Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1889, Image 1

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    - *
Albert Bulo-vy Hanpcod Whllo the
Nation Slept.
Tlio Klrnt Kxcautlon Under the
Now Ijnws of Minnesota Gov
ern In 1C Cnpltnl I'uii-
A MTo Kor n Mfn.
LtTni : PAU.S , Minn. , July 18. Special
Tolcgrnm to Tim HKB.J Albert Uulow was
hanged hero at 1:50 : a. in. , under the new
Minnesota law requiring uxccutlons to occur
between the hours of 1 and 5 a. m. HUIOW'A
last day developed no special Incident. Hu
lind retired to rest ni 1 n. m. and slept
iioundly until 8 , but nwoko In rather a shaky
condition mid scarcely touched his breakfast.
Jailer Land gnvo him n drink of liquor at 0
n. m. , another about 11 , nnd thu effect was to
restore his confidence nnd spirits and unable
him to cat n hearty dinner at I o'clock. Dur
ing the afternoon he was less composed than
usual , but exhibited a great amount of cool
Ho did notnlng his hymn as was expected ,
but tiilkej with the watch snd seemed en
tirely prepared for the ordeal before him.
As the day were along his nervousness Increased -
creased , and finally , when at 4 o'clock Hov ,
Donovan , of the Congregational church ,
cabled to BOO him , Uulow had him admitted
nnd listened to what ho had to ay. Up to
thla tiliio hu had refused to sec any clergy
man. The minister prayed with him and HX-
liortcd him to turn bin thoughts heavenward ,
but llulow made no response
When ovoiitiB came Uulow showed less
ncrvo than ovur ami sent his supper away
untouched , though ho took some milk and
drank with avidity thu liciuor that was sup
plied. Severn ! drinks were londaicd him up
toward midnight and tie smoked
constantly. Ho had no thought of
sloop nor had his prison mates. L itor on ho
bade the Mitchell boys , his prison comun ]
ions , furowoll , in n quiet way , and divided
among them and the death watch n small
sum ho hnd taken in as proceeds of the sulo
of his potunwhich , by the wayltwas discov
ered this afternoon , was .1 plagiarism trom
the picco of doggerel written by Chailcs
Gultuau whllo in the Jail nt Washington.
At 11 o'clock his now clulliui wore taken
into his cell and after a bath ho donned them
nnd was ready. Trom that tlmo forwaid his
uneasiness increased very ran idly ar.d it was
only by n great effort tlmt ho could keep
etlll for n moment , pacing his corridor with
n feverish , it regular tread. At thu last
moment hu said to ono of the Mitchells ho
was ready and would dlo like a man. At I
o'clock Sheriff Hasciot , accompanied by his
non , went to the cell of the doomed man At
the siune limo the door leading from the Jail
to the enclosure was thiuwn open , and the
officials and the nine men chosen by law en
tered. Not n newspaper man was amoni.
the number , the sheriff having rigidly
obeyed the law. Thu group formed Itsnlf on
the ground below the scaffold and silently
Presently the prisoner was brought , foith ,
Kov. Donovan prayed with him a few mo
ments and precisely at 1 : fiO , the dark hour
before the dawn , Sheriff Haseiot throw the
lever. There was a plunge , the sudden
"cltung" of the rope as it leached its length ,
n slight crack of ttic gibbet , ttien u few .spas
iiiodluquivcis of the btiugglmg form and
liulow was u corpse.
The brother of the murdeifd man touched
thohwaylng body , said a low words under
Ills bruath and cot in a corner ulnlo the
coipao was cut down and placed on u
'llio body was taken to the ofiicc of the
coroner lor the ilmil autopsy.
Tlio crime for whien Hulow suffered was
n most cold-blooded mid atrocious murder ,
deliberately planned and only partiallj suc
cessfully can led out. The victim wus
Fianklin Licit , a well to-do bachelor farmer
living at BnchiiKui , about ten miles south of
hero. IMeh owned a line team , and it was to
pain possession of the te.un that liulow
inuidcrcd him. liulowcnt to UovaHna ,
eleven miles south of hue. with his mind
mudo ui > to commit tl'ccrimo.and waited tin cc
days for the oppoi limitv. It was on October
CO , 1SS8 , a crisp frosty day , tlmt ho walked
out of Koy.ilton and allowed Licli to over
take him on the load. His request for a lido
was ginnted , and ho mounted the scat beside
Eieh. With his hand cm hl.s icvolverhe
waited until they roichod an elevated point
from which a view of the ro id for a mile on
cither side could bo obtained , then throwing
ono arm around Diuh , the assissiu placed
his revolver to his oai ami sent a ball r.iash
ing through his
A Dlneiu-ilocl Lever Thrown Himself
on n Circular naw ,
DnisWTOtf , Ala. , July 18. A stiangor
nnmod Gaston committed suictdo hero jcs-
torday by throwing himself upon aciicnlar
en.iv in u sawmill. Hu was killed instantly.
From papoiR found upon his person It
learned that Ms home was in lowu. It is
thoUL'ht the causa was disappointment in
love , as ho had a loiter indicating that nn
engagement between aim and u Mibs Smith ,
of Den Mutncs , la , , had been biokun.
The Queen Willing in Take Wlmt IN
Offurnd ,
ICoit/i / l ? icd ( tiWljii rnwfc ( I. UariKntcr ]
Losnov. July lt > ( Now York Ilurald
C.iblo Special to Tin : IiKii.1 There was
general expectation that the committee on
roval grants would icport to the house jes
turday , but the fact U that at thu close of Its
deliberations It was pretty neaily as far
from a decision us evor. W. H. Smith put
n good face upon the matter in the iiouso
ulid Hcomod to bo confident the committee
would complete Its labors to-day it may bo
that thU hope will bo icull/cd , but if it in It
can be only by the government practically
receding from the position which it has
taken. When any clIIToroncos of opinion
ixriso It Is always well to ascertain lib sooix
us possible what each party Is dilvlng at.
Now in this case what tha government has
been endeavoring to gut at still seeks
to leave the claims of thu younger
branches of the royal family open fur futuio
consideration. The children of the Prlnco
of Walts nro to luivo bomo pio\slou ! made
for thorn dlroctly or indirectly ; tliitt much is
certain. If thu government could have been
content with it the committee might have
reported yostoulay , but It Is not willing to
Bliut tha door cm any futuiu claims which
may bo madu In behalf of other graudchll.
ill en. The qucon desired to taku what could
bo got now and leave the test to lluio uud
chance. The liberals on t'to committee were
as might Imvo been anticipated , adverse to
nXv such proposition , nud hotico thu entire
iluiu to arrive at any conclusion at this
time. Mr. Gladstone uud his friemln pro-
jxiposn this XMO.OtX ) u year additional
to bo paid for the Piluou of Wulcu.
v.'lth no grants from parliament. His
children ' money to bo placed partly
in the hands of trustees and the prlco to
lu ( liMiibutu it among his children as hu thliks
lot ] iropor , This compromise the govei nn.cnt is
not Indisposed to accept , but the liboials
wish to couplu with It an express condition
that any fuithor grant * for the queen's
Crundchlldnm shall not bo made. Tim ROV *
crumenl did net feel itulf ready to concede
thin requirement , and it endeavored to sub
stitute a series of resolutions which were for
separata allowances to thu prince's children
nnd a recognition of their future rights. H
must bo plainly stated that these tactics en
countered a severe defeat. The resolutions
were withdrawn , nnd Mr. Smith expressed
the hope that they would bo kept secret.
Anything moro Impolitic than to produce
them , and In printed form , it would bo diffi
cult to imagine. There is ground for hope ,
however , that this mlsUiko may bo rectllled ,
and that thu excellent sense of Smith will
yet guldo the committee- an Issue which
will bo satisfactory to the country.
It is not sufo to put any trust In the state
ments which are appearing to the effect that
the queen's savings amount to a 1,500,090 :
the sum , bye the bye , used to bo 5,000,000 or
(1,000,000. H has como down a good deal of
lato. When the facts como out 000,000 , will
bo found n good deal nearer the mark Con-
Idcilni ! that the queen has been fifty-two
cars on the throne , this amount does not
com to bo a rcmarunbly largo ono to have
Acquired , A merchant In good business
vnuld have expected to save twice an much
n lets time.
\ Itostnn Ainu GntM Taken In Ily n
t Musty ( Jnnie In ( minion.
[ Copi/rfyM 1W / ) ( / Jam' * Gurilnn itfnnM , t
LONPOV , July 18. | Now York Herald Ca-
lo Special to TIIK BRK. ] George Weath-
rby , who dcsciibcd himself as mi engineer
: om Boston , told Magistrate Marylcbono In
.ho police court to-day how ho had been
ebbed of 72 at the Kensington museum.
Jo met a stranger. They wont to Tassand'n
nd mut another stranger. The tlrst sug-
; ested to show Woathorly they were men of
mans. Ono loft and returned with a bundle
f hills and handed them to the ottier
trangcr. llo s ild it was good money nnd
, skod Weathcrby to show his money. lie
milled over i'73. The strangers withdrew
Lo examine it. It took We.itherby twenty
iilnutes to grasp the situation. Whim the
magistrate was told Weathurby from
Joston he said. "Dear mo , I thought people
rhuio too sharp to get caught In such an old
Clinic. A man so simple as to get caught
iy such a trick might not be ableqto
dontify the prisoneis. " Woathorby Iclcntl-
Icd John Henry Hamilton , a Londoner ,
lamlltou uua looted up. Wuathuiby ia
nournlng- .
Deaths nn Ouenn Steamship * ) .
It'opj/rfy/it / KS.1 liy Jnmo Qnnlnn Iiennett.\ \
LOVDON , July 18. [ Now York Herald Cabin
Special to Tin : DKK. ] The City of Paris
ariivcd In the Mersey this afternoon. A re-
iort was circulated of numbcrons deaths
iniong the firemen fiom the heat. The oftl-
iicrs say that only onu man succumbed an
\merlcan shipped at New York of congest-
vo apoplexy caused by thu intense heat.
3rcen hands , employed on thu ocean Hues
u account of the Liverpool strike , must Huf-
'er tortures , and have fainting spells every
lay. 1 his uia.i i\ot luvu : been the ttrat
Sharks )1V tin ; Irish Const.
1SVI bu Jrtinn U'mlnn llameit. ' ]
.Itilv 18. [ Now York
lorald Cable Special to TIIK BIK. : ]
Shaiks uro playinij hivoc with m.tckeral
llshmg on the suuth and southwest coast of
rulaud. The ravage has caused wholcsalo
destruction to thu nets , and opciatlous are
, o bo suspended for some woosw. The
naekerol tr.ulo with the United Status last
ear was profitable , and will bu pushed this
year if the shaiks pcrmil.
Thu Viuaiui Won.
[ rVjiyr/ / / 1S& ) IIH Jam * * ( lor tii'i Hiw.ll. }
LONDON- , July IS [ Now York Herald
3ablo peei'llto ' Tin : Ilisc. 1 Tlio Kingston
egatta w.iu favored with a good sailing hro e o
The intoicst centered in the race between
the Vulkyiiu , Yar.itm mid Irev The race
esultod in .i elo o finish , but the Ynraun won
by "I seconds , the Vulkyrio aecir.d. Time , 3.5.21 ; Vulkjrlo , 5:17.10 : ; Irex ,
5:18.2. :
lion Crop.
1 for"/ ' 'f'1' ' ' ISM I'll ' JaniM OoiiMn Il'im't1. ]
LONDON- . July 18 [ Now York Herald
Jable Spccl d to TUB Uiu.1 : In east and
niddlr. ICeat and Sussex there is the largest
hop eiop for seventy years. It is expected
that the recent rains are sufllcient for all but
the stilTcst soils. No foais of blight are on
tci lained. The quality of the crop Is depend
cut on the weather.
Muino'H Mnunctto htalo iiiiin in Good
Oimdition Physlcilly. ;
POKTI.A..NP , Mo. , July IS. fSpecIa
Telegram to Tim HEH. | A correspond
ent sent to Bar Harbor to sou Mr.
Lilaino , and settle the existing controversy
in reference to his ho.-.lth , telegraphs to-day
that lie got Mr. Blaiiio iliully to break his
rule of loticcnco about his physical rondl
tlou , which ho has persisted in for five
ioars paat Mr. Bhiino looks well ami
hearty. Ho was seen just after his return
fiom n long rido. llo said that ho could
coiiKcioutiouslj statu thr.t his health was
most satisfactory to him , Ins family ami
physician , Ho fooling greatly improved
since the into campaign , and hu would like
to say that ho is totally unnwaio of any
chronic ailment In his system , nnd would
llko it undoi stood generally that nil th
stories about his Ill-health were similar tc
thlH. About ills Intentions of icslgnlng hu
picsont ofllco , the stories were entirely falsa ,
Tlio Day iu GiKlirlc.
CurmtfK , I. T. , July 18. In the lorritoria
convention the committee on credential
submitted Its complete repot t , seating
ninety-two delegates. The report was , aft
somu uraiigling , adopted. The report o
the committee on organisation wa :
adopted recommending I.1' . L. Green
of ICdmond , for permanent chuiriimi
and M. A. Duff , of Cinnamon , foi
sci rotary. A motion was carried Urn
the convention lusolvo Itself Into a commitje
of the whole for the consideration of th
matter of ci out ing a provisional governmen
for Okiuhomn.
What1 * tinMattii - \\ith rhe Pctrnl ?
BALTI.MOIU : , Ahl , , July 18--Ou the return
of the Petrul to-ulght it was learned that her
best speed under forced drauchl was thlr
teen ami two-tenths knots , or fifteen and
one-half statute miles for a short tlmo ,
wliile her average speed for the four-hour
test was only eleven and seven-tenths knots ,
or tl.iitosn mid live tenths statute miles. U
is thought that the low avcrngu speed is due
to improper coaling , thu coal being of poor
quality ami the tires being started long be-
foio the tc4t.
TlmColoiado-Wyoming KlruToiirnuy.
lcxvisit ) , July 16. Kxtcnslvo propaiations
lire bolnu made for the thirteenth annual
tournament of the Colorado and Wyoming
Firemen's ' association , to bo held In this city
August LO to 23. All the principal cities of
Colorado , Now Mexico und Wyoming will bo
present , wlulo teams fiom Omaha , Leaven-
worth , Lincoln , TApcka , Atchlson am ) St.
Louis luivu hlgnllled their intention of beinir
picbont is possible.
Two 11 n nil red HDUOCH Idirneil.
CuNSTANTlNoi'i.B , July 16. Two tui.idrfd
bousci were destroyed by flro ticre to-duy.
Two Indian Buoka of Ohoyonno
Throatou the Oommlsolon.
The Indlnn Comiiiistlou
Sonic DmioiiUy nt Chojcnno
Agency , But Will Fin
ally Succeed. '
Your Itcdmiui Is n Hlckcr.
UtVEit AouNor , Dak. , July 18.
-fSpeclal lelcgrnm to THE DUE. ] At about
8 o'clock this morning the boll at the agency
cgan ringing to call the agency to council In
ho pavllllon , but It was nearly 11 o'clock bo-
'ore the Indians were all In their places to
: ulk. The head man of this tribe arose first
nd asked questions in regard to including
white men in tbo trcity of lt > 08 , to which
General Crook briefly replied. The name of
Rosebud was then taken up and commented
> n. These Indians have some way gotten the
idea that there nro many names ou the roll
it that aconoy for which there are no living
'cprcscntatlvus. The method of signing was
.lieu fully explained b.v Governor Fos
ter. This matter having been explained
plained so that there could bo no
moro complaint , the price of the land was
brought forward. The Indians stated thr.t
.his . bill was not In accordance with what
.hoy . had talked about with the Great Father
.vlien . in Washington last fall. To this Gov
ernor foster replied by reading the agree
ment as made by tno Indians in writing hist
'all and left with the secretary of the in-
.erlor , showing It to bo signed by the very
chlofs who are now in opposition. Tills
icomcd to bQ the principal objection , upon
ivhich they preached all the morning ,
Charger uud Crow Eiglo giving this as a
'eaturo about which they aio not at all
latlslleil. General Crook addressed the
Indians In about this language : "Thero nro
some half breeds who llvo ou your reserva
tion and giazo largo numbers of cattle on
your land , and they and their women are op
posed to tills bill and advisu you not to sign
tliis treaty. I lo.we It to you if these men
advise you for your Interest or their own
benefit ) You have been told many things
which are entiruly false , In regard to pay-
lug taxes and other things by them , and I
want to raalte it perfectly clear to you that
upon you rests a great responsibility in de
ciding this mattur , as you must look
out. not only for yourselves but for
your children in the future. You
should now prepare to leave something
for your families und something which no
ono can take away from you. Some time
before the Black Hills treaty was signed
miners went into that country , und I was
sent out to remove them. At first I had no
diflieulty m taking them out , but soon they
Crow so many that I could not keep them
out. As fast as I took them away from onu
place they came in at another. It will be
tlio sauio here , and the white innu will soon
bo hero in numbers to crowd you out. "
The situation In the Indian territory was
then detailed and the obvious lesson given
them was presented. An appeal was
made to all to act Independently
uud use their own judgment , nnd
not follow blindly the leadership
of their chiefs. Tno rolls were then dis
played and signatures Invited. No sooner
were tliu white sheets spread upon the table
than two ioung Indian bucks iu paint and
breech-clouts arose mid threatened to brain
anyone who should first touch tlio pen. An
Indian policeman promptly took charge of
thu young men and led them away. This
ODon attempt at intimidation aroused Gen
eral Crook , who gave the Indians a plain
statement of the situation , saying :
"I want it very distinctly uudutstood that
no nalntod , breech-clouted Indian will bo al
lowed to interfere in any way with the signIng -
Ing of tills treaty. If there mo not police
enough hero to protect ovcry signer
I will bnntr enough soldiers to do so , ami
b ar tins m mind , that if I do bring soldiers
hero 1 will make it waim for you "
When the threat was flrst made General
Crook took hold of the back of his chair with
the evident intention of braining the Indians ,
but ho contented himself with telling them
the plain , unvarnished tiuth of the matter ,
instead. It looked warm for a inument , but
tlie police were soon ranged in two lines and
those who signed passed out between them.
Chase tlie-Crow , n H.ul Hivor Indian , was
the fhst t ) sign , followed by High Eagle , of
nuothur band upon the Moreau river. At
this limo there are about ninety signatures
on the lolls , and a feiv moro are being aOdcd
all the time. Since the break has been
made It Is hoped to keep the good woik pro
gressing steadily until .onouarn names are
obtained ,
The attempt at violence hero is the lirst
nc tn ill threat of the kind yet
made in the entire canvass , uud
this comes from a band who was
brought here fiom Poplar uvor , Montana ,
a few years ago and denominated commonly
us "the hostlles. " Some doubt has been ex-
prusiud as to whether they are really a part
of the tribe intciestcd in tlio reservation , not
having signed the tic.ity of IblJS or of 187l > .
Should this view of the casu bo ucccptcil
thu situation would bo shorn of many diffi
An Octouciiiirinn 1'ruhontn Swindler ?
With S5.OOO.
ST. Josi-i'ii , Mo. , July Irt. [ Special Tolo-
gnun to Tin : Hun. ] Israel Laudls , clghly
years of ago , ono of llio leading cillzons of
St. Joe and a rich min , was yesterday
swindled out of 1,000 by bunco stecrors
who rented a room in the residence seotlon
of tlio city on the pretext of wanting a quiet
place to do some writing. Yesterday Mr ,
Landis seen accompanying the mon into
the room. Mr. Landis and the iwo bunco
men had a meeting yesterday morning a
which one of them pretended to bo u brother
of C. U. Frances , the banker. Ono o
the men had a hook in his hum :
which ho said ho had just drawi
in u lottery and asked Mr. Landis to como
into the house , in front of which they were
standing and watch him draw another
T he vlc.tlm compiled und once in the house
was induced to try his luck. Drawmir 50
cents hu made another trial nnd drew $5,000
but was told that he could not have tin
money until bu proved ho was worth tha' '
Mr. Laudis went direct to the State sav
ings bank , where ho druw oul fS.OOO and re-
tuincd to the room , where thu sharpers
were. The men took the money
counted it over and then
commenced u sham light among themselves
After ijniet was restored thu chief of thu
party apologized to Mr. Lmdis. and told bin
to meet him at thu Stutu Savings bank ui '
o'clock , when hu would give him $10UJO. _
Mr , Landis compiled with the reiiuesthm
was at tnu hank on tlmo , but uuithor Mr
Franco's prutmidud brother or the f 10,000
materialized , nnd , dropping to the fuel ilia
hu had bucn swindled , Mr. Laudls sough
the aid of llio police.
Hqunttfirs Kviclod at St. I'nul.
Sr. PAOK , July 18. The Oppenfiohn syndi
cate , conaibtlnp of half a dozen millionaire
resident In bl. Paul and Now York , yester
day completed u wholesale eviction of squatters
tors on Its property , known as the uppe
( hits. As u result of the evictions upward
of sixty families , numbering about three huu
died persons , nro now located on the levee ,
without shelter of any kind , guarding their
small possussions and appealing to the cify
for either uork or fond.
I < Y d Children With Arsenic.
LirrLK HOCK , Ark. , July 18. Arsenic was
placed In the food of the four children of Joseph -
soph Hunter , a paintnr living near Slur City
Tuesday , and three of thorn have died , The
crJiclual aud his uiolUcs are uuknowu.
lews Bproulntlre , | Criminal nnd
Otherxvlso froin'BHlt Lnkc.
SALT LAKH CITT , Utritf , Jnly 18 [ Special
telegram to TIIK UKB.I * Ono of the most
mportnnt business transactions over con-
lumtnalcd in this city wus the sale yesterday
of a largo block of street railway stock to the
Jarvls Conklln Mortgage ami Trust com-
iany , of Kansas City. They will nt once
complete Iho work * started by Armstrong
nnd McCluno. Twenty miles of track will
)0 laid nnd equipped with electric motor
cnr § . The city is jubilant overtho , transfer.
Sheriff Dolamaro , who shot nnd killed
AVtlllatn Uynn , at UnrUeld Ucach , last Fri
day , and who was exonerated by the
coroner's Jury , hns "been arrested on the
charge of murder , preferred by n brother of
the deceased. The examination will occur
next Thursday. Ho is now ouj. . on bull.
Ai a meeting of the stockholders of the
Bait Lake & Western and Utah &
Novadi , held yesterday , there was a uuanl-
: nous vote to consolidate. .
The first of a series of contests bolwcon
the Garlleld llciich and the Salt Lake rowing
clubs took place to-day nt Giirileld Bench.
Judge Powers bus been appointed by the
Gentiles to take charge of the coming cam
paign. Tbo results , as shown August 5 at
.he polls , are expected to bo largo Gentile
Ed. Hanlon , the famous oarsman , will
arrive here to-morrow , and will give some
fancy exhibitions nt Great Salt Lake.
A. Committee Conveys Its IlcHpccti
to Mm. Jnmcfl K. 1'olk.
NASIIVIU.E , July 18. Secretary Canllcld ,
at the opening of the Educational associa
tion , said that the great grand-son of old
"Hickory" Jackson , born yesterday at Her
mitage , had been uumcd "Albert Murblo
Jackson , " in honor of the president of the
association. A cummtttuo composed of u
delegate from each utatu and territory nnd
Canada wus appointed to cull upon Mrs.
James 1C. Polk and convoy to her the ro-
spccts , congratulations and compliments of
tlio association. This afternoon n com in it too
wus appointed to consider the needs of thu
United States iu the bureau of education
uud to memorialize congress on iho subject.
The session was devoted to the further con
sideration of denominational schools and Iho
history of education. Papers bearing thereon
were rend by Hon. John Jay , New York ; U
A. Hinsdale , Michigan Unlvorsilyj W. H.
Payne , Nashville ; S. G. Williams , Ilnaca ,
N. Y. ; W. II. Vennble , Cincinnati ; Georgu
Howland. of public schools ,
Chicago. The association then adjourned
till evening.
NASIIVIU.E , Tenn. , July 18. The high
schools of the county wore represented in the
meeting at Mclindroo's'1 church aty o'clock
to day. At o'clock ' the Polk mansion was
thrown open to u reception of a committee of
sevoiit.v-Hvo from Iho association. Mrs.
Polk , still beautiful and strong in her eighty-
seventh year , stood in the west parlor for
an hour and received wjth u pleasant word
eucti guest as presented.
The exhibit of school work In the hall of
representatives at the capital is the finest overseen
soon in this city , including as it does every
class of work from primary schools and kin
dergarten work to that of the moro advanced
scholars In thu schools and colleges.
Tbo night session of tbo Educational meet
ing was devoted to tbe consideration of
aroper llteraturo for children nnd for use in
Die homo nnd at school. The committee on
nomination reported the following ofllcors
for the ensuing year : „ President , James H.
Can Held , of Kansas ; scc.ret.iry. W. A. Garrett -
rott , of Tennessee : treasurer , E. C. Hewitt.
of Illinois.
Nnd-Cl-Jiimi TIHnkn TlmiM his Mis-
niori , a nl ( I'Y-ars Not
, July 18. In the house of com
mons this aftutnoon , Right lion. Stanhopo ,
secretary of state for war , read the reply of
Nud-El-Jumi , the DorvlsU leader in Egypt ,
In response to the demand made by General
G i en fell for his surreudcr. NadElJu mi
in 3 In his reply :
"Your force is nothing to mo ; I have neon
sent to comjuer iho world. I cannot stop
now. 1 call upon you to surrender. I will
ptotcctyou. UemomUcrHIelcBand Gordon. "
In his dispatches nccpmpanving Nau-El-
Jumi's reply to the warotllco , General Gren-
fell states that the Dervish leader's lighting
men uro well fed and in good condition.
Tuo Carpet-Saoks I ? it 11 ol the Q.iocr
Foil ml In : t Hot , ; 1.
Di-iTON , O. , JnlylB.-TCaptain Abbott and
seven other secret service men this morning
madu a descent on the United States hotel ,
near hero , lo capture a gang of counterfeit
ers Oftlcer Dunuoll wus wuumled twice in
the head , but nut fatally. An escaping
counterfeiter v/us shot in the side , but the
extent of his injury is nqt known. Two car-
pot-sacks of counterfeit $10 bills have been
found and tbo search Is hot ended. The ho
tel belongs to Nelson Hiigg. an aged and
noted counterfeiter.
A Noted Indian Imwyer Fuvors tlio
Snlc of the Cliorikie. Strip.
FOHT SMITH , Ark. , July 18. Colonel E. C.
lioudinot , the noted Cherokee lawyer , made
speech at a plcnlo to-day In the Cherokee na
tion. Ho expressed his views without re
serve relntivu to the Cherokee commission
and the sale of the ChoroKco title , That
these lands were to bo the homo of Ameri
can farmers iu a very short tlmo hu recorded
as certain as fate , anil in his opinion common
sensu nnd thu wclftireof the Chcrokccs dic
tated their meeting the commissioners half
way nnd the ualu of the lands ou the best
terms possible.
A Bank President lluys Two Fine
LANSINO. Mich. , July 18 A sharper
named Strooter worked the gold brick dodge
successfully hero last night upon William
McKollops , u wealthy ! gentleman of Perry ,
Shlawasseo countyanil president of thu
First National bank , of. Curunna. An ap
pointment was made last night and as a re
sult .McKollops was the o'wiier of iwo sup
posed gold bricks of tnu , value of 20,000 and
the sharper was richer by W.OOO. When
MuKcllops' grand-son was ; < hewn tlio bricks ,
thu fraud was discoveredStrector un
doubtedly bail accomplices , and the whole
confidence irnrty left on an cast bound train
last night.
pito t ; THK WIRES.
A tornado played ii blustering visit
Peshtigo , WIs. , yesterday evening ,
The jury in the caw of Charles Olds ,
charged with killing , Emil Webber , ui ought
In u vordicl of murder in iho tlrst degree.
Captuia W. J. Hlnko , > 0f the schooner John
II. Ford , yesterday at , Cniiidon , N. J. , kicked
Sainuoi Fisher , a colored bcumun. Fisher
with a clasp knife , stabbed Hlako three
limes with fatal results. Fisher was ur-
rested. ' *
Jilt vviih n Cleaver.
LAIUMIE , Wyo.1 , ' July \ % , fSpecial Tele
gram to THE UEE. ] W. Miller , a butcher ,
was assaulted and hilled Tuesday at Carbon
ninety miles weal of heft' ' , by Joe Friedman
an employe In a rival butcher shop. Ill-
feeling had existed between iho two shops
for sonic time. Tuesday Miller
became intoxicated and quarrelct
with Friedman over some mut
ton and Friedman became exasperated
uud seizing u meat cleaver knocked Miller
down with Iu Miller attempted to rUe
when Friedman struck him ou thu head will
thu cleaver , indicting injuries from which ho
died in a few hours. , The affair is the out
come ol a bitter rivalry between two butcher
shops. Friedman's examination is now In
The South Dakotans Worrying
Over Appointments.
Mr. Humphrey , of Fnulk , Snyn Every
thing Must Go on Hcuord
The 1'olitlolnnis' Hands
The Sioux Kails Convention.
Sioux FALLS , S. D. , July 18. [ Special Telegram -
ogram to TUB Uns.J hi the South Dakota
constitutional convention yesterday , upon
the call of committees , fully a dozen chair
men promised to report to-day , but the in-
.onso heat seems to Imvo inspired n imposi
tion to do nothing lo-day which can bo put
off until to-morrow , and as a result flvo re
ports only were received and la none of
them has any change been made In the arti
cles as they appear In the Sioux Falls consti
tution. Indeed It was settled nt the begin
ning without formal action that as the con
stitution of 1SST was practically ratified no
change except thosu spocillically enumer
ated In the omnibus bill , could bo made ,
but for fear that some possible clause maybe
bo Inserted hero , or phrase omitted there ,
some members are keeping most diligent
watch. The reports thus fur made , for in
stance , specify that the articles submitted
are In accordance with thu Sioux Falls con
stitution and omnibus bill , but this does
not satisfy Humphrey , of Fuulk , who
moved that the icports of standing commit
tees should clearly and plainly set foith
what uhangos , if any , huvu bcun made. ThU
shows thu uxtromo caution of members lost
anything Ijo done which CAII iniorfero with
the ultimate admission. Jolloy , of Clay ,
saw no necessity for lumbering the ipcords.
but Humphrey per.sistoa that the jouinal
should show every act of the convention and
every change made iu the Sioux Falls con
Tlio judicial committee- this evening com
pleted its report. It has made eight
judicial districts , two of which are
iu the 131ack Hills. A dtulculty was
found in satisfying the central counties with
this , und possibly a minority report may go
in defining these districts. Legislative ap
portionments the most important work of
iho convention , und the apportionment com
mittee Is Undine some trouble with several
ambitious counties la Central Dakola. This
commillco will not report for some time jet.
Two United States senutorships uro Involved
and possibly ono senator or extra representa
tive added to this or that county may deter
mine the success or failure of certain can
didates , and. as will bo scun , great interest
centers around this committee.
Tin : .Northern Unit.
BIBUAKCK , N. D. , July 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Buu.j This has been n dull day
n North Dakota's constitutional convention ,
but the committees have some interesting
times. The oomuiittoo on juuiclary decided
against the establishment , of county courts
as In favor of retaining tlio ofllue of justice
of iho peace. The committee also agreed to
recommend six judicial districts for North
Dakota , and the election of an appellate
court , which shall bo separata and distinct
from the district courts.
The prohibition question is earning ground
very slowly , in fact it looks as though it were
losing strength. It is said to bo oven doubt
ful if the convention will even submit the
question to n vote of the people without at Ilia
same time submitting the question of high
license , and that means an inglorious
for the prohlbitiomsls aud an overwhelming
victory for high license. This is the veidict
of the most conservative.
Judge Cooley , of the inter state commerce
commission , departed for ilio west to-day
and it is said ho Is making a tour of the west
on busiuoss of vital impoitance to the North
ern Pacilio nnd other transcontinental roads.
The commission for the division of the
property and debt of the territory between
the states of North Dakota and South Da
kota mot to-duy , but adjourned without
reaching an agreement with regard
to a basis of division. It looks as
though there is a storm ahead for
Iho commission. An article introduced
in the convention to-day prohibiting the
forming of trusts , and providing for the for
feiture of thu clmitur or franchise of any
company violating tlio constitution m this
respect : also prohibiting the keeping of a
black list D.v railroads against their own or
other company's employes , and giving every
clti/on to seek nnd accept employment and
making the keeping of black lists by a com
pany a misdaineunnr , punishable us a felony.
The senatorial fight progresses , and many
changes in thu slates nro being made. The
latest political move is tnu organisation of it
young republican league of North Dakotans ,
so that , as ono of the young patriots ex
pressed It , "Tho colonels must give pluco to
the kids. " Temporary ofllcors woru elected ,
and it was agreed to hold the first regular
meeting at Fargo on August 'JO.
Matters at llclonn.
HKI.KKA , July 18. In the convention to
day the committee reported on article iof
the constitution , providing for the mainte
nance of a general system of public schools
free for nil children from six to twenty
years. The govcinur , superintendent of
public instruction , sccretaiy of state and
attorney general shall constitute the state
board of land commissioners. It shall bo tliu
duty of the legislature to provide b > taxation
BUfticlcnt means in connection with the
amount next received from the general
school fund to maintain a frco public school
in each organized dlstilct at least three
months each year. The state board of eln-
cation is to consist of eleven members the
governor , slate sunorintomlcnt of pnbllo In-
slrucilon and attorney being mem
bers ox-ofilcio the otnor eight members to
Do appointed by the govuiimr. A lon dis
cussion uroso over Clark's motion abolishing
the grand jury , The matter was rufcired
buck to the committee on judiciary without
Olyntpla'H Con volition.
OLTMriA , W. T. , July 18. The convention
adopted , after discussion , thu suction pro
viding for flvo Instead of three judges on the
supreme bench , The legislature , hoivuvcr ,
may increase the number from time to time.
Thu committee on federal relations reported
in favor of the stutu ceding to the United
States any lands desired for army or navy
stations. A proposition wus submitted for
minority representation on the supreme
bunch , but after u long debate It was do-
fealud , Thu republican conference lakes
placu to-morrow. II is settled that ono
United States senator shall como from the
casi and thu other fiom the west of the Cas
cade mountains. The governor will come
from the wcsi und the congressman from the
east , Thu republican state convention will
bo held at Spokuno Falls on August " 0.
I'rourct-M at Itoirio City ,
IoisiCm ! : , Ind , July 18. The committees
are fast reporting drafts for sections to the
constitution. The education committee
favors free schools , forbids religious .tests
fur teachers or pupils , or services in school.
Thu election rid sultragii committee makes
two reports , both having stiong auctions
embodying tno Utah test oath.
Aid for DfHlituto
LAKorA , Duk. , July lb. [ Special Telegram
to Tun HEK. I In view of the almost total
failure of crops by drouth in northern Nel
son county , a call was sinned by iho leading
business men of thu county for u m iss meet
Ing , which convened to-day , to Uuviso ways
nnd moans to bridge over the necessities of
ho farmers for the winter. The mooting
ippolnted A central committee to solicit aid
or destitute farmers ; also appointing the
supervisors of each town a board of distribu
tion to B O tlmt the aid sent Is properly ap-
illcd. There Is no disguising the fact Ibat
vilh the frost last your nnd the drouth of
.his , most of Iho settlers will t.ooil help to
enable them to make another crop.
Post master Grny , oTOnln , Aln. , Killed
Ity Ituho HnrrtnvR.
HinMiNOtUM , Ala , , July 18. A special
'rom Gain , Latunr county , nays that Post
master Gray was shot and killed , and thu as
sassin escaped. Gray lived nn hour and gave
the following account of the affair :
'A few days ago n package
came to the oftlco addressed 'Cain. '
There being no person living there bearing
that name ho returned II to the sender. A
man named liurrows called for the package
yesterday , and being told it hnd boon ro-
.urncd asked Gray if ho hail coon its con.
.cuts. Gray said yes , upan which
Liurrows shot him nnd then nt
tempted to shoot Mrs. Gray and
tier sister. Gray says the pnckav'o had
come 10 iho oflleo partly open , nnd ho could
not help seeing that It contained n whltu
nusk. Gray also said Huriows was the
same Hubu Burrows , the Arkansas train
robber who escaped from nil ofllcor at
Montgomery , Ala , n year 01 so ago ,
the time Ids In-other Jim was
caught and carried back to Arkansas. It
will be remembered that Uubo and Jim were
in Montiromory , aud the police ofllcor who
Imd thorn in churgo was Inking them to po
lice headiiuartors. At the foot of the
steps both made a dash for lib
erty , Uubo escaping , shooting n
lirlntor mimed Hray who tried to lulurrnpt
Lhi'in. Uubo was subsequently suriounded
aud shot at by olllcers , but disappoincd in
the swamps , slnco which tlmo ho bus not
been heard of till now.
Supposed to ho Cninpbcll'K Air Ship
Ho nn Thou ; ht to lie Tjnit.
NKW YOIIK , July 18. An incoming pilot
reports that on Juno id , in latituuo J1J3 : ) ' ,
longiludo 71 ° W , ho sighted a balloon drag-
Sing its car along a smooth piece of water.
Ho gave chase , but at sundown , when threj-
quarters of a mile from it , It collapsed and
disappeared from sight. It is bupposcd to bu
Campbell's ' missing air ship. There aconm
to bo no longer any reason to doubt tlmt
Hogau is dead. Hogan was forty-six years
old. and made over four hundred successful
balloon ascensions and thirty-tuo paractiuto
lumps in the twenly-ciglil yeais ho has fol
lowed the dangerous hiismuss. Ho was re
garded as the foremost iiioonaut in the
world. Some of his friends are still hoping
ho may bo alive , uvun if injuied , and landed
in some outjpf-tlio way place.
Cnllod Him a Cri'i-plnj *
NnoN , July 18. At to-day's ' session of
the Parncll commission Mall Harris again
took the stand , stating thai Messrs. Egun
uud Hrenmin severed Iheir connection with
the Fenians on joining the land leagc. Dr.
Charles Tanner , member of parliament , tes
tified ho had never advocated the boycotting
of women und children. He mud to get land
grabbers boycotted. Ho admitted hu had
denounced a ceitain land grabber as a cor
rupt reptile and creeping louse. The land
grubber was afterward shot at. Witness
always spoke against outrage. Ho had been
boycotted hunsclt by the Cork torien and
his business had diminished , hU patients
forsaking him , under pressmo.
T\\o Kansas City Girls Skip With Lov
ing You t IIH.
KAX AS CITY , .luly 18. A double clone-
ment ocourrcil from hero to-day , Dnioy Me-
Gill , daughcor of a wealthy doctor , and Gr.ico
Paiker , daughter of u well-known pho
tographer , ran away la Sioux City lo bo mar
ried , the lormor to a Kansas City cable car
giipinan and the latter to a Sioux City plio-
togiapher. The quartolto left on this morn
ing's ' train. The fathers of the mrls tele
graphed thf authorities at Sioux City to ar-
rebt tin ) runaways.
Alter a Horse.
lNnu.fA.roMS , July 18. In Green county
this morning the twenty-year-old son of
Hiram Ouindon was riding a horse which
was attached to a plow. The animal became
frightened and tbo young man was caught in
thu harness and driggcd over the Hold , his
head st i iking tin ; ground with ovurv leap of
the hoi-ic. I'hu hainess Hnally broke , 10-
leusmg ( Junden. He lived but two houia.
Preferred Death to Destitution.
iTrsiJMio , July 18 liu-ly this morning
tho.bodles of Mrs. John McGregor and two
children weru discovered in ton inches of
water in a small creek near Younmtown , O.
Thovtomiin had first drowned her children
and then herself. Her husband had left her
in dcstitutu circumstances , amlsho was seen
jRSterduy begging for food.
Allotting HOIINCH in Johnstown.
Joiivsioivx , Pa. , July 18. Two unidenti
fied bodies weio recovered to-day. Ono him-
died of the two story houses winch Con
tractor Huglips has engaged to erect weie
alloted to day and hu will begin ut onco.
Ho uxpcets to complete about ten houses a
A Warrant For Stephen A. DoncIiiM Jr.
CHICAGO , July 18. Warrants woio sworn
out to-day for thearicstof Attorney Stephen
A , Douglas jr. , C. D. Hooker mid U. D.
Davidson , a detective. They nio charged
with being involved In questionable ical es
tate transactions by which i .OJO . was ob
tained fiom William Uanco.
The Ji'lio Keuord.
CounniUH , O. , July 18. At I o'clock HUH
morning half of a four-story stone business
block on Narth High street , occupied by the
German Furnlturu company and J , A. Mo
Anley's ' awnings nnu tent factory , burnud ,
Loss , $7D,000 or ? yo,00ij , Thico llrouion wure
injured , but not seriously.
Ciuo4ao , July 18. The bolter In the
planing mill of the H. H. Stone lumber com-
jiany exploded this morning , killing JolTorsou
King , engineer , A. Dallon , laborer , and
Fied neiffel. teamster. Thu entire building
was wrecked. Loss , $20,000 ,
Vlotiiii of 1 1 liar [ .
: , la , July 19. [ Special Tologrnm
lo TIIK HBK. ] Aithur MuArthur , an old und
prominent citi/en of Dubuquu , died this
morning while reading thu morning paper in
his oflloo. Death was caused by heart die-
Virginia I'rolilhltioiiiHiH Nomlnntu.
LiNCiiiiuno , Va. , July 18. The btato pro
hibition convention met hero yesterday und
nominated u full state ticket , at the head of
which , for governor , Is Hon. Tlioinus U. Toy
lor , of Loudon county.
To AVithdraw Commodity Hatch
ST. Louis , July 18. The South Interstate
Uaihvny association lias decided to withdraw
all commodity rates from points in the
United Status to the City of Mexico , via IU
Paso , cxcepi Iho sums of local rates.
Double Murder In Ari/oiin.
PitEgco-iT , ArU. , July IS. A. W. Cullen
shot and instantly killed liyron J. Charles
and Frank Woik at Ills mining camp ut Ore
line Monday evening. Thu troublu nniso
over mining claims Callun unuo bcrvcd one
or two terns iu thu IC'-iuas
Planning the Grontost Railway Gcm
BOltdatlou In the World.
It Will Mnku Jlixton the Metropolln
of the Continent mill Kt'Rnlt. Iu
Commercial nud I'olltluul
Union \Vltli Canada.
Hnllroiid Consolidation.
NBW YOHK , July 18. A npooltil from Hart
fordConn. , , says : Tim text Tar n bill to bo In
troduced nt the opening of congress In Do-
uombcr. Involving the most giunnUo sclwmo
for iMllroml consnlUliitlou o\ur candidly dis
cussed In tills country , It now being nut Into
tjpo in this city , Thu funiluiiioiitiil Idon Is to
nmko Boston the motropollsof the continent.
\Vhllo the Inter-Mate coiumorco conunlsalou
was discussing the pioblom of low finight
rates on the Canadian Pacific roiul , tlio
ronsollitntlonists woio consummating plans
for the absorption of the Can ullim rival by
the American system , and tlio establishment
of the greatest rnllroiui power In the world.
The Villurd si stum Is the on\ ! olio not cm-
buiood in the concoution. Tlio Union ami
Northern Pacific muds mid thu Canadian Pa-
clllu are tlio ones to be consolidated , tno BJ'S-
tum extending from the Santn Fo through
the Ronthwcsturn stiituH. thence by wuy of
tno Pennsylvania co.d region * and nuro < *
the I Unison rlvor ntPoughhcopslo to Boston.
From Hoston the orlgitiatois propose to run
a steamship line to lOuropo , furnishing the
nmplest accommodation for freight nud pas-
lender traftlu from the Padlo slope to-
the largest ports na the Kuropoan continent.
Mho projectors state that members of tho-
bcnato are familiar with the scheme nnd en
thusiastic for Its prosecution The capital
ization will not ho loss than $ .700,000,001) ) . in
the main the consolidation will sccuro
through lines by the purchase of lenses ,
English capitalists will join In the enterprise ?
effect ing ft commerulal unian nt present and
iiltimntely n political one with Canadian ter
ritory. American capitalists will bo Inter
ested equally with the English in developing-
the continent.
The consolidation also contemplates the
the owner-ship of a now OOP in cabin , joining-
Boston with tno umpire. Utopian as
the plans may seem at tlrst , they h ivo boon
skillfully formulated , nnd will huvo to bo
discussed by an Intelligent public within the
next four months. Tlio sum of 75,000 hat *
been expended iu securing surveys for the
maps. Several of llio surveys were began
in IbSl , and the plans \\hieli nronow about to >
be disclosed have bucn under consideration
since then.
This Story Denied in Boston.
UOSTOV , .Inly 19. [ Specil ! Telegram to
TUB I5i K.J Tliosioryof the rumored con
solidation of the Union and th < ) Northern
Pacific with tlio Cun.idian line , to center in
Boston. Is laughed at hero and emphatically
denied b.v the representatives of the named
coiiioiations. The lines now used to
connect with the various western trunlt lines
declare the story to be a fake to boom tbo-
stoclcof the Connecticut \ , Western road ,
which is the alleged connecting lluic in Now
England for the proposed combine. Tills it
u vorv plausible causa of the yarn being :
Humored Sale cit'ttio Alton.
New YOUK , July 15 All day to-day Wall
street was kept busy with reports of the
confluences of rnilro.ul ofllcials and bunkers
and after the close of the ovehiuifjo it was
asset ted that the Halo of tlio Chicago Si
Alton to the Missouri P.ieillo had been com
pleted and the tlrst deposit of puruhaso
n.oney to the amount of 5 JOU.,03) ) ) had al
ready been made. The tumors carried id-
Uitijafil weight from the fact that Vlco PresIdent -
Ident MoMullen is alreuly la this city , and
that Chainn in Walker , of the Inter-Stato
association , and Gunurul Manager Olaik , of
the Missonii 1 * icillc. aio impeded every
hour The piob.ibility the Missouri
Paoillc would tontiol the caused a
sharp decline in Kichinnnd Toi iiiinal , which
company m.ido connections with the Gould
system nn the understanding tlmt it would
bo given all the business until of the Missis
sippi , .lav Gould , w.m is credited with hold-
inn.V'.OiX ' ) shaios of Hichmoml J'orniinal , is
s.iid to h.ivo sold IIH Intel esi in that com
A. Meeting of the I2\tuiitlV ( Hoard.
CHICAGO , July IS The executive board of
llio Inlor-Statc Commoico Uillwav associa
tion will meetni.\t fhursdav to heir the ap
plications of thu Chicago , St Paul & Kansas
City load tor milhoritv to put into effect the
special commodity late * from Chlcigo to DCS
Moiaes , St. Josouh nnd intcrmediuto points ,
and for thu privilege of adopting the Chicago
basis of rates on hard coal between Dulutb
and southwestern Mi.ssomi river points.
Tlin Denver & MOiilli P.irk Hold.
UUKVI.K , .July 18. The Denver & South
Park load was sold last night at United
States mastur'H ' a.-ilo under foreclosure of a
mnitgago hold by tlio Farmers' Loan &
Ti list company for $ IGlKOOl , ) ) . The load was
purchiibcd by Messrs. Tuppi , Pallistor mid
Fiilnnd , leprcsentlng tlio old stockholders ,
for SJ.000,000. It is understood the will
bu under the management of the Union Pu-
Several Ijlves Jutut nnd .Mucli Prop-
ci ly DeHiroycd.
COI.UMIIUS , Tex. , .luly lb. Tne Colorado
liver at this point is thlry ono feet high and
rising. The lowlands are all inundated , and
crops are entiiuly destroyed. The dnmago
to the cotton crop alone in this county is es
timated at half a million dollum.
UADA , Tux. , July IB , Reports coutinuo
to como fiom tlio surrounding counties re-
guiding the high water. Lives aio known to
have beun'lost. Information comes of tha
drowning of u hov at Leaky. Two men at
tempted to cross the Dry Frio nud were
diowned Saluiday. liotli FrloH uru higher
than over befuru known , and the destruction
oi piopurty is heavy ,
Ufppud in Sixteen J'liicen.
LosnoN , July Id.-At the inquest hold on
the bed } of tlio woman muuluied in the
Whltcchapel district yesterday , the fact de
veloped tlmt m addition to tlio two largo
gushes thuru wciu fourteen other wounds on
thu body , The giuator number of. wounds ,
however , were only skin deep.
Steamship Arrivals ,
At lioulojiio The Obdatn , fioai Now
At Glasgow The State of Novadn , from
'Jew York.
At London Sighted , thuxtoamnr nritish
Empire , from Boston ; thu Cutlc , from Now
York ; the Hokla , fiom Nuw York , for
At New Yorn Tlio City of Homo , from
At Antwerp The Havio , ftom Now Or
At Llvoi pool The Professor , doui Now
\Voallier In it I cation' . .
Nebinsku : Local ohoucit , , cooler , varla-
bio wmds ,
Iowa. Light local sho\\un \ > , ullyhtl } cooler ,
vuriublo winds. , m
IJukota ; Cjenerally fair with occasional
light uhowurs , cooler , followed Iu northern
portion by rising tcmnciaturo , variubU
vlnJb. '
l ) | . flll.w l.xpellcd ,
H. C. , July lb. Dr. MoDuir ,
the uynr of Cautain DUWHUII , uas oxpvllud
froui thu South CViolluu MoJical ucitty ,