Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1889, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY , JULY 10 , 1889 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKER. Wheat Remains Firm With Llttlo Ohango Prom Yesterday. 9 PROVISIONS A TRIFLE STRONGER. A Blight Increase In tlio lilvu Stock Market Over Ijnst Week A Drop In Illg Mtccfj and CHICAGO PUODUCI3 MAURETS. CuiCAoo , July 18. [ Special Telegram to TUB UF.E. ] The whout mnrUot luul n firm oiKjnlnir , with December Belling at 0 } < c , ana n few minutes later nt 80J < o. A Kood many local bulls , sntlsllcJ with moderate profits , sold out tliolr wheat , and tills took the bull edge ofl the market. It wns a "realizing market , however , and values failed to de velop substantial firmness at any tuna after the drift wua established early In the day. December Bold down to Tllc , recovered to We , broke to 79X@i0 u , ralllpil to 70Ke , nnd utter hanging around 7U @ 70J < c for nn hour or inoro , took another dip to 7'Ji c. This brought the session down to n closo. The final quotation wns TUJ c. Only liKht trade passed in July nnd September. July opened at Sic for a couple of hours nnd rnnpcil at SOJfQSlKc , then sold down to 80 > o , nnd closed nt SOJfc. Septem ber opened ut 78X@73Xci ranged from TSJfo to TTJtfu , and closed at 77 0. Business In the pit wan slow , except early In the session nnd right at the close , Thnro was no dis tinctive feature to trading beyond ttio fact that quick-turning professionals utiva the market n u 'r tinge by their early realizing , nnd that wuak-hcnrtcd or slower moving lonps poddlcd out their property the rest of the dny. It did not look us though there was heavy or concerted short selling. Out- Bldo markets wcro pregnant with interesting features. Thov nrc In a waiting state. Ko- cclpts continue to bo diBiippolntiug , and , ns showery weather Is still the rule , they ore likely to bo disappointing for some time to come. Chicago prices arc attracting considerable wheat , however. Dullness nnd inactivity wuro the most prom inent , characteristics of to-day's doings in the corn pit. A firm undertone , however , an ac companiment of sluggish trade in futures , and plenty of bu.vois for cush oflforlngs wuru reasons for ilrmnuss in do for rod deliveries. Foreign markets wuro encouraging to hold ers aid : clearances from the seaboard wuro to a fair extent. The movement from .store hero was heavy , mid another decrease in the visible supply ahull apparently hnvu to be recorded for tlio current week. UucclptA do not indicate any very grout soiling pressure from the interior , and with the present low stocks of contract grndo in store hero , the bears are conservative in their offerings. The chief offerings made hero to-day were for 509,000 bushels. Prices underwent very li.ttlo change slncn the corresponding time yesterday , July closing ut H."i > ft'083J e , DKiiinst .T5J o .vostordny , and September Ki } c , compared with 'J5J3Co { ; at the close on Wednesday. Oats opened fairly active on the regular market and n trifle llrmur. though buying orders were soon illlcd , and an easier tone prevailed. Trading was chiefly and Harrow , with September In favor around &ic , while May sold at a split cither side of STiJ c. The receipts wcro moderate , with forty out of 151) ) cars passing into contract grades , while local slocks wcro reported ns reduced only fi.SOO bushels during yesterday. July sold at - . ! > ' c. The provision trade showed a little stronger front. At tlio opening and during the early morniiu' the tendency favored the bear side , but later there was nn upward turn In short- ribs , induced by the buying of a prominent packer. In tlio entire tho. market the tuna unproved and prices as a rule moved up to a slightly higher level. The shorts wore throughout the principal buyers. Outside interest in the murket failed to show any in crease , and the day's speculations , as usual , wcro muinly on local account. Dascd on yes terday's ' Ilnul quotations , the closings for pork exhibited an advance of lOe , for lard of S ! ) < jC , and for short ribs of DC. Tlio bcstprico quoted was realized at the adjournment for cash delivery. A few sales of moats were reported on private terms , mid 250 tierces of lard at ? fi. " . i. Cash buyers nppoarcd to be supplied with orders nnd worn iiuito sparing even in their inquiries. Spcouhitivo trading was again chiully con fined to September which sold nt S11.07'f ( < J UMX for Pork , fcUOQILSB for lard , and S5,5'iXi.5.i2W ( ( for short ril-s. The closing ( or the mime month stood at the outside figures. August was quiet nt 7J o under September for pork and short ribs , and lOo under for Inrd. Next winter deliveries wuro u little alow. CHICAGO LilVU SfOOIl M AKIi 131' . CHICAGO , July 18. [ Special Telegram to TUB UBB. | CATTJ.H. Estimated receipts , 1,0)0 ! ! ( ) ; last Thursday , ltl)4 : ! ; week so far , I r > Vi i same tluio last week , 494l. ! Business wa fairly active ana prices steady , us com pared to the 15 to 2 > cent decline noted yes terday. The drop is largely on big steers , half fat. mediums and such common natives ns have to compete withTexuns. Nice , suita ble export steers urn not more than lOc lower than last week , and to-day such sold right strong , if not n ahndo higher. Hig cattle wuro neglected nnd toft until the last hour , The run of Texans was about ! ) ,0)0 ( ) , n big falling off from yesterday , when over 8,000 were marketed , Prices wore no lower than yesterday , yet urn 40 to 50 cents lower than two wcoks ago , tlio dcclmo in the tiiuuntimo having been steady from day to day. Native butchers' stock , especially cows , was again quoted lower , the decline for the wools , so far , equaling 25 to ! JO cents , largely owing to the big run and low prices of Toxuns , Nothing now In stockcr nnd fccdur trado. Choice to extra hooves , f4 ( i34.25 ; medium to good steers , 1,050 to l.DOC lb , ( .60(3)1.10 ( ) ; 1,2(10 ( to l.IttO Ibs , $ y.W ( ) @ . 'JO (150 to l.'OO Ibs , $ : i.u ! ! < < ? ! ! , ( )5 ; stocliurs am feeders , f'J.lOQIl.OO ; cows , mixed , $1.50(33.00 ( bulk , fJ.105t'J.40 ; slop-fud 8tcors. l.tir > < $ I.UO Texas stuurs , fJ.a5G43.15j cows , fl.55@i.r : > 0. Hoas ICitlimatcd receipts 14,000 , last Thursday 18ou. : The week so fur , U8,1'J3 , lame tlmo last wcuk , 1VS,531. Bulk of sales ihow no cssDiitial chnngo as compared will ) yesterday , and about the only change was that there wore loss hogs left than ycstur day , and u slight strengthening nt the close , Rough nnd common p.iokors sold at t4.0UnJ ( ( .15 , fair to good heavy , $ I.'JO(03 ( ! . " > , and $ : [ < ? -.y ) : > fer light mixuil. Assorted light of 10i to 100 pound averages sold utl.50gj,75. ( FINANCIAL. NEW YOIIK. July 18. [ Special Telegran to TUP. HKK.I STOCKS Ttio murkot to-da , opened dull and weak at losses from las night extending to > In the regular list AtutiUon was the only really active sloe' nnd with Missouri Pacillo and the two trusts lead and sugar , gavu the market what little character It possessed. Weakness prevailed throughout the list , but sugar took a lead end after opening up X at 110 dropped IJf nnd Northern Pucltlo , preferred , 1 to 1)1. Later lu the hour , Now England lost -point to 4'j ! There wuro no other Important move- inonU. Some strength manifested before U o'clock caused a point regain of .the early osscu during the hour to 13 o'clock , The weauuoss of uurly dealings appeared and the lowest prices wore touched In most cases. Atchlson was tlio only feature of Importance mid after recovering to US > g it dropped to 7 } { . Trusts were dull. A break In Trans continental Just before noon to 23lf was the only now feature. Thu surprise of the iluy 'In clocks was the brink buying during the last hour , which caused prices throughout the Htt to regain about the previous losses of the day , exUmdlag In many cases to two ' points. Talk about the Turlington assum ing full control of the Uurlmgton & North ern appeared to bo bulluvud and hud ubulllst t'flcct. Kcports on other western rontls nnd Trunk lines were more favorable. Trans continental regained from Zatf to WK and still closed li.'i lower , Northern Puuitio ( pre ferred rejjalnlug I rota C2J to 054 ud cloied ljf lower. Granger stock * nnd trusts closed about steady. The following wcro the clo lnt ? quotation * : U. 8.4s regular. IM'iiNorthern 1'npluo. 27V U. 8.4s coupons . . .I23 < 4 do preferred . . . ' Kin U. 8.4H reKUlnr . .lOOH 0. * M. W IttJ U. S. 4i ! coiipoas.lCfli ? preferred 1'aclrlt On of' > 118 NV.U ntral Central I'ftcltlc .H'4 ' I'.D.&K 21 Chicago & Alton. . . . 125 Hocklslnml 01 Chicago , llurllngtou 0. . M.ASt.1' OS ? 100 ilopreferr8il. . . . 10rt ' ' " " " " iliinofsCehtrM''ilji.ilii tioprflferrcil [ . . . . I'- ' ! . , . * W. , . o'ittiiuon ' I'Acluc . fiS Knnsa Ac Texas. . . . liW..8t. ( ) ( , J . .t r . If , I ikoSliora . luiul clbpraforred . Michigan Central. . 8-1'i ' Western Union. . . . < > llnBourir olilo. . . . Cii\ \ MONKV Kasy nt V ! ) @ 3 per cant. 1'niMS MuuavxriLa l'Araii-l > ! ? 3 , par cent. Srnnuxo ExcnNop.Dull but stoatly ; lxty-dny bills , ft.SO ; domnnil , ft.brjf. I'UOOUUH .U.V1CKKTS. CIIICAOO. July 13. Itthp. in. oloso ; Septcmbor , 77 > cj Uccembur ' , < " ' 4 ' , . Corn Cash , 33V < a35 > fo ; August , 35 * < @ 8.1Jjfc ; September , S. ' > ; < c. Oats Cash. 22 c ; August , 22o ; Sop- toniber , 21X@ c. 1'ork Nominal ; cash. $11.12' ; Auirust , til. 15 ; September , ( ll.mW. Lard Cash , fl.23 | Wtl ; August. fO.23 ; September. fO.85. Hlbs Cnsh , Kvi7j { ; August , 53.65 ; Sep- cmber , K.WX. Kyo Nominal ; 42l o. Hnrlcy Nominal ; No. 2 , September , C4c. Flax Seed No , 1 , tl.fll , nominal. Prime Timothy Si.4U , tiomiuul. WMsliy-fl.US. Flour Dull and unchanged. Dry Knit Meats Shoulders , $5.2 , ' @ " > .3"K ; hort clear , $ ( i.W@rt.l2 ! } ; short ribs , steady , ash , ? , r.4f > ( fi5.50 ; July , { 5.4r > @ 5.47 > ; August , 3.55 ; Septoiubcr , ? 5.lW-j. ) Uutlor Dull ; crcumcry , 10J815o ; dairy , Choose Quiet ; full cream cheddars and ats and Younc Americas , t @ ic. Et'Rs Dull nnd weak ; fresh , lU Cllc. llitlcs Weaitcr , nnd dnmand mod- rnto ; heavy craeti suited , 5c ; ight ( jrcon salted , 5@5'.4'o ' ; snlteJ bull , 4J c ; reen salted calf , fiXic : Ury Mint To ; ry Halted hides , 7o ; dry calf , TQSc ; dca- ons , - . " > c oach. Tallow Easy , demand fair ; No. 1 , solid acked , 3J u ; No. ii , caku , 4) ) c. Heculuts. Shipments. 'lour ' 9.0JO 11,000 Vheat 51,000 CJ.OOO : orn 235,003 OOS.IXIO Oats 115,000 80.0JO Ijlvcrpoiil , July IS. Wheat Demand per ; holders offer moderately ; California , 'o. 1 , 7s lkCl@7s | 2Jsd ( 1'cr ' cuntnl. Corn L'inii ; doinunU fair ; now mixed , s per cental. Hi. Louis. July 18. Wheat Lower ; ash , 74J c ; AURttst , 74c ; September , 75' ' Corn Steady ; cash , H' c ; August , 'Ai , acptcmber , 3lc. : Oats-Dull ; cash , nominal ; August , ild ; May , 2i ! fe bid. Pork-Lower ; $11,50. Lard Nominal at fG.OO. Whisky Steady ; ? t.0i. IJuttcr Unchanged.quiet ; ; creamery , 18 ® Cc ; dairy , 'J@12c. Clncliiiiiit , July 18. Wheat Lower ; o. 2 red. noWj 7jc. ( Corn Weak uud lower ; No. 2 mixed , 30) ) < j < 5 < 5 7c. 7c.Oats Oats Easy ; No. 2 mixed , 25rg2S ( $ c. Whisky Active und llrm at Sl.O. . KuiiHiiH Chy. July IS. Wheat Ilichcr ; lo. 2 red , COc asked ; July , Otic ; August , 5 } < fc bid ; No. 8 red , August , 57Jio bid ; \ugust RS cj No. " soft , cash , 7Uc askL'd ; \UL'tist ( J8e. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash , 27Kcbid ; No. 3 vhito , caali , : ! 0c old. Oats No. a cash , ISJfc bid ; July , August , njijfc ; Suptembor , 17 c bid. Now York. July IS. Wheat Receipts i,200 bushels ; exports , 14,000 Imsliels ; spot lull and lower ; No.Qred , STJi' bSJfo In store , 3Jfo afloat , 6U@90Xc i. o. b. ; No. 1 vhite , ! liic ; ungraded red , SlJiffSOJ c. Op- ions ciloscd weak , No. 2 red , August clos- ntr at 8. " > Mc. Corn Uecolpts , 131.400 bushels ; exports , 75,900 bushels ; spotless active and weaker ; Vo. 2 , 4ic ! in elevator , 4HX ( H2Xo ; No. 8 whlto19 500 ; No. 8 nominal ; ungraded mixed , 4-u > 41u ; steamer nixed nominal ; outlons moderately active ; ( VuRUBt closing at 4He. ! ) ; ? Oats Keceipts , 12,000 bushels ; -exports , .35,000 ; spot moderately active and weaker ; jptions more active and lower , August clos- tig at 27 c ; spot , No. 2 white. 33c ; ' mixed vestorn , 'JolgU'Je ; white western , 33@i9o : ; No. 2 , Chicago , 23 > .fa. Cottee Options opened barely steady nt 5@ U points down , closing steady at 25 . ' ! 0 lofnts down ; sales 77,750 bags ; July S14.55 ; August , * 14.-15 ( < B14.GO ; Svptem- jnr , $14.55(914.05 ( ; spot Uio unsettled ; fair cargoes , J17.75. Putroloum Quiet nntl steady ; United closed ut ! )5c. ) EUKS Quiet and easy ; western , 14B14)aC. ( ) Porlt Quiot. Lard Firmer and moderately active ; west ern steam , $ fl.ii@lUllX. ( ) IJuttor Kusv , except for extra ; western dairy , 13o ; ureainery , l'-l(5J ( ( c. Cheese Lower and fairly active ; west ern , 0.-i@7j c. Mimicupolii , July IS. Wheat Sample wheat weak ; receipts , IbO cars ; shio- incuts , noiio. Closing : No. 1 hard , Julv , Sl.OIX ; on track , S1.0i : ; No. I north ernJuly , 9."i > { e ; August.SiJo ; September , 80o ; December , Sle ; on truck , 95c ; No. 2 north- urn , July , 9iJ ) c ; on track , 83c. .Mllwnuki-c. July IS. Wheat Easier ; cash , " 9i/e ; Ropteinber , 77c. Corn Firm ; No. 8 , 30c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , CS@28 > fo. Ityo Easy No. 1 , 42Jfc , sellers. IJnrlo.y Firm ; No. ii September , OOc. Provisions Easy. iavi : Cliloauo , July IS. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : cattle , Sl.55@-l.15. Ho.9 Hecolpts. 14,003 , ; market stonily : mixed. f 4.15 ® 1.40 ; heavy , $ t.00@4.25 : light , M.25 ( < it.05. Sheep Kecoipts , 0,030 ; market steady natives , Ri.504.75 ( ; wcbtcrns , $ ; ! .50(34.10 ( Texaus , W.25GJJ.15. UIIIIHIIS City , July 18. Cattle Kecoipts 8,700 ; shipments , ; common to choicf corn-fed stt'crs , $2.80ijJ4.CO ; stockers uni : feeders , * 2.50@t.lO : ; cows , steady to Do lower $1 G1KJM.70. Ilogs Koccipts , 4,900 ; sliipmonts , 2,500 ; closing wo.ik ; tl,17 > ; heavy and mined Nntloiiiil Stock Vanl . Ki : t Ht. IjoulH , July 18. Cattle Receipts , l.SOJ ; shipments , 2,209 ; market slow ; choice heavy niitlvo stett > , Rl,8054.2 } < ) ; fair to good , do , & .10@r90 : ; stackers and feeders , S'J.lli@ a.UO ; rarnfiirs , corn-fed , f2.SO(33.50 ( : grass-fed 8'4.tk3.tK ) ) . Hogs Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , 1,400. market slow : choice heavy und butchers' selections , $4.20(3 ( 1.Ilo ; p.ieking , $ I.'JO@ 4.85 ; light grades , fl.O@150. ; Hloux City , July IS Cattle Receipts , 350 ; market steady ; fat sU-ors , 1.0003.80 ; f coder * , * 2.15@'J.l > Oj veal calves. | . ' . (10j3.f ( ( ; > 0. Hogs Receipts , 1,000 ; market lower : light and mixed , $ J.U7g4.0 ! ( * ) $ ; heavy , II.OOO 4.10. till 1 1 1(1. Thursday , July 18 , There wns a bettor movement or. the beef cattle market to-day and trailing was fairly brink. Thu inquiry for fat handy natives was good und values ruled llrm. There were a good many westerns offered to-day , and several lota sold as feeders. Thin grassy caitlu are- plentiful and hard to sell. Tlio hog market opened about steady , with the close of yesterday dropped about &c , nnd then Btrongttioncd toward tha close. The receipts were light , about 2,300 head on ealo. Prices are now us low as they havobcoa thU season. Hhcup. There were two loads of native shorn sheep olfcrod , and they sold early to a local houso. The market is quotubly unchanged. Uuculpu. Cattle . 1,450 Hojis. . . . , . . , . i < HW Sheep . 214 I'rlooi The followiugU utiblo of prloos paid la this market for the gwJoj of stock men tioned ! Prime steers , 1300 to 1CM Ibs.$3.05 © 3.80 Good steers , 1250 to 1450 Ibs. . . 8.00 ff3.70 Good steers , 10)3 to 1303 Ibs , . 3.25 ( fiiS.&O Common dinner's 1.35 , ( [ $2.00 Ordinary to fair cows 1.73 ( # 2.25 Fair p good cows 2.30 M2.40 Good to eholco cow * 2.43 ' * " Choice to fancy coivaheifers. . 2.70 ( S3. 00 Fair to good bulls 1.75 Good to choice bulls Q.2.1 Light stackers nnd feeders. , . . 2.70 ( -b'J.OO - Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 3.W W3.00 Fair to choice lliht hoes 4.iC > 4.10 Fair to choice heavy hogs 4.0J M4.10 Fair to choice mixed hogs 4.00 @ 4.05 Stiorn shcop. . . . 8.03 M4.00 KoitrcsHtitnttvo Sales. STKIMIS. VO. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. . 994 3 10 17 1299 (3 GO 7. . . . . . .1131 8 15 20 10S1 3 CO 1. 12SO 315 21 1271 8 05 II 1007 320 2 ! ) 1317 3 05 it 80 7 1230 3 5 .1070 H 33 05 1311 8 05 .1131 835 21 l'J50 8 05 .1CU 835 104 1349 3 70 .ioro 3 37K 10 1350 3 70 .ll'B 340 IS 1395 8 70 .1197 340 71 1324 3 70 .1031 340 2J 1472 3 77 .1273 850 13 1503 3 SO 305 47 1504 3 80 cows. ! 0 894 1 OJ 4 11S2 1 00 7 912 1 liO 18 003 2 CO 10 , S94 1 00 23 9S7 2 00 :3 : 1K 5 1 05 5 SOO 2 00 :3n n 740 1 05 2 ! ) 10311 8 05 3 (123 1 75 39 1003 2 05 9 , 1031 1 85 13 757 2 25 3 9Ki : 1 85 12 1001 2 40 1 1024 1 8T 4 12:50 : 2 60 1 S0 1 87. ' * 20 1112 2 GO 4 1180 1 93 2 heifer * . 9:10 : 2 05 3 lou : 1 90 4 heifers.1020 3 ( X ) 1 700 1 90 rnunnits. 22 101S 215 1 1100 290 2 875 2 . ' .0 3 11IKJ 290 o looo 200 : ioso a 10 1 1100 200 WBSTEKK rUBDCIIS. U53 1110 $3 CO IIUI.L9. 1 1030 200 1 2010 IS CO CALVliS. 1 ICO 2 40 1. . . . .1730 300 STAGS. 3 . . . .1400 8 00 suunr. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. J14. . . . . b9 3 C2J 11003. No. Av. Shfc , Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 50. . . .280 103 S3 UJJf G'J. . . .203 SO $4 HO . .274 200 3 97 77 . . .2.VJ 240 4 03) ) < . .253 120 8 97 } 79. . . .2BO 200 4 03i } . .254 120 3 97K 05. . . .213 80 4 ( > < ir. . .280 lOi ) 3 97K or. . . 2'W 120 4 ; 0. . . .203 200 8 97'i 74. . . .SSI 80 4 02 > 5 , . . .230 SO 00 OS. . . .233 40 4 47. . . .288 120 00 71. . . 210 12J 4 01. . . .813 2JO OJ 01. . . .250 SO 4 05 03. . . .240 00 78. . . .238 240 4 05 03. . . .201 80 00 71. . . .223 bO 4 03 ' I. . . .233 2-10 03 59. . , . 4 05 05. . . .IHK ) SO 00 07. . . .271 SO 4 03 74. . . .203 100 00 70. . , .224 SO 4 05 K. . . 80 : ! 00 78. . 4 C'5 ' 50. . . 272 40 00 CJ. . 4 05 53 . . .270 120 00 57. . 4 05 02. . . .232 120 00 CO. . 4 07K Live Stock Motca. Very light receipt of hogs. A disastrous week on both cattle and hogs. Charles Lister , of Ames , had cattle here to-day. W. H. Diller , of Dlller , was in with a car of hogs. 55. Pollard came In from Bromfleld with a car of hog ? . E. E. Mattocks , of Beatrice , was at the yards to-day. A. J. Adams came In from Uradshaw wit i a car of hogs. A. C. Smith , of Fullerton , marketed hogs this morning. Pariiielo & It , of Mauley , marketed cattle this morning. Frank Alldritt , of Friend , was hero with a shipment of hogs. Shophnrd & Uadger , of Verdigro , mar keted hogs to-day. G. W. Price , of Aurora , was hero with a shipment of cattlo. T. H. Christy , of Lawrence , was here to day with two cars of sheep. R. W. Morton was hero from Hallorau with four cars of fat cattlo. V. S. Weaver , of Denver , was hero with several loads of range cattle. Roonoy & Co. , well-known dealers at Bruyton , marketed hogs to-day. J. A. Henchelwood , of Fullerton , was at the yards with two cars of cattle. Gosling & Brown , of Denver , had llftecn cars ol green cattle here to-day. J. 1C. Baker , a prominent shipper from Gibbon , was hero with two cars of cattle. Henry Schlnstoek , an o very-day dealer at West Point , was hero with a car of cattle. T. A. Acer , n well-known dealer at North Bend , was here looking after two cars of cattlo. Thco. Wideman , nn extensive dealer at Aurora , was hero this morning with live cars of cattle. The White river Land and Cattle company , ot New Castle , Colo. , luul eight loads of westerns hero to-day. J. W. Liuscli , of Schuyier , was In yestcr day with n car of cattle and found time to make the Drovers Journal a call. M. Halloran , nn extensive dealer at Hallo- ran , was hero with u cir of cattlo. Mr. Hal- loran has been In the state twelve years nnd says that this has been the worst year m the cattle business that he has known. Ho says that the fat cattle are pretty well run out of his section , and that every one is glad to got rid of their stock. OMAHA WHOIiKfrAiiia MAUKETS. PrncJiice , Fruits , Klo. Burrsn Tn'ult dairy. ll@13c ; packers' stock , 8 > @ 9o. Creamery Prints , fancy , 15@l ( > o ; cnoico , 13 14c ; solid packed , 12@ 18uEaos Eaos Strictly fresh , lie. Cur.i'.SR Young Americas ) , full cream , He ; factory twins , 9J < u ; off grades , f7e ( ; Van llosscm Kdom , ( per cloz ; sap sago , 19c ; brick , Il@l2c ; llmhurger , S@10c ; domestic Swiss , 14u ; cliccso safes , bronze medal , No. 8 , * J 85. Poui/ruv Llvo hens , per dozen , $3.50@ 4.00 ; mixed. $3.25@3.50 ; spring , 8J.OO&43.M ) ; turkeys , 7@So per Ib ; ducks , fci.00@2.50 ; geese , $ y.OOiS.00 ( { ; llvo olgeons. ? 1.50. OIIAXOES San Gabriel , $3.75@4IO ( : fancy Duurto Mediterranean sweets , $4.25@i.50 ; Rodl , $13.00. riSACiir.s Per bu. S1.75@2.00. Ai'i'us : Per bbl. 7Rc@2.00. CiiRitiiiKS * Per 24 quart casa , { 3,00 ; per 1 ( quart drawer , $1.00. UL-ACKiiiiiiitiES Per 24 quart case , | 2.00@ 2.50. 2.50.BLACK BLACK IUBPJIBIIIIIISS Per 34 quart case , t'J-75. KKI lUsi'iiKiiuiES Per 34 pint case , J1.75 @ 2.00. GOOSEUEIIKIKS Per bu stand , $3.00 ; quart case , (2.00 , CuiiiiANTiJ Per case 34 quarts , J1.75Q2.00 Pl.UMS-i.OO(32.25. ( HtiCKLniiKititics 1.75. Bi.UEliKltitliis Per bu. t5.00@5.50. WATF.iiMpi.05J8 ? 10.0023.00 nor 100. CANTELOUTS Per doz , f 1 50@3.00. PINK AITLKB Per doz , $3.00 3.50. BANANAS According to size , per bunch $2.00 < I3.UO. COCOANUTS Per 100. $5.00. FIIUSII Fun Whlto nrh per It ) . 7@8Ko trout , per lb , PC ; whlto perch , per Ib , 7c ; buf falo , per lb , 7o ; pickerel , per lb , Oo ; black bass , per lb. Ho. BEANS Choice hand picked navy , fl.75 choice hand picked medium , $1.05 ; choice hand picked country , $1.00 ; clean country ? 1.20Q.25. | EAIILV VEOETAULBS Potatoes , 30@40o per bu ; onions , California , per lb , 2c ; Bouthern par bbl , $2.00 : cabbage , per crate , $1.25 ; tur nips , per bu box , 60@75o ; beets , per box 75c@$1.00 ; wax bonus , per bu box , $1.50 string beans , per bu oox , tl.25 ; green peas per bu box , $1.00t tomatoes , uer % bu box 40@00ocauliflower ; , $1.50 ; egg plant , $1.25 bquash , 25o per doz ; cucumbers , 25c ; sou | bunches , SOu ; lettuce , 25o ; radishes , 20o green onions , 15r < ; 20a ; now carrots , OOcj pli plant , pur lb , 3 < % Al'l'I.K BUTTElt SO. CIDEII BbU , $5.00 ; hf bbls.M.OO. MAI-LI : SUOAU 12)-i@lDo per 1U. POTATOES Old , cholcU jijtckcil , per bu , 15 ( Tt'JOc. 'J , < " VEAL Choice , mcdlum's'lPi ' , 60o ; choice ieav.Vi 4@3c ; spring Inijl&O.OiKiJ 130.00 per . . , ' IloxEr 14J1"0 ( i > cr Ib'rdf'li ' ' PitBSEHVKS 9 > 4' ( ; 10c pbj1 lb. Jm.Ltfcs 3 } < ( ? 4o per 11 , ' BKKSWAX No. 1 , ' HAY $2 60IR5.50. CHOI- Fen -f'J.OO ® 10.0 ( > . > 1' B A.v- -9.)0 ) ( < j9.23. , ij ; TALLOW-NO. 1 , 3fo } ( No..2 , GitEAsn A , 3 f@44'c yellow , 2) ) 0 ; dark , WOOP. Fine , , average , ' 'iri@lGc ' ; choice , 18 Q19c. n P. MEDIUM Avcrnirn. 21g83ij ( ; choice , 23 < 324c ; coarse , 15&lSc. _ tl. tlrocorlts. Pnovisioss Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb nvcrago , lc : 20 to 23 Ibs , 10 tfc ; 13 to 14 Ibs , 12o ; No. 3 , tike ; specials , r.'Mfc ' ; shoulders , 7o ; break fast bacon , No. 1 , 10 > Vc ; spcclnlB , 1-Ko ; plc- HC , 7 c ; ham sausngc , 10)40 ) ; dried beef iam , Vc ; beef tongues , $0 per dozen ; dry Balt'tueats , GJ OXc per lb. SAUSAOE liologna , 4QIJ < c ; FrnnkfurU c ; tongue , 9c ; suuimor , 18c ; head cheese , iWc.POHK POHK Family , backs , per bbl , $13.00 ; X- bbls , $0.75 ; mess , bbls , $12.50 ; K-bbls , $0.25 ; ) ! R pork , bbls , $17.50 ; K-bbls , $9.00. BEEF TONOUKS Salt , ubls , $20.00. OiLS-Kcroscne-PW , 9Kc ; W W , 12o ; loadllght , 13o ; salad oil , $2.15(39.00 ( per dozen. PicKLna Medium , per bbl , $4.50 ; small , sri.30 ; gherkins , $0,50 ; C & U chow-chow , qts , < 5.9J ; pts , $3.40. WitAPi'iNO PAPEII Straw , per lb , 1J { @ 2 > s'c ; rug. 2Kc ; nuiinlla , B , Oo ; No. 1 , 9c , SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb pkgs , $2.00 ; do , 100 T-lb pkgs , $2.50 ; do , 00 5-1 b pkgs , $2.40 : do , 28 10-lb pkRS , $2.30 ; Ashton , bu bags , 50-lb , 83c ; lo , 4 bu bags , 224-lb$3.40 ; M S A , 50-lb bags , 55c ; No. 1 line , per bbl , $1.25. CvNnr 0 > 4@12J4o per lb. CIIOCOLATI : AND COCOA 31@39o per lb ; German chlckory , red , Sc. GINGGU Jamaica , } { pints. $3.00 per doz. FAittNAOnous Goons Barley , 2J @ : ifo } ; 'arlnn , 4J c ; peas , 3a ; oatmeal , 2J/5c ; mac- nronl , llo ; vermicelli , lie ; rlco , 4Jf ( s7c ; sage und tuplocn , O OiVc. FISH Salt Dried codllsh , 0 @ 9e ; icalcd herring , 2Sc per box ; hoi hcrrlng.dom , jOu ; Hutnhurg spiced herring , $1.00 ; hoi. her- rliiL' , 70oS1.10 ( ; mackerel , half bhls , No. 1 , $15.51 ; largo family , $18.50 per 100 Ibs ; whitu- llsh , No. 1. Sii.50 ; family , * 3.03 ; trout , $5.00 ; salmon , $8.50 ; anchovies , 8c. Lvi : # 1.75(3)1.50. ( ) NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; Brazils , 9o ; 'fil berts , 12c ; pecans , I''c ; walnuts , 12c ; pea nut cocks , So : roasted , lOc. HAOS Amorlcun A. seamless , 17o ; ' Union Square paper , discount 35 per cent. OoFi'BDS Green Fancy old golden Klo , 22u ; fancy old peuberr.v , 22o ; Rio , ctioico to fniicy. 21e ; Rio , prime , "JOc ; Rio , good , 17u ; Mocha , 29c ; Java , fancy Maudchllng , 29c ; Java , eood interior , 2-lc. Corrnns Hoasted Arbucklo's Arlosa , 2Jfc : : ! ; AIcLanghlln's XXXX , 23 > fc : Gorman , fo ; Dil worth. 'J2Uc ; Alaroma , 22) c. KAI.SOHA lT < C'2 , ! < c perlb. STAiti'lt 5@7c. per lb. STOVK Poi.i.Mit $ J.OO5.S7 per gross. Si'iCEs Whole , per lb Allspice , 12c ; Cas sia China , lOu ; cloves. Zanzibar , 20c ; nut megs , No. 1. 75i' ; pepper , 19c. StioAiis Granulated , IIJ c : confectioners' A , 9 0 ; standard extra 'C. 8J ® 9JTe ( ; yellow C , 8 0 ; powdered , l { ( $ ; cut loaf , 10 @llc ; cubes , 10 @ 10c ; cream extra C , S Ti.ib : Gunpowder , SuridGOc ; Japan , 40c ; Y. Hyson , 2Si.t50oOolong , 23@50c. VIXIIOAK Per gal. Ktff20c. ( CAXXII : > FISH BrookoU-on. , 3 lb , $2.40 ; salmon trout , 2 lb. ? 2.85 ; clams , 1 lb , $1.25 ; elams , 2 lb , $2.00 ; clam chowder , 3 lb , $3.25 ; dovil'ed crabs , 1 lb , $225 : devilled crabs , 2 lb , J3.50 ; codrtah balls. 'I lb , $1.75 : caviar , K lb , $2.25 ; eels , 1 lb , 53.25 ; lobsters , I lb , $2.00 ; lobsters , 1 lb , $1.0' ' ) ; lobsters , deviled , yt Ib , S'i.25 ; uitickcrol , 1 lb , $ I.lli ) ; mackerel , mus- turd sauce , S lb. $2.90 ; mackerel , tomato sauce. 8 lb , S2.90 ; oyatbrs ; 1 lb. S5e ; oysters. 2 lb. $1.50 ; salmon , C. U. llb , SvJ.lO ; salmon , C. K , 21b , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.85 ; salmon , Alaska , 2 lb , $2.90 ; shrimps , 1 lb , $2.05. Dry Goods. BATTS Standard , So ; Gem , lOo ; Beauty , 2 ! c ; Boonc , 14c ; U , cased , $0.50. ULASKnTS White , $ LOO@7.50 ; colored , Sl.Hr ) < 28.00. Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand ard , 5o ; Peacock , 5c. CAIII-ET WAHIBibb white , ISJ-fc ; colored , CoMroiiTniis $ O.GO@33.00. COKSUT JEAXS Boston , 7J/c ; Androscog- gin , 7J c ; Kcarsarge. 7J c ; Hockport , GjJ o ; Conestoira , ( l c. CoTioV Fi.AXXni.s 10 per cent trade dls. LL , unbleached , SMc : CC. 03io ; SS , % GEE \ EE , SJfc ; OO , 9Xc ; XX , lOKc ; OO. llj c ; NN , 12 > fc ; AA , 14u ; DD , 15 > Jc ; TT , KIMo ; YY , 18c ; BB , We ; 20 bleached , 8) c ; t , 2 } c ; 80 , 13.Kc ; 50 brown and slate , 9c ; 70 , .2) < Te ; 9' ) , lOc. CKASII Stevens' B Stevens' A 7o , 5) ) c ; , ; bleached , So ; Stevens' 1' . 7 ; o ; bleached , 8J c ; Stevens' N , 8 > < Jo ; Dlcach&d , 9 } < c ; Stev ens' SIM' , 11K ° - DENIMS Amoskeag , 9 oz , \ ( > ytc\ \ Everett , 7oz , lac ; York , 7 oz , lilo ; Haymaker , 8Kc ; Jaffrey XX , llj " ; Jaffroy XXX , 12/c } ; Beaver Creek AA. 12o ; Baaver Creek JiB , He ; Beaver Creek CC. lOc. DUCK West Point. 29 in. 8 oz. 9 > o ; West Point , 29 in , 10 oz , 12J c ; West Point. 29 in , 12 oz , 13 } c ; West Point , 40 in , 11 oz , 16c. FI.AXNRI.S Plaid Huftsmon , 2o ! ) ; Clear Lake , UO'rfc ' ' ; Iron Mountain , 20) ) < je. FIAX.V'CLS Whlte-G II No. 2 , % , 22 c. ; G II No. 1. "i1 , 27 0 : G H No. 2 , % . 22 ! < o ; G H No. 1 , ) { - , 30c : Queeheo No. 8 , aOc. FLAXXEI.S White Quechoe No. 2 , } , 37 > jc ; Queeheo No. 3 , jf , 32) c ; Anawau , 12l.jc ; Somerset , 14c. FiAX.s-ti.s : Red C. 21-inch , IS c ; E. 24- inch , 21J o ; G G. 24-lncli , 20c ; H A F , Jf , 25o ; J K F , J37c ; G , } { . 25e. GtN'niiAM Plunkett checks , OJfc ; Whlt- tcnton , CJ c : York , 7J c ; Normandi dress , 7 } c ; Calcutta dress , 7kc : Whittcn ton dress , iyuUcnfrew \ dress , 8 } @I2Jic. KENTUCKY JEANS Hercules , ISc ; Leam ington , 22c ; Olenwood , 20c ; Mclvillo , 25c ; Bang-up , 27 > ic. Miscni.i.ANKOUS Table oil cloth , $2.50 ; table oil cloth , marble , $2.50 ; plain Holland , Okc ; dado Holland. 12 > c. PIIIXTS Dress Charter Oak , 5' c ; Ram- ape , 4e ; Lodl , HJfc ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond , Co ; Windsor , 0 > { e ; Eddystono , i\Xa\ \ \ Pacific , OKc. PHIXTS Pink nnd Robes Kichinond , 0 > o , Allen , Co : RivorXint | , 5) ) < fc ; Stool Uiver , OK" ; Richmond , O' e ; Pacitlo , 6 0. PIIIXTS Indigo blucSt.LedBar,5oWaRh ; ington , OX ° i American , OJ c ; Arnold , VAio\ \ Arnold Century , Oc ; Windsor GohlTk't , : Arnold U , 10' c ; Arnold A , 12o ; Arnold - nold Gold Seal. IC&o ; Yellow Seal , Amamiu , 12c. Prints , solid colorHAtlantlcltc ; Slater , Oo ; Berlin oil , 0 } < c ; Garner oil , 0 ( < 7o ; SHIIITINO , CIIKCKH Caledonia X , V o ; Caledonia XX , 10 > < o ; Economy , 9o ; Otis , 9o ; GranlU ) . 0c ; Crawford checks , 8c ; Haw River plaids , t > Xe , SHEKTINO , UIIOWN Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic II , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlahtlo D. 4 4 , O u ; At lantic P. 4-4 , Oc ; AuVora LL , 4-4. Oo ; Aurora C , 4-J , 4Jfe ; Crown XXX' . 4-4. OJi'u ; Hoosier LL , 4-4 , f > } ( o ; Indtari' ' Head , 4-4 , 7c ; IJUw- renco LL , 4-1 , 6J c ; Old'TJomlnlon ' , 4-4 , Peppcrell R , 4-4 , 0fc' 'Pepperell E , 40-Inch , 7 > .fc ; Pcpporell , 8-4/17K" ; Pepporcll , 9-4 , 20c ; Pepperell. 10-4. 22c ; Utica C. 4-4 , 4Jfo ; Wachusntts , 4-4 , 7o ; ' ' Aurora It , 4-4 , 7o ; Au rora B. 4-4 , O c. XJ- SHEETING , Biiu6iri : > Ellorton , 7Ko ; Housekeeper , 8Xo ; ' ' < N'o\r Candidate , Btfo Berkeley cambric , Np. CO , 9o ; You Bet , 4-4 , 0 c ; butter cloth. 'OO ' , 4 , ' c ; Cabot , 7Ko ; Farwcll , half bleaclied ? 8 0 ; Fruit of Loom 8fc ; Greene G , Oo ; 'Hope ' , 7K" ; ICioB Phil lip cambric , lOo ; Lrtrisdalo cambric , lOc Lonsdnlo , 8' < o ; Now'Tork mills , lOo ; Pep IMjrell , 42 In , lOo ; PihtWroll , 40 in , llo ; Pop poroll , 0-4 , 14Ko ; i'l-ppiroll , 8-4. 20o ; Pop perell , 9-4 , 22o ; Pep brAll. 10-4 , 24o ; Canton , 4-4 , 8 ] o ; Canton , 4i49 ! ' > < o ; Triumph , Co Wumsutta , llo ; Valley. 5c. TICKS Oakland , A. ' 7'tfc ; Intoruatlonul Y Y. 6c ; Shotucket , S. S u ; Warren , No. 870 lOe ; Berwick , BA. I8e ; Acme , J8o ; York 80 in. 12Kc : York. 83 in. 18 < fo ; Swift Rivur , So ; Thorndlko OO , 8J < c ; Thorndiko EF. 8Ko Thonidiko 130. 9 > < o ; Thorndlko XX , llo Cordls No. 5 , 9 > { o ; Cordis No. 4 , DrimH and Clioiulonls. ACID Sulphuric ; ' ' per carboy , 2Jfc ; citric per lb. , 51c ; oxalic , per lb. , lie ; tartartc powdered , perlb. , 4lo ! ; carbolic , 3S@t5o. ALUM Per lb , , 2 > < o , AMMONIA Curb , perlb. , llj c. AiiiiowunuT Per lb. , Iflc. BALSAM Copaiba , per Ib. , 05c ; tolu , 50@ 55c. 55c.BOKAX BOKAX Refined , per lb. , 9 u. CitEAM TAUTAH Pure , per Ib. , 80c. EXTIIACT Loawooo Bulk , per lb. , 12 } < c. EitaoT i5o. GLYCKIIINE 21 0. GUM AIIAIUC 5Uv495\ ( , LVCOl'ODIUM 4IC , OLYCBIIIXB Bulk , per lb. , 2U'c. Guxi AssafccUJa , per lb. , lie ; camphor er lb. , 37o : opium , per Ib. , $3.33. lonlNK RoMiblluiated , pcroz. , $3.05. LEAVTS Bucliu , short , per It ) , 13o ; senna , Alex. , per lb , QSftNK MouniiA Stilph , per oz , $3.80 , MEitctiitT 74c. POTASH Bromide , per Ib 87c ; Iodine , per Ib. $3.85. QuiNU Sulnh , per lt > , 2S@40c. SEEMS Canary , per lb , 4)o ) , SoAi's C.istlle , mottled , per lb , SlOc ( ) istilo , whlto , | ior lb , ll@15a. : SriuiTs NITHE Sweet , per ft , SOc. STIIYCIINU Crystal , $1.00 ( 1.15. SUI.VM. CIXCIIOXA Per nz. 5 J13o. TAPIOCA Per lb , Oo. ToN'c.i UK INS $1.75. OILS Bcrcamot , $3.45 ; Wlntergreon , 3.15 ; Malaga , 95o : Unseed , raw , C2u ; boiled , WIIITP. LEAH $0.50. CALOMEL Am. , per Ib , S9o. CASTOII OIL $1.24. CUlIEll BlllllllKS SI.50. CANTIIAUIDES 75c ( $ l.f > 5. CASSU BUDS Per lb , 17c. CiiLouoFoiiM Per lb , yOc. Coiinosivc SUIILIMATE Per lb , SOo. Metal * . BLOCK TIN Eng. rcf'gsmall pig , 2So ; bar. 2ic. ) COPPER Planished boiler sizes , SOc ; cold rolled , 2 o ; sheathing , 25o ; pills , SOo ; flats , Oc. GALVANIZED SHEET IUOK Junlata , dis count , GO per cent. PATEXT PLANISHED Inox No. 24 to 27 , A quality , perlb , 10c } ; No. 24 to 27 , H qual- ly , Kc. For loss than bundle du J o icr lb. SHEET IKON No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.5) . SOLUEII Hoyt Metal Co.'s half-and-half , n 1-lb cttstis , per lb , lOc ; commercial half- and-half , 15c ; No. 1 , In bars , Ho. TIN Pure ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $ (5.50 ( ; IX , 10x14 , 225 shoots , $3.25 ; C. 12x12 , 235 sheets , $ G. . ' > 0 ; IX , 12x12 , 235 ihccts , $8.25 ; 1C , 14x20. 112 sheets. S0.50 ; IX. 4x2 < ) , 112 sheotR. 53.25 ; IXX , 14x20 , 112 iliucts , $10.00 ; 1XXX. 14x50 , 112 sheets $11.75 ; 1C , 2x28 , 112 sheets. $18.50 ; 2x23 , 13 sheets , $17.00 ; IXX , 2x23 , 112 sheets $20.50. COKK 1C , 10x14 , 225 ahoots , SO.OO ; 1C , 4x20 , 112 sheets , $0 00 ; 1C , 10x20 , 225 sheets , $9.50. ROOFIXO ( Best Charcoal ) 20x28 , S9.75@ 0.75. STDEL NAILS Base , { 2.15 ; stcol wire nails , base , $2.00. Liiiiullcr nnd TtulUlliii ; . Mntnrial , f. o. b. Omaha. STOCK B-Aims A 12 Inch , s. 1 s 14 and 10 feet , $10.00 ; B 13 Inch , s. I.e. 12 , 14 and 10 feet , $11.09 ; C 13 Inch , s. 1 B. 13 , 14 nnd 10 feet , S80.00 ; D 12 inch , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 'eet , $2:1.00 : ; No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 leet , $18.00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 H. 14 nnd 10 feet , $17.50 ( 18.50 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 10 , 18 and 20 feet , $19.50 ; No. 2 Com. 13 in. s. 1 a 14 and 10 feet , $10.50. CI-.ILIXO AND PAIITITIOX 1st Com. % In. whlto plno partition. $ , ' 12.00 ; 2nd Com. $4 in. whlto Dlno partition , $27.00 ; clear % In. yol- ow pine coiling , $30.00 ; clear % in. Norway , $14.50 ; 2nd Com. % In. Norway , HJ1.00. Boviiim No. 1 Com. s. 1. H. 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $19.00 ; No. 2 Com. s. 1 s , 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft. , $10.50 ; No. 8 Com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft. , $14.50 ; No. 4 Com. s. 1 . 12. 14 and 10 ft. , Ishlp'g cull ) , $11.00. Add 50 cents per M. ft. tor rough. BATTEXS , WELL Tutiixo , PICKETS O. G. Baits , 2 % inch , OOo ; O. O. Bntts , i < x3 , SIS , i5o ; 8-ln. well tubing. D. & M. and bev. , $22.00 ; pickets , D. & H. , Hat , $20.00 ; pickets , D. & II. square , $10.00. IlMiXMOX8 AND TIMIIRIt. 12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 23 ft. 24 ft. 2x4. . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 WOO JxO. . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 1SI.OO 2x8..15.00 15,01) ) 15.00 10.00 10.HI 18.00 I'.l.OO ' 3x10. . . 15.00 15O ( / 15.00 10.00 10.00 1S.CO 1U.OO Jxl2. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00 4x4-8x810.09 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 1S.UO 10.00 FCXC1XO. No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 & 14 ft , rough , 10 00@10 50 Fo. 1 , " " 10 " 17.0U ( < fll7.50 No. 2 , " 12 & 1 " 13.501.014.00 No. 2 , ' " 10 " 15.00 ( > 10.00 Fixisiiixr.- nnd 2d clear , \ \ Inch , s 2 s , $49.00051.00 ; Island 2d clear , 1H and 2inch , B2s , 47.0050.00 : 3d clear , llf inch , s 2 s , S13.00@4fl.oo ; 8d clear , 1J anil 2 inch , s 2 s , f I3.0i@i0.00 ( ; B select , 1 # , U and 2 inch , s J s , 87.l)0ft33.00 ) ( ; 1st and 2d clear , I inch , s 2 H , $45.00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , B 3 s , $30.00 ; A se lect , 1 inch , s 2 B , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 2 R , $30.00. FLOORING 1st corn 0 Inch white pine. $3f.002d ; com 0 inch whlto pine , $31.00 ; 3d com 0 Inch white uinc , $20 00 ; D coin G inch white pine , (20.00 ; com 4 und 0 inch yoliow pmo , $15.00 : Star 4 inch yellow plno , $17.00 ; 1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 and 0 inch , $19.00. Poi-LAii LBMHEII Clear Poplar box bds , % in s 2 s , $35 00 ; clear poplar % In panel. $30.00 ; clear poplar ? n uanel , $25.00 ; elcar poplar in panel'stoek wldo , s 2 s , $28.00 , cle'ar poplar corrugated colling , % , $30.00. POSTS White ccdur , 0 inch halves. 12c ; white cedar , 5 } inch halves and 8 inch q'rs , lie ; white cedar 4 inch round , IGc ; Tennes see red cedar , split , Hie ; split oak ( white ) , Sc ; sawed oak , 18c. SitixciLcs , LATH , per M. XX clear , $3.20 ; extra * A * , $2.80 ; standard A , $2.GO ; 5 inch , cleur. * 1.K(31.70 ( ) ( ; 0 inch , clear , $1.75@1.80 ; No. 1 , $1.10@1.15 ; clear rod cedar , mixed widths , from Washineton territory , $3.40 ; California red wood , dimension widths , $4.50 ; cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $8.25 ; lath , $2.40. SHIP LAP No. 1 plain , 8 und 181nch$17.50 ; No. 2 , plain , 8 and 10 inch , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O. G. , $18.00. Siuixo 1st Com. , nnd 10 feet , $23.00 ; 2nd com. , and 10 feet , $19.00 ; 3d com utid 10 feet , $15.00 ; fence , com. , nnd 10 feet , $111.00. LIME , JSTC. Quincy white llmo ( best ) , ROe ; English and German Portlandcomcnt , $ : ) .45 ; Milwaukee nnd Louisville , $ l.UO ; Michigan plaster , $2.25 ; Fort Dodge plaster , $2.10 ; Blue Hanid plaster , $1.90 ; hair , 20e ; sush , 00 per ct dls ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 per ctdis ; tarred felt , per cwt , $1,90 ; straw board , $1.50. THItVES iTl PARIS. Exposition n Grunt Rendezvous lor N'otorloiiH Pickpockets. Prince Soutzo , in returning from tlto exhibition , says a Purls letter , wns pushed iiguinst rather violently on tlio Solforino bridge by thrco or four woll- dressed men , who , after having made hurried apologies , disappeared. On ar riving homo tlio prinuo found that Ills purue , containing n considerable sum of money in bank notes , had been taken out of Ins breast pocket. This was the first exploit of the gang of international pickpockets nr BweU-inobsmen by whom Pariu in invaded ut the pre.sont moment , and BO me of whom are said occasionally to conduct their professional operations with ochrod faces and attired in magni- llcunt oriental costumes. None of those sharpers has as yet been captured in llagranto ( lolieto within the precincts of the exhibition , but thrco Hc.lianu wore arrested on information received yesterday , and in their possession wore found various articles which demon strated their calling abundantly. One of tlio men is u notorious rascal , who has made a name in his "profession" as a ripper of pockets with razors. M. Goran , the head of tlio detective department , says that bands of pick pockets have been organized for the Paris Exposition both in London und Now York. These people give the French detectives no end of trouble , owing to the consummate skill , coolness und audacity with which they work , liven when a detective thinksho is Huro of Ills man , and arrests him , lie Muds nothing in the fellow's possession , for the plunder 1ms been adroitly ' 'passed" to a eonferato. Then the gentlemanly , or , as the case may bo , ladylike , pick pocket reports the detective at head quarters and endeavors to set diploma- tie or consular machinery in motion , as was notoriously the case about twelve months ago , when a great fuss was made over an American woman who had boon arrcbtod for pockotpicuing. M. Goran has orgnnlml his little plans as well as the co.smopoliUin snarp- ers. Ho lias had from London nnd New York police photographs und full per sonal deBeriptionH and biographies of the principal Hrltish and American pickpockets. Those the trench police olficur has bound in a book , which ho facetiously calls his "breviary , " and over which ho pores diurnally , iuet us a priest does over his matins lauds , coin- pUne and vespers. Furthermore , the astute la. Goran has formed u bpcciul brigaflo dos pickpockets , which Is com posed of his best pupils , whom ha litul Instructed with the uld of his "brev iary. " Finally , the chef do In sura to lias nunllllcd himself and some of his iniplls for the task before them of loani ng Engll hso , that Angly-Saxon shnrp- 31-s will have to be extremely aollvo and "wide awake" in order to carry on their operations in a successful mitnner dur ing tlio exhibition. M. Goran and his non may bo fooled frequently , but on the whole , they have given proofs of remarkable ability down lo the pres ent ; and , with their newly acquired at- ainmonts , they ought to prove n match 'or ' the most formidable of the modern ctitpurscs who are at present within the walls of Paris. Tlinroimhlircd Atuerionna Kvcry One * . Now York Weekly : Dying American mtriot ( a few years hence ) "My son , I raw nearer. I want you to remember that you come of a long Hue of Ameri can patriots who have never hesitated at the call of duty. Your groat-groat- grandfather fouclit , bled mid died in [ ho revolution ; your groat-grandfuthor 'ought ' In the Mexican war and suffered intold agonies in Mexican prisons ; your grandfather braved dangers innumor- iblo in the civil war , itntt I , my FOIL was one of these hundreds of thousands of windowlcssnml seatloss patriots who lor -wo mortal days at the Now York con- .onnlal endured the fearful crush of Jroadway without seeing anything. " SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN- , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , 5O5 MnillilJUli Street , - Omulin \YAHTED \ Cities , CoiintlcH , Scliool DisttTcls , VVnlcr Com- panics , &c. We lire In the inaikct for the purchase of round ninniuits of Filch bonds. Correspondence solicited. N. W , HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , 113-117 MonrooStroet , CHICAGO. 66 Devonshire Rtront , DOSTON. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION ISIS. Noo. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS NATIONAL BANK , U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital 8400,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 188 ! ) Oli.OUO Un-'ICBHS AM ) DMUXTOU3. ' HENUV W. VATKS , 1'reolileiit. LEWIS S. Hutu , Vlco I'reslJout. A. K. Touy.At.lN , \V. V. MOUSE. JOHN c1. coi.r.tNS. K. C. Ct'siiiNO ' , J. N. H. VATIUCK , W. H. S. HuniiEK , Cashier. THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th tmil Knrnnin Sts. A General IlmikliiK IJlUlUiXU Uii I 111UU JJJUUUli Corner IGth mid Fnruain Streets , Chamber Commerce lluliaiiiij. npltnl Stock $400,000 Liability of Stockholders 800,000 Klvo | icr cent pnlrt on ik > | > lt , lonni nindeon real etntu ami pikrbOiml Kccurity ; note * , warrants , stocks JO11NIMILKS. . rrcsl.lKiit. HIS : SAMUKI , UOTMCK. A'lro rroslilont. DK.VTnil THOMAS , Cftililer. IIOAHD 0V DIltKOTOHS : John TJ. MllcK. Krastui. IIOison ! , yiiTimol Cotncr , John II. Kvans , Andrew KoMuwiilor , Worrli MorrHon , W. A I. . Clbboii , < ieo. 12. llarkcr. < iov. Alvln Niuniterd , Iki-xtcr U Tliuinai , Normitn A. Kuhn , Jnincs Thompson , K. 11. Julminn , John Ilinli , Boot a and Shoea. r , , JONES A CO. , Successors to Ilecd. Jonrn & Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of Biots & Slices AtouU fur llgnton Hubbcr t-hoe Cn. , 1102.11UI nnd 11W llurnoy Street , uiualm , .Vclr.isku , Browors. STOliZ & ILEIt , Laser Beer Brey/ers / , 1M1 North KlKhteontli ulroot , Omnha , Neb. Cornice. EAQLE COItNWE WORKS , Manufacturers ofGalyanizei Iron Cornice \Vlndnn-rnp nnrt incltlloskTlllit . John Kr net r. liroprietor. IU8 and llu Soulh ictti utreet. Paper Boxes- JOHN L. WILK1E , Proprietor Oraalia Paper Box Factory , Noi. I'lnnml ISI'J Douvlai itrcct.Oraaba , Neb. . A. DISllllOW & CO. , Wfiolfi lu ru nufnctnri'ri > of Sasii , Doors , Bliuds and Mouldings , IrnHcli oltlce , 12th and It aril itruoti , Oiuahi , tlt'j. 1WI1K MANUFACTUniNO CO. , Manufacturers of Sasb , Diors , Biinfls , Uouldlnm. ttalr-work nl Inlorlor liarrl wood flulili. UU-tl Nurtli Itth Jtreel , Oiimlia , Nub , CLAHK STEAM HEATING CO. , Pnmps , Pipes and Engines , 8l ao , water , rullwuj unit mlnlnif ni | > [ jln | , etc. V > . va vml V.'l Kurnarii moot , Omnha. IT. S. WIND EXOItfE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Suoplics , nlad mllli. 918 and ( f.u Jonri it. , Omaha. U. f , Hon. AGIInu M ni > iur. ; UllOWXELL A CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , BUeet-liou wort , itr/im pumpi , inw mllli. UlS-IJIi l.cmcimortli itn-et.Oiualin. Iron Works. I'AXTON A VIERLINO WON WORKS , Wrought and Gait Irot : Building Wort , l. brass work , general ( uuudrr , uinchlrie aud ckiullli work. Ufflce and works , L' , 1' , Hand / . and lUli llrtet.tlinmljiu \vinn \ & inoN WOHKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railing Deik lalli. wladoir eiiaide , Honcr stoiirli , n etc. IW Nurtli It'll ] itroel , Uiautia , OMAHA SAFE A UtON WOItKS , Manf 'rs ' of Fire anil Burglar I-roof Safes , V ult , 1 H work. Iron tliultiiri n < 1 ft * rtraiiti O. Auareep , | > rop'r. Comer Ktb unit Jtciiuii ! , SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YA1WS CO. , Of South Omalia. Llmitei AprloulturM Implomonta Dsalcrln Agricultural Implements , V/apns / Cartl eci nJ tuiKcIc * . Jones rltftt , bctnrcn Mh nod U'th ' , oni nli , Nrbrctka. A MK'WALF CO. , Airicnli'l ' Implements , V/ajons / , Carriages lliifules , etc. Wlinlernio. Onmhit , Ncbrtila. , UllKXDOHF A MA1W1N CO. , Whnlcol Agriciilt'l ' liiiplGiiicntj , Wagons & Bnafoj Oil , 101 , W ) ftnJ IW JonO itrcol , Omntiit. MOLlffE , MlLlt VHX A S3O1JDA HD CO. , Mnnutnclurcr unit Job er In Wairons , Buggies Mci , Plows , Etc , Cor. Ptli mill IMcino Hreels , OnmhA. Artists' MntorlnlS' I'E , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , IMS Douglas street , Omaha , Nebraska. Boots nndJjhooB. ir. r MOUSE A cd. , of Boots and Slices , 101,110) ) , 1103 DOUGHS itrcct , Omulm. Mitnufnctorr , Cool , Coke on < l OMAUACOAL , COKV > ' it LIME CO. , Jolliers of Herd cnl Sft ] Coal , 2 iHoiitli 13th ftr.ot , Oiuniiu , NobrnsVn. KEHUASKA FUKt. CO. , Sliiprs of Coal aid : Coke , Sl'l Suulh l.'th it. , Oinalm , Nob. LUMBER. ETC , JOHN A. WMesalG Lninlicr , Etc , mportrcl unit Auicrlcnn I'oillntul cement. Elnt * ngout lur MtlWHtikro tijOrau leio uunl And ( juluty white linio. ( 'HAS 11. LKK , Dealer in Ilaidwccd Lumber , iVooil cnrpcts ntul pnrqtit't lUioriiij. . Mil n Mi out s , Oimitm , Nub. ' OMAHA LUMliKlt C& , All Kinds of Building Material at Vfbolcsate IStli strt'ctniiil 1'nluii 1'nclllc truckOma'jH. ' LOUIS HttADFOlin , Dialer ill Lnmlier , Latli , Lime , Sasli , jjil Doors , ICtc- YnrJs--'oniLT ( 7tb unit l.'oiifilag. OUIc 'I Curnor H'tli ' nucl ttouilai , FKED. II * . UKAY. LnmliB'.Lir Cenunl Etc Etc . , , , , , Curccr UtU anl Iouilints. ) . , Onmha. < ? . A * . DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmlier , 13tli niul Onllfornliv ktrci'tv.Uiunliu , Nebrntk * . jVIIIIInory and Notions. _ t. OltKliFKLDIU ! .fc CO. , Importers & Jolcrs in MiJinery & Notiins 2l' ' Mlillli lllli nlri'ft. Notions. j ; i" . nomxsox KOTIOX co. , and FiiiMisliiiig Gooits , 1124 llnnu'y Street , Umnlm. .Co tn in I s a 1 o n and Storage IIIDDEJL A ' Storage and Commission Merchants , Specialties nutter , fKff. clii'Me. piuiltrjr , Ill211u\rnra itroutUnmli , Neb. Dry Goods end Notions. "j f. B. SMITH A CO. , Dry Good ? , FiirniSuing Good ? and Notions Wi nnd 1101 DoiiKlns , cor. lltli ilrvet , Uiuulia , Nob. KlLPATRICK-KOGll DltY GOODS CO. , Importers & Jo'jte ' in Dry GoodsNotions , tienl'a furnishing' Kootls. Ccrncr lltb and Uarncjr Btreuts , Ouiiiliii , Nebrutka. UEL1N , mOMPSON it CO. , Importer * mat Jobl or of WcolensaudTailors' ' Tminings , 317Soul.i Ulh ti L-tt. Furniture. DEWEV A &JOXK , Wliolesale Dealers in Furniture , Kurnnm itieot , Omnliu. Ncbruhka. CUAHLKS S Fnrnitiirs , Omahu , Nobruska. Groceries. PAXTON , QAl.LAGIIKn it CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 705 , TUT , ; OJ nml 711 Suutli lOtli et. , Omnlia , Nob. , iniADY A co. ; Wlioldlc Grocers , 19th andLoavonnurtli utrci'U , Oiunlin , Nebrnttia , Hardware. ir. j. Heryy ; Hirdware , Iron and Steel , Eprtnut , wattcm stock , hnrdtruris , lutabur , cto. 1209 anil 1211 Hurner lruot. Omuliu. W. J. UllOA'l OH , Heyy : Hirdware , Iron and Steel , wuxon stork , lurawuro , lumber , cW. 1ZOI and nil llnrney slnet , Omaha. LEE , OLAIIKE , AKDHEE E'ff HAllD- \VAHtt \ COMI'ANY. f tiolesa'e ' Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Moult , aheet Iron. etc. Aiifut " , for llnwo icaloi. iainml poirilcruiiil l.yiimn I * A TAYLOIl , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop Mechanic * ' tool anU lluffiiln tcalci. KUJ UoujlH truut. Oiualia , Neb. Toys , Eto. II. HAIIUY A CO. , Jobber * of Tjys , Dolls , Aim , Fancy Good ? , llouie lurolihlni ; oodi , cblldron' * i' rrl Ke § , 1M * f'uriiani lrcut , OmRliu , eb. Olio. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refill and LnMoatlng Oils , Aile rc o , etc. , OuiuLa. A. ILUIihor. Ptipor. 0 AW ENTER PAP fin CO. , Wliolesale Paper Driers , L'tirr a nice ttock of prlntliu' , wrappliiK anil nrltliul li ltr. ) bptcUl atlcaili/u gitcu iw card piit > ( f , , iU , TJ. C. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. Capital $000,000 100,000 HI'.KMAN KOUNT/.U. 1'reslilent. JOIN | A. CHHIGIITON , Vlco I'rosldont. F. II. JJAVJS , Caililer , \V. II , MliUyUinit , AssUtant C lil r. H. K. (1ATKS ( , Assistant usluor. Safety Dopoblt Vnulta iu Busuiuout.