur the ( onitructlouof tbo upixjf tU'jlVHiillesof the Hear Hlver Canal from tha head works on Illver , llox Elder County , rtah. lu uccordnncu with plain , profiles und Hpcclnrutlous onjllo lu thu oillce of the ciigtuevr ill charge at Ogdnn. ' 1 ho amount of work to be contrncted for In th tint section Is approximately as follows. 2-- . ' ( ) , ( ' ) culilc yards solid rock , lU.Un. ) cubic yurdi looho rock. J,52 , ( i80 cubic yards GUI tli , ltt linear feptttinnolllug , ( 'outrnctors will bo inquired to give n midlcl- out uond for the faithful pcrforniancu or thu contracts awanlcd thorn. The company rujorve * the right to reject tmy nnd nil bids. I ur.n. J0a7t Dissolution NollOf. XTOTICBlslieroby given that the copnrtuer- J- > hli | existing butuecn li. II. llnllnnl nud Lew 1'lxluy , undi'r tne llrm iinmo of Italian ) , I'lxluyilib. . , commission business , la this day dissolved by mutual consent ; Lew I'lxloy retlr. lug. K. It. Dullurd ahkuuiluu all liidiibttiilno.-w of the llrm aud collovtlnu uiroutstandtn ilrbla duovaldllriu. K , It. HALIMUJI , Luw Pmxv. Omaua , Neb. , July ICtn , 183V , JylTdJt * THE REALTY MARKET. TNsraUMK.XT3 placed on rtoord Uttnnit Mike llnynn and wlfa to FWWngner ct al. a UOrlUO ft lu loU U and 10 , blk 3. S. OmnTiawd. . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . , . $ 4S3 Win Luteyotalto MJ I toy , lot IB , blk ! < , Orchnril Hill , < i c d . 1 L A dray to 8 II Dny. W32 ft In lots 24 and 2 . blkl ) . Mayor plac * . vd . 0,600 Vatk I'ord and wife to V Ilunilker , lot 8 lu Kurd's Saratoga nd , wd . . . . . . COO Juo Trummer ana wife to A It llrlggs ot al , lot 3 lu blk J , Saunders Ac llalne- bMign's ad , Wd . . 400 J W OHintli. sr. , to Mrs B I , Hnrkncsa , I.t24 in blk 3 , Barker plnco , w d . tT3 J W lUgler and wife to itT Maxwell , s 3J ftof lot fein blklEll , 8 Omatia , < icd , . . IN Aug drubs nnd wife to Henry llorubcck. lotMlu McKntce's ad , w d. , . BOO OCIIouspl and wife to 8 E llcaty , lot "In Dlk 01. Omahn. w d . 4,800 0 W i.ynmn nnd wife to O E Clancy , lot t In ink fi , Lyman place , w d. . . . . 650 O li Clnncy nnd wlfo to Martin HJornstad , lot 1 lu blk n , Lyman place , w d . COO K.S Hood and wife to n W lto ern , lots 14 , 15 and Id In blk II , Albright's anx. w d. . SCO 0 W llogers to 1'ftnny llogors. lots 14 , 15 nnd IB in blk 11 , Albright7 * nnx.T d . . . . 1,500 Max Mayer et nl to (1 ( Adler , lot 13 lu bile T , Manhattan nd , nil . , . 1KO n H Clark and wife to . ) I ) Wampler , tot SO In blk 14 , Orcnnrd HllUwd . 050 A J ' ' Popplotonanu wlfutol'opplatoul'ark building assoclntiou , lot 0 in bit 8 , 1'op- pleton 1'nrk , w d . BOO Blxtoou trniufora . 115,047 t'ornitts. John V. Coots , two-story frame and brick roMdonce , Worthlnutou near South Tonta . , . I C,00) Allen 1C. Itlloy , llvc itory nnd basement , brick wnrelumso , Douglns bctwoon Tenth and niovrntli . 1'otor Wlndheliu , two-story tor vs , Jono bon\ etui Twelfth ana Titirtuantli . 10,000 Louts Klescher , ono nud ono-nalf-story trame cottage , lilk near Browser . . . . BM Nln * minor permits , > iggrogattui ; . 1,12 ! Thlrtuon permits LINCOLN'S LAST NIGHT. A. Letter Which All Americans \ \ ' \ \ \ Komi With Emotion. Iu 1805 a aixtcan-pnga luttor , vrritton that year by Miss Harris , who was in the thoutoi * box with the Lincoln party wlion tlio president was shot , wns jjlvon to mo by u frlond who hud just rocolvod It from "Mrs. Slowo , says u writer in the Now York Indopondont. Of this letter Mrs. Slowo romurlcod thixt under the circumstances , It would ono day bo ro- Rnrdcd ua historically vMuablo and of national Interest. Atullovonts hi it intollifjent and reliable testimony Is berne to the domestic virtues of ono of the tfontlost , wisest und best of man. It is end to know thtit other traffic events followed the party , for Miss Harris , who afterward married her stepbrother , Major Ruthbone.wiLS killed by him in Germany , and Hathbono , i belicvo , is ut probuut the inmate of u lunatic asylum. Although not writtuu.for publication , and touching : toward ilio end on other matters , after the lapse of four ana twenty years , I venture to give thu ivholo letter in Its integrity : " \YASIIINOTON , April 20. 'My ' Dear M : I was very glad to hear from you aain ; your letter prov ing that in all the events of your ma tronly life our old frioudbhip is not for gotten. "You may well say that wo have been passing through scones sad indeed. That terrible Friday night is to mo yet almost like some dreadful vision. I have boon very intimate with Mrs. Litn- coln and the family ever since our mutual residence in Washington , which began at the same time , and wo have been constantly in the habit of driving and going to the theater together. It was the only amusement , with the ex ception of receiving at their own house , in which the president and Mrs.- Lincoln wore permitted , according to the cus tom , to indulge , and to escape from the crowds who constantly thronged to see them moro than from any decided taste of such things. They were in the habit of going very elton to hear Forrest , Booth , Ilackott , and such actors when play ing in Washington. "Tlio night before the murder was that of the general illumination hero , and they drove all through the streets to see it ; a loss calculating villain mipjht have taken that opportunity for his'crimo or the night before , when the White house alone was brilliantly illu minated , and the llguro of the presi dent stood out in full relief to the im mense crowd below who stood in the darkness to listen to his speech. IIo spoke from the center window of the executive mansion. I had been invited to pass the evening there , and stood at the window of an adjoin ing room with Mrs. Lincoln , watching the crowd below as they listened ami cheered. Of course , Booth was there , watchintr his chance. 1 wonder that ho did not cheese that occasion , but prob ably ho knew u batter opportunity would bo offered. After the speech was over wo wont to Mr. Lincoln's room ; ho was lying on the sofa , quite exhausted , but ho talked of the events of the past fort night. of his visit to Richmond , of the enthusiasm everywhere full through the country , and Mrs. Lincoln declared tlio past few days to have boon the hap piest of her lito. Their prospects , in deed , soemcd fair peace dawning upon our land , nnd four years of happy and honored rule before one of the gentlest , best and loveliest men I over know. I never saw him out of tamper the kind est husband , the tondorust father , the truest friend , as well as the wisest statesman. 'Our Beloved President' when I think that 1 shall never again Bland in his genial presence , that I have lost his friendship so tried and true , I fcol like putting on the robe of mourn ing which the country wears. "My own dear father was deeply at tached to Mr. Lincoln ; they thoroughly sympathized in many things , and Mr. Lincoln , perhaps being able to discern in him an honest , unselfish nature , in that akin to his own , was wont with him to throw off the restraint of the politician and talk ever things as with an old friend. "Tho shock has boon a terrible ono to him ; ho fools his death to bo a dcop por- > oriiil alllictlon. "You are right In supposing the Major Hathbono who was with us to bo the 'Henry' you know in Albany. "Wo four coinnosoti tlio party that ' evening. They drove to our tloor' in the gayest spirits , chatting on the way and the president was received with tlio greatest cnthubiasm. "Thoy fay wo were watched by the assassins ; aye , as wo alighted from the carriage. Oh , how could any one bo bo cruel us to strike that dear , kijid , honest facoV And when 1 think of that ( lend barring himself In alone with us , my blood runs cold. My dress is saturated with blood ; my hands and fnco wcro covered. You may imagine what a HCOIIO , and so all through that dreadful night , when wo Blood by that dying bed. Poor Mrs. Lincoln wixa , and is , almost crazy. "Honry narrowly escaped with his lifo. The knife was struck at his heart with all the force of a practiced and powerful arm ; ho fortunately parried the blow and received u wound in his arm , extending along the bone from the oloow nearly to the aliouldor , IIu con ceal oil It for some tlmo , but was finally carried homo In a swoon , the loss of blood had boon BO great from an artery and veins severed. Ho is now getting quite well , but cannot yet use his arm. "I hope you will pardon mo this dreadfully long lottor. I did not roallxo ] > ow tnucii I was writing. I have been q ui to ill , and have as yet answered bcarcolv any of the numerous letters I have received in the last two wookft. * * * Kvor yours tlnccroly , CLAKA U. JUmus. " THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OMAHA. SUUUXIRAN VTestward. . Ilunnlng between Council IHuITs and AV bright. In addition to the at tloni mentioned , trains Htop nt TwoiUleth nnd Tweuty-fouttli stieets , nnd at the Hmnmlt in Omnho. Omalia I Hontn l- way. for. depot , Bheoly. Oinahn brig lht. . A.M. A.M. A. M. A.M. A.M. A.M. f > :51 : Ort Bio : BT7 : 0M : iss 0:40 : IxOO 7o : 7:20 : 7:3.1 : 7:40 : 7:55 : 7:4 : 8:12 1133 8:43 : 901 ; 6:43 : 8:01 : ! i:12 0:23 9:3 : 8:44 : 0:85 10:0) : 10:12 10:25 : 10:30 : 10:52 : 11:12 11:33 : 11:41 : 11:52 P.M ! P.M. P.M. P.M. J' M P. M. 12:12 12:30 : 12:4n : 1:05 : 1:12 1:3U : 1:45 : 1:53 2:05 : i.l3 2t5 : ; 3:12 3:00 : 2B2 3:0 : > 8:12 : 8:30 : ' 3:50 : 3:57 : 4:10 4:15 : 0:45 : 3:6i : 4:05 4:12 : 4:2.1 iCO : 4:50 4:57 : 0:10 : 6lTi 4:46 .4:53 6IH 5:12 : n:2.l : 6:45 : 5:52 : 8:05 ! :1 0:2u 8:33 fi:45 n:52 : 7:05 7:12 : 7:26i'i : 1:03 7:41 7K : R05 : i'i 8:30 8:45 : 8B2 : 9:05 012.1 8:20 : ll : u 10:1 : 10.-25 10:30 art 1:9) ) I 11:0) ) 11:07 : : 11:31 13:01 : 11:09 Iv 1IIH : ll-A * . 18:06 _ 1-U5 COUNCIIj CIIICAUO. UOCIv ISLAND i PACIfdO. , . Arrive. n No. 2 5tjpm : I ) No. 1 U:15am : O No. 0 flnonm : 0 No. r , r.:16pm : A No , 4 lOMUnin No. 3 ) :3 : pm A No. 14 li : f > Din No.W 7:11 : am " CHICAGO & NOKTHWK3TKHN. No. 0 9:10 nm No. 7 : i7 am NO.H : ii5 : pin No. ii 7:15 am No. 4. USi : 0-15 pin All Trains Dnlly. CHICAGO , JIIMVAUICKB & ST. PAUL. A No , 2. . . 0:40 : ami A No. I 7:03 : nm A No. 1 B:10pmA : | No. U fiiir , pm KANSAS CITY. BT. .IOSBI'11 i : COUNUIb HMJI'l'H. A No. 2 10:07am : | A No. n 0:2.1 : am A No. 4 U:4ipm : ! | A No. 1 Uiui : > m SIOUX C1TV & 1'AOiriC. A No,10 7nnmA ( | No. I ) Rtfi'i am A No.2 7OOpmA : | No.ll UWpm ; OMAHA & ST. I.OIJIH. A No. B 4t.'l'ipillA | No. 7 12:00 : m A dully ; H dulyl except Suturduy ; 0 except Stiuday ; D except Monday ; TuHt niiill. - Till ! - CHICAGO SHORT LIKE 01' TIIK Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. ' The llcsl Route from Omaha nnd Council llluffii to TWO TKAINH DAILY BliTWKKN OMAIfA AND COUNCIL Chicago , AND Bt. rani , Minneapolis , Cedar llock Jsluinl , Frecpurty itoekford , ( 'Hilton , ] ) iibiiiio ( | , Davenport , ElKln , Matllstiu , llelolt , IVIuoiift , Lu Amt ill other Impottant uolnti Knit , Norlbeail and buulliemt. For Ibniuiili llckett call on the lltVat ngcnt at 1(01 j- rii ni Uuullu Jiurkor llloek , or ntUulva I'tciOo IMIIiimn Bloepera and the flntst Dining Can la th nrl'lnrx run "in thu main ling of tbu f lilc i < ( > , Mil- na'ikoa A nt. 1'ftul IlnHwiir. and orcrr utti'iitlon u Imlil lo | mnenxer > Uf cuurtuoui vinuluioi ut tin cowl' ' any. It. Mll.l.UMt. Qontiinl Mnn .tr. j , F.TIICKUli. Afilittnl Kaiiernl Mimior. A. V. II. CAlll-KNTUU , Uuiivral ra .oigor and 7lkc-t A cnt. UKO , K. liKAVFOlin. Atiiittnt ( Jeioral I'aneuitcr anil Ticket /cent. T.J.tllvAllR , Otnoral Buperli'.tniJcnt. Notion to f/'ontriotor , South Omahn , July 10 , 1899. Sealed proposals will bo rocolvod nt liin city eii'luij ( r ollico liy the cuiiimlttuo on vMuct ) > , Htioeu and alluyk until noon Hoiul.iy , July , ' . ' , IfW , for Krudlnic Q atrevt from Z4th streut to Kid street. Approximate ultimate. ISUjcutilo | ; yurUM , earth ttzcavatlou. To cost -VJ" > . \/ork to be cunipK'ted within fcrty day * after n con tract therofor binds and UKOS eUect , All bldi mustba noo.ompaiilwl l > / a c rtlllta chocK for liir u luindrod dollar * , said i > U ulu to b i - turnud nu all bldi lint ncctpted. The riiitit to reject any and all bids Is re served. I'Jani aud MitclQcatlotiG rau b iipeu at th city onf iu cr omc * . K. H. TOITI , , Chal.-uitti Vladuo'.i ' , tr M4 aud Alby * . J11JIU