Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Internal rovcnuo collections yoatcr-
tiny , ? 5iOS8.13.
A cnr load of crocltory for W. L.
Wnyht wna received yesterday by the
collector of customs.
William J. Totnson , an engraver In
the Herald building , Has made nn na-
8lijiunoiit of his property to F. St Wise ,
for $300.
Patrick Hcnfoy hold nn informal
lovooyostoi-dny for the Catholic priests
from various parts of the sUto now
visiting in Omahn. About twelve of
the reverend gentlemen wore present.
ShorllT Coburn will offer at publio
auction the furniture nnd fixtures of
the Bank of Omaha , together with n
lease which hns fourteen months to run
with the privilege of renewal for live
vcars , The nalo will tnlce place lit lite
bank Saturday morning ut 10 o'clock.
A corporation styling themselves the
"Onmhn Photographing company" has
been established hero for the purpose
of carrying on the business of photo
graphing , painting in oil and water
colors , malting crnyon pnstollo nnd nil
other pictures. Tlio capital stock is
E. Martin Evans , of Beatrice , was ar
rested by Deputy United States Mar
shall Emory for selling : liquor without a
license. Ho wiis brought hero yester
day nnd in the absence of Jtulca Dundy
was taken before Justlro Anderson ,
whore hogavo bonds in the sum of 8-r > 00
for his appearance at the next term of
The Chicngo Tailors , a merchant tail
oring Ilrm nt 1/K21 / Farnam street , havr >
given a chattel mortgage on their stock
for $718.ft ! ( to secure payment on notes
given to Field , Benedict & Co. . nnd II.
G. GrHllth & Co. , of Chicago , Ilulin &
Thompson , William Barr Co. , William
L. Selby , John Oloson nnd Max Oleson ,
of Omaha.
I'nrsonnl I'l
E. M. Scnrle , of OKnllnln , Is atthoMtliarcl.
Jj. ICandor IH at the Murray from Now
Con .liickson , of Hny Springs , is nt the
Isnao A. Holsmau Is at the P.'xxtou from
E. W. Hayes is nt the Mlllaru from
F. F. Turner , of Chadron , is rCK torcd at
the Burlier.
Hon. J. L. PcnniiiKton , of Yaukton , Dale , ,
Is in the city.
Joseph Scowcroft and wife are at the Millard -
lard from Ogdcn.
H. R Hoff. of Huron , South Dakota , is a
puest of the Barker.
D. C. .liickson anu G. W. "White , of Kear
ney , are nt the Paxton.
II. S. Hroxvn wns at the Barker from the
Btato capital yesterday.
Among Chicago people at the Murray are
Isaac S. Dement and wife.
Gcorgo H. Sherwood was n vlsltor-in the
city yesterday from Kearney.
John Moller and wlfo and the Misses
Mollcr , from Now York , are at the Millard.
The thermometer in front of Max Mayor &
Bro.'s store registered U'J ' = at 1 M p. in. yes
Charles West , N. n. Harwood and \V. A.
Olsdorf , of Lincoln , were at'the Paxton yes
E. F. Warner , of Nebraska City , came to
Omaha last uvonlng and was registered at
the Paxton.
Sam E. Tnylor , of Hnstiiifj , 1ms acccptad
o position witti Stcolc , Johnson & Co. to sell
teas , spices , etc.
Captain Knggor , superintendent of the
water works .company . nt Florence , has gone
to Kansas City for a few days.
William Collupy , who has been employed
for yours ns a machinist , in the Union Pacific
shops , loaves for a visit to Ills old homo in
Wvi-rpool to-duy.
Mr. II. A. E. Urucehcrt , of accounting de
partment of the Union Pacific , left for u
short vacation in the east via tlio Milwaukee ,
last night , U is rumored that Mr. Bruechert
will not return alone.
Miss Ella G. Jarvis , of Dos Moincs , la. , ac
companied by hur nephew , Master Leigh J.
Younp , of Omaha , arrived in tlio city last
evening for a few weeks' visit with her sis-
tor. Mrs. D. W. Young , 213 Luke street.
Mr. Charles Woidt , editor of the Nord-
deutsche Allgomcino of Chicago , is attend
injf the session of the Plattueutsehor Cen
tral Veroln , and is the guest of his brother-
in-law , Henry Lchmunn , of the First
National bunk.
Use only Rock Island Soap.
Huntliiir POP Iiii p Wntor.
Colonel Chase , of tlio central committee of
.1 the Gulf Deep Harbor association , is In cor
respondence with the president of that asso
ciation relutive to holding the convention of
that body next year In Omaha.
No CaiiHo lor Action.
On the 12th I had a warrant issued for
'Robert Day , charging him with larceny ns
bailee. I liavo this day withdrawn the
chnrgo nnd paid the costs , as I have done Mr.
Day great injustice. WM. S. Uouutiu.
ir. l > y a Smooth OIK * .
J o Noveriskoy gave a smooth-talking
young man , whom ho ineton Farnhiim street ,
{ 20 to guarantee him a place at farm work
for f-'iO a month. The smooth youn ? man set
out at ouco to llnd the place for Joe and has
not yet returned.
For a disordered liver try Becoham's ' Pills
McctiHCd to Wed.
Marnapo licenses were issued by Judge
Shields yesterday to the following parties :
( Charlie E. Lake , Omaha ! M
| Annlu Olmaii. Omaha "I
( William James Newman , Omaha US
1 Ada Merrill 21
For Ton Vonrs.
The Pnxton liotnl will not change hands
until August 1. Nona of the articles of
agreement have yet boon signed , but nroba-
bly will be this week. Mr. Braluard , one of
the purchasers , went axvay Monday evening ,
but is expected back with Mr , Kll tredgo to
morrow or Friday , It is understood that
they lease the building lor ton years , and
Klvo Mr , Kitchen $00,000 , for his furniture.
' Pears' soup is the most elegant toile
Btnto Development.
Secretary Nason is sending circulars to
'every newspaper In Nebraska explaining the
etato development scheme , and calling on
tne various boards of trade for suggestions
to the board of directors , that they may have
something to work uu when they meet. Ho
received n very encouraging letter yesterday
morning from Joel Hull , president of the
Meridun board of trade , and an assurance
.Unit wlltiln three weeks the association
would receive 4,000 coules of that associa
tions mutual report for distribution iu the
Give Rock Island Soap a trial ,
Impelled I > y Jonlouny.
Frank Level , n colored nortor at work on
the Union Pacltlo , was arrested yesterday ,
charged with threatening to shoot U. G.
Boll , porter at Dewey & Stone's furniture
store. Level , it appears , has a handsome
wife of whom he is insanely Jealous , He
heard , upon returning from a trip or-the )
road , that Boll had been seen in company
with Mm , Level. This so enraged the hus
band that ho hunted Hull up , assaulted htm
and threatened to kill him , and , It Is said ,
would urobiibly have carried o..t his threat
had he not been arrested.
Swift's Specific cured wo of ugly and very
pulaful bolls or risings. I had twenty-three
on my back und neck at one time and n great
miuiy on my body. I took S. S. H. , aau two
bottles cured me. This was live yearn ago ,
mid have had no boils slr.eo.
W. M , MILLIUI , Arlington , Tcxai.
SI'iilClNO Klj
ToJIiuntnr'n Now Occupation Motor
Not OR.
Mr. Adams , formerly superintendent ot
operating for the Omaha motor company , resigned -
signed his position last Saturday , and yester
day Thomas Todhuntor , assistant superin
tendent of the cable company , was tendered
the position and accepted it.
William S. Ott , who has been lllllng the
position of chief engineer of the Thompson-
Houston company , has accepted a similar
position with the mo tor company.
Louis MUMS , formerly with the Union Pa
cific , has been appointed assistant chief en
These ffoiitlomfiii will assume their ofllclal
duties next Monday.
The company yesterday received four mo
tors and the intelligence from thn manufac
tory that twenty-two moro had been shipped.
As soon as thu engines can bo put In working
order a trial trip will bo miidu , and If every-
thin ? is lotind satisfactory , the road will bo
put In netlvo operation Immediately ,
There Is going to bo considerable of a row
before the matter ot the South Omaha ex
tension of the line is nmdo. Interested par
ties charge that Councilman Kd. Johnson , of
the Magic City , Is the agent of tha South
Omaha Land company nnd that ho intro
duced the ordlnnnco In the council Monday
night because the extension of the motor line
along the proposed route would Injure the
property of his company. This land lies
west ot Iho Union Puclllc tracks nnd the
motor line proposes to run cast of them ,
The motor's ofllccrs say that ttioy
will push their line right through if obstruc
tions me removed from their path , nud they
will have cars running from Council muffs
to South Omaha within 5 few weeks.
The Motor company 1ms applied for a per
mit Its lines on Eleventh street from
Mason to Williams , nnd usks to bo allowed
to pay for the paving on the ten-year Install
ment plan. The application has been granted
with Iho provision that in the event of the
failure of the council to pass the ordinance
now pending , the paving shall bo puid for ut
once , as provided for m ordinance 3,000.
The Rock Island Soap can bo bought
at all groceries in Omaha.
Could Stand Ttiat City's lllvcr of
Dentil , ftut Not Our Jail.
"For heaven's sake , Judge , don't keep mo
In that hole any longer , " ulcaded Pat isic-
Cormicl : in police court. "It smells awful
and would kill me. "
"Funny that I never hoard any complaint
coneoi ning the Jail before , " said the Judge.
"Where have you been working that you
have become so sensitive to smclll"
"I'vo been working on a drcilgo boat In
the Chicago river , Judge , but the JailIs over
BO much worse than that. "
1 'Well , you c.m go , " said the Judge , as ho
stopped to write a request to the city comp
troller for another barrel of chlorldo of llmo
to lie used for disinfecting the police palace.
William Plcrco , Ed Kclloy. Ert Hall , John
Hums , Charles Anderson and Phil Corbott ,
nil old time offenders , xvero lined 75 each and
costs I'or drunkenness.
C. O. Lonpneekcr wns arrested for
vagrancy , but was released upon showing
that ho was a plasterer and had a force of
men working under him.
James Cross , a farm hand from Wahoo ,
was discharged Tuesday with 818 in his
pocket. He came un yesterday morulnc with
a bunch of keys , a knlfo and a charge of
drunkenness. When Mike Whnlen was out
duck hunting last full ho stopped with Cross'
employer. A recognition iu police court se
cured Cross' release. "You told me you'd pet
me out If I ever came huro and got full , "
said Cross , "and I'm glad to see you're a
man of your word , " nnd ho went out with a
"God bless you" to the court and a request
that the police bo kept off his trail for liftceii
Arlvlcn to Slathers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children
toothing. It soothes the child , softens
the gums , allays all pains , cures wind
colic , and is the best rpmedy for diar
rhoea. 25c u bottle.
New Hospital Sit ? .
The sisters of St. Joseph's hospital have
just purchased of G. F. Elsassor and Will
iam F. Hico lots 1 , 2 , 8 nnd 4 In block 1 ,
South Omaha addition , paying $4GOO in cash
therefor , John W. Paul acting as agent In
the aeal. These lots , together with their
former purchase , lots 5 , 0 , 7 and 8 , and the
tract donated by Hon. John A. Crclghton ,
gives them n frontage of 2513 feet on
Tenth , 2'J8 feet south front on Cas-
tellar , and 252 feet east front on Ninth
street , and , considering the advantages of
pavement , sewer , water and gas besides the
commanding view obtainable , and the ele
gant nnd convenient building already
planned , will bo acknowledged the llncst
hospital this section of the country.
Will you suitor with dyspepsia and
liver complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizor is
guaranteed to cure you.
Tho-io 1'nrlc l'lnn < > .
Landscape Gardener Cleveland nnd Mr.
Geoi-jjo W. Llnmgor , of the board of park
commissioners , went to Hanscom purk
vcsterday . Mr. Cleveland took notes for the
preparation of the plans for the Improvement
of the park.
The board did not moot on account of the
absence of Mr. Augustus Pratt , it being the
dcslro of the board that all members shall be
present when one of the throe plans for Jef
ferson square shall bo selected. Dr. Miller
expresses himself as greatly pleased with all
of them , and says that a great improvement
will bo mndo at u comparatively small cost
The .question of lighting the park has
arisen. It Is thn opinion of Dr. Miller that
the commissioners' fund cannot be used for
tills purpose , but that it must be paid for
from the general fund. The matter will bo
decided at the next meeting of the board.
Cook's Imperial Champagne can bo
kept fresh for days by using a rubber
cork after you have opened it.
Sirs , Douglas Demontoii ,
Elizabeth Douglas , the insane woman dis
covered at Florence by Deputy Sheriff
Grebe , was brought to town about 10 o'clock
Tuesday night , and lodged In thocounty Jail ,
Her demonstrations yesterday became go
violent that it was deemed unsafe to ullow her
to remain at liberty. She repeated her lormor
attempts to Itill the neighbors with a butcher
knife , and had tlio onttro vitlago terribly
frightened. After being lockeu up the
woman raved wildly and grow mere vicious
than over.
A Few Cnnan of Minor Importance
Piled YoMerdny.
Chas. W. Lyman sues Mng lo F. Strass
burger for two notes of ( ISO ouch on which
default hns been made.
The district Judges will hold n session of
court next Saturday morning long enough to
deckle gome cases. They will then adjourn
until the September term.
An appeal , iu which Dell K. Edwards fltr-
tires aplalntlff ngnlnst Gcorgo Smith , has
been Hind with Clerk Moores. It Is to re
cover on a promissory note.
John McDonald has begun null In cfjulty
against Stephen McDonald and William G.
Hltaffcr to recover $ l,5Hon ( ) a promissory
note which was secured by second mortgage.
Ahco C. McDpimld , Lnwronco A. Until , Eliz
abeth A. Tobanet , John L. Miles , James
Thompson and Frank Colby are made co-re
spondents In the case ,
Patrick J , Crccdon has commenced suit
against the city to recover f.'t,000 for ttamagcs
to his property by reason of his premises
having been entered and his house sawed In
two uud removed , compelling him to vacate.
The mayor , city council , building inspector ,
fire chief and city engineer are made parties
to the suit.
Andrew Johnton usks tha court to declare
that certain lines upon a lot conveyed to him
by John Lovcgrcen , subject to n mortgage
held by C. E. Mnyne , bo not a cloud upon the
plnlntill's title to the Juiul. Ho also prays
that the said John Lovcgreen be enjoined
from collecting a note given as part pay
ment on the lot or from transferring tha
County Court.
Hy consent of all parties Interested , Judge
Shields made a ilnal decision in settling up
the ostatu of John McCormlc , The adminis
trator mid guardian , Charley McCormie.was
discharged. The youngest heir became of
ago qul'e recently , whereupon a division of
the property was satisfactorily made.
Judge Shields yesterday rendered Judg
ment for plaintiff in the sum of $499.00 In the
case of John L. Miles ct nl vs Wnndell Una-
son and It. HOIUHU ; suit on several protnls-
cory notes.
J.V. . Ellor has commenced suit against
James Cumlngft for > 50 claimed to bo duo
for legal services.
Adjourn oil.
The United States court has adjourned
until the 25tli ,
Catarrh cured , health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Cntarrh
Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector
free. For sale by Goodman Drug Co .
The Uoyil'H New Mnmicoinunt.
Thomas F. IJoyd nnd D. W. Hayncs have
leased Boyd's opera house for a term of ten
years. These gentlemen have had the man
agement of that popular theatre for a num
ber of years past as agents of Mr. James E.
Hoya. A ween or two since , when the latter
gentleman sold the house to the stockholders
of the American Loan and Uuildlng associa
tion , It wns announced that tha building
would be leased , apart from the store rooms
and ofllces. Uids were therefore received
from various theatrical managers , and yes
terday the now owners accented that of
Messrs. Uoyd and Hnynes. The new les
sees nnd managers , It Is understood , will
play the uttruclions which Manager IJoyd
has already cncageJ , and such others as arc
necessary to till up Iho dates. The season
will open with Modjeska August 23. The
orchestra has not yet been decided upon.
Under the now management it Is predicted
that the Uo.vd will fully sustain Its high rep
utation as a thoroughly flrst class house.
The editor of the Burlington Junc
tion ( Mo. ) Post has for years been sub
ject to cramp colic or litsof indigestion.
Mr. Butcher , the leading druggist
there , advised him to try Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera nnd Diorrhociv Remedy.
Ho says : "Wo took the medicine and
not only found relief on that occasion
but have boveral times since tried its
iis virtues and found relief -in every
instance. "
The Mlntntcrlul Institute.
Last evening's session of the ministerial
institute at the Christian church wis occu
pied by Ilov. H. O. Urceden , of the First
Church of DCS Moincs. la.
The address was divided into three parts ,
the tlrst being a sketch of Christ as ho ap
peared to the intellectual Greeks ; the second
end , n sketch of Christ as ho appeared to thu
matter-of-fact Jews ; the third , a word pic
ture of the infinite Christ as ho appears to
the Christians of to-day.
The programme lor to-day was announced
as follows ;
At U a. m. a soc.ial meeting followed by a
discussion on the theme , "Our Helps and
Out1 Hindrances. "
Following this Elder II. O. Urceden will
deliver an address oa the topic , "Tho Crisis
of the Hour. "
At 2 p. m. devotional exercises will bo held ,
after which Hev. T. J. Williamson , of Ne
braska City , wll1 address the assembly on
the suojcct , 'Tho Ago of Law and Miracles
in the Church , " followed by a discussion.
In the evening Dr. Mercer and wife will
entertain the assembly at their residence.
Isaac S. Dement li Comlnir.
Every shorthand writer In this section is
requested to attend a meeting of stenogra
phers , at the rooms of the Standard short
hand Echool , 1514 Furnam street , on the
evening of the 18th inst.'to , welcome Mr.
Isaac S. Demerit , of Chicago , 111. , who will
give tin exhibition of his wonderful spend in
Mr. Dement is the fastest writer In the
world , and wishes to form the acquaintance
of Nebraska stenographers. Ho Is on his
wny west , and will stop over ouo day by
special request.
Should the time bo changed , a notice will
bo published in Tin : Hun.
A Nowhlioy Brutully Asfmnltcd.
Last night about half past 7 o'clock , while
a UCB carrier was passing tha corner of
Eighteenth and Farnam streets , ho was set
upon by a colored boy named George Dun
can who struck him on the ribs with a largo
stone weighing about six pounds. The boy
wai ImocKcd down und lay stunned for some
time. Ho finally recovered and was able to
go about his business. A warrant will bo
sworn out to-day for the arrest of Duucan.
A Lilttlo One Drowned.
Yesterday afternoon about 2:30 : o'clock ,
Altnlna , the little daughter of Ludwlg Grcm ,
a resident of Surpy county , Just over the
line and southwest of South Omaha , fell ln-
to a duck pond and was drowned In two feet
of water.
Delicious Pastry ;
As to Purity and Wholesomeness of the Royal Baking Powder ;
"I have tested tlio Royal Baking Powder and find it composed of pure and whole-
Eomo Ingrcillents , It la a cream of tartar powder of a high degree of merit , and does
not contain cither nlum or phosphates , or other injurious Bubstances ,
" The Royal Baking Powdcrla the purest and most reliable bakfng powder offered
to the public. n. A. llorr , Ph. D. "
"The Ifoyal Baking Powder is purest In quality nnd highest lu strength of any
lakiuj ; powder of vnlcu I have knowledge. Wu. MCMVBTRIE , I'n. D. "
IS n blood dlSMtsa. Until tnc poison Is
1 expelled from the system , there can
bo no euro fort tills loathsome and ,
dangerous malady. Thoreoro , the only
effective treatmnnt is a thorough course
of Aycr's SnrsBpnrllln the bcstot all
blood purifiers. ' Thu sooner you bcglti
the better ; dclajiis dangerous.
111 wns tronbkxl with catarrh for over
two years. I trHd vaiious remedies ,
and was trcatedf > t > y n number of physi
cians , but reccitcd no benefit until I
began to take Aycr's Sarsaparllln. A
few bottles ot this medicine cured me ot
this troublesome complaint and com
pletely restored my health. " Jesse M.
Uoggs , Helms n's Mills , N. 0.
" \Vhon Ayor's Sarsaparilla was rec
ommended to me for catarrh , I wns In-
cllneil to doubt Its cfllcacy. Having
tried so many remedies , with little ben
efit , I had no faith that anything would
cure me , I became emaciated from loss
of appetite anil Impaired digestion. I
liad nearly lost the sense of smell , and
my system was badly deranged. I was
about dlsuouuifcod , when a friend urged
mo to try Ayer'H Snrtmpurlllu , and re
ferred mo to poisons whom it had cured
of catarrh. After talcing half a dozen
bottles of this medicine , 1 am convinced
that the only sure wny of treating this
obstlnnto disease Is through thu blood , "
Charles H. Mnlonoy , 113 Klvcr St. ,
Lowell , Mass.
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & . Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Trice $1 ; lit bottlci , $5. Worth fci n bottle.
( Opposite 1'uxton liotcl. )
Office hours , 9 n. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. m.
Speclillsts in chronic , Nervoui Skin and
Illood Disease * .
C f ConsultntlomiRt olflce or by nmil free.
Mftllclnes sent by mnll or expies , securely
Backed , free from observation . Guarantees to
curn quickly. sn.fely.nnrt permanently.
slous. 1'liyslcal Decny. nrlaluj ; from Indlscre
tlon , Kxceus or Indulgence , producing Sleepless
ness , Uesponcloncy. I'linples on tlie face , aver
sion to society , eojlly rtlscoiirnuert , lacs of contt
donee , dull , unlit Tor study or business , and llnds
life a burden. Saftiljr , permanently and pri
vately cured. Consult lra. lietts & llctts , 1 OS
Fnrnuni St. , Omaha , Nob. , ,
Bloou-anfl SklOissasei
results , complotelv eradicated without the aid
of Mercury. Scrofnlii , Eryalpelna. Fever Hores ,
lllotclHw , ulcers. I'ftuuin tlmllead and Ilonos ,
Syphilitic Sore Ttiroat , Mouth and Tonguo. CH-
tarrh , etc. . permanently cured where others
have fulled.
r TfphlQMT nml 'Bladder Complaints ,
" Ulllldiy IMlnfnl. 'Hllllcillt. ' too fro'
ciuent Hunting nr Il'oody Urine , Urine high col
ored or with milky sediment on btundlni ; , Wcixt
Back , Oonorrhii-a , ( Jleet , Cybtltl * . etc. ,
Promptly and Barely Cuied , Charges Heiibona-
ble.Q'PTfiTf'T'YT'R.T ! ! On r.intecd -
. per-
0 * . \ > 3.\j J. UJn/JCi ! jnanent Care , re
moval complcto. without cuttinc. caustic or
dlllatlon. Cures elltctcd at homo by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To You ? Men and MiMfe-Awil Men ,
AQITDP PI1DD I"1'0 awtul ellects ot enrly
UUllIJ UlJilt Vice , which Imnjts organic
weakness clestroy.nB both mind and body , with
all Its dreaded Ills , permanently cured.
MTJpmmg Adross tliojalin tavo impaired
Dullu themselves by Improper Indiil *
pences and Kolltnrv habits , which ruin both
body ana mind , unfitting them lor tmslnta * ,
itudy or marriage.
M AititiKii MBN. or those entering on that Imp
py life , aware of physical debility , quickly ua
Is based \ipon facts. First-Practical Exp
rlence. Second Cvory case is especially studied-
thus starting aright. Thlid Me llc.nes nro prt > ,
paicd In our labatory exactly to suit each case ,
thus atrectlng euros without Injury
CSySeud C cents postr-so for cclubrnteJ works
on Chronic , Nervous uud Dellcnto Diseases.
Thousands cured. t A friendly letter or cull
may save you future suireilin ; i > ud hluime , and
add golden yoar.s to lilt- . ; . < WNo letters mi-
Bwered unless accompanied by 4 cents in stamns.
Address or call on
i * . KETTS A ; BUTTS ,
1 WJ''arnam Street. OmuhB. Neb.
- -
, , i' VVKnriiiiw >
( UK.L 3izt ) >
1 and receive a 6
rallrclr ofrc in br
t. l-i-r.'d CAR CUSHIONS
\VMiier > , Coot r > illcu n < < ilcb icard * Com I
'VtLtfVcrovJtv * riu HOLD ? .
K,3fI8CXX. MCailroadwii7.ror.Illb.\ ! Vorb.
ciu. wiUTBi riuii riJfcooJtarMwor * . ' - - -
IN wtill-oti-Hudbon. Cor * C. J. Witiniir. II. 8. ,
A. JI. , Bupt. ; K. UVAIT , Couid't ot Cadets.
Horthwestern Military Acaaamy ,
corps of experlvncvil in > tructor i iivu c uic ui
Fttidr &nd uniturp i * < l fuclllttei lor | n trucllon ,
] r ff ftwt&M w ?
ILLINOIS OF iviusiQrrr
incnw cf Uurio Kl l Infraction , Modern
no Art ' 1Ct K
Continental Clofhin
"We are obliged on account of the busy season to postpone oul SemiAnnual -
Annual stock taking until August 1st , and our Grand Clearance
Sale of Summer Clothing will continue for the rest of this month
Barains in lien's ' Clothin
Bargains in Boys' ' and Children's ' Clothing
Special Discounts in Merchant Tailoring Department ,
J " "TT-TTi riTTinTil i " 1 [ ' TT T'T ' T TTh n JTIT
Furnishing Goods Department
Everything desirable in hot weather furnishings. The largest va
riety and lowest pric'es.
Closing out prices on all these goods.
"We will cpntinue the sale of $3.50 Pantaloons during the month and
have included many special lines ? iever sold for less than $5.
Until further notice our store will be closed at 6:30 : r > . m. , Saturdays
10 p. m. Our friends will please remember this and make their
purchases accordingly.
DES MOINE3 Proprietors
Cor. Douglas and 15th Sts. , Omaha.
Some good liarsnlns may yat bo found
amons ? our odd hlzos ot men's Miitn. Hour
In mind these lire not Interior Koods which
wo oiler , but llrstclasa in uvcry purtlculur.
Dr. J. E , McGREW
lu Uio Trcndncnt of All Chronic , Nervous
and Private Diseases.
Hpermiitorrhci-a , unil Fiilllnic M
nbiolutolr cura-l. Acuru Kuariuitcud in all forms nf
I'rlvnlo fl c cs , KrlcluruH , ( Jlcilt , Ac. Cnlnrrli ,
'llirout , I.HUK8 , Hiul Heart l > liuiiej , Itlniuinutlain ,
bplnal uiul Kt'iimlo Dloeaies , lltoixl unil bkln Ulauasui
truatiut nucoesiliiliy- .
| jidlo ' iimi uunuuinons waltlnK roomi tujmrata
nnd entirely prlvulo.
oCoimilliillon tree. Soml for boaki.Thn Secret encl
I'rlvntolli tniieMot.MHii'Aliio'NVoiimii A-llur IJUeuitDui
lUa cudi ( lUunps. ) Truutinvnt by corrunpuiiJencui
ftcntl Diatnp for reply ,
OMAHA , Niil. :
Best Boston Twine
-J- and $ . Also Imvo
HtUfandlmlfJ Jand 'i R"d
SOC ( o SOS H. Wuter H ( . , Chleugo ,
l > liNNVUOlTAK < IVAl'KHS are
tucceuf ully uwd monthly by over 10,000
ijulltMj. Are Safe , Effcctualunil t'Uautnt
\J $1 ptrlKJX bym llorat drugging. Sealed
* .J-V rf < cutar § 2 po t ( je atorapa. Addreoa
Tint Couuu CiiaMiau , Co. , DUTOOIT , Uicu.
For eulii and by mail by Goodmuu Drug
Company , Omaha.
1513 Doug-las SI , Oiiialia ,
Steam and Hot Water Heating-and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
Europonn Department iccelvos and
lorwiiuls ( ill tinges nt tmsluvi * * by u icli Matlblcatncr
tinlvlnu ut ur dopaitlni ; ironi Nov Yurfc.
Fhtpmcnlc from I2uropocuti lie tuiuto tllroct l jr till *
roniiMiiy tonllliilimil IMrts of Hntry In tha liiillfil
Hlnlo , nldo toCaiiniln nml Muxlco , with ur wltliout
luyinontof clutlDsut Ninv York.
Kiitcs uslow as thoio of an ? ruapontlblacompnnr.
NOCIIAUCKMADKronCUSTOM iiousis niioic-
Moncv OnlurH luxuetl imrnbla at 1SOUO plncoa In
UniteJ t.ntea , Cunnila mill luru | > u.
OMiclcHln Kuroiio to whom hlinicnts | for Unlteil
Ftincitn ! In ) ilellveied , or If lioiu Interior | > nlnt.i
elioiilil bo toii'ljneil , nc'L'iuii.inlcil | by lull ol lidliitf
and Inrolc-u certllluil ln'foie Aniurlciui Consul -
TIIIK. MKAIHIWS A CD . .11 Milk Struct , Cliciuwlilo ,
I iinttnn. ! : . ( , : STi Wiitar Street , Mvum-oui , ; III 1'kcii-
illlly , MANflltsiEit in llunover Mruct , ( ii.Ascow II ,
line Scribe. IVAIIIH. K. HICIIAItl ) . I Huu Obllou ,
IIAHVE. N. I.Ul'CUTINU ACO. , 11 ? JjuinunMiaase ,
HuiMts : M liiirriiilcotti , JIAHMUIUJ , iinj 117 Am-
Ualun , UUUM K.MIA KE.V.
C. E. & C. M. ANTHONY.
312 1st Nat'l Bank Building ,
Omaha , - Nebraska
Low rates for Choice Loans. Titles and values
pafH l upiin promptly nnd loans closud without
dultiy I.ocid corriinnoudeatu wuntud lu Wo
' .a nud lo\\u.
jsKir. " . . , ? ? K UUilliNT ° KK ° < t
i tttOlnlCBtlT&SUSPEKSOFir
ler HK.yiMJ H01KV. uAt tor
_ 'lbli il'fcldfl | liuriM > i . (7UIIK ov
> , r T T - . * OENfclAI ( \ ( KAKNEaS , jl "inl
> liw HoiiTUKn , ( uullonou , tumuli ol
Me < iLruujli til r k I'irli. rtiHr-
leg , . I'lcclrlO
Cuncr.t 'f'Ji HTl T iit o > wefo/fcli"fijuniaVuk'
linlT > . , IBcjip. .crr ( < iiiil.lo | Ii. > A > | vp. Worilcueiiiel *
? ! 'iiS'i.V.uii'UilJl.r" ' " " " " l ( " ! ' 1i" i'i'i n . i .up. .
Bl rl.rft Jtml Or H J > | HIIUIIII | JtruniK
Theonlf rrlUbto fill fwr mlf. hur iud
cure. Ln < lff * M k Ikru clkt f * > r fhe Jllu *
iniiiKl Itriiii.l.l'ii n-4 | mrullltUiri. miwt
| Ui llu.rtkU a Titbuiiuutltrr. Hrn < l It1.
. . ( t mp ) fur | > trtkura MH ! 'Ilillef fur
| ] .ittllr t" In / cr , \ > y mull. Aaw l'l > tT ,
WilcLuktcr CUemUul Co. * AluJfuou fty. , ljillmlui Iju
Dll.R. O. WKST'fl NrilVB ANO UltAIN TltEAW-
UBNT.neuurunteoU HiiuclUc for llynterla , UlzzU
neb . Convulsions , I Its , Nervoua Nouralg ! ,
lleu.Ju.cho , Nerroua J'rostratlon cnuned by tin
a a of alcohol or tobacco. WulcofulneBS , .Montal
Depression , HofinnUitf of the llruln , rosultlunln
Invunlty andluadltiKta misery , decay and death.
I'lomature Old A e , llarronni-Ha , Iot > .i of J'ovrer
In elthur ( tor , Involnnturr I.osaat und iJpurmuU
qrlHMUCHUKoil by oycr-nrertloii of th bruin , jf.
kbui or overindulgence. Kiich box contain )
cna month's treatment. n. < X ) n box , or air boxen
for Ni.lH.nsnt by mall tirupidd on receipt of price.
To euro any ca < e. With ouch order rocelred bt
u for nix bonus , accompanied with & > . ( * > , wo win
Bend tha purchaser our written Ktiarnnteo to re
fund the money It the treatment does not ciroct
fcure. Uunr at e Isauoil onlr by Ooodmaa
ViuaOo. , UrugKltta , Solo Auenia , UlO fa.'num
UoeLOiaabft KtU.
LAW , \'U \ Deurljorn Kt. , ( 'lilciiKo ; udvl''ufrce ;
til yuiirn' xperleuc i ; uuslaum imietly and 1'-
Kully triuuauttd.
Best Facilities , App rarmandH me4lciforSu e a/ttl
Trmtmcnt of every form of DIIF.IBS requirlns
IIoord&Attiinaauco , Beat Accomr oilationifn'Wcit.
K7- WRITE FOR OIROUtARSon Dcforraltlei md
JBrncei , Tru i , Club Tett , Ourvaturco of fcpine. I'ilcf ,
J"'nori. Omoer , Cotanli , , BroncliUU , Inlulatlon ,
Electricity , Ptralyt , Epiltpiy , Kidnty , Bliid.r ,
Eye , tar , Skin ana Blood and alf Surgical Opcr tion .
. ,
Only ncllaile Medical In.tltt.t . mitiSea Bp.eUlly ol
All Jllood niir.ici luccriifull Irtited. Brpbllltlo l'olio
rfuioTKl rroralligi/itim liljout mcreurr. h.w It.ii.i.ili *
Tr. > lBfnl fort..i of
BliiiirlHitireilritit liotncl , ; /llfoininuolt
tl iucounjtull l. Uedlcliiirlnrunitnuirnllriij.llor ( l.
l > i Hicegrljr | , ckcJiioiiiirkioliiiII tt Dieiitiari tr ,
lluorf'iun.llulicrl.w preferred. C.IUud eumule ior m J
"I" " ' "I In I'l.ln ' r rrerou
REE : Ur a I * . ! , . ! . . HPcii\ \ , ,
III. Ufr , elBD.l ' v"-"l Ker ouilllie i.lmjolrne/ ,
! \ . . . AMii.i
13th and Dodge titrecti , OHA1L& , NED ,
Tha laruutl , ( utKot. HI il linen In lUo wurld.
l'a enj r occomuioUatlani uiiuiccllod ,
\'tiv VurU to r.lvrri > enl Tin Qncf ml.ixvn.
Tliu Ualolirntiid I'JIio Tlnuit Hi fit in lulu 0/1
UllvufKuruoIililp III Iho World.I JU | | ffy
Wow Yori to OlaEgow via Londonderrj
' " . July S0 | 1'urnoRsla..August 10
JHldonia , . . . . . July S7'l"i bVoiiiii , .
Aiu'liorlii. , . . Anointl ! f f'lrcasslu ,
With ruKiilar weulcly halllnifii thereafter.
HAI.OO.V f ) ( lla ' .
x" Liverpool , Dorry. llulfuitor
QuBen toiiotr < lto > by ( jluVitoir itcaiiKr" ; I"lu4
KU 141. Kxcurifoii rulut rcdiKuu'i'vairiUjio ' for eltliuf
BlTlna prtvl'eiio ' of noulnu Hi one trip tU
ov , 1'lciurcniuu Clyde , North und Boutb of
IMWMl-tKiiilM. 'J'raT l r ' Circular l , ti ri of CriUl
Hriillimfli forany muuuiit nt luwVll ; curreut r Ul
Ajiply to uny of our local iisonti or to
lli'iidnrKoii UroiliorH , Clilonco , lib
U. H li \ ! < ri
II V Mi.dllH'i
t II Mi UK ,